Syllabus - ACP 313 - Accounting For Government and Not-for-Profit Organizations

July 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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College of Accounting Education  ACP 312 – Course Syllabus Syllabus SCOURSE INFORMATION 1. Course Number 2. Course Name 3. Course Descripton

: ACP 313 : Accountng for Governmen and No-for-Pro Organizatons : This course is under Advanced Financial Accountng and Reportng (AFAR) and

deals wih specialized specialized accou accountng ntng problems likely o be encounere encounered d by accou accounan nans. s. The sudy of he various opics in his course is based upon fundamenal valuaton

4. 5. 6. 7.

Pre-requisie Co-requisie

acc accoun ountng tng and accoun accountn tng g he heory ory inv involv olving ing acc accoun ountng tng for gover governme nmen n ransactons, ransacto ns, no-f no-for-pr or-pro o orga organizat nizatons, ons, insu insurance rance conr conracs, acs, and serv service ice concession arrangemens. This course also discusses accountng for ransactons dealing wih foreign currency including he ranslaton of a foreign operaton’s nancial saemens. : ACC 221 – Inermediae Accountng 3 : None

Credi Class schedule

: 3.0 unis : 6 hours per week


Pro Progra gram m Educ Educato atonal nal Object Objectves ves (PEO): (PEO):

Wihin 3 o 5 years aer graduaton, he accountng graduaes will be able o: 1. Engage in he eld of accountng or enrepreneurial underaking ha provides employmen in he communiy.

2. Build and susain a successful career in accountng hrough partcipaton or involvemen in contnuing professional developmen programs (CDPP) of he profession or pursue advance sudies in oher relaed area of specializaton. 3. Show leadership and ehical responsibiliy in he practce of profession or in he communiy.

9. Suden Suden Oucomes Oucomes (SO) and heir links links o Program Educaton Educatonal al Objectves Objectves (PEO) Suden Oucomes (SO) Upon completon of he program, he UM Accounancy suden will have he abiliy:   *1. Artculae and discuss he laes developmens in he specic eld of practce; *2. Eectvely communicae orally and in writng usin using g boh English and Filipino;   *3. Work eectvely and independenly in mult-discip mult-disciplinary linary and mult-culural eams;   *4. Ac in recogniton of profes professional, sional, social, and ehical responsibiliy; responsibiliy; 5. Preserve and promoe "Filipino "Filipino hisorical and culura culurall heriage";   6. Describe he basic functons of managemen such as planning, planning, organizing, leading and conrolling; *7. Identfy and describe he basic co conceps nceps ha underlie each of he functonal functonal areas of business (marketng, nance, human resources managemen, producton and operatons managemen, informaton echnology, and sraegic managemen) and employ hese conceps in various business siuatons; *8. Selec he proper decision-making ools o critcally, analytcally analytcally and creatvely solve problems and drive resuls; 9. Express clearly and communicae eectvely wih sakeholders sakeholders boh in oral and wrien forms; *10. Apply informaton and communicat communicaton on echnology (ICT) skills as required by he business environmen;   11. Work eectvely wih oh oher er sakeholders and manage con conic ic in he workplace;   12. Organize and lead groups o plan and implemen business relaed actvites. actvites.   13. Demonsrae corpor corporae ae citzenship and social respon responsibiliy; sibiliy;   14. Exercise high perso personal nal moral and ehical sandar sandards. ds. *15. Resolve business issues and problems, wih a global and sraeg sraegic ic perspectve using knowledge and echnical prociency in he area of nancial accountng and reportng, cos accountng and managemen accountng and conrol, axaton, and accountng informaton sysems; 16. Conduc accounancy research hrough independen independen sudies of relevan lieraure and appropriae use of accountng heory and mehodologies; 17. Employ echnology as a business ool in capuring nancial and non-nancial non-nancial informaton, generatng

ACP 311 – Accountng for Special Transactons

Dae Revised:

Revision No. 0

Dae Eectve: 1s Sem SY 2020-2021









Page 1 of 9


College of Accounting Education  ACP 312 – Course Syllabus Syllabus repors and making decisions; *18. Apply knowledge and skills o successfully respond o various ypes of assessmens, and (including professional licensure and certcatons certcatons); ); *19. Condenly mainain a commimen commimen o good corporae citzenship, social responsibiliy and ehical practce in performing functons as an accounan; and 20. Graduaes of universites part partcipae cipae in he generaton of new knowledge or in research and developmen program. Note: * PO being addressed in this course



