VOCALOID 3 Owner’s Manual

April 27, 2017 | Author: Raki Saionji | Category: N/A
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Descripción: VOCALOID 3 Owner’s Manual...


Owner’s Manual

Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1 Precautions & Notes .................................................................................................. 3 Getting Started .......................................................................................................... 4 Launch the Application.......................................................................................... 4 Creating and Playing a Vocal Sequence – Basic Procedure .................................... 5 Step 1: Create a New Sequence ........................................................................ 6 Step 2: Select a Singer ...................................................................................... 6 Step 3: Set the Initial Tempo and/or Time Signature ..................................... 7 Step 4: Select a Part .......................................................................................... 8 Step 5: Enter the Notes .................................................................................... 8 Step 6: Enter the Lyrics .................................................................................... 9 Step 7: Play – Initial Check ............................................................................... 9 Step 8: Add Control Parameter ...................................................................... 10 Step 9: Play – Check the Results .................................................................... 11 Step 10: Add a Track ...................................................................................... 11 Step 11: Copy the Part from Track 1 to Create a Chorus .............................. 11 Step 12: Save Your Sequence ......................................................................... 13 Reference Section.................................................................................................... 14 1. Overview ......................................................................................................... 14 2. Interface Elements ........................................................................................... 16 2-1. The Menus................................................................................................ 16 2-1-1. File ..............................................................................................................16 2-1-2. Edit .............................................................................................................26 2-1-3. View ............................................................................................................28 2-1-4. Job ..............................................................................................................30 2-1-5. Track...........................................................................................................34 2-1-6. Part .............................................................................................................35 2-1-7. Lyrics ..........................................................................................................37 2-1-8. Transport....................................................................................................38 2-1-9. Setting ........................................................................................................40 2-1-10. Window .....................................................................................................63 2-1-11. Help ..........................................................................................................64

2-2. The Tool Bars ........................................................................................... 66 2-2-1. The Edit Tool Bar ..........................................................................................66 2-2-2. The Transport Tool Bar.................................................................................67 2-2-3. The Measure Tool Bar ...................................................................................69

2-3. The Track Editor Window ........................................................................ 71 2-3-1. Rulers .........................................................................................................71 2-3-2. Track Editor .................................................................................................73

2-4. The Piano Roll (The Musical Editor Window) .......................................... 75 Rulers .....................................................................................................................75 Keyboard ................................................................................................................75 Piano Roll ...............................................................................................................75 Scroll Bars ..............................................................................................................76 Zoom Slider.............................................................................................................76

2-5. The Control Parameter (The Musical Editor Window) .............................. 77 Value Field ..............................................................................................................77 View Icons..............................................................................................................77

2-6. The Mixer Window .................................................................................. 79

Gain Trim................................................................................................................79 VST Plug-in .............................................................................................................80 Send .......................................................................................................................80 Pan Control .............................................................................................................80 Mute Button............................................................................................................81 Solo Button .............................................................................................................81 Track Fader .............................................................................................................81 Return Effects and Fader .........................................................................................81 Master Fader ...........................................................................................................82 Fold Button .............................................................................................................82

3. Operation – Making VOCALOID3 Sing .......................................................... 83 3-1. Managing Tracks & Parts in the Track Editor ........................................... 84 3-1-1. Creating and Managing Tracks................................................................84 3-1-2. Creating and Managing Parts ..................................................................86

3-2. The Singer ................................................................................................ 90 Selecting a Singer ................................................................................................90 Customizing the Singer’s Voice...........................................................................91

3-3. Entering & Editing Notes in the Musical Editor ........................................ 92 Deleting Notes......................................................................................................93 Stretching Notes ..................................................................................................93 Moving Notes........................................................................................................94 Copying Notes ......................................................................................................94 Quantize vs. Length.............................................................................................94

3-4. Entering & Editing Lyrics ......................................................................... 95 3-5. Note Properties 1 – Adding Vibrato and Expression ................................. 96 Vibrato ..................................................................................................................96 Expression ............................................................................................................99

3-6. Note Properties 2 – Phoneme Functions .................................................. 101 Phoneme Editing................................................................................................101 The User Word Dictionary ................................................................................102 Create a New User Dictionary ..........................................................................103 Add New Words and Pronunciations................................................................103 Editing Existing Entries ...................................................................................104

3-7. Expressive Control ................................................................................. 105 3-7-1. Select a Control parameter To View ......................................................105 3-7-2. Edit the Selected Control Parameter .....................................................105 3-7-3. The Control Parameters .........................................................................108

3-8. VST Effects ............................................................................................ 110 3-9. File Compatibility with Other Music Applications .................................. 111

Exporting Wave Files......................................................................................... 111 Importing Wave Files ........................................................................................ 112 Importing MIDI (SMF) Files............................................................................. 112

4. Appendix ....................................................................................................... 114 4-1. Phonetic Symbol Charts.......................................................................... 114 VOCALOID3 Phonetic Symbol Table (English) ........................................................ 114 VOCALOID3 Phonetic Symbol Table (Japanese) ..................................................... 116 VOCALOID3 Phonetic Symbol Table (Korean) ........................................................ 118 VOCALOID3 Phonetic Symbol Table (Spanish) .......................................................120 VOCALOID3 Phonetic Symbol Table (Chinese) ..............................................122 VOCALOID3 Phonetic Symbol Table (Chinese) (Bopomofo) ..........................124

4-2. Shortcut Keys ......................................................................................... 126 Transport Shortcuts ..............................................................................................126 Edit Tool / Edit Shortcuts ......................................................................................127

Miscellaneous .......................................................................................................128

4-3. Troubleshooting Q & A .......................................................................... 129 Installation and Activation Problems...............................................................129 Note Editing Problems ......................................................................................129 Lyric Editing Problems ......................................................................................130 Synthesis Problems............................................................................................130

4-4. Convenient Uses ..................................................................................... 131 Playback ...............................................................................................................131 Track Editor ..........................................................................................................131 Musical Editor ....................................................................................................132 Track Editor/Music Editor Shared features.....................................................134

Introduction VOCALOID is a remarkable software application that goes beyond conventional voice synthesis to create “sung” vocal lines and harmonies that, with some careful editing and tweaking, can sound very much like a live singer. The big advantage is that VOCALOID is remarkably easy to use: enter the notes you want VOCALOID to sing via an easy-to-use sequence window, type in the lyrics corresponding to each note, add some vibrato and dynamics, and you have a passable vocal! To take your vocal track to the next level of reality you can use the VOCALOID control parameter to add real-time control of a number of important parameters that can really bring your vocal sequence to life. And since VOCALOID allows you to create up to 16 tracks you can program realistic sounding choruses, too! The remarkable realism of the VOCALOID sound is due to the fact that its voice synthesis is based on “VOCALOID Library” databases derived from actual recordings of world-class singers. Optional voice libraries can be added to VOCALOID to provide new voices with different characteristics for expanded expressive capability. The VOCALOID Library data is processed and manipulated via advanced “Frequency-domain Singing Articulation Splicing and Shaping” technology that is the product of many years of in-depth research and development.

VOCALOID3 is another substantial step up from VOCALOID2, which in itself was a significant upgrade of the original VOCALOID application. VOCALOID3 employs a refined and upgraded synthesis engine that takes the reality and expressive potential of your “singers” to an unprecedented level. It also includes a new interface that offers greater versatility and more creative power than ever before. You can import WAV files to add sound effects and backing music to your vocal sequences, and you can apply VST plug-in effects to all tracks via an expanded and improved mixer. VOCALOID3 gives you the capability to make vocal sequences and mixes that are natural and lifelike to a degree that was never before possible. VOCALOID3 can be used to create vocal lines and harmonies for serious music production, or it can be just plain fun. Whatever your application you’ll find that with just a little effort and imagination you’ll be able to create vocal tracks that are remarkably lifelike with real musical depth.


The VOCALOID3 Editor, VOCALOID3 Voice Libraries, and “Tiny Editor” As of VOCALOID3 the editor application and voice libraries will be sold separately, so you can choose and setup the overall configuration that best suits your needs. You will need the VOCALOID3 Editor plus at least one VOCALOID3 Voice Library in order to create vocal sequences will full functionality. VOCALOID3 Voice Libraries come supplied with a “Tiny Editor” that will allow you to try out the singer(s) it includes. Operation of the Tiny Editor is basically the same as the full-featured Standard Editor, with the following limitations: Functions Number of Tracks you can play or edit Adding, copying & deleting Tracks WAV Track Maximum length of the measure Effects (Mixer)

VOCALOID3 Editor 16


Stereo/Mono 999

Only Stereo 17 (*2)

VOCALOID Job plugins V2 Library Import Tool

Available Available

Input gain control (Mixer)

UNDO/REDO Files you can import

Files you can open Number of Part in a VOCALOID sequence track Resizing musical part Level meter


Available thru VST Host (VST Effects) Available

Unlimited (*1) VSQX, VSQ, MIDI(SMF), WAV VSQX, VSQ, MIDI(SMF) Unlimited (*1)

Available Available (V3.0.3 Additional Features)

Tiny VOCALOID3 Editor

Not Available

Only Reverberation (Unity gain for the send/return) Not available (Unity gain)

Not available Not available (However the voice library thru the library import is usable on the Tiny Editor after STD Editor is installed) Only Once Only WAV (Stereo) VSQX, VSQ (*3) 1

Not available Not available

(*1) It depends on the size of memory & hard disk installed in your system. (*2) Only 17 measures at 4 beat. (*3) When you open the VSQX file in the Tiny VOCALOID3 Editor the first part on the track 1 of the VSQX file will be opened by shortening of that length into 17 measures at 4 beat. And when you open the VSQ file in the Tiny Editor version the first track in the VSQ file will be opened by shortening of that length into 17 measures at 4 beat. Also when the VSQ file has a first track which use another different singer in the middle of 17 measures at 4 beat it will be opened until that point where the different singer is on. 2

Precautions & Notes    

Installation and activation of VOCALOID3 requires that the computer on which VOCALOID3 is installed is connected to the Internet. VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. Windows is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. VOCALOID3 can load and convert files created by the original VOCALOID and VOCALOID2 applications. The original VOCALOID and VOCALOID2 applications, however, cannot read files created by VOCALOID3.


Getting Started Launch the Application After installation and activation, you should have a “VOCALOID3 Editor” icon on your computer’s desktop. Double-click the icon to launch the VOCALOID3 Editor application.


Creating and Playing a Vocal Sequence – Basic Procedure Once you know the basic procedure, creating vocal tracks is actually quite easy. In this section we’ll show you the steps you might use to create a short vocal phrase. This is just one example, and once you are familiar with the way VOCALOID3 works you will undoubtedly find a procedure that works best for you. Also, since the actual results will depend on the specific VOCALOID3 library or libraries you are using, we can’t accurately predict how the example will sound, but this short exercise will get you started with the basics. Here are the parts of the VOCALOID3 interface that we’ll be using for this example:

1. The menus and toolbars. 2. Track Editor window. 3. Musical Editor window (piano roll & control parameter area). The control parameter editor section of the Musical Editor window is hidden by default, so you’ll need to click the “Control Parameters” command in the View menu to show it. (2-1. The Menus ->2-1-3. View)


Step 1: Create a New Sequence You already know how to launch the VOCALOID3 application (double-click the VOCALOID3 Editor icon on your desktop), and when you do a new “empty” sequence will automatically be created for you. If you have entered any data or made any changes, you might want to create a fresh new sequence before proceeding with the example. Do this by selecting “New” from the File menu (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-1. File).

If the edits you made up until this point haven’t been saved, a confirmation dialog box will appear. Click “Yes” to save the edited sequence before opening a new one, or “No” to discard the edits and start a new sequence.

Step 2: Select a Singer This step will actually depend on what VOCALOID3 Library or Libraries you have installed. If you only have one singer, there’s nothing to select. When a new sequence file is created the default singer will be automatically selected for the initial default part on the track 1. You can change the singer for the currently selected part to any other available singer by right-clicking in the Track Editor or Musical Editor window and choosing ”Singer” from the contextual menu that appears. This will bring up the singer menu with the available singer choices.


Click the name of the singer you want to use. A checkmark appears beside the active singer (3. Operation – Making VOCLAOID3 Sing -> 3-2. The Singer). The name of the singer for the currently selected part appears in the Musical Editor title bar in brackets following the part name.

In this example the singer “Tonio(V2)” is selected for the part named “NewPart”

Step 3: Set the Initial Tempo and/or Time Signature While you are at the beginning of the sequence – press the period [.] key on your keyboard to go there if you aren’t already – take a look at the left edge of the rulers above the Track Editor window – the top ruler indicates measure numbers, while the lower two are labeled TEMPO, and BEAT – and you will see the initial tempo and time signature settings at the beginning the TEMPO and BEAT rulers, respectively. You can double-click on either of these values to change them as required (2-3. The Track Editor Window -> 2-3-1. Rulers). 7

Step 4: Select a Part There should only the default part, named “NewPart”, in the Track Editor VOCALOID sequence track at this point, but selecting the part you want to edit before you go and enter notes and lyrics in the Musical Editor is an important part of the VOCALOID3 workflow, and it’s a good idea to always make sure the right part is selected before you begin editing.

In this case, simply double-click “New Part” in the Track Editor window to select it.

Step 5: Enter the Notes Here’s the score for our short example – only four notes so it should be easy.

Click on the pencil tool button Edit Tool Bar).

to select it (2-2. The Tool Bars -> 2-2-1. The

Then, starting at measure number 1 in the Musical Editor piano-roll (you may need to drag the piano-roll window scroll bar to locate it), use the pencil tool enter the four notes so the piano roll looks like this:


If you have a steady hand you can freely click and drag the notes to the required length, but it’s probably easier to use the VOCALOID3 quantization and length functions, or the preset note lengths. You’ll find details on the quantize and length settings in “3-3. Entering & Editing Notes in the Musical Editor -> Quantize vs. Length”, and more detailed note-entry information in “3-3. Entering & Editing Notes in the Musical Editor”.

Step 6: Enter the Lyrics Now let’s enter some lyrics for the four notes we just entered. To prevent

accidental note entry go back to the tool buttons and select the pointer tool


Now we’ll enter the phrase “This is a pen” (inside joke … don’t ask why). You should see the default lyric – “ooh” – followed by the corresponding phoneme representation in each of the notes you entered. More information on “phonemes” is provided in “3-6. Note Properties 2 – Phoneme Functions”. Double click the “ooh” in the first note to enter the lyric editing mode, then enter the first word “this” (capitalization is not required), and press [Enter] on your computer keyboard. Repeat this for the remaining three notes, entering one word per note. Your sequence should now look like this:

More information on lyric entry and editing can be found on 3-4. Entering & Editing Lyrics.

Step 7: Play – Initial Check Now you can play back your basic track to hear how it sounds and check that the software has produced the lyrics and pronunciation you had intended. At this point only the default expression (note expression and vibrato) has been added 9

to the track. We’ll learn how to modify the expression and add dynamics a bit later.

