Misterbitcoin's Paypal Guide V2.0

March 23, 2017 | Author: Anonymous Gtr0KFzD | Category: N/A
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Misterbitcoin’s Paypal Guide V2.0

Well it’s been a while since my last guide, a lot has changed in the darknet world, new markets and new opportunities. Along with the changes is Paypal, the

security has gone up 10 fold and everything is much harder but with the right tools and the right guide ;) success is just around the corner.

Thank you for purchasing my guide, like always if you have any questions please let me know and I will do my best to answer them.

Guide Overview:

I’ve split up the guide in 7 different. I will also be adding a 8th section, or basically a guide of its own shortly with Paypal Credit. Why did I make a separate section for PP Credit?: Because it has changed a TON recently and it will be a guide by itself by the time I’m done so it will be easier this way. No worries, for the first 10 buyers the paypal credit guide will be free. TIP: Each Section has been properly titled so if you’re looking for a specific method/info you can hit control F to find a keyword in the guide



This section will be mostly for new comers so if you are a paypal “pro” you can skip over this part. I will go into detail explaining what every term relating to paypal means so you can have a reference book if you get lost on any subject.

SECTION 2: Creating Paypal Middle man accounts/Cashout accounts Like the title says this section will go over how to make STRONG MM or cashout accounts that can receive substantial amount of $$. I will go from A to Z, there will no guess work in this section and these are

methods that have been thoroughly tested to date. SECTION 3:

Aging Paypal Account

This is probably one of the most common questions I get; how to age paypal accounts? There’s the good, better & best way (and of course the horrible ways on the forums all the time!) I will go over each you exact methods and explain why each works bet. SECTION 4: How to make your own Paypal Transfer’s The golden question, how to get funds inside the newly made accounts? I will go over my personal favorite methods and how other people do there’s, from regular cc transfers to ebay transfers etc. Regardless of the method by the end of the day you will be able to fill your account with some $$. SECTION 5:

Moving Money

Pretty straightforward and important part. Will go over how to move money and when to do it to avoid having a limited account. SECTION 6: Cashing out The part that everyone seems so obsessed over yet this is the easiest part. Yes people don’t believe me when I say this but if you do all the above steps properly there’s literally 1000’s of ways to cashout the paypal account. With that said if everyone does the same then will need to adjust the method but I will still go several evergreen methods to cash out. SECTION 7: Resources

Let’s get started:

SECTION 1: Overview Like mentioned above this will just go over all the terms that are used in this guide and forums relating to paypal so you understand what everything means. TIP: Across the guide I will have highlighted TIP’s. Please make sure to pay attention to these as they will save you a lot of problem’s down the road that I’ve had to find out through trial and error

Reference Book:

VBA: This stand’s for Virtual Bank Account. It’s a drop bank account used to verify paypal with. VCC: Stands for Virtual Credit Card, same as above. Socks: IP address that you use for the carding process RDP/VPS: Basically virtual computer used to create your paypal accounts on. VM: Virtual Machine, another option to create paypal accounts on Gateway: This just refers to a step between the credit card and the paypal account. So for example Credit Card > Payhip > Paypal Account. Payhip is the is the gateway. Dirty/Semi Clean funds: These BS terms started back on EVO as a marketing ploy and unfortunately has stuck until now. All that it mean’s is fraudulent funds. The semi clean refers to a gateway in between but at the end of the day the funds are coming from credit card, ebay, hacked accounts or some other fraudulent method.

