Joining Instructions For Officers (Sub LT) Appointed For Training at Indian Naval Academy - Ezhimala

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1 Enclosure to IHQ-MoD (Navy) Letter OF/ dated May 09










Page No





Section I

General Information



Section II

Useful Administrative Details



Section III

Facilities at Indian Naval Academy



Section IV

Organisation and Training



Section V

Physical Conditioning prior joining for Training



Appendices 7.

Appendix A

Letter of Acknowledgement



Appendix B

List of Clothing/Equipment



Appendix C

Clothing Measurement


 Appendix D

Own Risk Certificate Certificate to be signed signed by the Candidate Candidate


10. 11. 12.

 Appendix E  Appendix F


Appendix G


Appendix H


Appendix J


Appendix K


Appendix L


Appendix M

Declaration to be signed by the Candidate selected for training for Grant of Commission Commission Bond to be signed by the Parent/Guardian and the Candidate selected Indemnity Bond to be signed by the Parent/Guardian of the Candidate


Application for Grant of F Fiinancial Aid


 Agreement to be signed by  Agreement by the Candidate Candidate selected for Grant of Commission Income Certificate to be signed by Parent/ Guardian applying for Grant of Financial Aid Organisa Orga nisation tion Cha Chart rt – Training Training Team, Team, Indian Naval Naval  Academy, Ezhimala Ezhimala Service Subjects



32-33 34 35 36



FOREWORD 1. Thes These e inst instru ruct ctio ions ns hav have e been been spe speci cifi fica call lly y comp compil iled ed for for can candi dida date tes s selected, under the CDSE (GSES) cadets and Sub Lt (X) scheme, as officer  trainees to join Indian Naval Academy at Ezhimala, Kannur for their ab-initio training. They contain guidelines to facilitate your smooth transition into the training environment of the Indian Naval Academy and further on into the Indian Navy. 2. The The IInd ndia ian n Nav Naval al Acad Academ emy y is is loca locate ted d at at Ezhi Ezhima mala la in th the e Kan Kannu nur  r  (Cannanore) (Cannano re) District of Kerala, which forms a part part of its North Malabar region. region. The Indian Naval Academy is a national prestigious project which was inaugurated by Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Honourable Prime Minister of India on 08 January 2009. The Academy is the premier training establishment of  the Indian Navy conducting basic training for all officers being inducted into the Navy under various schemes. 3. Nestl Nestled ed bet betwe ween en the impos imposing ing Mo Mount unt Dilli Dilli,, sere serene ne Kavvay Kavvayii back backwa water ters s and the majestic Arabian Sea, Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala provides an idyllic setting for training with its picturesque and tranquil environment. 4. The The cu curr rric icul ulum um at at the the Indi Indian an Nava Navall Acad Academ emy y has has bee been n spec specifi ifica call lly y formulated to mould you into a morally upright, physically robust, mentally alert and and technologically technologically aware professional, professional, dedicated dedicated to excellence. excellence. In addition to academics and engineering studies, the curriculum is oriented to ensure a clean break from the traditional strait jacketed mentality and infuse in you a sense of innovativeness, creativity and resourcefulness leading to developing a passion for excellence. 5. At India Indian n Nava Navall Acad Academy emy,, the the staff staff is is c com ommi mitte tted d to to impar impartt tthe he highe highest st quality of training, and to mould trainees into officers and gentlemen. What we expect from you is sincerity of effort and diligence in an endeavour to bring out the best in you.



SECTION I EZHIMA EZH IMALA LA – GOD GOD’S ’S O OWN WN L LAN AND D 1. The name ‘Ezhimala’ is believed to have been derived from the seven hills (‘Ezhu means seven and ‘Mala means hill in Malayalam), that dominate the skyline of this area. The place was also known known as ‘Elimalai meaning meaning ‘Rat Hill (‘Eli in Malayalam means rat). Yet another legend has it that the name was derived from ‘Ezhil Malai meaning Land of Beauty (‘Ezhil means beauty). Folklore has it that the seven hills are parts of the ‘Rishabadri mountain that fell to earth when Lord Hanuman was carrying the mountain with Mrita Sanjivani and other herbs to Lanka for Lakshamans treatment after  he was critically injured and lying in coma during the epic battle of Ramayana.  As though to substantiate substantiate this, the area has many rare medicinal medicinal herbs. 2. History.. The history of the area is well documented through the ages. History During the Sangam era, approximately 1500 years ago, ‘Ezhimala was known as ‘Ezhimalai. ‘Ezhimalai. Sangam Sangam literature gives us a vivid picture picture of the life of  people at Ezhimala. In 500 AD, there were three main kingdoms spanning the modern state of viz, Aynad in the South, in and the Centre and Ezhimalainad in Kerala the North. The modern districtsCheranad of Kannur Kasargode were part of Ezhimalainad ruled by ‘Nanan. At its zenith Nanans rule extended up to Wayanad and Gudalur in the foothills of the Western Ghats, bordering the present day Mysore district in Karnataka. It is believed that Nanan buried an immense treasure of coins in 491 AD in the foothills of  Ezhimala. The Kolathiri Raja took over the reins of the kingdom from the Nanan dynasty in the 14th century AD. The Kolathiri Kolathiri Raja translated translated the name ‘Ezhimalai into ‘Saptasilam for the seven hills that dominate the area. In the 18th century Tipu Sultan captured the area and it fell into the hands of the British, after they defeated Tipu Sultan in the third Mysore War. 3. Location. Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala is situated approximately 35 km North of Kannur (Cannanore) and 135 km South of Mangalore, on the west coast of peninsular peninsular India.


5 4. Accessibility.. Indian Naval Academy is well connected by rail and Accessibility road. The nearest railway station is at Payyanur, a town located 10 km away from the naval base. Payyanur is situated along NH 17 between Mangalore and Kannur. The broad gauge railway line links Payyanur to Mumbai and other major cities in Western, Central and Northern India via the Konkan Railway. The broad gauge gauge rail network network also links Payyanur Payyanur to Chennai Chennai and other major cities in Eastern India (via Chennai) and Southern India (via Palakkad). The nearest airport is located at Mangalore, about 145 km from Indian Naval Academy. An international airport is also situated at Kozhikode, 150 km south of the Academy. There is regular private bus service between Indian Naval Academy, Payyanur and Kannur. 5. Clothing. Tropical clothes clothes are worn throughout throughout the year. Light woolens may however however be carried for wearing wearing while visiting visiting high altitude altitude areas, army forward areas and hill stations such as Ooty/ Wayanad during the course of  training. 6. Languages Spoken. Malayalam is the lingua franca of the area. However English can be understood and spoken by majority of the local population. Hindi is understood, but not spoken by the people. 7.

Places of Interest. (a)


Towns. (i)

Payyanur – 10 km.


Kannur (Cannanore) – 35 km.


Mangalore – 140 km km.


Kozhikode (Calicut) cut) – 150 km.

Places of Historical Interest. (i) Pazhassi Dam – 70 km South East of Indian Naval val  Academy. (i (ii) i)

Pail Pailat ath hal Mala Mala – 65 km East East of In Indi dian an Nava Navall Aca Acade demy my..