10. Course Oucomes Oucomes (CO) (CO) of ACP 311 and he heir ir links o Suden Suden Oucome Oucomess



A he end of he course, he suden has he abiliy o: CO 1. Explain he accountng for governmen, no-forpro ransactons, service concession arrangemens, insurance conracs, foreign currency ransactons, and ranslaton of foreign operaton’s nancial saemens. CO 2. Apply conceps in solving problems on accountng for governmen, no-forpro ransactons, service concession arrangemens, insurance conracs, foreign currency ransactons, and ranslaton of foreign operaton’s nancial saemens.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9








Suden Oucomes (SO) 11 12 13 14 15











Legend: L – faciliae LEARNING of compeencies (inpu is provided and compeency is evaluaed). P – Allow sudens o PRACTICE compeencies (no inpu bu compeency is evaluaed). O – Provide OPPORTUNITY for developmen (no inpu or evaluaton, bu here is an opporuniy o practce he compeencies.

ACP 311 – Accountng for Special Transactons

Dae Revised:

Revision No. 0

Dae Eectve: 1s Sem SY 2020-2021

Page 2 of 9



Program Educatonal Objectves (PEO) 1.

Vision: By 2022, a globally recognized instuton

Enga Engage ge iin n h he e e eld ld o off ac acco coun untn tng g or enrepreneurial underaking ha

providing qualiy, aordable and open educaton.

provides employmen in he

Mission: Provide a dynamic and supportve academic


environmen hrough he highes sandards of


insructon, research and exension in a non-secarian

Build Build and susai susain n a ssucc uccess essful ful car career eer in accountng hrough partcipaton or

instuton commied o democratzing access o

involvemen in contnuing


Professional Developmen Programs (CPDP) of he profession or pursue

Core Values: Excellence, Honesy and Inegriy,

Innovaton and Teamwork.

advance sudies in oher relaed area

Core Competency: “Qualiy aordable open educaton”

of specializaton.

3. Show leadership and ehical responsibiliy in he practce of profession or in he communiy.

Course Oucomes (CO)

Sudens Oucomes (SO)as Apply o his Course

*1. Artculae and d discuss iscuss he laes d developmens evelopmens

CO 1. Explain he accountng for

in he specic eld of practce;

governmen, no-for-pro ransactons,

*2. Eectvely communic communicae ae orally and in writng

service concession arrangemens,

using boh English and Filipino;

insurance conracs, foreign currency

*3. Work eectvely a and nd independenly in mult-

ransactons, and ranslaton of foreign

disciplinary and mult-culural eams;

operaton’s nancial saemens.

*4. Ac in recogn recogniton iton of professiona professional, l, social, and ehical responsibiliy;

CO 2. Apply conceps in solving problems

*7. Identfy and describ describe e he basic concep conceps s ha

on accountng for governmen, no-for-

underlie each of he functonal areas of business

pro ransactons, service concession

(marketng, nance, human resources managemen,

arrangemens, insurance conracs, foreign

producton and operatons managemen,

currency ransactons, and ranslaton of

informaton echnology, and sraegic managemen)

foreign operaton’s nancial saemens.

and employ hese conceps in various business siuatons; *8. Selec he proper dec decision-making ision-making oo ools ls o critcally, analytcally and creatvely solve problems and drive resuls; *10. Apply informa informaton ton and communicat communicaton on echnology (ICT) skills as required by he business environmen; *15. Resolve business iss issues ues and problems, wih a global and sraegic perspectve using knowledge and echnical prociency in he area of nancial accountng and reportng, cos accountng and managemen accountng and conrol, axaton, and accountng informaton sysems; *18. Apply knowledg knowledge e and skills o suc successfully cessfully respond o various ypes of assessmens, and (including professional licensure and certcatons) certcatons);; *19. Condenly mainain a commimen o good corporae citzenship, social responsibiliy and ehical practce in performing functons as an accounan; Course Oucomes Assessmen Task

ACP 311 – Accountng for Special Transactons

Dae Revised:

CO and Assessmen Task Alignmen Assessmen

Revision No. 0

Dae Eectve: 1s Sem SY 2020-2021


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Schedule Theory-based CO 1. Explain he accountng for governmen, no-for-pro ransactons, service concession arrangemens, insurance conracs, foreign currency ransactons, and ranslaton of foreign operaton’s nancial saemens. CO 2. Apply conceps in solving problems on accountng for governmen, no-for-pro ransactons, service concession arrangemens, insurance conracs, foreign currency ransactons, and ranslaton of foreign operaton’s nancial saemens. CO 1. Explain he accountng for governmen, no-for-pro ransactons, service concession arrangemens, insurance conracs, foreign currency ransactons, and ranslaton of foreign operaton’s nancial saemens.


