DI-2200 Service Manual: Daiwha

March 21, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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GA-==00 Ynrvain Jocuok  Jocuok 


GOAUHO  Ifpyraeht © =0??, GOAUHO Ifrpfrotafc. Okk raehts rnsnrvng.

Jocuok Cf< GA-==00VYTJ-NC (]nv ?.05)


Whas jocuok prfvagns tnihcaiok gnsiraptafcs fd thn acdusafc pujp (Jfgnk< GA-==00) jocudoiturng my Goawho. ]npoar fr iariuat oktnrotafc fd thas nquapjnct ioc fcky mn iorrang fut my pnrsfc outhfrazng my Goawho. Whn worrocty shokk cft oppky tf gndnits fr gojoen iousng my rnpoars fr gasossnjmky my ocyfcn fthnr thoc pnrsfc outhfrazng my Goawho. Ports fr iariuats whaih orn usng dfr thas nquapjnct ioc mn rnpkoing tf ajprfvn thn sodnty ocg pnrdfrjocin fd thas nquapjnct. Ifctoit Goawho ad yfu hovn ocy qunstafcs rneorgace thn nquapjnct fr thn jocuok.




9, Qnfbsoj-rf 99-eak, Eocecoj-eu, Ynfuk, Bfrno


+8=-=->>8-?5?? 4




9, Qnfbsoj-rf 99-eak, Eocecoj-eu, Ynfuk, Bfrno





Yodnty prnioutafcs orn ikossadang os mnkfw ac oiifrgocin wath nxpnitng gocenr, snrafuscnss fd gojoen, ocg urenciy fd gocenr fiiurrncin. - Gocenr < O prnioutafc whaih ioc rnsukt ac irataiok pnrsfcok aclury fr ajjngaotn kfss fd kadn ad acstruitafcs orn cft dfkkfwng. - Uorcace Uorcace. Acsagn thn Gffr ............................................. .............................................................................. ................................................................ ............................... ?4  =.4. Jncu Wrnn ................................................................ ................................................................................................. ..................................................... .................... ?5  =.5. Ynttace Jfgn? ocg Ynttace Jfgn= ................................................................. ............................................................................... .............. ?5  =.5.?. Ynttace Jfgn Ifctrfk ocg swatih jncu ............................................................ ............................................................ =0  =.5.=. Ynttace Jfgn? ........................................................................................... .................................................................................................... ......... =0  =.5.9. Ynttace Jfgn = .............................................................. ................................................................................................. ..................................... .. =>  =.8. Ynttace ]ocen ................................................ ................................................................................. ................................................................ ............................... 9=  =.1. Ynt tf Doitfry Gndoukt Acataokazotafc ............................................................... ............................................................................. .............. 99  =.?0. Hastfry Kfe Tanw Jncu-Nvnct Ynknitafc & kfwnr knvnk jncu snknitafc ...... ............... ......... 97 

9. Acspnitafc Prfingurns ..................................................................................................................9>  9.?. Pfwnr Yuppky Acspnitafc ............................................................... .............................................................................................. ............................... 9>  9.=. Grfppace Wnst .......................................................... ........................................................................................... ..................................................... .................... 9>  9.9.

Oiiuroiy Wnst .................................................................. ..................................................................................................... .......................................... ....... 9> 

9.7. Gffr Fpnc Okorj Wnst ....................................................... ........................................................................................ .......................................... ......... 94  9.>. Oar Okorj Wnst .................................................................... ....................................................................................................... .......................................... ....... 94  9.4. Fiikusafc Okorj Wnst ................................... .................................................................... ................................................................ ............................... 94  9.5. Mottnry Kfw Okorj Wnst ..................................................................... .............................................................................................. ......................... 94  9.8. Nknitraiok Yodnty Wnst.............................................................. ................................................................................................. ..................................... .. 95  9.1. ^snr Joactncocin .. ................................... ................................................................... .................................................................... .................................... .. 95 

7. Ynrvain Jfgn.................................................................................................................................... 98  7.?. Acspnitace YJPY ................................................ .................................................................................. ........................................................... ......................... 91 



7.=. Acspnitace Mottnry ................................................... .................................................................................... ..................................................... .................... 9 91 1  7.9. Acspnitace Oar Yncsfr ........................................ .......................................................................... ........................................................... ......................... 70  7.7. Acspnitace Fiikusafc Yncsfr ............................................................... ........................................................................................ ......................... 7?  7.>. Acspnitace Grfp Yncsfr ........................................... ............................................................................ ..................................................... .................... 7 7= =  7.4. Acspnitace Gffr Yncsfr ..................................... ....................................................................... ........................................................... ......................... 79  7.5. Acspnitace Gaspkoy(DCG, KNG) ........................................... ............................................................................ .......................................... ......... 77  7.8. Acspnitace Bny Pog ................................................................... ..................................................................................................... .................................... .. 77  7.1. Acspnitace JI^ A/F Pfrt .............................................. ................................................................................ ................................................ .............. 7>  7.?0. Acspnitace Jftfr Ihnib ......................................................... .......................................................................................... .................................... ... 7>  7.??.

Acspnitace ocg Ynttace Iokamrotafc........................................................................... Iokamrotafc........................................................................... 74 

7.?=. Acspnitace ocg Ynttace Doitfry Doitf ry Iokamrotafc ................................ ............................................................... ............................... 75 

>. Fpnrotace Jnihocasj .................................................................................................................. 78  >.?. Mkfib Gaoeroj ............................................................... ................................................................................................. ................................................ .............. 78  >.=. Joacs Pfwnr Yuppky .......................................... ............................................................................ ........................................................... ......................... 78  >.9. Joac Mforg Ossnjmky.............................................................. ................................................................................................. ..................................... .. 71  >.7. Bny Ifctrfks .................................................................. ................................................................................................... ............................................... .............. 71  >.>. Gaspkoys ......................................................... .......................................................................................... ................................................................ ............................... 71  >.4. Jftfr Ifctrfk ................................................................. .................................................................................................. ............................................... .............. 71  >.5. Yncsfrs ............................................... ................................................................................ .................................................................. .......................................... ......... >0 

4. Nknitraiok Uarace Acspnitafc ........................................................................................................ >?  4.?. YJPY ............................................................. .............................................................................................. ................................................................ ............................... >?  4.=. Joac mforg ......................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................... ......................... >?  4.9. Gaspkoy mforg ........................................................... ............................................................................................ ..................................................... .................... >=  4.7. Oar sncsfr................................................................. .................................................................................................. ..................................................... .................... >=  4.>. Okorjs ................................................................. .................................................................................................. .......................................................... ......................... >=  4.4. Ihnibnr mforg ossnjmky ............................................................... .............................................................................................. ............................... >=  4.5. Gffr fpnc sncsfr ......................................... .......................................................................... ................................................................ ............................... >=  4.8. Fiikusafc sncsfr................................................................. sncsfr.................................................................................................... .......................................... ....... >9 

5. Pfw Pfwnr nr Yuppky Acspnitafc ............................................................................................................. >7  5.?. Joac? Mforg .......... ............................................ .................................................................... ................................................................... .................................... ... >7  5.=. Joac= Mforg .......... ............................................ .................................................................... ................................................................... .................................... ... >>  5.9. Gaspkoy Mforg .......................................... ............................................................................ ................................................................... .................................... ... >4  5.7. Oar sncsfr................................................................. .................................................................................................. ..................................................... .................... >5  5.>. Okorj .................................................. ................................................................................... .................................................................. .......................................... ......... >5   5.4. Ihnibnr .............................................. ............................................................................... .................................................................. .......................................... ......... >8  



5.5. Gffr Yncsfr ................................................................... .................................................................................................... ............................................... .............. >8  5.8. Fiikusafc Yncsfr .................................... ...................................................................... .................................................................... .................................... .. >1 

8. Wrfumknshfft rfumknshfftace ace ...............................................................................................................................40  8.?. Wrfumknshfftace Womkn ...................... ....................................................... .................................................................. .......................................... ......... 40  8.?.?. Pfwnr suppky ocg mottnry prfmknjs .............................................................. ................................................................. ... 40  8.?.=. Gaspkoy prfmknjs ....................................................................... ................................................................................................ ......................... 4?  8.?.9. Bny prfmknjs ........................................... ............................................................................. ........................................................... ......................... 4?  8.?.7. Fiikusafc sncsfr prfmknjs .................................................................. ................................................................................ .............. 4=  8.?.>. Oar sncsfr prfmknjs .................................................................. ........................................................................................... ......................... 49  8.?.4. Gffr sncsfr prfmknjs ............................................................... ........................................................................................ ......................... 47  8.?.5. Grfp sncsfr prfmknjs ............................................................... ........................................................................................ ......................... 47  8.?.8. Ypnobnr Yfucg prfmknjs ................................................................ .................................................................................... .................... 47 

8.?.1. Fthnrs.......................... Fthnrs............................................................. .................................................................... ..................................................... .................... 4> 

1. Gasossnj Gasossnjmky mky ocg Oglustjnct .................................................................................................... 45  1.?. Ynporotafc fd Iosn-Drfct Drfj Iosn-]nor (Ynn ?0.=) ............................................. ............................................. 45  1.=. Ynporotafc fd Iosn-Drfct Drfj Mosn Drojn (Ynn ?0.7) ........................................... ........................................... 45  1.9. ]npkoinjnct fd Joac PIM Ossnjmky (Ynn ?0.>) .................................... ........................................................ .................... 45  1.7. Ynporotafc fd f d Pujpace (Ynn ?0.4) ...................................................................... ............................................................................... ......... 45  1.>. Ynporotafc fd Gffr (Ynn ?0.5 & ?0.8) .................................................................. ......................................................................... ....... 48  1.4. ]npkoinjnct fd Oar Yncsfr Ossnjmky (Ynn ?0.1) ....................................................... ....................................................... 48  1.5. ]npkoinjnct fd Fiikusafc Fiik usafc Yncsfr (Ynn ?0.1) ? 0.1) ............................................................. ............................................................. 48  1.8. ]npkoinjnct fd Gffr Yncsfr PIM Ossnjmky (Ynn ?0.1) .................................... ........................................... ....... 48  1.1. 1.1 ]npkoinjnct fd Jftfr (Ynn ?0.>).......................................................................... ?0.>).......................................................................... 48  1.?0. ]npkoinjnct fd Ihnibnr ocg Ihnibnr PIM Ossnjmky (Ynn ?0.>) .......................... .......................... 41  1.??. ]npkoinjnct fd YJPY (Ynn ?0.>) .............................. ................................................................. ................................................ ............. 41  1.?=. ]npkoinjnct fd Pfwnr Acknt (Ynn ?0.>) .................................................................... .................................................................... 41  1.?9. ]npkoinjnct fd Ioj Ossnjmky (Ynn ?0.>) ................................ ............................................................... ............................... 41  1.?7. ]npkoinjnct fd f d Mottnry Mot tnry (Ynn ?0.=) ............................................................. ........................................................................... .............. 41 

?0. Ossnjmky ocg Nxpkfgng Tanws ............................................................................................... 50  ?0.?. Ikojp Jfgukn .............................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................... 50  ?0.=. Prfguit Nxpkfgng Tanw ............................................................... .............................................................................................. ............................... 5?  ?0.9. Iosn-]nor Nxpkfgng Tanw................................................................ ......................................................................................... ......................... 5 5= =  ?0.7. Iosn-Drfct Darst Nxpkfgng Tanw .............................................................................. .............................................................................. 59  ?0.>. Mosn Drojn Nxpkfgng Tanw .............................................................. ....................................................................................... ......................... 57  ?0.4. Pujpace ucat Nxpkfgng Tanw ...................................... ....................................................................... ............................................... .............. 5> 



?0.5. Gffr Nxpkfgng Tanw.............................................................. ................................................................................................. ..................................... .. 54  ?0.8. Gffr-K Nxpkfgng Tanw .................................................... ..................................................................................... .......................................... ......... 55  ?0.1. Iosn-Drfct Ynifcg Nxpkfgng Tanw ................................ ................................................................... .......................................... ....... 58 

??. PIM Koyfut ...................................................................................................................................... 51  ??.?. Joac? PIM ............................................................. .............................................................................................. ..................................................... .................... 5 51 1  ??.=. Joac= PIM ............................................................. .............................................................................................. ..................................................... .................... 8 80 0  ??.9. Gaspkoy PIM ...................................................................... ....................................................................................................... .......................................... ......... 8?  ??.7. Oar Yncsfr PIM ................................................................. .................................................................................................... .......................................... ....... 8=  ??.>. Okorj PIM.................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ............................................... .............. 8=  ??.4. Ihnibnr PIM ............................................................... ................................................................................................. ................................................ .............. 89  ??.5. Gffr PIM ..................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... ............................... 89  ??.8. Fiikusafc Yncsfr PIM ................................ ................................................................. ................................................................ ............................... 89 

?=. Kadn-spoc fd ]npk ]npkoing oing Ports ..................................................................................................... 87 




?.?. Fvnrvanw Whas jocuok prfvagns tnihcaiok gnsiraptafcs fc GA-==00 Tfkujntrai Acdusafc Pujp dfr hfspatoks' jngaiok nquapjnct tnihcaiaocs fr pnrsfc outhfrazng my Goawho dfr joactncocin fd thn nquapjnct. Dfr jfrn gntoaks fc hfw tf usn thn nquapjnct, snn thn usnr jocuok.

?.=. Prfguit Fvnrvanw GA-==00 Tfkujntrai Acdusafc Pujp as o jngaiok acstrujnct thot aclnits o inrtoac ojfuct fd grue actf potancts thrfueh thn acdusafc snt ot thn rotn snknitng my thn usnr. Whn pujp ifcsasts fd thn snjatrocsat kacnor pnrastoktai acdusafc port thot acdusns grue ot o inrtoac rotn my thn prferoj ocg thn iariuat   port thot ifctrfks thn acdusafc port.

Whn pujp ioc mn usng wath pfwnr suppky fd >0/40Hz mntwnnc ?00 ocg =70 TOI ocg acikugns snkdihoreng muakt-ac mottnry. Whn pujp ioc mn usng ac jftafc, ocg thn acdusafc snt gnsaecotng dfr thn pujp as rnifjjncgng. Jobn surn thot thn snt as nquappng wath Kunr kfib ogoptnr whnc grue as acdusng my inctrok kacn iothntnr.

 Ovoakomkn dkfw rotns orn 11.1 jk/h ot 0.? ocg ?=00jk/h ot ?00. Acdusng vfkujn ioc mn gaspkoyng mntwnnc ? ocg 1111 jk. Uhnc thn tftok vfkujn as snt tf acdacatn, thn acdusng vfkujn wakk mn gaspkoyng os 0 ot 1111 jk. Fcin thn snt vfkujn as okk acdusng, thn pujp wakk mn outfjotaiokky ihoceng tf Bnnp Tnac Fpnc (BTF) rotn. Whn pujp wakk stfp acdusafc ocytajn whnc thn stfp bny as prnssng.



?.9. Wnihcaiok Ypniadaiotafcs

Prfguit Cojn

Tfkujntrai Acdusafc Pujp



Pujpace Jnihocasj

Pnrastoktai Wrocsat Dacenr Jairf(fc)< 0.?~11.1jk/h (0.? jk/h stnp) 0.? ~ ?=00

Dkfw ]otn


?00~?=00jk/h (?jk/h stnp) Jairf(fdd)< ?~?=00jk/h (?jk/h



¿>% ( Bfrno Toiiacn IFGN Y=09 Ⓛ typn)  typn)**  


Jnosurn nvnry hfur ot rffj tnjpnroturn (=>


usace wotnr fr

sokacn sfkutafc (omfvn ?.0 jk/h fd dkfw rotn). * Oiiuroiy joy gaddnr gnpncgace fc thn typn fd jngaiok dkuag ocg AT snt.

Wftok Tfk.


Acdusafc ]ocen

0.?~1111 jk fr

Acdusng Tfk.

0.0~1111 jk

Jairf(fc)< 0.?~11.1jk (0.? jk stnp) ?00~1111jk (?jk stnp) Jairf(fdd)< ?~1111 jk (acirnjnctok my ? jk) 0.? ~ 11.1jk (0.? jk stnp) ?00 ~ 1111jk (? jk stnp)

Mfkus ]otn (Puren)

500 jk/h (gndoukt)2 ihocenomkn tf ?~?,=00 jk/h

Mfkus Tfkujn (Puren)

> jk (gndoukt)2 ihocenomkn tf ?~1111 jk ? jk/h (gndoukt)

B.T.F ]otn

 Ot dkfw rotn ?.0~?=00 jk/h

?~1jk/h 0.? jk (daxng)

Ot dkfw rotn 0.?~0.1 jk/h


5 snejncts (7 gaeat * 9 kacns) * = snt(IH?, IH=)


* Oar mummkn okorj * Fiikusafc okorj (gntnitafc knvnk< ?00~1>0 jjHe) - cacn oglustomkn stnps dfr gfwcstrnoj fiikusafc * Gffr fpnc okorj * Mottnry Kfw, Mottnry Njpty okorj * Omcfrjok Grfp okorj * Acdusafc Ifjpkntn okorj (outfjotai swatih-fvnr tf BTF dnoturn) * OI/GI Pfwnr ]njfvok okorj * Ytort ]njacgnr okorj (odtnr thn prn-snt pousn) * Ytocgmy okorj (ot o =-jacutn actnrvok whnc cft acdusace) * Cnor Ifjpkntn okorj * Whn pujp stfps fpnrotace whnc okorjs ef fdd nxinpt dfr mottnry



kfw, stort rnjacgnr, ocg acdusafc ifjpkntafc saecoks. * Jokducitafc Whn stotus fd thn pujp as gaspkoyng ocg oc okorj efns fdd.

Yodnty Dnoturns

* Gffr Fpnc< Acdusafc as ucovoakomkn whnc thn gffr as fpnc. * Bny Kfib< Fcky thn YWO]W, YWFP ocg FC/FDD bnys wfrb. * Oar Yncsfr< Gntnits oar mummkns. * Fiikusafc Yncsfr< Gntnits ikfeeace fd thn tumn. * Grfp Yncsfr< Gntnits jngaiok dkuag grfps. * Cursn Iokk< Jfcatfrace as pfssamkn ad oc okorj efns fdd.

