TOEIC official test preparation guide vol. 2.pdf

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TOE I C 5&1J,��:g� Test of English for I nternational Communication ' �ffi*�?J':ll.�)�,IJM�� ¥%�1 ( ETS ) fr 1 979

' *t$1-G �g�p,€ �i§A±PfT�Ir�e� -I�� ��rng JJ )&IJM 0 E8 JJ� � �f§.J1%1± 3R

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)NIJ,�:l'Gm.L�i�H�U U43�)) §§ 242 �?ffll\HJ:J;8���3t?'i� new job 0 ( B ) 5G�*J��U§S%8�A± , Jl:t3::f j'>��

pJT L:J the


1 27

31 . Why'd they end the contract talks?

(A) They didn't l ike the offer. (B) It's just through that door. (C) The director gave me one.

32. Who has been appointed to chair the h i ring committee?

(A) There are none available today. ( B) It hasn't been announced yet. (C) No, I don't think he has.

33. Is the bank relocating?

(A) There were only two local branches. (B) I use the bank once a week. (C) It's not going to move after all.

34. When does Ms. Hudson send orders for new supplies?

(A) That's not what I ordered . (B) On the first day of every month. (C) I was very surp rised to hear that.

35. I hope these statistics are correct.

(A) I checked them carefully. (B) No, the ones in the corner. (C) We'll help you collect papers .

1 28

31 . 11B1P�ffl1a_mut�1£3-*�8'S.lth'bf@J?

(A) 1tBfP�::f����B'SJ P9@ 0



(B) ��j!3C1�13�if-t¥Ll 3 °

contract � r 3*� _1 ' talk J� r•�sti ' th'bfcti _1 ' $�11::_ •�stiB'S.l llii: � �/f�ij( t he offer r t��j :1.J � _1 '

(C) ±�$8 3 ft-1� 0

3-l\g8SJ@l 3 ° ( B ) end ill� r §5 -liffij _i 2� 1§JJ:t3�Wm�/frtt 0 (C) di rector ' _t q] _1 ' 1§*1EZl�& 0 ·

32. �ifEIH�)!KfflA�gc13�9'SJ��.A ?

(A) �*)�� OJ Ll ffi B'SJ 0 (B) �55H¥i'§11J 0 (C) /f

ft�Pi?iffl11B5�� 0



be appointed to chair �TR r � )JK � ± i� _1 ' h i ring r m���- _J 0 � � ��ffAm · @ oomm�e �* announce r 011J _1 (B) �tt;;t�remrffel.3'@18'SJ3� 0 •

0 W$�$�m 0 (A) available �TR r OJffl BSJ , (C) illz * !fil¥Ll ff1CjJ 5J5 ± pffl;,l3�ili��� 0 •

33. iliN fi�tffi� �o,� ?

(A) .R ��13a"l m tfu 8SJ 53'fi 0 (B) tt-ffill �-/)(iliNfi 0 (C) •1���::;;"Jf:j� 0

li!fJ (C) lfiHH Jm § pff Fo"l B'S.l relocate r � f� _i ' @l 3 not going to move r /f· j�� _i ®fflil:lii 0 after all r m�� ' ®i�_J 0 (A) Fo"llm$�m branch r 53'fi ' 53'SZ:t�IHM _1 B'SJ�y; 0 ( B ) illz*!fil.&.1§£ffl;;)(!§y 0 once a week r -®-/}( _1 °

3 4 . H ud s o n % � 1CjJ 8� � 1±l *ff �� ffi fili BSJ �J


(A) �/f �ft�M'SJ 0 (B) Ejf�,E38�§§-* 0 (C) tt �� ¥ Ll �iN� �iJ 0



Fo"l � ffl When . . . ? pff l;,l W 8� Fa"l 1§ �m BSJ 3 � ::2t il: lii 0 order � r �J� _i ' suppl ies � r 1��ffl fili _i 0 (A) Jlt�B'S.l o rd e r ��}J�� ' �TR r �J��_i ' WFo"J � cp BSJ ffl )t /f rg 0 (C) su ppl ies W su rprised �§t§j�lli'. ' 1§�,�,ij;§ �fil


35. tt15��lfJ;; !§yj��il:lii8� 0

(A) �fHffl�1�3@1 3 ° (B) /GU


� tE %3 5§:8SJ jf3 C lfJ;; 0

(C) tt 1P9•M18\�* � *� 0



statistics J� r $;t �t lf� _i ' il:lii r correct.J ;fD f:HHJ

t� � r check carefully _J �1§�1�8��m1� 0

(B) ones J�@t?Billz::f)�� , P9 @ illW ifu�� $ �m 0 (C) co rrect ;fO c o l l ect B'SJ �?t § � � g @ )!ffi )Ee,� � � JJ �Jmm52,s'SJ �mJt 0 •

1 29

36. What does a round-trip flight to Hawaii cost?

(A) The flight is d elayed. (B) I'll have to look that u p . (C) Ho w much is it?

37. How long has it been since I saw you last?

(A) I thi n k this d ress is too long. (B) I used to sew q uite a bit. (C) Qu ite a few years.

38. You should probably take the train to avoid traffic.

(A) I didn't bring anyth ing on the train . (B) That's what I'm planning to do. (C) The transaction was voided .

39. Aren't you pretty busy working on your research?

(A) No, I have a l ittle time. (B) Very attractive! (C) I searched everywhere .

40. You've already appl ied for a grant, haven't you?

(A) Yes, I've submitted my proposal. (B) N othi ng is o n the g round. (C) It's an appliance store.

1 30

@!�fl (A) Im�iH���3l: 0 (B) �!l�M&���-T 0 (C) �0\ili� ?


What does . . . cost? ffl3R r � io� fi� ..J �I� ( B ) Sltt 5K�J�m153� ' 1§�71\�:3; look that up r � ..J ' �3.@�8� @Jjl! 0 round-trip :t� r 3R@J tJ1SJ ..J o •

(A) io��W1iili���m , Wfi��B�ia���m 0 (C) w� a -1�Jl&,iftl, . mH�@J3 °

37. f\G_t:;);'.Jii,�U1!F��:'.7,J�JJi1J 8 j� J' ?