(i (iii ii)) Beka Bekall For Fortt – a gra grand nd fort fort loca locate ted d 55 55 km km Nor North th of In Indi dian an Naval Academy. (iv) Chandragairi Fo Fort – 65 km km No North of of In Indian Naval  Academy. (v) St Ang Angelo For Fort – lo loca cate ted d at Kan Kannur, nur, 40 km fro from In Ind dia ian n Naval Na val Acade Academy. my.


6 (c)

Beaches. (i) Muzh zha apiln lnga gad du - a dri driv ve-in -in be beach abou bout 55 55 km km So South of  Indian Naval Academy. (ii ii)) Pay ayy yambal mbala am - lo loc cated ted in in Ka Kannu nnur abo bou ut 40 40 km km So South of  Indian Naval Academy. (i (iii ii)) Pall Pallik ikar ara a – near ear Bek Bekal al fo fort rt,, abo about ut 55 km Nor North th of Ind India ian n Naval Academy. (i (iv) v)


Kapp Kappil il – situ situa ated ted abo about ut 5 km km Nor North th of Beka Bekall F For ort. t.

Other Places of Interest. (i) Parassinikkadavu Snake Park – 35 km South of Indian Nava Na vall Acad Academ emy. y. (i (ii) i) Vali Valiy yapa apara ramb mba a Isl Islan ands ds – loca locate ted d iin n pic pictu ture resq sque ue Kavv Kavvay ayii backwaters.



SECTION II USEFUL ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS 1. Postal Particulars. The Indian Naval Academy has a full-fledged post office. The postal and telegraphic address during your stay at the Academy will be as follows:(a)

Postal Address.

Cadet / Sub Lt Indian Naval Academy Ezhimala, PO Ramanthali, Kannur, Kerala 670308


Telegraphic Address.

Cadet / Sub Lt ______   Care Training Captain Indian Naval Academy Ezhimala,, PO Ramanthalli, Ezhimala Ramanthalli, Kannur, Kerala 670308

(c) Official Address.  All official letters must be addressed to The Commandant, Indian Naval Academy on the following address:The Commandant (for Training Captain) Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala PO Ramanthalli, Kannur  Kerala 670308 2.

Official E-Mail Address.



trg trgca cap ptai .ina@ a@g gmail il.c .co om


flo flotil tillacd cdr. r.iina@ na@gmai mail. com m

Important Telephones/Fax/E- Mail. Ser




Training Office (Duty Training Officer)

04985-223700 9446505820 04985-223700 04985-223964 04985-223970 04985-223971 9446507980 04985-230250 04985-230370


Officer of of th the Day ((O OOD)

04985-230895 04985-230922



Training Captain





8 4. Travelling.. You are entitled Travelling entitled to travel by train in in Second Cla Class ss Sleeper  and are to travel travel at at your your own expense expense while while joini joining ng the Indian Indian Naval Naval  Academy. The amount expended on your journey to the Academy will be reimbursed on joining, after producing the journey ticket. The nearest railway statio sta tion n from from the Acad Academy emy is Payya Payyanur nur.. Train Trainees ees a arri rrivin ving g from vario various us destinations should preferably disembark at Payyanur Station. However, arrangements arrangeme nts will be made to receive you you at Kannur railway station as well. Payyanur station can be reached as follows:(a) Rail.  All trains on the Konkan Railway route except Rajdhani Express (plying between Delhi - Thiruvananthapuram), Thiruvananthapuram), Sampark Kranti Express (plying between Chandigarh – Thiruvananthapuram), Thiruvananthapuram), Jodhpur  Express Expr ess (plying (plying between between Jodhpu Jodhpurr – Thiruvan Thiruvananth anthapu apuram) ram) and Jaipur  Jaipur  Maru Sagar Sagar Expres Express s (plyin (plying g betwe between en Jaipur Jaipur – Ernakula Ernakulam) m) halt halt at Payyanur. The nearest stop for Rajdhani, Sampark Kranti, Jodhpur  and Jaipur Maru Sagar Express is Kannur . (b) Road. NH 17 connects Payyanur with Kannur and Mangalore. There are regular state government and private bus services connecting Payyanur to Kannur and Mangalore. Trainees arriving by bus are to disembark at Payyanur bus stand (located within Payyanur  town, about four km from railway station). (c) Air. Payyanur does not have an airport. The nearest airport is located at Mangalore, 150 km from Payyanur. Indian Airlines, Jet  Airways and a number of private airlines operate services to and from Mangalore. The other airport is at Kozhikode (Calicut), 156 km from Payyanur. Both, Mangalore and Kozhikode, are well connected to Payyanur by road and rail. 5. Transport to Indian Naval Academy. Academy . You are required to intimate your arrival particulars to Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, by fax/ telegram / speed post/ e-mail at the earliest. A reception cell would be set up at Payyanur/ Kannur railway station (only for two days prior to the date of  commencement commence ment of the course). A suitable transport transport would be provided provided to convey you from Payyanur/ Kannur railway station to the Academy. If you arrive by any other means, you are requested to reach the Payyanur/ Kannur  railway station on your own. The Payyanur/ Kannur bus stand and railway station are well connected by bus service/ auto rickshaw service. If you arrive on any other day, you are to make your own arrangements to reach the  Academy. In case of any difficulty or doubt you may contact the Training Office// Duty Train Office Training ing Officer Officer// Officer Officer of the Day, Day, Indian Indian Naval Naval Acade Academy my on telephone. 6. Acknowledgement of Appointment. Appointment. The receipt of Appointment Letter/ telegram despatched from Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of  Defence (Navy) is to be acknowledged acknowledged by fax/ speed post/ courie courier, r, stating the arrival details details as per the format format given at Appendix Appendix A.


9 7. Documents. The candidates are to hand over the Original copy and two unattested photocopies each, of the under mentioned documents on arrival at the Indian Naval Academy:(a)

Appointment Le Letter.


Own Own Ri Risk Cer erti tifi fica cate te (Ap (Appendix D).

(c)) (c

Decl Declar arat atio ion n by Cand Candid idat ate e (A (App ppen endi dix x E). E).

(d (d)) Bond Bond (App (Appen endi dix x F - to be exec execut uted ed join jointl tly y by th the e pare parent nt/g /gua uard rdia ian n and the selected candidate on non-judicial stamp paper of a value of  Rs 100/- or as applicable to the state state of your residence) residence).. (e) Indemnity bond (Appendix G - to be signed by parent/guardian of the candidate selected to undergo training).


(f) Agre Agreem emen entt to to be si sign gned ed by Offi Office cerr sel selec ecte ted d fo forr gra grant nt of  commissi comm ission on (Appendix (Appendix J). (g (g))

Appoi Appointm ntmen entt lette letter/te r/teleg legram ram se sent nt by by Integ Integrat rated ed Headq Headqua uarte rters, rs,

Ministry of Defence (Navy) intimating selection of the candidate. (h (h)) Cl Clas ass s X pass passin ing g cert certif ific icat ate e (mat (matri ricu cula lati tion on cer certi tifi fica cate te)) and and mark mark sheet.


(i (i))

Clas Class s XII XII ma mark rk sh shee eett and and pass passin ing g ce cert rtif ific ica ate te..

