Training for LTE Parameter Planning V3

April 22, 2018 | Author: Hwelmen | Category: N/A
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LTE parameter planning...


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LTE Cell Parameter Planning

NA NS !S!C" Huhao Se#tem$e%.&'()

Content  LTE

RF Parameters Introduction

 CI+!ACH  Co-e%a*e  Nei*h$o%

lannin* with Unet

Simulation with Unet

lannin* with Sma%t!NO

 a%amete%

lannin* anuall/

TAC+TA TA C+TAL L lannin* anuall/

CI+!ACH lannin* anuall/

Content  LTE

RF Parameters Introduction

 CI+!ACH  Co-e%a*e  Nei*h$o%

lannin* with Unet

Simulation with Unet

lannin* with Sma%t!NO

 a%amete%

lannin* anuall/

TAC+TA TA C+TAL L lannin* anuall/

CI+!ACH lannin* anuall/

LTE !1 a%amete%2 Int%oduction

When we ha-e a new LTE 2ite, what 2hould we do $efo%e and afte% 2ite inte*%ation3  #lan

en*inee%in* #a%amete%24ET5 #a%amete%24ET5 fo% thi2 2ite

 #%e#a%e


 e6ecute


What 2oftwa%e can we u2e when wo%7in* fo% a new LTE 2ite3  #lan

en*inee%in* #a%amete%24ET5 #a%amete%24ET5 fo% thi2 2ite8 2ite8U-net U-net

 #%e#a%e

2c%i#t28SmartRNO 2c%i#t28SmartRNO

 e6ecute

2c%i#t28U!!! 2c%i#t28U!!!

In thi2 cou%2e we onl/ %efe% to Unet and Sma%t!NO.

LTE !1 a%amete%2 Int%oduction

When we want to #lan ET fo% LTE 2ite2, we u2uall/ ha-e & 2te#2" (. #%e#a%e #a%amete%2 fo% #lannin*: &. u2e 2oftwa%e to #lan e22ential #a%amete%2:

;can we #lan #a%amete%2 manuall/3

LTE !1 a%amete%2 Int%oduction

We ha-e lot2 of #a%amete%2 fo% ( 2ite. Which #a%amete%2 we need to #lan < chec7 fo% e-e%/ 2ite3

Site name

eNode= ID


Secto% num$e%

 Antenna *ain





Cell %adiu2

!2 #owe%

1%e?uenc/ $and

DL+UL f%e?ucen/


in %oot 2e?uence inde6



T%an2mi22ion ode

echanical Downtilt Elect%ical Downtilt


LTE !1 a%amete%2 Int%oduction The followin* #a%amete%2 a%e confi%med $/ cu2tome% at the $e*innin* of the #%oect 


NC Site name

Cell %adiu2


!S #owe% 

1%e?ucen/ $and

DL+UL f%e?uenc/


T%an2mi22ion ode

eNode= ID Coo%dinate

 Antenna *ain A>imuth


Secto% echanical num$e% Downtilt



in %oot T%an2mi22ion 1%e?uenc/ DL+UL =andwith 2e?uence ode $and f%e?ucen/ inde6

Elect%ical Downtilt


Cell %adiu2

!2 #owe%



LTE !1 a%amete%2 Int%oduction

The followin* #a%amete%2 a%e confi%med a2 the in#ut of cell #a%amete% #lannin*" 

Site name

eNode= ID


Secto% num$e% 

echanical Downtilt

Elect%ical Downtilt


  Antenna   A>imuth


Site name

eNode= Coo%dinat Secto% echanical ID e num$e% Downtilt

 Antenna  A>imuth *ain




in %oot T%an2mi22i 1%e?uenc DL+UL =andwi 2e?uence on ode / $and f%e?ucen/ th inde6

Elect%ical Downtilt


Cell %adiu2

!2 #owe%



LTE !1 a%amete%2 Int%oduction

The followin*2 a%e 7e/ #a%amete%2 that we need to #lan" 


in %oot 2e?uenc/ inde64!ACH5

Site name


Secto% eNode= Coo%din echanic Elect%ical num$ Hei*ht ID ate al Downtilt Downtilt e%

"asic #lanning #rinci#les $or t%ese #arameters: 

CI" a-oid colli2ion < confu2ion

 Antenna  A>imuth A"= CC *ain

!ACH" a-oid colli2ion

TAC+TAL" 7ee# the ed*e of TAC a%ea 2ame


T%an2mi2 1%e?ue DL+UL in %oot with &G+0G LAC a%ea, T&C'T&L s%ould (e =and 2ion nc/ f%e?uce 2e?uence with ode $and n/ inde6 con$igured in CN in advance.

