2. [obt cs toh ea-`hjaiprhsscae fcict gar b `cvh ta 2? ihtrhs 1 4. [obt cs yaur prhssurh kraup bgthr b `cvh ta 20 ihtrhs gar 40 iceuths 1 :. Bgthr b `cvh yau brh ce prhssurh kraup M. [obt wcff dh yaur ehw prhssurh bgthr b :0 iceuth surgbjh cethrvbf 1 0. [obt cs toh ‖t a t b f d a t t a i t c i h ’ gar b `cvh ib`h ta 40 ihtrhs gar 28 iceuths gar b `cvhr ce prhssurh kraup @ bt toh dhkceecek ag toh `cvh1
;. B `cvhr jaipfhths b 4? ihtrhs `cvh gar 23 iceuths. Bgthr b 8? iceuths surgbjh cethrvbf, oh wbets ta ibmh beatohr `cvh. [obt cs toh ibxciui bffawbdfh `hpto oh iby bttbce ae tocs shjae` `cvh gar :8 iceuths 1
?. [obt cs toh iceciui surgbjh cethrvbf rhqucrh` dhtwhhe b `cvh ta 2? ihtrhs gar 0> iceuths gaffawh` dy b `cvh ta 20 ihtrhs gar 7> iceuths 1
3. B `cvhr jaipfhths b `cvh ta 2? ihtrhs gar 0: iceuths. Oh wbets ta `a b shjae` `cvh ta toh sbih `hpto gar :4 iceuths. [obt cs toh iceciui tcih toh `cvhr iust wbct ta stbrt toh shjae` `cvh 1
2>. Cibkceh yau `a b `cvh ta 2; ihtrhs gar 0; iceuths. Bgthr b :> iceuth surgbjh cethrvbf yau `a b shjae` `cvh ta 2; ihtrhs. Fascek trbjm ag tcih, yau eatcjh yaur dattai tcih cs eaw 48 iceuths. Bjjar`cek ta toh khehrbf rufhs, wobt soauf` yau `a 1 b. Bsjhe` ta 8 ihtrhs be` stby tohrh gar ? iceuths dhgarh kacek ta toh surgbjh= `ae–t `cvh gar 7 oaurs. d. Ztap bt yaur jurrhet `hpto gar 2> iceuths, tohe ka ta 8 ihtrhs be` stby tohrh gar ? iceuths. @ae–t `cvh gar 24 oaurs. j. Bsjhe` ta 8 ihtrhs be` stby tohrh gar : iceuths dhgarh kacek ta toh surgbjh. `. Bsjhe` ta : ihtrhs be` stby tohrh uetcf yau ush up yaur bcr, `ae–t `cvh gar toh ehxt 40 oaurs.
22. [obt cs toh rhjaiihe`h` tcih b `cvhr ehh`s ta wbct dhgarh gfycek bgthr toh gaffawcek twa `cvhs< `cvh 2< 4> ihtrhs gar :4 iceuths. Zurgbjh cethrvbf 2. @cvh 4< 2? ihtrhs gar 42 iceuths. 24. B `cvhr pfbes pfbe s ta `a torhh `cvhs uscek u scek iceciui surgbjh cethrvbfs. Poh pfbeeh` pragcfhs brh< 24 ihtrhs/0> ghht gar 34 iceuths, :: ihtrhs/2>? ghht gar 2: iceuths be` 27 ihtrhs/8> ghht gar 80 iceuths. Brrbekh toh `cvhs ce toh bppraprcbth ar`hr be` jbfjufbth oaw ibey tatbf iceuths ct wcff tbmh ta jaipfhth grai `hsjhet ag toh gcrst `cvh ta surgbjcek ae toh fbst `cvh (yau iby ckearh bsjhet tcih, dut eat rhqucrh` sbghty stap tcih.)
hT@^if RXHZPCAEZ< 2:. [obt cs toh ea-`hjaiprhsscae fcict gar b `cvh ta 2; ihtrhs 1 20. [obt cs b `cvhr–s prhssurh kraup bgthr b `cvh ta 23 ihtrhs gar :2 iceuths 1 28. B `cvhr surgbjhs ce ^rhssurh Kraup X. [obt cs ocs prhssurh kraup bgthr b 0; iceuth surgbjh cethrvbf 1 27. Bgthr b `cvh, be` b surgbjh cethrvbf, b `cvhr cs ce ^rhssurh Kraup F. [obt cs ocs ^rhssurh Kraup bgthr b `cvh ta 2: ihtrhs gar :; iceuths 1 2;. B `cvhr jaipfhths b `cvh ta 4> ihtrhs gar 02 iceuths. Oh wbets ta `a b shjae` `cvh ta 23 ihtrhs gar :? iceuths. [obt cs toh iceciui tcih toh `cvhr iust rhibce ae toh surgbjh ce ar`hr ta `a toh shjae` `cvh 1
2?. B `cvhr `ahs : `cvhs. [obt cs toh `cvhr–s ^rhssurh Kraup bgthr toh `cvhs 1 @cvh 2< 43 ihtrhs gar 27 iceuths. Zurgbjh cethrvbf< 88 iceuths. @cvh 4< 2; ihtrhs gar :: iceuths. Zurgbjh cethrvbf ?? iceuths. @cvh :< 28 ihtrhs gar 82 iceuths. 23. Poh `cvhr ce quhstcae 2? wbs b dct scffy, be` `c` b `hhphr `cvh bgthr ocs shjae` surgbjh cethrvbf ‚ oh whet ta 2; ihtrhs. [obt cs ocs b`lusth` ea`hjaiprhsscae fcict gar toh :r` `cvh 1 4>. Bgthr b `cvh, b `cvhr cs ce prhssurh kraup K. Oh wbets ta `a b shjae` `cvh ta 28 ihtrhs gar 8: iceuths. [obt cs toh iceciui tcih toh `cvhr iust rhibce ae toh surgbjh ce ar`hr ta `a toh shjae` `cvh 1 42. B `cvhr wbets ta `a b 82 iceuth `cvh. [obt cs toh ibxciui `hpto oh jbe `cvh ta 1 44. B `cvhr wbets ta `a 2 `cvh bt : `cgghrhet `hpto fhvhfs ‚ 43, 23 be` 22 ihtrhs. Xscek toh ibxciui bffawbdfh fcicts, wobt wcff dh ocs ^rhssurh Kraup bgthr tocs `cvh1
4:. B `cvhr `ahs b iuftcfhvhf `cvh stbrtcek bt b `hpto ag :8 ihtrhs gar ; iceuths, gaffawh` dy 23 ihtrhs gar 4: iceuths, be` 24 ihtrhs gar 7> iceuths. Oaw faek wcff toh hetcrh `cvh fbst fbst bjjar`cek ta toh rufhs ag toh T@^. Sau iby aict bsjhet tcih, dut eat tcih gar rhqucrh` staps (cg bey).
40. B
`cvhr pfbes b iuftcfhvhf `cvh. Poh gcrst `hpto cs :4 ihthrs gar 22 iceuths, gaffawh` dy 28 iceuths bt 23 ihthrs. [obt cs cs toh ea `hjaiprhsscae fcict gar toh ehxt phrictth` iuftcfhvhf `hpto1
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