Journal for Advancement of Stellar Astrology

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Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Journal for Advancement of Stellar Astrology The Journal for Advancement of Stellar Astrology (JASA) is a free, bi-monthly international journal for the propagation and development of stellar astrology and Krishnamurti Paddhati. MISSION “In the pursuit and discovery of Truth for creating Universal welfare of humankind”

(Volume 1, Issue 4) 1. Editorial 2. Case Studies in Predictive Astrology a.


Baskara Astrology -- Part IV: Basic Principles

b. Marriage Settlement—A KP Appraisal c.

The Mystery Case Of Ylenia Carrisi : KP Analysis

d. Gains from the Share Market: A 4 Step Method Analysis e.


Vijay Kumar


Basilioli Sandro ( Vediko) 26 Sunil Gondhalekar


R .Vijayalakshmi


Kausik Roy


Dr. N.V.R.A. Raja


Subhash Ektare


V.S.N. Murthy


Naadi Jyothisha - Jeeva And Sareera Method: Analysis of 10th House—Steve Jobs


K.S.V. Ramani

Strength of Lagna and its’ impact on the overall horoscope: A KP Analysis

3. Research Perspectives a.

Stellar Effects: Digbala

b. Review of Modified BTR Rule c.

KP Analysis on Murderers’ Birth Chart

d. KP Research in Cancer – Part I

N. Mukhopadhyay

4. JASA Idea Incubator Sub Harmonics—Part I 5.

Rajendra Nimje

Critics Column: K.S. Krishnamurthy on Muhurta: Excerpt from A&A

72 77

6. ‘Food For Thought’


7. The Classroom


8. Astro-News


9. Billet Doux




Vol. 1(4)

JASA is now having

Jan-Feb 2012


registered readers from 53 countries within 6 months of its publication as on 30th Dec 2011 ! JASA is now the most widely read stellar astrological international journal published from India. JASA achieved this phenomenal success for upholding the truth and the blessings of God.



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Journal for Advancement of Stellar Astrology (JASA) is a free, bi-monthly international journal for the propagation and development of all forms of stellar astrology. It is developed, published and circulated on non-commercial basis and solely for educational and research purposes on philanthropic intention for the advancement of astrological science. No price is charged from the readers of this journal. The journal is published from India.

Editor: Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit) Contact: [email protected] Publisher:

Bhagya Ratna Gems & Jewellers and Srimati Deblina and Tapan Kumar Dutta Kolkata, India. Advocates:

M/S Subrata Basu & Advocates,

High Court, Calcutta.

Copyright Information: The Copyright of all materials published in this journal belongs to the Authors © and not to the Journal or its Editor or the Publisher. However, any person, organization or institution desirous of using any materials published in this journal in any manner whatsoever needs to mandatorily obtain prior written permission from the Publisher of this journal and also the author(s), failing which legal action for violation of copyright under relevant sections of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957 would be initiated against such person, organization or institution. There will, however, be no copyright violation if JASA, or any of its contents is cited or quoted or mentioned as ‘reference’ in any print or digital form with proper acknowledgement of the name of author(s), name of article, volume number and issue number. For such citations or references, no prior permission is required from the publishers of this journal.

Price: FREE Legal Disclaimer: The views, contents, interpretations and discussions presented in this journal belong to the respective authors/contributors. This journal, its editor and/or the publisher are not liable or responsible in any manner whatsoever to any person or organization living or dead or in perpetual existence for any horoscopes, views, contents, interpretations and discussions presented in this journal by the authors/contributors. All materials are accepted from authors/contributors for publication in this journal under explicit written declaration from the authors/contributors that such materials have not been published anywhere else and are not the intellectual property of anyone else. Any copyright infringement, therefore, is to be directly dealt with the respective authors or contributors and neither the editor nor the publisher of this journal will undertake any correspondence in this regard in any manner whatsoever. All quotes, citations and scanned images given in this journal are provided with proper references and due acknowledgements in accordance with provisions of various international intellectual property rights laws in general and the Indian Copyright Act 1957 in particular. The birth charts, horoscopic details and birth details along with any personal information about any person or organization living or dead or in perpetual existence is provided by the authors/contributors themselves, and this journal, its editor and the publisher are not liable or responsible to any person or organization, living or dead or in perpetual existence in any manner whatsoever. All software used for generating astrological charts or any other illustrations shown in this journal are used by the respective authors/contributors under their own liability as per the provisions of the End User License Agreement of those respective software and this journal, its editor and the publisher are not liable or responsible in any manner whatsoever towards any license infringements or agreement violations or any liability arising there from. All advertisements of all products and services are the offers made by the advertisers and this journal, its editor and/or the publisher are not liable or responsible in any manner whatsoever to any person or organization living or dead or in perpetual existence for any product or service, quality, promise, delivery or failure of performance or any other representations. Anyone making any purchase decision based on the advertisements made in this journal must do it at his own understanding, discretion, liability and peril. By registering oneself and downloading this journal from, or by receiving or accessing from any other source, all readers are deemed to have carefully read, understood and agreed to abide by this legal disclaimer without any exception in all circumstances and is deemed to unconditionally agree to resolve any dispute only in courts of Kolkata jurisdiction.



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

JASA, its Publishers and Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit) wishes all the readers, patrons and authors a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2012 4


Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit)

M.Com. (Gold Medalist), Ph.D Jyotish Vidya Ratna (Gold Medalist) Jyotish Vibhakar, Jyotish Surya


K.S. Krishnamurthy’s constructive criticism on Muhurta—Part II


am very happy to hand over to you in this New Year 2012 such an issue of JASA, which is very unique in its own way for a number of reasons. It is indeed a time for all the readers to be joyful for having this kind an international journal of stellar astrology in their hand.

First and foremost on page 77 we have KSK himself pointing out the fallacy of using Muhurta blindly. In the last issue, we provided the input directly from KSK about why Muhurta’s fail. In this issue we are providing the remaining portion of that masterpiece article, where KSK showed the right method of how to go about determining a Muhurta. Readers will find in that scanned page that KSK has advocated the use of birth horoscope along with the Muhurta chart. This has also been the recommendation coming from Sage Parashara, Varahamihira et al. However, developers of KP-based Muhurta have totally ignored this element. These inventors (or distorter of KP?) cannot answer the question raised by KSK in the scanned page on 77. Secondly, Sri Subhash Ektare has once again exposed the dubious research conducted by a self proclaimed reference-giver of an internet group. Readers will be shocked to find that for so many years thousands of KP followers were cheated to believe that a particular rule of birth time rectification does not work. But it indeed does! Sri Ektare has shown us that the same data set is actually speaking quite the reverse of what was presented to us earlier a few years ago by that ‘internet-based reference giver’. It is high time that all readers take precautionary measures to be careful of such spurious research output, which they regularly feed the gullible public through their own magazines. Thirdly, we have Sri Rajendra Nimje, IAS who provided the idea of ‘Sub Harmonics’—a brilliant improvisation on KP technique—in the JASA Idea Incubator. I have carried the first part of this intelligent article and the readers will be highly benefitted from this output. JASA has also assigned an Index Number for future documentation and reference of this article against any possible intellectual dishonesty. Fourthly, Sri V.S.N. Murthy’s article shows that classical approach to KP---the real KP, which has been either forgotten by many, or not known by many and others who want to meticulously forget the original teachings of KSK for reasons of narrow vested interests. In this article we see the use of Atma Karaka in KP and JASA provides the scanned copy of KSK’s 4th Reader of 1971 wherein we see that KSK also used Vargathamamsa!! JASA has been saying from its inaugural issue that KSK never decried traditional astrology and he did use it in his own works. Readers will find this truth in this issue. Fifthly, and quite recently, some neurotic person in a KP internet group has been misguiding thousands saying that “determining Lagna first is not KP”. It appears as if that ‘reference-giver’ is the sole custodian of KP. Unfortunately he has never been taught KP by any one and does not know that KSK himself analyzed the Lagna FIRST while discussing the horoscope of a Holy personage. JASA provides this scanned page from Astrology & Athristha 1965 issue to reveal the truth. Sri Kaushik Roy’s article will provide the readers an excellent opportunity to study the Lagna of horoscope with precision and terseness. His article will guide all readers that the Lagna must be scrutinized first before embarking upon any other phase of analysis.



Vol. 1(4)

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Sixthly, reviewers and editors of other magazines are now apologizing to their authors for rejecting articles arbitrarily. This was evident in the November issue of a magazine on KP published from Western India. In addition, in the December 2011 issue, that magazine even copied the editorial approach of article summary. These reviewers and editors of these magazines are now remorseful (and afraid?) about their untruthful approaches adopted by them so far. THIS IS THE SUCCESS OF ALL READERS AND AUTHORS OF JASA!!! Not only this, JASA has crossed 6000 registered readers and is subscribed in more than 50 countries WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF ITS PUBLICATION, which some KP electronic magazines operating since 2007 could not achieve!!! This is what is God’s blessing, readers’ blessing, authors’ love and dedication and the blessing of KSK from the Heavens. Apart from these we have Dr. NVRA Raja, Sri K.S.V. Ramani, Sri Vijay Kumar, Vediko from Italy, Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Dhanapal, and Sri Sunil Gondhalekar ji authoring important practical write-ups for all the readers. has revealed many secrets in his article. If readers carefully reads—and also reads between the lines—then surely they can understand the immense benefit that these article carries for daily practical application in real life. Special mention is due for Sri Nayan Muhopadhayay who has embarked upon a rigorously designed research agenda on KP based analysis of Cancer disease. His approach to deal with this research will remain as a benchmark for all to follow. Good research takes time and Sri Mukhopadhayay will give us the truth slowly but steadly. JASA is committed to the entire field of astrology apart from being particularly focused on stellar branch. With this intention, we have started a new section from this issue, ‘Astro News’ to cover all important news, events and incidents in the field of astrology. Readers will find that the field of astrology is ever vibrant and many events are happening beside us. JASA is very enthusiastic to capture all these and so we are requesting readers to send news/events etc to be published in this section. However, one section is yet to receive inputs. And that is the Classroom section. There has not been any serious write-up coming from senior astrologers on sharing knowledge in a capsule form. We are appealing to all senior astrologers to send brief ‘knowledge-note’ for this section and we will gladly publish these. Till then we are carrying snippets of original KP knowledge given by K.S. Krishnamurti himself through Astrology & Athrista. So, without further ado, plunge yourself into the real knowledge of KP and stellar astrology through this issue of JASA and let the undistorted KP dawn on you in this new year 2012. And I predict with more

than 100% confidence that the world is NOT coming to an end in 2012 and you and I will greet each other in the fresh new morning of 2013.

Good Luck!



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Jan-Feb 2012


“Uchista has helped me on giving correct intuition, proper guidance and a selective approach in the matter of prognostication. HE has not confounded me; HE has not clouded my vision. Nor HE created any opportunity to regret. But, above all, he has set me on the correct path and with HIS Grace I have launched upon New theory…….Now I say that though I gave the title to my theory as Krishnamurti Padhdhati, yet it is honestly Uchishta Mahaganapathi Padhdhati”.

K.S. Krishnamurti (1908-1972). ‘Astrology & Athristha’, October 1967. Page 1 and 2

JASA, its Publisher, its Editor, patrons and all readers pay their sincere tribute to the propounder of Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP) Photograph Acknowledgement: Astrology & Athristha, May 1979



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“Do not be in the company of bluffers. Do not feel jealous of others. Do not talk ill of others. When you are true, remember truth alone will prevail”. K.S. Krishnamurti. Astrology & Athristha, May 1969. Page 28 Photograph Acknowledgement: Krishnamurti Commemoration Number, June 1972



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Obituary R. G. Rao (1938 - 2011)


Sri. R. G Rao was born in 1938 and began his journey into the world of Jyotish with the divine blessings of Sri. Balakrishna Sadhu of Thrayambaka Mutt. He did an extensive work in the Naadi Jyotish after getting Original Naadi Grantham from Tamilnadu. His in-depth research led him to arrive at precise formulae behind Naadi predictions. Naadi principles which are used to be kept secret for centuries and remained out of reach of astrologers was later published by him for the entire world.



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Maharishi of modern order spent his whole life for spreading of Naadi Astrology which immensely benefitted the whole world of astrology. He can be called pioneer in popularising the concepts of Naadi in a simple way up to a common level by translating Brighu Nandi Naadi in English for the benefit of student community of astrological world. Words of Sri. RG Rao “An 'Astro palmist' who reads the 'Rekhas' through Naadi Sastra cannot fail because the rekhas are formulated naturally at the time of birth; if an astropalmist fails it is only because of his/her inefficiency.” He has conducted classes in Naadi System of Astrology through India and has clients from all over the world. When he convened the "The world Convention of Vedic astrology in 1998, he was conferred with the title "Vijnanika Nadi Shastra Praveena". HIS MONUMENTAL WORKS INDEED A BOON TO ASTROLOGICAL WORLD. He wrote many books and here is a partial list: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Fundamentals of Rao's System of Nadi Astrology Core of Nadi Astrology Essence of Nadi Astrology Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Bhighu Prashna Nadi Bruhath Nadi Astrology Kashyapa Hora System of Nadi Astrology Fortune Telling from Permutation and its Combinations of the Planets Profession from the Position of Planets Transit of Planets on Thy Birth Chart Your Fortune from thy House Natal Chart from the Palm Ancient Vaastu Shastra Samudrika Sudha Wonders of Life with Remedies by Nadi System Your Destiny in Thumb Your Face Mirror Fortune OUR DEEPEST CONDOLENCES TO THE FAMILY OF SRI RG RAO AND LET HIS THE NOBLE SOUL REST IN PEACE.

Obituary courtesy: Dr. N.V.R.A. Raja and Dr. Rao Nemani



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Obituary T. Seshagiri Rao ‘End of a Bright Star’

Seshagiri Rao – a humble person, a great astrologer and Vice President of KP Astrologers Forum is no more. We’re yet to recover from the rude shock of Destiny. It was on 7th November at 10 AM he suffered a massive heart attack, was admitted in the best hospital in the city ‘CARE’ but expired before any treatment is given to him. Sri Seshagiri Rao was accountant by profession and after his retirement has dedicated his life to KP astrology. He was blessed with amazing memory and he was the only person who could able to tell sublord of any number without referring to any tables or software. He was also having a unique combination of humbleness and boldness. He was a good listener and could able to understand new theories and new points much faster than anyone else. Sri Seshagiri Rao was our founder pillar and the organisation has become orphan without his presence. As a humble soldier he has carried out all the tasks assigned to him and also helped others in various organisation responsibilities. KPAF has conducted four international summits in last five years of its journey; the credit goes to the organisational capacity of Sri Seshagiri Rao. We are indebted to him for his yeoman service to humanity and in particular to astrology fraternity. He helped one and all without expecting anything in return. I think this is the best quality which we can aspire for. It’s just above five years when we started KP Astrology Forum. Dr. Mohan and I discussed this idea in one of our meetings followed by an open invitation to meet at Taj Belson in Hyderabad. 17th December 2006 convention was a grand success and it was decided to institutionalize the efforts on a continuous basis. We formed KP Astrology Forum and decided to meet every fortnight thereafter and discuss various topics in KP with a methodology of open discussion, debate, reiteration of rule position, case studies and publication of the findings. Our fortnightly meetings got overwhelming responses which lead to a continuous journey to develop KP astrology in various dimensions. One of our regular member was Sri Chanduri Seshagiri Rao and he was mentioning he is having a cousin whom he will bring one day . The next meeting he brought with him his cousin who was very vocal and was active participant in discussion. It did not take much time for Sri T. Seshagiri Rao to show his metal in terms of pointing rule position and keeping the group discussion on track. Seshagiri Rao did not mince any words when he noticed that members are quoting some incidents in natal charts and trying to interpret without quoting any base or simply dragging the forum to various other theories. He used to take any member head on by asking the right questions. It did not take him much time to rise to the position of Vice President in the organization which was solely due to his right approach, passion for KP astrology and great organizational capacity. He justified our choice by becoming a strong organization pillar within a small period of time. Seshagiri Rao was a very good Astrologer. I have seen that his foundations were very strong. He never lost track of significators and DBAS. No sooner he gets a chart in his hand, he will look for the running DBAS. He will interpret the running period for a native in less than five minutes and was hundred percent correct in interpreting why the native has come to us. What could be the most important topic for the native in the present dasa and what are the connecting houses and significators. I use to see the DBA after looking into the chart potential in general and then for specific house under consideration along with Ascendant. However, after meeting Seshagiri Ji, it was a routine practice for me to immediately look into the running DBAS for the 11


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native. On timing of the event Seshagiriji use to take the next Antara than the running one in most of the cases. He used to say the running Antara has not been fruitful to the native then how it will be fruitful now. Let’s examine the next Antara. Invariably in most of the cases I found this logic worked. Seshagiri ji was very open for research activities. I mooted the idea of ‘Areas of Research’ during 2007 which was new to almost all astrologers in the group. Seshagiri ji was not only a strong supporter of group reasearch but was also a pivot around whom the whole activity revolved. Due to my job preoccupations many a times I was not in a postion to track the research progress and faithfully and firmly Seshgiri ji use to phone me at the right time and did not hesitate to remind that few activities did not take off or need a review and boost. Today, what KPAF did research in the areas of Bhadaka, Role of Nodes, Cuspal Displacement etc. All were coordinated by him and it was his push which prompted us for new reseraches. My Sub-Harmonic theory was first discussed by me with him. To my surprise, he took out two charts and applied the theory to them in less than ten minutes and validated that SubHarmonics works. Later, he did check the Sub-Harmonics for fifty charts of marriage related issues and fifty general charts. He was very supportive to the new learners. His methodical thinking has prompted me to request him for running a ‘ Learn KP from Guru’ feature on our website Seshagiri ji has put up systematic learning notes on the site and also provided reply to all of them who contacted him. He encouraged young blood entry in astrology and in organizational activities. After the classes if anyone had any difficulty, he use to handhold and also provided help in interpretations to the new learners. His efforts prompted us in the group to start Induction Course for the Non-KP astrologers. OVN Murthy has taken complete leadership role in this activity but I must say that without complimentary efforts of Seshagiri Ji it would have been next to impossible. It required self less untiring efforts to handhold and brings the new KP astrologers and astrologers from other systems to KP fold where they can activity participate in fortnightly forum activities. Seshagiri Ji has active interest in use of modern tools and methodology. One day he has seen me to take out my mobile and checking ruling planets for immediate and open prediction in the forum meeting. He was curious and insisted that I should develop RPs module for all kind of mobiles. Due to paucity of time I could not fulfill his wish for all kind of mobiles but could able to provide him RP on his mobile (Nokia). His feedback to ASTRO team is invaluable. He used to justify the feature he is asking and use to give suggestions which were logical and convincing. Evolving ASTRO from 1.0 model to 5.0 with lots of features which were important and easy to use was all because of him. I have incorporated his wish of providing a Sub-Harmonic value in the signification table itself but due to lack of sufficient testing time we could not release it in this November on the Summit day. Seshagiri ji has seen the feature and expressed his consent to go ahead. His most important quality however is selfless help. He was leaving a saint’s life. Anyone asking for astrological or any other help was never turned down by Seshagiri JI. He never charged his clients for the advice nor he expected anything from them. He was an inspiration for all of us on model code for astrologers. He imbibed the code and boldly preached to young astrologers. We had our Executive Committee meetings in Woodland hotel most of the times. I found him present ahead of others on the given time inspite of adversities of weather. He did not have personal means of communication. He used to take an Autorickshaw and attend our EC meetings or our one on one meetings. Many a times I offered him a drop off by self or other members which he declined every time saying he will get an Auto and manage on his own. In earlier 12


