เคล็ดวิชาฮวงจุ้ย ปรมาจารย์เสิ่น
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เคล็ดวิชาฮวงจุ้ย ปรมาจารย์เสิ่น...
แจกฟรี คัมภีร เสิ่นซื่อเสวียนคงเสวีย ( Shen Shi Xuan Kong Xue ) ในตางประเทศ ผูที่ศึกษาวิชาฮวงจุยระบบดาวเหินสวนใหญจะรูจักชื่อของ ชุดหนังสือ Shen Shi Xuan Kong Xue ( 沈氏玄空學)หรือ คนไทยรูจักกันในชื่อของ คัม ภีรเสิ่นซื่อเสวียนคงเสวีย เปนคัมภีรเฮี้ยงคง ของสํานักอาจารยเสิ่น ซึ่งไดรับความนิยมและสามารถหาซื้อไดตามรานหนังสือทั่วไป ถึงแมวิชาดาว เหินจะเปนที่แพรหลายในทั่วโลกมานาน แตนอยคนในประเทศยุโรป อเมริกา รวมถึงไทยที่จะไดเคย อานครบทั้งชุดเนื่องจากเปนภาษาจีน และบางสวนเปนคํากลอนที่ตองถอดรหัสความหมายเอง ในสวน การถอดเคล็ดวิชาในคํากลอนนี้จึงเปนสวนที่ยากที่สุด และมีการลอกนําไปแอบอางกันมากที่สุด เปน ที่มาของวลีวา “ คัมภีรเสื่นซื่อ แตคนไมซื่อ” ตนฉบับการอธิบายคํากลอนที่ไดรับความนิยม คือ ฉบับภาษาอังกฤษของคุณรอย Roy Phua ที่แปล มาจากภาษาจีนของ อาจารยเหลียง Liang Zhao เนื่องจากเหตุผลที่ มีรูปภาพประกอบสวยงาม มีการ อธิบายไวอยางละเอียด เปนภาษาอังกฤษ ที่คนสวนมากอานได และที่สําคัญคือ แจกฟรีเปนวิทยาทาน อาจารยเหลียงเปนผูนําคํากลอนจากคัมภีรเสิ่นซื่อเสวียนคงเสวีย มาถอดรหัสและอธิบายความหมาย สวนที่แจกนี้นํามาจากคํากลอนที่สําคัญ 2 บท เมื่ออยูในหลักสูตรฮวงจุยเปนหัวขอที่ 4 คือ 4.2 และ 4.3 รวม 83 หนากระดาษ และไดแยกนําสองหัวขอยอยนี้มาแจกฟรี ผมไดนํามาแจกตอใหทุกทาน เพื่อสืบ ทอดเจตนารมณในการแจกฟรีเปนวิทยาทาน หากทานพบหนังสือ คัมภีรเสิ่นซื่อ ภาษาไทย รวมถึงภาษาอื่นๆที่มีรูปภาพและคําอธิบายคลายไฟลที่ แจกนี้ โดยอางวาแปลมาจากคัมภีรของปรมาจารยเสิ่น 10 บท ก็ขอใหทราบวาเปนการเบี่ยงเบนความ จริง เพื่อสรางภาพลักษณตนเอง คือ มิใชการแปลโดยตรงจากคัมภีร และ มิไดมีความรูแตกฉานในการ อธิบายคัมภีรดังกลาว แตแปลมาจากของคุณรอย ที่ อ.เหลียงไดอธิบายไว และเปนเพียง 2 บทสั้นๆใน คัมภีรเทานั้นมิไดมากมายเปน 10 บท แตอยางใด หากทานพบหนังสือ คัมภีรเสิ่นซื่อ ภาษาไทย รวมถึงภาษาอื่นๆที่มีรูปภาพและคําอธิบายคลายไฟลที่ แจกนี้ โดยเขียนชัดเจนวา แปลมาจากของ Roy Phua คําอธิบายโดย Liang Zhao แสดงวาผูจัดพิมพ มีคุณธรรม และมารยาทตามหลักสากล ที่จะระบุที่มาใหถูกตอง ไมยึดผลงานผูอื่นมาเปนของตน หรือ เจตนาใหคนเขาใจผิด แตหากทานใดจะแจกไฟลที่แปลแลว ฟรีเปนวิทยาทาน เพื่อรักษาเจตจํานงเดิม ของตนฉบับ ก็จะเปนประโยชนและตัวอยางที่ดีกับสังคมสวนรวม ... ฮวงจุยอินเตอร www.fengshuiinter.com
2 Translation of Ancient Classic – The Judgement of Flying Stars is one of the famous and important ancient feng shui classics among many others and it is necessary for those who are really interested and want to seriously study Xuan Kong feng shui to understand all these classics. Before reading any classics, you need to equip yourself with the fundamental knowledge of Yi Jing, (The book Liang Zhao of changes), otherwise it just simply makes no sense as you are unable to understand them. The interpretation was done by Liang Zhao and translated by Roy Phua. It is challenging and difficult to interpret and translate the ancient classics, but we have been trying our best to find some terms of which their meanings are very close or similar. For our friends in USA, Europe and other countries, Roy Phua we hope you enjoy and benefit from this translated article. It is rather difficult and not easy to understand for most beginners. Wishing all our friends the best, and may you forever prosper!
Part 1 - Lesson 4.3 (Interpretation of The Secret decrees of Xuan Kong) (1) < You must understand the root and origin of Xuan Kong Feng Shui, otherwise, no ways you could find the paths to its entrance. (to master it) The eight Trigrams in the base chart have already become hollow or void. (they have totally changed) Without knowing the internal arrangement, (Li Ji) how could we know the external arrangement? (the facing) The five elements of the base chart have totally changed. > To know why and you will know why it is so. Xuan Kong Flying Stars Feng Shui was originated from the Hetu (River Map) and Luo Shu (River Writing). From 1 to 9 there are in total 9 numbers. Adding up the sum in whatever directions, they are 25. The number 5 is located in the centre palace, it has the greatest energy, it is also the so-called killing qi of centre palace. Understanding its origin will enable you to really study Xuan Kong Feng Shui. Following which, you should know what are the three cycles and nine periods. Which period number should be placed in the centre? Should you move all numbers in an ascending order? What are the water star and mountain star supposed to be in the centre? Whether to reverse it or to replace it? What is the numeral combination? The relationship of the five elements for them could be destroying or producing? The star that flying to South may no longer related to Li, fire, the star appearing in the North may not associated to Kan, water, that star appearing in the East may not be wood, and that found in West is not metal. This is the reason why it is termed
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3 , emptiness. All Trigrams are termed emptiness. is emptiness, it is also . By now, Xuan has become one and Kong is nine. is also 1 to 9. Internal arrangement is referred to Li Ji, from your floor plan you determine the centre point. External arrangement means the facing. Li Ji or finding the centre point is of vital important in Xuan Kong Feng Shui. If the centre point is inaccurate, you will not be able to draw the nine palaces accurately. The point of Li Ji is also the gravitational point or centre of a house in geometry. In village, normally we will not include the store house, or small extension portions into the main body of the house being feng shuied. As for Yang house, the side that has more brightness is the facing, while in village, there is always a proper main door. Therefore, the facing of the door is also the facing of the house. For those houses in town area, the facing is generally the side with more brightness. After finding the centre point, sitting and facing as well, you can start computing the Xuan Kong Flying Stars. You can subsequently decide whether the house chart is a setup of prosperous sitting and facing, or a house chart indicating excellent human aspects and wealth aspects. As for the bad charts, they could be , bad wealth luck or poor human aspects, etc. Combining the Base Charts of Parents, Heaven and Earth and their associated Five Elements either they are destroying or producing each other. They may combine and transform into other elements. The resulting elements could be totally different from the nature of the original palaces of eight Trigrams. Thus, we term them as having being totally changed in the nature of five elements. The meaning of Li Ji is finding the centre of a house. You can draw two diagonal lines as shown in the sketch. The intersection point is the centre.
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(2) < Ripening qi or Declining qi, one is able to know the good fortune or misfortune within your palm and fingers. (the ancients use palm and fingers to compute the Flying Star chart) Left sequence or right sequence, to differentiate the good or bad based on the line position. > Ripening qi is the energy that can bring you prosperity while Declining qi is the energy that is unfavorable to you. Ripening qi (Auspicious qi) is referred to prosperous sitting and facing of a
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5 house. It spells good fortune for residents of the household in terms of good wealth aspects and human aspects. This setup or combination is always the best. Declining qi means the house chart is of the type of , or either only or but not both. suggests the wealth luck is waning. is not good for the human aspects as the qi of the mountain is weakening. As effected by , the residents can get hurt either through illness or accident, or there is discord amongst the family members, etc. If the house chart of prosperous sitting and facing is also simultaneously activated by an auspicious date, the good fortune will come fast. If the house chart is of the bad type such as , or other bad facing, etc. furthermore, it meets with the bad sickness stars 2 and 5, or sword fighting qi 6 and 7 and the house is not built on a good date, it is rather constructed on an inauspicious date or very bad date. All these factors will trigger off the ill effects, and there is definitely no prosperity possible. There is always failure and disaster within a short period. In between the palm and fingers – it indicates the time is very short and also the house chart. Possible that the ancients use their palm and fingers to compute the flying stars but not using pen and ink. Left sequence – the mountain stars are all written on the left top. From the base chart of time stars, the time star appearing at the back sitting is to be written on the left top of the centre palace. After that, based on its associated polarity and we decide whether to move all mountain stars forwards or backwards. Right sequence- from the base chart of the time stars, see which star flies to the facing, place that star on the right top of the centre palace. Again, we check the related polarity of this star and decide to move all water stars forwards or backwards. Here the phrase is referred to the computation of the flying stars and its chart. Based on the centre line of each mountain (15 degrees sector), within 4 degrees to the left or right of that centre line. We consider it as a regular chart within such range. All stars will be computed according to the method of a regular chart. Within a range of 4 to 6 degrees to the left or right, it is a replacement chart. The method of computation for replacement stars should be used. All facing directions that fall within the range of 6 to 7.5 degrees to the left or right of the centre line are considered as void lines. Each of the charts possesses intrinsic attributes that show different types of good fortune or misfortune. They are totally different. Therefore, a small error in measurement could result in getting a different chart. The outcomes of feng shui could be quite far away. The difference is great. To build a house based on the selected chart in advance, the facing direction has to be extra careful. It must be accurate. Similarly the line positions of different facing directions will create different charts, and again the good and bad are different.
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A diagram illustrates the regular chart, replacement chart and void of a sub-sector (mountain) for NE3 (Yin)
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(3) < There are so many stars flying all over the sky. You should use only the central line. A lotus flower may have a thousand petals, but its roots grow from a bit. > There is a saying of Xuan Kong Flying Stars: < For a chart of prosperous sitting and facing, you just simply look at the combination of stars at the back sitting and in the front facing, while for a declining chart, you look at the centre palace. > If you construct a house blindly and you expect to have prosperous sitting and facing, in addition, you also want all combinations of stars are supported by structures in the environment or landforms, it is very difficult. The probability is very small and it is unlikely that you will get it. Not forgetting that if you look at the combination of the centre, there may be (2,5) indicating death, severe illness and misfortunes. There could be other combination such as (6,7) which is sword fighting qi and its indication is fights, struggle or scrambling for power and profit. There could also be 9 purple, 5 yellow and 7 Dui, possible that some one may attempt to commit suicide by taking poison. Others such as penalties of Zi and Mao, three penalties of , . All these are not lucky combinations, the intrinsic evil influence will emerge and some of the residents may have to go jails or encounter other misfortunes.