Clean Funds: Again this is mostly BS. Yes RARELY, some people might have clean paypal fund to sell but usually what people refer to CLEAN funds as is washed fund through several paypal middle man accounts. Yes they might not chargeback but if it ever goes under investigation it will be obvious what is going on so don’t use your personal accounts for anything darknet related. Paypal Credit: Paypal credit works only for US accounts. It works in the same fashion as a credit card, but with paypal. Depending on the user’s credit score and spending on the account Paypal will give you a credit line to use although there is some limitations to what you can do with it. Hacked accounts: These accounts are all over the place, they are just accounts that have been phished. I see some people have success using SPECIFIC method’s with them but I find them to be an absolute waste of time for the most part and would stay away from them. GVA: Stands for Google Voice Account – an online phone number from google that can receive SMS. You will most likely be using if you are not in the origin country of the account you will create. FraudFox/Antidetect: These are spoofing tools that will be used to make different identity profiles when making credit card purchases. Very lucky to have these now as saves a bunch of step that would have to be otherwise done manually. MM/Middle Man Account: This refers to accounts that will be used to accept dirty funds and pass it on to other accounts to cash out the funds. Cashout accounts: These are accounts that you will be strictly cashing out from. Sometimes I prefer now to only use cash out accounts and skipping MM accounts, I will go over why in the cashing out section. Scans: This is reference to identity scans to unlimited your account. Can be passport/drivers license + utility bills etc. FULLZ: This just means someone’s complete identity, Name, DOB, SSN etc. You will use this to create the papal accounts with.

PPMC: Paypal My Cash – Basically a voucher that can be used to credit a US account with $500

SECTION 2: Making Account’s Please make sure to follow every step in here as messing any of these up can cause a lot of problems and having to start over again. So in this section I will start of by going over a few points that I’ve learned with my experience and then explain what I prefer. You can then choose which method best suits you. Things you need before starting the process: 1) A dedicated IP: This is probably one of the most important parts. Paypal is supper strict on cookies & stable IP address. I can’t believe I still see some people posting on the forums using VIP72 socks to create there accounts and wonder why they get limited.

You can use either a permanent sock with VM or get an RDP/VPS with stable IP. I won’t post sources as they will get saturated and then be useless for everyone. Google is your friend 

TIP: Don’t use the same source for every account, this will form a pattern and a good chance of being limited, so mix it up!

2) VBA/VCC/Brick & Mortar Bank drops: VBA/VCC still works and you can use that if you want, although in the past 1-2 months security has been b. It will cost

you $20-$60 for the resources depending who you buy it from.

BUT Paypal isn’t dumb+ did a major security update last month or two and catches on to these quick which can cause problems depending on what the VBA/VCC source is. Alternately you can use a real Brick & Mortar bank drop to verify with. If you have a drop you can even get a debit visa/mc to verify both with.

If you don’t know how to make your own or don’t have drops venders on Alphabay are selling these for dirt cheap, $75-$100 so when you consider the costs of Fullz & VCC/VBA you only need to pay a bit more for a much superior product.

Bottom line, VBA/VCC works but a solid brick & mortar will be 10x stronger. When you deal with paypal you want to mimic a real customer as close as possible. Think about it, most people use a real bank for verifying not some crappy online virtual thing! 3) Fullz: If you buy a bank drop the fullz with come with it, if you go the VBA/VCC route you will need to buy a US fullz with SSN to make the account. They are fairly cheap on Alphabay, can get them for a few $$. 4) Mini Website(Optional): I put optional as technically these aren’t needed but with the recent paypal security updates this will make a world of a difference (see below for more details). 5) Scans: You will need these in case your account gets limited. Don’t get cheap ones, either make them yourself or get a good quality vender that says he can do it for PP. 6) Google Voice Number or SIM: Used to verify paypal. Obviously if you can get a SIM from the area you are going to make the account in this would be best, if you can’t just use a google voice number.

7) E-mail account: Make an e-mail using the Fullz name. Also make sure to use a good quality one like gmail.

Some info before getting started:

Personal or Premiere Or Business Accounts: The only thing I use is business accounts, these work the best US VS other country: US business paypal accounts are what I use almost exclusively now. Yes they have more security but can receive semi clean funds the easiest I’ve found. I’ve had success with other countries too and the plus is less security. VM/SOCK VS RDP/VPS: Doesn’t really matter, as long as you can keep the same IP for the duration of the account and preferably if it doesn’t show as a commercial IP.

