Exchange Server 2013_Functional Test Plan Ver1 3

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Exchange Server 2013_Functional Test Plan Ver1 3...


Exchange Server 2013 Functional Test Plan

Prepared for Commonwealth of Pennsylvania October 19, 2015 Version 1.3 Prepared by Scott Alexander Principal Consultant [email protected]


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Revision and Signoff Sheet Change Record Date



Change reference

09/17/2 014

Scott Alexander


Initial draft

Reviewers Name

Version approved



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Table of Contents 1

Executive Summary.........................................................................7 1.1 Background Information.........................................................................7 1.2 Purpose..................................................................................................... 7 1.3 Document Scope...................................................................................... 7 1.3.1 In Scope.......................................................................................... 7 1.3.2 Out of Scope................................................................................... 7 1.4 Audience................................................................................................... 8


Test Environment.............................................................................9 2.1 Method.................................................................................................... 10


System Testing..............................................................................11 3.1 Built-In Global Testing..........................................................................11 3.1.1 Service Health................................................................................ 11 3.2 Built-in Mailbox Server Testing...........................................................11 3.2.1 Test Mail Flow..................................................................................11 3.2.2 SMTP Connectivity..........................................................................12 3.2.3 Replication Health...........................................................................12 3.2.4 Mailbox Database Copy Status.......................................................13 3.2.5 Database Statistics.........................................................................13 3.2.6 Replication Statistics.......................................................................14 3.2.7 Mailbox Connectivity Test...............................................................14 3.2.8 Mailbox Assistant Health.................................................................15 3.2.9 Server Health.................................................................................. 15 3.3 Built-In Client Access Server Testing.................................................16 3.3.1 Outlook Connectivity Test...............................................................16 3.3.2 Web Services..................................................................................16 3.3.3 ActiveSync...................................................................................... 17 3.3.4 ECP Connectivity............................................................................. 17 3.3.5 IMAP................................................................................................ 18 3.3.6 POP................................................................................................. 18 3.3.7 Mailbox Replication Service............................................................19 3.4 Exchange High Availability..................................................................19 3.4.1 Database Failure............................................................................. 19 Page iv Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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3.4.2 Server Failure..................................................................................20 3.4.3 Secondary Datacenter Failure.........................................................20 3.4.4 Primary Datacenter Failure.............................................................21 3.5 Mailbox Access.......................................................................................... 22 3.5.1 Autodiscover Internal......................................................................22 3.5.2 Autodiscover External.....................................................................22 3.5.3 OWA Access Internal.......................................................................23 3.5.4 OWA Access External......................................................................23 3.5.5 ActiveSync...................................................................................... 23 3.6 Outlook Functionality Test.........................................................................24 3.6.1 OAB Download................................................................................24 3.6.2 Out of Office................................................................................... 24 3.6.3 Free/Busy Data Availability.............................................................25 3.6.4 Meeting Booking.............................................................................25 3.6.5 Meeting Update.............................................................................. 26 3.6.6 Meeting Cancellation......................................................................26 3.6.7 Resource Booking...........................................................................27 3.6.8 Address List.................................................................................... 27 3.6.9 Global Message Size Limit..............................................................28 3.6.10Mailbox Quota Warning...................................................................28 3.6.11Prohibit Send Quota........................................................................28 3.6.12Recover Deleted Items....................................................................29 3.6.13Mail Tips.......................................................................................... 29 3.6.14Mailbox Delegation.........................................................................29 3.6.15Mailbox Signature...........................................................................30 3.7 OWA Functionality Testing.........................................................................30 3.7.1 OWA Maximum Message Size.........................................................30 3.7.2 OWA Web Ready Document Viewing...............................................31 3.7.3 OWA Out Of Office..........................................................................31 3.7.4 OWA Free/Bus Availability...............................................................32 3.7.5 OWA Meeting Booking....................................................................32 3.7.6 Meeting Update from OWA.............................................................32 3.7.7 OWA Meeting Cancellation..............................................................33 3.7.8 OWA Address List............................................................................33 Page v Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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3.8 Mail Routing.............................................................................................. 34 3.8.1 Mail routing between Exchange 2013 Mailboxes within the Organization.............................................................................................. 34 3.8.2 Mail routing between Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2013 Mailboxes within the Organization............................................................................. 34 3.8.3 Mail Routing outgoing between Exchange 2013 mailboxes and Internet Mailboxes..................................................................................... 35 3.8.4 Mail Routing Incoming between Exchange 2013 mailboxes and Internet Mailboxes using OWA...................................................................35 3.9 Public Folders............................................................................................ 36 3.9.1 Exchange 2013 Mailboxes Accessing legacy 2007 PFs...................36 3.9.2 Exchange 2013 Mailboxes can add new PFs to legacy 2007 PFs....36 3.9.3 Exchange 2013 Mailboxes can Modify new PFs to legacy 2007 PFs 37 3.9.4 Exchange 2013 Mailboxes can delete new and existing PFs to legacy 2007 PFs........................................................................................ 37 3.10 POP3 and IMAP4 Clients............................................................................ 37 3.10.1POP3 Service Activity testing..........................................................37 3.10.2POP3 client testing..........................................................................38 3.10.3IMAP Service Activity testing..........................................................38 3.10.4IMAP client testing..........................................................................39

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Executive Summary 1.1

B a c k g r o u n d I n f o r m a t i o n

Microsoft Consulting Services (MCS) has been retained by “Customer” to provide expertise and knowledge transfer for a migration from the existing messaging system(s) to one based on the Microsoft® Exchange Server 2013 platform. This solution will be based on the Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Product Line Architecture.

