Technical Manual of U200U100-En

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U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

U100/U200 Product Prod uct Standar Standard d No: YZB/GD0 YZB/GD0747747-2012 2012

Product Product Registra Registration tion No.: No.: GDF&MSDGDF&MSD-PER-2 PER-2012012-255065 2550654 4

Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance Guide

Zhuhai Siger Medical Equipment Company Limited



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

Manufacturer: Zhuhai Siger Medical Equipment Company Limited

Manufacturing and Registered Address: Building No. 2, 1, First Innovation Road, Tangjiawan Town, Zhuhai Production License No.: GD-FDA-MDPL-20051215 Teleph Tel ephone one:: 0756–3 0756–3881 881018 018 Fa Facsi csimile mile:: 0756–3 0756–3881 881028 028 Customer Service Hotline: 0756-3881650 Postal Code: 519000 Web Site: Siger Medical China E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Ht Http tp:/ ://w /www ww.s .sig iger er.c .cn n

Rev. Rev.:: A4 2


U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

Introduction This guide details installation, commissioning and maintenance of U Series dental comprehensive Treatment unit. Before using the product, please read this manual carefully and keep it properly for future review. Any ins instal tallat lation ion,, commiss commission ioning ing and mainte maintenan nance ce operat operation ionss mus mustt be perfor performe med d in accord accordanc ancee with with re relat lated ed  procedure. Any warning and caution stated herein shall be read and complied with to avoid damage to equipment or  injury to operator or patient. For any malfunction occurring during use, consult this guide for troubleshooting or contact your local dealer  or our headquarters. ● Sa Safet fety y Cons Consid idera erati tion onss During using the equipment, be sure to comply with the following safety precautions to mitigate risks of  equipment damage, fire, electric shock and personal injury. *   Make Make sure to shut shut off the main power power,, water water and air suppl supplies ies befo before re any maint maintena enance nce and cleanin cleaning g

operation on the equipment. *   Do not place the equipment on unstable ground or cart or rack to pr prevent event fall of it and thereby thereby damage. *   Do not locate the equipment beside any heat radiator or heater. *   Do not operate operate the equipment equipment in any location location exposed to any inflammable or an aesthetic gas. *   Do not place or hang any heavy object on the equipme equipment. nt. *   Do not use any power power cable cable not compl complyin ying g with with equipm equipment ent requirem requirement entss to preven preventt per perfor forma mance nce

degradation or risk of fire or electric shock. *   Do not stretch stretch any object or splash splash any liquid into the equip equipment ment thro through ugh the enclosure enclosure or any opening opening

therein to avoid risk of electric shock or fire. *   Improper assembly may cause electric electric shock during operation of the equipment. *   In case of damage damage to or wearin wearing g of any power power cable, cable, plug or connect connection ion,, or ent entry ry of water into into the

equipment, immediately shut off the power supply and contact the professional service personnel for  assistance. *   Adjust Adjustmen mentt can be con conduc ducted ted only with reg regard ard to the optio options ns as stated stated in the ins instru tructi ctions ons.. Imp Improp roper  er 

adjustment to any other options may cause damage to the equipment. *   Do not use any defective defective plug, and inse insecure cure connection connection of plug ma may y cause elec electric tric shock or fire. *   Any plug and socket must be grounded properly properly to prevent electric shock or damage to the equipment.

Ab Abou outt Th This is Ma Manu nual al

This This manu manual al pr pres esen ents ts inst instru ruct ctio ions ns on inst instal alla lati tion on an and d main mainte tena nanc ncee of U200 U200 an and d U100 U100 Dent Dental al Comprehensive Treatment Unit, which are valid as of the date of publishing this manual. We reserve the rightt to change righ change equipment equipment specific specification ationss or design design without without prior notification notification.. Without Without Siger's Siger's prior  written approval, no modification, spread, reproduction or sale of this manual shall be done in any way. Siger Medical reserves the right to interpret or alter any information in this document. Caution:  The warranty shall become invalid if any of the following requirements is not met:

1)   Comply with with any instruction in this guide. 2)   The equipment must be installed, trial run and maintained maintained in accordance accordance with the instructions in this guide.

3)   A thr threeee-cor coree power power cable cable with with cro cross ss section section of core core   ≧   1 sq. mm shall be provided for indoor 

installation of the equipment.

4)   The equipment equipment shall be instal installed led with firm ffixture. ixture. 3


U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

5)   Any spare part for the the equipment must be supplied by Siger Medical so as to eensure nsure proper performance performance and safety of the equipment.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

Contents SECTION 1 - INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING...................................................................................6

1.1 FEATURES AND  T ECHNICAL P ARAMETERS............................................................................................. .......................................................................................................... ............. 6 1.2 I NSTALLAT  NSTALLATION ION  C ONDITIONS............................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ .................................... 8 1.3 HANDLING AND U NPACKING OF E QUIPMENT................................................................................................. .................................................................................................... ... 10 1.4

I NSTALLAT  NSTALLATION ION  I NSTRUCTI  NSTRUCTIONS ONS FOR   O O NE-CASE  PACKAGING.......................................................................... 10

1.5 U SERIES  S UB-PACKAGING D ESCRIPTION................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................... ........ 11 1.6

I NSTRUCTIONS ON  I NSTALL  NSTALLATION ATION BY S UB-PACKAGE .................................................................................... 12


.............................................................................................. 20 INSTALLATION OF  OPTIONAL  C OMPONENTS ..............................................................................................

1.8 MAIN W ATER //A AIR   H H OST AND  ELECTRIC  C ABLE  I NSTALLA  NSTALLATION TION  I NSTRUCTIONS..............................................30 1.9 TREATMENT  CHAIR  C  C OMMISSIONING METHOD .................................................................................................31 SECTION 2 - MAINTENANCE OF U SERIES DENTAL COMPREHENSIVE COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT UNIT........ 32

............................................................................................................................ .......................... 32 2.1 EQUIPMENT  M AINTENANCE.................................................................................................. 2.2 DISINFECTION OF  C HAIR   H H OSES.............................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................ .......................... 32 SECTION 3 - TROUBLESHOOTING................................................................................................................... 34

3.1 3.1

U100 100 WATER /AIR /AIR SUPPLY  S CHEMATIC  D IAGRAM ........................................................................................34


ELECTRIC C IRCUIT C ONTROL  SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE........................................................................... 36

3.3 3.3

U10 100 0 SIDE C ASE C ONTROL  BOARD DETAILS..............................................................................................39

3.4 3.4


MODELS )..................................................................................................................................................................40

3.5 3.5

U100 100 MAIN O PERATION PANEL I NTERFACE D ESCRIPTION ............................................................................ 40

3.6 3.6

U200 200 WATER //A AIR   S S UPPLY S CHEMATIC  D IAGRAM.........................................................................................41

3.7ELECTRIC  C IRCUIT  C ONTROL SYSTEM  A RCHITECTURE..................................................................................... 42 3.8

U200 CONTROL B OARD  DETAIL D ESCRIPTION.........................................................................................45

3.9 PEDAL M AGNETIC CONTROL BOARD (S TANDARD FOR  M  M OTOR )................................................................. 48

3.10 30CX-01-F5 SIDE C ASE B OARD JUMPER   II NSTALLAT  NSTALLATION ION  I NSTRUCTI  NSTRUCTIONS ONS....................................................... .......................................................49 49 3.11 30ZL-01-F5 TREATMENT  P LATFORM  O N-BOARD JUMPER  I  I NSTALLAT  NSTALLATION ION  I NSTRUCTI  NSTRUCTIONS ONS............................ 49 3.12 I NSTALLAT  NSTALLATION ION, C OMMISSIONING AND  T ROUBLESHOOTING OF  P EDAL C ONTROL  B OARD.............................. 50 3.13 PEDAL D IRECTION C ONTROL BOARD...........................................................................................................50

3.14 UPPER //L LOWER  M  M OTOR AND  A IR -O -OPERATED  SPRING R EPAIR EPAIR AND  R EPLACEMENT EPLACEMENT  I NSTRUCTIONS................50 3.15 FOAM MATERIAL R EPLACEMENT EPLACEMENT I NSTRUCTIONS....................................................................................... 51 3.16 LED LAMP C OMPONENT  R EPLACEMENT EPLACEMENT  INSTRUCTIONS...........................................................................51 SECTION 4 - TROUBLESHOOTING FOR U SERIES.......................................................................................52

4.1 OVERALL FAILURE........................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................. .....................................................52 52 4.2 COMMON FAILURES...........................................................................................................................................52



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

Section 1 - Installation and Commissioning 1.1 Features and Technical Parameters

 Note: This section present important paramete parameters rs of the product, which shall be well understoo understood d by the user before installation, commissioning and maintenanc maintenance. e. 1.1.1 Full View of Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit

1 2 3  4 5









10 11




16 1718 19


  20 21

 Name of Key Component


Light Curing Unit (Optional)




Strong Saliva Ejector Port




Assistant Operation Panel


Operating Chair  


Weak Saliva Ejector Port


Left Armrest


Assistant Ejection Gun


Treatment Platform Ejection Gun




Scaler (Optional)


Display (Optional)


Low-Speed Handheld Sprayer  


Side Case


High-Speed Handheld Sprayer  


Operation Lamp


Main Therapist Operation Panel


Treatment Platform Instrument Arm




Treatment Platform



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 1.1.2

PullPull-Up Up “S” and Hung “X” Treatm Treatment ent Platf Platforms orms

U100 Pull-Up “S” Treatment Platform

U100 U100Hu Hung ng

“X “X””

Tr Trea eatm tmen entt

U2 U200 00


1.1.3 Equipment Overview

Pu Pull ll-U -Up p


Trea Treatm tmen entt

U200 U200Hu Hung ng


“X “X””

Trea Treatm tmen entt


  Equipme Equipment nt Composition CompositionU200/U10 U200/U100 0 is designed fo forr purpose of denta dentall treatment.

  It consists of: side case, treatment platfo platform, rm, assistant section, operation operation lamp, operating chair, chair, pedal and thera therapist pist chair.

  Optio Optional nal com compone ponents nts for trea treatmen tmentt plat platform form include include:: ejec ejection tion gun, high-sp high-speed eed worm handheld handheld spra sprayer yer,, lowlow-spee speed d handheld sprayer and scaler scaler..

  Optional com components ponents for assista assistant nt section include: strong/w strong/weak-suction eak-suction ssaliva aliva ejectors, ejection gu gun n and light curing unit.

  The system options inc include: lude: wet/dry nega negative tive pressure inspira inspiration, tion, water treatment and endo endoscope scope systems. systems.

  Name plate: A name pla plate te containing produ product ct parameters is attached at the inner side of the side case, includ including: ing: product model and name, power voltage, frequency and electrical safety classification, input power and operation mode, product licens licensee numbe number, r, pro produ duct ct standa standard rd nu numb mber er,, pro produ duct ct reg regist istrat ration ion nu numb mber er,, pro produc ductt SN, fac factor tory y de deliv livery ery date date and and manufacturer. A list of technical parameters as per the aforementioned standard is provided below.