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Summits the Journal compilation, tracking proof reading and planetary tables, almost everything was looked after by Seshagiri Ji. He used to remind all of us about non-receipt of articles, write mails to the authors and chase everyone till the Journal is in the final shape. All these activities were primary to him in spite of his personal discomfort. He was to undergo cataract surgery in the month of September 2011 but he postponed due to oncoming Summit activities. In the month of October he could read the chart with great efforts due to his eye problem. Getting down stairs was very difficult to him but he was keen to ensure the Summit activities to be through rather than his Cataract removal. For 2011 Summit we tried a one day format against earlier two days. Unfortunately, to accommodate presentations from outside speakers we have to cut down on one presentation, which was volunteered by Seshagiri Ji. He rose above all personal gains, personal publicity and never expected anything in return. I don’t know how to express our gratitude to such a great human soul. I fell all of us have a lot to learn from Seshagiri Ji. He never shared his sufferings in life. He was leading all KPAF activities from front and the gap due to his sudden demise can’t be filled. I was very fortunate to have Seshagiri Ji in our team as a validator and provider of quick second opinion. We also had many meetings to check out threads in complicated charts. He use to respond very quickly on emails. We had many interactions on emails and phones and documented good number of charts on various topics. I lost a very good friend, philosopher and guide due to the sudden demise of Seshagiri Ji. It’s a irreparable personal loss, organizattional loss and also loss to Astrloger fraternity. As he was not suffering from any major ailments (apart from cataract) we were taken aback when we heard that he expired due to heart attack. It was unbelievable. Our senses stop working. It was some kind of cruel joke of destiny as Seshagiri Ji was in full swing for various preparations for the Summit 2011. On 6th November we had a forum meeting in which the subject was Match Making. Earlier, both of us have jointly presented the topic in Summit 2010. I requested Seshagiriji to take up three new cases for the meeting and present as I was not sure to attend this meeting. To my utter surprise when I joined the forum activities on 6th November, Seshagiriji was not present. My first quesiton to the group was where is Seshagiri Ji? They told me that he is little feverish and could not join however sent the charts for the meeting. On the very next day we heard the bad news at around 1 PM through one of the forum members. We were dumbstruck! Seshagiri ji has never discussed his personal chart with us. Once he told me what could be his Ascendant sublord and I told him it should be Mercury. In that context he said as per his birth time it is Saturn. I told him to add couple of minute to his birth time to make it Mercury. This is the only discussion I had on his birth chart. Seshagiri Ji is survived by his two sons and a large family. I offer deep condolences for resting his soul in peace. We will remember him always and he will always live in our hearts. Obituary Courtesy: Sri Rajendra Nimje, IAS




Vol. 1(4)

Case Studies in Predictive Astrology

Jan-Feb 2012


Shri K. Baskaran

Baskara Astrology – Part IV: Cuspal Sublord Interlink Theory K.S.V.Ramani The author is a Retired Group 'A" Officer of the Govt. of India, having pastime of Astrology with more than 25 years of study in traditional astrology system including originals of sages and with rich experience in K.P. and KB system of astrology. Have authoured articles in ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINES , K.P Ezine, Astrovison etc. Experience of Astrology with self study of various books and journals and not had any Tutorship under any Guru. Activley participated in discussions of K.P.system forum, and instructor of KB Astrology in Cuspal Sub lord Theory forum. Email: [email protected]


Continuing the Chapter of Cuspal Sub-Lord Interlink Theory, we have seen what is Inter Link of Cuspal SubLords, how to find out the fate of Bhavas in the previous Part III of this chapter. There are two types of method in Baskara Astrology. (i) Prediction though Cuspal position of zodiac and the other (ii) Prediction through the Planetary positions. In both the cases, we are to see the favourable or unfavourable Bhavas counted from the Bhava/cuspal position of the concerned Planet. E.g if the planet Venus is CSL of 2nd Bhava, its star lord is CSL of 9 and its sub lord is CSL of 1. In this case the star lord is 9th. Counted from 2nd (the Bhava which we are examining), it is 8th. This position is bad. Again the Sub lord of the 2nd CSL Planet of Venus is posited in 1 (Lagna). As it is coming as 12th counted from 2nd, it is bad. So in this case the fate of 2nd Bhava is very bad and will not give the results of 2nd Bhava. Please see the following Table for such results of Good or bad or neutral.

Bhava 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

Favourable Bhavas. 1,3,5,9,11 2,4,6,10,12 3,5,7,11,1 4,6,8,12,2 5,7,9,1,3 6,8,10,2,4 7,9,11,3,5 8,10,12,4,6

Neutral Bhavas

Unfavourable/evil Bhavas.

2,6,7,10 3,7,8,11 4,8,9,12 5,9,10,1 6,10,11.2 7.11,12,3 8,12,1,4 9,1,2,5

4,8,12 5,9,1 6,10,2 7,11,3 8,12.4 9,1,5 10,2,6 11,3,7 14


9 10th 11th 12th

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9,11,1,5,7 10,12,2,6,8 11,1,3,7,9 12,2,4,8,10

10,2,3,6 11,3,4,7 12,4,5,8 1,5,6,9

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12,4,8 1,5,9 2,6,10 3,7,11

For example: (1) If a native’s 5th Bhava gets effective interlink through its star lord and sub lord, favourable Bhavas 5,7,9,1 or 3, he is sure to get a child at appropriate time. (2) If a native’s 2nd Bhava is interlinked effective with favourable Bhavas pf through its star lord and Sub lord, he is sure to prosper in financial matters. Of money, land, income through service/profession and investing capacity in various capital assets. (3) If one is favourably getting effective interlink of 10,12,2,6,8, he will prosper in his profession/service. Like this others. Unfavourable and evil Bhavas’ link will spoil the concerned Bhava’s results and will not fetch any good results other than evil. (4) Neutral Bhavas will change to good or bad as it is connected with majority of concerned Bhavas. There are 4 types of Interlinks in Baskara Astrology. They are : (1) Internal Effects : There are two types of Internal effects basically. (i) Bhava Cuspal Sub-Lord is solely responsible and empowered for the function of the Bhava. (ii) A particular Planet who is going to give the result of it, is empowered to give such results only from its star lord and sub-lord. (If the same star lord and sub-lord, if they are inter-linked with other Bhavas, the results of those Bhavas too will be given by that planet.) A model chart is given below to describe all the 4 kinds of inter-links. Scorpio Lagna native. (1) Internal effects of Inter-limk : (Example for first kind of Inter link.) Bhava House Star lord Sub Lord Sub-sub Planet Star Sub Sub-Sub Lord lord Lord Lord Lord 1st Mars Saturn Venus Jupiter Sun Moon Venus Saturn 2nd Juptr. Ketu Rahu Mars Moon Satn. Rahu Rahu Satn. Sun Venus Moon Mars Mars Saturn Moon 3rd 4th Satn, Rahu Satn. Satn. Mercury Rahu Venus Sun 5th Juptr. Satn. Moon Satn. Juptr. Sun Rahu Saturn 6th Mars Ketu Satn. Mars Venus Moon Venus Venus 7th Venus Sun Venus Satn. Saturn Sun Rahu Saturn Merc, Rahu Rahu Satn. Rahu Juptr. Rahu Sun 8th Moon Saturn Venus Venus Ketu Sun Juptr. Rahu 9th 10th Sun Ketu Saturn Sun ----------------------------------------11th Merc. Moon Mars Satn. th Venus Rahu Saturn Saturn 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Example: We want to examine the 5th Bhava’s fate: 5th Bhava’s star lord (scorpio Lagna native). Sign lord is Jupiter-Star lord is Saturn-Sub lord is Moon-Sub-sub lord is Saturn. For finding the fate of the Bhava we are to take the Sub-Lord Moon only and examine its favourability or otherwise through its star lord and sub-lord. Here Moon is the only planet having its own sub-lord for the 5th bhava, responsible to give its results as per Sl.(1) above. Moon’s star lord is Saturn. He is having his own CSLs for (4)(6)(10)(12) Bhavas. Moon’s S/L is Rahu, who is CSL for (2)(8) Bhavas. Let us take it in the format. 15


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CSL Moon (5) -- Star lord (4)(6)(10)(12) -- Sub lord Rahu (2)(8). This is called internal effect. i.e. all links are within one planet viz.Moon. This Internal effect of the CSL is decided by the fate of Bhavas that it holds as CSL, Dasa Bhukthi and the position it occupies in a Bhava are examined. There are 4 types of treatment of Bhava based on mainly CSL. The above example is the first kind of inter-link.. This type of link onl we often use in Baskara astrology. When a Planet is not having its own CSL, we can take its Sub-Sub lord and decide. Even if there is no SubSub lord of its own, the planet’s star lord can be taken. Even if there is no star lord of its own exists, we can take the planet’s position of Bhava in the chart. (2) Second kind of Inter-link. Example. A Planet is having many other Bhavas as its inter-link. In the above example of 1st kind of link, Saturn has 4 Bhvavas as its CSL (4)(6)(10)(12) Bhavas. This is 2nd kind of Inter-link. When we examine 4th Bhava fate results, the remaining (6)(10)(12), like the particular results of 4th Bhava changes, the other Bhavas 6,10,12 also will get changes. Now in the above example, Saturn who is CSL of (4)(6)(10)(12) is in the star of Sun who has no CSL of its own. But the Sun is CSSL of 10th Bhava. So Saturn’s link of 10 becomes first kind of link and all other (4)(6)(12) Bhavas as a secone type of interlink, Example of 2nd kind: Saturn (4)(6)(10)(12) -- Star lord Sun (10)* -- S/L Rahu (2)(8) Star lord of Saturn is Sun and he has no CSL of his own, He is SSL of 10th Bhava. Since the 10th Bhava link, Saturn has its own and also thro its star lord Sun. Hence it becomes 1st kind of link and as 2nd type of link for other Bhavas of (4)(6)(12). This shows the combined effect of inter-links. Some times it may indicate two instances. When we consider the child birth (5th Bhava), it may indicate (i) child birth; at the same time (ii) mother of the child’s death. How the death of mother of the child? 5th CSL Moon is in Saturn’s star and Rahu sub. Saturn is CSL for 6th too. Though Saturn is favourable for the birth of a child, Saturn is CSL for 4th , 10th and 12th Bhava CSL. These are 6,8,12 to 5th Bhava, it prevents the progeny. Rahu S/L of Moon has 2 and 8 CSLs. These are 8 and 12th Bhava to 7th of the native. Thus these interlinks show both the incidents of (i) child birth and(ii) its mother’s death. (3) Third type of Inter-link : A particular Bhava CSL is star lord of other Bhava CSL’s The link that the particular Bhava CSL is called third kind of inter-link. For example, in the chart referred to above for 1st and 2nd kind of inter-link, 5th CSL is Moon is star lord for Sun and Venus. So Sun and Venus both the planets are empowered to give child birth. During the Dasa, Bhudhhi, Anthara time. We have seen already that 5th Bhava get first kind of inter-link 4th, 6th, 10th & 12th Bhavas. Star lord of Saturn, being CSL of 5th, Saturn is empowered to give its karaka results. As Moon is star lord of Sun and Venus, it transfers her power to both Sun and Venus to take the function of 5th Bhava. (4) 4th kind of Interlink. : This type of link is not so powerful as others, we seldom use this link. When we do not get the other kinds of links, then depending on the Bhavas. Example, in the above chart 2nd CSL is Rahu. His star lord is Jupiter. Jupiter is not CSL of any other Bhava. But Jupiter is posited in 10th Bhava from Lagna. We take this as link. 16


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Dasa Bhukthi lords and the Bhava Cuspal sub lord interlinks: (i)

In the given chat, the native is running Venus Dasa. Venus is CSL of 1,3,7 & 9. These Bhavas results only Venus is empowered to give during its dasa. Whether it is favourable to the native? We are to see the star lord of Venus. It is Moon. So Moon will answer to this query. Moon is 5th Bhava CSL. To 5th Bhava, 3,5,9,11 are favpourable. So this Dasa Venus will give only favourable results i.e. getting advancement through his own self efforts, satisfaction, happy family life, business agreement ending profitable etc.


In the chart, Sun has no CSL of its own. Sun’s star lord is Moon and sub lord is Venus. Moon reflects 5th Bhava and Venus 1,3,7,9. So in Sun’s Dasa, 1,3,5,7,9 mastters will happen.


Example 3. Dasa lord is not CSL of any Bhava. His star lord also does not get CSL of any Bhava. If there is sub-sub lord, then it will give that result. If there is no link as above is not available, thn only star lord of Dasa lord, sub lord of the Dasa lord are to be taken as significator of that Bhava/Bhavas.

Transit of Planets (Gochar) and the Bhava CSL Interlinks: Let us assume that Dasa, Bhukthi, Antharam & Sookshma are all favourable. At that time, Sani Sookshmam is running. In transit, Sani is in Sun’s star. Sani 8th Bhava Sookshma (sub-sub lord) in the chart. Sun gets link with 8th Bhava. 8th is not a good one to our expectation. But it is 10th house to 11th his friends, it will give unexpected. Profits and favourable results to them. Now a table of results of each Bhava, when it is involved in a question (Horary). From questioned Bhava, if it signifies 1st Bhava, the matter related to the query will happen to our expectation. From questioned Bhava, if it signifies 2nd Bhava, the matter related to the query will happen more than what we expected. (This is called Vriddhi) From questioned Bhava, if it signifies 3rd Bhava, the matter related to the query will happen with two results. (Doubly) (This is called Pravriddhi) From the questioned Bhava, if it signifies 4th Bhava, the matter related to the query will happen for short time, but it will remain unfinished later. (incomplete work). From the questiond Bhava, if it signifies 5th Bhava, the related matter will take place without any trouble or hindrance. From the questioned Bhava, if it signifies 6th Bhava, the related matter will take place with the help of others or through others. From the questioned Bhava, if it signifies 7th Bhava, the related matter will happen with competition and jealousy. From the questioned Bhava, if it signifies 8th Bhava, the related matter will happen but thereafter there will be some problem of complications & trouble in that. From the questioned Bhava, if it signifies 9th Bhava, the related matter will happen. Exceptionally well than what we expected.