Cell %adiu2

!2 #owe%



Content  LTE

!1 a%amete%2 Int%oduction

 PCI'PR&C)  Co-e%a*e  Nei*h$o%

Planning *it% U-net

Simulation with Unet

lannin* with Sma%t!NO

 a%amete%

lannin* anuall/

TAC+TAL lannin* anuall/

CI+!ACH lannin* anuall/

What i2 CI

CI lannin* %inci#le

CI lannin* %inci#le

CI lannin* %inci#le

!ACH lannin* %inci#le

CI+!ACH lannin* with Unet

No%mall/ we u2e Unet to #lan CI+!ACH. Thi2 2oftwa%e ha2 lot2 of function, in thi2 cou%2e we onl/ tal7 a$out the 9G ET #lannin* #a%t. When we need to u2e Unet to #lan #a%amete%2, we need to #%e#a%e 0 e6cel file2 fo% thi2 2oftwa%e" 




No%mall/ we u2e 2im#lified e6cel file2. The full file i2 mo%e com#le6.


 Trans ceiver_simcell_simplifed plifed

 Trans ceiver_ull


CI+!ACH lannin* with Unet

 Afte% we #%e#a%ed the 0 file2, we can 2ta%t to #lan #a%amete%2 with Unet.

(.=uild a new #%oect with LTE1DD tem#late, o% o#en an e6i2ted #%oect

&.Im#o%t elect%onic ma#2

0.Im#o%t 2ite li2t, t%an2cei-e% li2t and cell li2t

CI+!ACH lannin* with Unet

9. Dou$le chec7 the followin* #a%amete%2"  T%an2cei-e%" Antenna  Cell" 1%e?uenc/ =and, a6 owe%, =, !S owe%, %ach !eu2e Di2tance, CI !eu2e Di2tance, A, T%an2mi22ion ode. ;the default %eu2e tie% of CI < !ACH i2 &. No%mall/ thi2 i2 not enou*h. Wed $ette% u2e %eu2e tie% 0 o% 9.

CI+!ACH lannin* with Unet

).Nei*h$ou% #lannin*.

CI+!ACH lannin* with Unet

@. CI #lannin*. Confi%m the a-aila$le CI -alue %an*e4fo% e6am#le '995.

CI+!ACH lannin* with Unet

B. !ACH #lannin*. Confi%m the a-aila$le !ACH -alue %an*e4fo% e6am#le ''&5.

CI+!ACH lannin* with Unet

.Chec7 the %e2ult.   All cell2 ha-e $een a22i*ned CI < !ACH o% not3  The %eu2e di2tance i2 co%%ect o% not3

Content  LTE

!1 a%amete%2 Int%oduction

 CI+!ACH  Coverage  Nei*h$o%

lannin* with Unet

Simulation *it% U-net

lannin* with Sma%t!NO

 a%amete%

lannin* anuall/

TAC+TAL lannin* anuall/

CI+!ACH lannin* anuall/

Co-e%a*e Simulation with Unet

 Afte% we #%e#a%ed the 0 file2, we can 2ta%t to 2imulate LTE co-e%a*e.

(.=uild a new #%oect with LTE1DD tem#late, o% o#en an e6i2ted #%oect

&.Im#o%t elect%onic ma#2

0.Im#o%t 2ite li2t, t%an2cei-e% li2t and cell li2t

Co-e%a*e Simulation with Unet

9. Dou$le chec7 the followin* #a%amete%2"  T%an2cei-e%" Antenna  Cell" 1%e?uenc/ =and, a6 owe%, =, !S owe%, ain %o#a*ation odel, A, T%an2mi22ion ode, ;the %eu2e di2tance and tie% of CI and !ACH i2 not im#o%tant in co-e%a*e 2imulation.

Co-e%a*e Simulation with Unet

). Select the %e*ion fo% co-e%a*e 2imulation.

