Advertiser Agency Agreement

May 24, 2018 | Author: Zeeshan_Akram01 | Category: Invoice, Advertising, Society, Social Institutions, Economies
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Short Description



 Advertiser & Client Agreement Agreement Adko Ad kon n,

refer referred red to as ADVER ADVERTIS TISER ER,, and and

Al Khidmat Khidmat Foundati Foundation on,

referred to as Client,


 ADVERTISER  ADVERTISER hereby permits the ageny to render on an e!l"sive basis, and ageny agrees to render to ADVERTISER, all the servies "stomarily performed by an advertising ageny #ithin s"h b"dgets as ADVERTISER may set from time to time$ AGENCY’S COMMISSION

In onsideration of the servies rendered by the ageny to advertiser, ageny shall reeive an amo"nt e%"al to ' of the gross harges of media advertising plaed there#ith by ageny p"rs"ant to this ontrat$ The follo#ing additional servies #ill be rendered to ADVERTISER for the ompensation stated:               (I))I*+  Ageny shall bill advertiser every - days and all bills shall be d"e and payable by advertiser  #ithin .- days from the date of reeipt #ith interest at the highest legal rate d"e thereafter$ DISC/0*TS  Ageny shall shall pass along all diso"nts diso"nts it may reeive reeive #hen from from the media media to the advertiser$ advertiser$  ACC/0*TI*+  ACC/0*TI*+ 01/* TER2I*A TER2I*ATI/* TI/* /n termination of this ontrat by either party, advertiser shall pay ageny the ost of the material finished or in preparation, preparation, #hih advertiser has previo"sly approved$ approved$ Ageny shall also be entitled to reeive f"ll ommissions on any advertising that it has prepared and is event"ally "sed "sed by the the adver advertis tiser er$$ 3hen 3hen all the the agen ageny4 y4s s invoi invoies es are paid, paid, agen ageny y shall shall deliv deliver er to advertiser all materials in its possession that #ere paid for by the advertiser$ Advertiser shall ass"me Ageny4s responsibility for all o"tstanding ontrats made on the advertiser4s behalf$ */*5DISC)/S0RE 6rom time to time ADVERTIS ADVERTISER ER may provide provide ertain ertain onfide onfidential ntial information information to A+E*C7 +E*C7 rega regard rdin ing g its its b"si b"sine ness ss and and pros prospe pet ts, s, #hi #hih h are are trad trade e ser seret ets$ s$ As to s"h s"h mate materi rial als, s,  ADVERTISER  ADVERTISER shall onspi"o"sly onspi"o"sly mar8 the same #ith the term 9C/*6IDE*TIA) or 9TRADE SECRE SECRET T and and if not not dislo dislosed sed in #riti #riting ng,, the same same shall shall be promp promptly tly red" red"ed ed to #ritin #riting$ g$  A+E*C7 agrees not not to dislose dislose s"h onfidenti onfidential al information$ information$ Dated: 

  (y Advertiser 

  (y Ageny

 Advertiser & Ageny Agreement Revie# )ist This revie# list is provided to inform yo" abo"t this do"ment in %"estion and assist yo" in its preparation$ This formali;es the agreement bet#een advertiser and ageny$ It provides larity as to payments as #ell as diso"nts the advertiser is entitled to$ 1. 2.

2a8e m"ltiple opies$ +ive one original to eah party$ 7o" an adapt this agreement to other advertising and ageny speialty agreements by limiting the area of the agreement $

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