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From the questioned Bhava, if it signifies 10 Bhava, the related matter will remain. Incomplete at the last moment. From the questioned Bhava, if it signifies 11th Bhava, the related matter will end with satisfaction. From the questioned Bhava, if it signifies 12th Bhava, the related matter will end with side effects, Investment, getting support of others, release from jail or from secret activities or will not happen at all. Like this one has to analyze each planet with its Bhava. Suppose the planet is for 5th, then you have to combine 5th with the 12 Bhavas. Cuspal sub-lord Interlinks have been discussed so far. In the coming examples, Readers may find clearer picture when seeing the analysis. In Baskara Astrology, analysis is based on Sub Lords. In this there is no place of the exaltation, debilitation, friendly sign, enemy sign etc. No yogas, no cumbersome procedure of finding the significators, no planetary aspects. Before closing this chapter, I wish to narrate two instances, where Mr.K.Baskaran himself analysed and found out the results. 1st case: (This was hinted in my 1st serial of JASA). Father of twin girls brought the charts of both the girls stating that both the girls are ready for the marriage and he has got a good suitable prospective alliance boy. He desired to know who of the two girls would marriage first. There was only 10 minutes difference of birth time between them. Prospective bridegroom is only one and thee are two girls. The father of the girls, however, had brought the time and date of the attaining their puberty (1st menses). This is the only event Sri Baskaran could take it for verification. So Mr. Bakaran took the puberty chart first. The date and time of the 1st girl’s 1st puberty was 22-1-1993 at 18-30 Hrs. Place was the same as of their birth i.e. 10 deg. N-07”; 77 deg. E-23’; 2nd girl’s puberty time and date was 24-4-1993 at 17-30 Hrs. at same place as of 1st girl. The rule is when 5th Bhava’s sub-sub lord (Sookshma) runs, the puberty will take place. Both the girls attained their puberty when the Sookshma lord was running according to the above rules. Now coming to the issue of marriage, it was the first time for to analyze the case of twins for Mr.Baskaran. He requested the father of the girls to come next day for the result. The whole night he was restless without sleep and was thinking how to arrive at the correct decision, which girl will marry first. At late night, he got the flash in mind to use the linkage of cuspal sub lord with the current Dasa Bhukthi. (1) 1st of twin Girl’s date of birth was DOB 24-2-1980 TOB 4-40 PM POB : Longitude 10 deg,(N)07’;Longitude 77 deg,(E) 23’ Lagna: Cancer : Moon – Saturn - Jupiter -- Venus SS 5th cusp Scorpio: Mars -- Mercury -- Mercury - Rahu SS 7th cusp Capric. Saturn - Moon -Saturn Mars SS (5) 2nd of twin girl. DOB 24-2-1980 TOB 4-50 PM PB same as for 1st girl. Lagna : Cancer: Moon -- Mercury -- Mercury -- Saturn SS 5tth: Scorpio Mars -- Mercury -- Venus -- Rahu SS th 7 : Saturn Saturn -- Moon -- Mercury - Venus SS 18


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Both the girls were running same Dasa and same Bhukthi I,e, Rahu Dasa and Venus Bhukthi. Now 7th Bhava of both the girls were examined. 1st girl’s 7th sub lord is Saturn, while 2nd girl’s 7th Bhava Sub lord is Mercury. Current Dasa Bhuddhi was examined. It was Venus Bhukthi. Venus is in th star of Mercury and Moon sub lord. Current Bhukthi is Mercury. Only the 2nd girl fulfills the requirement of 7th lord Sub is Mercury for her, which is the current Bhukthi. So Sri Baskaran decided only the 2nd girl will marry first. The 1st girl’s 7th CSL is Saturn, in the star of Sun. So the 1st girl will get married in Sun Bhuddhi. It happened exactly so, 2nd case : Sri Baskaran’s client along with his friend signed an agreement for doing joint business on 11-102002 at 10-17 AM at Madurai. He told the time to Sri Baskaran. He worked out the Bhava and planetary position for that time. It was Vrischika Lagna (Scorpio) and Jyeshta star. Lagna: Mars-Mercury-Moon-Mars upto SS. Sub lord Moon is in Vrischika Rasi-Jyeshta star. Moon= Mars-Mercury- Satn.-Venus upto SS. Mercury is CSL of (4)(6)(10)(12). 4 and 10 Bhava indicates joint business. 6 and 12 indicates the breakdown of the joint business. 7th Bhava indicates his partner. 7th Bhava CSL is Venus in Jupiter’s star and Jupiter’s sub. Jupiter is (2)(5)(8)(11) CSLs. 2-8 indicates buying and selling. 5-11 indicates social relationship. All these indicate that his friend & partner will get separated because of the querist himself and not his friend is responsible. To this he enquired when tht separation will take place. Sri Baskaran told him that the matter or Sambhav where it is emanated there itself all about it will be known. 6-12 CSL is Mercury. In his star, Moon, Jupiter and Ketu three planets are there. When the Dasa, Bhukthi, Antharam run, this event of separation will happen. At the time of signing the partnership deed, Balance of Saturn Dasa balance was 1 year 7 months and 12 days. Saturn has no gets 6-12 CSL links. From 13-5-2004 Ketu Dasa is beginning. Ketu get 6-12 Bhava links. So Ketu Dasa and Ketu Bhukthi is not favourable. According to Baskara Astrology, Moon when it gets change in Dasa, Moon becomes Ketu. Moon is favourable. Jupiter gets 6-12 CS: links. So in Ketu Dasa Ketu or Jupiter Bhukthi and Anthara, you will get your partnership business broken. On the day of breaking the Moon will transit either in Mercury’s str or Moon’s stars, as Mercury and Moon are found in the Lagna at the time of signing the partnership. As per Sri Baskaran’s prediction, the partnership broke on 27-6-2008. Just a month before this date both had severe misunderstandings. On the day of breaking partnership it was Mercury Dasa, Moon Bhuddhi and Mars Antharam. This tallies with the Lagna at the time of entering into the Agreement and the breading of partnership day. Thus Mr.Baskaran’s prediction came very correct. In my next article, I will take up Baskara Astrology theory in respect of (1) Lagna dependent and nonlagna dependent; (2) soul dependent and material dependent; (3) Whether it relates to single person or two persons; and many other matters.

JASA, its’ readers, publishers and the Editor sincerely prays to God Almighty for Sri K.S.V. Ramani ji’s quick recovery, good health and longevity. May God give him all the strength to recover from his sudden injury and ill-health.



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Case Studies in Predictive Astrology Marriage Settlement: A KP Appraisal Vijay Kumar The author hails from the Electronics and Communication engineering background, who has headed Senior Managerial positions with telecom majors over years. Besides teaching Parasharic and Jaimini astrology at ICAS, Bangalore and contributing to The Astrological Magazine in Jaimini theme since a decade till its closure in 2008; the author has special interest in The Krishnamurti Paddhati and is a serious student of this subject. Email: [email protected]

This case is a recent case from my file of records. One of my close friends informed me about the marriage settlement proceedings going on fast track for his daughter and was very hopeful for its fruitful completion. Both girl and the proposed boy had chatted together that had seemed positive. He wanted me to calculate astrologically, if everything was well and if the marriage proposal would materialize without any glitch. I did not take any horary number from him and I casted a horary time chart to find out if the marriage settlement would take place. The time chart was casted on 11-12-2011 at 20-21-10 Hrs IST at Bangalore. The chart was rotated to 5th house to represent the daughter. The rotated time chart is enclosed herewith.



KSLSP 06-26-11 Jup-R 06-47-13 PLSP

VII 00-14-03 Ket 20-07-29


(Time Chart rotated to 5H) V

11-12-2011 20:21:10 Hrs IST (77E33, 12N53)




Moon 06-48-35 IX 29-37-37



Mar XI

19-43-42 25-51-51





(KP Ayanamsha: 23-56-01) IV

Geocentric corrections: Applied Nodes: Mean



29-37-37 24-46-00



Sun Rah Mer-R I

25-16-16 20-07-29 10-27-21 00-14-03


Sat 02-47-25


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Sun Moon









































Planet/L SP































































The chart is being analyzed as follows: The co-ordinates for judgment In a prashna chart for marriage settlement with a person in view, the lagna is the person to marry and the 7th house represents the proposed partner. For marriage to happen in the proposed partners, the Lagna, Moon and 7th house should signify the houses of marriage, with the clear consent of the 11th house. In case of opposite houses being signified, the promise and fructifications gets cancelled. In case, if the partners mutually meet to discuss their emotional contents, the 3rd and 9th house gets the focus. In a scenario of analyzing the prospects of marriage settlement by the concept of LSP, the Punya LSP (PLSP) gets priority, as this indicates the luck that the native has towards the objective. Vivaha LSP (VLSP) indicates all about the marriage and indicates what would happen to the marriage. Lastly, KaryaSiddhi LSP may be examined to study the net result of outcome. Analysis by conventional KP norms 1. Study Moon in the un-rotated chart. Moon in the un-rotated chart indicates the mindset of the querist (father of the girl). Note that Moon is the sub-lord of the cusp of Lagna and that of 5th cusp clearly indicating the matters about the children. Since, Moon falls in the star of Rahu placed in 5th house and Rahu being the sublord of the 11th cusp suggests that the mind of the querist is focused on the marriage of his daughter (11th is 7th to the 5th cusp). With this, the chart was considered as authentic and was OK to proceed ahead. Rest of the analysis, as follows, is based on the rotated chart.



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2. Look to the 3 house 3rd house is vacant and is lorded by Jupiter. Jupiter does not have any planet in its stars, thus is positionally strong. Note that Jupiter is placed in 6th house, which does indicates that the girl was not ready for the present alliance (6th house). Jupiter is also the sub-lord of the 3rd cusp and due to its retrogression, the girl was not comfortable in her expressions. Due to retrogression, it is expected that the girl may not have opened up her volley of enquiries to the boy. 3. Look to the 9th house 9th house is vacant and is lorded by retro-Mercury. Sun and Rahu are placed in its star, thus Sun and Rahu may dispense the results of the 9th house. Note that both Sun and Rahu are placed in the star of retro-Mercury and both are placed in lagna, indicating that even the boy would not be able to open up himself during talks with the girl and the mutual deliberations may trigger many doubts in the mind of the girl (lagna) for further clarification. 4. Look to the 7th house This house is the house of the boy in prashna and generally for the marriage alliance. Ketu is posited in the 7th house and it is expected that Jupiter dispenses the results of Jupiter being in its star. Note that Jupiter is retro and is placed in 6th house. This does not portend well towards the fructification of marriage. Rahu is the sub-lord of the 7th cusp and its placement in the star of retro-Mercury does not allow the matter to proceed further. 5. Look to the 11th house 11th house is vacant and is lorded by Sun as the lord of 11th house. Sun is positionally strong and its placement in lagna does not indicate the marital proceedings to move ahead due to some ego issues (Sun) perceived by the girl (lagna). 11th sub-lord is Mercury which is retro. Principally, retro-Mercury being the 11th sub-lord (8th, 9th and 12th lord) and Saturn (4th and 5th lord) being in the star of Mercury does not indicating any fruitful results coming on the way because the 11th sub-lord Mercury signifies 12-1-4-5-8-9-12th houses at the stellar level and lagna at the sub level. Thus, 11th house did not indicate any fruitful result towards the marriage settlement. Analysis by LSP principles Refer my article in inaugural issue of JASA for the concept and usage of LSPs. 1. Calculate Punya LSP (PLSP) to assess the luck.



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Due to the prashna assessment in night hours, the Punya LSP is calculated by the formula (Sun -Moon + Lagna). There is no need of adding additional 30deg, as the Lagna falls between Moon to Sun. By the manipulation of the longitudes, the Punya LSP falls in Aries 18-41-44 (d-m-s) lorded by Sign lord Mars, Star lord Venus, Sub-lord Rahu and Sub-sub lord Saturn. Note as follows. a. Punya LSP falls in the 6th house, thus the marriage settlement is in doubt. b. Rahu is the sub-lord of Punya LSP and its placement in retro Mercury as 8-9-12th lord does not promise anything positive. Thus, the native does not carry with her the luck and punya for marriage settlement. 2. Calculate Vivaha LSP to check the quality of marital life. Due to the prashna assessment in night hours, the Vivaha LSP is calculated by the formula (Saturn Venus + Lagna). There is a need of adding additional 30deg, as the Lagna does not falls between Venus to Saturn. By the manipulation of the longitudes, the Vivaha LSP falls in Virgo 08-15-28 (d-ms) lorded by Sign lord Mercury, Star lord Sun, Sub lord Venus and Sub-sub lord Sun. Note as follows. c. Vivaha LSP falls in the 11th house, thus the issue of marriage settlement would go a certain extent. d. Sub-lord of Vivaha LSP is Venus. Venus falls in its own star thus signifying 2-7th houses at the stellar level. Venus falls in the sub of Mercury which is retro and placed in lagna as 8-912th lord. This clearly shows the negative results for marriage settlement. Thus, the marriage settlement may not go forward. 3. Let us now calculate Karya-Siddhi LSP that shows the success quotient for marriage settlement Due to the prashna assessment in night hours, the Karya-Siddhi LSP is calculated by the formula (Saturn - Moon + lord of Moon sign). Since, lord of Moon sign is Mercury, the formula translates to (Saturn - Moon + Mercury). There is a need of adding additional 30deg, as Mercury does not fall between Moon to Saturn. By the manipulation of the longitudes, the Karya-Siddhi LSP falls in Aries 06-26-11 (d-m-s) lorded by Sign lord Mars, Star lord Ketu, Sub lord Rahu and Sub-sub lord Saturn. Note as follows. a. Karya-Siddhi LSP falls in 6th house meaning that the marriage settlement is denied. b. Rahu is the sub-lord of Karya-Siddhi LSP placed in lagna, hinting that the girl (lagna) would not fall in favor of marriage. At the stellar level, Rahu falls in the star of retro-Mercury as lord of 8-9-12th houses placed in lagna, denying the subject matter of marriage. Thus, the marriage settlement may not happen. Dasha sequence 24


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Native was running the dasha of Rahu-Rahu-Rahu-Mercury from Dec 8, 2011 to Dec 28, 2011. As discussed above, both Rahu and Mercury were not conducive to any positive fruitfulness of marriage settlement. Conclusion In view of the above analysis, I was of the opinion that there was no chance of this marriage proposal getting matured towards marriage settlement and the girl would reject the marriage alliance herself. This was communicated to my friend and obviously, he was deeply dejected. Facts of the case My friend contacted me to tell the brief outcome as follows. 1. Girl was not satisfied with the talks she had with the boy and had many more queries in mind for clarifications. 2. She declared on the night of Dec 16, 2011 that she was ultimately not interested to the boy and the same was communicated to the boy’s family. Note that Moon was transiting in Purva-Phalguni star lorded by Venus. Since, Venus falls in the sub of retro-Mercury, it did trigger the matter in negative. Acknowledgement I conclude herewith with my sincere thanks to Prof. Krishnamurthy, who has devised a pioneering predictive model in astrology, which deserves sincere appreciation.

Editor’s Comments Sir Issac Newton discovered the principles of Gravity. And modern scientists took the principles forward and made many new inventions. Sri Vijay Kumar’s article is of similar nature wherein he used the principles of KP sublord theory and fine tuned prediction with his LSP method. Sri Vijay Kumar ji is showing all the readers the efficacy of his LSP method with practical examples and correct predictions. JASA salutes him for his novel contribution to the field of KP astrology



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Case Studies in Predictive Astrology The mystery case of Ylenia Carrisi Basilioli Sandro (Vediko) Since 1995 Vediko is practicing different schools of astrology such as karmic astrology, traditional/Vedic astrology ,KP astrology and Nadi astrology. He is very interested in research in astrology using both ancient and novel astrological methods. Practices art since 1990 and is also involved in making research in the unknown mysteries of human history. He publishes articles in Kp EZine and Saptarishis Magazine .

Email [email protected]

Ylenia Carrisi is the daughter of Italian singer Albano Carrisi and Romina Power, whose father was the American actor Tyrone Powell. Ylenia was last seen in the French Quarter of New Orleans in January 1994 which she was visiting. She was 24. At the time of her disappearance, Ylenia was staying in a hotel with street musician Alexsander Masakela. Masakela was arrested, but eventually released for lack of evidence to connect him to Ylenia’s disappearance. The only other possible lead was a security guard who saw a woman, vaguely matching her description, jump into the Mississippi River. A coast guard search turned up no sign of her body, which may have been washed out to sea; and it has never been established that the person was in fact Ylenia, however. Police searches have revealed nothing, but bizarre sightings of her, like this recent one have been well publicized in Italy. Her mother still believes she’s alive while Albano has stated that he believes the security guard’s story. Ylenia was the hostess on the Italian version of Wheel Of Fortune in 1989, and was regarded as something of a celebrity in her native country. With the help of KP astrology I will try to see if she is still alive or not? using her natal chart for longevity and also using an horary chart . Chart details,_Ylenia information 26


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Natal chart details Date: 29/11/1970 Time:12:24:15 ( corrected with rule of origin of Dr. Andrew Dutta , 1st sub-lord is not Sun but Venus). Place: Rome , Ita Time Zone: 1hrs GMT Rules for longevity Short life: Asc sub-lord should signify houses Maraka,Bhadaka and 6,8,12. Medium life: Asc sub-lord should signify houses 1,5,9,10,11 and 6,8,12 with no bhadaka planet. Long life: Asc sub-lord should signify houses 1,(3,8),5,9,10,11 with no bhadaka planet. Analysis 1st Sub-lord is Venus in 4th house and owner of 9 Bhadaka and 8, in star of Rahu in 12th house asp by Jubiter in 9th bhadaka house and owner of 2 Maraka and 11, in own sub in 4th house and owner of 9 Bhadaka and 8. Venus signify bad houses 8,mrk,bdk,12 and a good house 11 in star signification. It seams a short life from 0y to 32years ,but the presence of 11 in the star can indicate maybe a medium life from 33 to 66 years? So to be sure I will use the new KP Pam theory. New rule with Krishnamurty Paddhati PAM theory Rules 1,3,5,9,10,11 = good houses, 6,8,12,4= neutral and 2,7 and bhadaka= bad houses. Only signs signification and aspects on cups are used . Analysis of the Planet -Star –Sub should be done in a separate way. For more explanation readers must read first issue of JASA Journal Vol 1 May 2011. Sign Ve: 4,9bdk,8


Planet Ra:12 asp by Jubiter 9bdk,2mrk,11,sign lord Sa:2,1,12 M

Sub Ve:4,9bdk,8


The code is: From 12 to 36 years. Note: Vedic Pam theory (Saptarishis Magazine) gives same code . The first analysis indicates maybe a short life so to be sure and also to confirm the first analysis I have cast an horary chart . Horary chart details Date:13/11/2011 Time: 11:45:56 am 27


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Place: Ostialido, Italy Time Zone: 1 hrs GMT Horary Number: 68/1-249 Question: Is she Alive ? Rule Book : Sixth reader page 159: absent person dead or alive: If the sub-lord is in the constellation of a planet who is the significator of Bhadaka and Maraka , boldy declare that he is dead. Analysis Asc Sub-lord is Ketu in 11 Bhadaka, in star of Moon in 11Bhadaka and owner of 2 Maraka and of 1th . Conclusions This analysis reveals that she might not be alive? Because Ketu star lord the Moon, signify Maraka and Bhadaka in the horary chart, the analysis of the Natal chart confirms and shows a short lifespan . God bless her Editor’s Note This article from Vediko will help all readers to make practical analysis with respect to missing persons’ longevity. In the next issue of JASA we will get another article from Vediko on KP PAM Theory.