For now move the sequence track to a position a bit before the first note in your track (you can do this by clicking briefly in the MEASURE ruler of either Musical Editor or Track Editor at the appropriate location (2-3. The Track Editor Window -> 2-3-1. Rulers), and then start playback by clicking the on-screen transport “play” button , or by pressing the [SPACE] or [ENTER] key on your computer’s keyboard. The sequence will stop automatically when the end is reached, but you can also stop playback at any time by clicking the on-screen

transport “stop” button , or by pressing the [SPACE] or [ENTER] key on your keyboard. And remember that you can skip back to the beginning of the sequence after it is has stopped by pressing the [.] (period) key. More information on the transport controls

is available in 2-2. The Tool Bars -> The Transport Bar. You might also find the

Start and End markers handy for playing back your sequences. Find out about them in “2-2. The Tool Bars -> 2-2-2. The Transport Tool Bar -> Show/Hide Start and End Markers.”

Step 8: Add Control Parameter And the final touch to our first track – some parameter control. Start by selecting the “BRI” (Brightness) parameter in control menu at the left side of the control parameter area, then use the pencil tool to draw a curve as close as possible to this one:

Next select “GEN” (Gender Factor) in the control parameter selector and draw a curve as close as possible to the one shown here: 10

The control parameter is essential to the in-depth tweaking that can bring your vocal tracks to life. Find out more about it in “3-7. Expressive Control -> Editing a Control Parameter”.

Step 9: Play – Check the Results

OK, now play the track again and hear how it sounds. Better? The actual expressive variations produced by the control parameters will depend on the VOCALOID3 library you are using, so it is not possible to accurately predict the results, but your vocal track should be sounding pretty interesting at this point. Now you can edit and tweak on your own to get a better feel for how the parameters interact with the voice. Descriptions of the voice parameters are provided in “3-2. The Singer -> Customizing the Singer’s Voice.”

Step 10: Add a Track Although each VOCALOID3 sequence track is strictly monophonic (notes cannot overlap), a VOCALOID3 sequence can have as many as 16 separate tracks.

Add a new track to your sequence by selecting “Add Track” from the Track menu (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-5. Track). Normally you’d need to create a new part in your new track before you can enter notes and lyrics in that track, but we’re going to copy the part from Track 1 to Track 2, so there’s no need to create a new part.

Step 11: Copy the Part from Track 1 to Create a Chorus Here’s a quick and easy way to create a chorus. Simply click and drag the part you created in Track 1 straight down to the same location in Track 2 while holding the [CTRL] key on your keyboard. If you did this properly you should now have a copy of the Track 1 part in Track 2, like this: 11

Since the goal is to create a chorus you might want to select a different singer for the second track (if you have one). Make sure the new part that’s in Track 2 is selected (double-click it so that it is highlighted), then repeat the singer selection procedure described in “Step 2: Select a Singer”, above. Obviously a combination of different singers is going to sound more realistic than copies of the same singer, but you could also use the same singer and simply change the singer’s vocal characteristics via the control parameter (3-7. Expressive Control -> Editing a Control Parameter). You could even create a variation of the singer in the Singer Editor (3-2. The Singer -> Customizing the Singer’s Voice). Next you can change the pitches of the notes to create harmonies by simply dragging the notes up or down in the Musical Editor window piano roll. Here’s a harmony track that works with our original “This is a pen” track:


The original notes in Track 1 appear as thin lines in the background while the Track 2 part is selected. (When you double-click the part in the Track Editor window the notes in the previously selected part appear as thin lines in the background).

Later we’ll learn how you can adjust the second singer’s note expression, vibrato, and other parameters to give him or her some individuality while maintaining the best possible musical blend.

Step 12: Save Your Sequence When your masterpiece is complete you’ll want to save it for posterity. Select the “Save” item from the File menu and follow the standard file save procedure (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-1. File).


Reference Section 1. Overview The VOCALOID3 Editor is comprised of four main functional components:

1. The menus and toolbars. 2. Track Editor window. 3. Musical Editor window (piano roll & control parameter area). 4. Mixer window.

The menus are always visible, but you can choose to show or hide any of the toolbars via the View menu. The Track Editor window, Musical Editor window, and Mixer window can be shown or hidden as required, depending on the type of operations you are performing. The menus and toolbars (1) provide access to functions that affect overall operation of the VOCALOID3 editor, and that you’ll need to access while working in any of the three windows: Track Editor, Musical Editor, and Mixer. (2-1. The Menus) The Track Editor (2) window lets you create and manage up to 16 vocaloid sequence tracks, plus one mono WAV track that’s ideal for adding effects such as 14

breath noise, and one stereo WAV track that’s most useful for instrument backing or “karaoke” tracks. (2-3. The Track Editor Window)

The Musical Editor window (3) is where you actually enter notes, lyrics, and expression data for your vocaloid sequence tracks. The control parameter editor section of the Musical Editor window is used for editing control parameters such as note velocity, pitch variations, and vocal qualities such as breathiness and opening. The control parameter editor section of the Musical Editor window is hidden by default, but you can choose to show it via the View menu. (2-4. The Piano Roll) The Mixer window (4) provides a virtual mixing console that you can use to mix the various tracks in your sequence for optimum balance, and add VST effects as required. (2-6. The Mixer Window)


2. Interface Elements This section provides brief descriptions of the various parts of the VOCALOID3 Editor interface. In some cases the descriptions provided here will be enough to allow you to use the respective functions, but for in-depth operating procedures you’ll need to read through the “3. Operation – Making VOCALOID3 Sing” section.

2-1. The Menus 2-1-1. File

With the exception of “Import” and “Export,” the items in the File menu are pretty much standard and should be intuitive to use. New Create a new VOCALOID3 sequence file. If you have unsaved edits when this function is selected you will be asked if you want to save the current sequence. Select [YES] to enter a name for the current sequence (if necessary) and save it before opening a new file, [NO] to discard the current sequence and open a new file, or [CANCEL] to abort the operation. Open Open an existing VOCALOID3 sequence file (vsqx format) or VOCALOID2 sequence file (vsq format). When you select this function you will be asked if you want to save the current sequence file if it has been edited in any way. Select [YES] to enter a name for the current sequence (if necessary) and save it before opening another file, [NO] to discard the current sequence and open a different file, or [CANCEL] to abort the operation. 16

Once you have saved or discarded the current sequence the standard open-file dialog will appear, allowing you to navigate to and open the desired sequence file.

When you open the VOCALOID2 Sequence file into the VOCALOID3 program the Velocity (VEL) parameter in the control parameter area will be set at that default value automatically because of the difference between VOCALOID2’s and VOCALOID3’s Velocity function. (V3.0.3 Additional Features) If the installed library is different when the file is created, the following dialogue box will appear.

“New singer name” is the singer name used for playback on this computer. “Original singer name” is the set singer name by the computer originally created by this file.

(V3.0.5 Additional Features) It is possible to designate a character code when opening files in VSQ (VOCALOID2 sequence file), VOCALOID MIDI, or SMF (STANDARD MIDI FORMAT) format.


Under the “Open File” window, select either VOCALOID2 sequence files (.vsq) or VOCALOID MIDI (.mid) under “File Type”, and the available character codes will be displayed in a drop-down menu below. Please refer to the below chart for selectable character codes. Character code Auto-Select 949 (ANSI/OEM -Korean) 936 (ANSI/OEM – Simplified Chinese GBK) 932 (ANSI/OEM - Japanese ShiftJIS) 1252 (ANSI – Latin I) 950 (ANSI/OEM – Traditional Chinese Big5) 65001 (UTF-8)

Details OS default character code Korean character code Simplified Chinese character code Shift-JIS Japanese character code English, Spanish and Latin-based language character code Traditional Chinese character code Unicode (UTF-8)

Save When saving a new file this command will open the standard save-file dialog window. To save a file, specify the location to which you want to save the file, enter the file name, and click [SAVE]. If the file has been saved previously, selecting the Save command will simply overwrite the file without opening the Save dialog window. You can save VOCALOID3 sequence file with only VSQX format but you can’t open the VSQX file in the VOCALOID2 Editor. 18

Save As... Save the current sequence file using a new name, leaving the previously saved version untouched. Specify the location to which you want to save the file, enter the file name, and click [SAVE]. Import

Track This function lets you import VOCALOID3 files when you want to merge VOCALOID3 projects, as well as VOCALOID files from the original VOCALOID application, VOCALOID2 files, or SMF files (Standard MIDI Files) from other sequencers or applications. The imported MIDI data can include both note data and lyrics that can be converted to data that can be sung by VOCALOID3. First choose the VOCALOID sequence file you want to import tracks from via the standard file selection dialog, then choose the tracks that you want to import by checking the appropriate “Select” checkboxes in the Import Track dialogue, then click [OK].

Selected tracks will be imported and placed below existing tracks in the current Track Editor window. Also when a VOCALOID sequence track is selected in the Track Editor window the selected tracks in the Import Track dialog will be imported just under that VOCALOID sequence track. Just remember that VOCALOID3 allows up to 16 simultaneous tracks, total. Furthermore, when importing VOCALOID3 sequence files (vsqx format) or VOCALOID 2 sequence files (vsq format), neither tempo nor beat settings will be 19

imported with them. If you want to import with tempo included, please go to “File” menu, “Open”.


(V3.0.5 Additional Features) When selecting either a .vsq or a .mid file, a drop-down menu will appear allowing you to select a character code. Please refer to the flow chart below for clarification: Please see “2-1. The Menu -> 2-1.1. File -> Open”


Part This function lets you import a specified part (the sequence data in VOCALOID3 tracks is contained in “parts”) from a VOCALOID3 file. First choose the VOCALOID3 sequence file you want to import parts from via the standard file selection dialog, then choose the part that you want to import by checking the appropriate “Select” buttons in the Import Part dialogue, then click [OK]. You can also use the “Position” selectors at the bottom of the dialog window to select a track and measure/beat/clock location to which to import the part. If you don’t select an import location here, the selected part will be imported to the current location of the song position marker. Only one part can be imported at a time.


Wave Wave files can be imported into the WAV (MONO) and WAV (STEREO) tracks to serve as sound effects and/or backing tracks as required. Mono WAV files will automatically be imported into the WAV (MONO) track, and stereo WAV files will automatically be imported into the WAV (STEREO) track. When you select the “Import -> Wave” function the standard file selection dialog window will appear, allowing you to select the WAV file you want to import. Then when you select a wave file an Import Wave File dialog like the one shown below will appear. Here you can choose to either copy wave file into the folder of the current VOCALOID3 sequence (“Wave file is copied in local”), or not copy the selected WAV file (“Wave file is linked”). You can also use the “Position” selectors to specify the measure, beat, and clock in the WAV track to which the file will be imported. The current song position is the default position of the “Position” selectors here. The available sampling rates for the WAV files are 44.1, 48 , 96kHz and the resolution is 16 bit. Click [OK] to import the WAV file.


Export Wave This function exports open sequence files as the standard WAV audio file format.

Synthesis Engine Lets you designate sampling frequency. You can choose from three levels, 44100, 48000, and 96000 Hz. Furthermore, the Quantize bit rate is fixed at 16bits. Wave File Output Specifies details of wave file output. “Master track” outputs all tracks mixed together in a Wave file. “Selected track” outputs the selected track at the track editor. This item cannot be chosen if no track is selected at the track editor, (V3.0.4 Additional Features) “Track currently opened in Musical Editor” outputs all tracks with parts currently open in the Musical Editor. Unlike in the aforementioned “Selected track” option, you can use this option even when no track is selected.

When you click [OK], the standard save dialogue is displayed, you designate the file save location (where to export the file) and file name, and clicking [Save] exports the file. (V3.0.4 Additional Features) Also, the “Separate each track” function outputs all musical tracks into separate WAV files. This function is convenient when you want to import multiple chorus tracks concurrently to something like DAW format. To output multiple 24

files, you must designate an export folder. File names are automatically chosen from currently open VSQX file names and track names. When nothing is contained within a track, the corresponding track export will be abbreviated.

Furthermore, when exporting Wave files, you can export a designated range by setting start and end markers beforehand. Recent Files

The name of the most recently created or opened file(s) will be displayed here. Simply click the name to directly open the file. Exit Click “Exit” to quit the VOCALOID3 Editor application. If the current sequence file has been edited in any way you will be asked if you want to save the current sequence file before quitting the application. Select [YES] to enter a name for the current sequence (if necessary) and save it before quitting, [NO] to discard the current sequence and quit, or [CANCEL] to abort the operation.


2-1-2. Edit

The Edit menu items are fairly standard and should be familiar to anyone who has used a word processor or other music sequencer application.

Undo This function can be used to “undo” the last edit or operation. There is no limit to the number of edits that can be undone. Redo The “Redo” item will “redo” a previously undone edit or operation in most cases. There is no limit to the number of “undo” that can be redone. Cut Copy Paste The Cut, Copy and Paste editing commands are similar to the equivalent commands in most other applications, and can be used with objects in the Track Editor and Musical Editor windows. “Cut” and “Copy” will cut or copy an object you have highlighted (single-click), or a group of objects you have highlighted by clicking and dragging with the pointer tool. There are, however, a few things to keep in mind. • When you cut/copy and then paste part, note, or control parameter data, it will be pasted at the current song position marker location.

• Please remember that overlapped notes within the same part will not play back (they will be displayed in thinly), and that any pasted control parameter data will 26

overwrite the existing data. Also, parts in the Track Editor window will not play back if there are any overlapped notes within the same part. Delete Deletes the currently selected data object(s). Select All This command will select all notes and control parameters in the currently selected sequence part so that you can edit all of them simultaneously. Select All Events This command will select all “events” in the currently selected sequence part (i.e. all notes with their associated expression and vibrato). If you select “Select All Events” from the contextual menu that appears when you right-click in the control parameter area (2-5.The Control Parameter), all data for the control parameter currently being edited will be selected. Select All Parts This command will select all sequence and WAV parts in the current sequence. Select All VS Parts This command will select all VS parts in the current sequence. Select All WAV Parts This command will select all WAV parts in the current sequence. Select All Parts in a Current Track This command will select all parts in the currently selected track. Auto Normalize Mode When this function is turned on (checked), notes entered in the Musical Editor window piano-roll are normalized “on the fly” so that overlapping notes do not have to be located and rectified later on. If a note is entered so that it overlaps another note in the same track, the first note will be truncated to eliminate the overlap. Refer to the “Normalize Notes” item in the Job menu (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-4. Job) for more information. This function is alternately checked (ON) or unchecked (OFF) each time it is selected.


2-1-3. View

The items in this menu what palettes and data types will appear or be hidden. A check mark will appear to the left of items that are currently showing. Toolbar This item accesses a submenu that lets you individually hide or show the Measure, Edit, and Transport toolbars. The related toolbar is showing when a check appears next to its name in this submenu. The Reset Toolbar item resets the toolbars to their default state. Control Parameters This command shows or hides the control parameter editor section of the Musical Editor window. The control parameters are hidden by default.

