Consolidated Questions Csqa
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CSQA Raw Question Bank
CSQA Raw Question Bank Benchmarking...................................................18 Page 163-165.................................................19 Page 166-168.................................................19 Page 175-177.................................................19 Page 198-200.................................................20 Page 204-206.................................................21 KNOWLEDGE DOMAIN – 6..........................21 PART 3 - VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION TECHNIQUES........................21 Page 234-236.................................................23 Page 240-242.................................................23 Page 243-244.................................................24 Page 260-262.................................................25 Page 263-265.................................................25 Page 269-270.................................................26 Page 274-276.................................................27 Objective Questions: -.......................................27 Page 280-282.................................................27 Page 286-288.................................................29 Page 292-294.................................................29 Page 298-300.................................................31 Quiz on Knowledge Domain – 8: Quantitative Methods.............................................................31 The two definitions of quality are:....................47 Quality means meeting requirements................47 Quality means fit for use...........................47 Of the two definitions of quality, “fit for use” is the most important definition....................47 A) TRUE...................................................47 B) FALSE................................................47 ..............................................................47 ..........................................................................47 2. Producer views quality as meeting --------------------------------------....................47 a) whether the product or service does what the customer needs........................................47 b) product has zero defects..........................47 c) producer’s requirements or specifications .......................................................................47 d) conformance to requirements ................47 ..................................................................47 ..........................................................................47 3. Quality control is defined as the processes and methods used to monitor work and observe whether ---------------------. .......47 A) requirements are met................................47 b) product quality is assured........................47 c) defects have been prevented from occurring.......................................................47 ..........................................................................47 4. Quality control focuses on.......................47 A) inspections...............................................47 b) testing.......................................................47 c) removal of defects....................................47 d) all of the above.........................................47 e) none of the above.....................................47
Table of Contents QUESTION BANK....................................1 Page 23-25.......................................................7 Key......................................................................7 Page 32-34.......................................................8 Page 38-40.......................................................8 Page 47-48.......................................................9 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS................................9 SUBJECTIVE QUESTION................................9 ANSWERS TO OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS ...10 Page 73-75.....................................................10 Page 76-78.....................................................10 Page 90-92.....................................................11 Page 96-98.....................................................11 Which is the deliberate effort to praise people for their accomplishments.......................................11 Page 105-107.................................................12 Objective...........................................................12 Page 111-113.................................................12 Questions for CSQA (Pages 111 – 113)...........12 Page 117-119.................................................13 Page 120-122.................................................14 Page 123-125.................................................14 Page 139-141.................................................15 Page 142-144.................................................15 Objective Type Questions ................................16 Page 145-147.................................................17 Checklist............................................................17 Checklist............................................................17 Quality Toolbox................................................17 Quality control to Quality Assurance to Quality consulting..........................................................17 Quality Control Department..............................17 Inspectors or Testers.........................................17 Consistency.......................................................17 What are the major activities in the ‘Intermediate’ phase of quality management maturation ?.......................................................17 How does MBNQA program defines an organization which move towards optimization? ...........................................................................17 World-Class......................................................17 What is the main identity of a World-class organization.......................................................17 Yield high customer satisfaction at minimum cost....................................................................17 What are the major activities in the ‘Final’ phase of quality management maturation ?.................18 What are the two major drivers that change the role of the QA analyst.......................................18 Authoritarian.....................................................18 Page 160-162.................................................18 Flowcharts.........................................................18
CSQA Raw Question Bank ..........................................................................47 5 Quality control is the responsibilty of the organisational unit producing the product.....47 a) true..........................................................47 b) false.........................................................47 ..........................................................................47 6 quality assurance is a function responsible for --------------------------------......................47 a) controlling quality...................................47 b) managing quality....................................47 c) inspections...............................................47 d) removal of defects...................................47 ..........................................................................47 7 quality assurance is a catalytic function which should encourage quality attitudes and discipline on the part of management and workers..........................................................47 a) true..........................................................47 b) false.........................................................47 ..........................................................................47 8 Quality control is designed primarily to detect and correct defects, while quality assurance is oriented towards preventing defects from occurring..................................48 a) true..........................................................48 b) false.........................................................48 ..........................................................................48 9 quality control should be performed by the group responsible for the ----------------........48 a) quality management................................48 b) development of the product....................48 ..........................................................................48 10 The quality manager will find it difficult to effectively implement the qai quality improvement process, unless his organisation is willing to accept the quality principles as ---------------------------...................................48 a) the organisation’s policy.........................48 b) a challenge .............................................48 c) the organisation’s objectives ..................48 d) a management philosophy......................48 ..........................................................................48 11 Acceptable quality level is to accept some level of defects as normal and acceptable, as many believe that defect free information technology products are not practical or economical....................................................48 a) true..........................................................48 b) false.........................................................48 ..........................................................................48 12 The concept of zero defects does not work, because ------------------------.........................48 a) it is a buzz word......................................48 b) workers are trated as machines and their humanity is ignored.......................................48
c) it is used as another term for commanding and forcing workers to start a camaign for which they have very little enthusiasm.........48 d) all of the above........................................48 e) none of the above....................................48 13 The control in quality control means defining.............................................................48 a) objectives of the job................................48 b) developing and carrying out a plan to meet the objectives.................................................48 c) checking to determine if the anticipated results are achieved.......................................48 d) all of the above........................................48 e) none of the above....................................48 14......................................................................48 the word management in quality assurance describes many different functions, encompassing ..............................................48 a) policy management.................................48 b) human resources management, safety control...........................................................48 c) component control and management of other resources and daily schedules..............48 d) all of the above........................................48 e) none of the above....................................48 15 The management cycle, as per the --------------------------, comprises of plan, do, check and act.................................................48 a) qai’s quality improvement model...........48 b) iso 9000...................................................48 c) sei model ................................................48 ..........................................................................48 16 according to edward deming, one of the quality principles is.......................................48 “ create ----------------------------------------------- in the company”, by innovating new approaches and putting resources into research, education and maintenance..................................................48 a) better atmosphere....................................48 b) consistency of purpose ...........................48 c) a work culture.........................................48 ..........................................................................48 17 According to edward deming, one of the quality principles is:“ eliminate ...................48 a) numerical goals.......................................48 b) slogans....................................................48 c) pictures and posters.................................48 d) all of the above........................................48 e) none of the above....................................48 18 Malcolm baldridge national quality award promotes awareness of quality as an increasingly important element in ------------------------------------...........................48 a) marketing................................................48 b) business development.............................48
CSQA Raw Question Bank c) competitiveness.......................................48 19 malcolm baldridge national quality award promotes understanding of the requirements for quality excellence..............................................48 a) true..........................................................48 b) false.........................................................48 20 malcolm baldridge award promotes sharing of ------------------------- on successful quality strategies and on the benefits derived from implementation of these strategies....................49 a) knowledge...............................................49 b) technical skills........................................49 c) measures..................................................49 d) information.............................................49 21 malcolm baldridge national quality award is an annual award to recognize u.s companies which excel in ..................................................49 a) quality achievement................................49 b) quality management................................49 c) both of the above.....................................49 22 in order to be a successful company, quality improvement programs must be led by management and must be ------------- and this may require fundamental changes in the way companies and agencies do business................49 a) customer oriented ...................................49 b) marketing oriented..................................49 c) profit oriented..........................................49 d) technology oriented................................49 23 the national quality award model is divided into seven categories: leadership, information and analysis, ----------------------------, human resource utilisation, quality assurance of products, quality results and customer satisfaction........................................................49 a) quality management................................49 b) business development.............................49 c) strategic quality planning........................49 d) market potential......................................49 24 software engineering institute’s five process maturity levels are initial, repeatable, defined, managed and optimised.....................................49 a) true..........................................................49 b) false.........................................................49 25 the repeatable process level in sei’s process model provides control over the way the organisation establishes its plans and -------------------------------------.........................49 a) process definitions..................................49 b) process measurements............................49 c) process controls.......................................49 d) commitments...........................................49 26 the key actions required to advance from the repeatable to the next stage are:........................50 a) to establish a process group....................50
b) to establish a development process architecture....................................................50 c) to introduce a family of software engineering methods and technologies.........50 d) all of the above........................................50 e) none of the above....................................50 27 with defined process in sei’s process model, organisation will achieve the foundation for major and continuing process...........................50 a) true..........................................................50 b) false.........................................................50 28 in advancing from the initial process through the repeatable and defined processes to the managed process, software organisations should expect to make substantial ------------------------------. .................................50 a) quality improvements..............................50 b) business growth......................................50 c) customer satisfaction...............................50 d) savings in development costs..................50 29 In statistical process control, statistics are used for determining whether the process is in control or not.....................................................50 a) true..........................................................50 b) false.........................................................50 30 In statistical process control, statistics are used for determining whether the process is within acceptable variance from standards.......50 a) true..........................................................50 b) false.........................................................50 31 Statistical process control help to identify the ------------------------- of process problems which are causing defects............................................50 a) root cause................................................50 b) nature......................................................50 c) person/persons involved ........................50 d) all of the above........................................50 e) none of the above....................................50 32 Statistical methods are used to differentiate random variation from --------------------------------................................50 a) standards.................................................50 b) assignable variation................................50 c) control limits...........................................50 d) specification limits ............................50 33 Random causes of process problems can be ---------------------- eliminated...........................50 a) sometimes...............................................50 b) never.......................................................50 c) rarely.......................................................50 d) always.....................................................50 34 Statistical methods are used to ---------------------------- and ------------------------problems incurred as a result of operating processes...........................................................50 a) identify, solve..........................................50
CSQA Raw Question Bank b) accumulate, analyse................................50 c) measure, probe into.................................50 d) find, project.............................................50 35 Complexity measurements are quantitative values accumulated by a pre-determined method for measuring complexity of a ------------------------------------...........................50 a) project team ............................................50 b) software engineering process..................50 c) software product......................................50 d) data base .................................................50 36 Size of information systems are measured in terms of -----------------------..............................50 a) lines of code............................................50 b) function points........................................50 c) no. Of objects/components......................50 d) all of the above........................................50 e) none of the above....................................50 37 Defects are measured in relation to ---------------------------------...............................50 a) lines of code............................................50 b) total number of defects...........................50 c) development team size............................50 d)project efforts...........................................50 38 To calculate the present value of money, information required are:..................................50 a) amount of money involved.....................50 b) number of years before the benefit is received.........................................................50 c) value of money........................................50 d) all of the above........................................50 e) none of the above...................................50 39 Pareto chart helps in identifying the few significant problems from many trivial problems. ...........................................................................51 a) true..........................................................51 b) false ........................................................51 40 The Pareto chart is more commonly known to information systems personnel as the -------rule....................................................................51 a) 50-50 ......................................................51 b) 20-80.......................................................51 c) 30-70.......................................................51 d) 40-60.......................................................51 e) 80-20.......................................................51 41 Pareto chart provides corrective actions for high frequency causes of problems...................51 a) true..........................................................51 b) false.........................................................51 42 Pareto concept is merely an ---------------------------- of the ----------------------------- of a problem by type of cause..................................................................51 a) effective method, analysis.......................51 b) accumulation, resultant effect.................51 c) organised ranking,causes .......................51
43 The steps involved in developing a pareto chart are:............................................................51 a) identify problem area..............................51 b) identify and nam,e causes of the problem .......................................................................51 c) document the occurrence of the causes of the problem...................................................51 d) rank the causes by frequency, using pareto chart...............................................................51 e) all of the above........................................51 f) none of the above ...............................51 44 Function points actually measure the amount of information processing function and hence the functionality of an application system. ...........................................................................51 a) true..........................................................51 b) false.........................................................51 45 Function points provide an objective measure of the application system -------------that can be used to compare different kinds of application systems...........................................51 a) size..........................................................51 b) complexity..............................................51 c) performance............................................51 d) operation ease.........................................51 46 Function point analysis involves:...............51 a) amount of information processing function .......................................................................51 b) system characteristics.............................51 c) degree of influence..................................51 d) all of the above........................................51 e) none of the above....................................51 47 Which of the following is not relevant in quantifying the amount of information processing function?.........................................51 a) external inquiry ......................................51 b) software platform....................................51 c) external output .......................................51 d) logical internal file .................................51 e) external input..........................................51 f) external interface file...............................51 48 Function point analysis requires information on hardware and software for the application system................................................................51 a) true..........................................................51 b) false.........................................................51 49 THE DEGREE OF INFLUENCE FOR SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS IS ASSIGNED IN A SCALE of ------------------........................51 a) 0 - 9.........................................................51 b) 0 - 4.........................................................51 c) 1 - 6.........................................................51 d) 0 - 5.........................................................51 e) 0 - 100.....................................................51 50 Function point analysis is begun................52
CSQA Raw Question Bank a) during the development of an application system............................................................52 b) at the time of implementation of the system............................................................52 c) with developing an external design or conceptual overview.....................................52 51 Service level agreement is an ongoing negotiation and improvement process to satisfy customer needs. In what manner it is to be achieved?...........................................................52 a) efficiently................................................52 b) effectively...............................................52 c) economically...........................................52 d) all of the above........................................52 e) none of the above....................................52 52 Internal service level agreement is a contract. ...........................................................................52 a) true..........................................................52 b) false.........................................................52 53 External service level agreement is a contract..............................................................52 a) true..........................................................52 b) false.........................................................52 54 Which one of the following is not a key concept of service level agreement?.................52 a) defines the services to be provided........52 b) defines the method by which the services will be measured...........................................52 c) defines obligations of both the provider and the customer of the information systems services..........................................................52 d) all of the above.......................................52 e) none of the above...................................52 3. By closing the “producer gap”........66 Objective Questions..........................................70
CSQA Raw Question Bank b) Effort required for learning, operating, preparing input, interpreting output of a program c) Effort required to couple one system with another d) Extent to which access to software or data by unauthorized persons can be controlled e) All of the above
Page 23-25 1.