Co-e%a*e Simulation with Unet

@. Choo2e the 2imulation t/#e. No%mall/ we u2e default #a%amete%2 fo% 2imulation.

Co-e%a*e Simulation with Unet

B. Define the %ule of di2#la/ le*end, then chec7 the %e2ult of 2imulation.

Content  LTE

!1 a%amete%2 Int%oduction

 CI+!ACH

lannin* with Unet

 Co-e%a*e

Simulation with Unet

 Neig%(or

Planning *it% SmartRNO

 a%amete%

lannin* anuall/

TAC+TAL lannin* anuall/

CI+!ACH lannin* anuall/

Nei*h$o% lannin* with Sma%t!NO

No%mall/ we u2e Sma%t!NO to #lan nei*h$ou%2 and out#ut 2c%i#t2. Thi2 2oftwa%e ha2 lot2 of function, in thi2 cou%2e we onl/ tal7 a$out the nei*h$ou% #lannin* #a%t. When we need to u2e Sma%t!NO to #lan nei*h$ou%2, we need to #%e#a%e en*inee%in* #a%amete%2 fo% it. 

&G ET

0G ET

9G ET

Nei*h$o% lannin* with Sma%t!NO

(.Im#o%t ET.

&. atch the #a%amete%2.

Nei*h$o% lannin* with Sma%t!NO

0.Di2#la/ cell2 in ma#.

9. Set %ule2 fo% nei*h$ou% #alnnin*.

Nei*h$o% lannin* with Sma%t!NO

).Select cell2 and #lan nei*h$ou%2.

Nei*h$o% lannin* with Sma%t!NO

@.Sa-e < out#ut %e2ult2, then chec7 the 2c%i#t2.

Content  LTE

!1 a%amete%2 Int%oduction

 CI+!ACH  Co-e%a*e  Nei*h$o%

Simulation with Unet

lannin* with Sma%t!NO

 a%amete%

lannin* anuall/

 T&C'T&L 

lannin* with Unet

Planning +anually

CI+!ACH lannin* anuall/

What i2 TAC and TAL

TA lannin* %inci#le

TAC+TAL lannin* anuall/

TAC+TAL i2 a 7e/ #a%amete% fo% LTE. No%mall/ we 7ee# the ed*e of TAC a%ea 2ame to &G+0G LAC a%ea. If the LAC of 2ome 2ite2 a%e mi6ed, we need to 2u**e2t ou% cu2tome% to adu2t TAC o% LAC4%ehomin*5. When we need to #lan TAC+TAL fo% a new 2ite, we ha-e & 2te#2" (.u2e a#info to 2how the di2t%i$ute of eNode=2. 4Goo*le Ea%th and othe% 2oftwa%e a%e al2o %ecommended5

TAC+TAL lannin* anuall/

&.Chec7 the TAC+TAL a%ound the new 2ite. Fee# the TAC+TAL 2ame to the 2ite2 a%ound it. If the LAC i2 mi6ed and the cu2tome% %eect to adu2t TAC+LAC, then the TAC 2hould follow the cu2tome%2 %e?ue2t and 7ee# mi6ed.

Content  LTE

!1 a%amete%2 Int%oduction

 CI+!ACH  Co-e%a*e  Nei*h$o%

lannin* with Unet

Simulation with Unet

lannin* with Sma%t!NO

 a%amete%

lannin* anuall/


lannin* anuall/


Planning +anually

CI+!ACH lannin* anuall/

 Acco%din* to 0G #%otocol, the%e a%e )'9 CI4')'05 and 0 %oot 2e?uence inde64'0B5. No%mall/ we will not u2e all of them in ou% netwo%7. We will %emain 2e-e%al CI and !ACH fo% mo$ile2helte%. 1o% e6am#le, we u2e CI '99, %oot 2e?uence inde6 '( fo% no%mal eNode=. Then we ha-e  CI49))'05 and ( %oot 2e?uence inde6 4&'0B5 at lei2u%e. We can a##l/ them in mo$ile2helte%2. If ( mo$ile2helte% ha-e 0 2ecto%2, cell %adiu2 i2 &7m, that mean2 we need a22i*n ( CI and & %oot 2e?uence inde6 fo% ( 2ecto%. Then we can #lan CI and !ACH manuall/" Cell I,

Cell radiusm.















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