(j (j))

Grad Gradua uati tion on Mark Marksh shee eett and and prov provis isio iona nall cert certif ific icat ate. e.

Clothing. (a) Personal Clothing. Clothing. A list list of of the minimum minimum essentia essentiall items items required to be brought along by you while reporting to the Indian Naval  Academy is the given at Appendix Appendi x B. It is requested that all clothing/items indicated in appendices mentioned ibid be necessarily carried while reporting for training. Additional clothing/items required thereafter shall be made available at the Academy. (b) Uniform. Various naval uniforms will be stitched for you on arrival at the Academy. Academy. You are re requested quested to fax/ speed post/ post/ courier  your shoe size and measurements for stitching uniforms, in the format given give n at Appe Appendi ndix x C, to Indian Naval Naval Academy Academy separate separately. ly. The Indian Indian Navy will meet the expenditure for your uniforms. On completion of the course you will be required to carry all the uniforms thus acquired. It would thus be advisable to bring a 32” suitcase or equivalent and a handbag for the purpose. In case you do not bring these along with you, they can easily be purchased from the unit canteen. The money to purchase them will have to be brought in addition to the amount mentioned in Para 9 below. (c) Miscellaneous Clothing. You will be required to purchase/ stitch certain items of personal clothing at the Academy. These would


10 include squadron vests, squadron shorts, squadron T-shirts, Academy T-Shirts, Academy Track Suit, Academy Blazer, Academy Tie and  Academy Muftis. Muftis. 9. Financial Aid. The Governme Government nt gives financ financial ial assistanc assistance e upto Rs 400/400 /- per month month to those those traine trainees es of CDSE CDSE (GSES) (GSES) scheme, scheme, whose whose parents/guardians have a monthly income below Rs 1500/-. This financial assistance will be available until the cadet is granted the rank of Sea Cadet. If  you are eligible eligible for this aid, you are to apply to Integrated Headquarte Headquarters, rs, Ministry Min istry of Defenc Defence e (Navy) (Navy) as as per per Performa Performa at Appendi Appendix x H, throug through h the District Magistrate of your district indicating clearly the total monthly income of  your parent/guardian from all sources (ie, pay and allowances, pension, income from property, property, agricultural agricultural land, business, business, etc). The District Magistrate Magistrate will forward the application with his recommendation to Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Navy). The recommendations of the District Magistrate must be signed personally by the District Magistrate himself with the seal of his office affixed on it. Unless you take prompt action, the sanction of this assistance may be delayed causing inconvenience. An advance copy of the application submitted to the District Magistrate should be forwarded to the Director of Manpower Planning and Recruitment, Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Navy), DHQ PO, New Delhi 110011 directly. To facilitate early early sanction of the aid, it is advisable that that you bring this application fully recommended by the District Magistrate and hand it over at the Academy. It will then be forwarded to Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of  Defence (Navy) for necessary action. 10. Certificate for Continuation of Financial Aid. If the financial aid applied for is granted, you will be required to produce a certificate as per  performa perfo rma at Appendix Appendix K duly signed signed by your your parent/gu parent/guardi ardian an every every six months months for the period you are under training as a cadet. The particulars given therein are liable to be verified by the District Magistrate, and any inaccurate information will result in stoppage of the financial aid and any other action that may be considered necessary by Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of  Defence (Navy). 11. Deposit Money. Money. A mini minimu mum m sum sum of of Rs 19,6 19,620 20.0 .00 0 [i [in n the the form form of of a demand draft for the amount in your favour, payable at the State Bank of  India, Naval Academy Branch, Ezhimala (Branch Code 8056) is to be brought by you and deposited in your personal bank account, which you would be opening at the State Bank of India, Ezhimala, on your reporting to the  Academy. The cadets cadets of GSES scheme will be provided free uniform cloth clothing. ing. However Sub Lt (X) would be required to pay for their uniform as they will be entitled for outfitting allowances Rs 16000/-. The details of likely expenditure is as follows:(a)

Pocket/p t/personal expenses - Rs 5,000/- @ Rs1 Rs1,0 ,00 00/- per mo month

(b (b))

Expe Expens nses es on ci civi vili lian an bear bearer er and and oth other er sund sundry ry ser servi vice ces s - Rs 2,000/-

@ Rs 400/- per month

(c) Expen Expenses ses on stitch stitching ing// purc purchas hase e of of Aca Acade demy my blaze blazer, r, Acade Academy my tie, Academy mufti, Academy sportswear, jogging shoes, jungle boots, swimming trunk, satchels satchels and other other stationery stationery - Rs 7,500/7,500/-


11 (d (d)) Travel Travellin ling g expe expens nses es for pro procee ceedin ding g on on outb outbou ound nd trips, trips, to to home home station on leave on completion of each semester(though you would be entitled to free journey warrants, you will have to meet other expenses enroute)enro ute)- Rs 1,500/-. 1,500/-. (e (e)) One One ti time me no non-r n-refu efund ndabl able e term term premiu premium m for for an an insu insuran rance ce cover  cover  of Rs 8 lakh during the first three years of training (cover thereafter will be governed by the same norms as applicable to commissioned officers)Rs 4,370/-. 12. Initial Settling Down. When you report at the Indian Naval Academy you will be entering a regimented regimented and disciplined environment, environment, which is is quite different from civilian life. Not many of you would have experienced such an environment. The stresses and strains that you will feel initially are a part of  the settling down process. process. The academic, academic, physical, mental and moral training training that you undergo is designed to achieve certain minimum standards for your  all round development, which is a pre-requisite for every officer of the Indian Navy. 13. Encouragement from Parents. Parents. Parents/G Parents/Guard uardians ians of traine trainees es may note that the initial stresses stresses and strains that the trainee trainee is undergoing undergoing may be evident from his letters to them from the Academy after reporting. They are advised to encourage and guide their child/ward to help him/her in adapting to and settling down in this disciplined environment. One of the ways of taking a step in this direction is to allow your son/daughter to travel alone from home to the Academy and not accompanying them on this journey. 14. Resignation.. Despite all our Resignation our encouragement encouragement and help, help, should you feel that you are unable to adapt to the service environment, you may resign from the navy after paying the cost of training and allied charges as fixed by the Government of India from time to time. If you apply for resignation within a period of 14 days of reporting to the Academy, you shall be sent on leave pending formal and final approval from the Government. If you resign after 14 days, you will be allowed to proceed on leave pending withdrawal only on approval Integrated Ministry of Defence (Navy) of subject to final and from formal approvalHeadquarters, from Government of India and recovery cost of  training and allied charges. 15. Prohibited Items. You are not to bring any of the following to the Indian Naval Academy:(a)

Dogs or or other pets.

(b (b))

Wire Wirele less ss sets sets (mob (mobil ile e pho phone nes s are are not not a all llow owed ed). ).


Car, motorc torcy ycl cle e, bic icy ycl cle es.

(d (d))

Ai Airr gun guns, s, fi fire rear arms ms and and amm ammun unit itio ion. n.


Private se servants.


Wine Wines, s, spir spirit its, s, li liqu quor ors, s, drug drugs s and and into intoxi xica cant nts. s.


