TAFJ Installation Configuration Guide v0.2

May 4, 2017 | Author: Preethi Gopalan | Category: N/A
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TAFJ Installation and Configuration Guide V0.2

Table of Conten Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of TEMENOS Holdings NV. Document History.................................................................................................. 4 © 2008 TEMENOS Holdings NV. All rights reserved.

TAFJ – Implementation

1. Introduction........................................................................................................ 5 1.1 What is TAFJ................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Overview....................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Points to remember....................................................................................... 5 2. TAFJ installation and configuration.....................................................................7 2.1 Installing TAFJ................................................................................................ 9 2.2 Configuring xxx.properties file....................................................................12 3. Oracle Installation............................................................................................ 15 3.1 Install oracle................................................................................................ 15 3.2 Creating DataBase instance........................................................................20 3.3 Create Listener............................................................................................ 30 3.4 Creating Table Space and User....................................................................34 3.5 Configuration of TAFJ properties for Oracle..................................................36 3.6 Create DataBase using DBImport................................................................37 4.

Eclipse Installation....................................................................................... 41

4.1 Plug-in installation....................................................................................... 41 4.2 Creating a new project................................................................................ 42 4.3 Compile Local routines................................................................................45 4.4 Debug local routines....................................................................................46 4.5 Deploy Core routines...................................................................................48 4.6 Executing program in Eclipse......................................................................51 4.6.1 Run EX................................................................................................... 51 4.6.2 Run tSS.................................................................................................. 52 4.6.3 Run TSM................................................................................................. 53 4.6.4 Runs tSA................................................................................................ 54 4.6.5 How to run from second time................................................................55 4.6.6 Debug core routines in eclipse..............................................................56 5.

Install Jboss.................................................................................................. 56


Browser installation..................................................................................... 61

6.1 Multiple Browser setup................................................................................ 61 6.2 Time out Settings in browser.......................................................................62 6.3 Debug in Browser........................................................................................ 63 7.

Flow of Request in Application server..........................................................64


Printer configuration.................................................................................... 66


TAFJ Tools..................................................................................................... 67

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9.1 DBTools........................................................................................................ 67 9.2 Client Console............................................................................................. 67 9.3 TAFJSessionMonitor...................................................................................... 70 9.3.1 Installation of TAFJ session monitor.......................................................70 9.4 JMSInjector................................................................................................... 72 10.

How to send trace to the client....................................................................73


Eclipse dependency view............................................................................. 75

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Document History Date





Mohanasundaram.S/Arun Kumar R


TAFJ Start-up


Mohanasundaram.S/Arun Kumar R



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1. Introduction 1.1 What is TAFJ TAFJ (Temenos Application Framework Java) is a Pick BASIC runtime and compiler, written in 100% java. It allows compiling and running Pick BASIC programs. TAFJ has been written specifically for T24 needs, and all tests and proof of concepts have been done using T24. TAFJ also manage the connectivity on JDBC compliant databases like jBASE, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, derby, derby (Embedded). It comes with an embedded exporting tool to migrate your Pick data to Oracle.

1.2 Overview

1.3 Points to remember    

TAFJ do not support open JDK. Variables in TAFC do not have data type, but when the same is converted to TAFJ it is assigned with the proper data types. No licence required for TAFJ. Only T24 licence is enough. Each TAFJ T24 area will have one ‘xxx.properties’ file. Same TAFJ can have multiple T24 instance in single machine, each T24 instance will have its own xxx.properties file.

ext folder under TAFJ is loaded automatically by TAFJ as a default class path for Third party software.

