Psychology & Cognitive Science

actividad2 diagrama de casos de uso del negocio y del sistema

Use Case / Business Process / Systems Engineering / Systems Science / Systems Theory

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Psychology & Cognitive Science

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Natural Law / Dogma / Science / Truth / Proposition

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Lawsuit / Procedural Law / Statute Of Limitations / Science / Ethical Principles

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Evidence (Law) / Persuasion / Science / Criminal Law / Procedural Law

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Pop Culture / Leisure / Entertainment (General) / Science / Technology (General)

Como Fundar Un Recurso - Genaro Carrió

Procedural Law / Judge / Jurisdiction / Science / Sentence (Law)

Como Estudiar y Argumentar Un Caso - Genaro Carrió

Chess / Science / Judge / Knowledge / Criminal Law

Como Redactar Un Contrato - Atilio Alterini

Science / Society / Social Institutions / Government Information / Government
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