When you have all your resources lined up you can start with opening the account, here are the steps: 1)

Load your RDP/VPN/VM and double check the correct ip on whoer.net


Go to paypal.com and start the registration process

3) Fill out all your info from the FULLZ, make sure to not make any mistakes, especially with SSN. 4) Add in the phone number to verify. If your using a Google voice account make sure to do this now, if you add the number latter on it will not work! 5)

Fill out all the information for the business side


Add in the bank account that you bought/made or VBA. Depending on what

country you are from this step will vary in time it take. Once verified(take the two increment from paypal deposit and verify on panel) you can wait a few days and add the cc/vcc 7)

If everything is OK make a mini website for the paypal account


Changed the main e-mail to [email protected]

What is a mini site and why do I need one?: A mini site is a small website that represents your business. I make one of these for each of my paypal accounts now, here’s why: 1) If you get limited you can show them your website and the services you sell, this will often help in removing limits. 2) You can make a domain e-mail will will give you extra good points on paypal’s fraud detection bot. 3) You can send payments through the site which will make everthing look a lot more legit. Making a mini site is very easy to do, you can even pay for a domain & hosting with BTC from sites like NameCheap. Make sure the info/products on the site match the ones in your paypal profile. So if you’re a web developer you can make products for SEO/website design/logo’s etc. There’s 1000’s of different things you can do like accountants, lawyer, bridal services, artists etc. Just make sure it’s a digital service as this will help you down the road if you get limited. If you’re not sure on how to install a wordpress theme and set up a mini site send me a PM and I can send you some easy to follow tutorials.

I think that cover’s everything regarding making the accounts. I’ve done so many of these it’s like an automatic process now so if I missed anything or anything isn’t clear don’t hesitate to send me a PM and I can clarify. Let’s move on to section 3, aging paypal accounts.

SECTION 3: Aging Account’s This is another crucial step that will determine just how much success you’re going to have. If you don’t properly age your accounts and just send a semi clean transfer you will end up with a permanently limited account and will have to restart from scratch! What doe aging even mean??: Aging a paypal account simply means sending clean funds through the paypal account so that when you start receiving dirty funds it won’t get you limited. There’s several ways to tackle this, here’s an overview: 1) Starting with $40-$75 and increasing the transfers value by20%-35% every few days until you reach your target semi clean fund rate($500/1K w/e it might be) 2) Send a big transfer right off the bat($500), get limited most likely, then get unlimited with scans and website with phone call to PP and then keep sending different large transfers ($500,750,800 etc) across a few weeks to build the account up. 3) Make a legit business out of it first offering various services and build it up naturally then hit it with dirty funds. Either way this process should take a minimum of two weeks and preferably 1 month + before starting dirty funds and by the end of it you should of received several clean transfers with funds 10-20%+ over the value that you’re going to be

sending in dirty funds. TIP: Log into your paypal account every single day and play around inside regardless if you need to do something with it that day. Will help making your account stronger. Obliviously method #3 is best but for most might not be possible. I prefer and use almost exclusively method #2 now. Yeah sure you might get limited for a while and you have to wait it out but the account will be MUCH stronger in the end. Think about it, if your website is for a lawyer or big web firm do those types of companies receive $30, then $45 then $55, no! They would receive a large sum from the beginning so as long as you can SE the paypal operator you will be golden with method 2. TIP: Rule of thumb is you want a minimum of 5-10 different (from different sources) inbound and outbound transactions, preferably with mixed countries.

Before I get into specific methods of aging here’s a few tips to prevent being limited: 1) Make sure to NOT link any of your accounts. Don’t pass funds from 1 MM to the other, this is a sure fire way to get them all limited. 2) Don’t send funds from new accounts, the older the accounts sending the clean funds the better. 3) Make 100% sure these first few transfers won’t be charged back in any way, this will cause a lot of problems. 4) As I mentioned above receive fund from different accounts, if it’ all coming from 1-2 accounts it will look bad. 5) Receive the funds as good and services, if you can payments through the mini site. Alright so now that’s out of the way let’s get to some actual aging methods:

The important part here is to switch it up, your account should be receiving from 5-10 different sources. My favorite is using various freelancer sites as the first transfers. Yes it will delay the process a week or two depending how long the freelancer site holds funds for but funds from these sites will be very trusted and make your account a lot more solid. Another advantage is if you get limited you now have the freelancer site profile + website to prove were funds are coming from. Don’t only use one, use several of them and mix it up with other accounts. Other clean fund sources: 1)

The freelancer sites


Any gaming currency


Different crypto currencies


Buy and sell various game codes on popular sites


Localbitcoins – not my favorite option but still works


Gift card re-selling sites.