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   

  

 

TAFC and TAFJ are platform framework File system is UTF-8 in TAFJ. Application server and Database instance should be in UTF-8. DataBase instance should be created with UTF-8 character set, because it cannot be modified after creation. TAFJ memory setup can be done in Bootstrap files (tajf_conf and tafj_run files under TAFJ/bin directory). tRun calls bootstrap tafj_conf, which sets min and max memory. No CALLC, otherwise same TAFC code. No IDESC Fake classes If routine A calls routine B, on compiling routine A, routine B is not required in TAFC. But in TAFJ, class B is required for compilation of class A (similar to java program compilation). Instance 1: In TAFJ if class A calls class B and during compilation only class A is available then the compiler will create a fake class B to compile class A successfully. This process is called generation of missing fake classes. Instance 2: In TAFJ if class A calls class B. And during compilation class B has errors, and then the compiler will create a fake class B to compile class A successfully. This process is called generation of error fake classes. From R14 all basic files will have .b extension. To open non .b routines, right click on the routine open with -> other -> Basic editor in eclipse. TAFC uses SingleByte byte Sys Separator. TAFJ uses Double byte Sys Separator. So to use TAFC database for TAFJ, TAFJ should use SingleByte byte Sys Separator. This has to be configured in tafj_conf files under TAFJ/bin directory.

if jbc wants to execute phantom -> TAFJ property will check thread or process, if its thread it will execute the phantom on the same JVM, if its Process, TAFJ will create separate JVM to execute Phantom and the memory for the new JVM will be picked from tafj.properties file. To be elaborated later

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2. TAFJ installation and configuration The below procedure will provide detailed steps to install TAFJ. Copy isb.zip to C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise and extract it to the same folder.

Copy the following folder C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise.






Check your machine if it is 32 or 64 bit OS. Based on it copy eclipse from .. \ISB\eclipse to C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty

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Note: For 32 bit OS copy - eclipse-jee-indigo-SR2-win32.zip For 64 bit OS copy - eclipse-jee-indigo-SR2-win32-x86_64.zip And now unzip the eclipse as shown below and then delete the zip file.

Copy java from ...\ISB\java to C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\java For 32 bit OS copy - jdk1.6.0_45-32.zip For 64 bit OS copy - jdk1.6.0_45-64.zip Unzip the jdk zip file in the same folder. And delete the zip file. Now your folder should look like

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If you want to use your own java please change the path in the file jdk_xx.cmd under the folder C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\scripts Edit jdk_32.cmd for 32 bit OS Edit jdk_64.cmd for 64 bit OS. Change the following line in that file to exact java installed path

Note: Following are the JVM/JDK supported by the TAFJ. TAFJ R10 on JVM 1.5 and 1.6 TAFJ R12/R13 on JVM 1.6 TAFJ R14 on JVM 1.6 and 1.7 (not fully tested on 1.8) Now create a folder ‘tmp’ in C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise

2.1 Installing TAFJ Copy the file ‘TAFJ.DEV.201406.0.tar.gz’ C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\tmp

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Extract the file TAFJ.DEV.201406.0.tar.gz to the same directory. Now you will get TAFJReleases.tar. Now again extra ‘TAFJReleases.tar’ to the same directory. Now you will have all the TAFJ setup and patch files in ‘tmp’ directory as shown below.

Now for run the setup for TAFJ to install TAFJ to do that Run the ‘Command Prompt’ from the directory C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise and navigate to the path ‘tmp’

In windows run Setup_TAFJ.DEV.201406.0.bat In UNIX/LINUX Setup_TAFJ.DEV.201406.0.sh You will get the following screen.

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TAFJ will ask the folder where TAFJ has to be installed. Provide “C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ”. TAFJ will ask if you want to create a folder. Give ‘y’ to create a folder. You will get the below information when TAFJ is installed successfully.

Now you will have TAFJ folder under your “C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise”. This folder will contain the following folders and files.

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To know more about the folders and files please refer to the document “TAFJ-Setup.pdf” present under the directory “C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\doc”.

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2.2 Configuring xxx.properties file Note: All properties in the .properties file will loaded to the system properties of JVM, those properties can be overridden by the following mechanism. In XXX.properties file the value of the variable temn.tafj.directory.precompile is defined as ‘D:\tafjArea\T24Enterprise\T24\lib’. This means when TAFJ is executed this value will be loaded to the system properties of the JVM. You can use -Dtemn.tafj.directory.precompile and assign any value to override the already present value in the System properties of JVM(Loaded from xxx.properties file) in the scripts and run any commands Example :1. set JAVA_OPTS="-Xms256M -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M

-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" 2. set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dsinglebytesep" Following is the order of priority for the variable defined in the system.

