Intervention & Troubleshooting For Common Alarms Procdures For 3G Mobinil Sites

March 19, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Intervention & Troubleshooting procedures for 3G mobinil sites


Introduced by

Eng. Ehab El-Sayed Ass. ro!ect "eader


Intervention procedures to :mobinil sites #.

'. 3. 1. 2. 5. 7.

firstly$ you must %no mobinil site type hich mobinil have ' (SS types are )*otorola & Alactel Alactel+ + )i.e. ,oor i.e. ,oor alarm detect on one of them+ as in figure belo all *-/ )supervision )supervision room+ 0#' 3'00 300 30 0 Select (SS type for site you need to open and or% in it After *-/ Engineer open your call$ and %no yourself name and your company name ou as%ed from me to open door of site 4 )i.e. you must %no site name correctly+ After open site door$he as%ed you about your or% re6uest in site ou must be appointed your or% in site )e8. 3G cell don$ site don$9S:/ alarm$…….+


3G ;uaei e6uipments common alarms& Troubleshooting :procedures

#'E b. ,(S 3>05


c. ,(S 3?00


d. *icro (TS e. A* cabinet )i.e. include ,(S type+

#'E$e chec% /B path by site master to/B specify at any faulty distance$ then$ chec% cableproblem path )inner !umper or outer !umper or !umper after T*A till Ant.+   2. in ca case se of ,(S 3>00 or 3?00$ e chec% /B /B !umper )cable )cable &connectors+ &connect ors+ connected beteen //C and ADT. 5. in case of *icro$ e chec% /B !umper connected beteen //C and ,uple8er ) i.e. ,uple8er collect 'G&3G to ADT.+



ALD current abnormal alarm  - Alarm mean= mean=   urrent Ampere re6uest to operate T*A unit ) threshold value+   - :hen e received received this alarm=   #. repare tools   )3'-%ey$cutter$s%otec%$….+   '. repare /B !umpers 0.2 inch inch 3. repare site master instrument   1. repare T*A   2. e arrive the site$ then$ in case of (TS3>#'E$e chec% /B path by site master to specify 9S:/ problem if found$ then$ chec% /B cable path )inner !umper or outer  !umper or !umper !umper after T*A till Ant.+ Ant.+  5. e chec% all /B !umper connections before and after T*A  7. e replace T*A in case of all /B path o%.


RTWP RX branch difference too high alarm



Alarm mean=  mean=  ,iversity branch sense ith bad 6uality at receiving signal. :hen e received this alarm )i.e. =  #. repare tools   )3'-%ey$cutter$s%otec%$….+  '. repare /B !umpers 0.2 inch 3.  e arrive the site$ then$ e disconnect /4 branch from 3. top of cabinet 1. :e monitor if alarm cleared$ e replace /B !umper of /4 branch. 2. If not cleared$so$/4 branch sense ith e8ternal interference. 5. :e confirm ith the D$alarm as e8ternal.


RX branch abnormal .4 -

Alarm mean=  mean=  /4 branch disconnected or not sense ith cabinet

:hen e received this alarm  #. repare tools   )3'-%ey$cutter$s%otec%$….+  '. repare /B !umpers 0.2 inch 3. e arrive the site$ e chec% /B !umper of /8 branch.  1. :e chec% /B !umper connectors and retighten it.


One cell down due to problem -



Alarm mean=  mean=  The services or traffic for one sector of 3G system not indicated for users. :hen e received this alarm

 #. repare tools   )in case of ,(S= Biber cable$ optical module$//C   in case of (TS 3>#'E = *T/C$*ABC$ *T/C$*ABC$T*A$/B T*A$/B !umper+ '. :e going to site$ then e call the D to chec% alarms ith its arrangement that caused to cell don. 3. If alarms start ith optical interface abnormal then$ reminder alarms$ so$ optical cable has problem. problem. 1. If alarms start ith T/4 optical module debased abnormal )alarm specify its location may be inner or outer module$ so$ optical module has problem. 2. If alarms start ith //C communication abnormal$ so$ //C has a problem )may be hanging$ poer cut off or faulty internal (/, or /B  !umper disconnected+ disconnected+


! "ite down due to problem



Alarm mean=  mean=  The services or traffic for all sector of 3G system not indicated for users. #. repare tools

((C 3>05 or ((C3?00 ith :*T    )in in case case of of ,(S= (TS 3>#'E = D*T or DCTI or ;((I+ '. :e going to site$ then e call the D to chec% site alarms ith its arrangement that caused to site don )i.e. you must sure that site not don due to poer problem+. 3. If alarms start ith ((C (/, faulty or (/, bootp failure$ so$ e reset ((C (/, or D*T$ if not solved $replace them. 1. If alarms start ith E#T# loss of signals or I*A "in% "oss f Brame B rame or I*A@CDI "in% "oss f ell ,elineatio ,elineation$ n$ so$ e chec% E#T# by ma%ing physical loop bac% toard Dode ($ if o%$ continue toard /D$ if not o%$ so $there transmission problem$ if loop toard Dode ( not seen$ so$ e need change ((C (/, or :*T or DCTI. 2. If alarms start ith local cell unusable for all cells$ so$ e chec% ;((I by reset it$ if problem still found$ e replace it.


#$T$ lo"" of "ignal



Alarm mean=  mean=  part of site capacity loss$ this causes part of calls drop don $not all site don )due to 3G system or% in :,*A+.

#. '.

:e going to site$ then e call the D to chec% hich E#T# has alarm If alarms start ith E#T# loss of signals or I*A "in% "oss f Brame or I*A@CDI "in% "oss f ell ,elineation$ so$ e chec% E#T# by ma%ing physical loop bac% toard Dode ($ if o%$ continue toard /D$ if not o%$ so $there transmission problem$ if loop toard Dode ( not seen$ so$ e need change ((C (/, or :*T or DCTI.


.8 -

%ain" abnormal alarm Alarm mean=  mean=  main poer for A* cabinet disconnected and detected by /ectifier controller (/, of cabinet.

#. repare tools ) Emerson rectifier module+ '. :e going to site$ then e chec% main poer supply that feed to site if cut off$ so$ there is e8ternal poer problem 3. If main supply o%$ so$ e chec% rectifier module or controller.   note that= if rectifier controller failure$ 3G site ill be don.



&PS' abnormal alarm Alarm mean=  mean=  one rectifier module of A* rectifier system off. #. repare tools ) Emerson rectifier module+ '. :e going to site$ then e chec% main poer supply that feed to site if cut off$ so$ there is e8ternal poer problem 3. If main supply o%$ so$ e chec% rectifier module or controller.   note that= if rectifier module failure$ 3G site ill not be don.



Door abnormal alarm Alarm mean=  mean= 


,oor of A* cabinet open ithout confirmation from D. -

#. :e going to site$ then e chec% door loc% if some one opened ithout informing the D. '. if no one go to site$ so$ e chec% door loc% may be not closed ell.

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