(A) f\6'.W:i��)$�7\::R ]' o (B) f\Gl-;Z §!Jm11i� *�M 0 (C) �:T�aJ" o

6!fl (C) � B� ia� � mm � ,ffli 11'6 io� 8j � H ow long . . . ? fJT l-;Z � 0 quite a few :t� r �j-� ..J • ffl f.J-20Jf� 0

(A) Jlt�8� long :t�£JA. ZH1�H� ?

�U OO �B5lS±lllEfU retirement party ' lfHt 5JK�g _J l;f�1i5JK�H�lE�i�Wc3 °

(A) 3�:¥'. �§� 0 (B) �fi7JiUl1


(A) U�6�1�1l�BisJ �iiJJY: tables and chairs

(C) ����.::f o (D ) j-z=tffJ\mfi'PJf@j 0

(C) �J��JJY:�ti& fffi � �&�� 0 ( D) contractor � 1 7J�'Eg f@j _J


46. ft±8isJ���H�B�11�m65R ?

�H�6cj:J:1�J�& 0

(A) �ft±4:��00� 0 ( B ) ft± El ctE���cp �__ti:\'¥R�:il::IU� 0 (C) :illz *J� �U5JKU� reschedule '2:9:J'J:� _J 0



ft±- OO �B)]tt fl��tMisJ �[l� until five o'clock ' Jl UW � ��m65R8isJB�Fa� 0

(A) T'i=-!Z:9�6 ° (B) l''i=-E�.b o

retirement :il!Ht project :il::I� ; 75�



( D) �11•t:fGJJJi;-1�53�


fffi ��

pff 5l5±Fo� ft±§� i'§ help me set it up ' � 1l1t 115i!' _J help with an event ' t&b§JJ I�53i:!J _J 0 l;flEHi���

(C) tCS5JKU2:9J!� 0

( D ) 8W,__tt:; �6


li!D ( D)

(B) ¥R�:il::IU� 0





(A) �JJO�fl� 0

(C) BW...t.7\�6


(A) (C) *1��U IZ:9�6�7\�6 ° ( D) t�6�5JK�100�B8isJB�Fa� 0 '

set up �jfRj meeting no problem )�Fo�fill


plenty of 1&5'

get out iil'ifml

present }�'.Q:



1 35

Questions 47-49 refer to the fol lowing conversatio n .

W : This is the registration desk. May I help you? M : H i . I was calling to reschedule an appointment I have with D r. Goto on J u ne 1 3 . W


H ave you been a patient here a t the M a ra Clinic before , sir?

M : Yes , j ust once. I saw D r. H anson at the end of last year

47. Who most l i kely is the woman?

(A) A doctor (B) A university professor (C) An office receptionist (D) A hotel clerk

48. What does the man want to do?

(A) C hange a d octor's appointment (B) Sign up for a course at a university (C) Make a restau rant reservation (D) Pay for a hotel room

49. When did the man see Dr. Hanson?

(A) I n May (B) In June (C) I n November (D) in December

1 36


I thi n k it was i n December.

t ...


t ft


ilit!�ti�5mlSl3; , �1+����1{I;§ITT ?%O,m ?



9!.F�3- ! IMJ3R�2'.9:7\F3 + - 8 £R Goto �±8�*�3� 0



5t± , 1m2§U3R� M a ra 3�,PfT!@fr90,m ?



, ��-;;)( 0 ��41ffi m5' H anson � ±!@3�� , /\:WX�if+ _,E3 °

( C) (A)

1tfft± §Hm1± registration desk ' tlHJJ't� _J C!Jl:l.JD ��fu�1±11��81_�3§8J receptionist ' }�1�A.� _J 0


(B) ::A:��!Z!� 0

(A) (B) s!H�R Dr. ( D) 1tfft±Pfi§)i8] patient ' W9 � _J ;J(O cli n ic r §�pfi _J ' q:r1::1.lliJE:/ffr:�&lc§ 0

(C) tlltlA� 0 (D)

l!l:D (A)

48. 515 ±1�11i�H� ?

' 2:\l:*�§�B�Fa1 _J ' l�H1��U !ilb §�foli change 0

(A) ��9:m'il�B�� 0 (B) ¥R=8 ::A:�§�f� 0 (C) �e�J11I 0 (D) 1i1.i��f:�Fa1�ffl 0

l!l:D (D)

(A) 1iF3 o (B) 7\ 8

(B) sign up for a course � ' ¥R=8§�f� _J 0 (C) P's'.§W�eBJ reservation ' �J11I _J ��� 0 ( D ) *i��U1i�.R�$ 0

1Elli3=�1±�1tt515 ± pfi§)i ' I think it was i n December. _J 0


(C) +-F.3 o (D ) +=.F3 o

registration HHm : 8lfffi most likely �1"1DJrm

reschedule c:llJ!!l sign up �8[', ; ¥Gi::g

appointment *\J�

once -/)!_

at the end Z:E*�

1 37

Questions 5 0 = 5 2 refer to the following conversation.

M : I need to m a ke t h i rty c o p i e s of this flyer for the book s a l e o n T h u rsd a y, but the copying machine is broken again . W : Wel l , it's only Monday. M aybe we can get it repai red before the n . M : I think it's beyon d repair. I think we need a new one. W : H ow a bout if I ca l l Tom i n the p u rchasing office to see if h e ' l l a p p rove a p u rchase order for a new machine?

50. What is the problem?

(A) The coffeemaker is broke n . ( B ) T h e man can n ot make copies. (C) The woman did not approve the flyers. (D) The book sale has been canceled .

51 . When does this conversation take place?

(A) On Monday (B) On Tuesday (C) On Wednesday (D) On Thursday

52. What does the woman suggest they do?

(A) H i re an accountant (B) Call a repai r person (C) C ontact Tom (D) P u rchase the books

1 38

� : fi��ffi - +��m�=-��@�M� , @�ffi�R�� 3 !



o� , mZ::E ::t �Jtfi.l - , -tB�+fi1r�OJ.L.�Z::E � Jtfi.l � mi11��:s:- 0

� : fi�i�t:: 11�/G�3- 3 , fi1r�JJ!�?d�B*fT8� 0

tl.. : /G�fiflg���-�� Tum 1 �������-§���� o

50. �fl'.±H�Fo�� ?