Fthnr Ducitafcs

* Wajn Jfgn< Iokiukotns thn dkfw rotn my snttace thn acdusafc tajn. * Ett Jfgn< Iokiukotns thn dkfw rotn my snttace thn cujmnr fd acdusafc grfps. * Gfsoen Jfgn< Iokiukotns thn dkfw rotn my snttace thn gfsoen. * Watrotafc< Dkfw rotn ioc mn oktnrng gurace acdusafc (ovoakomkn fcky whnc thn rnjoacace tajn dfr acdusafc as jfrn thoc > jacutns). * Mottnry Kfw, Njpty< Okorjs ef fdd 90 jacutns ocg 9 jacutns mndfrn thn mottnry efns dkot. * Gotn ocg Wajn< Whn gotn ocg tajn ioc mn ihnibng wathfut o pfwnr suppky, sacin o ikfib as acstokkng. * Pousn< Acdusafc rnsujns outfjotaiokky odtnr prnsnt tajn nkopsns whnc thn pousn bny as prnssng ocg acdusafc as stfppng (gndoukt =7hfurs, snttace rocen drfj ? jacutn tf =7 hfurs ac ? jacutn ucats). *Nvnct Hastfry< Yovns up tf =000 ocg at ioc vanw my snporotn PI utakaty. nvnct hastfry. *Okorj kfe nvnct< Yovns up tf >0 ocg at ioc vanw ac snttace jfgn?.   okorj kfe nvnct. * Whn nknitrfcai goto fd thn acdusafc pujp orn stfrng dfr fvnr = ynors nvnc ad at hos mnnc turcng fdd.

Pfwnr Yuppky

* OI ?00~=70 TOI, >0~40Hz (Dusn< =>0T, W9.?>O) * GI-ac (]ndnr =.7 ]nor Jfuctace Ynitafc)< ?=T/=7 (>00jO)  * Ca-JH rnihorenomkn mottnry - =?00jOh, ?4.8T(OO typn ?.=T Mottnry x ?7inkks) - Fpnrotace tajn< omfut 9.> hfurs (dkfw rotn fd =>jk/h) - ]nihoreace tajn< omfut ?0 hfurs

Pfwnr ]nquarnjncts

9> TO



Prftnitafc Wypn

* Prftnitafc drfj nknitrai shfib< Ikoss Ⅰ  * Prftnitafc iopoiaty dfr nknitrai shfib< Wypn ID * Prftnitafc drfj kaquag acdaktrotafc< APX ? (grap-prffd)

Gajncsafcs (GÕUÕH)



 Omfut 9.0 be

Fpnrotace Ncvarfcjnct

Wnjpnroturn< >~70℉, Hujagaty< =0~10%  Otjfsphnrai prnssurn< 50~?04bPo (>=>.07~51>.04jjHe)

Ytfroen Ncvarfcjnct

Wnjpnroturn< -?0~40℉, Hujagaty< ?0~1>%  Otjfsphnrai prnssurn< 4>~?=0bPo (785.>7~100.05jjHe)

Atnjs suppkang wath

^snr Jocuok ? no (Jocuok Cf.< ]ndnr tf thn drfct ifvnr fd thn


jocuok.) Acdusafc Pfkn Ikojp ? no (Jfgnk< Pfkn Ikojp-O) Grfp Yncsfr (Jfgnk< Grfp Yncsfr-O) (fptafcok)  OI Pfwnr Iomkn ? no (7 jntnrs, 0.5> ㎖  x 9I, BY I ANI 40==5-> 900/>00T 40==5 BYANI >9) > AT snts (Fptafcok)


^YM, ]Y78> (fptafcok)




=.?. Drfct Pocnk

=.=. Bnys ① ^P Bny Bny (

) ac uc ucats ats fd ?00 - Whas Whas bny as usng usng dfr snttac snttace e thn ttftok ftok vfkujn, vfkujn, dkfw rotn ocg Ynttace

Jfgn, ocg acirnosns my ?00 whncnvnr prnssng. ⑯  GFUC GFUC Bny (

) ac ucats fd ?00 - Whas bny as as usng dfr snt snttace tace thn tf tftok tok vf vfkujn, kujn, dkfw rotn oc ocg g

Ynttace Jfgn, ocg gnirnosns my ?00 whncnvnr prnssng. Bny ( ⑭ ^P Bny

) ac u ucats cats fd fd ?0 - Whas bny as usng usng dfr snttace snttace thn tftok v vfkujn, fkujn, dkfw rotn oc ocg g Ynttace Ynttace

Jfgn, ocg acirnosns my ?0 whncnvnr prnssng.  prnssng.   ⑩  GFUC Bny Bny (

) ac uc ucats ats fd fd ?0 - Wha Whas s bny as usng usng dfr dfr snttac snttace e thn tftok tftok vfk vfkujn, ujn, dkf dkfw w rotn rotn ocg

Ynttace Jfgn, ocg gnirnosns my ?0 whncnvnr prnssng. ⑧  ^P Bny (

) ac ucats fd ? - Whas bny as as usng dfr snttace snttace thn tftok tftok vfk vfkujn, ujn, dkfw dkfw ro rotn tn ocg ocg Yntta Ynttace ce

Jfgn, ocg acirnosns my ? whncnvnr prnssng.



⑮  GF GFUC UC Bny Bny (

) ac ucats ucats fd fd ?0 - Whas Whas bny bny as usng usng dfr sntt snttace ace thn tft tftok ok v vfku fkujn, jn, dkfw dkfw rrotn otn ocg

Ynttace Jfgn, ocg gnirnosns my ?0 whncnvnr prnssng. ⑤  MFK MFK^Y ^Y Bny Bny (

)-W Whn hn ddkfw kfw rotn ocg vfku vfkujn jn snt snt ac ac thn thn Yntta Ynttace ce J Jfgn fgn (MFK^Y (MFK^Y vfkujn vfkujn ocg rotn) rotn)

orn acdusng gurace pousn fr acdusafc whnc prnssace thn MFK^Y bny. Ad thas bny as prnssng ifctacufusky, thn acdusafc ifctacuns ot thn rotn snt ac thn Ynttace Jfgn (MFK^Y rotn). Uhnc prnssace thas bny ac Acdusafc Jfgn =, Ynttace Jfgn ? fr Ynttace Jfgn =, thn pujp wakk ihocen tf thn stocgmy jfgn. (Fcky thn fiikusafc sncsfr as ncomkng whakn thn MFK^Y as fpnrotace gurace acdusafc pousn fr acdusafc.) ⑥  PO^YN Bny (

) - Whn Whn acdus acdusafc afc as pous pousng ng df dfrr o tajn tajn snt ac th thn n Ynt Ynttac tace e Jfgn Jfgn adad thas thas bny as

prnssng. Whn acdusafc rnsujns whnc thn snt tajn nkopsns. (Prnss thn YWFP/IKNO] bny whnc rnsujace thn acdusafc mndfrn thn snt tajn hos nkopsng. Prnssace thn YWFP/IKNO] bny ifjpkntns thn snt tajn ocg ifctacuns fc tf o cfrjok stotn.) ⑨  YNK Bny (

) - Whas bny as usng whnc snknitace snknitace thn tftok vfkujn, dkfw rotn ocg acdusace acdusace tajn ac

Acdusafc Jfgn ?. Uhnc prnssace thn YNK Bny ocg hfkgace at gfwc, yfu oiinss Ynttace Jfgn ?. Uhnc prnssace thn YNK Bny ocg hfkgace at gfwc ac Ynttace Jfgn ?, yfu oiinss Ynttace Jfgn =. Whn gnsarng gaspkoy dfr snttace wakk mkacb. ②  JFG JFGN N Bny (

) - Prns Prnssace sace tha thas s bny ocg hfkgac hfkgace e at gfwc ac Acdu Acdusaf safc c Jf Jfgn gn = wakk wakk okkfw okkfw yfu tf

swatih mntwnnc WAJN - EWW - GFYOEN ⑬  YWFP/ YWFP/IKNO] IKNO] Bny (

) - Whas Whas bny as usng whnc pousace pousace jngaiok jngaiok dkuag acdusafc, acdusafc, Mfkus ocg BTF.

Prnssace thas bny ocg hfkgace at gfwc ac stocgmy dfr oc acdusafc wakk acataokazn thn mkacbace gaspkoy acdfrjotafc (tftok vfkujn, dkfw rotn ocg oiiujukotng acdusafc vfkujn). ③  YWO]W Bny (

)  ’  Whas bny as usng whnc whnc stortace oc acdusafc ocg odtnr ifjpkntace thn acdusafc

snttaces. Hfwnvnr, fcky whnc thn tftok vfkujn as korenr thoc thn vfkujn tf mn acdusng, ioc acdusafc stort. ⑫  FC/FDD Bny (

)  ’  Whn pujp as turcng fc whnc prnssace thas bny, bny, mut whnc prnssace ocg

hfkgace thas bny, at turcs fdd. (Whas bny gfns cft wfrb gurace acdusafc, mut wfrbs ac thn acdusafc stocgmy jfgn.) ⑪  ].WAJN Bny (

) - Acdusafc Acdusafc vfkujn as gaspkoy gaspkoyng ng whnc stortace stortace acd acdusafc usafc.. Prnssace Prnssace thas bny wa wakkkk

gaspkoy thn rnjoacace tajn tf ifjpkntn thn acdusafc. ④ IH  IH? Bny (

) - Ynknitfr swatih tf snknit IH? nquapjnct.  

⑦ I  IH H= Bny (

) - Ynknitfr swatih tf snknit IH= nquapjnct. 



=.9. Gaspkoy Ynitafc ⓐ  IH? KNG ’ Whas KNG as IH? nquapjnct snknitfr swatih. ⓟ  KFIB KNG - Whas KNG as turcng fc ad thn thn bnys orn kfibng.

mfgy. ⓝ  OA] KNG - Whas KNG as turcng fc ad oar ents actf thn pujp mfgy. ⓙ  GFF] KNG - Whas KNG as turcng fc ad thn gffr as bnpt fpnc. ⓗ  IFJP KNG - Whas KNG as turcng fc whnc ifjpkntace acdusafc. ⓞ  W.Tfk (jk) Gaspkoy Gaspko y ’ Gnsarng tftok acdusafc vfkujn as gaspkoyng.

Gaspkoy, ].WAJN Gaspkoy - Whn acdusng vfkujn tf o potanct ocg thn rnjoacace vfkujn ⓔ  A.Tfk (jk) Gaspkoy, orn gaspkoyng. ⓕ  D.]otn (jk/h) Gaspkoy - Whn dkfw rotn, okorj jnssoens ocg nrrfr ifgns orn gaspkoyng. ⓘ  Jairf KNG - Whas KNG as turcng fc whnc fpnrotng ac thn Jairf Jfgn ⓑ  IH= KNG ’ Whas KNG as IH= nquapjnct snknitfr swatih.

ikfeeng. ⓜ  FIIK KNG- Whas KNG as turcng fc ad thn AT snt as ikfeeng. ⓒ  OA] KNG - Whas KNG as turcng fc ad oar ents actf thn pujp mfgy. mfgy. ⓛ  GFF] KNG - Whas KNG as turcng fc ad thn gffr as bnpt fpnc. ⓚ  IFJP KNG - Whas KNG as turcng fc whnc ifjpkntace acdusafc. ⓓ  W.Tfk (jk) Gaspkoy Gaspko y ’ Gnsarng tftok acdusafc vfkujn as gaspkoyng. ⓖ  A.Tfk (jk) Gaspkoy, Gaspkoy, ].WAJN Gaspkoy - Whn acdusng vfkujn tf o potanct ocg thn rnjoacace vfkujn

orn gaspkoyng. ⓠ  D.]otn (jk/h) Gaspkoy - Whn dkfw rotn, okorj jnssoens ocg nrrfr ifgns orn gaspkoyng. ⓯  Jairf KNG - Whas KNG as turcng fc whnc fpnrotng ac thn Jairf Jfgn ⓭  KFIB KNG - Whas KNG as turcng fc ad thn thn bnys orn kfibng. ⓩ  MO MOWW WW KNG - Whas KNG mkacbs whnc thn mottnry iopoiaty thot as kkndt ndt as 90 jacutns kfce whnc usa usace ce

mottnry pfwnr. Whas KNG as turcng fdd whnc thn mottnry iopoiaty thot as kndt as 9 jacutns kfce. ⓧ  OI/GI KNG - Whas KNG as turcng fc whnc nknitrai pfwnr (OI/GI) as suppkang. ⓮  MOWW YWOW^Y YWOW^Y KNG  ’  Whn mottnry stotus as gaspkoyng ac thrnn knvnks knvnks (haeh, jaggkn, kfw). ⓥ  Ytotus Acgaiotafc KNG<

- Ernnc ocg rng KNGs Fdd< stocgmy dfr acdusafc - Ernnc KNG mkacbace< acdusace fr ifjjucaiotace - Ernnc KNG Fc< acdusace BTF - ]ng KNG Fdd< whnc oc okorj efns fdd ocg oc nrrfr fiiurs - Ernnc ocg ]ng KNGs mkacbace oktnrcotavnky< gurace pousn



ⓨ  Ytotus Acgaiotafc KNG<

- Ernnc ocg rng KNGs Fdd< stocgmy dfr acdusafc - Ernnc KNG mkacbace< acdusace fr ifjjucaiotace - Ernnc KNG Fc< acdusace BTF - ]ng KNG Fdd< whnc oc okorj efns fdd ocg oc nrrfr fiiurs - Ernnc ocg ]ng KNGs mkacbace oktnrcotavnky< gurace pousn

;Mottnry Knvnk Gaspkoy Mosng fc thn Mottnry Iopoiaty 3 Cf

Mottnry Knvnk

Mottnry Iopoiaty Gaspkoy Mor

‛MOWW‚ Acgaiotfr  


50% ~ ?00% ?00%  




?>%~ 50%




Kfw Mottnry Ytotus




Njpty Mottnry Ytotus




]njfvng Mottnry




Ihoreace Ytotus


Ifjpkntng Ihoreace

Whn iurrnct ihoren knvnk as gaspkoyace Dukk


Whn ifrrnspfcgace stotus as acgaiotng FDD


=.7. ]nor Jfuctace Ynitafc

①  Wnst Pfrt ⑥  ]Y78> Pfrt ’ ^sng whnc gfwckfogace Hastfry Kfe ocg ifjjucaiotace vao ]Y78>.

⑯, ⑨  ⑭


Grfp Yncsfr Pfrt ’ Whn Grfp Yncsfr as ifccnitng tf thas pfrt.

②  Cursn Iokk Pfrt ’ Ifccnitng tf thn Cursn Iokk nquapjnct wath o Cursn Iokk iomkn ocg

worcace saecoks orn snct tf thn Cursn Iokk nquapjnct gurace thn acdusafc. ⑩  ^YM Pfrt ’ ^sng whnc gfwckfogace Hastfry Kfe ocg ifjjucaiotace vao ^YM. ⑧  GI Pfwnr Pfrt - ?= ~ ?> TGI ioc mn suppkang.

⑬  Bn Bny y Kfib Kfib - F Fck cky y th thn n YWO] YWO]W( W(

) ocg ocg YWFP YWFP/I /IKN KNO] O] Bny Bny (

) ocg ocg FC/F FC/FDD DD (

⑤  Pfwnr Ywatih ’ Wurcs pfwnr fc fr fdd.

③  Pfwnr Acknt  ’  Whn OI Joacs Pfwnr Yuppky ifrg as pkueeng actf thas acknt.


) bn bny ys wf wfrb. rb.


=.>. Acsagn thn Gffr

①  Oar Gntnitfr ’ Prnvncts thn potanct drfj enttace

aclnitng wath oar my gntnitace thn oar ac thn AT snt. ⑯  Ouxakaory Gffr Kfib  ’ ^sng whnc fpncace thn

ouxakaory gffr. ⑭  Pujpace ^cat ’ Acdusns jngaiok dkuag my prnssace

thn tumn fd thn AT snt. ⑩  Gffr Kfib Knvnr ’ Fpncs fr ikfsns thn gffr. ⑧ Fiikusafc Gntnitfr  ’ Gntnits whnthnr thn tumn ot

thn mfttfj fd thn nquapjnct as ikfeeng. ⑮  Ouxakaory Gffr ’ Hfkgs thn AT snt ac pfsatafc dfr sodn

acdusafc fd jngaiok dkuag. ⑤  Gffr Kfib ’ Prnvncts thn gffr drfj fpncace.



=.4. Jncu Wrnn

Daeurn=.4.? Jncu trnn fvnrvanw

=.5. Ynttace Jfgn? ocg Ynttace Jfgn=

Ynttace Jfgn?, Ynttace Jfgn= Whas ducitafc hnkps thn pujp jfrn nosaky ocg oiiurotnky os oiifrgace tf thn fpnrotace ncvarfcjnct rnquarns. Ihoceace vokuns drfj thas Ynttace Jfgn? ocg Ynttace Jfgn= oddnits irataiok ocg mn iornduk dfr ucouthfrazng oiinss tf thas snttace jfgn. Whas ducitafc ioc mn snknitng fcky whnc acdusafc as stfppng.

?. Ynttace Jfgn?< Jfgn?< My pr prns nssa sace ce oc ocg g hf hfkg kg gf gfwc wc fv fvnr nr 9 sn snif ifcg cgs s thn thn YNK YNK oc ocg g YW YWFP FP/I /IKN KNO] O] (



bnys sajuktocnfusky ot Ytocgmy ioc Jfgn? iocJfgn ihocen AT snt, AT  snt grfp snt, Jairf acdusafc jfgnJfgn, snt, Hyfu C ovaeotafc‚. astfry kfenctnr vanw Ynttace os shfwc daeurnwhaih ‛ Ynttace



=. Ynttace Jfgn=< Uhnc pr prnss nssace ace thn YNK YNK ( Jfgn=< Uhnc

) bny ocg hfkg hfkg gfw gfwc c fvnr fvnr 9 snifc snifcgs gs o ott Ynt Ynttac tace e Jf Jfgn?, gn?,

yfu ioc swatih mntwnnc Ynttace Jfgn? ocg Ynttace Jfgn= whaih ioc ihocen Mfkus/Puren snt fd dkfw rotn ocg tftok acdusafc vfkujn, BTF dkfw rotn snt, Pousn tajn snt, Ytocgmy Okorj snt, Cnor Ifjpkntafc Okorj Wajn snt, Oar Yncsatavaty snt, Fiikusafc Yncsatavaty snt, Cursn Iokk snt, Yfucg snt fd Bny prnss ocg Okorj, Gotn snt fd Qnor, Jfcth, Gotn ocg Wajn snt fd Hfur, Jacutn, Grfp Yncsfr Yncsatavaty snt, Yovn jfgn snt, OI ]njfvok Okorj snt, Doitfry Gndoukt snt, Iokamrotafc snt.  



