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The Code for Facial Identity in the Primate Brain. Cell

Cartesian Coordinate System / Principal Component Analysis / Stimulus (Physiology) / Deep Learning / Psychophysics

Prestress Losses in wire Strands for Prestressed Concrete

Prestressed Concrete / Elasticity (Physics) / Stress (Mechanics) / Deformation (Mechanics) / Concrete

3-D Finite Element Modeling in OpenSees for Bridge_Scoggins_thesis

Beam (Structure) / Economic Model / Finite Element Method / Mathematics / Science

Viral vectors for the expression of proteins in plants

Plasmid / Viral Vector / Virus / Proteins / Antibody

Learning Telepathy for Beginners in 3 Easy Steps

Telepathy / Emergence / Cognitive Science / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Psychological Concepts

02-Advanced Scale-In Strategies for Short-Term Traders

Exchange Traded Fund / Technical Analysis / Financial Markets / Investing / Financial Economics

D3302-Standard Test Method for Total Moisture in Coal

Atmosphere Of Earth / Humidity / Water / Coal / Dust

G62_14_Standard Test Methods for Holiday Detection in Pipeline Coatings

High Voltage / Pipe (Fluid Conveyance) / Voltage / Pipeline Transport / Electromagnetism

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