(A) oJJo om�� J' 0

(8) SiS=tfm)t��EP 0 (C) :9:±illz *1�A:E1�� 0 (D ) �j�W�il�EflZW� J' 0

5 1 . _tjfilt1���1�B��fl'.±8S.l ?

(A) �fill-


(B )

515 ±1lijjtl /m�§i:Jtt �)l the copy machine is broken r ��ED �6)(�� ..J Pff l;JJft fO ��fD (make copies) � lE�fE�



(A) 6)(��8S.Jillz /J' � coffeemaker r OJ]oomcp)§� _J 0 copy ;fO coffee �f\'.§'iNf�lli: 0 (C) ��t�A:EBS.l� a purchase order r $ &�� _J , rm �� flyer r 1�� _J 0 ( D) 1����12]�fi , *i��U�EflZW� 0

@!WA (A)


(8) �ff� = 0 (C) (D ) *ff�i:!] 0

52. :9:±��i11:B1F911i�1t� ?

(A) 1!im -1n��tgm 0

(8) OJ HQI*11�I� 0 (C) JEN Tom 31*8 ° (D ) &��� j� o

flyer §i®� order �J&�

repair il1Hll1

make copies lfi)ED

mJ (C) :9: ± 1tt �)l How about if I call Tom ' ?ff l:J � �i contact Tom r �� Tom Rmi*8_J ��1imrffel: 0 . . .

(A) *i�.B. accountant r ��tA�..J 0 (B) call a repair person r o�11�_J 8S.J�)n81$515±nF�7.f\ 0 (D) � �&��8S.l ���f0� , ffiJ�j��U��tJJ¥1�ii 0

beyond ifil�· · · 8�'8@ll cancel 11£)1'\i

purchase ��� suggest ��¥i

approve t�Jlt

1 39

Questions 5 3 Q 5 5 refer to the following conversation.



I heard that Fran retired last week. Are they planning to hire a nyone to take her place?



I hope so. We're a l ready u n d e rstaffed , and the contra ct we got yesterday wi l l mean

more work. M


I agree. M aybe they can move someon e from the merchandising office over here.

53. What problem are the speakers discussin g ?

(A) T he stock o f merchandise is ru nning low. (B) Someone moved the supplies. (C) The machi n e needs to be repai red. (D) There are n ot enough employees.

54. What happened yesterday?

(A) A worker retired . ( B ) A plan was d rawn u p . (C) A contract was received. (D) A manager was promoted.

55. What does the man suggest as a solution ?

(A) Contacting a repair person (B) Asking the staff to sign new contracts (C) Getting help from a nother department (D) Putting new products on sale

1 40


c c t (

� : fiR� Fran k��� 3 · ���DW��A*B����� ?



:ffi � :9Dtlt · fi1P� B*�A =¥/fJ:E 3 ! fff.i .§ 81=��8� ¥ff!Sm'91��:§M���§7If!= 0

� �


� : fi � • · ���������m�A�*�m 0

l!!fl ( D)

1tf :t2: ± f5fT We're already understaffed , � TR r ft iP� .A=:f-/G J:E _J ' pfTl� not enough employees r 5�fi o J:E �ij8SJ�I _J

(A) f@jfilig �/G �ij � o

(B) fi.Aitsffloo1ffi�:iE 0 (C) ����i12'I� 0 ( D) �IA '¥::f�'ID

(A) t!IH?U m e rch a n d i s i n g offi ce r /@j oo§G _J , i9-*8)l stock r g � _J ::f J:E (B) 515±8)l�U move rm� F:1ffi�ffloo (supply) 0 (C) *l��U��i�i12';:;::_ � 0




l!!fl (C)

54. ll'F���±H�� ?

:t2:±l��U the contract we got yesterday r ll'F�ftfP� ��UBSJ!SmJ _J , ffii58SJ:g�� (C) 0

(A) - 1:V:�I�1t 0

(B) �:l��-17.r8t� 0 (C) m�u-f£am'!J

(A) �ili�f;t8SJB�!Wa� � last week 0 (B) draw up sth. � r �:l�l _J ' f.12Jj�5cpPfT�)l8SJ planning to h i re j:� r n�1.liffl _J 0 ( D) illz * l�Rd±1�f*�l�ft�;:;::_� 0


· ·

(D ) fi11I*�I�ftg 0

55. 5!5±���8SJ�it5�1-Jit�H� ?

(A) fi� m&t5lI 0


:: =

a:i ,,-""�h'...6.-y/-, ai'l�Ir::r �'f1 1 o l!l:J

(C) 8��{fil§���:SZ1i



(D ) {fEif:'HJT� oo 0

l!!fl (C) �1�5!5±��� move someone from HGF�t:6Efill � �it5�8SJD"� 0

. . .

' PfTl� t:Z�ffu

(A) illz *i:Zfl2'8i8SJ.A� 0

(B) *l�EHJT!SmJ 0

(D) H��U f@j fili§G ' f§_)�fifffq:J pro d u ct r � fili _J �1�

;;: 0

retire lllH*

hire ,tgg .FFJ

merchandise fcliffi ; *�§ ; ���

contract 3mJ understaffed A.'¥/f�BJ promote �ft : tU�fcliffi receive �:\(!fU

agree IEll l&'.

department @Br�

1 41


PART 3 Short Conversations

Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation. M

Now that my business is expanding, the office is starting to seem too small. I've.


started looking for a new place to rent.


Have you looked at the area around the train station? There are some business


properties that are being renovated there.



That's a good idea. I'll look over there tomorrow.



According to the weather forecast, tomorrow should be a nice day to walk around.

56. What is the man's problem?

(A) His business is not growing very fast. (B) His office is not big enough. (C) He missed his train. (D) He just moved into town.