The effort required for locating and fixing an error in an operational program a. Testability b. Maintainability c. Usability d. Efficiency
ANS: Maintainability 2.
The contributors to poor quality in an organization are a. Lack of involvement by management b. Lack of knowledge about quality c. Time constraints d. A and B
ANS: d 3.
Achieving quality is easy. True/False
“Accomplishing quality requires a thought revolution by management” was said by
a) b) c) d)
Ishikawa Deming Harold S.Geneen Dr. Barry W. Boehm
“Failure to enforce standards” as a contributor to poor quality belongs to which category?
a) Lack of involvement by management b) Lack of knowledge
According to a quality expert, accomplishing quality requires “a thought revolution by management”. Name the quality expert. a. Dr. W.Edwards b. Dr. Ishikawa c. Dr. Shewart d. Harold.S.Geneen
To achieve quality (i.e., defect free products and services), we require
ANS: b
Close cooperation between management and staff b) Commitment c) An environment in which quality can flourish d) All of the above
Quality is not a long-term strategy. True/False
Objective questions:
PDCA cycle is developed by
The effort required for modifying an operational program.
a) b) c) d)
Flexibility Maintainability Portability Reliability
a) b) c) d)
Deming Dr. Shewhart Ishikawa Harold S.Geneen
Briefly explain the critical success factors for an Information system.
Definition of Integrity
Extent to which a program satisfies its specs and fulfils the user’s mission and goals
Subjective questions: 1. Briefly explain any 5 commonly accepted quality attributes? 2. List some of the contributors, to poor quality in many organizations. Key 1-a; 2-d; 3-False; 4-a; 5-a; 6-d; 7-False; 8-b
CSQA Raw Question Bank understanding in form of the Business Requirements document. The customer wants your company to provide a document that is non-technical and can provide the user a feel of the new system. Your company on the other hand employs a team of technical experts with a sound functional knowledge of the business domain to complete this activity. List some QC activities that your company must follow to complete this document?
Page 32-34 1.
3. 4. 5.
Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) are both necessary to make quality happen. Of the two QA is more important than QC A. True B. False QC is a line function, performed by the same group that produces the goods A. True B. False QA is a management function A. True B. False QC is a related to the product A. True B. False QA is related to the process producing the product A. True B. False
Page 38-40 1) Quality principle ‘Appreciate those who participate’ is proposed by, a) b) c) d)
Edward Deming Joseph Juran Philip Crosby None of the above
2) Identify the essential personal characteristic of one who evaluates another’s work.
If you make the process consistent, then the product produced by the process will be consistent. This is main aim behind A. Quality Control B. Quality Assurance C. Both of the above D. Neither of the above Check for defects in product with the primary aim of correcting defects. This is A. Quality Control B. Quality Assurance C. Both of the above D. Neither of the above Check for defects in process for the primary aim of correcting or establishing new process. This is A. Quality Control B. Quality Assurance C. Both of the above D. Neither of the above
a) b) c) d)
knowledge about his goals consistency of attitude purpose all of the above
3) Which of the following does not belong to Joseph Juran’s ‘The Quality Trilogy’. a) b) c) d) e)
quality planning quality control quality assurance quality improvement none of the above
4) Scope of ‘big- Q’ is, a) coordination of various activities conducted in other functions and groups to achieve the organisation’s quality goals b) specific departmental mission c) both A and B d) none of the above
List few impediments to implementing QC and QA in your organization. 10. Your company has been contracted to implement a major IT project for a leading financial institution. Your company has completed a 6 month long requirements phase and now must document all this
5) Explain about Philip Crosby’s Quality principles
CSQA Raw Question Bank (c) System Security Specialist (d) Internal Control Specialist
6) Explain about Joseph Juran’s Quality trilogy 4.
Page 47-48
5. System Security Specialist is a post in the following function: (a) Only Policy/Oversight (b) Only Functional/Operational (c) Both the above (d) None of the above
QUESTIONS ON PAGES 47 – 48 Prepared by Praveena Emp No Pages from CBOK
J Mary
: :
115812 47 – 48
6. This individual is responsible for identifying the various alternate solutions to a problem (a) Information Resources Management Official (b) Contracting Officer (c) Internal Control Specialist (d) None of the above
The Internal Control Officer is responsible for the financial management information systems. (a) True (b) False?
The broader classification of the functions in an organizational structure are: (a) Policy/Functional particpants and Oversight/Operational particpants (b) Policy/Oversight particpants and Functional/Operational paticipants (c) Oversight/Functional particpants and Policy/Operational paticipants (d) None of the above
7. The Project Manager or COTR is responsible for (a) Seeing that a system complies with the internal control policy (b) ADP installations and operations of the angency’s programs (c) Seeing that the system is designed properly to meet the Sponsor/User’s needs (d) Developing uniform policies and procedures
The individual responsible for developing uniform policies and procedures to ensure that the agency manages its records/information and its information sources is the : (a) System Security Officer (b) Information Resources Management Official (c) Information Technology Manager (d) Project Manager/COTR
8. The responsibility of the individual to seeing that the system complies with the internal control policy at the operational level belongs to (a) Internal Control Specialist (b) Internal Control Officer (c) Information Resources Management Official (d) None of the above
The individual responsible for the development of the Agency’s computer security program is the: (a) System Security Officer (b) Internal Control Officer
CSQA Raw Question Bank 1.
If you head a new organization coming up, what are the variuos job titles, you feel, would be needed and explain their roles and responsibilities.
12. The ISO 9001:2000 standards are based on ----------- quality management principles. 13. As per ISO 9001 standards, verify the following statements. A . The top management shall demonstarate its commitment to meet customer requirements for Their products and services ( True / False ). B. The organization should determine and provide the resources needed to establish and improve quality management system( True / False ). C. The organization should ensure that all processes are operated under controlled conditions and produce outputs that are consistent with organization’s policy and objectives( True / False ) D. The organization should define and implement measurement, analysis and improvement processes as a way of demonstrating that the product/service conforms to specified requirement.( True / False ) Answers:
(b) (b) (a) (a) (b) (d) The exact answer is : Sponser/User 7. (c) 8. (a)
Page 73-75 ISO 9001:2000 Quality Model --------------------------------------
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Objective questions: 9.
As per ISO protocols, all ISO standards should be confirmed, revised or with drawn in
e) f) g) h)
Every years Every 5 years Every 10 years As required
b 20 1-4, 2-3, 3-2, 4-1 8 A-True, B-True, C-True, 4-True
Subjective questions: 1.
10. The ISO 9000:1994 family of standards contained -------------standards and documents.
Describe ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Model ? Assume that your organization is CMM certified. Do you still need to go for ISO standard quality models ? How will you implement the same in your Organization being a manager ?
11. Match the items in Tab A with Tab B. Tab A Tab B 1. ISO 9000 1. Guidelines for auditing the quality 2. ISO 9001 2. Guide to implement quality systems 3. ISO 9004 3. Describes quality models 4. ISO 10011 4. Introduction and guide to use other ISO 9000 standards
- 10 -
Page 76-78 Objective questions: 14. When was the ISO/IEC 12207 published i) 1993 j) 1994 k) 1995
CSQA Raw Question Bank l)
Ans. 1995 15. What are the two types of reviews defined in ISO/IEC 12207
leadership. d.Provide funds for training. e.All of the above (answer -e) 6.What are the changes can possible if management commitment is present in the organisation?(subjective)
Ans. Joint technical review Joint management review
Subjective questions:
7.Executive Management should develope a.quality policy b.mission d.goals e.value statement f. all of the above (answer -f)
1.Give an overview of ISO/IEC 12207 quality model 2. What are the different points of view regarding software development as defined in ISO/IEC 12207 quality model
8.As the lowest group to accept the process,middle management is the srongest link in the most quality management effort. (true/false). (answer(false).
3. m) n) o) p)
1993 1994 1995 1996
Page 90-92 Page 90 -92 1.How you can improve the quality management in the organisation? (subjective)
Page 96-98
2.Management commitment is the single most important requirement for sucessful implementation of ..................... (answer - Quality Management)
Which is the deliberate effort to praise people for their accomplishments
a) b) c) d)
3.Having management commitment does not guarantees quality management success but improves odds for successful implementation . (True/False) . (answer -True)
Coaching Modelling Reinforcement None of the above
Ans C
4.Top down implementation model(waterfall effect) is most successful model for implementing quality management. (true/false) (answer- true)
1. Which is the best source of motivation that a leader can provide to his team a) b) c) d)
5.Commiting to quality management means a.Understand the concept of quality management. b.Adopt behaviour to show quality management. c.Accept the need to change the perpective
- 11 -
Coaching Reinforcement Modeling Training
CSQA Raw Question Bank
Ans B
How many steps are to be followed for assessing the organisation’s climate
2. Employees know what is considered as praise (True/False) False
a. b. c. d.
3. Which is the first step in establishing the trust among employees in implementation of quality a) b) c) d)
5 6 4 7
Visiting other companies and understanding its quality process reduces the lead-time for identifying the quality process to be implemented in an organization. True/False Subjective type questions
Actively listening down Talking down A) or B) None of the above
Your company is part of a corporate. There are few companies in the group of companies in the corporate that has already implemented quality processes. Your company is planning to implement quality process. As a part of top management what are the procedures you would follow to implement similar quality process in your organization.
Ans A 4. Understanding comes after behavior change (True/False) False 5. Developing a program for awareness training involves a) b) c) d)
2 steps and 5 steps and 3 steps and None of the
Page 111-113
5 tasks 2 tasks 2 tasks above
Questions for CSQA (Pages 111 – 113)
1. What are the practices that need to used in IT leadership? 2. How do you prepare for an awareness training?
Objective Type Questions : 1. Which of the following is the most difficult of the decision making processes?
Page 105-107
a)Authority b)Voting c)Avoidance d)Consensus
Objective Toyota Production System is also called as a. b. c. d.
Just In Time Join In Time Single Minute Exchange of Dies None of the above
Subjective Type Questions :
- 12 -
CSQA Raw Question Bank 1.What points according to you the most important to ensure success of meetings? 2.What is a task force and what are the vital task force management principles?
f) document regarding the bad work done. g) Contract regarding what will happen afterwards h) Agreed document between the manager and the candidate i) All of the above
3.What are the important Task Force Organisation principles
18. --------------------- is rated as the number one skill for a QA ananlyst
4.Define the following: a)Vision Statement b)Goal c)Values d)Quality Policy
a) b) c) d) e) f) g)
Fill in the Blanks: 1.Task forces are _______ important for decision making than for solving problems.
Analytical skill To find out the quality related problems Quality control Constructive criticism Listening skills Hearing skills All of the above
19. How many channels exists for listening to a speaker?
2. _________ and _______ are the two important principles required for successful task force usage.
True or False:
e) f) g) h) i)
4 5 6 7 3
1.Too many members in a task for can cause organisational problems to the Leader.