Now let us refer back to the natal chart of a house, there are three stars for each palace or sector. If we include the star representing that particular palace or sector, we have four stars in total for each sector. For 9 palaces, we have altogether 36 stars. It just likes stars flying all over the sky. In deed, we may ignore others and concentrate on the centre palace, sitting, facing, main door and external walkway, path or route. These are the most important and determining factors.
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8 Central line – The line that joins the sitting, centre palace and facing. This is the so-called central line. Main door and route – Take a glance at one of the stars flying there. If a timely or prosperous star flies to the door, that is excellent. This prosperous star alone is strong enough to bring prosperity or good fortune to the household and the whole house will be brightened up and become more cheerful. A lotus flower with a thousand petals – The meaning of variety or diversity of the stars. (Miscellaneous)
A lotus flower with a thousand petals is a metaphor.
A bit – You have got a timely or prosperous star from the facing. Example 1. A period 7 house with a natal chart of sitting NE1, Chou and facing SW1, Wei, from this example, we know that the String Three Numbers (1, 4, 7) appear in the centre palace. This is a combination that will be especially lucky for those engaged in academic achievements. This means that the children of the household will benefit greatly in academic studies. Note that the central line jointing the stars of sitting, centre palace and facing in such a sequence; (4, 1, 7) while the other is (1, 4, 7).
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9 Obviously, the study room must be placed in the centre in order to absorb the auspicious qi and also for the children to acquire good examination results since there is such qi present and it indicates smart kids for the home. The linkage of the String Three Numbers (4,1 and 7) or (1,4 and 7) to the central line is very auspicious and the family will enjoy good fortune in the form of respect, recognition, good name, academic success, and harmony. Certainly, money and work will always come unexpectedly. The central line mainly indicates the descendants are clever, intelligent and smart. Besides the centre palace, the sitting as well as the facing can also be used as a study room. The children of the household will have pleasant or pretty looks. Other String Three Numbers can be (2,5,8) and (3,6,9). There is a slight difference between Parent String Three Numbers and String Three Numbers. The previous is mainly referred to Seven Stars Robbery in a triangular shape for the nine palaces while the later is mostly referred to the combination in a single palace. (4) The husband and wife – The verses refer to the sum of ten. To be more concrete, this is when two numbers in each palace combine and form the sum of ten; one must be the water star while the other a time star. Even for the sum of ten, the stars concerned have to be prosperous or timely. If the star is not a prosperous star, it will be of no use. Therefore, if the combination of sum of ten appearing to be in the direction which has door, route, or places of frequent movements, dynamic state. There will be obstacles and thing may not go smoothly. The Children – Here the verse is referred to the timely mountain stars or the stars influencing the human aspects. For the period of 7, the mountain stars of 7, 8 and 9 are timely, future timely and distant timely respectively. They are all good or auspicious stars. If any one of them flies to the door, or places of frequent movements, dynamic state, it becomes . It shows that the children are tough, stubborn, disrespectful and unfilial to their parents. Thus, the mountain stars must face higher ground, a building, a hill, a mountain or a mound of earth. The directions activating the mountain stars must be tranquil and quiet, or something that is in its static state. Dynamic state is unfavorable for the mountain stars. For example, a period 6 chart of sitting Geng, W1 and facing Jia, E1 for a burial site. (This example is extracted from the ancient classic < Shen Shi Xuan Kong Xue> drawing No. 63)
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This is a typical chart.According to the ancient feng shui master Zhang Chong Shan: According to Shen: (Star 1 represents Trigram Kan, water)This is a chart of prosperous sitting and facing, and sum of ten and there is an auspicious combination (1,4) in the facing. The flaw of the chart for this burial site is that there is a bandit head (the protruding portion of the behind mountain ) in this direction. It signifies some of the family members will become thief (thieves), while star 1 also spells thief. The makes the NE extremely unlucky.Based on the period 8 chart, the star 2 flies to the direction of NE, or Ken forming (2,5) which is very inauspicious for a person to sleep here or a door to be opened here. Star 2 represents Kun – SW is Yin location. From this example, you know that the exterior landforms of your house are very important.Yang Trigrams are Qian – NW, Zhen – E, Ken – NE, Kan – N.
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Yin Trigrams are Dui – W, Kun – SW, Li – S, Sun – SE. (5) The line of a Trigram – We refer to a mountain or sector (a mountain of the 24 mountains). There is a void line in between the two mountains (sub-sectors). If the facing of a house falls onto this void line with a Yin mountain on one side and the other is a Yang mountain, it indicates that everything is over a messy. Possible that it may also lead to promiscuous character. Therefore, it is inauspicious. Good and bad – Here the verse is referred to base charts of water stars and mountain stars and also their combinations. Sometimes a chart comes with it either or . Take for an example, a period 7 chart of sitting N2, Zi and facing S2, Wu, the mountain star 7 and water star 7 are all flying to the back sitting of the house. Here we refer both the mountain star and water star occurring at the door and a place of dynamic state or frequent movement. It becomes a setup of . Thus, there is no prosperity for the descendants, some serious cases with bad landforms, the residents may have no children in the ancient times. As they had no children of their own, they adopted an orphan. Alternatively, they may take some children from their relatives into their family as a relation of son or daughter. There are experts suggesting that the is referring to or . In relation to Xuan Kong Flying Stars, this is not appropriate. ( is the star 5 flying to the centre palace and all other stars move in an ascending order. All stars fly to their original locations. While is also the star 5 found at the centre palace, but all stars move in a descending order.) (6) Mountain wind – One of the attributes of Trigram Ken is a mountain and Trigram Sun signifies wind. The numeral for Trigram Ken is 8, mountain earth. The numeral for wind is 4, which is also wood. Since earth is destroyed by wood, thus if the wood is strong and the earth is weak, it is inauspicious. Spring water stone – There is stone in the spring water. It refers to kidney stone. Beneath the fat meat - The disease has attacked the vitals and it is beyond cure. When (4,8) appears in the SE direction (Trigram Sun), any water or dynamic state found here is bad. Possible that there is sickness of the type of spring water stone, incurable disease, or other diseases that are diagnosed deep inside the body, right beneath the fat meat and the doctor is unable to cure it. The heavenly stem Wu is also fire, or Trigram Li. The numeral is 9. The earthly branch You is metal, or Trigram Dui. The numeral is 7. When these two numbers appear in the same palace, it shows that 9 fire is destroying 7 metal. According to the Hetu (River Map), 2 and 7 combine and transform into fire. It is inauspicious. Trigram Li is something that gives joyfulness or occasion of great happiness, while Trigram Dui is something pleasing the eye or ear, sweet-sounding or
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12 pleasant looking. Thus if (9,7) appears in the same direction or palace, it signifies that the residents have a preference for flowers (women) or they are just too fond of drink. Example 1. A period 6 house, sitting NW2, Qian and facing SE2, Sun. This is an chart and favorable for the human aspects but not wealth aspects. The combination of (6,6) appears at the back sitting is an indication of bad luck for women. (6,7) is also sword fighting qi, it brings arguments, fights, struggle or could even be scrambling for power and profit for the household. (8,4) in the facing is not auspicious, the children or the youngest son may get hurt or suffer from injuries especially when star 8 is untimely. When energized by waters in this direction, these numbers bring misfortunes or bad wealth luck. The center palace has a combination of (7,5) which is also bad, it signifies illness related to throat or lung. The (2,1) combination in the North, or Kan water is not favorable. In terms of illness, the star 2 always suggests problems or discomfort of abdomen or stomach, while star 1 spells problems related to water such as kidney as one of its attributes is water. Use ancient coins (Qian Long) to dissolve the bad qi. The combination (4,8) in the NE or Ken represent distant prosperity in the period of 6 as star 8 is a water star in this combination. Thus any waters found in this direction to activate the star 8 is very good. It will not only bring you wealth luck but also academic success. However, a mountain must not be used to activate this combination, as the star 8 is not a mountain star. In the East direction or the directon of Trigram Zhen, we have (9,3), note that there is too much fire here. (9 is fire and 3 & 4 are wood). You must not activate this combination to enhance your wealth luck in the period of 6 as it is too early to be timely. Neither this is a good combination for you. In the direction of (3,9), or Li, the fire is even stronger, inauspicious, not to place your kitchen, sleeping room here. Dissolve the fire element with a crystal ball(s). The String Three Numbers (1,2 & 3) appear in the direction of SW, or Kun. If the yearly star 4 flies to this sector, you may make such as an arrangement to let your children tap into the good qi of the star 1 and star 4 for the whole year by placing them in bedroom and study room with this combination. If you could not find the yearly star 4 fly here, then use old ancient coins to dissolve or exhaust the bad earth qi. It will become a moderate place. In the direction of West or Dui, (5,7) has a future timely wealth star 7 in the period of 6. You may enhance the wealth luck by introducing the presence of water during this period and also the period of 7. If there were any natural waters such as river, lake, big fishpond, or waterways in this direction, it would be even better. Please note that in this combination there is a time star 8 white, it serves to enhance the bad qi.
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(7) Here we use 28 constellations to present the star numbers. The constellation of Xu (9 degress) corresponds to the North, N2, or star 1 and the constellation of Kui (18 degrees) corresponds to the NW2, Qian, star 6, while the constellation of Bi (9.5 degrees) relates itself to the NW3, or star 6. Thus, if the combination of (1, 6, 6) occurs in the same palace, it signifies very good academic achievements or outstanding literary pursuits, very favorable for Wen Chang. The potential of good luck associated with scholarly pursuits will carry on for a very long time, as long as eight generations. If each generation lasts for 20 years, there will be 160 years altogether. There will be many talented persons or scholars being generated throughout this period. The constellation of Wei (15.5 degrees) corresponds to Dui, W3, or star 7 and the constellation of Dou (25 degrees) is related to Ken, NE1 and NE2, or star 8, while the constellation of Niu (7 degrees) is found in the North, N3, or Kan, star 1. Therefore, if 7,8, and 1 are found in the same palace, or they fly to the location of main door or route, the of water, some places of dynamic state, the residents will become very rich indeed. (The ancient feng shui master may also use the constellations to represent the stars used in Flying Star Feng Shui. However, some constellations may occupy very big sectors while others occupy small.)