57. What does the woman suggest the man do?

(A) Take the train to work (B) Check the weather forecast (C) Explore the train station area (D) Expand his business contacts

58. What will the man most likely do?

(A) Continue his search tomorrow (B) Renovate his office (C) Try to think of another idea (D) Walk home from the office



mtEftB�'±�m��A ' ¥JJ¥0��lEe3tH���/j\ ' ft8#�mJ�tJtEU¥1T8�:ij�:rntfu��3

tr.. : 11Y��Yt�=�@� look over there '���)?,�U�� � .J ' !J.t�limi1'F search '1��.J 0

(B) .:k�ni5!l11i!ifi:A:1ftt�11� fffi��!J5±8'9¥JJ¥0� (C) 1fu���ft±,5JT��i8'9tfu1-J *�>l�U�'8�it 0 l (D) �§���D1DJJ:::. 'r�I 0 ,




II forecast



II train station

YJ(O§Fiili�§�3! 1 , 800 l§'§S� �� 13��� 8=13 §13 r�Bfi.l;:L.�� _J & r 7-KIBB'SJ�Ei�A. _J 0 r�§�M�i:E Ames lil��& Goodall ra.J/25��§ 0 •


IW E31ffi�U 8 F.l 4 E3 : ®J.�09:$�

10 A.M . ¥0 5 P. M . Pioneer r •w�m��-_J � �-tt�����- · �mm��¥��WW:fiB�M 0 �·.7\� 0 •

1 55. Ames 0�8'SJ����D El ��600�§ ?

(A) 3 :00 P. M . (B) 4:00 P. M . (C) 7 : 00 P. M . ( D ) 7: 30 P. M .

Pioneer Ill �� Ames 0� Reiman �� Stephens ffi�g

1 57 . 0]�-1�)5�1.J�U)(• ?

(A) �iti}ffi* (B) mrr�lll -§- �9 (C) Rick Macon )�!II§� (D) m��community ff±� municipal m:rr tl� documentary *GJiB�

< c>

Slit?.z: � a survey b y market research firm Transigo, Ltd . 0 •

(C) iI)(/B�1il (D) Transigo ifii�ntf��P�:L}q)

1 59 .




� �m - @ • � cf:i OJ � E '@ � � ® A � A fi $13'. � 'fi� hi gh · affluent ' � :fa BJ J • ti: @ BJ income �51� ' � A _J 0 (8) 1l£m = 1� 1+ ��53'm • * � · �§�JFx rz 5 6 � L:J. L.BJAiY@ · :illz� l=Pff � 1+���5-*l�� 0 '

(C) fD (D) -��-*:l�EZJ175Llf0ifui$1i@i�j'. 0



1l£m_1� 1+ ��53'm• * '@ , n1+m�BJ1i*�¥ c 20-35 ) ftfi�ll§ · � � ��i+�A � � §�� ffi ll§ �

(D) �§

1 61 . � �1J:§'@!fLl 1tM ? (A) &�§j@i�:S:BJ �;Po (B) �mill &i: �BJ •h (C) R�BJ��h" (D) W�ii\';�§

( c)

>z:�l'D" BJ source :f� BJfti�- � respondents were

shown photographs OJ i� W � M :§ � '@ R� BJ �� h 3JZ)Ji:;E��j'. 0 �J]t (A) -� ' (B ) •h ' (D) W�iEi�§ ' :1:'3 71'1-6-& 0

1 62. ��� cf:i §a1tM1i*�¥ ? (A) )�ttBJR��± (B) rfH�uTfJ'.E� (C) I/llW � I (D) �fi*�ili�f§.J preference f@i�=} government iBUff respondent �fill ;§


buyer �!1l�:§ firm 0� model *�it



��l' � wu� ' -�*� _J �OJ�M � � :§ � � l� -$����BJA 0 ,R� (A) )�fi: BJR!l�± , ft tJJ-&>z: � 0

income �)(]\ query il@Fo�

conduct �liffi customer :§fp



fund �ii individual iimA


J�i:J:1'�iz sed a n �*


Questions 1 63-1 65 refer to the following form. Fra n k's A uto 112 Aven u e Customer Feedback Form Your opinions are important to us. We will use the information collected in this survey 10 help

improve our service. Please tell us how important each of the following factors is to you when you choose a business for automotive repair. Circle a number from 1 -6. Very important

Not important Price


Convenient Location





([) 5



Experienced Mechanics





Courteous Office Staff





Did our staff:



Clearly explain the work your vehicle needed?

No -2{_

Yes __

Treat you politely and with respect?



Accurately estimate the amount of lime the work would take?

No __

Yes _2L

Tell you the cost before repairing your vehicle?


Yes __X_


I'm not sure I understand what was wrong with the car. but the mechan ics were able to fix it qui ckly and easi ly. The price was reasonab le. too. But i t would be

helpfol next time if I could get more information obo11t the repair



Fran k R � fl� l�

1 1 2 Central Avenue

.l� � � � � 1tlt lll lt 89 � � � F "m m � 0 flt 1139M�1l'eJ'El 4 � '€!1f � !'J9 � 1lfl. * � � flt iF� B9 H&� 0 1i� s 1lff: flt 113� f?JH± � � T=t l¥ 11�HI'! � � � .L-;.fl' � 1f?Ii l21Sl � 89 � ii 0 lll!i � � 1 - 6 •

� I � tJJ 1i� l3o'J




J< director :±� ; ±if phase !lW� a certain degree of. . ;1:jl]�f!J1�83 alternative '®1�83 venue tfu�� keep someone informed �8'1¥�¥A :rn�1i�)5t, progress Ji.IN.

scope �8� enhance :IJOsz: � � mm§��I:5'�m � = �•� · � •� � 8t�8j (C) Trish Leslie �fu����l!J§ifoWfffi o •

(C) Trish Leslie

(D) M arsha Gray >

lounge i*,TI;,� allow :ft�'F

brochure ;j\fffi � photocopy Jl'i)fO ; Jl'i):::$: notify li!l.9'0 maintenance *1U1Hi(:�

itinerary fif�

reservation rffii: i\J conformation li��ifi\ administrative assistant iTi&ll.:tJH!l

in any case ffi\�:\(OjOJ


Questions 1 76=1 77 refer to the following e-mail message.

Date: A correction has been made to the August issue of our National Par/cs Newsletter. The North Mountain Views Rails to Trails package -combining two nights at the High Point Lodge, a half-day guided tour, one night at the Trail's End Inn, and two tickets on the Scenic Shores Railroad - was listed incorrectly in the newsletter as $295. The actual price per person for this package is $529 plus tax and is based on d ouble occupancy. I n addition, please note that the Lake Zephyr Sports and Culture offer is valid only at the Hidden Cove Resort Hotel. Prices are for two adults, and the package includes breakfast and dinner for three days. Each additional adult will pay $222; for an additional child, the extra cost is $202. We apologize for any inconvenience. The National Parks Visitors Bureau

1 76. What error was included in the August newsletter?

