Social Contract

The Edwards Personal Preference Schedule

Psychology & Cognitive Science / Behavioural Sciences / Social Psychology / Psychological Concepts

starbucks CSR

Corporate Social Responsibility / Stakeholder (Corporate) / Framing (Social Sciences) / Reputation / Communication

Starbucks Social Responsibility

Starbucks / Corporate Social Responsibility / Stakeholder (Corporate) / Millennium Development Goals / Fair Trade

Aranes v Occiano REVISED

Marriage License / Marriage / Judge / Virtue / Social Institutions


Social Work / Capitalism / Monopoly / State (Polity) / Politics


Negotiation / Corporate Social Responsibility / Sales / Idiom / Prices


Corporate Social Responsibility / Non Governmental Organization / Investing / Sustainability / Strategic Management

Rob Judge & Bobby Rio 99 Best-Texts (2013).pdf

Intellectual Property Law / Social Information Processing / Property Law / Monopoly (Economics) / Government Information

Cómo Escribir Un Artículo de Investigación en Inglés - Fortanet, Inmaculada (Coord.)

Social Sciences / Linguistics / Science / English Language / Knowledge

Inventario Autoestima Stanley Coopersmith

Self Esteem / Social Psychology / Psychological Attitude / Psychological Concepts / Psychology & Cognitive Science

Sales Agency Pledge Mortgage

Mortgage Law / Law Of Agency / Foreclosure / Guarantee / Contract Law

Menton Bank

Corporate Social Responsibility / Banks / Technology / Service Industries / Market (Economics)

CASE 11 & 12 & 13

Corporate Social Responsibility / Sales / Automated Teller Machine / Employment / Retail

Derivatives Principle and Practice

Black–Scholes Model / Option (Finance) / Greeks (Finance) / Futures Contract / Swap (Finance)

Sundaram & Das

Black–Scholes Model / Futures Contract / Greeks (Finance) / Option (Finance) / Swap (Finance)

Minuta Demanda Nulidad de Registro de Nacimiento

Government Information / Politics / Society / Social Institutions / Crime & Justice
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