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P u r p o s e

The purpose of this document is to provide a test plan that describes the strategy, approach and test cases for Exchange Server 2013 functional testing activities. This document will also provide the details for tools required to perform testing and expected results from each test case.


D o c u m e n t S c o p e

The scope of this document is to provide the test cases that will be used to verify the functionality of Exchange Server 2013 and validate the health of system components.

1.3.1 In Scope 

Exchange Server 2013 built-in system health testing

Exchange Server 2013 functional testing

Mailbox Connectivity testing use different devices inside and outside of the corporate network

Mail flow testing within the organization

Internet Mail flow testing using EOP (Microsoft Exchange Online Protection)

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1.3.2 Out of Scope 

Performance testing

System performance testing (Loadgen)

Backup and Restore testing

Note: To perform the client connectivity testing from internet and to test internet mail flow, CUSTOMER needs to setup the internet connectivity in test lab and register the required DNS records on internet for test lab environment. Test lab environment will be built as close to production environment as possible.


A u d i e n c e

This document has been prepared for a technical audience and is intended for personnel associated with the Exchange Server 2013 deployment, including: 

Exchange Architecture Teams

Windows Active Directory Team

Networking Team

Enterprise Operations Team

Project Management Team

Microsoft Account Team

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Test Environment

Customer staging email architecture will be built on the latest release of Windows Server platform that is Windows Server 2012 R2 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 CU6. The Exchange 2013 architecture will be deployed on premises, with network simulated sites Site1, Site2, and Site3. Exchange server resources in the Site1 site will host active mailboxes during normal runtime conditions and Site2 site will act as passive datacenter. Site3 site will host the File Share Witness (FSW). In the event of a disaster in the primary site, the secondary site will have the ability to run independently without affecting end user response times. The Exchange 2013 resources will be integrated into the existing Exchange 2007 organization that exists in the staging environment. With Exchange 2013, high availability and site resiliency of mailbox data will be achieved through the concept of DAG. A DAG is a Database Availability Group consisting of multiple servers in a cluster (maximum 16) that will hold the copies of the individual databases. A single database will have 4 copies spread across members of the DAG. There will be one active and three passive copies of a database, out of which two passive copy will be located in secondary site. Users connect to active database copy to send and receive their mail; the passive copies of an individual database will get updates with continuous replication from the active copy. At any given time, for a failure, maintenance, or other reason, Exchange can make any of the passive copies active on another member of the DAG. There will be two Exchange 2013 DAGs within the staging environment, one for user mailboxes and one for public folders. Servers in the secondary site will host only the passive copies of the databases and will be activated only in-case of the primary site failure

Note: This document assumes that all the machines will be built as per Customer standard build process that includes all updates, patches, anti-virus etc.


M e t h o d

The test cases defined in this document will be performed with variety of tools as below. 

Exchange Administration Center (EAC)

Exchange Management Shell


Standard Exchange Management Shell Commands


Exchange Management Shell Scripts provided with Exchange 2013

Messaging Clients o

Outlook 2010 or Later Sp3 or higher


Internet Explorer 8 or higher Page 10 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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Built-In Windows Utilities

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System Testing 3.1

B u i l t I n G l o b a l T e s t i n g

Exchange Server 2013 has built-in PowerShell commands that can be used to test certain global parameters of Exchange Server 2013, therefore applies to more than a single Exchange Server.

3.1.1 Service Health Item Test Reference

Description ST.1.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

The Test-ServiceHealth command can be used to verify that all Microsoft Windows services that the Exchange 2013 server requires are running and set to ‘automatic’ start-up status

Test to be Performed

Run the following command from the Exchange Management Shell on any Exchange 2013 server: Page 12 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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Get-ExchangeServer –Identity | TestServiceHealth | ft Role,RequiredServicesRunning,ServicesNotRunning –AutoSize For details refer to test-servicehealth Expected Result

Each role of each server should be examined. For each role, the ‘RequiredServicesRunning’ column of the output should read ‘True’ and the ‘ServicesNotRunning’ column should not list any services

Actual Result Notes

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B u i l t i n M a i l b o x S e r v e r T e s t i n g

3.2.1 Test Mail Flow Item Test Reference

Description ST.2. Page 14 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

The Test-Mailflow cmdlet tests mail submission, transport, and delivery. The cmdlet verifies that each Mailbox server can successfully send itself a message.

Test to be Performed

Run the following Exchange Management Shell command from each Exchange 2013 server. This cannot be run remotely: Test-Mailflow | ft For details refer to test-mailflow

Expected Result

A list of mail flow checks per Mailbox server and their results will be presented. For each check, the ‘TestMailflowResult’ column should read ‘Success’

Actual Result Notes

3.2.2 SMTP Connectivity Item Test Reference

Description ST.3.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

The Test-SmtpConnectivity cmdlet against a Mailbox server attempts to establish an SMTP connection to all bindings of all Receive connectors hosted on that server

Test to be Performed

Run the following Exchange Management Shell command against any Exchange 2013 server: Get-TransportService | TestSmtpConnectivity For details refer to Test-SmtpConnectivity

Expected Result

The cmdlet should show the result as successfully connected to SMTP service.

Actual Result Notes

3.2.3 Replication Health Item Test Reference

Description ST.1.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

The Test-ReplicationHealth cmdlet is designed for the proactive monitoring of continuous replication and the continuous replication pipeline, the availability of Active Manager, and the health and status of the underlying cluster service, quorum, and network components. The TestReplicationHealth cmdlet can be run locally or remotely Page 15 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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against any Mailbox server in a DAG.