(A) Trip dates were inaccurate. (B) A tourist area was incorrectly described. (C) A quoted price was wrong. (D ) The name of a hotel was misspelled .

1 77 . What l imit is placed on the Lake Zephyr offer?

(A) It is available only i n August. (B) It applies to

one hotel .

( C ) Children are not allowed o n the trip . (D ) Meals are not i ncluded in the price.

21 8


�ft.A.. = I �========================================::::::: �)[ fej: )._ : 1 1 E C S m it h @ e a s tcoas t . n e t ::i:: l§ : I �======::: a� : ! .____�����__,

4:Jf.j ; \. J j f!j-Jj(j O x1%01�1PirH\ > IAJW{J ·J3'�Yi iE � t 1 LJl1i-ivJ.J :k il f & !J;·ill � �ffl''f: - 1:AJ fri Hi g h Point Lodgc µHJt«l1l:11'1 , 'j': )( � �:t , Tra i t ' s End I n n ·il«lHJm&Sccnic S hores 0

Rai l road:k 1 !t��1�iJ.lijijK-tJ< ( B ) ti8/S�6�1J0)3!b 0


1 82 . Comtech ��fD.TB'\¥�fi ? (A) 6 Fl 20 8

( B) 7


itfl'J58J¥R*l\;3'z:: � cp i�9iD'.£:FM8J �ffi� Comtech ��

Kenstovich �&Jc§�fi 0 ffi:iJ=.J58� 1�14�=rn'.1� �U tt Kenstovich �J;:§� fi 8J £������tE (D) 8 Fl

15 8

(C) 8 Fl 1 8

15 8 °

( D ) 8 F3 1 5 8

1 83. Alfane Systems iiti��]B-{inl�I& ?

(A) �{l�U¥ff (B ) ( C ) �{lf�j� ( D) �{l�Ise

(A) ����Jt ( B ) �&HUR��{; ( C ) 11nl.A��� (D) ��ffl � 1 85. El:J � ::X:: }iUfli , i@�Slil1i1t)�I& � 1D.T 1'\¥§ ?

(A) £����IffejfQ::J;' o ( B ) �mfm�M157':ru!0q] 0 ( C ) mMl���1%000 ° (D) i�� � E8 :§ :t3 BJ �S!Z�ml±l 0

look forward to J'!J3j\j renowned � '8 8j


respectively 591�


commerce i@i*

� ffij Alfane � � � � _J 0


1 84. N eorela Electronics '.:t�H��

entry �Jiff!'86 category ��gu producer 1Jjl!j§i@j

' Neorela � i� � i� (C) Best Tec h nology � �� m � � '



73'53U _J i��U BJ �,f(tl, 0

� m ::x:: � � � # oo - 00 ��� & � � 0 qi � �f� � )i � BJ the former ' the latter � §7i(O ik�

8J 5ljsikJll�ff; 0 )Z:: � 5ljs}��U Neorela , rJT Lj � -f� BJ the former 1� 8J � Neorela '8N'.:t� (A) � ��*rJlffi:iFE\J '




tt�R*l\;::X:: � BJ :�f;l:ik }� �U 3 had not nominated small business before Lji.:J:: )��}� :(3 i@ 1j \ �:il:: * El:J Jlt � 0

NtiI�i@�BJ�I& ( B ) fm£�mi57':�0qj 0

(A) illz* J�&�Iffei�B)�::J;'§.1Zi�1JO 0 ( C ) i��m6-*�U9�0t5 , llifLl�tt¥R*s;__t_


( D) 3'z:: cpillz * J��U�S!Z��6�:t3*1, 0 contestant )33 � :§

excellence i�tl:l appliance �� : �3'.iii\l

accommodation 1±113 ceremony !J:tl,ffi� sol ution Wi'� air-conditioning ��Bj


Questions 1 86-1 90 refer to the following letter.

System Tech, I nc.


Richard Symington M ainframe Resolutions l l 85 Victoria Rd. Sydney, Australia NSW 2 1 1 4 September L O

United Kingdom EC2M 3BH

Dear Mr. Symington. We recently interviewed Terrence Willis for the position of computer systems programmer. In his resume he states that he was previously employee! at Mainframe Resolutions for a total or two years. and he lists your name as a business reference. Since it is our policy to verify all references. I am writing to request your appraisal or Mr. Willis' skills and qualifications. conrirmation or the elates or his employment. and the reason he left your employ. The individual we hire as systems programmer must have at least two years of on-the-job experience in writing programs to maintain and control computer systems software. so we arc particularly interested in learning what portion or the two years Mr. Willis spent at Mainframe Resolutions was devoted exclusively to systems programming. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Very truly yours.

Jes.aea, �

Jessica Lawrence

Steven Preston, Ad ministrator

Mainframe Resolutions 1 1 85 Victoria Rd. Sydney, Australia NSW 2 1 1 4

Jessica Lawrence System Tech, Inc. 97 Bishopsgate London, United Kingdom EC2M 3BH September 21 Dear Ms. Lawrence, Your request was given to me by M r. Symington who has no access to our records of past employees. My division, human resources, handles the records containing the information you require. Terrence Willis began working for Mainframe Resolutions as an apprentice in the programming department and after nine months was accepted into our systems programming trai ning course, an intensive eight-month program. After successful completion of the course, Terrence worked as a qualified systems programmer for four months before returning to his permanent home in London. In the opinion of his superiors, Terrence was a dependable team player, whose good judgment and mature outlook resulted in a logical and reliable approach to his endeavors. I hope you find this information helpful. Si ncerely,

S"temn P/1M't0n Steven Preston


System Tech, I nc. Richard Symington M ainframe Resolutions 1 1 85 Victoria Rd. Sydney. Australia NSW 2 1 1 4

