Secrets of Shastiamsa
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Official Blog of Saptarishis Astrology – A Free Digital Astrology Magazine Secrets of Shastiamsa – 1
6 Votes Thy Experiments Towards Truth Secrets of Shastiamsa – 1 Kaala’s Movement (as written in 2006) By Saptarishis Astrology Copy editor: Andree Leclerc Part I Exploring Kala’s Movement in Shastiamsa (D60)
There are many methods to use Shani’s Transit & Aspect of Shani has been used in most novel manners in Nadi Granthas like Bhrigu Nadi & Deva Kerelam (Chandra Kala Nadi) which are different from the traditional 3,7,10 aspect. Legendary late astrologer Shri C.S. Patel has shown Nadi methods of Shani’s transit aspects in many unique manners, one among them being Saturn aspecting 6, 8, 12 & 3rd houses from its transit position. We shall limit ourselves to only 3, 7, 10 in this article.
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Our write up deals with Shani & will try to achieve few things: a) To Remove ‘subtly’ the misconception that Shani is always bad Follow b) Shani is also called as ‘Kaala’ or TIME as it is he who discharges Karma, good or bad. We as astrologers deal with Time so the movement of Shani for us is most important to watch. As the famous ‘Saharampur’ Pandit known for his secret Bhrigu Techniques once Follow “Official said, nothing moves in anyone’s life without Shani & Jup both coming into play – please note it can be a good or bad event.
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c) Judging if Sadesati is good or bad is tough for even experienced astrologers & many known methods fail – and some experienced - 4050 A Free astrologers have observed that for 2 people born with same Natal Chart Astrology within a gap of minutes of each other – one of them experiences Sadesati & other does not. This leads us to the final divisional chart of D60 where Moon Digital Astrology changes sign in approximately 50 minutes.
D60 or Shastiamsa, as it is called, is tough to see due to inaccurate birth times because it changes lagna every 2 minutes although most Get every new post delivered planets do not change signs in D60 for many hours. to your Inbox.
The subsequent question gotten is: Should we use Divisional Transits? Have our ancient books sanctioned it? 99% of astrologers spend Join 73 other followers lifetimes arguing that it has not been mentioned, whereas some ‘Just Do It’ (that is just use it). Divisional Transits
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Sign me up We came across a verse in Chandrakala Nadi Part 1 P.314, verse 3124 (below is translation by Shri C.S. Patel).
Verse 3124: When Saturn transits Chandra Navamsa Rasi (Rasi represented in the natal chart by the Moon’s occupied Navamsa Rasi) or Build a website with the sign occupied by the Moon (in Natal Chart), the native suffers from enemies, mental anguish & humiliation from secret blemish. Note 3 words: 1) Enemies 2) Mental Anguish 3) Humiliation from Secret Blemish Verse 2044/45: When Saturn transits the 8th from Chandra Navamsa Rasi, the native will suffer great calamity during Rahu’s period and will have termination of some running favorable yogaphala or yogabhanga results. Verse 2385 talks about bad results for Saturn’s transit in the 7th from Chandra Navamsa Rasi Conclusion From Above Verses 1) Ancient texts sanction the use of Divisional Transits that can be strongly accepted or loosely accepted 2) Or Ancient Texts like Chandra Kala Nadi are asking us to super impose the Divisional Chart position on the natal chart and check transits on it.
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3) The interesting part for those who use Navamsa only for Marriage Matters is they can see that the verses do not talk about anything to do with Marriage Chandra Navamsa Rasi cannot be ignored but, while reading the above, it struck us to integrate the same in our vast Shastiamsa (D60) researches that we have been carrying out for some time ‘even with inaccurate birth times of 2025 mins’. Important The moon sign in Shastiamsa (D60) is to be referred to as ‘Chandra Shastiamsa Rasi’ & it is significant to note that the Moon doesn’t change sign in D60 for a period of approximately 50 minutes.
The Usual Suspects: v When it comes to the D60 chart, most ignore it using the excuse of the birth time not always being accurate hence, most astrologers do not even go beyond D10 & the mental block continues for lifetimes. v Of late, D60 has became popular to see for Past (Previous) Life Karma[1] v BPHS (Chp 7, shlokas 18) gives clear instructions on the exact usage of D60; to limit its usage to see the previous life of a native is limiting the astrology of Parasara. Sage uses the word षṜटायं शऽे တखलमीḗये त। everything is indicated for D45 and D60 ् Methodology in this Write Up v Ignore the Lagna of D60 (for now) & just note down the sign position of Moon in D60 (Shastiamsa) v See Sign of Tr (Transit) Sat in Rasi (natal) & superimpose it on D60 visàvis Shastiamsa Moon v Sat in houses 12, 1, 2 from Moon, or 4th & 8th from Moon is considered bad (though not always) but can also given spectacular rise as Shani is ‘Time Personified’ v Divisional SAV & BAV of Moon – Sat is important to map any transits but it can only be depended at the rate of 75% & is not the end all v Note this statement from an old astrologer ‘Saturn is a Old Courier Man who carries the letters (containing past karmas – good or bad) & where he stations (houses) he drops those letters v D60 lagna changes every 2 minutes approximately & that’s one of the reasons its value is highest – while at the same time being a big deterrent for even seasoned astrologers to use it. But, we will see that even without the correct Asc, we can get some clues with Sat Tr in
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respect to D60 Moon to interpret results profitably. Note: (those who do not believe in Ascendant of a divisional chart or authenticity of exact time can ignore the house explanations) Let us study some charts to see if during these transits the natives went through bad times or good times. Example 1: Tony Blair (Rodden’s Rating AA)