Test to be Performed

Run the following Exchange Management Shell command against all Exchange 2013 servers running the Mailbox server role: Get-MailboxServer | where {$_.admindisplayversion -like "Version 15*"} | Test-ReplicationHealth | ft -AutoSize For details refer to Test-ReplicationHealth

Expected Result

A list of replication checks and the results will be presented. For each check, the ‘Result’ column should read ‘Passed’

Actual Result Notes

3.2.4 Mailbox Database Copy Status Item Test Reference

Description ST.2.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

The get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus is used to view health and status information of all the copies of the database

Test to be Performed

Run the following Exchange Management Shell command against all Exchange 2013 servers running the Mailbox server role: Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus * For details refer to GetMailboxDatabaseCopyStatus

Expected Result

The result should list all the databases with replication health, and the result should show the status healthy for all the databases

Actual Result Notes

3.2.5 Database Statistics Item Test Reference

Description ST.3.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Exchange 2013 includes a script called CollectOverMetrics.ps1, which can be found in the Scripts folder. CollectOverMetrics.ps1 reads DAG member event logs to gather information about database operations (such as database mounts, moves, and failovers) over a specific time period. Page 16 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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Test to be Performed

Run the following script to generate the report for all databases in the DAG CollectOverMetrics.ps1 -DatabaseAvailabilityGroup DAG1 -Database:"DB*" -GenerateHTMLReport – ShowHTMLReport For more information refer to CollectOverMetrics.ps1

Expected Result

The result should list all the databases with the information about mount, failure, move etc

Actual Result Notes

3.2.6 Replication Statistics Item Test Reference

Description ST.4.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

CollectReplicationMetrics.ps1 collects data from performance counters related to database replication. The script gathers counter data from multiple Mailbox servers, writes each server's data to a .csv file, and then reports various statistics across all of this data (for example, the amount of time each copy was failed or suspended, the average copy or replay queue length, or the amount of time that copies were outside of their failover criteria).

Test to be Performed

Run the following script to generate the report for all databases in the DAG CollectReplicationMetrics.ps1 -DagName DAG1 -Duration "01:00:00" -Frequency "00:01:00" – ReportPath For more information refer to CollectReplicationMetrics.ps1

Expected Result

Based on the parameters specified above, this script will run for one hour. The output should show the replication statistics for each database in the DAG, this data can be used to monitor the replication health

Actual Result Notes

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3.2.7 Mailbox Connectivity Test Item Test Reference

Description ST.5.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

The Test-MapiConnectivity cmdlet verifies server functionality. This cmdlet logs on to the mailbox that you specify (or to the SystemMailbox if you don't specify the Identity parameter) and retrieves a list of items in the Inbox. Logging on to the mailbox tests two critical protocols used when a client connects to a Mailbox server: MAPI and LDAP. During authentication, the Test-MapiConnectivity cmdlet indirectly verifies that the MAPI server, Exchange store, and Directory Service Access (DSAccess) are working

Test to be Performed

Run the following powershell command to perform the test Test-MapiConnectivity -Server

For more information refer to test-mapiconnectivity Expected Result

The output should display success or failure at logging onto each database currently hosted on that particular server. Note that if no databases are currently active on the server you will receive a warning that the operation could not be performed.

Actual Result Notes

3.2.8 Mailbox Assistant Health Item Test Reference

Description ST.6.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

The Mailbox Assistants service runs on all servers that have the Mailbox server role installed. This service is responsible for scheduling and dispatching several assistants that ensure mailboxes function correctly. Test-AssistantHealth cmdlet verifies that the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistants service (MSExchangeMailboxAssistants) is healthy, to recover from health issues, and to report the status of the diagnosis or recovery action

Test to be Performed

Run the following powershell command to perform the test Page 18 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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Test-AssistantHealth -ServerName -IncludeCrashDump -ResolveProblems | FormatList For more information refer to test-AssistantHealth Expected Result

The output should display the health information of MailboxAssistant

Actual Result Notes

3.2.9 Server Health Item Test Reference

Description ST.7.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Get-Healthreport returns health information related to the server you specify. You can use the health values to determine the state of the server. The cmdlet also returns an alert value that provides the specific state of your server.

Test to be Performed

Run the following powershell command to perform the test Get-HealthReport –Identity For more information refer to Get-HealthReport

Expected Result

The output should display the health values that includes the following:      

Online Partially Online Offline Sidelined Functional Unavailable

Actual Result Notes

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B u i l t I n C l i e n t A c c e s s S e r v e r T e s t i

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n g 3.3.1 Outlook Connectivity Test Item Test Reference

Description ST.8.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Use the Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer ( to execute the Microsoft Office Outlook Connectivity Test - “Outlook Connectivity”.

Test to be Performed

Follow the steps in the wizard for the Outlook Connectivity test.

Expected Result

Outlook Connectivity test must complete successfully without any error

Actual Result Notes

3.3.2 Web Services Item Test Reference

Description ST.9.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Use the Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer ( to execute the Microsoft Exchange Web Services Connectivity Test “Synchronization, Notification, Availability, and Automatic Replies”.

Test to be Performed

Follow the steps in the wizard for the Synchronization, Notification, Availability, and Automatic Replies test.

Expected Result

These tests walk through many basic Exchange Web Services tasks to confirm they're working. The operations tested by default are GetFolder, CreateItem, DeleteItem, and SyncFolderItems. The output must provide result for each operation

Actual Result Notes

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3.3.3 ActiveSync Item Test Reference

Description ST.10.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity cmdlet performs a full synchronization between a mobile device and a specified mailbox to test the functionality of Exchange ActiveSync.

