Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

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Dopra Linux

OS Upgrade Guide






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Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

About This Document

About This Document Organization This document describes how to upgrade Dopra Linux to V200R003CXXSPCXXX. Read this document before the upgrade. This document is organized as follows: Chapter


1Before You Start

Describes the application scope of this document.

2Preparing for the Upgrade

Describes preparations for the upgrade.

3(Optional) Backing Up Service Data

Describes how to back up service data.

4Performing the Upgrade

Describes how to perform the upgrade.

5Verifying the Upgrade

Describes how to verify the upgrade.


Describes how to restore service data when an exception occurs.

7Rolling Back to the Source Version

Describes how to perform the version rollback if the upgrade fails.


Describes the FAQs.

AUpgrade Record

Describes the upgrade record.

Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide


Contents About This Document.......................................................................ii 1 Before You Start...........................................................................1 1.1 Application Scenario......................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Version Requirements.....................................................................................................................................................1 1.3 Estimated Upgrade Time................................................................................................................................................3 1.4 Impact on the System During the Upgrade....................................................................................................................3 1.5 Upgrade Precautions.......................................................................................................................................................3 1.6 Upgrade Arrangement....................................................................................................................................................3

2 Preparing for the Upgrade.............................................................4 2.1 Obtaining User Passwords..............................................................................................................................................4 2.2 Querying the OS Version................................................................................................................................................4 2.3 Obtaining Upgrade Software and Documents................................................................................................................5 2.4 Pre-upgrade Check.........................................................................................................................................................6 2.4.1 Check root Login Authority.........................................................................................................................................6 2.4.2 Checking .bak Files in the /etc/sysconfig/network Directory.....................................................................................6 2.5 Uploading and Verifying the Upgrade Package.............................................................................................................7

3 (Optional) Backing Up Service Data................................................9 3.1 Backing Up Service Data...............................................................................................................................................9

4 Performing the Upgrade..............................................................11 4.1 Upgrading the OS.........................................................................................................................................................11

5 Verifying the Upgrade.................................................................13 5.1 Verifying the Upgrade..................................................................................................................................................13 5.1.1 Querying the OS Version...........................................................................................................................................13

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data.................................................................................. 14 6.1 (Optional) How Do I Restore the Automatic SAU Service Startup Function After the OS Restart?...........................14 6.2 (Optional) Restoring Service Data of the SAU Board.................................................................................................17

7 Rolling Back to the Source Version...............................................19 7.1 Precautions for Version Rollback.................................................................................................................................19 7.2 Rollback........................................................................................................................................................................19 Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

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Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide


7.3 Verifying Version Rollback..........................................................................................................................................20 7.3.1 Querying the OS Version...........................................................................................................................................20

8 FAQs........................................................................................... 22 8.1 How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer Files?...................................................................................................................22 8.2 How Do I Enable or Disable the Direct Login Permission for User root?...................................................................23 8.2.1 How Do I Enable the Direct Login Permission for User root?.................................................................................24 8.2.2 How Do I Disable the Direct Login Permission for User root?................................................................................24 8.3 How Do I Stop SAU Processes?..................................................................................................................................24 8.4 How Do I Check SAU Processes?................................................................................................................................25 8.5 What Do I Do When the OS Cannot Be Started After It Is Upgraded?.......................................................................26 8.6 How Do I Clean the Link Mode Warning of the External Ethernet Adapter?..............................................................26 8.7 How Do I Install the OpenPGP Signature Verification Tool?......................................................................................27

A Upgrade Record..........................................................................29

Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data


Before You Start

1.1 Application Scenario This document describes how to upgrade the operating system (OS) of the SAUa or SAUc and ESAUa boards from a version described in section 1.2"Version Requirements" to V200R003CXXSPCXXX.

1.2 Version Requirements This section describes the version requirements for the upgrade. For details, see Table 1.1. It is recommended that the versions list in Table 1.1 be upgraded to V200R003CXXSPCXXX, which is more stable. If the version of the OS for the SAU board is later than any of the source versions in Table 1.1, no upgrade is required. Table 1.1 Version requirements Hardware Type

Source Version

Target Version




V100R001C03.1 V100R001C03SPC030 V200R003C02SPC080 V200R003C02SPC090 V200R003C08 V200R003C08SPC080 V200R003C08SPC100 V200R003C08SPC120

Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data

Hardware Type

Source Version

Target Version

V200R003C08SPC130 V200R003C08SPC150 SAUc



V200R003C02SPC060 V200R003C02SPC061 V200R003C02SPC070 V200R003C02SPC080 V200R003C02SPC090 V200R003C08 V200R003C08SPC080 V200R003C08SPC100 V200R003C08SPC120 V200R003C08SPC130 V200R003C08SPC150 ESAUa



V100R001C00SPC050 V100R001C00SPC060 V100R001C00SPC070 V100R001C00SPC080 V100R001C00SPC090 V200R003C08SPC080 V200R003C08SPC100 V200R003C08SPC120 V200R003C08SPC150

Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data

1.3 Estimated Upgrade Time The upgrade takes about 20 minutes.

1.4 Impact on the System During the Upgrade Impact on Services 

The Dopra Linux OS will be restarted after it is upgraded, and all OS services will be interrupted during the restart.

The alarm indicating a disconnection from the OMU host will be generated during the restart of the OS and will be cleared automatically after the restart.

After the OS is upgraded, the OS will be set to the OS hardening mode by default, you can log in to the SAU board remotely only as user lgnusr during security hardening, the password of user root will be set to the password before the upgrade.

Other Impacts 

If you upgrade the service software and OS in sequence when both of them are being upgraded, the automatic service startup function will be lost. In this case, you need to restore the function by referring to the instructions provided in section 6.1"(Optional) How Do I Restore the Automatic SAU Service Startup Function After the OS Restart?"

After the OS is upgraded, the Ethernet link mode of the external adapter will be restored to the default value, which may cause a link alarm. In this case, refer to section 8.6"How Do I Clean the Link Mode Warning of the External Ethernet Adapter?" to clear the alarm.

1.5 Upgrade Precautions 

All SFTP upload or download in this document is performed using FileZilla.

Check whether import service data needs to be backed up. If yes, upgrade the data by referring to the instructions provided in section 3.1"Backing Up Service Data."

Before the upgrade, run the df -h command to check the usage of the disks on which each directory is mounted. If the usage of any disk is greater than 95%, contact Huawei technical support to assess risks.

1.6 Upgrade Arrangement If there is a large number of SAUs on the live network, it is recommended that multiple personnel perform the upgrade or the upgrade be performed by batch.

Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data


Preparing for the Upgrade

This chapter describes how to prepare for the upgrade. All the preparations must be made one week before the upgrade.

2.1 Obtaining User Passwords Obtain passwords of the following users before the upgrade: 

Password of user root for the OS to be upgraded

(Optional and available after security hardening) Password of user lgnusr for the OS to be upgraded

2.2 Querying the OS Version Run the following command to query the current OS version. Only the source versions listed in 11Table 1.1 can be upgraded. # cat /etc/DL-Release

Information similar to the following is displayed, where VXXXRXXXCXX is the OS version. The information next to VXXXRXXXCXX is the suffix ID of an OS. For example, 2013020218321359847962 or Jasper-OMU-V100R001C02. SAUa board: VXXXRXXXCXXSPCXXX.20XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX SAUc board: VXXXRXXXCXX.Jasper-OMU-VXXXRXXXCXX or DopraLinuxVXXXRXXXCXX.1 ESAUa board: RTOS-VXXXRXXXCXXSPCXXX.20XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

You only need to check that the OS version is correct and do not need to focus on the suffix ID. For details about the different versions of the OS for the SAU board that supports the upgrade, see 11Table 1.1.

Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data

2.3 Obtaining Upgrade Software and Documents Log in to and obtain the upgrade software and documents based on Table 1.1 one week before the upgrade. Table 1.1 Upgrade software and documents Software Package Name


How to Obtain

Tools for remote login

This tool is used for logging in to the server.

Support > Software > Wireless Network > Wireless Network Common > SingleRAN > SingleRAN_O&M tools


When the OS version for the SAU is Dopra Linux V200R003C08SPC080/RTOS V200R003C08SPC080 or later, the PuTTY version must be 0.63 or later. Otherwise, logging in to the SAU will fail.

This tool is used for uploading local files to the server.

Support > Tools > Mini-tool Software > Core Network Product Line > Wireless-OSS > iManager M2000-II > Public Tools

OpenPGP Signature Verification

This tool is used for verifying the OS upgrade package of the SAUa,SAUc and ESAUa boards.

Huawei technical support engineers can obtain the tool package from gitalSignatureAction.