Mixer This command shows or hides the Mixer window. The window contains mix controls for each track within the sequence as well as a master level control (2-6. The Mixer Window), including gain trim, panning, mute, solo, VST plug-ins, and effects send. Grid Lines Shows or hides grid lines corresponding to the currently selected grid size in the sequence track. The grid lines can serve as a useful visual guide when entering or moving notes. Also, the grid lines can be adjusted in the Track Editor window & Musical Editor window separately. Start Marker End Marker These commands show or hide the start or end markers, respectively (2-2. The Tool Bars -> 2-2-2. The Transport Tool Bar -> Show/Hide Start and End 28

Markers). They are alternately checked (show marker) or unchecked (hide marker) each time they are selected. Lyrics/Phoneme (V3.0.5 Additional Features) Under the “View” menu for “Lyrics/Phoneme”, it is possible to change the display setting to either show or hide the lyrical notes and/or phoneme independently of one another. Please refer to the following easy-to-use instructions: (4-4 easy-to-use instructions --->about Music Editor--->display only phoneme

Phoneme Preferred Display (V3.0.3 Additional Features) When clicking here, the normally displayed order of Lyric [Phonetic Symbol] is displayed in this order [Phonetic Symbol] Lyric in the note. In this condition, you can edit the phonetic symbol by double clicking the note.

Singing Style These commands show or hide the corresponding data objects in the sequence track. They are alternately checked (show data) or unchecked (hide data) each time they are selected.


2-1-4. Job

The Job menu includes one function that can help eliminate overlapped notes, importing tempos and several others that provide considerable flexibility for modifying the current part. Normalize Notes … Resolves all instances of overlapping notes in the current track by shortening (truncating) the first note of all overlapping pairs. If you attempt to play a track that contains overlapped notes an error window shown below will appear and the song position marker will move to the location of the first note overlap it encounters so you can fix the situation as required. You can either modify the notes yourself to eliminate the overlap, or simply run the “Normalize Notes” job.

Insert Lyrics Instead of individually entering the lyrics for each note in a sequence part, you can use the Insert Lyrics job to automatically enter entire phrases. Click the first of the notes into which you want to insert new lyrics, then select the Insert Lyrics job. A text edit window will appear into which you can simply type the lyrics you want inserted. The number of available notes following the selected note will be shown at the top of the text window. One syllable will be entered in each note. For example, the three words “I love you” would require three notes, but the single word “inferno” would also require three notes (in-ferno). Words or syllables that exceed the number of notes available will be truncated. When you have typed the required lyrics in the text box click the [OK] button and the lyrics will be entered in the notes.


Import Tempos It is possible to read tempo configurations from VSQ (VOCALOID2 sequence file), VSQX (VOCALOID3 sequence file), VOCALOID MIDI, and SMF file formats. Simply select the “Import Tempos” job, use the standard navigation window that appears to locate the file containing the tempos you want to import, then click [Open].


Execute Job Plugin Job plug-ins that have been added to the Job Plugin Administration window by using the “Manage Job Plugins” command described below can be selected and executed via this command.

Select the note(s) or part(s) to which you want to apply the plug-in, select the “Manage Job Plugins” command, select the plug-in you want to use (the range of the selection and the current song position will appear at the top of the Job Plugin Execution window), then click [Run]. (V3.0.3 Additional Features) It is possible to sort through the Job Plug-in list by clicking on the heading of each row.


Manage Job Plugins This command lets you manage “job plug-ins” that is installed already or can be created by third parties to perform a variety of tasks.

To add plug-ins to your Job Plug-in list so that they become available for use when using VOCALOID3, place them in a convenient folder on your computer, select the “Manage Job Plugins” command, and click [Add]. Use the standard navigation dialog that appears to locate the plug-ins, then [Open] them one by one to add then to your list. To delete a plug-in, select it in the Job Plugin Administration window and click [Delete]. Plug-ins that have been added to the list in the Job Plugin Administration window become available for selection and execution from the “Execute Job Plugin” command, above.

Furthermore, when a Job plugin is placed in a PATH including Multibyte characters (like Japanese), it may not behave normally depending on the plugin, so we recommend that the whole PATH uses ASCII characters (English coding). Good examples: C:\Program Files\VOCALOID3\JobPlugins\ C:\UGJobPlugins\


2-1-5. Track

A VOCALOID3 sequence can have up to 16 unique tracks, allowing you to create entire choruses using a variety of “singers”. The items in this menu provide access to a range of useful functions for managing your tracks. Add Track Creates a new empty track with the default track name. If a vocaloid sequence track is currently selected in the Track Editor window it will create a new track above that vocaloid sequence track, otherwise it will add a new track at the last. Rename Track Allows a new name to be entered for the current vocaloid sequence track – the name in the track header of the current vocaloid sequence track will switch to text-edit mode when this item is selected. You can also directly rename vocaloid sequence tracks by double-clicking the track name. Render Current Track Render the current track to lighten the load on the computer’s CPU, thus facilitating smooth playback. Render All Tracks Render all tracks to lighten the load on the computer’s CPU, thus facilitating smooth playback.


2-1-6. Part

The Part menu allows you to edit parts. Here you can add, divide, render, or label a part. Add Musical Part Creates a new empty musical part with the default part name. Select the vocaloid sequence track which you want to add a new musical part and then click this command. “Musical Part Property” window will appear if there are different singers in the current vocaloid sequence file. Select a singer in the “Musical Part Property” window and click [OK], then a new musical part will be created at the song position. Divide Selected Part Divides the current musical part at the current song position marker location. The song position marker must be placed at an appropriate location within the part before this function can be executed. Render Selected Part Render the current part to lighten the load on the computer’s CPU thus facilitating smooth playback. Joint Selected Parts (V3.0.1 Additional Features) Select the 2 parts you want to joint. Click on the “Joint Selected Part” command from the “Part” menu to joint parts. When doing this, the jointed parts must be parts from in the same track. If parts overlap it is possible to joint them but they cannot be jointed when the notes overlap between the targeted parts.

Part Properties The Part Properties window lets you edit the part name and add comments for the currently selected part. Select a part on the vocaloid sequence tracks and then click this command and Musical Part Property window opens. You can also select a singer for the musical part. WAV Part Property window will opens on the WAV tracks. 35


2-1-7. Lyrics

This menu provides access to functions that affect the way VOCALOID3 interprets lyrics, as well as some expression controls. Phoneme Transformation This function transforms lyrics imported with a MIDI file into data that can be sung by the VOCALOID3 application. Phoneme Transformation does not have to be executed when you enter lyrics via the VOCALOID3 interface, only when you import lyrics with a MIDI file via the File menu “Import …” command. User Word Dictionary Opens the User Word Dictionary for editing and addition of new words. VOCALOID3 comes with a basic dictionary that produces appropriate pronunciations for most lyrics, but the initial dictionary might not be able to transform all of the words you want to use in your lyrics. Additional words can be entered into the VOCALOID3 User Word Dictionary, so your freedom to enter lyrics is essentially unlimited (3-6. Note Properties 2 – Phoneme Functions -> The User Word Dictionary). Note Properties The Note Properties window lets you edit the expression, vibrato, and lyric/phoneme for a note currently selected in the Piano Roll window. See “3-5. Note Properties 1 – Adding Vibrato and Expression” for details on the editing functions available via the Note Properties window.


2-1-8. Transport

With the exception of “To Current Position” and “Auto Scroll”, the commands in the Transport menu are same as those in the Transport toolbar, with functions, such as playback, fast forward, etc. Please see "2-2. The Tool Bars -> 2-2-2. The Transport Tool Bar" regarding the Transport Toolbar. Playback Begins playback. If the Repeat button is not engaged playback will stop automatically at the end of the sequence. Playback can also be started and stopped by pressing the [SPACE] or [ENTER] key on your keyboard. Playback Musical Part Begins playback of the currently selected musical part. Stop Stops playback. Playback can also be started and stopped by pressing the [SPACE] or [ENTER] key on your keyboard. To Top Click to go directly to the beginning (top) of the track. If the start marker is showing you can jump directly to it by pressing the period [.] key on your computer keyboard. To End Click to jump directly to the end of the track.


Fast Reverse Rapidly scrolls backward through the track while held, or steps backward in onemeasure increments if clicked briefly. Fast Forward Rapidly scrolls forward through the track while held, or steps forward in onemeasure increments if clicked briefly. To Current Position Rapidly scrolls to the location of the song position marker so that the song position marker appears within view. Repeat When the repeat button is engaged, playback of the track segment between the start and end markers will repeat continuously until stopped by clicking the transport button or by pressing the [SPACE] or [ENTER] key on your keyboard.

Auto Scroll The “Auto Scroll” function is activate when checked. When active the sequence window will scroll to the right as the sequence plays, always maintaining the song position marker within view. When unchecked the song position marker will move to the right and disappear off the end of the track window when the sequence is played back. This reduces the need for graphics processing, and therefore lightens the load on the computer’s CPU during playback.


2-1-9. Setting

This menu includes a number of settings that determine the basic operation and performance of the VOCALOID3 Editor application. Preferences This item opens the tabbed VOCALOID3 “Preference” window, allowing access to the parameters described below.


“VOCALOID Sequence” Tab

Vibrato Settings The “Default Vibrato Length” parameters specify the length of the vibrato applied to notes as a percentage of the note length. Select one of the presets from the drop-down menu. The “Automatic Vibrato Settings” specify whether or not vibrato will be automatically applied to entered notes. Vibrato will be applied automatically if the “Enable Automatic Vibrato” checkbox is checked. You can specify the shortest notes to which vibrato will be automatically applied (in beats) via the “Minimum Note Length for Automatic” Drop-down menu, and the type of the vibrato that will be applied via the “Vibrato Type” drop-down menu.


(V3.0.3 Additional Features) Showing notes as thin line All of the parts not currently displayed are displayed on thin lines with “All Parts” checked by default. When clicking “Previously Selected Parts”, only the part selected immediately before will be displayed. If you want to display the multiple parts transparently when using this setting, select multiple parts using the [CTRL] key. With this it is possible to display multiple parts with thin lines. Control Parameters In “Color Type” you can choose the Control Parameter (such as VEL and DYN) display color from 4 types.

The “Draw control params like V2” is an added function based on the requests from VOCALOID2 users. When drawing Control Parameters with a pen or a line, a break point is added to ensure the value outside of the drawn range isn’t changed. This is switched off in the default setting. Song Position “Return to Start position on Stop” is a function which returns the Song Position back to the playback start position when playback stops.


“Audio Settings” Tab

Synthesis Engine Here you have the sampling rate setting for the VOCALOID3 synthesis engine. The resolution is fixed at 16 bits. The available sampling rate settings will depend on the sound output device (normally your sound card) that you are using.

If you have more than one audio device installed you can select the one to which you want to send the VOCALOID3 output via the “Audio Device” selection menu. The “Channel” parameter lets you select stereo or mono output. The “Buffer” parameter can be used to set the audio output buffer from 100 to 500 milliseconds to match the capabilities of your computer and audio output device. VST


When the “Reset VST effect after stopping playback” checkbox is checked, any VST plug-in effects in use will be reset when sequence playback stops.


“View Settings” Tab

(V3.0.3 Additional Features) Arrangement of Child Window “Auto Arrangement” is a convenient function for those who want to align the Track Editor and Musical Editor sub-windows vertically. When the main window is resized, checking “Auto Arrangement” tracks this size and automatically optimizes the sub-windows for display.

Mixer Checking “Floating” displays the Mixer Window separately from the VOCALOID3 Main Window. In the default setting this is not checked. Alternatively, the menu to change this setting is displayed by right-clicking the Mixer. Checking “Peak-hold” transmits an excessive audio signal. When clipped, the Peak Indicator (shown below) which is displayed in red, stays on (in Hold status). Click the red Peak Indicator to release the hold status. 45

(V3.0.5 Additional Features) Alert Message You will begin to receive alert messages 2 weeks from the expiration date of your version of VOCALOID3 if it has a serial number with an expiration date. These messages are turned ON by default.

If an alert message is displayed when VOCALOID Editor is running, please confirm the application’s activation status by going to the help menu and selecting “about VOCALOID3 Editor”. For further details, please see “2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-11. Help -> About VOCALOID3 Editor...”. Furthermore, you can deactivate the alert message by clicking “NO” in the dialog window shown above. VOCALOID3 Editor will no longer display this message during the next startup.

If you would like to turn the alert messages on again, uncheck the alert option “Components Nearing Expiration”.


“Other Settings” Tab

Language Specifies the language to be used in the VOCALOID3 interface. Available languages can be selected from the drop-down menu. Pre-Send Time In much vocal delivery a portion of the sound will appear a little before the beat. This is not syncopation, but rather to allow for the initial acoustic buildup of some sounds (“s” is a good example). In order to recreate such natural advanced sounds as realistically as possible, VOCALOID3 must send the triggering MIDI data to the VOCALOID3 synthesis engine a little earlier than a conventional synthesizer would. This is the “pre-send” time, determined by this parameter.

Waiting Time


This parameter determines the delay time before playback actually begins after the playback command is given. An error message will appear when you attempt to play the track if this parameter is not set to a value that is long enough to allow for the Pre-Send time, above, and Pre-Measure setting, below. If you click “Adjust Pre-send Time” in the warning message window the pre-send time will automatically be adjusted (reduced) to fit within the available number of premeasures. Default Pre-Measure Specifies the number of “pre-measures” before the actual sequence region in the sequence track begins. Pre-measures are indicated by negative numbers in the MEASURE ruler, and are a darker color than the playable region beginning at measure 1. Chase Event When this box is checked VOCALOID3 will keep track of control events that occur prior to the note(s) they are intended to be applied to, ensuring that control changes and variations are properly applied. You may want to check this box usually. (V3.0.4 Additional Features) Startup Update Confirmation Timeout The VOCALOID3 Editor will check for new update releases via internet connection. However, if for reasons such as connection problems it cannot complete correctly, it will wait for a maximum of 30 seconds. You can set this maximum wait time here. The timeout period can be set to 3, 10 or 30 seconds (the default). If you select “don’t check”, the update confirmation check itself will not occur. (V3.0.5 Additional Features) Limiting the Undo/Redo History It is possible to set a limit on the number of times undo/redo can be done under the VOCALOID3 Editor “Undo/Redo” function. The number of undo/redo’s can be set to 50, 100, 200, unlimited, or default. We recommend a primary setting of 100 if any of the following conditions apply: (1) Your computer has less than 2GB RAM capacity. (2) You will be producing a large number of musical tracks (3) You will be adjusting the control parameter for finer clarity. (4) VOCALOID3 operates as if under duress during the editing process. (5) You will be continuously spending long hours editing.

(V3.0.1 Additional Features) 48

Playback Sample Sound This is the setting related to the sample sound produced when clicking the keyboard on the left side of the sequence track and clicking and holding the note above the sequence track. When you check “Enable”, a sample sound is produced and un-checking produces no sample sound. With “Timing” you can determine the length of time you must click and hold the keyboard and note in order to hear the sample sound. With “Pre-Send Time for sample sound” you can determine the maximum length of the first consonant in the sample sound. Mixer Floating When checked the Mixer window will always float above the other VOCALOID3 windows. The default setting is unchecked. You will need to restart the VOCALOID3 application after changing this setting.