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(8) Rooster – You (W2), the numeral of the star in the West is 7. Rat – Zi (N2), the numeral of the star in the North is 1. When star 7 is timely or prosperous, but being exhausted by star 1, it indicates a person is weary in body and mind or he may be busy running about all places, possible that a person may migrate from one place to another. Thunder – Trigram Zhen, the numeral of the star is 3. Earth – Trigram Kun, the numeral of the star is 2. If 2 and 3 appear or occur in the same palace in the direction of SW (Trigram Kun), the indication is bull fight qi. This combination brings along with it fights, penalties, calamities and litigation. (9)
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16 Fire is located in the South, which is also Li, or star 9. Metal is Qian is also star 6. Wood is Trigram Zhen is also star 3 When 3,6 and 9 appear in the same palace, there is danger of fire hazards (in the ancient time). Further example, if fire is 9, metal is 7 and wood is 3, the combination of (9,7) further meets with wood. There is danger of fire hazards. Earth can be Ken, mountain earth, or star 8. Alternatively it can also be Kun, mother, great earth, farmland or star 2. Water is Ken, or star 1. Metal can be 6, or 7. Generally, the combination of this type promises more good fortune. Therefore, if (8,6,1) occurs in the same palace, with the activation of a timely or prosperous wealth star, it signifies the wealth coming from the country estate, fields or gardens. The person could be a landlord, or an owner of farmland. Example 1. A farmer came from a village and decided to open a shop in a town. The house chart is sitting Mao, E2 and facing You, W2. Looking from the angle of Xuan Kong feng shui, it is a prosperous sitting and facing house. This means that the overall luck of human aspects and wealth aspects of the shop house are excellent for the reigning period 7. In actual fact, it is true that the business for these few years is quite good. As compared with most farmers or people in the village, he is rather lucky and has been blessed with good fortune all through these few years. But for a prosperous sitting and facing house, it does not mean that it will bring you everything good, especially for the star 7 and star 5, these are the two stars that are most difficult to handle. The star 7 may bring us misfortune, robbery, bloodshed or violence even though it may be found to be timely or prosperous. As such this is not a really good chart. Let us analyze this chart, 7, 2 and 5 occur at the back sitting and 2 and 7 combine with each other forming fire to produce 5 yellow. The 5 yellow star is a wicked star, and it is at its most harmful under this kind of circumstances as further produced by fire. (According to the Hetu (River Map): 1 and 6 form Water located in the North, 2 and 7 form Fire located in the South, 3 and 8 form Wood located in the East, 4 and 9 form Metal located in the West, and 5 is the central Earth located in the Center.) We can see also 3, 7 and 9 occur in the facing and this is the so-called < Fire destroys Metal and Fire also exhausts and transforms Wood, there will be few occasions of fire hazards >. Nowadays, we seldom have wooden houses, and we may not so easily be threatened by fire hazards. But it will bring us some other forms of misfortunes. I advised this farmer to use golden Chanchu (toad) and crystal balls to dissolve the bad qi or at least to minimize it. However, this farmer showed disbelief as it sounds neither scientific nor logical. Secondly he does not want to spend money on these feng shui products.
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Back Sitting
There was a slope opposite his shop house. On the slope, there was a side door of a neighboring house. If you move further in, there was an eight story hostel with its two sharp pointed corners pointing directly towards his house, besides that, an angled roofline also aimed at this direction. His shop house has suffered the effects of two poison arrows. Worse still, the fence of the hostel was built in an inverted shape facing his house as shown in the sketch. It exactly forms what is so-called . This is something one will have to worry about because all are poison arrows. They are supposed to bring ill luck to the unfortunate occupants whose houses face them. In reality, since marriage, the bad feng shui has twice caused miscarriages to his wife and he has also engaged a few feng shui masters to audit the feng shui of his house. They used old ancient coins and Pa Kua mirror (Eight Trigram mirror) to counter act or reflect the bad qi coming from the hostel across the road, but it has no effect. Now he really has doubts in feng shui whether this is something scientific or the methods being used in feng shui is logical, meanwhile he was so anxious for his wife hoping that there will be no more miscarriage. I told this farmer that if the killing qi (bad qi) is too strong and if we are unable or do not intend to dissolve it, the best way is to change the house, shifting to a new environment for a change of luck. Few months later, he shifted to another nearby house and from the feedback of him, his wife has been pregnant and given birth to a baby boy.
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The farmer used this kind of Pa Kua mirror (Eight Trigram mirror) and old ancient coins to combat the Sha Qi (Killing Qi) coming from the opposite hostel.
(10) < When fire comes across with wood, there will be talented persons. While earth (in the drought) being produced by fire (excessive fire) is an idiot. > The number 4 is the wood star which is also a star related to Wen Chang or academic achievements. The star 9 signifies brightness or intelligence. If star 9 is timely or prosperous and it becomes the mountain star and flies to the sitting, when further produced (enhanced) by star 4 wood. It is very auspicious. It becomes alive and unleashes its auspicious qi. There will be talented persons or persons of exceptional ability. Fire is 9. Earth is Trigram Kun , or 2, which also signifies losing one's way. When the mountain star is untimely or in bad instances, under such circumstances, if 9 fire produces 2 earth, then too much fire will cause the earth to dry out. Such a combination depicts a fool or an idiot. Here we mainly refer to the combination occurring in the palace at the back sitting. (11) The East represents Trigram Zhen is also star 3 while the West signifies Trigram Dui is star 7. The numerals of 3 and 7 occurring in the same palace form sum of ten. For the combination of sum of ten to become auspicious, there are conditions to be fulfilled or attained. One of the conditions is that the combination should not be withering or declining. Otherwise, you will get robbed or burgled. There could also be conflicts or legal disputes. Thus, the sum of ten of this type will not bring prosperity to the family. Whatever money the family has will flow out until the family goes into debt. There is possibility that the residents will not have a proper or good home, not talking about a splendid house. The South represents 9 and North 1. The Numerals of 9 and 1 combine with each other and form sum of ten. It shows that the husband and wife are good matches, or marriage luck. However, if this combination is untimely or declining, it indicates that you need to rely upon someone for help. It will be of no use. (12) Here too we refer to the cases of sum of ten. The only difference is that the combination is timely or prosperous. For example, if Zhen 3 and Dui 7 occur together, meaning there are man and woman meeting with each other. If the combination of sum of ten of 3 and 7 is timely or prosperous, then it is auspicious. Similarly, if Kan 1 and Li 9 meet with each other, or Sun 4 and Qian 6 occur together, or Kun 2 comes across with Ken 8, they are all considered as combinations of sum of ten. If they are timely or prosperous, all unlucky will be turned into lucky. Example 1. A period 4 chart of sitting N1, Ren and facing S1, Bing. The main entrance is located at Kun or in the direction of SW2.
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This chart is a period 4 chart. Star 4 represents current prosperity, star 5 represents future prosperity and star 6 represents distant prosperity. All other stars are untimely. For such a chart, if the yearly star 7 flies to the main entrance (mouth of qi) and monthly star 3 flies to the facing. Possible that you may get robbed or duped. There could also be conflicts or legal disputes. The other chart shows the Yearly star 7 and monthly star 3 occur in the same palace of Kun (SW), this is also bad. The star 7 metal destroys the star 3 wood may bring you wealth luck, but after that, there could be loss of wealth or robbery encountered. (3,7) and (7,3) are bad when untimely. For instance, we have entered into the period of 8, so (3,7) and (7,3) are not good combinations. Use water star to dissolve it or minimize the ill effects. (13) is referred to good match of husband and wife. In the arrangement of the Early Heaven Sequence, the following are proper matches: Qian and Kun (father and mother) Ken and Dui (younger son and younger daughter) Zhen and Sun (elder son and elder daughter) Li and Kan (middle son and middle daighter) Any of the sub-sectors on your Luo Pan related to the above Trigrams appearing at the sitting of the house is good, but the sitting must be timely and prosperous. The children will be smart or have a wholesome personality.
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21 The heavenly stems appearing to be the following are also good. But the sub-sectors as represented by these heavenly stems must appear at the sitting or in the facing of your house. Jia and Geng (E1 and W1) Ren and Bing (N1 and S1) Yi and Xin (E3 and W3) Kui and Ding (N3 and S3) The implication suggests talents or creative intellectuals.
(14) < There are so many Yin deities, it is purely for the sake of amusement in the scene of debauchery. If the fire stars pierce together and they are to their advantage, it signifies very good luck for scholarly honor or official rank. > The Yin Deities are stars 2,4,7 and 9. If these stars appear at the door, walkway and centre palace, the residents of the household may suffer from a flirtatious or promiscuous nature. One may lead a life of debauchery and that does not benefit oneself. One may even come to a bad end. The star 9 represents fire. When these stars pierce together meaning they are producing each other, or they combine with each other. For example, the number 3, or 4 produces 9, while 2 and 7 combine and transform into fire. is referred to the timeliness of the stars. For example, if star 9 is timely, which means it is being produced by wood or being combined by
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22 other stars. If this star happens to be a mountain star, it signifies very good luck for scholarly honor or official rank.
Star 2
Star 4
Star 7
Star 9
Represents Mother
Star 6
Eldest Daughter Star 3
Youngest Daughter Star 8
Middle Daughter Star 1
Represents Father
Represents Eldest Son
Represents Youngest Son
Represents Middle Son
All attributes are female
Yin or – polarities
All attributes are male
Yang or + polarities
Example 1. This is a period 5 chart, sitting Mao, E2 and facing You, W2. The timely star 5 (water) flies to facing and the timely mountain star 5 occurs at the sitting. The facing and sitting are prosperous. 1.
Any big pond or lake located in the facing will bring good wealth luck to the household for the twenty years dominated by the period of 5.
Any good mountains or green hills located at the back sitting of the house will attract good luck for the human aspects. Without a mountain(s) or if there is water or low lands at the sitting, the residents may not enjoy a peaceful life, as the human aspects will get hurt.
If there is a big lake in the directions of North and NE, it forms what is so-called . This is because 9, 4, 7 and 2 are Yin stars (negative polarity) and they suggest problems caused by over indulgence in sex and flirtations. There is possibility that the women or daughters of this household may flirt with others who are good-looking. Eventually the women may be cheated and do not come to a good end. The women may be persuaded to believe themselves in love, and to consent to an elopement. There will be tragedy.
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(15) < With different nature and they follow each other, the household will have undisciplined life style. If the male and female have a good match, there will be capable and virtuous persons. > With different nature and they try to destroy each other, for example, under the circumstances of being untimely and activated by bad landforms, the star 1 signifies promiscuous or flirtatious nature, the star 7 signifies joys or amusement and the star 4 signifies something is swinging in the air or floating on the water. Therefore When 4 and 1 are untimely and activated by bad landforms, meaning they are floating and promiscuous characters, while under the same circumstances, 7 and 1 signifies sexual desire. If these three stars occur in the same palace, on the bad side, this combination indicates undisciplined life styles is referred to sum of ten. If the combinations are all sums of ten, and those located at the important locations are prosperous and timely, then, there will be able and virtuous persons.
This kind of face is never a virtuous person. A triangular shape of face will never enjoy prosperity in the old age.
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(16) < The pillar is being shifted to the South (Trigram Li, fire). Suddenly the hall is so bright and brilliant. The chariot is moving towards the North. The imperial edicts come again and again. > The pillar – Trigram Sun, or star 4 wood. The South is star 9. For example, in the period of 9, the star 9 is a prosperous and timely star. If this star flies to the South (Li fire), and it further is being produced by star 4. Wood produces fire. It is very auspicious. Suddenly the hall becomes so bright and brilliant. Definitely there will be good wealth luck and prosperity for the household. The chariot – Trigram Sun. The star 1 represents the North. In the period of 1, this star is prosperous and timely. Thus, if the star 1 flies to the facing, 4 green wood is also found in the same palace meaning 1 and 4 occur together. The person is so distinguished and capable, who has exceptionally high abilities, even the king has sent out so many imperial edicts (in the ancient times) to him informing that he had been assigned some duties in the imperial palace. The emperor needs the help of all these all-around high achievers. Honor, fame and recognition would be coming to his family.
One of the attributes of Trigram Sun or star 4 is chariot while star 1 represents the North. The combination of (1,4) is very auspicious especially in the period of 1 when star 1 is timely. The residents may become creative intellectuals and artists. They are all-around high achievers.