System properties Environment variables in the system Variables set by the class or jar files

Copy .properties file from the path C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\conf to the same path and rename it to xxx.properties. Now create a directory name ‘T24’ in C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise. And create one more directory name ‘LOCAL.BP’ under newly created ‘T24’ directory. Open the xxx.properties file and give the full path of the newly created directory in the property “temn.tafj.directory.basic” like

In .default file present C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\conf

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Enter xxx.properties and save the file. If you want to change the any other project as a default project, edit “.default” file and change the properties file name. Note: the project name in the eclipse will be same as the .properties file name. Now create a PROGRAM “TEST.b” in the directory LOCAL.BP. To compile the program Run the command prompt from C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise and navigate to the path C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\T24 and execute tCompile TEST.b

After executing you will have screen as below

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To see if the routine is compiled execute “tShow TEST”

Now to run the program, execute ‘tRun TEST’

Also to see the tDiag output execute “tDiag”

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3. Oracle Installation 3.1 Install oracle Inside ... ISB\oracle copy C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\tmp.







For 32 bit copy the zip files ‘win32_11gR2_database_1of2.zip’ and win32_11gR2_database_2of2.zip. For 64 bit copy the files win64_11gR2_database_2of2.zip



Now first extract the file xxx_1of2.zip in the same folder. And the extract the file xxx_2of2 in the same folder where the first file is extracted. The folder should have the following directories.

Click setup.exe and follow the below screen shot to install oracle. Uncheck the box and click on next

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Choose the install Database Software only and click on next

Choose ‘Single instance database installation’

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Simple choose next in the following 2 screens

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Change the paths as Oracle base: C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\T24\data\oracle s/w location: C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\database\oracle\11.2.0\dbhome_1 Note: The path should not have more than 256 characters (windows will throw an error if have like that) There should not be any space in the path. Java will not accept space in the paths.

Click yes to proceed.

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Check the summary and click on finish to install oracle.

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3.2 Creating DataBase instance Follow the screen shot to create a new database instance Select Configuration and Migration Tools -> Database Configuration Assistant

Click next

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Select create a database and click next

Select custom database and Click next

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Enter Global Database Name as R13 and Click next

Select only Configuration Enterprise Manager and Click next

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Select use the same Administrative Password for All Accounts Give the password as ‘secret’ Click next

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Click Yes

Select ‘File System’ and Click next

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Click next

Uncheck ‘Specify Flash Recovery Area’ and Click next

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Check only ‘Enterprise Manager Repository’ and Click next

IMPORTANT! Specify AL32UTF8 in the Character Sets. This cannot be modified after creating the database. And click next

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click next

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click next

click next

click next

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click OK

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This will create the Database Instance. And once finished click on the ‘exit’ in the next dialogue.

You can check your installation: Browse the URL : https://localhost:1158/em User Name : SYS Password : secret Connect as SYSDBA

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3.3 Create Listener Select start -> programs ->oracle – Configuration and Migration Tools -> Net Configuration Assistant

Follow the screen shot to configure LISTENER

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Provide a LISTENER name as ‘T24LISTENER’

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Click NEXT to create LISTENER. Also click NEXT in all the other following screen shots After completion in go to ‘services.msc’ from run prompt You should able to see oracle listener in the service. Start the listener.

3.4 Creating Table Space and User Inside the path C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\dbscripts\oracle edit the file ‘createtablespace_oracle.sql’ as show below. TABLESPACE – use R13 which is the same provided when creating the Database instance. DATAFILE – give the path where the database will be created with the extension ‘.dbf’

And also edit ‘createuser_oracle.sql’ as USER – tafj IDENTIFIED BY – secret (is the password which we provided while creating the database instance) TABLESPACE – use R13 which is the same provided when creating the Database instance.

Edit the file ‘javaload.bat’ In the below

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tafj - user name which is provided in the ‘createuser_oracle.sql’. secret – password which we set while creating the database instance. localhost – where the oracle listener is running. 1521 – default oracle listener port number. R13 – database instance name which we provided when creating database instance. Path where the BasicFunction.java is present. BasicFunctions.java is used to load java store function of TAFJ into DATABASE.