MCQ/Shor Answer (100%)

Fir irss Exa Exam m

Gover overnm nmen en Ac Accou countng ntng

MCQ/Shor Answer (100%)

Seco Second nd Exa Exam m

MCQ/Shor Answer (100%)

Thir Third d Exam Exam

No No-f -for or-P -Pro ro  Org Organ aniz izat aton onss Service Concession Arrangemens Insurance Conracs

CO 2. Apply conceps in solving problems on accountng for governmen, no-for-pro ransactons, service concession arrangemens, insurance conracs, foreign currency ransactons, and ranslaton of foreign operaton’s nancial saemens. CO 1. Explain heno-for-pro accountng for governmen, ransactons, service concession arrangemens, insurance conracs, foreign currency ransactons, and ranslaton of foreign operaton’s nancial saemens.

Fore Foreig ign n Curr Curren ency cy Tr Tran ansa sact cton onss

CO 2. Apply conceps in solving problems on accountng for governmen, no-for-pro ransactons, service concession arrangemens, insurance conracs, foreign currency ransactons, and ranslaton of foreign operaton’s nancial saemens.

ACP 311 – Accountng for Special Transactons

Dae Revised:

Revision No. 0

Dae Eectve: 1s Sem SY 2020-2021

Page 4 of 9


CO 1. Explain he accountng for governmen, no-for-pro ransactons, service concession arrangemens, insurance conracs, foreign currency ransactons, and ranslaton of foreign operaton’s nancial saemens.

MCQ/Shor Answer (50%)

Fourh Fou rh E Exam xam

Compeency Assessmen (50%)

Tra Transl nslato aton n of F Fore oreign ign Oper Operat aton’ on’ss Fin Financ ancial ial Saemens Case sudy on preparaton of ranslaed foreign operaton’s nancial saemens.

CO 2. Apply conceps in solving problems on accountng for governmen, no-for-pro ransactons, service concession arrangemens, insurance conracs, foreign currency ransactons, and ranslaton of foreign operaton’s nancial saemens. *MCQ/Short Answer assessment is cumulave

Assessmen Task Deails (Theory and Practce-based) ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE Firs Examinaton

Second Examinaton

Third Examinaton

Fourh Examinaton

COVERAGE Go Gove vern rnme men n A Acc ccou ount ntng ng

No-for-Pro Organizatons Service Concession Arrangemens Insurance Conracs

Foreign Currency Transactons

Translaton of Foreign Operaton’s Financial Saemens



MC MCQ/ Q/Sh Shor or Answer (100%) (Theorybased)

You are expeced o demonsrae deep knowledge he concep and and heo heori ries es of acco accoun untn tng g for for home home oce oce and and bran branch ch ransactons, and agency ransactons.

MCQ/Shor Answer (100%) (Theory based)

You are expeced o demonsrae deep knowledge on he concep and heories of acco accountng untng for busi business ness combinat combinatons ons and he preparaton of separae nancial saemens

MCQ/Shor Answer (100%) (Theory based)

MCQ (50%) (Theorybased)

Specically, you should 1. Desc Describe ribe he basic conc conceps eps in g govern overnmen men acco accountng untng and is budge process 2. Prep Prepar are e jour journa nall enr enrie iess for for book bookss of nato natona nall gove govern rnme men n agencies

Specically, you should: 1. Desc Descri ribe be h he e nau naure re of busi busine ness ss ran ransa sact cton onss and and acco accoun un nancial reportng implicatons of no-for-pro organizatons 2. Acc Accoun oun for insura insurance nce co conr nrac acss by ins insure urers rs (IFRS (IFRS 17 17)) 3. Acco Accoun un for serv service ice concession concession arra arrangem ngemens ens (IFR (IFRIC IC 12) You are expeced o demonsrae deep knowledge on he concep and and h heo eori ries es in he he prep prepar arat aton on of cons consol olid ida aed ed nan nanci cial al saemens and inercompany ransactons Specically, you should: 1. Ide Ident ntfy fy he app applic licabl able e rae for fore foreig ign n curre currency ncy ransa ransacto ctons ns and hedging operatons 2. Ascer Ascerai ain n he pro proper per n nanc ancial ial s sae aemen men pres presen enat aton on on he foreign currency ransactons 3. Acc Accoun oun for foreig foreign n curr currenc ency y forw forward ard co conr nrac acss wher where e hedg hedge e accountng is required or no required You are expeced o demonsrae deep knowledge on he concep and heories of accountng for corporae liquidaton Specically, you should: 1. Tra Transl nslae ae from he func functon tonal al cur curren rency cy o he pres presen enat aton on currency of a foreign operaton