5. Whether it is a must for the listener to listen to all parts of speech??? YES /NO Subjective questions:
2.More members in a task force can prevent synergy in task force.
1.What are the tactics used in constructive criticism?
3.A mission statement explains how to achieve a company’s vision.
2.Given a situation that your subordinate did not do well in his job. How will you tell him and correct him??
4.Vision statement explains why a company exists.
3. Briefly explain the channels of speech?
Page 117-119 Objective questions: 16. The objective of constructive criticism is q) to criticize some one on their bad works r) to improve his performance s) duty of the project manager 17. After criticism is made, what should be made with the candidate?
- 13 -
CSQA Raw Question Bank
Page 120-122 1.
Which of the following is discriminating listening
Page 123-125
Directed at selecting specifice pieces of information, not the entire communication. b) Complete message with minimal distortion c) To put youself in the speakers situation d) To analyse what the speaker has said. e) None of the above. 2.
Objective questions: 1.
Quality promotes turning problems into opportunities (True / False)
Customer will give up if complaints are not resolved within
Which of the following is Therapeutic listening
(a) 4 Days
a) Complete message with minimal distortion b) Directed at selecting specifice pieces of information, not the entire communication. c) To put youself in the speakers situation d) To analyse what the speaker has said. e) None of the above.
(b) 4 Months (c) 4 Seconds (d) 4 Minutes 3.
Which of the following help attening to the speaker
a) b) c) d)
Maintain eye contgact Provide continous feedback Periodically restate what was said Concentrate exclusively on the speakers communication All the above
e) 4.
Which one below is not an attribute of executive management
a) b) c) d) e)
purposeful Compentent Analytical Decisive Meaningful
Which attributes were included in establishing status when equated to IT environment.
Following is part of complaint resolution process (a) Get on your customer’s wavelength (b) Follow up with the customer (c) Establish and initiate an action program (d) All the above
Writing a successful report requires a clear understanding of both _________________ and _____________
A good report has no more than ___________ and _______________
QA report is designed to (a) Convey information
a) b) c) d)
(b) Change behavior (c) Trace problem
leadership technical skill years of experience all the above.
(d) None of the above
Subjective questions:
- 14 -
CSQA Raw Question Bank 1.
Briefly explain about Complaint resolution process?
List the tasks need to be performed to write a good report.
Reporting to IT manager
25. The quality function is normally the weakest when reporting to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a) Manager of systems/programming b) Outside of IT function c) Manager of computer operations
Page 139-141
7. Based on research from the Quality Assurance Institute the percent of quality groups reporting outside the IT function is 15%. YES /NO
Objective questions: 20. The scope of a IT Quality function includes t) u) v) w)
Supporting implementation of quality policy Reducing producer and customer gap All of the above None of the above
Subjective questions: 1.List the contents of a quality charter.
21. When the quality processes are mature with defined ,improving work processes the focus of the quality function is on j) k) l) m)
Optimization Product quality Process deployment and compliance All of the above
Page 142-144
22. Why are product inspections needed? h) i) j) k) l)
Implementing an IT Quality function:
To find out the best worker To find the worst worker To assist the worker in improving quality For objectively appraising workers All of the above
1. What are the steps involved in implementing a quality functions? 2. List the activities that are to be performed in implementing a quality function.
23. Which is the least important skill for a quality manager in the below list? j) k) l) m) n) o)
Verbal communication Project management Programming Systems knowledge Knowledge of operations Written communication
Ans. Need to list all the seven steps in pages 135/136
24. Which is the best positioning of a quality manager? a) b) c)
2.Given a situation that you have to select a manager for your organization quality function list all the desired skills you will look for in applicants?
3. How do you build support for quality? 4. What needs to accomplish support for quality?
Reporting to manager of systems/programming Reporting outside the IT function Reporting to manager of computer operations
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CSQA Raw Question Bank
Ans. Refer to page 142 under tasks helpful in building support for quality.
Objective Type Questions 1. Obtaining and sustaining support for quality is an ongoing activity TRUE/FALSE.
5. What is quality improvement program? 6. What is key for success of any quality improvement program?
Ans. Refer to page 143 last paragraph for responsibilites. There are more than five listed.
Part time staff position Full time staff position Not required at all
QA Analysts have to be trained quality functions : YES/NO
Which are following disciplines are helpful in performing the quality function : 1. 2. 3. 4.
8. List any five responsibilities of a Quality Manager.
Teach a quality vocabulary Issue a quality newsletter Staffing Meet daily on quality
In any organisation QA Analyst position will be a. b. c.
7. The size of the quality function ideally will vary with the size of the organization (True/False)
Auditing Individual engineering SPC All the above.
6. Which of the below tool help people to determine whether a process is in control or not: a. b. c. d.
9. What is a check list. Why is it used? Ans.
Which are the following tasks helpful in building support of quality : a. b. c. d.
Ans. Refer to page 143 under four principles for success of quality improvement program.
Refer to page 145
Run Chart Control Chart Pareto Chart U Chart
7. Which are following tools belong to Quality Tool Box:
Refer to page 145
a. b. c. d.
10. What is a quality tool box? List any five tools most commonly used in IT.
Brainstorming Affinity Diagram X-mR chart Pareto Chart
8. Briefly define the larger quality functions organised under a quality Manager. 9. Which are tasks helpful in building support for quality ?
- 16 -
CSQA Raw Question Bank • Frequently review the quality benchmark • Obtain and Maintain quality related certifications
10 . Describe the various training methods for QA Analysts.
Page 145-147 Knowledge Domain 5 – Quality Assurance Part 1 – Establish a Function to Promote and Manage Quality (Page 5-11(145) thru 5-13(147)) 1.
What is the most commonly used / Powerful statistical tool? Checklist
What is a simple list of questions that enables people to follow and verify processes? Checklist
___________ is a set of tools, which assists in defining, controlling and improving quality. Quality Toolbox
List the tools commonly used by QA Analysts • Brainstorming • Flow charts • Cause-and-effect diagram • Hisograms • Pareto Charts • Control charts • Scatter diagrams
How the role of QA changes as the quality function matures in an organization ? Quality control to Quality Assurance to Quality consulting
Suggest another name for Independent Testing Department Quality Control Department
Quality practitioners working in Quality control department are called _________. Inspectors or Testers
What are the major activities in the ‘Initial’ phase of quality management maturation ? • Perform Quality control activity • QA activities focuses on process definition- but not fully defines and follows the process
10. _____________ is the prerequisite to improved quality and productivity. Consistency What are the major activities in the ‘Intermediate’ phase of quality management maturation ? • Quality control becomes shared responsibility of the customer, worker and QA analyst • Process definition and improvement are emphasized and performed • Quality function and QA analyst acts as a quality consultant How does MBNQA program defines an organization which move towards optimization? World-Class
List few plans, a quality manager can use for driving and continually maturing the quality environment • Stay abreast with new quality practices • Study the change in criteria for winning the MBNQA
- 17 -
What is the main identity of a World-class organization Yield high customer satisfaction at minimum cost.
CSQA Raw Question Bank What are the major activities in the ‘Final’ phase of quality management maturation ? • Workers are assigned responsibilities for process definition, measurement and improvement • Role of QA analysts changes to performing Quality consulting to management and employees in promoting and implementing quality initiatives
d) All the above 4) Flow Charts should reference the following: a) Process owners, suppliers and Customers b) Key deliverables c) Decision points d) Interfaces e) Task and Task Sequences f) Policies, Standards, procedures and Tools g) All of the above
What are the two major drivers that change the role of the QA analyst • Management Philosophy used in the IT group • Personal belief system of managers
Benchmarking 1) The process of measuring how well a company’s products, services and practices measure against others is known as benchmarking.
11. In the ‘Initial’ phase of quality function maturation, what type of management exist? Authoritarian
2) Benchmarking can be done against partners who could be a) Internal Units b) Competitors c) “Best in class” or “best in breed” within any industry d) Any of the above
12. When quality management philosophy matures, the organization moves from hierarchical structure to _________.
Teams (that are organized and empowered to define, measure and improve processes.)
3) The objective of benchmarking is to identify performance gap and to determine a realistic improvement goal.
Page 160-162
4) List the three types of benchmarking a) Process Benchmarking b) Product Benchmarking c) Performance Benchmarking
Flowcharts 1) Flowcharts may be a: a) Simple High level process flow b) A detailed task flow c) Any mix of a and b d) All of the above
5) The defect rate of your organization is 3/ 1000 lines of code. You attend a vendor conference and there you find out that your competitor has got 2/1000 lines of code. Can you use this information to benchmark in your organization. Explain.
2) Flowcharts are useful to obtain knowledge of a process for improvement. It helps to document a process so that, inefficiencies and redundancies can be identified and reduced.
Answer: Yes. The information shows that there is a gap in my organization’s performance when compared against the industry. I would then initiate a benchmarking process that would comprise of the following phases: planning phase, analysis phase, integration phase, action phase. ( Refer to CBOK page 162 to write in brief on these phases)
3) A process map is a more detailed flowchart that depicts: a) Processes b) Relationship Between Processes c) Process Owners
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CSQA Raw Question Bank 26. The Quality Function Deployment is developed by
Page 163-165 Pages 163 – 165 1) Matris is a a) Problem Solving Technique b) Problem Identifying Technique c) Problem Cause Identifying Technique d) Ranking Technique 2) Matrix is also known as _____________ and _____________ 3) The two common types of Matrices are a) L-Type and X-Type b) X-Type and V-Type c) L-Type and T-Type d) T-Type and X-Type
x) y) z) 27.
Joseph Juran Dr Deming Dr. Yoji Akao QFD covers all special concerns of software organization and its customers with
n) o) p) q) r)
Fundamental deployments Horizontal deployments Vertical deployments All of the above None of the above
28. Information deployment handles m) Information aspects of product and services n) Hardware aspects of product and services. o) Daily activities required to satisfy customers. p) All of the above q) None of the above
4) L-Type matrix compares a) 2 sets of items b) 3 sets of items c) none of the above
29. a) b) c)
Functional deployment handles Information aspects of product and services Hardware aspects of product and services Daily activities required to satisfy customers d) All of the above r) None of the above
5) The Principal Developer of QFD (Quality Function Deployment) is a) Dr. W. Edwards Deming b) Dr. Joseph Juran c) William Scherkenbach d) Dr. Yoji Akao e) Dr. Harold S. Geneen f) None of the above
Subjective questions:
6) Quality System is an Organized approach to qaulity with ___________ , __________ and _________ 7) Comprehensive Quality Deployment includes __________ , _________ , _________ and __________
1.Describe in detail fundamental, horizontal and vertical deployments in QFD ? 2. Briefly explain the Playscript tool used in quality asssurance?
Page 175-177 1) What are the steps involved to produce LType and T-Type Matrices ? 2) Write in detail the different deployments within QFD.
1. Scatter plots are used for a. Problem solving and understanding b. Cause and effect relationships c. Test influence of one variable over the other. d. All of the above Answer - d
Page 166-168 Objective questions:
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Answer: a 2. Which of the following use Scatterplots a. Defect level vs.Skills b. Cost vs time c. change response d. Defect level vs Complexity e. All of the above Answer - a,b,d
8. Data precision is not highly required for a. Line chart b. Control chart c. Bar chart d. pie chart Answer: d 9. Which of the following chart represents data in percentage a. stem and leaf chart b. Bar chart c. Pie chart d. Line chart Answer: c
3. The following are not types of scatter plots a. Positive b. Negative c. Zero d. Non zero Answer - d
10. Stem and leaf chart is a variation of a. Line chart b. Pie chart c. Bar chart d. Control chart e. None of the above Answer: c
4. Which of the following are graphical presentation tools. a. Table b. Pie chart c. Scatter plot d. Bar chart e. None of the above Answer - a,b,d
11. It is practical to use stem and leaf charts when absolute no of values is a. High(More than 100) b. Low (Usually 100 or less) c. Zero d. None of the above Answer: b
5. Which of the following charts show direction of events a. Bar chart b. Run chart c. Line chart d. Table Answer: c 6. Line charts can be used for the following: a. Like units b. Like periods c. Like variables d. Related or fixed variables. Answer: a,b,d
Page 198-200 \Explain
various testing stages in a structured s/w development process?. Explain the benefits of Independent testing?. What is Statis and Dynamic testing?. Explain briefly with few examples.?