Now run the command prompt from C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise 1. From there navigate to the path C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\dbscripts. 2. From the prompt type sqlplus "/ as SYSDBA". You will be taken to SQL prompt

3. From the SQL prompt run @createtablespace_oracle.sql. This will take some time to run. 4. After the above step, again from the same SQL> run @createuser_oracle.sql. wait till the command it executed. 5. Now exit the SQL prompt with the command exit. 6. Now from the same path “C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\dbscripts” run the file javaload.bat 7. You should get a result as shown as shown below

8. Now from the same path provide SQLPLUS tafj 9. You will be prompt for password. In that provide secret. 10.You will be taken into the SQL prompt. It should look like below

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3.5 Configuration of TAFJ properties for Oracle Now copy the ORACLE driver C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\dbdrivers C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\ext.



from to

Note: If you copy both driver for oracle 11g and oracle 12g to ext folder, it creates class loading clash. If we want TAFJ working with 11g and 12g, then only copy driver for 12g. This will support both 11g and 12g. Also in xxx.properties file please set the below temn.tafj.jdbc.url = jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:R13 temn.tafj.jdbc.driver = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver temn.tafj.jdbc.username = tafj temn.tafj.jdbc.password = secret

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3.6 Create DataBase using DBImport This will generate oracle database from J4 database 1. Use the GUI mode import database in windows 2. To use it, run the command prompt from C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise 3. Use DBImport -cf xxx.properties -GUI to launch the DBImport dialogue. This xxx.properties file will be there in .default file.

Click Next

Select From J4 Files and Click Next

Click Next TEMENOS Confidential

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Make sure you edit the following as shown in the below page Database - Oracle url – jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:R13 user name – tafj password – secret

Create a directory as C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\T24\data\UD. Provide the above directory in your xxx.properties file as

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In the below page provide path of any R13 area VOC in VOC path. On the same page provide the UD directory as C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\T24\data\UD which is created above. Make sure the File Encoding is ‘UTF-8’. Note that after creating the database this cannot be changed.

Click Next

Click Start

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This will take more time based on the tables and view which needs to be created.

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4.Eclipse Installation 4.1 Plug-in installation Run the “command prompt” present under C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise. From the launched command prompt window

Workspace will be created automatically “C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\T24\eclipse\workspace”.




Now in eclipse navigate to help -> About Eclipse -> installed details -> plug-ins. You can see that there is no temenos plug-in available. To install T24 plug-ins to eclipse we can follow three procedures. 1. Copy all the files from “C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\eclipse\plugins” to “C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\eclipse\plugins” 2. Copy all the files from “C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\eclipse\plugins” to “C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\eclipse\dropins”. 3. Create a .link file in “C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\eclipse\dropins” folder pointing to “C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\eclipse\plugins”. i.e create a file name tafj.link inside the folder “C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\eclipse\dropins” as shown below

path =

Note: In all the above three options creating a .link file is the best options since in the other two options whenever the TAFJ release is updated the new files has to be copied to the dropins or plugins directory of the eclipse. But when we create a link it will point to update automatically. After creating the link restart the eclipse. You should find the Temenos plug-ins are loaded in the same help -> About Eclipse -> installed details -> plug-ins.

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You can also see the version details of the plug-ins in the same screen.

4.2 Creating a new project In eclipse select File -> new -> project Select general -> project and Click Next

Enter the Project name as T24 and Click Next

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Right click on the project select “Toggle TAFJ Project Nature” and Click Next

Select “New project TAFJ” and choose the TAFJ_HOME directory as shown below(where the TAFJ is installed)

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For “temn.tafj.directory.basic” enter the value as C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\T24\LOCAL.BP.(Create a LOCAL.BP in the path if you don’t have LOCAL.BP). This has to be done by choosing Add Basic Folder. Click Next

For database setup please provide the below information.

The password is secret. Now you should see your project as

Note: eclipse will create a T24.properties (same name as your project) file inside your “C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\conf” directory. And for all the actions eclipse will refer to this file.