Daeurn =.5.? Ynttace Jfgn Covaeotafc



=.5.?. Ynttace Jfgn Ifctrfk ocg swatih jncu ?. Prnss thn YNK bny quaibky ac thn ifrrnspfcgace snttace jfgn tf ihocen thn snt jncu. =. Ac Ynttace Jfgn ? fr =, prnss thn ^P ocg GFU C ( vokuns tf thn gnsarng snt vokuns. 9. Prnss Prnss thn thn MFK^Y MFK^Y (






) bnys tf ihocen thn

) bny tf tf swatih swatih tf tf thn stocg stocgmy my jfgn jfgn whnc whnc nctnra nctnrace ce snt voku vokuns ns ac noih noih jfg jfgn. n.

=.5.=. Ynttace Jfgn?

Ac Yt Ytoc ocgmy gmy Jfg Jfgn, n, pr prns nss s tthn hn YNK (

) bny oc ocg g YWFP YWFP (

) bny bny sajuk sajukto tocn cnfu fusky sky oc ocg g hfk hfkga gace ce at gfwc gfwc tf tf

nctnr Ynttace Jfgn ?.

=.5.=.?. Ynttace AT Ynt ?. Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YN YNK K (

) bny quaibky quaibky ac Yntta Ynttace ce Jfgn Jfgn ?, ?, ATY ATYW W as g gasp aspkoy koyng ng fc thn W.Tf W.Tfkk (jk) (jk)

gaspkoy. Uhnc thn D.]otn (jk/h) gaspkoy storts tf mkacb, yfu ioc snt oc AT Ynt jobnr. =. Prnss Prnss thn JFGN JFGN ( ) bny quaibky quaibky tf ih ihoce ocen n YNW ? fr YNW YNW =, o ocg cg s snkn nknit it thn thn ty typn pn fd AAT T snt snt fc tthn hn D.]otn (jk/h) gaspkoy. 9. Pr Prns nss s tthn hn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bny tf swat swatih ih tf th thn n sto stocgm cgmy y jfgn. jfgn.  Cf

AT Ynt Jobnr ocg Jfgnk


Bfrno Toiiacn / Y=09W


Wubny Maboihakor ATsnt


^snr snt AT snt

Womkn =.5.7.?.? AT snt kastng



=.5.=.=. Ynttace Grfp

?. Uhnc Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YNK (

) bny quaibky quaibky ac Yntta Ynttace ce Jfgn Jfgn ?, G]FP G]FP as g gasp aspkoy koyng ng fc tthn hn W.Tfk W.Tfk (jk) (jk)

gaspkoy. Uhnc thn D.]otn (jk/h) gaspkoy storts tf mkacb, yfu ioc snt fcn thn cujmnr fd grfps dfr thn AT Ynt drfj ?>, =0, 40 my usn up, gfwc bny. =. Prn Prnss ss thn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bn bny y quaibky quaibky tf swatih swatih tf thn stocgmy stocgmy jfgn. jfgn. 



=.5.=.9. Ynttace Jairf Jfgn Fc fr Fdd

?. Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YNK (

) bny quaibky quaibky ac Yntta Ynttace ce Jfgn Jfgn ?, ?, JAI] JAI] as gasp gaspkoy koyng ng fc tthn hn W.Tfk W.Tfk (jk)

gaspkoy. Uhnc thn D.]otn (jk/h) gaspkoy storts tf mkacb, yfu ioc snt Jairf Jfgn. =. Prnss Prnss thn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bny quaibky quaibky tf swatih swatih tf thn stocgmy stocgmy jfgn jfgn..

=.5.=.7. Tanwace Hastfry Kfe

?. Prnss Prnssace ace thn thn YNK (

) bny quai quaibky bky aac c Ynttac Ynttace e Jfgn Jfgn ?, uctak uctak HKFE HKFE as as gaspkoy gaspkoyng ng fc thn thn W.T W.Tfk fk (j (jk) k)

gaspkoy. Whn NTCW gaspkoy fc A.Tfk jnocs nvnct ocg thn cujmnr gaspkoy fc D.]otn jnocs nvnct cujmnr. =. ^sn thn up bny ( , , ), Gfwc Bny( , , ) tf snknit thn nvnct cujmnr whot yfu woct tf vanw. (Whn >0 kotnst okorj nvncts stfrng. Ad at nxinngs >0, thn kost cujmnrng fkgnst fcns orn fvnrwrattnc wath kotnst fcn.) 9. Whnc prnss thn JFGN bny tf vanw thn spniadai nvnct fd okorj. 7. Ad yfu woct tf vanw gntoak nvnct, usn thn fptafcok Hastfry Kfe Tanw oppkaiotafc sfdtworn rucs fc PI. (]ndnr =.?0. Hastfry Kfe Tanw Jncu ’ Nvnct Ynknitafc & kfwnr knvnk jncu snknitafc)   >. Prns Prnss s tthn hn MF MFK^ K^Y Y ( ) bny bny qu quai aibk bky y ttf f swa swati tih h ttf f tthn hn stoc stocgm gmy y jfg jfgn n f frr prn prnss ss thn thn YN YNK K ( swatih gaddnrnct jncu ac Ynttace Jfgn?.  


) bny bny tf


Daeurn =.5.=.7.? Hastfry kfe nvnct vanw jncu covaeotafc

^p/gfwc bny Cf nvnct kfe


? nvnct kfe

?  nvnct vanw


?  nvnct kfe

Daeurn =.5.=.7.= Hastfry kfe nvnct vanw jncu ifctrfk

Daeurn =.5.=.7.9 Ovoakomkn okorjs

=.5.=.>. Ynttace ^snr AT snt

?. My pr prns nssa sace ce oc ocg g hf hfkg kg gf gfwc wc fv fvnr nr 9 sn snif ifcg cgs s th thn n YNK YNK ocg ocg YW YWFP FP/I /IKN KNO] O] ( sajuktocnfusky ot Ytocgmy Jfgn, yfu ioc nctnr Ynttace Jfgn?.



) bny bnys



My prns prnss s JFGN JFGN (

) bny quaibky quaibky ot Yntta Ynttace ce Jfgn Jfgn? ? takk takk thn thn A.TF A.TFK K (jk) (jk) gas gaspkoy pkoy shfw shfws s YN YNW=, W=, y yfu fu

ioc nctnr ^snr AT snt snttace os shfwc ac goshng rng mfx fd daeurn =.5.=.>.?.

Daeurn=.5.=.>.? Nctnrace ^snr AT snt snttace jncu 9.

My prnss prnss thn ^P & GFUC (


) bny takk takk thn D.]otn .]otn (jk/h) (jk/h) gas gaspko pkoy y shfw shfws s

^00?~9.  7.

Ad yfu woct tf ossaec o usnr AT snt tf ^00?, ihffsn ^00? ocg gf os dfkkfws.  O.

Prnss thn MFK^Y (

) bny bny..


Ynt tnst acdusafc fd =0jk (dkfw rotn:=0jk/h, tftok vfkujn:=0jk) ocg stort thn acdusafc tf stfrn thn dkuag ac mnobnr tf ihnib thn ojfuct whnc at ifjpkntng.


Ad thn tftok =0jk acdusafc as ifjpkntng, yfu ioc ihnib thn rnok ojfuct my nknitrfcai siokns, ocg yfu ent thn nrrfr rotn tf ifrrnit.


My prns prnssa sace ce oc ocg g hf hfkg kg gf gfwc wc fv fvnr nr 9 sn snif ifcg cgs s th thn n YNK YNK oc ocg g YWFP YWFP/I /IKN KNO] O] (


) bn bny ys

sajuktocnfusky ot Ytocgmy Jfgn, yfu ioc nctnr Ynttace Jfgn?. N.

My prn prnss ss JFG JFGN N(

)b bny ny qua quaibky ibky ot Ynttace Ynttace Jfgn?, Jfgn?, yfu ioc nct nctnr nr ^snr ^snr AT snt sntt snttace ace..


My prnss prnss thn ^P & GFUC GFUC (


) bny takk takk thn D.]o .]otn tn (jk/h) (jk/h) gaspkoy gaspkoy

shfws ^00?. E.

Prnss Prnss ocg ocg hfkg hfkg gfwc gfwc JFGN JFGN Bny Bny (

), takk takk thn W.TFK .TFK (jk) gaspkoy gaspkoy shfw shfws s ^Y ^YN? N? o os s shfwc shfwc ac

daeurn =.5.=.>.=. H.

Wf snt thn nrrfr rotn vokun vokun whaih whaih eft ac ‛I‚ stnp, os thn ifrrnitafc rotaf vokun dfr ^snr AT snt ? ac ^00?, ^00?, pr prns nss s th thn n ^P & GFUC GFUC (


) bny tf snt snt ifrrn ifrrnit itaf afc c rot rotaf af

vokun (oglustomkn -> ~ >0) fc D.]otn (jk/h). Ad at cnngs tf ogg jfrn ?0%, jobn ?0.



Daeurn=.5.=.>.= Ynt ^snr AT snt ifrrnitafc rotaf vokun whaih wos jnosurng. A.

Prnss Prnss thn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bny, bny, thnc usnr usnr AT snt? prfins prfinss s as ifj ifjpkn pkntng. tng.

Ad yfu woct oggatafcok AT snt rneastrotafc, dfkkfw thn omfvn snquncin dfr ^00= ocg ^009

=.5.9. Ynttace Jfgn = Ac Yntta Ynttace ce Jfgn Jfgn ?, prns prnss s thn YNK YNK (

) bny ocg hfkg hfkg atat gfwc gfwc tf swat swatih ih tf Y Yntt nttace ace J Jfgn fgn =. =. 

=.5.9.?. Ynttace Mfkus

?. Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YNK ( gaspkoy.

) bny quaibky quaibky ac Yntta Ynttace ce Jfgn Jfgn =, MFK^ MFK^ as gasp gaspkoy koyng ng fc thn thn W.Tfk W.Tfk ((jk) jk)

^sn thn JFGN JFGN ( ) bny tf swat swatih ih thn thn Mfku Mfkus s dkfw dkfw rotn ocg Mfkus Mfkus v vfku fkujn. jn. =. Uhnc D]OW as gaspkoyng fc thn A.TFK (jk) gaspkoy ocg thn D.]otn (jk/h) gaspkoy storts tf mkacb, yfu ioc snt Mfkus dkfw rotn. 9. Uhnc WTFK as gaspkoyng fc thn A.TFK (jk) gaspkoy ocg thn D.]otn (jk/h) gaspkoy storts tf mkacb, yfu ioc snt thn Mfkus vfkujn. 7. Prnss Prnss thn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bny quaibky quaibky tf swatih swatih tf thn stocgmy stocgmy jfgn jfgn.. 

=.5.9.=. Ynttace BTF (Bnnp Tnac Fpnc) ?. Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YN YNK K (

) bny quaibky quaibky ac Yntta Ynttace ce Jfgn Jfgn =, BTF aas s gas gaspkoy pkoyng ng fc fc thn W.Tf W.Tfkk (jk) (jk)

gaspkoy. Uhnc thn D.]otn (jk/h) gaspkoy storts tf mkacb, yfu ioc snt thn BTF dkfw rotn. =. Prnss Prnss thn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bny quaibky quaibky tf swatih swatih tf thn stocgmy stocgmy jfgn jfgn..



=.5.9.9. Ynttace Pousn Wajn ?. Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YNK YNK (

) bny quaibky quaibky ac Yntt Ynttace ace Jfgn =, PO^Y PO^Y aas s ga gaspko spkoyn yng g fc thn thn W W.Tfk .Tfk (jk)

gaspkoy. Uhnc thn D.]otn (jk/h) gaspkoy storts tf mkacb, yfu ioc snt thn pousn tajn ac jacutns (hh.jj). =. Prnss Prnss thn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bny quaibky quaibky tf swatih swatih tf thn stocgmy stocgmy jfgn jfgn..

=.5.9.7. Ynttace Ytocgmy Okorj ?. Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YNK YNK (

) bny quaibky quaibky ac Yntta Ynttace ce Jfgn Jfgn =, YWMO aas s ga gaspk spkoyn oyng g fc tthn hn W. W.Tfk Tfk (jk)

gaspkoy. Uhnc thn D.]otn (jk/h) gaspkoy storts tf mkacb, yfu ioc snt thn stocgmy okorj. =. Prnss Prnss thn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bny quaibky quaibky tf swatih swatih tf thn stocgmy stocgmy jfgn jfgn..

=.5.9.>. Ynttace Cnor Ifjpkntn Okorj Wajn ?. Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YN YNK K (

) bny quaibky quaibky ac Yntta Ynttace ce Jfgn Jfgn =, CI] as gasp gaspkoy koyng ng fc thn W. W.Tfk Tfk (jk)

gaspkoy. Uhnc thn D.]otn (jk/h) gaspkoy storts tf mkacb, yfu ioc snt thn Acdusafc Wajn Cnor Ifjpkntn Okorj ac jacutns (hh.jj). =. Prnss Prnss thn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bny quaibky quaibky tf swatih swatih tf thn stocgmy stocgmy jfgn jfgn..



=.5.9.4. Ynttace Oar Yncsatavaty ?. Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YNK YNK (

) bny quaibky quaibky ac Yntta Ynttace ce Jfgn Jfgn =, OA] as g gasp aspkoy koyng ng fc thn W.Tf W.Tfkk (jk) (jk)

gaspkoy. Uhnc thn D.]otn (jk/h) gaspkoy storts tf mkacb, yfu ioc snt thn mumkn sazn fd thn oar sncsfr. =. Prnss Prnss thn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bny quaibky quaibky tf swatih swatih tf thn stocgmy stocgmy jfgn jfgn..






JNga (Jngauj)

YJOK (Yjokk)

Jnosurng Mummkn

omfvn ?>jj

omfvn ?0jj

omfvn >jj

=.5.9.5. Ynttace Fiikusafc Yncsatavaty ?. Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YNK YNK (

) bny quaibky quaibky ac Yntta Ynttace ce Jfgn Jfgn =, FIIK FIIK as gas gaspkoy pkoyng ng fc thn thn W.Tfk W.Tfk (jk)

gaspkoy dfr fiikusafc snttace. Uhnc thn D.]otn (jk/h) gaspkoy storts tf mkacb, yfu ioc snt thn sncsatavaty fd thn fiikusafc sncsfr. =. Prnss Prnss thn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bny quaibky quaibky tf swatih swatih tf thn stocgmy stocgmy jfgn jfgn..

Prnssurn knvnk




Jnosurng prnssurn




* Whn acdusafc prnssurn knvnk joy gaddnr gnpncgace fc thn typns fd AT snts.

=.5.9.8. Ynttace Cursn Iokk ?. Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YNK YNK (

) bny quaibky quaibky ac Yntta Ynttace ce Jfgn Jfgn =, =, C]YI C]YI aas s ga gaspk spkoyn oyng g fc tthn hn W.Tfk W.Tfk (jk)

gaspkoy. Uhnc thn D.]otn (jk/h) gaspkoy storts tf mkacb, yfu ioc snt thn Cursn Iokk ducitafc. =. Prnss Prnss thn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bny quaibky quaibky tf swatih swatih tf thn stocgmy stocgmy jfgn jfgn.. 



=.5.9.1. Ynttace Yfucg Tfkujn ?. Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YNK YNK (

) bny quaibky quaibky ac Yntta Ynttace ce Jfgn Jfgn =, =, YCG^ YCG^ as as gaspk gaspkoyn oyng g fc tthn hn W.Tfk W.Tfk (jk)

gaspkoy. Uhnc thn D.]otn (jk/h) gaspkoy storts tf mkacb, yfu ioc snt thn sfucg vfkujn. =. Prnss Prnss thn thn JFGN JFGN (

) bny quaibky quaibky tf ih ihoce ocen n YNW? fr YNW=. YNW=. ((YNW?< YNW?< Oko Okorj rj Yfu Yfucg, cg, Y YNW=< NW=< B Bny ny

Yfucg) 9. Prnss Prnss thn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bny quaibky quaibky tf swatih swatih tf thn stocgmy stocgmy jfgn jfgn..

 Okorj Yfucg (kndt), Bny Yfucg (raeht)

Kfw (?)


Ha (??)

 Okorj saecok sfucg knvnk

Jnosurng vokun

Haeh< K??


Kfw< K?


=.5.9.?0. Ynttace Gotn (Qnor, Jfcth, Goy) ?. Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YNK (

) bny ac Yntta Ynttace ce Jfgn Jfgn =, =, GOWN GOWN as gas gaspkoy pkoyng ng fc fc thn thn W.Tfk W.Tfk ((jk) jk) gasp gaspkoy koy..

^sn ^sn thn thn JFGN JFGN ( ) bn bny y tf tf ihoc ihocen en thn thn yno ynor, r, jfc jfcth th ocg ocg goy goy.. =. Qfu ioc snt thn ynor ynor whnc QNO] as gaspkoyng fc thn A.Tfk (jk) gaspkoy ocg thn D.]otn (jk/h) storts tf mkacb. 9. Qfu ioc snt thn jfcth whnc JFC as gaspkoyng fc thn A.Tfk (jk) gaspkoy ocg thn D.]otn (jk/h) storts tf mkacb. 7. Qfu ioc snt thn goy whnc GOQ as gaspkoyng fc thn A.Tfk (jk) gaspkoy ocg thn D.]otn (jk/h) storts tf mkacb. >. Prnss Prnss thn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bny quaibky quaibky tf swatih swatih tf thn stocgmy stocgmy jfgn jfgn.. 

=.5.9.??. Ynttace Hfur, Jacutn  ?. Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YNK ( ) bny ac Yntta Ynttace ce Jfgn Jfgn =, =, WAJN WAJN as gas gaspkoy pkoyng ng fc fc thn W.Tf W.Tfkk (jk (jk)) gaspk gaspkoy. oy. ^sn ^sn thn thn JFGN JFGN ( ) bny tf swa swati tih h thn thn hfur hfurs, s, jac jacut utns ns ocg ocg s sni nifc fcgs gs.. =. Qfu ioc snt thn hfurs whnc HF^] HF^] as gaspkoyng fc thn A.Tfk (jk) gaspkoy gaspkoy ocg thn D.]otn (jk/h) storts tf mkacb.



9. Qfu ioc snt thn jacutns whnc JAC as gaspkoyng fc thn A.Tfk (jk) gaspkoy ocg thn D.]otn (jk/h) (jk/h) storts tf mkacb. 7. Prn Prnss ss thn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bn bny y quaibky quaibky tf swatih swatih tf thn stocgmy stocgmy jfgn. jfgn. 

=.5.9.?=. Ynttace Yovn dfr kost Wftok Tfkujn, Acdusng Tfkujn, Dkfw rotn   ?. Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YNK YNK ( ) bny quaibky quaibky ac Yntta Ynttace ce Jfgn Jfgn =, =, YOTN YOTN as gasp gaspkoy koyng ng f fc c thn W.Tfk W.Tfk (jk) (jk) gaspkoy. Uhnc thn D.]otn (jk/h) gaspkoy storts tf mkacb, yfu ioc snt thn Yovn Jfgn. =. Prnss Prnss thn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bny quaibky quaibky tf swatih swatih tf thn stocgmy stocgmy jfgn jfgn..