Example 1. (A similar example) A burial site of period 6, sitting N3 and facing S3, the timely star 6 flies to the facing. In the facing there is a lake in the distance to activate the double 6 combination. This is also the so called . This setup will offer rank and honour to your name. The star 6 or Trigram Qian represents the chariot or a horse while the star 1 or Trigram Kan signifies the North direction or water. Because of the activation of (1,6) by a lake in the distance, the imperial edicts will come again and again. (This example is extracted from the ancient classic)
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(6, 6) and (1, 6) occur in the facing are auspicious for academic studies. This combination faces a distant lake, which will encourage the favorable qi to flow into the house through the facing. However, we should understand that is better than . This is because the timely water star 6 in the facing can bring you very good luck and in the mean time suppress all other bad stars to certain extent.
(17) < If there is totally no Shen Qi (good qi) entering into the door (entrance), the household does not even have the food for the next day (very bad wealth luck). If there are timely and prosperous wealth stars flying to the site, the residents are so rich. > Here our approach is to emphasize the importance of the facing of a house. If these important locations such as door and facing do not have any prosperous and timely wealth stars flying here, then, it is a poor family. Thus this family does not even have the food for the next day (very bad wealth luck). If the prosperous and timely wealth stars appearing at the door, and also the route leading to the house, or the timely wealth stars are further being produced, or the auspicious purple white stars are all found here, it promises the path to great prosperity and abundance. Example 1.
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A comparison between house A and house B. Both houses are built in the period of 4 and they have the same facing direction.
House B The facing has a prosperous or timely star 4 which is very good for wealth luck.
The incoming mouth of qi (smaller road) activates the dead wealth or untimely star 2. It is unfavorable for the wealth luck.
The big pond behind the house B activates the untimely wealth star 7. This is the dead qi. The star 7 is too early to be timely in the period of 4. It brings bad wealth luck.
As compared with house A, house B is not good as house A.
House A The facing has a prosperous or timely star 4 which is very good for wealth luck. The incoming mouth of qi (smaller road) activates the prosperous wealth or timely star 4. It is favorable for the wealth luck.
The big pond behind the house A activates the future timely star 5. This is the growing qi (Shen qi). The star 5 is going to become stronger, about to blossom. It brings good wealth luck. House A is a very good house. This family will enjoy very good wealth luck.
This example explains why the two houses are having the same facing direction but their wealth lucks are different.
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27 Example 2. Mr. Chan quit his good job few years ago, of which many people have always wanted and been looking for. He went to Zhu Hai together with his wife to try their luck, fortunately, they have made a fortune for a few hundred thousand yuans. They built a seven-storey building and set up their own company and factory, hoping that the business could be steadily built up. However, the business was not doing well, instead it went downhill. He was very anxious about the unfavorable situation. He has tried so hard and all works and effort seemed to be in vain. When reaching here, I started taking the compass reading for his building. But owning to poor quality of construction materials and workmanship, the compass readings for all the walls were different. As such I have no alternative but to draw a central line from the centre of the building and based on which, I got the compass reading. It confirmed to be a chart of sitting Wei, SW1 and facing Chou, NE1.
Double 7 fly to the back, good for human aspects but not good for wealth aspects. There is a formation of 1,4,& 7 Parent String Three Numbers found on the central line. This kind of setup is good for literary pursuits or academic studies. It is not suitable for premises involving business or profitable investments. Never do that. This is the so-called . For those who are in business, you must not use this chart. This is because neither your investments will thrive nor your ventures will prosper. You should not proceed with your business expansion, otherwise there will be worries and troubles. Now let us talk about the main door, the main door occupies both the North and NE (Kan and Ken). In the North, there are (8,6), the faded wealth star 6 is found here and it is the declining qi for the wealth luck, which means the wealth luck is on the decline. The other wealth star is star 4 in the NE and it is also an untimely wealth star or to be more specific, it is a dead star. In the direction of East we have (6,8), star 8 is a future timely wealth star, but it faces a neighboring house and there is not water. As such we consider this case as < there is totally no Shen Qi (good qi) entering into the door (entrance) >.
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28 Example 3. If there are two period 7 business premises for you to choose, which is better? Assuming the doors are all located in the exact facing but not castle gates.
Business Premises A (Period 7)
Business Premises B (Period 7)
Case (1). Premises A is a good feng shui business premises because the future timely star 8 (water star or wealth star) flies to the facing and main door. This is the so-called . Case (2). Premises B is not a good feng shui business premises because the faded wealth star 6 flies to the facing and main door. This is the so-called < If there is totally no Shen Qi (good qi) entering into the door (entrance), the household does not even have the food for the next day (very bad wealth luck) >. Therefore, doing the same or similar business, premises A will be far better than premises B (under the same circumstances). Even you set up a castle gate for premises B, the faded wealth star 6 is still appearing in the facing. (18) < Although the cycle is destructive, there may be complementary element present. The early heaven sequence has laid its foundation. Although the cycle is productive, there could be insult with the intention to hurt. The metal and wood of the later heaven sequence is mostly irreconcilable. > Here the verses are referred to the productive cycle and destructive cycle. If the wood destroys earth, with the aid of fire, it is auspicious. If metal destroys wood, the presence of water would be good. On the contrary, if metal destroys wood, any earth element to produce metal will further energize the ill effects. If wood destroys earth, any water element to produce or enhance the wood is
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29 inauspicious. You must press down the ill effects and enhance the good qi. (The Qian Kun of the early heaven sequence is the Kan Li of the later heaven sequence. While the Kan Li of the early heaven sequence is the Zhen Dui of the later heaven sequence.) Example 1. A period 4 burial site, sitting N3 and facing S3. In the North, there is highland and in the South, lowland and in the West there is water flowing directly towards the burial site till very near. This example is extracted from the ancient classic.
According to ancient feng shui master Zhang Chong Shan:According to Shen: < The timely star 4 of this chart goes up a mountain, it is unfavorable for the eldest son. >In the direction of Dui or West, the 7 and 1 occur together. The water is flowing directly towards the burial site. There must be incident or illness related to blood. Moreover, in the West there are time star 6, star 1 water, and a mountain star 7, the period star 9 will also come here when entering into the period of 7. The star 9 will bring along with it the star 4 wood, they form the cycles of wood producing fire, and fire producing metal. Some one will attempt to commit suicide by taking poison such as white arsenic. This is because 4 wood produces 9 fire and the fire further destroys 6 metal, an indication of taking poison.This is the so-called . In the direction of West, there are 6, 7 and 1 occur together, the surrounding landforms are bad as the bad water is flowing directly towards the burial site till very near. The energy of the natal chart as activated is also bad. As such there are restraint caused by the external stars, there could be taking poison.
(19) < Earth being destroyed by wood and there is abundance of metal, rescue comes in face of danger. Fire destroys metal while there are many water deities, there will be no evil. Earth ward off water while the wood is so strong, thing will be fine. Metal chops wood while fire is burning cheerfully, you have no cause for worries. > These are the basic principles of the productive cycle and destructive cycle. Please refer to my book titled < The Interpretation of Destiny> (Four Pillars of Destiny) – by Mr Liang Zhao. We will not repeat. (20) < If the auspicious star is so weak and the inauspicious star is so strong, the family members draw swords on each other. If the auspicious star is so strong and the inauspicious star is so weak, it is unlikely to encounter thievery or robbery even you do not close your door (at night). > The auspicious star is referred to the timely star. The inauspicious star is referred to the unfavorable star, untimely star, or the star that try to destroy the auspicious star. If the timely wealth star (water star) goes up a mountain, or if you allow such an untimely wealth star to be activated by water, then there will be evil or bad wealth luck. It could be that the family members drawing swords on each other. There is internal strife or internecine feud. If the timely wealth star (water star) goes down into the water, or the untimely wealth star goes up a mountain, it is auspicious. Even at night you do not close your door, it is unlikely that you will encounter robbery or burglary. Example 1. In the period of 7, we use water to activate a timely wealth star 7 is good. Use water to suppress the untimely mountain star 2 is also good.
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Example 2. A period 3 house, with sitting Wu, S2 and facing Zi, N2. Let us analyse the chart and landforms for this house. ·
The water star 3 representing the current prosperity or ripening qi is activated by lower land.
The water star 4 representing the future prosperity or Shen qi (growing qi) is activated by a big fishpond.
The water star 5 representing the distant prosperity or improving qi is activated by dynamic state (road junction).
The mountain star 3 representing the current prosperity or ripening qi is activated by a mountain.
A road junction suppresses the untimely mountain star 1, which represents the dead qi.
The big fish pond presses down the untimely mountain star 2, which represents the declining qi. Declining qi is inauspicious because it suggests the luck of human aspects is waning or weakening, under the circumstances that the star 2 is activated by a mountain of tall objects.
In summary, there are more auspicious water stars and less inauspicious mountain stars. The wealth aspects and human aspects will be very good. The residents will be blessed with great good fortune. It could also be extravagant good luck.
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32 Other bad combinations such as (9,6), (6,9) and (4,2), etc do not really have water or mountains to negatively activate them. Therefore neither good nor bad will really come from these combinations. This is the so-called < the family members will not draw swords on each other, if the auspicious star is so strong and the inauspicious star is so weak >.
Please note from the above chart that with the presence of (9,6) and (6,9), fire destroys metal, and (5,1) and (1,5), central earth destroys water, The residents with Personal Trigrams or Ming Kua of star 6 and star 1 are unfavorable. They will have more problems or challenges as compared with other members in the family. (21) < Being destroyed inward layer by layer, the luck withers away immediately. Being produced inward continuously by layering, you will be blessed with good fortune. > Now we consider the combination in the front facing. If the water star in the facing is destroyed by the time star or mountain star, in addition, the yearly star and monthly star also destroy this water star, then it is regarded as being destroyed inwards layer by layer. Even though the prosperous star flies to the facing, the present of blemishes and flaws determines imperfection. Producing inward means producing the star that represents your good self. The prosperous star in the facing represents your good self. If other stars are found producing this prosperous star, then there will be abundant prosperity indeed. This house is auspicious for you. Example 1.
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33 For a period-2 house, the star 2 is a timely star and the star 3 is future timely. These two stars are very auspicious in the period of 2. The front facing of the house brings in Shen Qi as shown in the sketch (good qi from the future timely star 3 activated by the main door). The back sitting brings in prosperity for the human aspects as a mountain at the back activates the timely star 2. (It could be other auspicious tall objects) There is also prosperity for the wealth aspects as the timely water star 2 is activated by the footpath or road at the back. The combination of (6,1) in the facing is very good for achievement of academic pursuits. This is what they have the potential to bring. When the yearly star 6 flies to the facing and the monthly star 1 also found there, it would even be auspicious. The double (6,1) combinations would become alive and unleash their prosperous energy. For this setup, please note that the time star 6 produces the auspicious star 1. The yearly star 6 also enhances this star 1. This is the so-called . Even though you are presently poverty-stricken, after moving to this house, you will be harmonious and be blessed with fortune and wisdom. The timely star 2 and the future timely star 3 are the two very important stars.
Example 2.
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These two families are living in the same house as sketched. To determine which family will enjoy better family luck, we place the Luo Pan on the main door/gate, (assuming there is no magnetic interference) and check from the main door for the determining factors such as waters, road, mountain and bridge, etc. All these must be located in the direction of the qi of current prosperity or future prosperity. (star 8 or star 9 as in the period of 8) The second step is that you place your Luo Pan on the inner door A and B and check for the location of the main door. The main door must fall in the auspicious directions of door A or B. For the case of door A, the main door activates (6,1), which is very auspicious. The fame and glory will never subside. For the case of door B, the main door activates (4,3). Both 4 and 3 are all dead qi. With such a setup for the house
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built in the period of 8, family B partially suffers from dead energy. Part of the wealth will flow away and there could be little illness. Although the two houses are having the same facing direction, house A is much better than house B. This is the socalled .
