DLL Cookery 10 Quarter 1 Week 1 230828073838 29db89bf

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10 Cookery 1-WEEK 1

A. Content Standards

TUESDAY WEDNESDAY August 29, 2023 August 30, 2023 The learners demonstrate an understanding in preparing egg dishes.

B. Performance Standards

The learners independently prepare and cook egg dishes.

C. Learning Competencies

LESSON 1: PREPARE EGG DISHES LO1: Perform Mise En Place 1.1 Identify an egg’s components and its nutritive value. Identify and prepare ingredients according to standards recipes.

D. Sub tasking (if needed)

At the end of this session, the At the end of this session, the learners At the end of this session, the At the end of this session, learners are able to; are able to; learners are able to; the learners are able to; a. Familiarize on the topic for b. Classify the kitchen tools, utensils a. Determine the parts of b. Recognize the good this quarter. and equipment needed in egg an egg; and bad quality of an b. Determines each student's preparation; and b. Explain the role of each egg; knowledge of and proficiency Explain how does tools, part of an egg. Determine the proper in the subject matter. utensils and equipment in a. egg grading. a. egg preparation helps people in their daily lives.

Write the LC code for each II. CONTENT (Subject Matter)

III. Learning Resources

MONDAY August 28, 2023

Dońa Maria Laurel Platon School of Agriculture JOYCEL S. SERRANO August 29- September 01, 2023 7:56-8:34- G10 Mahogany 8:54-9:42- G10 Acacia 9:42-10:30- G10 Molave 10:30-11:18- G10 Yakal


Orientation Egg Overview Pre-Test

TLE_HECK9-12ED-Ia-1 Kitchen Tools, Utensils and Equipment Needed in Egg Preparation

THURSDAY August 31, 2023


Physical Structure and Composition of Egg

FRIDAY September 01, 2023


Nutritive Value of Egg Egg Quality Egg Grading Egg size

A. References 1.Teacher’s Guide Pages 2. Curriculum Guide 2.Learner’s Materials Pages 3.Textbook Pages 4. Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) Portal) B. Other Learning Resources

IV.PROCEDURES A. Review Previous Lessons B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson (Motivation)

N/A N/A K to 12 Basic Education JHS TLE and SHS Technical-Vocational Track Home Economics- Cookery page 24 Cookery 9-10 Most Essential Learning Competencies Cookery 10 Quarter 1-Module 1 Learning Module Cookery 10 SLM DepEd N/A

Cookery 10 Quarter 1Module 1 SLM DepEd

Pencil and Pen

Visuals from Laptop and TV, pictures, actual tools, chalk, eraser, masking tape, speaker

Visuals from Laptop and TV, pictures, actual tools, chalk, eraser, masking tape, speaker

Visuals from Laptop and TV, pictures, actual tools, chalk, eraser, masking tape, speaker


`Conduct a recap of the previous discussion. Guess What?!

`Conduct a recap of the previous discussion.

`Conduct a recap of the previous discussion. Good or Bad?



C. Presenting examples /instances of the new lessons (show pics, videos, ppt) D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1. (PreDiscussion Activity) E. Discussing new concepts & practicing and concern to new skills #2

 Power point Presentation


 Power point Presentation

 Power point Presentation

Real egg The teacher will give a short orientation about what to expect in this lesson and quarter.

The teacher will give an introduction to the topic.

Kitchen Tools PRE-TEST (Provide a printed copy)


Egg Overview In cookery, egg refers to poultry or fowl products. The versatility of eggs is evident in its presence in numerous food items. Eggs may be eaten cooked in its shell, fried or


Colander – a perforated bowl of varying sizes made of stainless steel,aluminum or plastic. Offset spatula –It is used for turning and lifting eggs, pan cakes, and meats on griddles, grills, sheet pans, and the likes.

Physical Structure and Composition of Egg We normally distinguish 3parts of an egg, the shell, the egg white, and the egg yolk, but a closer scrutiny reveals more detailed components of an egg.

Nutritive Value of Egg Egg is indeed one of nature‘s complete food. It contains high quality protein with all the essential amino acids, all of the vitamins except vitamin C, and many minerals. Egg products are particularly good for

poached or may be combined with 3. other ingredients to produce another dish. In baking, egg acts both as an emulsifier and leavener. Eggs are produced 4. commercially in farms with a few hundred layingchickens, or in large laying complexes with thousands of layers. Small and micro-sized backyard poultry either in small 5. poultry cages or as free range chicken are also producing eggs. Egg is indeed a convenient food for any meal in and out of the house. 6.

Pastry Brush – a small implement used to brush the surface of unbaked pastries or cookies with egg white, egg yolk or glaze. Rubber scraper –It is used to scrape off all the contents of bowls and pans from the sides and fold in beaten eggs in batter or whipped cream. Sieve – type mesh supported by a round metal frame usedfor sifting dry ingredients like starch and flour. Wire whip or Whisk –It is used for blending, mixing, whipping eggs or batter, and for blending gravies, sauces, and soups.