Customization of shortcuts (V3.0.5 Additional Features) [1]




Shortcut Categories First, see the drop-down menu shown in screen shot 1. From this menu in VOCALOID3 Editor, you can choose to create shortcuts for specifically classified functions from four general categories as shown below: [1]    

Menu Includes the menu bar functions for VOCALOID3 Editor. Tool Bar VOCALOID3 Editor’s editing and transporting toolbar functions. Job Plug-in Job Plug-ins for VOCALOID3 Editor post-installation. Other Operations Operations without icons or menu listings, i.e: drop-down menus, note transfer, and zoom functions.

“Grouping” Once you have selected from one of the above categories, the relevant category will be displayed in a list with other related groups, as shown in screen-shot 2. 50


“Items” Once you have selected from one of the above groups, items related to the relevant group will be displayed as shown in screen-shot 3. The following shortcuts are applied to each item.


You can add a shortcut to items that do not already have one by doubleclicking on the item and then clicking the “Add” button. Once this is done, a pop-up window called “Add Shortcut” will be displayed, as shown below.

The keys you want to designate will be shown together in the pop up window once you press them. For example, if pressing the control key (CTRL) plus “C”, they will display as shown below: 51

Once the new shortcut has been successfully applied and saved, a confirmation message will appear as shown below:

Please click “Yes” to change the current setting to the new setting. Once the settings are updated, the previous shortcut will be deleted and set to the new key. Current Settings

Copy Ctrl+C Delete New Settings

Image: Image of changing to new setting

List of successfully applied shortcuts All of the shortcuts for any selected item are displayed in a window. It is possible to apply multiple shortcuts to each item.

[4] 52

Ctrl+V Paste Shift+Insert Image: Screen shot showing multiple shortcuts.

You can delete erroneous shortcuts by selecting the shortcut key from the menu list and pressing the “delete” button.

Importing Exporting Saved shortcut settings, and shortcut configuration files are readable and can be read by clicking the “Import” button and opening them in .dat format. Also, by clicking the “Export” button, inputting a file name, and saving, you can save the current settings to a shortcut settings file (*.dat file).

Restoring Original Settings It is possible to return all shortcuts to VOCALOID3 Editor’s original default settings by clicking the “Restore Original Settings” button. Once you do this, a confirmation message will appear asking if it is all right to reset. Once you click “Yes”, all settings will be returned to their defaults. Singing Style This window lets you specify the default expression settings for new notes entered in the sequence track. Set the parameters as required and click [OK] to make your settings the defaults. You can also click the [Apply to current part] button to apply the settings to all notes in the current part. In the latter case a confirmation window will appear. Click [Yes] to apply the expression parameters to all notes in the current part, or [No] to cancel. 53

Template Load a basic expression type from the drop-down menu. The parameters settings in the window will change accordingly. Pitch Control Bend Depth slider (0 ~ 100%) Bend Length slider (0 ~ 100%)

These two parameters specify the pitch variation that will occur at the beginning of the note. If both sliders are set all the way to the left (0%) no pitch variation will occur. Higher Bend Depth percentages create a pitch variation that covers a greater pitch range, and higher Bend Length percentages create longer pitch variation. Add portamento in rising movement When the pitch of a note is higher than that of the preceding note, a smooth upward “portamento” pitch slide will occur at the beginning of the note. Add portamento in falling movement When the pitch of a note is lower than that of the preceding note, a smooth downward “portamento” pitch slide will occur at the beginning of the note. Dynamics Control Decay slider (0 ~ 100%) 54

Accent slider (0 ~ 100%) These two sliders specify the “shape” of the expression at the beginning of the note. Accent increases or decreases the amplitude of the expression, while Decay increases or decreases the length of the decay into the sustained portion of the note following the initial expression portion. The height of the peak on the graphic expression symbol below the note will change to approximately reflect the Accent level.


Active Singer Properties This command opens the Active Singer Editor where you can use a variety of parameters to customize the sound of the singer that is active in the current sequence. Edits made here will apply only to the current sequence. To edit a singer so that the changes apply whenever that singer is selected, use the My Singer Properties command described below.

With the exception of the [Show My Singer] button, the parameters and controls available in this window are exactly the same as those in the My Singer Editor described below. Refer to My Singer Properties, below, for details.

When the [Show My Singer] button is clicked the window expands to show both the active singer(s) and the “My Singers” residing on your computer. Copy buttons ([>>>] and [ Quantize). 61

Part/Note Length > While “Quantize” above, determines alignment of note attack, “Part/Note Length” determines alignment of the release of notes entered in the sequence track. It therefore determines which beats the end of notes will snap to when stretched. The available values are the same as for “Quantize” above. You can also use “Part/Note Length” to enter or adjust musical parts in the same way as notes on the Track Editor. Select the Track Editor or Musical Editor window and then click this command. Convenient tool-bar selectors and indicators are also provided for access to the Part/Note Length settings (2-2. The Tool Bars -> 2-2-3. The Measure Tool Bar -> Length). Note Fixed Length > Select a “Note Fixed Length” if you want to enter notes of a predetermined length simply by clicking in the piano roll with the pencil tool. The available note lengths range from 1/1 note to 1/64 notes. The beginning of the note is placed at the point at which you click. You can also select triplet and/or dotted variations of the basic note lengths by selecting “Triplet” or “Dot” at the bottom of the menu.


2-1-10. Window

The Window menu items control the size, focus, and arrangement of the Track Editor, Musical Editor, and Mixer windows. Next Window Sequentially activates the next window in the currently showing group of windows. If the Track Editor, Musical Editor, and Mixer windows are all showing, clicking on this command (or pressing the shortcut key combination: [CTRL] + [TAB]) will sequentially activate (focus)each window in the following order: Track Editor -> Musical Editor -> Mixer -> then back to the Track Editor, and so on. Minimize Minimizes the front window to the bottom of the main window. Maximize Maximizes the front window so that it fills the entire main window. Restore Restores an active minimized or maximized window to its previous size. Minimize All Minimizes all windows to the bottom of the main window. Restore All Restores all minimized or maximized windows to their previous sizes. Tile Horizontally Horizontally aligns the Track Editor above the Musical Editor. 63

Active Window List The currently showing windows are listed here, with a check next to the currently active window. You can bring any of the listed windows to the front by clicking on it’s name here.

2-1-11. Help

User Manual The VOCALOID3 user manual opens only as a PDF file. Therefore, users are required to have software installed that is capable of reading PDFs to access it. VOCALOID.com website The “VOCALOIDTM Official Website” will open on your web browser, and you can view updates and news about VOCALOID on our webpage. Users will need a working Internet connection and browser installed to access this. Update Confirmation VOCALOID3 Editor will periodically check for new releases and updated versions. Users will require a working Internet connection for this. About VOCALOID Editor... The “About VOCALOID3 Editor” window displays the program version number and the installation status of the components.


Please see the graph below for an explanation of the activation status display: Activation Status Trial Activated (expiration: yyyy-mm-dd) Trial version expired (reactivation required) Activated

Activated (expiration yyyy-mmdd) Expired (yyyy-mm-dd)

Details This indicates that you are using a trial version. You will be able to use it until the expiration period on yyyy-mm-dd This indicates that your trial period has expired. You will need to re-active your account to begin using the program again. This indicates that you are using a version with no expiration date. You can continue to use this version indefinitely. This indicates that you are using a version with an expiration date. You will be able to use it until the expiration period on yyyymm-dd This indicates that your version has expired. You will need to re-active your account to begin using the program again.


2-2. The Tool Bars VOCALOID3 has a number of tool bars that provide direct access to a range of important functions. The tool bars can be rearranged in the tool bar area by dragging them by the “handles” showing on the left edge of each tool bar. The tool bars can also be detached from the tool bar area and placed anywhere on the display simply by dragging. They can be dragged back to the tool bar area as required, or you can simply double-click the top of a detached tool bar to snap it back to its previous location.

2-2-1. The Edit Tool Bar

These are the main tools you’ll use for selecting and editing data in the VOCALOID3 Editor. Pointer The pointer tool is used to select and manipulate objects in the Track Editor and Musical Editor windows. Use it to select tracks, parts, notes, and control points for editing. You can use it, for example, to drag parts or notes to different positions or beats, and in some cases double-clicking on a data object will bring up an edit window for that object. You can click and drag with the pointer tool to select multiple notes. If you hold the [Ctrl] key while clicking and dragging in the piano roll you effectively select all data in the section of the track over which you drag, making it possible to subsequently move or copy note and control parameter data together, for example. Pencil The pencil tool is used to enter new parts in the Track Editor window, notes in the Musical Editor window, tempo or beat changes in the TEMPO and BEAT rulers, and controller data in the control parameter editor. The cursor automatically reverts to pointer mode when it is moved over the MEASURE ruler or any of the button or menu areas of the interface. Line Tool When you click and drag in the control parameter editor (2-5. The Control Parameter) with the line tool selected you will see a “rubber band” line connecting the point at which you initially clicked and the point at which you drag to. The curve or values over the corresponding region will automatically be matched to the line when you release the mouse button. 66

Eraser As its name suggests, the eraser will erase any data object you click on or click & drag.

2-2-2. The Transport Tool Bar

Similar to the transport controls on a tape deck (or just about any music sequencer program) these buttons let you play, stop, and move around within the sequence. Play Begins playback. If the Repeat button is not engaged playback will stop automatically at the end of the track. Playback can also be started and stopped by pressing the [SPACE] or [ENTER] key on your keyboard. Stop Stops playback. Playback can also be started and stopped by pressing the [SPACE] or [ENTER] key on your keyboard. Repeat When the repeat button is engaged playback of the track segment between the start

and end

markers will repeat continuously until stopped by clicking

the transport button or by pressing the [SPACE] or [ENTER] key on your keyboard. To Top To go directly to the beginning (top) of the track. If the start marker is showing you can jump directly to it by pressing the period [.] key on your computer keyboard.

Fast Reverse Rapidly scrolls backward through the track while held, or steps backward in onemeasure increments if clicked briefly. 67

Fast Forward Rapidly scrolls forward through the track while held, or steps forward in onemeasure increments if clicked briefly. To End Click to jump directly to the end of the track. Show/Hide Start and End Markers These buttons individually show (activate) or hide (deactivate) the start and end markers that you create by clicking them in the transport bar and dragging them in the MEASURE ruler (2-3. The Track Editor Window -> 2-3-1. Rulers). The Start and End markers can be dragged from any point in the MEASURE ruler, without having to move the song position marker, by clicking and holding for a second. The start and end markers define the beginning and end points for repeat playback. Start Marker Click to show or hide the start marker. End Marker Click to show or hide the end marker. Song Position Indicator

These values indicate the current location of the song position marker. The position is indicated by three values separated by commas – Measure : Beat : Clock. The first value is the number of the current measure, the second value is the beat as determined by the time signature set in the BEAT ruler, and the third value is the current clock position within the beat (there are 480 clocks per quarter note). (V3.0.3 Additional Features) Measures and beats: when you double click the time signature, you can redefine the song position by inserting different numbers. (4-4: Convenient Uses -> Playback -> Direct Input of Song Position) 68

Tempo and Beat Indicators

Show the current sequence tempo and beat settings. The initial and subsequent tempo and beat changes can be entered and edited in the TEMPO and BEAT rulers, respectively, described below.

2-2-3. The Measure Tool Bar

Cursor Position Indicator The “CURSOR” values tell you exactly where your cursor is located in the VOCALOID3 Musical Editor window piano roll (the values only change while the cursor is over an active part in the piano roll). The position is indicated by three values separated by commas – Measure : Beat : Clock. The first value is the number of the current measure, the second value is the beat as determined by the time signature set in the BEAT ruler, and the third value is the current clock position within the beat (there are 480 clocks per quarter note). Quantize

“Quantize” makes it easy to enter notes right on the beat. You have a choice of note alignments from whole (1/1) notes to 64th notes, plus triplet variations of all available notes. Click on the QUANTIZE value to see the drop-down menu. To select triplets select a note alignment and then select “Triplet” at the bottom of the Quantize menu so that it is checked. The “Triplet” option is alternately checked (triplet note values) and unchecked (straight note values) each time it is selected. When Quantize is “OFF” you can position notes with maximum “clock” resolution (there are 480 clocks per quarter note). You can also use “Quantize” to enter or adjust musical parts on the Track Editor in the same way as notes. Select the Track Editor or Musical Editor window and turn the grid on via the “Grid Line” command in the View menu to see a grid 69

corresponding to the current quantize setting in the Track Editor or Musical Editor. The Quantize settings are also available via the Settings menu (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-9. Settings). Length

While “Quantize,” above, determines alignment of note attack, “Length” determines alignment of the release of notes entered in the sequence track. It therefore determines which beats the end of notes will snap to when stretched. Click on the LENGTH value to see the menu. You have a choice of note alignments from whole (1/1) notes to 64th notes, plus triplet variations of all available notes. To select triplets select a note and then select “Triplet” at the bottom of the menu so that it is checked. The “Triplet” option is alternately checked (triplet note values) and unchecked (straight note values) each time it is selected. When Length is “OFF” you can position the ends of notes with maximum “clock” resolution (there are 480 clocks per quarter note). You can also use “Length” to enter or adjust musical parts on the Track Editor in the same way as notes. The Length settings are also available via the Settings menu (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-9. Settings). (V3.0.3 Additional Features) Setting “LENGTH” to “ Renaming Tracks). • WAV (MONO): A mono wave file track. Mono WAV files can be imported to the WAV (MONO) track by using the Import -> Wave command in the File menu (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-1. File). The WAV (MONO) track is an ideal place to put sound effects such as breaths, for example, and short sound clips.

• WAV (STEREO): A stereo wave file track. Stereo WAV files can be imported to the WAV (STEREO) track by using the Import -> Wave command in the File menu (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-1. File). The WAV (STEREO) track is ideal for musical backing or “Karaoke” tracks that the singer will perform against. Render Buttons In addition to the render commands in the Track and Part menus (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-5. Track, 2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-6. Part), render buttons (they look like an “R” in a square) are provided in the track title boxes and at the lower right corner of each part. If playback becomes sluggish or intermittent when playing back a large number of tracks, for example, click a render button to prerender the corresponding track or part, thereby reducing the load on your computer’s CPU for smoother performance. A progress bar will appear while the 73

track or part is being rendered, and then when rendering is complete the render button will disappear from the corresponding track or part. (V3.0.3 Additional Features) Mute Button Clicking the button to the upper left of each track mutes the output from this track. Clicking this again releases the Mute function. This function is connected with the same function in the Mixer Window. Solo Button It is possible to only monitor 1 track (channel) with the Solo function. If

there are multiple channels, clicking the button to the upper left of the Track Header of the track you want to monitor outputs only that track and automatically mutes the other tracks. Likewise, it is possible to monitor only that track with ease by muting all the tracks besides the track you want to monitor with the Solo function. The

track set to Solo and the other tracks have the

button is highlighted for the highlighted. To release

Solo from this track, click the button one more time. This function is connected with the same function in the Mixer Window.

