7. Gmmhrfbdn th Doujgd, t`o bdmrogso bd odorny t`gt hmmurs bd roigtbhd th t`o fonroo he rogmtbhd th t`o strosshr bs torjof gs1 * g. \omhdstbtutbhd l. Ibd os he ro sbstgdmo m. Srbjgry provodtbhd f. ]omhdfgry Srovodtbhd. . Gmmhrfbdn th t`bs t`ohrbst, dursbdn bs g udbquo prheossbhd t`gt bs mhdm mhdmordo ordof f wbt` gii t`o vgrb vgrbglios glios geeomtbdn geeomtbdn gd bdfb bdfbvbfu vbfugi‒s gi‒s rosphdso th strosshrs, w`bm` gro bdtrg, bdtor gdf oxtrg porshdgi bd dgturo. * g. Ah`dshd l. ^gtshd m. Sgrso f. Doujgd 0. Bd w`bm` t`ohry bs dursbdn g `oipbdn hr gssbstbdn prheossbhd prheossbhd th porshds w`h gro w`hiiy hr pgrt iy fo podfodt hr w`od t`hso w`h gro supphsofiy supphsofiy mgrbdn ehr t`oj gro dh ihdnor glio th nbvo mgro8 * g. Gfgptgtbhd Jhfoi l. Odvb rhdjodtg i V`oh ry m. ]ystojs Jhfoi f. ]oie-Mgro V`ohry
. V`o durso bs bd t`o fbgndhsbs p`gso he t`o dursbdn prhmoss ehr goxbs mibodt wbt`ood g sobzuro fbshrfor. ^`bm` he t`o stopsm oxbsts ts lotw lotwood fgtg gdgiy gdgiysbs sbs gdf ehrjuigtb ehrj uigtbdn dnehiihwbdn t`o fbgn fbgndhstb dhstbm stgtojodt8 *
g. Gssoss t`o mibodt‒s doofs. l. Foib dogto t`o mi bodt‒s prhliojs gdf stro dnt`s. m. Fotorjbdo w`bm` bdtorvodtbhds gro jhst ibkoiy th summoof. f. Ostbjgto t`o mhst he sovorgi fbeeorodt gpprhgm`os. 0. Bd t`o fbgndhstbm stgtojodt ’Oxmoss Eiubf Uhiujo roigtof th fomrogsof fomro gsof vodhus roturd gs jgdbe jgdbeosto ostof f ly ihwor oxtrojbty oxtrojbty ofojg‚, w`gt bs t`o otbhihny8 * g. Oxmoss eiubf vhiujo l. Fomr ogsof v odhus ro turd m. Ofojg f. _dkdhwd 2. ^`bm` he t`o ehiihwbdn dursbdn fbgndhsos mhdtgbds t`o prhpor mhjphdodts8 * g. \bsk ehr Mgronbvor Mgronbvor \hio ]trgbd roigtof th udpro udprofbmtgl fbmtglio io biidoss mhurso. l. \bsk ehr Egiis roigto f th todfodm y th mhiigp so w`od `gvbdn fbeebmuity lrogt`bdn. m. Bjpgbrof Mhjjudbmgtbhd roigtof th strhko. f. ]io ]ioop op Fop Foprbv rbvgtb gtbhd hd som somhdf hdfgry gry th egt egtbnu bnuoo gdf g dhb dhbsy sy odvbrhdjodt. 73. ^`od bs g mhiig mhiiglhrg lhrgtbvo tbvo prhlioj bdfbmgtof bdfbmgtof bdstogf he g dursbdn hr jofbmgi fbgndhsbs8 * g. ^`od bdfopodfodt dursbdn gmtbhds mgd lo utbibzof th trogt t`o prhlioj . l. B d mg sos w` oro dursbdn bdtorvo dtbhds gro t`o prbjgry gmtbhds roqubrof th trogt t`o prhlioj. m. Be lht` jofbmgi gdf dursbdn bdtorvodtbhds gro roqubrof th trogt t`o prhlioj. f. ^`od dh jofbmgi fbgndhsbs (fbsogso) mgd lo fotorjbdof. 77. ^`od g mibodt bs vuidorglio th fovoihpbdn g `ogit` prhlioj, t`o durso m`hhsos w`bm` typo he dursbdn fbgndhsbs stgtus8 * g. Gd gmtugi dursbdn fbgndhsbs. l. G rb sk dursbd n fbgnd hsbs. m. G woiidoss dursbdn fbgndhsbs. f. G `ogit` prhjhtbhd dursbdn fbgndhsbs. 7 fgys gdf ebdfs t`o skbd bdtonrbty bs dht gdyjhro bjpgbrof lut rojgbds th lo bd lof. ^`od t`o mgro pigd bs rovbowof, t`o durso s`huif porehrj w`bm ` he t`o e hiihwbdn8 *
G]]O]]JODV GDF UBVGI ]BND] 7. G dour dourhihnb hihnbmgi mgi gssossjodt gssossjodt wgs fhdo ly g prbj prbjgry gry mgro prhvbfor th g mibodt wbt` fbeebmuity he wgikbdn. ^`bm` gssossjodt gssossjo dt prhmofuro ly t`o durso th tost t`o eudmtbhdbdn he t`o moroloiiuj8 *
g. Jhfbey t`o dursbdn fbgndhsbs th Bjpgbrof Jhlbibty. l. Fojht o t`o d ursbdn f bgndhsb s th g i hwor prb hrbty. m. Foioto t`o fbgndhsbs sbdmo t`o prhlioj `gs dht hmmurrof.
g. Gsk t`o mibodt th s`ut t`o oyos gdf fbstbdnubs` w`ot`or t`o thum` bs wbt` g s`grp hr fuii hlaomt(obt`or odf he g mhtthdtbppof gppibmgthr).
l. G sk t` o m ibodt th ` hif `gdfs wbt` pgijs up p orpodfbm uigr th t`o lhfy wbt` oyos mihsof. m. Gsk t`o mibodt th nrgsp gdf squoozo < ebdnors he ogm` he t`o oxgjbdor‒s `gdfs. f. Gsk t`o mibodt th gitordgto pigmbdn `gdfs up gdf t`od `gdfs fhwd hd t`bn`s gs egst gs phssblio. 5 77. ^`bm` phb phbdt dt bs bjp bjphrt hrtgdt gdt w`o w`od d tog togm`b m`bdn dn glh glhut ut t`o gssossjodt gssossjo dt gdf pgipgtbhd he t`o glfhjod8 * g. Gvhbf pgipgtbdn t`o glfhjod be t`o pgtbodt rophrts gdy fbsmhjehrt hr eooibdns he euiidoss. l. V`o pgtbod t s`huif lo sbttbdn th lost fotorjbd o t`o mhdthur gdf s`gpo he t`o glfhjod. m. Giwgys wogr nihvos w`od pgipgtbdn t`o skbd hd t`o pgtbodt‒s glfhjod. f. V`o ghrtg mgd lo eoit usbdn foop pgipgtbhd bd t`o uppor glfhjod dogr t`o jbfibdo. 7
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