VHDL Code for 8 Point FFT Algorithm

March 10, 2017 | Author: Van Dung Dinh | Category: N/A
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VHDL code for 8 point FFT algorithm A Fast Fourier Transform(FFT) is an efficient algorithm for calculating the discrete Fourier transform of a set of data. A DFT basically decomposes a set of data in time domain into different frequency components. DFT is defined by the following equation:

A FFT algorithm uses some interesting properties of the above formula to simply the calculations. You can read more about these FFT algorithms here. Many students have been asking doubts regarding vhdl implementation of FFT, so I decided to write a sample code. I have selected 8 point decimation in time(DIT) FFT algorithm for this purpose. In short I have wrote the code for this flow diagram of FFT. This is just a sample code, which means it is not synthesisable. I have used real data type for the inputs and outputs and all calculations are done using the math_real library. The inputs can be complex numbers too. To define the basic arithmetic operations between two complex numbers I have defined some new functions which are available in the package named fft_pkg. The component named, butterfly , contains the basic butterfly calculations for FFT as shown in this flow diagram. I wont be going any deep into the theory behind FFT here. Please visit the link given above or Google for in depth theory. There are 4 vhdl codes in the design,including the testbench code, and are given below. The package file - fft_pkg.vhd:

library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.MATH_REAL.ALL; package fft_pkg is type complex is record r : real; i : real; end record; type comp_array is array (0 to 7) of complex; type comp_array2 is array (0 to 3) of complex; function add (n1,n2 : complex) return complex; function sub (n1,n2 : complex) return complex; function mult (n1,n2 : complex) return complex; end fft_pkg;

package body fft_pkg is --addition of complex numbers function add (n1,n2 : complex) return complex is variable sum : complex; begin sum.r:=n1.r + n2.r; sum.i:=n1.i + n2.i; return sum; end add; --subtraction of complex numbers. function sub (n1,n2 : complex) return complex is variable diff : complex; begin diff.r:=n1.r - n2.r; diff.i:=n1.i - n2.i; return diff; end sub; --multiplication of complex numbers. function mult (n1,n2 : complex) return complex is variable prod : complex; begin prod.r:=(n1.r * n2.r) - (n1.i * n2.i); prod.i:=(n1.r * n2.i) + (n1.i * n2.r); return prod; end mult; end fft_pkg; The top level entity - fft8.vhd:

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.MATH_REAL.ALL; library work; use work.fft_pkg.ALL; entity fft8 is port( s : in comp_array; --input signals in time domain y : out comp_array --output signals in frequency domain

); end fft8; architecture Behavioral of fft8 is component butterfly is port( s1,s2 : in complex; --inputs w :in complex; -- phase factor g1,g2 :out complex -- outputs ); end component; signal g1,g2 : comp_array := (others => (0.0,0.0)); --phase factor, W_N = e^(-j*2*pi/N) and N=8 here. --W_N^i = cos(2*pi*i/N) - j*sin(2*pi*i/N); and i has range from 0 to 7. constant w : comp_array2 := ( (1.0,0.0), (0.7071,-0.7071), (0.0,1.0), (-0.7071,-0.7071) ); begin --first stage of bf11 : butterfly bf12 : butterfly bf13 : butterfly bf14 : butterfly

butterfly's. port map(s(0),s(4),w(0),g1(0),g1(1)); port map(s(2),s(6),w(0),g1(2),g1(3)); port map(s(1),s(5),w(0),g1(4),g1(5)); port map(s(3),s(7),w(0),g1(6),g1(7));

--second stage of butterfly's. bf21 : butterfly port map(g1(0),g1(2),w(0),g2(0),g2(2)); bf22 : butterfly port map(g1(1),g1(3),w(2),g2(1),g2(3)); bf23 : butterfly port map(g1(4),g1(6),w(0),g2(4),g2(6)); bf24 : butterfly port map(g1(5),g1(7),w(2),g2(5),g2(7)); --third stage of bf31 : butterfly bf32 : butterfly bf33 : butterfly bf34 : butterfly

butterfly's. port map(g2(0),g2(4),w(0),y(0),y(4)); port map(g2(1),g2(5),w(1),y(1),y(5)); port map(g2(2),g2(6),w(2),y(2),y(6)); port map(g2(3),g2(7),w(3),y(3),y(7));

end Behavioral; Butterfly component - butterfly.vhd:

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; library work; use work.fft_pkg.ALL;

entity butterfly is port( s1,s2 : in complex; --inputs w :in complex; -- phase factor g1,g2 :out complex -- outputs ); end butterfly; architecture Behavioral of butterfly is begin --butterfly equations. g1 y ); -- Stimulus process stim_proc: process begin --sample inputs in time domain. s(0)
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