Grammar3 Class Lectures

April 21, 2019 | Author: Bidin Kudin | Category: N/A
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Grammar3 Class Notes Phrases and Clauses Type Noun Phrase

Examples Many students are smart.

Definitions Phrase:: Two or Phrase more words that (NP) serve a particular Verb phrase Vegetarian often need to take function in a sentence. A (VP) vitamins. phrase doesn’t Prepositional  You should eat break breakfast fast in have one or more phrase the morning. compounds (such as subject, verb) (PP) which would Gerund phrase Reading books is very make it a important sentence. Infinitive She likes to read at night. phrase Parts of a Sentence: Subject + Verb + Object Subject + Verb + Compliment

Subject Types of Subject Noun Pronoun Noun Phrase Gerund phrase Infi In fini niti tive ve ph phra rase se Noun clause

Examples Joyce has her own house. She teaches French at King Saud University. The grammar class is very interesting. Teaching children needs a lot of patience. To be a suc succe cess ssfu full bus busin ines ess s man man is very challenging. What form of exercise you choose affects the kinds of results you get.

Verb Intransitive verbs The baby is sleeping. sleeping. The boy is running quickly. The bus stopped suddenly. She is reading in her room. My mother has been cooking since 2 o’clock. She goes to school. She is going now. She went yesterday. She works 8 hours a day.

She is working now. She has worked there for 5 years. Transitive Verbs We make dinner at 8 p.m. I am using the reading room. She sent her friend (I.O.) an e-mail (D.O.). She sent 10 e-mails yesterday. She sent an e-mail (D.O.) to her friend (I.O.). My brother drives me to work.

Object/Compliment Direct Object Noun Pronoun Noun Phrase Gerund phrase Infinitive phrase Noun clause Compliment Adjective Noun phrase Infinitive phrase Noun clause

Examples Mary teaches English. Mary saw him. Mary met her school friends. Sara likes swimming. Fatma likes to read novels She know what to do when Examples Nadia seems happy. Sara is an English teacher Her dream is to study abroad. Reading is what she really likes to do.

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