12 (g)

Ar Arti tic cles les of of va value or jjew ewe elle lery ry..


Electric he heaters.

(j (j))

Musi Music c sys syste tem m ((ip ipod od/w /wal alkm kman an /dis /discm cman an may may be be car carri ried ed). ).


Eatab tables of any natur ture.

(l (l))

Stuf Stuffe fed d toy toys, s, deco decora rati tive ve item items, s, post poster ers, s, et etc. c.

(m) Ciga Cigaret rettes tes o orr other other smok smokin ing g mater material ial (smo (smokin king g is prohi prohibi bited ted a att the Indian Naval Academy). 16. Discipline. You would be subject to Naval Law in accordance with the Navy Act 1957 from the time you report to the Academy for Naval Orientation Course. 17. Leave.. Except Leave Except for leave leave on medica medicall or extreme extreme compassi compassiona onate te grounds, no leave would be granted during the period of training. Occasions such as brothers/sisters marriage and other traditional rites and ceremonies will not be considered as extreme compassionate grounds. You may, however, be permitted to proceed outside the Academy premises on Sundays and holidays subject to meeting certain stipulations. The trainee would be granted leave of four weeks on completion of course. While proceeding home on leave leave you are entitled to travel in by train in Second Second Class Sleeper on free railway warrant.



SECTION III FACILITIES AT INDIAN NAVAL ACADEMY 1. Sports and Games. Sports and games are conducted every day to develop trainees’ interest and proficiency in outdoor games as also sportsmanship. To this end, modern facilities are being developed for football, hockey, basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, squash, cricket, swimming and all water water sports at the Indian Indian Naval Academy. Academy. 2. Extra Curricular Activities. Activities. Extra-cur Extra-curricu ricular lar activit activities ies such such as quiz, quiz, debates, snap talks, prepared talks and dramatics/ music competitions are conducted to improve the overall personality of a trainee. The trainees are also provided provided opportunity opportunity to take part and and develop interest interest in various various hobby club activities such as yachting, trekking, photography, sailing, painting, IT, etc. which could be pursued by them during their leisure time. 3. auditorium cum cinema hal halll is being constructed in Cinema.  A modern auditorium the premises of the Academy and and is expected to be ready by Dec 20 2009. 09. At present various classics revealing the traits of military leadership and training documentaries are screened every Sunday evening in the provisional auditorium located within the Cadets Mess. 4. Library. The Indi Indian an Naval Naval Academy Academy has a wellwell-stock stocked ed library library with over 20000 books on various subjects including fiction and classics. Several leading periodicals and newspapers in English and Hindi also provide adequate reading reading material. material. Trainees are tasked tasked to review books to inculcate the habit of reading in them and to help them hone their English writing skills. 5. Canteen.  A Canteen outlet functions within the base for sale of  toiletries, clothing and other items of common use. Specific timings will be promulgated promulga ted for trainees to avail avail the services of the canteen. The The canteen remains closed on Mondays. 6. Cafeteria. A Cafeteria.  A cafeteria capable capable of seating ove overr 300 people is functioning within the training area of the Academy. It offers fast food, sweets, cold drinks and oriental as well as traditional menu at a reasonable price. The trainees can have meals and snacks against cash payment and also entertain guests and visitors at the cafeteria. Trainees may utilise the cafeteria as follows provided no training activity is scheduled:Ser





1730 - 1815 h



1730 - 2000 h


Sundays /holidays

1000 - 1300 h 1730 1730 - 2000 2000 h


14 7. Amenities. The following facilities are also available within the  Academy premises: premises: (a)

Tailoring service.


St Sta atio tionery and Gen Gener eral al sto store.


Trainees Saloon.




STD booth.

(f) Broa Broadb dban and d squadrons). (g)

Inte Intern rnet et

(th (this is

fac facil ility ity is

ava avail ilab able le

with within in

th the e

Cobbler fa facility.

8. Transport. Transport is provided to trainees for training purposes only. The trainees are not allowed to keep any form of private/personal transport. 9. Medical Facilities. Facilities. A Medical Inspection Room (mini hospital) is available at Indian Naval Academy. Academy. A 64-bed 64-bed hospital with with state of of the art facilities is under construction. There are many large military and civil hospitals in the vicinity of the Academy where trainees are referred for  specialised medical treatment, if required. Medical treatment is provided free of cost to the trainees. 10. Cultural and Social Activities. Activities. These activities are conducted from time to time for all round development of the trainees. They include the follow following ing:: (a)

Inte Interr Squa quadron ron Drama ramati tics cs..

(b) (c)

Inter Squadron Debate. te. Inter Squadron Quiz.

(d (d))

Inte Interr Squa Squadr dron on Engl Englis ish h Dr Dram ama a Comp Compet etit itio ion. n.


Academy Dinner Night.


INA Ball.


Squadron So Socials

11. Guest Lectures and Practice Public Speaking. Speaking . Guest Guest lectur lectures es by eminent personalities are organised periodically. Prepared talks and snap talks are also conducted regularly, wherein trainees are given the opportunity to develop their oratory skills.


15 12. Messing. While under training at the Academy, you will be messed in the Trainees Mess. You will be provided with entitled messing and allied services (including light, water, and conservancy and part payment of  laundry). Entitled messing or allowance in lieu, will not, however, be admissible during vacations, when you are permitted to leave the Academy premises. 13. Accommodation. You will be provided with free accommodation and would be obliged to live in the accommodation allotted. Each cadet shall have an independent cabin of his own. Permission to live out will not be granted in any case. 14. Telephone Calls. Calls. An STD booth is located in the premises of the Cadets Cafeteria. Cadets are permitted to make STD calls from the booth to theirr next thei next of kin/gua kin/guardia rdians ns only only on Wednesda Wednesdays, ys, Satur Saturdays days and Sundays/h Sund ays/holid olidays ays be betwee tween n 1730-2000 1730-2000 h and and between between 1730 1730 – 1815 h on othe other  r  working days. On days and at times other than those indicated, the trainees may call only after taking prior permission from the Duty Training Officer. Trainees are not permitted to keep mobile phone at the Academy. 15.

Incoming STD Calls from Parents/Guardians Parents/Guardians.. Incoming calls from

next of kin/guardians may be received by the trainees in respective squadrons (telephone numbers will be intimated to the trainees). Such incoming calls will be entertained entertained only on the days and timings timings as below: below: (a)

All Saturdays

1830 - 2130 h


All Sundays/holidays

1600 - 2200 h

16. Civilian Bearers. Civilian bearers or orderlies are employed to carry out various chores, so that the trainees can spend quality time on training activities. 17.

Internet.  A broadband broadband internet facility is available in each squadron.

Trainees access internet during their stay at the Academy at the timings indicated can below, provided no training activity is scheduled:Ser





1730 - 1815 h



1730 - 2000 h


Sundays /holidays

1100 - 2030 h

18. Bank.  A branch of the State Bank of India with an ATM facility is functional in the campus. You will be required to open an account in the bank on arrival and shall be given an ATM card within two weeks. It is not permitted to carry more more than Rs Rs 1000/- in cash within the Academy. Branches of all major banks and their ATM facilities are located at Kannur. An ICICI bank outlet is also available at Payyanur town.