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If we delete or add any path inside eclipse it will update this file on clicking apply and okay button. If we update this file manually, then on refreshing the project (by right clicking on the project) the eclipse path will also get re-build.

4.3 Compile Local routines Copy the file T24-Components-lib.zip C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\T24




Extract the file in the same folder. It should create a folder lib inside C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\T24.

Inside the eclipse right click on the project -> properties -> TAFJ -> paths. In the JARs folder click “Add C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\T24\lib.







Do apply and okay Expand your project and then expand referenced libraries, you should be able to see all the jar files from the directory C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\T24\lib loaded. Now expand T24 project and right click on the LOCAL.BP -> New -> T24 routine

Note: make sure the .b is used at the end of the routines. From R14 all the core routines will be having .b as the file type.

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For opening R13 routines in BASIC editor please right click on the routine open with -> other -> Basic editor.

Saving the routine will do the following 1. Convert INFOBASE routines to JAVA 2. Compile the routine. 3. Delete the JAVA code.

4.4 Debug local routines To run right click on the program Run As -> BASIC program To DEBUG the program 1. Introduce break points in the lines where you want the DEBUG to trigger as show in the above picture To introduce break points you can double click on the grey line which is shown below. Or double click on the grey line and choose “toggle breakpoints”.

2. Right click on the program Debug As -> BASIC program

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F5 - step into – if it is a function then it will go to the function. F6 - Step Over – if it is a function, then this will skip the function and goes to the next line F7 - Step Return F8 – resume – goes to the next break point directly All the variable values are shown in the window variables. If you want to follow particular variable or know the value of a particular expression then right click on it and click on watch. This will open a new window expression where you can see only the value of that particular variable/expression value. Also to see value of a particular variable you click on the variable and choose inspect to see the value of the variable in a tooltip format. Note: Any change on the I_ file will prompt compilation of all the programs which is using the I_ file. If you close any window without knowledge then selecting windows - > reset perspective will open all the default view. Same program can be run from the command prompt C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise) also by using the following command


tRun -cf T24 TEST Where T24 – is the T24.properties file from TAFJ/conf folder. This properties file is created by eclipse TEST – program name

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-cf – denotes that we are using particular properties file. For all the TAFJ comments if you want to use different properties file other than the default file we should use -cf.

4.5 Deploy Core routines Copy the file …\ISB\T24\T24_BP.zip C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\tmp.




Now extract the file in the directory C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\T24. This should create a directory T24_BP in the same directory.

Inside the T24_BP you should having all the T24 core routines. Now from the eclipse right click on the project T24 -> properties -> TAFJ -> Paths Add the T24_BP path by choosing “Add Basic Folder” as show below

Now do Apply and Ok. In the project explorer you should be able to see T24_BP is present. And expanding this folder you should be able to see all the core routines. Now right click on the T24_BP -> Compile Basic Folder.

This will do the following 1. 2. 3. 4.

Parse the entire programs inside the folder. Convert the INFOBASE programs to JAVA programs Compile all the java programs Delete all the java programs after compilation.

Note: this will take a long time to finish.

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Right click on the T24 project -> create Jar Descriptor

Give the jar name as T24 Create a directory T24 in C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\data and provide the same in the below

This will create a jar descriptor as show below in the project explorer

Now right click on the T24.jardesc present in the project explorer and choose create jar. This will create a jar C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\data\T24





Cut the T24.jar file from the path C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\data\T24 and paste in the path C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\T24\lib. Refresh the project. Now you should be seeing the T24.jar file in the project explorer -> referenced library

Now from the command prompt see tshow of the routine EX it should show as

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Here the EX is shown in inside the local class folder. To make the TAFJ to pick the class file from the jar delete all the class (com directory) files from the folder C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\data\T24\classes

Note: Now if you check the precompiled path in T24.properties file you should see the lib path in it

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4.6 Executing program in Eclipse 4.6.1 Run EX To run classic from eclipse please follow the below steps. Go to run configuration in eclipse and do the following. And click apply and run

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4.6.2 Run tSS For tSS, go to run configuration in eclipse and do the following. And click Apply and run

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4.6.3 Run TSM

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4.6.4 Runs tSA go to run configuration in eclipse and do the following. And click Apply and run

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Enter the tSA number to start it.