OS upgrade package of the SAUa and SAUc boards

Support > Software > Wireless Network > Wireless Network Common > SingleRAN > SingleRAN_O&M tools


Signature file for the OS upgrade package of the SAUa and SAUc boards

Support > Software > Wireless Network > Wireless Network Common > SingleRAN > SingleRAN_O&M tools


OS upgrade package of the eSAUa board

Support > Software > Wireless Network > Wireless Network Common > SingleRAN > SingleRAN_O&M tools


Signature file for the OS upgrade package of the ESAUa board

Support > Software > Wireless Network > Wireless Network Common > SingleRAN > SingleRAN_O&M tools

Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data

Software Package Name


How to Obtain

Nastar Product Documentation

Reference documents

Support > Product Support > Global Service > Managing Customer Experience ServiceSmartCare > Network Optimization Service > GENEX Nastar > Product Documentation

2.4 Pre-upgrade Check 2.4.1 Check root Login Authority You should ensure you can directly log in to the SAU board as the user root before upgrading the OS. Otherwise you cannot transfer Files using FileZilla. It will affect OS upgrade.

Prerequisites 

You have obtained the IP address of the target SAU board.

You have obtained the passwords of users root and lgnusr for the SAU board.

Procedure Step 1 If OS security hardening has been performed, log in to the SAU board as user lgnusr and then switch to user root. Otherwise, log in to the SAU board as user root. Step 2 Go to section 2.4.2"Checking .bak Files in the /etc/sysconfig/network Directory." ----End

2.4.2 Checking .bak Files in the /etc/sysconfig/network Directory Before upgrading the OS, delete the .bak files from the /etc/sysconfig/network directory. Otherwise, network exceptions such as disconnection may occur after the upgrade.

Prerequisites You have logged in to the SAU.

Procedure Step 1 Check that user root has logged in to the SAU board. Step 2 Run the following command to delete the .bak files from the /etc/sysconfig/network directory: #rm -rf /etc/sysconfig/network/*.bak

Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data


2.5 Uploading and Verifying the Upgrade Package This section describes how to upload the required Dopra Linux upgrade package.

Prerequisites 

You have obtained the required software package.

You have installed the OpenPGP digital signature verification tool.

Procedure To upload the upgrade package, perform the following steps: Step 1 If OS security hardening has been performed, log in to the SAU board as user lgnusr and then switch to user root. Otherwise, log in to the SAU board as user root. Step 2 Run the following command to create the upgrade directory: # mkdir -p /mbsc/osupgrade

Step 3 Use FileZilla to upload the upgrade package. If OS security hardening has not been performed, upload the upgrade package using the following methods: 

For the SAUa and SAUc boards, use FileZilla to upload the upgrade package and signature file to the /mbsc/osupgrade directory as user root.

For the ESAUa board, use FileZilla to upload the upgrade package and signature file to the /mbsc/osupgrade directory as user root.

If OS security hardening has been performed, upload the upgrade package using the following methods: 

Use FileZilla to upload the upgrade package and signature file as user lgnusr to the home directory (for example, /home/lgnusr) of the user, and then log in to the SAU board to move the upgrade package from the home directory to the /mbsc/osupgrade directory.

Run the following command to upload the upgrade package of the SAUa and SAUc boards: # mv /home/lgnusr/* /mbsc/osupgrade

Run the following command to upload the upgrade package of the eSAUa board: # mv /home/lgnusr/* /mbsc/osupgrade

For detailed operations, see section 8.1"How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer Files?" Step 4 Verify the upgrade package signature.

Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data 

Run the following commands to verify the upgrade package of the SAUa and SAUc boards: # cd /mbsc/osupgrade/ # /opt/PGPVerify/PGPVerify -k /opt/PGPVerify/KEYS -f

Run the following commands to verify the upgrade package of the ESAUa board: # cd /mbsc/osupgrade/ # /opt/PGPVerify/PGPVerify -k /opt/PGPVerify/KEYS -f If "/opt/PGPVerify/PGPVerify: No such file or directory" or "[ERROR]:Can't find file, file: /opt/PGPVerify/KEYS" is displayed, you need to install the verification tool. For detailed operations, see section 8.7"How Do I Install the OpenPGP Signature Verification Tool?" If the command output contains "[PASS]:Good Signature", the server software package is intact. Otherwise, upload the software package again.

Step 5 Decompress the upgrade package. 

