Ancient Egypt

Stele 666

Ancient Egypt / Religion And Belief

HELLUM, Jennifer E. - The Presence of Myth in the Pyramid Texts

Egyptian Mythology / Mythology / Osiris / Ancient Egyptian Religion / Horus

Baer_Eleventh Dynasty Farmer's Letter to His Family_JAOS 83 (1963)

Cereals / Ancient Egypt / Sentence (Linguistics) / Clause / Translations

Brovarski E. the Doors of Heaven or 46 1977

Ancient Egypt / Funeral / Archaeology / Death / Religion And Belief

RodrĂ­guez Adrados, Francisco - Palabras e Ideas. Estudios de FilosofĂ­a Griega

Plato / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Socrates / Fable / Aristotle

Jyotish_Analysing Horoscope through modern techniques_Metha.pdf

Divination / Superstitions / Occult / Technical Factors Of Astrology / Ancient Astronomy


People From Bethlehem / Christianity And Judaism Related Controversies / Ancient Mediterranean Religions / Christian Messianism / Religious Belief And Doctrine

The Landmark Herodotus - Purvis

Lydia / Ancient Greece / Greco Persian Wars / Herodotus / Sparta

Davies, William D. - Aproximacion al Nuevo Testamento (Cristiandad, 1979, 478pp)

Roman Empire / Augustus / Jesus / Ancient Rome / Old Testament

Cazelles, Henri - En Busca de Moises

Moses / Akhenaten / Egypt / Hittites / Pharaoh

Atanasio Discurso contra los arrianos

Athanasius Of Alexandria / Arianism / Religious Faiths / Ancient Mediterranean Religions / Religious Belief And Doctrine

Fischer Eg Studies III

Egyptology / Egypt / Ancient Egypt / Archaeology

Benedite - Miroirs

Gold / Mirror / Silver / Ancient Egypt / Copper

MASPERO - Manual of Egyptian Archaeology_Web_BIS

Egyptology / Brick / Archaeology / Ancient Egypt / Nature
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