Cpe Practice Test 2 Reading Part 1. Read and Decide Which Answer Best Fits Each Gap. Debut Goal

February 8, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download Cpe Practice Test 2 Reading Part 1. Read and Decide Which Answer Best Fits Each Gap. Debut Goal...



M^H ^TOMPCMH PH]P 4 THO@CGJ ^ort ?. Tho` og` `hmc`h wbcmb ogswhr dhst ects homb jop. @hdut Jaof  Ga iotthr baw shrcaus tbh spartcgj hvhgt, agmh og ogciof dhmaihs cgvafvh`, ct wcff ofiast mhrtocgfy sthof tbh (?). Cg Gavhidhr ?328, o eaatdoff iotmb dhtwhhg Ghwmostfh Pawg og` Mbhff Bhoftb (4) og ughxphmth` ughxphm th` turg oethr o thrrchr thrrchr `aj moffh` moffh` ]usch `hmc`h` ta iokh o magtrcdutcag magtrcdutcag ta tbh joih. Ghwmostfh Ghwmostfh Pawg whrh fho`cgj ?->. O Mbhff Bhoftb pfoyhr wos (=) o jrhot mbogmh ae hquofcscgj, wctb agfy tbh jaofkhhphr stog`cgj dhtwhhg bci og` tbh jaof, dut tbh sbat whgt wc`h. Ot tbot iaihgt, ]usch tbh `aj moih sprcgtcgj up tbh pctmb, fhoph` up og` bho`h` tbh doff post tbh jaofkhhphr og` ghotfy cgta tbh ght. Pa tbh oiozhihgt ae tbh mraw` og` (0) `csdhfche ae tbh Ghwmostfh Pawg pfoyhrs, tbh rhehrhh owor`h` o jaof. Eartugothfy Ghwmostfh Pawg whgt ag ta wcg dy tbrhh jaofs ta twa, os (8) sphokcgj tbh jaof sbauf`g–t bovh dhhg offawh`. ]o`fy, dhearh famof eaatdoff smauts bo` o mbogmh ta (5) bhr up og` turg bhr  cgta o stor, ]usch bo` `csopphorh` domk cgta tbh mraw`, ghvhr ta dh shhg ot tbh sto`cui ojocg. ?.O bcjbfcjbt D fcihfcjbt M eaatfcjbt @ spatfcjbt O taak  D io`h M jat @ jovh 4. 4.O =.O aut ear D up ojocgst M owoy ag @ cg wctb 0.O hgtcrh D wbafh M utthr  @ euff 8.O trufy D rcjbtfy M prhmcshfy @ strcmtfy 5. 5.O O scjg D hgraff M lacg @ hgfcst @ogmh ear yaur Bhoftb @ahs tbh tbaujbt ae jacgj lajjcgj ar lacgcgj o jyi ecff yau wctb `rho`1 Ce sa, tbh ogswhr ioy dh ta jcvh  portghr `ogmcgj o (:). Ct–s jaa` eug, bhoftby og` mog ofsa daast yaur samcof fceh. @ogmh pravc`h` o jaa` ohradcm warkaut. Ct bhfps tagh tbh iusmfhs, wbcfst ot tbh soih tcih, cipravcgj dofogmh, (2) og` maar`cgotcag. Zbot–s iarh, dhmoush yau mog hoscfy ja ot yaur awg (3), ct–s suctodfh ear off ojhs og` ectghss fhvhfs. Fhorgcgj ghw sthps og` khhcgj ta tcih thg`s ta dh eocrfy (?>), sa `ogmcgj cs usuoffy iarh heehmtcvh cg (??) yaur icg` aee tbh morhs ae tbh `oy tbog atbhr earis ae rhphtctcvh hxhrmcsh. Os wctb off hxhrmcsh, `ogmh praiaths tbh rhfhosh ae hg`arpbcgs ” goturof mbhicmofs tbot bhfp (?4) yaur iaa`, sa yau maih owoy gat agfy etthr, dut ofsa boppchr eah tbh hxphrchgmh. M thst @ stod :.O sbat D try 2.O dhorcgj D stogmh M pasturh @ stog`cgj 3.O trat D pomh M strc`h @ roth

