Lufthansa pilot interview questions I. List of Lufthansa pilot interview questions 1. Tell Tell me about about yours yoursel elf? f? 2. Why Why did did you you leave leave your your last last job? job? 3. What is is the importance importance of proficiency proficiency in in several several languages languages for a Lufthansa Lufthansa pilot? 4. What can you tell me about about Lufthansa Lufthansa pilot responsibilit responsibilities? ies? 5. Tell me about an assignment assignment that was too difficult difficult for you. How did you resolve resolve the issue? 6. How do do you propose propose to to compensat compensatee for your your lack of exper experienc ience? e? 7. Tell me me about a time when you you helped helped resolve resolve a dispute dispute betwee between n others. 8. What What positio position n do you prefer prefer on a team team working working on on a project? project? 9. When When was the the last last time time you were were angry? angry? What What happe happened? ned? 10. How would would you behave as the pilot of a plane during during an emergency? emergency? 11. Did you ever have to modify modify the flight flight course in the past? past? 12. What are your career career goals for for Lufthansa Lufthansa pilot? 13. Do you think you are overqualifi overqualified ed for Lufthansa Lufthansa pilot? 14. Which one’s do do not, and and why? 15. Can you define define Balanced Balanced Field Length? Length? 16. Based on your aircraft aircraft discuss a flight in IFR as well well as icing-conditions? icing-conditions? 17. What have you learned learned from your past jobs that related related to Lufthansa pilot? pilot? 18. Where would would you like like to be in 3 years? years? 5 years? 19. What are top 3 skills skills for Lufthansa Lufthansa pilot? pilot? 20. What tertiary tertiary qualifications qualifications have you attained that related to Lufthansa pilot?
Materials for Lufthansa pilot interview
1. E-book: E-book: The Pilot’s Pilot’s Interv Interview iew Guide Guides: s: 2. 100 Pilo Pilott interv interview iew ques questio tions ns and and answer answers. s.
II. Tips to answer Lufthansa pilot interview: 1. Ident Identif ify y key key dutie duties, s, task tasks, s, job job spec specs, s, job job sta standa ndards rds of Luft Lufthan hansa sa pilot pilot positions positions then ask ask question: question: How How to do, how how to become, become, how to measure measure performance, performance, how to monitor, monitor, how to to control… control… 2. Alwa Always ys ask ask by yours yoursel elf: f: what what are are thin things gs relat related ed to to your your posit positio ion n fie field ld in in this this interview questions before answering. 3. Ask Ask a fri frien end d or rela relati tive ve of of you yours rs to hel help p you you prac practi tice ce answ answer erin ing g an an interview. 4. Prepa Prepare re a lis listt of of que quest stion ionss you you may may ask ask the the inte interv rvie iewe wers rs (for (for exam exampl ple, e, about about their training programs and how you apply for such programs). 5. Arri Arrive ve 15-1 15-10 0 minu minute tess ear earli lier er.. Avo Avoid id going going duri during ng rush rush hours hours or on crow crowed ed streets. Take a look around the university and talk to other candidates there. 6. Disc Discuss uss your your inter intervie view w wit with h oth other ers. s. You You may may rece receive ive very very helpfu helpfull advi advice ce from an outsider who, like the interviewers, may tell if you answer properly or not.
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