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Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Case Studies in Predictive Astrology Gains from the Share Market: A 4 Step Method Analysis Sunil Gondhalekar Sri Sunil Gondhalekar is the inventor of 4 Step Theory. He developed this theory in 1990 after many years of painstaking research. Sri Gondhalekar is a mechanical engineering diploma holder, who has also studied KP technique from 1980 and is the winner of many awards and titles. From 1993, he is the editor of a Marathi language magazine of astrology: ‘Nakshatrache Dene’, published from Maharashtra, India. He has also published various books on astrology in Marathi such as ‘Vivaha Yoga’, courses on KP, Nakshatra Sandesh, Nakshatra Prabha, Nakshatra Triveni. Email: [email protected]


Investment is a need of the man. And he is always in a search of it. Investment in Share Market is nowadays very popular due to high returns. But investment in shares is also a risky affair. But it is possible to gain from share market with help of 4 step Theory. It is very difficult to predict which share will rise and will give you good returns with the help of astrology, but it will be easy if someone gives the clue to buy a specific share, which is called as a tip. There are two type of investment in share market. 1. Short term investment. 2. Long term investment One can invest as he wishes. But trend of today is a short term investment. There was a tip to buy the share of Arvind Mill at Rs.35 I was interested to invest for the short term and erected horary chart for the same. Horary no. : 141 DOJ : 19th July 2010. TOJ: 15:14:09 PM POJ: Thane The chart is attached herewith. Rule: for gain in short term investment we have to judge 5th cuspal sublord. And it should be strong significator of 2 or 6 or 11 houses. Houses 1-10-3 are also supportive houses for gains. The gain will be during in chain of houses in DBA. In this horary chart 5th sublord is Venus and it signifies as follows: (Houses shown in brackets are strong significators) PLANET : VENUS Itself :-------------- Venus:- (10) (1) 8 It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (10) (1) 8 32


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Jan-Feb 2012

It's Sub :------------ Sun:- 9 11 It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Jupiter:- (5) (3) (6)

Here sublord is signifying 1-10-3 and 6 houses indicates that the native can gain in short term. Now we have to check DBA for the gain period. At the time of judgments Rahu Dasa, Ketu Bhukti,Mercury Antara was up to 23 Aug.2010. Now let check the signification of Dasalord Rahu. It signifies: PLANET : RAHU Itself :-------------- Rahu:- 2 Rashi-Swami Jupiter 5 3 6 It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (10) (1) 8 It's Sub :------------ Moon:- (12) 10 It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (2) Rashi-Swami Jupiter (5) (3) (6) Dasalord signifies 1-10-2-3-6 houses which are favorable for gains. Bhukti lord Ketu signifies : PLANET : KETU Itself :-------------- Ketu:- (8) Rashi-Swami Mercury (9) 9 12 It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (2) Rashi-Swami Jupiter (5) (3) (6) It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (10) (1) 8 It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (10) (1) 8 Here Ketu signifies 1-10-2-6 houses which are also favorable for gains. Antara lord Mercury signifies: PLANET : MERCURY Itself :-------------- Mercury:- (9) 9 12 Cusp Yuti: (10) It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (9) 9 12 Cusp Yuti: (10) It's Sub :------------ Mars:- (11) 2 (7) Cusp Yuti: (11) It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (9) 11 Mercury signifies 11-10 houses are also favorable for gains. So we can come to conclusion that the native can gain good profit up to 23rd Aug. 2010. The price of the share was moving up day by day and it touched to Rs. 38. On 9th Aug.2010. The native has sold the shares at this price and got the handsome profit. During this period Jupiter Sookshma was operating. Jupiter signifies: PLANET : JUPITER Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- 5 3 6 It's N.Swami :-------- Saturn:- (11) (4) 5 It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (10) (1) 8 It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (10) (1) 8 33


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Jan-Feb 2012

It is for the academic interest to know the future of this share. Currently, it is quoting at Rs. 82. And the DBA is Rahu/Venus/Rahu till 2-12-2012. All credit goes to 4 step Theory. Cautionary note: The gains from share market depends on destiny indicated in the native’s chart.



Vol. 1(4)


Jan-Feb 2012


Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

JASA and its readers CONGRATULATES Sri Sunil Gondhalekar ji for his correct prediction and expresses gratitude for openly sharing it with the astrological world


Case Studies in Predictive E-Mail id : Astrology [email protected] LONG LIVE KSK LONG LIVE KP SYSTEM “Jai Guruji Meena 2”



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Case Studies in Predictive Astrology Naadi Jyothisha - Jeeva And Sareera Method: Analysis of 10th House: Steve Jobs Jyothida Thendral Mrs. R .Vijayalakshmi Mrs R Vijayalakshmi is a practicing Naadi astrologer from Barur Dharmapuri Dt.TN. Did her M A (astrology) from Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad. She is one of the founder trustees of JKR Astro research foundation, Secunderabad. She had participated in many Astro conferences and seminars and delivered talk on importance of stellar astrology. She have honorary titles like Jyothida Thendral, Jyothida Ratna, etc. She is a resource person to Department of Astrology, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu. She had contributed number of articles in Tamil astrology magazines. She is a keen follower of Naadi Jyothisa of Meena2 system and also disciple of Dr. NVRA Raja Jr.Meena2.

Email: [email protected]

In continuation to my earlier articles published in JASA on this Jeeva and Sareera concepts, and also please refer the page number 168 of Stellar Effects in Astrology Jeeva and Sareera to understand how to identify the Digbala for planets using stellar method, the key to arrive Jeeva & Sareera planets when more than one planet in a house. I have analysed here the 10th house quoting the principles based on the book Stellar Effects in Astrology – Jeeva and Sareera for the benefit of readers. Rule: If the Jeeva or Sareera planets of the Sun and the tenth house are strong and in connection with the 11th house, then the native attains prominence in their respective field. –Dr.NVRA Raja, Stellar Effects in Astrology – Jeeva and Sareera, Page No.423 STEVE JOBS (Apple Computer) Steven Paul Jobs was an American businessman and inventor widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution. He was co-founder, chairman and CEO of Apple Inc. He managed six industries dealing in personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing and digital publishing. Let us analysis by applying Jeeva and Sareera concepts to know which planet has contributed for his success in his life. Steve Jobs : 24.02.1955 at 19.15 at 37N46, 122W25 California USA Moon

Ketu Jup®


7 Sat 8





10 Mer® 11 Sun 37



3 Jup®,Ketu

9 Ven Ra

Mer® Ven Ra

As 6

12 Moon

2 1 Mars


Name Ascendant Sun Moon Mars Mercury® Jupiter ® Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Vol. 1(4)

Star Uthiraphal Satabhisha Uthrabhadra. Aswini Sravana Punarvasu Uthirashada Visaka Moola Aridra

Jan-Feb 2012

Sign 2 2 4 3 4 3 1 3 4 2

Virgo Aquarius Pisces Aries Capricorn Gemini Sagittarius Libra Sagittarius Gemini

Analysis: Lagna and 10th house lord Mercury is in the star of Moon. Moon has become the Jeeva planet. Jeeva planet Moon is in the star of Saturn and hence Saturn has become the Sareera planet. 2nd and 9th house lord Venus is in the star of Sun, Sun has become Jeeva planet, Jeeva planet Sun is in the star of Rahu, Rahu is with Venus, Venus snatches Sareera power from Rahu since she has digbala and become Sareera planet. 3rd and 8th house lord Mars is in the star of Ketu, but ketu is with Jupiter. Since Ketu gets digbala in 10th hosue, Ketu has become Jeeva planet. Jeeva planet Ketu is in the star of Rahu, Rahu is with Venus; Venus snatches Sareera power from Rahu since Venus has digbala and become Sareera planet. 4th and 7th house lord Jupiter is in its own star and with Ketu, Since Ketu gets digbala in 10th hosue, Ketu has become Jeeva planet, Jeeva planet Ketu is in the star of Rahu, Rahu is with Venus; Venus snatches Sareera power from Rahu since She has digbala and beocem Sareera. 5th and 6th house lord Saturn is in the star of Jupiter, Jupiter is with ketu, Since Ketu gets digbala in 10th house, Ketu has become Jeeva planet Jeeva planet Ketu is in the star of Rahu, Rahu is with Venus, Venus snatches Sareera power from Rahu since Venus has digbala and become Sareera planet. 11th house lord Moon is in the star of Saturn, Saturn has become Jeeva planet. Jeeva planet Saturn is in the star of Jupiter, Jupiter is with ketu, Since Ketu gets digbala in 10th hosue, Ketu has become Sareera planet 12th lord Sun is in the Star of Rahu but Rahu is with Venus, Venus snatches Jeeva power from Rahu since she has digbala and become Jeeva planet. Venus is in the Star of Sun and hence Sun has become the Sareera planet. Planets: Sun is in the Star of Rahu, but Rahu is with Venus, Venus snatches Jeeva power from Rahu since Venus has digbala and become Jeeva planet, Venus is in the Star of Sun and hence Sun has become the Sareera planet.. Moon is in the star of Saturn, Saturn has become Jeeva planet. Jeeva planet Saturn is in the star of Jupiter, but Jupiter is with Ketu, Since Ketu gets digbala in 10th house, Ketu has become Sareera planet



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Jan-Feb 2012


Mars is in the star of Ketu, Ketu is with Jupiter, Since Ketu gets digbala in 10 house, Ketu has become Jeeva planet Jeeva planet Ketu is in the star of Rahu, Rahu is with Venus, Venus snatches Sareera power from Rahu since Venus has digbala and become Sareera planet Mercury is in the star of Moon. Moon has become the Jeeva planet. Jeeva planet Moon is in the star of Saturn and hence Saturn has become the Sareera planet. Jupiter is in own star and with Ketu, Since Ketu gets digbala in 10th hosue, Ketu has become Jeeva planet Jeeva planet Ketu is in the star of Rahu ,Rahu is with Venus, Venus snatches Sareera power from Rahu since Venus has digbala and become Sareera planet. Saturn is in the star of Jupiter, Jupiter is with Ketu , Since Ketu gets digbala in 10th house, Ketu has become Jeeva planet Jeeva planet Ketu is in the star of Rahu Rahu is with Venus, Venus snatches Sareera power from Rahu since Venus has digbala and become Sareera planet Rahu is in the star of Ketu, Ketu has become Jeeva planet, Jeeva planet Ketu is in the star of Rahu, but Rahu is with Venus, Venus snatches Sareera power from Rahu since she has dig bala and become Sareera planet. Ketu is in the star of Rahu, but Rahu is with Venus, Venus snatches Sareera power from Rahu since she has digbala and become Jeeva planet. Jeeva planet Venus is in the Star of Sun and hence Sun has become the Sareera planet.

House 1 Virgo 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Jeeva Moon Sun ketu ketu Ketu Ketu Ketu Ketu Sun Moon Saturn Venus

Sareera Saturn Venus Venus Venus Venus Venus Venus Venus Venus Saturn Ketu Sun


Planets Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Jeeva Venus Saturn Ketu Moon Ketu Sun Ketu ketu Venus

Sareera Sun Ketu Venus Saturn Venus Venus Venus Sun Sun

Analysis: The 10th house Jeeva and Sareera planets are Moon and Saturn respectively. The Jeeva planet Moon is the lord of 11th house, posited in 7th house indicates business and also professional partnership with others. The 10th house Jeeva planet Moon is also the lord of 11th house indicates successful business ability, favours from Nobles, good imagination, high creativity, royal emblems and symbols etc. The 10th Jeeva planet Moon is also the Jeeva planet for the lagna, shows that the person always thinks on profession and new products. His ideas and concepts on business plans will be keep changing due to new inventions aiming on dynamic market need. 39



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Jan-Feb 2012

The 10 house Sareera planet Saturn is posited in Libra and that too in its exaltation house. Saturn is in the star of 7th lord Jupiter and also being aspected by the 7th lord Jupiter and hence Saturn gets double digbala making Sareera planet very strong. . The Sareera planet Saturn is also aspecting the 11th house. Sareera planet Saturn is the lord of 5th and 6th houses being aspected by the Jupiter from 10th house also made the native to gain wealth, strong will power, flourish in his business and also expand his business, to become a leader of big institution. The Sareera planet Saturn is being aspected by the conjunct Jupiter and Ketu from the 10th house made him to master in computer science.

The name & fame karaka Sun posited in Aquarius, Sun’s Jeeva and Sareera planets are Venus and Sun respectively. Jeeva plant Venus is posited in 4th house with digbala, Venus is the best yoga karaka for Virgo Lagna. Karaka for the name & fame itself the Sun happened to be the Sareera planet for the Sun. Karaka and also the Sareera planet Sun is being aspected by Jupiter posited in 10th house enabled the Sun to get digbala. Note here that the Jeeva planet Venus getting digbala and she is also yoga karaka planet for the lagna, helped the Sun to get strength and this made the native to get sharp intellect, wealth and popularity, success in his attempts.

Over and above analysis, we can see the connection of Venus yoga karaka planet being Sareera planet for 2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th and 9th houses and Jeeva planet for 12th house. The strong Sun as Jeeva planet for the 2nd house,9th house and Sareera for the 12th house. Exalted Saturn is being Sareera for 10th house and Jeeva for 11th house. Yoga karaka Venus, the strong Sun and exalted Saturn had connection to almost all the houses either as Jeeva or Sareera made the native very famous, influential, rich and successful business man.

Steve Jobs flourished in his business and got name and fame during the dasa of Venus(Sareera planet for 2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th and 9th houses and Jeeva planet for 12th house )and the Sun(Jeeva planet for the 2nd house,9th house and Sareera for the 12th house). Jai Meena2 Reference: Practical Stellar Astrology by Sri.N.V,Raghava Chary (Meena 2) Stellar Effects in Astrology – Jeeva and Sareera by Dr.NVRA Raja.Jr.Meena2 Steve Jobs Birth details were taken from internet. Errata:

There was a typo error in the article Naadi Jyothisha - Jeeva And Sareera Method: Timing of Events—Disease published in Nov-Dec 2011 issue and the correct date of Birth for the chart is 04.12.1982. However, chart in the article is correct as per the date given here. Errata courtesy: Dr. Rao Nemani, Ms. Sujata Dash and Mrs. R .Vijayalakshmi



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Case Studies in Predictive Astrology Strength of Lagna and its impact on the overall horoscope-A KP Analysis Kausik Roy The author is from Howrah, West Bengal, working as a telecom professional in a MNC in Kolkata. He learnt Vedic & KP systems of astrology and is practicing Vedic astrology since last few years. The author is also practicing KP astrology and is interested in research on KP astrology. He is also providing online astrology consultancy based on Vedic & KP principles.

Email:- [email protected] , [email protected]

In this article I will cover the importance of Lagna & how the strength of lagna is the main determinant to judge the potential of a horoscope. Strength of Lagna as per KP:- As we all know there are three types of rashis, a)chara rashi ( mesh, karkat, thula & makar) , b) sthir rashi (brisha, simha, brischik & kumbha) c) ubhaya rashi (mithun, kanya, dhanu & meen). As per birth time, the Lagna cusp can fall in any of the 12 rashis in zodiac, so a person can have either any of the 3 types of lagna, i.e. chara, sthir or ubhaya. Now as per KP, favorable & unfavorable houses for these 3 types of lagna category are as follows; Chara Lagnaà 1,2,3,5,9,10 houses are favorable, 7,8,12 houses are unfavorable Sthir Lagnaà 1,2,3,6,10,11 houses are favorable , 5,7,8,12 houses are unfavorable Ubhaya Lagnaà 2,3,6,9,10,11 houses are favorable, 7,8,12 houses are unfavorable Strength of lagna means that lagna should have connection with favorable houses as per above table. Lagna in KP consist of 2 parts, one is Lagna lord & the other is lagna cuspal sublord( i.e, 1st CSL). Now, if both Lagna lord and lagna bhava (1st CSL) is connected to favorable houses in a horoscope then the overall horoscope gains strength & we can say that LAGNA is of good strength. [ Connection in KP means:- planet itself occupancy & ownership, its starlord’s occupancy & ownership, its sublord’s occupancy & ownership.] 1 Strength for a horoscope means that native will be able to enjoy the available planetary positions/connections in his natal chart to the fullest ( say 90-95 %) during the DBA of those planets compared to a weak birth chart where due to weakness of lagna the same connection if present will only produce a result of much lesser degree. For any horoscope, 7,8,12 is unfavorable, and either lagna lord or lagna CSL making a connection to these bhavas, makes the lagna weak for the horoscope. Now, from above discussion we can understand that there can be basically 3 types of lagna strength as per KP; 1. Very strong Lagna :- When both lagna lord & lagna bhava(1st CSL) connected only to favorable houses without any connection to unfavorable houses.


Editor’s Comments: Some self-declared ‘reviewers’ are trying to misguide people that there is no concept of ‘connection’ in KP. Thanks to authors like Mr. Kausik Roy who have shown it to us once again. Readers can also read page 21 of the book Nakshatra Chintamani by late Chandrakant Ratneswar Bhatt 1992 Edition to grasp the full meaning of ‘connection’ in KP.



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Jan-Feb 2012

2. Strong lagna:- When both lagna lord and lagna bhava making connection to both favorable & unfavorable houses. 3. Medium strong lagna:- When either of the lagna lord or lagna bhava making connection only to unfavorable houses with no connection to favorable houses. 4. Weak lagna:- When both lagna lord and lagna bhava are weak. To elaborate the point, let me explain with an example. In the chart 1, The lagna position is SAT-RAH-RAH in the Kumbha rashi. Lagna lord:- SAT ( occ 9, own 1,12)à starlord SATà SUB lord MON (occ 11, own 6) ; i.e. Lagna lord SAT=9,1,12,11,6. here both favorable(6,11,1) & unfavorable(12) signification is there. So Medium strength for lagna lord. Lagna bhava:- 1st CSL RAHU(2,11,3,10)àstarlord KET(8,6,4)à sublord SUN(4,7); so lagna bhava is also medium with a bias toward strong. So, overall the lagna is of medium to good strength for this native ( 7075 % strength). Similarly, if in any chart lagna lord and 1st CSL are connected to only 4,5,7,8,12 houses then it can safely be concluded that the lagna is weak. Impact of Lagna strength in native’s life:- When lagna lord and the lagna bhava is weak, the other bhavas and planets however strong they may be, what favorable results expected of them is not offered and to the contrary offer only meager results. All human beings. having a strong lagna or having a weak lagna, every individual will have a routine levels of results but natives having a strong lagna level will have a good wife, status, good health, popularity, prestige, prosperous and a happy life. And, Natives having a weak lagna level, will have a low level education, non-cooperative wife, problematic children, no status in the society, no reward for a hard work and so on. They will not be able to reach a higher status in life. Therefore persons born in any lagna or rasi, when one has a strong lagna bhava and lagna lord they enjoy a happy and prosperous life. If one has a weak lagna bhava and lagna lord, even when other 11 bhavas are strong and the planets also are strong to offer favorable results, one cannot have a happy, glorious and prosperous life. For example, if in 2 different charts one with a strong lagna & the other with a medium to weak lagna both having exalted Jupiter in Cancer connected to improving houses for finance 2,6,10,11 , Jupiter in a favorable sub( i.e. sublord also signifiy 2,6,10,11). In both the charts 2nd CSL also connected to favorable 2,6,10,11 houses. When Jupiter dasha will start, the strong lagna native will get enormous riches and becomes a millionaire but the native with a medium to weak lagna can only be able to gather sufficient wealth and can become wealthy person to some extent only. Obviously both the natives will enjoy a rise in financial position and incoming wealth in their JUP dasha, but the extent of the result will be controlled by strength of LAGNA only. So lagna is a most important pivot in any horoscope, and therefore at the very outset of judging any horoscope, one needs to judge the strength of lagna lord and lagna bhava. Therefore, when we start to predict, it is our prime duty to verify the lagna bhava and the lagna lord to understand the potential of the horoscope and give the extent of prediction accordingly.