Run the following commands to decompress the upgrade package of the SAUa and SAUc boards: # cd /mbsc/osupgrade/ # unzip

Run the following commands to decompress the upgrade package of the eSAUa board: # cd /mbsc/osupgrade/ # unzip


Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data


(Optional) Backing Up Service Data This chapter describes how to back up data one day before the upgrade.

3.1 Backing Up Service Data Background If a customer wants to save service data before the upgrade, you must back up the service data in advance.

Prerequisites 

A PC or portable computer used for storing backup data is available.

The IP address of the PC or portable computer is on the same network segment as the debugging IP address (ETH2 network adapter) of the SAU board.

The PC or portable computer has been connected to the ETH2 network adapter of the SAU board by using a network cable, and is communicating with the SAU board properly.

Procedure To back up service data of the SAU board, perform the following steps: Step 1 If OS security hardening has been performed, log in to the SAU board as user lgnusr and then switch to user root. If OS security hardening has not been performed, directly log in to the SAU board as user root. Step 2 Stop SAU processes. For detailed operations, see section 8.3"How Do I Stop SAU Processes?" Step 3 If OS security hardening has been performed, enable the direct login permission for user root temporarily.

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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data

For detailed operations, see section 8.2.1"How Do I Enable the Direct Login Permission for User root?" Back up datasource data: Use FileZilla to download data files from the /mbsc/bam/common/sau/datasource directory on the SAU board to the d:\data\datasource directory on a PC or a laptop as user root. Back up datafile data: 

If the Nastar services have been installed, perform the following operation: −

If the EMS services have been installed, perform the following operation: −

Use FileZilla to download data files from the /mbsc/sau/data/common/datafile directory on the SAU board to the d:\data\ransau directory on a PC or a laptop as user root. Use FileZilla to download data files from the /mbsc/emssau/data/common/datafile directory on the SAU board to the d:\data\emssau directory on a PC or a laptop as user root.

If the EBC services have been installed, perform the following operation: −

Use FileZilla to download data files from the /mbsc/ebcsau/data/common/datafile directory on the SAU board to the d:\data\ebcsau directory on a PC or a laptop as user root.

For detailed operations, see section 8.1"How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer Files?" After all data is backed up, if OS security hardening has been performed, disable the direct login permission for user root temporarily. For detailed operations, see section 8.2.2"How Do I Disable the Direct Login Permission for User root?" ----End

Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data


Performing the Upgrade

4.1 Upgrading the OS Prerequisites 

You have logged in to the SAU.

You have decompressed the upgrade package.

Procedure Step 1 If OS security hardening has been performed, log in to the SAU board as user lgnusr and then switch to user root. Otherwise, log in to the SAU board as user root. Step 2 Stop SAU processes before the upgrade. For detailed operations, see section 8.3"How Do I Stop SAU Processes?" Step 3 Execute the OS upgrade scripts. Run the following commands on the SAUa board: # cd /mbsc/osupgrade/V200R003CXXSPCXXX # bash ./ omua

If the system displays "DL Upgrade Successful", the upgrade is successful. Run the following commands on the SAUc board: # cd /mbsc/osupgrade/V200R003CXXSPCXXX # bash ./ omuc

If the system displays "Upgrade Jasper LinuxDrv for omuc Completed!", the upgrade is successful. Run the following commands on the eSAUa board: # cd /mbsc/osupgrade/V200R003CXXSPCXXX # bash ./ omud

If the system displays "Successful to upgrading omud, need reboot", the upgrade is successful. Step 4 Run the following commands to restart the OS: Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data # sync;sync;sync; # reboot

The OS restart takes about 5 minutes. Wait for about 5 minutes and then try to log in to the OS again.

If the OS cannot be started after the restart, reset the board by referring to section 8.5"What Do I Do When the OS Cannot Be Started After It Is Upgraded?" If the problem persists, contact Huawei technical support.

After the OS is upgraded, you cannot log in to the OS as user root directly.

The default login user name is lgnusr, and the default password is osnormal@123. If user lgnusr exists before the upgrade, its password remains unchanged after the upgrade.

