Detroit Diesel Auto Cal Tool Manual 2

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Table of contents 2-D Graph Control Chart Recorder properties properties  .......... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... .............. .... 2-D Graph Control Graph properties properties   .................................................................... 2-D Graph Control properties  properties .......... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... ................. .......  A  Acce ccessing ssing dat data a  ...................................................................................................  A  Adding dding a fixed amount tto o the v values alues of a selec selection tion of cells cells   ......................................

5 5 6 6 8

 A  Analog nalog Met Meter er Control properties properties  ......... .................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... .............. ... 8 Navigator pop-up menus  menus .......... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... ............. ... 9  A  AutoCal utoCal Workspa Workspaces ces   ......................................................................................... 12 Bar Control properties pro perties   ....................................................................................... 13 Button Butt on Co Control ntrol pro properties perties   .................................................................................. 13 ...................................................................................................................... 14 ...................................................................................................................... 14 panels   ............................................................................................................. 14 panels Carrying out a search  search  ........................................................................................ 15 Changing the orienta ori entation tion of a table table   ..................................................................... 15 Channelset user-defined user-defined groups group s  ......................................................................... 17 Channelsetss - mo Channelset monitoring nitoring variables in the ECU ECU   ..................................................... 19 Choosing what tto o display in a ta table ble with three dimensions dimensions ..................  ............................ .................. ........ 19 Colors   ............................................................................................................. Colors Transferring data between between A AutoCal utoCal and the ECU ECU   .................................................. Contents  .......... Contents .................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... ............. ... Controls Toolbar  Toolbar  .............................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................... Copying data - Mix and Match  Match  ............................................................................ Copying the value of a watched variable to a Dataset ............................................ Dataset  ............................................ Copying the value valuess of cells fro from mo one ne part of a table to anothe anotherr .......... .................... .................... .......... Creating and working with AutoCal data controls  controls ......... ................... ..................... ..................... ................... ......... Creating, saving and opening panels in AutoCal  AutoCal  ................................................... Deleting, copying and pasting controls  controls  ................................................................ Documenting a Dataset  Dataset  ..................................................................................... Edit  .......... Edit ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ..........

20 21 21 24 25 25 27 28 28 28 29 30 32

Edit Control properties properties    ...................................................................................... Editing a single singl e data value value    ................................................................................. Editing data using a Parameter Parameter V Viewer iewer Control Control .................  ........................... .................... .................... ............... ..... Editing data using the 2-D Graph Control  Control   ............................................................ Editing data with the button control  control  .................................................................... Editing table data  data .................... .............................. .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... ............ .. Editing the data using a Slider C Control ontrol  ........... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ............. .. File   ................................................................................................................. File Fonts   .............................................................................................................. Fonts ...................................................................................................................... Glossary   .......................................................................................................... Glossary Help  ......... Help .................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... .......... Indicator Control properties  properties  ...............................................................................

33 33 34 35 36 36 37 37 38 39 39 40 40

Interpolating the values across a selection  selection   ........................................................... 41 Layout Layout   .......... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ................. ...... 42  A  Alignm lignment ent ttoolbox oolbox   ............................................................................................ 42

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...................................................................................................................... Linking data tto o controls controls   ..................................................................................... Marking variables for watching  watching  ........................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... Menus   ............................................................................................................. Menus Menus and Too Toolbars lbars summary summary   .......................................................................... Moving and resizing controls control s on a panel panel   .............................................................. Multiplying the values of a selection selection o off cells by a fixed amo amount unt .........  .................... ..................... ..........

43 43 43 45 45 45 45 46

Opening Channelset Channelsetss  ........................................................................................ Opening a Dataset  Dataset  ............................................................................................ Opening found D Data ataset setss  .................................................................................... Overview   ......................................................................................................... Overview Parameterr Vi Paramete Viewer ewer Control Pro Properties perties  .......... .................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ................ ..... Periodic and state Watching  Watching  ............................................................................... Placing controls on an AutoCal panel  panel   .................................................................. Reading a Dataset from the ECU  ECU  ........... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .......... Regrading a Dataset  Dataset ......... .................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................. ........ Relinking controls to parameters in a different Dataset .......................................... Dataset .......................................... Removing a Channelse C hannelsett  ..................................................................................... Removing found Datase Datasets ts from Searc Search h Results Results .................  ........................... .................... .................... ............... ..... Saving a Channelset Channelset  ......... .................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................. ........

47 48 49 49 50 51 51 53 53 54 55 55 55

Saving removing Data Dataset sets ........................................................................... Search Searc h and Cr Criteria iteria dialogue box -s Keywords page page ..............  ........................ ..................... ..................... .................. ........ Search Searc h Cr Criteria iteria dialogue box - Location page (disk searc searching hing onl only) y) .................  ......................... ........ Search Searc h Cri Crite teria ria dialogue box - T Timestamps imestamps page page   .................................................. Searching for Datasets  Datasets ......... .................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ................ ..... Selecting Select ing a gr group oup of cells in a table table  ........... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ................. ...... Selecting Select ing controls controls   ............................................................................................. Sending a Dataset Dataset Off-li Off-line ne   ................................................................................. Sending a Dataset to the ECU  ECU  .......... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ................ ..... Sending a Parameter On-line On-li ne - patching patching   .............................................................. Setting Sett ing Data Source properties in A utoCal utoCal  ..................... ............................... .................... .................... .................. ........ Setting Sett ing Searc Search hC Criteria riteria  .......... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... ............... ..... Setting AutoCal control properties  properties  ......................................................................

56 58 60 60 62 63 64 65 65 65 66 66 67

Sett Setting ing the forofperiodic watching and marking arking variables ...........  ..................... .................... ............ .. Setting the rate values a selection of cells to m the samevariables value  ................ value ...... .................... .................... .......... Slider Control properties  properties .......... .................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... ............ .. General Toolbar  Toolbar  ............................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... Switching Watching Watching on and off   ........................................................................... Table Control properties  properties .......... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ............. Text Control properties  properties  ..................................................................................... The AutoCal interface  interface .......... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ................ ..... The Static Text Control  Control .......... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... .............. .... Thermometer Control properties  properties  ........................................................................ ...................................................................................................................... Toolbars  .......... Toolbars .................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... ............. ...

68 69 69 70 70 71 71 72 73 74 74 75 75

Item setups  menu  .......... menu  ...................................................................................................... 75 User setups .................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... .......... 76 User-defined groups  groups  ......................................................................................... 76

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 AutoCa utoCall  A

Using Virtual V irtual Instrument Controls to view data data  .......... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... ............ Using the 2-D Graph Control to view and edit dat data a ............................................... Using the But Button ton Control to control data data  .......... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .......... Using the Edit Control Con trol to view and edit data data  ......... .................... ..................... .................... .................... ................ ...... Using the Parameter Parameter Vi Viewer ewer Control (ParamVi (ParamView) ew)   ................................................ Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Dataset .................. Dataset ............................ ................... ......... Using the Slider Control C ontrol to view and edit data data ................  .......................... .................... ..................... ................. ...... Using the Table Control Co ntrol to view and edit data  data  ......................................................

78 78 79 79 79 80 81 81

Using the Table Editor to view and edit data data   ........................................................  Version folders  folders   .................................................................................................  View   ...............................................................................................................  View  Viewing and editing the data - Edit Control Control  .......... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ................. ......  Viewing table data data   ............................................................................................ 3.3.3 Viewing the comments in a Dataset found by a search ........ search  .................. .................... ............... ..... Workbook  .......... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ............. Working with Datasets  Datasets ......... .................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ................ ..... ......................................................................................................................  Viewing data using using a Paramet Parameter er Viewer Control Control  ......... .................... ..................... .................... .................... ............ ......................................................................................................................  A  Alignin ligning g controls on a pa panel nel   .............................................................................. Command Com mand Button Button properties properties   ..............................................................................

81 82 83 83 84 86 88 88 88 89 89 89 90

Using Com Command mand ..................... Butt Button on control control   .................... .................................................................... Designthe mode mode   .......... ..................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... ................. ....... Working with a grid  grid  .......................................................................................... Logging the values of watched variables to a file  file   .................................................. Converting a log file to a reada readable ble format format ...................  ............................. .................... .................... .................... .......... General Properties  Properties  ............................................................................................ Taking snapshots of parameter values  values ......... .................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... .............. ....  A  Applying pplying constraints to para parameters meters in a Dat Datase asett  ................................................... Dataset linked and parameter changed indicators  indicators ......... ................... ..................... ..................... ................... ......... Reverting a parameter to its last saved value  value ........... ..................... .................... .................... .................... .............. .... Linking watc watch h variables to controls controls  .......... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... .................. ........ Choosing the units for a paramete parameterr ........... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ................. ...... Matching Mat ching conditions for copy operations operations  .......... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ..........

90 91 91 92 93 94 95 96 98 98 99 99 99

Com Comparing paring Data Dataset sets s  ........................................................................................ Comparing Com paring Datasets, Datase ts, groups o orr parameters parameters  .......... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ............... .... Choosing what to compare  compare ................... ............................. ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................. ........ Choosing which comparisons to display  display .......... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... ................... .........  Viewing the results results of a ccomparison omparison  ......... ................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... ............... .....  Viewing the results results of a va value lue comparison comparison  .......... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... ................ ...... Refreshing the comparison  comparison .......... .................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... ................. ....... Saving a log of the ccomparison omparison  .......... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... ............ Compare control toolbar  toolbar .......... .................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... .......... Removed only  only  ................................................................................................ Removed only  only  ................................................................................................ Removed only  only  ................................................................................................ Removed only  only  ................................................................................................

4 / 107

100 101 101 102 103 104 105 105 106 107 107 107 107


 AutoCa utoCall  A

2-D Graph Cont Control rol Chart Recorder properties The 2-D Graph Control Chart Recorder is not supported in this release of the software. Next topic Editing data using the 2-D Graph Control Previous topic 2-D Graph Control - Graph properties

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2-D Graph Cont Control rol Graph properti properties es

To set Graph options for a 2-D Graph Control: 1.

Ch Choose oose the style st yle of gra graph ph from from the d drop rop-do -down wn list box. Yo You u can choose: ·





Plot (the default) - for two-dimensional tables, a separate line is drawn for each row in the Plot (the table. Area Area  - this option fills in the area beneath the lines in a Plot with a solid color; for twodimensional tables, separate areas are drawn for each of the rows in the table and the areas drawn superimposed on top of each other, so that areas for rows later in the table cover the areas for rows earlier in the table. Bar Graph Graph - for two-dimensional tables, at each axis value, separate bars are drawn next to each other for each of the rows in the table. Stacking Bar - these are the same as Bar Graphs for one dimensional tables; for twodimensional tables, at each axis value, separate bars are drawn for each of the rows in the table and plotted cumulatively (stacked one above the other if the bars are vertical). Pie Chart - a separate pie chart is drawn for each column in the table.


Check Show Legend to Legend to display a key identifying the colors used to plot each of the tableʼs


rows. Check Invert Axes to interchange the horizontal and vertical axes.

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Check Data Transpose to Transpose  to transpose the rows and columns in the table.


Check Multiple Sources if Sources if you are running Watch Data Manager and want to plot data from multiple sources.


Check Time X-axis to X-axis to monitor live data from the ECU - it converts the 2D graph to a chart recorder.


Check Update Continuously if Continuously if you are running Watch Data Manager and want to display live data.

Next topic 2-D Graph Control - Chart Recorder properties Previous topic 2-D Graph Control properties

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2-D Graph Graph Control C ontrol properties See Setting control properties properties for  for how to display the 2dgraph Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box. See Gener General al prope properties rties for  for how to set those general properties that apply to 2-D Graph Controls - the 2dgraph Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box does not have Colors Colors or  or Font Font pages.  pages. In addition to the General General page,  page, the 2dgraph Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box has Graph Graph and  and Chart Recorder  pages  pages - these are described in the following topics. Next topic 2-D Graph Control - Graph properties Previous topic Using the 2-D Graph Control to view and edit data

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 Accessing  Accessi ng data d ata Once you have loaded a Dataset into the Navigator, you can use it to access the data contained in the Dataset. The Navigator is designed to look, feel and behave like the familiar Microsoft ® Windows® Explorer.

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 AutoCa utoCall  A

 As in Explorer, Explorer, you can expand expand a and nd co contra ntract ct items it ems in the Na Nav vigator igator b by y clicking clic king on on the + and and - icons icons to the left of the labels. The picture above shows the Sample Dataset (see Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Dataset) after Dataset) after you have expanded it one level, and shows that the Sample Dataset has three groups within it - other Datasets will have different structures. These groups are represented by folder icons, showing that they contain other items, which may be subgroups or parameters:

Notice that the icon representing parameters in the Navigator shows the parameter type. For example, Parameter A1 in A1 in the picture above is a 1-dimensional table, Parameter A2 is A2 is a 2-dimensional table and Parameter C1 is C1 is a scalar.

  Ke y

Se le cte d



Group or parameter

Select parent group

Up arrow

Group or parameter

Select th the item displayed above the selected item in the navigator 

Down arrow

Group or parameter

Select the item disp spllayed below th the e se sellect cte ed ite tem m in the navigator 

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 AutoCa utoCall  A

Left arrow

Right arrow

Open group

Close the group

Closed losed grou group po orr p par aram amet eter er

Sele Select ct the p par aren entt of the select selected ed ite item m

Closed group

Open group

Open group

Select the first child item in the group



 Another  Ano ther wa way y to view view th the e contents contents of gro group ups s and to g get et mor more e inf infor ormatio mation n abou aboutt parame parameters ters is to use the ParamView Control - see Using the Parameter Viewer Control (ParamView). (ParamView). Next topic User-defined groups Previous topic Removing Remov ing found Dataset Datasets s from Search Results

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 Adding  Addi ng a fixed amount to the values of a selectio s election n of cells To add a fixed amount to the values of a selection of cells (this operation does not apply to enumerated values): 1.

Se Sele lect ct the the ce cells lls (se (see e Selecting a group of cells in a table table). ).


Choose Block Offset from Offset from the Edit > Control submenu Control submenu or the menu displayed when you rightclick in the table to display the Block Offset dialog Offset dialog box.


Enter the v valu alue e you w wan antt to t o ad add d to ea each ch valu value e in the sele selected cted cells.


Press OK OK to  to close the dialog box and carry out the operation.

Note: If any of the results of this operation would be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum value set in the Metafile, they will be set to the minimum or maximum value, respectively. Next topic Multiplying the values of a selection of cells by a fixed amount Previous topic Setting the values of a selection of cells to the same value

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 Analog Meter Control Co ntrol properties See Setting control properties properties for  for how to display the Analog Meter Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box and set those properties on the General General,, Colors Colors and  and Font Font pages  pages that can be applied to Analog Meter Controls. The Analog Meter Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box also has a Dial Dial page:  page:

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 AutoCa utoCall  A

To set the Analog Meter Control Properties: 1.

In the Warning Level box, set the percentage of full scale deflection at which you want the meterʼs Warning Zone (shown in blue) to start.


In the Crit Critical ical Level box, set the percentage of full scale deflection at which you want the meterʼs Critical Zone (shown in red) to start.


In the Number of Labels box, Labels box, set the number of graduations on the meter. You can choose any number from 3 through 21.


In the Angle of display arc box, enter the angle between minimum and maximum deflection of  the meter pointer. You can choose any angle from 30 through 180 degrees.

Next topic Bar Control properties Previous topic Using Virtual Instrument Controls to view data

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Navigator pop-up menus The following pop-up menus are displayed when you right-click on objects in the Navigator.

Calibration Calibrati on Manager  Open

Displays the Open dialog box so that you you can open Datas ets and Channelsets

Remove All

Closes all open D atasets and removes them fr from om the Nav Navigator igator you will be warned if i f any of them are in us e and given the opportunity to save any changes

Find Fin d on Dis Disk k

Displays the Search Criteria dialog b ox so that y you ou can s pecify se arch criter criteria ia and carry out a s search earch for saved Datasets

Search Datasets

Displays the Search Criteria dialog b ox so that y you ou can s pecify se arch criter criteria ia and carry out a s search earch for Datasets alrea dy loaded

Search Results

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 AutoCa utoCall  A

Remove Results

Clears all found Datasets from Searc h R Results esults

Open Results

Opens all the found Datasets in Search Results

Found Dataset D ataset iin n Search Results View Comments

Displays the Comments Preview dialog box showing com ment list for the the found Dataset Datas et

Remove Result

Removes the found Dataset from Searc h R Results esults

Open Result

Opens the found Dataset

Loaded Dataset Dataset Info Information rmation

Displays the Dataset Info Information rmation dialog box so that y you ou can view or  add Dataset information

Remove Remov e Datase Datasett

Rem oves the Dataset from the Navigator 

Save Dataset

Saves the Dataset using its current name

Save As

Saves Sav es the Dataset using a new name

Run Constraints on Dataset  Check whether all the parame ters in a Dataset sa tisfy any

constraints defined for them Auto Constra Constra in 

Choos es whether or not to mai maintain ntain automatically any constraints defined for the the param eters in the Dataset

Start Patching/

Sets patching m ode on or off for tthe he Dataset Datas et

Stop Patching - Currently Patching Send Dataset to ECU

Sends the calibration data in the Dataset to the ECU

Read Dataset from ECU

Reads the calibration in the ECU into the the Datase t

Regrade Dataset

Regrades the Dataset


Displays the Snapshot Active  dialo g box so that y you ou can en ter a comm ent, tthen hen s aves aves a record of tthe he Dataset Datas et file path and nam e, the date and time it i t was s aved, aved, the comm ent, ffollowe ollowe d by tthe he current Dataset parameter values to a comma-separated values format file

User-defined group in Dataset Remove All

Rem oves all the contents of tthe he user-defined us er-defined group


Dis plays a dialog box so that y you ou can change the nam e of tthe he us usererdefined group

Parameter group in Dataset (not user-defined group) Snapshot

Displays the Snapshot Active  dialo g box so that y you ou can en ter a comm ent, tthen hen s aves aves a record of tthe he Dataset Datas et file path and nam e, the date and time it i t was s aved, aved, the comm ent, ffollowe ollowe d by tthe he current values of the the param eters contained in the group to a comm ase parated v values alues format file

Parameter in user-defined user-defined group in Dataset Remove

Removes the parameter from the user-defined group

Run Constr Constraint aint

Checks whether the parameter satisfies any constraints defined for  it


Displays the Snapshot Active  dialo g box so that y you ou can en ter a comm ent, tthen hen s aves aves a record of tthe he Dataset Datas et file path and nam e, the date and time it i t was s aved, aved, the comm ent, ffollowe ollowe d by tthe he current value of the parameter to a comma -separated values format file