Google things that sell for paypal, buy with a drop account and resell.

Now doing all this you will usually lose up to 20%-30% of value of funds on every transfer (from buying/selling – getting btc and re-starting process) which can get expensive! Thankfully I’ve found a way to get around this and age paypal accounts for free! Using Paypal My Cash buyer accounts. Paypal mycash are vouchers which can be purchased to top up a US paypal account with $500, they also sell on LBC and Alphabay for usually 30%-50% discount from face value so with this discount we can make up the difference lost in sending clean transfers.

You won’t be using these to send directly to the paypal account you want aging but instead using it to make the purchases on the various sites which you can sell and in turn get clean paypal funds. This way you will be getting clean funds from several different trusted businesses and won’t cost you a dime to boot! To make a paypal my cash buyer account follow the same steps as making a MM account and then apply the vouchers. It might get limited down the road so I usually use these for a month and make a new one.

Now moving on to the fun part, funding the accounts.

SECTION 4: Paypal Transfer’s So by now we’ve made our accounts, verified them, aged them and they’re ready to start accepting money, almost at the finish line!  There’s several different ways to fund the accounts, I will go over a few and recommend which I like but you can choose for any of them Overview using credit card This is the most popular and best way IMO, the basics of this system is to make invoices/products through a third party gateway such as payhip, instabuck, freshbooks etc or IDEALLY via your own ecommerce website. There’s literally 100’s, if not 1000’s of gateways online we can use to do this. The gateway account is then linked to the middle man account. Once setup you now have a link for XYZ product from the gateway which you can card and then

instantly fund the middle man account with. Credit card > gateway > middle man Physical VS Digital Product: I use almost exclusively now digital products/services on my site/gateways. Why? Because if you use a physical product you will get more holds and need to prove shipping, which is possible but can be a pain. With digital products you can say the service was rendered and prove from your site/e-mails from fake customer and get the payment released/account unlimited. Setting up a product: Doesn’t matter if it’s on your own site, gateway etc you need to make the product look 100% legit. Fill it out with full information and details about it. Can be anything, web design, logo, article writing service, digital books etc just make sure the product info is properly filled out. If you need idea’s just look at marketing forums and leak forums for e-books to use, or if you’re using a service just google example websites, copy there writing and re-write it in your own words. TIP: One of the most important parts to these transfers is the quality of the cards. You want high end bins like signature, business centurion, platinum etc. The reason for this is because which such high credit limits a $500-$1000 transfer is less likely to be noticed by the cardholder then with low limit cards. Since it’s a numbers game with these cards buying bulk for discount will really pay off. I give a few sources for good cards at the end of this guide in the resources section TIP2: US Fullz are getting cheaper and cheaper and in bulk they are sometimes even cheaper than regular cc’s and some vender even offer full fraudfox/userid profiles with them. The success rate will be much higher using these as usually the fullz are freshly spammed and you have the user agent ID.

Resources needed: 1) Fraudfox or Antidetect – this will be used to spoof your user ID and much more. Either will work, fraudfox is only $100 a month so it’s the easiest/cheapest one.