Test to be Performed

Run the following Exchange Management Shell commands against any Exchange 2013 server: $credential = Get-Credential -UserName Customerstglab\testuser31 Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity -UseAutodiscoverForClientAccessServer:$true -MailboxCredential $credential |ft –Autosize For Details refer to test-activesyncconnectivity

Expected Result

If the test fails, an error message will be displayed on powershell

Actual Result Notes

Better to use Remote connectivity analyzer to test outlook connectivity, to perform the use Remote Connectivity Analyzer here

3.3.4 ECP Connectivity Item Test Reference

Description ST.11.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Use a web browser to connect and logon to EAC to verify Exchange Administration Center functionality for all Exchange 2013 servers in the environment.

Test to be Performed

Open a web browser and connect to https:///ecp or Logon using administrative credentials. Validate that you can successfully logon and access the EAC interface.

Expected Result

Logon to EAC directly to each server will result in a cert error as the server names are not included on the SAN cert. After continuing to the website the administrator will be able to logon.

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3.3.5 IMAP Item Test Reference

Description ST.12.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

the Test-ImapConnectivity cmdlet to verify that the IMAP4 service is running as expected. The Test-ImapConnectivity cmdlet can be used to test the IMAP4 functionality for a specified Client Access server for all mailboxes on servers running Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 in the same Active Directory site

Test to be Performed

Run the following Exchange Management Shell command against any Exchange 2013 server: Test-ImapConnectivity –ClientAccessServer ENSTGEXCH001 –MailboxCredential:(Get-Credential Customer-stglab\testuser31) For Details refer to test-imapconnectivity

Expected Result

A series of tests will be run and each test should be completed successfully

Actual Result Notes

3.3.6 POP Item Test Reference

Description ST.13.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

the Test-PopConnectivity cmdlet to verify that the IMAP4 service is running as expected. The Test-PopConnectivity cmdlet can be used to test the POP3 functionality for a specified Client Access server for all mailboxes on servers running Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 in the same Active Directory site

Test to be Performed

Run the following Exchange Management Shell command against any Exchange 2013 server: Test-PopConnectivity –ClientAccessServer ENSTGEXCH001 –MailboxCredential:(Get-Credential Customer-stglab\testuser31) For Details refer to test-imapconnectivity

Expected Result

A series of tests will be run and each test should be completed successfully

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3.3.7 Mailbox Replication Service Item Test Reference

Description ST.14.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service runs on mailbox servers. Test-MRSHealth command ensures that the Mailbox Replication service is running and that it responds to a remote procedure call (RPC) ping check.

Test to be Performed

Run the following Exchange Management Shell command on any Exchange 2013 server: Test-MRSHealth For Details refer to Test-MRSHealth

Expected Result

The commends runs against mailbox servers to validate the health of MRS, if there are any errors or warnings that will be displayed on PowerShell

Actual Result Notes

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E x c h a n g e H i g h A v a i l a b i l i t y

3.4.1 Database Failure Item Test Reference

Description ST.15.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate the passive copy of a database in the same datacenter comes online automatically upon a failure of a database

Test to be Performed

 Login to Exchange 2013 mailbox server with administrative permissions Page 25 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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 Offline a disk that contains the active copy of a mailbox database from disk manager to force database failure  Monitor the databases on second Exchange 2013 mailbox server that has a passive copy Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Identity Expected Result

Databases on second mailbox server that has a passive copy of the database should come online automatically without any administrative interference

Actual Result Notes

To resume the database copy from a failed and suspended state you need to run the following: Resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy \ The active database copy then needs to be moved back to the AP1 server using, Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase – ActivateOnServer

3.4.2 Server Failure Item Test Reference

Test Location Test Description

Description ST.16.

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

 Validate the databases running on an Exchange 2013 server are automatically mounted on Exchange Servers hosting passive copy in the same datacenter  Validate the mail flow

 Validate client access using Outlook, OWA and any other client that is used

Test to be Performed

 Power off one of the Exchange 2013 servers to simulate a server failure

 Monitor the databases on another servers that are hosting the passive copies of the databases on failed server  Send emails to mailboxes Exchange 2013 and internet mailboxes like to validate mails are delivered  Try accessing mailboxes using OWA and Outlook  Clients that are connected already should not see any disconnection in the services  Verify the clients are able to access the mails and public folders Expected Result

Passive copies of databases should come online automatically without any administrative interference Users should continue send and receive emails Page 26 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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Users should continue accessing mailboxes with different clients

Actual Result

3.4.3 Secondary Datacenter Failure Item Test Reference

Description ST.17.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate all the services that are running in Primary Datacenter continue running without any interruption

Test to be Performed

 Power off all the servers in secondary datacenter  Monitor the databases on Exchange 2013 servers in primary datacenter

 Try accessing mailboxes using OWA and Outlook  Clients that are connected already should not see any disconnection in the services  Mail flow should continue working as normal Expected Result

Passive copies of databases should come online automatically without any administrative interference

Actual Result

CUSTOMER Passive datacenter doesn’t host any active mailboxes, hence there should be no interruption to any service


This test was not executed because the passive datacenter does not host any active services so there would be nothing to failover.