Note: To check the como, &COMO& folder will be available inside the current directory mentioned in the T24.properties file. 4.6.5 How to run from second time Once configured all programs list will be available in the run icon drop down

You can select the program to run

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4.6.6 Debug core routines in eclipse You can DEBUG classic with the help of eclipse, do so    

Run the program EX in DEBUG mode. Insert breakpoints the routine which you want to debug. Use the eclipse for classic login. When the follow reaches the break points. The debug view is shown in eclipse.

How to run Debug screen shot.

5.Install Jboss Note: TAFJ do not support JBOSS 6 community edition. It supports only EAP edition. Copy the file ‘jboss-4.2.3.GA.zip’ from the directory \ISB\jboss to the directory C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\as\jboss Now extract the zip file in the same folder. Inside Jboss you should have a folder like

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From the …\ISB\misc folder copy the file ‘start_JB4.cmd’ to the folder C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise. Now inside the folder C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\as\jboss\jboss4.2.3.GA\server copy the folder name ‘default’ and paste it in the same folder. Now rename the new folder as R13.

From C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\appserver\jboss\jboss4 copy all the files to the folder C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\as\jboss\jboss4.2.3.GA\server\R13\deploy. Now to configure jboss for TAFJ edit the following files.

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t24-ds.xml Since the database is Oracle edit the Oracle part in the file Connection-url: copy T24.properties file.








Driver class: copy the value of temn.tafj.jdbc.driver from T24.properties file. User-name: copy T24.properties file.






Password: copy the value of temn.tafj.jdbc.password from T24. Properties file.

Copy the below selected area from the above modified to the locking mechanism in the same file

Note: we have to find the locking table name tafj-servce.xml Modify the below line in the file TEMENOS Confidential

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Note: Application server will pick up all class paths from this file. You have to mention the following paths. TAFJ/lib – where the TAFJ related class files are present TAFJ/ext – where the external class files are present TAFJ/ext/oracle-11g – where the DB class file is present T24/lib – where the T24 routines/jars are present

Set where the TAFJ is present Set file.encoding to UTF-8.

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Note: All the paths in the file should be relative path starting from the jboss home directory. That is in our case “C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\as\jboss\jboss-4.2.3.GA” Now to start the jboss run the file ‘start_JB4.cmd’ from C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise. Please make sure the database listener is also running. After editing all the files, restart the jboss. Use the following URL to launch the TAFJEE screen http://localhost:8080/TAFJEE

Here tdDiag – can be used to see the tDiag as it is in command prompt tShow – it is used to see tShow of any routine as it is in the command prompt Execute servlet – this is used run any program like tRun from command prompt


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Number of agents will be maintained by the application server even if it is configured inside the T24. That is if the number of agents is mentioned as 20 in app server and in T24 it is mentioned as 50 then the app server will allow only 20 agents to spawn while running the cob. Inside the app server agent is known as threads. Note: we have to find where this thread count is set in jboss Entry point – here you can learn about TAFJ and TAFJ coding. This page is mainly used by TAFJ developers.

6.Browser installation Stop the jboss if it is running. Copy BrowserWeb.war file from C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\as\jboss\jboss4.2.3.GA\server\R13\deploy.



Now restart the jboss. Use the following link to get the browser login page http://localhost:8080/BrowserWeb/servlet/BrowserServlet

6.1 Multiple Browser setup For multi browser setup you have modify the below files to define extra queues. Edit the file C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\as\jboss\jboss4.2.3.GA\server\R13\deploy\BrowserWeb.war\WEB-INF\jboss-web.xml Copy the below line and change the create new REQUEST Queue and RESPONSE Queue

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C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\as\jboss\jboss4.2.3.GA\server\R13\deploy/tafj-service.xml Copy the below line and create new REQUEST Queue and RESPONSE Queue

C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\as\jboss\jboss4.2.3.GA\server\R13\deploy\TAFJJEE_EAR.ear\TAFJJEE_MDB.jar\METAINF\jboss.xml Copy the below and create new message-driven, change the ejb-name and queue names. Note: the queue name should be equal in all three files.