Kitchen Utensils 1. Egg Poacher – A miniature Bain Marie with an upper dish containing indentations each sized to hold an egg or contains separate device forpoaching. 2. Omelet Pan –used exclusively for omelets and never washed after used but cleaned with absorbent paper. 3. Non- stick pan- A cookware is a common application, where the non-stick coating allows food to brown without sticking to the pan.

1. Shell. The egg‘s outer covering, the shell, accounts for about 9 to 12 % of its total weight depending on egg size. 2. Air cell. This is the empty space between the white and shell at the large end of the egg which is barely existent in newly laid egg. 3. Albumen/Egg white. Albumen, also called egg white, accounts for most of an egg‘s liquid weight, about 67%. 4. Chalaza. This is the ropey strands of egg white at both sides of the egg, which anchor the yolk in place in the center of the thick white. 5. Germinal Disc. This is the entrance of the latebra, the channel leading to the center of the yolk.

fortifying food low in protein quality. Except for mother‘s milk, eggs provide the best protein naturally available. Egg protein is often used as a reference standard for biological values of their proteins. Egg quality Egg quality has two general components: shell quality (exterior quality) and interior egg quality. Interior egg quality has direct bearing on the functional properties of eggs while shell quality has direct influence on microbiological quality. Egg Grading Grading is a form of quality control used to classify eggs for exterior and interior quality. In the Philippines, the grade designations are A, B, C, and D. Egg Size Several factors influence the size of the egg: breed, age of hen, weight, feed and environmental factors. Native chickens have



Sauce pan- deep cooking pan with a handle used primarily for cookingsauce. Mixing bowl - used for mixing ingredients.

Kitchen Equipment 1. Oven - a chamber or compartment used for cooking, baking, heating, or drying. 2. Electric mixer -A hand-held mixer which usually comes with various attachments including a whisk attachment for whisking cream, battersand egg whites, and sugar. Refrigerator - a kitchen appliance where you store food at a cool temperature.

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment) (activity after the lesson)

Checking of answer sheet of pretest.

G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts and skills in daily living (application)

How does poultry contribute to the economy?

Raise It Up! Materials: Small board, chalk and eraser Directions: Group the class into four, classify the following pictures being shown if they are Tools, Utensils or Equipment. Write their answers on the board and raise it after. The fastest group with the correct answer will earn the highest points. How does tools, utensils and equipment in egg preparation helps people in their daily lives?

6. Membranes. There are two kinds of membranes, one just under the shell and the other covering the yolk. These are the shell membrane and the vitelline membrane. Just inside the shell are two shell membranes, inner and outer. 7. Yolk. the yellow to yellow- orange portion makes up about33% of the liquid weight of the egg.

much smaller eggs than commercial breeds. Some commercial breeds have bigger eggs than others. Of the same breed, new layers tend to have smaller eggs compared to older hens. Pullets that are significantly underweight at sexual maturity will also produce small eggs. Better fed hens lay larger eggs than underfed ones. The environmental factors that lead to smaller eggs are heat, stress and overcrowding.

Identify the Parts!

The egg sizes are Jumbo, Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small and Peewee. Medium, Large, and Extra Large are the sizes commonly available. EGG or EX

How was the experienced working in a group?

Why it is important to understand the nutritional value of egg?

H. Making Generalizations & Abstractions about the lessons I. Evaluating Learning (assessment/test)

The teacher will summarize the topic and ask the learners questions that related to the topic.


The teacher will assess the result of pre-test

Identification Directions: Identify the following terms. Write your answer in ¼ sheet of paper. ________1. A chamber or compartment used for cooking, baking, heating,or drying. ________2. A cookware is a common application, where the nonstick coating. _______3. A kitchen appliance where you store food at a cooltemperature. ________4. It is used for turning and lifting eggs, pan cakes, and meats on griddles, grills, sheet pans, and the likes. ________5. A small implement used to brush the surface of unbaked pastries or cookies with egg white, egg yolk or glaze.

Matching Type Direction: Match Column A with Column B. Choose the letter of the correct and write your answer in your TLE notebook.


Note: The scores are depending on the answer of each representative. Answers 1. C 2. E 3. A 4. D 5. B

Answers 1. Oven 2. Non-stick pan 3. Refrigerator 4. Offset Spatula 5. Pastry Brush J. Additional activities for application or remediation (assignment/homework)

Search! Directions: Give five (5) of the following; a. Tools b. Utensils c. Equipment

Bring it On!


Portfolio Making

Directions: Group the learners into five members and bring the following next meeting:

Directions: Search for the Nutritive Value of an Egg. Write your answer in your TLE Notebook.

Directions: Make a Portfolio/ Compilation of pictures with illustration showing the qualities of a fresh egg in terms of egg size and grading. Your output will be rated using

one egg, bowl, toothpick

used in egg preparation. Write your answers in your TLE Notebook.

the scoring rubric. To be submitted next week.

V.REMARKS VI. Reflection A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who requires additional acts.for remediation who scored below 80% C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who caught up with the lessons D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation




E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal/supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovations or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:

____________________ JOYCEL S. SERRANO Teacher III Date: _____________________________

Checked by:

_______________________ JEFFERSON C. PADILLA Master Teacher I Date: ________________________________

Noted by: ________________ HECTOR A. CAPUA Head Teacher I Date: _____________________


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