Sciences de la santé

manual practicas microbiologia alimentos

Bacteria / Antibiotics / Plasmid / Sterilization (Microbiology) / Earth & Life Sciences

Case Analysis: Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics, and a Career in Crisis

Leadership & Mentoring / Leadership / Communication / Marketing / Behavioural Sciences

Madres Que No Saben Amar - Karyl McBride

Narcissism / Love / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Psychological Concepts / Behavioural Sciences

Österreichische Bodensystematik 2000 inder revidierten Fassung von 2011

Sustainable Gardening / Sustainable Building / Soil / Physical Geography / Earth & Life Sciences

Balance de Materiales en Yacimientos de Gas

Gases / Pressure / Physical Chemistry / Chemistry / Physical Sciences


Behavioural Sciences / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Psychological Concepts / Science / Philosophical Science


Taxonomy (Biology) / Life Sciences / Earth & Life Sciences / Organisms / Plants


Dna / Bacteria / Life Sciences / Earth & Life Sciences / Biochemistry

Para Bioquimica

Enzyme / Penicillin / Antibiotics / Physical Sciences / Science

K Subrahmanya Engineering Hydrology

Evapotranspiration / Hydrology / Water And The Environment / Physical Sciences / Science

LectureNote(Practical Analyses of Local Earthquakes)

Earthquakes / Waves / Trigonometric Functions / Geotechnical Engineering / Earth Sciences


Relative Humidity / Temperature / Atmosphere Of Earth / Physical Sciences / Science

Comparison of K-12 and BEC Curriculum

Educational Assessment / Curriculum / Primary Education / Learning / Social Sciences

Microwave assisted extraction – An Innovative and Promising Extraction Tool for Medicinal Plant Research

Microwave / Solvent / Electromagnetic Radiation / Physical Sciences / Science

Well Testing - John Lee

Fluid Dynamics / Permeability (Earth Sciences) / Petroleum Reservoir / Gases / Viscosity
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