Verification of Lifting Equipment
December 27, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Pe%&$n' o &n e&*$n&t$on
Con!"#t$n' &n e&*$n&t$on 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.! 2.$
Test &n &n! e e&*$n&t$on e e"$%*ent 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.3
'est 'est ac achi hine nes s and and #orc #orce( e(lo load ad ea eas) s)rin ring g e*) e*)ip ipe ent nt +ie +iens nsio iona nall eas eas)r )rin ing g e*)i e*)ip pen entt ,on ,on&des &destr tr) )cticti-e e test test e*) e*)ip ip ent
T/%es o o te test &n &n! 0 0&t t te/ *$ *$'t te te22 "s "s 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.! 4.$ 4.$ 4. 4. 4.1 4.1 4.11 4.11 4.12 4.12 4.13 4.13
Chain slings Hooks Shackles Eyebolts Wire ropes Fabricated ites "i#ting achines %arking or or re re&arking
+iensional -er -eri#ication perational test "ight lo load test SW" and de#le e#lect ctio ion n ea eas s)re )reen entt /roo# load test 0rea 0reaki king ng load load test test( (in ini i) ) brea breaki king ng load load test test Hardness test "i*) "i*)id id pene penetr trat atio ion n crac crack k dete detect ctio ion n %agn %agnet etic ic part partic icle le crac crack k dete detect ctio ion n adiog adiograp raphy hy &ray &ray crack crack detect detection ion Eddy Eddy c)rre c)rrent nt crac crack k det detec ecti tion on 7ltr 7ltras ason onic ic crac crack k dete detect ctio ion n Electr Electroa oagne gnetic tic 8ire 8ire rope rope e9ain e9ainati ation on
A#t$o t$ons o22o0$n' $n' &n e&*$n&t$on
1 : "i#ting E*)ipent Engineers ;ssociation 211 < 7nit 1.!
Into!"#t$on ;ll li#ting e*)ipent )st be -eri#ied= a
to ens)re it is sa#e be#ore #irst )se> and
periodically once it is in ser-ice to ens)re it reains sa#e to )se.
7ntil the end o# the t8entieth cent)ry> all o# the -ario)s 7? reg)lations> and there#ore the standards> called #or li#ting e*)ipent to be proo# load tested and e9ained to ens)re this 8as the case. 'his 8as irrespecti-e o# the logic or need #or s)ch a test. 7sers 8ere then re*)ired to retain the @test certi#icate and e9aination reportsA. %odern legislation> standards and codes o# practice take a ore sensible approach. For certain prod)cts> proo# load testing reains -alid. Ho8e-er> #or any coon ites> this is not the case and other tests are ore eaning#)l. Standards gi-e the -eri#ication ethods #or ne8 prod)cts> altho)gh it is no longer necessary #or the )ser to be gi-en the res)lts. For in&ser-ice e*)ipent> ""E places the d)ty #or deciding i#> and 8hat> tests are necessary on the @copetent personA aking a thoro)gh e9aination. Bt re*)ires the details o# any tests ade to be incl)ded on the e9aination report. ,ote the 8ords @any testA. 'he report needs to incl)de any #)nctional> light load> non&destr)cti-e tests etc> not )st a proo# load test. 'his )nit considers the thoro)gh e9aination> the general re*)ireents #or test e*)ipent )sed in the e9aination> and the tests a-ailable to the e9ainer. ;s noted in )nit 1.1> ""E does not )se the 8ord @testA b)t instead re#ers to a @thoro)gh e9ainationA. 'he p)rpose o# the e9aination is to deterine i# the ite being e9ained is sa#e to )se or other8ise. For any ites> the e9aination 8ill be liited to a #)ll -is)al e9aination. For others it 8ill need to be s)ppleented by any one o# a n)ber o# tests i# the correct concl)sion is to be reached.
2 : "i#ting E*)ipent Engineers ;ssociation 211 < 7nit 1.!