?>.O magmhgtrotcgj ??.O puffcgj ?4.O cgspcrh

D avhrwbhficgj D ehtmbcgj D hgbogmh

M odsardcgj M baf`cgj M rocsh

@ magsuicgj @ tokcgj @ easthr  

]tumk ag yau Zbot cs tbh iast cipartogt pchmh ae aeecmh hqucpihgt ae ia`hrg tcihs1 Gat tbh ^M, gar hvhg tbh Cgthrght ar h-iocf, og` ct mhrtocgfy `ahsg–t bovh o icmrambcp (?=) ogywbhrh wctbcg ct. ]a wbot mog ct dh1 Zhff, ct–s fckhfy ta dh mogory yhffaw og` tbh mbogmhs orh tbot yau ecg` ct cg`csphgsodfh. Sau ioy bovh shvhrof, iast fckhfy off avhr yaur maiputhr iagctar ot wark, pfus o ehw ot baih, facthrcgj dy tbh pbagh. Ct–s tbh ^ast-Ct ^ast-Ct Gath, trogsmhg`cgj trogsmhg`cgj aeecmh aeecmh bchrombchs bchrombchs ” pravcgj pravcgj hsshg hsshgtcof tcof ta dusy dass og` buidfh mfhrk  (?0)” og` praiptcgj gats wbhg tbh stotcaghry mupdaor` rugs (?8). Cg og ojh ae bcjb-thmb `hsk iogojhrs, cts hg`urcgj papuforcty phrbops rhefhmts rhefhmts o (?5) ae studdarg hmmhgtrcmcty cg iogy aeecmh warkhrs. Oethr off, yau bovh o mbacmh< yau mog put yaur rhicg`hr cgta o maipfcmoth` maiputhr prajroiih tbot wcff (?:) yau wctb dfhhps og` ag-smrhhg ecrhwarks sbauf` yau earjht ct, ar yau mog smrcddfh ct ag o dct ae pophr og` stcmk ct ag yaur `hsk, jro`uoffy iokcgj yaur jrhy warkstotcag (?2) o echf` ae sugefawhrs. ?=.O hg`awh` D hidh``h` M hgmcrmfh` @ hgtrhgmbh` ?


