Detailed Lesson Plan for Demo

March 28, 2017 | Author: JeruS.Ababon | Category: N/A
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I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students are expected to: a.) Identify the legal forms of business ownership: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership and Corporation. b.) Differentiate Sole Proprietorship, Partnership and Corporation through role playing. c.) Explain the importance of having a business. II. Subject Matter: Topic: Legal Forms of Business Ownership: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership and Corporation References: Technology and Livelihood Education – Grade 9 Agricultural Crop Production (Entrepreneurship - Module 1) Learner’s Material First Edition, 2014, pages 23-24 Basic Accounting 12th Edition, pg. 10 Partnership and Corporation Accounting 11th Edition, pgs. 1-2 – 1-17 Authors: Jesus B. Nazareno, MDM Rodolfo C. Sajorda Rita de los Santos, et al… Win Ballada and Susan Ballada Materials: illustration board, marker, cartolina, glue, art materials, scissors, pictures, Manila paper, flower III. Procedure: Teacher’s Activity

Student’s Activity

a) Preliminary Activities Good afternoon class! Let us pray first…

Good afternoon ma’am! (one student will lead the prayer)

Okay, now please pick up the mess under your chair.

(students will pick up the mess/ pieces of paper under the chair)

Now please take your seat and be ready for the checking of attendance.

Thank you ma'am.

Who’s absent in the class?

(students will answer) None ma’am.

Ok, very well. Let's now move on.

Yes ma'am.

b) Review Would you like to play a matching game? Okay, class let's start to play a matching game. Column A contains the different components of a business plan while column B contains the different attributes or examples of those components. You just need to match the correct description from its corresponding components.

Yes ma'am. (students will answer in chorus) Yes ma'am. (students will answer in chorus)

Are you familiar with the song "Rude"?

Yes ma'am. (students excitingly answer in chorus)

Okay, we will sing this song while passing this flower from the front row to the back and so forth. And when you hear two taps in the table, the "lucky one" who is holding the flower will be the one to answer. Is that alright?

Yes ma'am.

(The class sing together in chorus. Then, the teacher taps the table) Okay, Anna is the lucky one who holds the flower. Clap your hands to cheer Anna. Anna, please write your answers on the board.

Yes ma'am. (Anna will answer on the board)

Very good. Anna's answers are all correct. Am I right?

Yes ma'am.

So you remember now are past lesson? Yes, very good we learnt the different components of a business plan, its' attributes and examples. All right class we will now move on to our new lesson. c) Motivation Okey, class I want you to close your eyes, think of the different businesses that you have seen while roaming around our town or our province.

Student's close their eyes.

Now open your eyes, who can give me names of businesses that you have seen.

(One student raise his/her hands.)

Yes Ben, please stand up.

Ma'am, SM Mall.

Yes, very good. SM Mall. Another examples are sari-sari store, hardware supply, water refilling station and etc., There are so many businesses out there. The questions are who are the owners of this businesses and how did they owned it legally?

d) Lesson Proper Class, our lesson for today are all about the legal forms of business ownership. There are three legal forms of business ownership; first is sole proprietorship, second is partnership and the third is corporation. Sari-sari store in our local places is mostly owned by only one person, therefore, a sari-sari store is an example of a sole proprietorship form of business ownership. Do you copy?

Yes, ma'am. (students answer in chorus)

While partnership, is a form of business ownership in which business owned and operated by two or more people. Two persons have combined resources and skills. Any of the 2 partner can act as financier or manager. They can also share responsibilities and roles in the business operations. Yes, ma'am. Understand? While, a corporation is a form of business ownership in which business owned by two or more persons, aside from the owners, many people known as shareholders, are engaged in a corporation through their investment known as shares or stocks. Alturas Supermarket is owned by Alturas Group of Companies and it is an example of a corporation form of business ownership. Do you follow class?

Yes, ma'am. (students answer in chorus)

Very good. I have here posted in the board the advantages and disadvantages of each form of business ownership. Now we will have another activity to make our lesson more exciting, do you like it? Do you like role playing? So, we will divide the class into three groups and each group will have a representative to pick up this rolled papers here for you to choose the form of business ownership that will be portray by your group. So, each group will present a role play in front of the class showing the different advantages and

Yes, ma'am. (students answer in chorus) Yes, ma'am. (students answer in chorus)

disadvantages of their chosen form of business ownership. I will be posting the scoring rubrics in the board for your reference. Understand?

Yes, ma'am. (students answer in chorus)

Okay, good. Let's start. I will give each group five minutes to prepare and ten minutes for the presentation. Each group presents in front of the class. Okay, well done. Each group acted and presented their topic very well. I will now be announcing the scores of each group and the best group will receive the highest score of 100 points.

Yes ma'am.

Group 1 got 95, Group 2 got 97, Group 3 got 96 and Group 4 got 100 points. Let us give each group a round of applause.

(Students clap their hands.)

Did you enjoy our activity?

Ye ma'am. Very much.

What did you learn from our lesson today? Yes very good. Learning the different types of business ownership will make us knowledgeable in terms of decision making on what type of business that you are going to start. We can now differentiate the three legal forms of business ownership. Cooperation among members, working hard towards attaining desired goal, patience in dealing group mates and sharing learned knowledge. IV. Evaluation: Write the letter of your answer. 1. What form of business ownership has the powers, attributes, and properties expressly authorized by law or incident to its existence? a. Partnership b. Corporation c. Proprietorship d. Cooperative


2. What is the difference between the sole proprietorship and partnership? a. number of members b. settling of obligations c. dissolution d. business for profit

3. What form of business ownership that business risks are shared by many people. a. Partnership b. Corporation c. Proprietorship d. Cooperative


4. In one sentence or give the importance of business.

V. Assignment 1) Choose one form of business ownership. 2) Give a name of a business that you know, that uses this type of business ownership. 3) Explain in your own way, the advantages of using this forms of business ownership in the business. Prepared by: Faye Lourane C. Ababon

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