A � *� W 97 Bishopsgate

London, United Kingdom EC2M 3BH

9 ,E3 1 0 8 Symington% ± ' f?11 P5 : 4 12 q] � lli � � � ll'� �iUJt I 1.� 8i!i ' [§] � ]' T e r r e n c e W i l l i s % ± 0 ft!!. tt � � � cp j)i! JQ � 1:E � 12 q] M a i n f r a m e R e s o l u t i o n s fH� Pm :tf: ' stlz M; f?11 9U -ffl � * filll g-iHHiz 0 ' ��j?fljJi!1�J1Willis$t±;;2J��gw•;Pomi!i ' ��'.!U�;:(:E�� 8

��;f�H¥115ff �•ITT1. ti !l�f!U '

M&•D � � 0 �R.ffl 2JS: 12q] 2�MI��®�� - Pm :tf: � _t � • B�M · fin � m R n B st1z t�tg � IJ'� �M���B!Jf�:A · �Jl:tfifF9�l5U � J' �Willis%±tt�12q]fi:D8!1Pm4Mlf:\J · tt�*Ytf� i\�§t75[§]8!J3ll!l��mA 0

Ui-ssica �

Jessica Lawrencel)jj( _t

Steven Preston , fi i& !! lilt M a inframe Resolutions 1 1 85 Victoria Rd. Sydney, Australia NSW 2 1 1 4 Jessica Lawrence System Tech, Inc. 97 Bishopsgate London, United Kingdom EC2M 3BH 9 F.l 2 1 8

Lawrence1J 1 P.§ ' f?11 P5 : El3 �Symi ngton% ± 5��1fl ��ll3Hl¥3&l :E; � I 8!1•�-'I- · �Jl:tM;fm � � :s1< � ?x'JEi fi 0 fi l5ff � B� A n • �oo � · ±•�m���-�� • o T e rrence Willis�EF�J.-j,_ �f.iEB!J �fBIJD.Af� ;r.\; � §HiB�� · stlz �)Lf!§J F.3 1�:3!lim�412q].ffl :Jj:Jj f\j!§] ,E3 B!i &l *�Mf�i\ �§HJll ��f� 0 )l�fU f[;P.X;�f�13t ' Terrence:>z:cpstrz*�>R*ff�WBJ �**��� (C) Ra}��U::f H l'Ji*�I,�1.U ' umiUff�§,)Zf@j**ff �1El�mM*���9Ul\i*jmlfQ:� 0 ( D) )Z:tj:J!fz*}��ti� tl::l �BJ�:>R

(A) *�im�H�f�:i'C���t

(B) *ff� WBJ�**��


(C) l'Ji*�f,�{u (D) tl::l � BJ �ffii�


1 97. $ ��A::f���JxT9U1�I�:>'Z:14 ?

(A) ��fZ



tJ: R a � H � - rn , �m�� J $ � ffi � � >z: � � , �!Mt.HD1�A1'FB5�819LJ , Tifz*s�N (B) �.�

(B) �f;ilt=J (C) $ ��1�lili (D) 1'FB51C819LJ

E!f'J (A) *iii !&

( D)

�>JR 0 0

200. Ra$ §g - ��§g�fiBJ 'absolute .J �T9U1�::§8J��fi1Ellli: ?

(B )

iG�BJ:>'Z:�� Knowledge of computer. . . is an absolute

(A) jG�

necessity. ��iilHEl �m��±�BJ �§��D�ti�m@i1 !C01�8J11* 14 ° �1' absolute CITitfi:ftl§JBJ necessity 3K'.t1tlftli ' � "'"" f' · ' "'"" '1¥,f ,,'J. J"' 'lffi '± "' t'° _,_, = T-r=+ o JJ1E:.z� Lk0�� ' " " )IS. fr.. tJ1J .J ....c::_ /es._ ...x.. JGl-.11' (B) d e 1 n 1 te ' me:.

(B) *E3¥1 (C) �'61


� .J fi�}�lli: 0

(D) ]m�EBJ internship I!'� specialize in �J:\z deadline �ll:.B'frFifil


application $ �� candidate j1��A degree �1I'.I.


update �¥fT digital �musj proofread ;f3( �1 �1��:§ relevant to :W · · · fll �� sample **85 reach W · . . mz���9P� attach llfrt.1.JD







Iii II II II II 1111 1111 1111 II 1111 1111 II

llll ll llll ll lill llll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll


Item Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50


c A A B D B c A B A c c c A A B c B A A c c B c c B A A A B A B B A B B c A B c B A D B c D c A c c

Item Number 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 1 00


B A B D A c c D A B B c D B c A D A A B A B c D c B B A c A c D D D B A B D B A B B B c D c A D B c

Item Number 101 1 02 1 03 1 04 1 05 1 06 1 07 1 08 1 09 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 1 20 1 21 1 22 1 23 1 24 1 25 1 26 1 27 1 28 1 29 1 30 1 31 1 32 1 33 1 34 1 35 1 36 1 37 1 38 1 39 1 40 1 41 1 42 1 43 1 44 1 45 1 46 1 47 1 48 1 49 1 50


B B A A c D D c A B D A c c B D B A c A B A c D B B D c A D D B c D A c D B B c A B c D B A c D A D

Item Number 1 51 1 52 1 53 1 54 1 55 1 56 1 57 1 58 1 59 1 60 1 61 1 62 1 63 1 64 1 65 1 66 1 67 1 68 1 69 1 70 1 71 1 72 1 73 1 74 1 75 1 76 1 77 1 78 1 79 1 80 1 81 1 82 1 83 1 84 1 85 1 86 1 87 1 88 1 89 1 90 1 91 1 92 1 93 1 94 1 95 1 96 1 97 1 98 1 99 200


B c B c c B D A B B D D B A c c D A D A c D c c D A B D c A B c D D B D c A B c B D D A B A D c B B

���:§rrtl-�B� ��� ' :illz �i�,fi1, �$}8jfil[fy ' �-7G�i1B�fil[fy�ti'tm:�•ne�&i.PEi:S:Hi�Y ' 01-lU �••h •nw�••n�U�fil[- , :illz � �����• o