Safety Class


Main fuse tube


Safety Class


Main fuse tube


Protection Type

Type B

Equipment Operation Equipment Mode


Rated illumination of    oral cavity lamp

AC12V 50W

Intermittent operation

LED oral cavity lamp


Common equipm equipment ent without liquid    protection

Input power


Supply voltage

AC 220V

Power frequency


Air pressure

≥550 kPa

Air flow rate


Water pressure

200 kPa~400 kPa

Water flow rate



Protection Grade

Air Supply Requirement


Water Supply Requirement


No oil, water and bacterium contained Tap water or water source in compliance with GB 5749-20 5749-2006 06 Sanitation Standards for Drinking Water Quality


Air Filter Hole Diameter 


LE LED D Or Oral al Ca Cavi vity ty La Lamp mp

20μm AC AC12 12V V

8V 8VA A

  Operating Condition Conditions: s: Operation Conditions


Ambient temperatur temperaturee


Ambient temperature


Relative humidity Atmospheric pressure

10 ℃~40 ℃

Transport & Storage




Relative humidity

70 Kpa~106 Kpa



Atmospher Atmospheric ic pressure

-40 ℃~+70 ℃




U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 1.1.4

Dental ch chair air full ran range ge of movem movement ent (Max. leng length: th: 2,100m 2,100mm; m; Max. widt width: h: 1,780m 1,780mm) m)

   Overall Dimensions of Treatment Unit: 190cm (L) * 85cn (W) * 180cm (H)

Weight: 205 kg


Max. height height fro from m cushio cushion n surfa surface ce to the grou ground nd ≥82 ≥820mm; 0mm; 2) Min. heigh heightt from cushion surface to the ground ≤420m ≤420mm; m;


Bac Backres krestt mo movem vement ent rrange ange:: 105° 105°~185° 185°::

4) He Heaadres rest adjus justm tmeent ran range >200 200mm;


Max. Max. cu cush shio ion n retr retrov over ersi sion on an angl glee ≥1 ≥10° 0°;;

6) In Inst stru rum men entt pane panell ve vert rtic ical al move moveme ment nt rang range: e: 48 480 0 mm; mm;


Spitt Spittoon oon mov movemen ementt rang rangee ≥180 ≥180°. °.

1.2 Installation Conditions


Caution: The equipm equipment ent must b bee installed by our professionals professionals or aany ny person personnel nel autho authorized rized by us.

   This equip equipmen mentt shall shall be installe installed d at a clea clean, n, dry, cool and well well-ven -ventilate tilated d loca location tion,, and sufficien sufficientt spac spacee shall shall be reserved around the unit to facilitate access during routine maintenance.

   The equipm equipment ent shall not be installed or o operated perated at any loc location ation a)

exp exposed osed to

hum humidity idity,, he heavy avy dust dust,, p poor oor ventilati ventilation on or dire direct ct sun sun;; o or  r 


subject to substantial temperature or humidity change, such as place near air conditioner or heater.

Caution: Improper installation may cause damage to the equipment! 1.2.2 Requirements for Installation Field

   The equip equipment ment shall be loca located ted based on gen general eral layou layoutt of the trea treatmen tmentt room room,, ligh lighting ting condition condition and operati operation on convenience, and should be installed on flat, horizontal and solid ground at a clean, dry, cool and well-ventilated location.    Stand Standard ard Layout for S Serie Seriess Com Compreh prehensi ensive ve Treatm Treatment ent Platform Platform:: The layout is for single-pers single-person on operation operation and excludes any auxiliary equipment. A is 500 mm and B is 800 mm. For double-person operation, A should be 1,000 mm to accomm accommodate odate additional auxiliary equipment or larger based on actual requireme requirement. nt.

(   进   气   管   )

  管  )   排  污

 管 )  进 水

电源 )



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 

  Operating Chair Sizes Diagram

  Ground Case Hole Arrangement Requirements:



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 排污管

Drain Hose


 Negative Pressure Hose


Air Inlet Hose


 Negative Pressure Pump


Power Supply Water Inlet Hose


Control Cable


Power Cable PC Cable



The Drain Hose shall be Ф50 mm PVC hose, and water supply hose and air supply hose are both Ф 15 mm and furnished with HP aluminum-plastic complex tube port for connection of ball valve. The power supply shall be of 220V and grounded properly,

with wire diameter  ≧ 1.5 mm². The underground hose line shall lain at the same elevation as that of the floor ground as possible,

or no nott abo above ve 10 100 0 mm hig higher her than the floor floor.. Con Conne necti ction on betw between een PC and endo endosc scope ope (if any) any) sha shall ll be lain lain thr throug ough h the underground hose line. The VGA cable and AV video cable shall be connected to the computer. Supply voltage

220±10% VAC

Power frequency

Air pressure pressure ≥ 500500-800 800Kpa, Kpa, flow rate ≥50L ≥50L/min /min


Wat Water er pres pressure sure:: 200~ 200~400 400Kpa Kpa,, liquid liquid flow rate ≥10 L/mi L/min; n;

1.3 Handling and Unpacking of Equipment 

  The equipm equipment ent shall be handled to the in installation stallation field in ac accordance cordance wit the instructions as stated on the label.

  The Dental Compre Comprehensive hensive Treatme Treatment nt Unit is contained in one package, and can be unpacked by removing the bolts on the external packaging. Take out the packing list, check the components and accessories against i for any missing or damage.

1.4 

  For any question, contact u uss immedia immediately. tely.

Inst Installati allation on Ins Instructi tructions ons fo forr One-Ca One-Case se Pack Packaging aging

  Remove the front and bottom plate enclos enclosures ures of the chair, and remove the four holts locking the chair to the bottom plate, and mount the bottom of the chair onto the position as predetermined.

  Mount foa foam m mate material rial for cha chair ir backre backrest. st.

  Inse Insert rt the hea headres drestt into the backrest backrest in plac placee (as shown in Figure 1), and adjust adjust looseness looseness of hea headres drestt pull puller er with the  jackscrew (as shown in Figure 2).

  Fix the bottom plates of side case and operating chair onto the ground with four 8m 8mm m expansion bolts through the fixing holes (as shown in Figure 3).

Figure 1 Figure 2   For installation of side cas case, e, see instruction instructionss under 1.6.

  Remove side cas casee out of fixing base and horizontally ha handle ndle it to side case connection arm.


Figure 3


U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 

  Fix side case to the swiveling arm with fo four ur locking screws and then then adjust the four jackscr jackscrews ews to level it and then lock it with 8*20 screw, as shown in the figure. .

Four jackscrews for leveling

Fourr 8* Fou 8*25 25 soc socke kett head head sc screw rewss loc lockin king g side side case assembly

Installation of side case assembly and swiveling arm (bottom view) 

  Inse Insert rt lamp pillar into the hole in side case colu column, mn, and thread the wire conn connecti ecting ng to lam lamp p arm into the pillar and then connect conn ect and fix ope operatio ration n lamp head head;;

then co conne nnect ct lamp arm wire plug to the conn connecto ectorr on circuit boar board d in side case in

 place; Operation lamp connection terminal terminal is as shown below. Connect Conne ct to op opera eratio tion n lam lamp p connecting connectin g line

U100 Oral Cavity Lamp Wiring Diagram

U200 Oral Cavity Lamp Wiring Diagram


Installation of Hose line an and d Cable Cabless on G Ground round Case

  Conn Connect ect G1/4* G1/4*Ф8 Ф8 straig straight-th ht-throug rough h connector connector to air inlet ball valve, valve, and conn connect ect one end of blue Ф8PU hose to the straight-through connector, and the other end to the main air inlet port on operating chair.

  Conn Connect ect G1/4*Ф G1/4*Ф8 8 stra straightight-thro through ugh conne connector ctor to wate waterr inlet ball valve, and conn connect ect one end of blue Ф8PU hose to the straight-through connector, and the other end to the main water inlet port on operating chair.

  Insert operating ch chair air drain hose and saliva ejec ejector tor air outlet hose into the Ф50PVC drain hose in the ground hole hole..

  Conn Connect ect power cable and grou groundin nding g wire secure securely, ly, and conne connect ct all wire plugs into the corres correspond ponding ing sockets on circuit circuit  board in ground case and arrange the hose line in good order.

1.5 U Serie Seriess SubSub-Packa Packaging ging Des Descripti cription on 1.5.1The packaging contains six sub-packages: operating chair, treatment platform, operation lamp, side case accessories, lamp arm (rod) and foam material (a set of five components). 

  Oper Operatin ating g chair chair com compone ponents nts incl include: ude: opera operating ting chair brac bracket, ket, side cas casee connecti connecting ng arm, arm, balancin balancing g arm (front arm connecti conn ecting ng rod) assemb assembly, ly, curv curvee plat plate, e, phy physicia sician n cha chair ir accesso accessories ries,, cha chair ir botto bottom m plate platess (big and sma small) ll) and front chai chair  r  enclosure,, as shown below. enclosure



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

  Treatment platform inclu includes: des: treatment platform assembly, assembly, treatment platform platform silica gel cushion, tray, tray silica gel pad, tray bracket assembly, as shown below.

  Operation lamp pack package: age: opera operation tion lamps of full set

  Big side case accessories pack package: age: side case assembly, assistant assistant section swiveling arm, assistant section assembly, assembly, spittoon, strong/weak strong/we ak suction connectin connecting g hose, pedal and other accessories.

  Lamp arm pa package: ckage: la lamp mp arm ass assembly embly and la lamp mp rod

  Foam material pack package: age: patient's seat cushion cushion,, backrest and headrest, headrest, and physician's sea seatt cushion and backrest


Inst Instruction ructionss on IInstal nstallatio lation n by Su Sub-Pack b-Package age

1.6.1 Operating Chair Installation Instructions 

  First unpack the opera operating ting chair, leave the accessories accessories aside, and then handle the chair to the mounting mounting position and fix and level it as shown below (Figure 3).

  Moun Mountt the foam materia material, l, curv curvee pla plate, te, backre backrest st encl enclosur osure, e, hea headres drestt and side case connecti connecting ng arm as shown belo below, w, and adjust looseness of headrest puller with the jackscrew (as shown in Figure 2).

1   Assemble foa foam m material seat cushion to chair brack bracket et with 10*35mm countersunk countersunk head sock socket et screws.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 2   Asse Assembly mbly of curve plate and rock rocker: er: Align hole holess in curv curvee plate with those in rock rocker er and lock them with M10

stainless steel socket screws. 3   Assembly of side case conn connecting ecting arm: Align hole holess in connecting arm with those in chair chair bracket and lock them

with 10*35mm countersunk head socket screws. 4   Assembly of cur curve ve plate and bac backrest krest foam ma material: terial: Lock them with M10 sta stainless inless steel sock socket et screws.

Mounting ting of U bac backre krest st enclosu enclosure: re: Align hole holess in enclos enclosure ure with those in foam mater material ial and push them in with 5   Moun force to lock them in place. 1.6.2 Side Case Installation Instructions 

  Unp Unpack ack and handle side case assembly assembly to the conn connecti ecting ng arm, and fix it with four 8*25 counte countersun rsunk k socket screws, screws, and level and lock it with screws (as shown in the figure).

Four jackscrews for leveling Four 8*25 socke sockett head screws locking side case assembly

Installation of side case assembly and swiveling arm (bottom view)


Inst Installati allation on of balanc balancing ing swive swiveling ling arm and balanc balancing ing arm assem assembly: bly:

a) Mount balancing arm to side case column and lock it with two 8*15 socket screws (as shown below).

8* 8*15 15 so sock cket et sc screw rewss loc lockin king g sw swive ivelin ling g arm arm  pivot

1.6.4 

U100 Si Side de Case H Hose ose lin linee and Ch Chair air Com Communicat munication ion and Power Ca Cables bles Con Connection nection Instr Instruction uctionss

  Conn Connect ect the five hose in bala balancing ncing arm asse assembly mbly respe respectiv ctively ely to the hose in side case asse assembly mbly in the same color, and connect J3/J7 on communication cable (SG117) respectively to the ports on side case control board.