Example 3. A period 4 chart, sitting E1 ad facing W1, both the sitting and facing are prosperous. The star 3 represents faded prosperity. It is an untimely star in the period of 4. The star 7 represents dead qi. There is no more life and in fact there are danger and trouble. The star 7 is not really an auspicious star especially when it moves into other periods. It transforms into a bad star indicating bloodshed, fights and struggle. Certainly, star 7 and star 5 are two stars, which are very difficult to handle, they always bring more bad than good to you.
Let us assume there is a mountain in the SE (Sun) direction to activate (3,7). The mountain will activate the mountain star 3 and suppress the water star 7. However, since this water star 7 is
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36 unlucky then allowing a mountain to suppress it will minimize some of the ill effects. On the contrary, any waters located in this direction will activate the inauspicious star 7 thus bringing more problems to the residents with Personal Trigram star 3 (Ming Gua). In the year that the yearly star 7 flies here, the star 7 will be enhanced or grow even stronger. In the month that the monthly star 7 also flies to this direction, the star 3 wood will be destroyed or attacked by three star 7 metal. It is equivalent to say that the residents of Personal Trigram star 3 will be . The first layer is the untimely water star 7, the second layer is the yearly star 7 and the third the monthly star. There could be danger and frustration for the residents with Ming Gua star 3 in this household during such period. Never build your house in this period with such as a facing orientation if your Personal Trigram is star 3. Neither should you open a back door here nor sleep in this sector. Try choosing other facing directions if your Personal Trigram is star 3. This example also explains why some members in a family enjoy better wealth luck while other not. Selection of auspicious date for building this house will not totally resolve this problem, however, it may minimize it. Example 4. A period 2 house of sitting N1 and facing S1.
Although star 9 and star 4 are not timely stars in the period of 2, but star 4 located at the incoming road (West) produces the star 9 located at the mouth of qi (SW or main gate). Note that the star 9
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continuously produces the star 2 in the facing of the house. This is also considered as the socalled . The family will become very rich and successful. Other indication is good harvest of crops for farmers. Family will be blessed with good descendants. (22) < Instead of destroying me, it becomes being destroyed by me, there will be loneliness or a lone soul admiring his own purity. Instead of producing me, it becomes being produced by me. The children will be smart or pleasant looking. > The timely star represents your good self. For example, in the period of 7, the timely star 7 flies to the facing and it becomes a water star (right hand side), while at the back sitting, the star 7 flies to the top left position and it becomes a mountain star (left hand side). The timely or prosperous stars represent your good self. If there are no other stars that try to destroy you, on the contrary, you destroy other stars appearing together with you, then for such as a setup even though with prosperous facing and sitting, it signifies loneliness or a person who has no mass support. This combination creates negative effects especially when the timely mountain star destroys the water star at the back sitting. All those stars that are being produced by you are just like your children. For example, in the period of 7, if the timely mountain star 7 flies to the sitting and which further produces the star 1 white. The star 1 as being produced is auspicious. The children will have pleasant looks or they will achieve outstanding scholastic honours. (23) < Being destroyed by the father Trigram, it may not be favourable for the son. As destroyed by the mother Trigram, it may not be good for the daughter. > is referred to the parent Trigrams, or the base chart of time stars. The Yang Trigram is the father while the Yin Trigram the mother. For example, for the period of 7, all time stars flies to the palaces of Qian, Kan, Ken and Sun are father Trigrams, while mother Trigrams are those found at the centre, Dui, Kun and Li. The polarity of the star 5 yellow will depend on the facing and sitting.
If the prosperous or timely mountain star flying to the sitting is destroyed by the time star (parent Trigram), the indication is that it may not be good for children or the children may come very late. Therefore, a house chart with prosperous facing and sitting may also need to take into consideration on this aspec, otherwise, there are always blemishes and flaws.
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38 (24) < If the landforms in the direction of Shen Qi (growing qi) is found to be in reverse, turning away or merciless, one will not be blessed with virtuous descendants. The children will not be filial. Be adopted as heir and there will be descendants to inherit the past and usher in the future, this is because there is an obeisance in the direction of Shen Qi (growing qi) > One may not be blessed with virtuous descendants or the children are non-filial. This is because the landforms in the direction of Shen Qi (growing qi or future prosperity) is found to be in reverse, turning away or merciless. Similarly, it could also be that the mountain is replaced by water. For example, a future timely mountain star occupying in a direction faces no mountain but water. If this is the case, most likely the children will be disrespectful and unfilial to their parents. < Be adopted as heir > - means that you will have descendants inheriting the past and ushering in the future. < An obeisance in the direction of Shen Qi (growing qi) > - meaning a mountain of delicate beauty is located in the same direction together with the future timely mountain star. Alternatively a dignified mountain may activate a future timely mountain star. The indication is that there will be filial and honourable sons to carry on the family name. Example 1. A period 3 house of sitting N1,Ren and facing S1, Bing, the timely star is 3 since this house is built in the period of 3. The future timely star is 4 (growing qi) and distant timely star is 5.
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Example 2. The flow of water of a river turns away from a house is regarded as merciless water. The water is in reverse and has no mercies. Fast moving water in a river or fast moving vehicles on a road are also regarded as .
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Example3(a) An example of merciless water
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41 Example3(b) An example of merciful water Water gate to block the water
Where the water tries to flow away from the house, but it is blocked by two water gates causing a great collection of water there. Water in this case brings tremendous wealth luck to the residents. This is a real case studies. The children of this family have become a rich businessman and MP (Member of Parliament). This is an example of merciful water.
Example 4(a) This is an example of merciless water (Bad feng shui water). Where the water comes from behind and flows away from the house. This configuration of water indicates bad luck and the residents will never be prosperous.
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Example 4(b) This is an example of merciful water (Good feng shui water). Where the water comes from behind and flows away from the house, but the water is blocked in the facing located at the Shen Qi place by two mountains causing a great quantity of water to accumulate there.
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Certainly the merciful water as described here will bring enormous good fortune and prosperity to the family. This is a real case studies, a period 4 burial site, sitting Wu, S2 and facing Zi, N2.The double 4 fly to the facing and they form a setup. (1,4,7) & (7,4,1) In fact the good feng shui has generated several Ph Ds and M Scs and they all came from the village in China.
(25) < I destroy it, but I am being humiliated instead. One may thus lose one’s life because of them (wealth). One produces the elements and yet harmed by them, one may die because of . > is referred to the direction of the timely star. The star being destroyed by me (including the purple white stars) is exceeding the limits. It brings disgrace on you. For example, for the case of metal destroys wood, if wood is stronger than metal, the later will suffer a setback and be damaged. The element that is being destroyed by me is my wealth star. Thus it signifies that one may lose one’s life because of pursuing wealth and money.
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44 If there are too many stars being produced by me, I will be over exhausted. For example, metal is able to produce water, but in excess of water the metal might have sunken down. The elements being produced by you are your descendants or children. But if they cause you to exhaust all your energy you may die in . (26) < Too much water in the abdomen will cause distension. When the toes meet with metal, a person is moving unsteadily. > Abdomen – represented by Trigram Kun, or star 2. Trigram Kan or star 1 represents water. If star 2 is a timely wealth star, which occurs together with many star 1, then the indication is abdominal pain or abdominal distension. Toe – represented by Trigram Zhen, or star 3. If a timely star 3 flies to Trigram Dui or Qian, in addition there are 6 or 7 to destroy it, then the indication is injuries to toe or a lame person. (27) Any waterways or dynamic state in the palace of Sun (SE), and there are many star 4s (wood) appearing here. They outstrip the star 6 metal. Even though the star 6 is a timely star. This means that 4 and 6 occurring in the same palace and clashing with the waterway. There could be some one who attempts to commit suicide. If the star 3 (Trigram Zhen) flies to the palace of Dui (West), and it happens to face a bright hall (open space or lower flat land) in the facing, and is being destroyed by more metal elements. It signifies coughing out blood. (In the ancient times, tuberculosis is still classified under the category of incurable disease. Those people who get infected with this disease will cough out blood or vomit blood) Example 1. A period 7 house in a village of China, sitting You, W2 and facing Mao, E2. The house chart and landforms are as follows: In the directions of Qian, Dui and Kun, (NW, West, and SW) there are mountains. There are neighboring houses in the directions of Kan and Ken (North and NE). A hall is located in the South. The door can only be placed or housed in the directions of Zhen and Sun (East and SE). There is a road in the direction of Sun (SE) as shown in the sketch. About a distance of one hundred meters from the road, there is a pond.
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At first the owner housed the door in the direction of Mao (E2), this is the direction that falls exactly in the facing. This family has two boys and they are engaged in mushroom growing. They have become rich in few years’ time by making a fortune of about ten thousand yuans (China). This is the first family in their village to get rich. They also bought tractors and other machinery for growing crops. The other reason is that in 1989, the economy was boosted because of the implementation of special economic zones with relaxed taxes and regulations. Good harvest of mushrooms also brought good wealth luck to this family. One day, the owner was fined for a traffic offence. This is no big deal but petty thing. The traffic offence is a good source of revenue that could be used to fund charities or help the needy. But this owner is a very narrow minded person and he believed that the feng shui of his house needs to be improved so as to ward off the bad luck because of paying the fine. He shifted the door to the direction of Sun (SE2). If we read the chart of his house we know that the star 6 in the direction of Sun (SE) is a declining star. It will never be auspicious for this star to face water. In addition, the roads outside his house are just like knitted ropes, they belong to the profile of < the waterway is twining around from the palace of Sun to Qian. There is danger of hanging oneself >. Because star 6 is related to Qian, heaven or head while the Trigram Sun (the palace of SE) is related to rope, it suggests the danger of hanging oneself. th
In Lunar 6 month, they re-located the door. The monthly star 6 flew to the centre while star 5 yellow flew to the direction of Sun (SE). Having finished re-locating the door and doing some renovation works, they were auditing the account and checking the income and expenses, however, the two lists did not tally. The wife suspected some money had gone to her husband’s parents. They confronted with each other, harsh words were exchanged and tears shed. The husband was so angry and he slapped his wife on the face. That night, the husband left home and went to somewhere else. The wife was stumped and it pained her so much that her husband left her when she was at her most vulnerable. She was thinking: That night she made a draft and committed suicide by hanging herself. When the husband returned home the next morning, he saw the children were weeping with grief and all neighbors came over to his house. He realized that something had gone wrong and it was not too encouraging. His wife had died and he should not slap her on the face.
