MOC (2020) Assignment Brief Face2Fac - 3

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The Business School Edinburgh Napier University

Management and Organisational Change HRM11117 Individual Assignment 2019/20

 As si gn men t B ri ef

Mr Simon has spent 12 years continuous continuous service a as s a line manager in a retail organisation organisation.. In the past three years he has twice been considered for promotion via a formal interview process and was unsuccessful. unsuccessful. On each occasion tthe he successful can candidate didate had better formal qualifications than Mr Simon, although he had more experience. He has very recently been rejected for promotion for a third time and is thought to be becoming disillusioned as a result of this. On passing him in the corridor corridor you (team leader) overhear him saying to a colleague, ‘I can see there is absolutely no possibility of advancement in this organisation for me, it’s time I moved on’.  on’.   Mr Simon is a very hard working and diligent worker and is i s highly regarded by your team members m embers and replacing his skills and abilities will be extremely difficult. You are currently studyi ng p erce erceptions, ptions, attitudes, moti vation and teamteam-worki worki ng t heories a as s part of a manage management ment qua qualifi lifi cation. Expla Explain in why the topics you are studying may be useful in analysing this particular situation and wha whatt pos itive mea measures sures could be impleme implemented nted to attempt to re-motivate this employee.



 As si gn men t Co ns id erat io ns  

General It can be good practice in your preparations for this assignment to undertake a number of activities. These include:    Establishing key issues/areas raised by the question   Defining fundamental terms

  Describing contextual iinformation nformation e.g. background to topic and its significance and/or interesting statistical data   Identifying, explaining in detail and c cross-comparing ross-comparing relevant concepts, concepts, models and theo theoretical retical approaches   Applying concepts to contemporary issues within business settings   Applying models/theories to w workplace/organisation/indu orkplace/organisation/industry stry examples and/or evaluating the practical application of models/theories   Drawing parallels between theory and practice   Evaluating relative merits and draw drawbacks backs of opposing academic v viewpoints iewpoints w with ith a v view iew to building independent opinions   Formulating balanced, persuasive independent arguments based on aca academic demic evidence an and d

 judgement   Stating a clear, overall answer to the question

Pa Particul rticul ar consideration may be given to:     Assessing the relationship between attitude, job satisfaction and commitment   Identifying the key issues influencing motivation   Explaining and co comparing mparing theoretical ap approaches proaches to motivation (content and proc process) ess) and relating these to the context of employee dissatisfaction / disillusionment   Analysing the practical applicability and usefulness of motiv motivation ation theorie theories s for managers / leaders   leaders

  Evaluating team-working and its impac impactt on addressing individual and to organisa organisational tional nee needs ds



dance ce  As si gn men t Gui dan Word count and presentation presentation   You are required to submit an essay-type assignment of 2500 words [+/- 10%] (excluding references). The essay should provide: an introduction, a main section (with a number of subsections) and a conclusion. conclusion. If using tables/images prov provide ide labels and references. Write in a suitable academic style. Submission  Submission   Your individual assignment should be submitted by 16.59pm on 6th  March 202 2020 0 via the Turnitin submission link. Your file name should prov provide ide your matriculation number, taking the format of name me should NOT app appear. ear. 404xxxxx MOC. MOC. Your na Weighting The assignment accounts for 50% of your overall mark on this module. Referencing Referencing   Follow the APA referencing system throughout. All references provided in your list should link to a corresponding within text citation See guidance note in the resources section. Plagiarism  Always provide a reference to support support your arguments, ensuring ensuring that you cite all sources you draw ideas from and that you attribute any quotes appropriately to the author. Turnitin software may be used to detect plagiarism. Plagiarism is considered a breach of academic conduct regulations, dealt with in accordance with the University’s Student Disciplinary Regulations Regulations and Academic Conduct: Code of Practice for Staff and Students. Please see the Student guidance notes folder, within the resources section, for further advice and information on avoiding plagiarism. Those notes offers advice on how to avoid plagiarism in your work and links to pages with online tutorials and information on: Referencing,  Academic writing skills, and other support opportunities.



Marking Criteria DISTINCTION – 75 to 100%

Presentation 10%

Referencing 10%

Knowledge & understanding 40%

 An aly si s 40%

PASS – 50 to 74%

FAIL – 0 to 49%

Effective essay or report style and lay out; neat legible presentation; occasional spelling errors; grammar and punctuation are mainly accurate; meaning coherent and generally fluent writing style.

Poor essay or report style and lay out; untidy and difficult to read; much incorrect spelling; poor grammar and punctuation; meaning unclear; language lacks fluency.

Inclusion of extensive Evidence of appropriate appropriate and current literature, which is accurately literature which is accurately integrated into the text; most integrated into the text; all sources acknowledged; citations acknowledged; recognised citation method recognised citation method used consistently. used consistently. Demonstrates some ability to Demonstrates considerable identify and link together knowledge of relevant information from a range of literature with the ability to appropriate sources. draw on less obvious sources  Arguments are clearly stated and go beyond these to new and there is some evidence of insights/perspectives. Effectively underpins thorough knowledge of current developments. and original arguments with appropriate literature.

Literature either not consulted or is not relevant to the discussion; citation method very poorly and/or not used.

Effective essay or report style and layout with neat legible presentation; correct spelling; grammar and punctuation accurate; meaning clear and fluid with an articulate academic writing style.

Knowledge and understanding appears incomplete or superficial; demonstrates little ability to link and integrate knowledge from a range of areas or to develop coherent arguments.

Thorough analysis of chosen  Analysis of chosen topic has  Analysis of the chosen topic is topic, identifying a range of clearly taken place and a superficial and limited in relevant issues, which range of relevant issues are scope. Limited evidence of includes some less obvious identified. Some evidence of integration of theory with little matters. Highly developed integration of theory with understanding of issues integration of theory with inunderstanding of issues related to organisational depth understanding of issues related to organisational practice (including from within related to organisational practice (including from within own organisation if practice.(including from within own organisation if relevant/appropriate); inability own organisation if relevant/appropriate). to critique research findings, relevant/appropriate). Demonstrates some ability to and fails to appreciate the Demonstrates highly critique research findings, importance of appropriate developed ability to critique appreciating the importance of methodologies. Conclusions research findings, appropriate methodologies. show little understanding of appreciating the importance of Conclusions show general realities of HRM practice and appropriate methodologies. appreciation of dynamics of recommendations are Reaches conclusions show insight into the which dynamics of HRM practice and have a clear strategic focus.

HRM practice and strategic issues aresome addressed.

immediate “short term” rather than &strategic.


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