3.4.4 Primary Datacenter Failure Item Test Reference

Description ST.18.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate all the databases that are hosted in primary datacenter are mounted on Exchange servers in passive datacenter automatically Validate mailboxes that were hosted in primary datacenter continue using exchange services like OWA, Outlook Anywhere, OAB etc. and are able to send and receive emails

Test to be Performed

 Power off all Exchange 2013 servers in primary datacenter Page 27 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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 On the secondary datacenter DAG should continue running and should be able to achieve quorum automatically with the help of witness server sitting in third datacenter  From a mailbox that was hosted on primary datacenter, send emails to mailboxes on Exchange 2013 and internet mailboxes to validate mails are delivered  Try accessing mailboxes using OWA and Outlook from a mailbox that was hosted on primary datacenter  Clients that are already connected may experience a disconnection for a short period until the services are restored. Expected Result

The failover from primary datacenter to secondary datacenter must be automatic and service should restore on secondary datacenter without any manual intervention

Actual Result Notes

3.5 M a i l b o x A c c e s s 3.5.1 Autodiscover Internal Item Test Reference

Description ST.19. Page 28 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that an internal, domain-joined Outlook 2010 or Later client can connect via the autodiscover service automatically

Test to be Performed

Expected Result

 Logon to a desktop/laptop using one of the Exchange 2013 test user accounts  Open Outlook 2010 or Later for the first time, with no previous Outlook profile configured  Follow the first-start procedure to connect to the test mailbox The autodiscover process should allow the first-start procedure to automatically configure access to the mailbox without prompting the user for their email address and any authentication prompts

Actual Result Notes

Internal domain joined users will use SCP to locate the server for autodiscover process. The computer must be joined to domain

3.5.2 Autodiscover External Item Test Reference

Description ST.20.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that an external, Outlook 2010 or Later client can connect via the autodiscover service automatically

Test to be Performed

 Ensure the client workstation has internet connectivity  Logon to a desktop/laptop using one of the Exchange 2013 test user accounts  Open Outlook 2010 or Later for the first time, with no previous Outlook profile configured  Follow the first-start procedure to connect to the test mailbox

Expected Result

The autodiscover process should allow the first-start procedure to automatically configure access to the mailbox without prompting the user for their email address and any authentication prompts

Actual Result Notes

User must login to workstation with his domain credentials for automatic discovery process, otherwise user would need to provide their email address and credentials to configure profile with autodiscover

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3.5.3 OWA Access Internal Item


Test Reference


Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that an internal user can access their mailbox using OWA via forms based authentication

Test to be Performed

Expected Result

 Logon to a desktop/laptop using one of the Exchange 2013 test user accounts  Using a browser, navigate to to access the mailbox via OWA  Provide credentials to access OWA in the form After providing the credentials, users should be able to view the mailbox.

Actual Result Notes

3.5.4 OWA Access External Item


Test Reference


Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that an external user can access their mailbox using OWA via forms based authentication

Test to be Performed

Expected Result

 Using a browser, navigate to to access the mailbox via OWA  Provide credentials to access OWA in the form After providing the credentials, users should be able to view the mailbox.

Actual Result Notes

3.5.5 ActiveSync Item Test Reference

Description ST.23.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that an external user can access their mailbox using ActiveSync, user must have his/her email address and password handy to configure the mobile device Page 30 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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Test to be Performed

Expected Result

 Modify internal DNS record for mobilemail to point to the 2013 load balanced VIP  Test from ActiveSync devices to validate they can still access both 2013 and 2007 mailboxes after AirWatch SEG redirected to Exchange 2013 After providing the credentials, users should be able to view the mailbox on mobile device.

Actual Result Notes

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3.6 O u t l o o k F u n c t i o n a l i t y T e s t 3.6.1 OAB Download Item Test Reference

Test Location

Description ST.24.

CUSTOMER Staging Environment Page 32 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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Test Description

Test to be Performed

Expected Result

Validate that clients can download the Offline Address Book (OAB)

 While logged on to workstation internally using one of the test user account, open Outlook 2010 or Later and connect to the test mailbox  Use the Send/Receive menu option to request a full download of the Offline Address Book  Open event viewer and check event ID 27 “starting OAB download”  Followed by another event ID 27 “OAB download succeeded” The Offline Address Book should be downloaded without error, if there are errors the error would be logged into application event log

Actual Result Notes

3.6.2 Out of Office Item Test Reference

Description ST.25.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that clients can access the Out of Office feature via Exchange Web Services

Test to be Performed

Expected Result

 While logged on internally on a workstation using one of the test user accounts, open Outlook 2010 and connect to the test mailbox  Access the Out of Office feature by selecting FileAutomatic Replies  Customize automatic replies for internal and external mails  Send an email to the account that has automatic replies setup from both internal and external mailbox  The sender should receive automatic reply message from the recipient The Out of Office window should be displayed correctly with no error messages The sender should receive automatic reply message from recipient as defined in automatic reply settings

Actual Result Notes

3.6.3 Free/Busy Data Availability Item

Description Page 33 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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Test Reference


Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that clients can check the availability of another user

Test to be Performed

Expected Result

 Login to Test User 1 Exchange 2013 mailbox using Outlook 2010 or Later  Create a meeting request and type Test User 2 in To field  Click on scheduling assistant  In Outlook 2010 or Later scheduling assistant, check see the availability information of User1 and User2 Meeting availability data should be displayed for both users

Actual Result Notes

3.6.4 Meeting Booking Item Test Reference

Description ST.27.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that clients can successfully book a meeting with another user

Test to be Performed

Expected Result

 Login Test User1 Exchange 2013 test mailbox using Outlook 2010 or Later  Create a new meeting requires, and add Test User2 in TO field  Click on scheduling assistant  Select the time of meeting and send the meeting request  Open Test User2 mailbox using outlook  Accept the meeting and send the response  Check the calendar of both User1 and User2 and see the meeting appears in both the users calendar The meetings should be accepted and appear in both user’s calendars

Actual Result Notes

If the meeting is not accepted by the recipient, the meeting would appear as tentative in the calendar

3.6.5 Meeting Update Item Test Reference

Test Location

Description ST.28.