ACP 311 – Accountng for Special Transactons

Dae Revised:

Revision No. 0

Dae Eectve: 1s Sem SY 2020-2021

Page 5 of 9


2. Remea Remeasure sure from a forei foreign gn currenc currency y o he func functona tonall curr currency ency of a foreign operaton 3. Res Resa ae e and and asce ascer rai ain n h he e prop proper er nan nanci cial al sa saem emen ens s presen pre senat aton on of a foreig foreign n ope operat raton on in a hyp hyperi erina naton tonary ary economy

Assessmen Task Deails (Practce/Performance-based) (Practce/Performance-based) Assessmen Schedule Final Exam


Assessmen Task


Case Sudy Analysis and Decision (50%) Compeency Assessmen

Translaton of Foreign Operaton’s Financial Saemens


The purpose of his ask is for you o apply your knowledge in he preparaton of consolidaed nancial saemens. You You ar are e re requ quir ired ed o ma make ke a case case sud sudy y on h he e opi opicc of  consol con solida idaed ed na nanci ncial al saem saemen enss as assig assigned ned by you yourr eacher. The objectve is o inegrae he knowledge you have learned. You are required o presen your answer o he questons raised in he case and a brief explanaton of your answers. You are o per perfor form m he case case sudy sudy ana analys lysis is on Mon Monday day,, following aer he 4 h examinaton. You will be graded according o he Case Sudy Analysis and Decision Rubric for Problem Solving.

Case Sudy Analysis and Decision Rubric for Problem Solving Performance Area Dening he Problem

Developing a Plan o Solve he Problem

Collectng and Analyzing Informaton

Inerpretng Findings and Solving he Problem

Ratng = 5 Suden saes he problem clearly and identes underlying issues. Suden develops a clear and concise plan o solve he problem, wih alernatve sraegies, and follows he plan o conclusion. Suden collecs informaton from multple sources and analyzes he informaton indeph Suden provides a logical inerpreaton of he ndings and clearly solves he problem, oering alernatve solutons

Ratng = 4

Ratng = 3

Ratng = 2 Suden does no identfy he problem.

Suden adequaely denes he problem.

Suden fails o dene problem adequaely.

Suden develops an adequae plan and follows i o conclusion

Suden develops a marginal plan, and does no follow i o conclusion.

Suden does no develop a coheren plan o solve he problem.

Suden colles inadequae informaton o

Suden collecs no

Suden collecs adequae informaton and performs basic analyses. Suden provides an adequae inerpreaton of he ndings and solves he problem, bu fails o provide alernatves.


viable informaton.

perform meaningful analyses. Suden provides an inadequae inerpreaton of he ndings and does no derive a logical soluton o he problem.

Suden does no inerpre he ndings/reach ndings/rea ch a conclusion.




ACP 311 – Accountng for Special Transactons


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Revision No. 0

Required Readings

Dae Eectve: 1s Sem SY 2020-2021

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Week 1 o Week 3

Orienaton on Classroom Managemen and Universiy Policies as well as Grading Sysem


Discussion of Program Goals, Program Objectves, and Course Oucomes


 Governmen Accountng

Paraphrasing Sraegy


Cayanan, A. S. (2017). A sudy of he performance and nancial reportng practces of philippine governmen owned and conrolled corporatons: Home guarany corporaton (HGC). Philippine Management Review, 24 

Graphic Organizer hps://search.proques.com/docview/19571 13868?accountd=31259

Collaboratve Learning Tips and Sraegies


No-for-Pro Organizaton Organizatonss


Service Concession Arrangemens

Think, Pair and Share

Insurance Conracs

Assignmen/Classroom Exercises

Caingle, J. H. (2016). Public privae parnerships in he philippines: When failed bidding means vicory. Development, 59(12), 133-136. doi:hp://

Gallery Walk hps://search.proques.com/docview/19436 Real-Life Scenarios


Curren Evens Tie-Ins


Foreign Currency Transactons

Lecure/Discussion Assignmen/Classroom Exercises

Maei, N. C., & Dumiru, A. P. (2016). Exchange rae dierences-he accountng reamen and is inuence on he nancial performance of an economic enty.   Global Economic Observer, 4(2), 58-65.