Pe%&$n' o &n e&*$n&t$on
Bn all b)t a #e8 cases> li#ting accessories and an)ally operated achines 8ill be readily accessible #or e9aination. Bn contrast> #or a r)n8ay or crane> the e9aination )st be ade in sit) and special proced)res are necessary. St)dy is there#ore con#ined to the ore basic types o# e9aination that can be ade at the bench or> in soe cases> on the #loor. Ho8e-er> the general principles are the sae #or all e9ainations. 'he area in 8hich the e9aination is to be ade )st be clean and clear o# any debris that ay hinder the e9aination or har the ite )nder e9aination. Bt )st be 8ell lit> either by nat)ral or arti#icial light> and #ree #ro shado8s or tinting> 8hich ay ipede the -is)al detection o# #a)lts. B# it is necessary to s)spend an ite e.g. chain block> the s)spension point sho)ld be at the correct height to allo8 rele-ant parts to be e9ained easily. Bn soe cases> additional lighting s)ch as a pencil torch or lead light ay be necessary. 'his is partic)larly the case 8ith s)spended achines. %ost e9ainations are ade by the naked eye. Ho8e-er> #or soe ites> the )se o# a agni#ying glass> dental irror or siilar -is)al aid ay be necessary. 'he ites )nder e9aination )st be clean and #ree #ro r)st> grease> paint etc> 8hich ight obsc)re de#ects. Where ites re*)ire cleaning> an appropriate ethod sho)ld be )sed 8hich 8ill not har the ite. Bn the case o# coposite ites #or e9aple> a spreader 8ith top and botto slings shackled to the bea and achines> these sho)ld be stripped do8n as ay be necessary #or the e9aination> prior to cleaning. 'he parts )st be clearly identi#ied and kept together. E9aples o# cleaning ethods= •
0r)shing or 8ire br)shing to reo-e light r)st and debris. 'he )se o# proprietary sol)tions to reo-e stronger r)st penetrations. Dreat care )st be e9ercised here. %any o# these prod)cts are acid&based and> 8hilst dil)te acid preparation ay be )sed on soe ites o# li#ting gear> this is not generally the case. Bn partic)lar> alloy steels are prone to hydrogen ebrittleent 8hen they ha-e been in contact 8ith acid or ca)stic conditions.
Shot blasting or r)bling to reo-e scale.
+egreasing to reo-e oils and #ats.
;ltho)gh it is not part o# the copetent personAs d)ty to strip do8n and reb)ild e*)ipent> in practice the e9ainer ay #ind it is necessary to do this to soe e9tent. %)ch 8ill depend on the eployer> or the conditions that pre-ail on the site 8here the e9aination is being )ndertaken. 'he re*)ireents 8ill also -ary 8ith the cople9ity o# the ites )nder e9aination. ;s part o# the preparation> the e9ainer sho)ld ens)re that all the necessary tools are to hand. +iensional checks #or part o# any e9aination. 'he e9ainer sho)ld there#ore also ha-e all the appropriate eas)ring instr)ents e.g. r)le> icroeter etc and ga)ges #or the ites )nder e9aination. For re#erence p)rposes> copies o# the rele-ant 0ritish or other Standards> dra8ings or 8ork speci#ications sho)ld be 3 : "i#ting E*)ipent Engineers ;ssociation 211 < 7nit 1.!
a-ailable. Finally> the e9ainer sho)ld ha-e the necessary staps or other appropriate arking de-ices to ark> or re&ark> the ite 8ith its disting)ishing n)ber> SW" and any other necessary in#oration. +.
Con!"#t$n' &n e&*$n&t$on
'he e9aination sho)ld start 8ith correct identi#ication o# the ite. Bn the case o# a ne8ly an)#act)red ite> 8here the e9aination is ade #ollo8ing the initial test> the details sho)ld be checked against the test record. Bn the case o# an ite that has been in ser-ice> i# there is any do)bt as to its identity and(or history> the pre-io)s e9aination reports and aintenance records sho)ld be checked as appropriate. eeber that ""E lea-es it to the discretion o# the copetent person in deciding i# a test is necessary and> i# so> the nat)re and #or o# any s)ch test> in reaching a concl)sion as to 8hether or not the ite is sa#e. 'he on)s as to 8hether or not the e*)ipent ay enter> or ret)rn to ser-ice is on the )ser> not the e9ainer. 'he d)ty o# the copetent person is only to deterine i# the e*)ipent is sa#e to )se or not & and to report the #act. 'he e9aination )st be cond)cted systeatically to ens)re all parts are thoro)ghly e9ained. Bn the case o# slings or long lengths o# chain> rope or 8ire rope> the e9aination sho)ld start at one end and proceed along the length ens)ring all parts are obser-ed. For e9aple> reeber to t)rn a chain #)lly < it has #o)r sides not t8o. B# the e9aination is interr)pted> it sho)ld be started again #ro the beginning to ens)re no part is issed. Bt is iportant to reeber that the perissible ao)nts o# 8ear> elongation> broken 8ires etc gi-en in this co)rse> standards> an)#act)rerAs instr)ctions and siilar so)rces are maximums. ; )dgeent has to be ade as to 8hether the ite is #it to contin)e #or a period o# ser-ice < that is> it 8ill be sa#e to operate )ntil the ne9t e9aination is d)e & in the pre-ailing ser-ice conditions. Carry o)t diensional checks against the standard> speci#ication or dra8ing. Carry o)t any other checks necessary to ens)re the ite is in copliance 8ith the standard and(or speci#ication. Carry o)t a #)ll -is)al e9aination. 0elo8 are soe e9aples o# soe typical ites and a list o# the points to be considered d)ring their e9aination #ollo8ing a period o# ser-ice. Bn later )nits> 8hen speci#ic ites are disc)ssed> these atters are considered in greater detail. +.1
C&$n S2$n's
E9aine and check #or= 1.