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Change the value of the parameter back to its las t saved v value alue

Parameter in Dataset Run Constr Constraint aint

Checks whether the parameter satisfies any constraints defined for  it


Displays the Snapshot Active  dialo g box so that y you ou can en ter a comm ent, tthen hen s aves aves a record of tthe he Dataset Datas et file path and nam e, the date and time it i t was s aved, aved, the comm ent, ffollowe ollowe d by tthe he current value of the parameter to a comma -separated values format file


Change the value of the parameter back to its las t saved v value alue

Channelset Start Watching All marked

Starts watching all of the marked parameters in the Channelset

Stop Watchin Watc hing g All marked

St Stops ops watching watching all of the m arked parameters parameters in the Channelset

Start Wa Watching tching All

Starts Start s wa tching all of the the param eters in the Channel Channelse se t

Stop Watching All

Stops watching all of the parameters in the Channelset

Mark All

Marks all the param eters in the Channels et ffor or watching

Unmark All

Unmarks all the parameters in the Channels et for wat watching ching

Star t Logging A All ll 

Starts Starts saving resu lts from all watched parame ters to the log file

Stop Logging All 

Stops saving resu lts from all watched parame ters to the log file

User Event 

Dis plays a dialog box so that you can enter tex textt for the use r ev event ent then log the event at the the current point in the lo g file

Remove Channelset 

Rem oves the Channelset Channel set from the Navigator 

Save Channelset 

Saves Saves the Channelset using its current current name

Save As

Saves Sav es the Channels et using a new name

Add User Defined Def ined Group

 A  Adds dds a us er-defined er-defin ed grou p to the Channels Chann els et

Parameter in Channelset (but not in user-defined group) Start W atchi atching ng Parameter 

Starts Start s watching for the parame ter 

Stop Watching Parameter 

Stops watching for the parameter 

Marked for Watching

Marks or unmarks selected parameter for watching - the command is checked checked in the menu when the parameter is marked


Dis plays a dia log box so that y you ou can s pecify the watching rate for a periodic watching param eter and mark or unmark the parame ter for  for  watching


Dis plays a dialo g box so that y you ou can s elect a Dataset to copy the value of the param eter to

User-defined group in Channelset Start Watching Marked in Group

Starts Start s wa tching all of the the ma rked parameters iin n the group

Stop Watching Marked in Group

Stops watching all of the marked param eters in the group

Start Wa Watching tching G Group roup

Starts Start s wa tching all of the the param eters in the group

Stop Watching Group

Stops watching all of the parameters in i n the group

Mark All

Marks all the parameters in the group for watching

Unmark All

Unmarks all the parameters in the group for watching

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Remove All

Rem oves all the contents of tthe he user-defined us er-defined group

Remove User Defined Group Removes the user-defined group Properties

Dis plays a dialog box so that y you ou can change the nam e of tthe he us usererdefined group

Parameter in user-defined user-defined group in Channelset Start W atchi atching ng Parameter 

Starts Start s watching for the parame ter 

Stop Watching Parameter  Marked for Watching

Stops watching for the parameter  Marks or unmarks selected parameter for watching - the command is checked checked in the menu when the parameter is marked


Dis plays a dialo g box so that y you ou can s elect a Dataset to copy the value of the param eter to

Start Logging Logging Paramete r 

Starts Start s s aving aving res ults from the watched param eter to tthe he log file

Stop Logging Logging Param Parameter  eter 

Stops sav s aving ing res results ults from the watched parame ter tto o the log file


Dis plays a dia log box so that y you ou can s pecify the watching rate for a periodic watching param eter and mark or unmark the parame ter for  for  watching

Run Constr Constraint aint

Checks whether the parameter satisfies any constraints defined for  it


Removes the parameter from the user-defined group

Snaps hot

Dis pla ys the Sna ps hot Ac tive  dialog box so that y you ou can en ter a

comment, then saves a record of the Channelset file path and name, the date and time it was saved, tthe he com me nt, ffollowed ollowed by the current value of the param eter to to a com ma -separated values form at file

Next topic Toolbars Previous topic Help

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 AutoCal  AutoC al Workspaces W orkspaces Workspaces allow you to save a set of panels together with a group of Datasets. To save the currently open panels and Datasets with a new name: 1.

Choose Save Workspace As from As from the File File menu  menu to display the Save As dialog As dialog box.

This is a standard Windows® dialog box. 2.

Use the Save As dialog As dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the Workspace - see the context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.


Click Save Save to  to save the file and close the dialog box.

To save a previously saved Workspace again into the same file: Choose Save Save from  from the File File menu.  menu. If the Workspace has not been saved previously, the Save As dialog As dialog box will be displayed so that you can enter a name and location with which to save the Workspace.

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To open a previously saved Workspace: 1.

Choose Open Workspace... from Workspace... from the File File menu  menu to display the Open Open dialog  dialog box. This is a standard Windows® dialog box.

Note: You can only have one Workspace open at a time, so if there are any unsaved changes in the existing Workspace, you will be asked if you want to save them first. 2.

Use the Open Open dialog  dialog box to select the folder and file containing the Workspace - see the context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.


Click Open Open to  to open the Workspace.

Next topic Comparing Datasets Previous topic Working with a grid

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Bar Control properties See Setting control properties properties for  for how to display the Bar Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box and set those properties on the General General,, Colors Colors and  and Font Font pages  pages that can be applied to Bar Controls. The Bar Control  dialog box has no other pages. Properties dialog Properties Next topic Thermometer Thermometer Control properties properties Previous topic  Analog  Ana log M Meter eter Co Contro ntroll prope properties rties

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Button Control properties See Setting control properties properties for  for how to display the Button Button  Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box and set those properties on the General General,, Colors Colors and  and Font Font pages  pages that can be applied to Button Controls. The Button Button  Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box also has a Button Button page:  page:

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To specify the type of button: From the Button Type drop-down list box, choose: On/Off Latch if Latch if you want the button to stay on or off after you have pressed it; Or  On/Off Non-Latch if Non-Latch if you want the button to be on only while you keep it pressed with the mouse - it reverts to off when the mouse is released. Note: The Button Type drop-down list box also contains a Spin Dial option, which enables the Direction and Step Size boxes. Size  boxes. However, this option has not been implemented in this release of the software. Next topic Editing data with the button control Previous topic Using the Button Control to control data

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panels When you create Controls in AutoCal you place them on a panel. You can create as many panels as you require for each Dataset and include controls linked to different Datasets on the same panel. Next topic Creating, saving and opening panels Previous topic

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User setups

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Carrying out a search

To carry out a search: Press Search  in the Search Criteria dialog box. Search in If you change your mind about carrying out the search while it is running, press Stop Stop in  in the Search Criteria dialog box. When the search is complete, the Search Results dialog Results dialog box will be displayed showing the results. If no Datasets have been found by the search, you will be given the opportunity to leave the Search Criteria dialog box to set new search criteria. If the search is successful, when you close the Search Results dialog Results dialog box, the Datasets found will be displayed under Search Results in Results in the Navigator:

Next topic Viewing the comments in found Datasets Previous topic Search Criteria dialog Criteria  dialog box - Timestamps Timestamps page  page

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Changing the orientation of a table t able To change the orientation of a table: Choose the required orientation from the Axis Orientation drop-down Orientation drop-down list box - the horizontal axis is shown first. For example you can swap the axes in the display of a one dimensional table like Parameter A2  A2 axi axis s 1, to change:

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or for a two dimensional table like Parameter A2 to A2 to change:


Next topic Choosing what to display in a table with three dimensions

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Previous topic Viewing table data

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Channelset user-defined groups You can create user-defined groups in the Channelset to collect together sets of related watch variables. To create a Channelset user-defined group: 1.

Right-click Right-click on the Chan Channe nelset lset icon to p pop op u up pam men enu. u.


Choose Add User Defined Group. Group.

The new user-defined group will appear in the Channelset:

To add a watch variable to a Channelset user-defined group: 1.

Dr Drag ag the watch watch varia variable ble an and d dr drop op it onto the user-de user-define fined d group group..


A menu menu will be d displayed isplayed allow allowing ing you to choose w whethe hetherr to add add the para parameter meter or or cancel the operation.

y ou dra drag g the watch watch var variab iable, le, the p poin ointer ter h has as a short-cut short-cut icon attached attached to it to show that you are are Note:  As you  just creating creating ano another ther wa way y of accessing the watch watch v var ariab iable le an and d not not changing changing the the structure structure of the Channelset. The watch variables will be shown in the Channelset user-defined group:

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To remove a watch variable from a Channelset user-defined group: 1.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the w watch atch v variab ariable le in the user-de user-define fined d group group to pop up up a menu. menu.


Choose Remove Remove..

To empty a user-defined group: 1.

Right-click Right-click on the grou group p in the C Cha hann nnelset elset to pop pop up a m men enu. u.


Choose Remove All. All.

To change the name of a user-defined group: 1.

Right-click Right-click on the grou group p in the C Cha hann nnelset elset to pop pop up a m men enu. u.


Choose Properties Properties to  to display the User defined Properties Properties dialog  dialog box (where User defined  is  is the current name of the group):

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3. Ed Edit it the name name sh show own n in the Group Name box. Name  box. 4.

Press OK OK to  to close the dialog box and set the new name.

Note: The names and contents of any user-defined groups are saved with the Channelset when you save it. To remove a Channelset user-defined group: 1.

Right-click Right-click on the grou group p in the C Cha hann nnelset elset to pop pop up a m men enu. u.


Choose Remove User Defined Group. Group.

Next topic Linking watch variables to controls Previous topic Opening Channelset Channelsets s

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Channelsets - monitoring variables in the ECU  AutoCal allows  AutoCal allows you to ‘watchʼ variables in an ECU in real time. To do this you use a Channelset - this defines the variables that you can watch and their location in the ECU. Channelsets are defined as text Metafiles in a similar way to Datasets and then compiled using the Pi Metafile Compiler. To dis play tthe he value of a watched variable, you you link iitt to a control on a pane l in the s ame way as you link Datas et parameters to controls.

Next topic Opening Channelset Channelsets s Previous topic Reading a Dataset from the ECU

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Choosing what to display in a table with three dimensions Parameter B3 in Group1>>Group1b Group1>>Group1b is  is an example of a table with three axes:

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Note that in the picture above the axis label Parame Parameter ter B3 axis 1 is 1 is shown in black text, so the axis is itself a table and can be edited, but Parame Parameter ter B3 axis 1 is 1 is shown in gray text, so the axis cannot be edited. To choose which part of the table to display on the screen: 1.

Ch Choo oose se the ver vertical tical and horizon horizontal tal axes for the ta table ble ffro rom m the Axis Orientation drop-down Orientation drop-down list box. (There are three ways to choose the first axis and two ways to choose the second, so the list has six entries.) The drop-down list box to the left of the Axis Orientation drop-down Orientation drop-down list box is labeled by the third axis. This allows you to choose the value of the third axis for which the other two axes are displayed.


From From the dr drop op-d -dow own n list box box to the left left of the Axis Orientation drop-down Orientation drop-down list box, choose the value of the third axis for which to display the table.

Next topic Editing table data Previous topic Changing the orientation of a table

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Colors See Setting control properties properties for  for how to display the Properties  dialog box for a control. Properties dialog

To set the color of a component of the control: 1. Choo Choose se the compo compone nent nt fr from om the the Property Name drop-down Name  drop-down list. For example: choose BackColor  to  to set the background color; ForeColor  to  to set the color of the text; SlideBackColor  to set the color of the sliderʼs body in a Slider control; MercuryColour  to  to set the color of the liquid in a Thermometer control; and so on. 2.

To choose choose a color color for for the compo compone nent, nt, eithe either: r: click on one of the color patches, or  select one of the colors assigned to a Windows ® component by selecting the component from

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the System Color  drop-down  drop-down list. 3.

Press Apply Apply to  to set the color of the selected control component without closing the dialog box so that you can set other colors; press OK to set the color of the control component and close the dialog box.

Next topic Fonts Previous topic General Gener al properties properties

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Transferring data between AutoCal and the ECU The instructions in the rest of this section of the Help system assume that you have correctly connected the ECU physically to the PC and that the the comm unications so ft ftware ware has been correctly configured.  Next topic Sending a Dataset to the ECU Previous topic Compare control toolbar 

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Contents Overview Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Dataset The The AutoCal iinterface nterface Working with Datasets Opening a Dataset Version folders Documenting a Dataset Searching for Datasets Setting Sear S earch ch Criteria Search Criteria dialog box - Location page (disk searching only) Search Criteria dialog box - Keywords page Search Criteria dialog box - Timestamps page Carrying out a search Viewing the comments in found Datasets Opening found Datasets Removing found Datasets from Search Results  Accessing data data

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User-defined groups Copying data between Datasets - Mix and Match Reverting a parameter to its last saved value Saving and removing Datasets Regrading a Dataset Creating and working with AutoCal data controls Placing controls on a panel Linking data to contro c ontrols ls Relinking controls to parameters in a different Dataset Selecting controls Moving and resizing controls on a panel  Aligning  Align ing contro controls ls on a pan panel el Deleting, copying and pasting controls Setting control properties General properties Colors Fonts Setting Data Source properties Using the Parameter Viewer Control (ParamView) Parameter Viewer Control Properties Viewing data using a Parameter Viewer Control Editing data using a Parameter Viewer Control Using the Table Control to view and edit data Table Control properties Viewing table data Changing the orientation of a table Choosing what to display in a table with three dimensions Editing table data Editing a single data value Selecting a group of cells in a table Setting the values of a selection of cells to the same value  Adding  Add ing a fixed amo amoun untt to the v valu alues es of a sele selection ction of cells Multiplying the values of a selection of cells by a fixed amount Interpolating the values across a selection Copying the values of cells from one part of a table to another  Using the Table Editor to view and edit data Using the 2-D Graph Control to view and edit data 2-D Graph Control properties 2-D Graph Control - Graph properties 2-D Graph Control - Chart Recorder properties

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Editing data using the 2-D Graph Control Using the Edit Control to view and edit data Edit Control properties Viewing and editing the data Using the Slider Control to view and edit data Slider Control properties Editing the data Using Virtual Instrument Controls to view data  Analog  Ana log Meter Meter Contro Controll prope properties rties Bar Control properties Thermometer Control prope properties rties Indicator Control properties Using the Button Control to control data Button Control properties Editing data with the button control The Text Control Text Control properties Using the Command Button control Command Button Control properties User setups Panels Creating, saving and opening panels Design mode Working with a grid Workspaces Comparing Datasets Comparing Datasets, groups or parameters Choosing what to compare Choosing which comparisons to display

Viewing the results of a comparison Viewing the results of a value comparison Refreshing the comparison Saving a log of the comparison Compare control toolbar 

Transferring data between AutoCal and the ECU Sending a Dataset to the ECU Sending a Dataset Off-line Sending a Parameter On-line - patching Reading a Dataset from the ECU Channelsets - monitoring variables in the ECU

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Opening Channelset Channelsets s Channelset Chann elset user-defined user-defined groups groups Periodic and state Watching Marking variables for watching Setting the rate for periodic watching and marking variables Switching Watching on and off  Copying the value of a watched variable to a Dataset Saving a Channelset Removing a Channelset Menus and Toolbars - summary Menus File Edit View Layout Item Window Help Navigator pop-up menus Toolbars General Toolbox  Alignmen  Align mentt Too Toolba lbar  r  Controls Toolbar  Glossary

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Controls Toolbar The Controls toolbar contains tools for placing controls on panels:

Dragging a control from the Controls Controls toolbox  toolbox is roughly equivalent to choosing Insert Visual Object from Object from the Edit Edit menu  menu to display the Insert Control dialog Control dialog box, selecting the control from the list in the dialog box, and clicking OK OK.. However, when you drag the control from the toolbar you can choose where to drop it on the panel, but when you use the menu command the control is placed at a default position, and you will probably need to move it. Furthermore, you can use the tools on the Controls  toolbar in another way, which allows you to choose the Controls toolbar size and shape of the control as well as its position. For this method, click the control on the toolbar - the button will become depressed to show it is selected. Now drag out a rectangle on the panel to define the size, shape and position of the control. For more details of how to work with controls, including how to link them to data, see Creating and working with AutoCal AutoCal data controls. controls. For details o off how to w work ork with indiv individual idual controls, click clic k on the buttons in the tables in the following table.

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Contr ol

View Data

Edit Da ta




 Anal  Analog og Meter



Ba r






Ed i t






Sl i d e r



Static Text



Therm om eter



C om m and Button






C o m p a re



Param Vi ew



Clic k for deta ils

Next topic Glossary Previous topic  Alignmen  Align mentt T Too oolbo lbox x

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Copying data - Mix and Match  AutoCal makes  AutoCal makes it very very easy easy to copy pa para ramete meterr v valu alues es within an and d betwee between n Datase Datasets. ts. You You may may want want to do this, for example, to transfer a set of parameter values from an old version of a Dataset to a new version. To copy parameter values within a Dataset or from one Dataset to another: 1.

Open Open the Dataset(s) Dataset(s) s so o that both the sou source rce and targe targett are visible visible (see Note Note 2 below below for for copying parameters between Datasets in different AutoCal Data Managers) - see the tables below for the allowed sources and targets.

2. Drag Drag the source source onto onto the the ta targ rget. et. Note: If you are going to Copy by tag into tag into a different Dataset, it doesnʼt matter where you drop the parameter in the target Dataset. 3.

A menu menu will be d displayed isplayed allow allowing ing you to choose ((see see the table tables s below for the commands commands displayed for different combinations of source and target):

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Copy - to copy the value of the first parameter in the source to the first parameter in the Copy target, the second parameter in the source to the second parameter in the target, irrespective of the names of the parameters (see Matching conditions for copy operations  operations  fo for  r  the conditions that must be satisfied if a copy operation is to succeed). Copy by tag tag - to copy the value(s) of the source parameters to the parameters in the target Dataset with the same name (see Matching conditions for copy operations  operations  for the conditions that must be satisfied if a copy operation is to succeed). Add reference reference  - to create a reference to the source parameter(s) in the target user-defined group (or references to the equivalent source parameters if you are dragging a user-defined group from one Dataset onto a user-defined group in another Dataset) Assign Dataset Dataset - to relink the controls linked to the source Dataset to the equivalent parameters in the target Dataset (see Relin Relink k ing controls tto o parameters parameters in a different Dataset  for details) Cancel Canc el Operation. Operation. Note 1:

You can also display the source parameter or group in a ParamView control and control and drag from there onto or into the target Dataset in the Navigator. However, dragging a source parameter into a target parameter or group displayed in a ParamView control does not copy the data to the target it just makes tthe he Para ParamView mView control display the source para parameter/gr meter/group oup..

