Powerline Pre-board (Ree Sept. 2010)

April 7, 2017 | Author: Pee Jay Nicolas Gealone | Category: N/A
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REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Licensure Examination Saturday, Aug. 21, 2010

08:00a.m.-O 1:00 p.m.



INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only the answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 2 only. Please do not

write anything on this questionnaire.




When the corresponding elements of two rows of a determinant are proportional, then the value of the determinant is C. one A. zero D. unknown B. multiplied by the ratio 1""2 = a"'2cos(29) is the equation of a_ _ C. lemniscate A. rosette B. limacon D. cardioids Spheres of the same diameter are piled in the form of a pjramid with a square base until there is just one sphere at the top layer. If there are 25 spheres at the bottom, find the total 1 number of spheres in the pile. b =- () Cl'l t ~ ( '2. n H) . A. 125 c. 110 py(l-A-NttDKL _~-"-\

B. 55


D. 53





An isosceles triangle of maximum area is inscribed in an ellipse with major axis 10 em and minor axis 8 em. so that- the base is parallel to the major axis and the opposite vertex on at end of the minor axis. Find the area of the triangle. -~+ ~~. ~~-A. 26 C. 24 ~ ll~;:~C\----x R 25 · D. 20 }r._ ~ ~"'r~x)( ){~-D/IC a.f.ol'>"l6 - - (9

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2. Given: r =distance between the particle in Angstrom, V(r) = Lennard-Jonnes potential, 6, delta =finite distance at which inter-particle is zero,£, sigma= depth of potential well. What is the potential in terms of sigma? A. 0.163 E C. 0.0163 e: B. -0.0163 e: D. -0.163 e: 3. In a titration process, suppose that a 20 ml of 0.1 N HCI neutralized 16 mL of unknown sodium hydroxide (NaOH). What is the normality of the base? A. 0.25 C. 0.15 B. 0.175 D. 0.125


Lis a nonvolatile, non-electrolytic liquid. A solid, S, is added to L to form a solution that just boils at 1 atm pressure. The vapor pressure of pure Lis 850 torr. What is the mole fraction of liquid L in the solution? ltt+w. ::: ~~v hr-r A. 89.4% C. 79.4% X"'~ f,n- , ~q .+ h B. 64.3% D. 85.7% "JQ) tznv

5. The mass (in atomic mass units, amu) of a photon at 0.8 times the ~peed o~ light is most ?~~-"'I!! exfA-t'1lf WOW£- -rcq--J-icJe, nearly

f> 0 B. 1.7 amu

C. 0.8 amu D. 2.2 amu







6. The radius of a hypothetical electron orbit is known to be 0.75A. What is the Broglie wavelength of the electron if four complete cycles constitute a stable pattern around the nucleus? /\ '=' ""rT r- ""- ~171 co. 1.r A) 0

A. 2.36A 0

B. 1.18 A


C. 0.118A



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32 What momentum does a 40-lbm projectile possess if the projectile is moving at 420 mph? _ 9 A.. 520 !cf-sec C 16 800 lbf-sec 2.: :~ '4::- d ""~'"'13




39. At a height of 10,000 m above sea level, atmospheric pressure is about 210 mm of Hg. What is the resultant normal force on a 600 cm 2 window of an airplane flying at this height when the hydrostatic condition and a pressure inside the p!ane of 760 mm of Hg and density of mercury is 13,600 kg/m 3? ~o r=-ftl- .,. ')l;c\Jl


C. Na20 D. Na02


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48. Which of the following is the formula for acetic acid? A. COOH C. CH 3CH 2 COOH B. CH2COOH D. CH3COOH (•.h'N.-6o..r)

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49. What is oxidized and what is reduced in the following reaction?



&t;OqtUJIJ """ 10 ~ ~ ~ BWLfi'W?J nh"~"'ow PM~ 1 1 Zinc is oxidized only C. Zinc is oxidized and hydrogen is reduc~d D ~ f' ¢F 10 :--• > "!' the induced emf. A 3. 97 kV C. 7. 95 kV vw o..B. 2.4 kV D. 9.3 kV 24. What type of conduit bend is used in modern lighting fixture? A Corner bend C. Saddle Bend B. Offset bend D. Gooseneck


25. A transmission line at river crossing is supported from two towers at height 40m and 90m above water level. The horizontal distance between the towers is 300m. If the (,\} >
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