?0.O ofckh D okcg M osc`h @ ofagh ?8.O hipty D `awg M faw @ tbraujb ?5.O strakh D siomk M strhok @ strocg ?:.O moutcag D scjgof M ofhrt @ worg ?2.O rhmaffhmt D rhicgcsmh M rhicg` @ rhshidfh X]H AE HGJFC]B ^ort ?< Tho` tbh thxt og` tbcgk ae tbh war` wbcmb dhst ects homb spomh. Xsh agfy agh war` cg homb spomh. ]mchgmh eomt og` smchgmh ecmtcag Zbhg wrcthrs otthipt ta ogtcmcpoth tbh euturh, tbhy agfy summhh` cg pravc`cgj og cgthrprhtotcag ae tbh  prhshgt. Pbcs (?) mog mog dh  dh shhg cg tbh eogtoschs pra`umh` dy smchgmh ecmtcag wrcthrs cg tbh ic``fh ae tbh twhgtchtb mhgtury. Ofiast gatbcgj bos turgh` (4) aut tbh woy tbot tbhsh wrcthrs hxphmth`. Oftbaujb tbhy (=) `c` iogojh ta prh`cmt cgthffcjhgt radats, tbhy maipfhthfy (0) eocfh` ta ogtcmcpoth tbh `hvhfapihgts cg maiiugcmotcags thmbgafajy tbot wauf` iokh tbhi passcdfh. Pbcs (8)   ihogs tbot smchgmh ecmtcag wrctthg  dhearh ?32> gaw shhis odsur`fy `oth`, og` wbot strckhs yau iast (5) cs tbh murcaus odshgmh ae phrsagof maiputhrs, h-iocf og` tbh Cgthrght. ]mchgmh ecmtcag wrcthr, ct shhis, whrh rhiorkodfy (:) sfaw ag tbh uptokh wbhg (2) ct moih ta jrospcgj tbh hxthgt ta (3) wbcmb tbh goturh ae maiiugcmotcags wauf` mbogjh. Cgstho`, tbhcr eamus wos (?>) vhry iumb ag ramkht thmbgafajy og` spomh trovhf. Ear tbhy (??) whrh gat ta kgaw tbot tbh fugor fog`cgjs, sa hxmctcgj ot tbh tcih, wauf` omtuoffy fho` gawbhrh. Pbhrh orh ga buiog mafagchs ag tbh Iaag, (?4) fht ofagh ag Iors og` tbh c`ho tbot phapfh icjbt hvhgtuoffy papufoth tbh masias shhis hvhg (?=) fhss wctbcg tbh rhofis ae passcdcfcty gaw tbog ct `c` tbhg, `hspcth bofe o mhgtury ae dhwcf`hrcg dhwcf`hrcgjfy jfy ropc` thmbgafajcmof thmbgafajcmof prajrhss. prajrhss. Zbot–s Zbot–s (?0) iarh smchgtcsts bovh dhjug ta rc`cmufh tbh gatcag, eug`oihgtof ta iumb smchgmh ecmtcag, tbot agh `oy wh lust (?8) icjbt hgmaugthr cgthffcjhgt ofchgs. Gcojoro Eoffs  Gcojoro Eoffs cs Mogo`o–s earhiast taurcst ottromtcag cg thris ae tbh guidhr ae vcsctars ct ottromts. (?) ........................ erai tbh wothreoff ctshfe, bawhvhr, tbhrh cs o prhmcaus (4) ........................ ta `htocg yau cg tbh orho. Xgfhss, (=) ........................ cs, yau–rh o eog ae wox iushuis, efosbcgj ghag fcjbts og` sauvhrgcr sbaps. Dut tbh Ioc` tbh  Ioc` ae tbh Icst daot Icst  daot rc`h cs saihtbcgj gat ta dh icssh`. (0) ........................ aphrotcag scgmh ?205, tbh daot tokhs icffcags ae taurcsts o yhor oraug` tbh dosh ae tbh Eoffs. Ct–s o wht rc`h og` iarh (8) ........................ tbog gat, tbh rocgmaots tbhy suppfy yau (5) ........................ pravh eutcfh ojocgst tbh stcgjcgj sproy, dut ct–s whff (:) ........................ tbh `rhgmbcgj. Pbh vchw ae bug`rh`s ae fctrhs ae wothr wothr phr shmag` mrosbcgj mrosbcgj agta tbh ramks rcjbt rcjbt cg eragt eragt ae yau cs (2) ......... ............ ...... ....... ....... ..... .. sba sbart rt ae   drhotbtokcgj. (3) ........................ tbash wba wogt o mfashr faak, tbh laurghy dhbcg` tbh Eoffs ofsa rhpoys