Sies o# chain> links and hooks #or loads re*)ired.
Stretch d)e to 8ear and loading 5 a9i)> -ariation in the lengths o# the legsG copare 8ith past records.
Hooks #or openings and distortion see belo8.
"inks and rings #or distortion or ro)ndness.
Chain #or bent and t8isted links. 'he links sho)ld artic)late #reely.
;ll parts #or 8ear> $ red)ction in diaeter> corrosion> nicks and cheical attack.
Cracks> 8eld #a)lts and arks in 8eld areas. 4
: "i#ting E*)ipent Engineers ;ssociation 211 < 7nit 1.!
E9aine and check #or=
pening o# hook against an)#act)rers catalog)e> 1(1th a9i) i# it e9ceeds this> scrap hook. ther distortion.
Wear in eye> saddle etc> ie $ red)ction in thickness.
Cracks> nicks> scores and gall arks in the body o# the hook.
Shank #or alignent> s8i-el #or #ree r)nning> so)ndness and copleteness o# thread etc.
Corrosion and cheical attack.
E9aine and check #or=
Sies #or loads to be li#ted.
Correct pin #itted> #ree 8orking o# pin.
Wear o# the pin thread.
;lignent o# holes in shackle.
Wear in pin and bo8 as per steel chain> ie $ red)ction in diaeter.
;ll parts #or nicks> cracks> corrosion and cheical attack.
E9aine and check #or=
Sie #or loads to be carried.
'hread #or copleteness> 8ear and alignent. relie-ing at the base o# the shank.
;lignent o# shank and eye.
Cracks in shank and eye.
Wear in eye and link etc> ie $ red)ction in diaeter.
Corrosion and cheical attack.
Correct )nderc)t or
$e Ro%es
E9aine and check #or= 1.
Sie o# loads to be li#ted.
?inks in the rope.
Wear in rope.
Change in diaeter increase or decrease and increase in length.
")brication and internal condition.
5 : "i#ting E*)ipent Engineers ;ssociation 211 < 7nit 1.!
0roken 8ire a9i) 5 in any length e*)al to 1 ties the diaeter. eeber that> in certain applications> e-en one broken 8ire presents a haard to the )ser or e*)ipent.
Condition o# splices> #err)le sec)red eyes etc.
Corrosion and cheical attack. ,0= With soe constr)ctions o# 8ire rope> internal corrosion can ca)se an increase in diaeter.
F&6$#&te! Ite*s
E9aine and check #or=
Deneral condition o# aterials> paying partic)lar attention to the #inish o# c)t and achined parts. 'hese sho)ld be sooth 8ith no stress raisers.
,icks> cracks> distortion> corrosion and cheical attack.
'he so)ndness o# 8elds. 'hey sho)ld be #ree o# slag> cracks> porosity and )nderc)t.
0olts sho)ld be o# correct length and threaded sections sho)ld not be s)bect to shear. ,)ts sho)ld be #)lly engaged and sec)re. "ocking de-ices and 8ashers )st be in place.
L$t$n' M$nes
E9aine and check #or= 1.
Deneral operation. 'his 8ill -ary 8ith the type o# achine> b)t sho)ld generally be sooth> 8itho)t erkiness.
peration o# brake or other s)staining echanis.
peration o# liits and sa#ety de-ices.
Correct ating o# o-ing parts> eg gears.
Deneral condition o# aterials and anchorages.
%echanical daage> cracks> distortion> corrosion and cheical attack.
Note9 Coposite ites> s)ch as a spreader bea 8ith t8o leg top s)spension chain sling> shackles and pendant 8ire ropes> sho)ld be broken do8n into the coponent parts as necessary and e9ained on that basis. 'he coplete assebly sho)ld then be checked #or correct #itting> alignent o# parts etc.
M&5$n' o Re-*&5$n'
;s 8ell as arking ne8 e*)ipent> it is soeties necessary to re&ark the in#oration on in&ser-ice e*)ipent. Bt )st be realised that> in staping an ite> a potential #a)lt is being introd)ced> as the indentations act as stress raisers. 'he arking is there#ore ade on selected areas o# the ite 8here the e##ects are iniised. Care )st be taken so that the staping is neither too sharp nor e9cessi-e in depth> partic)larly 8hen )sing ne8 staps. 'he sie o# the staps )sed sho)ld not e9ceed the #ollo8ing= 6 : "i#ting E*)ipent Engineers ;ssociation 211 < 7nit 1.!