Note 2:

The source and target Datasets do not need to be in the same AutoCal Data Manager. To drag and drop between Datasets in different AutoCal Data Managers, first display the target AutoCal Data Manager and make sure that the target Dataset is displayed. Then display the source  AutoCal  AutoC al Data Data Manag Manager er and and dra drag g the req requir uired ed ite item m fr from om the source source over over the the targe targetʼs tʼs Data Mana Manage ger  r  button. After a short pause, the target AutoCal Data Manager will be displayed. Then drop the item onto the target Dataset.

Note 3:

The value copied is the value in engineering units, irrespective of any scaling or the type of the parameter.

Commands displayed when you drag a source in a Dataset and drop it onto a target in the same Dataset  

Target (same Datas Dataset) et)


Da ta se t


Use r Group

Pa ra me te r  




Add reference





Add reference

User Group



Copy Add reference Copy





Add reference



Note: Entries marked --- mean that you cannot drop that source onto that target. Note:  All menus menus also hav have e a Cancel Cancel command  command so that you can abort the operation. Commands displayed when you drag a source in a Dataset and drop it onto a target in a different Dataset

Target (different Datas Dataset) et) Dataset

Da ta se t Group  Assign Dataset Dataset Copy Copy by tag

Use r Group Copy

Pa ra me te r   -----


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Copy by tag

Copy Copy by tag

Copy Copy by tag



User Group

Copy by tag

Copy Copy by tag

Copy Copy by tag  Add ref refer eren ence ce




Copy b by y ta tag

Copy b by y ta tag

Add reference



Note: Entries marked --- mean that you cannot drop that source onto that target. Note:  All menus menus also hav have e a Cancel Cancel command  command so that you can abort the operation.

Next topic Matching conditions for copy operations Previous topic User-defined groups

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Copying the value of a watched variable to a Dataset To copy the value of a watched variable to the corresponding parameter in a Dataset: 1.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the v varia ariable ble in the C Chan hannelset nelset to po pop p up up a menu. menu.


Choose Copy Copy to  to display the Copy to Dataset dialog Dataset dialog box.

The dialog box lists all the Datasets open in the Navigator that have a parameter with the same identifier, type and size as the selected Channelset variable. 3.

Click on the D Datase atasett in the list to wh which ich you w wan antt to copy the v valu alue. e.


Press OK OK..

Next topic Saving a Channelset Previous topic Switching Watching on and off 

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Copying the values of cells from one part of a table to another To copy the values of a selection of cells in a table: 1.

Se Sele lect ct the the ce cells lls (se (see e Selecting a group of cells in a table table). ).


Choose Copy cells into Clipboard from Clipboard from the Edit > Control submenu Control submenu or the menu displayed when you right-click in the table.

Note: If the selection is discontinuous, the cells will be copied as a continuous table (for example, if you copy columns 1 and 3 in a table, they will become columns 1 and 2 in the table in the clipboard). To paste the copied values into a table (which can be the same or a different table): 1.

Click in the cell where where you want want the ffirst irst va value lue pasted pasted (the top left-hand left-hand corner corner of the selection).


Choose Paste into Table from Table  from the Edit>Control Edit>Control submenu  submenu or the menu displayed when you right-click in the table.

 Any cells in the pasted pasted tab table le exten extendin ding g be beyond yond the tab table le you a are re pasting pasting into into will be ignor ignored ed.. Note: If any of the results of this operation would be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum value set in the Metafile, they will be set to the minimum or maximum value, respectively. Next topic Using the Table Editor to view and edit data Previous topic Interpolating the values across a selection

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Creating and working with AutoCal data controls To view, edit and control data in AutoCal, you place controls on a panel. This section of the Help system begins by showing you several ways to create controls and how to link the controls to data. It goes on to show you how to select, move, resize, delete, copy, cut and paste controls, and how to set various control properties. Press {button ,AL(` , AL(`control',1,`' control',1,`',`')} ,`')} for details details of individual individual c contro ontrols ls.. Next topic Placing controls on a panel Previous topic Taking snapshots of parameter values

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Creating, saving and opening panels in AutoCal To create a new panel: Choose Panel Panel from  from the File File menu  menu (or press cTRL+N). To save a panel with a new name:

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1. Click iin n th the e pan panel el to se sele lect ct it. 2.

Choose Save As from As from the File File menu  menu to display the Save As dialog As dialog box. This is a standard Windows® dialog box.


Use the Save As dialog As dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the panel - see the contextsensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.


Click Save Save to  to save the file and close the dialog box.

To save a previously saved panel again into the same file: 1. Click iin n th the e pan panel el to se sele lect ct it. 2.

Choose Save Save from  from the File File menu.  menu. If the panel has not been saved previously, the Save As dialog box will be displayed so that you can enter a name and location with which to save the panel.>

To open a previously saved panel: 1.

If they are not alre already ady op open en a and nd you wan wantt the controls relinked to their pa parame rameters, ters, open the Datasets linked Datasets  linked to the panel.


Choose Panel... Panel... from  from the File File menu  menu to display the Open Open dialog  dialog box.

This is a standard Windows® dialog box. 3.

Use the Open Open dialog  dialog box to select the folder and file containing the panel - see the context-


sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information. Click Open Open to  to open the panel.

Provided you opened the Datasets first, the controls will be relinked to their parameters. Next topic Design mode Previous topic Panels

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Deleting, copying and pasting controls To delete one or more controls from a panel: 1. Se Sele lect ct the the co contr ntrol ol(s) (s).. 2.

Choose Delete from the Edit Edit menu  menu or press ctrl+del.

To copy one or more controls, including any links, to the Windows ® clipboard: 1. Se Sele lect ct the the co contr ntrol ol(s) (s).. 2.

Choose Copy from the Edit Edit menu  menu or press ctrl+c.

To cut one or more controls, including any links, to the Windows ® clipboard: 1. Se Sele lect ct the the co contr ntrol ol(s) (s).. 2.

Choose Cut from the Edit Edit menu  menu or press ctrl+x.

To paste one or more controls, including any links, from the Windows ® clipboard onto a panel: Choose Paste from the Edit Edit menu  menu or press ctrl+v. The control will be placed on the panel to the right of the selected control (if more than one is selected, it is

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placed to the right of the one that was selected first; if none is selected, it will be placed near the top lefthand corner of the panel). Next topic Setting control properties Previous topic  Aligning  Align ing contro controls ls on a pan panel el

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Documenting a Dataset To document a Dataset: 1.

Right-click Right-click on the Datase Datasett in the t he Nav Naviga igator tor to po pop p up a men menu. u.


Choose Dataset Information to Information to display the Dataset Information dialog Information dialog box:

The read-only boxes at the top of the dialog box show the name of the Dataset file and the Application Name, Name , Description Description and  and Version Version number  number defined in the Metafile. 2. En Enter ter or edit dit te text xt in the the Dataset Description box Description box to document the Dataset. 3.

To ad add d a time-stamp time-stamped ed comme comment, nt, p pre ress ss New Comment to Comment to display the New Comment dialog Comment dialog box:

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4. Enter Enter the comme comment nt an and d pr press ess OK OK.. The new comment will be added to the list in the Comments table:


To edit edit a time-stamp time-stamped ed comme comment, nt, do doub ublele-click click in the Comment Comment field  field to place a cursor and edit the text in the normal way.

Note: If your comment is wider than the Comment Comment column,  column, the fact that some of the comment is not visible is shown by the ellipsis mark ... (see the example above). You can see the rest of the comment by placing a cursor in the Comment field and moving the cursor to the right. However, you can also change the width of the columns in the Comments Comments table  table by dragging the dividing lines in the heading bar. If you drag the right-hand dividing line off the right-hand side of the table, a horizontal scroll bar will appear at the bottom of the table so that you can scroll to see the full text in the comment. 6.

Press OK OK to  to close the dialog box.

 As well as the time-stamp time-stamped ed user user com commen ments, ts, AutoC AutoCal al also pro prompts mpts you to enter enter a time-stamp time-stamped ed comme comment nt when you save the Dataset, patch parameter values in an ECU or ECU or send data to an ECU ECU  - see for example Saving and removing Datasets. You can view the comment later using the Dataset information dialog box as above, for example:

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Note: No entry is made in the table if you do not enter a comment. Next topic Searching for Datasets Previous topic Versi Ver sion on folders

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Edit The Edit Edit menu  menu has the following commands:

Next topic

Cu Cutt

Rem oves the selected control(s) and place it on the Windows ® clipboard


Copy the the selected s elected control(s) onto the the Windows Windows® ® clipboard


Paste the contents of the Windows ® clipboard onto the panel


Delete the selected control(s)

Select All

Select all objects on the displayed panel

Insert Visual Obj Object... ect...

Display the Insert Control dialog b ox so that y you ou can choos e a control, and then place selected sel ected control on the panel

Control Object

Submenu (Control is the nam e of tthe he se lected control)


Display the Properties  dialog box ffor or se lected control

Data Source Properties

This function function is not implemented in this release of the soft software ware

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View Previous topic File

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Edit Control properties See Setting control properties properties for  for how to display the Edit Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box and set those properties on the General General,, Colors Colors and  and Font Font pages  pages that can be applied to Edit Controls.

Next topic Viewing and editing the data Previous topic Using the Edit Control to view and edit data

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Editing a single data value To edit a single data value in a table: 1.

Make sure the cell con containin taining g th the e data data is displa displayed. yed.

2. Click Click on the valu alue e in the cell. Note: You can also change which cell is selected by pressing the arrow keys, CTRL + an arrow key and the Page Up/Down keys. If the cell contains a scalar value spin buttons will appear at the right-hand end of the cell:

If the cell contains an enumeration, a drop-down list box will appear:

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(Note that this example is not taken from Sample.dat.) 3.

Edit a scalar value value by by typing t yping in a new value or b by y click c licking ing on on a spin button button to increase increase or  decrease the value; edit an enumeration by selecting a new value from the drop-down list or by typing in the new value (the value you type in must be exactly one of the possible enumeration for example, the case of all letters must be the same).


Use an an arro arrow w key to mov move e to the next next cell, if req requir uired ed..

If you try to enter a value greater than the maximum or less than the minimum value set in the Metafile, the value will be set to the maximum or minimum value, respectively. Next topic Selecting a group of cells in a table Previous topic Editing table data

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Editing data using a Parameter Viewer Control To select an item in the Parameter Viewer Control: Click on it. You can use the Up/Down arrow, Page Up/Page Down and Home/End keys to change the selection in the Parameter Viewer Control. You can scroll the Parameter Viewer Control using the left and right arrow keys. Double-clicking on an item (or selecting the item and pressing the RETURN key) in the ParamView control has the following effects: Item

Effe c t

Param et eter Group

Dis pl plays co contents of of group in the Param V Viiew control.

Param et eter table

Opens a table ed editor window w wiith th the p pa aram e etter table lo loaded - s e ee e

Scalar parame ter

Us Using ing the Table Table Editor to view and edit data . Selects the value in the Value  column (shown by highlighting) so that it can be edited.

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Enum er eration p pa aram et eter

Dis pl plays a dr drop-down lliis t box in th the Value  column s o that y you ou can se lect one of the enumerated values values .

Note: Enumeration parameters are parameters that can only take one of a fixed set of values. These values are enumerated in the Metafile by an 'enum' declaration. Next topic Using the Table Control to view and edit data Previous topic Viewing data using a Parameter Viewer Control

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Editing data using the 2-D Graph Control You can use the 2-D Graph Control (unless it is in pie chart mode) to edit the data it displays. For example, to edit data in a Plot: 1.

Place the poin pointer ter over the d data ata point point you want want to chang change: e:

2. Drag Drag th the ed data ata poin pointt to its ne new wp positio osition: n:

You can edit the data using Area Area,, Bar Graph and Graph and Stacking Bar  charts  charts using a similar technique - the data points are not shown as circles in these charts, so you drag the edge of the area or bar.

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Editing the data in this way is quick and easy, but can be less precise than entering the data directly in a table. However, if you display the table in a Table Control Control or  or the Table Editor, you Editor, you will be able to see the exact value of the data as you adjust it in the 2-D Graph Control. Next topic Using the Edit Control to view and edit data Previous topic 2-D Graph Control - Chart Recorder properties

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Editing data with the button control To turn a latching button control on or off: Click on the button. To turn a non-latching button control on: Move the pointer over the button control and press the mouse button. The button will turn off  when you release the mouse button. Next topic The Static Text Control Previous topic Button Control properties

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Editing table data You can edit the value of an individual cell in a table (see Editing a single data value value)) or edit the values of a group of cells together (see Selecting a group of cells in a table). table). When you edit the values for a selection of cells you can: set them all to the same value ·


add a fixed amount to their current values


multiply their current values by a fixed amount


interpolate the values between one end of the selection and the other 


copy a block of cells from one part of a table to another 

Next topic Editing a single data value Previous topic Choosing what to display in a table with three dimensions

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Editing the data using a Slider Control To edit the data linked to a slider control: Press the t he following following keyboard keyboard keys keys::

Ke y


Down arrow or left arrow for a horizontal slider  or right arrow for a vertical slider

decrease value by a small amount

Up arrow or right arrow for a horizontal slider  or left arrow for a vertical slider 

increase value by a small amount

Page Down

decrease value by a larger amount

Page Up

increase value by a larger amount


set to lowest value


set to highest value

If the Mouse Select property Select property is set, you set,  you can also set the slider position using the mouse. To adjust the setting of a slider control using the mouse: Click to the right or left of the slider to move the slider in increments of half a graduation. Or  Drag the slider to the appropriate position.

Next topic Using Virtual Instrument Controls to view data Previous topic Slider Control properties

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File The File File menu  menu has the following commands: Panel

Creates Creat es a new panel


Displays the Open dialog b ox so that y you ou can open a prev previous ious ly saved panel


Closes the select selected ed panel


Saves Sav es the s elected panel to its existing file - displa ys the Save As

Save As...

dialog box if not prev previous ious ly saved Displays the Save As  dialog box so that y you ou can en ter a location and file name for saving the selected panel

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Open Workspace... Save Workspace

Displays the Open dialog b ox so that y you ou can open a prev previous ious ly sa ved Workspace Saves Sav es the current W Workspace orkspace to its existing file - di disp sp lays the Save As dial  dialog og box if not previously saved

Save Workspace As...

Displays the Save As  dialog box so that y you ou can en ter a location and file nam e for saving the current Workspace

Design Mode

Switches Swit ches Des ign mode on or off - tthe he comm and is check checked ed and the button depress ed when Des ign M button Mode ode is on


Prints a screen shot of the selected panel

 M  Mos os t r ec ently used us ed files Exit

The File  m enu lists the names of rec recently ently used files - choose the name from the menu to re-open re-open it Clos e ToolBench ToolBench

Next topic Edit Previous topic Menus

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Fonts See Setting control properties properties for  for how to display the Properties Properties dialog  dialog box for a control.

To set the font used for a component of the control: 1. Choo Choose se the compo compone nent nt fr from om the the Property Name drop-down Name  drop-down list. For example: choose CaptionFont to CaptionFont  to set the font used for the caption, value and unit in Slider, Thermometer etc controls; GraduationFont GraduationFont to  to set the font used for the scale on these controls; Edit Edit to  to set the font used for the data in an edit control; and so on. 2. Choo Choose se a type typefa face ce ffro rom m the the Font Font box.  box. 3.

Choose Regular , Bold Bold,, Italic Italic or  or Bold Bold  Italic Italic from  from the Font Style box. Style  box.

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Check Strikeout Strikeout and/or  and/or Underline Underline from  from the Effects Effects box  box to apply these effects to the text.


Press Apply Apply to  to set the font for the selected control component without closing the dialog box so that you can set the font for other components; press OK to set the font for the component and close the dialog box.

Next topic Setting Data Source properties Previous topic Colors

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Glossary   Calibration Manager 

Windows ® style navigator 


The tool us ed to control, edit or view the data


The parameters used by the ECUʼs control logic

De Desig sign n Mode ode

Swi wittch De Desig sign n Mode ode on to def define ine the type and and lay layout out of cont ontrols; ols; swi swittch it off  off  to work with controls controls to calibrate ECU. You can carry out all operations when working w orking with Des ign Mode On but switching sw itching Des Design ign Mode Off Off locks the controls in po sition si tion so that y you ou can concentrate on using them

Works p pa ace

Saved fil e including the panels an and the Data Manager/Navigator


The m echanical elem ent controlled by the ECU

Electronic Control Unit (ECU)

 A m odul odule e that receives da ta from sens s ens ors m onitoring onitori ng external para parame me ters (such as engine speed, barometric pr press ess ure and load), and adapt adapts s its control strategy to suit the m onitored variables variables

L e g en d

On a Graph Control, a lis t s h ho owing the color us e ed d to identify each of the curves curv es on a graph

Metaf etafil ile, e, Scr crip iptt

A tex extt do docu cumen mentt, crea creatted by an AutoC utoCal al use user, r, def definin ining g tthe he format ormat and and st strruc uctture ure of data controlling the embedded application.

Metaf etafil ile, e, Bin inar ary y

A bi bina narry fil ile e desc descri ribi bing ng the for ormat mat and and st stru ruct ctur ure eo off dat data con conttroll rollin ing g the the embedded applicat application ion

Metaf etafil ile e Co Compi mpile lerr

Co Conv nver ertts scr scrip iptt Met Metaf afil iles es to to bin binar ary y Metaf etafil iles es

Off-li line ne edit editin ing g

Edi dittin ing g a Da Dattaset aset in Aut utoC oCal al wit with no no a ac ctiv ive e con conne nec ction ion to to the the ECU

Onn-li line ne edit editin ing g

Edi dittin ing g a Da Dattaset aset in Aut utoC oCal al,, and and send sendin ing ge edi ditted par parame ametters ers tto o the the ECU while it is controlling the device device

Pa n e l

The area on which controls ar are dropped and param e etters c co ontrolled, edi ted and viewed


Sending edited param e etters tto o the EC U while it is c co ontrolling the device carrying carry ing ou t On-line editing

Read Datas e ett

Copy data from th the ECU into AutoCal

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R e g ra d e

Update the vers ion of a Datas et in the EC U

Previous topic Controls Toolbar 

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Help The Help Help menu  menu has the following commands: Help Contents...