CUSTOMER Staging Environment Page 34 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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Test Description

Test to be Performed

Validate that clients can send meeting updates to other users and update the calendar

 Login to Test User1 Exchange 2013 test mailbox using Outlook 2010 or Later

 Open the meeting that was created in test case Error: Reference source not found  Change the date and time of the meeting and click on send update  Open Test User2 mailbox using outlook  Check the User2 has received meeting update request  Open the meeting update item from outlook and click on accept  Check the calendar of User2 to verify the meeting date and time has been updated in calendar Expected Result

After accepting the meeting update, the calendar should be updated with new date and time

Actual Result Notes

3.6.6 Meeting Cancellation Item Test Reference

Description ST.29.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that clients can send meeting cancellation and update calendar

Test to be Performed

 Login to Test User1 Exchange 2013 test mailbox using Outlook 2010 or Later

 Open the meeting that was created in test case Error: Reference source not found  Click on cancel meeting and click on send cancellation  Open Test User2 mailbox using outlook  Check the User2 has received meeting cancellation  Open the meeting cancellation item from outlook and click on remove from calendar  Check the calendar of User2 to verify the meeting has been removed from calendar Expected Result

After accepting the meeting cancellation, the meeting should be removed from the calendar

Actual Result Notes

3.6.7 Resource Booking Item

Description Page 35 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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Test Reference


Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that clients can successfully book a resource along with a meeting request

Test to be Performed

 Login to Test User1 Exchange 2013 test mailbox using Outlook 2010 or Later

 Create a new meeting requires, and add User2 in TO field  Next to location field, click on Rooms button All Rooms address book will be opened  Select a room from the address book  Click on scheduling assistant, you should see the User2 and Room Mailbox name as attendees  Select the time of meeting and verify both User2 and Room are available  send the meeting request  User1 should receive an automatic (acceptance or decline) response from resource mailbox Expected Result

The user should be able to book resource and should receive automatic response from resource mailbox

Actual Result Notes

3.6.8 Address List Item Test Reference

Description ST.31.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that the address list shows all exchange recipients

Test to be Performed

Expected Result

 Log into Outlook 2010 or Later using one of the Test User1 Exchange 2013 test user accounts  In Outlook 20007, view the members of the Global Address list  From outlook open address list option  From drop down select any other address list and check you are able to see the expected recipients from that address list The Global Address List and any other address should show all respective exchange recipients

Actual Result Notes

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3.6.9 Global Message Size Limit Item


Test Reference


Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that the global maximum message send size cannot be exceeded by users

Test to be Performed

 Log into Outlook 2010 or later using one of the test user accounts  In Outlook, compose a new message to the other test user account and include an attachment greater than 25MB in size  Send the message

Expected Result

The system should reject the message based on it exceeding the 20MB global sending message size

Actual Result Notes


Mailbox Quota Warning



Test Reference


Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that mailbox warning quotas are functioning correctly

 Log into Test User1 mailbox via Outlook 2010 or Later  Ensure that this mailbox contains 5 GB + of mailbox

Test to be Performed


 Wait for the next scheduled warning message to be sent Expected Result

The test mailbox should receive a system-generated warning message advising the user that the warning threshold has been met

Actual Result Notes


Assuming the mailbox warning quota is set to 5GB

Prohibit Send Quota

Item Test Reference

Description ST.34.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that mailbox prohibit send quotas are functioning correctly Page 37 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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Test to be Performed

 Log into a Test User1 mailbox via Outlook 2010 or Later  Ensure that this mailbox contains over 5 GB of mailbox data  Attempt to send a new message to any user

Expected Result

The user should be prevented from sending new messages until the mailbox size is reduced

Actual Result Notes


Assuming the prohibit send is set to 5 GB

Recover Deleted Items



Test Reference


Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that mailbox is able to recover mails using recover delete items option

Test to be Performed

 Log into Test User1 Exchange 2013 test mailbox via Outlook 2010 or Later  Highlight a message in inbox and press + to permanently delete the message from inbox  Verify message is not gone to deleted items folder  Click on tools and click on recover deleted items  Verify the message deleted above step is in dumpster  Right Click on message and click on recover  Verify the message is recovered to inbox

Expected Result

The message should be recovered to inbox of the user

Actual Result Notes


Mail Tips

Item Test Reference

Description ST.36.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that user is seeing mail tips while composing emails

Test to be Performed

 Log into a Test User1 Exchange 2013 test mailbox via Outlook 2010 or Later or later

 Create a new mail items and in TO filed type one internal user “User2” and an external user [email protected]  Check on top of the email item whether user is seeing any mail tips Expected Result

User should be seeing a mail tip about external user Page 38 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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Actual Result Notes


For my Hotmail account, I saw “The following message that the recipient is outside your organization”.

Mailbox Delegation



Test Reference


Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate the delegate settings are working

 Create Two mailbox in Exchange 2013 as TestUser31 and

Test to be Performed


 Login to desktop / laptop with the newly created mailbox account  Open outlook and validate the profile is created automatically  From outlook create delegation and assign Send AS delegation to another mailbox on Exchange 2013 Secretary  Login to Testuser32 mailbox from outlook  Check whether secretary is able to send as on behalf of manager  Validate the delegation is working as expected Expected Result

Delegated User TestUser32 should be able to send emails on behalf of manager

Actual Result Notes


Mailbox has delegated Send AS permissions and view all object permissions to secretary

Mailbox Signature

Item Test Reference

Description ST.38.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate the signature is working as expected

Test to be Performed

Expected Result

 Open a mailbox and create a signature using Outlook 2010 or Later  Compose a new mail and check the signature is added to new mail Signature is an outlook property. This test to check user scenario

Actual Result Notes

Mailbox must have a signature configured

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3.7 O W A F u n c t i o n a l i t y T e s t i n g 3.7.1 OWA Maximum Message Size Item Test Reference

Description ST.39.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that the OWA maximum message compose size Page 40 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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cannot be exceeded by users