D$&*ete o M&te$&2
S$;e o St&*%
7p to and incl)ding 12.5
-er 12.5 )p to and incl)ding 26
-er 26
,. Test &n! e&*$n&t$on e"$%*ent ,.1 Test *$nes &n! o#e or #orce> lay do8n the acc)racy to 8hich the test load or #orce )st coply. For e9aple> 0S E, $1$&1 #or chain re*)ires an acc)racy o# I1> as does 0S !121 #or cranes. Historically> a lesser acc)racy o# I2 or I1.5 8as re*)ired #or -ario)s ites. Soe o# these old standards still reain in place. 'he "EE; 'echnical e*)ireents #or %ebers> +oc)ent re#erence "EE; 44 dated ! ;pril 24> Cla)se 3.1 & 'ension and Copression 'esting %achines and "oad(Force %eas)ring E*)ipent> gi-es the ini) re*)ireents #or this e*)ipent. Bt re*)ires that test achines and load cells are calibrated and -eri#ied by a copetent person> or a)thority> in accordance 8ith 0S E, BS !5&1 at inter-als not e9ceeding 12 onths. Bt #)rther re*)ires that the acc)racy o# the applied load(#orce )st be 8ithin that re*)ired by the standard being 8orked to and> in all cases> 8ithin I2 o# the noinal load(#orce. 0S E, BS !5&1 has -ario)s classes or grades o# achines= .5> 1. or 2.. 'his relates directly to the acc)racy. Drade .5 J I.5> 1. J I1 and 2. J I2. 'his in#oration 8ill be gi-en on the certi#icate o# calibration and -eri#ication. Bn soe cases> dependent on the design and constr)ction o# a test achine> or load eas)ring de-ice> t8o grades ay be sho8n. For e9aple> grade 1. #or one range o# readings> grade 2. #or a #)rther range o# readings. 'he certi#icate 8ill also gi-e the "o8er "iit o# Calibration. 'his 8ill be e9pressed as a load or #orce> depending on the )nits in 8hich the achine or de-ice is calibrated. 'his is the ini) load(#orce that can be read #ro the display 8ithin the re*)ired acc)racy. 'est loads belo8 this cannot be eas)red 8ith this e*)ipent. Bn soe cases there ay also be a siilar restriction on the )pper liit. 'he person per#oring any #or o# load test )st be a8are o# the liitations #or )se iposed on the test achine> or load(#orce eas)ring e*)ipent> and ens)re that the acc)racy o# the applied load eets the re*)ireents o# the standard being 8orked to. ,.+ D$*ens$on&2 *e&s"$n' e"$%*ent nly the ost basic o# diensional eas)ring e*)ipent> s)ch as a tape or r)le> is )s)ally called #or in the -eri#ication o# li#ting gear. 'his sho)ld be grad)ated to national standards in increents o# 1 . For certain ites> a -ernier ga)ge ay be necessary. Bn this case a grad)ation o# .1 is )s)ally s)##icient 8hen e9aining general li#ting gear. ! : "i#ting E*)ipent Engineers ;ssociation 211 < 7nit 1.!