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46 In fact, from the point of view of feng shui, this tragedy is due to but not because of any other reasons. (28) Wind – is referred to Trigram Sun Earth – is referred to Trigram Kun Severe and violet – meaning the wind is very strong and fierce. The verses imply that 4 and 2 occur in the same palace, or 4 flies to the palace of Kun (SW). The wood is stronger than the earth. When the strong wood destroys the weak earth, there could be a bad-tempered or scolding woman. Fire – is referred to Trigram Li, or star 9 Heaven – is referred to Trigram Qian, or star 6 If 9 and 6 fly to a dynamic place or palace of Li, moreover the fire is strong and the metal is weak, the son is not filial and he is scolding the father. Example 1. In the late 1960’s, many Chinese in the east side of Guang Xi and upper Guang Dong like to build their houses in such as a manner, sitting Yi (E3) and facing Xin (W3) deviated towards sitting Mao (E2) and facing You (W2). An owner as described here was using this orientation for his house. A period-6 house with sitting Yi (E3) and facing Xin (W3), after moving into this house, the cycle of luck continues to go downhill year by year. In the beginning of 1980’s, his son married a wife. They were dreaming that the good days would come and live a peaceful life. But the good times didn't last long as they soon found out that the daughter-in-law is a shrew who is very rude and unreasonable. The merest trifle would upset her and she easily gets out of temper and beat her husband’s mother. There was one occasion; the husband’s mother was beaten until she was black and blue, covered with bruises. Even the officials of the village would visit their home, hoping that they could educate this shrew. But she neglected the officials’ advice and argued back rudely and angrily. It was as though they were shouting at their enemy. After that she removed her clothing in front of all people. She claimed that the officials of the village would like to take advantage of her. The officials were so frightened and they ran away. After that incident, no one dare to provoke her.
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When the fire is burning Heaven’s Gate, the children will scold or be unfilial to their parents. This is because the combination of (9,6) or (6,9) is not positively activated.
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48 This is a chart of and it signifies bad luck for both the human aspects and wealth aspects. In the beginning, there is no door or entrance and they always walk around the palace or direction of Kun (SW), at least the family luck would not be so bad. After 1980, they built a kitchen and re-located the door in the direction of Qian (NW2) and Hai (NW3). As we know, if a village is poorer, the villagers will have significantly lower literacy rates. And they are just like barbarians who are uncultured. I still can remember that when I was young, my hometown and here, upper Guang Dong have no difference. All were very poor. There are many shrews and barbarians due to less access to formal education. Let us come back to our chart. The palace of Qian (NW), its qi belongs to metal. The attributes are father and heaven, etc. This kind of metal is very fragile and it could be easily destroyed by fire. But for this chart, the combination of (5, 9, 7) enters to the palace of Qian or direction of NW. The star 9 is the later heaven fire while the star 7 is the early heaven fire, the star 5 is some thing very warm, probably this is the magma in the centre of the earth. Therefore when 9, 5 and 7 combine together, the power of the fire is extremely strong. The raging fire will eventually destroy the metal. It is inauspicious. According to the verses < When the fire burns the heaven’s gate, showing bare fangs and brandish claws (making threatening gestures), a son is scolding his father >. Therefore, this house will naturally have shrews and unfilial children who bully the elders, without a care for the family ties. The room occupied by this shrew is located in the direction NE (Ken). The flying stars are 2, 7 and 9 and they are all Yin Trigrams (negative). If we study the early heaven sequence, we know that 2 and 7 form fire, while 9 is the fire of later heaven sequence. These are the determining factors why this house generates a shrew or an unfilial son. The verses of < there are so many Yin deities, it is purely for the sake of amusement in the scene of debauchery > cause the shrew to remove her clothing in the public. The shameless hussy has nothing on. (29) < If the two setups are related to each other, there could be twin. If there is only a mountain with no protection, a family suffers from loneliness. > Here we refer to the external landforms, the surroundings or neighboring environment of a burial place or a house. If a timely mountain star flies to the sitting, from this direction we can find two good and greenery mountains and they are positioned nicely in pair. There is possibility that the presence of qi is twin. Lonely dragon (mountain) means those mountains have no protection. If there is no protection for a mountain, it signifies lonely life. One protection will bring you one level of wealth and rank (respectable position) in society, while ten protections will bring you extremely good wealth luck and it is also likely that the man of the house will attain a very high position of power. Therefore, the protection of hilly or mountainous shields used to ward off evil influences is very important. (30) < Any blockading in the direction of North, Kan water, the hearing will not be good. Devastating the direction of South, Li fire, a person will have poor vision. Any defects in the direction of West, Dui metal, it may not be good for one’s lip or teeth. Any aversion found in the direction of ken, (NE), bones or muscles may be tired out or the arm may have injuries. > Here we find the symbolism from the original palaces or directions of the Pa Kua (eight Trigrams). In all directions of a house, the best is no defects found at all of the corners.
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49 Any sectors or directions found to have blemish, the attributes related to these directions may occur. They can be negative. Example 1. A period 5 house, sitting Kui, N3 and facing Ding, S3. A small river flows from Sun, (SE) to Li, (South) and it further flows across Geng (W1) and disappears in the direction of You (W2) as shown in the sketch. There is a monument in the direction of Sun. The wealth aspects are very good except that the two sons and one daughter are dumb. They are unable to speak well. This example is actually the research work of an ancient feng shui master. (This example is extracted from the ancient classic)
Both star 7 and star 5 are bad stars. They are the most troublesome among the nine stars. These two stars are difficult to handle. In the period of 5, the star 7 is not considered auspicious; it can cause robbery, fights, struggle and bloodshed, etc. This star is auspicious when it is timely and activated by proper landforms, otherwise, even though it forms the String Three Numbers, it will still bring with it the misfortunes and disaster. The star 1 in the direction of Sun (SE) is auspicious. The monument is also part of a mountain. The star 2 is a dead star. There is no more life and no more progress. Not only so, untimely star 2 turns itself into a sickness star and brings disaster or sickness to the household.
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A monument is also considered as part of a mountain as it can block off the severe and violent winds and protect houses up to certain extent.
The reason why the two sons and one daughter are dumb, unable to speak well is because of the water disappearing or dissipating in the direction of Dui, West. One of the attributes of Trigram Dui is mouth, or speaking, etc. (31) < The winds are blowing across the fields on a hill, there could be rheumatism or related illness. If the thunder and winds are being struck by metal, there are injuries due to metal. > Hill – Trigram Ken Fields – Trigram Kun Winds – Trigram Sun If 8, 2 & 4 occur in the same palace, it indicates blood circulation problem or rheumatism or in serious case, apoplexy. Thunder – Trigram Zhen Winds – Trigram Sun Metal – Trigram Qian If 3, 4 & 6 occur in the same palace, it indicates injuries by knife or metal parts.
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51 (32) Why the children die so young, it is because the children star is clashed and crippled. Why this family has no old people, mainly because the parent star is cut out. > If the Parent Trigram (Time star) clashes with the timely mountain star, moreover purple white stars further clash the later, and then it is unfavorable to the children. If the Children Trigram clashes with the Parent Trigram (time star), the family seldom has old people. (33) < If the out flow of water (discharge line) is in the palace of Kan, there could be seminal emission (wet dream) or bleeding of blood. If the Broken Soldier is found in the palace of Sun (SE), the person may be crazy. > The discharge line means the out flow of water. The out flow of water should not be located in the North, (Kan); otherwise, one may prone to illness related to kidney. Broken soldier means star 7. If the star 7 occurs in the palace of Sun (SE), the person may be crazy (with bad landforms). (34) < If a split mountain is located in the direction of Li (South), a person will fail in a competitive examination. If the landforms that signify leaving the hometown are found in the direction of Ken (NE), a person may encounter mishap while traveling to a distant place. (Post road) > A split mountain – is referred to a mountain of which its top is broken and split into two. If a sharp mountain looking like a tip of a writing brush of calligraphy, and is located in the palace of Sun, (SE) or Kan, (North), the indication is that some one will be excellent in literary pursuits, or he or she can be a very good writer. It also spells excellent academic achievements. But if it is located in the direction of Li fire (South), wood produces fire; the wood element will be exhausted. Thus it signifies a person will fail in a competitive examination. In addition, the mountain should look like the tip of a writing brush but not split or double.
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If the surrounding forms of a site or a house are found to be bending outwards; i.e. the white tiger and the green dragon portions are bending outwards but not inwards, moreover, the forms are all located in the direction of Ken (NE) and untimely stars are found here, a person may encounter mishap while traveling to a distant place. It could be the foot of a hill, or a post, where formerly couriers changed horses or rested. There is possibility that a person may be banished from his hometown in the framework of criminal punishment.
Part 1 - Lesson 4.2 (Interpretation of The judgment of Flying Stars)
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53 Trigram
Emblem and Name The middle is full for Trigram Kan Six broken lines for Trigram Kun The Trigram Zhen looks like a rice bowl. The Trigram Sun has a broken line at the bottom. Trigram Qian has three continuous lines Trigram Dui has something missing at the top Trigram Ken is an inverted rice bowl
Number for star and its attributes Star 1, water, or middle son, etc. Star 2, earth, or mother, etc. Star 3, forest wood, or eldest son, etc.
Direction North SW East
Star 4, gentle wood, SE or eldest daughter, etc. Star 6, metal for NW jewelery, or father, etc. Star 7, metal for West knife, or youngest daughter, etc. Star 8, mountain NE earth, or youngest son, etc. Trigram Li is empty Star 9, fire, or South at the centre. middle daughter, etc. Star 5, central Centre earth. Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui is derived from the eight Trigrams. The principles were originated from Luo Shu. It is divided into three cycles and nine periods. The period number is the reigning star. Place that star (from 1 to 9) in the centre of the Luo Shu square. Moving all stars in an ascending order to compute the base chart of time stars. (chart of parent) From this chart, place the star at the back sitting in the top left of the centre palace. After that, move all stars (mountain stars) according to its associated polarity, Yin or Yang. If it is Yang or positive, move all stars in an ascending order. If it is Yin or negative, move them in a descending order, thus further forming the base chart of mountain stars. (chart of earth) Now you see which star flies to the front, place that star in the top right of the centre palace. Based on the polarity of this star, that is its associated Yin or
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54 Yang, you can now decide whether all stars should move in an ascending or a descending order. The chart as formed by all these stars is called the base chart of water stars. (chart of heaven) Up to this stage, we have all time stars, mountain stars and water stars in twelve palaces of the Luo Shu Square. This is the natal chart of a house. As the order of moving ascending or descending is changing all times, we term them ‘turning something upside down over and over again’. Practice is the only way to prove and examine the truth or the theory that you have learned. Examining the front combination of the stars of the house to understand the happenings in the past. To know the future and whether it is advantageous, one may make a summary on one’s experience. To study Xuan Kong Feng Shui, we are actually exploring something that is extremely mysterious and abstruse, the mystery of mysteries or profound mystery. For example: A regular chart of period 7 of lower cycle sitting N2 and facing is S2
If both the facing and sitting are prosperous, (a timely water star flies to the facing and a timely mountain star flies to the back sitting) or opening a door in
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55 that prosperous sector or direction to allow the prosperous qi to flow in, it brings great wealth and prosperity. The family will have more children, good health and name. The family members are highly privileged or noble. There are always blessings and celebrations. If a prosperous water star climbs up a mountain or a prosperous mountain star falls into water, we term them . Either it is only climbing up a mountain or falling down the water, is the worse case. There will be evil. If the wealth star is locked in the centre, it is withering. Both weak star and withering star are bad as they are untimely and the house is never a good house. This type of house chart will not benefit both the human aspects and wealth aspects of the residents. You should not build a house with this type of house chart, otherwise there could be sorrow and anxiety. A person with good fortune will suffer less, while with bad fortune could be in serious trouble.