Scroll Bars The horizontal and vertical scroll bars along the bottom and right edges of the Track Editor window perform essentially the same functions that they do in a word processor or other program: i.e. click the arrows at either end of the scroll bar to scroll in the corresponding direction, or drag the scroll handle to move to the desired location. (V3.0.3 Additional Features) For those using a mouse with a tilt wheel, you are also able to scroll to the sides. (4-4. Convenient Uses -> Track Editor/Music Editor Shared features)

Zoom Sliders The zoom slider can be used to zoom in or out on the tracks horizontally and or vertically, as required. Drag the horizontal zoom slider to the right to zoom in for fine part positioning, for example, or drag to the left to zoom out to see a broader overall view of the tracks. Drag the vertical zoom slider up to increase the height of the tracks, or down to reduce their height. Right-click Tip: Right-click in the sequence track for conveniently accessible 74

tool selection (2-2. The Tool Bars -> 2-2-1. The Edit Tool Bar), quantize selection (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-9. Settings), note length selection (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-9. Settings), edit items (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-2. Edit), event selection (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-2. Edit), singer selection(3-2. The Singer -> Selecting a Singer), and part properties(2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-6. Part).

2-4. The Piano Roll (The Musical Editor Window) Rulers

The three “rulers” across the top of the Piano Roll window are exactly the same as those in the Track Editor Window (2-3. The Track Editor Window -> 2-3-1. Rulers).


The graphic piano keyboard is a visual guide for note entry. Each key corresponds to a band in the piano roll to the right of the keyboard – white bands correspond to white keys and black bands correspond to black keys.

Piano Roll

This is where you actually enter the notes and lyrics to be “sung” by VOCALOID3. You begin by entering the desired notes of the desired length. The default lyric is automatically entered for each note (“Ooh” when entering English, for example). You can then double-click on and edit the default lyric for each note to create the desired phrase (3-4. Entering & Editing Lyrics). VOCALOID3 will be able to sing the lyrics you have entered – although you’ll have to add dynamics and phrasing control to make the resultant vocal track sound realistic (3-7. Expressive Control). 75

Scroll Bars

The horizontal and vertical scroll bars along the bottom and right edges of the sequence window perform essentially the same functions that they do in a word processor or other program: i.e. click the arrows at either end of the scroll bar to scroll in the corresponding direction, or drag the scroll handle to move to the desired location. (V3.0.3 Additional Features) For those using a mouse with a tilt wheel, you are also able to scroll to the sides. (4-4. Convenient Uses -> Track Editor/Music Editor Shared features)

Zoom Slider

The zoom slider can be used to zoom in or out on the track horizontally. Drag the slider to the right to zoom in for fine note positioning, for example, or drag to the left to zoom out to see a broader overall view of the track. Right-click Tip: Right-click in the sequence track for conveniently accessible tool selection (2-2. The Tool Bars -> 2-2-1. The Edit Tool Bar), quantize selection (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-9. Settings), note length selection (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-9. Settings), edit items (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-2. Edit), event selection (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-2. Edit), singer selection(3-2. The Singer -> Selecting a Singer), lyric insertion (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-4. Job -> Insert Lyrics), part properties (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-6. Part), and note properties (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-7. Lyrics -> Note Properties).


2-5. The Control Parameter (The Musical Editor Window) The control parameter area is where you view and edit all other parameters that control the sound of the notes in the sequence track: note velocity, dynamics, and singer parameters such as breathiness, brightness, pitch bend, and more. If the control parameter isn’t showing below the piano-roll in the Musical Editor window, click the “Control Parameters” command in the View menu so that a checkmark appears next to the command. Clicking the “Control Parameters” command toggles control parameter visibility on and off. Clicking the bar which has the arrow mark (the fold button) at the bottom of Musical Editor window toggles the control parameter visibility on and off too.

Refer to the “3-7. Expressive Control” section for details on editing in the control parameter.

Value Field

The value field above the control parameter selectors shows the value of the selected parameter at the current cursor position in the control parameter area. This facilitates precise tool positioning when editing the control parameter.

View Icons

The view (eye) icons to the left of each parameter selector indicate which parameters are showing in the control parameter area. The currently selected parameter will always show, and you can select one other parameter to view simultaneously. For example, when editing dynamics in the DYN track, it is very helpful to be able to see the velocity values as well, since these appear as vertical 77

bars at the beginning of each note, providing an accurate reference to the timing of the notes to which you are applying control.

Right-click Tip: Right-click in the control parameter editor for conveniently accessible tool selection (2-2. The Tool Bars -> 2-2-1. The Edit Tool Bar), edit items (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-2. Edit), event selection (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-2. Edit), singer selection (3-2. The Singer -> Selecting a Singer), and part properties(2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-6. Part).


2-6. The Mixer Window The VOCALOID3 Mixer window is a movable floating window that will appear in the display area when the Mixer item in the View menu is checked. The window can be dismissed either by clicking the close box in its upper right corner, or by clicking the Mixer item in the View menu a second time. The Mixer window provides mix controls for each individual vocal sequence and WAV track as well as master level control and effect sends/returns. A numbered track fader module will automatically be created for each track in your VOCALOID3 sequence.

Gain Trim Adjusts the track’s input level prior to the effects, effect sends, pan, and level controls. The Gain scale ranges from -20dB~ +20dB. Click on the control and drag left and right or up and down to adjust. You can also double-click the value in the center of the control and directly enter a numerical value. Return the control to its default setting (0) by clicking on the control while holding [CTRL].


(V3.0.3 Additional Features) If there is an input for a track, a green light is turned on. Clipping turns the light red when there is excessive audio. If “Peak-hold” is set, the Peak Indicator displayed in red (shown below) will stay lit (in Hold status) when audio is clipped. Click the red Peak Indicator to release Hold status.

VST Plug-in The VST Plug-in section allows VST effects to be selected and directly inserted in the corresponding channel (vocal sequence, WAV (MONO), WAV (STERE0), and Master). Two VST plug-in selectors are provided on each module. To insert an effect click on the arrow in a VST section and select an effect from the menu that

appears. Once an effect has been selected you can click the switch to turn the plug-in ON or OFF, and click the switch to show or hide the effect’s edit window. Vocal sequence and WAV (MONO) tracks can use MONO IN/ MONO OUT and MONO IN/ STEREO OUT effects. The WAV (STEREO) and Master track can use STEREO IN/ STEREO OUT effects. All effects are inserted pre-fader. Send When the Send switch is ON (lit) the signal from that channel can be sent to a VST effect inserted in the Return section of the Master track, for send/return type effects operation. The Send control adjusts the level of the signal sent from the corresponding channel to the Master track Return section. Click on the control and drag left and right or up and down to adjust send level. You can also double-click the value in the center of the control and directly enter a numerical value. The effect sends are post-fader. Return the control to its default setting (89.8) by clicking on the control while holding [CTRL]. No send controls are provided in the WAV (STEREO) module. Pan Control The pan control for each track is the small horizontal “L-R” slider above the fader. Drag the slider to the left or right to pan the signal from that track to the corresponding side of the stereo output. The pan position is indicated numerically below the pan control. The pan range is from –64 (full left) through 0 (center) to +64 (full right). You can also set the pan position numerically by double-clicking the current pan value and editing it as required. Return the control to its default setting (0) by clicking on the control while holding [CTRL]. 80

Mute Button Click the button above a fader to turn output from that track off. Click again to disengage the MUTE function. Solo Button The SOLO function allows “solo monitoring” of individual tracks. If you have created a number of tracks but want to listen to the output of just one, for

example, you can simply engage the button for that track rather than having to individually mute all of the other tracks. When the SOLO function is engaged the

button for that track will be highlighted while the

tracks will be engaged. Click the function.

buttons for all other

button a second time to disengage the SOLO

Track Fader Each track fader module includes a linear fader for independent level control of the corresponding track. Drag the fader up or down to adjust the level of the corresponding track. “0.0” in the fader knob indicates normal (nominal) level (0 dB). The fader scale ranges from –89.8 through 0 to +6. The current fader level is always shown in the fader knob. You can also set the fader level numerically by double-clicking in the knob and editing the value as required, or return the fader to its default setting (0.0) by clicking on it while holding [CTRL]. (V3.0.3 Additional Features) A track’s volume is displayed with a Level Meter. If the setting is “Peak-hold”, an excessive audio input signal is transmitted. When clipped, the Peak Indicator (shown below) which is displayed in red, stays on (in Hold status). Click the red Peak Indicator to release the hold status.

Return Effects and Fader Although the upper two VST plug-in insertion points in the Master module allow direct insertion of effects in the Master channel, the “return” effect is inserted in the mixer’s send/return loop. This effect is selected and controlled in the same was as the direct-insert VST plug-ins, but it can be applied to multiple input channel by simply activating the sends of the appropriate channels and setting appropriate send levels. The return fader determines how much of the output from the return effect is mixed into the Master channel. The return level control is operated in the same was as the other mixer controls. 81

Master Fader The Master fader controls the overall output level of all VOCALOID3 tracks. Operation of the master fader is the same as those in the track modules. Fold Button Click the arrow to the upper right of the Master fader to “fold” the mixer window, hiding all but the lower controls (pan, mute, solo, and fader). Click the arrow again to “unfold” and show the entire mixer window.


3. Operation – Making VOCALOID3 Sing The VOCALOID3 Editor has a more evolved and powerful interface than previous versions, and therefore requires a different workflow. If VOCALOID3 is your first contact with the program, then it should be straightforward to learn. But if you’re used to a previous version you’ll need to keep a few changes in mind until working with them becomes second nature … and then you’ll find that the new interface is more versatile and powerful than ever. The main difference is that instead of just having a single musical editor window, VOCALOID3 has a Musical Editor window (very similar to the original) plus a new Track Editor window, the functions of which are interdependent. So before we get into actual note and lyric entry, let’s take a closer look at the new Track Editor.


3-1. Managing Tracks & Parts in the Track Editor The Track Editor window is a new feature in VOCALOID3 that makes overall operation easier while providing greater power and flexibility for creating vocal sequences. The VOCALOID3 Track Editor window is where you can:

• Add new tracks to your project, up to a maximum of 16 tracks, and manipulate existing tracks.

• Create “Parts” within the tracks that will contain the vocal sequence data. Parts can be created, deleted, lengthened, shortened, moved, and copied around within the tracks as required. Parts provide an extremely convenient way to create and modify musical arrangements. • The Track Editor includes a WAV (MONO) track that can be used to add short sound clips or effects to your sequence, and a WAV (STEREO) track that can be used to add high-quality stereo backing tracks to your vocal sequence. 3-1-1. Creating and Managing Tracks Initial Default Tracks and Part When a new project is created* the Track Editor window contains one vocaloid sequence track (Track), one WAV (MONO) track, and one WAV (STEREO) track.

A 32-measure Part (3-1. Managing Tracks & Parts in the Track Editor -> 3-1-2. Creating and Managing Parts) is automatically created in the initial, automatically created track. No parts are automatically created in new tracks that you create by selecting the “Add Track” command from the Track menu, so you’ll have to create an appropriate part before you can begin entering notes in a new track. * When VOCALOID3 is first launched, when the “New” command in the File menu is selected, or when the [Ctrl] + [N] key combination is pressed.


Selecting a Track Click in the track header (where the track name is) in the Track Editor Window to select a track. Adding Tracks To add a sequence track select the “Add Track” command from the Track menu. If a track is selected when you do this the new track will be created immediately above the selected track. If no track is selected the new track will be created below the existing track(s). Only vocaloid sequence tracks can be added. “WAV (MONO)” and “WAV (STEREO) tracks cannot be added.

Remember, new tracks that you create by selecting the “Add Track” command from the Track menu do not contain any parts, so you’ll have to create an appropriate part before you can begin entering notes in a new track. Renaming Tracks New tracks are simply named “Track,” with a color-coded track number to the left of the track name. If you start using multiple tracks you’ll almost certainly want to give them names that more clearly identify the data that they contain.

Select the track to be renamed by clicking in its track header (where the track name is), and select the “Rename Track” command from the Track menu (you can also directly double-click the current track name to activate the name edit mode). You can then enter a new name. Press the [Enter] key on your keyboard when done. Track names can have a maximum of 256 characters.

The WAV (MONO) and WAV (STERE0) tracks cannot be renamed. Copying Tracks You can create a new track that is a full copy of an existing track by first selecting the track to be copied (click in the track header … where the track name is), and then either select the “Copy” command and then the “Paste” command in the Edit menu, or use the keyboard shortcut equivalents: [CTRL] + [C], and then [CTRL] + [V]. Deleting Tracks Select the track to be deleted by clicking in its track header (where the track name is), then either select the “Delete” command from the Edit menu or press the [DEL] key on your keyboard to delete the track. 85

The last remaining track cannot be deleted (there must always be at least one vocaloid sequence track in the Track Editor window), but you can delete any parts it contains. The WAV (MONO) and WAV (STEREO) tracks cannot be deleted, but you can delete any parts they contain. 3-1-2. Creating and Managing Parts At least one track and one part must be available before you can begin entering notes via the Musical Editor. A 32-measure default part is automatically created whenever a new project is created. When you enter notes in the Musical Editor, you’re entering those notes into the currently selected Part.

Example: In this project three tracks have been created. The tracks have been renamed “Lead”, “Chorus” and “Chorus 2”. The lighter areas in the tracks are the parts. The “Lead” track contains just one part, while the “Chorus 1” and “Chorus 2” tracks contain shorter parts that have been created to hold some short background vocals. Note: Parts cannot overlap in the same track! To be more specific, you can position parts so that they overlap, but an error will be displayed when you attempt to play the sequence. Creating New Parts There are a couple of ways to do this.

1) Select the track in which you want to create a new part (click in the track header … where the track name is), move the song position marker to the point at which you want the new part to begin (click at the appropriate location in the Measure ruler), then select “Add Musical Part” from the Part menu. A new 32measure part will be created in the selected track at the specified location.

2) The second method lets you create parts of any length you require. Simply use the pencil tool (2-2. The Tool Bars -> 2-2-1. The Edit Tool Bar) to click-and-drag over the area in the track where you want to create your part, from beginning (left) to end (right). 86

In either case the “Musical Part Property” dialog box will appear. However “Musical Part Property” dialog box will not appear when the only one singer is available in the sequence file.

Here you can enter a name for your new part, add a comment if you like, and select the singer that will be used for that part (more info on selecting singers is provided in “3-2. The Singer”, below).

Selecting a Part for Editing Whether you’re selecting a part that’s in the same track as a different part that’s being edited, or one that’s in a different track, you’ll need to double-click the part to select it for editing and bring it to the front of the Musical Editor piano-roll window. Notes in non-selected parts will appear in the Piano Roll as thin lines that can not be selected or edited.