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Editor’s Note on Kausik Roy ji’s Article A few KP reference-givers are misguiding thousands on internet discussion groups that “determining Lagna first is not KP”. NOTHING IS FAR FROM TRUTH THAN THIS. Provided below is the scanned page of an article written by KSK himself about His Holiness Sankarachariyar Swami ji of Kanchi Peetam in Astrology & Asthrista 1965, March issue, Page 36-39 (Shown here with due acknowledgement). The same article is found in the book ‘NP & KP’ by K. Hariharan. Readers must note that KSK First analyzed the Lagna, before discussing other aspects in the horoscope. JASA thanks Mr. Kausik Roy for showing everyone the true approach to KP!!



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Practical and Predictive Book on Nadi Astrology: Meena 2 Nadi



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Research Perspectives Stellar Effects: Digbala Nadi Jyothisa Kesari Dr. NVRA Raja, PhD, Jr.Meena2

Jyothisa Acharya, , Nadi Jyothisa Kesari (JKR) Dr.NVRA Raja, popularly known as JUNIOR MEENA–2 is an eminent philosopher, counselor and practicing Astrologer for the past 19 years. He is in Mining profession for the past 30 years. His academic track record includes his successful pursuits MA in Astrology, Philosophy& Religion, PG Diploma in Business Management and PhD in Astrology. Dr. N V RA Raja had been interested in the phenomenon of occult right from the very beginning. He had the fortune of guidance of his father Sri N V Raghava Chary (Meena 2) who did 60 years of research Jyothisa particularly in Stellar Astrology (Naadi) and published Naadi Jyothisa (Meena system) along Meena 1 Sri R G Row. He was drawn to occultism and gradually destined towards the astrology. Dr N V RA Raja was conferred as “Asthana Jyothisa Vidwan” of Sri Ahobila Muth by His Holiness 45th Srimath Azhagiya Singar at Ahobilam on 27th June 2009. He has many tittles of honor and publication to his credit in the field of astrology. He has a flair for teaching, counseling the people in the astrology. He is the guest faculty and Examiner to the Telugu University in Astrology to the master’s programme, Trustee of Universal College of Astrology, Hyderabad, Chairman of JKR Astro Research Foundation and visiting professor to number of learned institutions of Astrology.

Email:[email protected] [email protected]

It is an accepted principle in astrology that when a planet is exalted it becomes powerful or strong. Some learned astrologers are of the view that an exalted planet gives good results, but this may not be correct. When the lord of 6th or 8th or 12th house becomes exalted it may not be beneficial to the native, as far as the prosperity in the material world is concerned. When a planet moves from oocha position towards its neecha sign/rasi it gradually loses its strength. 2 In Practical Stellar astrology, Sri. NV Raghava Chary (Meena2) had given wonderful stellar principles to assess the strength of the planets and given methods to identify digbala of planets using stellar effects. All classical texts states that Jupiter and Mercury get digbala in Lagna Kendra, The Moon and Venus gets digbala in fourth house, Rahu and Saturn get digbala in 7th house, The Sun, Mars and Ketu gets digbala in 10th house.

Whereas Sri N V Raghava Chary (Meena2) further clarifies and states that a planet need not alone be posited in a house as per classical texts to get digbala (directional strength), even if they are posited in a different house but have stellar connection or are associated with the planets who own the house that gives digbala to the planet, is enough for a planet to get digbala. I would like to clarify further with example charts.


Practical Stellar Astrology-Sri NV Raghavachary ,Meena2-pg.134 second ed.1995



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Stellar Effects to identify Digbala of planets: Example chart No: 1 Jupiter and Mercury get digbala in Lagna Kendra. As per Naadi principles even if Jupiter is posited in a naksatra whose lord is posited in Lagna then also Jupiter gets Digbala. Asc Sun

Rasi Jupiter i

Uthiraphalguni Naksatra

Jupiter is in U.Phalguni naksatra whose lord is The Sun; the Sun is posited in Lagna hence Jupiter gets Digbala. Example 2: Guru/Jupiter or Budha/Mercury gets more strength if they occupy Lagna star lord’s constellation. Asc Jupiter Rasi

In Ashlesha naksatra that is in Lagna lord Mercury’s constellation



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Here Jupiter is in Ashlesha naksatra whose lord is Mercury and Mercury is lord of the Lagna so Jupiter has got connection to Lagnakendra and gets Digbala. Example 3: Guru/Jupiter or Budha/Mercury gets more strength if they are in conjunction having connection as Lagnathipathi then they get Lagna Kendra strength. Lagna Jupiter Mercury Rasi

Jupiter is with Lagna lord Mercury

Here Jupiter is in conjunction with Mercury and Mercury is the lord of the Lagna and hence Jupiter gets Digbala due to his association with Lagna lord Mercury. Example: 4 Saturn/Sani or Rahu gets more strength if they are in conjunction or aspects or in any way connection with 7th lord or 7th posited planet then they get strength and hence Saturn or Rahu gets digbala. Sat


Jupiter 7th lord aspecting Saturn

7 Jupiter



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Here Saturn is being aspected by the 7th lord Jupiter, even though Saturn is posited in its debilitated house it gets digbala. Example: 5 Here Saturn is in the naksatra of Bharani whose lord Venus is posited in the 7th house, even though Saturn is posited in its debilitated house it gets digbala due to being in Venus naksatra. Here we will have to understand the basic principles of Stellar astrology that the 1)Planets deliver their good or bad effects based on the Naksatra they occupy not because they are in Uchha or Neecha positions in the horoscope 2) Even if the planets posited in neecha rasi deliver good result when possess digbala. Many astrologers may be wondering that the Venus posited in Uchha rasi (Pisces) for a native could not get best results or not in a position to enjoy dasa of Venus. As per Naadi principles if Venus posited in Uthirabhadrapadha naksatra whose lord is Saturn (Rajasic planet Venus gets the guna of tamasic) 3 then the native may not get good results during Venus dasa. Here we will have to understand that Uchha status of a planet may not give good results if they are not posited in a required naksatra. Sat Lagna Venus 7


Meena2 Naadi Principle-Sri NV Raghava Chary


Saturn is in Bharani Naksatra whose lord Venus is posited in 7th house


Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

While analyzing the horoscope carefully note the constellation in which the planet is posited and also constellations lord position in the horoscope and observe digbala of the planets by using the stellar theory to arrive at correct and accurate prediction, please refer some of the examples given here and also in “Stellar Effects in Astrology-Jeeva & Sareera” written by me. Analysis:

Female: Leading Doctor Date of Birth: 05.11.1975 Place of Birth: 78 E 10 , 11 N 12 , TN

Time of Birth: 08.40pm

She is a meritorious student and got medical seat on merit and did her MD also. She is a very famous doctor in that district. Lagna lord and 4th lord Mercury is in the star of Chitha (Mars) and Mars is posited in Lagna and hence Mercury got digbala. Venus the 5th lord is in her debilitated house and being posited in 4th house she has got digbala. This lady has got one male issue and a female issue; both the children are very charming and beautiful. This is due to 5th lord’s strength with digbala. She is living with her husband happily, note her 7th lord Jupiter is in the star of Lagna lord Mercury and hence Jupiter gets digbala. Seventh house and 10th house lord Jupiter’s digbala made her life & business partner and 10th house profession to flourish. She is managing 100 bedded hospitals profitably. The Moon is in her debilitated house but gets digbala being in Jesta naksatra whose lord Mercury owns the fourth house.



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

She has a fine relationship with her mother and mother is very healthy and this lady has got a beautiful house and vehicles and earning very well. This is due to 2nd house lord, karaka for mother and comfort getting digbala even though the Moon is posited in her debilitated house. The ninth lord Saturn is posited in the 2nd house and is being aspected by the 7th lord Jupiter from Pisces and hence Saturn gets digbala. Note here that the Sun is posited in his debilitated sign and this is neturalised by the 9th lord. She has an aged father and relationship with him is very good and he has got good name in that locality. Let us look at Rahu, he is in the star of 7th lord Jupiter and hence he also gets digbala and helped her to flourish in her profession. Here Lagna lord and 4th lord Mercury has got digbala,2nd lord Moon has got digbala,5th lord Venus has got digbala,7th and 10th lord Jupiter got digbala,8th and 9th lord Saturn has got digbala and finally Rahu has also got digbala. The prosperity house lords like 2nd and 5th are getting digbala even though their lords are posited in debilitated house. No one should condemn a horoscope just because two or three planets are posited in their debilitated houses but we should apply stellar effects to the planets to analyse their strength to arrive proper conclusion. Jai Meena2 References: 1) Practical Stellar Astrology by Sri NV Raghava Chary Meena2 2) Stellar Effects in Astrology-Jeeva and Sareera by Dr.NVRA Raja Jr.Meena2 ©Copy right with the author Editor’s Comment Such article, as written by Dr. Raja, are revealed to the general public only once in a life time. Dr. Raja has done a great service and priceless contribution to the field of astrology and also to believers and users of astrological science by authoring this article. Daily predictions, immediate results, pointed answers et al can be found through this article. This is a treasure that will remain as one of the most prized possession for all readers. JASA EXTENDS THEIR GRATITUDE TO Dr. NVRA Raja

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Vol. 1(4)


Jan-Feb 2012


Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Research Perspectives Review of Modified BTR Rule: Moon Star = Ascendant Sub and Moon Sub = Ascendant Sub Sub Subhash Ektare Author is a retired Civil Engineer by profession. He is well known KP Astrologer practicing for last 10 years. He regularly contributes articles for “Nakshatrache Dene” only KP periodical in Marathi edited by renowned astrologer Mr. Sunil Gondhalekar. He contributes astrological articles for Astrovision e-magazine also. He is an active member of many astrological discussion groups. Account of his accurate predictions can be read on

Email: [email protected]

The topic of “Birth Time Rectification” (BTR) was being debated in various places on different internet groups. A discussion about different BTR methods, their reliability, testing on sufficiently big database of actual horoscopes on such a worldwide platform was expected to result in standard, uniform results by learned astrologers. First study on the method “Moon Star = Ascendant Sub lord” 4 was done by two internet group members. The result of study on 300 AA rated charts was posted in a message 5 in an internet group. However birth details for data and the methodology used was not given. Serious researchers may find the lack of these two vital information impeding future studies. On scrutiny of the results published it can be inferred that the rule has been checked at every +/- 5 minutes interval with a maximum limit of +/- 30 minutes from the recorded time of birth. In response to this test results, another internet group member responded with a request to test a modified rule “Moon Star = Asc Sub and at the same time Moon Sub=Asc SubSub”. One member tested this rule on a set of 304 AA rated charts and the results were presented in forum through a message3. In this test also Birth details for charts and methodology used was not revealed. Test results for both these tests were subsequently published in an online astrological magazine from India.

Summary of Results of Test The contents of message (# 19062) are reproduced below for easy reference for all readers.


Method propagated by Sri M. P. Shanmugham Refer book Astrosecret & Krishnamurthi Paddhati Part II Second Edition 2001 Page 81 Para 2 5





Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Modified Sri Shanmugham's BTR Technique August 23, 2008 Rule: If the sublord of the Ascendant appears as the starlord of Moon and the sub-sub lord of the Ascendant appears as the sublord of Moon, then the Ascendant is deemed to be exact. This rule was applied on 304 AA sample records. Here is the summary of the results. The percentage in each case can easily be calculated by multiplying 100/304. Description------------ Passes- Fails CorrectRecords (Time Used as Given)....2..... 302 Incorrect (-30 min).... 3..... 301 Incorrect (-25 min).... 7..... 297 Incorrect (-20 min).... 4..... 300 Incorrect (-15 min).... 4..... 300 Incorrect (-10 min).... 3..... 301 Incorrect (-5 min)..... 6..... 298 Incorrect (5 min)...... 4..... 300 Incorrect (10 min)..... 1..... 303 Incorrect (15 min)..... 5..... 299 Incorrect (20 min)..... 4..... 300 Incorrect (25 min)..... 6..... 298 Incorrect (30 min)..... 4..... 300 Overall total: 3648, Accepted: 51, Rejected: 3597, Rejection ratio: 98.602

Note on Methodology When carrying out any research work, it is general practice to mention: (a) aim of the research (b) methodology proposed to be used (c) source of data to be tested (d) how the results are going to be analyzed and finally (e) interpretation of results and conclusion(s) drawn. Here, as can be seen, only the summary of results is given without even a mention of necessary details cited above. On detail scrutiny and study of the said summary, following things can be concluded. 1. The rule being tested is “Modified Sri Shanmugam’s BTR Technique” 2. The rule has been applied on 304 AA sample records. The sources of the records or other details such as DOB/TOB/POB etc are not given. 3. The Author is silent about the method applied for testing the rule. However it can be inferred that Time of Birth is subjected to change by +/- 5 minutes interval with a upper limit of +/- 30 minutes. 53


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4. If the rule is satisfied at TOB (given) +/- 5 min; TOB (given)+/- 10 min; TOB (given)+/- 15 min etc the rule is assumed to pass otherwise the rule fails. 5. The rule stands rejected as the percentage of failures (or rejection) is 98.602 2 General Astrological Facts 2.1 Moon travels an Arc of approximately 130 of Zodiac (which is nearly equivalent to an Arc of one star or Nakshatra) in duration of about 24 Hours. Therefore normally, Moon Star will not change in a span of 60 min (i.e. +/- 30 minutes from recorded time of birth), except in border line cases. 2.2 Ascendant completes one revolution of Zodiac (consisting of 12 Signs or Rashis) in about 24 Hours. So, on an average, Ascendant will travel one Sign in 24/12 = 2 Hours. There are two and a quarter Nakshatras in one Sign. Therefore, on an average, time taken by Ascendant to travel through one Nakshatra will be 2 Hrs X 60 Min/Hr X 4 / 9 = 53.33 min or say 54 min. 2.3 Each Nakshatra is further divided in 9 Subs. It is well known fact that these subs are unequal. Therefore time taken by Ascendant to travel through these subs will vary and will be dependent on the arc of particular sub viz 2.7 min to cross Sun sub and 9 min to cross Ven sub. However, on an average, this will be about 6 min per sub. Thus it can be concluded that within a span of 54 minutes (or +/- 30 minutes from the given or recorded time of birth) all nine planets will appear as sub lord of Ascendant, except in border line cases. In other words, in almost all cases (except in some border line cases) Ascendant Sub Lord will appear as Moon Star Lord within +/- 30 minutes from given birth time. 2.4 Ascendant covers the sub of Nakshatra (Star) in 6 minutes on an average. So during these 6 minutes Ascendant will cover all NINE sub-subs. Therefore in majority of the cases Ascendant Sub-sub will match the sub lord of Moon. These facts were pointed out in an internet forum through messages # 192794 and message # 193075. Unfortunately not a single senior or learned member commented, criticized or supported these views. 3 Purpose of this Review It may be clarified here that this write up is not directed towards any person or any hypothesis. The purpose is mainly to bring out defective methodology applied for the test. Naturally the conclusion drawn from the test (on 304 AA charts) with defective methodology will be unreliable. The reason is explained below: The test is carried out at an exact interval of +/- 5 minutes from given time of birth. It is possible that the rule may not be satisfied at that exact moment, but at some time in between this interval of 5 minutes. This possibility is not taken into consideration thus rendering the test results unreliable. Therefore it is an humble request to astrologer fraternity to think rationally before blindly accepting conclusion. The point can be proved by analyzing same data for 304 AA charts if made available, but unfortunately the said data is not available. In absence of this data, 50 (fifty) charts were taken from the archives of k_p_system group randomly. These were tested for two hypothesis (a) Ascendant Sub = Moon Star and (b) Ascendant Sub = Moon Star and simultaneously Ascendant Sub sub = Moon Sub. 4 5

HTTP:// HTTP:// 54


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For Test result of test (a) Ascendant Sub = Moon Star click here Asc Sub=Moon Star BTR Chk 50 charts.xls (contact the author) The summary of the results is given below for ready reference. TOB Charts satisfying rule Pass Percentage Original (given) 11 22 Within +/- 5 minutes 18 36 Within +/- 10 minutes 27 54 Within +/- 15 minutes 37 74 Within +/- 20 minutes 40 80 Within +/- 25 minutes 44 88 Within +/- 30 minutes 45 90 For Test results of test (b) Ascendant Sub = Moon Star and simultaneously Ascendant Sub sub = Moon Sub click here Asc Sub=MoonStr and Asc SS=Moon Sub BTR Chk 50 charts.xls (contact the author) The summary of the results is given below for ready reference. TOB Charts satisfying rule Pass Percentage Within +/- 5 minutes 16 32 Within +/- 10 minutes 24 48 Within +/- 15 minutes 32 64 Within +/- 20 minutes 37 74 Within +/- 25 minutes 41 82 Within +/- 30 minutes 43 86 From the results of above TWO tests it is proved beyond any doubt that rule passes in 86 to 90 % cases. However the test results (given on page 2) of 304 AA charts show that the second hypothesis fails in 98.602 % cases. This raised doubt about reliability of test and conclusion drawn. Hence this review was necessary. The result of test (b) was posted in the same internet group by message number 30318. Only one member criticized it in (message number 30323) stating “For any RULEs we can always bring and present few charts to statisfy the required % as per our wish because in INDIA itself more than 100 crore people are available and getting charts is not a big deal” If this statement is applied to all research works, NO RESEARCH WORK CAN BE TAKEN AS AUTHENTIC. One can imagine what will be the reaction by real researchers from astrological community. All learned astrologers, it is hoped, will not blindly accept conclusions of any such studies in absence of (1) basic data (2) purpose of study (3) methodology applied. This applies to present review also. In fact any effort to point out fallacies noticed in this review will be highly appreciated.