Note: the BrowserWeb.war and TAFJJEE_EAR.ear can be opened using 7zip. The files can be edited and saved using notepad.

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6.2 Time out Settings in browser The connection flow is descending order from browser to database Browser -> jms -> mdb -> ejb -> tafj t24 -> datasource -> database The time out setting should be Browser > jms > mdb > ejb > tafj t24 > datasource > database

6.3 Debug in Browser To Debug in browser follow the below steps 1. Take a back of the file TAFJJEE_EAR.ear and remove the file from the folder C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\as\jboss\jboss4.2.3.GA\server\R13\deploy. Please note do not rename the file and have it in the same folder. This will cause class loading problem. 2. Add the path C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\appserver\basic\TAFJ.BP as Basic folder using Add Basic Folder. 3. To do this you should navigate by right clicking the project T24 ->properties -> TAFJ - > path

4. Click on apply and ok. 5. This should add TAFJ.BP in the project explorer. 6. Copy C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\as\jboss\jboss4.2.3.GA\client\jbossall-client.jar to C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\ext 7. Now start the jboss. 8. Open the routine you want to DEBUG and introduce break points in the routine. 9. Run the routine BROWSER.LISTEN in DEBUG mode. 10.Launch the browser and use the browser. 11.Once the flow is in the line where the break point is present a DEBUG view will open in the eclipse.

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7.Flow of Request in Application server The message flow in TAFJ environment is depicted below, incoming request message from Browser/ARC-IB/Third party interface will flow through the following components in the same order

Browser >> JMS Queue >> MDB >> EJB >> T24 TAFJ >> Database. The message failure at any level will place the request in JMS queue for processing again. Note: How to configure no of retry for failure message in JBOSS For instance the message flow while starting TSM and tSA is outlined below Say if the TSM is started using JBOSS url like show below

Use the following URL to launch the TAFJEE screen http://localhost:8080/TAFJEE

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Click on Execute servlet

From here you can run START.TSM.

The message will flow Browser >> JMS Queue >> MDB >> EJB >> T24 TAFJ >> Database. While starting the tSA with parameter, the same flow will be initiated and the parameter value provided at T24TAFJ level will be placed in JMS queue to flow the sequence. You can check the como in the CURRENT directory mentioned in T24.properties. The directory will be mentioned in the variable

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‘temn.tafj.runtime.directory.como= /&COMO&’.

8.Printer configuration C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise>tFindDevice will show available devices Printer name is configured in T24.properties.

By default when installing the TAFJ, TAFJ will update the above lines with the default printer configured in the system. Printer manager of the OS is used by the TAFJ. In UNIX/LINUX CUPS are used.

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9.TAFJ Tools 9.1 DBTools TAFJ-DBTools Console is made to give the ability to launch SQL / JQL / OFS statements, and integrate various TAFJ tools that deal with database in a unique application.          

It can used to perform Execute SQL statements Execute JQL statements Execute OFS statements Execute JED application (edit and modify record) Extract data from database to file Load data from file to database Show current locks on database Release locks on database Display statistics on table

DBTools is similar to jsh prompt. For more information and to work with DBTools refer to the file C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\doc\TAFJ-DB Tools.pdf.

9.2 Client Console Client console will be very useful when we recreate the issue with the help of onsite consultant or the client himself. Pre-requires The source code used by the support should be the same as the one in client side. Connection between the client and support system should be available. That is from the support machine we should be able to access the client machine IP and PORT. Steps to re-create the issue and DEBUG CLIENT SITE -

Request the client to start the tClientConsole This has to be done by running tClientConsole from% TAFJ_HOME%/bin directory. On running the tClientConsole client should able to see below screen.