7. The following are 2D charts: a. Bar charts b. Line chart c. Run chart d. Control chart - 20 -
CSQA Raw Question Bank
What are the responsibilities of a Test engineers?. What are the responsibilities of a Test managers?.
“Validate that system meets the needs of the business” is (a) Unit testing (b) Integration testing (c) System testing (d) Acceptance testing (e) Independent testing 6.
Page 204-206
Verification is a (a) Static Analysis (b) Dynamic Analysis (c) None of the above
Validation is a (a) Static Analysis (b) Dynamic Analysis (c) None of the above
Testing performed by organizations other than the developer is (a) Unit testing (b) Integration testing (c) System testing (d) Acceptance testing (e) Independent testing
“Validate that the functions meet stated requirements” is (a) Unit testing (b) Integration testing (c) System testing (d) Acceptance testing (e) Independent testing
“Validate that all units work together according to the system design” is (a) Unit testing (b) Integration testing (c) System testing (d) Acceptance testing (e) Independent testing
- 21 -
“Incremental testing” means (a) White Box testing (b) Black Box testing (c) Top-down testing (d) Regression testing (e) Independent testing
CSQA Raw Question Bank
“Data driven testing may be called as (a) White Box testing (b) Black Box testing (c) Regression testing (d) Independent testing
9. “Incremental testing” means (f) White Box testing (g) Black Box testing (h)Top-down testing (i) Regression testing (j) Independent testing Logic driven testing may be called as (k) White Box testing (l) Black Box testing (m) Top-down testing (n)Regression testing (o) Independent testing 10.
Verification should be performed for (a) requirements (b) design (c) code construction (d) operation / maintenance (e) all of the above
Validation is mostly used to determine the _______ of the final software / program (a) Correctness (b) Completeness (c) Consistency (d) Quality
Verification is mostly used to determine the _________ (effectiveness / completeness) of the software
For small programs, verification is the process of
- 22 -
determining the correspondence between a program and its specifications True / False 15.
Verification techniques are (a) Program testing (b) Static analysis (c) Dynamic analysis (d) B & c only (e) All of the above
CSQA Raw Question Bank
What is the difference between verification and validation? • Verification: The process of confirming that interim deliverables have been developed according to their inputs, process specifications, and standards. Validation: The end product meets requirements and expectations under defined operating conditions. The end product is typically an executable code •
• Thread test technique • Regression testing
Page 234-236 Pages 234 - 236 Questions : Subjective Type 1.What are the considerations to be taken into account for developing testing tactics. 2.Write down Characteristics and Test Tactics for Different Project Types. 3.How many software system types are there? Mention those different software system types.
What are the various verification techniques? • Feasibility reviews • Requirement reviews • Design reviews • Code walkthroughs • Code inspections(Fahan) or structured walkthroughs(Your don) • Requirement tracing What are the various validation techniques? • White box • Black box • Incremental testing
- 23 -
Page 240-242 Objective Questions. 1. As part of configuration management, small changes need not be documented and controlled. a. True. b. False. 2. Someone independent of the team that designed the change should be involved in testing the final revised program. a. True. b. False. 3. The primary goal of defect management. a. Defect correction. b. Defect prevention. c. Defect reduction.
CSQA Raw Question Bank
d. All of the above.
Page 243-244
4. The defect management, unlike the entire s/w development process need not be risk driven. a. True. b. False.
Pages 243-244 1) How many steps will be there in simple Defect Tracking Process (DTP).
5. The general principles of recording management includes, a. Preventing defects. b. Capture and analysis of information should be automated. c. Should focus on the person who caused the defect. d. Defect information should be used to improve process. 6. The main purpose of recording defects are, a. To ensure the defect is corrected. b. To gather statistics used to develop defect expectations in future applications. c. To go for continuous improvement. d. All of the above.
a) b) c) d)
2 3 4 Just one
2) From the following what are the steps in DTP. a) b) c) d)
Execute test and log any discrepancies Draw Fish bone diagram Assign defect to a developer Do causal analysis
3) What are the recommended levels to ‘Prioritize the correction’ a) b) c) d)
Critical Major Minor Oversight or inadequate self review
4) Test reports issued periodically include ----------- by severity or priority
7. Severity of defects should be assigned subjectively, whereas priority should be assigned objectively. a. True. b. False.
a) b) c) d)
Summary of all the defects found Summary of all closed defects Summary of all open defects None of the above
5) Test reports are issued to a) b) c) d)
Subjective Questions. 1. You are in the process of selecting a tool for defects tracking. Include all the fields that you feel should be present at the minimum in the defect log.
Team alone Team and Management Management alone None of the above
6) Test reports are issued a)
Periodically throughout the testing process b) At the end of testing process c) Once in a month d) Once in the lifetime of a project 7) Defects can also be used for Process Improvement
- 24 -
CSQA Raw Question Bank 8) Standards convert intentions into specific rules ( true / false )
True / False 8) Today many organizations use defects for Process Improvement True / False
9) Standards must be, f) g) h) i) j)
9) Based on research team findings, using defects for Process Improvement should include the following a)
Go back to the person who did coding b) Go back to the process that originated the defect to understand what caused the defect c) Go to the other project to know how they dealt with that problem d) Go back to the verification and validation process, which should have caught them earlier
measurable attainable necessary nice to have all the above
10) Each unit of data information referenced in the requirements specification must be described in the data dictionary ( true / false ) 11) Which of the following determines standards a) b) c) d)
10) Human factors dimension alone can have a very large impact on the effectiveness of the review process
customer requirements internal requirements cost and schedule requirements all the above
12) which of the following is true
a) procedures are not always required and unless critical, should be minimised b) skill set and knowledge requirements are prerequisites for performing the procedure c) if the procedures are followed ALWAYS standards will be automatically met d) none of the above
Answers 1: C 2: A and C 3:A, B and C 4: C 5:B 6:A 7:True 8: False 9: B and D 10:True
13) Controls should be designed based on the criticality of the process and what needs to be checked ( true / false ) 14) Quality control procedures are a) b) c) d)
Page 260-262
preventive costs appraisal costs failure costs none of the above
7) Standard states, e) what must happen to meet the intent of the policy f) how to meet the requirements g) both A and B h) None of the above
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Page 263-265
CSQA Raw Question Bank
15) Which are not a main category of control method i) j) k) l) m) n)
automatic self-checking peer reviews supervisory third party none of the above
16) Measurement provides quantitative feedback to an organisation about whether it is achieving its goals and moving towards its results ( true / false )
2. What are the various tools that can be used to baseline the process inputs and outputs ? 3. If the control limits are within the specification limits, the process is capable of satisfying the customer. True/False. 4. What needs to be done if the control limits are not within the specification limits ? 5. Name a few tools that help in change of process location and reduction in variations. IMPROVE THE PROCESS
17) The purpose of process improvement is
1. Name the steps involved in improving a process.
a) to change the process b) to reduce the frequency of defects including process ineffectiveness c) both a and b d) none of the above
Brainstorm for improvement
18) Process improvement uses facts(measurement results) to identify the root causes of problems ( true / false ) 19) The long range objective for process improvement is to
1. What kind of information should be reviewed during the brainstorming session ? Plan how to test proposed improvements 1. A _________ is created in this step. 2. What kind of information is present in the process improvement plan ? 3. Does the process improvement plan need approval ? If yes, who approves it ?
a) eliminate the need for quality assurance activities b) eliminate the need for quality control activities c) both a and b d) none of the above
Analyse results 1. Does the process improvement plan get reviewed ? 2. When and who reviews this plan ? 3. What are the tools used to analyse the results ?
Page 269-270
1. What are the various tools that help to compare results ? 2. With what are the results compared against ? 3. What can be deduced from the comparison reports ?
Assess the Process 1. Why should the measurement system, used to assess the process, be evaluated ?
Change process or redo steps 4-8
- 26 -
CSQA Raw Question Bank Ratio data has absolute zero and meaningful ratios can be calculated. 11) For what are the measurement dashboards or key indicators used for? Measurement dashboards or key indicators are used to monitor progress and to initiate change. 12)Before approving for use, what are the tests that the measures and metrics has to undergo? 1) Reliability – Refers to the consistency of measurement 2) Validity – indicates the degree to which a measure actually measures 3) Ease of Use and Simplicity 4) Timeliness – Refers whether the information can be reported in sufficient time to impact the decisions needed to manage effectively 5) Calibration - indicates the modification of a measurement so it becomes more valid
1. When can the change recommended in the process improvement plan be implemented ?
Page 274-276
Question Bank for pages 274-276: Knowledge Domain 8 – Quantitative Methods. Part 1 – Measurement Concepts. Objective Questions: 1) Measure is the basic building block for measurement program. 2) Metrics is a derived unit of measurement 3) What are the two types of measurement? Objective and Subjective Measurement 4) Objective measurement uses hard data that can be obtained by counting, weighing etc. 5) Subjective measurement is normally observed or perceived 6) What is Nominal data? Nominal data cannot be subjected to arithmetic operations of any type and the values cannot be ranked in any natural order. 7) What is Ordinal data? Ordinal data can be ranked, but differences or ratios between values are not meaningful. 8) What is interval data? Interval data can be ranked and can exhibit meaningful differences between values 9) Give an example for interval data? T.J. McCabe’s complexity metric is an example for interval data. 10)What is Ratio Data?
13)How to know a measurement is good? The measures and the resulting metrics should be 1) simple and precisely definable 2) Objective 3) Easily Obtainable at reasonable cost 4) Valid, measuring what they are intended to measure 5) Robust, being relatively insensitive to intuitively small changes in the process or product
Page 280-282 1) Give 2 examples of metrics for complexity measurement s? a) Cyclomatic complexity b) Knots 2) Explain cyclomatic complexity
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CSQA Raw Question Bank a)
Given any computer program, draw its control flow graph, G, where each node corresponds to a block of sequential code and each edge corresponds to a branch or decision point in the program. The Cyclomatic complexity of such a graph can be computed by a simple formula from graph theory, as V (G)=en+2, where e is the number of edges, and n is the no. of nodes in the graph.
time to failure (MTTF) and mean time between failures (MTBF). 8) How is maintainability measured? a) Bill Curtis and others investigated the ability of Halstead’s effort metric E, and v (G) to predict the psychological complexity of s/w maintenance tasks. Assuming such predictions could be made accurately, complexity metrics could then be profitably used to reduce the cost of s/w maintenance. A carefully detailed experiment indicated that s/w complexity metrics could effectively explain or predict the maintainability of s/w in a distributed computer system.
3) Explain Knots a) This is calculated by drawing the program control flow graph with a node for every statement or block of sequential statements. A knot is defined as a necessary crossing of directional lines in the graph. The same phenomenon can be observed by drawing transfer-of-control lines from statement to statement in a program listing.
9) How can a process be measured? a) A process can be measured by either of the following i) Attributes of the process, such as (1) overall development time, (2) type of methodology used, or (3) the average level of experience of the development staff. ii) Accumulating product measures into a metric so that meaningful information about the process can be provided. These could be (1) Function points peer person month to measure productivity (2) LOC per person month to measure productivity (3) Number of failures per month to measure effectiveness of computer operations (4) Number of helpdesk calls per KLOC to measure effectiveness of system design method
4) A knot is A knot is defined as a necessary crossing of directional lines in the graph. 5) The quality characteristics for software that have received considerable attention are correctness, reliability and maintenance. 6) Give the main and alternative measures for measuring correctness a)
Main – Defect counts (number of defects in a product) b) Alternatives – i) Number of design changes ii) Number of errors detected by code inspectors iii) Number of errors detected in program tests iv) Number of code changes required
10) Give the standard s/w process metrics currently available: a) Number of deliverables completed on time b) Estimated costs Vs actual costs c) Budgeted costs Vs actual costs d) Time spent fixing errors e) Wait time f) Number of contract modifications g) Number of proposals submitted Vs proposals won h) Percentage of time spent performing value added tasks
7) How is reliability measured? a) It would be useful to know the probability of s/w failure, or the rate at which s/w errors will occur. But this can only be estimated from data collected in s/w defects as a function of time. If certain assumptions are made, this data can be used to model and compute s/w reliability metrics. These metrics attempt to indicate and predict the probability of failure during a particular time interval, or the mean
- 28 -
CSQA Raw Question Bank 11) Common causes are causes of variation that can be controlled by improving work processes.