2) HIGH quality SOCKS – Noticed I said high quality, using shit socks will be a major problem – Socks get a rating from 0-5, anything over 2-3 and its will be detected as a sock. That means you want to check your proxy score everytime before using it, no point wasting a good CC/Fullz on a bad sock. Some sock sites even give you this score, if they don’t just google proxy score and use any of those sites to get the results(I’ll post a few of them in the resources section). 3) Fresh CC’s or Fullz, more the better and only high level bins. I’ve had the most success wth Visa Credit recently. By high level bins I mean anything platinum and over. I’ll post some good BINS in the resource section of the guide. 4) A payment link – as mentioned above you have a lot of options here. You can use any gateway, your own mini site or paypal buy now buttons. I prefer my own site method. 5) Invoice System (optional): If you’re using your own site you can also make a paid invoice slip so if the transfer gets limited for w/e reason you have one more thing to send in as proof Alright so now you have everything you need time to start carding! Here are the steps, make sure to carefully read each one as the slightest thing can result in failure when it comes to Paypal. NOTICE: I haven’t included OPSEC steps here, just the carding steps. If you’re not sure on how to setup your security properly give me a PM and I can help you with this. 1)

Log into firefox.

2) On a separate browser find a sock matching the location of the CC/Fullz. Back in the day you could get away with SOCKS from super far away but now paypal is a lot more sensitive so try and get it to as close as possible, like same zip code if possible. I have 4-5 socks subscriptions so that way I can find a match for most of the CCs I buy. 3)

Once you found the sock open proxifier and change the sock to the new

one. 4) If you have a FraudFox profile with fullz then this is the time to load it. If not load all the settings, proper time etc. Also make 100% sure that all the details match. For example don’t use Apple OS with firefox browser, it has to make sense. 5) Click the load browser button, thankfully fraudfox loads to whoer.net so that saves a step. 6) Once on whoer.net make sure all the details match and you have the right timezone/keyboard language etc 7)

After that check the proxy score, if it’s a bad one start over.


Open the website link/gateway

9) Once on the payment page fill out all the information exactly like on the cc/fullz. Go slowly and make sure you don’t make any mistakes. Type everything out, never copy and paste or use the tab key. 10) If it went through then you can stop here, if it doesn’t go through then restart the process Tips and things that can go wrong: 1) Paypal is very sensitive and has extensive security features + a lot of the cards are already attached to paypal, that means that the success rate if everything is set 100% is about 3-4/10 attempts. So don’t get discouraged if a few fail. 2) “we can’t send this payment right now error” You’ll be getting a lot of these. Can mean anything from the card is already in use to the account is not good to receive transfers to it didn’t like the socks etc. 3) “Card already used error” Nothing we can do here but move along, although sometimes I noticed paypal uses this error up for just a bad account so if you keep getting this error on all cards then check the account. 4)

When doing transfers do them the same time as the card holder’s day time

hours so typically 10am to 7-9PM. Doing them in the middle of the night is a sure fire way to get a CB or a hold 5) 24 hour hold: If your sock was a little off or your account new Paypal will place a 24 hour hold on the transfer. Happens, and nothing to worry about, as long as no chargeback the amount will be available in exactly 24 hours. 6) US cards are the cheapest and most available option so this is what I recommend. Other countries works great too but are more difficult to find proper socks + usually very expensive. 7) If you have several failed attempts don’t keep hammering it, I sometimes sit it out for a day or so and try again and this will often solve it. 8) If you just can’t get them through its most likely something wrong with your setup or the account wasn’t aged properly. 9) Don’t check your cards before buying, only check after IF it doesn’t go through 10) Don’t re-use cards, if one goes through then discard it, if you use it again the chance of early chargeback will just be very high for two transfers. 11) Typically if you make it past 48 hours without a chargeback and you used a good quality bin they will last long, like 1 week to 1 month+, if you get a chargeback don’t worry with the way I set it up it can take a few hits, just refund it and send more transfers in. 12) When using this method I like to start at the beginning of the month, that way by the time invoices start being checked you will have already cashed out.