=.5.9.?9. Ynttace Grfp Yncsfr Yncsatavaty ?. Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YN YNK K ( ) bny quaibky quaibky ac Yntta Ynttace ce Jfgn Jfgn =, grfP aas s gaspk gaspkoyn oyng g fc tthn hn W. W.Tfk Tfk (jk) gaspkoy. =. ^sn thn ^P/GFUC bny tf swatih thn grfp sncsfr sncsatavaty mntwnnc ha, jag, kfw.










=.5.9.?7. Ynttace OI ]njfvok Okorj ?. Uhn Uhnc c prn prnssa ssace ce th thn n YNK YNK ( ) b bny ny quaibk quaibky y ac Yn Yntt ttac ace e Jfgn Jfgn =, OIrN OIrN as  as gaspkoyng fc thn W.Tfk (jk) gaspkoy. Whas OIrN jnocs OI joacs suppky okorj as ncomkng fr cft. Ad at ncomkns, thn OI rnjfvok as gntnitng, thn okorj sfucg efns fdd gurace 9 jacutns. =. Prnss thn ^P/GFUC bny tf ihocen ncomkn fr gasomkn fd OI joacs suppky rnjfvok (gasifccnitafc) okorj.



9. Prnss Prnss thn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bny quaibky quaibky tf swatih swatih tf thn stocgmy stocgmy jfgn jfgn..

=.5.9.?>. Ynttace Doitfry Gndoukt ?. Uhnc Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YNK (

) bny quai quaibky bky aac c Yntt Ynttace ace Jfgn Jfgn =, DIWY DIWY as gaspk gaspkoyn oyng g fc thn W W.Tf .Tfkk (jk)

gaspkoy. Uhnc thn D.]otn (jk/h) gaspkoy storts tf mkacb, yfu ioc rnifvnr thn Doitfry Gndoukt Ynttace Tokuns my acput posswfrg, ?=97. Ad thn jotihng posswfrg nctnrs, thn mkacbace stfp ocg okk thn vokuns fd jolfr fpnrotace porojntnrs orn rnifvnrng tf doitfry gndoukt snttace. (Ynn =.1 Ynt tf Doitfry Gndoukt Acataokazotafc.) Acataokazotafc.)  =. Pr Prns nss s tthn hn MFK^Y MFK^Y (

) bny tf swat swatih ih tf th thn n sto stocgm cgmy y jfgn. jfgn.

=.5.9.?4. Ynttace Iokamrotafc  ?. Uhnc Uhnc prnssa prnssace ce thn thn YNK (

) bny quai quaibky bky aac c Ynt Ynttac tace e Jfgn =, IKOI IKOI as ga gaspk spkoyn oyng g fc th thn n W.Tfk(jk W.Tfk(jk))

gaspkoy. =. Qfu ioc snt thn posswfrg whnc POYY as gaspkoyng fc thn A.Tfk (jk) gaspkoy ocg thn D.]otn (jk/h) storts tf mkacb. 9. Qfu ioc usn ^P/GFUC bny tf acirnosn fr gnirnosn thn vokun fc D.]otn. 7. Uhnc yfu push thn posswfrg cujmnr ‛?=97‚ ac ifrrnitafc, yfu ioc ihocen thn iokamrotafc jfgn. >. Qfu ioc snt thn iokamrotafc vokun whnc YNt as gaspkoyng fc thn A.Tfk (jk) gaspkoy ocg thn D.]otn (jk/h) storts tf mkacb. Whn vokun ac D.]otn as iokamrotng fddsnt vokun (Cnw ucat hos sfjn vokun whaih snt ac doitfry os doitfry iokamrotafc). Qfu ioc acirnosn fr gnirnosn thn iokamrotng vokun ad yfu cnng tf acirnosn fr gnirnosn thn acdusafc rotaf drfj yfur snttace dkfw rotn vokun ac acdusafc jfgn. Ad yfu acirnosn iokamrotafc vokun >.0, thnc >% acirnosn thn dkfw rotn vokun yfu snt ac acdusafc jfgn. 4. Whn iokamrotafc vokun rocens drfj pkus =0% tf -70%. 5. Ad at cnngng tf rnifvnr tf doitfry iokamrotafc, snn =.5.>.?> Doitfry Gndoukt Ynttaces.



Ioutafc   Ioutafc Doitfry Ynttaces as Fcky gnsaecotng pnrsfccnk (troacng, nxpnrancing) orn pnrjattng tf fpnrotn thn pujp dfr sodn usn. Pknosn oworn thot thn iokamrotafc vokun ihocens thn acdusafc ojfuct fd dkuag, thas ihocen joy iousn irataiok gocenrfus rnsukt tf potanct.



=.8. Ynttace ]ocen

?. Whn rocen fd thn snt vokuns dfr mosai fpnrotafc as os dfkkfws.

Cf. ?

Ynttace Tokun ]ocen

Ynttace Wypn AT Ynt Jobnr

B00? (Bfrno Toiiacn Wypn W), Jfrn AT Ynts wakk mn oggng.



?>, =0, 40



Fc, Fdd


Mfkus Dkfw ]otn (Puren)

? ~ ?=00 jk/h (]nsfkutafc 0.? jk/h)


Mfkus Tfkujn (Puren)

0.? ~ 1111 jk(wath Jairf Fc)



Fdd, ? ~ 1 jk/h (]nsfkutafc ? jk/h)


Pousn Wajnr


Mfkus Tfkujn (Puren)

> jk



? jk/h


Pousn Wajnr



Ytocgmy Okorj



Cnor Ifjpkntn Okorj


?0 ??

Oar Yncsfr Fiikusafc Yncsfr

KO]E (acsncsatavn) 5 (acsncsatavn)


Cursn Iokk



Yfucg Tfkujn

YNW?(Okorj sfucg)< ?? (jox.), YNW=(Bny sfucg)< ??(jox)



Acataokazotafc gfnsc‑t ihocen thas porojntnrs.



Acataokazotafc gfnsc‑t ihocen thas porojntnrs.





Grfp Yncsfr sncsatavaty


?8  OI Joacs ]njfvok Okorj Fc ?1


Doitfry Iokamrotafc Tokun

* Cftn< Okk thn nxastace snt vokuns orn rnpkoing wath thn acataokazng vokuns ad acataokazotafc as nxniutng.  

Ioutafc   Ioutafc ?. Whn oituok acdusafc rotn joy gaddnr drfj drfj thn gnsarng rotn, ocg jokducitafc fd thn oar ocg thn fiikusafc okorjs joy fiiur ad ocy AT snts fthnr thoc thn gnsaecotng fcn orn usng. Ifctoit o Goawho vncgfr fr thn hnog fddain dfr ossastocin. =. Cftn thot fiikusafc sncsatavaty, mfkus dkfw rotn ocg joxajuj dkfw rotn ihocen gnpncgace fc thn Oii. vokuns (AT snt).  9. Ifctoit thn iustfjnr snrvain inctnr adad grostai gaddnrncins fiiur gun tf usn dfr oc nxtncgng pnrafg fd tajn. Wnst acdusafc vfkujn rneukorky ocg iorry fut iokamrotafc ot knost fcin o ynor.



=.?0. Hastfry Kfe Tanw Jncu-Nvnct Ynknitafc & kfwnr knvnk jncu snknitafc Whn Hastfry Kfe vanw ducitafc sovns thn nvncts fd nquapjnct ac thn jnjfry. ^p tf =,000 nvncts ioc mn sovng, ocg whnc thnrn orn jfrn thoc =,000 nvncts, thn fkgnst fcns orn fvnrwrattnc wath kotnst fcn. Nvncts orn sovng whnc stortace, ifjpkntace ocg pousace acdusafc, ocg whnc okorjs fiiur. Nvncts ifctoac thn Gotn & Wajn (thn gotn ocg tajn whnc oc nvnct fiiurs), Fpnrotafc Jfgn, Wftok Tfkujn, Dkfw ]otn, Acdusng Tfkujn ocg Wypns fd Okorjs. Dukk ifctncts fd hastfry kfe nvnct ioc mn snnc my Fptafcok Hastfry Kfe sfdtworn whaih as usng tf gfwckfog hastfry kfe goto tf PI os shfwc ac Dae=.?0.?. Ac oggatafc tf thas hastfry kfe, thn kotnst >0 okorj fiiurrncins sovng ot snporotn jnjfry orno ocg at ioc garnitky vanw fc gaspkoy fd pujp. (]ndnr =.5.=.7 Tanwace Okorj Kfe)  

Daeurn =.?0.? Hastfry nvnct kfe kast fc PI my Hastfry Kfe oppkaiotafc sfdtworn ocg rninavng nvnct goto drfj ifccnitng GA-==00 thrfueh snraok ifjjucaiotafc.



9. ACYPNIWAFC P]FING^]NY   Ac frgnr tf prnvnct suggnc prfmknjs fd Acdusafc Pujp GA-==00 ocg ncsurn sodn usn, hokd ynor acspnitafcs cnng tf mn iorrang fut ac oiifrgocin wath thn dfkkfwace prfingurns.

9.?. Pfwnr Yuppky Acspnitafc ?)

Ifccnit thn acdusafc pujp tf thn joacs pfwnr suppky. Jobn surn thot thn acdusafc AT snt as cft jfuctng ocg thn gffr as ikfsng.

=) Ihnib whnthnr thn OI/GI acgaiotfr as fc. 9) Wurc fc thn pfwnr swatih fc thn rnor sagn fd thn pujp. 7) Ihnib whnthnr thn thrnn mottnry knvnk acgaiotfrs fc thn drfct pocnk orn okk akkujacotng. >) Gasifccnit thn joacs pfwnr suppky ocg ihnib whnthnr thn OI/GI OI/GI acgaiotfr KNG aas s fdd. Oksf, ihnib whnthnr ot knost fcn mottnry knvnk acgaiotfr as akkujacotng. 4) Ifccnit thn nxtnrcok joacs pfwnr pfwnr suppky oeoac ocg ihnib whnthnr thn OI/GI acgaiotfr as akkujacotng.

9.=. Grfppace Wnst ?) Wurc fc thn pfwnr. =) Dakk thn acdusafc acdusafc AT snt wath o sfkutafc ocg rnjfvn oar acsagn thn tumn. Jobn surn thot thn acdusafc snt ifctoacnr as dakkng tf thn hokd knvnk sf thot grfppace fd sfkutafc grfps ioc mn ihnibng. 9) Fpnc thn gffr ocg jfuct thn acdusafc AT snt tf dat thn sncsfrs ocg thn pujpace pujpace ucat. 7) Jfuct thn acdusafc AT snt actf thn gnvain suih thot thn gastocin mntwnnc thn tfp fd thn pujp ocg thn sfkutafc mfttkn jfuth as omfut ? jntnr. Bnnp thn acdusafc AT snt ikojp ikfsng. >) Ikfsn thn pujp gffr ocg fpnc thn acdusafc AT snt ikojp. Fmsnrvn dfr 40 snifcgs whnthnr thn sfkutafc as grfppace drfj thn ncg fd thn AT snt. 4) Fpnc thn pujp gffr gffr ocg kfwnr thn pujpace ucat knvnr tf fpnc thn pujpace ucat. Fcin drnn grfps orn encnrotng, ikfsn thn gffr. Knovn thn pujp dfr fcn jacutn ocg ihnib dfr fcn jacutn whnthnr grfps orn encnrotng drfj thn ncg fd thn acdusafc snt.

9.9. Oiiuroiy Wnst ?) Wurc fc thn pfwnr muttfc ocg jfuct thn acdusafc acdusafc AT snt wathfut oar mummkns ocg ikfeeace ac thn tumn. =) Ynt dkfw rotn ocg tftok vfkujn tf ?00 jk/h ocg ?00 jk rnspnitavnky. 9) Ihnib whnthnr thn dkfw rotn ocg thn tftok vfkujn orn snt tf ?00 jk/h ocg ?00 jk rnspnitavnky ocg jobn surn thot thn acdusng vfkujn as 0 jk. Fthnrwasn, snt thn acdusng vfkujn tf 0 ac thn acdusafc jfgn. 7) Ytort acdusafc my prnssace thn YWO]W bny. Jobn surn thot oar mummkns fr ikfeeace wfukg wfukg cft fiiur gurace acdusafc. >) Uhnc thn acdusafc ifjpkntafc okorj sfucgs, thn acdusafc as ifjpkntng. Whnc stfp acdusafc acdusafc my prnssace thn YWFP bny ocg ihnib acdusafc tajn (? hfur) ocg acdusng vfkujn (?00 jk).



9.7. Gffr Fpnc Okorj Wnst ?)

Wurc fc thn pfwnr muttfc ocg jfuct thn acdusafc AT snt wathfut wathfut oar mummkns ocg ikfeeace acsagn thn tumn.


Fpnc thn gffr ocg ihnib whnthnr whnthnr thn gffr fpnc acgaiotfr as akkujacotng.


Ytort acdusafc my prnssace thn YWO]W bny. Ihnib whnthnr thn gffr acgaiotfr mkacbs mkacbs wath oc okorj sfucg.


Prnss thn YWFP bny ocg ihnib whnthnr thn okorj as fdd. Ihnib whnthnr thn gffr fpnc acgaiotfr as stakk akkujacotng.


Ikfsn thn gffr ocg ihnib whnthnr thn gffr fpnc acgaiotfr as turcng turcng fdd.


Prnss thn YWO]W bny tf stort acdusafc. Ihnib whnthnr whnthnr thn acdusafc acgaiotfr mkacbs.


Fpnc thn gffr oeoac ocg ihnib whnthnr thn acdusafc acgaiotfr stfps mkacbace ocg thn gffr fpnc acgaiotfr mkacbs.


Ikfsn thn gffr ocg prnss thn YWFP YWFP bny tf stfp thn okorj sfucg.

9.>. Oar Okorj Wnst ?) Wurc fc thn pfwnr muttfc ocg jfuct thn acdusafc AT snt wathfut oar mummkns ocg ikfeeace acsagn thn tumn. =) Ytort acdusafc my prnssace thn YWO]W bny. Ihnib whnthnr thn YWFP acgaiotfr aas s turcng fdd ocg thn acdusafc acgaiotfr mkacbs. 9) Irnotn oar mummkns actnctafcokky acsagn thn tumn ocg jobn thnj dkfw actf thn pujp. 7) Ihnib whnthnr thn oar acgaiotfr mkacbs ocg okorj sfucgs whnc oar mummkns rnoih thn oar sncsfr. Whn acdusafc acgaiotfr stfps mkacbace, ocg thn stfp acgaiotfr as turcng fc. >) Prnss thn YWFP bny ocg ihnib whnthnr thn okorj sfucg stfps ocg thn oar acgaiotfr as stakk akkujacotng. 4) Fpnc thn gffr ocg rnjfvn oar mummkns drfj thn oar sncsfr. Jfuct thn acdusafc snt oeoac. 5) Ikfsn thn gffr ocg ihnib whnthnr thn oar acgaiotfr as turcng fdd.

9.4. Fiikusafc Okorj Wnst

?) Wurc fc thn pfwnr ocg jfuct thn acdusafc snt wathfut oar oar mummkns ocg ikfeeace acsagn thn tumn.

=) Ytort acdusafc my prnssace thn YWO]W bny. Ihnib whnthnr thn acdusafc acgaiotfr mkacbs. 9) Mkfib thn tumn fd fd thn acdusafc snt omfut ?> ij owoy drfj thn kfwnr port fd thn pujp ocg ihnib whnthnr thn fiikusafc acgaiotfr mkacbs wath oc okorj sfucg. Cfw, thn acdusafc acgaiotfr stfps mkacbace ocg thn stfp acgaiotfr KNG as turcng fc. Prnss thn YWFP bny ocg ihnib whnthnr thn okorj sfucg stfps ocg thn fiikusafc acgaiotfr KNG as stakk akkujacotng.

9.5. Mottnry Kfw Okorj Wnst ?) Wurc fc thn pfwnr muttfc ocg jfuct thn acdusafc snt wathfut oar mummkns ocg ikfeeace acsagn thn tumn. =) Ynt dkfw rotn ocg tftok vfkujn tf => jk/h ocg ?00 jk rnspnitavnky.



9) Ytort acdusafc my prnssace thn YWO]W bny. Ihnib whnthnr whnthnr thn jairf ducitafc acgaiotfr as as turcng fc, thn YWFP acgaiotfr as turcng fdd, ocg thn acdusafc acgaiotfr mkacbs. 7) Gasifccnit joacs pfwnr suppky my pukkace thn pkue fut ocg ihnib whnthnr thn pujp as fpnrotng wathfut prfmknjs. Whn OI/GI acgaiotfr wakk mn turcng fdd omfut fcn tf twf snifcgs odtnr thn nxtnrcok pfwnr suppky as rnjfvng. >) Ad jfrn thoc fcn mottnry knvnk acgaiotfr as cft akkujacotng ocg thn mottnry acgaiotfr mkacbs wath oc okorj sfucg, thn pujp cnngs tf mn rnihoreng. Ad thn nxtnrcok pfwnr suppky as ifccnitng whnc thn mottnry kfw okorj sfucgs, thn mottnry kfw okorj wakk stfp, okk thrnn mottnry knvnk acgaiotfrs wakk mn turcng fc, ocg thn OI/GI acgaiotfr wakk mn turcng fc. 4) Pkue ac oeoac ocg ihnib whnthnr thn gnvain as fpnrotng wathfut wathfut prfmknjs. ]npnot 9) ocg 7) omfvn. 5) Os thn pujp ifctacuns acdusafc, thn mottnry knvnk acgaiotfrs acgaiotfrs wakk mn turcng fdd fcn odtnr ocfthnr ocg nvnctuokky thn mottnry kfw okorj wakk sfucg. Ifccnit tf thn joacs pfwnr suppky ocg ihnib whnthnr thn okorj stfps ocg acdusafc ifctacuns.

9.8. Nknitraiok Yodnty Wnst Whn jnosurnjnct fd knoboen iurrnct ocg erfucg ajpngocin fd GA-==00 shfukg dfkkfw thn actnrcotafcok stocgorgs< ANI 4040?-? ocg ANI4040?-=-=7. Knoboen iurrnct shfukg cft nxinng fcn jO (jakkaojpnrn). Dfr thn erfucg ajpngocin, jobn surn thot thn ikojp ossnjmky shfukg cft nxinng

0.?ℤ (nxpnitng tf ihnib). 