Event 1: 19th Oct 2003 – heart problems v On Oct 2003, Sat was in Gemini. Sat was in the 6th from Moon (Chandra Shastiamsa Rasi) indicating health issues v Now superimpose this in D60 chart where Tr Sat comes into the 3H and looks at the 5H of heart & Leo (heart) sign also & directly at the 5L Sun himself v It was noted as some minor problem though other doctors said it was serious v Tr Jup in 5H of heart & aspecting the natal D60 Sun as 5L saved him. v Lastly, Tr Sat in D60 SAV has 29 bindus Event 2: 1st May 1997 elected British PM
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v Tr Saturn is in Pisces, 3rd from Chandra Shastiamsa Rasi v Tr Jup is in his 10H of career right on his D60 Moon sign & Sat aspects the 2H of Administration & 5L Sun is in the 9H of Kingdom v Tr Sat has 33 bindus in D60 SAV, in Moon BAV 3 points and in Sat BAV of D60, it is transiting over 6 bindus which is very high. Sat shows masses. Event 3: 20052006 – Problems & disloyalty v Tr Sat in Cancer, 7th from Moon, is in the 4H of parliamentary career so 4H (homeland) matters will shake (London train bomb episode) & so will his parliamentary career (4H) v Tr Sat also aspecting LL (self) & 8L of downfall, Mars, & 4 L Moon. Most importantly, Tr Sat occurs on D60 natal Sat – time for major changes in career. v D60 SAV 28 (average) with zero shodita points, Moon D60 BAV 4 bindus & Sat BAV only 3 – three points will show unpopularity with the Masses (for Sat) Event 4: Nov 06 onwards v Tr Sat is in Leo, 8th from his Moon, causing Astham Sani & in 5H of power/seat which will also be effected since there is GL (Power, Fame, etc.) causing defame thereby effecting all these significations and resulting in loss of it to a certain extent, showing problems with the Law/Govt of a country as it is in sign Leo (Govt) and in trine to Sun the 5L. v D60 SAV is only 28, Moon BAV 3 & Sat BAV only 2 (very little contact with the masses) Example 2: Prince Charles As the aim of this article is not to establish the correctness of the D60 Lagna & due to shortage of space, we shall look at only one chart as an example showing ‘How to See a D60 Chart’ in its entirety (though not detailed here). D60 Short Analysis of Prince Charles
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a) Lagna is occupied by 4L Ven (female) so the self will be dominated by the Mother & the native will love women (numerous affairs). With LL (self) with 5L (interests) in 12H of charity, he could be involved with lot of charity. b) 5L of education Mars in the 12H of abroad would mean some education abroad (he did 2 terms in Australia) c) 6L of accidents Jup is debilitated in the 7H in sign Cap (the 10H of Kaalapurusha signifying knees) so problem with knees can be seen with aspect of Mars (knife/speed) – and in 1998, he underwent surgery (Mars) to repair knee cartilage. Mars aspecting the 6H will give accidents while doing speeding activities – in 2001 he fell from horse and broke a bone. d) 7L in 2H (8th from it) with Sun – see that Sat & Sun do not get along so, won’t get along in marriage & it would break. Merc in the 7H would create frigidity in marriage & extra marital affairs (Mer) and both Diana and Charles confessed to this. e) Rahu in the 9H will give lots of foreign travel & an attraction to foreign religions or support of them (he favors Dalai Lamas struggle) f) Love (5L) in the 12H uniting with self (LL) Moon will indicate many things like love in one’s life will come from a previous life with a very deep pending karma attached to it or that his real love will manifest after someone’s death (12H is house of exit) and only after Diana (5L) died they could unite — g) 7L Sat is in the 2H with Sun, so one person in the family is a Miser and/or the family is a fallen family from position; the native’s 1st wife won’t get along with a family member or it could even be 2nd wife (8th from 7th – some take 11H for 2nd marriage too) who won’t get along with Mother (11th from 4H and 2nd from 4L).
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One can go on and on but someone’s personal tragedies are only a case study for astrologers. The Chart with Cancer D60 Lagna sounds so far correct. Event 1: Wikipedia says: By 1992, it was obvious that the marriage (with Diana) was over in all but name… v Tr Sat is in Cp, 8th from D60 Moon in the 7H of marriage v Tr Sat in the 7H of marriage creating separation (Sat is separative) between partners & as it is happening in the 7H of public platform, it means public will know it v D60 SAV is 20 (very low) & Shodita SAV doesn’t support it with only Zero points; and with Sat BAV being only 1 point, this was not popular with the masses (Sat) Event 2: 28th Aug 1996 divorce with Diana v We need to stress again that Sat in 10th from Moon or aspecting 10H from Moon is indicative of MAJOR events v Tr Sat ® in Pisces, 10th from Moon indicates significant events v When Sat will retrograde, it will look reverse (ref. Bipin Behari) at his 7H with his 3rd aspect and there sits Jup (DK) – Sat is separative v Tr Sat in 9H of institution/religious things like marriage – Sat in 9H would break the Institution that was bonded by religious ceremonious thread v Bhrigu Method is to see a planet’s effects from the previous house Too if a planet is retrograde v Tr Sat in 8H will aspect the 7H of marriage & 8H of scandals/bad name – what stars earlier promised is full filled now v Sat Retro seen from the 8H would break the marriage, as it causes Sadesati to 7H & 8H which shows sustenance of marriage; D60 SAV of 8H has 21 bindus only whereas the 9H has 30 bindus Event 3: 9th Apr 2005 marriage with Camilla Parker v Tr Sat in Ge, 1st from Moon & in 12H of D60 – should this be treated like a usual bad transit or a delivery of Karma on self (LL) v In 12H, Tr Sat (7L) & Jup bless 9H of union. Tr Sat (Kaala Time) unites/activates self (Moon LL) & Love (Mars 5L). The whole drama being played in the 12H would show undue delay or changes even the last minutes before marriage or someone’s death (12H or 8H if involved) – the Pope’s death delayed by few days & Diana’s death delayed by few years the supposedly Twin Flames from uniting.