&i.PEi019 :illz /f � ��-7GB� TOE I C 019 ' TOE I C )&lJ,� 8j 0fY�1§effl *3t�t 8j 1-J )t ' ��®:PEi01Y -���s0• · m � �-�� · W �/f � � �& , M • � � 0•����W � � 0 � � , ¥� )&IJ,�9H�0 550 0 , fD §S-::;�)&lJ��1�0 550 0�71\9;;; �g§gh ;J;§ � 0

-�� �4 ��0•�•�*�•h•n� &i.�0•� • -• , m�tt�w���mwmg ��S0•�- , �••nlli�8�� 0 � � ��&i.�0•9���s0•�· , �� , • h •n � &l.�0•�� s 1 0 �s 0 , • h B� �SJZ �019ii!8 • �D.J§g� 325 0 -370 0 ' Jlt01Yi�-��� 3 TOE I C *5R�)&IJ�� (2) iffi �11=8�

PfTL�/f§gj§effiJ]�'l!jr,� TOE I C )&IJ,�8�01nt• 0


m�m��-� ��wH•����=£��• · ����§i% 245 �8'il£�nt�i8f90 °


96- 100


9 6 - 1 00


9 1-95


9 1-95





4 1 5-470

8 1 -85

425 - 4 7 0

8 1 -85

3 9 5 -4 4 0


4 0 5 -445


3 7 0-42 0

7 1 -75

3 8 0-42 0

7 1-75



3 5 0 -4 0 0

6 6- 7 0


6 1-65

325 - 3 7 0

6 1 -6 5

2 6 0 -32 0


2 9 5-345


2 3 5-2 8 5

5 1 -55

2 6 5- 3 1 5

5 1 -55

2 1 0-2 6 0


2 3 5 -2 8 5


1 80-22 5

4 1 -4 5

2 0 5-2 5 5

4 1 -4 5

145- 195

3 6 -4 0

1 7 5-22 5


1 1 5- 1 6 5

3 1 -35

1 5 0- 1 90

3 1 -35



120- 1 6 5


60- 105

2 1 -2 5


2 1 -2 5


1 6-2 0

6 5- 1 1 0

1 6 -2 0


1 1- 1 5


1 1-15

1 0- 5 0

6- 1 0







5-2 0






2 05- 255


260 - 320

¥�53''8 �

465 - 575


1 . Look at the picture marked nu mber 1 in your test book. (A) She's taking a photograph. (B) She's picking u p a penci l. (C) S he's paintin g a picture. (D) She's turning a page.

2. Look at the picture marked nu mber 2 i n your test book. (A) He's looking at the engine. (B) He's reading a manual. (C) He's turning on the water. ( D) H e's d riving a car.

3. Look at the picture marked nu mber 3 in your test book. (A) Some bags are on display. (B) The closet has been emptied. (C) The shelves are filled with boxes. (D) Some clothes are lying on the floor.

4. Look at the picture marked number 4 in your test book. (A) She's turning on a light. (B) S he's sittin g in front of a machine. (C) She's buying some equipment. (D) She's trying on a jacket.

5. Look at the picture marked number 5 in your test book. (A) The chairs are stacked against the wall. (B) People are stepping i nto the water. (C) Waiters are standing at the gate. (D) The tables are arranged i n a row.


@tJ (A) �ililEtB�.�


, ®*'ffl JJS:fi§*gElisJ� ; paint a picture 'm�fil ' 'iJ Lfr� L..Wfr�$3--(( 8 15': mo� ' JX�mnoJ< 1l;r:: ElisJ fi!\'lU� draw a picture




(B) �ililE:t�IIBTI1t5@ o


' �.�tEl _J o (A) take a photog raph ( B ) pick u p ' mllli ' �/lli _J ( D) turn a page �

(C) �lE�� o (D) �ililEttl!l�J� o


· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. §��8Jt@7-js:._t;j;�5,et§g 2 @ ElisJ �.� h o (A) @:LE'§� � I� o (B) 1tBlEtE.§{§Effl =ffffi (C) 1ililE:t�7J'?:1:\5 ( B) �{��:Im (C) §tli±/\:F] (D ) i*ffl M1�1-J� attention )±� status AA�

passenger *'.§: track �f)l, board {til�M!if update �*fi


(B )

m!i�§>'?:�ti wait for board ing announcement ��ti$1G�mlU� 0 (A) staff member ' Iff'A� .J 0 (C) proceed to ' §tli± .J 0 ( D) !lI9I�?,��filf§� , 1§*3�*��e:9JJ't� ' �!JJ �:t� .J 0






operate OO�JJ

engine 51�

delay filf�

not yet �*

approximately /\::*'9tt8

boarding _t� ; J:ffi[j ; ��


Questions 77-79 refer to the following telephone message.

Hello, M r. Santos. This is Steven C ha n . I work with C rawford Relocation Services. I ' m looking for a n apartment for a client who is moving to the a rea in two weeks. Last week you ran a n ad in the paper about a n apartment for rent on Manor D rive. Is it still available? Could you please cal l me at 2 1 7-555-3222 with i nformation a bout that apartment or any other available renta l space in that neighborhood? Than k you , and I hope to hear from you soon.

77. What is the purpose of the message? (A) To inquire about a job appl icant (B) To ask about accommodations (C) To offer help with relocation (D) To i nform a client of an available apartment

78. How does the speaker ask to be contacted? (A) By telephone (B) By e-mail (C) By letter (D) By fax

79. What will Mr. Santos probably do? (A) Attend an event on Manor Drive (B) I nvite M r. Chan to his house (C) Return M r. Chan's call (D) Submit an application form



c. ....

t: ,_

< .... ,_ <

J{}JH ' Santos %1:£ 0 fi� Steven Chan


fit±: C rawford Relocation Services 0 'q I1'F 0

fit±:M-11z§JS:t��..:Y , 1t8�31§l{ft�iffi� *:zis:� 0 _t��mm �tt:¥��J.LtfLl� Mano r 1if0m ti� tl::l fa!JJ � 0 �� Fo5 H%tt:mr.�� tl::l f§O,� ? :sm�1�um � @� JJSJm Fa�1± ;ee���n , :sx��{� �±9-ll ff {�DJ1�tl::l f§8�1±;e , ��:JJ �g5ffififi , fi8� � g5 � 2 1 7-555-3222

77. � ® � � 8'SJ § 8'SJ �H� ?