"EE; 'echnical e*)ireents> Cla)se 3.6> re*)ires that a proced)re is in place #or checking and -eri#ying eas)ring de-ices at appropriate periods. 'he g)idance to the re*)ireents says that> #or tapes and r)les> it 8ill probably only be necessary to reg)larly check the to ens)re that they are )ndaaged> partic)larly at the ero end> and reain legible. Ho8e-er> precision eas)ring e*)ipent 8ill re*)ire periodic -eri#ication> e.g. against slip ga)ges> depending on the nat)re o# the de-ice and the d)ty #or 8hich it is )sed. ,., Non-!est"#t$=e test e"$%*ent ,.,.1 C !ete#t$on When dealing 8ith general li#ting gear> )s)ally only r)diental crack detection s)ch as dye penetrate or agnetic particle is per#ored to e9aine 8elds. 'hese call #or basic training o# the operati-e to enable the to interpret the res)lts. 'he e*)ipent re*)ires no calibration. 'hey are relati-ely ine9pensi-e> both in ters o# the e*)ipent and the labo)r necessary to per#or the tests. For ore detailed crack detection e9ainations> partic)larly on high -al)e ites or 8here additional sa#ety re*)ireents re*)ire a higher degree o# e9aination> other ethods )sed are eddy c)rrent> radiography and )ltrasonic. 'hese are e9pensi-e to per#or and call #or a high degree o# training and skill to interpret the res)lts. ,.,.+ 4&!ness test Bndentation ethods are )sed to -eri#y the hardness o# li#ting gear #ollo8ing heat treatent or 8here e*)ipent is )sed in conditions that ight a##ect the heat treatent. 'here are three basic ethods= Kickers> 0rinell and ock8ell. 0rinell is the ost coon in the li#ting e*)ipent ind)stry. Bt is a relati-ely siple test that can be ade on the #inished ite. Bt re*)ires only basic training in order to interpret the res)lts. ,.,., E2e#to*&'net$# 0$e o%e e&*$n&t$on 'his is a #ast ethod o# detecting de#ects in long lengths o# 8ire rope. 'he rope is passed thro)gh a agnetic #ield. 0reaks and dist)rbances in the agnetic #ield are detected and a printo)t o# the #ield is gi-en. 'his calls #or a high degree o# training and skill to interpret the res)lts. "EE; 'echnical e*)ireents> Cla)se 3.5> calls #or non&destr)cti-e test e*)ipent to be -eri#ied at appropriate inter-als in accordance 8ith the an)#act)rerAs instr)ctions. ,. Ote e"$%*ent ne#ess&/ !"$n' &n e&*$n&t$on Coparators> s)ch as thread ga)ges> ay occasionally be needed to ens)re correct identi#ication and pro#ile o# thread types and sies> or as a siple go(no go ga)ge e.g. to check #or chain 8ear.
$ : "i#ting E*)ipent Engineers ;ssociation 211 < 7nit 1.!
Bn addition to load(#orce application and eas)ring e*)ipent> distance eas)ring e*)ipent> and pro#ile eas)ring(coparison e*)ipent> the tester and e9ainer 8ill> #ro tie to tie> re*)ire other basic aids. ;dditional lighting> s)ch as a 8ander light or torch> 8ill o#ten be necessary> along 8ith -is)al aids s)ch as a agni#ying glass or dental irror. Bn the case o# li#ting gear general> only the ost basic o# tools are generally necessary. 'hese 8ill incl)de a haer> a set o# pin p)nches #or echanically assebled chain slings> dri#ts and arlin spikes #or 8ire ropes> a set o# letter and n)ber p)nches etc. Bn the case o# achines> spanners> scre8 dri-ers and circlip pliers ay be re*)ired. 0asic cleaning e*)ipent> s)ch as a 8ire br)sh and cleaning cloth> ay also be necessary> to reo-e r)st> dirt or debris 8hich ay obsc)re #a)lts> #la8s> de#ects or arking. .
T/%es o test - &n! 0&t te/ te22 "s
Ha-ing considered the e*)ipent )sed d)ring an e9aination and test> this )nit no8 looks at the -ario)s tests a-ailable & and 8hat they ight tell )s. Soe o# these 8ere considered in )nit 1.6. 'hey are no8 p)t into conte9t. .1 D$*ens$on&2 =e$$#&t$on Ens)ring an ite is diensionally correct & eas)ring it & is )s)ally a #)nction o# the initial -eri#ication to ens)re the ite is to the standard> speci#ication or dra8ing. Bn& ser-ice ites are also eas)red> to deterine the ao)nt o# 8ear> b)ild )p or loss o# corrosion in 8ire ropes and siilar atters> and ens)re they are 8ithin the accepted liits. Coparators and ga)ges are help#)l 8hen eas)ring 8ear or identi#ying threads or thread 8ear. .+ O%e&t$on&2 test 'his test has -ery liited application #or li#ting gear. Bt is ore appropriate to li#ting achines. Bt is a siple test to ens)re the ite operates as intended. +)ring this test the ite is operated thro)gh its noral #)nctions> )s)ally 8ith a light load or no load. Bts )se is there#ore liited to ites o# li#ting gear that ha-e o-ing parts. For e9aple> on a plate clap> to ens)re the a8s grip the plate and can be locked into position. Bt is )sed both d)ring the initial -eri#ication and d)ring the in&ser-ice thoro)gh e9aination. .,
L$'t 2o&! test
'his test is not applicable to li#ting gear. Bt is #or ites that ha-e scre8 brakes or #all arresting brakes that depend on the do8n8ard o-eent o# the load to operate the> s)ch as a hand chain block. ; load o# bet8een 2 and 5 o# the W"" is raised s)##icient height and then lo8ered. 'he operation is halted and the load )st be s)stained by the brake. 'his is the ost onero)s test that can be applied to a brake> e.g. le-er hoist. ;s the brake is the ost sa#ety critical part o# the )nit> it con#irs i# it is sa#e to operate. : "i#ting E*)ipent Engineers ;ssociation 211 < 7nit 1.!