After logging in to the server as user lgnusr, you can run the following command to switch to user root, and the password of user root remains unchanged: # su - root


Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data


Verifying the Upgrade

5.1 Verifying the Upgrade 5.1.1 Querying the OS Version To query the OS version, perform the following steps: Step 1 Log in to the upgraded server as user lgnusr. The default password is osnormal@123. Step 2 Run the following command to query the OS version: # cat /etc/DL-Release

When the following information is displayed, the OS version is correct: SAUa board: V200R003CXXSPCXXX.20XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX SAUc board: V200R003CXXSPCXXX.Jasper-OMU-VXXXRXXXCXX ESAUa board: RTOS-V200R003CXXSPCXXX.20XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Step 3 After the system restarts for 10 minutes, check whether SAU services are properly started based on the instructions in section 8.4"How Do I Check SAU Processes?" Step 4 If SAU services are not started, restore the services by following the instructions provided in section 6.1"(Optional) How Do I Restore the Automatic SAU Service Startup Function After the OS Restart?" ----End

Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data


(Optional) Restoring the

Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data This chapter describes how to restore the automatic service startup function that becomes unavailable due to the upgrade of the OS and how to use the backup data to restore the service data that is lost due to exceptions occurring in the OS upgrade.

6.1 (Optional) How Do I Restore the Automatic SAU Service Startup Function After the OS Restart? Prerequisites 

You have logged in to the SAU.

Communication between the PC or portable computer and the SAU board is proper.

Procedure To restore the function, perform the following steps: Step 1 If OS security hardening has been performed, log in to the SAU board as user lgnusr and then switch to user root. If OS security hardening has not been performed, directly log in to the SAU board as user root. Step 2 Run the following command to check whether the system file rc.local exists: # ls -l /etc/rc.d/rc.local 

If a value is returned, the file exists. Proceed to Step 3.

If no value is returned, run the following command:

# echo "#!/bin/bash" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local

Step 3 Perform the following operations based on the installation information.

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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data



The Nastar service software has been installed

1. Run the following commands to add the system startup configuration: # echo "unset RAN_TYPE" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local # echo ". /opt/ransau/" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local # echo "/opt/ransau/bin/ran_start" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local

2. Run the following command to check whether the addition is successfully: # cat /etc/rc.d/rc.local

If the following information is displayed, the addition is successful. Otherwise, contact Huawei technical support. unset RAN_TYPE . /opt/ransau/ /opt/ransau/bin/ran_start

The DF service software has been installed

1. Run the following commands to add the system startup configuration: # echo "unset RAN_TYPE" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local # echo ". /opt/df/" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local # echo "/opt/df/bin/df_start" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local

2. Run the following command to check whether the addition is successfully: # cat /etc/rc.d/rc.local

If the following information is displayed, the addition is successful. Otherwise, contact Huawei technical support. unset RAN_TYPE . /opt/df/ /opt/df/bin/df_start

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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data



The EBC service software has been installed

1. Run the following commands to add the system startup configuration: # echo "unset RAN_TYPE" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local # echo ". /opt/ebcsau/" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local # echo "/opt/ ebcsau/bin/sau4ebc_start" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local

2. Run the following command to check whether the addition is successfully: # cat /etc/rc.d/rc.local

If the following information is displayed, the addition is successful. Otherwise, contact Huawei technical support. unset RAN_TYPE . /opt/ ebcsau/ /opt/ ebcsau/bin/sau4ebc_start

The EMS service software has been installed

1. Run the following commands to add the system startup configuration: # echo "unset RAN_TYPE" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local # echo ". /opt/emssau/" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local # echo "/opt/emssau/bin/sau4ems_start" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local

2. Run the following command to check whether the addition is successfully: # cat /etc/rc.d/rc.local

If the following information is displayed, the addition is successful. Otherwise, contact Huawei technical support. unset RAN_TYPE . /opt/emssau/ /opt/emssau/bin/sau4ems_start

Step 4 Assume that the Nastar and EBC have been deployed together. Run the following command: # cat /etc/rc.d/rc.local

The following information is displayed:

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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data

Step 5 Run the following commands to restart the OS: # sync;sync;sync; # reboot

The OS restart takes about 5 minutes. Wait for about 5 minutes and then try to log in to the OS again. ----End

6.2 (Optional) Restoring Service Data of the SAU Board Prerequisites 

You have backed up service data.

The IP address of the PC or portable computer is on the same network segment as the debugging IP address (ETH2 network adapter) of the SAU board.

The PC or portable computer has been connected to the ETH2 network adapter of the SAU board by using a network cable, and is communicating with the SAU board properly.