Graded Oral Reciaton Hand-On Actvites wih Follow-Up Work

hps://search.proques.com/docview/18602 77058?accountd=31259


Translaton of Foreign Operaton’s


Financial Saemens Assignmen/Classroom Exercises Think, Pair and Share Role Playing Know, Wha, Learn (KWL) Char

  Chamisa, E., Mangena, M., Hamuyinei, H. P., & Tauringana, V. (2018). Financial reportng in hyperinatonary economies and he value relevance of accountng amouns: Hard evidence from zimbabwe.  Review of  Accounng Studies, 23(4), 1241-1273. doi:hp:// hps://search.proques.com/docview/20645 77430?accountd=31259



ACP 311 – Accountng for Special Transactons

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Revision No. 0

Dae Eectve: 1s Sem SY 2020-2021

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a. Pedro P. Guerrero Guerrero and Jose F. Peral Perala a (2017), Advanced Advanced accountng: accountng: principle principless and procedu procedural ral applicatons, Manila: GIC Enerprises & Co.

References: a. Theodore Theodore E. Chrisensen, Chrisensen, Dav David id M. Corell, Cassy Cassy JH Budd (2019), Advanced Advanced nancial nancial accountng, accountng, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Educaton b. Joe B. Hoyle, Thomas F. Schaefer, Schaefer, Timohy S. D Doupnik oupnik (2018), Fundamenals of advanced accountng, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Educaton c. Pe Pearl arl Tan Ho Hock ck Ne Neo, o, Li Lim m Ch Chu u Ye Yeon ong, g, Ku Kuah ah Ee We Wen n (2 (201 017), 7), Advanc Advanced ed n nanc ancial ial acco accoun untn tng g an IFRS IFRS sandards approach, New York: McGraw-Hill Educaton d. Fisch Fischer, er, Paul Marcus (2016) (2016),, Advanced accountng accountng,, Ausralia : Cengage Learning Learning e. Punzalan, Punzalan, Angeli Angelio o R. (2015), Proce Procedural dural and comprehensive comprehensive appro approach ach in governmen governmen accountng: accountng: New Governmen Accountng Sysem (NGAS): unied accouns code srucures (UACS), Manila : GIC Enerprises


Weighs 60%

Exam 1 o Exam 3 – 10% each Final Exam (50% - MCQ*; 50% - Performance Task)

30% 30%



C. D.

Quizzes Fi Fina nall Requ Requir irem emen en – Prac Practce tce Se Se

10% 15%

E. F.

O Orral reciaton Assignmens

10% 5%



*The nal *The nal exa examin minat aton on is a pre pre-bo -board ard exami examinat naton on whi which ch is con conduc duced ed every end of he 2 nd  erm. erm. Th This is is a comprehen comp rehensive sive examinaton examinaton whic which h overs wo (2) clusered subjec subjecss in he CPA licensu licensure re exam examinat inaton on – Fina Financial ncial Accountng and Reportng (FAR) and Advanced Financial Accountng Accountng and Reportng (AFAR). The nal examinaton grade is compued as follows: 60% - AFAR; 40% - FAR.


Aendance is couned from he rs regular class meetng. A valid validaed aed su suden den ide identc ntcaton aton ca card rd mus al always ways be wo worn rn by all sud sudens ens whi while le aen aending ding cl classes asses.. Cheat Cheatng ng is sri sricly cly pro prohibi hibied. ed. Any for form m of dishon dishonesy esy sha shall ll be deal deal wih acco according rdingly. ly. Hones Honesy y is call called ed for a all tm tmes. es. Valid exam examinaton inaton per permis mis are necessary in aking he examina examinatons tons as scheduled. P PRESCRIBED RESCRIBED PRC C CALCULATOR ALCULATORS S are allowed EXAMINATIONS. IONS. Base Base-15 -15 during grading gradingEXAMINAT poli policy cy shoul should d be observed observed.. Suden Sudenss who obained obained failin failing g scores in maj major or exams are rec recomme ommended nded o aend he uorial class.

Prepared by:

References Reviewed by:


BRIGIDA E. BACANI Head – Learning and Informaton Cener



ACP 311 – Accountng for Special Transactons

Dae Revised:

Revision No. 0

Dae Eectve: 1s Sem SY 2020-2021

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Reviewed by:

Recommending Approval



Program Chair – BSA, BSMA


Approved by:

PEDRITO M. CASTILLO II, EdD VP – Academic Planning and Services (APS)

ACP 311 – Accountng for Special Transactons

Dae Revised:

Revision No. 0

Dae Eectve: 1s Sem SY 2020-2021

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