Introduction Classification of tanks Materials required Design data Hydraulic features and member sizes Loads Results References Conclusions
1)Tank resting on ground. 2)Elevated tanks. 3)Underground tanks.
--Deals with the structural analysis and design of an water tank. --The analysis is done by the software system STAAD Pro for staging portion. --The design of container is done manually.
--M 30 and M 20. --High Quality. --Strength. --Should be leak proof. --Should not crack.
--Permissible stress should not exceed the limit. --Permissible stress in direct tension=1000kg/cm^2. --Tensile stress in bending=1000-1250 kg/cm^2.
--0.3% of gross cross sectional area up to 100mm thickness. --0.2% of gross cross sectional area for 100-450 mm thickness. --0.2% of gross cross sectional area for >450 mm thickness in each direction.
-The object of using them is to fill the pores of the concrete and to obtain a dense and less permeable concrete. -Commonly used is HYDRATED LIME. -Other agents like powdered chalk or talc, Sodium silicate Zinc sulphate, Calcium chloride etc., used.
Parameters: -Concrete for container portion M30. -Concrete for staging portion M20. -Steel HYSD 415N/mm^2.
-Capacity 150000L. -Staging 12m. -Seismic zone-3. -Staging to be designed with M20 and executed with M30.
-Ground Level -Lowest water level -Maximum water level -Dead storage -Free board -Effective water depth
= = = = = =
340.75m. 352.725m. 355.725m. .15m. .3m. 3m
-Number of columns supporting the ESR = 5 -Number of columns inside container =1 -Number of braces =3 -Size of container(diameter) =8m. -Size of column supporting ESR(diameter) = 0.4m. -Size of column inside container(diameter) =0.2m. -Braces =250*350mm. -Roof beam =200*300mm. -Floor beam =300*600mm. -Floor ring beam =300*300mm.
Involves self-weight of --Container --Columns --Braces --Railing --MS ladder
--Imposed also known live loads. --Load over the roof covering while workers over it i.e. load of persons it is calculated as 0.2 KN/m . --This load is applied over the container slab.
--Wind is air in motion. --Wind load is predominant in the columns and neglected in the container. --Wind loads are calculated according to IS:875(part 3). --Intensity of wind and exposure are applied in the directions as required .
-Dead load of slab =300kg/m^2. -Wind pressure =150kg/m^2. -Live load on roof =100kg/m^2. -Live load on walkway slab =300kg/m^2. -Density of concrete =2500kg/m^2. -Density of water =1000kg/m^2.
--The tank is designed in the seismic zone 3,hence design for earth quake loads is necessary. --This is very important for structures as it is made strict provision by law. --The earth quake intensities are calculated as per the code IS:1893.
-Safe bearing capacity of soil(SBC) -Depth of foundation -Depth of ground water table -Seismic zone
=.6KN/m^2. =3m. =7m. =3.
-Total load on roof slab =500kg/m^2. -Spacing of 8mm diameter bars=200 c/c both ways at bottom and alternate bars bent. -Spacing of 8mm diameter bars =400 c/c both ways at top.
-IS 3370(part 1):2009 water structures general. -IS 3370(part 2):2009 water structures using RCC. -IS 3370(part 4):2009.General tables. -IS 875(part 3):2009 : wind load. -IS 1893-2002 design for earthquake loads. -IS 456:2000 design for RCC structures. -SP :16 Design aids. - SP:34 Hand book for concreting & detailing of reinforcement.
Analysis is done using STAAD PRO developed by BENTLEY . Once the loads and load combinations are assigned to the structure, analysis is to be done. Only the staging part is analyzed by staad pro.
Irrigation and water power engineering by Punmia & Lal. Irrigation Water Management by D.K. Majundar. Irrigation water resources and water power engineering by Dr P.N. Modi.
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