Stele of Pasenenkhonsu

November 22, 2017 | Author: menjeperre | Category: N/A
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Stele of Pasenenkhonsu This stele, found at Akhmim in 1994 and dating to Dynasty 26, was smuggled out of Egypt, traded on the international antiquities market, discovered in a collection in New York, and eventually returned to the Egyptian government. The stele is now on display in the Cairo Museum. For details on the stele's travels and the return of this "lost" treasure, see the New York Times, February 23, 2004. Top Section Above Osiris, to the left of the offering table:

Asir nTr aA HqA Dt m iwnw=Osiris, great god, ruler of eternity, in Heliopolis

Above the offering table:

xA m t Hnqt kAw Apdw=1000 bread, beer, cattle,

and fowl

To the right of the offering table: Figure 1 : Hm nTr imn imy-r niwt TAty p(Ay).fTAw-a-bAstt=Priest of Amun, mayor, vizier, Pafchauabastet (the grandfather) Figure 2 : sA.f Hm Smas Xry sDAwt anx-smAtAwy=his son, priest of the white crown of Upper Egypt, seal bearer, Ankhsmatawy (the father) Figure 3: sA.f sanx rnw sS ssmt n Smaw mHw p(A)-sn-n-xnsw=his son, who commermorates the names, scribe of the horses of Upper and Lower Egypt, Pasenenkhonsu (the one to whom the stele was dedicated) Figure 4: ir n nt-igrt=born of Neith-Igert (the mother)

Lower Section Col. 1: Htp di nsw Asir nb AbDw Asir mr-wr iwnw di.f=An offering the king dives to Orisis, lord of Abydos, Osiris Mnevis Bull of Heliopolis, that he may give Col. 2: prt-xrw t Hnqt kAw Apdw Ss mnxt snTr mrHt irp irTt=an invocation offering of bread, beer, cattle, fowl, alabaster, linen, incense, oil, wine, milk,

Col. 3: xt nbt nfrt anx nTr im n sS ssmt n Smaw mHw n=and all good things on which a god lives to the scribe of the horses of Upper and Lower Egypt of Col. 4 : nswt-bity (wAh-ib-ra) sA ra (psmTk) anx Dt pA-sn-n xnsw=the king of Upper and Lower Egypt (Wahibre) Son of Re (Psamtik), living forever, Pasenenkhonsu Col. 5 : sA Hm Smas Xry Htp anx-smA-tAwy sA Hm nTr imn imy-r niwt=son of the priest of the White Crown of Upper Egypt, offering bearer, Ankhsmatawy, son of the priest of Amun, mayor, Col. 6 : TAty pAy.f-TAw-a-bAstt ir n nbt pr imAxt Xr=vizier, Pafchauabastet, born of the lady of the house, venerated before Col. 7: Hwt-Hr nt-igrt mAat xrw nbt imAx sAt pA-di-Hr=Hathor, Neith-Igert, justified, possessing veneration, daughter of Padihor, Col. 8: mwt.f wrt xr bAstt tAy-tit-tit nbt imAx =his mother was the great one before Bastet, Taytittit, possessing veneration.

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