. SL &n! !e2e#t$on *e&s"e*ent ;gain this test is o# liited )se d)ring the e9aination o# li#ting gear. Bt is ore appropriate to li#ting achines and str)ct)res. Bt ay be applied as part o# the initial -eri#ication o# a li#ting bea or spreader> to deterine i# any peranent de#lection or set has taken place. 'he ite is s)bected to a load or #orce> either in a test achine eg spreaders> or by li#ting a li-e load eg r)n8ays and cranes> 8hich is e*)i-alent to the SW" W"". 'he de#lection )nder load is eas)red acc)racy I5 and recorded. 'he de#lection )st be 8ithin the liits set by the appropriate standard. When the load(#orce is reo-ed the ite is eas)red to see i# any peranent set has taken place and> i# so> 8hether or not this is 8ithin the acceptable liits. .3 Poo 2o&! test 'his is a test 8hich is greatly is)nderstood. Bt erely con#irs that the ite is capable o# s)staining the applied load at the tie o# the test. 'hat is> the ite is strong eno)gh. +)ring the test a #orce e*)al to the W"" pl)s an o-erload> )s)ally 1 #or ost li#ting gear> 5 #or an)al achines and 25 #or po8er operated achines and str)ct)res> is applied and then released. ;s #ar as li#ting gear general is concerned> its )se is )s)ally restricted to ne8 coponent parts> eg chain co)plers> lengths o# chain> #abricated ites> eg li#ting beas and spreaders> and ites that rely on the action o# the load #or their e##ecti-e operation> eg plate claps. Bt is also )sed to -eri#y ne8ly #itted parts 8hen #abricated ites> eg li#ting beas> and load action reliant ites> eg plate claps> ha-e been repaired. Bt reains an iportant test #or str)ct)ral ites> eg r)n8ays. %any coon ites 8ere at one tie ro)tinely proo# load tested. 'his 8as despite the #act that the res)lts 8ere )ncertain and the test co)ld daage> or shorten the 8orking li#e> o# per#ectly ser-iceable e*)ipent. Considering these liitations helps to e9plain 8hy this test is being )sed less #re*)ently. B# the test is to be eaning#)l and latent de#ects are to be detected> the )se o# alloy steels in the an)#act)re o# chain and #ittings calls #or higher proo# loads than the traditional 2 9 W"" pre-io)sly applied to chain slings. 0S E, $1$&2 gi-es a table o# proo# loads to be applied to ne8ly an)#act)red grade $ chain 8hich e*)ates to 2.5 9 W"". Siilarly> the -ario)s standards #or the #ittings also call #or a proo# load o# 2.5 9 W"". Ho8e-er> in this case> this allo8s the radii o# the #ittings to be s)pported to pre-ent the collapsing d)ring the test. b-io)sly> d)ring a siilar test on a ade )p chain sling it 8o)ld be ipossible to s)pport the radii and there 8o)ld e##ecti-ely be point contact bet8een the ating s)r#aces. 7nder load> #ittings and aster&links 8o)ld distort and 8o)ld be daaged beyond #)rther )se. 0S E, $1$&4 #or Drade $ chain slings does not there#ore re*)ire echanically assebled slings to be proo# load tested. Ho8e-er> the sa#ety o# the sling is reliant on its correct assebly> 8ith all retaining and locking pins in place. ; thoro)gh -is)al e9aination> a#ter assebly or 8hen in ser-ice> is essential. 'he sae is tr)e o# 8ire rope slings. 'he traditional proo# loading o# a #err)le sec)red eye seldo detected incorrectly ade eyes. E-en an eye 8ith o-er sie #err)les 8o)ld hold the proo# load. 'here#ore the haronised standards #or 8ire rope slings do not call #or proo# load testing> b)t 0S E, 13411&3 calls #or the #err)le terination to be -eri#ied by eas)reent and thoro)gh e9aination.
1 : "i#ting E*)ipent Engineers ;ssociation 211 < 7nit 1.!