The five hose inclu include: de:

8*5 blue air hose hose,, 4* 4*1 1 or orange ange wate waterr ho hose, se, 4*1 blue HP air hos hosee 4*1 light green LP air hose, 4*1 yellow air hose (for control of water)

Connect Conn ect 8*5

blue air hos hose, e, 4*1 yello yellow w air hose (for contr control ol of water) and 4*1 ligh lightt green LP air hose respectiv respectively ely to the

hoses in the same color on pedal, as shown in the figure.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

Connect balancing arm to hose line in pedal Connect 4*1 orange water hose and 4*1 blue HP air hose respectively to the hoses in the same color on distributor in side case, as shown in the figure.

Red water ter hos hose

Blu Blue air hose

Connect Conn ect transfo transformer rmer power cable, chai chairr pow power er and commun communicat ication ion cables and main ope operatio ration n key cable to side case control board, as shown in the figure.

Transformerr power supply Transforme

Main operation communication cable






U200 Si Side de Case H Hose ose lin linee and Ch Chair air Com Communicat munication ion and Power Ca Cables bles Con Connection nection Instr Instruction uctionss

 b) As shown below, connec connectt the hose line from the balancing swive swiveling ling arm to the connector in side case. 1)   4*0.75 yellow L LP P air ho hose se

2) 4*0.75 blue HP air hose 3) 4*0.75 white water hose 4) 6*4 blue air hose Instructions on Balancing Swiveling Arm Hose line



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

Connect 6*4  blue air hose to the the ai airr ho hose se on  pedal

4*0. 4*0.75 75 wh white ite wa wate ter  r  hose

4*0.75 yellow LP air hose

4* 4*0. 0.75 75 Bl Blue ue HP air  air  Connect AC24V chair power and communication cables, platform power and communication cables to the side Side Case Hoseand linetreatment Connection Diagram case control board, as shown in the figure. J30 Chair  Communication Cable

Treatment Platform

Treatmentt platform power cable Treatmen


Chair Power Cable

Chair Cha ir Pow Power er and Com Commu munic nicati ation on Cab Cables les and and Tre Treatm atmen entt Pla Platfo tform rm Pow Power er and and Communication Communic ation Cables Connection Diagram

1.6.6 Installation of Lamp Rod and Arm and LED Lamps

a)   Installation of La Lamp mp Rod and Arm Insert lamp rod into the hole in balancing swiveling arm, and thread wire on lamp arm into lamp column, and connect and fix operation lamp head, and then connect lamp arm wire plug to the connector on circuit board in side case, as shown  below.


1)   In installation of lamp arm arm,, be sure not to neglect insta installation llation of lam lamp p rod ring. 2)   In install installatio ation n of lamp rod, tighte tighten n the rod by rotating it clockw clockwise ise or counterc counterclock lockwise wise till into the lock locking ing groove groove in  place.

1)2)   Lamp Rod饰 Ring 灯杆装 杆装饰 圈


2)lock 灯 杆groove 卡槽ve 位 Lamp Lamp rrod od locking ing groo

灯杆、灯臂安装图 Lamp Rod and Arm Installation Diagram

  Installation of LED operation lamp



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 1)   Unpack op operation eration lamp, align lam lamp p with two terminals of lamp arm wire, and use 5*12 5*12 socket head screw screwss to fix lamp on the arm (the screws must be tightened to prevent looseness). Installati llation on of ope operatio ration n lamp handle: Hold lamp in right hand, hold left handle in left hand with thumb press pressing ing the 2)   Insta handle button down, insert it into lamp arm shaft locking groove, and then release handle button. Install the right handle in the same way as with the left handle. Removal of operation lamp handle: Hold lamp in right hand, hold left handle in left hand with thumb pressing the handle  button down, and pull the handle out with force. Remove the right handle in the same way as with the left handle.

Operation Lamp Power  Cable

Opera Operatio tion n Lamp Lamp Power Power Cab Cable le Connection Diagram 

Operation Lamp Powe Operation Powerr Cable Connection Connectio n Diagram

  Installation of Halogen Lamp

1)   Unpack op operation eration lamp, align lam lamp p with two terminals of lamp arm wire, and use 5*12 5*12 socket head screw screwss to fix lamp on the arm (the screws must be tightened to prevent looseness).

Installation of Halogen Lamp

2)   Insta Installati llation on of operation operation lamp handl handlee - Hold lam lamp p in right right hand hand,, hold left hand handle le in left hand with thum thumb b pressin pressing g the handle button down, insert it into lamp arm shaft locking groove, and then release handle button. Install the right handle in the same way as with the left handle.

3)   Remova Removall of operation lamp hand handle le - Hold lamp in right hand, hold le left ft handle in left hand with thumb thumb pressing the hand handle le  button down, and pull the handle out with force. Remove the right handle in the same way as with the left handle.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 1.6.7

Spitt Spittoon oon Gargling Gargling Basin Assem Assembly bly and Accesso Accessory ry Install Installation ation Ins Instruct tructions ions

Unpack spittoon gargling basin and accessories and install the basin, spittoon filter screen, U spittoon cover, outlet nozzle and pouring cup cushion to spittoon base in turn, as shown below.

1.6.8 



Pour Pouring ing Cup Outle Outlett Nozz Nozzle le


Spitt Spittoon oon Outl Outlet et Noz Nozzle zle


Pou Pourin ring g Cup Cus Cushio hion n


U Spi Spitto ttoon on Cover  Cover 


Spi Spitto ttoon on Filte Filterr Scree Screen n


U Spitt Spittoon oon Garg Gargling ling Basi Basin n


U Spit Spitto toon on Base Base

Treat Treatment ment Pla Platform tform IInstal nstallation lation Inst Instructio ructions ns

  Installation of U100 Treatment Platform

Unp Unpack ack the treatmen treatmentt platf platform orm and fix it onto fro front nt arm connec connecting ting rod with four 6*2 6*20 0 socket head scre screws; ws; Unpack Unpack tray assembly and fix it onto front arm connecting rod with four 6*15 countersunk head screws, as shown below.

Installation of Treatment Platform and Tray Assembly

 Notes: Ports in correspon corresponding ding colors are provided in treatment platform for connec connection tion of hose line from side case. Connection of hose line and communication and power cables is described below.  

3 4 5 7 8 9

Ho Hose se line line De Desc scri ript ptio ion: n:

1) Trea Treatm tmen entt plat platfo form rm co comm mmun unic icat atio ion n ca cabl blee


2) Re Rese serv rved ed AC 24V 24V po powe werr ca cabl blee



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual Ground cable 4) 8*5 Blue air hose

5) 4*1 Blue HP air hose

6) 4*1 Light green LP air hose

7) 4*1 orange water hose

8) 4*1 4*1 yello yellow w air hose hose (f (for or contr control ol of water water))

9) 4* 4*1 1 white white air-br air-brak aking ing ho hose se

 b) Connect six water/air hoses from balancing arm assembly respectively to the hoses in the same color in treatment platform, as shown below. 4* 4*1 1

whit whitee

airair-br brak akin ing g

4*1 Blue HP air  hose

4*1 orange water hose

4* 4*1 1 ligh lightt gree green n LP air hose

4* 4*1 1 yello ellow w air  air  hose (for cont control rol of water)

Conne Con necti cting ng ba balan lancin cing g arm 6*4 6*4 blu bluee

c) Connect the communication cable to the port on the connecting board in treatment platform, and then mount the platform cover with fix it with 4*10 pointed-end self-threading screws.

Treatment Platform Communication Cable


Main operation communic communication ation cable

Treatment Platform Communication Communication Cable & Main Operation Comm Communication unication Cable Connection Diagram

  U200 Treatment Platform Installation Instructions


Unpa Unpack ck the treatm treatment ent platf platform orm and fix it onto fro front nt arm conne connectin cting g rod with four socke sockett head screws; screws; unpack tray assembly and fix it onto front arm connecting rod with four 6*15 cross head screws, as shown below.

Installation of Treatment Platform and Tray Assembly



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual  Notes: Ports in correspond corresponding ing colors are provided in ttreatment reatment platform for connection of hose line from side case. Connection of hose line and communication and power cables is described below. 1)   6*4 blue air ho hose se 2) 4*0.75 blue HP air hose 3 4*0.75 white w water ater hos hosee 4) 4*0.75 blue HP air hose (air(air-brak braking ing 5) 4*0.75 yellow LP air hose 6)


Yello Yellow w gro groun undin ding g wire wire 7

Treatm Treatment ent latf latform orm com commun munica icatio tion n


Trea Treatm tmen entt latf latfor orm m ower ower ca cabl blee

The hose line and communica communication tion and power cables as numbere numbered d as 1~8 above are connected to the ports in treatment

Detailed connections are given below: connections Connec Con nectin ting g  platform. bal balan ancin cing g

Conne Con nect ct T joi joint nt to 4* 4*0.7 0.75 5

arm 6*4 blue hose

white hose on balancing arm

Combination Combinatio n valve connectin conn ecting g 4*0 4*0.75 .75 Figure

Figure The first RT one in right soleno solenoid id valve valve set conn connec ectin ting g to a long transparent blue ho hose se on main ain operation panel

The The fi firs rstt LT one one in so sole leno noid id val alve ve set set connecting to a short  blue 4*0.75 air hose (HP hose) on  balancing arm

Figure 3

Treatment Platform Po Powe werr Cabl Cablee Socket J34

Trea Treatm tmen entt Plat Platfform orm Communi Com municati cation on Cable Cable Socket J35


Blue 4*0.75 airair-br brak akin ing g ho hose se conne con necti cting ng ma main in air inlet hose

Figure 5

After connection of treatment platform hose line and power and communication cables in place, fix the panel covers with eight 4*10 self-threading screws.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 1.7

Inst Installati allation on o off Op Optiona tionall Co Component mponentss

1.7.1 Scaler Installation Instructions 

  U100 Pneumatic Scaler Installation Instructions

If scaler components have been mounted on the treatment platform, connect the wires with label on scaler control box, as shown  below.

1: Yellow 2: Green 3: White 4: Blue 5: Black  6: Brown 7: Red 8-12:Empty

Wirin Wir in Dia ram for U100 U100

喷枪 洁牙机 分道阀 六角压水阀 四孔三联膜片阀 洁牙机控制板 电位器 气控电阀 三通


Ejection Gun Scaler  Separating Valve Hexagonal Pressure Valve 4-Hole Triad Diaphragm Valve Scaler Control Board


Potentiometer  Air-Control Electrovalv Electrovalvee



T Joint

  If no scal scaler er com compone ponent nt is moun mounted ted on trea treatmen tmentt plat platform form,, the additi additiona onall part partss for installa installation tion of scal scalers ers (hexagonal (hexagonal valve valve,, flow regulating valve, water hose and air-control electrovalve) shall be mounted as shown in the figure.


Mo Moun unti ting ng po pote tent ntio iome mete terr treatment platform

on Air-Co Air-Contr ntrol ol

Electr Electrova ovalve lve (Const (Constant ant Ope Open) n)

Co Conn nnec ectt to Re Rese serv rved ed 24 24V V I nt nte rf rf ac ac e on T re re aattm een nt Platform Control Board

Hexagonal Valve



Treatm Treatment ent


U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

  Installation of U200 Electric Scaler

Spare parts required for pre-installation of scaler: scaler control board, instrument panel control board, small-flow regulating valve,  potentiometer,  potentiom eter, scaler hose line, and solenoid valve. Installation Procedure - Connect white water hose to small-flow regulating valve > connect it to scaler control board > connect  black power cable on scaler control board to instrument panel control board > output voltage: 24V AC > Connect white conducto conductor  r  on scaler Control Board to switch J51JYJ—SW on instrument panel control board. This installation procedure is applicable to Korean scaler and Woodpecker scaler. For installation of any other scaler, refer to the schematic diagram.