Value based
4) The PMBOK stands for? Project Management Body of Knowledge
12) Special causes are causes of variation that must be controlled outside the process. 13) Statistical tools are the only methods available to objectively quantify variation. 14) Specify the common causes of variation a) Process inputs and conditions that regullarly contribute to the variability of process outputs b) Common causes contribute to output variability as they themselves vary c) Each common cause typically contributes a small portion to the total variation in process outputs d) The aggregate variability due to common causes has a ‘nonsystematic’, random looking appearance e) Because common causes are ‘regular contributors’, the ‘process’ or ‘system’ variability is defined in terms of them.
Page 286-288 1) How many Componnets are in Risk and name all of those Componnets? Three componnets - The event that could occur – the risk - The probability that the event will occur – the likelihood - The impact or consequence of the event if it occurs – the penalty
5) How many processes are there to address risk management as per PMBOK? Four processes - Risk Identification - Risk Qualification - Risk Response Development - Risk Response Control 6) How many processes will address the discussion of risk management and what are they and map those with PMBOK processes? Six processes - Risk Identification a) Risk Identification - Risk Quantification b) Risk Analysis c) Risk Priorotization - Risk Response Development d) Risk response planning - Risk Response Control e) Risk Resolution f) Risk monitoring 7) External risks can be controlled or influenced by the project team -----------TRUE/FALSE FALSE 7) Which of the following document will be required as a source of input when considering a list of possible risks? a) Product documentation b) Project documentation c) Historical Information d) All of the above
2) Risks can be categorized as one of the following: - Technical - Programmatic or performance - Supportability or environment - Cost - Schedule
Ans: D
3) How many Characteristics does Risk has and what are they? Five Characteristics - Situational - Time based - Interdependent - Magnitude dependent
Page 292-294 Objective questions.
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CSQA Raw Question Bank
1. In a traditional waterfall methodology, most risk management activity occurs close to milestone. True/false
b. Minimizing the value of impact c. Deflecting the risk elsewhere d. All of the above e. None of the above
2. In a spiral development model the risk management activity falls in the explicit risk management portion. True/false 3. Risk management is an independent auditing process. True/False
Subjective question.
4. Risk should be the sole responsibility of project manager. True/False 5. Within many software development organizations risk management remains ad hoc and _____________.
1. Your IT organisation need to integrate new technology. As a QA analyst what are the roles and responsibilities you need to perform to ensure that the integration is effective without compromising quality.
6. Testing strategies is included in sort term risk management. True/False
2. Build a checklist on how you are going to monitor the riks in your project.
7. Who should be involved in determining risk management
Answer of objective questions.
a. b. c. d. e.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Customer Management Development team All of the above None of the above
8. Mitigating the risk by a. Minimizing the probability of occurrence
- 30 -
True True False False Incomplete True d d
CSQA Raw Question Bank
Page 298-300
Ans: True
Quiz on Knowledge Domain – 8: Quantitative Methods
6. What is risk? Ans: Risk is the opportunity for something to go wrong.
1. A measurement program is defined as the ---------------------------------------Ans: Entire set of activities that occur around quantitative data.
7. How do we Manage and control process? Ans: Measure Size by metric/measure LOC, Boxes, procedures, and units of output to answer how much we have made/left to make
2. Mature organization use quantitative data to determine a. b. c. d. e. f. g.
Requirements are complete To prevent problems Budget Schedule and project status a&b c&d All of the above
Measure Status by, metric/measure Earned value, amount of scheduled work, % of each activity completed. Measure Effort (hours spent for each phase of SDLC) to answer how much effort has been expended
Ans: e 3. Immature organization use quantitative data to determine a. b. c. d. e. f. g.
Measure Schedule (calender times of activity completed)
Requirements are complete To prevent problems Budget Schedule and project status a&b c&d All of the above
8. How do we manage control and product? Ans: Measure Quality by no.of defects, Mean time to failure (MTTF) Mean time to repair (MTTR) Measure Performance by technical performance, measures specified by customer and management.
Ans: f 4. What are four major uses of Measurement? Ans: 1.Manage and control the process 2. Manage and control the product (review and testing) 3. Improve the process (quantitative data gathered during process execution can identify the weaknesses and therefore opportunities for improvement) 4. Manage the risks
9. How do we improve the process? Ans: Identify the current performance, find how cost-efficient is the process. By measuring Time and effort. 10. How do we manage risks?
5. Same software development process may be followed to produce two different applications True /False
- 31 -
Ans: Identify the risks, its frequency, probability of risks occurring and impact of each risk if it occurs derive risk management plan.
CSQA Raw Question Bank value and time frame, as it is much easier to identify measure for each. 11. What are the four phases in installing a measurement program? Ans: the measurement base 2.Manage towards results 3. Manage by process 4. Management by fact 12. What are the key points in first phase? Ans: Define the objectives for the measurement program 2. Create an environment receptive to measurement (establish SLA between IT and users, establish quality measurement environment)
Identify current baseline
Select a measure or metric for each result. Should be only 3 to 5 but not greater than 7
Consider tradeoff between the results. For example consider the desired result Complete on time might affect Easy-to-read documentation.
e. Based on baseline and desired result, determine a goal for each result metric. (Bench marking tool is best for this).
3. Define the measurement hierarchy Three levels of quantitative data are mapped to 3-level organization tier. a. Metrics – used by Line management such as variance between actual and budgeted cost, user satisfaction, defects rates per LOC. b. Measures – Staff management uses basic measures such as product size, cycle time or defect count. c. Strategic results – Senior management uses strategic results dashboard to manage the IT function and track to mission, vision and goals. 4. Define the standard units of measurement. 13. What do we mean by manage towards results? Ans: a. Identify goals for desired business results b. Means for measuring each business result 14. What are the five steps in manage towards results phase? Ans: a. Identify desired business results. If each has subject, action, target
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CSQA Raw Question Bank
Objective-Paper-1 1.
To ensure effectiveness of checklists, checklists should have only yes and no responses. a. b.
c. d.
Testing of the system to demonstrate system compliance with user requirements is
Black box testing System testing Independent testing Acceptance Testing
True False
- 33 -
Yes No
The results of peer reviews should be presented to a. b. c.
To divide & conquer while testing requires
Preventive Cost Appraisal Cost Failure Cost
It is advisable to have a separate department for reviews & testing. a. b.
A complete validation of a program can be obtained only by testing for every element of the domain.
True False
Creation of help desk is a a. b. c.
Planning stage Requirement Analysis Design Construction
Requirement Analysis User Interface Development Functional Development Machine Performance Evaluation Application Development
A program whose purpose is to reduce the number of defects produced is known as a Quality Improvement Program. a. b.
Controlling the release of items through the life cycle Evaluating & scheduling changes to configurable items Recording & reporting the status of config. items Verifying the completeness of configurable items
Which is not an objective of prototyping a. b. c. d. e.
The first stage in the software life cycle where test data is generated is
a. b. 7.
Stubs Manual simulation Instrumentation Coverage metrics All of the above None of the above
Configuration management is not the process of a.
a product a service a process all of the above none of the above
a. It is an agreement between the producer & the customer of the product b. It can be an oral / written agreement c. It defines the method of measurement of services d. All of the above e. None of the above
a. b. c. d. 6.
The characters of a service level are
a. b. c. d. 5.
True False
Quality is an attribute of a. b. c. d. e.
a. b. c. d. e. f.
Author of the product & supervisor QA function & the supervisor Author & QA function
CSQA Raw Question Bank 14.
To ensure a Quality product requirements must be measurable. a. b.
c. 17.
Deffiant attitude of workers Lack of awareness / training on the new technology / process No direct benefits/incentives on change over
QC activity QA activity
Doing it right the first time After - the - fact defect removal QC during development
For locating errors which span modules it is more effective to do Reviews Testing
Which is not an objective of testing a. b. c. d.
Determine whether system meets specifications Determine whether system meets needs Provide insight into SDP Aid in appraisal of developing TMs
- 34 -
Unit testing Integration testing Functional testing System testing Acceptance testing
A step - by - step procedure on the action in testing & verifying of results is called a a. b. c. d. e.
Deviation from specification Deviation from a standard Anything that causes customer dissatisfaction All of the above None of the above
___________ Testing focuses on evaluating the interaction among units. a. b. c. d. e.
Which is the most important practical & economical way of meeting customers needs.
a. b. 21.
a. Enhancements b. Size c. Complexity d. Rework Selection of tools is a
a. b. c. 20.
True False
Measures that can be use to measure Quality include
a. b. 19.
d. e.
Resistance to change is normally because of a. b.
A defect is a a. b. c.
True False
QC is a managerial function desgned primarily to detect & correct defects. a. b.
Test case Test script Test condition Testing tool Test log
You cannot control what you cannot a. b. c. d.
Measure Define Change Improve
CSQA Raw Question Bank e. 26.
Which of the following is not a defect metric a. b. c. d. e. f.
RWI Causal Analysis SPC Defect Prevention
True False
The basis upon which adherence to policies is measured is a a. b. c. d. e. f.
Location Cause Time to fix Classification Coverage All of the above
Quality improvement programs may require the product itself to be changed. a. b.
33. The focus on the product is highest during a. a walkthrough b. a checkpoint review c. an inspection
As a QC professional you will be doing a. b. c. d.
Standard Requirement Expected result Value All of the above None of the above
Which of the following does not form a part of a workbench. a. b. c. d. e.
None of the above
Standards Quality attributes Quality control Procedures Rework
31. During an inspection, inspectors normally make suggestions on correcting the defects found. a. True b. False 32. Why does it help to visit other companies to identify effective Quality practices? a. Reuse organisational learning b. Continually benchmark c. Interact with other Quality professionals d. All of the above
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CSQA Raw Question Bank b. c. d.
34. Given the following costs: Requirements analysis - $ 1000 Rework - $ 700 Code review - $ 500 Review of User Documents - $ 600 Continuing Edn. Progrms. - $ 800 Design - $ 400
System size Total run time MTBF
41. The Quality manager will find it difficult to effectiviely implement the QAI Quality Improvement Process, unless his organisation is willing to accept the Quality principles as a a. the organisation’s policy b. a challenge c. the corporate vision d. the organisation’s goal e. a management philosophy f. all of the above
The cost of Quality is a. $1400 b. $1900 c. $2400 d. $2600 e. $4000
42. Pareto chart provides corrective action for high-frequency causes of problems a. True b. False
35. Verification ensures that the executable system performs as specified a. True b. False 36. When viewing product /service Quality from the customer’s view, a feature added by the producer, that was not included in the product specifications / requirements would be called: a. an enhancement b. a defect c. an unspecified need identified by the builder of the product / service d. a correction e. none of the above 37. Prevention is a more effective means of improving Quality than appraisal a. True b. False 38. There are --------- no. of function types a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 e. 6
43. Function Points a. provide a measure of the system size b. can be used to compare different kinds of application systems c. together with past data can be used to estimate future effort d. all of the above e. none of the above 44. Restructuring or modifying existing software system to take advantage of newer hardware and software technologies or to introduce efficiencies, or to improve maintainability is called a. enhancements to the software b. perfective maintenance c. re-engineering of the software d. none of the above 45. Who is normally responsible for initiating the suggestion-day program? a. DP manager b. Group moderator c. Any one of the above d. None of the above
39. The purpose of constructive criticism is to improve a. productivity b. profitability c. the HR climate d. creativity
46. The fundamental mistakes that impede an individual from becoming a leader are: a. Isolation b. Inability to reward c. Lack of business perspective d. All of the above
40. The usual denominator in a reliability metric is a. Development time
- 36 -
47. “Training will be imparted to all employees” . This statement is a
CSQA Raw Question Bank a. b. c. d.
Vision Goal Principle Value
48. A form used to record the discrepancies found during QC activities is a a. Checksheet b. Review report c. Test log d. Defect log e. None of the above 49. The step-by-step method to ensure that standards are met is a a. Procedure b. Checklist c. Process d. Checksheet 50. An activity that verifies compliance with policies and procedures and ensures that resources are conserved is a. an inspection b. an audit c. a review d. an assessment
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CSQA Raw Question Bank to a decision circumstances is
Objective-Paper-2 1.
TQM means quality of management rather than management of quality TRUE/FALSE
Baselines measure ______________________ change. a) Situation prior to b) Expectation of benefits of c) Effects of d) Desirability of e) None of the above
the 9.