tbh prcmh ae o`icsscag, o`icsscag, os tbh smbaaf jraups yau–ff cghvctodfy cghvctodfy (?>) ................ ....................... ......... omrass tbhrh wcff dh agfy (??) ........................ wcffcgj ta thstcey. Sau wofk tbraujb iog-io`h tugghfs ta og adshrvotcag tawhr  sctuoth` (?4) ........................ tbh vhry drcgk ae tbh Eoffs. Pbh hxphrchgmh (?=) ........................ agfy dh `hsmrcdh` os rurrhof, yau ehff os tbaujb yau–rh omtuoffy wofkcgj cgsc`h tbh wothreoff (?0) ........................ wct wctb tbh tbh daot daot rc`h, c`h, yau– yau–rh rh juor juorog ogtthh` hh` o saokc aokcgj gj,, dut dut tb tbhr hrhh oj ojoc ocg, g, tb tbccs cs o wot wothr hreo eofff, sa (?8) ........................ `a yau hxphmt1 ^ort 4< Xsh tbh war` jcvhg cg mopctofs ta eari o war` tbot ects cg tbh spomh cg homb fcgh. Ih`ctotcag ?.]PTOCJBP 4.]CI^FH =.POKH 0.]XD]POGMH 8.CTTCPODFH 5.THJXFOT :.@C]^A]H 2.]X^^A]H 3.]H_XHGMH ?>.MAG]MCAX] ^hapfh orh aethg put aee ih`ctotcag dy wbot tbhy shh os cts iogy iystcmof ossamcotcags. Sht ih`ctotcag cs o (?) strocjbtearwor` thmbgcquh wbcmb ihrhfy cgvafvhs scttcgj og` rhstcgj tbh icg`. Cg o``ctcag ta cts (4) scipfcmcty ih`ctotcag aeehrs pawhreuf bhfp cg tbh dottfh ojocgst strhss. Bug`rh`s ae stu`chs bovh sbawg tbot ih`ctotcag, wbhg (=) ug`hrtokhg cg o prcgmcpfh` woy, mog rh`umh byphrthgscag wbcmb cs rhfoth` ta strhss cg tbh da`y. Thshormb bos pravh` tbot mhrtocg typhs ae ih`ctotcag mog (0) sudstogtcoffy `hmrhosh khy strhss syiptais sumb os ogxchty og` (8) crrctodcfcty. crrctodcfcty. Cg eomt, tbash wba promtcsh ih`ctotcag wctb ogy 4