SECTION IV ORGANISATION AND TRAINING 1. Organisational Structure. Structure. The Indian Indian Naval Naval Academy Academy organisa organisation tional al structure is designed to provide optimum resources for the conduct of training. The main main departm departments ents under under the Comman Commandan dantt are Training Training Faculty Faculty,,  Academic Faculty, Administration Administration (including base depot ship, INS Zamorin), Logistics and Medical Medical (including Naval Hospital Navjeevani). Navjeevani). All matters relating to trainees fall under the purview of the Training Faculty. The Training Faculty deals with professional training in naval service subjects, and all forms of outdoor training. All matters pertaining to trainees such as accommodation, messing, discipline etc are also dealt by the Training Faculty. The administration, logistics and medical departments provide vital support for the conduct of training. 2. Training Organisation. Organisation. The organisa organisationa tionall structure structure of the Acade Academy my is pl place aced d at at Appen Appendix dix L. 3. Decorum of Training. Training. Being the ‘cradle ‘cradle for all officer entrants entrants of the Navy and Coast Guard, it is imperative that all trainees at the Indian Naval  Academy maintain maintain the highest highest standards standards of turnout and self-discipline. 4. Training Schedule. Schedule. The The trai traini ning ng wou would ld be be cove covere red d in 20 we week eks s each each with leave of four weeks prior joining joining Training ship at Kochi. Kochi. The various various Service subjects subjects covered is placed at Appendix M. M. 5. Examination.. Examinations are conducted at various stages during Examination the course (twice in a semester) and trainees are graded for performance based on a prescribed scale. Incentives for excellence include book prizes, awards, trophies and medals. 6.

Outdoor Training. Training. The following outdoor activities form an important

part of of the curricul curriculum: um: (a) Physical Phys ical Training Training (PT). PT sessions are conducted in the early mornings and extra coaching is conducted in the afternoons. Beginning with simple exercises, the trainee is gradually conditioned for advanced exercises over a period of ten weeks. The trainees are required to clear  the prescribed PT tests by the end of training. Failure to clear the mandatory physical tests within the laid down period (including grace period) would entail relegation (repetition of the semester). (b) Swimming. Swimming is compulsory and all trainees are required to clear the basic swimming test, failing which the trainee may be relegated. The basic swimming test consists of swimming 50 m (any stroke) followed by floating for three minutes while wearing a full sleeve shirt and a pair of trousers.


17 (c) Watermanship Waterma nship Training (WST). (WST). Theoretical as well well as practical instructions are imparted in watermanship. Sufficient practical classes are conducted, so as to enable the trainee to understand the parts of a boat, rig the the sails of a boat boat and handle handle the boats in water. Proficient Proficient trainees are also given the opportunity to sail in Enterprise Class dinghies as part of the hobby club activities. Trainees attaining proficiency in yachting would get the opportunity to represent the  Academy in Watermanship National/ International expeditions/ expeditions/ championships. champion ships. activities at theyachting Academy include:(i (i)) Pull Pullin ing/ g/sa sail ilin ing g tra train inin ing g in in 27 27 feet feet serv servic ice e wha whale lerr boa boatt (rowing and sailing boat). (i (ii) i) Yach Yachti ting ng iin n Ente Enterp rpri rise se Cla Class ss din dingh ghy, y, las laser er cla class ss,, 420 420 class and J-24 class of of sail boats and well as wind surfing and other water sports. (iii)

Power bo boat ha handling.

(d) Drill & Small Arms Training. Training . Drill Drill is the bedrock bedrock of disciplin discipline. e. Instructions in squad drill (ie, as part of a contingent) are imparted from the beginning of the course till completion. Rifle and sword drill form an integral part of parade training. Trainees are also taught how to lead a contingent/ squad. Small Arms training is an integral part of the training curriculum. The trainees are taught to handle and fire a variety of small arms during their stay at the Academy. (e) Camps. During the course, the trainees would proceed for two outdoor camps. During the camp, trainee would be acquainted with aspects of map reading, land fighting, survival in hostile terrain as well as long distance sailing. (f) Sea Attachment. Attachment. During the course of training, training, the cadets cadets would also be attached to ships of the Indian Navy to acquaint them with the life at sea and gain hands on practical experience. (g) Outbound Visits. Visits. The trainees would also visit border areas, high altitude posts and various civil/military establishments during outbound educational trips organised by the Academy. 7. Passing Out Parade (POP). A (POP).  A Passing Out Parade is held at the end of the course course wherein wherein successful successful trainees trainees pass pass out of of the Indian Indian Naval  Academy and proceed for their next phase phase of training. training.



SECTION V PHYSICAL CONDITIONING 1. Physic Physical al fitne fitness ss is a majo majorr a attr ttribu ibute te of of an an ind indivi ividua duall iin n uni unifor form. m. Being Being physically fit enables an individual to utilise his mental faculties better and the Indian Navy desires all its utilise Physical their potential to the optimum in the that service of personnel the Navy are and able the to country. training therefore forms an important element of the training curriculum at the Indian Naval Academy. 2. Past Past expe experie rienc nce e ha has s reve reveal aled ed that that ttra raine inees es experi experien ence ce consid considera erabl ble e difficulty in adapting to the physical training regime. Our analysis shows that this is primarily on account of the fact that a majority of the trainees have had very limited participatory experience in sports activities. 3. Reali Realisin sing g the the limita limitatio tions ns pre preval valen entt iin n our our sch schoo ools ls an and d col colleg leges es on the the physical fitness training front, a very scientific approach is being followed at the Academy to gradually lead the candidates to the required standards of  physical proficiency. It would however be prudent for candidates to utilise the time available available prior to joining joining the Navy, to condition themselves themselves physically physically so that they can adapt to the training regime easier. A candidate should endeavourr to do the following at least endeavou least three to four times a week: Ser




Running / jogging

At least 2 to 3 km


Sit-ups – straight legs



Push ups


4. Pr Prof ofic icie ienc ncy y in swim swimmi ming ng is ano anoth ther er nec neces essi sity ty for for a pers person on in in whit white e uniform. It will help to a great extent if you can avail of the facilities of any water body in the vicinity vicinity of your home and gain experience experience in thi this s field. You will of course be trained by the navy in swimming, but it will help if you already posses the basic skills.


19 5. Physical Efficiency Test. During your training at the Academy, you will be required to clear the Physical Efficiency Test (PET). These physical tests are designed for an average person and are the minimum standards expected from an officer in uniform. The The PET standards standards expected expected to be passed pas sed in the the first semest semester er are as follows follows:: Ser No




2.5 km run

Less than 12:00


Bent knee sit ups

25 repetitions


Push ups

21 repetitions


Chin Ups

04 repetitions


High Jump


(f )

100 m sprint

15 sec



50 m any style


Swimming Test

50 m (Breast St Stroke), 03 03:00 mi min flfloating, 5m Jump. To be passed by the 3 rd semester.