Procedure To upload backup service data of the SAU board to the SAU board, perform the following steps: Step 1 If OS security hardening has been performed, log in to the SAU board as user lgnusr and then switch to user root. Otherwise, log in to the SAU board as user root. Step 2 Stop SAU processes. For detailed operations, see section 8.3"How Do I Stop SAU Processes?" Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data

Step 3 If OS security hardening has been performed, enable the direct login permission for user root temporarily. For detailed operations, see section 8.2.1"How Do I Enable the Direct Login Permission for User root?" Restore datasource data: 

Use FileZilla to upload data files from the d:\data\datasource directory on a PC or a laptop to the /mbsc/bam/common/sau/datasource directory on the SAU board as user root.

Restore datafile data: If the Nastar services have been installed, perform the following operation: 

Use FileZilla to upload data files from the d:\data\ransau\datafile directory on a PC or a laptop to the /mbsc/sau/data/common/datafile directory on the SAU board as user root.

If the EMS services have been installed, perform the following operation: 

Use FileZilla to upload data files from the d:\data\emssau\datafile directory on a PC or a laptop to the /mbsc/emssau/data/common/datafile directory on the SAU board as user root.

If the EBC services have been installed, perform the following operation: 

Use FileZilla to upload data files from the d:\data\ebcsau\datafile directory on a PC or a laptop to the /mbsc/ebcsau/data/common/datafile directory on the SAU board as user root.

For detailed operations, see section 8.1"How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer Files?" After all data is restored, if OS security hardening has been performed, disable the direct login permission for user root temporarily. For detailed operations, see section 8.2.2"How Do I Disable the Direct Login Permission for User root?" When a customer does not need to restore service data, the following error information is displayed. Ignore it. /opt/ransau/etc/location/bin/ line 335: cd: /opt/ransau/data/common/datasource/gsm_mr/: No such file or directory /opt/ransau/etc/location/bin/ line 338: cd: /opt/ransau/data/common/datasource/gsm_chr/: No such file or directory /opt/ransau/etc/location/bin/ line 341: cd: /opt/ransau/data/common/datasource/gsm_gphr/: No such file or directory


Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data


Rolling Back to the Source Version


To roll back the version to the source version.


After the rollback, you must restart the OS and all services are unavailable during the restart.

Time Required

The rollback takes about 5 minutes.



7.1 Precautions for Version Rollback This section describes the precautions for rolling back the SAU version. 

Before the version rollback, you have to be approved by Huawei technical support.

Before the rollback, ensure that all upgrade logs have been downloaded. The upgrade logs are /var/log/dlupgrade.log and /var/log/upgrade_term.log. If the OMUC board is upgraded, the /var/log/bsp directory also saves the upgrade log. Download all the logs to the local PC and then contact Huawei technical support.

7.2 Rollback Background The rollback takes about 5 minutes.

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Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data

Procedure Step 1 Log in to the target server after the upgrade as user lgnusr. If user lgnusr is available before the upgrade, use the original password for the login. Otherwise, use the default password osnormal@123 for the login. Step 2 Run the following command to switch to user root: # su - root

Step 3 Stop SAU services before the upgrade based on the instructions in section 8.3"How Do I Stop SAU Processes?" Step 4 Perform the rollback. Run the following commands on the SAUa board: # cd /mbsc/osupgrade/V200R003CXXSPCXXX # bash ./ rollback

If the system displays "DL Rollback Successful", the rollback is successful. Run the following commands on the SAUc board: # cd /mbsc/osupgrade/V200R003CXXSPCXXX # bash ./ rollback

If the system displays "Rollback Jasper LinuxDrv for omuc Completed!", the rollback is successful. Run the following commands on the eSAUa board: # cd /mbsc/osupgrade/V200R003CXXSPCXXX # bash ./ rollback

If the system displays "Successful to Rollback, need reboot", the rollback is successful. Step 5 Run the following commands to restart the OS: # sync;sync;sync; # reboot

The OS restart takes about 5 minutes. Wait for about 5 minutes and then try to log in to the OS again. ----End

7.3 Verifying Version Rollback 7.3.1 Querying the OS Version To query the OS version, perform the following steps: Step 1 If OS security hardening has been performed, log in to the SAU board as user lgnusr and then switch to user root. If OS security hardening has not been performed, directly log in to the SAU board as user root. Step 2 Run the following command to query the OS version: # cat /etc/DL-Release

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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data

If the displayed version is the same as that queried in section 2.2"Querying the OS Version," the version rollback is correct. Step 3 After the system restarts for 10 minutes, check whether SAU services are properly started by following the instructions provided in section 8.4"How Do I Check SAU Processes?" Step 4 If SAU services are not started, restore the services by following the instructions provided in section 6.1"(Optional) How Do I Restore the Automatic SAU Service Startup Function After the OS Restart?" ----End

Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data



8.1 How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer Files? The SAU board supports SFTP transfer by default as SFTP transfer improves file transfer security. FileZilla is a dedicated file transfer tool that supports both SFTP transfer and resumable download. You are advised to use FileZilla to transfer files.

