Aptitude test

June 30, 2018 | Author: harshit420 | Category: Circle, Internet Protocols, Pointer (Computer Programming), Mathematics, Science
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Aptitude test...


PRACTICE PAPER  1 Max. Time:20mins

Q: Complete the sentences given below:

1) It is better better to suffer suffer pain pain and ________ ________ under your your own rule rule than relative relative _____  _____  under somebody else’s. a) poverty…… prosperity b) loss……safety c) hurt………injury d) ache….. joy 2) A project project of this ______ ______ required required enormou enormouss amounts amounts of water and this this need need was taken up in right _______. a) amplitude ………candidness b) dimensions ……….attitude c) magnitude …….. earnest d) proportion ………… spirit 3) I deeply resented resented the the ……. advice that he offer offered. ed. a) unasked b) unfounded c) unsolicited d) unforeseen

Q: The underlined words in the sentences given below have words with w ith similar meaning

in the given options. Find the odd one out (opposite) 4) Most of us want to be autonomous  because we want to be accountable for what we do , and because it seems that if we are not the ones calling the shots , then we cannot  be accountable. a) sovereign

b) free

c) separate

d) dependent

e) self governing

5) The advocates of monopoly capitalism and state socialism claim their respective economic systems are the path to universal prosperity. a) proponents b) campaigners c) opponents d) sponsors e) activists

Q:In each of the following questions questions a capitalized pair of words words is given followed by

four pairs of numbered words. Three of the numbered pairs exhibit the same relation  between the words as the capitalized pair of words. Identify the numbered pair which does not exhibit the same relationship as the capitalized pair  6) Apocryphal : Genuine a)  b) c) d)

Exiguo Exig uous us : Plen Plenti tifu full Austere : Spartan Recl Reclus usiv ivee : Gre Grega gari rious ous Immu Im muta table ble:: Tran Transf sfor orme med d

7) Sage : Wisdom a)  b) c) d)

Pane Panegy gyri ricc : Prai Praise se Quixotic : Quick  Mirt Mirthf hful ul : Laug Laught hter  er  Inno Innocou couss : Harml Harmles essn snes esss

8) Woes : Misery a) Bliss : Happiness  b) Penury: Poverty c) Vendetta : Revenge d) Felicity : Fall

Q:In each questions given below are given two statements followed by two conclusions

numbered 1 and 2. You have to take the given two statements to be true if they seem to  be at variance from commonly known facts. Read the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusion logically follows from the two given statements , disregarding commonly known facts. Give answers a) if only condition 1 follows b) if only conclusion 2 follows c) if either 1 or 2 follows d) if neither 1 nor 2 follows e) if both 1 and 2 follow

9) Statements : Some Calendars are sticks No stick stick is flower  Conclusions : 1) Some Calendars are flowers 2) No Calendar is flower 

10) Statements : Some phones are watches All watches are guns Conclusions:

1) All guns are watches 2) Some guns are phones

7) Sage : Wisdom a)  b) c) d)

Pane Panegy gyri ricc : Prai Praise se Quixotic : Quick  Mirt Mirthf hful ul : Laug Laught hter  er  Inno Innocou couss : Harml Harmles essn snes esss

8) Woes : Misery a) Bliss : Happiness  b) Penury: Poverty c) Vendetta : Revenge d) Felicity : Fall

Q:In each questions given below are given two statements followed by two conclusions

numbered 1 and 2. You have to take the given two statements to be true if they seem to  be at variance from commonly known facts. Read the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusion logically follows from the two given statements , disregarding commonly known facts. Give answers a) if only condition 1 follows b) if only conclusion 2 follows c) if either 1 or 2 follows d) if neither 1 nor 2 follows e) if both 1 and 2 follow

9) Statements : Some Calendars are sticks No stick stick is flower  Conclusions : 1) Some Calendars are flowers 2) No Calendar is flower 

10) Statements : Some phones are watches All watches are guns Conclusions:

1) All guns are watches 2) Some guns are phones

Q:Give the output

11) main() { static int var = 5; printf("%d ",var--); if(var) main(); }

12) main() { int c[ ]={2.8,3.4,4,6.7,5}; int j,*p=c,*q=c; for(j=0;j
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