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v D60 SAV has strong 33 bindus & Shodita has 12 which is very strong supporting the event; in BAV of Sat it has 5 bindus, again very strong. Example 3: Top Post in Media This native held a topmost post in one of the biggest media houses in India. In such positions, has to do less work & engaging more in corporate games. Unfortunately & once our luck runs out, Lord Shani becomes free to strike. Event: In Sept 2001, the native was shown the pink slip and till date has not risen to the glorious influential position he once commanded.
v Tr Sat in Sept 01 in Ta, 7th from Moon (D60) who is 8L in D60 & debilitated v Tr Sat is in the 6H of service & Sat is 3L of change of service (6th from 10H); it is also on 6L Ven (native is in the TV field). Sat activated the 8H of downfall, 12H of abroad & 3H of change of job cum travel v Native resigned on his own (corporate form of pink slip) & shifted abroad with family immediately v D60 Sat with 26 SAV & zero Shodita, SAV added to it but didn’t cause major upheaval by maintaining dignity (BAV of Sat has 5 bindus) Example 4: Divorce – March 05
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v Mars 2L of family in D1 is in Mrityubhaga. Meanwhile, in D60, Jup 2L of family is debilitated in the house of loss – both charts indicate some loss of family (not touching D9 due to want of space) v 7H has Gulika & Mandi, poison will flow out of it giving tensions; D60 Pramaana Gulika dispositor is Saturn (note this in mind); 7L is Sun is debilitated in the 9H of institution (religious ceremonies of life) & Blessings of Gods aspected by debilitated Sat (with UL) from 3H of free will or own act happening in the 6/12 axis from AL indicating the nature of the event. v Do not forget Sc Rahu with debilitated Moon in 10h of sukha of marriage. v He says ‘ I seeked advice from top astrologers who said divorce wouldn’t happen’, scribe wonders if they saw D60 of the native too. Recently on famous internet lists, top astrologers are rectifying his chart by changing his birth time which, according to scribe’s humble opinion, is not needed at all if we follow what Parasara said on how to see D60. But since only 1 event of the native’s life is known, it is tough to rectify D60 – especially chart rectification shouldn’t be started with marriage as it would be most disastrous. v Now see Tr in Mar 05, Sat ® was in Ge in 8th from Moon causing Ashtam Sani & in 5H of D60 causing separation in romance of marriage, plus aspecting the 2H of family & 7H of marriage v Sat is separative & if Bhrigu’s Method is used, then Tr Sat being Retro would be in the 4H of happiness aspecting the 6H of separation or legal divorce v D60 SAV of the 5H has 31 points ‘BUT’ in the previous house, 4H SAV is poorest at only 25 bindus – explaining why Bhrigu Nadi method cannot be ignored.
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Example 5: Sonia Gandhi
Very Short D60 Analysis The reason this chart is explained here is that months were spent on internet lists discussing the correct time of Sonia Gandhi’s birth. v 7L Moon in Cp with Sat, husband could be connected to the masses (Sat Moon) & in 2H Mars, the bomb, is sitting in an enemy’s house and aspected by Rahu (terrorist) from the 6H while 12L Jup aspects from the 8H of Sudden End who is also 3L of short travel – Rajiv was campaigning then. v 10h is the motherinlaw (Indira) & Ven is in Malavaya Yoga with AL (motherinlaw should be a famous person) aspected by Rahu, known for her fighting spirit. v 5L of romance in Mahapurusha yoga in Kendra to self (Sat) & 7L Moon shows their (RajivSonia) Soul Mate Love for each other as reported by the press. v 9H is the house of younger brother of husband (3rd from 7H); the sign is Virgo aspected by maraka Mars, Virgo’s lord is Mer in a Venusian sign (the hint is clear as to who he was) aspected by Sun (Sanjay Gandhi was known for his firebrand nature). 8th from Mer (lord for younger brother) will show his death – there exalted Ketu sits in the 12H of exit in the sign of Sagittarius, a fiery sign : the plane crashed and went up in smoke. Event 1: Mother in law, Indira Gandhi’s Death on 31st Oct 1984
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v Tr Sat in Libra, 10th from the Moon indicates Dramatic Change Time v Tr Sat (maraka lord) in 10H of motherinlaw & on Ven the 10L v D60 SAV is 27 (low), Moon & Sat BAV in D60 are only 2 for both – that’s very bad v Observe Tr Sat with Tr Sun & Tr Mer – see the lordships of Sun & Mer from lagna & also from the 10H of motherinlaw – and the picture is clearer v Tr Rahu in the 8th from the 10H shows that there is something Sudden (Rahu) & Terrorist (Rahu) awaiting the motherinlaw. Rahu is a maraka colord too. Event 2: Rajiv Gandhi Assassinated on 21st May 1991 v Tr Sat® in Cp on natal Chandra Shastiamsa Rasi & also 7L Moon v Tr Sat ® (maraka lord) in 1H aspecting the 7H of husband & on the 7L Moon (he was known as the soft one) & Hara (end) lord Mars (11L) in the 7H with 12L of exit Jup by Tr. Something surely has to happen to the husband or their marriage or the children as Tr Sat ® aspect on the 10H where the 5L is posited shows that children would be affected badly v At the end, husband and marriage both were over & the children were obviously effected v One can see the position of Tr Rahu from the 7H of husband to know who the culprit was v SAV is only 27 in D60 & Shodita has dropped drastically to Zero Event 3: 18th May 2004 declined from becoming Prime Minister v Tr Sat is in Ge in the 6H of D60 chart, 3rd from Moon – both good places by Tr i.e. from Moon & Lagna for Saturn v D60 SAV is 33 (very high) in 6H indicating the defeat of enemies possibility, BAV of D60 Moon is a whopping 7 & Sat BAV is 6, the masses were with her v When she declined to be PM, her supporters tried committing suicide – her victory was a slap to the opposition party BJP & was incomprehensible Event 4: 20052006 had to resign from Parliament, continuous Mud Slinging on her & Revenge Time