Dis play tthe he Contents page for the Help sy s ystem


Display the About dialog box showing showi ng information abou t tthe he v versio ersio n of ToolBench ToolBench you are running

Next topic Navigator pop-up menus Previous topic Window

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Indicator Control properties See Setting control properties properties for  for how to display the Indicator  Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box and set those properties on the General General,, Colors Colors and  and Font Font pages  pages that can be applied to Indicator Controls. Note: The Indicator will show its ‘offʼ state (Red and showing the ‘Offʼ text - see below) if the value of the linked parameter is in the lower half of its allowed range set in the Metafile; otherwise it will be in its ‘onʼ state. The Indicator  Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box also has an Indicator  page:  page:

To set the text shown by the Indicator Control:

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Enter the text to be displayed when the Indicator is On On and  and Off  Off . The length of the text is limited by the size of the control - if it will not fit in the control it wonʼt be displayed. Next topic Using the Button Control to control data Previous topic Thermometer Thermometer Control properties properties

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Interpolating Inter polating the t he values across a selection To interpolate the values across a selection (this operation does not apply to enumerated values): 1.

Set the contents contents of the cells at tthe he e ends nds of the selection to the require required dv value alues s (see Editing a single data value). value).


Select Select the blo block ck of ce cells lls tthr hrou ough gh which which you w wan antt tto o interpo interpolate late the valu values es (see Selecting a group of cells in a table). table).


Choose Interpolate Selection from Selection from the Edit > Control submenu Control  submenu or the menu displayed when you right-click in the table.

The values of the cells will be linearly interpolated between the values at the ends of the selection using the axis settings. For example, the values in the selected row have been set by interpolation:

Note: If any of the results of this operation would be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum value set in the Metafile, they will be set to the minimum or maximum value, respectively - this can happen if the value of one of the intermediate axis points is greater or less than the values of the axis points at the ends of the selection. Next topic Copying the values of cells from one part of a table to another  Previous topic Multiplying the values of a selection of cells by a fixed amount

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Layout The Layout Layout menu  menu has the following commands: Centre in Panel



Centres s elected control to the horiz horizontal ontal centre of the panel

Vertical Align Controls

Centres s elected control to the v vertical ertical centre of tthe he panel Submenu


 Alig  Aligns ns all s elected co ntrols to the left-hand ed edge ge of the control furthest to the left


 Alig  Aligns ns all s elected co ntrols to the right-han right-hand d edge o f tthe he control furthes furt hes t to the right


 Alig  Aligns ns all s elected co ntrols to the top edge of the control ne ares t tto o the top


 Alig  Aligns ns all s elected co ntrols to the lower ed ge of the control ne neares ares t to the bottom

Horizontal Centre

 Alig  Aligns ns the horizontal centre cen tre of each se lected con trol to the horizontal centre of all the selected controls

Vertical Centre

 Alig  Aligns ns the vertical vertical cen tre of each se lected con trol to the v vertical ertical

Snap To Grid

centre of all the selected controls When selected, edges of cont controls rols w will ill be forced to align with the grid when you create them

Change Grid Spacing...

Displays the Change Grid Spacing dialog box so that y you ou can s et the X and Y spacing of the alignm ent grid

Next topic Item Previous topic View

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 Alignment  Ali gnment tool t oolbox box The Alignment Alignment Toolbox  Toolbox contains a collection of tools for aligning controls with each other:

The equivalent commands all appear on the Align Controls submenu Controls submenu in the Layout Layout menu.  menu. Menu c om ma nd

Ac tion


 Align  Aligns s alltoselected controls to the left-h left-han and d edge edge of of the contro controll fur furthest thest tthe he left controls


 Aligns all selected controls  Aligns controls to the righ right-ha t-hand nd edg edge e of the control control furthest to the right

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 Aligns all selected controls  Aligns controls to the top ed edge ge of of the contro controll neare nearest st to the top


 Aligns all selected controls  Aligns controls to the lowe lowerr edge edge of of the contro controll nearest to the bottom

Horizontal Centre

 Aligns the horizon  Aligns horizontal tal centre centre of ea each ch selected control control to the horizontal centre of all the selected controls

Vertical Centre

 Aligns the ver  Aligns vertical tical centre o off each each selected control control to the ver vertical tical centre of all the selected controls

Next topic Controls Toolbox Previous topic General Toolbar 

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Linking data to controls To link data to a control (if you did not link it to a parameter when you created it, or if you want to link it to a different parameter): 1.

Display the para parameter meter in the Nav Navigator igator (or a Par ParamView amView control - see Using the Parameter  Viewer Control (ParamView)). (ParamView)).


Dr Drag ag the pa para ramete meterr o onto nto the contr control. ol.

Note:  An adv advan antage tage of u using sing a Pa Para ramView mView contr control ol he here re is tha thatt it shows shows a description description of of the pa para ramete meterr so that you can check that you are linking the parameter to a suitable type of control. Note: The Navigator shows when a Dataset has unsaved changes with an asterisk between the Dataset icon and the Dataset name - the parameters that have been changed are marked similarly:

Next topic Relinking controls to parameters in a different Dataset Previous topic Placing controls on a panel

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Marking variables for watching

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 AutoCal allows  AutoCal allows you to mark mark var variab iables les so that you can switch Watching on or or off off ffor or all all the marked marked var ariab iables les (or all the marked variables in a group) at the same time. To mark (or unmark) an individual variable: 1.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the v varia ariable ble that you w want ant to mar mark k (unma (unmark) rk) to pop pop up a menu. menu.


Choose Marked for Watching. Watching.

To mark (or unmark) all the variables in a group or the whole Channelset together: 1.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the gr group oup or the who whole le Ch Chann annelset elset that y you ou want want to mark mark (unmark) (unmark) to pop pop up a menu.


Choose Mark All (or Unmark All). All).

When a variable is marked, the command is checked in the menu and the variable is marked by a tick in the Data Manager:

The two variables in the User defined group defined group are marked; the other variables are unmarked. Note:  All marked marked v var ariab iables les ar are e shown shown w with ith a tick - blu blue e if the they y are n not ot curren currently tly being watched watched and and red red if  they are. However, a red tick does not necessarily mean that the variable is marked since all currently watched variables are shown with a red tick whether marked or not. To check if a watched variable is also marked, right-click on it and see if the Marked for Watching command is checked, or look at the variable properties. When you save a Channelset, the marked/unmarked status of each variable is also saved and will be restored when you open it again. Next topic Setting the rate for periodic watching and marking variables Previous topic Periodic and state watching

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Menus This section gives a summary of the commands in the following menus: File Edit View Layout Item Window Help Navigator pop-up menus Next topic File Previous topic Menus and Toolbars - summary

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Menus and Too Toolbars lbars summary This section of the Help system contains information about each of the menus and menus  and toolbars in toolbars in the program. Next topic Menus Previous topic Removing a Channelset

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Moving and resizing controls on a panel Note

The setting of Snap to Grid in  menu or the menu displayed when you right-click in the Grid in the Layout Layout menu panel has no effect on moving or resizing controls.

To resize a control on a panel: 1.

Click on the control control to select it - the bo borde rderr of the control will will be hatched hatched and and there there will be drag drag handles at the corners and middle of each side:

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Move Move the pointer over one one of the drag handles - the po pointer inter will change c hange to a two-headed two-headed arrow arrow showing the direction in which you can reshape the control.


Dr Drag ag the bo box x to resize/resha resize/reshape pe the contr control. ol.

To move one or more controls on a panel: 1. Se Sele lect ct the the co contr ntrol ol(s) (s).. 2.

Move Move the pointer er theover border border the control (av dra drag g handles han dles if you are more just moving onecontrol; move the ov pointer theofborder of any(avoid ofoid thethe controls if you are moving than one) the pointer will change to a four-headed arrow.


Dr Drag ag the co contro ntroll to the t he rreq equir uired ed p position osition o on n the p pan anel. el.

Next topic  Aligning  Align ing contro controls ls on a pan panel el Previous topic Selecting controls

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Multiplying the values of a selection of cells by a fixe fixed d amount To multiply the values of a selection of cells by a fixed amount (this operation does not apply to enumerated values): 1.

Se Sele lect ct the the ce cells lls (se (see e Selecting a group of cells in a table table). ).


Choose Block Multiply from Multiply from the Edit > Control submenu Control  submenu or the menu displayed when you right-click in the table to display the Block Multiply dialog Multiply dialog box.


Enter the v valu alue e by wh which ich you wa want nt to multiply each v valu alue e in the sele selected cted cells.


Press OK OK to  to close the dialog box and carry out the operation.

Note: If any of the results of this operation would be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum value set in the Metafile, they will be set to the minimum or maximum value, respectively. Next topic Interpolating the values across a selection Previous topic

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 Adding  Add ing a fixed amo amoun untt to the v valu alues es of a selection of ce cells lls

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Opening Channelse Channelsets ts

To open a Channelset: 1. In the Navigator , right-click on Calibration Manager  to  to display a pop-up menu. 2.

Choose Open Open to  to display a standard Windows® Open Open dialog  dialog box.


In the Files of type drop-down type  drop-down list box, either select Metafiles (.met) if (.met) if you want to open a compiled Metafile, or select AutoCal Files (.dat; .ise) to .ise) to open a Channelset (.ise file) saved previously in AutoCal.


Use the Look in drop-down in drop-down list and the file/folder list box to select the drive and folder containing the required Channelset - see the context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information. The files of the type selected at Step 3 will be listed.

5. Select Select the req requir uired ed ffile ile a and nd press press Open Open,, or just double-click on the file. Note: You can select more than one file by extending the selection using SHIFT-click and/or CTRL-click in the normal way. In this way you can open Channelsets and Datasets at the same time. The Channelset will be displayed in the appropriate version folder in the Navigator (the color of the icons distinguishes Channelsets (red) from Datasets (yellow)):

The Channelset lists the variables that you can watch. Next topic Channelset Chann elset user-defined user-defined groups groups

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Previous topic Channelsets - monitoring variables in the ECU

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Opening a Dataset To open a Dataset (such as the sample Dataset created in Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Dataset): Dataset): 1. Launc aunch h Pi T Too oolBe lBench nch.. 2.

Rig igh ht-cl t-clic ick k on on Calibration Manager  in  in the Navigator to display a pop-up menu.


Choose Open Open to  to display the Open Dataset dialog Dataset dialog box. This is a standard Windows ® dialog box.


In the Files of type drop-down type  drop-down list box, either select Metafiles (.met) if (.met) if you want to open a compiled Metafile (such as the Metafile saved in Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create sample data), data), or select AutoCal Files (.dat; .ise) to .ise) to open a Dataset saved previously in  AutoCal.  AutoC al.

Note: The .ise files are Channelsets, which Channelsets,  which you use to monitor variables in the ECU. 5.

Use the Look in drop-down in drop-down list and the file/folder list box to select the drive and folder containing the required Dataset - see the context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information. The files of the type selected at Step 4 will be listed.


Select Select the req requir uired ed file (f (for or example example Sample.met  Sample.met  for  for the file containing the sample data).

Note: You can select more than one file by extending the selection using SHIFT-click and/or CTRL-click in the normal way. In this way you can open Datasets and Channelsets at the same time. 7.

Click Open Open..

 A numb number ered ed gre green en fold folder er w will ill appea appearr un unde derr Calibration Manager :

The number next to the folder is the version number given in the Metafile. To see the Dataset (Metafiles are converted into Datasets when they are loaded into AutoCal): Click on the + icon next to the folder to open it:

You can close the folder again by clicking on the - icon. Next topic Dataset linked and parameter changed indicators

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Previous topic Working with Datasets

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Opening found Datasets To open all the Datasets found during a disk search: 1.

Rig igh ht-cl t-clic ick k on on Search Results to Results to pop up a menu.


Choose Open Results. Results.

To open one of the Datasets found during a disk search: 1. Rightight-click click on on the the D Data atase sett in Search Results to Results to pop up a menu. 2.

Choose Open Result. Result.

Next topic Removing Remov ing found Dataset Datasets s from Search Results Previous topic Viewing the comments in found Datasets

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Overview  AutoCal prov  AutoCal provide ides s a pro progr gramm ammab able le sof softwar tware e interf interface ace to the Electro Electronic nic Contro Controll Unit Unit (ECU) (ECU) in an an engin engine. e. Using  AutoCal,  AutoC al, you can: can: ·


View and edit the control parameters in the ECU to optimize the control logic View instrumentation variables, such as rpm or fluid temperatures and pressures, while the engine is running.

The control parameters and variables can be of many different types (such as integer, floating point or  enumerated values) and structure (such as, single-valued scalars or one, two or three dimensional tables).  AutoCal  AutoC al prov provide ides s a wide ra rang nge e of contr controls ols fo forr v view iewing ing a and nd e editing diting all these these types of valu values, es, includ including ing:: ·

Virtual instruments such as analog meters, thermometers, bars and sliders.


2D graphs.




Text and Table controls.

The control parameters for an ECU are defined in a file called a Dataset, which can be created using Piʼs Metafile Compiler. Datasets can be edited off-line or on-line: ·

To edit a Dataset off-line, you can either: (a) Ope Open n a file containing containing a saved saved v version ersion o off the Da Dataset, taset, or  (b) Co Conne nnect ct tto o the ECU, re read ad the Dataset, Dataset, and the then n disconne disconnect ct.. You can then edit the Dataset in AutoCal and either save the edited version to download to the Dataset at a later time, or connect to the ECU and download the Dataset to the ECU immediately.


To edit a calibration on-line, you set the Dataset to ‘patchingʼ mode - AutoCal first sends the current

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state of the Dataset from the PC to the ECU; then, until you leave patching mode, any changes you make to the Dataset parameters in AutoCal are sent immediately to the ECU while it is running. The instrumentation variables are also defined in a file, which is called a Channelset and which can also be created using Piʼs Metafile Co Compiler. mpiler. Typical applications for AutoCal include: ·

debugging new ECU control logic;


optimizing operation by fine-tuning individual control parameters for a device while it is running;


reprogramming an ECU to accommodate changing requirements.

Main sections of the Help system The AutoCal interface Working with Datasets Creating and working with AutoCal data controls  AutoCal  AutoC al data data controls controls User setups Comparing Datasets Communicating with the ECU Menus and Toolbars - summary Glossary See also Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Dataset

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Parameter Viewer Control Properties See Setting control properties properties for  for how to display the the ParamView  ParamView Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box:


Check Display Path to show the complete path to the parameter in the controlʼs title bar instead of just the parameterʼs name.

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Click on a radio radio butt button on to choose w whethe hetherr values values shou should ld be displayed in: in: ·

Engineering Units


ECU units in Decimal format Decimal  format


ECU units in Hex format. Hex  format.

Next topic Viewing data using a Parameter Viewer Control Previous topic Using the Parameter Viewer Control (ParamView)

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Periodic Per iodic and state Watching You can watch one, two and three-dimensional table parameters as well as scalar parameters. However, for  efficiency, table parameters are not watched in quite the same way as scalar parameters: ·


For scalar variables, AutoCal polls the ECU periodically (at a rate that you can set) and updates the value of the Channelset parameter in AutoCal - this is called  pe  perio riodic dic watchin watching g since the Channelset parameter is updated periodically irrespective of whether it has actually changed. For table variables, AutoCal waits until it receives a message from the Communications Service saying that the table has changed in the ECU, and then updates the value of the Channelset parameter in AutoCal - this is called stat state e watching  watching  since   since the Channelset parameter is only updated if  the state of the table in the ECU changes.

Terminology: A Terminology:  A table parameter that is being state watched is called an adaptive map. map. Next topic Linking watch variables to controls Previous topic Channelset Chann elset user-defined user-defined groups groups

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Placing controls on an AutoCal panel You can place controls on a panel: ·

Using the Controls Controls toolbox  toolbox


Using a menu command


Using the Navigator or a ParamView ParamView control.  control.

To place a control on a panel using the Controls Controls toolbox:  toolbox: 1.

Press the required controlʼs button in the toolbox - the button will be shown as depressed in the toolbox.


Dr Drag ag out out the t he require required d outline of the control on the p pane anell (drag (drag from from the top left-hand left-hand corner corner to the bottom right-hand corner).

 Alternativ  Altern atively: ely:

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Drag the required control from the Controls Controls toolbox  toolbox onto the panel - the control will be placed on the panel with a default size and with its top left-hand corner at the point you dropped it. To place a control on a panel using a menu command: 1.

Choose Insert Visual Object from Object from the Edit Edit menu  menu (or the menu displayed when you right-click in the panel) to display the Insert Control dialog Control dialog box:

2. Click Click on the the rreq equi uire red d contro controll in the list to sele select ct it. 3.

Press OK OK to  to place the control on the panel with a default size and position.

To place a control on a panel and link it to a parameter in a Dataset at the same time: 1.

Display Display the par parame ameter ter in th the e Nav Navigator igator o orr a ParamView control.


Dr Drag ag the parameter parameter from from the Na Nav vigator or Par ParamView amView contro controll over over the panel panel to the t he requir required ed position .


Dr Drop op th the e pa para ramete meterr in the requ require ired d po position. sition. The Insert Control dialog Control dialog box will be displayed:

4. Click Click on the the rreq equi uire red d contro controll in the list to sele select ct it. 5.

Press OK OK to  to place the control on the panel with a default size in the selected position.

Next topic Linking data to contro c ontrols ls Previous topic Creating and working with AutoCal data controls

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Reading a Dataset from the ECU Note: In order to read a Dataset from the ECU, you must first open a Dataset with the same configuration in AutoCal. When you read the Dataset from the ECU, it will overwrite the Dataset in AutoCal. 1.

Open Open the ap appr prop opria riate te Datase Datasett (see Opening a Dataset Dataset). ).

2. Select Select the Data Dataset set in th the eN Nav aviga igator tor.. 3.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the D Dataset ataset in the N Nav avigator igator to pop up a menu, menu, and choose Read Dataset from ECU. CU. The Read Dataset  Dataset Succeeded Succeeded dialog  dialog box will be displayed when the process is complete.

4. Select Select the Data Dataset set in th the eN Nav aviga igator tor.. 5.

Press OK OK to  to close the dialog box.

Next topic Channelsets - monitoring variables in the ECU Previous topic Sending a Parameter On-line - patching

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Regrading a Dataset When you create a new version of a metafile the structure of existing Datasets from the previous version may become invalid. AutoCal allows you to ‘regradeʼ existing Datasets to match the structure of a new version of the metafile. To regrade a Dataset: 1.

Right-click Right-click on the Datase Datasett in the t he Nav Naviga igator tor to select it and po pop p up a men menu. u.


