MEMORANDUM OF APPEAL COMES NOW complainant-appellant by the undersigned counsel unto this +onorable Commission most respectfully a,ers
JURISDICTIONAL FACTS FACTS ( .n (% "epte "eptember mber /% /%(& (& com complai plainant nant-app -appella ellant0s nt0s cou counsel nsel rrecei ecei,ed ,ed a copy of the Decision of the +on$ Labor Arbiter 1arcial 2alahad 3$ 1a4asiar in NLRC-NCR Case No$ %&-%&%'(-(& entitled Ar,in A$ Pascual 5Complainant6 ,s$ "itel Philippines et$ al$ 5Respondents67 / 3hu 3hus s compl complain ainantant-appe appellan llantt has until /% "e "eptem ptember ber /%( /%(& & 8ithi 8ithin n 8hich to 9le his Appe Appeal al and 1emo 1emorand randum um of App Appeal eal 8hi 8hich ch fall falls s o on n a "un "unday day$$ Complainant-appell ant has therefor Complainant-appellant therefore e until /( "eptember /%(&7 : Comp Complain lainant-a ant-appel ppellant lant mo most st resp respectf ectfully ully ap appeal peals s the Decisi Decision on of the +on$ Labo La borr Ar Arbi bite terr to the the +o +ono nora rabl ble e Co Comm mmis issi sion on an and d su subm bmit it the the inst instan antt 1emorandum of Appeal7 ; of the )abor 8ode” 8ode” 5emphasis supplied6 “s correctl pointed out b the L, absent a showing that the withholding of complainant+s wages falls under the e-ceptions proided in rticle ==>, the withhold withholding ing thereof is thus unlawful%& Jurther in the same case the "upreme Court citing their decision in the earlier case of Duldulao ,s$ Court of Appeals 2$R$ No$ (@;?: ( 1arch /%%' reiterated that O “5hat made it impossible, unreaso unreasonable nable or unlik unlikely ely for res espo pon nde dent nt to co cont ntin inue ue wo worrki king ng for +H+ wa was s th the e unlawful withholding of his salary. $or said reason, he was forced to resign” resign” 5emphasis supplied6$ supplied6$ “8hatt is si “8ha sign gni ica cant nt is that that the the re resp spon onde dent nt pr prep epar ared ed an and d sered his resignation letter right after he was informed that his salar was being withheld% 0t would be absurd to reuire respondent to tolerate the unlawful withholding of his salar for a longer period before his emploment can be considered as so im impo possi ssible ble,, un unre reaso asona nable ble or un unli li.el .el as to co const nstitu itute te constructie construct ie dismissal%& “0t is worth to note that in his resignation letter, respondent cited petitioners+ ?illegal and unfair labor practice? as his cause for resignation% As resignation% As correctly noted by tthe he 8A, respondent lost lost no ti time me in su subm bmitt ittin ing g his his re resi sign gnat atio ion n le lett tter er an and d eventually ;ling a complaint for illegal dismissal :ust a few days after his salary was withheld. (hese circums msttances are in inco con nsis isttent with volu lun ntary resi re sign gnat atio ion n an and d bo bols lster ter th the e ;n ;ndi ding ng of con const stru ructi ctive ve dismissal %& %& 5emphasis 5emphasis supplied6 THE CASE OF VERDADERO VS. BARNEY AUTOLINES, G.R. NO. 1>@:'
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