20  Appendix A  Appendix (Refers to Para 6 of Section II) LETTER OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (Fax/Speed Post/ Courier) Name of the Candidate________________  (In block ___________ letters)  Address ___ ________________ ________________ _________  _   _________________  ________ __________________ _________________ _________  _  Ph No The Director of Manpower Planning & Recruitment (OI&R Section Section)) Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Navy) Room No 204, C Wing, Sena Bhavan New Delhi 110011 Fax No: 011-23011282


Sir, 1. I ha have the the ho honour to ackn know owlledg edge th the re rece ceip iptt of of In Inte teg grate rated d Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Navy) Letter OF/ ________ dated  _______________  ________ _______ selecting me for training training as a Cadet. 2. I conf confir irm m that that I wil willl repo report rt to to the the Comm Comman anda dant nt,, Indi Indian an Nav Naval al Aca Acade demy my on ________________ ________________ for the training commencing on ________________. ________________. 3. I expe expect ct to to reac reach h Payy Payyan anur ur rai railw lway ay// bus bus st stat atio ion n at ___ _____ ____ ___ _ (Tim (Time) e) on on  ___________  ________ ___ (Date) by ________________ ________________________ _________________ _______________  ______  (name and number of train/ bus). Yours faithfully,

(Signature) Copy Co py to to:: The Commandant (for Training Captain) Indian Naval Academy Ezhimala PO Ramanthali Kannur 670308 Kerala Fax No: 04985 223700


21 Appendix B (Refers (Re fers to Para Para 8(a) of Section Section II) LIST OF CLOTHING

Personal Clothing 1.

Socks (plain black, nylon and white)

: Four pairs


Neck Tie

: One


Pure Pure wh whit ite e fful ulll sle sleev eve e rea ready dyma made de shir shirts ts wit with h no no ple pleat ats: s: Two Two & front front borders borders – only reputed makes like Park Park Avenue/ Avenue/  Arrow/ Van Heusen/ Heusen/ Louis Louis Philippe


Ful Full s sle lee eve sh shir irts ts (li lig ght co colour ours, w wit ith hout out a an ny pat patte terrns) : Tw Two


Vests cotton (white sleeveless eg VIP Bonus)

: Twelve


Underwear (readymade white)

: Twelve


Towels (plain white Turkish large)

: Two


Sleeping suits (pure white)

: Two


Handkerchiefs (plain white)

: Six


Trousers (b (blac lack c co olour wi with single pl pleat o ou utw twa ards)

: Tw Two

11 11..

Trous Trousers ers civil civil (no de denim nims/j s/jea eans; ns; colou colourr iis s tto o matc match h the : Two Two shirts)


Alarm clock

: One


Bl Bla ack sh sho oes – Der erby by Patt Patte ern (wi (withou thoutt th the e to toe e piece ce,, eg Bata Bata Ambass Ambassado ador) r)

: One One pair  pair 


Torch po pocket (s (size to to suit ca carrying in in s sh hirt p po ocket)

: On One


Black leather sandals with back strap

: One pair  


Bathroom slippers

: One pair  

17 17..

White White and and bla black ck thre thread ad w with ith bu butto ttons ns and and at at least least two needle needles s

18 18..

Et Ethn hnic ic/tr /trad adit itio iona nall c clo loth thes es (r (req equi uire red d to to be be worn worn on a few few :On :One e set set occasions during the course)


22 Bedding 19.

White bed sheet

: One


White pillow cover

: One

Sports Clothing 21.

Whi White TT-s shir irts ts with co collla larrs (pl (plain ain white half half slee leeve ves) s)

: One One

22 22..

White White shorts shorts (pl (plain ain white white,, sin single gle pleat, pleat, witho without ut elast elastic) ic) : One One

23 23..

Swim Swimmi ming ng cap cap (ma (maro roon on colo colour ur for for S Sik ikh h pers person onne nell only only): ): One One


Personal sports gear such as racquets, etc

: As required


White cotton sports socks

: Two pairs


Swimming trunk (dark sober colours)

: One

Note:- If your shoe size is less than eight eight or more than ten, you are required to bring one pair predominan predominantly tly white sports shoes shoes with white white sole (preferably (preferably Reebok/Nike) and one pair jungle boots (preferably Bata). Though an endeavour will be made to provide shoes of all sizes, difficulties have been experienced in procuring shoes of sizes other than eight to ten.


23 Appendix C (Refers to Para 8(b) of Section Section II) CLOTHING MEASUREMENTS (Fax/Speed Post/ Courier) (Fax this information, only to INA, in addition to copy of  acknowledgement letter) Name of the Candidate________________   Address _______________ _______________________ __________  __   _________________  ________ __________________ __________________  _________   __________________  _________ _________________ ________________ _________  _  Ph No: _______________ _______________________ ______________  ______  The Commandant (for Training Captain) Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala PO Ramanthali Kannur 670308 Kerala Fax No: No: 04985 04985 223700 223700 CLOTHING MEASUREMENT Sir, 1. Ih have ave the honou honourr of of bein being g sele selecte cted d as as a Cadet Cadet an and d und underg ergo o trai trainin ning g at at Indian Naval Academy. I expect to reach academy on ___________ by  ____________  ________ ____ (name and number number of train/ bus). bus). 2. My clo clothi thing an and d sh shoe oe si size zes s ar are e as as ffo ollows: ows:-Shirt Shi rt size size ______ _________ ______ ___Sho Short rt size size ____ _______ ______ _____ __  __________   ________ __ 

Shoe Shoe size size (UK (UK size) size)

3. Deta Deprofessional tail iled ed mea measu sure ment nt of of cloth clothin ing g is a as s fol follo lows ws (ha (have ve mea measu sure reme ment nts s taken by professiona l tailor): treme ailor): (a)

PT Shorts

Waist size: ________Seat: ______  

Unifor form Shirt

Length: th: _________ Shoulder: ______  Half Sleeve length: ____Chest: _________  Collar: _________ 


Uniform Shorts

Waist: ________ Seat: __________   Length(Waist to 2.5 inches above knee):___  Bottom loose: _________ 


Uniform Trousers

Waist: _______ Length: ______

Seat: _________   Inside length:___   Yours faithfully, (Signature)


24 Appendix D (Refers to Para 7(b) 7(b) of Section II)


I fully understand that I will, undergo trainingI hereby at the certify Indian that Naval Ships/Establishments withif required, my full and free consent and at my own risk and that I or my legal heirs shall NOT BE ENTITLED to claim any compensation or other relief from the Government in respect of any injury which I may sustain in the course or as a result of  training given to me at the said Indian Naval Ships/Establishments whether  due to the negligence of any person or otherwise.

Place: -

Signature of candidate

Date: -

(Name in Block Letters)



1. being I ___ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ here hereby bywithdraw conf confir irm m ttha hatt iin nthe the the even eventt at of  of  my selected for the____ Indian Navy, I__ shall not from training Naval Academy/Ship/Establishments to join another post, even if I had applied for it before joining the Indian Navy. 2. Liability Liabi lity to Re Refund fund Cost Cost of Training Training.. I hereby hereby confirm confirm that that in in the the event of my applying for withdrawal from the Indian Navy, for any reason, I will be liable to pay the entire cost of training that has been incurred by the Government as may be fixed by Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Navy) from time to time. 3. Living Out Privileges. Privileges. I fully understand that I will not be permitted to live out or to bring my family to the training establishment for the purpose of  staying at the premises. 4. Marital Status. Status. I declare that I am not married married and and shall not marry during the period of training. Note: Candidates who marry whilst undergoing training will be discharged and will be liable to refund all expenditure incurred on them by the Government.