Moving Parts Moving parts around in the Track Editor is easy: simply click and drag with the pointer, pencil, or line tool (the cursor will change to a “pointing hand” when any of these tools are moved over a part in the Track Editor window). The current “Quantize” setting determines which beats the part will snap to when you move it (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-9. Settings). Just remember that parts cannot overlap in the same track. You can position parts so that they overlap, but an error will be displayed when you attempt to play the sequence. You can move multiple parts on the same vocaloid sequence track simultaneously by first selecting them while holding the [SHIFT] key. And you can also move multiple parts on the different vocaloid sequence tracks simultaneously by first selecting them while holding the [Ctrl] key.

Copying Parts Copying parts in the Track Editor is much like copying text in a word processor, and there are two ways it can be done.

1) Select the part to be copied (single-click it so that it is highlighted). Select “Copy” from the Edit menu or use the equivalent key shortcut: [CTRL] + [C]. Place the song position marker at the location where the copied part is to begin. 87

You can also select a track if you’re copying the part to a different track (click in the track header). The select “Paste” from the Edit menu or use the equivalent key shortcut: [CTRL] + [V].

2) The more direct and easy way is to simply click and drag the part while holding the [CTRL] key. You can drag the copy to any point within the same track, or any other track. The current “Quantize” setting determines which beats the copied part will snap to (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-9. Settings).

You can copy multiple parts on the same vocaloid sequence track simultaneously by first selecting them while holding the [SHIFT] key.

Resizing Parts Move the pointer or pencil tool over the left or right edge of a part so that the red double-headed resize arrow appears, then click and drag to the left or right to resize the part as required. Please note that you can move the right edge of a part to the left to shorten the part or to the right to lengthen the part, but the left edge can only be moved to the left to lengthen the part. You can resize multiple parts on the same vocaloid sequence track simultaneously by first selecting them while holding the [SHIFT] key. The selected parts will all be resized in the same direction by the same amount.

(V3.0.3 Additional Features) You can optimize the length of the part by double clicking the right edge of the part. Dividing a Part If, for example, you’d like to move the second half of a part to a new location or track, or make copies of just that second half while leaving the first part as it is, you can simply divide the part so that what was once a single part becomes two independent parts. However WAV part can’t be divided. You could only divide the musical part.

To divide a part first select the part to be divided (single-click it so that it is highlighted), place the song position marker at the point at which you want to divide the part, then select “Divide Selected Part” from the Part menu. Remember that the song position marker snaps to the currently selected Quantize value (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-9. Settings), so for really precise positioning you might want to turn Quantize “Off.”


Deleting Parts Select the part to be deleted (single-click it so that it is highlighted), then either select “Delete” from the Edit menu or press the [DELETE] key on your keyboard. You can delete multiple parts simultaneously by first selecting them while holding the [SHIFT] key.

Importing and Manipulating Wave Files Wave files can be imported into the WAV (MONO) and WAV (STEREO) tracks to serve as sound effects and/or backing tracks as required. Only mono WAV files can be imported into the WAV (MONO) track, and only stereo WAV files can be imported into the WAV (STEREO) track. The WAV file import procedure is described in “2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-1. File”.

Although WAV files cannot be copied or moved from track to track, they can be freely moved around and copied within the same track in the same was as the parts in the sequence tracks. They can also be shortened and lengthened by moving the right edge of parts but the left edge of WAV parts can’t be moved to the either direction. Shortening a WAV file past the end of the data it contains effective “crops” the file, and hidden portion of the file will not be played back.


3-2. The Singer The singer is a vocal “entity” defined by the VOCALOID3 Library that will sing the notes and lyrics you enter. The singer can be male, female, and speak just about any language, as defined by the VOCALOID3 Library you are using. You can add singers to your VOCALOID3 Editor by installing optional voice libraries. Selecting a Singer When a new sequence file is created the default singer will be automatically selected for the initial default part. The default singer, and any other singers that are available for selection, will depend on the VOCALOID3 package or voice library you are using. You can change the singer for the currently selected part to any other available singer by right-clicking in the Track Editor or Sequence Track Editor window and choosing ”Singer” from the contextual menu that appears. This will bring up the singer menu with the available singer choices.

Click the name of the singer you want to use. A checkmark appears beside the active singer. The name of the singer for the currently selected part appears in the Musical Editor title bar in brackets following the part name.


In this example the singer “Tonio(V2)” is selected for the part named “NewPart”.

Customizing the Singer’s Voice Using the singer “as is” will produce characteristics most closely resembling the sound of the singer who created the databases you are using. You can, however, change a number of parameters to vary the voice over a fairly wide range via the My Singer Properties and Active Singer Properties editors that can be accessed via the Settings menu (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-9. Settings). Most of the singer parameters can also be accessed via the control parameter and used to apply real-time variations that can “animate” your vocal tracks and simulate the expressive delivery of a live singer. Refer to the “Active Singer Properties” and “My Singer Properties” descriptions in “2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-9. Settings” for details on editing, adding, and copying singers.


3-3. Entering & Editing Notes in the Musical Editor Once you’ve created a part (or the program has created a default part for you when you create a new project) and selected that part for editing (double-click it in the Track Editor window), the next step is to begin entering the notes and lyrics to be “sung.”

Notes are entered at the desired locations in the VOCALOID3 Musical Editor piano roll (2-4. The Piano Roll) using the pencil tool. When the Length and Quantize parameters are set to “off” you can use the pencil tool to enter notes of any length at any location in the part by simply clicking and dragging the notes as required at the appropriate pitches. When a Length value is selected, notes will “snap” to multiples of the specified length as they are being drawn, and when a Quantize value is selected, the attacks of the notes entered will snap to the corresponding note alignment.

The pitches of the horizontal bands in the sequence track correspond to the keys on the graphic keyboard to the left of the track. Duration can be judged by keeping an eye on the measure ruler across the top of the track, and you can turn on the grid (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-3. View) for an even more accurate reference if required. The current position (measure:beat:clock) of your cursor is also shown by the cursor position indicator in the Cursor Position and Quantize toolbar (2-2. The Tool Bars -> 2-2-3. The Measure Tool Bar).

There’s also a “Fixed Note Length” item in the contextual menu that appears if you right-click in the sequence track area. The “Fixed Note Length” menu can also be accessed from the Settings menu (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-9. Settings). “Fixed Note Length” is “Off” by default, but if you select a fixed note length from the menu you can enter notes of the specified length by simply clicking briefly in the piano roll. The beginning of the note is placed at the point at which you click.


Enter the basic notes to be sung by your singer, leaving appropriate spaces for rests. Keep in mind, however, that notes in the same track cannot overlap.

You can continue entering notes in the Piano Roll that go beyond the end of the currently selected part in the Track Editor, but those notes won’t appear in the Track Editor window, and they won’t sound when the sequence is played back, unless you extend the length of the part in the Track Editor window so that the hidden notes are shown. You can lengthen or shorten a part by moving the cursor over the end of the part so that the red double arrow appears (the red double arrow will not appear when the eraser tool is selected), and then clicking and dragging the part to the desired length.

Deleting Notes Notes you have entered can be individually deleted either by clicking them with the eraser tool or single-clicking with any other tool to highlight them and then pressing the [Delete] key on your computer keyboard. You can specify a range of notes to be deleted by clicking and dragging with the pointer tool to highlight all of the desired notes and then press the [Delete] key or just use the eraser tool and drag a range of notes to be deleted. Stretching Notes Individual notes can be stretched to make them longer (as long as doing so doesn’t cause them to overlap another note) or shorter as required. The Length setting (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-9. Settings) determines the beats to which the note release will snap when a note is stretched. Position the cursor over the beginning or end of a note so that the red double-ended arrow stretch symbol appears (), then click and drag the note to resize as required.


Moving Notes Position the cursor over the body of a note and it will change to the hand pointer which you can use to click and drag the note to a different horizontal position (as long as it doesn’t overlap another note), or to a different pitch. You can also use this method to move a group of highlighted notes. The Quantize setting (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-9. Settings) will determine to which beats the moved note(s) will snap.

Copying Notes You can copy single notes or a group of highlighted notes to a different location (time and/or pitch) by grabbing and dragging with the hand pointer while holding the [Ctrl] key on your computer keyboard. As with the move operation described above, the Quantize setting (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-9. Settings) will determine to which beats the copied note(s) will snap.

You can also use the standard edit commands – cut, paste, and copy (see 1-1. The Menus -> Edit) – to copy or cut and paste single or multiple notes. In this case the notes will be pasted to the current location of the song position marker. Quantize vs. Length At first the Quantize and Length functions (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-9. Settings) may seem similar, and therefore somewhat confusing. Actually, they are very similar in that they align notes in the sequence track to the nearest specified beats, but the difference is in whether that alignment applies to the beginning (attack) or to the end (release) of the notes. The Quantize setting affects where the beginnings of the notes will be placed in the sequence track. If you want all notes you enter to fall precisely in 8th-note beats, for example, make sure that Quantize is set to 1/8. Then when you use the pencil tool to enter a note its attack will precisely snap to the nearest 8th note beat even if your aim is a little off.

The Length function, however, applies to the ends (releases) of notes. Length therefore determines the beats to which the ends of notes will snap when clickand-drag entered or stretched.


3-4. Entering & Editing Lyrics The default lyric is automatically entered for each note (“Ooh” when entering English, for example). You can then double-click on and edit the default lyric for each note to create the desired phrase. If you have selected an English singer use standard English input and editing procedure to enter English lyrics. You can press the [TAB] key to jump directly to the next note after entering the text for a note. In some cases a single word will correspond to a single note, but in many cases words will be sung across two or even more notes, one syllable per note. In such cases simply type a hyphen following the syllable that needs to connect to a syllable on the following note.

In the above example – “She’s such a lady” – the first three words (“She’s such a”) correspond to individual notes, while “la-dy” is sung using two notes: the “la“ syllable on the first and the “dy” syllable on the second. If a Japanese singer has been specified, use standard Japanese input and editing procedures to enter Japanese lyrics. Japanese can be entered using Romaji, Hiragana, or Katakana input methods. You can press the [TAB] key to jump directly to the next note after entering the text for a note.

When entering Japanese lyrics for a Japanese singer please note that any lyrics that have been entered in Romaji (Roman characters) will be sung using Japanese Katakana pronunciation.


3-5. Note Properties 1 – Adding Vibrato and Expression Vibrato and expression parameters can be conveniently accessed via the Note Property window. The Note Property window for the currently selected note in the sequence track can be opened by selecting “Note Property” from the Lyric menu. You can also right-click on the note and select “Note Property” from the contextual menu that appears.

Vibrato Click VIBRATO in the Note Property window to open the Vibrato Property window.

An alternative method of opening the Vibrato Property window is to double-click on the vibrato section of the expression symbol under the note. If you use the latter method you only need to click the [OK] button in the Vibrato Property window to apply the changes. But if you access the Vibrato Property window via the Note Property window you will also need to click the [OK] button in the Note Property window when you have finished editing to apply the changes.


Vibrato Length Sets length of vibrato. Default value of 66% sets vibrato for the last 66% of the note. If you change this to 100%, for example, vibrato will occur for the full length of the note. On the other hand a setting of 30% would apply vibrato to only the last 30% of the note. Vibrato Type Load a basic vibrato type from the drop-down menu. The depth and rate profiles of the selected type will appear in the Depth and Rate windows below.


Depth and Rate Envelopes These graphs or “envelopes” allow you to apply real-time variation to the vibrato. You can change the depth and/or rate (speed) of the vibrato over the duration of the note. The colored region (green) is the current profile for the corresponding vibrato parameter. The left edge of the graphs corresponds to the beginning of the vibrato, and the right edge of the graphs corresponds to the end of the vibrato. The range is from 0 (minimum) through 64 (median) to 127 (maximum). Click and drag in the graph window while the “+” cursor is showing to create linear variations as required.

Other tool options and edit functions can be selected from the contextual menu that opens when you right-click in the graph area. The Eraser tool can be clicked and dragged along a section of the graph, creating a flat segment with a value corresponding to the point at which you began dragging (dragging from left to right).

 The pointer tool can be used to drag-select a section of the graph, after which you can press the [Delete] key on your computer keyboard to create a flat section in much the same was as the eraser tool – i.e. the value of the flat section is determined by the value at the leftmost edge of the selected section. Note that the profiles cannot be edited while the “Non Vibrato” type is selected in the Load menu.


Expression Click EXP in the Note Property window to open the Note Expression Property window.

An alternative method of opening the Note Expression Property window is to double-click on the expression symbol under the note. If you use the latter method you only need to click the [OK] button in the Note Expression Property window to apply the changes. But if you access the Note Expression Property window via the Note Property window you will also need to click the [OK] button in the Note Property window when you have finished editing to apply the changes.

Template Load a basic expression type from the drop-down menu. The parameters settings in the window will change accordingly. Pitch Control Bend Depth slider (0 ~ 100%) Bend Length slider (0 ~ 100%) These two parameters specify the pitch variation that will occur at the beginning of the note. If both sliders are set all the way to the left (0%) no pitch variation will occur. Higher Bend Depth percentages create a pitch variation that covers a greater pitch range, and higher Bend Length percentages create longer pitch variation. 99

Add portamento in rising movement When the pitch of a note is higher than that of the preceding note, a smooth upward “portamento” pitch slide will occur at the beginning of the note. Add portamento in falling movement When the pitch of a note is lower than that of the preceding note, a smooth downward “portamento” pitch slide will occur at the beginning of the note. Dynamics Control Decay slider (0 ~ 100%) Accent slider (0 ~ 100%) These two sliders specify the “shape” of the expression at the beginning of the note. Accent increases or decreases the amplitude of the expression, while Decay increases or decreases the length of the decay into the sustained portion of the note following the initial expression portion. The height of the peak on the graphic expression symbol below the note will change to approximately reflect the Accent level.


3-6. Note Properties 2 – Phoneme Functions “Phoneme” is a linguistics term that refers to a small set of speech sounds that are distinguished by the speakers of a particular language. Phonetic symbols represent phonemes. VOCALOID automatically converts words to phonetic symbol, but you can change them as you desire. Phoneme Editing If the normal phoneme transformation doesn’t produce the pronunciation you require, you can edit the phonetic symbols for the phoneme via the Note Properties window to change the actual phoneme transformation rule for the problem note(s). To edit the phonetic symbols first click on the current phonetic symbols in the Note Properties window to select them for editing.

Normally you will want to change the phonetic symbol or symbols used to describe the pronunciation of the corresponding lyric. To do this simply edit the symbols as required while referring to the reference chart (4.Appendix -> 4-1. Phonetic Symbol Charts). Each note/lyric may require one or more phonetic symbols to describe its pronunciation. When more than one phonetic symbol is required the symbols must be separated by spaces. When the phonetic symbols have been edited as required press the [ENTER] key on your keyboard to actually enter the change. When this is done the PROTECT checkbox below the phonetic symbols will automatically be checked to prevent the edited pronunciation from reverting to the default pronunciation if an overall phoneme transformation is executed later. And this function (protecting notes) is useful when you use the “Insert Lyrics” in the job menu.