Wiring Diagram for U200 with Scaler

洁牙机 小流量调节阀 微型电磁阀 三通 六角压水阀 洁牙机控制板 洁牙面控制盒 电位器 治疗台控制板


Scaler  Small-Flow Regulating Valve Mini Solenoid Valve T Joint Hexagonal Pressure Valve Scaler Control Board


Scaler Panel Control Box Potentiometer  Treatment Platform Control Board


Scaler-Instrument Scaler-Instru ment Panel Connection Instructions: Powerr Supp Powe Supply ly conn connecti ecting ng to J33 (AC2 (AC24) 4) port on Tre Treatme atment nt plat platform form

Moun Mounting ting pote potentio ntiomete meterr on trea treatmen tmentt plat platform form

Loca Locate te

scaler main unit in place

   Fix scaler main unit to the locking hole in trea treatmen tmentt plat platform form,, and mount power poten potentiom tiometer eter to the locking hole in trea treatme tment nt  platform.

   Installation of Scaler Hose line: Cut out the sheath to the proper length, snore then install it by following the installation procedure procedure for handheld sprayer unit.

   After fixing in place, conne connect ct water hose to the flow regulating valve and connect connect output to the main unit. Notes: s: For insta installati llation on of scal scaler er for electric contro controll botto bottom-m m-mount ounted ed model, model, first first rem remove ove the GK1 short circ circuitin uiting g pin before    Note installation.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

1.7.2 Light Curing Unit (Optional) Installation Instructions 

  U100 Air-Control Light Curing Unit Installation Instructions

Mount the light curing unit onto assistant section and cut it off to the proper length and thread the connecting line through the wire hole in assistant section metal board and fix it in place! Connect red and green wires to the AC 24V port on side case control board

through assistant section arm. It is notable that, in case of DC powered light curing unit, a rectifier box needs to be mounted in side case and before the power supply.

  U200 Light Curing Unit Installation Ins Instructions tructions (as shown at tthe he right)

1) Fix light curing unit hose line onto assistant section welding bottom plate. 2) Connect light curing unit power cable to AC 24V port on assistant section control board.


Endos Endoscope cope (Op (Optiona tional) l) Ins Installa tallation tion In Instruct structions ions

(1) Lock the lamp arm with M5 internal hex screws. (2) Lock the display with four 4*35 cross head screws. (3) Fix endoscope control box with two 4*15 cross head screws. (4) Assemble handle hanger.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 1.7.4 Electric Motor (Optional) Installation Instructions 

  Instructions on Installation of Electric Motor with Carbon Brush:

U100 Electric Motor (with Carbon Brush) Installation & Connection Diagram


Cable tie fixing base


Rack-gear combination 治疗台控制板

Treatment Platform Control Board


Micro switch with wire

4-Hole Triad Diaphragm Valve



Small-Flow Regulating Valve

Air-Control Electrovalv Electrovalvee

气控电阀 正反转开关 电马达

Change-Over Change-O ver Switch Electric Motor  Electric Motor Control Board

电马达控制板 

  (1) Connect w white hite air hose A to Ф2.6 noz nozzle zle of diaphrag diaphragm m valve.

  (2) Connect g green reen water hose to sm small-flow all-flow regula regulating ting valve.

  (3) Connect wh white ite air hose to T joint assembly, with the other other two ends of the T joint assembly respectively respectively to Ф3.2 nozzle nozzle of diaphragm valve and air-control electrovalve.

  (4) (5) Connect red and black con conductors ductors to the double-th double-throw row change change-over -over switch.

  Conn Connect ect Pins #1 and #2 of term terminal inal J2 of elec electric tric motor to the term terminals inals of 30 instrum instrument ent panel contr control ol board board.. Outp Output ut voltage: AC24V.

  Connect Pin #1 of air-contro air-controll electrovalve to the Pin #6 of J2 terminal of electric motor control control board.

  Connect Pin #5 of JJ2 2 terminal of electr electric ic motor control boa board rd to Pin #3 of potentio potentiometer. meter.

  Connect Pin #2 of po potentiometer tentiometer to Pin #2 of aair-control ir-control elec electrovalve. trovalve.

  Connect Pin #7 of JJ2 2 terminal of electr electric ic motor control boa board rd to Pin #1 of potentio potentiometer. meter.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 

  Connect doub double-throw le-throw switch to Pins #3 and #4 of J2 terminal of electric motor contro controll board.

  Instructions on Installation of B Bien ien Air Brush Brushless less Electric Motor with LED Light Guid Guidee

Installation & Connection Diagram for U100 with Bien Air Brushless Electric Motor with LED

小流量调节阀 电马达


电马达控制板 三通

Small-Flow Regulating Valve   电位器


Electric Motor   




Electric Motor Control Board   气控电阀 T Joint





Change-Over Change-Over Switch


Air-Control Electrovalv Electrovalvee  

4-Hole Triad Diaphrag Diaphragm m Valve

  (1) Connect w white hite air hose A to Ф2.6 noz nozzle zle of diaphrag diaphragm m valve.

  (2) Connect g green reen water hose to sm small-flow all-flow regula regulating ting valve.

  (3) Connect wh white ite air hose to T joint assembly, with the other other two ends of the T joint assembly respectively respectively to Ф3.2 nozzle nozzle of diaphragm valve and air-control electrovalve.

  (4) ~ (8) Connect blue, black, red, orange and brown brown conductors conductors to J1 terminal of electric motor control board. board.

  Conn Connect ect Pins #1 and #2 of term terminal inal J2 of elec electric tric motor to the term terminals inals of 30 instrum instrument ent panel contr control ol board board.. Outp Output ut voltage: AC24V.

  Con Conne nect ct Pin #7 of J2 termin terminal al of electr electric ic motor motor contr control ol board board to Pin #2 of poten potentio tiome meter ter and Pin #2 of air-co air-contr ntrol ol electrovalve.

  Connect Pin #3 of po potentiometer tentiometer to Pin #5 of JJ2 2 terminal of electric motor motor control boa board. rd.

  Connect Pin #7 of JJ2 2 terminal of electr electric ic motor control boa board rd to Pin #1 of potentio potentiometer. meter.

  Connect doub double-throw le-throw chang change-over e-over switch to Pins #3 and #5 of J2 terminal of electric motor control control board.

  Connect doub double-throw le-throw chang change-over e-over switch to Pins #3 and #5 of J2 terminal of electric motor control control board.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 

  Instructions on Installation of T TKD KD Brushless Motor with LED Light Guide

Inst Install allat atio ion n & Co Conne nnect ctio ion n Diag Diagra ram m for for U10 U100 0 wi with th TK TKD D



Small-Flow Regulating Valve   电位器

  电马达 电马达控制板


Electric Motor    正反转开关 Electric Motor Control Board   气控电阀



T Joint





Change-Over Change-Over Switch Air-Control Electrovalv Electrovalvee


4-Hole Triad Diaphrag Diaphragm m Valve

  (1) Connect w white hite air hose A to Ф2.6 noz nozzle zle of diaphrag diaphragm m valve.

  (2) Connect g green reen water hose to sm small-flow all-flow regula regulating ting valve.

  (3) Connect wh white ite air hose to T joint assembly, with the other other two ends of the T joint assembly respectively respectively to Ф3.2 nozzle nozzle of diaphragm valve and air-control electrovalve.

  (4) ~ (7) Connect red, orange, black and blu bluee conductors to J1 terminal terminal of electric motor control board.

  Conn Connect ect Pins #1 and #2 of term terminal inal J2 of elec electric tric motor to the term terminals inals of 30 instrum instrument ent panel contr control ol board board.. Outp Output ut voltage: AC24V.

 

  Connect Pin #1 of air-contro air-controll electrovalve to the Pin #6 of J2 terminal of electric motor control control board.   Connect Pin #7 of J2 terminal of electric motor control board to pin #2 of terminal of Potentiometer Potentiometer and #2 of Air-Control Electrovalve.

  Connect Pin #3 of p potentiome otentiometer ter to pin #5 of J2 terminal of ele electric ctric motor contro controll board.

  Connect Pin # #7 7 of J2 terminal of elec electric tric motor control boa board rd to pin #1 of Potentio Potentiometer. meter.

  Connect the doub double-throw le-throw chan change-over ge-over switch to Pins #3 and #5 of J2 terminal of electric motor contro controll board.

  Installation of U200 Electric-Control Model Electric Motor Jumper and Pedal Installation Instructions:

  For setting jump jumpers ers for side case and treatme treatment nt platf platform orm contro controll boa board rd during instal installatio lation n of electric motor motor,, refe referr to the instructions under 3.10 and 3.11.

  In installation of eelectric lectric motor, the shift lev lever er pedal shall be changed changed as below below.. Mount an additional 30 pedal magnetic control board and direction control board to magnetic control wire SG041. Add two small magnets to the toothed bar, take care to keep the opposite sides of the magnet in south and north poles. For more details see instruction under 3.12.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

  In installation of eelectric lectric motor, the ped pedal al shall be chang changed ed as below. Add a 30 pedal magnetic control board, rack-gear (with two small magnets with opposite sides respectively oriented to south and north poles) combination and direction control board to micro switch, and add cable fixing base, cable tie, screw spacer, and direction control board to magnetic control wire SG041. For considerations with installation and commiss commissioning, ioning, see the instructions under 3.12.

Instructions on Installation of Electric Motor with Carbon Brush

U200 Electric Motor (with Carbon Brush) Installation & Connection Diagram



四孔三联膜片阀 电马达

Small-Flow Regulating Valve  


4-Hole Triad Diaphrag Diaphragm m Valve Electric Motor 

  治疗台控制板   气控电阀

Treatment Platform Control Board Air-Control Electrovalv Electrovalvee


Electric Motor Control Board




U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

  (1) Connect w white hite air hose A to Ф2.6 noz nozzle zle of diaphrag diaphragm m valve.

  (2) Connect g green reen water hose to sm small-flow all-flow regula regulating ting valve.

  (3) Connect wh white ite air hose to T joint assembly, with the other other two ends of the T joint assembly respectively respectively to Ф3.2 nozzle nozzle of diaphragm valve and air-control electrovalve.

  (4) (5) Con Connec nectt red and black condu conductor ctorss to the double-thr double-throw ow chan changege-ove overr switch switch..

(6) (7) Conn Connect ect bro brown wn and blue

conductors to the terminal of 30 instrument panel control board. 

  Input voltage: DC3.2V.

  Conn Connect ect Pins #1 and #2 of term terminal inal J2 of elec electric tric motor to the term terminals inals of 30 instrum instrument ent panel contr control ol board board.. Outp Output ut voltage: AC24V.

  Connect Pin #1 of air-contro air-controll electrovalve to the Pin #6 of J2 terminal of electric motor control control board.

  Conn Connect ect Pin #5 of J2 term terminal inal of elec electric tric motor contr control ol board and Pin #2 of air-c air-contro ontroll elec electrov trovalve alve to J36 term terminal inal of  instrument panel control board.

  Connect doub double-throw le-throw switch to Pins #3 and #4 of J2 terminal of electric motor contro controll board.

  Instructions on Installation of B Bien ien Air Brush Brushless less Electric Motor with LED Light Guid Guidee

Installation & Connection Diagram for U200 with Bien Air Brushless Electric Motor with LED Light Guide



四孔三联膜片阀 电马达

Small-Flow Regulating Valve  


4-Hole Triad Diaphrag Diaphragm m Valve Electric Motor 

  治疗台控制板   气控电阀

Treatment Platform Control Board Air-Control Electrovalv Electrovalvee


Electric Motor Control Board


  (1) Connect w white hite air hose A to Ф2.6 noz nozzle zle of diaphrag diaphragm m valve.