(Signature of Witness)

(Signature of the Candidate)

(Name in Capitals)

Full Address

Full Address




26 Appendix F (Refers (Re fers to Para Para 7(d) of Section Section II)


1. This agreement made on (day ) of (month (month and year ) between (Guarantor’s full name) name) resident of (Guarantor’s (Guarantor’s full address)( address)(hereinafter  hereinafter  called call ed ‘the ‘the guarant guarantor’ or’ which which expre expression ssion shall shall include include his his personal  personal  representative when context so admits) admits ) and (Cadet’s (Cadet ’s full name) name) son/ward of  the aforesaid guarantor (hereinafter (hereinafter called ‘the Cadet’ ) of the one part and The President of India (hereinafter (hereinafter called ‘The Government’ which expression shall include include his successor and assigns assigns where the context so admits admits)) of the other part. 2.

Wher Wherea eas s the the Cad Cadet et has has been been sele selecte cted d by by the the Gove Govern rnme ment nt on th the e

terms hereinafter appearing for the purpose of receiving initial training with a view to being commissioned as an officer in the Indian Navy, Navy, provided he is considered by the Government to be suitable in all respects and if there is any vacancy. 3. Now it is is agre agree ed betw betwe een the the par arti tie es refe referr rre ed to abov bove th tha at in consideration considera tion of the Officer being selected selected by the Governmen Governmentt for the purpose of the aforesaid training, the guarantor covenants with the Government that the Cadet will attend the aforesaid training as the Governmen G overnmentt may determine from time to time for the prescribed periods or until he is declared fit, ( as to which the decision of the appropriate authority prescribed by the Government  for the time being shall be final ) to grant a commission, unless, he, the Officer  is prevented from doing so by death on account of ill health or some other  reason over which he, the Officer has no control or by being removed on the ground the Officer is considered by the said appropriate authority to be unfit to continue as an Officer or to be commissioned. 4. If If,, for for any any rea reaso son n not not be beyo yond nd the the co cont ntro roll of the the Offic Officer er,, he does does not not complete the prescribed period of his training or he, the Officer does not accept a commission if offered, as covenanted above, then the guarantor and the Officer shall jointly and severally be liable to pay forthwith to the Government in cash sum such as the Government shall fix but not exceeding such expenses as shall have been incurred by the Government on account of  the Cadet in his training and all money received by the Cadet as pay and allowances from the Government together with interest on the said money calculated at the rate in force force for the Government Government loans. loans.


27 5. And And itit is las lastl tly y agr agree eed d that that iiff ther there e is any any disp disput ute e as as to the the ef effe fect ct of  of  meaning of these presents, the decision of which has not been expressly herein provided for, the same shall be referred to the decision of the Secretary to the Government Government of India in the Ministry of Defence, Defence, whose decision decision shall be final. As witness the hands of the parties the day the year first before written.

Signed by theto Guarantor (Name, designation and address be clearly indicated) in the presence of  Witness (Name, designation and address to be clearly indicated). Signed by the said Cadet (Name and address to be clearly indicated) in the presence of  Witness (Name, designation and address to be clearly indicated). Signed on behalf of the President of India in the presence presence of  Witness (Name, designation and address to be clearly indicated). NOT TO BE INCLUDED IN THE BOND NOTE:

1. A bond (or covenant ) is to be executed by the parent/guardian and the selected Officer immediately in acceptance of offer of of selection. selection. It should not not be executed executed or  stamped until the Candidate has been finally selected by the Government for admission. 2. It should be executed ted on non-judici cia al stamp paper. Necessary Stamp paper is to be purchased by the guarantor (for  ( for  explanation explana tion of the term guarantor see Para 3 below  below ) from the local revenue officer. The value of stamp paper required varies with different states. The actual value of the stamp paper on which the agreement (i.e. (i.e. the BOND), BOND), has to be executed should be ascertained by the guarantor from the Superintendent of stamps of the the district in which which he normally normally resides. resides. (Pl refer  pg 7, para7, subsection(c))


28 3. The word ‘Guarantor means parent ( father ) or guardian as the case may be. The mother of the Cadet should not execute the BOND, when the father is alive. 4. The The s sig igna natu ture re of the the guar guardi dian an is to be wi witn tnes esse sed d by by a serving or pensioned commissioned officer, or any civilians Government ofd, Gazetted status. TheGua signature toself  be witnesse witn essed d asservant spe specifie cified, even even when whe n the Guarant rantor or ishimself  him happens to be a Gazetted officer. 5. The BOND will be signed on behalf of the President of  India by the Commandant, Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kannur, Kerala.



1. I (N (Nam ame) e) ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___  _  father of /guardian of (Name) _______________________ who is candidate of 10+2 (Integrated) Cadet entry scheme course commencing at Indian Naval  Academy, Ezhimala with effect from _____________ ______________ _ hereby certify that I fully understand that my son/ ward* will be required at Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala and further training onboard various ships. I with my full and free consent and at my own risk knowing fully well that I or my son or ward shall not be entitled to claim any compensation or other relief from the Government in respect of of any injury which which my son or or ward may sustain in the course of  training or or as a result result of surgical surgical operation operation performed performed upon or anesthesia administered to him for the treatment of any injury received as aforesaid or  otherwise. 2. I also also agre agree e to ab abide ide by the decisi decision on of of the Integ Integra rated ted Headqu Headquar arter ters, s, Ministry of Defence (Navy) regarding allocation of branch/service in the Navy.

Signature of Father/Guardian

Name in Full___________________  Place: Date:

Signature of the Candidate Name in Full ___________________ 

*Delete whichever is not applicable


30 Appendix H (Refers to Para 9 of Section II)



Name of the Cadet



Name and Address of the Father/Guardian


Occupation of the father/guardian (with (wit h adequat adequate e deta details) ils)


Exac Exactt inco income me of par paren ent/ t/gu guar ardi dian an fr from om all all so sour urce ces s e. e.g g :

: :


Salary (including allowance)




Income from business




Detail of immovable property, if any



Income from above


Details of movable property such as cash deposit, securities, bonds share etc.


Income from above


: :

: :


(f (f))

Whet Whethe herr ffat athe her/ r/gu guar ardi dia an pay pays s inco income me ta tax, x, sa sale les s ttax ax,, : if so, how much was paid during the proceeding year.



Details of member of family


(i (ii) i) Deta Detail ils s of of mo mone neta tary ry assi assist stan ance ce rece receiv ived ed by th the e parent/guardian from the earning member of the family. 5.

Liabilities, Liabilities, if any

Place: Date:

Signature of the candidate Signature of the father/guardian


31 6. Distr District ict Ma Magi gistr strate ates/ s/Dep Deputy uty Commi Commissi ssion oner ers s rem remar arks ks as to whethe whetherr the the above facts have been verified and found correct and that income of cadets Parent/Guardian Parent/Guard ian from all sources sources is below Rs 1500/- per month.