Editor’s Note

In the last issue of JASA, Sri Ektare ji exposed the self appointed custodian of KP and a self-proclaimed KP reference giver on the internet (who also churns out anything in the name of research in his own monthly magazine). In this article, the readers can see how, for many years, thousands of KP lovers were misguided by this fellow in the name of research. It is high time that ‘self-proclaimed’ KP reference givers be brought to task.

JASA SALUTES Sri Ektare ji for his commendable work 55


Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Research Perspectives KP Analysis on Murderers’ Birth Charts V.S.N. Murthy The author is a senior KP astrologer based in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh providing excellent astrological consultancy. He has authored numerous articles in the prestigious KP Yearbook published annually. The author runs the Sri Datta Sai Ram Astro Center in Kurnool.

Email: [email protected] [email protected]

“To err is human” – Swami Vivekananda. In the world all the human beings have the right to live in the way they like. In the world Why some people can control their emotions and some cannot? Why some people let others live with their actions and nature? Why some people get cruel thoughts and sadistic tendencies at the peak level like killing and murdering fellow human beings very easily? Let us discuss astrologically in the view of KP system. Characteristics of The Murderers’ Charts: Ascendant indicates the murderer and the 7th house denotes the victim. So consider the Maraca-Badhaka Sthanas and their significators of the victim’s cusp (7th) while analyzing the birth chart of a murderer. (1) “If the sub lord of the murderer’s Ascendant is deposited in the constellation of a planet which is the significators of the victim’s maraca-badhakasthanas and also the significators of the murderer’s second house, then only the native will commit murder” 6-8-12 houses from the 7th are 12-2-6 houses respectively. 8-1-6 houses from the Ascendant of the Murderer’s indicate Maraka-Badhaka houses for the Victim 7th indicates the victim. So 1,2,6,7,8,12 houses are to be noted. (2) Ascendant and its co-rulers should be under the influence of Saturn-Mars-Rahu-Ketu and also well connected to the fiery and violent signs. (3) Mercury, the planet for reason and intellect. So he should be connected to Saturn-Mars-Rahu-Ketu and also to 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 12 houses. (4) Wisdom and knowledge, mind, good morals, thinking capability, discrimination between virtue and sin, tact, shrewd reason and intellect, etc, etc, are to be judged from the 5th cusp. So the 5th cusp and its co-rulers should be under the influence of Saturn-Mars-Rahu-Ketu and also be connected to the houses 1,2,6,7,8,12. (5) Sun, the Atma karaka planet (significator for Soul) should be under the influence of Saturn-Mars-RahuKetu and also related to the houses 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 12. (6) Mars is not only the karaka planet for murder but also the violent planet. Relationship of Mars to the Ascendant plays an important role in the horoscopes of murderers. 56


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(7) Moon indicates irrational thinking with the influence of anger, temper and cruelty. Therefore, Moon and its co-rulers should be well connected to Saturn-Mars-Rahu-Ketu. (8) 6th cusp sub lord should signify 6-8-12. Generally these people (Homicides/murderers) will have the quarrelsome nature and madness (mentally they may not be in good condition). (9) 12th cusp sub lord should signify 2-3-8-12. Murderers will be imprisoned and later they will be severely punished either by hanging or in some other way. (10) When the victim is indeed dead, the murderer’s running D/B/A/S should be connected well to the maraca-badhaka houses of the victim. (11) When the severe connection of Mars & Saturn is present in the horoscope then the native will definitely be a murderer. (12) Moon having relation with 7th and 8th bhavas and also connected with Mars & Saturn leads to the severe intention to murder.

(I) Nathuram Vinayak Godse: Indian homicide; Mahatma Gandhi was shot dead by Godse on 30-01-1948 at 5-41 PM in Delhi. DOB = 19-05-1910; Thursday; TOB = 8-29 AM; POB =Baramati, India. 18-31N; 73-52 E; Ascendant is in Gemini = 10-06-50 = Mercury/Rahu/Jupiter. 7th cusp is in Sagittarius =10-06-50 = Jupiter/Ketu/Saturn. 8th, 1st, and 6th from the Ascendant are the Maraca – Badhaka Sthanas for the Victim (7th house). (1) Jupiter, the ascendant cuspal sub lord is deposited in the constellation of Moon which is the significator of the murderer’s 2nd house. So he committed the murder. (2) Lagna & Mars are aspected by Saturn. Mars is the occupant of lagna. Both the lagna sign lord Mercury and Rahu are in one sign (i.e.,) in Taurus. Lagna cusp star lord himself is Rahu. Lagna cusp sub lord Jupiter and Moon are aspected by Mars. (3) Mercury, the planet of reason and intellect is the occupant of 12th and it aspects the 6th house (12th to 7th). It is also associated with Rahu. (4) 5th cusp is aspected by Saturn. Sun, the sub lord of the 5th cusp is closely conjoined with Rahu in Taurus. (5) Sun, the Atma karaka planet (Significator of Soul) is closely conjoined with Rahu in Taurus and he is in the sub of Saturn who signifies 6 & 8. (6) Mars is not only the karaka planet of murder but also the violent, fiery and aggressive planet. Its influence on the Ascendant makes this native as a murderer. Mars is deposited in lagna and aspects the Moon (karaka for mind), 7th cusp (victim) and also the 8th (Maracasthana for victim) with his 4th, 7th and 8th aspect respectively. Mars signifies 12- 1- 6. (7) Moon, the karaka for mind is aspected by Rahu with trine aspect and also aspected by Mars, the karaka planet for murder with his 4th aspect. Moon is the significators of 2. (8) Venus, the 6th cusp sub lord is the owner of the 12th and in the star of Mercury at 12. Venus having no planets in its stars and holding the sub lordship for the third, sixth and twelfth cusps became a Self-strong significator for 3-6-12. Thus Venus signifies 3-6- and 12. (9) Venus is the 12th cusp sub lord. (About Venus explained in the above Para) 57


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(10) At the time of murdering Mahatma Gandhi (30-01-1948), Jupiter Dasa and Saturn Bhukthi were running. (05-12-1947 to 17-06-1950). Jupiter and Saturn are the significators of maraca badhaka houses of the assassin. (11) Mars is the occupant of first house (Maraca and Badhaka Sthanas of the victim) and he is aspected by Saturn another maraca planet. (12) Moon, the 2nd lord is aspected by Mars from maraca-badhaka house and the lord of the 6th of the victim.

(II) Lee Harvey Oswald; American Homicide; John F Kennedy was shot dead by Oswald on 22-11-1963 Dallas; DOB= 18-10-1939; Wednesday; TOB= 09-55 PM; POB= New Orieans, Louisiana, USA. 29-57N; 90-04W; (1) Venus, the Ascendant cusp sub lord is deposited in the constellation of Rahu who is the significator of 8 & 6. Both of these houses are maraca houses for the victim (7th). (2) Lagna is aspected by Saturn and all the co-rulers of lagna Merc/Rahu/Ven are aspected by Saturn including the 5th cusp. (3) Both Mercury, the lagna lord and Venus, the fifth lord are in the constellation of Rahu who is exactly on the 5th cusp. 5th cusp is in the star of Rahu and Rahu is in the star of Mars. (4) The 5th cusp and its co-rulers Ven/Rahu/Rahu are all well under the influence of Rahu. Rahu signifies 8 & 6. (Both are the Maraca Sthanas of the victim. 5th cusp sign lord Venus is the lord of 12th house. (5) Sun, the Atma karaka planet (Significaor of Soul) is associated with Rahu and he is in the star of Mars and in the sub of Ketu. Sun is also aspected by Saturn. Thus Sun is related well to Saturn-Mars-Rahu-Ketu. Sun signifies 8 and 6.Both these houses are maraca sthanas of the victim. (6) Mars, the karaka for murder is the occupant of 8 and the owner of 6 and in the star of Moon in 7. Thus Mars is a significator for 7-8 & 6.(7) Moon, the karaka for mind is the occupant of 7 and it is in the star of Venus (the owner of 12). Moon is also the lord of 2nd. (8) 6th cusp sub lord is Rahu. He acts as an agent for Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn. Sun is the occupant of 3rd and none in its stars and also none in 3rd. So he is a strong significators for 3rd house. Sun is in the star of Mars who owns 6th and in 8th. Hence Sun signifies 3-6 -8 strongly. Venus is the owner of 12th. Saturn owns 8th. Thus Rahu signifies 3-6-8-12. (9) 12th cusp sub lord is Rahu. (Explained in the above Para in detail) Imprisonment rule is satisfied. (10) At the time of murdering John F Kennedy (22-11-1963), Moon Dasa/Sun Bhukthi was running. Both Moon and Sun are the significators of maraca badhaka houses of the victim. (11) Mars aspects Saturn with his 4th aspect and Saturn aspect Mars with his 10th aspect. (Mutual aspect of Saturn and Mars). (12) Moon is the occupant of the 7th and she is in the star of Venus, 12th lord. None in 12th. (III) Day, Thomas C was an American homicide: Stabbed his father on 20-06-1997. DOB = 11-09-1960; TOB = 09-18 AM; POB = Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. (1) Saturn, the murderer’s ascendant sub lord is deposited the star of Venus who signifies 12 & 8 (Maraka Sthana of the victim and also signifies 2 (second house of the murderer). So this native stabbed his father on 20-06-1997. 58


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(2) Ascendant and Mercury are aspected by Mars and Saturn. The co-rulers of the ascendant are Mercury/Mars/Saturn as Sign/Star/Sub lords respectively. (3) Mercury is aspected by Mars & Saturn. It is the occupant of 12 and also the owner of 12. (4) The 5th cusp is in Aquarius 07-10-49. It’s co-rulers are Sat/Rah/Rah respectively. Thus the entire 5th cusp is under the influence of Saturn and Rahu. (5) Sun, the Atma karaka planet (Significator of Soul) is closely conjoined with Rahu in Leo. Both Sun & Rahu are in the Poorva Phalguni star. (6) Mars aspect the lagna and he is a significator of 8. (7) Moon is the occupant of 8 and she is in her own star Rohini. So she is a strong significators for 8. (8) Mercury+ is the 6th & 12th cusp sub lord. So it is a self-strong significator for 6 & 12. It owns 12 and the occupant of 12 also. (9) 12th cusp sub lord is Mercury+. (Explained above). (10) At the time of assassination of his father Jupiter Dasa-Jupiter Bhukthi were running. Jupiter aspects the 8th in natal chart. He is the owner of 6th. Both 8 & 6 are the maraca sthanas. (11) Both Mars and Saturn are aspecting each other and they are in the Sub-sub of Saturn. (12) Moon signifies 8th strongly. (IV) Jewett, William Jr. He was accused of sexual assault and murderer. He raped Jennifer Mullin and strangled her to death on 3001-1993. DOB = 01-07-1973; TOB = 12-02 PM; POB = Quincy, Massachusetts, USA. (1) Mercury+ is the lagna Sub lord of the murderer. It signifies 6 and 1. Mercury+ having no planets in its stars holds the sub lordship of 1, 2, & he signifies 1-2-6-7. (2) Ascendant is aspected by Mars. Ascendant star lord Sun is also aspected by Mars with his 4th aspect. (3) Mercury is aspecdted by the 7th lord Jupiter. He is conjoined with Venus who is the lord of 2nd. (4) The 5th cusp Sign lord Saturn signifies 7-8-6. 5th cusp star lord Sun signifies 12 strongly. 5th cusp sub lord Venus signifies 6 and 12. (5) Sun, the Atma karaka planet (Significator of Soul) is having no planets in his stars and also none in 12th house. So he is a very good strong significators for 12. Sun is aspected by Mars also. Sun and Saturn are in Gemini sign. (6) Mars aspects lagna and a significator for 6-7-8 also. (7) Moon is aspected by the 7th lord Jupiter. She is also a significator for 7th. She is in the sub of Rahu. (8) 6th cusp sub lord Jupiter is in the sub of Saturn who is a significators of 6 and 8. (9) 12th cusp sub lord Saturn is in the constellation of Mars who is the owner of 3 and 8. (10) At the time of death of Jennifer Mullin, Mercury dasa-Mercury bhukthi were running from19-12-1992 to 17-05-1995. Mercury is having no planets in his stars and none in first house. So he is a great and strong single significator for first house. He is in the star of Saturn who is the lord of 6th. 1 and 6 are the badhaka and maraca houses of the victim. (11) Mars aspects Saturn with his 4th aspect and Saturn aspects Mars with 10th aspect. (Mutual aspect of Mars and Saturn) Mars is in the star of Saturn and Saturn is in the star of Mars. (Mutual exchange of stars of Mars and Saturn). This indicates strong positional status. (12) Moon is in the star of Jupiter who is the lord of 7th and is aspected by Jupiter. The horoscopes of these murderers are given below:



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Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Editor’s Note on V.S.N. Murthy ji’s Article Many readers may get surprised that how can “Atma Karaka” get used in KP. Many internet-based, self-proclaimed KP bigwigs are trying to misguide everyone by saying that K.S. Krishnamurthy never used any traditional astrology. These are

prejudiced opinion and is not a true statement about the great KSK. The fact is that KSK was a very good user of both traditional astrology and his own KP theory while delineating a chart.

To show this to the whole world, provided below is the scanned page of the 4th Reader, 1971 Edition pages 122-123 where in the last paragraph of page 123, KSK himself uses Vargathamamsa and exaltation-debilitation principle of Vedic astrology in his KP analysis for marriage promise determination. (When a planet is in the same sign in Rashi chart as well as in Navamsa chart, D-9, then it is called as Vargathamamsa).

JASA salutes V.S.N. Murthy ji for showing all the readers the correct approach to Krishnamurthy Paddhati.

SEEING IS BELIEVING!! LONG LIVE REAL KP given by KSK !! Look at the marked paragraph and stop yourself being fooled by internet-based reference givers!!



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Research Perspectives KP Research in Cancer – Part I Nayan Mukhopadhayay Presently the author is working as a Senior Research Analyst in Deloitte. He completed his graduation in Physics and did his MBA (Finance) from ICFAI (HYD). He was groomed in KP by noted astrologer Sunil Gondhalekar of Mumbai and still learning from many other Gurus. He sincerely believes that the Journal for Advancement of Stellar Astrology (JASA) is a very good platform to spread and share our KP knowledge.

Email: [email protected]

In this article I would like to invite all the readers and astrologers to think differently in the research field of astrology. Often we face a lot of contradictory and debatable issues that whether Astrology is a science or not. And as usual always there will be two groups, one in favor and another in against. But instead of grouping or voting in favor and against if we try to address the issues and work as a team then only it will be a great contribution for the society as well as for the subject. Today America is well ahead almost in every field, why? They know the skills of teaming and assembling. They are strongly focused on program management. We the Indians are more focused on the individualism. In the field of research if it requires teaming go for it. But unfortunately we don’t do it. Let me try to explain the concept by an example. The mechanism of Lens purely comes under physics. If you are not able to see properly through your eyes that part completely comes under physiology or medical science. So the solution for your vision problem can be solved by a spectacle when the people from physics and the people from physiology / medical science will work together. At least I’m not aware of such research where a group of physicist, a group of biologists and a group of astrologers work together as a team and statically concluded or addressed any particular issue. They all work individually and try to conclude their individual subject as the only science. Every subject has its own limitations and so the astrology has. Even the quantum physics is purely based on probability. We can’t say definitely where the particle is situated. We can only say it’s somewhere between -1 to +1 and the probability is high in 0. Any prediction / estimation whether it’s a weather forecasting or a share price movement or population growth, requires a solid background of statistics particularly the probability. Statistically it’s impossible for a person to predict or estimate any events accurately for every time. There may be such people who are perfect every time for them I would simply say they are completely blessed by almighty. Well now let’s discuss step by step how we should proceed for a structured astrological research supported by statistical analysis. Here I would like to consider CANCER disease for my astrological research. Step 1: we should understand the event or the issue (here it’s Cancer) in details. For example what is cancer? What is the reason for cancer? What are the different types of cancer? What is the global statistics for cancer? Etc. Step 2: Collect different astrological rules, laws and hypothesis available for the event or issue from different sources. Sources should be mentioned clearly for reference. Step 3: Collect “AA” rated data at least 100 for the specific event. Prepare the data for analysis. While creating horoscopes we should follow uniformly the basic parameter like software used for the research. 65


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What is the ayanamsha used (KP original, New KP Ayanamsa etc)? For signification whether original KP or KB or 4 step method is being considered. Step 4: Examine or test the existing rules for the set of data. Step 5: Statistical analysis will start from here. You will understand whether any modification is required for the existing rules. Or even based on the observation you can find some new relation. Construct a proper methodology and test the new hypothesis based on your observation. What is Cancer? Cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body. Other terms used are malignant tumours and neoplasms. One defining feature of cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their usual boundaries, and which can then invade adjoining parts of the body and spread to other organs. This process is referred to as metastasis. Metastases are the major cause of death from cancer. The reason for Cancer Cancer arises from one single cell. The transformation from a normal cell into a tumour cell is a multistage process, typically a progression from a pre-cancerous lesion to malignant tumours. These changes are the result of the interaction between a person's genetic factors and three categories of external agents, including: · · · ·

Physical carcinogens, such as ultraviolet and ionizing radiation; Chemical carcinogens, such as asbestos, components of tobacco smoke, aflatoxin (a food contaminant) and arsenic (a drinking water contaminant); and Biological carcinogens, such as infections from certain viruses, bacteria or parasites.

Ageing is another fundamental factor for the development of cancer. The incidence of cancer rises dramatically with age, most likely due to a buildup of risks for specific cancers that increase with age. The overall risk accumulation is combined with the tendency for cellular repair mechanisms to be less effective as a person grows older. Different types of Cancer Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide and accounted for 7.6 million deaths (around 13% of all deaths) in 2008. Below are the main types of cancer in order of worldwide occurrence: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Lung (1.4 million deaths) Stomach (740 000 deaths) Liver (700 000 deaths) Colorectal (610 000 deaths) Breast (460 000 deaths).