Test to be Performed

 Log into OWA using one of test user 31 accounts  Attempt to compose a new message to the other test user 32 test user account and include an attachment greater than 25MB in size

Expected Result

The system should prevent composition and sending of the message based on it exceeding the 20MB OWA maximum message compose size

Actual Result Notes

3.7.2 OWA Web Ready Document Viewing Item Test Reference

Description ST.40.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that OWA web-ready document viewing is functioning correctly

Test to be Performed

 Log into a test user 31 Exchange 2013 test mailbox via OWA

 Compose a new message to the other test user 32 Exchange 2013 test user  Attach any standard Word .DOC file  Send the message to the other test user 32 Exchange 2013 user  Log into the test user 32 user mailbox  Open the message and hover the mouse cursor over the attachment  select the [Preview] option that appears below the attached Word document Expected Result

The Word document should be rendered within OWA rather than requiring it to be opened within Word itself

Actual Result Notes

3.7.3 OWA Out Of Office Item Test Reference

Description ST.41.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate OWA clients can access the Out of Office feature Page 41 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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Test to be Performed

Expected Result

 Login to one of the test user 32 Exchange 2013 test mailbox using OWA  In the main OWA window, click Options then Set Automatic Replies  On the Automatic Replies tab, configure the Out of Office as required  Send a mail to Test User 32 from any other mailbox internal and external  Both external and internal users should see an out of office message The Automatic Replies screen should be displayed correctly and allow the Out of Office reply to be set

Actual Result Notes

3.7.4 OWA Free/Bus Availability Item Test Reference

Description ST.42.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate OWA clients can check the availability of another user

Test to be Performed

 Login to Test User3 1 mailbox using OWA  Create a new meeting request and add User32 in to field  Click on scheduling assistant and verify the availability information of User1 and User2

Expected Result

Meeting availability data should be displayed for both users

Actual Result Notes

3.7.5 OWA Meeting Booking Item Test Reference

Description ST.43.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that both internal and external OWA clients can successfully book a meeting with another user

Test to be Performed

 Login to Test User 31 mailbox using OWA  Create a new meeting request and add User32 in to field  Click on scheduling assistant and verify the availability information of User1 and User2  Choose the time of meeting and click on send  Login to User32 mailbox using OWA and accept the meeting and send the response to organizer (user31)  Check the mailbox of User31 to see response email Page 42 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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 Check the calendar and verify the meeting appears in the calendar of both user31 and user32 Expected Result

The meetings should be accepted and appear in both user’s calendars

Actual Result Notes

3.7.6 Meeting Update from OWA Item Test Reference

Description ST.44.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that both internal and external OWA clients can send a meeting udpates

Test to be Performed

 Login to Test User 31 mailbox using OWA  Go to calendar and open the meeting that was created in the test case Error: Reference source not found  Change the date and time of the meeting and click on send update  Login to User32 mailbox using OWA and open the meeting update item  Click on accept the meeting update  Go to calendar and verify the meeting is updated with new date and time

Expected Result

After accepting the updated meeting request, the calendar should be updated with new date and time

Actual Result Notes

3.7.7 OWA Meeting Cancellation Item Test Reference

Description ST.45.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that both internal and external OWA clients can send a meeting udpates

Test to be Performed

 Login to Test User 31 mailbox using OWA  Go to calendar and open the meeting that was created in the test case Error: Reference source not found  Click on cancel meeting and click on send  Login to User32 mailbox using OWA and open the meeting cancellation and click on remove from calendar  Go to calendar and verify meeting is removed from the Page 43 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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calendar Expected Result

After accepting the meeting cancellation request, the meeting should be removed from calendar

Actual Result Notes

3.7.8 OWA Address List Item Test Reference

Description ST.46.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate Users are able to view address list in OWA

Test to be Performed

Expected Result

 Login to Test User 31 mailbox using OWA  Compose a new mail and click on TO field  By default Default Global Address List will appear  Verify all the exchange recipients appear in the list User should see the Global Address List and all recipients in the list

Actual Result Notes

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3.8 M a i l R o u t i n g 3.8.1 Mail routing between Exchange 2013 Mailboxes within the Organization Item Test Reference

Description ST.47.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that Users are able to send and receive emails while using Outlook

Test to be Performed

Expected Result

 Login to Test User 31 mailbox using Outlook 2010 or Later  Compose a new mail and add User32 in to field  Type subject as “Test @ 10:30:00 06062013”  Type some text in message body  Send the message  Open User32 mailbox in Outlook 2010 or Later  View the message and reply back to same message with delivery receipt and read receipt  Go back to User31 mailbox and see the reply from User32  Verify User32 receives the delivery and read receipt from User31 Both users should be receiving emails from each other

Actual Result Notes

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3.8.2 Mail routing between Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2013 Mailboxes within the Organization Item Test Reference

Description ST.48.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that Users are able to send and receive emails while using Outlook

Test to be Performed

 Login to Exchange 20013 user Test User 31 mailbox using Outlook 2010 or Later

 Compose a new mail and add c-sbarsoum-stg in to field  Type subject as “Test @ 10:30:00 06062013”  Type some text in message body  Send the message  Open User32 mailbox in Outlook 2010 or Later  View the message and reply back to same message with delivery receipt and read receipt

 Go back to User31 mailbox and see the reply from User32  Verify User32 receives the delivery and read receipt from User31 Expected Result

Both users should be receiving emails from each other

Actual Result Notes

3.8.3 Mail Routing outgoing between Exchange 2013 mailboxes and Internet Mailboxes Item Test Reference

Description ST.49.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that users are able to send mails out to internet recipients