9.1. ^snr Joactncocin ?) ]npkoinjnct fd dusn fd thn pfwnr acknt Fpnc thn dusn mfx ot thn tfp fd thn pfwnr acknt ocg rnpkoin thn dusn wath o rotng dusn (=>0T W9.?>O)   W9.?>O) =) ]npkoinjnct fd thn muakt-ac mottnry ]njfvn thn mottnry mfx ifvnr fc thn rnor pocnk ocg rnpkoin thn mottnry wath o Ca-JH (Caibnk Jntok Hygragn Mottnry (?4.8T, =?00jOh)) poib wath thn sojn sazn. Jobn surn thot thn mottnry as pkoin ac thn raeht pfsatafc. 9) ]nihoreace fd mottnry  O stfroen mottnry ioc mn rnihoreng rneorgknss fd pfwnr swatih. Uhnc thn nxtnrcok pfwnr suppky as ifccnitng, thn OI/GI acgaiotfr as turcng fc ocg rnihoreace storts. Whn pujp cnngs tf mn rnihoreng ot knost fcin o jfcth. 7) Iknocace Ac frgnr tf jacajazn horgncace fr oiiujukotafc fd sfkutafc fctf thn pujp, iknoc thn pujp ajjngaotnky odtnr usn. Uosh thn nxtnrcok iosn ocg thn drfct pocnk wath o sfdt ikfth fr ifttfc sfobng wath worj wotnr. Gf cft usn thaccnr, sfkvnct, mnczncn, ojjfcauj, fr ointfcn. Oksf, gf cft gasacdnit thn pujp my outfikovn fr wath NF (Nthykncn Fxagn) eos.




Whas jfgn as o snrvain jfgn fc thn Acdusafc Pujp GA-=000 ac whaih thn YJPY, mottnry, sncsfrs, bny vokuns, ocg ifrrnitafc vokuns ioc mn vanwng ocg nxojacng.

* Prn Prns ss ocg ocg hfkg hfkg thn thn R].W R].WAJ AJN( N( jfgn,, ocg prnss jfgn prnss thn RYNK(

)Z ocg ocg RYWF RYWFP/ P/IK IKN NO]( O](

)Z bn bnys ys tf nctn nctnrr th thn n sn snrv rvai ain n

)Z bny bny ac thn snrvai snrvain n jfgn jfgn ac frgnr frgnr tf s swati watih h tf o tnst jfgn. jfgn.



7.?. Acspnitace YJPY ?. P Prrnss th thn RY RYNK(

)Z bny oeoac whakn ac thn snrvain jfgn tf gaspkoy ‛tJ0?‚ ac thn W.Tfk  (jk) dankg,

"YJPY" ac thn A.Tfk(jk) dankg, ocg o jnosurng YJPY vokun ac thn D.]otn(jk/h) dankg. =. Prnss Prnss thn thn JFGN JFGN (

) bny tf tf ihnib ihnib thn vfkt vfktoen oen gaspk gaspkoy oy oc ocg g OGI (Ocok (Ocokfe fe Gaeat Gaeatok ok Ifcvn Ifcvnrtn rtnr) r) vokun. vokun.

9. Odtnr Odtnr ihniba ihnibace ce thn voku vokuns, ns, mran mrandky dky p prnss rnss thn thn RMFK^Y RMFK^Y((

)Z bny tf swa swatih tih dr drfj fj thn s snrv nrvain ain jfgn jfgn tf

stocgmy jfgn.

Tfktoen Gaspkoy Tokun Ihnibkast Prnss Prn ss thn thn JFGN JFGN (

) bny tf gasp gaspkoy koy o vokun vokun ac thn vfktoen vfktoen ihnib ihnib da dankg nkg..

- Jnosurn thn vfktoen wath ocg wathfut oc nxtnrcok pfwnr suppky, ocg gntnrjacn ad thn vokun as wathac thn rocen mnkfw.


Tfktoen (wath oc nxtnrcok pfwnr suppky) Tfktoen (wathfut oc oc nxtnrcok pfwnr suppky)




Omfvn T=?T

Mnkfw T?.0


?. Jnosurn thn vfktoen futput whakn thn YJPY ocg joac M/G orn gasifccnitng. =. ]npkoin thn joac M/G ad thn vokun as omfvn =? T (oc omcfrjok gavagnr rnsastocin fd thn YJPY vfktoen futput fr IP^ jokducitafc).

9. ]npkoin thn YJPY ad thn vokun as mnkfw fr omfvn =? T.

7.=. Acspnitace Mottnry ?. Prnss thn RYNK(

)Z bny oeoac whakn ac thn snrvain jfgn tf gaspkoy ‛tJ0=‚ ac thn W.Tfk(jk) dankg,

"MOtt" ac thn A.Tfk(jk) dankg, ocg thn jnosurng mottnry vokun ac thn D.]otn(jk/h) dankg.

=. Prn Prnss ss thn thn JFG JFGN( N(

) bny tf ihnib ihnib thn thn vfkt vfktoen oen gasp gaspkoy koy o ocg cg OG OGI I (Ocokfe (Ocokfe G Gaeato aeatokk Ifc Ifcvnr vnrtnr) tnr)

vokuns, mottnry knvnk, ihoreace ifuct vokun, mottnry iopoiaty vokun, tnjpnroturn, ocg ihoreace iurrnct.

9.  Odtnr ihnibace thn vokuns, mrandky prnss pr nss thn RMFK^Y( stocgmy jfgn.


)Z bny tf t f swatih dr drfj fj thn snrvain j jfgn fgn tf


Tfktoen Gaspkoy Tokun Ihnibkast

- Prns Prnss s thn thn JF JFGN( GN(

) bny tf gasp gaspkoy koy o vokun vokun ac thn thn vfkt vfktoen oen ihnib ihnib ddank ankg. g.

- Jnosurn thn mottnry vfktoen, ocg gntnrjacn ad thn vokun as wathac thn rocen mnkfw. Atnj Mottnry

Tfktoen (prnsnct) Tfktoen

OGI Tokun

1.> T - ?7.> T

Omfvn O740

 Oitafcs ?. Odtnr rnjfvace thn mottnry, jnosurn thn mottnry vfktoen. O cfrjok vokun as mntwnnc 1.> T ocg ?7.> T -3 rnpkoin thn joac M/G (oc omcfrjok gavagnr rnsastocin fd thn YJPY vfktoen futput fr IP^ jokducitafc). =. Omfvn ?7.> T< ]npkoin thn mottnry. 9. Mnkfw 1.> T< ]npkoin thn mottnry ad thn vfktoen as cft rnstfrng odtnr ihoreace.

7.9. Acspnitace Oar Yncsfr ?. Prnss thn RYNK(

)Z bny oeoac whakn ac thn snrvain jfgn tf gaspkoy ‛tJ09‚ ac thn W.Tfk(jk) dankg,

"Oar" ac thn A.Tfk(jk) dankg, ocg thn jnosurng oar sncsfr vokun ac thn D.]otn(jk/h) dankg.

=. Prn Prnss ss thn thn JFGN( JFGN(

) bny tf tf ihnib ihnib thn thn vfktoen vfktoen gasp gaspkoy koy o ocg cg OGI OGI (Oco (Ocokfe kfe Gaea Gaeatok tok Ifcvn Ifcvnrtn rtnr) r) vokun vokun..

9. Odtnr ihnibace thn vokuns, mrandky prnss thn RMFK^Y(

)Z bny tf swatih drfj thn snrvain jfgn tf

stocgmy jfgn.

 Oar Yncsfr

Tfktoen Gaspkoy Tokun

Oar Yncsfr


- Prn Prnss ss thn thn JFGN JFGN((

) bny tf gaspk gaspkoy oy o vokun vokun aac c thn thn vfkto vfktoen en ihni ihnib b da dankg nkg..



-  Odtnr acstokkace oc AT snt fc thn oar o ar sncsfr, ihnib thn vfktoen wath ocg wathfut oar, ocg gntnrj gntnrjacn acn ad thn vokun as wathac thn rocen mnkfw. Atnj  Oar mummkn

Uhnc thnrn as oar mummkn

Uhnc thnrn as cf oar mummkn



Mnkfw T0.?

Omfvn T?.0T

 Oitafcs ?. Jnosurn thn vfktoen futput odtnr rnpkoiace thn oar sncsfr jfgukn. =. ]npkoin thn joac M/G ad thn vfktoen ifctacuns tf mn omcfrjok (IP^ jokducitafc).

7.7. Acspnitace Fiikusafc Yncsfr Prnss thn RYNK(

)Z bny oeoac whakn ac thn snrvain jfgn j fgn tf gaspkoy ‛tJ07‚ ac thn W.T W.Tfk(jk), fk(jk), "FIIK" ac

thn A.Tfk(jk), dankg, ocg thn jnosurng fiikusafc sncsfr vokun ac thn D.]otn(jk/h)dankg. D.]otn(jk/h)dankg.

?. Prn Prnss ss thn thn JFGN( JFGN(

) bny tf ihnib ihnib thn thn vfktoen vfktoen gasp gaspkoy koy o ocg cg OGI (Ocok (Ocokfe fe Gaeat Gaeatok ok Ifcvnr Ifcvnrtnr tnr)) vokuns vokuns

os wnkk os o knvnk wathfut oc AT snt acstokkng.

=.  Odtnr ihnibace thn vokuns, mrandky prnss thn RMFK^Y( R MFK^Y(

)Z bny tf swatih drfj thn snrvain j jfgn fgn tf

stocgmy jfgn. Prnssurn Yncsfr

Tfktoen Gaspkoy Tokun

Fiikusafc Yncsfr

Ihnibkast - Prnss Prnss thn JFGN( JFGN(

) bny bny tf gaspkoy gaspkoy o voku vokun n ac thn vfktoe vfktoen n ihn ihnib ib dankg. dankg.

- Jnosurn thn vfktoen vfktoen wath ocg wathfut wathfut acstokkace oc AT snt fc thn fiikusafc sncsfr, ocg gntnrjacn ad thn vokun as wathac thn rocen mnkfw. Uhnc oc AT snt as acstokkng

Uhnc oc AT snt as cft acstokkng




?.=T - =.?T

=.?T ’ 9.0T


=.7T ’ 9.9T

=.7T ’ 9.9T

Hokk Yncsfr




?. Ynttace o knvnk wathfut acstokkace oc AT snt -

Whn knvnk wathfut oc AT snt just mn rnsnt whnc darjworn as upgotng.


]nsnt thn knvnk wathfut oc AT snt whnc oc fiikusafc okorj fiiurs.


Odtnr Odtnr rnjfvac rnjfvace e thn AT snt, snt, prnss prnss ocg hfkg hfkg thn YWO]W( YWO]W(


Os thn okorj mnnps ac > snifcgs, thn knvnk wathfut oc AT snt acstokkng as outfjotaiokky snt.


Nxojpkn) D.]otn (jk/h)< Whn knvnk wathfut oc AT snt acstokkng as ihoceng drfj N705 tf N854.

) bny uct uctak ak thn okorj okorj mnn mnnps. ps.

Knvnk Uathfut oc AT Ynt Acstokkng Knvnk wathfut oc AT snt acstokkng Atnj Fiikusafc Prnssurn

 OGI Tokun Tokun wathfut oc AT snt acstokkng ’ ?0

=. Whn vfktoen as omfvn =.9> T fr mnkfw =.?> T wathfut oc AT snt acstokkng< ]npkoin thn FIIK M/G2 rnpkoin thn joac M/G ad thn prfmknj pnrsasts.

9. Whn vfktoen as mnkfw ?.= T whnc oc AT snt as acstokkng< ]npkoin thn joecnt fr FIIK M/G.

7.>. Acspnitace Grfp Yncsfr ?. Prnss thn RYNK(

)Z bny oeoac whakn ac thn snrvain jfgn tf gaspkoy ‛tJ0>‚ ac thn W.Tfk(jk) dankg,

"grfp" ac thn A.Tfk(jk), ocg thn jnosurng grfp sncsfr vokun ac thn D.]otn(jk/h) dankg. =. Prn Prnss ss thn thn JFGN( JFGN(

) bny tf ihnib ihnib thn grfp grfp ifu ifuct ct vokun vokun ocg ocg tf ihoce ihocen n thn gasp gaspkoy koy w whnc hnc acst acstokk okkace ace

fr rnjfvace thn grfp sncsfr.

9. Odtnr ihnib ihnibace ace thn thn vokun vokuns, s, mrandky mrandky prnss prnss thn RMFK^Y( RMFK^Y( stocgmy jfgn.


)Z bny tf sw swati atih h drfj tthn hn sn snrva rvain in jfg jfgn n tf


Ihnibkast -

Ihnib ad ‛gAC" as gaspkoyng ac thn D.rotn(jk/h) dankg whnc thn grfp sncsfr as acstokkng.


Ihnib ad ‛gF^t" as gaspkoyng ac thn D.rotn(jk/h) D.rotn(j k/h) dankg whnc thn grfp sncsfr as rnjfvng.  


Odtnr snttace os D.rotn(jk/h)>)

 Oitafcs ?. ]npkoin joac M/G< Doakurn ac thn ifccnitafc mntwnnc thn grfp sncsfr ocg IP^, fr IP^ jokducitafc.

7.4. Acspnitace Gffr Yncsfr ?. Prnss thn RYNK(

)Z bny oeoac whakn ac thn snrvain jfgn tf gaspkoy ‛tJ04‚ ac thn W.Tfk (jk) dankg,

"gffr" ac thn A.Tfk(jk) dankg, ocg thn jnosurng gffr sncsfr vokun ac thn D.]otn(jk/h) dankg. =. Whn gffr stotus as gaspkoyng. 9. Odtnr ihnib ihnibace ace thn thn vokun vokuns, s, mrandky mrandky prnss prnss thn RMFK^Y( RMFK^Y(

)Z bny tf sw swati atih h drfj tthn hn sn snrva rvain in jfg jfgn n tf

stocgmy jfgn.

Ihnibkast -

Fpnc thn gffr ocg ihnib ad ‛FPNC" as gaspkoyng ac thn D.rotn(jk/h) ddankg. ankg. 


Ikfsn thn gffr ocg ihnib ad ‛IKFY" as gaspkoyng ac thn D.rotn(jk/h) dankg.   Atnj

Gffr Fpnc

Gffr Ikfsn


Gaspkoy (D.]otn(jk/h)


Gaspkoy (D.]otn(jk/h)

Gffr FC


Gffr FDD


Gffr Ytotus

 Oitafcs ?. ]npkoin thn gffr sncsfr M/G2 ihnib thn iomkn. =. ]npkoin thn joac M/G ad thn prfmknj pnrsasts.



7.5. Acspnitace Gaspkoy(DCG, KNG) Prnss thn RYNK(

)Z bny oeoac whakn ac thn snrvain jfgn tf gaspkoy ‛tJ05‚ ac thn W.Tfk(jk) dankg ocg  

"gaYP" ac thn A.Tfk(jk) dankg, ocg tf ihocen thn D.]otn(jk/h) dankg tf gaspkoy thn stotus. ?. Whn gaspkoy as rnogy tf shfw FC/FDD dfr thn DCG ocg KNG stotus nvnry snifcg.

=. Odtnr Odtnr ih ihniba nibace ce thn thn vokuns vokuns,, mra mrandky ndky prnss prnss thn RMFK^Y( RMFK^Y(

)Z bny bny tf s swat watih ih drf drfj j thn snrv snrvain ain jfgn jfgn tf

stocgmy jfgn.

 Okk Gaspkoy FDD (Uathfut Oar AT Ynt)

 Okk Gaspkoy FC, Ihnibkast

- Ihnib ad DCG ocg KNG orn kat kat whnc okk dankgs orn fc.

(Os oc nxinptafc, acgaiotace thn sncsfr stotus, thn Oar KNG ocg Gffr KNG joy turc fc thnc moib fdd fr vain vnrso.)  - Ihnib ad DCG ocg KNG orn fdd whnc okk dankgs orn fdd. (Whn mottnry knvnk joy gaspkoy thn nxastace knvnk wathac =0 snifcgs.)

 Oitafcs ?. ]npkoin thn gaspkoy M/G. =. Ihnib ad ocy PIM ifjpfcncts orn shfrt-iariuatng.

7.8. Acspnitace Bny Pog ?. Prnss thn RYNK(

)Z bny oeoac whakn ac thn snrvain jfgn tf gaspkoy ‛tJ08‚ ac thn W.Tfk(jk) dankg

ocg "BNQ" ac thn A.Tfk(jk) dankg, ocg tf ihocen thn D.]otn(jk/h) dankg tf gaspkoy thn bny stotus. =. Prnss o bny vokun tf ihn ihnib ib thn ifrrnspfcgace vokun ac thn gaspkoy dankg.

9. Odtnr ihnib ihnibace ace thn thn vokun vokuns, s, mrandky mrandky prnss prnss thn RMFK^Y( RMFK^Y( stocgmy jfgn.


)Z bny tf sw swati atih h drfj tthn hn sn snrva rvain in jfg jfgn n tf


Bny Ytotus Gaspkoy Ihnibkast -

Ihnib ad thn ifrrnspfcgace bny dankg as ihoceng my prnssace thn bny.

- Nxinpt Ihnib Ihn ib adad thn thn jfgn jfgn as ihocen ihoceng g tf thn cnxt cnxt tnst jfgn my prnss prnssace ace thn RYNK( RYNK(

)Z bny. bny.

Ihnib Ihn ib ad thn thn jf jfgn gn as as iho ihocen ceng g drfj drfj thn tnst tnst jfgn tf stocg stocgmy my jfgn jfgn my p prns rnssac sace e thn RRMFK MFK^Y( ^Y(


bny. Ihnib Ihn ib adad thn thn stotu stotus s as ihoceng ihoceng tf FDD FDD my my prns prnssac sace e th thn n RFC/FD RFC/FDD( D(

)Z bny bny..

 Oitafcs ?. ]npkoin thn ifrrnspfcgace bny fr M/G

7.1. Acspnitace JI^ A/F Pfrt ?. Whas jfgn as oc nceacnnr's tnst jfgn ocg cft sumlnit tf acspnitafc .

7.?0. Acspnitace Jftfr Ihnib ?. Prnss thn RYNK(

)Z bny oeoac whakn ac thn snrvain jfgn tf gaspkoy ‛tJ?0‚ ac thn W.Tfk(jk) dankg

ocg "JtI.B" ac thn A.Tfk(jk) dankg, ocg tf ihocen thn D.]otn(jk/h) dankg tf gaspkoy thn pfrt vokun. =. O jftfr ihnib ifuct ioc mn ihnibng ac thas jfgn. 9. Odtnr Odtnr ihnibac ihnibace e vokuns vokuns,, mrandky mrandky prnss prnss th thn n RMFK^Y( RMFK^Y(

)Z bn bny y tf ihoc ihocen en drfj drfj thn thn snr snrvai vain n jfg jfgn n tf

stocgmy jfgn.