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v Tr Sat in Cancer, the 7th from Shastiamsa Chandra Rasi & also the 7H of relations spoiled her relations with some loyalists & frontal attacks by Opposition v Accusations were hurled at her, post of profit issues – she resigned and won the elections again v One of the toughest times for native one could say, with poor performance of her Govt & Chief Ministers Example 6: Amitabh Bachchan, Most Famous Man of the Millennium – BBC Polls
Event 1: Fatal Accident in Film shooting that moved millions to pray for him as he was fighting death – July 1982 v Tr Sat with Tr 12L Mars in Virgo – in the 4th from D60 Moon causes Ardha Shani in the 5H of fame while also aspecting the 6L of accidents Ven & LL (self) v Tr Sat & Mars both aspect the 11H (Hara – 6th from 6th of accidents) & natal Mars placed in the maraka 2H along with Karma of accidents, 3L Moon v Please note Mars Tr in 4H from Moon results in stomach problems (Phaladeepika Chapter 26) & he was HIT IN THE STOMACH damaging internal organs there v D60 SAV has 21 points in Vi where Tr Sat & Mars are and also Mars BAV of D60 has only 1 point. Indeed a time to fight for life.
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The usual mistake by astro enthusiasts is that whenever we read a method in articles, we apply it as the SOLE criteria, whereas the particular author might be trying to demonstrate the method in a way to make stand out the principles he is trying to explain. Another factor is to apply the above method to it’s fullest; other factors of D60 have to be taken into account which deserve much wider space, for transits cannot be above dasas. Even if one’s D60 lagna is not accurate, we can apply this profitably by only seeing its position from the D60 Moon (without using SAV) and see some meaning to it – and it becomes one More Tool in our arsenal of Tools that we’ll refine with continuous usage of it. As one old Master once said to scribe ‘Complex methods are just a state of the mind, an innocent (Jup) student of this science will understand it easily & profitably, whereas an advanced biased student might never’ is what this scribe ends this paper with as yet, I have to understand what he said in its entirety. His parting words were ‘U have been given the highest Key for learning astrology in that statement Beta (son). The credit of inspiring scribe to learn about D60 goes to 3 lines from Shri K.N. Rao in an email reply dated Oct 04, we worked on it and established more than 20 techniques of D60.
[1] Previous life cum Future life of native can be clearly seen in D1 if one knows how to see it & the exact detailed methodology is lost or many techniques exist with the astrological community divided over it. Share this:
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Secrets of Shastiamsa – II | Official Blog of Saptarishis Astrology A Free Digital Astrology Magazine
Official Blog of Saptarishis Astrology – A Free Digital Astrology Magazine Secrets of Shastiamsa – II
5 Votes ThyExperiments Towards Truth D 60 & Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi (BCP) By Saptarishis Astrology Copy editor: Andree Leclerc
SJC Gurus D60 Analysis via BCP The following as an analysis done via email to an SJC Guru from America who had provided some of his life events earlier.
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These are the comments on your D 60
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1. If Capricorn Asc is correct, LL Saturn is in the 8H of occult with 9L in the 8H (change of religion or religious beliefs) along with Venus the 10L of Karma, so your karma was and is in fields of the occult and religion. In the dasa of Saturn/Venus (ruler of the 5H of mantra) there has to be transformation as both Saturn Venus are in the 8H of occult and transformation sitting with Mer (Vishnu), the dispositor of this being in the 12H of abroad. You traveled and joined Guru’s ashram (9L is Mer with Saturn Venus) and got diksha of mantra. Venus the AD is 5L of mantra aspected by Mars from the 5H and this 8H has A5. Ketu the planet of Spirituality was in transit in your 8H during June 5, 1970 and in your own words “I Received Hari Nam Diksa from my guru – Age 23”. Age 23 would mean the 11H of the chart as per BCP & in the 11H Jupiter (Guru) is placed and its lord Mars is in the 5H of mantra so you got mantra. SJC Guru: Yes, everything is very good so far. Age 23 was the most important year of my life, given the meeting with my guru and receiving Diksha from him. This, by the way, was very, very disconcerting and difficult for my mother, as she had no idea who Hare Krsna’s were, and thought I had gone mad. See Jupiter/Sc in the 8th from Moon, with both rulers of Sc having Papakartari with 4th house and Moon. 1. Jup is in the 11H of jyotisha making you an astrologer apart from 10L in the 8H which is one (not necessary) of the combinations for astrologers along with Rahu in the 9H for foreign influences. The karakatwa of Jupiter is Guru and, as it is in your 11H, it is Jyotish Guru – this Jupiter is the 3L of writing and 12L of spirituality aspecting the 5H of authorship where 11L of Jyotish, Mars, is sitting causing Guru mangal Yoga. As Jup is in the 11H, the ages of 47 and 59 (as per BCP) give something to do with Jyotish writing and authorship and spirituality and you wrote: “October 5, 2005: Book on __ dasa was released”. The book on __ dasa was on spirituality but since Mars is aspecting this 11H of 59th year, there has to be some jealousy involved and some blockage. To be noted:
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the sign of Jupiter is Sc – of the occult. The Chara dasa of KNR was Cancer Dasa. 5th from there is Jupiter making you an author – and during this Cancer dasa, you would become a bigger Guru since Jupiter is the 9L sitting in the 5H from Cn Dasa, also making you a sishya and making you meet your guru. The only unfortunate thing is this Jupiter is aspected by Rahu (remember the article I wrote on Rahu implements itself in the 3rd from it Vol 2 or 3) and it is unfortunate that whenever you become a guru or get a guru, some cheating or bad name will happen eventually (I am using true nodes, but if mean nodes were used, then Rahu will be conjunct Jup which explains it easily I presume). Jupiter in the 11H, jyotish or guru can become a badha (big obstacle) in life at some stage. SJC Guru: This actually happened in the earlier two rounds, i.e. in the 47th year, and earlier than that, in the 35th year. In the 35th year (again 11H as per BCP where Jup the priest is placed) I became the head Pujari at the Seattle temple of ISKCON, and as a result had to deal with jealousy and anger from one of the leaders in that temple. I persevered in spite of it. In the 47th year (11H as per BCP), I started teaching Jyotish and that aroused envy from a wellknown local Jyotishi who lived in Seattle at that time (still does). So in this ways, Mars’ influence showed itself strongly in those years. The latter effect also continued in the following year too, i.e. 48th. 1. Sun is in the 12H so something to do with 12H matters would have happened in the 25th year, please see if it happened. Any feedback would be nice SJC Guru: Yes, during the 25th year – right at the beginning of it in fact – my guru asked me and 4 other brahmacaris to go to Salt Lake City and open a temple there. This was a difficult task, as I was still a new devotee, and we had to go two states over from where I was (LA, California). That was a tough year, as the winter in 1970 was extremely harsh and we chanted Hari Nam in the streets every day in spite of the cold. At first there was no place to stay, and we stayed in the homes of sympathetic people. Finally we got our own building and started a temple (SUN)! 1. An event regarding your mother or 4/5H in the 32nd year SJC Guru: I don’t remember anything specific. Then again, I was not in touch with my mother at that time, having renounced family. 1. May 20, 1989: Left temple life for good and started supporting myself doing Jyotish readings – Age 42, this would mean the 6H: its lord Mercury is in the 8H of transformation along with the 10L of karma and 2L of vocation so something new started in your life related to Mer (9L of dharma) and 2nd series of your dharma started. SJC Guru: In the following year (43rd), which began 9/18/1989, a significant relationship started, and this corresponds to the 7th house/Cancer. Cn and its 7th are aspected by DK as well as natal 7th lord Mars. This, however, did not last more than 6 months. See 12th lord Jupiter aspecting 7th lord, and also Bandana yoga forming onto the 7th house by Mars and Rahu. 1. March 12, 1986: Started illicit affair while still pujari in the temple – this lasted a year and 1/2 – Age 39 – this would be the 3H where Ketu (mistake) and AL (image) is placed and its lord Jupiter is in the sign of Sc (sex scandal) and in the 11H of wife (woman) and
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Jyotish. This relationship would eventually lead you to Jyotish I guess, think you mentioned that earlier, many years back to me. Ketu the 39th year is in the 3H of new karma opposite the 9H of temple and aspected by Rahu (scandal) – you mentioned that this lasted 1.5 years which makes it 40th year where Moon (one’s name) and A8 (scandal and sex) is placed in the 4H of ones prestige, causing some scandal. The woman must have been feminine I presume. SJC Guru: Not sure what you mean by “woman must have been feminine”. She was very beautiful, if that is what you mean. Anyway, up until that time she worked in the Deity department of the temple and we became friends. At the time, Saturn transited Scorpio, which is where DK and lord of Pisces is placed. 1. July 3, 1994: Met Sri K.N. Rao and Jyotish reached a new level as a result – Age 47 – this would be the 11H of Jyotish as per BCP where Jupiter (Guru) is sitting who is 3L of travel and 12L of abroad. K. N. Rao traveled from abroad (to where you were placed) and you met him and this changed your life since 3L is the house of unlocking of Karma (mentioned this in the previous editorial Vol 6 or 7). You should have stuck to K. N. Rao as this was Jupiter’s 4th round – the result would have gone into the 8H and he might have unraveled quite a few secrets, especially since you have the intelligence to understand. SJC Guru: What do you mean “this was Jupiter’s 4th round, the result would have gone into the 8thH? But yes, in retrospect I feel that I got distracted when I joined the parampara. Now I am back to using all of KN Rao’s techniques, especially with regard to Jaimini, and it is working wonderfully well. 1. January 1, 1995: Started relationship with ___ at – Age 48 – it is 12H of bed pleasures as per BCP and 8L of sex, Sun, is sitting there and this is a very very past life karma for you. SJC Guru: It was also the Chara dasa of Ar/Sg, Aries being 7th from lagna, and Sg being 7th from 7th lord and UL. Me/Ju/Ma Vimsottari dasa was very appropriate. On this date, when we consummated the relationship, transit Venus was in the exact degree conjunction of DK Jupiter. 1. March 16, 2005: Lifethreatening illness started: I was sick until July that year – almost died – Age 58 – See Age 58 would be 10H where A6 (disease) is sitting and its lord Venus has gone in the 8H of chronic diseases – remember in last issue I revealed a Bhrighu Technique: where Venus sits one has to spend on diseases/health issues; using that with BCP, the lord of the 58 year has become Venus so you spend on disease and it being in the 8H, it would be chronic and concerning your longevity (since 8H is house of longevity as you know and you wrote that you almost died). SJC Guru: This was a very bad situation, as not only was I deafly ill, but I started to have serious problems in my relationship with Dana also. Transits of nodes + Saturn all converged strongly onto the natal 7th lord which is also the AK at this time. 1. 7L is Moon sitting with A8 (bad) and 6th from it is Rahu – the 6H is the natural house of black magic and Rahu is spirits. This Rahu