Malcolm Baldridge award was named by a public law after Malcolm Baldridge who was the secretary of Defense TRUE/FALSE
Modifying existing standards to better match the need of a project or environment is a) b) c) d) e)
Definition Standard for a standard Tailoring Customization None of the above
Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award has the following eligibility categories a) b) c) d) e) f)
Approach Deployment Results All of the above Manufacturing, Service businesses None of the above
Quality experience indicates that about 40 percent of all defects are directly attributable to incorrect or ineffective processes TRUE/FALSE
The process of helping the progress of some event or activity is a) b) c) d) e)
a) b) c) d) e)
Negotiation Conflict Resolution Facilitation Influencing None of the above
The ability to apply beliefs, standards, guidelines, policies, procedures and values
- 38 -
Recognition Motivation Judgement All of the above None of the above
“Kanban” means creating a visible record and is a “push” system TRUE/FALSE
10. “Testing will exercise 90% of the code”. Is it a a) Vision b) Standard c) Policy d) Goal e) Value f) Non of the above 11. “The organization will foster an atmosphere of creativity”. Is it a … a) Vision b) Mission c) Policy d) Goal e) Value f) None of the above 12. The following is problem identification tool a) Flow Chart b) Histogram c) Scatter Diagram d) Force Field Analysis e) None of the above 13. The following is a problem analysis tool a) Pareto Chart b) Histogram c) Force Field Analysis d) All of the above e) None of the above 14. When you need to identify and explore and display the possible causes of a specific problem or condition, you use, a) Control Charts b) Histogram c) Scatter Diagram d) Ishikawa Diagram e) None of the above
CSQA Raw Question Bank 15. Quality Assurance personnel must involved in changing work products TRUE/FALSE
16. The term “benchmarking” means a) Comparing with past data from your organization b) Comparing with the results of a market survey c) Comparing with the results of a customer survey d) None of the above 17.
Employee awareness training courses are based on the fact that understanding follows behavior change TRUE/FALSE
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CSQA Raw Question Bank a) Making large improvements, in a few 18. An example of deployment of a quality approach is: a) The degree to which the approach embodies effective evaluation cycles b) The appropriate and effective application to all product and service characteristics c) The effectiveness of the use of tools, techniques, and methods d) The contribution of outcomes and effects to quality improvement e) The significance of improvement to the company’s business 19. The concept of continuous improvement as applied to quality means a) Employees will continue to get better b) Processes will be improved by a lot of small improvements c) Processes will be improved through a few large improvements d) Improved technology will be added to the process, such as acquiring CASE tools e) The functionality of the products will be enhanced 20. The reason(s) that one person hears what another person says is: a) People are too impatient to listen b) People are preparing what they will say next rather than listening c) External stimuli breaks the train of thought in listening d) All of the above e) None of the above 21. Function Point is a measure of a) Effort b) complexity c) usability d) size e) None of the above 22. Cost of Quality includes a) Preventive costs b) Corrective costs c) Appraisal costs d) All of the above e) None of the above 23. You can improve the Quality of a process by
- 40 -
areas b) Making small improvements, in many areas c) Implementing tools, techniques and methodologies d) Spreading awareness about Quality 24. As a Quality Assurance professional, which of the following skills do you feel is the most important for your profession a) Communication, written and oral b) Measurement c) Tools, techniques and methodologies d) Combination of any of the above two e) None of the above 25. 80-20 rule implies, a) 20% of frequencies are due to 80% of the Causes b) 20% to 80% of problems are caused by process changes c) 80% of the frequencies are due to 20% of the Cause d) 80% of the processes need to be changed atleast 20% of the time
CSQA Raw Question Bank
26. The purpose of Risk Management in a project is to a) Eliminate Risks b) Minimize Risks c) Avoid risks d) Anticipate the risks involved, analyze them and plan for suitable action as and when the risk happens 27. ‘Championing Quality’ is the job of a) Senior Management b) Junior Management c) QA Manager d) None of the above 28. The first thing required for Quality to happen is a) Commitment from the Quality Assurance Manager b) Mature understanding by all the employees c) Commitment from Management d) Quality Policy 29. Which, of the four given below, is not one of DR Edward Deming’s 14 Quality Principles? a) Give adequate training b) Have a number of numerical goals set c) Work as one team. (Sink differences) d) Senior Management must push all other points constantly and consistently 30. According to Dr. Ishikawa, the term ‘Strive for Zero Defects’ helps the staff to achieve it. TRUE/FALSE 31. The activity which includes confirming understanding, brainstorming and testing ideas is a : a) Code walkthru b) Inspection c) Review d) Structured walkthru 32. The following is problem identification tool a) Flow Chart b) Histogram c) Scatter Diagram d) Force Field Analysis e) None of the above
- 41 -
33. The following can be considered to measure quality : a) Customer satisfaction b) Defects c) Rework d) All of the above e) None of the above 34. If a company establishes its plan and commitment to quality, it has a level of : a) Initial b) Repeatable c) Defined d) Managed 35. The statement of an organization's commitment to quality is a: a) Policy b) Vision c) Mission d) Principle e) Goal 36. The most common reason for the presence of a large number of bugs in a software product is, a) Incompetence of the developer b) Incompetence of the tester c) Bad requirements d) Wrong use of tools and techniques 37.
What type of control is a job accounting log? a) Corrective b) Preventive c) Detective d) Protective e) None of the above
38. The term ‘defect’ is related to the term ‘fault’ because a defect is a fault which has not yet been identified. TRUE / FALSE 39. On a random basis application systems are audited after implementation to determine whether or not the system met standards. This is an example of a) Detective control b) Quality control c) Quality Assurance d) Corrective control e) None of the above
CSQA Raw Question Bank 40. The following is (are) not part of a data center operations a) Capacity planning b) I/O control c) Scheduling d) All of the above e) None of the above 41. The process of securing future processing capability with proper data for future contingencies by duplicating systems procedures and data is a) providing a Help Desk b) Database Design c) Artificial Intelligence d) System Backup e) All of the above f) None of the above 42. The activities performed to increase the functionality of a current production system to better service the changing business needs is a) Development b) Maintenance c) Reengineering d) Enhancement e) None of the above 43. To tap ideas from an entire group we may use a) Nominal Group technique b) Check sheets c) Pareto chart d) Brainstorming e) None of the above 44.
Level 3 of the SEI CMM is the _________________________ level a) Managed b) Measured c) Defined d) Optimizing
45. Control Limits are Specifications Limits TRUE / FALSE
46. The objective of TQM is a) To improve processes b) To improve profitability c) All of the above d) None of the above 47. System Test Plan will not include a) Approach b) Pass/Fail criteria
- 42 -
c) Risks d) Suspension and Resumption criteria e) None of the above 48. The two types of checklists _______________ ________________________
are and
49. Internal System Controls are used to ensure a) Data integrity b) Process Integrity c) Financial Integrity d) All of the above e) None of the above 50.
As the IT Director, you buy a new productivity improvement tool, train the users, do the set up, provide support, helpdesk and even give access to your personal phone. However, after 6 months you find that no one is using the tool. What went wrong? (write only the most important reason) ________________________
CSQA Raw Question Bank e)
Objective-Paper-3 51. One of the purposes of the MBNQ Award Program is not to publicize successful quality strategies. a) True b) False 52. Baselines measure ______________________ change. f) Situation prior to g) Expectation of benefits of h) Effects of i) Desirability of j) None of the above
53. Malcolm Baldridge award was named by a public law after Malcolm Baldridge who was the secretary of Commerce a) True b) False 54. Pareto analysis is designed to rank items by frequency. a) True b) False 55. Modifying existing standards to better match the need of a project or environment is f) Definition g) Standard for a standard h) Tailoring i) Customization j) None of the above 56. Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award has the following dimensions g) Approach h) Deployment i) Results j) All of the above k) Manufacturing, Service and small businesses l) None of the above 57. Six sigma quality, when expressed as defects per million parts represents: a) 6667 defects per million b) 3444 defects per million parts c) 687 defects per million parts d) 233 defects per million parts e) 3.4 defects per million parts f) None of the above 58. The following is not a category in MBNQA criteria a) Leadership b) HR Focus c) Quality Management d) Information and Analysis
- 43 -
None of the above
59. An optimizing organization is a perfect organization. They make no mistakes a) True b) False 60. A Level 4 organization has a f) Defined Process g) Repeatable Process h) Managed Process i) Optimizing Process j) None of the above 61. Quality experience indicates that about 80% of all defects are directly attributable to f) Lack of skills g) Persons in the team h) Incorrect/Ineffective Processes i) None of the above 62. The following are types of listening are a) Descriptive listening b) Compensation listening c) Apprehensive listening d) All of the above e) None of the above 63. Complaints must be resolved within (a) An hour (b) four minutes (c) a day (d) four hours (e) None of the above 64. The process of helping the progress of some event or activity is (a) Negotiation (b) Conflict Resolution (c) Facilitation (d) Influencing (e) None of the above 65. Developing and asking questions for the purpose of collecting oral data to be used in an analysis or evaluation is (a) Effective listening (b) Interviewing (c) Negotiation (d) None of the above 66.
An example of deployment of a quality approach is (a) The degree to which the approach embodies effective evaluation/improvement cycles (b) The appropriate and effective application to all product and service characteristics
CSQA Raw Question Bank (c) The effectiveness of the use of tools, techniques and methods (d) The contribution of outcomes and effects to quality improvement (e) The significance of improvement to the company's business 67. “Kanban” means creating a visible record and is a “pull” system a) True b)False 68. The concept of continuous improvement as applied to quality means a) Employees will continue to get better b) Processes will be improved by a lot of small improvements c) Processes will be improved through a few large improvements d) Improved technology will be added to the process, such as acquiring case tools e) The functionality of the product will be enhanced 69. The purpose of cost-of -quality computations is to show how much is being spent for the quality control and quality assurance program a) True b) False 70. Management must a) Mange By Objective (MBO) b) Manage By Power (MBP) c) Manage By Objection (MBO) d) Manage By People (MBP) e) All of the above f) None of the above 71. Customer satisfaction is a a) Tactical measurement b) Strategic measurement c) Operational measurement d) All of the above
75. The statement of an enterprise's commitment to quality is its g) Vision h) Mission i) Quality Policy j) Goal k) Value l) None of the above 76. The following is problem identification tool f) Flow Chart g) Histogram h) Scatter Diagram i) Force Field Analysis j) None of the above 77. The following is a problem analysis tool f) Pareto Chart g) Histogram h) Force Field Analysis i) All of the above j) None of the above 78.
When you need to identify and explore and display the possible causes of a specific problem or condition, you use, f) Control Charts g) Histogram h) Scatter Diagram i) Ishikawa Diagram j) None of the above
79. Quality Assurance personnel must not be involved in changing work products a) True b) False 80. The term “benchmarking” means e) Comparing with past data from your organization f) Comparing with the results of a market survey g) Comparing with the results of a customer survey h) None of the above
72. Abilities of a person relate to a) Image of the person b) How he listens and does not generalize c) Performing job tasks using skills d) Organizes thoughts before speaking e) All of the above
73. Conformity behavior can be used to a) Conform people to a group b) Make everyone face the door in a lift c) Change behavior d) Find a leader for the group e) None of the above 74. Awareness training should not last over two hours g) True b) False
- 44 -
Employee awareness training courses are based on the fact that understanding precedes behavior change a) True b) False
82. The reason(s) that one person hears what another person says is: f) People are too impatient to listen g) People are preparing what they will say next rather than listening h) External stimuli breaks the train of thought in listening i) All of the above j) None of the above
CSQA Raw Question Bank b) a Contract c) a Service Level Agreement d) None of the above
83. Function Point is not a measure of f) Effort g) complexity h) usability i) all of the above j) size k) None of the above
92. A quality assurance analyst can estimate the frequency or severity of events using a) Judgmental Sampling b) Statistical Sampling c) All of the above d) None of the above
84. Cost of Quality includes f) Preventive costs g) Corrective costs h) Appraisal costs i) All of the above j) None of the above
85. As a Quality Assurance professional, which of the following skills do you feel is the most important for your profession f) Communication, written and oral g) Measurement h) Tools, techniques and methodologies i) Combination of any of the above two j) None of the above 86. e) f) g) h) i)
The ultimate responsibility for good internal control rests with the a) QA group b) Design team c) Management d) Audit Group
94. Controls can be a) Preventive, adaptive or corrective b) Preventive, corrective or appraisal c) Preventive, detective or corrective d) None of the above
80-20 rule implies, 20% of people should not do 80% of the work 20% time you have to return to 20% to 80% of problems are caused by process changes 80% of the frequencies are due to 20% of the Cause 80% of the processes need to be changed atleast 20% of the time
87. Statistical Process Control can help to identify the root cause of problems a) True b) False 88. Normal variance in the operation of processes is due to a) Assignable causes b) Random causes c) Common causes d) Uncommon causes e) None of the above 89. In Function Point counting there are _____ function types a) 3 b) 2 c) 5 d) 4 e) 6 90. In Function Point counting there are _____ classification a) 3 b) 2 c) 4 d) 6 91. An ongoing negotiation and improvement process whose purpose is to satisfy customer needs in an efficient, effective and economical manner is a) Requirements Analysis
- 45 -
95. Which of the following are true a) Testing precedes debugging b) Debugging is only done along with testing c) Testing is not required if a program is debugged d) Debugging precedes testing 96. The method by which release from the requirements of a specific standard may be obtained for a specific situation is a f) Tailoring g) Customization h) Force Field Analysis i) Waiver j) None of the above 97. Measures designed to minimize the probability of modification, destruction, or inability to retrieve software or data is a) Preventive security b) Corrective security c) Protective security e) None of the above 98. In the TCS scenario a Project Leader is a Project Manager a) True b) False 99. Right-the-first time costs (RFT) include a) Cost of labour, material, equipment b) Preventive and detective costs b) All of the above c) Cost of Quality e) None of the above
CSQA Raw Question Bank 100. The audit of application systems on a random basis after implementation, to determine whether or not the system meets standards, is a) Quality Control b) Quality Assurance c) Quality Loss d) None of the above
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CSQA Raw Question Bank Of the two definitions of quality, “fit for use” is the most important definition. A) TRUE B) FALSE
Objective-Paper-4 The two definitions of quality are: Quality means meeting requirements Quality means fit for use.