Jftfr Ihnib Gaspkoy Ihnibkast Prnss Prn ss thn YWO]W( YWO]W( -

) bny tf stort stort acln aclnita itafc fc odtnr odtnr snttac snttace e thn aclni aclnitaf tafc c rotn rotn,, D.]otn( D.]otn(jk/h jk/h), ), tf =0 =00. 0.

Ihnib ad thn jftfr ihnib ifuct rnpnots "=-9".




?.]npkoin thn Ihnibnr M/G. =.Ihnib ad ocy PIM ifjpfcncts orn shfrt-iariuatng. * Ioutafc< Uhnc thn jftfr ihnib ifuct ifctacuns tf mn "0" odtnr stortace thn aclnitafc my prnssace thn YWO] YW O]W( W( -

) bny bny, ihni ihnib b thn thn Jft Jftfr fr Ihn Ihnib ib jfg jfguk ukn. n.

Uhnc oc ‛N00?" nrrfr fiiurs  Tanw thn jftfr ihnib tf acspnit thn jftfr ihnib jfgukn.


Uhnc thn aclnitafc rotn as dostnr thoc thn snt vokun Tanw thn jftfr ihnib ifuct tf acspnit thn jftfr ihnib jfgukn.

7.??. Acspnitace ocg Ynttace Iokamrotafc ?. Prnss thn RYNK(

)Z bny oeoac whakn ac thn snrvain jfgn tf gaspkoy ‛tJ??‚ ac thn W.Tfk(jk) dankg ocg

"IKOI" ac thn A.Tfk(jk) dankg, ocg tf ihocen thn D.]otn(jk/h) dankg tf gaspkoy thn iokamrotafc stotus. =. Prnss Prnss thn ^P/GFUC ^P/GFUC bny bnys s(






) tf snt oc aca acataok taokazo azotaf tafc c posswf posswfrg. rg. Ad thn

posswfrg as ifrrnit, thnc iokamrotafc vokuns ioc mn nctnrng. 9. Uhnc oc nrrfr fiiurs wath o gfsn, gfsn, thn ifrrnspfcgace iokamrotafc vokun ioc mn oglustng (-=0 ~ +=0%). Nxojpkn) O vokun thot as snt tf rnguin thn gfsn my 0.?%. 7. Mr Mran andky dky pr prns nss s tthn hn RMFK^ RMFK^Y( Y(

)Z bny tf nctn nctnrr s sto tocg cgmy my jfgn. jfgn.

Iokamrotafc Tokun Ifrrnitafc Gaspkoy IKOI snttace rocen< -=0.0% ~ =0.0% (Uhnc rnstfrace doitfry gndoukts, thn YIOK vokun as rnstfrng tf thn IKOI vokun.) Ihnibkast -

Uhnc oc nrrfr fiiurs wath wath thn gfsn, oglust thn ifrrnitafc vokun ocg ocg ihnib ad thn nrrfr wath thn gfsn as ifrrnitng.

* Ioutafc< Whn prfguit iokamrotafc vokun as snt upfc shapjnct. Oc nrrfr ac thn gfsn joy fiiur whakn iokamrotace< mn iornduk. Whn gfsn just cft mn iokamrotng ucknss at hos oc nrrfr.



7.?=. Acspnitace ocg Ynttace Doitfry Iokamrotafc ?. Prnss thn RYNK(

)Z bny oeoac whakn ac thn snrvain jfgn tf gaspkoy ‛tJ?=‚ ac thn W.Tfk(jk) dankg

ocg "YKOI" ac thn A.Tfk(jk) dankg, ocg tf ihocen thn D.]otn(jk/h) dankg tf gaspkoy thn doitfry iokamrotafc stotus. =. Prnss thn ^P/GFUC bnys ( , , , , , ) tf snt oc acataokazotafc posswfrg. Ad thn posswfrg as ifrrnit, thnc iokamrotafc vokuns ioc mn ncomkng. 9. Whn doitfry iokamrotafc vokun ioc mn oglustng upfc shapjnct (-=0 ~ +=0%).

7. Mr Mran andky dky pr prns nss s th thn n RM RMFK^ FK^Y( Y(

)Z bny bny tf nctn nctnrr stoc stocgmy gmy jfgn. jfgn.

Doitfry Iokamrotafc Tokun Gaspkoy YIOK snttace rocen< -=0.0% ~ =0.0% (Uhnc rnstfrace doitfry gndoukt, thn YIOK vokun as rnstfrng tf thn IKOI vokun.)

Ihnibkast - Ioutafc Uhnc acataokazace thn doitfry iokamrotafc vokun, thn IKOI vokun as rnstfrng tf YIOK, whaih as o doitfry iokamrotafc vokun snt upfc shapjnct. * Ioutafc< Gurace acataokazotafc, thn doitfry iokamrotafc vokun as rnstfrng. At as thn sojn os thn iokamrotafc vokun dfr tJ?? upfc shapjnct. Uhnc usace thas vokun tf rntoac o doitfry gndoukt vokun, thn ifrrnspfcgace vokun shfukg cft mn ihoceng.




>.?. Mkfib Gaoeroj

>.=. Joacs Pfwnr Yuppky Whn YJPY (Ywatihace Jfgn Pfwnr Yuppky) ihocens OI joacs pfwnr suppky (?00-=70 TOI, >0/40 Hz) tf GI iurrnct (=7TGI, ?O) ocg ihorens thn muakt-ac mottnry. Whrfueh thn rneukotfr acsagn thn joac mforg ossnjmky, at encnrotns GI 9.9 T dfr noih nknitrfcai nknjnct ocg GI > T dfr gaspkoys.

Whn muakt-ac mottnry as usng os oc njnrenciy pfwnr suppky whnc OI joacs pfwnr suppky as gasifccnitng. Whn joacs pfwnr suppky as prfvagng drfj thn acknt wath oc NJI daktnr. At as rnitadang my thn YJPY ocg swatihng tf GI pfwnr suppky. Whn OI/GI pfwnr suppky KNG as akkujacotng rneorgknss fd thn pfwnr swatih, ocg thn muakt-ac mottnry as outfjotaiokky ihoreng. Uhnc thn joacs pfwnr suppky as gasifccnitng, thn muakt-ac mottnry as outfjotaiokky ifccnitng, suppkyace pfwnr tf noih iariuat inosnknssky. Whn acknt ocg thn YJPY hovn o snporotn dusn (=>0T W9.?>) tf prnvnct suggnc fvnr-iurrnct. Oksf, thn YJPY hos o dnoturn tf prnvnct fvnr-iurrnct ocg fvnr-vfktoen. Whn joacs pfwnr suppky as prfvagng tf noih port my thn YJPY os =7T/?O pfwnr suppkyace iopoiaty ocg usng tf rnihoren thn muakt-ac mottnry.



Whn pfwnr suppky iariuatry as gavagng my thn rneukotfr actf GI =7T dfr thn jftfr ocg GI >T ocg GI 9.9T dfr iariuats.

>.9. Joac Mforg Ossnjmky Whn joac mforg ossnjmky as ifjpfsng fd jnjfry thot stfrns JI^ goto ocg thn prferoj, NNP]FJ thot stfrns cfc vfkotakn usnr goto, thn sfurin prferoj thot ifctrfks noih port, JI^ fsiakkotfr thot as thn mosas fd okk saecoks, ocg thn rnsnt iariuat thot acataokazns JI^.

 Okk systnj saecoks orn ifctrfkkng my 8-mat JI^, ocg saecoks rnquarng dfr ifctrfk orn snct tf ports fr rninavng my thn oggrnss gnifgnr. Whn ikfib puksn fd JI^ as suppkang wath 8JHz ot thn fsiakkotfr port ocg prfvagns puksn dfr thn O/G ifcvnrtnr my thn puksn gaspncsnr. Whn prferoj as njmnggng ac thn jnjfry ocg gravns thn pujp. Jolfr goto orn stfrng ac NNP]FJ ocg prnsnrvng snja-pnrjocnctky nvnc ad pfwnr suppky as gasifccnitng.

>.7. Bny Ifctrfks Whn bny ifctrfks orn struiturng os thn bny jotrax fd toit swatihns. Yaecoks acput my prnssace noih bny orn rninavng my thn JI^ pfrt ocg prfinssng my sioccace bnys. Dfr bnys acput prfpnrky, prfpnr fpnrotafcs orn iorrang fut.

>.>. Gaspkoys Whn gaspkoy port ifcsasts fd thn ifctrfkknr, 7-gaeat 5 snejncts, ocg KNG. Whn gaspkoys orn ifctrfkkng my thrnn gaspkoy ifctrfkknrs ocg gavagng actf dkfw rotn gaspkoy ocg fthnr gaspkoys. Noih gaeat fd 5 snejncts as akkujacotng snqunctaokky tf gaspkoy fcn odtnr ocfthnr. Uorcace kaehts ocg acgaiotfrs, mottnry knvnk acgaiotfrs, ocg OI/GI acgaiotfr orn ifctrfkkng ocg akkujacotng my JI^.

>.4. Jftfr Ifctrfk Jftfr ifctrfk as ifjpfsng fd jftfr, jftfr gravnr, ocg jftfr ihnibnr. Dfr prniasn ifctrfk, uca-pfkor stnppace jftfr wos ogfptng ocg ?/?4 jairf stnp ifctrfk as iorrang fut thrfueh thn jftfr gravnr dfr jfrn prniasn ifctrfk.  O jftfr ihnibnr as ottoihng ottoihn g tf thn puj pujpace pace ucat oxas, whaih as sncsng my thn actnrrupt swatih tf ihnib fpnrotafc fd thn pujpace ucat (fr jftfr) ocg tf iokiukotn acdusng ojfuct. Dfr gntnitafc fd thn pujpace ucat moibkosh ocg quaib acdusng ojfuct nrrfr ifjpncsotafc, o guok pottnrc ihnibnr as usng. Whn cujmnr fd rftotafcs fd thn pujpace ucat as agnctadang my ifjporasfc wath thn cujmnr fd puksns acput tf thn jftfr. Kfw fr haeh rftotafc fd thn pujpace ucat as oksf gntnitng.



>.5. Yncsfrs ?) Oar sncsfr Whn oar sncsfr trocsjattnr as ifjpfsng fd thn fsiakkotfr thot encnrotns fsiakkotafc saecoks fd inrojai ocg panzf inrojai thot ihocens thn nknitrai saecoks fd =JHz fsiakkotafc actf jnihocaiok vamrotafc. Whn rninavnr hos panzf inrojai thot ihocens jnihocaiok vamrotafc actf nknitrai saecoks. Whn saecoks orn ojpkadang, rnitadang my thn gafgn, ocg prfvagng tf thn O/G ifcvnrtnr os GI vfktoens. Ad oar mummkns poss ac thn snt mntwnnc thn twf panzf inrojais fd trocsjattnr ocg rninavnr, trocsjassafc fd uktrosfcai wovns wakk mn actnrruptng ocg vfktoen wakk grfp. Whas as sncsng ocg okorj sfucgs. Whas dnoturn oksf sncsns oc njpty acdusafc snt. =) Fiikusafc sncsfr Whn fiikusafc sncsfr gntnits ikfeeace fr nxpocsafc acsagn thn acdusafc snt my jnocs fd thn hokk sncsfr. Whn fiikusafc gnvain jfvns up ocg gfwc, ocg thn sncsfr's futput vfktoen vorans gnpncgace fc thn gnvain jfvnjnct. Uhnc futput vfktoen dkuituotns mnyfcg o inrtoac vokun, worcace sfucg as encnrotng. Oksf, thn fiikusafc gnvain ioc mn usng tf ihnib whnthnr fr cft thn acdusafc snt as jfuctng. 9) Mottnry kfw sncsfr Whn mottnry vfktoen as jfcatfrng my thn jfcatfrace AI, ocg thn iurrnct mottnry vfktoen knvnk as jnosurng ocg snct tf JI^. Ad vfktoen grfps mnkfw o inrtoac knvnk, worcace sfucg as encnrotng ocg kfw mottnry acgaiotafc (MOWW) KNG akkujacotng gurace 90 jacutns. Ad vfktoen gnikacns tf o knvnk thot thn gnvain ioccft fpnrotn, thn mottnry njpty okorj sfucgs fut 9 jacutns ocg thnc thn gaspkoy as turcng fdd ocg thn jftfr stfps. 7) Gffr fpnc sncsfr Uhnc thn gffr as fpncng, thn gastocin mntwnnc thn joecnt ottoihng tf thn gffr ocg thn hokk sncsfr as wagncng ocg vfktoen grfp as sncsng, encnrotace o worcace sfucg. >) Grfp sncsfr (fptafcok) Kaquag grfps dokkace drfj thn ihojmnr fd thn acdusafc snt orn sncsng my thn phftfnknitrai sncsfr. Uhnc drnn grfps (sfkutafc grfps thot dokk my thn dfrin fd erovaty, cft ifctrfkkng my thn gnvain) orn encnrotng, thn pujp encnrotns o worcace sfucg. Dfr nrrfr ifjpncsotafc, thn acdusafc snt cnngs tf mn snt iknorky mndfrn thn grfp sncsfr as usng eavnc thot thn ojfuct fd fcn grfp vorans gnpncgace fc acdusafc snts.




4.?. YJPY ?) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr IC8? ocg thn joacs pfwnr suppky acknt. =) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr IC7? ocg Ifccnitfr L?> fd thn joac mforg.

4.=. Joac mforg ?) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L? fd thn joac? ocg Ifccnitfr L= fd thn ihnibnr. =) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L? fd thn joac= ocg Ifccnitfr L> fd thn ihnibnr. 9) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L4 fd thn joac? ocg NXW Pfwnr Ywatih. 7) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L> ocg Ifccnitfr IC= fd YJPY. >) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L? fd thn joac? ocg DDI (Dknxamkn Dkot Iomkn) fd Ifccnitfr L= fd thn gaspkoy mforg. 4) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L? fd thn joac= ocg DDI (Dknxamkn Dkot Iomkn) fd Ifccnitfr L? fd thn gaspkoy mforg.



5) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L?7 fd thn joac? ocg thn stnp jftfr. 8) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L?> fd thn joac= ocg thn stnp jftfr. 1) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L8 fd thn joac? ocg Ifccnitfr L?4 fd thn joac= mforg.

4.9. Gaspkoy mforg ?) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L> fd thn joac? ocg Ifccnitfr L? fd thn okorj mforg. =) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L?= fd thn joac? ocg Ifccnitfr L? fd thn okorj mforg. 9) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L= ocg DDI (Dknxamkn Dkot Iomkn) fd Ifccnitfr L? fd thn joac? mforg. 7) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L? ocg DDI (Dknxamkn Dkot Iomkn) fd Ifccnitfr L? fd thn joac= mforg. 5) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L4 ocg Ifccnitfr L? fd thn gffr?. 8) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L5 ocg Ifccnitfr L? fd thn gffr=. 1) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L5 ocg Ifccnitfr L?? fd thn oar sncsfr?. ?0) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L5 ocg Ifccnitfr L?0 fd thn oar sncsfr=. ??) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L1 ocg spnobnr?. ?=) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L8 ocg spnobnr=. ?9) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L?9 ocg Ifccnitfr L? fd thn FIIK sncsfr?. ?7) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L?7 ocg Ifccnitfr L? fd thn FIIK sncsfr=.

4.7. Oar sncsfr ?) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L? ocg Ifccnitfr L?? fd thn gaspkoy mforg. =) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L? ocg Ifccnitfr L?0 fd thn gaspkoy mforg.

4.>. Okorjs ?) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L? ocg Ifccnitfr L> fd thn gaspkoy mforg. =) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L? ocg Ifccnitfr L?= fd thn gaspkoy mforg.

4.4. Ihnibnr mforg ossnjmky ?) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L? ocg Ifccnitfr L= fd thn joac? mforg. =) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L? ocg Ifccnitfr L> fd thn joac= mforg.

4.5. Gffr fpnc sncsfr ?) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L? ocg Ifccnitfr L4 fd thn gaspkoy mforg. =) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L? ocg Ifccnitfr L5 fd thn gaspkoy mforg.



4.8. Fiikusafc sncsfr ?) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L? ocg Ifccnitfr L?9 fd thn gaspkoy mforg. =) Ihnib thn warace mntwnnc Ifccnitfr L? ocg Ifccnitfr L?7 fd thn gaspkoy mforg.



5. Pfwnr Yuppky Acspnitafc

5.?. Joac? Mforg

; Wfp &Mfttfj fd thn joac? mforg3

?) WP5< Ihnib thn vfktoen fd =7T. =) WP?0 < Ihnib thn vfktoen fd >T 9) WP?=< Ihnib thn vfktoen fd 9.9T (TII?).



5.=. Joac= Mforg

; Wfp & Mfttfj fd thn joac= mforg3

?) WP?5< Ihnib thn vfktoen fd =7T. =) WP4< Ihnib thn vfktoen fd >T 9) WP8< Ihnib thn vfktoen fd 9.9T (TII?).



5.9. Gaspkoy Mforg

;Mfttfj fd thn gaspkoy mforg3 ?) WP97< Ihnib thn vfktoen fd >T. =) WP9>< Ihnib thn vfktoen fd 9.9T (TII=). 9) L4(pac 9) fr L5(pac 9)< ECG.



5.7. Oar sncsfr

;Wfp fd thn oar sncsfr mforg3 ?) WP?< Ihnib thn vfktoen fd >T. =) WX?< Ihnib =.= JHz drnqunciy. 9) WP=< Ihnib thn vfktoen fd =T.

5.>. Okorj

;Mfttfj fd thn okorj mforg3 ?) Ihnib L?'s cujmnr? Pac (TII).



5.4. Ihnibnr

; Mfttfj fd thn ihnibnr mforg3 ?) WP?< Ihnib thn vfktoen fd 9.9T. =) WP=< Ihnib Ihnibnr? futput vfktoen fd 0~9.9. 9) WP9< Ihnib Ihnibnr= futput vfktoen fd 0~9.9.

5.5. Gffr Yncsfr

;Wfp fd thn gffr mforg3 ?) WP?< Ihnib thn vfktoen fd 9.9T. =) WP=< Ihnib futput vfktoen (Ikfsn< 0T, Fpnc< 9.9T).



5.8. Fiikusafc Yncsfr

;Mfttfj fd thn fiikusafc sncsfr mforg3 ?) WP?< Ihnib thn vfktoen fd 9.9T. =) WP=< Ihnib futput vfktoen (0.8T~=.0T).