(5) rhjuforcty shh tbhcr `amtars fhss og` sphg`, ag ovhrojh, shvhgty phr mhgt ehwhr `oys cg baspctof. Pbhy orh soc` ta bovh iarh stoicgo, o boppchr (:) `cspasctcag og` hvhg hglay dhtthr rhfotcagsbcps. Zbhg yau fhorg ta ih`ctoth, yaur thombhr wcff jcvh yau o phrsagof ‒iogtro– ar war` wbcmb yau ush hvhry tcih yau  promtcsh tbh thmbgcquh og` wbcmb cs (2) suppash`fy mbashg ommar`cgj ta yaur ghh`s. Cgctcof mfosshs orh toujbt cg`cvc`uoffy dut (3) sudshquhgt mfosshs usuoffy magscst ae o jraup ae stu`hgts og` tokh pfomh avhr   phrca` ae odaut eaur `oys. Pbh oci cs ta fhorg baw ta sfcp cgta o `hhphr stoth ae (?>) magsmcausghss ear  twhgty icguths o `oy. Pbh rhwor`s sphok ear tbhishfvhs. ^ort =< Pbcgk ae AGH war` agfy wbcmb mog dh ush` oppraprcothfy cg off tbrhh shgthgmhs. Pbh pafctcmcog cgscsth` tbot sbh wos o``rhsscgj tbh ou`chgmh cg bhr mopomcty os o iatbhr og` gat os o ?. Ihidhr ae ^orfcoihgt. - Pbh pap jraup whrh `hfcjbth` ta `csmavhr tbot tbhy whrh pfoycgj cg o boff tbot wos ecffh` ta ........ - ]cgmh ogciofs fomk tbh ....... ear rhpraomb, aur rhfotcagsbcps wctb tbhi thg` ta moush us fhss magmhrg tbog tbash wctb aur ehffaw buiog dhcgjs. 4. Bhfhg ruddh` bhr morpht os bor` os sbh mauf` dut tbh stocg stcff wauf`g–t maih aut. - C–i oeroc` phapfh `ag–t ...... iumb ihoghr tbog iy ghcjbdaur, sbh hvhg rh-ushs bhr af` tho dojs. - Iott bos jagh aut tbcs hvhgcgj ta try og` earjht baw do`fy bcs prhshgtotcag whgt, dut cg tbh maf` fcjbt ae `oy ct–ff ......... domk ta bougt bci. =. Hvhryagh wos surprcsh` ta `csmavhr tbot tbh yaugj y augj iog wos hfcjcdfh ta rug ear prhsc`hgt. - Pbh eomtary mfasurh dhmoih sumb o magthgtcaus cssuh tbot hvhg tbh gotcagof ghwspophrs `hmc`h` ta ..... o shrchs ae ortcmfhs ag ct. - Pbh suphrvcsar bo` ta ......... tbraujb tbh soehty juc`hfcghs shvhrof tcihs dhearh sbh wos magvcgmh` tbot off tbh stoee bo` ug`hrstaa`. 0. Pbhrh orh iogy lads tbot iy scsthr mauf` `a dut sbh shhis ugwcffcgj ta oppfy bhrshfe ta ogytbcgj. - Pbh vorgcsb wcff gat bovh o siaatb ecgcsb ce yau ......... ct taa fcdhroffy. - C wos otthiptcgj ta maipfhth tbh wbafh eari ugtcf C rhofcsh` tbot bofe tbh quhstcags `c`g–t ....... ta ih. raai dhorcgj  dhorcgj jcets erai earhcjg maugtrchs. 8. Pbh mbcf`rhg faakh` up ta shh tbhcr eotbhr hgthrcgj tbh raai - Jfogmcgj cg bcs rhor-vchw icrrar, tbh fhorghr `rcvhr wos barrcech` ta shh o forjh ortcmufoth` farry ..... `awg ag bci. - .......... cg icg` hvhrytbcgj yau–vh taf` ih, C tbcgk wh sbauf` pastpagh aur trcp ugtcf fothr cg tbh y yhor. hor. 5. Pbh ta``fhr faakh` up pctceuffy ot bcs iatbhr, oworh tbot bh bo` gat rhmhcvh` o eocr `hof wbhg tbh mokh bo` dhhg bog`h` aut. - Pbh iogojhr cgearih` bcs stoee tbot `hspcth tbh hmagaicm `awgturg, tbhrh wos hvhry rhosag ta dhfchvh tbot tbh eartbmaicgj ........ wauf` ja obho` os pfoggh`. - Ct–s o so` eomt tbot cg hvhry ghwspophr tbhrh–s o jaa` ...... ae iothrcof tbot yau mog efcmk tbraujb icg`fhssfy. ZTCPCGJ - Tho` tbh eaffawcgj eaffawcgj hxtromt og` ush yaur awg war`s ta suiiorczh ct. Saur suiio suiiory ry sbauf` dh odaut ?0> war`s fagj. Bovh yau hvhr wag`hrh` wby saf`chrs orh ofwoys mfo` cg jrhhg1 Pbcs cs ta hgodfh tbhi ta moiaue moi auefoj fojhh tbhish tbhishfvh fvhss `urcgj `urcgj wortci wortcih. h. Bc`cgj Bc`cgj cg tbh lugjfh lugjfhs, s, tbhcr tbhcr jrhhg jrhhg ott ottcrh crh dfhg` dfhg` cgta cgta tbh surraug`cgj trhhs og` sbruds, iokcgj ct `ceecmuft ear tbh hghichs ta spat tbhi. Fagj dhearh iog iokh ush ae moiauefojcg moiauefojcgj, j, cgshmts bovh ofrho`y ofrho`y o`apth` o`apth` tbh tomtcm ae `csjucsh `csjucsh ta hsmoph erai tbh mfutmbhs ae  tbhcr prh`otars. Dy bovcgj da`y mafars mfash ta tbash ae tbh ramks og` `rch` fhovhs, tbhy motmb fhss otthgtcag erai tbh prh`otars og` bhgmh hsmoph erai dhcgj pursuh`. Bawhvhr, tbcs kcg` ae `csjucsh warks agfy ce tbh cgshmts rhiocg stcff cg tbh prhshgmh ae tbhcr prh`otars. Dutthrefchs og` iatbs bovh `hvhfaph` o vorchty ae moiauefojh strothjchs scgmh tbhy orh qucth `hehgshfhss og` tbhcr prh`otars - dcr`s orh odug`ogt cg suppfy. Iogy iatb mothrpcffors rhshidfh `ho` twcjs wbcfh tbh yaugj ae mhrtocg sphmchs ae dutthrefchs opphor fckhbugthrs dcr` `rappcgjs. O`uft og` iatbs moiauefojh tbhishfvhs taa, cg otthipts ta hsmoph erai tbhcr - dcr`s wba orhdutthrefchs suphrcar jfc`hrs. ^asshsscgj wcgjs wbcmb rhshidfh `rch` fhovhs bhfp mh mhrt rtoc ocg g dutth dutthre refc fchs hs og og` ` iatb iatbss ta bc`h bc`h oiagj oiagj bh bhops ops ae `r `rch ch` ` fh fhov ovhs hs wbhg wbhg pr prh`o h`ota tars rs or orhh or orau aug` g`.. Eartugothfy, gat off cgshmts mbaash tbh ort ae `csjucsh ta hsmoph erai tbhcr prh`otars; atbhrwcsh, tbh warf` =


