Competitor Analysis “The principal bases of competition in the real estate development business are location, product, price, nancing, execution, completion, quality of construction, brand and service.” --- Megaorld !inancial "eport #$%&
Market Players
ompetitor Snapshot Company Name
Market Value •
104.2B n
Description •
+%1 Bn
/4.+ Bn
• •
42+.6 Bn 14/.5 Bn
Value Proposition
Megaworld Corporation is the country's leading real estate developer and No. 1 business process and outsourcing (B!" o#ce developer and landlord in the hilippines. $as introduced 1% success&ul largescale )asterplanned )i*ed use townships across the country
Building visions
,argest property developer in the hilippines operating pri)e co))ercial spaces throughout the country. -t is owned by the yala group o& co)panies.
$o)es built to last spaces that go beyond the ordinary
eal estate ar) o& the 3u))it $oldings -nc. o date ,C has +2 shopping )alls %5 residential buildings / o#ce buildings +1 housing develop)ents and 6 hotels all over the country.
Build good things better to )a8e li&e )ore )eaning&ul &or the 9ilipino eople
trailbla:er in the )iddle )ar8et residential condo)iniu)s. 3M;C develops pri)ary ho)es that attract custo)ers loo8ing &or conveniently located aspirational yet an?oys the patronage o& both new and repeat institutional clients whose businesses have bene@ted &ro) ;MC-As onoraheado& schedule co)pletion philosophy. -t has success&ully co)pleted over %00 pro?ects to date. hese land)ar8 in&rastructures sy)boli:e the e*pertise and pro&essionalis) o& the 9ilipino engineer.
9eels real good to be ho)e
!;C 3eg)entation argeting ositioning New roduct ;evelop)ent rocess
roduct Snapshot Company Name
Commercial Residential
Hotel/Res ort
Me!a"orld Corporation Company Name
ar!et Market $ighend and pper Middle )ar8ets
Se!mentation and Positionin!
Megaworld has pioneered the )i*eduse develop)ent o& real estate in the &or) o& co))unity townships that &use the livewor8play concept with the de)ands o& B! @r)s. =hile the Megaworld brand caters to the upscal e seg)ent its two subsidiaries >)pire >ast ,and $oldings and 3untrust roperties see8 a wider range o& housing custo)ers. >)pire >ast ,and $oldings -nc. targets the )iddleinco)e housing seg)ent with township residential pro?ects located in and out o& the )etro. -n uly 2012 it partnered with the Da:uo !8ada roup &or a ?oint venture to develop a 4%billion lu*ury condo pro?ect in agcor >ntertain)ent City. -n 2011 Megaworld unveiled a total o& eight new pro?ects E )ostly lu*ury condos in the business districts o& the )etro (speci@cally in >astwood City Newport City Boni&acio lobal City raneta Center and Ma8ati and one in Mactan Cebu". -n 2012 Megaworld ear)ar8ed 2%billion to develop ongoing pro?ects while investing F%billion to &urther develop ptown Boni&acio &or the ne*t 20 years. -t topped o< its 2012 achieve)ents with its turnover o& reenbelt Madison in ,egaspi Gillage a lu*ury condo with &ully&urnished units that are ready &or occupancy. -n 201+ Megaworld allocated 2%billion to
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