I think that covers everything, again I do all of this automatic now so if I missed anything or anything isn’t clear just send me a PM and I’ll help out. THE EBAY METHOD: I don’t like this method for a multitude of reasons but I keep getting questions

about it so I explain how it works. The ebay method is actually very simple, you just need to buy a hacked ebay account or one made from the ground up with the selling level you need. After you can link it with your paypal account and post very discounted products, then a real buyer will buy the item and send funds to your paypal account. You will need to provide a tracking so some people buy something cheap on amazon and send it to the vic’s address and use that tracking number. There really isn’t any magic to this method, this is what the ebay sellers are doing. I don’t like this method as your screwing around with the vic too much(deceiving about the product + sending a fake item to their house which is bad) As you can tell on the forums it also gets accounts limited very quick, ever notice how I rarely get complaints about limited accounts and these venders get them all the time? And lastly the funds will last a max of 1 week or so before the vic realizes whats going on. I guess that works if you just want to cash out small amounts but I prefer building up a solid account and doing 10K per account so this method doesn’t really work for me. I’ll post in the resources section were to get all the resources but IMO I would stay away from this method.

SECTION 5: Moving Money Another fairly important section to prevent being limited, lots to go over here so I will just do it step by step: 1) When the first clean funds hit the account there is no rush, you can let it sit for days and then start slowly moving it out, small chunks at a time.

2) When dirty funds hit your account you should wait 12-24 hours before moving the money. This is just a rule of thumb, if it’s around that then no problem 3) Don’t try cashing out everything at once, if withdrawing to bank account try half then another half latter on, if your cashing out online then keep buying several smaller purchases on different sites if possible 4) Never let your balance go down to $0 or near it. I would keep a minimum of 10-20% of balance until final cash out 5) Don’t send money(or withdraw) to only one place. Even if you are cashing out via bank drop buy some random crap online and mix it up, this will help keep the account live for much longer 6) For withdraw amounts don’t make patterns so take out different amounts every time, not the exact % etc. 7) I use to do the whole cleaning step which was cc > gateway1 > mm1 >gateway2>mm2>gateway3>cash out account and t worked fairly well and still does if your careful but with how cheap bank drops are now and the multitude of virtual cash out options and how strict paypal is with linking accounts I just run straight to 1 cash out account, so cc>gateway/minisite>cash out account. With a solid prepped account you can still get a good 10K before the account gets burned. On to the fun stuff, cashing out!

SECTION 6: Cashing Out Finally we’re at the end and ready to cash out! Like I mentioned above this is the easiest part, everyone concentrates on the cashing out part but really there’s 1000’s of ways to cash out, the hard part and what you should concentrate on is

the earlier sections and then that will make cashing out easy. With that said here’s 4 cash out methods that have worked for me since I started and work great as of today ;)

Method 1: Standard Bank Cash out Let’s get the obvious one out of the way, the standard bank cash out. This method is pretty straight forward, you get a solid bank drop, which you can make yourself or buy from marketplace on Alphabay and then cash it out. There are two different styles to approach this: Style 1: If you’re using cheap bank drops(the common $100-$300 ones sold on alphabay) then I wouldn’t bother using middle man accounts, I would just cash out straight on the account. Reason is these drops typically can’t hold a huge amount of money before being limited so there’s no point in running a bunch of extra security middle man’s. You can still run a good 8-10K+ through these and then just rinse and repeat. If you’re going with style 1 make sure to be prepping a few accounts every week so you can keep a stable income. For transfers you can start with $500-$750 per day depending how much you’ve prepared it and keep going even if you have a few chargebacks. Typically depending when that first chargeback comes you can keep going for 10-20 days with 1-2 transfers daily. Style 2: If you’re using a solid business bank drop or one that you know can hold a lot of funds then you’re going to want to protect this account much more so you can maximize the cash out amount. Don’t send directly to the account but instead use 1-2 layers of middle man accounts. Eventually paypal will figure out what’s going on but by that time you will have cashed out a substantial amount.

Either way, even if you’re strictly cashing out to bank drops buy some things online, it will help keep the account alive longer. TIP: Make sure you are logging in during the same hours as working hours for the FULLZ account you made to make it look natural, if you’re always logging in at 3am local time it will alert the paypal fraud bot.

TIP2: Don’t get greedy with the transfers. This is probably one of the most common mistakes that myself and some very experienced guys I know still do sometimes, that is to send to many transfers. Stick with the amounts that are safe. Paypal is a slow jog, not a sprint, patience required!