Choose Regrade Dataset from the pop-up menu to display the Select Metafile To Convert To dialog box. box. This is a standard Windows ® Open dialog box.


Use the dialog box to select the new new version version of the me metafile tafile and and press press Open Open to  to display the Save Regraded Calibration As dialog As dialog box. This is a standard Windows ® Save dialog box.


Use the dialog dialog box box to select a folde folderr ffor or the Dataset an and d enter enter a name name for for it.

The new regraded Dataset will be loaded into the Navigator and the Regrade Output dialog Output dialog box will be displayed summarizing the actions taken:

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You can select text in the dialog box using the usual Windows® techniques - for example, drag the cursor  through the text, or click at the beginning of the selection and SHIFT-click at the end or right click in the text box to pop up a menu and choose Select All. All. To copy the text selected in the Regrade Output dialog Output dialog box to the Windows ® clipboard: Right click in the text box to pop up a menu and choose Copy Copy.. You can paste the copied text into a word processor or text editor. Next topic Choosing the units for a parameter Previous topic Saving and removing Datasets

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Relinking controls to parameters in a different Dataset

To relink controls that are linked to oneexample): Dataset (Dataset ( Dataset A for A for example), to parameters with the same name in athe different Dataset (Dataset (Dataset B for B for 1. Drag Drag the Datase Datasett icon for for Dataset Dataset A  A and and dro drop p it on the on the icon for Dataset B. B.  A men menu u will will pop up up.. 2.

Choose Assign Dataset to Dataset to link the controls previously linked to parameters in Dataset A to A to the equivalent parameters in Dataset B. B.

Note: If you drop the Dataset on one of the parameters or parameter groups in the target Dataset, the menu will contain the Copy Tree Parameters command, Parameters command, allowing you to copy parameter values from Dataset B to B to Dataset B B - see Copying data - Mix and Match Match for  for details. Next topic Selecting controls Previous topic Linking data to contro c ontrols ls

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Removing a Channe Channelset lset To remove a Channelset from the Navigator: 1.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the C Chan hannelset nelset in the Navigator to select it and pop pop up up a menu. menu.


Choose Remove Channelset from Channelset from the pop-up menu.

The Channelset entry will be removed from the Navigator. Next topic Menus and Toolbars - summary Previous topic Saving a Channelset

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Removing found Datasets from Search Results To remove all the Datasets from Search Results: Results: 1.

Rig igh ht-cl t-clic ick k on on Search Results to Results to pop up a menu.


Choose Remove Results Results..

To remove one of the Datasets found during a disk search: 1. Rightight-click click on on the the D Data atase sett in Search Results to Results to pop up a menu. 2.

Choose Remove Result. Result.

Next topic  Accessing data data Previous topic Opening found Datasets

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Saving a Channelset Note: Channelsets are saved in files with a ‘.iseʼ extension. To save a Channelset: 1.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the C Chan hannelset nelset icon in the N Nav avigator igator to select it and pop pop up up a menu. menu.


Either, if the C Chan hannelset nelset has be been en sav saved ed p prev reviously iously in AutoCal AutoCal and and you want want to save save it again in the same file: Choose Save Channelset Channelset.. Or, if you want to save the Channelset for the first time, or want to save it in a new file: a.

Choose Save As from the pop-up menu to display the Save As dialog As dialog box.

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This is a standard Windows ® dialog box. b.

Use the Save As dialog As dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the Channelset - see the context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.


Press Save Save to  to save the Channelset.

When the Channelset is saved, any user groups you have created, the Watching state of the variables and their polling rates will be saved. Next topic Removing a Channelset Previous topic Copying the value of a watched variable to a Dataset

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Saving and removing Datasets Note: Dataset are saved in files with a ‘.datʼ extension. The Navigator shows when a Dataset has unsaved changes by displaying an asterisk between the Dataset icon and the Dataset name - the parameters that have been changed are marked similarly:

To save a Dataset with a new name: 1.

Right-click Right-click on the Datase Datasett in the t he Nav Naviga igator tor to select it and po pop p up a men menu. u.


Choose Save As from the pop-up menu to display the Save As dialog As dialog box. This is a standard Windows ® dialog box.


Use the Save As dialog As dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the Dataset - see the context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.


Press Save Save to  to display the Save Dataset As dialog box:


Type ype in into to the the Enter comment box comment box any comment you want saved with the Dataset - the

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comment will be timestamped to show the time the Dataset was saved. See Documenting a Dataset for Dataset  for how to view comments and add them to Datasets at other times. 6. Enter Enter or ed edit it you yourr nam name e in the Who Who box  box and the location in the Where Where box  box - these context fields will be appended to the comment. 7.

Unche check Copy existing comments to new dataset if dataset if you want the new comment to replace any existing ones; leave it checked if you want to add it to the existing comments.


Press OK OK to  to save the Dataset.

To save a Dataset after you have changed it using its current name: 1.

Right-click Right-click on the Datase Datasett in the t he Nav Naviga igator tor to select it and po pop p up a men menu. u.


Choose Save from the pop-up menu to display the Save Dataset dialog box:


Type ype in into to the the Enter comment box comment box any comment you want saved with the Dataset - the comment will be timestamped to show the time the Dataset was saved.

4. Enter Enter or ed edit it you yourr nam name e in the Who Who box  box and the location in the Where Where box  box - these context fields will be appended to the comment. 5.

Press OK OK to  to save the Dataset.

To remove a Dataset from the Navigator: 1.

Right-click Right-click on the Datase Datasett in the t he Nav Naviga igator tor to select it and po pop p up a men menu. u.

2. Choose Remove Dataset from the pop-up menu. If there are any unsaved changes, you will be asked if you want to save them. The Dataset entry will be removed from the Navigator. To remove all of the Datasets from the Navigator: 1.

Rig igh ht-cl t-clic ick k on on Calibration Manager  in  in the Navigator to select it and pop up a menu.


Choose Remov Remove e All from the pop-up menu.

If there are any unsaved changes in any of the Datasets, you will be asked if you want to save them. Next topic Regrading a Dataset Previous topic Reverting a parameter to its last saved value

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Search Criteria dialogue box - Keywords page The Keywords Keywords page  page in the Search Criteria dialog box allows you to set conditions on the text contained in the Dataset comments list:

To specify conditions on the text contained in the Dataset comments list: 1.

Check Keywords Keywords if  if you want to search for specific text in the Dataset comments and enter the required text in the Keywords  box. Keywords box. ·



Separate alternative keywords with semicolons. The search will succeed if any of the keywords is found. See Step 4 for how to use regular expressions in searches.

Check Match whole words only if only if you want the search to succeed only if the comment contains exactly the word(s) in the Keywords Keywords box.  box. For example: save

will only find save save if  if Match whole words only is only is checked, but will find both save and saved  if  if it is unchecked.


Check Match case if case  if you want the search to succeed only if the comment contains the text in the Keywords Keywords box  box with exactly the same case.


Check Regular expression if expression if you want to the Keywords Keywords interpreted  interpreted as regular expressions rather than literally - see the table below for the special characters that can be used in regular  expressions

  Cha ra cte r De scription

Ex a mple s s ea r ch s tring



m atc hes

Defines a s ubexpres s ion see below for  within the regular  examples expression Matches either of the fi|are subexpress subexpr ess ions on each sid e of tthe he | t(hrot)|(ur)tle

fire fare throttle turtle


Matches any of the 1[234]5 subexpress subexpr ess ions between the brackets


125 135 145

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85 95 105


Matches an any character in the (alphabetical) range


125 135 145 bat


cat dat eat

[^ ]




Matches an any character   [^1] except except those follow following ing ^ in [^0-9] the brackets Matches the subexpress ion following subexpress the ^ if it occurs at the beginning of the string


any character except a digit  

patched by John Doe

but not dataset patched by John Doe

Matches the $(injector) subexpress subexpr ess ion following the $ if it occurs at the end of the string Matches any character

any character except 1


s ...d

calibrated injector

but not injector calibrated saved speed


Matches tth he previous subexpression zero or  more times


sped speed speeed


Matches the previous subexpress subexpr ess ion one or  more times


sped speed speeed


spee?d Matches the previous subexpression zero or one

sped speed

times \

Matches the spe cial character followi following ng \ literally

but not speeed \(25\)


Note: The comments found by the Keywords Keywords search  search criteria must also satisfy any Timestamps Timestamps criteria  criteria see the next topic. Next topic Search Criteria dialog Criteria  dialog box - Timestamps Timestamps page  page Previous topic Search Criteria dialog Criteria  dialog box - Location Location page  page (disk searching only)

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Search Criteria dialogue box - Location page (disk searching only) The Location  page in the Search Criteria dialog box allows you to set conditions on the location, names Location page and types of the Dataset files searched for:

To specify conditions on the location, names and types of the Dataset files searched for: 1. In the File spec spec box,  box, specify the names of the files to be found. ·

You can use the * and ? wild panels in the usual way to specify a class of names. For  example: *.dat will search all .dat files s*.dat will sear search ch all .dat ffiles iles with ffile ile na name me beginning beginning with s ???.dat ??? .dat will search all .dat files w with ith three letter file names. names.


You can use a semicolon to specify multiple file specifications. For example: s*.dat; s*.d at; p*.me p*.mett


will will sea search rch all .dat .dat ffile iles s be begin ginnin ning gw with ith s or p.

In the Search Paths box, Paths box, specify the folders where the files are to be found. ·



You can use a semicolon to specify multiple paths - all the paths will be searched. You can press the button to displ display ay a folder browser so that you can select selec t the required folder path rather than have to type it in the path. If you have already specified a path, the new path will be added  to  to the existing one with a semicolon separator.

Check Include subfolders if subfolders if you want to search all the folders within the folders specified in the Search Paths box; uncheck it if you just want to find files directly within the specified folders.

Next topic Search Criteria dialog Criteria  dialog box - Keywords Keywords page  page Previous topic Setting Setti ng Search Criter Criteria ia

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Search Criteria dialogue box - Timestamps page

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The Timestamps Timestamps page  page in the Search Criteria dialog box allows you to set conditions on the date and time of any comments satisfying any Keywords Keywords criteria:  criteria:

If you do not want to set any conditions on the time or date of comments: Click on the All comments radio button. To specify conditions on the date and time of comments, do one of the following: ·



To search for Datasets containing comments added within a set number of days: 1.

Cli lick ck on the the during the previous ... day(s) radio button.


Click on the up/do up/down wn arrows arrows a att the right-han right-hand de edge dge of the day(s)  box or type in the required day(s) box number.

To search for Datasets containing comments added within a set number of months: 1.

Cli lick ck on the the during the previous ... month(s) month(s) radio button.


Click on the up/do up/down wn arrows arrows a att the right-han right-hand de edge dge of the month(s) month(s) box  box or type in the required number.

To search for Datasets containing comments added between two specified dates: 1.

Cli lick ck on the the between ... and ... radio button.


To set the ear earliest liest and latest latest dates in the rran ange ge,, either either:: Click on the day, month and year figures in turn and type in the required numbers. or  Click the down-arrow to display a calendar so that you can specify the dates - see the instructions later in this topic for how to use the calendar.


If you want want to re refine fine the rrang ange eb by y specifying times within the earliest earliest and/or and/or latest dates, check the check boxes in the relevant time box. Then, click on the Hours figure and type in the required number, or click on the up/down arrows at the right-hand edge of the time box. Repeat for the Minutes and Seconds.

To specify a date using a calendar: 1.

Click on the down down a arro rrow w at at the right-h right-hand and side of the date date box to display the calendar: calendar:

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The selected date is highlighted. 2. If requ requir ired ed,, click on Today Today to  to set the calendar to todayʼs date. 3.

To change change the year, click clic k on the Y Year ear at the top of of the calenda calendarr to display an edit box there: there:

Use the up/down arrows to change the year. 4. To cha change nge the the mon month th:: Either: Click on the left or right arrow buttons at the top left-hand and right-hand corners of the calendar to set the previous or next month. Or: Or:



Click on the mo month nth to pop pop up a me menu nu show showing ing the months. months.


Sele Select ct the requ require ired d month month ffro rom m the men menu. u.

Click on the rreq equir uired ed da day y in the calen calenda dar. r.

Next topic Carrying out a search Previous topic Search Criteria dialog Criteria  dialog box - Keywords Keywords page  page

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Searching for Datasets

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 AutoCal allows  AutoCal allows you to search search for for D Datase atasett using the comme comments nts in the D Datase atasets. ts. You can can search search for for Datase Datasett files on disk or amongst the Datasets loaded into the Navigator. You can search for text in the comments and/or for the date/time that the comment was added. When searching for Dataset files, you can also specify the location(s) of the files. Note: It is important to remember that the search is performed on the comments in the Datasets - if a Dataset does not contain a comment, it cannot be found by a search. To search for Datasets: 1. 2.

Rig igh ht-cl t-clic ick k on on Calibration Manager  in   in the Navigator to pop up a menu. Disp ispla lay y th the Search Criteria dialog Criteria  dialog box by choosing: ·

Find on disk to disk to search for Datasets saved on Disk.


Search Datasets to Datasets to search the Datasets loaded into the Navigator.

Note: Once you have displayed the Search Criteria dialog Criteria  dialog box, any previous search results will be destroyed. If the search is successful, the previous results will be replaced by the new ones; if the search is unsuccessful or if you do not carry out the search, the previous results will be removed, leaving the Search Results empty. Results empty. The next topic shows you how to use the Search Criteria dialog Criteria  dialog box to set search criteria. Next topic Setting Setti ng Search Criter Criteria ia Previous topic Documenting a Dataset

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Selecting a group of cells in a table To select all the displayed cells of a table with two or more dimensions: Click on the box where the two axes meet at the top left-hand corner of the table:

Click again to deselect all the cells. To select all the cells in a column (row): Click the itaxis arrowon when is inbox thelabeling box: the column (row) - the pointer changes to a vertical (horizontal)

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To add adjacent columns (rows) to the selection: Drag the pointer from the selected columnʼs (rowʼs) axis box into the axis boxes for the columns (rows) you want to add. Or  SHIFT-click in the axis box for last column (row) in the required selection. To add an individual column (row) to a selection: CTRL-click in the axis box for the column (row). To select a block of cells in a table: Drag from one corner of the block to the diagonally opposite corner. or  Press Shift+arrow keys. Next topic Setting the values of a selection of cells to the same value Previous topic Editing a single data value

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Selecting controls To select one or more controls on a panel: 1. Click Click on the the ffirst irst contro controll you wan wantt to sele select. ct. 2.

CTRL CTRL-click -click (or SHIFT SHIFT-click) -click) on a any ny other other too tools ls you y ou w wan antt tto o add add to the selection. selection.

Or  Using the pointer, drag a selection box around the controls you want to select - any controls completely enclosed by the selection box will become selected. To select all the controls on a panel: Choose Select All from All from the Edit Edit menu  menu or the pop-up menu displayed when you right-click on the panelʼs background. Next topic Moving and resizing controls on a panel

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Previous topic Relinking controls to parameters in a different Dataset

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Sending a Dataset Off-line To send a Dataset to the ECU: 1.

Open Open the Datase Datasett that you w wan antt to send to the ECU ECU (see (see Opening a Dataset). Dataset ).

2. Se Sele lect ct the the Da Datase tasett in the Navigator . 3.

Right-click Right-click on the Datase Datasett to display a poppop-up up m men enu u and and choose choose Send Dataset to ECU. ECU.  A dialo dialog g box box will be d displaye isplayed d sho showin wing g tha thatt the Da Dataset taset has has been been sent sent s successfu uccessfully. lly.


Press OK OK to  to close the dialog box.

Next topic Sending a Parameter On-line - patching Previous topic Sending a Dataset to the ECU

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Sending a Dataset Dataset to the ECU You can send parameters to the ECU in two ways: off-line off-line,, when the complete Dataset is sent; or on-line, on-line, when individual parameters are sent while the ECU is controlling the device. Next topic Sending a Dataset Off-line Previous topic Transferring data between AutoCal and the ECU

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Sending a Parameter On-line - patching To patch an ECU: 1.

Ensure that you ha hav ve the corre correct ct Dataset for the ECU open open in AutoCal. AutoCal.

Note: When you start patching, the complete Dataset will be sent from AutoCal to the ECU before you make any on-line changes to individual parameters. This means that you may want to read the Dataset from the ECU before ECU before you start patching to ensure there are no other changes before you start editing the values of individual parameters. 2.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the D Dataset ataset in the N Nav avigator igator to pop up a menu, menu, and choose Start Patching - the command will change to Stop Patching - Currently Patching to Patching to show that patching is in

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progress. The Patching Indicator will be displayed in the Windows® Task Bar system tray while you are in patching mode:

Note also that the CAN Connection Indicator will be green to show that there is a current CAN connection. 3. Edit Edit the Da Datase tasett as rreq equir uired ed - see see Creating and working with AutoCal data controls controls  and the topics following it. 4.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the D Dataset ataset in the N Nav avigator igator to pop up a menu, menu, and choose Stop Patching Currently Patching. Patching. The Save changes to Dataset dialog box will be displayed:


Press  Y  Yes es to  to confirm that you want to keep the changes you have made to the Dataset (in the ECU and in the PC) since starting patching ; press No No to  to revert the Dataset (in the ECU and in the PC) to the parameter values it had when you started patching. The Finished Patching dialog Patching dialog box will be displayed when the changes have been committed or  the Dataset has been reverted to its previous state.

Next topic Reading a Dataset from the ECU Previous topic Sending a Dataset Off-line

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Setting Data Source properties properties in i n AutoCal AutoC al This function has not been implemented in this release of AutoCal. Next topic Using the Parameter Viewer Control (ParamView) Previous topic Fonts

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Setting Search Criteria The Search Criteria dialog Criteria  dialog box has a number of pages (three for a disk search; two for a loaded Dataset

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search), which enable you to specify the search conditions: ·



The Location Location page  page allows  allows you to specify the location of the Dataset files and the name and types of  the files (naturally, (naturally, this is only relev relevant ant for disk searching). searching). The Keywords Keywords page  page allows  allows you to specify text that must appear in the Dataset comments for a Dataset to be found. The Timestamps Timestamps page  page allows  allows you to specify the dates of the comments specified on the Keywords page.