8.?. Wrfumknshfftace Womkn

8.?.?. Pfwnr suppky ocg mottnry prfmknjs Womkn ?. Pfwnr & Mottnry Mkfib   Cf   Cf

Yyjptfjs   Yyjptfjs

Iousns   Iousns

Ifrrnitavn Oitafcs  Oitafcs 


 OI/GI acgaiotfr as cft akkujacotng whnc joacs pfwnr suppky as ifccnitng.

?. Joacs pfwnr suppky ocg pfwnr kacn hos prfmknjs. =. Dusn ocg YJPY hovn prfmknjs.. 9. Pfwnr iariuat hos prfmknjs.

?. ^sn joacs pfwnr suppky fd ?00TOI-=70TOI. =. Ihnib pfwnr ifrg ocg dusn. 9. (Ifctoit thn Wnihcaiok Yuppfrt Wnoj.)


Whn pujp as cft turcng fdd my thn fc/fdd bny.

?. Acdusafc as eface fc. =. Uorcace fr okorj sfucg as encnrotng. 9. Whn bny hos prfmknjs.

? & =. Prnss thn stfp bny gurace acdusafc fr whnc worcace fr okorj sfucg as encnrotng. 9. ]npkoin thn gaspkoy mforg.


Whn pujp as cft turcng fdd whnc thn pfwnr swatih as turcng fdd.

?. Whn pfwnr swatih hos prfmknjs.

?. Ihnib thn pfwnr swatih ocg acvfkvng iomkns.

?. Whn mottnry wos cft ihoreng. =. Whn mottnry iariuat hos prfmknjs.

?. Ihnib mottnry ifccnitafc. =. (Ifctoit thn Wnihcaiok Yuppfrt Wnoj.)


Whn mottnry dukk rnihoreace acgaiotfr as cft fc odtnr thn mottnry hos mnnc dukky rnihoreng.

?. ]nihoren wos cft suddaianct. =. Whn mottnry as gnog.

?. Just rnihoren dfr jfrn thoc ?= hfurs. =. ]npkoin thn mottnry.


Mottnry kadn as shfrt nvnc odtnr thn mottnry hos mnnc dukky rnihoreng.

?. ]nihoren wos cft suddaianct. =. Whn mottnry as gnog.

?. ]npkoin thn mottnry. ?.= (Ifctoit thn Wnihcaiok Yuppfrt Wnoj.)


Whn mottnry knvnk acgaiotfrs orn cft akkujacotng whnc thn pfwnr swatih as turcng fc ac iosn thn gnvain as pfwnrng my mottnry.


Pfwnr as cft suppkang my nxtnrcok GI pfwnr loib.

?. Whn GI pfwnr loib hos prfmknjs. =. Whn ifccnitfr hos prfmknjs. 9. Whn pfwnr suppky iariuat hos prfmknj.


?. Ihnib GI pfwnr loib ocg rnpkoin ad cninssory. =. Ihnib GL? stotn. 9. Ihnib wrfce ifjpfcncts fd G9 fc Joac? mforg.


8.?.=. Gaspkoy prfmknjs Womkn =. Gaspkoy Mkfib (Nxinpt OI/GI KNG)  KNG)   Cf.   Cf.

Yyjptfjs   Yyjptfjs


Whn nctarn gaspkoy as mkocb.

?. Pfwnr as cft suppkang tf thn iariuat.

?. Ihnib pfwnr suppky tf thn joac mforg.


Port fd thn daeurns fr ihoroitnrs fd thn dkfw rotn fr vfkujn gaspkoys orn cft oiiurotn.

?. Whn gaspkoys hovn prfmknjs.

?. ]npkoin thn gaspkoy mforg.

Fcky thn dkfw rotn gaspkoy as cft turc fc.

?. Whn dkfw rotn gaspkoy hos prfmknjs. =. Whn gaspkoy prfinssfr hos prfmknjs.

?. Ihnib thn snejnctng gaspkoy gnvain. =. ]npkoin thn gaspkoy mforg.

 Okk fd thn dkfw rotngaeats gaspkoy shfw thn sojn cujmnr.

?. Whn gaspkoy prfinssfr hos prfmknjs.

?. ]npkoin thn gaspkoy mforg.

Port fd thn gaeats fd thn dkfw rotn gaspkoy orn cft gaspkoyng.

?. Whn dkfw rotn gaspkoy hos prfmknjs. =. Whn gaspkoy prfinssfr hos prfmknjs.

?. Ihnib thn gaspkoy (DCG?, DCG7). =. ]npkoin thn gaspkoy mforg.


 Okk gaspkoys mut dkfw rotn ocg vfkujn gf cft wfrb cfrjokky.

?. Whn gaspkoy (KNG) hos prfmknjs.

?. Ihnib KNG ocg rnpkoin ad cninssory.


Mraehtcnss fd gaspkoys fr acgaiotfrs as cft nvnc ac mraeht.

?. DCG fr KNG hos prfmknjs. =. Whn gaspkoy iariuat hos prfmknjs.

?. Ihnib DCG?, =, 9 ocg 7,>,4 (ac Gaspkoy mforg) fr KNG (ac Gaspkoy mforg). =. ]npkoin thn gaspkoy mforg.


Whn vfkujn gaspkoy shfws "----".

?. Wf shfw thot acdusafc vfkujn as acdacatn.

?. Ynt o gnsarng acdusafc vfkujn my thn ^p fr Gfwc bny.


7 >

Iousns   Iousns

Ifrrnitavn Oitafcs  Oitafcs 

8.?.9. Bny prfmknjs Womkn 9. Bnypog Mkfib  Cf   Cf ?

Yyjptfjs   Yyjptfjs  Okk bnys gf cft wfrb.

Iousns   Iousns

Ifrrnitavn Oitafcs  Oitafcs 

?. Whn gnvain as ac thn pousn jfgn. =. Whn bny iariuat hos


?. Ihnib whnthnr Kfib Bny wos snt. =. ]npkoin thn gaspkoy mforg.


Womkn 9. Bnypog Mkfib  Cf   Cf

Yyjptfjs   Yyjptfjs

Iousns   Iousns

Ifrrnitavn Oitafcs  Oitafcs 

prfmknjs. 9. Whn JI^ iariuat hos prfmknjs.

9. Ihnib JI^ ocg rnpkoin ad cninssory. ?. ^p ocg Gfwc bny wakk cft wfrb gurace acdusafc. =. Wobn prfpnr jnosurns dfr thn worcaces ocg okorjs. Fcky thn YWFP bny ioc mn usng. 9. Ihnib bnys wath prfmknjs ocg rnpkoin thnj ad cninssory. 7. ]npkoin thn gaspkoy mforg.


Yfjn bnys gf cft wfrb.

?. Acdusafc as eface fc. =. Uorcaces fr okorjs hovn mnnc encnrotng. 9. Yfjn bnys hovn prfmknjs. 7. Whn bny iariuat hos prfmknjs.


Bnys orn wfrbace, mut spnobnr sfucg as cft encnrotng.

?. Whn spnobnr fr thn spnobnr iariuat hos prfmknjs.

?. Ihnib whnthnr thn sfucg vfkujn as tff kfw. =. Ihnib spnobnr ifccnitafc.

?. Uorcaces fr okorjs hovn mnnc encnrotng.

?. Wobn prfpnr jnosurns dfr thn worcaces ocg okorjs, ocg stort

=. Dkfw rotn fr tftok vfkujn wos snt tf "0." 9. Acdusafc hos mnnc ifjpkntng. 7. Whn bny hos prfmknjs. >. Whn bny iariuat hos prfmknjs.

acdusafc. =. Ynt thn dkfw rotn ocg thn tftok vfkujn prfpnrky, ocg stort acdusafc. 9. Iknor thn acdusng vfkujn ocg stort acdusafc. 7. Ihnib thn Ytort bny. >. ]npkoin thn gaspkoy mforg.


Acdusafc gfns cft stort my thn Ytort bny.

8.?.7. Fiikusafc sncsfr prfmknjs Womkn 7. Fiikusafc Yncsfr   Cf.   Cf.

Yyjptfjs   Yyjptfjs


Fiikusafc worcace sfucg fr acgaiotfr as cft fc ocg acdusafc ifctacuns nvnc whnc thn tumn as ikfeeng.


Fiikusafc worcace sfucg fr acgaiotfr as fc ocg acdusafc stfps nvnc whnc thn tumn as cft ikfeeng.

Iousns   Iousns ?. O encnrok acdusafc snt as mnace usng. =. Whn acdusafc snt as cft jfuctng prfpnrky. 9. Whn fiikusafc iariuat hos prfmknjs. ?. Whn acdusafc snt as cft jfuctng prfpnrky. =. Whn tumn orfucg thn fiikusafc gnvain wos snvnrnky gndfrjng mniousn fd thn usn fd thn acdusafc snt dfr kfce pnrafgs fd tajn.

Ifrrnitavn Oitafcs  Oitafcs  ?. ^sn o rnifjjncgng AT snt. =. ]n-jfuct thn acdusafc snt. 9. Ihnib thn fiikusafc iariuat ocg rnpkoin ad cninssory.

?. ]n-jfuct thn acdusafc snt. =. ]npkoin thn acdusafc snt. 9. Ihnib thn fiikusafc iariuat ocg rnpkoin ad cninssory.

9. Whn fiikusafc iariuat hos prfmknjs.


Wumn fiikusafc gntnitafc

?. Fiikusafc sncsatavaty as ?


?. Ihnib thn fiikusafc


Womkn 7. Fiikusafc Yncsfr   Cf.   Cf.

Yyjptfjs   Yyjptfjs

Iousns   Iousns

as tff dost fr tff skfw.

fr 5. =. Whn rnifjjncgng acdusafc snt wos cft usng. 9. Acdusafc snt wos cft jfuctng prfpnrky. 7. Whn fiikusafc iariuat hos prfmknjs. ?. Whn stfp bny hos prfmknjs. =. Whn bny iariuat hos prfmknjs.


Fiikusafc worcace KNG ocg sfucg orn cft fdd my prnssace thn stfp bny.


Fiikusafc worcace KNG as cft fdd ocg thn worcace sfucg as fdd my prnssace thn stfp bny.

?. Okorj ocg worcace acgaiotfrs orn fc, ocg acdusafc wakk cft rnsujn.

Ifrrnitavn Oitafcs  Oitafcs  sncsatavaty ocg rn-snt ad cninssory. =. ^sn thn rnifjjncgng acdusafc snt. 9. ]n-jfuct thn acdusafc snt. 7. Ihnib thn fiikusafc iariuat ocg rnpkoin ad cninssory. ?. Ihnib thn stfp bny ocg rnpkoin ad cninssory. =. ]npkoin thn gaspkoy mforg.

?. Fpnc ocg ikfsn thn gffr ocg prnss thn stort bny.

8.?.>. Oar sncsfr prfmknjs Womkn >. Oar Gntnitfr Mkfib  Mkfib  Cf   Cf

Yyjptfjs   Yyjptfjs

Iousns   Iousns

Ifrrnitavn Oitafcs  Oitafcs 


 Oar worcace KNG as fdd whnc thn tumn as cft jfuctng.

?. Whn oar worcace kaeht hos prfmknjs. =. Whn oar sncsfr iariuat hos prfmknjs.


Whn oar worcace KNG as fc whnc thn tumn as jfuctng.

?. Whn acdusafc snt as cft jfuctng prfpnrky. =. Whn oar sncsfr iariuat hos prfmknjs.

?. Ihnib whnthnr Oar Knvnk as fdd. =. Ihnib thn oar sncsfr mforg ocg rnpkoin ad cninssory. ?. ]n-jfuct thn acdusafc snt. =. Ihnib thn oar sncsfr mforg ocg rnpkoin ad cninssory.


 Oar worcace as cft encnrotng ocg acdusafc ifctacuns whnc oar mummkns poss orfucg thn oar sncsfr.

?. Whn oar sncsfr as acsncsatavn. =. Whn oar sncsfr iariuat hos prfmknjs.

?. Ynt Oar Knvnk tf Kf. =. Ihnib thn oar sncsfr mforg ocg rnpkoin ad cninssory.


 Oar worcace KNG ocg sfucg orn encnrotng ocg acdusafc stfps nvnc whnc oar mummkns gf cft nxast.


Whn oar sncsfr snnjs tf mn tff sncsatavn fr

?. Whn acdusafc snt as cft jfuctng prfpnrky. =. Yjokk oar mummkns orn eothnrng orfucg thn oar sncsfr. 9. Whn oar sncsfr as tff sncsatavn. 7. Whn oar sncsfr iariuat hos prfmknjs. ?. At as cninssory tf oglust thn oar sncsfr iariuat.


?&=. ]njfvn oar mummkns ocg rn-jfuct thn acdusafc snt. 9. Ynt Oar Knvnk tf Ha. 7. Ihnib thn oar sncsfr mforg ocg rnpkoin ad cninssory. ?. Ihnib thn oar sncsfr mforg ocg rnpkoin ad


Womkn >. Oar Gntnitfr Mkfib  Mkfib  Cf   Cf

Yyjptfjs   Yyjptfjs

Iousns   Iousns


Ifrrnitavn Oitafcs  Oitafcs  cninssory.

8.?.4. Gffr sncsfr prfmknjs Womkn 4. Gffr Mkfib  Mkfib  Cf   Cf

Yyjptfjs   Yyjptfjs

Iousns   Iousns


Whn gffr fpnc worcace KNG as fdd whnc thn gffr as fpnc.


Whn gffr fpnc worcace KNG as fc whnc thn gffr as ikfsng.

?. Whn gffr iariuat hos prfmknjs. =. Whn gaspkoy iariuat hos prfmknjs. ?. Whn gffr iariuat hos prfmknjs. =. Whn gaspkoy iariuat hos prfmknjs.

Whn gffr fpnc worcace as 9

cft encnrotng ocg acdusafc ifctacuns whnc thn gffr as fpncng gurace acdusafc.

?. Whn gffr iariuat hos prfmknjs.

Ifrrnitavn Oitafcs  Oitafcs  ?. Ihnib thn gffr mforg ocg rnpkoin ad cninssory. =. ]npkoin thn gaspkoy mforg. ?. Ihnib thn gffr mforg ocg rnpkoin ad cninssory. =. ]npkoin thn gaspkoy mforg. ?. Ihnib thn prnsncin fd thn gffr hocgkn joecnt, fr rnpkoin thn gffr mforg ad cninssory.

8.?.5. Grfp sncsfr prfmknjs Womkn 5. Drnn-Grfp Gntnitfr Mkfib  Mkfib  Cf   Cf

Yyjptfjs   Yyjptfjs


Nvnc ad drnn grfps gf cft fiiur gurace acdusafc, worcace jnssoen ocg sfucg orn encnrotng.


Uhnc drnn grfps fiiur gurace acdusafc, grfp worcace as cft encnrotng ocg acdusafc ifctacuns.

Iousns   Iousns

Ifrrnitavn Oitafcs  Oitafcs 

?. Whn grfp sncsfr as nxpfsng tf garnit suckaeht. =. Whn acdusafc snt ihojmnr as taktng. 9. Whn grfp sncsfr pkue hos prfmknjs. 7. Whn grfp sncsfr hos prfmknjs.

?. Gf cft nxpfsn thn gnvain tf garnit suckaeht. =. ]n-acstokk thn grfp sncsfr. 9. Ihnib pkue gasifccnitafc fr shfrt-iariuat. 7. ]npkoin thn grfp sncsfr ad cninssory. ?. Ihnib thn grfp sncsfr acstokkotafc.

8.?.8. Ypnobnr Yfucg prfmknjs 

Cf   Cf

Yyjptfjs   Yyjptfjs

Womkn 8. Ypnobnr Mkfib  Mkfib  Iousns   Iousns


Ifrrnitavn Oitafcs  Oitafcs 


Womkn 8. Ypnobnr Mkfib  Mkfib  Cf   Cf

Yyjptfjs   Yyjptfjs Ypnobnr sfucg as cft

?. Ihnib thn spnobnr ocg


L8,L1 ifccnitafc fc thn

=. Whn spnobnr iariuat hos prfmknjs.

gaspkoy mforg. =. Ihnib _7 fd thn joac?,=.

Ypnobnr vfkujn as tff

?. Okorj sfucg vfkujn

?. Oglust vfkujn tf o prfpnr

haeh fr tff kfw.

snttace as tff haeh fr kfw.


worcace sfucg as encnrotng fr bnys orn snknitng.)

= 9

Ypnobnr sfucg as mrfbnc. Ypnobnr sfucg as


encnrotng gurace acdusafc wathfut ocy prfmknjs.



Ifrrnitavn Oitafcs  Oitafcs 

?. Whn spnobnr hos

encnrotng (whnc o


Iousns   Iousns

?. Whn spnobnr hos prfmknjs. ?. Whn rnjoacace mottnry knvnk as kfw.

Ypnobnr sfucg as

?. Cf bnys wnrn snknitng

encnrotng ac thn stocgmy

dfr twf jacutns ac thn


stocgmy jfgn.

?. ]npkoin thn spnobnr.

?. ]nihoren thn mottnry.

?. Prnss thn stfp bny.

? Whn stfp bny hos

?. Ihnib YU?= ifccnitafc

Ypnobnr sfucg as cft fdd


fc thn gaspkoy mforg.

my prnssace thn stfp bny.

=. Whn bny iariuat hos

=. ]npkoin thn gaspkoy mforg


ad cninssory.

8.?.1. Fthnrs Womkn 1. Fthnrs  Fthnrs  Cf   Cf

Yyjptfjs   Yyjptfjs

Iousns   Iousns ?. Whn acdusafc snt wos tff kffsncng fr taehtncng.


Acdusafc vfkujn as tff

=. Iokamrotafc snttace as cft

haeh fr kfw.

ifrrnit. 9. Whn pujpace ucat ossnjmky as cft prfpnr. ?. Ac iosn fd puren acdusafc,

Uorcace ocg okorj orn


cft encnrotng gurace puren acdusafc.

oar fiikusafc worcace wakk cft mn encnrotng. Oksf, acdusafc wakk ifctacun nvnc odtnr acdusafc as ifjpkntng fcin thn puren bny as


Ifrrnitavn Oitafcs  Oitafcs  ?. ]n-jfuct thn acdusafc snt. =. Oglust thn iokamrotafc snttace ac thn snttace jfgn =. 9. Ihnib thn pujpace ucat ossnjmky.


Womkn 1. Fthnrs  Fthnrs  Cf   Cf

Yyjptfjs   Yyjptfjs

Iousns   Iousns prnssng.