Source: World Health Organization

About 70% of all cancer deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries. Deaths from cancer worldwide are projected to continue to rise to over 11 million in 2030. This list of common cancer types includes cancers that are diagnosed with the greatest frequency in the United States. 66


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Cancer Type

Estimated New Cases

Estimated Deaths







Kidney (Renal Cell) Cancer



Leukemia (All Types)






Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma












Source: National Cancer Institute (

Estimated New Cases 7.00% 10.10%

6.78% 8.17%


6.50% 10.24% 6.42%

Bladder Kidney (Renal Cell) Cancer Melanoma Pancreatic Thyroid


Endometrial Leukemia (All Types) Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Prostate

Source: JASA Research Team



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Estimated Deaths




5.13% 7.63% 13.77%


5.56% 12.21%



Kidney (Renal Cell) Cancer

Leukemia (All Types)


Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma




Source: JASA Research Team This is the brief medical coverage of cancer. Now let’s try to find out the available astrological experiments on this cancer. 1. “Medical Astrology For All” by K. Subramaniam as my primary source. 2. “Further Lights on Nakshatra Chintamani” and “Horoscopes And Diseases” by C R Bhaat. 3. “Cancer An Astrological Approach” Taken From Astrological Magazine of Raman Saheb, Sep 1982 Issue. 4. “Cancer Disease” by Sunaparantha Kalyan published in Nov Issue KP EZine. 5. “A Study of Twenty Throat Cancer Charts” and “Liver Cancer” By Tin Win published in KP Navaratbamala. Astrological Pattern / Explanation for Cancer: Jupiter is the planet of expansion of growth. When Jupiter is connected with this disease it spreads rapidly to the neighboring tissues. Whenever the 6th cusp falls in Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, the person is susceptible to cancer provided other conditions are also fulfilled. Moon produces cancer of the blood, breast etc. Mars produces cancer of the blood, marrow genitals, uterus, neck, gall bladder etc. Mercury produces cancer of nose, naval, mouth etc. Jupiter produces cancer of liver, ear, tongue, thigh etc. Venus is responsible for throat, genital organs and Saturn produces cancer of leg, jaw, places around the tooth etc. Some Western Combination for Cancer: 1. Saturn and Moon should be afflicted for Cancer. 2. Saturn and Neptune connection with any manner will bring away the obstruction of the normal function of organs or tissues which is important symptom of the cancer. 3. Generally Saturn, Mars, Jupiter aspect each other by houses being in the sign of the other. Jupiter is the planet of growth while Mars and Saturn are destructive forces. Sometimes, Neptune takes the place of Jupiter as an important factor in this disease. 4. The midpoint of Saturn and Neptune in a natal chart are to be considered for this disease. This point denotes chronic disease of often involving drugs and injection. It symbolizes the wasting of organs 68


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and painful emotional stages that had led to sickness difficult to diagnosis. If Rahu/Ketu aspects this point it’s Cancer. Some Vedic Planetary combination for Cancer: 1. If the Moon is afflicted by three malefic in any signs I native may be attacked with cancer. 2. If Saturn and Mars in 6th aspected by Rahu and sun, cancer disease is the result. 3. If Mars joins the lord of 6th in the 1, 6, 7 and 10th it m cause cancer. 4. Malefic in 5th, the Sun in 6th, the 8th and the 12th afflicted will cause cancer. 5. Saturn, in the 4th with Venus and Mercury, when the Sun is also afflicted will cause Cancer. 6. Combination of Rahu, Saturn and aspect of other malefic may excite the cause for cancer. 7. Saturn, Mars combination in 6, 8,12th or in 7th may cause cancer. 8. Conjunction of Saturn, Ketu and Jupiter in any sign may develop cancer. 9. Conjunction of Jupiter, Ketu and Venus in any sign may also cause cancer. 10. Conjunction of Moon, Ketu, Saturn, Moon, Ketu, Mars and Moon Rahu and Saturn may also cause Cancer. 11. Mars it posited in the 6th as in fixed sign may give cancer. 12. Saturn is posited in the 6th and in dual sign may produce cancer. 13. The Rahu and Saturn and Mars are the planets responsible for all malignant growth. The lords of 6, 8,12th houses are responsible for the disease like a cancer or malignant type of growth. When a house is afflicted by most of the malefic and evil lords particularly by Saturn, Rahu, and Mars malignant type of growth like cancer may appear in that part of the body ruled by the house afflicted or in the part ruled by the planet afflicted. When the lord of the 6th joins lagna 8 or 10th house and malefic Rahu afflicts, a house keeping same relatives with above houses or house lords. Cancer will come into presence in that part the body ruled by the afflicted house or planet. 1. Breast Cancer: We should examine the 3rd and the 4th house and their lords, star lords and sub lords. The planet Moon is an important key for breast cancer. 2. Throat Cancer : The 3rd se and its sub lords are to be considered additionally. 3. Cancer of Stomach:



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We should consider the planet Jupiter and Sun and the lord and sub lord of the 5th cusp. When sun is connected with this disease, it produces cancer in the Stomach, Bowels etc. 4. Cancer of Bladder, Kidney, Prostate: Involvement of water signs i.e. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, the Moon, Venus, the 8th lord causes this type of the cancer. 5. Colon and rectum: Normally Mercury causes more anus diseases. Mercury afflicted in Scorpio along with Rahu and Mars, can trigger this kind of cancer. Mercury in Aries / Scorpio as Ascendant can cause anus disease. 6. Lung Cancer: The 4th house in a horoscope, the Sun, the Saturn afflict indicate lung cancer. 7. Uterus cancer: Involvement of Scorpio, the weak Moon, and Rahu related to 5th or 7th should be present. 8. Skin Cancer:Mercury and Saturn rule over the skin as its affliction in the lagna or in the 12th ho causes this kind of cancer. 9. Bone and muscle cancer: Saturn governs our bones and Mars rules over the muscles. Ketu controls the cells and tissues and also he gives mysterious disease like cancer. 10. Tongue, throat, mouth cancer:Mercury governs the throat, tongue and mouth. Ketu rules over the cells and tissues and he gives cancer. Rahu or Ketu in Taurus if heavily afflicted by Mercury and other malefic may cause this type of cancer disease. In the next issue we will discuss in details about the KP methodology for predicting Cancer and the mechanism of preparing data for statistical analysis. Editor’s Note I know Sri Nayan Mukhopadhayay ji since the time I was in Hyderabad, India and in him I have always seen an ardent researcher in pursuit of truth. He has conceptualized this research in Cancer based on KP method after many months of deliberation. He has also collected a big set of AA rated birth charts on a variety of cancer diseases. Readers will easily find that Sri Mukhopadhayay’s research is not the ‘run of the mill’ kind that usually once gets to see in the monthly magazines churned out by their own reviewers and editors. Sri Mukhopadhayay is laboriously building up his research and in the next issue we will see more output from his laboratory. This article series (along with Sri Subhash Ektare ji’s article) will remain as a benchmark for all to follow and do in the name of research



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Jan-Feb 2012

The only FREE KP software in the world having Theory of Short Prediction (TSP) module for instant prediction. Easy to use and easy to understand!



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

JASA Idea Incubator JASA Idea Incubator Index List JASA will be documenting the contributions of authors who have taken all the pains to do research in astrology and write about their hard work for the entire world. JASA and its readers salutes these great thinkers!! 1. JASA/1-1/2011/BSV/KPPAM to Basilioli Sandro ( Vediko) for New Theory For Longevity With Krishnamurty Paddhati Astrology: Krishnamurthy Paddhati Pam Theory. 2. JASA/1-1/2011/VK/LSP to Vijay Kumar for Life Sensitive Points (LSP) in KP: A New Approach Towards Integrating Sahams With Krishnamurti Paddhati. 3. JASA/1-4/2011/RN/SHT to Rajendra Nimje for Sub Harmonics Theory (SHT) in KP.

Sub Harmonics – Part I Rajendra Nimje, IAS Sri Rajendra Nimje, IAS is into the field of Krishnamurti Padhdhati for over two decades and has been trained in KP by Sri V.B.N. Sarma of Warangal–a direct disciple of K.S. Krishnamurti. He is also the founder and President of the KP Astrologers’ Forum (KPAF), which is an international association of KP astrologers based in Hyderabad, India. Currently he is working as the Executive Director of a large multinational company. Email: [email protected]

I begin this article with offering prayers to Lord Ucchistha Maha Ganapati. May the lord bless all of us! I wish JASA readers a very Happy New Year 2012. ‘Planet is the source, Star lord shows the result through its occupancy and ownership of the cusps and the sublord decides whether the results are positive or negative’ is the key principle in Krishnamurti Padhdati. Let me elaborate the same through a simple example of fourth house matter. In a chart if the fourth cusp sublord is significator of 4 or 11 and connected to Venus the then matter is related to a vehicle. The starlord showing 4 or 11 is the result connected to fourth house matter and presence of Venus confirms the matter is related to a vehicle. Now if the sublord(SL) of this Cuspal Sub Lord (CSL) is connected to 4th or 11th cusp then the native will buy/posses a vehicle in this period. However, if the CSL’s sublord is signifying (through its occupancy or ownership of cusps) 3rd or 10th (instead of 4 or11) then the native will sell/lose possession of his vehicle. Clearly, the sublord plays a role of decider in this case. It is the sublord who decides whether the result related to vehicle is positive (4, 11) of buying/possessing a vehicle or it is negative (3, 10) i.e selling/ dis-possessing the vehicle. In both the cases the CSL’s starlord has either owned or occupied the 4th or 11th cusps. Therefore the signification is not complete unless we take sublord of the Cuspal sub lord in account to evaluate the potential of the cusp or we take sublord of the Dasa or Bhukti lord to know the signification of 72


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various matters which the dasa lord or Bhukti lord will unfold in its periods. In the same analogy of vehicle purchase or sale the dasa lord will give positive result of the matters indicated by itself and its starord if the sublord of the dasa lord is favorable or positive or harmonious to it. The same principle applies to Bhukti or Antara or Sookshma lord. Although the principle is defined very clearly by Prof. Krishnamurti , the role of sub lord as decider has never been explicit. We take CSL and its star lord and as per the A,B,C, D significators we rate them for signification of various matters. In KP readers we did not get any clear clue as to how the sublord of the CSL should be used to know whether the results indicated by the CSL or its starlord are positive or negative. It is very simple to understand in the vehicle example that if the sublord of the CSLis indicating 4th or 11th then the matter is positive for buying a vehicle and if it indicates 3rd or 10th then it is good for selling. However, if the sublord is signifying by its ownership or by occupancy 2nd and 9th then what should we predict? Mostly, we check if the sulord of the CSL is also signifying the main house or the supplementary houses then the matter is going in a positive way. If the sublord is signifying exactly opposing houses then it will be in a negative way. E.g. In a chart we are looking for marriage and marital harmony. In this case as per KP we take 7th cusp in consideration. The7th Cuspal sublord (CSL) if by its occupancy or ownership or its starlords occupancy or ownership signifies 2 or 7 or 11 houses we say his marriage is promised by the CSL of 7th. If the 7th CSL signifies the 2 or 7 or11 but the sublord of CSL is indicating 1, 6 or 10 then what do we say? Do we boldly predict the marriage will not happen? Do we say the marriage is on the cards as 7th CSL is clearly signifying the required houses of marriage and as per KP rules the marriage must happen though the CSL’s sublord is deadly against the marriage or we say the marriage will not take place or the marriage will happen and divorce is also implanted by the destiny for this native? I have seen that we use CSL’s sublord mostly as confirmatory if it indicates main or one of the supporting house in consideration. We DO NOT PREDICT THAT THE EVENT WIL NOT TAKE PLACE EVEN IF THE CSL’S SUBLORD IS INDICATING NEGATIVE HOUSES TO THE MAIN OR SUPPORTIVE HOUSES UNDER CONSIDERATION. In some of the newly emerged KP based theories the sublord is used as significator and not as decider as contemplated by Guruji Krishnamurti ji. In cuspal interlinks the sub-sub lord plays a major role in linking the houses and indicating whether the matter is signified and going through or not. We are still searching how to use the sublord of the CSL /dasa lord/bhukti lord as decider as contemplated in KP texts written by Guruji Krishnamurti. In this backdrop during my research I found that the role of sublord is like a gatekeeper on the Cinema theatre who will allow the native to enjoy the movie by permitting him/her inside the cinema hall. I am elaborating the situation for reader’s understanding. Let’s say a person (CSL or Dasa Lord (DL) or Bhukti Lord (BL)) is having a valid ticket to watch a movie. The ticket can be through purchase across the counter or through someone reserved for them (through star lord of the CSL or DL or BL). The person reaches the cinema theater to watch the movie and the gatekeeper allows him to go inside if the gatekeeper is harmonious with the CSL. If the gatekeeper for some reason is not convinced that the ticket of the movie is not valid and refuses entry to our CSL inside the movie hall then inspite of having valid movie ticket , the CSL is not permitted to enjoy the movie. He has to go back. I named this behavior of the sublord (gatekeeper of movie theatre) as ‘HARMONY’ with the CSL or DL or BL. Hence the sublord of the Dasa Lord must be harmonious to the houses signified by the DL through self and its starlord in order to see the results are enjoyed by a native during the Dasa lord’s period. If the sublord (SL) of the Dasa Lord (DL) is not harmonious then the matter will not go through 73


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like the gatekeeper returning the native from the movie theater and asking him to go back home even after the native has a valid movie ticket. We can also compare this with a water supply valve. The water can flow from one end to other if the wheel of the valve (Sulord) is opened. If the wheel is turned tightly the water from one end can’t flow to other end. The matter also will not fructify if the wheel valve in the shape of sublord is tight. Now how to decide if the sublord is harmonious with the matters referred by the CSL or its starlord? Guruji Prof. Krishnamurti has quoted in KP that house 1,2, 3, 6, 10 and 11 are favorable for the native and houses 4, 5,7,8,9,12 are favorable to the opponent of the native. We apply this principle in deciding result of sport matches. We also use this in winning the competition, court cases and anything where there is a clear victory of one over other. This principle also found its origin in ancient texts of astrology where the houses 1,2,3 6, 10 and 11 are called as ‘Upachaya Sthanas’ or improving houses. Other houses are improving houses to the opponent and hence Non-Improving houses to the native. I applied this principle to the sublord. I found that whenever the sublord is in improving houses from the houses indicated by the CSL or its starlord then the matter is going to fructify. Whenever, the CSL’s sublord is 4, 5, 7 or 8, 9 or 12 houses away from the signified houses, the matter will not go through. Likely a gatekeeper of Cinema Theater, the sublord plays a role of allowing the persons to go through the gate and allow watching a movie if the person entering is improving houses away from the gatekeeper. i.e. there has to be ‘HARMONY’ between the sublord of the CSL and the CSL (also its starlord) in order to allow the CSL to give results indicated by him or its starlord. I call it ‘Sub Harmonic Theory’. Main Rule- Upachaya Sthanas or houses 1,2,3,6,10,11 are favorable from the house or cusp for the matters to go through. The houses 7,8,9, 12,4, 5 are favorable to opposite side and hence are negative to the matter under consideration. Exemption- For matter under consideration we take one main house and few supporting houses. E.g. for marriage 7th House is the main house and 2 and 11 are supportive houses If the sublord is indicating 2nd or 11th house and if either 7,8,9,4,5,12 houses away from the house under consideration then also we take sublord as harmonious to the house under consideration. This is an exemption to the main rule of Harmony as the sublord of CSL or DL is non-Upachaya Sthanas away. Among 1,2,3, 6, 10 and 11 improving houses I further noticed that there are few which are more harmonious than others. The category is as follows:

Perfectly Harmonious Harmonious Little opposition Not Harmonious at all

1,3, 11 (Very Good – VG) 2,6,10 (Good –G) 5,7,9 (Bad - B) 8,12,4(Very Bad - VB)

Let us take an example for applying sub harmonics. Eg. Child Birth - 5th house is the Main House, 2nd and 11th are supportive houses. Step I - Prepare the table for Child Birth keeping 5th house as main house Perfectly Harmonious Harmonious Little opposition Not Harmonious at all

5th ,7th , 3rd i.e.(1,3, 11) from 5th house 6th , 10th , 2nd (2,6,10) 9th, 11th, 1st, (5,7,9) 12th , 4th , 8th , (8,12,4) 74


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Step II 2 and 11 are the supporting houses for child birth. Hence, even if 11th house is shown as in little opposition, remove it from this list and put it in harmonious houses. The final modified table ready for use will be: 5th ,7th , 3rd , 11th i.e.(1,3, 11) from 5th house and supportive houses 6th , 10th , 2nd (2,6,10) 9th, 11th, 1st, (5,7,9) 12th , 4th , 8th , (8,12,4)

Perfectly Harmonious Harmonious Little opposition Not Harmonious at all

Application of the Sub Harmonics to Evaluation of Potential of the Cusp: We are all aware that potential of any cusp in natal or horary chart is worked out as per signification given by the copal sub lord and its star lord. The regular strengths of the CSL is as per Star lord’s occupancy and ownership and Cuspal sub lord’s occupancy and ownership. Association of any planets with the starlord and sub lord also is considered for signification. However the strengths are worked out on the basis of anyone occupying the constellation area or the cuspal area. E.g. If Star Lord owns one or two rasis and if any planet is located in any of the rasi owned by the star lord then rasi lord of these owned rasis by star lord are secondary significators. However, in Sub Harmonics, we first work out the significators as per constellation lord and the CSL as mentioned in above paragraph. Thereafter, for each of the signified houses distance between the CSL ‘ sublord significators (occupancy and ownership only) is worked out. The net sum of these distances between the significators of the CSL and that of CSL’s sublord clearly indicates if the Sub is harmonious for the signified houses indicated by the CSL or its star lord. If the net result is positive then the matter will go through. If the net result is negative then the matter will not go through or will give very tough time for the native. If the sub is perfectly harmonious i.e. 1,3,11 then the matter will go through perfectly. If the second row of harmonious operates then also it will go through but the strength will be less. E.g. in money matter- If first row makes you billionaire then second will make you millionaire etc. Third row is little opposition and the last row the sub is totally nonharmonious and hence the matter will not fructify. How to Evaluate DBA’s by Sub-Harmonics theory? For Dasa find out which are the houses it is signifying through the occupancy of Dasa lord and the ownership and also Dasalords starlord – its occupancy and its ownership. For each of the houses signified, check if sublord is harmonious. If sublord is 1,3 or 11 from the signified house, then the matter signified will go through. If the sublord is indicating 4,8,12 then it will not go through though indicated. ( Allow supportive houses indicated by sublord for a particular matter even if it is in 4, 8, 12 list. This is an exception which was covered earlier). Consider 2, 6, 10 houses are harmonious provided they are not opposing the supporting houses. Consider other houses 5,7,9 are opposing unless they are in the group of supportive houses. Hence as per the gate valve or Thyristor analogy- the water or current will pass through the two ends only when the wheel is turned on or the Thyristor gate is fired by the Sub Lord. 75


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Allow only the house signification for the dasa lord which are permitted by the sublord as per sub harmonic filter as stated above. REJECT OTHER HOUSE SIGNIFICATION EVEN IF THEY ARE STRONG SIGNIFICATORS OF THE SAID HOUSES IF THE SUBLORD IS NOT PERMITTING AS PER SUB HARMONICS THEORY. For evaluating the significations of the Bhukti and Antara Lord- Apply the same rule as above and find out which are the significators which are final as per the sub harmonics filter. Using the sub harmonics way of Choosing the DBA for any matter will be more scientific as the DBA lord not only throws light on the signification but its sublord will filter the harmonics giving pure significators which are capable of delivering the results.