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from spouse 7L Moon becomes badha and also 6H is the house of badha. Around age of 62 (2nd house) the spirit problem would have enhanced as Rahu lord of Aq sits in the 6th of badha of 7L of wife. SJC Guru: It actually started getting really bad the year before when the dasa rasi was in the 12th house. There you see Venus’ dispositor in the 12th aspected by nodes + Mars also. There were some very unhappy events, crises in fact, which became very intense in the summer of 2007. This indeed continued to be bad in 2008. Now, recently this has become even worse, now with Rx Saturn transiting on natal lagna lord Venus. There are, however, good signs as of today. Yesterday she went into a new Tithi Pravesh year and which is altogether better than it was in the previous two years. So already improvements are being felt and I am thankful for it. Still, she is unstable, but becoming more desirous of approaching God for shelter. 1. Based on our article presumably titled ‘Timing Kala’ written few years ago on D60 and sent to ACVA and BAVA to be published there we used that same technique and asked the chart holder what happened when Tr Saturn around 17 Ar 27 transited the Moons degree in D60 (earlier only one software, Goravani, used to give (years back) and now Jhora also gives this option of degrees in Shastiamsa – obviously this is a hypothetical degree and not the actual degree of planet). Moon is with A8 (occult) and it is the 7L of PadaPrapthi (Public Platform and Status) & 7L of wife/partner. The lord of Moon is Mars and goes in the 5H of fame in D60 and is aspected by Jupiter (being Guru). “Also when Saturn was at 17Ar 27 what happened in your life”? SJC Guru: This occurred on 2/14/2000, and I was in the Ketu MD and Moon AD (Vim.). It was in this month/year that I travelled to Sedona, AZ for the ACVA conference and gave a lecture there. I was also a guest speaker at a workshop on spirituality at the same conference, as a result of which I gained great ground in reputation as a “spiritual” astrologer. My wife also met me in Sedona afterward, and we had a vacation. Shortly thereafter, however, in May, 2000, I declared bankruptcy. (note A8)
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Secrets of Shastiamsa – III | Official Blog of Saptarishis Astrology A Free Digital Astrology Magazine
Official Blog of Saptarishis Astrology – A Free Digital Astrology Magazine Secrets of Shastiamsa – III
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D 60 & BCP cum BSP By Saptarishis Astrology Copy editor: Andree Leclerc
The following mail was sent on one of the forums. Dear Visti, all SJC Gurus and learned members, namaste. Please, kindly clarify the question bellow. As Maharishi Parashara says, D60 is everything. I wanted to know more about this subject. This question arose while studying my own Shastyamsa: if I pick Lahiri Ayanamsa, Ketu would be in twelfth house Mithuna sign with Guru, Sani and Surya. On the other hand, if I chose Jagannatha ayanamsa, Ketu would be in Karka (Which is the lagna) and fifth from AL. Follow Knowing how the curse (of twelfth house) would work on this life and how to make it at least a little bit less painful if possible is very important, right? With Lahiri ayanamsa, the nodes would take part on the curse in the twelfth house. With Jagannatha, it is different, as the
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nodes would change position to other signs and Rahu and Mars would be affecting Moon. Follow “Official
Blog of Saptarishis Please, clarify: which ayanamsa to chose, and based on which judgment should we do so? The results from picking one or another would differ much in many vargas and ultimately could mislead the astrologer in applying the right remedy for each situation. Should we choose Astrology - A Free the ayanamsa based on intuition, or the tradition is the final word on which one should be chosen? Best wishes, R
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Ps: My tob and pob – 07:00:10 – Time Zone: 03:00/ Lon 47W54 Lat 15S47 Join 73 other followers
The following is a discussion on chat with an astrologer from Brazil. It is presented in chat form and shows our approach and also its Enter your email address vulnerability. Readers can use various ayanamsas and check his D 60, play with his Ketu with the ayanamsas and see the significations of Ketu which means obstacles, fights, hosting ones flag, who shows non attachment or not direct relation (use it with his sisters) who is with A6 (fights) and see the clues on how we found out if his D60 is correct. Sign me up Build a website with
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SA: Hi Ra Si: hi there SA: this is with reference to your mail on Sri Jagannatha forum, I seem to have done some work on D60 since 2004 and wanted your chart details if its ok with you, the message posted did not contain DOB Ra Si: oh sure, it’ll be of great help, thanks SA: most welcome Ra Si: i was born in 09/02/82 SA: is it 9th Feb 1982? Ra Si: yes SA: Time, location and country Ra Si: 07:00:10, Brasilia/ Brazil at 2:07:00:10 am SA: what is the 10 seconds ? in the time of birth
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Ra Si: this tob i found by rectification SA: no, no rectification please SA: what is there in your birth certificate Ra Si: ok, 7:00:00 SA: oh ok thanks Ra Si: ten seconds changed the D24 chart SA: Sir you would be male female (for dasas) Ra Si: male SA: there are many latitudes & longitudes – which one should I take please guide Ra Si: 47w54 / 15s47 SA: time zone too Ra Si: time zone 3 SA: ok please hang on I will check in other softwares too Ra Si: ok SA: Jhora gives 1 time zone ? Ra Si: its wrong, its 3 time zone SA: in which name should I save the chart (full name please if possible) Ra Si: u should save the chart as Ra Si SA: next to Brasilia, I get Acre, another option Maranhao and many others. Which state would it be? Ra Si: its Brasilia DF
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SA: distrito federal Ra Si: yes SA: got it SA: 8 Aq 42 Asc? Ra Si: yes – you see, ten seconds later would fit better on D24 chart and also fits on kunda principles SA: kunda principles do not work; I am sure you are told that by experienced astrologers, meaning if you are using kunda for birth time rectification SA: re D24 let’s see Ra Si: ok SA: your Navamsa lagna is Sagi ? Ra Si: yes SA: D60 lagna is Cancer ? Ra Si: yes SA: do you have younger brothers sisters? Ra Si: yes, both SA: do you get along with them ? Ra Si: but sisters are just related by father – I’m not close to sisters and have some kind of enmity towards my brother. Sisters live in another city SA: so Ketu is in the 3H of siblings in D60 is confirmed Ra Si: well, I love my brother Ra Si: Ketu in D60?