Ifrrnitavn Oitafcs  Oitafcs 



Fcky sfjn port fd Acdusafc Pujp GA-==00 ioc mn gasossnjmkng ocg rnpkoing. Whn worrocty shokk cft oppky tf gasossnjmky fr rnpoars ormatroraky iorrang fut. ]nossnjmky ioc mn ifcguitng ac thn rnvnrsn frgnr fd gasossnjmky. Gasifccnit thn nxtnrcok pfwnr suppky mndfrn gasossnjmky, ocg knovn thn pfwnr swatih fdd. Yacin thn nknitrfcai nknjncts fd thn acdusafc pujp orn sncsatavn tf nknitrfstotai gasihoren, gasossnjmky shfukg mn ifcguitng fc thn octastotai wfrbmncih.

1.?. Ynporotafc fd Iosn-Drfct Drfj Iosn-]nor (Ynn ?0.=) ?) ]njfvn thn mfkts drfj thn rnor iosn wath pfwnr fdd. Ncsurn thot thn drfct iosn shfukg cft mn gojoeng my fthnr nknjncts. =) Kadt thn rnor iosn tf snporotn thn drfct port drfj thn rnor port. 9) Uhnc gasossnjmkace, jobn surn thot thn mottnry poib wakk cft mn snporotng fr gojoeng ocg thot thn F-race wakk cft mn kfst. 7) Uhnc rnossnjmkace, ncsurn thot thn ifccnitfr fd noih iomkn shfukg mn pkoing ifrrnitky. >) Uhnc rnossnjmky as ifjpkntng, iorry fut nknitrai sodnty tnst ocg jobn surn thot thn gnvain as wfrbace cfrjokky.

1.=. Ynporotafc fd Iosn-Drfct Drfj Mosn Drojn (Ynn ?0.7) ?) Fpnc thn gffr ocg rnjfvn thn mfkt fc thn drfct. =) Ynporotn gffr kotih, pujpace ucat, ocg gffr. 9) ]njfvn thn mosn drojn mfkt ocg snporotn thn dkot iomkn drfj thn joac PIM mndfrn ifjpkntn snporotafc drfj thn drfct. 7) Jobn surn thot PIM ifjpfcncts wakk cft mn gojoeng whnc thn mottnry poib as snporotng. >) Mn iornduk fd thn kfiotafc fd thn pkotn sprace whnc rnossnjmkace.

1.9. ]npkoinjnct fd Joac PIM Ossnjmky (Ynn ?0.>) ?) Ynporotn thn iosn-drfct drfj thn mosn drojn ifjpkntnky. =) ]njfvn thn mfkt daxace thn joac PIM ocg snporotn PIM my rnjfvace thn iomkn ifccnitng. 9) Mn iornduk omfut freocazotafc fd iomkns whnc rnossnjmkace.

1.7. Ynporotafc fd Pujpace (Ynn ?0.4) ?) Kadt thn hffb fd thn dacenr ifvnr tf snporotn thn dacenr iosn. =) Jobn surn thot thn sprace as jfuctng prfpnrky whnc rnossnjmkace. 9) Ifot ernosn fc thn wfrbace surdoin whnc rnossnjmkace.



1.>. Ynporotafc fd Gffr (Ynn ?0.5 & ?0.8) ?) ]njfvn thn gffr pac tf snporotn thn ouxakaory gffr. =) Ynporotn thn ouxakaory gffr ocg thn prnssnr mkfib whakn tobace prnioutafcs oeoacst gaskfiotafc fd thn sprace. 9) Odtnr rnjfvace thn mfkt, rnjfvn thn gffr hocgkn pac ocg thnc gasossnjmkn thn gffr ifvnr ifjpkntnky. 7) Jobn surn thot thn gffr uppnr snok as pkoing ifjpkntnky whnc rnossnjmkace. >) Jobn surn thot thn sprace wakk cft mn gaspkoing whnc rnossnjmkace.

1.4. ]npkoinjnct fd Oar Yncsfr Ossnjmky (Ynn ?0.1) ?) Ynporotn thn iosn drfct ocg thn mosn drojn ifjpkntnky. =) Ynporotn thn oar sncsfr ifccnitfr drfj thn gaspkoy PIM ossnjmky ocg rnjfvn thn mfkt drfj thn oar sncsfr ossnjmky. 9) Push thn oar sncsfr ossnjmky tf snporotn at drfj thn iosn drfct. Mn iornduk thot thn ossnjmky as ottoihng tf thn iosn drfct wath sakaifc. 7) Put sakaifc fc thn oglfacace port. >) Fcin thn oar sncsfr ossnjmky ocg thn iosn drfct orn ossnjmkng, knovn thnj dfr fcn tf twf hfurs sf thot sakaifc as ifjpkntnky horgncng.

1.5. ]npkoinjnct fd Fiikusafc Yncsfr (Ynn ?0.1) ?) Ynporotn thn iosn drfct drfj thn mosn drojn ifjpkntnky. =) Ynporotn thn ifccnitfr drfj thn gaspkoy PIM ossnjmky. 9) ]njfvn thn fiikusafc sncsfr ossnjmky drfj thn iosn drfct ocg snporotn thn fiikusafc sncsfr PIM ossnjmky.

1.8. ]npkoinjnct fd Gffr Yncsfr PIM Ossnjmky (Ynn ?0.1) ?) Ynporotn thn iosn drfct drfj thn mosn drojn ifjpkntnky. =) ]njfvn thn ifccnitfr fd thn gffr sncsfr PIM ossnjmky drfj thn gaspkoy PIM ossnjmky. 9) Kffsnc thn mfkt ocg rnjfvn thn gffr sncsfr PIM ossnjmky. 7) Jobn surn thot thn mfkt top wakk cft mn gojoeng whnc rnossnjmkace.

1.1. 1.1 ]npkoinjnct fd Jftfr (Ynn ?0.>) ?) Ynporotn thn iosn drfct ocg mosn drojn ifjpkntnky. =) Ynporotn thn joac PIM ossnjmky. 9) Ynporotn thn pujpace ucat pukkny ocg rnjfvn thn tajace mnkt. 7) ]njfvn thn daxace mfkt tf snporotn thn jftfr ocg thn gustprffd LAE. >) Uhnc rnossnjmkace, jobn surn thot thn tajace mnkt wakk cft mn tff kffsncng fr taehtncng.



1.?0. ]npkoinjnct fd Ihnibnr ocg Ihnibnr PIM Ossnjmky (Ynn ?0.>) ?) Ynporotn thn iosn drfct ocg thn mosn drojn ifjpkntnky. =) Ynporotn thn joac PIM ossnjmky. 9) ]njfvn thn ihnibnr PIM ossnjmky ifccnitfr drfj thn joac PIM ossnjmky. 7) ]njfvn thn ihnibnr PIM ossnjmky. >) Kffsnc thn ihnibnr mfkt tf snporotn thn ihnibnr. 4) Jobn surn thn ihnibnr ocg thn ihnibnr PIM ossnjmky wakk mn pkoing ifrrnitky whnc rnossnjmkace.

1.??. ]npkoinjnct fd YJPY (Ynn ?0.>) ?) Ynporotn thn iosn drfct ocg mosn drojn ifjpkntnky. =) ]njfvn thn iomkn drfj YJPY. 9) Kffsnc thn mfkt tf snporotn YJPY. 7) ]nossnjmkn ac thn rnvnrsn frgnr fd gasossnjmky. Odtnr rnpkoiace YJPY, ihnib thn erfucg warn ifccnitafc.

1.?=. ]npkoinjnct fd Pfwnr Acknt (Ynn ?0.>) ?) Ynporotn thn iosn drfct ocg iosn rnor ifjpkntnky. =) ]njfvn thn iomkn drfj YJPY. 9) Kffsnc thn mfkt tf snporotn thn pfwnr acknt. 7) ]njfvn thn iomkn drfj thn acknt. >) Mn iornduk omfut freocazotafc fd iomkns whnc rnossnjmkace.

1.?9. ]npkoinjnct fd Ioj Ossnjmky (Ynn ?0.>) ?) Ynporotn thn iosn drfct ocg mosn drojn ifjpkntnky. =) ]njfvn thn ihnibnr M/G ocg snporotn thn pujpace ucat pukkny. 9) ]njfvn thn mnorace hfkgnr ocg snporotn thn ioj shodt. 7) Ifot ernosn fc thn wfrbace surdoin whnc rnossnjmkace.

1.?7. ]npkoinjnct fd Mottnry (Ynn ?0.=) ?) ]njfvn thn mottnry ifvnr drfj thn rnor pocnk. =) Wobn fut thn mottnry poib drfj thn mottnry mfx ocg snporotn thn iomkn ifccnitfr. Gf cft pukk thn iomkn nxtrnjnky. 9) ]npkoin thn mottnry poib ocg ikfsn thn mottnry ifvnr. Mn iornduk omfut thn mottnry typn ocg mottnry pfkn kfiotafc.




?0.?. Ikojp Jfgukn

_uoctaty (no/snt)


Port Cf.





]ummnr dfft Ikojp Knvnr

















Ikojp Knvnr Ytfppnr Ikojp Kotih Ikojp Mosn Hacen Ikojp Mosn Mfkt (dkot hnog J7X?=K, Y^Y)


Port Cf.






_uoctaty (no/snt) ?


Ikojp Hocgkn N-]ace (∎7) Y^Y












Mfkt (dkot hnog J7X?4K, Y^Y) Ikojp Mfgy




Ikojp Knvnr Yhodt





Ikojp Kotih Yhodt







?0.=. Prfguit Nxpkfgng Tanw

_uoctat y (no/snt)


Port Cf.


_uoctaty (no/snt)



Mfkt (J9X8K, YNJY, P.U

Muttfc Fvnrkoy




]ummnr F-race




Iosn-Drfct  Ossnjmky




AG cojn pkotn




Iosn-]nor Ossnjmky








Port Cf.




?0.9. Iosn-]nor Nxpkfgng Tanw

_uoctaty (no/snt)


Port Cf.


_uoctat y (no/snt)


Port Cf.




Hocgkn Ifvnr




]nor pocnk cojn pkotn-M




Woppace (J9X?=K,




]ummnr dfft




Y^Y) Hfkn Ifvnr-O







Hfkn Ifvnr-M




Iosn-]nor ]nor pocnk cojn pkotn-O

Yirnw typn =,




?0.7. Iosn-Drfct Darst Nxpkfgng Tanw



_uoctaty (no/snt)

Port Cf.



Mfkt (J9X8K, YNJY, P.U>




Mfkt J9X8K, (dkot Y^Y) Gffr Kotih









41 50

9-??00>0 =-?00009





Port Cf.



Mfkt(J9X?4K, YNJY, P.U

Pujpace ucat  Ossnjmky 9-?000=5 Gffr Hacen Yprace Mfkt(J9X=0K, P.U-00004? YNJY, Y^Y) 9-?000=8 Yum Gffr Kfibnr




Gffr Kotih-K





Yum Gffr Kfibnr-K


? ?



Gffr-K Ossnjmky




= 7 8 ?


?0.>. Mosn Drojn Nxpkfgng Tanw


Port Cf.


_uoctaty (no/snt)


Port Cf.



Woppace Yirnw (J9X4K, Wypn =, Ca-pkotng)




Pfwnr Ywatih




Woppace Yirnw (J9X?0K, Wypn =, Ca-pkotng)




Pfwnr Ywatih Iop




Mfkt (J9X8K, YNJY, P.U9


YJPY Yhnnt












Woppace Yirnw (J9X8K, Wypn =, Ca-pkotng)




Mfkt J9X8K,(Dkot Y^Y) Hnog




Joac? PIM Ossnjmky




Pfwnr Acknt




Gojpnr LAE




Pujpace ucat IOJ




Wffth Uoshnr (Mfrn 9.=)




Mnorace Hfkgnr




Mfkt(J9X?0K, YNJY, P.U1




Ynt Yirnw (J9X4K)










Wndkfc Uoshnr











Ihnibnr PIM Ossnjmky Mfkt(J9X>K, YNJY, P.U0




Eouen  Ossnjmky Joac= =-??000>  Ossnjmky Ihorenr =-??0005  Ossnjmky




_uoctaty (no/snt)



Pujpace ucat IOJ Yhodt Pujpace ucat IOJYum


= 4

? ? ?


?0.4. Pujpace ucat Nxpkfgng Tanw


Port Cf.





Watkn Pujpace ucat Dacenr Ifvnr Pujpace ucat Dacenr

_uoctaty (no/snt)


Port Cf.





Pujpace Dacenr Iosn






_uoctaty (no/snt) ucat

= ?7


?0.5. Gffr Nxpkfgng Tanw

_uoctaty (no/snt)


Port Cf.

Mfkt (J9X8K, YNJY, P.U?

Gffr Hacen



Joecnt (∎7X>K)




Prnssnr Mkfib


11 =0 ?00 ?0? =9

9-?00071 9-?000>5 9-?00078 9-?000>4 9-?000>>

? ? ? ? ?

=8 =1 ?0= 9? 9=

9-?00040 9-?000>1 9-?000>7 9-?000>8 9-?000>=

Yprace-M Yprace-O Yum Gffr Gffr Pac Fiikusafc Mkfib

= = ? ? ?






Gffr Hocgkn




Gffr Ifvnr Gffr Hocgkn Pac Gffr Mosn Gffr ^ppnr Ynok Yum Gffr Ytfppnr Pkoc Uoshnr (Mfrn 9.= Futsagn Gaojntnr 5) Woppace Yirnw (J=.4X7K, Wypn =, Capkotng)







Port Cf.







_uoctaty (no/snt)


?0.8. Gffr-K Nxpkfgng Tanw

_uoctaty (no/snt)


Port Cf.


Mfkt (J9X8K, YNJY, P.U?

Gffr Hacen



Joecnt (∎7X>K)




Prnssnr Mkfib


?1 =0 =? == =9

9-??0099 9-?000>5 9-??009= 9-??007? 9-?000>>

? ? ? ? ?

=8 =1 90 9? 9=

9-?00040 9-?000>1 9-??009> 9-?000>8 9-?000>=

Yprace-M Yprace-O Yum Gffr-K Gffr Pac Fiikusafc Mkfib

= = ? ? ?






Gffr Hocgkn-K




Gffr Ifvnr-K Gffr Hocgkn Pac Gffr Mosn-K Gffr ^ppnr Ynok-K Yum Gffr Ytfppnr Pkoc Uoshnr (Mfrn 9.= Futsagn Gaojntnr 5) Woppace Yirnw (J=.4X7K, Wypn =, Capkotng)







Port Cf.






_uoctaty (no/snt)


?0.1. Iosn-Drfct Ynifcg Nxpkfgng Tanw


Port Cf.




_uoctaty (no/snt) =

Port Cf.






Okorj Kojp Kncs





9.= Futsagn Gaojntnr 8)


Woppace Yirnw (J9X4K, Wypn =, Capkotng)


Oar Yncsfr Ossnjmky




Joecnt (∎>X9K)












> 4











_uoctaty (no/snt) ?


 Okorj Kojp PIM  Ossnjmky Pkoc Uoshnr (Mfrn

Woppace Yirnw (J9X?0K, Wypn =, Capkotng) Gaspkoy PIM  Ossnjmky Mfkt(J9X8K, YNJY, P.U-0000>4

Mfkt(J9X8K, YNJY, P.U


5 =




??.?. Joac? PIM





??.=. Joac= PIM





??.9. Gaspkoy PIM





??.7. Oar Yncsfr PIM



??.>. Okorj PIM





??.4. Ihnibnr PIM



??.5. Gffr PIM



??.8. Fiikusafc Yncsfr PIM






?. Mottnrans  ’ Ihnib thn usoen tajns fd thn mottnrans, sacin thn mottnrans' kadn-spoc ifukg mn rnguing ad thn mottnrans orn usng dfr fvnr o ynor. At as haehky ogvasomkn tf rnpkoin thn mottnrans nvnry ynor.

▬ Mottnry kadn-spoc joy gaddnr gnpncgace fc thn ncvarfcjnct ocg thn drnqunciy fd usn. ▬ ^sn thn Ca-JH mottnrans gnsaecotng my Goawho whnc rnpkoiace. ▬  Whn Cnwky rnpkoing mottnry shfukg mn gasihoreng ifjpkntnky tf rnsnt thn eouen vokun ocg sycihrfcazn thn eouen vokun (at shfws mottnry iopoiaty KNGs) wath mottnry ocg thnc dukky ihorens mottnry. Whas sycihrfcazotafc fd ifjpkntnky gasihoreace ocg dukky ihoreace as gfcn my prnss thn YWO]W muttfc fd Mottnry Yycihrfcazn jncu ac snttace jfgn= whaih as fpnrotace GA-==00 ifctacufusky takk at shutgfwc my atsnkd ocg iknor thn eouen vokun. Whas sycihrfcazotafc as rnifjjncgng nvnry twf fr thrnn jfcths. =. Jftfr ’ Cfasns ioc wfrsnc ad thn mottnrans orn usng dfr jfrn thoc ? ynor, ocg oksf o Jftfr Ihnib nrrfr joy fiiur. 9. Dusn ’ Ihnib thn dusn ad thn OI/GI KNG gfnsc‑t turc t urc fc whnc OI pfwnr as suppkang. 

]njfvace thn Dusn Hfkgnr ′Hfw tf rnpkoin thn dusn 

?. Hfkg mfth ncgs fd thn pujp mfgy ocg pukk thn dusn hfkgnr fut my prnssace thn dusn hfkgnr sniurace pac fc thn moib fd thn pujp.   =. ]njfvn thn dusn drfj thn dusn hfkgnr.  9. Ihnib ad thn dusn as murcng. Ad sf, rnpkoin at wath o sporn dusn (=>0T, 0.>O).   7. Acstokk thn dusn hfkgnr moib actf thn pujp. 



]njfvace thn Mottnrans ′ Hfw tf rnpkoin thn mottnrans 

?. ]njfvn thn sirnws ocg thn mottnry ifvnr.   =. Pukk thn mottnry fut drfj thn pujp.  9. Put cnw mottnrans ac thn pujp. Ncsurn thot thn knog warn as cft pacihng whnc acstokkace thn mottnry ifvnr.  ′ ^sn thn Ca-JH mottnrans gnsaecotng my Goawho. Fthnrwasn Goawho shokk cft mn rnspfcsamkn dfr thn

pujp's fpnrotace tajn ocg ocy sumsnqunct prfmknjs.   ′ Odtnr rnpkoiace thn mottnrans, gasihoren thnj ifjpkntnky ocg thnc dukky rnihoren thnj dfr oiiurotn

acspnitafc. (Acspnit thnj ot o rffj tnjpnroturn fd opprfx. => ℉.)

Ifctoit Goawho Ifrpfrotafc 9, Qnfbsoj-rf 99-eak, Eocecoj-eu, Ynfuk, Bfrno Wnk<

+8=-=->>8-?5?? 4

Dox< +8=-=->>8-?57




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