When the search is carried out, the results will show the Datasets satisfying all the conditions on all the pages. The following topics describe each of the Search Criteria dialog Criteria  dialog box pages in turn. Next topic Search Criteria dialog Criteria  dialog box - Location Location page  page (disk searching only) Previous topic Searching for Datasets

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Setting AutoCal control properties  As well as being being able able to chan change ge the the po position, sition, size and sh shap ape e of controls controls on the the pane panel, l, you can customize their appearance in many other ways. To do this you set the controlʼs properties. Note: The following instructions do not apply to Compare controls. To set a controlʼs properties: Choose Properties... Properties... from  from the CtrlType Control Properties submenu Properties submenu in the Edit Edit menu  menu or the menu displayed when you right-click on the control. The CtrlType Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box will be displayed. The CtrlType Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box has a number of different pages. Three of these pages are common to many controls (though not all of the properties they contain can be applied to all controls) and are described in General properties - controls. controls . For details of properties specific to each of the different types of control, see:

Contr ol

2D-Graph  Anal  Analog og Meter  Bar  Button Edit Indicator  Slider  Static Text

Click for de ta ils

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Thermometer  Comm and Button Button Table ParamView

Next topic General Gener al properties properties Previous topic Deleting, copying and pasting controls

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Setting the rate for periodic watching and marking variables To set the rate at which the data is refreshed for periodic watching (see Periodic and state Watching) Watching) and/or   and/or  to mark or unmark a variable: 1. 2.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the v varia ariable ble you wan wantt to modif modify y to pop up a menu. menu. Choose Properties Properties to  to pop up the W atch varia vari able Properties dialog box (where Watch variable is the name of the selected watch variable):

The example picture shows the appearance of the dialog box when a scalar variable is selected the Watch Rate box Rate  box does not appear if a table variable is selected. 3.

For a scalar varia variable, ble, enter the refre refresh sh rate you req require uire in the Watch Rate box. Rate  box.


Check Marked for Watching to Watching to mark the variable if you want to be able to include it amongst a set of variables for which Watching can be switched on or off together.


Press OK OK to  to confirm the settings and close the dialog box.

Next topic Switching Watching on and off  Previous topic Marking variables for watching

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Setting the values of a selection of cells to the same value To set the values of a selection of cells to the same value: 1.

Se Sele lect ct the the ce cells lls (se (see e Selecting a group of cells in a table table). ).


Choose Fill Selection from Selection from the Edit > Control submenu Control submenu or the menu displayed when you rightclick in the table to display the Block Fill dialog Fill dialog box.


Enter the v valu alue e to w which hich yo you uw wan antt to set the selected selected cells.


Press OK OK to  to close the dialog box and carry out the operation.

Note: If any of the results of this operation would be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum value set in the Metafile, they will be set to the minimum or maximum value, respectively. Next topic  Adding  Add ing a fixed amo amoun untt to the v valu alues es of a selection of ce cells lls Previous topic Selecting a group of cells in a table

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Slider Control properties See Setting control properties properties for  for how to display the Slider Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box and set those properties on the General General,, Colors Colors and  and Font Font pages  pages that can be applied to Edit Controls. The Slider Contro Controll Propert Properties ies dialog  dialog box also has a Slider page:

To set the properties of a slider control: 1.

Type the requ required ired numb number er o off g grad raduations uations on the slider into the Graduations Graduations box.  box. The maximum allowable is 50.


Check Mouse Select if Select if you want to be able to use the mouse to adjust the slider position.

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Check Highlight Highlight if  if you want the slider control highlighted when it is selected - this will enable you to see which slider will be adjusted by keyboard input.

Next topic Editing the data using a Slider Control Previous topic Using the Slider Control to view and edit data

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General Toolbar The General General toolbar  toolbar contains a collection of tools for carrying out file and document operations:

Menu c om ma nd


File > Panel

Create a new panel

File > Panel...

Display the Open dialo g box so that y you ou can op en a previous previously ly sav saved ed panel

File > Save

Save the sel Save selected ected panel to its existing file - dis play the the Save As dialog box if not previously saved

File > Design Mode

Switch Design m ode on or off - button Switch button depressed when Design m ode on

View > Show Grid

Show/hide the grid on the panel

Edit > Cut

Rem ove ove the selected control(s) and place it on the Windows ® clipboard

Edit > Copy

Copy the the s elected control(s) onto the Windows ® clipboard

Edit > Paste

Paste the contents o f the Windows Windows ® clipboard onto the panel

File > Print

Print the the s selected elected panel

Help > About

Display the About dialog box showing showi ng information abou t tthe he v versi ersion on of  ToolBench you a re running Context-sensitive Help is not implemented in this release of the software

Next topic  Alignmen  Align mentt T Too oolbo lbox x Previous topic Toolbars

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Switching Watching on and off  To switch Watching on or off for an individual watch variable in a Channelset: 1.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the v varia ariable ble in the C Chan hannelset nelset to po pop p up up a menu. menu.


Choose Start Watching Watching Parame ter   or or Stop Watching Watching Parameter  Param eter .

To switch Watching on or off for all the watch variables in a user group: 1.

Right-click Right-click on the user grou group p icon to po pop p up a me menu nu..


Choose Start Watching Group or Group or Stop Watching Group. Group.

To switch Watching on or off for all the marked variables in a group: 1.

Right-click Right-click on the gro group up icon to po pop pu up p a men menu. u.


Choose Start Watching Marked in Group or Group or Stop Watching Marked in Group. Group.

To switch Watching on or off for all the watch variables in a Channelset: 1.

Right-click Right-click on the Chan Channe nelset lset icon to p pop op u up pam men enu. u.


Choose Start Watching All or All or Stop Watching All. All.

To switch Watching on or off for all the marked variables in the whole Channelset: 1. Right-click Right-click on the Chan Channe nelset lset icon to p pop op u up pam men enu. u. 2.

Choose Start Watching All Marked or Marked or Stop Watching All Marked. Marked.

Watched variables are shown with a red tick in the Navigator, whether marked or not To check if a watched variable is also marked, right-click on it and see if the Marked for Watching command is checked, or look at the variable properties properties..

Next topic Logging the values of watched variables to a file Previous topic Setting the rate for periodic watching and marking variables

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Table Control properties See Setting control properties properties for  for how to display the TablCtrl Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box. None of the properties on the General General,, Colors Colors and  and Font Font pages  pages can be applied to Table Controls. However, you can apply the properties on the Table Editor  page:  page:

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To set the Table Control properties: 1.

Check Display Name to show a title bar at the top of the Table Control showing the name of the parameter shown in the table; uncheck it to hide the title bar.


Check Display Status to show a Status bar at the bottom of the Table Control; uncheck it to hide the Statusend bar.ofThe and maximum values allowed the parameter areable shown at the right-hand theminimum Status bar - you may need to make thefor control wider to be to see these values.


Check Display Path to show the complete path to the parameter in the controlʼs title bar instead of just the parameterʼs name - this has no effect if Display Name is unchecked.


Check Dis Displa play y Toolbar to display a toolbar containing the Axis configuration controls configuration controls at the top of the table editor control so that you can change the orientation of the table, and for a three dimensional dimen sional table, the point along the third axis, axis , without without opening opening this dialog box. box.


Check Automatic Op Pt to Pt to highlight the position in a control table at which the ECU is currently operating.


Choose Decimal Decimal or  or Hexadecimal from the Number base drop-down list box to choose how to display the data.


Ch Choose oose whethe whetherr to automatically automatically select s elect ano another ther cell w when hen you press press the ENTER ENTER key with a cell


selected, and if so which direction to move. This can greatly speed up data entry. Use the Axis configuration to configuration to set the orientation of the table, and for a three dimensional table, which Plane along the third axis to display - see the next topic for how to do this using the equivalent Table Control toolbar controls.

Next topic Viewing table data Previous topic Using the Table Control to view and edit data

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Text Control properties See Setting control properties properties for  for how to display the Text Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box and set those properties on the Colors Colors and  and Font Font pages  pages that can be applied to Static Text Control.

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The General General page  page in the Static Text Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box is different from that on other  Properties dialog boxes:

To enter the text displayed by the Static Text Control: Type into the Text Text box.  box. Next topic Using the Command Button control Previous topic The Text Control

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The AutoCal interf interface ace  AutoCal  AutoC al runs runs in the Pi Too oolBen lBench ch Enviro Environme nment: nt: {bmc bm86.SHG} Click on the different parts of the picture to find out what they are. To display or hide a toolbar or the Navigator: Choose the name of the toolbar or Navigator  from  from the View View menu.  menu. The corresponding command is checked in the menu when a toolbar or Navigator is displayed. The Navigator and all the toolbars can be docked against one of the edges of the ToolBench window - in the picture the Navigator is docked against the left-hand edge of the window (this is the only position the Navigator can be docked) and the General General and  and Alignment Alignment toolbars  toolbars are docked against the top edge (these toolbars and the Controls toolbox can be docked against any edge; the Script Recorder  toolbar,  toolbar, which is not shown in the picture, can only be docked against the top or bottom edge). The Navigator and all the toolbars can also be made to float so that they can be positioned anywhere on the desktop - the Controls Controls toolbox  toolbox in the picture is floating. To move the navigator or a toolbar: 1.

Move Move the pointer over the edge edge of the Nav Navigator or toolbar toolbar but but avoiding avoiding the tools.


Dr Drag ag the Navigator or toolbar to the rrequ equired ired position.

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You can drag a docked toolbar: ·

along the window edge it is docked to


to another window edge


away from the window edges so that it floats.

You can drag the Navigator when it is docked: ·

away from the window edges so that it floats.

You can drag the Navigator or a toolbar when it is floating: ·


to any point on the desktop to a window edge to dock it there (double-clicking in the title bar of the floating Navigator or toolbar  also docks it).

You use the navigator and the tools on toolbars in exactly the same way whether they are floating or  docked. For summary details for all the tools and menu commands, see Menus and Toolbars - summary. summary . Next topic Working with Datasets Previous topic Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Dataset

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The Static Text Control You can use the Static Text Control to place labels or comments on the panel - text controls are not linked to data in Datasets. You can create a Static Text Control using the Static Text Control button in the Controls toolbox - see Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for full information about creating controls and linking them to data in a Dataset.

Next topic Text Control properties Previous topic Editing data with the button control

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Thermometer Thermome ter Control Co ntrol properties See Setting control properties properties for  for how to display the Thermometer  Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box and set those properties on the General General,, Colors Colors and  and Font Font pages  pages that can be applied to Thermometer Controls. The Thermometer  Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box also has a Thermometer  page:  page:

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To set the number of divisions to be marked on the thermometer scale: Enter the number in the Number of divis di visions ions box.  box. You can enter from 0 through 100. Next topic Indicator Control properties Previous topic Bar Control properties

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Toolbars  AutoCal  AutoC al has has three toolbar toolbars/toolbo s/toolboxes: xes: General General,,  Align  Alignmen mentt and Controls. Controls. See The The AutoCal iinterface nterface for  for general information about working with toolbars. Next topic General Toolbar  Previous topic Navigator pop-up menus

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Item menu The contents of the Item Item menu  menu depend on what item is selected in the Navigator - it has the same contents as the corresponding Navigator pop-up menu. Next topic Window

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Previous topic Layout

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User setups This section of the Help system describes: Panels Workspaces

Next topic Panels Previous topic Command Button Control properties

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User-defined groups In addition to the groups defined in the Metafile, the Navigator shows five user-defined groups. You can use these to group together sets of parameters that you want to get to quickly without having to navigate the hierarchy defined in the Metafile. Note: The user-defined groups are provided for convenience when you are using AutoCal. Placing a parameter in a group gives you another way of accessing that parameter - the parameters in userdefined groups are just shortcuts or references to the original parameters not a new copy that you can change independently. Adding and using parameters in user-defined groups has no effect on the way data is downloaded to an ECU. To add a parameter to a user-defined group: 1.

Display the parameter parameter in the Nav Navigator b by y openin opening g the re relev levant ant group groups. s.


Dr Drag ag the para parameter meter and and drop drop it onto the user-def user-defined ined g grou roup. p.


A menu menu will will be displayed allowin allowing g you to choose whe whether ther to add a 'rrefere eference' nce' to the parameter parameter or  or  cancel the operation.

Note:  As you y ou dra drag g the par parame ameter, ter, the p poin ointer ter h has as a short-cu short-cutt icon attached attached to it to show that that you are are just just creating another way of accessing the parameter and not changing the structure of the Dataset. To add all the parameters in a group, another user-defined group, or the complete dataset to a user-defined group: 1.

Dr Drag ag the group group or or the d dataset ataset onto or into the user-d user-defin efined ed grou group. p.


A menu will be displayed a allowing llowing you to choo choose, se, when approp appropriate: riate: Add Reference Reference  - to add references to all the parameters within the group (or dataset) and within any subgroups within the group (or dataset). Copy Copy  - (not available if you are dragging the dataset) to set the values of the parameters referred to in the target user-defined group to the values of the parameters in the source group (see Matching conditions for copy operations  operations  for the conditions that must be satisfied if a copy

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operation ope ration is to succeed) s ucceed).. Cancel Canc el Operation Operation.. To copy the structure of a user defined group from one Dataset to another: 1.

Dr Drag ag the source source user-def user-defined ined grou group p onto the target target user-def user-defined ined grou group. p.

2. A men menu uw will ill be be disp displa laye yed. d. 3.

Choose Add Reference. Reference .

The parameters in the source user-defined group will be added to the target user-defined group (provided they appear in the target Dataset), but the values values of  of the parameters will not be changed. This means that once you have set up the user-defined groups in one Dataset, you can use this technique to copy their  structure (the list of parameters they contain) to other similar Datasets and do not need to build them again from scratch.  and Copy by tag commands: Note: The menu also has Copy Copy and tag commands: see Copying data - Mix and Match for Match for more information about these commands. To remove a parameter from a user-defined group: 1.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the pa parame rameter ter in the user-d user-def efined ined g grou roup p to pop pop up a menu. menu.


Choose Remove Remove..

To empty a user-defined group: 1. 2.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the g grou roup p in the N Nav avigator igator to pop up a menu. menu. Choose Remove All. All.

To change the name of a user-defined group: 1.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the g grou roup p in the N Nav avigator igator to pop up a menu. menu.


Choose Properties Properties to  to display the User defined Properties dialog Properties dialog box:

3. Ed Edit it the name name sh show own n in the Group Name box. Name  box. 4. Note:

Press OK OK to  to close the dialog box and set the new name.

The names and contents of any user-defined groups are saved with the Dataset when you save it. save it.

Next topic Copying data - Mix and Match Previous topic

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 Accessing data data

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Using Virtual Instrument Controls to view data  AutoCal  AutoC al prov provide ides s a ran range ge of of instru instrumen mentt contro controls ls for view iewing ing d data. ata. The These se ‘Virtual Instrumentsʼ include:  Analog  Ana log Meter Meters s Bars Thermometers Indicators You can create these controls using the appropriate control button in the Controls Controls toolbox  toolbox - see Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for controls  for full information about creating controls and linking them to data in a Dataset. The following picture shows in the first column an Analog Meter, a Bar, and an Indicator, a Chart Recorder in the center and a Thermometer on the right-hand side:

Next topic  Analog  Ana log M Meter eter Co Contro ntroll prope properties rties Previous topic Editing data using a Slider Control

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Using the 2-D Graph Control to view and edit data 2-D Graph Controls allow you to view and edit data in one- and two-dimensional tables. You can create a 2-D Graph Control using the 2dgraph Control button in the Controls Controls toolbox  toolbox see Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for full information about creating controls

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and linking them to data in a Dataset. Next topic 2-D Graph Control properties Previous topic Using the Table Editor to view and edit data

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Using the Button Control to control data The Button control is an On/Off control with latching and non-latching options. You can create a Button Control using the Button Control button in the Controls Controls toolbox  toolbox - see Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for full information about creating controls and linking them to data in a Dataset. Note: When a button is used to turn a parameter on (off), it sets the parameter to the maximum (minimum) value set for the parameter in the Metafile. This means that turning a parameter on and then off (or  vice versa) does not reset it to its original value if it was not initially at the minimum (maximum) value. Next topic Button Control properties Previous topic Indicator Control properties

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Using the Edit Control to view and edit data Edit Controls allow you to view and edit scalar (single value) parameters (you can link a table to an Edit Control, but this only allows you to edit the first cell in the table). You can create an Edit Control using the Edit Control button in the Controls Controls toolbox  toolbox - see Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for full information about creating controls and linking them to data in a Dataset. Next topic Edit Control properties Previous topic Editing data using the 2-D Graph Control

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Using the Parameter Viewer Control (ParamView)

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The ParamView control gives a quick way of viewing the contents of items in the Dataset. In particular, it shows the type of data and any comments added to the script Metafile to help you choose the most suitable controls for viewing and editing parameters. You can create a Parameter Viewer control using the ParamView button in the Controls toolbox - see Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for full information about creating controls and linking them to data in a Dataset. Next topic Parameter Viewer Control Properties Previous topic Setting Data Source properties

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Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Dataset This topic shows you how to create a sample Dataset using the Pi Metafile Compiler. Many of the instructions in this Help system use this sample Dataset to illustrate AutoCalʼs functionality. Note: The Pi Metafile Compiler is a separate program supplied with Pi ToolBench. The sample Dataset is in the form of a script Metafile with an .smf extension. Before you can open the sample Dataset in AutoCal, you need to compile the script Metafile to create a binary Metafile file, which will be saved with a .met extension. To compile and save a Metafile: 1. La Laun unch ch the the Pi Me Metaf tafile ile C Com ompil piler er.. 2.

Choose Open Sample from Sample  from the File File menu.  menu. The Sample.smf  Metafile   Metafile will be displayed in a window.


Choose Compile Compile from  from the File File menu  menu to display the Output Output window,  window, followed by the Save As dialog box. This is a standard Windows ® dialog box.


Use the Save As dialog As dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the compiled file - see the context-sensitive Help for this dialog box if you need more information.


Click Save Save to  to save the file and close the dialog box.  A messag message e in the Output Output window  window will confirm that the file has been saved.


Choose Exit Exit from  from the File File menu  menu to close the Pi Metafile Compiler.

You will now be able to open, view and edit the sample Dataset in AutoCal. Note:

You can also use the Pi Metafile Compiler to create, view and edit Channelset metafiles. Channelset metafiles.

Next topic The AutoCal interface Previous topic Overview

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Using the Slider Control to view and edit data Slider Controls allow you to view and edit scalar (single value) parameters (you can link a table to a Slider  Control, but this only allows you to edit the first cell in the table). You can create a Slider Control using the Slider Control button in the Controls Controls toolbox  toolbox - see Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for full information about creating controls and linking them to data in a Dataset. Next topic Slider Control properties Previous topic Viewing and editing the data

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Using the Table Control to view and edit data

You can use a Table Control to view and edit scalar or table parameters. Note: You can also use a Table Editor   to to view and edit table data. You can create a Table Control using the TablCtrl button in the Controls Controls toolbox  toolbox - see Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for full information about creating controls and linking them to data in a Dataset.