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SA: you said earlier you got enmity towards your brother ? Ra Si: we have lots of arguments but I don’t hate him or anything like that – I just get too angry at him SA: that’s ok. Anyone of them having any Mercury related problems? Like skin diseases or too Mercurial in nature – or some accident happened to them Ra Si: ok, they don’t have skin disease as far as I know. From Jhora I see Ketu as being in Gemini twelfth house? Oh ok, you see rashi dhristi from there SA: no, I am using True nodes in D60 (at times mean nodes work) but mainly true nodes work far better – with true nodes Ketu should be in the 3H in D60 Ra Si: ok SA: Rahu should be in the 9H of higher vidya (knowledge) and that should give you either learning of some knowledge that is foreign to you (Rahu) or a foreign Guru kinds Ra Si: in this life? SA: yes, this life. Did you do any technical education? I see some problem regarding father on a broad sense Ra Si: I study social history at master’s degree level – Yes, u see right SA: ooh history… Is it related to war and fights and struggles (I do not know meaning of social history) Ra Si: hmm, it’s a pretty broad field of history – you can say I started studying it to understand about my own identity SA: at the age of 25 anything happened concerning 12 H matters? (in D60) [1] Ra Si: well, I felt like a huge weight was taken of my shoulders – my first relationship ended SA: in your 25th year? Ra Si: yes, and I started searching for spirituality SA: please wait Ra Si: ok
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SA: 25th year would be Feb 2006 to Feb 2007, so did that spirituality search start during this period ? Ra Si: yes, it increased in this period SA: when did it start? Ra Si: I think I broke up with the first spouse in 2005 not 2006 – then it was a year being single SA: ok. When did the spirituality search start Ra Si: I think in 2005 up till now – it was not so much like now SA: in 2005 after Feb 2005? Ra Si: yes, certainly but I wanted to know more about philosophy and things like that; the nature of men, etc SA: when did God start? Ra Si: 2008 SA: it’s the key to your D60 Ra Si: end of 2008 I started searching for Him – since I started learning Jyotish SA: bang on your Ketu is in the 3H confirmed SA: end of 2008 means your 27th year which means 3H of your chart and in 3H there is Ketu (spirituality real one) and also Jyotish since Mer Ketu are there. In 25th year I see some Peeda (internal strife), Sun (soul) is activated and suffering (Saturn) and internal search, 9L in 12H Ra Si: nice, it fits a lot SA: 28th or 29th year I see some women related activity or education activity strongly. Let me see your age now – you are in your 29th year now Ra Si: 28th sir – 28th to 29 SA: but in 28th year since there is A8 I see a lot of occult (Jyotish) activity Ra Si: I got it
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SA: 28th year what u got? Ra Si: I understand what u say of me being in 29th year SA: ohh ok – it’s the Nadi way, that’s how it is calculated Ra Si: ok SA: 25th year something to do with wife or children? 25th year lord is in the 5H and retrograde hence it could be a year of mental turmoil. I can be wrong[2] Ra Si: hmm… I met my actual wife when I was 24 years SA: 24th year running? Ra Si: yes SA: that means Feb 2005 to Feb 2006 ? Ra Si: I met her in 2006 SA: month? Ra Si: May 2006 SA: that is not 24th year but 25th year Ra Si: ok SA: reproducing what I wrote above, that’s how it is calculated. 25th year something to do with wife or children? Ra Si: oh yes, indeed. SA: since 25th year is 1H and its lord Moon is in the 11H of wife and children and it is aspected by Venus from the 5H SA: is she round faced or calm composition, am trying to assess how much the Moon is spoilt by Venus retrogression or not – or is she motherly? Ra Si: she’s very hot minded in disposition
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SA: Moon being with Neptune could give fleeting thoughts Ra Si: but yet she’s motherly in nature – but she complains on that SA: ooh so Venus being the dispositor of Mars aspecting this Moon has done it, I was hoping it did not Ra Si: it’s not an issue; we can get along well most of times SA: that’s nice, we must be thankful to God for the good things he has given. Well my job is done, your Asc is Cancer in D60 there is no doubt about it Ra Si: do you see curse in 12th house? And I didn’t know it was possible to see such things on D60 SA: D60 is the chart of past, present and future Ra Si: it’s great sir SA: what was not possible to see in D60? Ra Si: I thought it was related to previous birth (AL) and the embodiment of all life you passed through (Lagna itself) but I didn’t know it would have such weightage in prediction as you showed SA: the above statement is difficult for me to comprehend as it sounds a lot of theorization if you don’t mind me saying SA: K. N. Rao has done phenomenal work on D60 some decades back when no one was even looking at D60. Full life predictions can be done via D60 dear R Ra Si: that’s very nice to know, will keep that in mind Ra Si: sir, mind asking you SA: your 30th year would be a very important year Ra Si: related to spirituality? SA: 30, 31, 32, 33. Lot of changes, lots and lots in all areas Ra Si: maybe I’ll have a kid by then? I think a kid would trigger many changes SA: yup a kid does. You wrote mind asking you ? What did u want to ask? Please ask as I will have to take your leave in few minutes