A more direct way to edit the phonetic symbols is via the notes in the sequence track: double-click the lyric in a note to select it for editing, and then press the down key [V] on your computer’s keyboard while holding the [alt] key. The current phonetic symbols for the lyric will appear in place of the normal lyric spelling, and you can edit them in the same way as in the Note Properties window. Enter the change and press [Enter] on your computer keyboard. Protect 101

is automatically applied to changes you make in this way, and you will need to enter the phoneme editor to remove protection if necessary.

(V3.0.3 Additional Features) It is possible to edit phonetic symbols by holding down the [ALT] key and double clicking a note. It is necessary to keep in mind that this operation is to replace the normal double click action in the “Phoneme Preferred Display”. A handy phonetic symbol and pronunciation sample chart is provided in the Appendix of this manual (4.Appendix -> 4-1. Phonetic Symbol Charts). The User Word Dictionary VOCALOID3 comes with a basic dictionary that produces appropriate pronunciations for most lyrics, but the initial dictionary might not be able to transform all of the words you want to use in your lyrics. Any additional words can be entered in the VOCALOID3 User Word Dictionary so you have unlimited freedom to expand VOCALOID3’s vocabulary to match your lyrical requirements. Open the VOCALOID3 User Word Dictionary by clicking the User Word Dictionary item in the Lyrics menu (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-7. Lyrics).


Create a New User Dictionary Select (new) from the drop-down “User Dictionary” list at the top of the User Word Registration window, enter an appropriate dictionary name in the Create User Dictionary dialog that appears, then click [CREATE]. Add New Words and Pronunciations Once you have created a new user dictionary or selected a previously-created user dictionary you can add new words and pronunciations as required. Type your word into the “Word” space. If the [AUTO] button is engaged the appropriate phonetic symbols will automatically be generated and entered in the “Pronunciation” space for you. You can then edit the phonetic symbols as required if the automatically generated symbols don’t produce the desired results. If the [AUTO] button is not engaged when you enter your word, you will have to enter the appropriate phonetic symbols in the Pronunciation space manually. The available phonetic symbols and the corresponding pronunciation samples are shown in the chart on the right side of the window for convenient reference. When the new word and pronunciation have been entered as required, click the [Add] button to actually register them in the dictionary. Registered words and their corresponding pronunciations are displayed in the list in the upper area of the User Word Registration window. 103

Editing Existing Entries To edit an existing entry in the User Word Dictionary double-click the entry in the registered word list. The word and its corresponding phonetic symbols will automatically be entered in the Word and Pronunciation spaces near the bottom of the window where they can be edited as required. After editing click the [Add] button to register the changes.


3-7. Expressive Control The VOCALOID3 control parameter can be used to create dynamic changes in a number of important parameters. You can, for example, use the control parameter to program subtle pitch bends like those that a live singer might use to add expression to his or her performance. You can also apply dynamic variations to all of the singer’s voice parameters, producing shifts in sound and texture that can bring you vocal track to life.

The control parameter area is capable of displaying the control curves for two control parameter at a time, as determined by the “eye” button/icons to the left of each control parameter. That way you can edit one parameter while comparing the curve you’re creating with that of another parameter. The horizontal axis of the control parameter area corresponds to time in the sequencer track above it, so a control parameter change in the control parameter area corresponds to the measure:beat:clock location and note immediately above it in the sequence track. The vertical axis of the control parameter area corresponds to the value at that point for the currently selected control parameter. Higher control parameter points produce higher values. 3-7-1. Select a Control parameter To View Click the abbreviation of the parameter you want to edit in the menu down the left edge of the control parameter area. The selected parameter will be highlighted in blue. You can only select one control parameter to edit at a time, but you can select a second parameter to view for comparison via the view icons to the left of the control parameters. Select the parameter you want to view or edit.

3-7-2. Edit the Selected Control Parameter The arrow, pencil, line, and eraser tools can be used to edit data in the control parameter area. Choose the tool that most easily produces the type of control change or curve you need. In addition to drawing curves and lines using the tools, you can use the standard edit-menu functions to, for example, copy and paste a 105

control curve from one location on a track to another (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-2. Edit).

Pencil Tool The pencil tool allows you to click and drag to create virtually any control curve you like. This method is best when you want to create complex control changes. When using the pencil tool while the VEL (Velocity) and OPE (Opening) parameter is selected a shaded curve corresponding to the curve you have drawn will appear while you are dragging, then the velocity bars will automatically be adjusted to match the curve when you release the mouse button. For all other parameters the pencil tool directly draws the control curve. You can also click and hold the pencil tool briefly at any point in the control parameter area to automatically draw a flat line of that value up to the next value change in the curve.

Line Tool When you click and drag in the control parameter area when the line mode is selected you will see a “rubber band” line connecting the point at which you initially clicked and the point at which you drag to. The velocity bars or parameter curve will automatically be adjusted to match the line when you release the mouse button.


Eraser Tool For any control parameter other than VEL (Velocity) and OPE (Opening), the eraser tool can be clicked and dragged along a section of the curve, creating a flat segment with a value corresponding to the point at which you began dragging (dragging from left to right). However, if you click on a velocity and opening bar with the eraser tool, then it will be reset and be back to the default value.

 Pointer Tool The pointer tool can be used to drag-select a section of a control curve. You can then cut and paste the selected curve segment to the current position marker location. After selecting a curve segment with the pointer tool you can also press the [Delete] key on your computer keyboard to create a flat section in much the same was as the eraser tool – i.e. the value of the flat section is determined by the value at the leftmost edge of the selected section When you click & drag the parameter with the pointer tool you see some bright marks as of the last edit section (shown on the following picture).

Right-click Tip: Right-click in the control parameter area for conveniently accessible tool selection (2-2. The Tool Bars -> 2-2-1. The Edit Tool Bar) and edit items (2-1.The Menus -> 2-1-2. Edit).


3-7-3. The Control Parameters The parameter abbreviations and their meanings are as follows: Parameter Full Name VEL Velocity




Breathiness Brightness Clearness




Gender Factor

What It Is Velocity determines how quickly the singers mouth moves during pronunciation of a word. The default is “64.” Higher velocities result in shorter consonants, subjectively increasing the attack of the lyric. Lower velocities have the opposite effect – particularly “s” and “f” sounds –, and this lengthening of the attack can move the beginning of a note closer to, and sometimes even so that it overlaps, the preceding note. In the case of plosives this can sometimes result in an almost silent preparatory interval prior to sounding of the actual consonant. Note velocity control bars cannot be created using the pencil tool. They are created automatically whenever a note is entered in the piano roll, one per note. You can edit and select the note velocity bars using the pointer tool (click on a bar and drag up or down), and you can use the pencil or line tool to draw a curve or line which the included points will snap to when the mouse button is released. This parameter gives you extensive control over the dynamics (loudness, softness, crescendo, diminuendo) of your singer. You can use the pencil tool to draw detailed dynamic expression, and the line tool to draw smooth level changes. The default “curve” is a straight line at the medium dynamic value. All of the parameters described in the “My Singer Properties” section (2-1. The Menu -> 2-1-9. Setting-> My Singer Properties) can be dynamically controlled via the control parameter . Select the desired parameter in the control menu, then use the appropriate tool(s) to enter and edit the control curve as required. This parameter simulates the way a singer can change tone by controlling the opening of his or her mouth . Higher opening values can produce a clear, open tone, while reducing the opening value can produce a less distinct tone. This parameters described in the “My Singer Properties” section (2-1. The Menu -> 2-1-9. Setting-> My Singer Properties) can be dynamically controlled via the control parameter . 108


Portamento Timing Pitch Bend


Pitch bend Sensitivity


Select this parameter in the control menu, then use the appropriate tool(s) to enter and edit the control curve as required. Adjusts the position of the portamento (the point at which the pitch changes). The control range in the PIT control parameter is from –8192 to 8191. The central “0” value corresponds to no pitch change. With the maximum PBS (Pitch Bend Sensitivity) setting (below) the overall pitch bend range allows pitch variation of ±2 octaves. Use the pencil or line tool to enter the control curve, and edit as required. Determines to what degree pitch bend value changes (above) will affect the produced pitch. At the maximum setting of “24” (24 semitones) the full pitch bend value range will produce pitch variation of ±2 octaves. A setting of “12” allows full-range pitch bend of ±1 octave, and so on. This parameter makes it easy to use the full pitch scale to create even delicate pitch variations.


3-8. VST Effects VOCALOID3 makes it possible to modify and refine your sound with VST (up to Version 2) effect plug-ins that can be applied to the vocaloid sequence tracks as well as the WAV tracks via the Mixer window (2-6. The Mixer Window). A huge variety of VST plug-in effects are available from a range of sources: reverbs, delays, compressors, equalizers, distortion … just about anything you might need to create the sound you imagine.

VST plug-ins to be used with VOCALOID3 should be placed in the “VSTPlugins” folder that’s inside the VOCALOID3 program folder (Program Files / VOCALOID3 / VSTPlugins). You can actually put the plug-ins anywhere on your computer and locate them via the VST Plug-in Manager that can be accessed by clicking “VST Plugins …” in the Settings menu (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-9. Settings). The VST Plug-in Manager lets you manage your plug-ins and make sure they’re available for use via the mixer. Once your plug-ins are properly installed and available you can apply them to individual tracks via the Mixer window, or via the Mixer’s send/return loop (2-6. The Mixer Window).


3-9. File Compatibility with Other Music Applications Exporting Wave Files VOCALOID3 sequence can be exported in a standard WAV audio file format. Doing so will allow you to import and playback the WAV file in other music programs. First, go to VOCALOID3’s “File” menu, then select “Export” and “WAVE”. The “WAVE file Export” dialogue will appear. Next, you designate the file save location (where to export the file) and file name, and clicking [Save] exports the file. WAV file sampling frequency can be specified during export.

In the event of multiple tracks, choose “Individual tracks” and export them. This allows you to export all musical tracks as separate files, making it convenient when importing into other DAWs. Additional VST effects for exported WAV files are catalogued below. Effect

Export Type

Master Track

Current Track of Musical Editor

Track Insert Effect

([1] below) ON ON

Send Effect

Master Insert



( [2] below) OFF

Effect ( [3] below) OFF

Selected Track in


OFF (*1)

OFF (*1)

Each Vocaloid




Track Editor

Sequence Track into a Separate File

(*1) In versions up to V3.0.3 this was ON, but from V3.0.4 it is now off.





Importing Wave Files Wave files can be imported into the WAV (MONO) and WAV (STEREO) tracks in the VOCALOID3 Track Editor window to serve as sound effects and/or backing tracks as required. Only mono WAV files can be imported into the WAV (MONO) track, and only stereo WAV files can be imported into the WAV (STEREO) track. The WAV file import procedure is described in “2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-1. File”. Importing MIDI (SMF) Files You can import standard SMF (Standard MIDI File) files you have created in another sequencer application and use the notes as the basis for VOCALOID3 sequences. Imported parameters include MIDI note on, note off, velocity, and pitch bend data. Since VOCALOID3 sequences can have up to 16 tracks, multitrack SMF files containing up to 16 tracks can be imported in one operation. SMF files are imported via the standard File menu “Import …” dialog. When you open an SMF file, however, the SMF Options window will appear allowing you to choose which tracks you want to import. Simply check or uncheck the tracks as required, then click [OK] to import the file.


(V3.0.3 Additional Features) Depending of your operating environment, the characters in the names of imported MIDI tracks may be corrupted. Please see figure 2-1 for how to deal with these occurrences (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-1.File -> Open)


4. Appendix

4-1. Phonetic Symbol Charts VOCALOID3 Phonetic Symbol Table (English) Comments Symbol Sample @ the sun (schwa) V strut e them I kit i: beef { trap O: taught Q lot U put u: boot @r maker eI pay aI buy OI boy @U oat aU loud I@ beer e@ bear U@ poor O@ pour Q@ star w way j yellow b cab d bad g bag beginning of syllable, with aspiration bh big beginning of syllable, with aspiration dh dog beginning of syllable, with aspiration gh god dZ jeans v vote D their z resort Z Asia m mind 114


Symbol Sample n N r l l0 p t k ph th kh tS f T s S h

night long red feel list dip sit rock peace top kiss touch feel think sea share hat

beginning of syllable beginning of syllable, with aspiration beginning of syllable, with aspiration beginning of syllable, with aspiration


VOCALOID3 Phonetic Symbol Table (Japanese) Symbol a i M e o k k' g g' N N' s S z Z dz dZ t t' ts tS d d' n J h h\ C p\ p\' b b' p p' m m' j 4 4'

Sample (in roman letters) ai ima uta egao omoi kokoro kibou genki giri ongaku kagi sadame shiawase kizu iji zuboshi jibun taido baraeti tsuki inochi daichi merodi namida nioi hana mahou hinagiku hushigi fianse boku bijin posuto piano manako mirai yume sora rikutsu


followed by /i/

followed by /i/ nasalized /g/ followed by /i/, nasalized /g/

beginning of word beginning of word followed by /i/ followed by /i/ followed by /i/ inside a word followed by /i/

followed by /i/ followed by /i/ followed by /i/ followed by /i/


Symbol w N\

Sample (in roman letters) watashi jikan



VOCALOID3 Phonetic Symbol Table (Korean) Symbol ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ ㅐ, ㅔ

Main Sign [a] [ja] [7] [j7] [o] [jo] [u] [ju] [M] [i]

Sound Classification

Complementary Sign




[ㅐ]와 [ㅔ]를 구별하지 않고, [ㅐ]를 대표음으로 발음

ㅒ, ㅖ



ㅝ ㅙ, ㅚ, ㅞ ㅟ ㅢ ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ


[ui] [Mi] [g] [n] [d]

[gp] [np] [dp]

유성파열음 비음 유성파열음




ㅁ ㅂ

[m] [b]

[mp] [bp]

비음 유성파열음




ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ ㄲ ㄸ ㅃ

[N] [c] [ch] [k] [t] [p] [h] [g'] [d'] [b']


비음 유성파찰음

[ㅒ]와 [ㅖ]를 구별하지 않고, [ㅒ]를 대표음으로 발음


[ㅙ],[ㅚ],[ㅞ]는 구별하지 않고, [ㅙ]를 대표음으로 발음

무성파찰음 무성파열음 무성마찰음



[gp]는 받침소리 [np]는 받침소리 [dp]는 받침소리 [rp]는 받침소리, [l]은 [rp] 뒤의 [r] 발음(영어의 [l] 발음에 해당) [mp]는 받침소리 [bp]는 받침소리 [sh]는 [s]가 모음[ja],[j7],[jo],[ju],[i],[je],[ui]와 결합할 때의 발음 [Np]는 받침소리


Main Sign



Sound Classification

Complementary Sign [sh']