This is a very bad chart because of See from the chart, the timely water star faces a mountain while the timely mountain star faces waters
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On top of us is the heaven, underneath is the earth and we are in the middle. Hence human beings like the heart of heaven and earth. The human beings should be able to make their own decision for the good or bad luck. Yi Jing unveils the good fortune and evil of the past and future. By believing of divination, people can maximise the potential good luck or minimise the chances of disaster. The small man is unable to understand the wise words of Yi Jing. Therefore he tends to act rashly and make the troubles, shocks and difficulties. The superior man who understands the meaning of Yi Jing would wait for the right time to come and move forward. By doing so, he would enjoy good fortune. The same theory is applied to feng shui. For instance, those houses with prosperous sitting and facing will lead to immense prosperity. Every good thing will come eventually, but there are people could not understand this and they believe in something which is not true. Things are not done correctly and the orientations are inaccurate. As a result, both the human aspects and wealth aspects of the residents are suffering. By doing so even the children will leave the family and money will flow out from the household. The family is broken up
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57 and some will have to go away. Therefore, it is said that one is attracting one own good fortune or ill luck. That is up to the individuals. These phrases use Hexagrams to represent the numbers of the stars and they are very difficult to understand. The Hexagram of Fu, Returning, (No. 24 of the sixty-four Hexagrams) - the Trigram Kun is above the Trigram Zhen. Cliff – denotes the palace of Kun. (SW) Kun is 2 and Zhen is 3. If this combination flies to the palace of Kun, they form . The outcomes will be accidents or injuries.
Zhuang – the Hexagram of Da Zhuang, the thunder is above the sky or heaven forming Da Zhuang. The attributes of Qian are traveling, moving and palace of Qian, (NW) etc. Zhen is 3 and Qian is 6. If 3 and 6 fly to the palace of Qian, (NW) it signifies injuries to legs or toes. A person manifests his vigour in his toes by traveling a long journey. It will certainly lead to exhaustion and injuries to his toes.
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Tong Ren, Union of Men (No. 13 of the sixty-four Hexagrams). The symbol of heaven and fire form Tong Ren. The top is Qian and the bottom is Li. The Trigram Qian suggests the idea of heaven, horse, or far distance. The Trigram Li is the symbol of sun, or fire, etc. Riding a horse under the burning sun and moving with difficulty and trouble. Li destroys Qian. If 6 and 9 appear in the same palace, and 6 is prosperous or timely while 9 carries with good qi as being produced, future prosperous, or second timely with respect to the ruling period. The person lives a toilsome and laborious life.
Xiao Xu, The Taming Force, Small Restraint (No. 9 of the sixty-four Hexagrams). The symbol of the wind moving above the sky, form Xiao Xu. The Trigram Sun also symbolizes wood, is 4 and Qian metal is 6. If 4 and 6 appear in the same palace, or in the palace of Qian (NW), or metal is timely and prosperous, then wood will be controlled by metal. There will be evil and one will find oneself obstructed. A person is laden, weary in body and mind.
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59 For example, a period 8 chart of sitting SE1 (Chen) and facing NW1 (Shu)
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60 To explain these phrases, we use to represent the number of the star. Based on 24 mountains, Yi is located in the palace of Zhen (East) and its number is 3. Xin in the palace of Dui (West) and it is 7. Zhen is supposed to be a husband and Dui is a wife. They match and at first it is good. The good relations will last long if the husband is masculine and the wife is feminine. The previous one is the symbol of strength and the later is docility. If 3 and 7 appear in the palace of Dui, or 7 is the reigning number, (timely or prosperous), then the wife is stronger and will try to control or destroy the husband, it may result in breaking up a happy family. Possible that there could be divorce or separation, or the husband is unlucky and may not live a long life. (For Example, a period 7 chart of sitting You and facing Mao (7,3) appears in the palace of Dui (West) with frequent movements in this direction such as straight road, or a river flows its course in a long straight line towards this combination, it does not bring blessing of good fortunate because 7 metal will be activated and destroy 3 wood.)
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Yi and Xin symbolise breakup of a family. Yi is associated with star 3 and Xin is related to star 7.
Chen appears in the palace of Sun (see 24 mountains of Luo Pan), which suggests the idea of oldest daughter, and the number of 4. appears in the palace of Dui, (West) and it suggests the emblem of the youngest daughter, and the number of 7. If 4 and 7 happen to appear together in the palace of Dui, or metal is stronger than wood, (metal is timely or prosperous, and wood is untimely or weakening) it signifies that the youngest daughter shows no respect to, or teases and humiliates the eldest daughter. There is disharmony between them. Looking on each other with averted eyes. < Yin and Shen further contacting Si, it is heard that some one is bitten by a tiger. (a dog, or a snake, etc. ) When Ren and Jia are in line with Geng, it is strange that the dragon (rainstorms) is breaking the corner of the house. > In the studies of pillars destiny, the earthly branches of Yin, Shen and Si are three penalties. (Penalize others on the strength of one's powerful connection or position) Shen is always regarded as a white tiger in Chinese divination. The animal sign of Yin is a tiger and that of Si is a snake. Hence a group of three penalties here symbolizes a person being bitten by a tiger, a dog or a snake in the ancient times. Now we seldom see a tiger, it could be injuries by a knife, metal parts or machinery. They are all classified under this category.
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When Yin, Shen and Si appear together and form three penalties, it is heard that some one was bitten by a tiger, a dog, or a snake, etc. in the ancient times. Nowadays, this combination is still regarded as dangerous, it could be other troubles or a person will have to undergo a very hard time for that short period in which the three penalties are encountered. The accuracy of is extremely high. If we use the human sub-sectors to compute the natal chart, (In the SW sector, we further divide it into Wei-S1-earth sub-sector, Kun-S2-heaven sub-sector, and Shen-S3-human sub-sector ) the number of Yin is 8, Shen is 2, and Si is 4. If 8,2 and 4 occur together in the same palace, the residents who sleep in this direction
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63 may have injuries. If the yearly star and the stars of the natal chart form 8,2,and 4, it will produce the same effect when activated by movements, frequent activities or exterior dynamic state. (For example, a natal chart of sitting N2 and facing S2 with a yearly star 2)
Drawing inferences about other cases from one instance. Zi and Mao penalize each other, therefore if we use heaven sub-sectors to compute the natal chart, they form 1,1, and 3 in the same palace. The earthly branches of Chou, Wei and Shu are also three penalties. If we use earth sub-sectors to compute the natal chart, the combination is 8,2, and 6 in the same palace. Ren resides in the palace of Kan (North), and it symbolizes water. Jia is found in the palace of Zhen, (East) is thunder. While Gen is seen in the palace of Dui, (West) is a low-lying collection of water, or swamp. If we use earth sub-sectors to compute the natal chart, 1,3, and 7 appear in the same palace. This combination indicates thunderstorm or heavy rainstorms. There is a possibility that the rainstorms causing flood in the area of the houses. The yearly star combines with the stars of the natal chart to produce this combination may also have the similar effect. < A person gets infection from the brothel, it is because 7 and 9 meeting with 5 yellow. The poor further comes across with god of plague, it is due to 3 and 5 holding the 4. > A person got infection from the brothel. The number 7 is star 7, which is in red colour, and 9 is 9 purple star. 5 is simply 5 yellow star. If star 7 is found in the palace of Dui (West), it signifies young girl and flirtation. If star 9 flies to the palace of Li (South), it suggests the emblem of a heart, and joys. 5 yellow symbolizes illness or disease. Hence if 7,5, and 9 appear in the same palace, the occupant who sleeps in this direction or there are frequent activities or movements in this sector. The implication is that there is a prodigal in the family,
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64 who pays frequent visits to the brothel and he may get sex-related diseases. (In our modern society, it could be other diseases.) For Example, a period 8 chart, sitting Bing and facing Ren, we have the following:
Misfortunes never come singly. This is a really case, when roof leaks, the weather does not stop raining. The poor is suffering from illness, plague or pestilence. Star 3 represents Trigram Zhen. It implies putting somebody under a spell, or curse. 5 yellow refers to illness or disease. Star 4 denotes wind, or paralysis. If 3, 4,and 5 fly to the same palace, not only the family will suffer from poverty but also the residents will suffer torture from illness, plague, or pestilence, etc. If we want to know whether a family enjoys prosperity and good wealth luck, look at the star combinations in the facing and sitting of the house chart. How do we know the good fortune of a family will gradually turn bad, or the luck is declining? Look at the centre palace of the house chart. Generally, it happens to be the case that the poor will tend to have a declining natal chart. Therefore, 3, 5 and 4 will always appear in the centre palace.
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65 The centre palace is also an important factor to consider when determining whether a house is good or bad. The poor will generally has a bad combination in the centre palace such as (3,5,and 4). With bad combinations in the centre of Luo Shu Square, the residents could meet with troubles or difficulties in life.
< For red and purple, there is misfortune or disaster. It seems that it is destined. For black and yellow, there are injuries or illnesses. > Star 7 is the earlier heaven fire while star 9 is the later heaven fire. Both fires meet in the combination. Any frequent movements or activities to activate them, there is unexpected calamity or sudden misfortune. Exhausting the fire is the best method and fire should be clashed. Because the fire is too strong here, it should not meet with white star 1, the water star. Otherwise the star 1 will be transformed into others. We may use star 8 earth to exhaust the fire and to initiate a transformation. This is because star 8 represents the earth of mountain. The earth is rich and abundant. For example, in 1931 in Jiangsu (Province) of China, after Beginning of Autumn, more than ten wooden houses were burnt by fire as a disaster. It is because in the direction of NW, Qian, there was a tall house, which was operated as a pawnshop to activate the combination of (7,9). This example is extracted from the ancient classic.
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Black – the black star 2. This star is a prosperous and timely star provided it is in the period of 1 and 2, while in other periods it is a sickness star. It could also imply bacteria. To weaken this star you need to exhaust it. It will strike back fiercely if you intend to destroy it. Yellow – the 5 yellow star. It is the magma of centre palace. In feng shui, it is believed that this is the cause of illnesses and incurable diseases. (2,5) appears in the same palace, the residents will be easily hurt or suffer from poor health or have short lives. Example. We illustrate (2,5) or (5,2) with the following example, a period 4 replacement chart with sitting N3 and facing S3.
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Yearly stars are very important, they will affect the luck of the household for the whole year. For the above case, if the yearly star 2 flies to the South and forms (2,5) with the mountain star 5 of the natal chart, it is bad. Avoid placing the sleeping room, door, stove, or walkway, etc. in this direction, otherwise you may suffer from illness or encounter more difficulties in your career or works. When the monthly star 5 further flies here, the ill effects will be enhanced. (Yearly star- 2, Mountain star – 5, and Monthly star – 5) The same will apply for the East direction. The Yearly star is 5 and the mountain and time stars are 2, therefore when the Monthly stars of 5 and 2 fly here, this direction is inauspicious.
< For the combination of heaven 6 and earth 2, it spells stinginess. For the combination of Zhen 3 and Sun 4, it indicates haziness and uncertainty. > Qian suggests the idea of heaven, father, and generosities. Kun signifies earth, mother, and stinginess. When Qian and Kun occur together, the mother will take charge of the financial aspects. Hence, it signifies sting and requests more wealth, which is unreasonable. If 6 and 2 form a group in a palace, this is one of the possible attributes. Zhen represents the eldest son in a family or something, which is moving outward, while Sun denotes eldest daughter or moving inward. Problems happen due to excessive gossip between a man and a woman, something that we are unable to explain. This combination also indicates frequent movements, for example in and out, a busy life, or a person who is procrastinating important matter and it is too late to succeed. < Shu and Wei are monk and nun. If the karmic effect is with you, will it be beneficial to you? Qian and Kun are gods and spirits. Confronting with them is ominous. > Shu is monk and Wei is nun. If you use the earth sub-sector to compute the base chart, then 6 and 2 will appear in the same palace. If a monk and a nun are living together, even though it is due to the karmic result or they are destined to be so, will it be beneficial? Here we mostly refer to having affairs.