Method 2: The Virtual Cash out This is one of my favorite ways to cash out, it’s the easiest, simplest and fastest. I see a big problem on the forums is to simply over think everything and never take action or just read a method and think no it can’t be that simple and then go on to concoct crazy complicated methods that don’t work. With the information below you can cash out thousands per day if you do it right. So what were going to do here is buy virtual items and re-sell the same items on various sites. One of the reasons this is so effective is that there is 100’s if not thousands of options to do this and it looks much better to the Paypal bot as your purchases are spread all over the place in trusted sources. Another big bonus is that most of these sites have little to no security. At most they might require an id scan which you have already for your PP account. Some examples: 1)

Game codes – buy them from one site, sell on other

2) MMO Currency – The options here are endless, so many different game currencies and you can buy and sell them the same day. If you don’t want to do the in game part look at the BTC forums, several are offering cash out service for BTC 3)

Gift Cards

4) Alt coins – one of my favorites. I got some flack when I mentioned this last time but I find this very funny. Many of these sites have 0 security and can buy $100’s+ per vender per day making it one of the easiest cash outs. You can then exchange them for BTC same day. Mix these up, don’t only use one source but as many as possible, this will help keep the account alive for a long time. There’s countless options available and you’ll run out of paypal funds before you run out of options of cashing them out virtually. Again I don’t want to mention specific sites because if everyone uses the same it will just cause problems but these are so easy to find with a simple google search. If you’re really stuck PM me and I can give you a few idea’s. Now a lot of these sites have an option to cash out in BTC, if they don’t they can send you clean paypal funds. If that’s the case then very easy to cash out. Simply create a profile on any freelancer site and attach it with a prepaid card and send the funds there. Prepaids like Payonneer is super easy to get and there’s several other options available depending on what country you are from. If you’re stuck on this PM me and I can point you in the right direction. The only disadvantage here is that you will lose 20%-35% of your funds when converting them to cash. Method 3: The China Man Method Not often discussed but one of the easiest method’s to cash out large sums of paypal funds. I know several PP experts that use this method daily for years, and since so many options it won’t saturate.

What we’re doing here is buying electronics(phones, laptops, computer parts etc) from Chinese wholesalers and re-selling them locally. The Chinese wholesalers have the most lax security I’ve ever seen; even to the point I would say none existent. A few of them would even let me pay a 3-5K order via credit card 3 different split payments from different cities and sending the pack to a completely different country drop so as you can see using a PP account will be a breeze. If you want to buy bulk items you can use a middle man as a buffer to your cash out account so you can place as many orders as possible with the main cash out account before it burns. TIP: Choose the fastest shipping option possible. Usually takes 4-10 days to arrive depending were you are located. When selling locally, doing behind proper security measures and cash only. Now if you don’t have a drops there’s a quick way around this  Buy a hacked ebay accounts(or build one up from scratch) and list the same in demand items from the Chinese wholesaler on the ebay market but with 20%-30% lower than retail cost. They will sale quick. Take the tracking number the Chinese wholesaler gives and give it to the ebay customer as well plug it in to your paypal account. You now have “clean’’ funds you can cash out. Ebay is just one example, using a little creativity there’s several other ways you can setup a similar system.

Method 4: The Laid Back Method If you’re sick of sending transfers and time everything this is an easy cash out

method that you can maintain only working an hour or two a day. More investment is needed and less return but it’s pretty much fool proof and no guess work involved. What were going to here is cash out Paypal My Cash codes, the smart way! As mentioned throughout the guide Paypal My Cash codes are $500 paypal vouchers that can be redeemed on US paypal accounts. Wholesalers typically discount 30-50% of face value so theres a good margin for profit on them, of course the more you buy the more room for negotiation. What were going to do first is setup high quality profiles, 2-5 different profiles on 3-4 different sites. So for example on site 1(like Elance) you will have 2-5 completely different full profiles and then repeat the same profiles for site 2, site 3 etc. The reason we do it this way is: 1)

In case something goes wrong the funds lost will be minimal


Can cash out larger amounts.