  (2) Connect g green reen water hose to sm small-flow all-flow regula regulating ting valve.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 

  (3) Connect wh white ite air hose to T joint assembly, with the other other two ends of the T joint assembly respectively respectively to Ф3.2 nozzle nozzle of diaphragm valve and air-control electrovalve.

  (4) ~ (8) Connect blue, black, red, orange and brown brown conductors conductors to J1 terminal of electric motor control board. board.

  Conn Connect ect Pins #9 and #10 of term terminal inal J2 of elec electric tric motor to the term terminal inalss of 30 instr instrume ument nt panel control control boa board. rd. Output voltage: DC3.2V.

  Conn Connect ect Pins #1 and #2 of term terminal inal J2 of elec electric tric motor to the term terminals inals of 30 instrum instrument ent panel contr control ol board board.. Outp Output ut voltage: AC24V.

  Connect Pin #1 of air-contro air-controll electrovalve to the Pin #6 of J2 terminal of electric motor control control board.

  Conn Connect ect Pin #5 of J2 term terminal inal of elec electric tric motor contr control ol board and Pin #2 of air-c air-contro ontroll elec electrov trovalve alve to J36 term terminal inal of  instrument panel control board.

  Connect doub double-throw le-throw chang change-over e-over switch to Pins #3 and #5 of J2 terminal of electric motor control control board.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

Instructions on Installation of TKD Brushless Motor with LED Light Guide

Installation & Connection Diagram for U200 with TKD Brushless Electric Motor with Led Light Guide



四孔三联膜片阀 电马达

Small-Flow Regulating Valve  


4-Hole Triad Diaphrag Diaphragm m Valve Electric Motor 

  治疗台控制板   气控电阀

Treatment Platform Control Board Air-Control Electrovalv Electrovalvee


Electric Motor Control Board



Change-Over Switch

  (1) Connect w white hite air hose A to Ф2.6 noz nozzle zle of diaphrag diaphragm m valve.

  (2) Connect g green reen water hose to sm small-flow all-flow regula regulating ting valve.

  (3) Connect wh white ite air hose to T joint assembly, with the other other two ends of the T joint assembly respectively respectively to Ф3.2 nozzle nozzle of diaphragm valve and air-control electrovalve.

  (4) ~ (7) Connect red, orange, black and blu bluee conductors to J1 terminal terminal of electric motor control board.

  Conn Connect ect Pins #9 and #10 of term terminal inal J2 of elec electric tric motor to the term terminal inalss of 30 instr instrume ument nt panel control control boa board. rd. Output voltage: DC3.2V.

  Conn Connect ect Pins #1 and #2 of term terminal inal J2 of elec electric tric motor to the term terminals inals of 30 instrum instrument ent panel contr control ol board board.. Outp Output ut voltage: AC24V.

  Connect Pin #1 of air-contro air-controll electrovalve to the Pin #6 of J2 terminal of electric motor control control board.

  Conn Connect ect Pin #5 of J2 term terminal inal of elec electric tric motor contr control ol board and Pin #2 of air-c air-contro ontroll elec electrov trovalve alve to J36 term terminal inal of  instrument panel control board.

  Connect the doub double-throw le-throw chan change-over ge-over switch to Pins #3 and #5 of J2 terminal of electric motor contro controll board.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

1.8 Main Water/Air Host and Electric Cable Installation Instructions


Conn Connect ect G1/4 G1/4*ф8 *ф8 stra straight ight-thro -through ugh co connec nnector tor to air inlet ball valve, valve, and con connec nectt one end of blue ф8PU hose hose to the straight-through connector, and the other end to the main air inlet port on operating chair.


Connect G1/4*Ф8 straight-through connector to water inlet ball valve, and connec connectt one end of blue Ф8PU hose to the straight-through connector, and the other end to the main water inlet port on operating chair.


Insert op operating erating cchair hair drain hose and Saliva Ejec Ejector tor air outle outlett hose into the Ф Ф50PVC 50PVC drain hose in the groun ground d hole.


Connect power ca cable ble and g grounding rounding wire sec securely, urely, and connect all wire plugs plugs into th thee corresp corresponding onding ssockets ockets o on n circuit  board in ground case and arrange the hose line in good order.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

1.9 Treatment Chair Commissioning Method 

  Horizontal Commissionin Commissioning g of O Operating perating Chair  Chair  a)

Place lev leveler eler resp respecti ectively vely tran transve sverse rse and longi longitudin tudinal al on bottom boa board rd of the oper operatin ating g chair, and then there thereby by adjust the six socket head adjusting screws on the board to keep the chair horizontal.


Place leveler respectiv respectively ely transverse and longitudina longitudinall on instrument panel, and thereby adjust the six socket head adjusting screws on the side case bottom board to keep the panel horizontal (with slope less than 3 degree).

Instrument Panel Balancing Arm Strength Adjustment: Rotate the adjusting screw clockwise to increase elastic force. Rotate the adjusting screw counterclockwise to decrease

elastic force. Adjust the adjusting screw till the balancing arm stays horizontal.

Adjusting Screw

  Main Air Press Pressure ure Ad Adjustment justment As shown below, adjust the inlet pressure regulating valve to 550Kpa and 300Kpa based on the two pressure meters on operating chair (for S90/S60/S30 S90/S60/S30). ).

3 5





K p



P a 

  High-Speed Ha Handheld ndheld spray sprayer er air pressure adjustmen adjustment: t: Adjust the air pressure to 250 Kpa with the knob on the bottom of  instrument panel.

  High High-Spee -Speed d Hand Handheld held spraye sprayerr air pres pressure sure adjustm adjustment ent (S60 (S60/S30 /S30): ): Adju Adjust st low low-spe -speed ed handheld handheld spraye sprayerr pres pressure sure to 250Kpa-300Kpa by using the knob on the bottom of instrument panel.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

Section 2 - Maintenance of U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit 2.1 Equipment Maintenance Caution: proper maintenance operations will prolong service life of the equipment. equipment.

   Periodical check power voltage voltage,, water pressure and air pressure against the operating conditions for this equipment, and ensure any hose line is in good condition.

   Inspect any movable com component ponent of operating chair to ensure smooth movement movement and sensitive control.    Before going off duty duty,, clean the spittoon and rinse filter with water.    Before going off duty, remov removee the saliva ejector filter screen, clean it and remove any dirt, and then re-mount it, and check  it for leakage.

   For cleaning and lubric lubrication ation of handheld blower, blower, refer to the operating instructions instructions for it.    Wate Waterr filte filter: r: A wate waterr filte filterr is provide provided d at inlet in side case to remove any impurit impurity y and ens ensure ure proper proper ope operatio ration n of the equipment. The filter element may be blocked overtime and impair smooth flowing of water, so must be clean regularly or  replaced to ensure its normal performance in one of the following cases: 1. Have been op operated erated for at least one one year. 2. The ffilter ilter eeleme lement nt is po pollute lluted. d. 3. The w water ater ffrom rom it gets gets mudd muddy. y. The filter shall be replaced by following the procedure as below: Open Side Case, remove the filter, remove the filter  enclosu encl osure re by rotat rotating ing it coun counterc terclock lockwise wise,, and then take take off the sea sealing ling ring and filter elem element ent and clean clean them before before re-mounting;; ensure good airtightness of the filter. re-mounting

2.2 Disinfection of Chair Hoses 2.2.1 Operations with Distilled Water System

a) Distilled water system consists of distilled water cylinder and selector switch at the front of side case. Water to supply all instruments on the instrument panel is from the distilled water in the cylinder or filtered tap water, so the cylinder must be timely refilled with medical distilled water.  b) The cylinder shall be refilled with distilled water in the following way: 

  Close the air switc switch h on distilled water cy cylinder linder till the air in the cylinder is discharged discharged off.

  Remove the ccylinder ylinder by rotatin rotating g it clockwise and inje inject ct distilled water to the maximum maximum leve level. l.

  Re-mount the ccylinder ylinder by rotatin rotating g it counterclo counterclockwise, ckwise, and the then n open the air switch an and d changechange-over over switch on it. Caution: The distilled water cylinder must not be opened until the air in it has been discharged off. As water/air hoses are connected

to the cylinder cover, perform the operations by holding the cover with left hand and rotating the cylinder body with right hand instead of directly rotating the cover. It is recommended to use distilled water instead of tap water during treatment to avoid effect of any impurity in tap water on service life of the hose line and instruments.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 2.2.2 Operations with Hose Disinfection System 

  When the cylinde cylinderr is empty, open the air switch on it to discharge an any y humidity and dirt in the hose line with the air in the cylinder.

  Close the air switc switch h and remove the distill distilled ed water cylinde cylinderr and mount a red ccylinder ylinder contain containing ing disinfec disinfectant. tant.

  Open the air switch, and m manipulate anipulate the instru instruments ments one by one till disinf disinfectant ectant is sprayed ou outt and then keep the unit idle for 1~2 hours.

  Close the air switch, remov removee the disinfectant cylinder, re-mount re-mount the distilled water cylinder cylinder and open the switch, and clean the internal hose by using the aforesaid method to finish cleaning and disinfection.

2.2.3 Equipment Cleaning & Disinfecting Guide

  Hand Handheld held spra sprayer, yer, eject ejection ion gun and strong strong/wea /weak k suct suction ion heads shall be ster sterilize ilized d at a temp tempera erature ture of 121℃  (1 Bar) or 

134℃ (2 Bar). For more details on disinfection of handheld sprayer, see the operating instructions for the sprayer.

  Operating cchair hair requires no sp special ecial maintena maintenance, nce, but it is recomm recommended ended to clean it afte afterr treatment of each p patient. atient.

  Oral cavity lamp handle and any exte external rnal surface of equipment, equipment, especially those in contact with the physician, physician, nurse or   patient, must be daily disinfected disinfected with alcohol or disinfectant.

Caution: Do not use any abrasive or acid agent. Operate the treatment chair to check whether its all functions are available  before delivery. delivery.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

Section 3 - Troubleshooting 3.1

U100 W Water/A ater/AIR IR Su Supply pply S Schema chematic tic D Diagram iagram



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

喷枪 小流量调节阀 洁牙机 微型电磁阀 水气分配器 气刹阀 气刹电磁阀 工作气压调节 总气电磁阀 总进水 五通一三通组合 水过滤器 气调压器 三通 总进气 气调压器 排污管道 气缸 门气开关 水气分配器 电马达 高速手机

Ejection Gun Small-Flow Regulating Valve Scaler  Mini Solenoid Valve Water/Air Distributor  Air-Braking Valve Air-Braking Solenoid Valve Operating Air Pressure Adjustment Main Air Solenoid Valve Main Water Inlet 5-Way Joint and T Joint Combination Water Filter  Air Pressure Regulator  T Joint Main Air Inlet Air Pressure Regulator  Drain Hose Air Cylinder  Door Air Switch Water/Air Distributor 

RT 水源转换开关 200KPa 简易减压阀 带回气开关 蒸馏水瓶 电磁阀 比例电磁阀 三通 强吸手柄 吸吸发生器 弱吸手柄 回气瓶 气压表 分道阀 电压表

RT Water SourceReducing Change-Over 200KPa Simple ValveSwitch Switch with Air Return Distilled Water Bottle Solenoid Valve Proportional Solenoid Valve T Joint Strong Suction Handle Inspiration Generator  Weak Suction Handle Air Return Cylinder  Air Pressure Meter  Separating Valve Voltmeter  Water Cup Spittoon Regulating Valve Water Cup Regulating Valve Water Heater 

水杯 痰盂 调节阀 水杯 调节阀 热水器


Electric Motor  High-Speed Handheld Sprayer 

Electr Electric ic Cir Circuit cuit Control Control S System ystem Archit Architecture ecture