Producer views quality as meeting --------------------------------------. a) whether the product or service does what the customer needs b) product has zero defects c) producer’s requirements or specifications d) conformance to requirements
Quality control is defined as the processes and methods used to monitor work and observe whether ---------------------. A) requirements are met. b) product quality is assured c) defects have been prevented from occurring 4. Quality control focuses on A) inspections b) testing c) removal of defects d) all of the above e) none of the above
Quality control is the responsibilty of the organisational unit producing the product. a) true b) false 6
quality assurance is a function responsible for --------------------------------. a) controlling quality b) managing quality c) inspections d) removal of defects
quality assurance is a catalytic function which should encourage quality attitudes and discipline on the part of management and workers.. a) true b) false
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CSQA Raw Question Bank 8
Quality control is designed primarily to detect and correct defects, while quality assurance is oriented towards preventing defects from occurring. a) true b) false
quality control should be performed by the group responsible for the ----------------. a) quality management b) development of the product
the word management in quality assurance describes many different functions, encompassing a) policy management b) human resources management, safety control c) component control and management of other resources and daily schedules. d) all of the above e) none of the above 15
10 The quality manager will find it difficult to effectively implement the qai quality improvement process, unless his organisation is willing to accept the quality principles as ---------------------------. a) the organisation’s policy b) a challenge c) the organisation’s objectives d) a management philosophy
The management cycle, as per the --------------------------, comprises of plan, do, check and act. a) qai’s quality improvement model b) iso 9000 c) sei model
16 according to edward deming, one of the quality principles is “ create ----------------------------------------------- in the company”, by innovating new approaches and putting resources into research, education and maintenance. a) better atmosphere b) consistency of purpose c) a work culture
11 Acceptable quality level is to accept some level of defects as normal and acceptable, as many believe that defect free information technology products are not practical or economical. a) true b) false 12 The concept of zero defects does not work, because ------------------------. a) it is a buzz word b) workers are trated as machines and their humanity is ignored c) it is used as another term for commanding and forcing workers to start a camaign for which they have very little enthusiasm d) all of the above e) none of the above 13 The control in quality control means defining a) objectives of the job b) developing and carrying out a plan to meet the objectives c) checking to determine if the anticipated results are achieved d) all of the above e) none of the above 14
17 According to edward deming, one of the quality principles is:“ eliminate a) numerical goals b) slogans c) pictures and posters. d) all of the above e) none of the above 18 Malcolm baldridge national quality award promotes awareness of quality as an increasingly important element in ------------------------------------. a) marketing b) business development c) competitiveness 19 malcolm baldridge national quality award promotes understanding of the requirements for quality excellence a) true b) false
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CSQA Raw Question Bank 20 malcolm baldridge award promotes sharing of ------------------------- on successful quality strategies and on the benefits derived from implementation of these strategies. a) knowledge b) technical skills c) measures d) information 21 malcolm baldridge national quality award is an annual award to recognize u.s companies which excel in a) quality achievement b) quality management c) both of the above 22 in order to be a successful company, quality improvement programs must be led by management and must be ------------- and this may require fundamental changes in the way companies and agencies do business. a) customer oriented b) marketing oriented c) profit oriented d) technology oriented 23 the national quality award model is divided into seven categories: leadership, information and analysis, ----------------------------, human resource utilisation, quality assurance of products, quality results and customer satisfaction. a) quality management b) business development c) strategic quality planning d) market potential 24 software engineering institute’s five process maturity levels are initial, repeatable, defined, managed and optimised. a) true b) false 25 the repeatable process level in sei’s process model provides control over the way the organisation establishes its plans and -------------------------------------. a) process definitions b) process measurements c) process controls d) commitments
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CSQA Raw Question Bank c) control limits d) specification limits
26 the key actions required to advance from the repeatable to the next stage are: a) to establish a process group b) to establish a development process architecture c) to introduce a family of software engineering methods and technologies d) all of the above e) none of the above 27 with defined process in sei’s process model, organisation will achieve the foundation for major and continuing process. a) true b) false 28 in advancing from the initial process through the repeatable and defined processes to the managed process, software organisations should expect to make substantial ------------------------------. a) quality improvements b) business growth c) customer satisfaction d) savings in development costs 29 In statistical process control, statistics are used for determining whether the process is in control or not.
33 Random causes of process problems can be ---------------------- eliminated. a) sometimes b) never c) rarely d) always 34 Statistical methods are used to ---------------------------- and ------------------------- problems incurred as a result of operating processes. a) identify, solve b) accumulate, analyse c) measure, probe into d) find, project 35 Complexity measurements are quantitative values accumulated by a pre-determined method for measuring complexity of a ------------------------------------. a) project team b) software engineering process c) software product d) data base 36 Size of information systems are measured in terms of -----------------------. a) lines of code b) function points c) no. Of objects/components d) all of the above e) none of the above
a) true b) false 30 In statistical process control, statistics are used for determining whether the process is within acceptable variance from standards.
37 Defects are measured in relation to ---------------------------------.
a) true b) false
a) lines of code b) total number of defects c) development team size d)project efforts
31 Statistical process control help to identify the ------------------------- of process problems which are causing defects. a) root cause b) nature c) person/persons involved d) all of the above e) none of the above
38 To calculate the present value of money, information required are: a) amount of money involved b) number of years before the benefit is received c) value of money d) all of the above e) none of the above
32 Statistical methods are used to differentiate random variation from --------------------------------. a) standards b) assignable variation
- 50 -
CSQA Raw Question Bank c) performance d) operation ease
39 Pareto chart helps in identifying the few significant problems from many trivial problems.
46 Function point analysis involves: a) amount of information processing function b) system characteristics c) degree of influence d) all of the above e) none of the above
a) true b) false 40 The Pareto chart is more commonly known to information systems personnel as the -------- rule. a) 50-50 b) 20-80 c) 30-70 d) 40-60 e) 80-20 41 Pareto chart provides corrective actions for high frequency causes of problems.
47 Which of the following is not relevant in quantifying the amount of information processing function? a) external inquiry b) software platform c) external output d) logical internal file e) external input f) external interface file
a) true b) false 42 Pareto concept is merely an ---------------------------- of the ----------------------------- of a problem by type of cause.
48 Function point analysis requires information on hardware and software for the application system. a) true b) false
a) effective method, analysis b) accumulation, resultant effect c) organised ranking,causes
43 The steps involved in developing a pareto chart are: a) identify problem area b) identify and nam,e causes of the problem c) document the occurrence of the causes of the problem d) rank the causes by frequency, using pareto chart e) all of the above f) none of the above
a) 0 - 9 b) 0 - 4 c) 1 - 6 d) 0 - 5 e) 0 - 100
44 Function points actually measure the amount of information processing function and hence the functionality of an application system. a) true b) false 45 Function points provide an objective measure of the application system -------------that can be used to compare different kinds of application systems. a) size b) complexity
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CSQA Raw Question Bank
50 Function point analysis is begun a) during the development of an application system b) at the time of implementation of the system c) with developing an external design or conceptual overview 51 Service level agreement is an ongoing negotiation and improvement process to satisfy customer needs. In what manner it is to be achieved? a) efficiently b) effectively c) economically d) all of the above e) none of the above 52 Internal service level agreement is a contract. a) true b) false 53 External service level agreement is a contract. a) true b) false 54
Which one of the following is not a key concept of service level agreement? a) defines the services to be provided b) defines the method by which the services will be measured c) defines obligations of both the provider and the customer of the information systems services d) all of the above e) none of the above
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CSQA Raw Question Bank
Objective-Paper-5 Configuration management is not the process of Controllingneeds: the release of items through the life cycle The most important practical and economical way of meeting customers' Evaluating and scheduling changes to configurable items Recording and reporting the status of configuration items A. Doing it right the first time Verifying the completeness of configurable items B. After - the - fact defect removal C. Quality control during development
Resistance to change is normally because of
Quality control is the mechanism used to ensure that the completed product meets requirements. Deffiant attitude of workers Lack of awareness / training on the new technology / process A. True No direct benefits/incentives on change over B. False Pareto chart does not provide corrective action for high-frequency causes of problems Cost of quality is sometimes called cost of ---------------------------------------------A. B. C. D.
Failure Prevention Rework Non-conformance
Given the following costs:
Requirements analysis - $ 1000 Defects are typically less expensive to correct in the maintenance phase than in requirements phase. - $ 500 Continuing Edn. Progrms. - $ 800 A. True System Testing - $ 500 B. False Aim of Deming's principles are --------------------A. B. C. D. E.
The cost of Quality is
To improve quality To remove causes of failure To help people to do a better job with less effort All of the above None of the above
Quality is an attribute of: A. B. C. D. E.
Rework - $ 700 Review of User Documents - $ 600 Design - $ 400
a product a service a process all of the above none of the above
An activity that verifies compliance with policies and procedures and ensures that resources a an inspection an assessment
Code auditors The first stage in the software life cycle where test data is generated is: are useful to programmers as a means of self checking their routines prior to tur for integration testing. These tools are also of value to software product assurance personnel d integration testing, prior to formal validation testing and again prior to customer delivery. A. Planning stage B. C. D. E.
Requirement Analysis Design Construction
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CSQA Raw Question Bank A formal review of a software item involves:
According to Dr. Deming and other quality experts, the root cause of most of the defects is ba
A. B. C. D. E. F.
According to one of the clauses in ISO, quality records must be maintained to demonstrate achievement of the required quality and the effective operation of the quality system.