Prerequisites 

You have obtained the IP address of the target SAU board.

Communication between the PC and the target SAU board is proper.

You have obtained from and have decompressed it to your PC. You can click Software Center to navigate to the software search area and use the package name as a keyword to quickly locate the tool package.

You have obtained the user passwords for the SAU board.

Procedure Step 1 Double-click filezilla.exe to start the tool. Step 2 Click

in the upper left area of the FileZilla window.

Step 3 In the lower left area of the displayed Site Manager dialog box, click New Site. Step 4 On the General tab page, set site parameters according to 1Table 1.1. Table 1.1 Parameters in the Site Manager dialog box Paramet er



Enter the IP address of the target SAU board.


22 Port 22 is the default port used for SFTP transfer.

Server type Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

SFTP Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data

Paramet er


Logon type



Enter the user name and password of the target SAU board. The user must have permission to access the destination directory.


Step 5 Click Connect.

You can ignore the dialog box displayed during server connection and click OK in the dialog box.

After the connection is successful, the Remote Site area displays directory information on the remote server.

Step 6 In the Remote site area, set the target directory on the SAU board. For example, /mbsc/osupgrade. After you set the directory, the Local site area displays all files stored in this directory. Step 7 In the Local site area, set the source directory on the PC. For example, D:\FILE. After you set the directory, the Local site area displays all files stored in this directory. Step 8 Perform the following operations as required. Purpos e


Upload files

In the Local site area, right-click the file to be uploaded and choose Upload from the shortcut menu.

Download files

In the Remote site area, right-click the file to be downloaded and choose Download from the shortcut menu.

If the upload or download fails, click the Failed transfers tab in the lower left area of the FileZilla window. Then right-click the file that fails to be transferred and choose Reset and requeue selected files from the shortcut menu to resume the file transfer.


8.2 How Do I Enable or Disable the Direct Login Permission for User root? After being upgraded, the OS is in OS hardening mode. This indicates that you have to log in to the OS as user lgnusr (account in OS hardening mode) and then switch to user root.

Risk Risks exist if you enable the direct login permission for user root. Ensure that you have obtained customers' permission before you enable the permission. Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

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Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data

Prerequisites 

You have obtained the IP address of the target SAU board.

Communication between the PC and the target SAU board is proper.

8.2.1 How Do I Enable the Direct Login Permission for User root? Procedure Step 1 Log in to the OS as user lgnusr and then switch to user root. Step 2 To enable the direct login permission for user root, change the value of PermitRootLogin in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to yes. Step 3 Run the following command to restart the SSH service: # killall sshd


8.2.2 How Do I Disable the Direct Login Permission for User root? Procedure Step 1 Log in to the OS as user root. Step 2 To disable the direct login permission for user root, change the value of PermitRootLogin in /etc/ssh/sshd_config to no. Step 3 Run the following command to restart the SSH service: # killall sshd


8.3 How Do I Stop SAU Processes? Prerequisites 

You have logged in to the SAU.

You have installed the SAU applications.

Procedure Step 1 Run the following commands to start SAU processes: Run the following commands if the Nastar services have been installed: # cd /opt/ransau # . ./ # ran_stop

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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data

The preceding commands apply to RANSAU V600R011 and later. In versions earlier than V600R011, see Nastar Product Documentation.

Run the following commands if the EMS services have been installed: # cd /opt/emssau # . ./ # sau4ems_stop

Run the following commands if the EBC services have been installed: # cd /opt/ebcsau # . ./ # sau4ebc_stop

Step 2 Run the following command to start the SAU board management process: # /etc/rc.d/saud stop

Step 3 Verify that all the SAU processes have been stopped. For detailed operations, see section 8.4"How Do I Check SAU Processes?" ----End

8.4 How Do I Check SAU Processes? Prerequisites You have logged in to the SAU.

Procedure To check SAU processes, perform the following steps: Step 1 (Optional) Run the following commands to query the status of the SAU processes: Run the following commands if the Nastar services have been installed: # cd /opt/ransau # . ./ # ran_ps

Run the following commands if the EMS services have been installed: # cd /opt/emssau # . ./ # sau4ems_ps

Run the following commands if the EBC services have been installed: # cd /opt/ebcsau # . ./ # sau4ebc_ps

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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data

The preceding commands apply to SAU V600R011 and later and later. In versions earlier than V600R011, see Nastar Product Documentation.