3.2.1 U100Control System Composition

The control system of U100 Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit consists of the following components: 

  Side case com compone ponents nts inclu include: de: 100C 100CX-02 X-02-F5 -F5 side case contr control ol boa board, rd, 100Z 100ZS-03 S-03-F5 -F5 ass assistan istantt sec section tion cont control rol board Treatment platform includes: 100-ZL-02/F5 treatment platform control board

  Chair compon components ents include: ZY-01 ZY-01-F6 -F6 chair control board, 90J 90JT-02-F5 T-02-F5 pedal direc direction tion control board;



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

3.2.2 Electric Block Diagram

电源开关 接线端子排 变压器 光固化机 助手位触摸板 助手位板 强吸 弱吸 光控板

Power Switch Terminal Strip Transformer  Light Curing Unit Assistant Section Touch Panel Assistant Section Board Strong Suction Weak Suction Optic Control Board Pedal Board 37


U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

脚踏板 拨杆开关 马达磁控板 程序位开关

Shift Lever Switch Motor Magnetic Control Board Program Section Switch

红外感应头 LED 手术灯主控制板 手术灯 手术灯输出跳线 电源输出 加热 加热检测 助手 24V

IR Sensor  LED Operation Lamp Main Control Board Operation Lamp Operation Lamp Output Jumper  Power Supply Output Heating Heating Detection Assistant Section 24V

侧箱控制板 冲盂 总进气 杯水 蒸馏水压力 总进水 蒸馏水 座椅通信 治疗台通信

Side Case Control Board Spittoon Rinsing Main Air Inlet Cup Water  Distilled Water Pressure Main Water Inlet Distilled Water  Chair Communication Treatment Platform Communication Solenoid Valve

电磁阀 污物分离 内窥镜 通讯 J6 电源 座椅上升 座椅下降 电源 座椅控制板 椅背保护开关 座椅保护开关 座椅电机 椅背电机 主操作触摸板 12864 液晶模块 气刹板 主操作触摸控制板 观片灯 上拉杆开关 电源输入 气刹电磁阀 单喷气电磁阀 大观片灯 DSP 板 电马达控制板 治疗台控制板 高速手机控制板

Dirt Separation Endoscope Communication J6 Power Supply Chair Ascending Chair Descending Power Supply Chair Control Board Backrest Protection Switch Chair Protection Switch Chair Motor  Backrest Motor 

六用枪 洁牙机

Main Operation Touch Panel 12864 LCD Module Air-Braking Board Main Operation Touch Control Board Film Observation Lamp Upper Drawbar Switch Power Supply Input Air-Braking Solenoid Valve Single-Spray Solenoid Valve Big Film Observation Lamp DSP Board Electric Motor Control Board Treatment Platform Control Board High-Speed Handheld Sprayer Control Board

Six-Purpose Gun Scaler  Water Valve 38


U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual Electric Motor  水阀 Air Valve 电马达 High-Speed Handheld Sprayer  气阀 Proportional Valve 高速手机 Scaler Connection Board 比例阀 洁牙机连接板 侧箱板说明 出厂默认不短 认不短接 接 JP03,将 JP01 左边两脚短接上。 1、 出厂默 、 手术灯输 手术灯输出路线默认 出路线默认短接 短接 2 J11 输出:接 LED 手术灯时, 2-5 3-6 4-1. A为 OV、C 为 12V 接卤素灯时, A 为 0V、B 为 10V、C 为 12V、D 为 17V。 3、 LED3,LD4 常亮,LD1 闪烁,LD2 连接治疗台板正常为闪烁。 Side Case Description 1. JP03 is not short con connect nected ed by defaul defaultt upon factor factory y delivery, delivery, but the two pin at the left side of JP01 are short connected. 2. Pins 22-5, 5, 3-6, and 4-1 4-1 for operation operation lamp output output line ar aree short conn connecte ected d by default. default. a) J11 Output: Output: When When connect connecting ing to LE LED D opera operation tion la lamp, mp, A is 0V 0V,, and C is 12V. 12V.  b) When connecting to halogen lamp, A is 0V, B is 10V, C is 12V, and D is 17V. 3. LED3 and LD LD4 4 keep constant constant on, LD1 flashes, flashes, LD2 flashes flashes when connecting connecting to treatment treatment platform platform control board.


U100 Side Case Contr Control ol Bo Board ard D Details etails

Transformer Transform er Input

Main Mai n

Opera Operatio tion n

Assistan Assi stantt Secti Section on Communication Cable

Com Commun munica icatio tion n

Pedal Communication Cable

Operatio n Lamp

Heating Detection

Reserved AC 24V Interface


Saliva Rinsing



Interface Description


Cup Water 



Interface Description

Operation lamp power supply output interface: a) For 2P wire wire con conne necti ction on of ha halog logen en/LE /LED D lamps, the voltage values for Interfaces A,

Transformer Input Voltage: respectively AC 23V, AC








B, C and D are 0V-11V -12V.



 b) For 4P wire connection of LED lamps,

0V-11V-12V-17V 0V-11V-12 V-17V (supply to operation lamp)

Interfaces A and B are connected to switch. Interfac Inte rfaces es C and D have outpu outputt volt voltage age of  AC 12V when LED lamp turns on.



Reserved AC 24V, connec connecting ting to assistant section and supplying AC 24V power to light curing unit





Chair Power Supply Output AC 24V


U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual J9



Water Wat er Heate Heaterr Pow Power er Supply Supply Outpu Output: t: AC 24 24V V   voltage output when heater is operating operating..


Gargling water solenoid valve port: DC 24V when   in operation


Treatment Platform Commun Communication ication Port


Heating Detection Po Porrt: The port is disconnected when water is heated to 40°C and is connected during heating. Spittoon rinsing water solenoid valve port: DC 24V when in operation. Assistan Ass istantt Secti Section on Boar Board d Main Cont Control rol Boar Board d






Communication Commun ication Port Pedall dire Peda directio ction n cont control rol boa board rd com communi municati cation on

Chair Control Board Communic Communication ation Port




ZY-01ZY-01-F6 F6 Chair Cont Control rol Board Int Interface erface Fun Function ction Descri Descriptio ption n (applica (applicable ble to all models models))

Chair Motor   Descending Manual Button

Chair Asce Ascendi nding ng Button

J2 is backrest motor 

J1 is chair motor 

Motor   Man Manua uall

Side Case Communication

Connect to  backrest angle sensor 

Chair Protection Switch


Chair Power Supply

Connect to chair angle sensor 

Backrest Protection Switch

3.4.1 Interface Function Description







Function Description



Chair Motor




Backrest Motor



AC 24V Power Input



Connect to J30 on side case control board for 



Connects chair angle sensor  



communication. Connect chair protection switch



Connects backrest angle sensor  


Function Description

Connect backrest protection switch

U100 Ma Main in Op Operation eration Panel Inter Interface face De Descrip scription tion

F69 F69

Fi Film lm

Ob Obse serv rvat atio ion n

Power Supply Port

Lamp Lamp

Connecting to 100CX-02-F5 J3 on side case control  board



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 3.6

U200 Water Water/Air /Air S Supply upply Schem Schematic atic Diagra Diagram m



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

侧箱控制板 冲盂 总进气 杯水 蒸馏水压力 总进水 蒸馏水 座椅通信 治疗台通信 电磁阀 污物分离 内窥镜 通讯 J6 电源 座椅上升 座椅下降 电源 座椅控制板 椅背保护开关 座椅保护开关 座椅电机 椅背电机

Side Case Control Board Spittoon Rinsing Main Air Inlet Cup Water  Distilled Water Pressure Main Water Inlet Distilled Water  Chair Communication Treatment Platform Communication Solenoid Valve Dirt Separation Endoscope Communication J6 Power Supply Chair Ascending Chair Descending Power Supply Chair Control Board Backrest Protection Switch Chair Protection Switch Chair Motor  Backrest Motor 

主操作触摸板 12864 液晶模块 气刹板 主操作触摸控制板 观片灯 上拉杆开关 电源输入 气刹电磁阀 单喷气电磁阀 大观片灯 DSP 板 电马达控制板 治疗台控制板 高速手机控制板

Main Operation Touch Panel 12864 LCD Module Air-Braking Board Main Operation Touch Control Board Film Observation Lamp Upper Drawbar Switch Power Supply Input Air-Braking Solenoid Valve Single-Spray Single-Spra y Solenoid Valve Big Film Observation Lamp DSP Board Electric Motor Control Board Treatment Platform Control Board High-Speed High-Spee d Handheld Sprayer Control Board

六用枪 洁牙机 水阀 电马达 气阀 高速手机 比例阀 洁牙机连接板

Six-Purpose Gun Scaler  Water Valve Electric Motor  Air Valve High-Speed High-Spee d Handheld Sprayer  Proportional Proportion al Valve Scaler Connection Board

3.7Electric Circuit Control System Architecture 3.7.1

U200 Contr Control ol S System ystem Compo Compositio sition n

The control system of U200 dental comprehensive treatment unit consists of the following components:

   Side case case com compone ponents nts inclu include: de: 30C 30CX-01 X-01-F5 -F5 side case case con control trol boa board, rd, 90ZS 90ZS-01-01-F5 F5 assi assistan stantt sec section tion cont control rol boa board, rd, U500ZS-GK-F0 assistant section strong suction optic control board, weak suction optic control board and 900ZS-02-F5 assistant section touch control board.

   Treatment platform includes: 30ZL-0 30ZL-01-F5 1-F5 instrument panel control board, 30ZL-03-F5 main operation touch control board.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual    Chair compone components nts include: ZY-01-F6 chair control board, 90JT 90JT-02-F5 -02-F5 pedal direction control board.

3.7.2 Electric Schematic Diagram

侧箱控制板 冲盂 总进气 杯水 蒸馏水压力 总进水 蒸馏水 座椅通信

Side Case Control Board Spittoon Rinsing Main Air Inlet Cup Water  Distilled Water Pressure Main Water Inlet Distilled Water  Chair Communication Treatment Platform Communication

治疗台通信 电磁阀 污物分离

Solenoid Valve Dirt Separation Endoscope 43


U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

内窥镜 通讯 J6 电源 座椅上升 座椅下降 电源 座椅控制板 椅背保护开关 座椅保护开关 座椅电机 椅背电机

Communication J6 Power Supply Chair Ascending Chair Descending Power Supply Chair Control Board Backrest Protection Switch Chair Protection Switch Chair Motor  Backrest Motor 

主操作触摸板 12864 液晶模块 气刹板 主操作触摸控制板 观片灯 上拉杆开关 电源输入 气刹电磁阀 单喷气电磁阀 大观片灯 DSP 板 电马达控制板 治疗台控制板

Main Operation Touch Panel 12864 LCD Module Air-Braking Board Main Operation Touch Control Board Film Observation Lamp Upper Drawbar Switch Power Supply Input Air-Braking Solenoid Valve Single-Spray Single-Spra y Solenoid Valve Big Film Observation Lamp DSP Board Electric Motor Control Board Treatment Platform Control Board High-Speed High-Spee d Handheld Sprayer Control Board