Signature of the District Magistrate/Dy Commissioner  Commissioner  Date: (Signature on behalf of the District Magistrate/Dy Commissioner Are not acceptable) Seal of Office of the District Magistrate/Dy Commissioner 


32 Appe ppendix J (Refers (Re fers to Para Para 7(f) of Secti Section on II) II) AGREEMENT TO BE SIGNED BY OFFICER SELECTED FOR THE GRANT OF COMMISSION

THIS AGREEMENT made on (Date ( Date)) day of (Month (Month)) 2007, of (Name (Name of  the candidate) candidate) son of (Name (Name of father ) of (address (address and place of residence) residence ) hereinafter called the Officer (whi ( which ch expressi expression on shall shall inclu include de his his heirs, heirs, executors, administrators administrators and representatives where the c context ontext so admits) admits ) of  the first part AND (Name ( Name of surety ) son of (Name (Name of surety’s father ) (hereinafter called the surety which expression shall include his heirs, executors, administrators administrators and representatives where the c context ontext so admits) admits ) of  the second part AND the President of India (hereinafter ( hereinafter called the Government which expression shall include his successors and assigns where the context so admits) admits ) of the the third third part. part. Whereas (Name (Name of the Officer ) has been selected by the Government, subject to the production to the Government of the documents mentioned below. (hereinafter (hereinafter referred to as the said documents) documents ) by 31 Jul 2010 or by such later date date as may be fixed fixed by the Government Government in this behalf behalf :(a)

Original Degree Certificate


______ _______ _______ ______ ________ ______  ___ 

NOW THIS WITNESS and the parties parties hereto hereby a agree gree as follows: 1. That That in consid considera eratio tion n of of th the e p prov rovisi ision onal al select selectio ion n of of th the e Offi Officer cer and the Surety covenant with the Government that the said documents will be produced to the Chief of the Naval Staff by (Name (Name of Officer ) or by such later  date as may be fixed by the Government. 2. That That if, if, for for an any y rrea eason sons s tthe he said said docu documen ments ts are no nott prod produc uced ed withi within n the the time fixed by the Government for their production as covenanted above, then the officer shall be liable to be removed from Service with the Indian Navy and the officer and the surety shall jointly and severally, be liable to pay forthwith to the Government in cash such sum not exceeding such expenses as shall have been incurred by the Government on account of the officer in respect of  the said training (and (and the decision of the Government as to amount so  payable shall be final ), ), TOGETHER WITH all monies received by the officer  as pay and allowances from the Government with interest on the said monies calculated at the rate in force for Government loans.


33 3. That That tthe he liabi liabili lity ty of the Sure Surety ty he hereu reund nder er sh shall all no nott iin n any any manne mannerr be be affected by any time which may be granted, or any other indulgence which may be shown to the Government, nor shall it be necessary for the Government to sue the officer before suing the surety for amounts due hereunder.

4. That That if ther there e is is any any disp disput ute e a as s to th the e effe effect ct or mean meanin ing g of of thes these e presents, the same shall be referred to the decision of the Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Defence whose decision shall be final.  As witness our our hands the day and and year first above above written. Signed by the officer  above named in the presence of  Witness Signed



above presencenamed of 

Surety in


Witness Signed by for and on behalf of the President of  India in the presence of  Witness NOTES: -

(a) The Agree reement Form is to be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of proper value, as applicable in the State in which the candidate resides. The necessary stamp paper is to be purchased by the surety from the local Revenue Officer. (b) (b) The The s sign ignatu ature re of the su suret rety y is to be attes attested ted by a serv serving ing or pensioned commissioned officer or JCO or any civilian government servant of Gazetted status. (c (c)) The The A Agr gree eeme ment nt Form Form shou should ld not not be st stam ampe ped d or or exe execu cute ted d until the Government has provisionally selected the candidate. (d) Instructions for completion of the blanks blanks in the agreement agreement form are given in the brackets.


34 Appendix K (Refers to Para 10 of Section II)


1. __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ *par *paren ent/ t/gu guar ardi dian an of __ __ ___ _____ ____ ____ ___ _ who who has has been selected for training at the Indian Naval Academy /Naval Training Establishment/Ship for a commission affirm that my income on this  ________________  ________ ___________ ___ days is Rs Rs _______________  _______________ 

(Signature of W itness) Parent/Guardian)

(Signature of  

(Name in block letters)

(Name in block letters)

Full Address

Full Address

District and State

District and State

Date :

Date :


*Sco Score off portio tion not not app appli lic cable able..

2. This This cert certifi ifica cate te is to be rend render ered ed ever every y si six x mon month ths s ffor or th the e per perio iod d of training.













Divisional Officer Divisional Officer  Divisional Officer  Divisional Officer 







Note te:: On rep repor orti tin ng, tra train ine ees wil illl be be acc acco ommo mmodate ted d in in one one of th the Squadrons Squadron s at the the Indian Naval Academy. Academy. Each Each Squadron Squadron consists of of four  divisions with approximately approximately 40 trainees in each division. The squadron is headed by a Squadron Commander who is of the rank of Commander/ Lieutenant Commander and assisted by Divisional Officers of the rank of  Lieutenant. Each Division comprises a mix of trainees from various courses and is controlled and monitored, by the Divisional Officer assisted by Trainee  Appointments  Appointmen ts in the t he Squadron/Division. Squadron/Division. The divisional divisional system thus provides for  close monitoring, guidance guidance and counseling of trainees trainees in all their activities. The squadrons squadron s form the living areas for trainees, whil whilst st the classroom instructions instructions and outdoor training are conducted in separately designated training areas.


36 Appendix M (Refers (Re fers to para para 4 of Sectio Section n IV) IV) SERVICE SUBJECTS


The The ffo oll llo owin ing g Ser Servi vice ce su sub bje jec cts ar are e tta augh ught tto o tth he tra train inee ees s: (a)



Seamanship.. Seamanship (i)

Boat W ork.




Rigging (Pra (Prac ctical).


Anchor W or ork.

Navigation.. Navigation (i)

General Navigation.


Chart W ork.


Astro Navigation.


Rules of th the Road.

Miscellaneous.. Miscellaneous (i)

Small Arms Training.


Naval Organisation.


Division ional Duties.

(i (iv) v)

Nava Navall Sci Scien ence ce and Tech Techno nolo logy gy..



(vi) (v i)

Leade eaders rshi hip p and and man manage ageme ment nt..

(vi vii) i)

Milit ita ary St Stu udie ies. s.

(vii (v iii) i)

Serv Servic ice e Writi Writing ng..




Naval Value System.


Naval Orientation.

(xii) (xii)

Map Map Read Reading ing and Land Land Navi Naviga gatio tion n (At (At C Cam amp). p).


37 (xiii)

Security. ty.

(xiv) (xiv)

Field Field Hygi Hygien ene e and and Sanit Sanitati ation on (At (At Camp) Camp)..

(xv) (x v)

Man Man Man Manag agem eme ent (A (Att Cam Camp) p)..

(xvi) (xv i)

Intern Internati ation onal al Human Humanita itaria rian n Law. Law.

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