wauf` dh sa `uff og` mafarfhss. Pbhrh orh cgshmts wbcmb osscicfoth tbh drcjbt da`y mafars ae dhhs og` wosps ta hsmoph erai dhcgj pursuh` dy tbhcr prh`otars. Pbh magmhpt ae icicmry wos `hrcvh`, awcgj ta tbh dhhs og` wosps. Fagj oja, dcr`s bovh ofrho`y fhorgt ta ovac` drcffcogtfy mafarh` wosps og` dhhs cg ehor ae tbhcr pocgeuf stcgjs. stcgjs. Bhgmh, avhr icffcags icffcags ae yhors, yhors, iogy borifhss cgshmts cgshmts bovh osscicfoth` osscicfoth` tbh  dhhs og` og ` wosps dy cictotcgj tbhcr drcjbt da`y mafars og` sbophs. Cg tbcs woy, tbhy opphor oppho r `ogjhraus `ogj hraus ta tbhcr prh`otars og` bhgmh wor` tbhi aee. Icicms ae tbh wosps og` dhhs orh iast maiiagfy eaug` cg tbh jor`hgs. Pbh eurry, pfuip dhh-efy gat agfy opphors fckh tbh duidfh dhh cg thris ae da`y mafars, hvhg cts buis saug` scicfor taa. Pbh agfy `ceehrhgmh cs tbot tbh dhh-efy `ahs gat bovh o stcgj og` cs bhgmh borifhss. Pbh bavhrefy cs Pbh ogatbhr wbcmborh cictoths tbh da`y`a mafars ae tbh wosps. orh strcph` yhffaw og` dfomk. agfycgshmt `hvcotcags tbot bavhrefchs gat bovh stcgjs og`Pbhcr tbhy da`chs bovh agfy agh pocr ae wcgjs homb wbcfh wosps bovh twa pocrs homb. Pbhsh vorcotcags orh bor`fy gatcmh` dy tbh  prh`otars og` bhgmh bhfp tbhi ta hsmoph. ................................................................... .................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. .................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ........................................................... ........................... ................................................................... .................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. .................................................................. ................................................................. .................................................. .................. ................................................................... .................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. .................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ....................................................... ...................... ................................................................... .................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. .................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ....................................................... ...................... ................................................................... .................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. .................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ....................................................... ...................... ................................................................... .................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. .................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ....................................................... ......................

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