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Here the IP is LOCALHOST (client machine IP where the tClientConsole is running) and the PORT is 9993

Support Side -


Get the confirmation if the tClientConsole is running properly. Get the IP and PORT where the tClientConsole is running. Start the eclipse using command prompt present inside the directory C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise. Inside eclipse place break points in the routine where you need DEBUG. Go to DEBUG configuration. Configure the below

In the above screen shot Client IP give the IP address of the client machine where the tClientConsole is running.

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In Client port give the port where the tClientConsole is listening. Now click on DEBUG This should start the classic window in the client machine on the same window where tClientConsole is running.

Client Side -

Now the tClientConsole window start by the client will look like the below.


Client will be able to login into the classic and replicate the problem. Once the break point is reached the DEBUG will be triggered in the support machine eclipse.

Support Side -

Can DEBUG the routines simultaneously when the client is replicating the problem.

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9.3 TAFJSessionMonitor This is used to monitor all the activities similar to MW42. 9.3.1 Installation of TAFJ session monitor Inside C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\TAFJSessionMonitor you should have a TAFJSessionMonitor.tar.gz. Unzip the file in the same folder, the folder should be like the below

Now from C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\TAFJSessionMonitor\TAFJSessionMonitor\bin Run the file For Winodws - start.bat For Unix - start.sh

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You should now able to see the Session Monitor starting

Open the URL via any browser http://localhost:8370/SessionMonitor/

Try to login to classic prompt using tRun EX. You should get an entry as shown above. Note: As of now MW42 does not show any browser session. This will be fixed in later releases. Also since TAFJ is java application you can use jmc.exe (present under %JAVA_HOME%/bin) to monitor. jboss should be running for this one

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9.4 JMSInjector JMSInjector is used to send OFS message to T24. It can send single OFS message like tSS It can pass multiple OFS message present inside a file.

Follow the below steps to setup JMSInjector 1. Put back TAFJJEE_EAR.ear to C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\as\jboss\jboss4.2.3.GA\server\R13\deploy 2. Go to the folder C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\JMSInjector\conf and edit the file jmsinjector.properties. 3. Uncomment the below line in the file

4. Run the command prompt from C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise and naviage to the path C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\JMSInjector\bin 5. Run the command ‘JMSSender.bat -i t24OFSQueue’ 6. Again open one more command prompt and navigate to the same path C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\JMSInjector\bin 7. Run the command JMSReceiver.bat -o t24OFSReplyQueue. 8. Now from the first window provide any OFS request. 9. You should get the reply in the second opened window.


How to send trace to the client

Solution 1:

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1. Add the modified new class file in to T24.jar. 2. This can be done by using 7zip (drag and drop). 3. Now send the new jar to the client. Always advice the client to take a backup of the old jar. 4. After getting the trace you can ask the client to replace the new T24.jar with the old T24.jar.

Solution 2: 1. Use native java jar command to pack a new jar file, say OFS.jar. 2. Now send this jar to the client. 3. Ask the client to place the jar in a new folder say C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\T24\GPACK\OFS.jar 4. For the jar to take precedence in classic session modify the file T24.properties file change the temn.tafj.directory.precompile= C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\T24\lib to temn.tafj.directory.precompile = C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\TAFJ\GPACK;C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\T24\lib 5. For the class to take precedence in eclipse do the same above step and refresh the project in eclipse. 6. For the changes to take effect in app server (jboss), modify the file tafjservice.xml inside the app server, In our case inside the folder C:\Temenos\T24Enterprise\3rdParty\as\jboss\jboss4.2.3.GA\server\R13\deploy\tafj-service.xml as That is the path for GPACK should come before the core lib directory. 7. A jboss restart is needed for the changes to take effect. 8. After collecting the trace make sure you revert the changes done.

How to check &SAVELIST& By default &SAVELIST& will be present inside the current directory.

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The current directory can be set in T24.properties as below

How to check &HOLD& In general &HOLD& will be present inside the current directory mentioned in the T24.properties. Also &HOLD& path can be set in T24.properties file as shown below

How to find oracle table name of a file.

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Eclipse dependency view

Dependency view in the eclipse shows all the GOSUB present in the BASIC routine. It also shows the flow. On double clicking on any label will directly take you to the para inside the routine.

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