Bn the case o# eyebolts> the old 0ritish Standard 42!$ reains in place and this standard does call #or proo# load testing. When e9aining an in&ser-ice hand chain block> #or e9aple> the strength is already kno8n. S)becting it to an o-erload 8ill not there#ore re-eal anything that is not kno8n. Ho8e-er> it 8ill p)t additional stress on the 8orking parts and shorten their 8orking li#e. .8 >e&5$n' 2o&! test the ost coon being the )se o# t8o or three aerosol spray cans o# li*)id. "i*)id penetration crack detection can be applied to #erro)s and nonerro)s etal coponents. 'hese tests are ho8e-er liited in that they 8ill only re-eal the position o# cracks and do not help to assess the depth. ,either do they re-eal #a)lts belo8 the s)r#ace o# the aterial> s)ch as lainations and blo8 holes. ;ltho)gh liited> it is a pop)lar test #or li#ting gear> 8here no s)r#ace cracks are peritted. Bt is coonly )sed to check the 8elds on #abrications s)ch as li#ting beas> crane str)ct)res and siilar ites. 'his test is -ery siple> readily portable> and calls #or the ini) o# training in order to interpret the r es)lts. 'he principle o# the -ario)s ethods is )ch the sae. 'hey )se lo8 -iscosity li*)ids 8hich #lo8 -ery easily and penetrate s)r#ace cracks. Bn the ost siple o# these tests> the area to be checked is sprayed 8ith a backgro)nd> )s)ally 8hite. ; second spray is )sed 8hich 8ill r)n o## the backgro)nd> b)t 8ill penetrate and gather in the cracks. 'his li*)id is o# a di##erent colo)r and so re-eals the crack as a colo)red line. ; siilar ethod )ses a peranent agnet to attract the arker #l)id into the crack. Bts )se is there#ore liited to agnetic aterials. Ho8e-er> this test )st not be con#)sed 8ith agnetic particle crack detection. .? M&'net$# %&t$#2e # !ete#t$on 'his ethod o# crack detection 8ill re-eal both s)r#ace cracks and indicate the position o# #iss)res 8ithin appro9iately 1 o# the s)r#ace. ;s the ite )nder in-estigation has to be agnetied> its )se is liited to #erroagnetic aterials and a #e8 nonerro)s etals> s)ch as nickel and t)ngsten. Sall ites and coponents s)ch as shackles are agnetied by passing the thro)gh a coil. For larger ites> s)ch as li#ting beas> electrodes are attached to the ite co-ering the area )nder in-estigation. 'he ite is then sprayed 8ith a sol)tion o# s)spended iron #ilings. ; crack or iper#ection near the aterialAs s)r#ace 8ill distort the agnetic #ield and attract the iron #ilings. 'he crack is then re-ealed by an acc))lation o# particles along the line o# the crack and s)b&s)r#ace de#ects by an acc))lation in the area o-er the #a)lt. ;s cracks are only detectable 8hen the lines o# agnetic #orce are at a signi#icant angle to the crack> sall ites are rotated and t)rned d)ring the test. For larger ites> the electrodes are attached at -arying positions. For ease o# identi#ication> an )ltra -iolet light is o#ten )sed. 'his reacts 8ith the sol)tion and re-eals the iron #ilings as a black line. ther systes )se a backgro)nd spray 8hich allo8s the #ilings to be readily seen. ;s the ite has been hea-ily agnetied it is iportant that i t is de&agnetied a#ter the test to pre-ent the collection o# agnetic particles 8hich 8o)ld daage the ite 8hen it 8as p)t into ser-ice.
12 : "i#ting E*)ipent Engineers ;ssociation 211 < 7nit 1.!
'his test calls #or siple training and the res)lts are easily interpreted. Bt is 8idely )sed #or larger in&ser-ice ites that are s)sceptible to cracking> s)ch as #ork tr)ck ars> and d)ring series prod)ction o# #orgings. .1@
R&!$o'&%/ (X-&/s) # !ete#t$on
'his ethod o# crack detection 8ill locate a #a)lt any8here thro)gh the section 8hich is &rayed. Ho8e-er> it 8ill only locate the #a)lt in one plane. Bt 8ill not re-eal its depth> )nless a #)rther &ray is taken in the opposite plane. Bt is an e9pensi-e operation and calls #or -ery high sa#ety eas)res to be #ollo8ed. ;s a general r)le it re*)ires the e*)ipent to be e9ained to be taken to a specialist location. Bt is ainly )sed 8hen e9aining prod)ction ites eg the 8elds o# links> or 8hen in-estigating a #ail)re. 'he article being &rayed is s)bected to radiation> )s)ally #ro a gaa ray so)rce> 8hich passes thro)gh the ite and #alls onto photographic #il. When de-eloped> the #il gi-es a pict)re o# the internal str)ct)re o# the ite in the plane o# the radiation. ;s the radiation 8o)ld daage body tiss)e the area )st be #)lly shielded to pre-ent stray radiation and contact 8ith persons. 'he so)rce o# the radiation is norally an isotope 8hich )st also be handled care#)lly to a-oid h)an contact. 'his is a specialist test> )s)ally carried o)t )nder laboratory conditions. Bt calls #or great care in interpreting the res)lts. .11