高速手机控制板 Six-Purpose Gun 六用枪 Scaler  洁牙机 Water Valve Electric Motor  水阀 Air Valve 电马达 High-Speed High-Spee d Handheld Sprayer  气阀 Proportional Proportion al Valve 高速手机 Scaler Connection Board 比例阀 洁牙机连接板 侧箱板说明 1、 出厂默认不短接 出厂默认不短接 JP03,将 JP01 左边两脚短接上。 2、 手术灯输出路线默认短接 手术灯输出路线默认短接 2-5 3-6 4-1. J11 输出:接 LED 手术灯时,A 为 OV、C 为 12V 接卤素灯时,A 为 0V、B 为 10V、C 为 12V、D 为 17V。 3、   LED3,LD4 常亮,LD1 闪烁,LD2 连接治疗台板正常为闪烁。 Side Case Description 4. JP0 JP03 3 is not not sho short rt conn connec ected ted by defa default ult upo upon n facto factory ry deli delive very ry,, bu butt the two pin at the lef leftt sid sidee of JP0 JP01 1 are are sho short rt connected. 5. Pins 2-5, 3-6, and 4-1 for o operation peration lamp outpu outputt line are short conn connected ected by default. a) J11 O Outpu utput: t: Wh When en conne connecting cting to LE LED D oper operatio ation n lam lamp, p, A is 0V 0V,, and C iiss 12V. 12V.  b) When connecting to halogen lamp, A is 0V, B is 10V, C is 12V, and D is 17V. 6. LED3 and L LD4 D4 keep co constant nstant on, L LD1 D1 flashes, LD LD2 2 flashes wh when en connec connecting ting to treatment treatment platform control boa board. rd.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 3.8

U200 Con Contro troll B Boar oard dD Deta etail il Des Descrip criptio tion n

3.8.1 

U200 Cont Control rol Board Board Deta Detail il Des Descript cription ion

  U200 Side Cas Casee Contro Controll Board (30CX-01-F5 (30CX-01-F5)) Main Air Inlet

Main Water 

Spitt Spittoon oon Protection Protection Switch

Chair  Connecting Line

Pedal   Connecting Line

Assist Assistant ant

Sec Sectio tion n

Con Connec nectin ting g

Assistant Section 24V Output In Inst stru rume ment nt Pa Pane nell Control Cont rol Board Power  Supply

Reserved AC 24V

Treatm Treatment ent Pla Platfo tform rm Communication

Transformer Input

Ch Chai airr Po Powe wer  r  Su Supp pply ly 24 24V V Output

Distilled Water  Pressure


Operation Lamp Heating

Heating Detection

Saliva Rinsing

Distilled Water 

Cup Water 

Weak  Suction

Strong Suction

Dirt Separation

  Interface Function Description


Interface Description


Interface Description

Oper Operat atio ion n

lamp lamp

po powe werr

su supp pply ly

ou outp tput ut

interface: a) For 2P wire connection of halogen/LED lamps, lam ps, the voltage values for Interfac Interfaces es

Transformer Input Voltage: respectively AC 23V, AC 23V, 23 V, AC 18V 18V , AC 6V 6V,, AC 0V 0V-1 -11V 1V-1 -12V 2V-1 -17V 7V


A, B, C and D are AC17V-12V-10V-0V. J12

 b) For 4P wire connection of LED lamps,

(supply to operation lamp)

Inte Interf rfac aces es A an and d B are are co conn nnec ecte ted d to switch swi tch.. Int Interf erface acess C and D hav havee ou outpu tputt voltage of AC 12V when LED lamp turns on.



Reserved AC 24V



Chair Power Supply Output AC 24V


DC 24V when when in op opera eratio tion, n, sup supply plying ing volta voltage ge to   main air inlet solenoid valve



J19 J20




DC 24V when in operation, supply supplying ing voltage to   main water inlet solenoid valve Dirt separator (optional) or negative pressure pump   switch port




Treatmentt Platf Treatmen Platform orm Powe Powerr Supp Supply ly Outp Output ut -Two groups of power supply for treatment  platform compone components nts are provided, provided, respectively in AC 18V and AC 23V. Wa Water ter Heate Heaterr Powe Powerr Supp Supply ly Out Outpu put: t: AC 24V voltage output when heater is operating. Heating ting Dete tecction tion Port Port:: The port is disconnected when water is heated to 40°C and is connecte connected d during heating.


Co Conn nnec ecti ting ng


as assi sist stan antt

sect sectio ion n

and and

supplying AC 24V power to light curing unit Weak suction solenoid valve port: DC 24V J22

when in operation


U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual Strong suction solenoid valve port: DC 24V J21





Treatment Platform Commun Communication ication Port



Chair Control Board Communication Communication Port



Pedal direction control board communic communication ation port



As Assi sist stan antt


Se Sect ctio ion n

Boar Board d


J24 J25  




Main Main Con Contr trol ol Boa Board rd


Spitt Spittoon oon rrinsin insing g wa water ter so soleno lenoid id valve valve port: port: DC 24V when in operation. Gargling water solenoid valve port: DC 24V when in operation Di Dist still illed ed Wa Wate terr Pres Pressu sure re Po Powe werr Su Supp pply ly Output Port (Optional)


Dist Distilled illed Wate Waterr Pow Power er Sup Supply ply O Outpu utputt Port (Optional)

Communication Commun ication Port J28

when in operation

Spi Spitto ttoon on Prote Protecti ction on Switc Switch h Por Port: t: Whe When n disco disconne nnecte cted, d, cha chair ir and bac backr krest est cann cannot ot as ascen cend/ d/des desce cend nd or move move forwards/backwards forwards/b ackwards.. When connected, chair and backres backrestt can ascend/descend or move forwards/backwards. forwards/backwards.


U200 Instrume Instrument nt Panel Control Board Detail Description

Reserved 24V

Electric Motor  Switch

Instrument Panel Power 

Handheld Sprayer  Pull-Up Switch 1

Handheld Sprayer  Pull-Up Switch 2

Handheld Spray Spr ayer er Pul Pull-U l-Up p Switch 3

Handheld Sprayer Spray er PullPull-Up Up Switch 4

Bottom-mounted optical control Power Supply Port

Communicat Bottom-mounted optical control Communication Port Main Key Operations

Scaler Scal er swit switch ch wire

Light Guide 3

Light Guide 2

Light   Guide 1

Scaler  Water 

Film Lamp

Working Water 

Working Air 

Triad Solenoid Valve

  Function De Description: scription: Main op operation eration pane panell key scanning aand nd water/air contro controll

  Interface Function Description Description::


Obs Observ ervati ation on


U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

In Interf terface ace

Interfa Interface ce Descri Descripti ption on






Communication interface


Function Description

Interf    ace


Reserved AC 24V   J34

Connect to J29 on   side case board




Pull-up instrument  panel dynamic instrument switch interface


Pull shift lever  down to close the switch, reset the shift lever to open the switch









Triad solenoid valve group interface

J45 J46 J47

DC 24V when in operation





Scaler switch wire port



Light Guide 1 interface

3.8.3 

DC 3.3V at the  port when relay operates. DC 3.3V at the  port when relay operates.

Funct Functio ion n Des Descri cript ption ion

Treatment platform  power supply interface

Connect to J10 on side case  board (provided by side case board) Connect to Pins 4 and 5 on motor control board

  Mo Moto torr po pow wer interface

J37GK1 J38GK1

Inte Interf rface ace De Desc scrip ripti tion on

cont contro roll

Optic control power  supply interface Optic control signal interface

DC3.3V (for   bottom-mounted model)  bottom-mounted Input (for bottom-m bottom-mounted ounted model) KEY-CONNECT KEY-CONNEC T connects to main operation touch control board (shared by S30) mainly for control keyboard keyboa rd IO signal.

Main key operation signal interface Film observation lamp  power supply port Interface for control handheld sprayer water  solenoid valve Interface for control of  air sprayer and single-spray single-spra y solenoid valve Interface for control of  scaler water solenoid valve



Light Guide 2 interface



Light Guide 3 interface



DC 24V when in operation

DC 24V when in operation

DC 24V when in operation  

DC 3.3V at the port when relay operates.


DC 3.3V at the port when relay operates.

J102 Socket

U200 Ma Main in Operation Touch Co Control ntrol Board (as show shown n at the rright) ight)

  Interface Func Function tion Description Description:J102 :J102 connec connects ts to instrument panel contro controll board J43 KEY-CONN KEY-CONNECT. ECT.

  Function Description Description:: Transfer of keyb keyboard oard signals. signals.

  Int Interf erfac acee Fun Functi ction on Desc Descrip riptio tion: n: KEY KEY-CO -CONN NNECT ECT con conne nects cts to S60 ma main in operation touch control board (shared by S30) mainly for scanning of keyboard IO signals.


S30/60 S30/ 60 Main Ope Operatio ration n Touc Touch h Control Control Board


U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 3.8.4


ZY-01-F6 Chair Con Control trol Boar Board d (the same as as in U U100) 100)

U200 Assi Assistan stantt Secti Section on Cont Control rol Boar Board d

U200 Assistant Section Main Control Board


U200 Assistant Section Touch Control Board

  U200 A Assistant ssistant Section Optic Contro Controll Board (Shared by U500)

  Assistant Se Section ction Con Control trol Board Interface Function D Description escription Interface J55


Interface Description

Connect to side case board J32



J58 J57

 Negative pressure saliva ejector system optical control connection port

J57 J59


Connect to ligh Connect lightt curi curing ng unit (not (note: e: ligh lightt cu curin ring g un unit it conn connec ectin ting g AC 24 24V V needs needs  power transform transformation ation but cannot be connected connec ted directly).




Interface Description

AD 24V input Ai Air/ r/wa wate terr su suct ctio ion n sy syst stem em control connection port

op optic tical al

Co Con nne nect ct to U200 U200 se sect ctio ion n control board (J1)

tou touch

3.9 Pedal Magnetic Control Board (Standard for Motor) 

  Function D Description: escription: Fo Forr adjustme adjustment nt of motor sp speed eed and ou output tput powe power. r.

 

  Interface Fun Function ction Desc Description: ription: Conne Connect ct to F70 plu plug g of 90JT 90JT-02/F6. -02/F6.   Considera Considerations tions in installatio installation n and comm commissioning: issioning:   Switch on main power switch, and make sure the green indicator light keeps constant on; and then draw the shift lever or step on the pedal down; at this moment th





output voltage at test point C (ADJ) should range between -0.3~+3.3V. I the voltage voltage is not in the range, make nec necess essary ary adj adjust ustmen mentt as sho show w below.

Adjustment Meas Measur uree vo volta ltage ge at AD ADJJ test test po poin intt when shift lever is not operated; make rough roug h adjustme adjustment nt to pote potentio ntiomete meterr if  when voltage is at much deviation to

Measure voltage at test point when shift lever is not operated; make no adjustment if voltage is -0.3V, or make adjustment to potentiometer when voltage is at much deviation to -0.3V (final adjustment to -0.3V).



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

3.10 30CX-01-F5 Side Case Board Jumper Installation Instructions 

  30CX-0130CX-01-F5 F5 on-board jum jumpers pers include those app applied lied in case of Installation of motor and and those applied in case of absence absence of motor:

Us Usee jump jumper er to co conn nnec ectt it wh when en electric motor is installed Keep Keep the jump jumper er standb standby y at the pin when on electric motor is installed.

Side Case Board Jumper Installation Diagram

3.11 30ZL-01-F5 Treatment Platform On-Board Jumper Installation Instructions 

  30ZL-01-F5 on on-board -board jumpe jumpers rs include those applie applied d in case of installation of motor and and those applied in case case of absence of motor:


When When Siger cont control rol with ca carbon rbon bru brush sh is installed installed and no elec electric tric moto motorr is installe installed, d, by defa default ult use jump jumper er conn connect ect SIGE and the middle pin of JP1.


When When contro controll board fo forr TDK, Bien Air mot motor or with or with without out ca carbon rbon bru brush sh is insta installed, lled, use ju jumpe mperr to connect connect TKD and the middle pin of JP1.

