Planetary Mixers

July 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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PLANET PLANE TARY MIXERS MIXERS These mixers are based on the principle of the rotation of the planetary blades on their own axis while they travel around the center of the mixing bowl which ensures complete and effective mixing.  Applications 

(For Dry & Dough Mixing) Planetary Mixer is an ideal mixer for the products of different viscosities, densities, shapes & proportions. The major uses include the production of latexes, adhesive, personal care & cleansing products, dispersion & micro-dispersion of  chemical & agricultural pesticide formulations. It is suitable for mixing/ blending powders as well as thorough mixing of ointments, creams, lotions, toothpastes, resins, slurries, ceramics, colors, pigments, rubber & other compounds. Working Principle 

Planetary Mixer consists of a single or double blade with a high speed dispersion blade (Emulsifier / Homogenizer). Intimate & homogeneous mixing of products is achieved by planetary motion of beaters & centrally located high speed dispersion blade for vacuum jacketed mixer units. The PLM consists of two open beaters moving in planetary motion, scraper blade & centrally located high speed homogenizer run by a separate motor to manufacture ointments, creams, suspensions etc





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