American Country Music

Guide to Musical Composition

Harmony / Tempo / Chord (Music) / Pitch (Music) / Interval (Music)

Hymn Accompaniment - Organ Extemporisation

Harmony / Chord (Music) / Musical Forms / Musical Compositions / Pop Culture

Elementary Counterpoint

Harmony / Interval (Music) / Pitch (Music) / Musicology / Elements Of Music


Chord (Music) / Harmony / Musicology / Pitch (Music) / Pop Culture


Minor Scale / Scale (Music) / Chord (Music) / Notation / Music Theory

Martínez Compañón - Algunas Partituras

Scale (Music) / Inca Empire / Chord (Music) / Melody / Pop Culture

Le Jazz Manouche-Version Portail

Jazz / Romani People / Performing Arts / Jazz Music / Pop Culture

239230560 Acoustic Guitarist No 07

Bass Guitar / Ragtime / Guitars / Scale (Music) / Blues

Guitar Cultures - Andy Bennett & Kevin Dawe

Blues / Pop Culture / Guitars / Folk Music / Anthropology

Bud Powell Collection 1.pdf

Music Of The African Diaspora / Popular Music / American Popular Music / American Styles Of Music / African American Music


Musical Techniques / Music Theory / Singing / Vocal Music / Pitch (Music)

Beethoven Piano Sonata No 6 in F major Op 10-2

Musical Compositions / Musical Forms / Musicology / Music Theory / Elements Of Music

Deck the Hall Brass Quintet

Brass Instruments / Christmas Carols / Traditional Music / Elementary Organology / Organology

Bass Guitar Basics

String Instruments / Bass Guitar / Guitars / Tempo / Pitch (Music)

Fourth Voicings for Piano

Minor Scale / Chord (Music) / Mode (Music) / Scale (Music) / Harmony

JS Bach - Cello Suite I for Guitar

Suite (Music) / Cello / Guitars / Johann Sebastian Bach / Elements Of Music
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