E!!/ #"ent # !ete#t$on
'his ethod o# crack detection is s)itable #or )se on thin sections> gi-ing the best res)lts #or aterials o# less than 25 thickness. Bts )se #or li#ting gear general is there#ore -ery liited. 0y placing a sall 8ire coil near the test piece and then passing an alternating c)rrent thro)gh the coil> an alternating agnetic #ield is created. 'his> in t)rn> ca)ses a c)rrent in the test piece. 'his e##ect is kno8n as electroagnetic ind)ction and the c)rrents ind)ced in the test piece are kno8n as eddy c)rrents. /ro-iding the test piece is consistent> the c)rrent #lo8ing in the coil 8ill reain )nchanged 8hen the coil is passed o-er the test piece. Ho8e-er> i# there is a crack or ip)rity> the c)rrent 8ill change. 0y onitoring the c)rrent in the coil it is possible to detect #la8s in the test piece 8hich are not other8ise -isible. 'his is an e9pensi-e specialist test. 'he test e*)ipent is sei&portable and so tests can be ade in s)itable locations. Bt calls #or e9tensi-e training and e9perience to per#or the test and interpret the res)lts. .1+
U2t&son$# # !ete#t$on
'his ethod o# crack detection enables the sie and location o# #a)lts to be identi#ied. Bt is )s)ally )n8arranted #or ost ites o# li#ting gear> b)t is soeties )sed to detect #a)lts in -ery large li#ting beas and siilar ites.
13 : "i#ting E*)ipent Engineers ;ssociation 211 < 7nit 1.!
; probe containing a *)art crystal is passed o-er the s)r#ace o# the test piece. 'he crystal transits and recei-es high #re*)ency -ibrations 8hich are apli#ied and recorded as a 8a-e#or on a cathode ray oscilloscope t)be. ; de#ect 8ill be re-ealed as an interediate echo on the screen> its depth being proportional to horiontal distance. Kario)s ethods o# placing the probe are )sed depending on the sie and location o# the #a)lt. ;gain this is an e9pensi-e specialist test. 'he test e*)ipent is sei&portable and so tests can be ade in s)itable locations. Bt calls #or e9tensi-e training and e9perience to per#or the test and interpret the res)lts. .1,
E2e#to*&'net$# 0$e o%e e&*$n&t$on
'his ethod is )sed to detect broken 8ires and corrosion in 8ire ropes. Bt is ost s)itable #or long lengths o# rope> s)ch as crane ropes. 'he rope is passed thro)gh a t)b)lar detector head 8hich sat)rates the rope in a agnetic #ield. ;ny 8ire breaks or signi#icant changes o# 8ire section 8ithin the rope ca)se a dist)rbance o# the agnetic #ield. 'his is detected and sho8n on a contin)o)s paper printo)t. ;s rope can be #ed thro)gh the detector head in a contin)o)s r)n> this a #ast test s)itable #or long lengths o# 8ire rope. Bt calls #or s)itable training and e9perience to interpret the res)lts. 3.
A#t$ons o22o0$n' &n e&*$n&t$on
Follo8ing an e9aination> the #irst thing the tester and e9ainer )st do is prepare a report. 'his is regardless o# 8hether or not the ite has passed the e9aination. 'he in#oration to be gi-en in the report is detailed in Sched)le 1 to ""E see )nit 1.1. Bn soe cases this report ay be sipli#ied to a check list or siilar> #or s)bission to the copany o##ice #or the report to be prepared #or the client. For in&ser-ice e*)ipent> i# the e9aination re-eals one or ore de#ects 8hich present an iediate or iinent risk o# serio)s or personal in)ry> a copy o# the report )st be sent to the en#orcing a)thority )s)ally the HSE in the 7?. ; prosec)tion ay #ollo8 i# this is not done. 'his is a d)ty placed on the person aking the e9aination. ;ltho)gh yo)r copany ay ha-e a proced)re #or doing this> it is yo)r legal responsibility to ens)re it has been done. Con#2"s$on +ependent on the types o# ite yo) are dealing 8ith> yo) 8ill already be #ailiar 8ith soe o# the tests o)tlined abo-e. Soe o# the are carried o)t by the tester and e9ainer in the 8orkplace or on site as a atter o# daily ro)tine. thers are specialist tests> only 8arranted in special circ)stances or in partic)lar prod)ction sit)ations. ;s a tester and e9ainer yo) sho)ld be a8are o# all o# the tests that are a-ailable to yo) and 8hat they 8ill tell yo). When the -ario)s ites o# li#ting e*)ipent are considered in detail> 8e 8ill assess 8hich o# the are applicable.
14 : "i#ting E*)ipent Engineers ;ssociation 211 < 7nit 1.!
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