"Nestle's aim is to meet the various needs of the consumer everyday by marketing and selling foods of a consistently high quality."
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History of Nestle In the 1860s Henri Nestlé, a pharmacist, developed a food for babies who were unable to breastfeed. His first success was a premature infant who could not tolerate his mother's mil or an! of the usual substitutes. "eople #uicl! reco$ni%ed the value of the new product, after Nestlé's new formula saved the child's life, and soon, &arine actée Henri Nestlé was bein$ sold in much of (urope. Nestle is the lar$est food compan! in the world. It is present in all five continents, has an annual turnover of )*.) billion +wiss &rances. here are -0 factories are runnin$ in 8/ countries, havin$ /1,000 emplo!s. Nestle is the world lar$est food compan! and nestle ilpa is Nestlé2s famous 3H mil brand. Nestle ilpa has south 4sia2s bi$$est "lant at 5abir wala. It is tar$etin$ upper and middle class. It is differentiatin$ its brand b! addin$ Iron and vitamin .he Nestle ilpa is followin$ $rowth strate$!. he immense competition is $oin$ in the maret7 it is recommended that Nestle ilpa should invest more in mil business and other value added mil products. In this wa! Nestle ilpa can fulfill the local demand b! locall! processed mil and mil products instead of the imported mil products. Nestle has brand reco$nition throu$hout the world and the! can eport mil powder and other value added products in future. 1905-1918: In 10- Nestlé mer$ed with the 4n$lo9+wiss ondensed il ompan! ompan!.. :! the earl! 100s, the compan! compan! was operatin$ operatin$ factories factories in the 3nited 3nited +tates, +tates, :rita :ritain, in, ;erman!and ;erman!and +pain. +pain. 00 billion, Nestle raned Number 1/ in the & ;lobal 011. @Nestle011Aof the wor written b! our professional essa! writers.
.low "n# su$$ess:
Nestlé "aistan now operates the bi$$est mil collection s!stem in "aistan, urrentl!7 Nestlé "aistan collects mil from an estimated 10,000 farmers spread over 1*6,000 s# 5m2s in the province of "unFab and +indh. Nestlé believes in creatin$ shared value and is committed to the communities it wors and lives with. In "aistan, the compan! is worin$ closel! with the communities in areas related to Nutrition,
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