When Whe n contr control ol board board for TDK, TDK, Bie Bien n Air  Air  moto motorr wi with th ca carb rbon on brus brush h or an any y othe other  r  motorr with moto without out carbon brush is insta installed, lled, us usee ju jum mpe perr to conn connec ectt TKD TKD and and th thee When Siger control board for  motor mot or wit with h ca carbo rbon n bru brush sh is ins instal talled led,, be def defaul aultt use the  jumper to connect here.

middle pin of JP1.

Treatment Platform Jumper Diagram



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 3.12 Installation, Commissioning and Troubleshooting of Pedal Control Board 

  Two conn connections ections of pe pedal dal contro controll board are shown belo below. w. J70: When 30JT-01-F5 30JT-01-F5 is not installed, installed, leave the socket empty. empty. When 30JT-0130JT-01-F5 F5 is not installed, installed, this socket should be connected to J71B socket of 30JT-01-F5.

This socket should be connected to J70 socket of 90JT-02-F6 or V1000JT-01V1000JT-01-F5. F5.

Shift Lever Pedal

Treadle Pedal

Whethe Whe therr 30JT 30JT-01 -01-F5 -F5 is ins instal talled led or not not,, thi thiss swi switch tch must be con connec nected ted to J71 socket of 90JT 90JT-02 -02-F -F6 6 or V1000JT-01-F5.

3.13 Pedal Direction Control Board 

  Function De Description: scription: For ke key y switch board and co connection nnection to side case board

Shift lever pedal direction control board

Treadle pedal direction control board

  Interface Function Description Interfac   e

Function Description




Interface for connection to side case board



Connect to reset/ single-spra single-spray y air blower 



Connect to gargling section/wa section/water ter changechange-over over key



Interface for connection to motor control board, connect to J71 whether motor micro switch is installed or not.


Function Description



Chair ascending key



Chair Descendin Descending g key



Backrest descendin descending g key



Backrest descendin descending g key

3.14 Upper/Lower Motor and Air-Operated Spring Repair and Replacement Instructions 

  Replacement of upper motor:  Remove treatment chair pad foam material > shrink upper motor range to the minimum >

use clamp ring nippers to remove four clamp rings and spring at both ends of motor > use screwdriver to remove the motor  shaft > replace upper motor.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

U100 Upper Motor 

U200 Upper Motor  

  Replac Replacement ement of up upper per m motor: otor:  Put an object with 30KG bearing capacity under the bottom of side case to support it >

expand lower motor range to the maximum > use cross-head screwdriver to remove the upper parallel cover > use clamp ring nippers to remove the clamp ring off motor shaft > remove motor shaft > replace motor.

  Replacement of air-operated spring:

U100 Lower Motor 


U200 Lower Motor 

1)   Put an object with 30k 30kg g bearing capacity un under der the bottom of side ca case se to support it > expand lower motor range range to the maximum > use cross-head screwdriver to remove the upper parallel cover > use clamp ring nippers to remove the clamp ring off motor shaft > remove motor shaft

2)   Use cla clamp mp ring nip nippers pers

to remov removee clamp ring ringss off the air-op air-operat erated ed sprin spring g > remove air air-ope -operate rated d spring > repla replace ce

air-operated spring > re-mount the motor shaft > complete replacement

3.15 Foam Material Replacement Instructions 

  Replacem Replacement ent of foam material in headrest: First use tool to make a clearance between enclo enclosur  sur  and foam material, and then hold the enclosure with right hand, and hold the foam material wit left hand and pull it out with force.

  Repl Replace acemen mentt of U-shape back backrest rest foam materia material: l: First use tool to mak makee a clearanc clearancee betwee betwee enclosu encl osure re and foam mater material, ial, and then hold the encl enclosur osuree with right hand, and hold the foa material with left hand and pull it out with force.

  Replacem Replacement ent of foam material in seat pad: Loosen four screws screws on seat pad foam material to replace the foam material. material.

3.16 LED Lamp Component Replacement Instructions 

  Press the enclosure down with hand to mak makee a clearance and then pull it out to replace the internal component, as shown  below.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual

Section 4 - Troubleshooting for U Series

4.1 Overall failure 

  Failure 1: After power-on, the overall ssystem ystem makes no response.

Key point for troubleshooting: 1. Check whether AC 220 power supply output is in good condition. 2. Check whether the 10A fuse at power switch is broken. 

  Failure 2: After power-on, no water or air is supplied to the system.

Key point for troublesh troubleshooting: ooting: Check water source change-over, pressurizing/pressure relief shift is in good position; when water source shift is in tap water position, position, the pressur pressurizing/press izing/pressure ure relief shif shiftt should be in relief position;

when wate waterr source shif shiftt is in distilled

water position, the pressurizing pressurizing/pressure /pressure relief shift should be in pressurizin pressurizing g position.

4.2 Common Failures 

  Failure 1:Operating chair fails to ascend o orr descend

Inspections: Check whether there is AC 24V voltage input at J6 port of chair control board and the spittoon protection switch is triggered. whether ther the two yellow keys can oper operate ate to achieve ascent/d ascent/descent escent of  1)   If there is AC 24V voltage input at J6 port, check whe chair; if not, the control board is likely to have damaged, replace the control board to remove the problem.

2)   If there is not AC 24V voltag voltagee inpu inputt at J6 port, chec check k whether the chair pow power er supply plug on flat cable is in good good connection; if not, tighten the screw.

3)   If there is AC 24V voltage input at J6 port, check whe whether ther the two yellow keys can oper operate ate to achieve ascent/d ascent/descent escent of  chair; if not, check whether spittoon protection switch is triggered by using the following method: Toggle the switch to the left to close it, and the chair can ascend or descend; toggle the switch to the right to open it, and the chair cannot ascend or descend. 

  Failure 2:Operating chair ascend o orr descend a automatically utomatically

Inspections: Inspection s: In case that operating chair ascend or descend automatically, automatically, perform troubleshooting from the following aspects:

1)   Assistant Section Touch Cont Control rol Board: The assistant section control board may be corroded corroded due to damp absorption or  entry of water, and thereby cause malfunction of the function keys. Inspection method: Disconnect the communication cable terminal on the control board, operate the machine by using  pedal and treatment platform to check whether the failure continues continues;; if the failure is removed removed,, it indicates that the control board is damaged, and replace it; if the failure continues, re-connect the communication cable terminal, and go to the next step.

2)   Treatment platfo platform rm touch control board: The treatme treatment nt platform control board may be corroded due to damp absorp absorption tion or entry of water, and thereby cause malfunction of the function keys. Inspection method: Disconnect the communication cable terminal on the control board, operate the machine by using  pedal and treatment platform to check whether the failure continues continues;; if the failure is removed removed,, it indicates that the control board is damaged, and replace it to remove the problem. 

  Failure 3: Operation lamp fa fails. ils.


U200 U200 Inspe Inspecti ctions ons::

Check k whether whether fuse SSD F2 is broke broken, n, Operati Operation on Lamp Power Cable is in good conne connectio ction n to J12 interf interface ace - for 2P 1)   Chec wire connection of halogen/LED lamps, the voltage values for Interfaces A, B, C and D are AC17V-12V-10V-0V. measure the output voltage at transf transformer; ormer; if there 2)   If fuse SSD F2 is in good condition, but no voltage is output at J12, measure is no output voltage at the transformer port, replace the transformer; if the output voltage at transformer port is normal, replace the side case control board and then perform inspection again.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual  b)

U100 Inspections Inspections::

1)   Chec Check k whether whether fuse SSD F2 is broke broken, n, Operati Operation on Lamp Power Cable is in good conne connectio ction n to J11 interf interface ace - for 2P wire connection of halogen/LED lamps, the voltage values for Interfaces A, B, C and D are AC17V-12V-10V-0V.

2)   If fuse SSD F2 is in good condition, but no voltage is output at J11, measure measure the output voltage at transf transformer; ormer; if there is no output voltage at the transformer port, replace the transformer; if the output voltage at transformer port is normal, replace the side case control board and then perform inspection again. 

  Failure 4: Water heater fails fails.. Inspections:

whetherr there is AC 23V voltage output at J13; if yes, the heater may be broken and replace 1)   If water heater fails, check whethe it; if no, the side case control board or the heater is damaged; if heater cannot be disconnected, and J14 is always closed, the heater may be broken and replace it.

2)   If there is no voltag voltagee output at J9, chec check k whether fuse F1 is brok broken; en; if yes, replace it with a 10 ffuse. use. (U100) If there is no voltage output at J13, check whether fuse F4 is broken; if yes, replace it with a 6A fuse. ( U200) 

  Failure 5: Handheld sprayer operates n normally ormally but no water or air is sprayed sprayed out.


1)   First check whethe whetherr the blower operates currently in dry grinding grinding mode where no water or air is sprayed by operating the change-over switch on it. For more details see the operating instructions. Check k the wate water/air r/air hose line is in good conne connection ction in instrum instrument ent panel. If the hos hosee line is in good conditio condition, n, then 2)   Chec Check whether there is DC 24V output at water/air circuit solenoid valves; if yes, the solenoid valve may be broken, and replace solenoid valve; if not, measure voltage output at reserved port J33, if there is a voltage output, replace treatment platform control board, if not, inspect the power supply in side case (U200).

3)   Check whether the handh handheld eld sprayer hanging rack valve (hung type type)) on treatment platform and constant-on valve with  peak can reset properly, if not or in i n case of leakage leakage,, replace the relevant valve. (U100)

4)   Foot-opera Foot-operated ted micro switch: Check whethe whetherr the foot-operated micro switch resets normally; normally; if not, replace the micro switch! casee control board. 5)   Replace side cas

  Failure 6: E Electric lectric motor ffails ails (U200)


1)   Meas Measure ure and chec check k whet whether her the volta voltage ge on pedal pedal mag magnetic netic control control boar board d (30J (30JT-01 T-01-F5 -F5 or 30JT 30JT-01-01-D6, D6, which are interchangeable) interchan geable) meets the value as specified below:

The normal voltage between test point ADJ and GND should should be: DCDC-0.3 0.3V~3 V~3.3V .3V (th (thee

Here the green LED indicator light should keep constant on

value varies depending depending on pedal pedal shift lever  angle); angle ); the voltage between test point point +12V and GND should be DC 10V.

The normal voltage between test point ADJ

Here Here the the red red LE LED D indicator light should keep constant on

and GND should should be: DCDC-0.3 0.3V~3 V~3.3V .3V (th (thee value varies depending depending on pedal pedal shift lever  angle); angle ); the voltage between test point point +12V and GND should be DC 10V.



U Series Dental Comprehensive Treatment Unit - Installation & Maintenance Manual 2)   If the mea measurem surement ent is norm normal, al, then mea measure sure and check whethe whetherr the voltag voltagee on treatm treatment ent platfor platform m con control trol board (30ZL-01-F5) meets the value as specified below: The normal voltage range  between two pins of J36 should  be: DC0V~3.3/5V (the value varies vari es dependin depending g on pedal pedal shif shiftt lever angle)

measurement nt is normal, then measure and check whe whether ther the voltage on motor control board board (90ZL-04-D3) meets meets 3)   If the measureme the value as specified below:

1 2 3 4 5 6

The normal voltage between Pins 5 and 6 of terminal J2 should be: DC0V~5V (the value vari varies es depe dependin nding g on ped pedal al shift lever angle)

7 8 9 10

4)   If the voltag voltagee value value does not vary depend depending ing on pedal shift leve leverr angle in one of the thre threee steps as stated stated above, above, the corresponding correspo nding circuit board has been broken, and replace it. 

  Failure 7: Program chair fails to store data

Inspections: Generally, failure of program chair storage function is resulted from damage to angle sensor, replace the corresponding correspon ding angle sensor. 

  Failu Failure re 8:The 8:There re is water or oily dir dirtt in air hose.

Solution: Check air supply source and air filter, clean or replace relevant components.


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