If the displayed information shows that a process is in the running state, the process is running properly.

If a process is in the not running state in the command output, the process has not started.

If the value following "Not Running:" is 0 in the command output, all the SAU processes are running properly. Otherwise, certain SAU processes have not started.

Step 2 Run the following command to query the status of the SAU board management process: # /etc/rc.d/saud status

An SAU board management process may be in either of the following states: 

running: indicates that a process is running properly.

unused: indicates that a process has stopped.


8.5 What Do I Do When the OS Cannot Be Started After It Is Upgraded? Prerequisites 

The OS has been upgraded successfully.

The reboot command has been executed.

Symptom The OS is not started after the reboot command is executed.

Procedure Restart the board by pressing the Reset button.

8.6 How Do I Clean the Link Mode Warning of the External Ethernet Adapter? This section describes how to clean the link mode warning of the external Ethernet adapter.

Prerequisites You have obtained Nastar Product Documentation. For detailed operations, see section 2.3"Obtaining Upgrade Software and Documents."

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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data

Procedure Step 1 Refer to Nastar Product Documentation: Service software Installation and Commissioning > SAU User Guide > FAQs > Hardware Problems Related to the SAU > How Can I Set the Link Mode of the External Ethernet Adapter of the SAU. ----End

8.7 How Do I Install the OpenPGP Signature Verification Tool? Prerequisites You have obtained the OpenPGP Signature Verification tool package.

Procedure Step 1 Decompress the OpenPGP Signature Verification tool package and obtain the public key file KEYS and the integrity check tool package Step 2 Decompress the tool package and obtain the integrity check tool installation package PGPVerify-x86_32.tar.gz from the generated VerificationTools\linux\X86\bit32\PGPVerify TOOL directory. Step 3 If OS security hardening has been performed, log in to the SAU board as user lgnusr and then switch to user root. If OS security hardening has not been performed, directly log in to the SAU board as user root. Step 4 Run the following command as user root to check whether the /opt/PGPVerify directory exists: # ls /opt/PGPVerify/ Step 5 If a message is displayed stating that the file or directory does not exist, proceed to Step 6 to create the directory. If the directory exists, go to Step 7. Step 6 Run the following command to create the /opt/PGPVerify directory as user root: # mkdir -p /opt/PGPVerify Step 7 Use FileZilla to upload the public key file and integrity check tool installation package to the /opt/PGPVerify directory on the SAU. For details about how to use FileZilla, see section 8.1"How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer Files?"

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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

6 (Optional) Restoring the Automatic Service Startup Function and Service Data



You can directly log in to the SAU board as user root

OS security hardening has not been performed on the SAU board. Before uploading files, configure the following information:

You can only log in to the SAU board as a user other than user root, such as user lgnusr, and then run the su - root command to switch to user root

User name and password: user root and its password

Files to be uploaded: KEYS and PGPVerifyx86_32.tar.gz

Directory on the SAU board: /opt/PGPVerify

OS security hardening has been performed on the SAU board. Before uploading files, configure the following information. After the upload is complete, go to Step 8. 

User name and password: user lgnusr and its password

Files to be uploaded: KEYS and PGPVerifyx86_32.tar.gz

Directory on the SAU board: /home/lgnusr

Step 8 If you upload files to the /home/lgnusr directory as user lgnusr, run the following commands as user root to move the public key file KEYS and the integrity check tool installation package PGPVerify-x86_32.tar.gz to the /opt/PGPVerify directory: # cd /home/lgnusr/ # mv KEYS PGPVerify-x86_32.tar.gz /opt/PGPVerify Step 9 Run the following commands to decompress the tool package: # cd /opt/PGPVerify # tar xf PGPVerify-x86_32.tar.gz ----End

Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Dopra Linux OS Upgrade Guide

A Upgrade Record


Upgrade Record

Site name

Upgrade date

Source version

Target version

Upgrade personnel

From the customer side: From Huawei side:

Upgrade result Check Item


Exception Handling

Pre-upgrade check

Upgrade check

Post-upgrade check

Issue 01 (2015-06-09)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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