You can attach each of the profiles with a prepaid card to receive the funds. Depending on which country you live there will be so many different options to choose from. Many cards you can even pick up locally in the US & UK. If you need some pointers for prepaids let me know I can point you in the right direction. Cards like Payoneer (which works will all freelancer sites) you can top up to 10K at a time but best to split it up into smaller transactions. You will also want to spend time and apply for other jobs with your profile to make it look more legit. Now for the PPMC accounts you want to set them up the same way as the PPMC buyer accounts I mentioned at the beginning of the guide. You can load up to 2 PPMC codes per week(up to 4K a month) per account but I

would stick to around 1 a week. For how many accounts you want to cash out figure out how many codes you want to cash out per week first. So for example if you want to cash out 2 codes per day then you would need 7-14 buyer accounts. The more accounts the better as you can spread them out. I would also make a mini website for each buyer account in case the account gets limited you can say you run XYZ business and your using the codes to pay a freelancer online for a logo or whatever it is. Now when you go to buy off your fake profiles don’t spend the $500 all in one shot. Leave it in your account for a few days then break it up in several different buys and just keep alternating the accounts for however much you need to cash out that day. By keep transactions small and having several accounts going at the same time on different sites with different profiles in case anyone gets shut down it will minimize the damage. The hard work is setting up the profiles but once that’s done everything can be maintained in an hour or two a day. If you have only 2-3 codes cashing out per day that’s still a $300-$500 profit daily for almost no work! I would switch up all the profiles and accounts every 4-6 weeks just to prevent any problems down the road.

That’s it for now for cashing out, I will be adding some more as I do updates. Check out the resources section & final takeaway overview below:

SECTION 7: Resources Before I get into the resources here’s a quick overview takeway from the past 6 sections: 1)

Only use high quality IP to make middle man account

2) Use brick & motar bank drop to verify regardless if you’re going to use it to cash out 3)

Don’t cheap out on socks, get the best quality ones.


Only use high level bins & make sure to buy from a trusted seller


Don’t get greedy with transfer amounts, stick to what works


Don’t cash out in only one venue, spread it out.


Log in to your account every day


Mini sites are important!!

9) Patience is key, Paypal is annoying and tricky but once you go through the process it gets much easier.


Premade Paypal Accounts/Bank drops: I make my own so I don’t buy the only person I know makes quality would be Bartock from Alphabay, he’s been around forever and knows paypal inside out. Yasuo also for paypal accounts although not sure what happened to him now and if he still sells them.

Ive had several friends buy from Battalion for bank drops but I’ve never bought one myself. I hear their very good quality for big cash out. Credit Cards It’s kind of been a crap shoot lately for credit cards. Last year there was an abundance of quality autoshop & cc sellers but lately it seems a lot of the bases have gone to shit or people are re-selling the same bases to the different popular venders. There’s still some good sellers on Alphabay, I would mix it up and when they have a good base buy bulk. Autoshop cards are usually cheaper and have checkers, here are some that I use: https://validcc.su – the quality varies, sometimes they will have really good base. The checker is fairly good to so I often get refunded for any bad cards. Use the most recent bases. UNICCSHOP.PM – UNICC use to be awesome, I found the quality dipping lately but they are still good CVV.ME – I see this one being recommended all the time but I’ve never had much success with it compared to the other ones. SOCKS for carding: http://luxsocks.ru – One of my favorites, especially with the update last month it now tells you the proxy score, how old it is and the zip code so you can get a good quality match and good quality IP with less trial and error. http://rs-socks.net/ http://seproxysoft.com/en

FraudFox: You can get it from HugoChavez on Alphabay, he also has his own site, Palentir.

Scanz: EvoScans from Alphabay does a good job http://www.secondeyesolution.com Make your own! If you don’t want to wait around buy some high quality templates and exif editor and make your own, will save you money plus you will know the job was done properly.

Well that’s it for this guide, I will be making the paypal credit update soon. If anything isn’t clear just shoot me a PM I will go over everything with you. I might of forgot a few things to so I will keep updating the guide as I go. Thanks for reading and good luck! MB

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