Test to be Performed

 Login to Test User 32 mailbox using Outlook 2010 or Later  Compose a new mail and add an external email address in to field  Type subject as “Test @ 10:30:00 06062013”  Type some text in message body  Send the message  Check the queue at transport server  Open the recipient mailbox and verify the message is Page 46 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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received by the recipient  Reply back to the message and verify the user gets the mail from internet mailbox in the outlook Expected Result

Internet recipient should receive the mails from internal mailboxes

Actual Result Notes

3.8.4 Mail Routing Incoming between Exchange 2013 mailboxes and Internet Mailboxes using OWA Item Test Reference

Description ST.50.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate users are able to send and receive emails while using OWA

Test to be Performed

 Login to Test User 1 mailbox using OWA  Compose a new mail and add User2 in to field  Type subject as “Test @ 10:30:00 06062013”  Type some text in message body  Send the message  Open User2 mailbox OWA  View the message and reply back to same message with delivery receipt and read receipt  Go back to User1 mailbox and see the reply from User2  Verify User2 receives the delivery and read receipt from User1

Expected Result

Both users should be receiving emails from each other

Actual Result Notes

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3.9 P u b l i c F o l d e r s Add tests for Exchange 2013 mailboxes accessing, adding, editing, and deleting public folder data on Exchange 2007 legacy public folders

3.9.1 Exchange 2013 Mailboxes Accessing legacy 2007 PFs Item Test Reference

Description ST.51.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate that exchange 2013 mailboxes can access legacy 2007 PFs.

Test to be Performed

Expected Result

 Login to Test User 31 mailbox using Outlook 2010 or higher  Click on Public Folders – All Public Folders  Make sure that you are able to view all the child level PFs Able to browse all the child level PFs

Actual Result Notes

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3.9.2 Exchange 2013 Mailboxes can add new PFs to legacy 2007 PFs Item Test Reference

Description ST.52.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate exchange 2013 mailboxes can add new PFs to legacy 2007 PFs

Test to be Performed

Expected Result

 Login to Test User 31 or Test User 32 mailbox using Outlook 2010 or higher  Click on Public Folders – All Public Folders  Select any child PFs and can add PFs based on the level of permissions assigned on that PF. Can add the new PFs.

Actual Result Notes

3.9.3 Exchange 2013 Mailboxes can Modify new PFs to legacy 2007 PFs Item Test Reference

Description ST.53.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate exchange 2013 mailboxes can modify new PFs to legacy 2007 PFs

Test to be Performed

 Login to Test User 31 or Test User 32 mailbox using Outlook 2010 or higher

 Click on Public Folders – All Public Folders  Select any child PFs and can add PFs based on the level of permissions assigned on that PF. Expected Result

Can modify the new and existing PFs.

Actual Result Notes

3.9.4 Exchange 2013 Mailboxes can delete new and existing PFs to legacy 2007 PFs Item Test Reference

Description ST.54.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Validate exchange 2013 mailboxes can delete new and existing PFs to legacy 2007 PFs

Test to be

 Login to Test User 31 or Test User 32 mailbox using Page 49 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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Expected Result

Outlook 2010 or higher  Click on Public Folders – All Public Folders  Select any child PFs and can add PFs based on the level of permissions assigned on that PF. Can delete the new and existing PFs.

Actual Result Notes

3.10 P O P 3 a n d I M A P 4 C l i e n t s Add tests for Exchange 2013 mailboxes logging on, sending/receiving email from Outlook connected over POP3 and IMAP4 Page 50 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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POP3 Service Activity testing



Test Reference


Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

The Get-Servercomponent cmdlet to retrieve configuration settings for Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 components and endpoints

Test to be Performed

Run the following Exchange Management Shell command against any Exchange 2013 server: Get-ServerComponentState –Identity ENSTGEXCH001 For details refer to Get-Servercomponent

Expected Result

This cmdlet should provide active for all the components

Actual Result Notes


POP3 client testing



Test Reference


Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Perform POP testing through outlook 2010 or greater using any one of the testing account Testuser31 or Testuser32

Test to be Performed

      

Expected Result

Open control panel-click on Mail to create a new outlook new outlook profile for POP3 account Select Manual setup and select POP or IMAP Fill out the information and select POP in the Server Information Provide the Incoming mail server: Outgoing mail server (SMTP): Provide the Logon Information Click on More Setting- Select Outgoing Server and click on My Outgoing Server Under Advanced- click on this server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)

The outlook client should be able to provide with the results.

Actual Result Notes


IMAP Service Activity testing

Item Test Reference

Test Location

Description ST.57.

CUSTOMER Staging Environment Page 51 Exchange Server 2013, Functional Test Plan, Version 1.0 Prepared by Alexander, Scott "290974586" last modified on 7 Nov. 14, Rev 4

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Test Description

The Get-Servercomponent cmdlet to retrieve configuration settings for Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 components and endpoints

Test to be Performed

Run the following Exchange Management Shell command against any Exchange 2013 server: Get-ServerComponentState –Identity ENSTGEXCH001 For details refer to Get-Servercomponents

Expected Result

This cmdlet should provide active for all the components

Actual Result Notes


IMAP client testing

Item Test Reference

Description ST.58.

Test Location

CUSTOMER Staging Environment

Test Description

Perform IMAP testing through outlook 2010 or greater using any one of the testing account Testuser31 or Testuser32

Test to be Performed

       

Expected Result

Open control panel-click on Mail to create a new outlook new outlook profile for IMAP account Select Manual setup and select POP or IMAP Fill out the information and select IMAP in the Server Information Provide the Incoming mail server: Outgoing mail server (SMTP): Provide the Logon Information Click on More Setting- Select Outgoing Server and click on My Outgoing Server Under Advanced- click on this server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)

The outlook client should be able to provide with the results.

Actual Result Notes

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