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Ra Si: do u see if I have any chances of learning more on Jyotish? And if my previous assumption that I studied it in previous life is correct SA: an advice I give to everyone when they ask this question is not to do more Jyotish – its not good for everyone except a select few and householders should generally avoid is my honest advice Ra Si: ic SA: the problem is your D60 shouts loud on spirituality and occult so I can’t stop u (nor do we try to change Karma): 9L in 12H with Sun and Saturn; in D1 u see 11th lord of Jyotish in the 9H Ra Si: do u think if I further on it I could leave my family or something like that? SA: please do not ask that Ra Si: ok Ra Si: yes, depending on the answer SA: I wish you well but do not worry about if you did Jyotish in previous life from D60 – it’s not easy to see that from Rasi or D60, all else is theorization and many of us on the internet forums have wasted years and more than a decade on such theorizations; wouldn’t want you to waste yours Ra Si: I see, your very responsible sir Ra Si: sir, I’m completely into Jyotish anyway SA: if I am permitted to give any good advice Ra Si: and about past lives, my only objective is to know them so I can get rid of them and be forever in the present; Jyotish is a mean to achieve that I think SA: actually Jyotish is a means to learn about one’s pending karma so that we execute it in this life and move on in our soul cycle. Predictions about future was only a tool to attract the common man to learn about his pending karma. Unfortunately it has now become a tool to make a person addictive towards the astrologer and obsessive to know about the future (today we do not find astrologers who kick out regular clients, the astrologer who does and is not making you addictive towards astrology is the real astrologer) Ra Si: yes, that’s not what I seek, I just want to be in peace and to that I need to learn about myself – and my pending karma – rather my Self SA: one of the Bhrighu’s methods of finding One of the major pending karmas is by observing the 6H and its lord
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Ra Si: on rashi? SA: see it in the D1 and D60, observe it and mull over it for some time and you yourself will be able to decipher it Ra Si: thanks a lot sir SA: now I must take your leave, I rarely come on chat or on forums but I somehow managed to see only one mail which was yours and I am pleased to having seen it. Wishing you all the best. You have 3 retro planets so take it easy in life R Ra Si: I think it’s a great niimita that we met sir – what about the 3 retro planets sir? SA: that is kind of you to say that and I wish I had more time and knowledge to give you more predictions via D60 without using transits or dasas which is what I do. I should not be saying this but when 3 retro planets are there, there are many many indications one of them is a tough life or a superb successful life, Venus in your 5H in D60, you would have suffered a bit in love Ra Si: I did, learned a lot from it SA: something to do with love would have happened in the 16th year of your life or the 17th year of your life Ra Si: exactly sir, 16 and 17 were major years in love matters SA: I am sorry you went through that but all of us need to go through that Ra Si: yes… SA: see your D60 lagna is no doubt correct. I hope you did not spend money trying to figure out which is your D60 lagna or trying to correct your birth time Ra Si: nope, not at all SA: good good. Unfortunately everyone I meet lands up spending some 200500 dollars trying to rectify their birth chart and I feel so bad hence I felt I should help you before you land up spending that kind of amount Ra Si: I don’t even have this kind of money with me atm SA: Saturn aspects your 2nd house so be careful of negative events you predict, they can come correct Ra Si: but I felt I’d be able to do that on my own sooner or later SA: good
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Ra Si: ok sir SA: Jupiter is in the 12H and it will implement itself in the 10H of career, so be careful that you don’t do too much Jyotish or it will spoil your career – or too much spirituality Ra Si: it might happen indeed SA: I rarely advise anyone to become an astrologer due to what I see happening in the name of astrology – that’s a non Jyotish advice I give and then I discourage people who are about to get fooled by the astrology of curses Ra Si: lol SA: there is no such thing as strong as curse, for curses there are different combinations, what you see if a benefic is aspected or in association with 2 malefics is just pending karma regarding it Ra Si: ic ic SA: struggles very hard due to malefics that’s about it. But then it’s easier to fool foreigners with jargons like curses and they feel so strong about it, but its unfair to play with someone’s feelings and emotions. Anyways this is not the intention of this discussion and not needed so I must take your leave Ra Si: ok sir SA: May the Force be with you Ra Si: I appreciate your concerns SA: you are most welcome Ra Si: and also what you said. May the force be with you too SA: thanks Ra Si: have a nice time sir SA: you too – bye for now Ra Si: bye
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[1] The method by which 25th year was arrived at was seeing Sun in the 12H, what we remember vaguely is one BSP method not yet written which was where Sun sits, it implements itself in the 25 th year. While editing this article we tried to locate it from our notes but could not find it. [2] 25th year lord as per BCP would be the 1H whose Lord is Moon, the sentence is erroneous by us in the chat as Asc Lord is in the 11H and not in the 5H. – SA Editor
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Secrets of Shastiamsa – II In "Astrology"
Preface to Secrets Of Shastiamsa In "Astrology"
Navamsa & Clue to Death – More Charts
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