To be continued in JASA Mar-Apr 2012 issue Editor’s Note I personally know Sri Nimje for a very long time. His ‘Sub Harmonics’ is a brilliant masterpiece just like the author himself. Sri Nimje is a very erudite scholar in KP and has a very sharp acumen in this field. His article is a eye opener for practical application of KP and both newcomers and seasoned professionals stand to gain from this article. In the next issue of JASA, we will see the Part-II of this article wherein Sri Nimje will be discussing this new concept with practical illustrations and example.

There is just no question of missing it!!

Editor’s Note This section is a new concept. JASA Idea Incubator encourages any stellar astrology practitioner to send his/her astrology idea to this column. The idea can pertain to a new research topic, a new technique to solve a problem, or a new method of approaching an old problem, mix of techniques etc. etc. A contributor contributing to this section needs to 1) give a name to his/her new method, 2) explain the new idea/concept, 3) show the application of the concept though practical illustration of horoscopes, either birth or horary. Every entry into this section will be catalogued for future reference and the chances of any intellectual infringements will become a matter of history. Copyright will be retained by the authors. If you send your ideas to JASA, copyright will remain with you and you will get wide reading coverage and JASA will catalogue your idea so that no one can ever steal it!!



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Critics Column Prof. K. S. Krishnamurthy criticized astrologers for the way they fix Muhurta. He also criticized the general public for forgetting the role of Karma in our life. But KSK made ‘constructive criticism’. He showed the way to all astrologers and general public how to combine birth chart and Muhurta. We gratefully acknowledge Astrology and Athrishta October 1967 page 39-44. The title of this article is “Subha Muhurtam or Selection of Auspicious Timings” by KSK. (Only excerpted portions given here. In the previous issue of JASA we provided 3 parts of excerpts). 4

5 People who are advocating new techniques in KP muhurta have forgotten the golden principle of Astrology and Karma link. KSK CLEARLY ADVISES ALL OF US THAT WITHOUT CONSIDERING THE BIRTH HOROSCOPE, THERE IS NO USE OF ANY MUHURTA. It is simply the lack of this fundamental knowledge that many Muhurta’s fail.


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Suggestion Box JASA does not have any ‘Advisory Board’.

The philosophy behind creation of this journal is to RESPECT differences of opinion, FOSTER DIVERSITY in different stellar astrology approaches, ENCOURAGE RESEARCH in all domains, DEVELOP NEW THINKING and sustain PEACEFUL CO-EXISTENCE of all schools of thought. JASA firmly believes that all readers, authors, contributors and patrons of JASA are capable to give suggestions and advice for the development of stellar astrology and this journal. It is for them that this section has been created. Everyone is encouraged to send in their implementable suggestions through email to [email protected] with the subject title ‘SB’.

The most practical and implementable suggestion-giver of the year will be felicitated in this journal as the Best Suggestion Giver and his/her suggestion will be adopted.

Read authentic text books on Cuspal Interlinks Theory (KB Method) and enrich yourself in practical stellar astrology

All Indian Baskara Astrology Research Centre No. 8-1-13, Holy Cross Nagar (Opp. Mill Colony), Paravai, Madurai 625402 78


Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Excellent practical KP software for Professional use and successful KP prediction

Jyotishya Deepika v 5.2.2 becomes the ONLY software in the world to provide 100% native support for "all existing" KP enhancement theories and even offers standard reports based on these theories. 79


Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

"The new version is looking perfect just the way how a professional user would want it--- minimal mousing and scrolling, beautiful eye soothing layout, no pressure on eyes, everything available at finger tips, minimum eye to note copy movement---VERY GOOD JOB!!! EXCELLENT PRACTICAL SOFTWARE FOR PROFESSIONAL USE --- will be my personal endorsement caption!!" Dr Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit) 80


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Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Food for Thought The following case study was published in the Nov-Dec 2011 of JASA. We have received 73 entries for this section. Out of these 32 were correct analysis. We cannot publish all the correct analysis here but we THANK ALL OF THEM!! for their effort. Given below is: 1) Correct KP analysis


Given is the horary chart for a query raised by a gentleman regarding his missing mother. The query is “Is my mother alive? If so, will she come back home? When can she return, if she comes back?” Horary no. given is 139 out of 249. The full chart is provided below.



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Dear Dr. Andrew Dutta ji, Firstly let me congratulate you for your wonderful work that you are doing for JASA. Your magazine is the best compared that what others are publishing in KP. May God bless you for your good effort! Please find below my analysis of ‘Food for Thought’ given in the Nov-Dec issue of Jasa. The question is about missing mother by the querrent. So, Moon should reflect the houses 4, 6, 12 and 3 in the horoscope. That is 3, 9 and 12th house of 4th. Moon is the reflector of mind of the person asking the question. Moon is in the 8th house (worries), in star of Rahu in the sign of Jupiter, the owner of 3rd and 6th house. So, Moon is indicating the mind of the querrent, though not very strongly. As the mother is missing, her return will be seen from the 11th cusp of the 4th (This is what is there in Bhat’s book on page 149) and the 11th cusp should be related with the 2, 8, and 11th of the mother’s cusp. So, the cusps 5, 11 and 2 should be shown by the 2nd cusp (11th of 4th). The 2nd cusp sublord is Ketu. Ketu is aspected by Mars and Saturn. Mars is in 5th, owning 2nd. Saturn is in 11th and owns houses 4 and 5. Also Ketu is in Mars star. So, Ketu is a significator of the mothers return. Sir, as the Dasa-Bhukti is not provided by you, it is not possible for me to tell the date of return, but as Ketu is with a fast moving planet Moon and aspected by another fast moving planet Mars, I think his mother should come back within a week. Thank you Sir and keep up the good work of JASA. Regards, P. Gupta

Congratulations to Mr. P. Gupta for correct analysis. The reality: The mother of the querist came back within 4 days from the date of asking. h



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Food for Thought JAN-FEB 2012 ISSUE ‘FOOD FOR THOUGHT’ CASE The birth horoscope of a gentleman is provided. He has given an interview in Sept 2011 and asked an astrologer whether his interview will materialize? In case the interview materializes, then will he take up the job?

Software Courtesy: Jyotisha Deepika v 5.2.2

All correct entries will be acknowledged and only the FIRST received entry will be published for a particular school of stellar astrology. 85


Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

The Classroom Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy had many written many articles on birth time rectification. We, gratefully acknowledging, present below one portion of his article published in Astrology and Athrishta, Jan. 1967, page 36-37.

Concluding part of the article (First part shown in JASA Nov-Dec 2011 issue)

Senior astrology practitioners are invited to send their ‘knowledge inputs’ on any branch of stellar astrology for publishing in this section – ‘Classroom’. Write-ups should be within one page only. The write-up should contain astrology rules/dictum/principles/applications which reflect the original thinking of the inventors/propounders. All write-ups must contain appropriate references of books/magazines etc with original author names, publisher and page numbers to enable interested readers take up further reading and research. 86


Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

ASTRO-NEWS Bhalchandra Jyotirvidyan Swayatt Sanstha,Pune honoured Sri Sunil Gondhalekar by conferring "Jyotirvidyan Tapasvi" Degree for valuable contribution in the field of Jyotish On 25th Nov.2011 at Pune

Congratulations Sri Sunil Gondhalekar Ji KP ASTROLOGERS’ INTERNATIONAL SUMMIT – 2011 KP Astrologers’ Forum, India held it’s Flagship event, The KP Astrologers’ International Summit – 2011 at Hyderabad on 20th November, 2011. This one day Summit had a special focus on Remedial Astrology. It is well known that in KP followers do focus on remedies as very little has been discussed by Late Sri Krishnamurthiji on remedial astrology. Practically every Astrologer including KP Astrologer faces the dilemma of choosing appropriate and effective remedies for his client. In order to give a new dimension in the KP System, the KPAF, India has chosen Remedies as a theme for Summit – 2011. Among the other topics discussed during the Summit are Annual Horoscope, Remedies, Sahams, Sublord of a planet, InVerto Fertilisation and Punarphoo Yoga. The KPAF Summit started with a prayer by Sri Karthik a budding Astrologer and the youngest among the delegates. As a custom in all the earlier Summits the senior most member of the Forum Sri M.C. Appa has given the Welcome Address. Dr. V.V.K. Mohan, Secretary , KPAF India has outlined the achievements of the Forum during the past 5 years, which include regular conduction of the International summits , developing research content, publishing and utilizing internet for spread of the KP System. The Secretary’s address was followed by the Presidential address by Sri Rajendra Nimje, IAS who is the 87


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Jan-Feb 2012

founder President of the Forum. Sri Nimje has Summed up all the activities & achievements of KPAF for the last 5 years, conducting fortnightly meetings, activities of Specialist Groups engaged in Bhadhaka, Cuspal intersection, Marriage match making, Medical Astrology etc., (research), effort to established of KP centers at various places and extending facilities for their efficient functioning. The chief guest for the Summit Sri Vinod Kumar Agarwal, IAS Principle Secretary to the Government of Andhra Pradesh, who has developed active interest in Astrology after discussing his own chart with Astrologers. During his speech he emphasized the role of Astrology and how it can play a guiding role to every individual who embraces and believes in Astrology. He appealed to all the Astrologers to use this divine science for the benefit of the mankind and society. The KPAF India first publication – Significance of 12 Bhavas , a compilation by Sri M C Appa was released by the Chief Guest Sri Vinod Kumar Agarwal, IAS. Sri Rajendra Nimje, IAS has conducted the session on Annual Horoscope, the session was chaired by Sri M.C. Appa. Sri Nimje has explained how KP principles can be applied to develop an Annual Horoscope for an individual chart. Here also explained the other forms of developing Annual Horoscope like Tajik and Western System. The next session was taken by Sri Pandit R. Dakshina Murthy of Chennai who gave an elaborate and insightful details regarding the basic principles of Remedial Astrology. He has blended the Vedic and KP System effectively to highlight an holistic approach to remedies. In his lecture he explained how to strengthen the yogas and neutralize doshas, reducing the influence of the Badhaka Planet in the chart and the methods to strengthen, Ascendant lord, 5th house lord and Fortuna 88uspal sublord . While everyone agrees that fate may be unalterable in its scope an intelligent Astrologer should see the area of light where Fatalistic influences are not blocking the individual, and then direct the individual’s energies along those channels so that the native can be at least reasonably successful, and can enjoy rays of hope in an otherwise dreary existence that one has been possibly doomed due to one’s karmas. According to Sri Dakshina Murthy even the horoscope of persons with the most wretched of existences will have some positive yogas; so the astrologer should learn to focus on the positives and direct the energies and efforts of the individuals towards actions that will bring them less agony on a relative scale within the scope of the chart, and bring them more chances of success even more than what is possibly indicated in the chart if the native had just taken the line of least resistence in life.” Such holistic approach to remedial astrology and astrological counseling will make the astrologer a “Real Daivagna” The Agent of Divine Will”. Next Session was taken by Sri Vijay Kumar of Bangalore on the topic Sahams. Sri Vijay Kumar has explained the Role of Sahams in revalidating the predictions derived from a chart analysis. He is also explained the method in which Sahams of various Bhavas can be examined in a single chart. This highly technical session has given in new direction to all the KP Astrologers in effectively use in Sahams including Fortuna for various predictions. The role of sub-lord of planet session was taken by Sri P. Chiranjeevi, S/o late Sri Punneswara Rao known as Krishnamurthi of Andhra Pradesh. The session highlighted the role of planets sub-lord place in deciding in an event. Sri Chiranjeevi has brought out the essence of Krishnamurthi Paddathi in a lucid manner which caught the attention of a beginner and a stalwart. KPAF India has done significant research in the area Medical Astrology for the past 3 years. Sri O.V.N. Murthy has been a lead player in the research related to Medical Astrology. In-Verto Fertilisation has become a common procedure and a ray of hope for childless couples. The Astrological significance of IVF has been explained by Sri O.V.N. Murthy during the session of IVF a KP Analysis. It has been clearly detailed that Rahu plays a major signification for IVF children and the houses 4th and 12th analysis will indicate the possibility of IVF child to a couple. 88


Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

The last session was on Punarphoo Yoga which was handled by Sri Balaji and Dr. V.V.K. Mohan. The concept of Punarphoo has been restricted to marriage related issues in the KP domain, however extensive research and experience related to various charts have indicated that this yoga which causes delays, obstructions and disappointments can be related to any issues including marriage depending upon the connection between Saturn and Moon and the Bhava. The session was chaired by Sri. T.A.P. Rao, who shared his research experience related to this yoga. The session also indicated various remedial measures to pacify the detrimental effects of Saturn. The delegates observed two minutes silence as a mark of respect to Sri Seshagiri Rao , the Forum ‘s Vice President , on his sudden demise. The Summit was concluded by Sri Kalidas, who proposed the vote of thanks. To sum up KP Astrologers’ International Summit 2011 was an enriching experience to all the delegates who have come from various parts of the country including Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh.

Inauguration of the Summit by the Chief Guest Speakers during the SUMMIT-2011



Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Speakers during the SUMMIT-2011 -------------------

Workshop on Art of Prediction

Krishnamurti Padhdhati Stellar Astrology Was Organised by Prof. K Hariharan (S/o. Prof.K.S.Krishnamurti) On

11th December (Sunday) * 10am to 4pm Odukathur Swamy Dhandayuthapani Mutt,

Near Thiruvalluvar Statue (Opp. Ulsoor Lake), Bengaluru – 42 Certificate – Workshop Material – Lunch/Tea were provided

An article titled “Relief from Problems: Gemstones can help you” authored by Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit) was published in the annual issue of the Express Star Teller magazine in Jan 2012 90


Vol. 1(4)

Billet Doux Reader Sri K.S. Parthasarathy has sent valuable materials for all the readers of JASA.


Jan-Feb 2012


Vol. 1(4)

Reader Sri Vishram Deshpande has sent the following cartoon to lighten your mood !!


Jan-Feb 2012


Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Learn KP Astrology in Hyderabad, India Universal Research Institute of Astro and Occult Sciences (Redg. No. 1076/1986) Founded by Guru ji (late) P.V.K. Punneswara Rao 1-1-336/95, Viveknagar, Chikkadpally, Hyderabad 500 020 Contact: Sri P.S. Chiranjeevi ([email protected])

Buy the only authentic books on KP Astrology from the sons of late K.S. Krishnamurti Sri. K. Subramaniam

Sri K. Hariharan

S/o Late K. S. Krishnamurti

S/o late K. S. Krishnamurti


Krishnamurti Publications

New No.5/2,(ShivaShakthi building), Venkatesa Agraharam Street, 1st Floor(Near Sai Baba Temple) Mylapore,Chennai-600 004.

F-21A, First Floor, SPENCER PLAZA, Phase-I, 769, Mount Road, Chennai 600 002.

K. P. Readers By Prof. K.S. KRISHNAMURTI

K. P. Readers By Prof. K.S. KRISHNAMURTI

Fundamental Principles of Astrology (Reader II)

Casting the Horoscope - Reader I

Marriage, Married Life and Children (Reader IV)

Predictive Stellar Astrology - Reader III Transit - Reader V

Horary Astrology (Reader VI)



Vol. 1(4)


Jan-Feb 2012


Vol. 1(4)

Jan-Feb 2012

Guidelines for Authors/Contributors of JASA 1. Authors/Contributor can send unpublished and unsubmitted manuscripts based on any systems of stellar astrology such as KP, MST, TSP, 4 Step Theory, Cuspal Interlinks, Nadi or any other stellar system. 2. Manuscript should be minimum 3000 words and maximum 15000 words. Lengthy manuscripts will be published in parts. 3. All manuscripts should be in Times New Roman font with size 12, single line spacing, and justified margin with 1 inch on all sides in Microsoft Word 2003 or 2007 file format ONLY. Sections and sub-sections should contain separate heading in bold. Charts provided and discussed must be in BOTH North and South Indian styles. 4. Authors/Contributors SHOULD NOT use any harsh language/derogatory comment/demeaning phrases against any person/system/method/association/group etc. 5. Authors/Contributors CAN USE ANY Ayanamsa, astrological computer software and birth data of persons. However, any liability arising out of such usage will be borne by the respective author/contributor. 6. References used, if any, in the manuscript must be mentioned at the end of the manuscript separately. 7. Names of planets should be written in their full form. If any acronym is used, it should be first explained and then used throughout the article. Eg: “The DBA (Dasa, Bhukti, Anthra) is of…..” 8. All spelling, grammar and syntax should be properly checked before submitting an article. 9. All articles must accompany a JPEG passport size photo of the author/contributor along with the email and a brief bio-data of the author/contributor within 100 words. 10. Editorial letters addressed to the Editor must be titled “Billet Doux” for automatic publication. Care should be taken by senders to ensure that no harsh words/statements/derogatory remarks are included in their letters/emails for publication. 11. Though there are no Reviewers or Advisory Board for JASA, preference for articles will be given to such contributions which have good English, are clear to understand and have minimum English language mistakes. 12. All submissions to JASA will be acknowledged and as per acceptance, all authors/contributors will be intimated about final print version along with declaration statement.

Articles/write-ups not fulfilling the above guidelines will be sent back to the author/contributor for modification

The next issue of JASA will be released on the 5th Mar, 2012

Volume 1, Issue 5, Mar-Apr 2012 Last date of receiving articles and advt.: 5th February, 2012 95

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