무성마찰음 유성파찰음


Remarks [sh']는 [s']가 모음[ja],[j7],[jo],[ju],[i],[je],[ui]와 결합할 때의 발음

VOCALOID3 Phonetic Symbol Table (Spanish) Symbol Sample Comments a padre e enero i finca o foco u unidos aire forms diphthong [a I] rey forms diphthong [e I] hoy forms diphthong [o I] I muy forms diphthong [u I] pausa forms diphthong [a U] neutro forms diphthong [e U] U bou forms diphthong [o U] palatal approximant hacia forms diphthong [j a] tierra forms diphthong [j e] piojo forms diphthong [j o] j viuda forms diphthong [j u] cuadro forms diphthong [w a] fuego forms diphthong [w e] cuota forms diphthong [w o] w fuimos forms diphthong [w i] p perro t tuyo k carro b vino occlusive d donde occlusive g gata occlusive B cabra approximant D nada approximant G luego approximant tS chico f fácil T pez s sala x jamón m madre n nada J caña l hablar r pero sometimes written as [4] rr perro sometimes written as [r] palatal lateral approximant, in some accents pronounced [j\] (see: L millón yeísmo)




voiced palatal fricative, sometimes pronounced [j]


VOCALOID3 Phonetic Symbol Table (Chinese) symbol a


7 i

u y

@` i\ i`

aI ei



ia iE_r ua


yE_r iAU

i@U uaI uei


@_n i_n



u@_n y_n

y{_n AN

@N iN

sample (pinyin)



po ke

ji , yi

fu , wu ju , qu , xu , nv , lv , yu

following /j/ , /q/ , /x/ (pinyin : u) following /n/ , /l/ (pinyin : v)

zhi , chi , shi , ri

following /zh/ , /ch/ , /sh/ , /r/ (pinyin : i).

er zi , ci , si sai fei

following /z/ , /c/ , /s/ (pinyin : i)


hou xia , ya jie, ye

kua , wa

huo , wo jue , que , xue , nve , lve , yue xiao , yao

following /j/ , /q/ , /x/ (pinyin : ue) following /n/ , /l/ (pinyin : ve).

jiu , you

kuai , wai gui , wei fan fen

xin , yin

qian , yan

duan , wan dun , wen xun , yun

xuan , yuan pang beng

xing , ying


symbol iAN


u@N UN

iUN p

p_h m f


t_h n l


k_h x


ts\_h s\


ts`_h s`



ts_h s

sample (pinyin)


xiang , yang

chuang , wang weng dong

xiong , yong bo


mo fo

de te

ne le



he ji

qi xi

zhi chi shi ri

zi ci si


VOCALOID3 Phonetic Symbol Table (Chinese) (Bopomofo) symbol a


7 i

u y

@` i\ i`

aI ei


sample (Bopomofo) ㄅㄚ ㄆㄛ ㄎㄜ ㄐㄧ, ㄧ ㄈㄨ, ㄨ ㄐㄩ, ㄑㄩ, ㄒㄩ, ㄋㄩ, ㄌㄩ, ㄩ ㄦ er ㄗ, ㄘ, ㄙ ㄓ, ㄔ, ㄕ, ㄖ ㄈㄟ ㄏㄠ ㄏㄡ


ㄎㄨㄚ, ㄨㄚ


yE_r iAU

i@U uaI uei


@_n i_n



u@_n y_n

y{_n AN

vowel part vowel part



ia iE_r


ㄒㄧㄚ, ㄧㄚ ㄐㄧㄝ, ㄧㄝ ㄏㄨㄛ, ㄨㄛ ㄐㄩㄝ, ㄑㄩㄝ, ㄒㄩㄝ, ㄋㄩㄝ, ㄌㄩㄝ, ㄩㄝ ㄒㄧㄠ, ㄧㄠ ㄐㄧㄡ, ㄧㄡ ㄎㄨㄞ, ㄨㄞ ㄍㄨㄟ, ㄨㄟ ㄈㄢ ㄈㄣ ㄒㄧㄣ, ㄧㄣ ㄑㄧㄢ, ㄧㄢ ㄉㄨㄢ, ㄨㄢ ㄉㄨㄣ, ㄨㄣ ㄒㄩㄣ, ㄩㄣ ㄒㄩㄢ, ㄩㄢ ㄆㄤ


symbol @N iN



u@N UN

iUN p

p_h m f


t_h n l


k_h x


ts\_h s\


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ts_h s

sample (Bopomofo)


ㄅㄥ ㄒㄧㄥ, ㄧㄥ ㄒㄧㄤ, ㄧㄤ ㄔㄨㄤ, ㄨㄤ ㄨㄥ ㄉㄨㄥ ㄒㄩㄥ, ㄩㄥ ㄅㄛ ㄆㄛ ㄇㄛ ㄈㄛ ㄉㄜ ㄊㄜ ㄋㄜ ㄌㄜ ㄍㄜ ㄎㄜ ㄏㄜ ㄐㄧ ㄑㄧ ㄒㄧ ㄓ

consonant part

consonant part

consonant part

consonant part

consonant part

consonant part

consonant part


4-2. Shortcut Keys Most menu shortcut keys are listed in the menus themselves, so please refer to the menus for those shortcuts. In cases in which the shortcut consists of a control-key + modifier key combination, the combination is listed to the right of the corresponding item in the menu. All other menu shortcuts comply with standard Windows procedure: if a character in a menu is underlined, hold the [ALT] key and press that character key to open the menu. You can then press the underlined character in the menu items to select the corresponding item. The remaining shortcut key operations are as follows: Transport Shortcuts

Operations Shortcut key Fast Numeric reverse keypad ““ (minus) key. Fast Numeric Forward keypad “+“ (plus) key. Play/Stop Space key or numeric keypad Enter key. Top Period key. Top End Play only part opened Change Position Here

Description Jump backward one measure. Jump forward one measure. Start playback if stopped, or stop playback if playing.

Go to the start of the sequence or song position marker. Ctrl + Home Jump to the top. Ctrl + End Jump to the end of the song. Shift + Playback only a part which is opened in the musical Space key editor window currently. Ctrl + G

Moves the Sing Position to the mouse cursor. (V3.0.3 Additional Features)


Edit Tool / Edit Shortcuts Edit Tool / Edit Operations Arrow Pencil Line Eraser Copy Cut Paste Undo Redo

Shortcut key


Ctrl + 1 Ctrl + 2 Ctrl + 3 Ctrl + 4 Ctrl + C Delete Ctrl + V Ctrl + Z

Switches to the arrow tool. Switches to the pencil tool. Switches to the line tool. Switches to the eraser tool. Copy from choose the item. Cut from choose the item. Paste from choose the item. Undo the last edit operation.

Ctrl + Y

Redo the Undo edit operation.


Miscellaneous Operations Edit Menu

Shortcut key Shift + F10

Show/hide mixer


Maximize the window.


Show help file Enter lyric edit mode

Show/hide transport bar

F1 F2


Lyric/phoneme edit toggle

Alt+(up arrow )/Alt+(down arrow )

Select next note


Select previous note

Shift + Tab

Select next control parameter Select previous control parameter Zoom In sideways Zoom Out sideways Show next window Show/hide control parameter

Ctrl + Alt + Pg dn Ctrl + Alt + Pg up

Ctrl + (right arrow ) Ctrl + (left arrow ) Ctrl + Tab [Ctrl]+[E]


Description Shows the same edit menu as right clicking. Shows the help file. Click an editable lyric once and then press F2 to enter the edit mode. Same overall effect as double-clicking. Alternately shows or hides the mixer window. Alternately shows or hides the transport bar. Maximizes the window (Or returns back to the original state when the window is already maximized) (V3.0.3 Additional Features) Toggles between lyric and phoneme editing when a note lyric is selected for editing. Selects the next note in edit mode. Lyric or phoneme edit mode is maintained. Selects the previous note in edit mode. Lyric or phoneme edit mode is maintained. Selects the next control parameter. Selects the previous control parameter. Zooms In sideways. Zooms Out sideways. Shows the next window. Alternately shows or hides the control parameter.

4-3. Troubleshooting Q & A Installation and Activation Problems Q: The software worked fine for a while after installation, but then stopped working. What happened? A: Your temporary activation period may have expired (the length of the temporary activation period will depend on the distributor of your software package). You will need to carry out the permanent activation procedure .

Q: I want to re-install my operating system, and then re-install VOCALOID3 on the same computer. What will happen to the activation? A: As long as you’re using the same computer VOCALOID3 can be re-installed as many times as you like.

Q: Can I re-install and use VOCALOID3 on a different computer than the one I originally activated it on? A: VOCALOID3 is licensed for use on one computer only. If you need to install the software on a different computer please contact the distributor of your software package. Note Editing Problems Q: I entered a number of notes but some or all are “grayed out” and won’t play. A: Some or all notes may be overlapping. You may need to adjust the positions of the notes by hand, or use the Normalize Object command located in the Job menu (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-4. Job -> Normalize Notes). Q: I imported an SMF file I made using another program, but some or all of the notes are “grayed out” and won’t play. A: Some or all notes may be overlapping. Each VOCALOID3 track is strictly monophonic and overlapping notes won’t play. Use the Normalize Object command located in the Job menu (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-4. Job -> Normalize Notes).

Q: When I try to enter notes a strange “prohibited” mark appears beside the cursor and I can’t enter any notes. A: You are probably trying to enter notes in the pre-measure area (the negativenumbered measures before measure “1”). You can only enter notes from measure 1 onwards.

Q: The notes don’t appear to be overlapping and yet they are grayed out. A: The displayed and actual positions of the notes may vary slightly depending on the Quantize and Length settings. Either change the Quantize and Length settings, or use the Normalize Object command located in the Job menu (2-1. The Menus -> 2-1-4. Job -> Normalize Notes).


Q: I get no sound when I enter short notes. A: The same would happen with a human singer. VOCALOID3 needs notes that are long enough for it to sing. Please make the notes longer.

Q: I shortened some rests between notes and ended up with a continuous note. A: Once again, the same would happen with a human singer. VOCALOID3 needs time to respond. Please make the rests between notes longer. Lyric Editing Problems Q: I entered the phonetic symbols myself, but now I get no sound at all. A: The phonetic symbols within each note must be separated by spaces. Also, only one syllable can be entered for each note. If a note has no syllable, or more than one syllable, it will produce no sound. Synthesis Problems Q: I get no sound at all! A: Check everything from your selected audio device to your physical audio connections. If you have more than one audio device installed in your computer, the software may be assigned to the wrong device. Check your AUDIO > Device … settings in the Settings menu. Q: After entering some lyrics, I changed the singer and now I get no sound. A: You may have switched to a singer of a different language. Phonetic symbols that do not apply to the language of the currently selected singer will be ignored, and as a result you will get no sound.


4-4. Convenient Uses Playback (V3.0.3 Additional Features) (1)Direct Input of Song Position It is possible to input a value from the keyboard by double clicking the Song Position value in the tool bar. The form when inputting is [TEMPO: BEAT: CLOCK]. You can use [.] in place of [:] when doing this. If you use a wheel mouse, you can move the Song Position by rotating the wheel in the Song Position. The width of movement in wheel operation is 8 measures. (2)Change Position Here You can move the Song Position to the mouse cursor position by clicking “Change Position Here” in the right Click Menu. This function is convenient for those who want to playback immediately from the currently displayed location.

(3)Move the End Marker You can move to the position in which only the End Marker is clicked pressing [SHIFT] + holding click in the MEASURE ruler when setting the Start and End Markers. This is convenient when you want to set a playback region with a long range.

(4)Sample Sound Playback You can listen to sample sounds by clicking the keyboard on the left side of the Piano Roll. You can playback the default sound ([A] in Japanese) with the part’s Singer setting currently opened. If the sample sound is not played back, the Mixer volume may be turned down or it may be on mute. (V3.0.4 Additional Features) (5)Adjustment of song position, start and end marker positions When moving song positions, start marker or end marker position, you can use the mouse while pressing the [ALT] key to turn off Quantize temporarily. Track Editor (V3.0.3 Additional Features) (1) The Height of the Musical Editor Display You can display the click position with the Musical Editor by selecting a part with [ALT] + double click. This function is convenient for those who want to display a note separated from the music interval.


Musical Editor (V3.0.3 Additional Features) (1) Phrase Lyric Display The inputted lyrics may become hard to see when zooming out in the Musical Editor. You can display the lyrics broken down phrase by phrase by clicking [CTRL] + [L] when this happens. (as seen below)

In the same way, you can display the phonetic symbols broken down phrase by phrase by clicking [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [L]. (as seen below)

(2) Revising Lyrics You can acquire the current lyrics as the initial value by clicking [Insert Lyrics] from the selected multiple notes. This is not only for revising lyrics, but it can also be used if you want to extract lyrics from musical pieces which have already been inputted.

(3) Addition of a Breakpoint If you use the Pencil tool in the Control Parameter Area, you can input only 1 breakpoint in the Control Parameter by holding down the click button. This function is especially familiar for those who are used to VOCALOID2.


(V3.0.4 Additional Features) (4) Vertical resizing of the Control Parameter Area Dragging the separator between the Control Parameter Area and Piano Roll lets you change the vertical size. This can be resized to half size at the smallest. (5) Note control via cursor (up-down) Notes on the Piano Roll can be moved up and down using the cursor. Cursor Up: Raise selected note by a half-tone Cursor Down: Lower selected note by a half-tone Cursor Right: Select note to the immediate right Cursor Left: Select note to the immediate left [Shift]+Cursor Up: Raise selected note by one octave [Shift]+Cursor Down: Lower selected note by one octave [Shift]+Cursor Right: Enlarge selected range one unit to the right [Shift]+Cursor Left: Enlarge selected range one unit to the left

(6) Adjustment length and position of parts, notes, etc. When using drag operation for input or movement of musical parts and note events, pressing [ALT] will allow you to temporarily turn off Quantize and Length. (V3.0.3 Additional Features) (7)Display only Phoneme From the “View” menu, find the “Lyrics/Phoneme” sub-menu and click “ON” for phoneme and “off” for lyrics. Once this is done, only the notes and phoneme should display on the piano roll.

Also, by switching phoneme to “OFF” and lyrics to “ON”, you can make only the lyrics display.


(8)Adjusting the Vibrato Length You can tune the vibrato under the notes by holding down the ALT key and dragging the cursor to lengthen or shorten it.

Track Editor/Music Editor Shared features (V3.0.5 Additional Features) (1)Side-scrolling with the tilt wheel It is possible to move the music editor or track editor window sideways l when using a mouse equipped with a tilt wheel. (*) Please note that there may be occasions when this function does not engage depending on the type of mouse. The mouse may require independent configuration; please consult your mouse’s user manual.

(2)Applying shortcuts to Job Plug-in By customizing shortcuts, it is possible to apply shortcuts to Job plug-in functions in addition to the standard VOCALOID3 Editor functions. Using this feature, it is possible to perform many functions using the keyboard that were not previously possible. Job Plug-in is available from the “VOCALOID store” at http://www.vocaloidstore.com/ (The above URL is current as of May 2012)


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