��1��11{}] , ��11�!11:9( i��Ll


� � c:p:r��U I'm looking for an apartment ' CITN1®�0 * � 1!3 � :t:lH±i8 8'Sl tfu 75 ' accommodation ' {± � _J O?IJ§� '.W'. o

(A) �® Fa� >lJz:cptJ'SJ moving 0 (D) �tt��P:t:lt�-7 ' �?f:: § �O 0 i nform r ®�D _J 0



(A) FF.3��5 � � :§ �)l please call me OJ tU®�D ' illz * !��U �

(B) ffl �-j'.-fil�{¢

'8R§ll m?J 1-Jn 0

(C) ffl 1�1¢ (D) ffl{I�

79. Santos %3:: DJ§��1�71t� ?

Dtl (C)

(A) tt Manor 1i}�/J0)5 �JJ

��U� �;:?.1� ' M r. Santos IJ!���@J � return the call 0

(B) ��� Chan %3:: �U{tB?K

(A) Manor Drive �l±:Jf.§�-3'.-B'SJ.Pff ttifu 0 event j:� ' 55 �JJ ' �{¢ _J 0 (B) %R§ll m?J ;:?.1� , ::t�OJ§�i;; .§ �-7 (D) Jm�m>JJJ.!.K 0

� �


� .

(D) �¥U C IJ?.tt5.t13� )

1 1 7. r±l 1.i��1Jrel.J [§] 8'9 Fo�@


� 'i=-{ti��ST.�

m8'9IJI� Emrffsrn�� 0

(A) ;fO · . .


���m��� � * H � · � tt � m � l* � � � m (B) due to H-ES- 0

(C) because i:¥t �.& }� � � � a mechanical p roblem ,R�:g 3� �ffl because of ::THCS-:st 0 ,5,FfU@�N El Bj � ( D) § �fi*fT�

employment �ffl full-time iE:!Fs]8j network *�Rt?; specialist �� investment :!�� head §� upgrade tHEl salary if7J< performance N�Yx sick leave frilj�� manag e r *�Hll


1 58=1 6 1


refer to the following note.

�� � Jean : B •��-��ruam•• 0 ���I�--�WmM�•M�� · B�•· 1IB* ' � �BilU��l=m����t�fill .Lt t�� 0

lill�Bf�� �W8j if'F�1�ttR�ID(� f.!B*i��f t; ' iB 5���ttRB EJ :iLl=Ll>J�,5JT i=r. m�*� 0 Bfr� i\\13. rsrr 1J \�:i'.E•�� , �*JTthh� tJj�uti , fltz:fo] �*!ll � ���� �-- �1E• � � § • � • · � � �E 3 R� , •�W@��� a

B•1��-��Bfr����B�1���'.i(*i8j-� 0 ��-W:S6*El�x�lli� �WJW ' fffifY. 113�.PJT 13: A �\Mttl\�fil�/Jtt:i.iiB�J.,;,t ra;��'fi::' 0 \20�ttl\5R�A\JI-r '"';;;;; �,tE�1� ' Wi! ifQ ilj1e� 3lU�B 0

�i}lsg� Tho m a s


1 58. What can be i nferred about Jean? (A) She was u nhappy i n her job. (B) She asked for a p romotion . (C) She started a n ew b usiness. (D) She lent money to Thomas.

1 59 . What is N OT cited as part of Jean's work? (A) Organizing confe rences (B) Processin g business l oans (C) Corresponding with clients ( D ) Maintaining a Web site

1 60. What does Thomas say about Jean? (A) She i s a skillful writer. (B) She is a diligent worker. (C) She is an excellent teacher. ( D ) She is an experienced supervisor.

1 61 . What does Thomas offer to do for Jean? (A) Raise her salary ( B ) Reduce her hours ( C ) Decrease her workload (D) Recommend her for a job


1 58. �rn5� Jean 7ij"{C!JH�� ? (A) !lt.BI1'f:t:•rruPI�



(A )

iJ't H� �U I am sorry that you feel 1� cp 8'9 disappointed . . . pfTJ.,� DJL.lJiittij l:±:l Jean i1I 11=®�U � � ' !2i91Jt� (A) UJJ� I 11=®�U�1l9\:� 0

(B) 91:B�>JJJ-


O,lJ�-ff-?\it�l'� ?



(A) Calypso

.R f@" §g - �� Calypso 1� )5U5� �� very affordable r

(B) Baroque

� - � � - � 0 ffi U � � � � tt � - � · �ff! � m :I� (A) Calypso 0

(C) Mystic (D ) Trend

1 77. �Ill J]� 2��Fe5 %: §)Z¥1J¥0 � 8� �.� 8)3 f@" jDJ ��i ?



Trend @ ���:f, f@":t� �U create a modern look that will enhance any office setting 0 .PJT.L� m ( B ) �12�

(A) ®miN� 0 (B) �12m��!.�J��B!JFJi�755n


( c ) 1¥!l llil 16] 13:: %: W: ¥1J¥ 0 � �liJ ii 8� 8� 1�� 0

Fs�f@"I� 1��8� f3Ji �J:J)t 0 (A) m �:illz ::f m � ' (C) ::X: cfi :illz 5K :t� R � � � t±:l � B� 1�1�H�ft ' ( D) �f:I�OJ.L� § fi�� 0

(D) ff!��.Rtt�i?l�ij)���t@p;:�Jf{ffl�fi 0

( D)

1 78. �1t�tt�&'i-'¥fffi cfi !��U@lfl;; �§�J-?\ it ?

1t£::X: cfi 8� best-selling models r �$�*� 8�ff-?\it �

(A) '81P�tt/\:HG53'8�rc§:f't±:l� 0 (B) '81P�iN1l9(\¥illttlT � 0



.L� �t±:lil'ffetl@lfl;; �§��ltsl� ( D) '81P����ID;iill 8 �� 5JJtff-?\ it 0

(C) '81P� 8!l1��8*���1tt 0 (D) '81r9��:SZ:ID 82 · ·

brand 65�� stainless steel /f��lilJ chef :±@! utensil m�

novice !Ni-'¥ distribute 5-Hn

extend filf$ evenly -'JZ�i&

stability f�:J

z w I(J)



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