Next topic Table Control properties Previous topic Editing data using a Parameter Viewer Control

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Using the Table Editor to view and edit data  As an alterna alternativ tive e to displaying displaying a tab table le in a Table control, control, you  you can display it in a Table Editor. You can think of a Table Editor as an extension of the ParamView control control  - just as you can rapidly view and change scalar  parameters in the ParamView control without having to create and set up other controls on a panel, a Table Editor allows you to view and change table parameters without having to create and set up a Table Control. To display a table in a Table Editor: 1. Displa Display y the table table para parame meter ter in th the e ParamView control (see Using the Parameter Viewer Control (ParamView)). 2.

Do Doub ublele-click click on the en entry try for for the table table..

Note: If you double-click on another table parameter in the same ParamView ParamView control,  control, it will be displayed in the same Table Editor; if you double-click on a table parameter in a different ParamView ParamView control,  control, it will be displayed in a new Table Editor.

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The table will be displayed in a Table Editor:

 A Tab able le Editor Editor is a free free-f -floa loating ting w wind indow ow.. You can mov move it and re resize size it in exactly the same same way way as other  windows. When a Table Editor is displayed, you can display other tables in it by dragging the table from the Navigator  or a ParamView control into the Table Editor. To close a Table Editor: Click on the Table Editor windowʼs close button. Or  Delete the Delete  the ParamView ParamView control  control from which the Table Editor was created. The table in a Table Editor is displayed the same way as in a Table Control, and you use the same techniques for choosing the Axis Orientation, Orientation, and (for tables with more than two dimensions) the displayed axes and position along the undisplayed axes - see Viewing table data data.. You can change the values of individual cells in the same way as in a Table Control (see Editing table data data). ). However, unlike in a Table Control, you cannot change the values of a block of cells at the same time. Next topic Using the 2-D Graph Control to view and edit data Previous topic Copying the values of cells from one part of a table to another 

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 Version  Versio n folders fol ders When you open a Dataset in AutoCal it is placed in a folder within Calibration Manager . If you open two Metafiles or Datasets with the same version number, they will both appear in the same version folder:

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If you open another Metafile or Dataset with a new version number, it will appear in a new version folder  showing its version number:

Next topic Documenting a Dataset Previous topic Dataset linked and parameter changed indicators

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 View The View View menu  menu has the following commands: Navigator 

Shows/hides the Navigator 

Script Recorder 

Shows/hides the Script Recorder 

General Toolbar 

Shows/hides the General toolbar 

Status Bar 

Shows/hides the Status Bar 

Controls Toolbox

Shows/hides the Controls toolbox

Alignment Toolbox

Shows/hides Shows /hides the A Alignm lignm ent toolbox

Show Grid

Shows/hides the grid on the panel

Next topic Layout Previous topic Edit

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 Viewing  Viewi ng and editin editing g the th e data - Edi Editt Contro C ontroll The Edit Control shows the value of the linked parameter with the precision selected on the General General page  page in the Edit Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box (Digits (Digits after DP). DP).

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To edit the value shown in an Edit Control: 1.

Click in the control control to place an an ed editing iting car caret. et. (Do (Doub ublele-click click to select the valu value e if you w wan antt tto o replace it completely.)

Note: To carry out this operation using the keyboard: press F6 to tab between the controls until the edit control is selected, press the down or right arrow key to select the value and either type in a new value or use the arrow keys to move an editing caret in the text to edit the existing value. 2.

Edit the value, alue, or en enter ter a ne new w valu value. e.


Press Press ENTER ENTER to finish finish e editing diting the valu alue. e.

If you try to enter a value greater than the maximum or less than the minimum value set for the parameter in the Metafile, the value will be set to the maximum or minimum value, respectively. You can use the default or User-defined Caption (see General properties properties)) to show which parameter it is linked to. However, even if you donʼt use a caption, you will be able to identify the linked parameter by moving the pointer over the Edit Control: after a few seconds, a tool tip will be displayed showing the Edit Controlʼs value and linked parameter:

This shows the Edit Control is linked to parameter C2. Next topic Using the Slider Control to view and edit data Previous topic Edit Control properties

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 Viewing  Viewi ng table t able data Tables can have one, two or three dimensions. Note: You can also view and edit scalars (single-value parameters) in a Table Control - they behave like a one-dimensional table with a single cell.  As an example example of of a one one-d -dimen imensiona sionall table table,, if you link the p par arame ameter ter Parame Parameter ter A2 axis 1 from 1 from Group2>Subgroup1 in Group2>Subgroup1  in the Sample file to a Table Control (see Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Dataset and Dataset and Linking data to c contro ontrols ls), ), you get:

 As its it s name implie implies, s, the t he co conten ntentt of this table acts as one o off the a axes xes of ano another ther table - Parameter A2 in A2 in Group 1: 1:

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Here the Parameter A2  A2 axis 1 table 1 table sets the horizontal axis; the table Parameter A2  A2 axi axis s 2 sets the vertical axis. The fact that the axes are themselves tables is shown by the axis labels being in black text rather than gray. When the axis of a table is itself a table, you can edit the axes. You could drag the axis table from the Navigator onto a table control (as in the picture of the one-dimensional table), but AutoCal provides a shortcut. Note: You can only edit the axis for a table (for example axis 2 in Parameter A2) if the axis table (for  example A2 axis 2) appears independently thetable AutoCal Managerinsothe that you can view and Parameter edit it in a Table Control. This means that thein axis mustData be included Metafileʼs Display Tree. To edit an axis table: Double-click on the axis axis label. The A Ax xis table will be dis played in the table control:

Note that the orientation of the the axis is mai maintained ntained - the vert vertical ical axis is i s s hown vertically; vertically; the horiz horizontal ontal axis wou ld be sh own h oriz orizontally ontally..  You can now ed it the values values in the axis axis tables to change the scales . F For or examp examp le :

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To dis play tthe he origina l table again:   Click the arrow button near the top-left hand corner of the bo x ((to to the left of the Axis Orientation box).  For the the example abo ve, the ttwo-dim wo-dim ens ensional ional table Parameter A2 table changes changes as follows:

Note: You can only edit the axis for a table (for example axis 2 in Parameter A2) A2) if the axis table (for  example Parameter A2 axis 2) 2) appears independently in the Navigator  so  so that you can view and edit it in a Table Control. This means that the axis table must be included in the Metafileʼs Display Tree. Next topic Changing the orientation of a table Previous topic Table Control properties

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3.3.3 Viewing the comments in a Dataset found by a search To view the comments in one of the Datasets found by a search: 1. Rightight-click click on on the the D Data atase sett in Search Results to Results to pop up a menu. 2.

Choose View Comments to Comments to display the Comments Preview dialog Preview  dialog box:

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Click on View comments that match the search criteria  to view just the comments satisfying the keyword and timestamp criteria; click on View all comments to comments to view all the comments:

Next topic Opening found Datasets Previous topic Carrying out a search

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Workbook  The Window Window menu  menu has the following commands: Cascade

Rearranges the open non-minimized panels so that they overlap with only the title bars and left-hand edges of lower panels showing

Tile Horizontally

Rearranges the open non-minimized panels so that they do not overlap, overlap, fill the document area and each panel is wider than it is tall (landscape format)

Tile Vertically

Rearranges the open non-minimized panels so that they do not overlap, overlap, fill the document area and each panel is taller than it is w wide ide (portrait format)

Arrange Icons

Rearranges the icons of minim ized Rearranges ized panels along the bot bottom tom edge of  the document area

Open panels

The Window  menu lis ts the names of tthe he open panels - choose a panel na me from the lis listt tto o se lect the panel (bring it to the ffront ront if it is not minimi mini miz zed; restore it and bring it to the fr front ont if it is m inim ized) ized)

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Working with wi th Datasets Datasets Using the Pi Metafile Compiler to create a sample Dataset  showed Dataset  showed you how to create a binary metafile Dataset (.met) file from a script metafile (.smf) file. The metafile contains definitions of the data structures and default parameter values. Typically, the software developers will only create a new metafile when they produce a new version of the ECU software. You can think of the metafile as a template for producing Datasets for the corresponding version of the ECU software; each of these Datasets contains the specific parameter values for an individual ECU. You can use AutoCal to create Datasets from a binary metafile, then edit the default parameter values in the Dataset for use with a specific ECU and save the Dataset as a Dataset (.dat) file. You can also load Datasets into AutoCal to view and edit the calibration parameters they contain. Next topic Opening a Dataset Previous topic The AutoCal interface

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 Viewing  Viewi ng data using a Parameter Viewer Control C ontrol  As an example example,, if you dr drag ag Group 2 from 2 from the Sample Dataset (created in Using the Pi Metafile Compiler Compiler to create a sample Dataset), you Dataset),  you will see:

Note that the 'path' to the item shown in the ParamView control is given at the top of the control. The ParamView control shows that Group2 contains two sub-groups, SubGroup1 and SubGroup2 (subgroups are identified by the icon next to the name in the Name Name column  column and ParameterGroup ParameterGroup in  in the Type column) Type  column) and a parameter table (parameters are identified by Parameter  in  in the Type column; the fact that it is a table is shown in the Value Value column).  column). The Description Description column  column shows a text description of the parameter entered with its definition in the Metafile. If you open Group3 Group3 in  in the Navigator and drag BlockC BlockC into  into the ParamView control, you get:

 All the para paramete meters rs in BlockC BlockC are  are scalars (single values), whose value is shown in the Value column. Next topic Editing data using a Parameter Viewer Control Previous topic Parameter Viewer Control Properties

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 Aligning  Ali gning contro controls ls on a panel The commands in the Align Controls and Controls and Centre in Panel submenus Panel submenus of the Layout Layout menu  menu allow you to position the selected controls relative to each other or the panel, respectively. To align two or more controls relative to each other: 1.

Se Sele lect ct the the con contr tro ols.


Ch Choo oose se the rele relev van antt command command ffro rom m the Align Controls submenu Controls submenu in the Layout menu or the menu displayed when you right-click on one of the controls.

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or  Press the relevant button in the Alignment Alignment toolbox:  toolbox:

For example: if you choose Align Controls>Left, Controls>Left, all the selected controls will be aligned to the left-hand edge of the leftmost selected control; if you choose Align Cont Controls rols>Horizontal >Horizontal Centre, Centre, all the selected controls will be aligned so that their horizontal centres coincide with the point half way between the left-hand edge of the leftmost selected control and the right-hand edge of the rightmost selected control. To align one or more controls relative to the panel: 1. Se Sele lect ct the the co contr ntrol ol(s) (s).. 2. Note

Choose Horizontal Horizontal or  or Vertical Vertical from  from the Centre in Panel submenu Panel submenu in the Layout menu or the menu displayed when you right-click on one of the controls.

If you select a group of controls, they will be aligned to the panel as a group, not individually.

Next topic Deleting, copying and pasting controls Previous topic Moving and resizing controls on a card

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Command Button properties See Setting control properties properties for  for how to display the Command Butt Button on  Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box and set those properties on the General General,, Colors Colors and  and Font Font pages  pages that can be applied to Command Button Controls. The Command Button Control Properties dialog Properties dialog box also has a Verbs Verbs page:  page:

The Select Verb drop-down Verb drop-down list box lists the commands in the pop-up menu for the Navigator item linked to the button - it is empty if the button is not linked to anything, or if the linked item has no pop-up menu. To choose which command will be chosen by pressing the button: Select it from the Select Verb drop-down Verb drop-down list box. Next topic User setups Previous topic Using the Command Button control

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Using the Command Button control The Command Button control provides an alternative mechanism for running the commands in Navigator pop-up menus.   menus.

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Press ing a Com man d Butt Button on to carry out a comm and replaces the thr three ee steps of displa ying the relev relevant ant item in the Navigator, Navigator, rright-clicking ight-clicking on it to dis play the the me nu and then choos ing the required me nu item with a s single ingle s tep. However, Com man d Butt Buttons ons d o take up space on a pane l, so you would probably only want to use them for  frequently use d comm ands or if y you ou want to use panels panel s wi without thout displaying the Navigator. Navigator.

You can create a Command Button Control using the Command Button Control button in the Controls toolbox Controls  toolbox - see Creating and working with AutoCal data controls for full information about abo ut creating controls. Unlike other controls, you can link other Navigator items within the Calibration Manager  besides  besides parameters to a Command Button. For example, if you drag Calibration Manager itself on to a button, you will be able to assign any of the Calibration Manager pop-up menu commands to the button. Next topic Command Button Control properties Previous topic Text Control properties

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Design mode You use AutoCalʼs design mode to create panels and to place move and resize the controls on the panels. When you have finished designing the panels, you can turn Design mode off to lock the controls in place while you use the panels to work with AutoCal. To turn Design Mode on or off: Choose Design Mode from Mode  from the File File menu.  menu. Design Mode is Mode  is checked in the File File menu  menu and the button shown as depressed when it is selected.

Next topic Working with a grid Previous topic Creating, saving and opening panels

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Working with a grid When a panel is In Design mode, you can display a grid on the panel and choose to make controls snap to the grid when you place them on the panel. To display or hide a grid on a panel: 1

Cli lick ck in th the ep pa anel to sele select ct it.


Choose Show Grid from Grid from the View View menu.  menu.

To set the spacing of the points in a grid:

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Righ Right-click t-click in th the ep pan anel el to se select lect it an and dp pop op u up pam men enu. u.


Choose Change Grid Spacing from Spacing from the menu to display the Change Grid Spacing dialog box.


Set the v ver ertical tical (Y) and and hor horizonta izontall (X (X)) spacing spacing o off the g grid rid poin points. ts.


Press OK OK to  to close the dialog box.

To choose whether to make controls snap to the grid when you place them on the panel: 1

Righ Right-click t-click in th the ep pan anel el to se select lect it an and dp pop op u up pam men enu. u.


Choose Snap To Grid from Grid from the menu.

Next topic Workspaces Previous topic Design Mode

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Logging the values of watched variables variables to a file  AutoCal allows  AutoCal allows you to recor record d the rresults esults fr from om watche watched d var variab iables les in a lo log g ffile. ile. For ef efficien ficiency, cy, the data data is recorded in a special format, which you can convert to a readable format using the LogFileProcessor  utility supplied with AutoCal. If logging is turned on for a watched variable in a Channelset, each time the value is updated, the ECU time, variable name and variable value will be recorded in the log file. To switch logging on or off for all the watched variables in a Channelset: 1.

Right-click Right-click on the Chan Channe nelset lset icon to p pop op u up pam men enu. u.


Choose Start Logging All or All or Stop Logging All. All .

To switch logging on or off for all the watched variables in a group: 1.

Right-click Right-click on the gro group up icon to po pop pu up p a men menu. u.


Choose Start Logging Group or Group or Stop Logging Group. Group.

To switch logging on or off for an individual watched variable in a Channelset: 1.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the v varia ariable ble in the C Chan hannelset nelset to po pop p up up a menu. menu.


Choose Start Logging Logging Parame ter   or or Stop Logging Logging Para Parameter  meter .

Note 1 A 1 A new new log log file file will b be e created created wh when en yo you u start loggin logging. g. Note 2 The log file will only log data for variables that are watched when the Start Logging command is chosen - you can start watching other variables after logging has been started, but their results will not be recorded. Note 3 You can use Stop Logging All to All to stop all logging even if you were only logging an individual parameter or group of parameters. On the other hand, if you are logging all parameters or a group of  parameters, you cannot  use  use Stop Logging Logging Para Parameter  meter  to  to switch off logging for just an individual parameter. Similarly, if you are logging all parameters, you cannot use Stop Logging Group to Group to switch off logging for an individual group of parameters.  As well as automa automatically tically recor recordin ding g the v valu alues es of w watche atched d var variab iables les as they ar are e upda updated, ted, you can can insert insert a manual mark in the log file.

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To add a manual mark at the current point in the log file:



Right-click Right-click on the Chan Channe nelset lset icon to p pop op u up pam men enu. u.


Choose User Event. Event.

The time of a user event is not recorded explicitly but can be determined approximately from the times of the watched variable results recorded in the log file immediately before it and after it.

Next topic Converting a log file to a readable format Previous topic Switching Watching on and off 

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Converting a log file to a readable format For effici efficiency, ency, the log file is recorded in a binary forma format, t, so you will need to use conv convert ert it to another format format to read it. To convert the log file to a readable format: 1.

Start th the LogFileProcessor  utility (LogFileProcessor.exe):


Press Open File to File  to display  display a standard Windows® Open Open dialog  dialog box.


Use the Open Open dialog  dialog box to select the required (*.AClog) log file.

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The File Contents box Contents box will show a preview of the log data. 4.

Press Text File Fil e  to save the log data in a plain text file. Press Excel File to File  to save the log data in a tab separated values format suitable for loading into a spreadsheet.


Press Close File to File  to close the log file.


Re Repe peat at Steps 2-5 2-5 for for any any other other lo log g ffiles iles you wan wantt to conver convert. t.

Next topic Copying the value of a watched variable to a Dataset Previous topic Logging the values of watched variables to a file

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General Properties See Setting control properties properties for  for how to open the Properties Properties dialog  dialog box for a control.