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Based on the belief of ancient Chinese, The Trigram Qian symbolizes heaven, the Earthly Branch Shu also represents Gods or deities. monks. Qian represents Gods, or deities and Kun denotes spirits, or ghosts. They prefer to be exhausted rather than be destroyed. If you use any cures to destroy them, you may provoke them thereby results penalties. Qian is 6. Fire is the only element that can be used to destroy 6 metal. Fire is 9, therefore (6, 9) is an inauspicious combination. Kun is 2 earth. We can use Zhen, 3 forest wood or Sun, 4 gentle wood to destroy it. Zhen is Yang (positive) while Sun is Yin (negative). Sun destroys Kun will bring small misfortune, while Zhen destroys Kun will bring a big misfortune to befall the family. Hence, (3,2) appears in the same palace is termed bull fighting Sha. It is like two bulls fighting. There is evil. < It must be understood that 4 and 1 are referring to a person who is licentious. Undertaking and making corrections on the combination to tap the auspicious chi and to make it right. It must be buried in mind that 7 and 3 are firmness and toughness. Trying to control them could result in disasters. > 4 represents the Trigram Sun, or wind. It signifies licentiousness or flirtation. 1 represents water. Kun water signifies a person likes flirting, making love for amusement. This is the indication of (4,1) when it is untimely or not a prosperous combination. Other such as (1, 4, 9), the star 9 fire exhausts the star 4 wood, it is considered as untimely or not prosperous. It shows a person is full of lust, especially the lusts of the flesh. If this combination (4,1) is timely or prosperous, it stands literary pursuits and outstanding literary works. For example, if (1, 4, 6) appears in the same palace, 6
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69 metal produces 1, water, and 1, water produces 4 wood. There is continuity in the productive cycle and it is regarded as a prosperous combination. Hence, undertaking and making corrections on it will transform it into an auspicious combination. Otherwise, it is inauspicious. 7 represents the Trigram Dui. It signifies firmness. 3 denotes the Trigram Zhen is wood. It shows toughness. If 7 and 3 appear in the same palace, the symbolism is that the young couple matches. But if the star 7 is stronger than star 3, there is a conflict between them and will subsequently leads to unhappiness or tragedy. In the period of 7, star 7 is strong. If (7,3) is furthermore found in the palace of Dui (West), the eldest son will get hurt or suffer more. < 3 jade star and 4 green star are evil spirits. They shouldn’t meet with 5 yellow anymore. The purple and yellow are poisons. When they fly to the palace of Dui (West), please do not take them by your mouth. > Star 3 is a jade star and star 4 is a green star. Star 5 is a wicked or disastrous star. They are all inauspicious, especially when (3,4,5) found in the same palace. This combination brings along with illness related to , or blood circulation problems. Because here the thunder (star 3) and wind (star 4) are unkind and belittle to each other, the attributes are apoplexy, blood circulation problems and diseases of unknown reasons. If this combination (3,4) meets with the wicked star 5, the problem will be worse. 9 is purple, 5 is yellow and 7 is the Trigram Dui. If (9,5,7) is found in the same palace, it means in all probability that the family members are found to have suicidal tendencies or even ever attempted to commit suicide. (9,5,7) shows that there are suicidal tendencies for the residents. Far better not to sleep in a sector occupied by this combination. Neither it is good for the main door nor the front facing of a house.
9 is fire, 5 is central earth and it is also poison. When 9 fire produces 5 earth, the effect of the poison will become even stronger. One of the attributes of the
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70 Trigram Dui is mouth, it therefore symbolizes a person committing suicide by taking poison in the ancient time. Star7 has a preference for being produced by 5 earth. The magma-like 5 earth is so hot, that melts down the 7 metal. < In the year of rooster or metal Xin, when Wu and Ji further fly here, there is illness for throat. In the year of Zi, (rat) and Kui water, when 5 yellow flies here, possible that there is disease at the private part. > The term , is not referring to the annual luck pillar, it is a metaphorical phrase. It refers to the Trigram Dui or star 7 and the heavenly stems of Wu earth and Ji earth refer to 5 yellow earth. When 7 and 5 meets with each other, (refer to same palace) then it refers to sickness related to throat. This is because Trigram Dui represents throat or tongue, while star 5 is also a sickness star. Year of Earthly Branch Zi water and Heavenly stem Kui water refer to the Trigram Kan, which signifies kidney, or private part of our body. The private part meets with 5 yellow meaning there is ulcer or illness at this portion. < Yu is unable to take food and Lin is dysentery. > Yu – (Harmony, Joy, Enthusiasm) (No.16 of the sixty-four Hexagrams) The symbol of the thunder and earth issuing from it form Yu. 3 and 2 occur together in the same palace. Here we refer to the combination of (3,2) appearing in the palace of Zhen. (East), and the wood is stronger than the earth. Star 2 is known as a black star, which represents stomach. Since 2 earth is being destroyed by 3 wood meaning that a person is unable to take food because of stomach problems. Lin – The waters of a marsh above the earth form Lin. Here we refer to 2 and 7 appearing in the palace of Dui (West). 7 metal exhausts 2 earth with its qi. Star 2 denotes earth, or stomach. Over exhausting the earth (2 earth), it implies dysentery, which is a painful disease of the bowels. The combination (2,7) must fly to a direction in which there are frequent activities or movements in order for it to be activated. < (6,3) indicates headache while (4,5) suggests breast pain > 6 represents head and 3 denotes the Trigram Zhen. When 6 and 3 fly to the palace of Qian (NW), metal destroys wood, it implies headache. 4 represents Sun, or breast, while 5 denotes illness, or pus blood. When (4,5) appears in the centre palace, it implies disease related to breast, or pain in the breast, or tumor is possible.
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71 Here the phrases describe the sectors or directions should not be destroyed as each of the directions associated with one element. For example, the direction of south (palace of Li) is fire in nature, therefore it should not be destroyed by too much water, or elements of water. Otherwise, it signifies clumsiness, a person is out of one’s senses, or insanity. The direction of southeast (palace of Sun) is wood in nature. It should not be destroyed by too much metal, otherwise, the energy or qi would not flow well or smoothly. In the human body, it reveals that there are blood circulation problems. In the direction of southwest, or kun, it is undesirable to have too much wood, or elements of wood here, as wood destroys earth. Otherwise, the family members will have to experience the suffering of mind or body. Some illnesses or injuries may cause pain. The direction of east, is also a palace of Zhen, signifying anything that resembles a tendon or vein. Being destroyed by too much metal, there must be injuries to the muscles or bones, tendon or vein. The direction of south, is also Trigram Li, it is fire. It signifies heart, etc. Being destroyed by too much water in this direction, it will show its ill effects. The direction of northeast is occupied by the Trigram of Ken. It signifies nose, etc. It is mountain earth. When earth is destroyed by too much wood in this direction, it will not be beneficial to nose or the associated attributes of Trigram Ken. < Zhen is voice and Sun is countenance, to have the idea in mind clearly whether they should be located in the front facing or back sitting. Qian is cold and Kun is hot, remember that the journey is to and fro. > (voice and countenance is also referred to woman and song) The Trigram Zhen is represented by 3 and Sun by 4. If 3 and 4 occur together and this combination flies to the front facing and back sitting, one must understand the timeliness of the stars whether they are timely and prosperous, or second timely and future prosperous. The nature of the combination is whether they are auspicious or inauspicious. The numbers represented by Qian is 6 and Kun is 2, the combination of (6,2) signifies chills and fever. (cold and hot) If (6,2) flies to the door, main door, route,
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72 foot path or walk-way, you should pay special attention on chills and fever, (cold and hot) as all things are changeable in this world. The Trigram Qian signifies sky, heaven, or wisdom. If star 6 flies to the facing or door, it must be timely and prosperous in order for it to bring good fortune. If it is weak, dead, or being destroyed by other stars, it spells the eldest son is crazy. The Trigram Kun signifies earth. Kun destroys Kan as earth destroys water. If Kun earth flies to the centre palace (2 appears at the centre palace), and 2 is a stronger star, it is unfavorable to the middle son. < Based on the shape of five elements, we suppose the symbolism of no virtue is wood with improper shape, no aspiration is slanting water. > It refers to the manipulation of surroundings of form school. If the surrounding form belongs to the wood type of five elements, and its shape is reversed and improper, there are no virtue and morality. If the surrounding form is of water type of five elements and its shape is slanting, then there are no aspiration and ambition.
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73 Yin deities are referred to Yin Trigrams. Trigram Kun is 2, Trigram Sun is 4, Trigram Dui is 7 and Trigram Li is 9. If the prosperous and timely stars fly to the facing but the landforms are of the type of barren mountains and unruly rivers, or ugly stones, it signifies the children are of promiscuous characters.
Ugly stones or barren mountains, bad landforms.
Rocky and lifeless mountains, bad landforms.
Yang Trigrams are Qian 6, Zhen 3, Kan 1 and Ken 8. If all these prosperous and timely stars fly to the facing, and clash with the tilted or sloping waters. The indications are scandal and gossip, involvement of troubles. Some feng shui practitioners do not use flying stars, they use the original palaces of eight Trigrams. The Trigram Sun is like backhand, being forced to leave home and wander about. The Trigram Qian is like hanging a head, encountering penalties or suffering disasters.
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74 The Trigram Sun (Southeast direction) is like The Trigram Qian (Northwest direction) is backhand, bad landforms. like hanging a head, bad landforms. The Trigram Qian is represented by 6, when it is prosperous and timely and it flies to the landforms which resemble beheaded (chopping off a head), there could be penalties encounter, and fights. Here we combine the flying star combinations and the facing and sitting and the landforms to foretell the happening. The children leave the hometown to make a living in a distant place, they will not return home. It is because the house is located in a reversed armchair landforms. The white tiger and green dragon are bending outward.
The numeral 7 represents the red star 7, when it is a prosperous star and fit flies to the landforms which look like a calabash, someone will become a good doctor(s) and who will always effect miraculous cures and bring the dying back to life. There is good career luck. This is because the numeral 7 is Dui, and it also signifies doctors while the calabash is a medicine bottle.
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If this prosperous and timely star 7 flies to the landforms which resembled a knife, it could be injuries to tongue or private parts. It is because the numeral 7 is Dui, or metal, and the knife shaped landforms also signify a knife. There are two knifes meeting each other, there will be injuries. A knife shaped landforms could also generate a butcher when activated by untimely stars.
< Making oblique references, if an ax is chopping wood in the palace of 3, it means woodwork or carpenter. Comprehending by analogy, anvil and iron tools are meant for ironwork or blacksmith (ironsmith). > Grasping a typical example and you will grasp the whole category. You can know that when 3 jade is prosperous or timely and when it is being destroyed by 6 Qian metal or 7 Dui metal, it symbolizes woodwork or carpenter. Similarly, when the red star 7 is prosperous and it appears in the palaces of Qian and Dui, being destroyed by fire, it symbolizes ironwork or blacksmith. The phrases of the ancient classic may not be true, as I have checked it out on several occasions, which proved to be not true.
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