Note: Some of the properties on the General General page  page do not apply to some controls. The following paragraphs describe the settings you can make on the General General page.  page. Us User-define er-defined d Caption Check Us User-define er-defined d Caption to Caption to use the text in the Caption Caption text  text box as a caption on the control; uncheck it to use the parameterʼs name/source. This setting only has an effect on the control if Display Data Name is also checked. Caption This is enabled when Us User-define er-defined d Caption Caption is  is checked. Enter text in the Caption Caption box  box to use as a caption on the control instead of the parameterʼs name/source - it will only be displayed on the control if Display Data Name is Name  is also checked. Display Data Name

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Check or unche Check uncheck ck Display Data Name to Name  to show or hide the Caption Caption (if  (if Us User-define er-defined d Caption is checked) or the parameterʼs name/source (if User-define User-defined d Caption is not checked) on the control. Display Units This function is not implemented in this release of the software. Display Value Check Display Value to Value  to show the parameterʼs value on the control. Auto-format Display Check Auto-format Display to let AutoCal define the number of digits before and after the decimal point automatically. Digits after DP When Auto-format Display is Display is not checked, enter the number of digits to appear after the decimal point - if  necessary the display will be padded with trailing 0s. Digits before DP When Auto-format Display is Display is not checked, enter the number of digits to appear before the decimal point - if  necessary the display will be padded with leading 0s. Auto-range Values For 2-D and 3-D Graph controls, check Auto-range Values to Values to allow AutoCal to choose the most appropriate minimum and maximum values. Minimum Value When Auto-range Values is Values is not checked, enter the minimum value of the control into the Minimum Value box. Maximum Value When Auto-range Values is Values is not checked, enter the maximum value of the control into the Maximum Value box. Value  box. Next topic Colors Previous topic Setting control properties

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Taking snapshots of parameter values  AutoCal allows  AutoCal allows you to save save sna snapsho pshots ts sho s howin wing g the v valu alues es of in indiv dividu idual al pa para ramete meters, rs, parame parameter ter g gro roup ups s or the complete Dataset. The Snapshot command appears on the Item Item menu  menu when any of the following items are selected in the Navigator (and in the menus displayed when you right-click on the item in the Navigator): ·

a Dataset


a parameter group (but not a user-defined group)

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a parameter 

When you choose the command for any of these items, the Snapshot Active dialog Active  dialog box will be displayed:

Enter any comments you want to document the snapshot. The snapshots are saved in comma separated value format in the Datasetʼs folder with a file name with the following structure: dataset   _ date date _ time.csv time.csv where: ·

dataset  is  is the file name of the Dataset (without the .dat extension),


date is date  is the current year, month and day in numbers without any punctuation separating them, and


time is time  is the current hour, minute and second in numbers without any punctuation separating them.

Note that this means that sorting the files alphabetically will also sort them chronologically for each Dataset. The snapshot file will contain a record of the Dataset file path and name, the date and time it was saved, the comments from the Snapshot Active dialog Active  dialog box, followed by the parameter values. Next topic Creating and working with AutoCal data controls Previous topic  Applying  App lying con constrain straints ts to pa para ramete meters rs in a D Datase atasett

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 Applying  Appl ying const constraints raints to parameters in a Dataset You can define maximum and minimum values for parameters in a Dataset in its Metafile. However, you can also define and impose much more complex and powerful constraints. For example, you could require that the values in a table are strictly increasing as you go down the table. To define the constraint, you include Visual Basic code in the metafile - this gives you the freedom to define virtually any constraints you like. You can then impose the constraints on the Dataset in AutoCal. You can choose to check that all the constraints in a Dataset are satisfied, or just those that affect a specific parameter. You can also choose to make AutoCal automatically check that any changes you make to parameters satisfy any constraints. Note: The definition of constraints is beyond the scope of this manual. The constraints feature is provided to allow users to access their own code within the Metafile. Responsibility for the correctness and use of this code remains entirely with the user, so Pi Technology cannot provide any support for the use of the constraint c onstraint functi functions ons in AutoCa AutoCal. l. To choose whether AutoCal should automatically maintain any constraints defined for a Dataset: 1.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the D Dataset ataset in the AutoCal D Data ata ma manag nager er to pop up a menu. menu.


Choose Auto Constrain. Constrain.

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Auto Constrain is Constrain is checked in the menu when constraints are automatically maintained. Auto Constrain is Constrain is on by default. When Auto Constrain is Constrain is in force, if you try to change a parameter in a way that violates a constraint, a dialog box will be displayed warning you and the parameter value will be left unchanged - there is a check box in the dialog box allowing you to turn further warnings off. Note: When you switch Auto Constrain on, Constrain on, AutoCa A utoCall does not  check  check that all constraints are currently satisfied. If, while Auto Constrain is Constrain is on, you try to edit a value that violates a constraint, AutoCal will let you change it to a value that satisfies constraints, but if(constraint you try to violating) change itvalue to another value that also violates a constraint, AutoCal willallleave the original unchanged. You can check whether the Dataset or an individual parameter satisfies the constraints. (You may want to do this if Auto Constrain is Constrain is not selected, or if it is selected but you think some parameters violated constraints before it was selected.) To check whether all the parameters in a Dataset satisfy any constraints: 1.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the D Dataset ataset in the AutoCal D Data ata ma manag nager er to pop up a menu. menu.


Choose Run Constraints on Dataset. Dataset.

If a parameter violates a constraint, a dialog box will be displayed:

The dialog box shows the parameter that violated a constraint and an error message that is defined in the Metafile with the constraint c onstraint definition. definition. Press: Abort to Abort  to stop checking the constraints on any remaining parameters Retry to Retry  to apply the constraint again Ignore to Ignore  to continue checking the constraints on any remaining parameters. If you press Ignore Ignore,, and a further violation of a constraint is found, the dialog box will be redisplayed appropriately. When all checks are complete, a dialog box will be displayed showing a summary of the constraint violations found:

To check whether a parameter satisfies any constraints defined for it: 1.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the pa parame rameter ter in the AutoCal Data Data man manage agerr to pop pop up a menu. menu.


Choose Run Constraint. Constraint.

If the parameter violates a constraint, a dialog box will be displayed, as above.

Next topic

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Taking snapshots of parameter values Previous topic Choosing the units for a parameter

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Dataset linked and parameter changed indicators The Navigator Navigator sho ws if there are any param eters in a Dataset D ataset linked to a pan el control by giving the Dataset icon a background. The Navigator also shows if any parameter has been changed since the Dataset was last saved by the Datasetʼs nam e - the changed parameter parameters s are marked in the sam e way: way: an as ter terisk isk (*) Dataset icon and the

In this example, Parameter A1  has been lin ked to a control (hence the background to the the Datas Dataset et icon), and has been change d (hence the asterisks in front of Sample.dat and Parameter A1 ).

Next topic Versi Ver sion on folders Previous topic Opening a Dataset

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Reverting a parameter to its last saved value

The Data Manager shows whenthe a parameter changed sine the Dataset was last saved by displaying an asterisk between parameterhas andbeen its icon:

In this example Parameter A1 has A1 has been changed. To revert the value of a parameter back to its last saved value: 1.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the p para arameter meter in the N Nav avigator igator to select it and po pop p up up a menu. menu.


Choose Revert from the pop-up menu.

Next topic Saving and removing Datasets

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Previous topic Matching conditions for copy operations

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Linking watch variables to controls You can displ di splay ay tthe he value of a watch variable variable b y linking it to a control on a pan el in the s ame way as you link a Datase t parameter to a control by control by dragging iitt fr from om the Navigator onto the control. When you link a watch w atch variable variable to a control watching for that variable variable is started autom atically. If y you ou delete del ete a control linked to wa tch v variable ariable (and the v variable ariable iis s not linked to any other controls), watching for that v variable ariable w ill be sw switched itched off autom autom atically and the variable variable un marked for watching. See later topics in this se ction for more information abo ut marking variables for watching and for other way ways s to turn variable variable wa tching on and off. Next topic

Periodic and state watching Previous topic Channelset Chann elset user-defined user-defined groups groups

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Choosing the units for a parameter To specify the units to be used for a parameter: 1.

Right-cli Right-click ck on the p para arameter meter in the N Nav avigator igator to select it and po pop p up up a menu. menu.


Choose Sel Select ect Units from the pop-up menu to display the Sel Select ect Units dialog box - this lists all the units defined for the parameter by conversion factors in the Metafile.

3. Click Click on the unit unit you wa want nt to u use se to sele select ct it. 4.

Click on OK OK to  to confirm your selection and close the dialog box.

The selected unit will be used to display the value of the parameter in all new and existing controls to which it is linked. Next topic  Applying  App lying con constrain straints ts to pa para ramete meters rs in a D Datase atasett Previous topic Regrading a Dataset

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Matching conditions for copy operations When you select the Copy Copy and  and Copy by tag commands tag commands to copy parameter values within a Dataset or from one Dataset to another, AutoCal checks that the source and target parameters 'match', and no data is copied if any of the matches fail.

Two parameters match if they have:

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the same size and shape


the same units (the string comparison is case-sensitive)



compatible ranges. This means that the source range must be the same as or lie within the target range. For example, a parameter with a range of 15-80 can be copied onto a target with a range of 1090, but not vice-versa. (Note that the comparison is performed in engineering units.) for tables, any axis parameters must also match between the source and target.

 Also, when when a g gro roup up is copied copied o on n to a g gro roup up,, the structur structure e of the sou source rce and and targ target et grou groups ps must match. Next topic Reverting a parameter to its last saved value Previous topic Copying data - Mix and Match

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Comparing Datasets You can use a Compare Control to compare two Datasets, parameter groups or parameters (the parameter  groups and param eters m ay be in the sam e or different different Datasets). The control control can be us ed to compare the parameter structures or values, and when comparing different Datasets, whether corresponding parameters (parameters with the same tagname) exist in the two Datasets.

  You can create a Com pare Control us ing the Com pare button on the AutoCal page of the Controls toolbar - see Creating C reating and working w with ith AutoCal data controls for full information ab out creating controls. When you you first create create a Com pare Control it will look so mething llike ike this:

The Compare control control has two panes dis play played ed s ide-by ide-by-side -side - these will dis play tthe he Datasets or groups being comp ared. T The he Com pare control also has a toolbar allowing you to control control the way it behav behaves es - s ee Compare control toolbar  for  for a summ ary ary.. The following topics s how you how to to us use e the compare control:

Comparing Datasets, groups or parameters Choosing what to compare

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Choosing which comparisons to display

Viewing the results of a comparison Viewing the results of a value comparison Refreshing the comparison Saving a log of the comparison Next topic Comparing Datasets, groups or parameters Previous topic Workspaces

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Comparing Datasets, groups or parameters To compare two Datasets, parameter groups or parameters: 1.

Dr Drag ag the first first Dataset, group group or para parameter meter from from the AutoCal AutoCal Data Manager Manager and and drop drop it into the t he left-hand pane in the Compare control.  Any existing Datase Dataset, t, grou group p or pa para ramete meterr in the lef left-ha t-hand nd pan pane e will will be rep replaced laced an and d any any existing exist ing Dataset, group or parameter in the right-hand pane will be removed.

Note: If you do not want to remove the contents of the right-hand pane, press the Shift key while you drag and drop the Dataset, group or parameter into the left-hand pane. 2.

Dr Drag ag the second Dataset, Dataset, group group or par parameter ameter ffrom rom the AutoCal Data Data Manager Manager and and drop drop it into i nto the right-hand pane of the Compare Control. Any existing Dataset, group or parameter in the righthand pane will be replaced.

Note: If you press the Shift key while you drag and drop the Dataset, group or parameter into the right-hand pane, the contents of the left-hand pane will be removed. The panes will be labeled with the names of the Datasets, groups or parameter parameters s and will dis play the comparison se e the following topics for how to choose wh at ffeatures eatures to compare and what w hat information to displa y.

Next topic Choosing what to compare

Previous topic Comparing Datasets

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Choosing what to compare You can choose how parameters in different Datasets should be paired for comparison and whether to compare the param eter values values or their structure. This release of the Compare Control does not s upport the the comparison of tab tables les with more than two dimensions. Note:

To choose how parameters should be paired for comparison, either:

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Press the Compare by Tag button to compare parameters in different  Datasets  Datasets according to their  tagnames. or: or: Press the Compare by Order button to compare the parameters in the Datasets or groups according to their order in the Dataset display trees. For example, if you are comparing group A in the left-hand pane with group B in the right-hand pane, the first parameter in group A will be compared with the first parameter in group B, without any reference to their tagnames. Note 1: Since tagnames are unique within a Dataset, the Compare by Tag button is disabled unless you are comparing parameters from different Datasets. Note 2: When you make a comparison by tag AutoCal attempts to pair each of the parameters in the group or Dataset dropped into the left-hand pane with a parameter in the Dataset dropped in the right-hand pane or, if you dropped a parameter or group into the right-hand pane, the Dataset containing the group or parameter. To choose what features to compare, either: Press the Compare Values button to compare the values of the parameters. or:

Press the Compare Structure button to compare the structures of the parameters - the column headings in the comparison panes shows the structural features compared. See Viewing the results of a comparison  for examples.

Next topic Choosing which comparisons to display

Previous topic Comparing Datasets, groups or parameters parameters

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Choosing which comparisons to display You can choose whether to display: ·





Everything Everything  - displays all parameters in both panes Differences only Differences  only  - displays only those parameters that have been paired and differ in value or structure (depending on what has been compared) Same only only - displays only those parameters that have been paired and have the same value or  structure (depending on what has been compared) Additions only only - displays only the parameters in the Dataset or group dropped into the left-hand pane that cannot be paired with parameters in the Dataset or group dropped into the right-hand pane (the right-hand pane will always be blank for this option) Removed only only - displays only the parameters in the Dataset or group dropped into the right-hand pane that cannot be paired with parameters in the Dataset or group dropped into the left-hand pane (the lefthand pane will always be blank for this option).

To choose which comparisons to display: Select the required option from the View Filter drop-down list box in the Compare control toolbar. See  the next topic for ex examp amp les. les .

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Next topic Viewing the results of a comparison Previous topic Choosing what to compare

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 Viewing  Viewi ng the t he results of a comparis c omparison on  A  After fter y you ou have perform ed a com paris on, the res results ults a re sh own iin n the Com paris on control a ccordin g to the dis display play options s elect elected. ed. For examp examp le:

In this example, the parameters are paired by tagnames, the comparison is made on the data values, and Everything is displayed. Parameters with w ith diff differences erences are s hown with a gray background and the differences highli highlighted ghted in red. Added Added param eters (parame ters in the right-hand pane but not the the left-hand pane) are highlighted in blu e and remo ved param eters (parame ters in the left-hand left-hand pane bu t not the right-hand pane) are highlighted in green.

Note:  Although  Although the the comp compar arison ison in this this examp example le is mad made e on pa para ramete meterr v valu alues, es, add added ed and and remo remov ved parameters and differences in Name Name (  (Parameter Parameter B3 and B3 and Parameter B4 in B4 in the example have the same tagname but different Names Names)) and Units Units (for  (for example, Parameter D3) D3) are also shown with a gray background. See the following pop-up topics to see what happens to this example when you choose other display options: Differences only  Additions  Add itions on only ly

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Removed only Comparing parameter structures (with Difference Differences s onl only y displayed):

Next topic Viewing the results of a value comparison Previous topic Choosing which comparisons to display

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 Viewing  Viewi ng the t he results of a value v alue comparison com parison When you you m ake a value comparis on, the Value  column in the Compare control control shows the v values alues of s calar  param eters but only the the word Table for table table param eters. To view the value value diff di fferences erences in a table param eter:

Click in the Value Value column  column for the table parameter (it will show the word Table Table). ). A table viewer  will be displayed:

Cells where there are differences differences are s hown with a gray background and the values values of tthe he param eter in tthe he other  pane (the pane you did not click in to displa y the v viewer) iewer) are sho wn in red and in parenthes es.

To invert the axes in the table display: Press the invert axes button in the displayʼs toolbar. The display will show the table with the axes swapped around:

To copy the contents of the table display to the clipboard:

Press the copy button in the display s toolbar. You can then paste the contents of the table

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display into documents in a spreadsheet, word processor or other application. Next topic Refreshing the comparison Previous topic Viewing the results of a comparison

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Refreshing Refre shing the comparison For efficiency, efficiency, the Comp are Control does not automatically update when the parame ters in the Dataset(s) Datas et(s) being comp ared are changed. However, if a parameter in a compared D Dataset ataset is chan ged, the Refr Refres esh h button in tthe he Compare control toolbar toolbar is enabled.

To update the comparison in a Compare Control: Press the Refresh button. Note: When you save a Workspace that Workspace that has a Compare control on a panel the contents and display options selected for the control are saved: when you reopen the Workspace the comparison will be refreshed automatically.

Next topic Saving a log of the comparison Previous topic Viewing the results of a value comparison

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Saving a log of the comparison To save a log of the comparison in a Compare control: {bmc bm119.WM .WMF} dialog box:



Pre Press the the Sa Sav ve Compariso ison butt tto on to dis isp pla lay y th the e Produce Difference

Select an option option from from the Filter drop drop-do -down wn list box to choo choose se which para parameters meters to include include in the log. You can select from the same options (and with the same meaning) as in the Compare control

itself - the option selected in the Compare control sets the initial selection for the Filter , but this

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can be overridden by selecting a different option. 3.

Cli lick ck on the the Summary Summary or  or Detailed Detailed radio  radio button to choose how much information to include for  each parameter: ·


 A Summary Summary log  log shows for each included parameter whether it is different or the same in both Datasets or groups or whether it has been added or removed.  A Detailed Detailed log  log also shows the values or structures (and changes if any) of the included parameters.


Check Preview log before saving saving to  to display a preview of the log when you press OK OK..


Press OK OK:: If you selected Preview log before saving, a saving,  a preview will be displayed for example:

Press Save Save if  if you want to save the log; press Cancel Cancel if  if you want to close the preview without saving the log. If you did not select Preview log before saving, saving, or  or if you did and pressed Save Save,, a standard Windows Save As dialog As dialog box will be displayed. 6.

Use the Save As dialog As dialog box to select a folder and enter a name for the log file, and press Save to save it.

The log file is i s a plain text text file, which y you ou can op en in a word proces sor o r other tex textt editor.

Next topic Compare control toolbar 

Previous topic Refreshing the comparison

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Compare control toolbar

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Ac tion

View Filter

C h oo s e es sw wh hether to s ho how all param e etters , or only thos e that are the s am am e e,, different,, added, or rem oved different

Co Compa mparre Val alue ues s

Co Compa mparres tthe he value alues s of corr orrespon espondi ding ng par parame ametters ers in the comp ompar ariso ison np pan ane e

Com pare Structure Structure

Com pares the structure of correspon ding param eters in the compa rison panes

Compare by Tag

Chooses the parameter parameters s for comparison in different  Datasets  Datasets according to their tags tags (names)

Compare by Or Order der

Chooses the parameter parameters s for comparison in the Datasets or groups accor accordin din to their order in the Dataset Datas et disp lay ttree ree

Previous/Next Comparison

These functions are not implemented in this release of the software

Save Sav e Com paris parison on

Dis plays a dialog box so that you can save a log of the compa riso n - you can choos e the amou nt of detail to sav choose save e and then, in a s eparate dialog b ox ox,, tthe he fil to be use d to save the log

Refre Ref resh sh Compari Comparison son

Pe Perf rfor orm m th the ec compa ompari rison son ag again ain if you h hav ave ec chan hanged ged the v valu alue e of any parameters parameter s in the compared Dataset(s)

Next topic Transferring data between AutoCal and the ECU Previous topic Saving a log of the comparison

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