Preparation for review Overview presentation and detailed Presentation Giving a summary of the results of review Follow-up All of the above None of the above
Test coverage analyser monitor the execution of a program during program testing in order to measure the completeness of a set of program tests and adequacy Total Quality of test Management data. involves ----------------------- in an organisation. A. True B. False
Top Management Upto middle management Only workers All employees Function point analysis is done to estimate the size of a software Employees application in system. Production TheDepartment function types are: Exhaustive Testing is a part of ---------------------------------- . A. External inputs, external outputs, online updates, online data entry, external interface files B. External inputs, reusability, multiple sites usage, internal logical Static Testing files, external interface files C. External inputs, external outputs, external queries, internalDynamic logical files, Testing external interface files D. Data Communication, Online data entry, online update, performance, complex processing Goals of a metric program are: ---------------------------------- specifies how much data processing support will be available for the customer's applications. Improve project planning Increase defect containment A. Maintenance agreement Reduce the cost of non-conformance B. Cost plus fixed fee contract All of the above C. Service level agreement None of the above D. All of the above E. None of the above A customer oriented statement of purpose for a unit or team is --------------------------. For improving quality, appraisal is more effective than A. Prevention B. Rework for rectification Defect metric is normally measured in terms of ------------------------------ . A step by step method followed to ensure that standards are met is a -------------------. A. Application system size B. Development effort C. Project duration D. Cost of project
Project team feels that an extra feature or a function is needed --------------------------------in the system but not included is the use in the of statistical techniques and tools to measure an ongoing specifications. From quality point of view, this is considered process --------------------------------: for change or stability. A. B. C. D. E.
a correction a failure a change an enhancement a defect
Quality improvement Quality Control Statistical process control Product improvement
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CSQA Raw Question Bank Many different methods and techniques are being developed Thetoimplementation facilitate the continuous of the quality model of QAI has the components Approach, improvement process. There is one element common to many -------------------------, continuous improvement and Results. strategies. It is the application of the seven basic quality control tools. Deployment A. True B. False
A useful tool to visualise, clarify, link, identify and classify possible causes of a problem is -----------------------------------. The objective of risk analysis is to help management strike an economic balance between the of risks and the cost of protective measures. A. Histogram B. Pareto Analysis C. Control Chart D. Histogram E. None of the above Verification that current changes have not adversely affected previous functionality is -----------------------------------. Quality does not happen unless management wants it to happen. System Testing A. True Acceptance Testing B. False Regression Testing Performance Testing Extent to which a system can be expected to perform its intended function with required precision is -----------------------------. The management of company X had decided to go in for reengineering of the application syst The company aims to have benefit worth $100,000 per year from the second year from now. T A. Reliability company X believes in a 20% interest per annum as a reasonable return on investment. What i B. Correctness present of value of money? C. Efficiency Methods for determining the current performance, accuracy or efficiency of a product for the purpose of measuring current performance or measuring future or past variances from current performance is ----------------------------------. A. B. C. D.
Performance Testing Statistical Process Control Benchmarking Quality Control
The intent of quality control check list should be to improve the quality of the product being controlled by investigative means
Deming's cycle is -----------------------------------------. Significant risks demand more control than insignificant risks. A. B. C. D.
Act, Do, Check, Plan Plan, Do, Check, Act Plan, Act, Check,Do Plan, Do, Act, Check
National Quality Award category does not include -----------------------------. ISO 9000 consists of specifying processes, clauses, durations, number of audits. Information and analysis A. True Customer and market focus B. False Process management Strategic Planning Tactical Quality Planning
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CSQA Raw Question Bank
Production flexibility is not an important condition for the The just-in-time QA Manager technique. found lot of complaints/problems received from the customers/users about a application system run in the company. What should be done for a short term solution to impr A. True the quality of the system? B. False Increase software testing Establishing a corporate vision is the responsibility of -----------------------------------. Initiate a customer sign-off procedure Conduct a Customer Survey and analyse customer feedback and take corrective actions A. Quality Assurance Function Initiate Code Inspections B. Business Development Function Demonstrate your function is meeting specifications C. Corporate Planning Function D. Senior Corporate Management The most effective technique in encouraging participation of attendees at meetings is ------------------------------------. A. Role playing and requesting suggestions B. Having the moderator play the devil's advocate C. Requiring participation Brainstorming can be used to --------------------------------------. A. B. C. D. E.
Identify problems for a team to work on Identify what data to collect at any step Identify possible causes Generate potential solutions All of the above
Pareto diagrams are simple bar graphs that focus attention on the factors that are not most significant to a problem. A. True B. False The review types do not include: A. B. C. D. E.
Walkthroughs Inspections Audits Check point reviews None of the above
A product development has taken 30 person months for analysis, 35 person months for design, 50 person months for construction, and 40 person months for testing. 15 person months were spent on reviews, walkthroughs, inspections and project management. Total number of lines produced was 85000. The initial estimate for the project was 20 person years for developing 100,000 lines of code. The difference between estimated productivity and actual productivity is: A. B. C. D.
0 5 70 15,000
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CSQA Raw Question Bank ii. Linking the following of standards to the individuals’ performance appraisal. iii. Involve your people (the people who will be using the standard) in the development of the standard. iv. Show them the standard and ask them to follow it
Objective-Paper-6 1. If a bar chart is seen arranged in the descending order of frequencies, then you are seeing a i. Pareto Chart ii. Bar Chart iii. Histogram iv. Control Chart v. Flow Chart vi. Run Chart 2. Quality is an attribute of i. Product ii. Process iii. Standard iv. Policy 3.
Total Quality Management is more about ‘Quality of Management’ than about ‘Management of Quality’. TRUE/FALSE. As a Quality Assurance professional, which of the following skills do you feel is the most important for your profession i. Communication, written and oral ii. Measurement iii. Tools, techniques and methodologies iv. Combination of any of the above two v. None of the above
Your manager asks you to come up with a standard. The order in which you will accomplish it is i. Standard, Process and then, Policy ii. Policy, Standard and then, Process iii. Process, Standard and then, Policy iv. Policy, Process and then, Standard
You are asked to implement a Standard as the Quality Manager. (i.e. You are made responsible to ensure those standards are followed by the team). Then which of the following will you do, i. Show a circular from the Top Management, saying that the Standard has to be followed.
The “Malcolm Balridge Award’ came into effect with rule 100-107 and is named after Malcolm Balridge, who was the US Secretary of Defence. TRUE/FALSE
The evaluation criteria for the Malcolm Balridge National Quality Award are i. Approach ii. Deployment iii. Results iv. All the above v. None of the above
Pareto Chart is also referred to as ‘80-20’ rule. TRUE/FALSE
10. 80-20 rule implies, i. 20% of frequencies are due to 80% of the Causes ii. 80% of the frequencies are due to 20% of the Cause 11. The purpose of Risk Management in a project is to i. Eliminate Risks ii. Minimize Risks iii. Avoid risks iv. Anticipate the risks involved, analyze them and plan for suitable action as and when the risk happens 12. ‘Championing Quality’ is the job of i. Senior Management ii. Junior Management iii. QA Manager iv. None of the above 13. The first thing required for Quality to happen is i. Commitment from the Quality Assurance Manager
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CSQA Raw Question Bank ii. Mature understanding by all the employees iii. Commitment from Management iv. Quality Policy
19. The most common reason for the presence of a large number of bugs in a software product is, i. Incompetence of the developer ii. Incompetence of the tester iii. Bad requirements iv. Wrong use of tools and techniques
14. Which, of the four given below, is not one of DR Edward Deming’s 14 Quality Principles ? i. Give adequate training ii. Have a number of numerical goals set iii. Work as one team. (Sink differences) iv. Senior Management must push all other points constantly and consistently 15. According to Dr. Ishikawa, the term ‘Strive for Zero Defects’ helps the staff to achieve it. TRUE/FALSE
20. Which of the CMM levels implies a defined process, i. Level One ii. Level Two iii. Level Three iv. Level Four v. Level Five
16. You are a Quality Assurance professional. You have been asked to address a problem, where the customer is reporting a lot of bugs. You will i. Initiate more Reviews, Walk-through and Inspections ii. Attach the number of bugs reported on a product to the concerned developers performance appraisal iii. Recommend that more time be spent on system testing iv. Do a root cause analysis of the bugs and try to prevent them from occurring again 17. An Error once corrected, will not occur again. This applies to software also. TRUE/FALSE 18. ‘Prototyping’ is done i. Because the software analyst feels good doing it ii. It makes the development work easier iii. To get a better understanding of the requirements iv. It can be used later for automation
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Objective-Paper-7 1.
As a Quality Assurance professional, you will be doing i. Reviews, Walkthroughs , and inspections ii. Unit Testing iii. Statistical Process Control iv. Identify the weak areas in a SDLC, take corrective action, so as to ensure it does not occur again
Quality Analysts are involved with i. Defect Detection ii. Correction iii. Defect Prevention iv. Protection v. None of the above vi. Ensuring that all the processes are followed, by conducting periodic checks 3.
You will change a security password, i. When you suspect it has been leaked ii. When someone else comes to know of iii. On a regular and periodic basis iv. All the above
You can improve the Quality of a process by i. Making large improvements, in a few areas ii. Making small improvements, in many areas iii. Implementing tools, techniques and methodologies iv. Spreading awareness about Quality 5.
Trying to improve the Quality of a product developed, by improving the Quality of the various steps (procedures) involved in its development is i. TQM (Total Quality Management) ii. SPC (Statistical Process Control) iii. QFD(Quality Function Deployment) iv. Non of the above
In Statistics, ‘Mean’, ‘Median’ and ‘Mode’ are measures of
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i. ii. iii. iv.
Central Tendency Variance Deviation (Standard Deviation) Dispersion
CSQA Raw Question Bank iii.
You do not identify any defects in your product iv. The process, itself, can gather data about its effectiveness, which can, in turn, be used to continually improve itself
The “Corporate Vision” i. Outlines ‘how’ to achieve the goals for the company ii. Tells the direction in which the company will be moving, in the future iii. Sets the goal to be achieved, in the future iv. Informs ‘what’ is to be achieved v. None of the above 8.
A ‘Run Chart’ can be used to identify the cause of defects. TRUE/FALSE
‘Cost of Quality’ is computed to show how much money has been spent on quality. TRUE/FALSE
13. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a ‘Service Level Agreement” ? i. It defines the obligations of the services/product provider towards the customer ii. It has terms for maintenance of the product/service iii. It does not mention the obligation of the customer iv. None of the above
10. To complete your tasks/job(workproduct), when you are going through a document and adopting the steps detailed in it, in a sequential manner, you are following a i. Workbench ii. Flowchart iii. Process iv. Procedure
14. You have an agreement to assist your customer, in the data collection and input to the product you have delivered to him. So you are having a i. Service Contract ii. Maintenance Contract iii. Fixed Fee + Number of Hours worked iv. None of the above
11. A “Baseline” is, i. A measure of the current position of your project/product ii. Measure of the present position of your project/product compared to a previous state iii. A measure of the present position of your project/product compared against a future (estimated) state iv. A measure of your product compared to an existing industry standard. 12. You have a good process in place, if i. The product defects are identified and corrected ii. You do not find any defects in your process
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15. “SPC” or Statistical Process Control, is i. Using statistical tools, techniques and methodologies, to monitor projects ii. Controlling a process, using statistical techniques. iii. Using statistical techniques and tools, to identify the reasons for occurrence of defects and prevent them from occurring again iv. None of the above 16. A document, detailing how you are going to achieve the goals of your company, using your company’s Quality processes and procedures, is a i. Strategic Quality Plan ii. Quality Work Plan iii. Corporate Vision Statement iv. None of the above 17. Risk = Probability * Loss. You will reduce the probability of loss by i. Reducing the impact of the loss ii. Reducing the quantum (amount) that will be lost iii. Identifying the causes, due to which the loss may have occur and prevent them iv. None of the above 18. Match the following (Definition of each given below was provided to map with.) i. Empowerment ii. Process iii. Quality Control iv. Benchmarking v. Total Quality Management vi. Statistical Quality Control 19. “Benchmarking” is i. A measure of the current position of your project/product ii. Measure of the present position of your
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project/product compared to a previous state iii. A measure of the present position of your project/product compared against a future (estimated) state iv. A measure of your product compared to an existing industry standard.
CSQA Raw Question Bank
The CQA is not very sure about the wordings of the answer. But is sure that the question expects you to know the definition of TQM 1. Total Quality Management is i. Managing Quality, totally ii. Totally Managing Quality iii. A commitment from management, to ensure to work in a way, by which everyone is responsible for delivering a quality output iv. None of the above But sure that the question expects you to know the definition of ‘SQC’ 2. Statistical Quality Control is i. A Testing technique ii. Control of Quality, using statistical techniques iii. A method/technique, in which statistical conclusions are used, in the process of defect detection iv. None of the above
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b) Level 2 c) Level 3 d) Level 4 e) Level 5
1. TQM means quality of management rather than management of quality True/False 2. The moderator of an inspection activity : a) is a team member b) knows the product being inspected thoroughly c) is an invisible leader d) is the author of the product being inspected 3. Given the following costs : Training: $1000 Coding : $1000 Analysis : $1000 Testing : $1000 Design : $1000 Rework: $1000 The cost of quality is : a) $3000 b) $4000 c) $5000 d) $6000 4. The following is not a preventive cost : a) Field highlighting b) Limit checks c) Password d) Check digits 5. The following is not a corrective cost : a) Default option b) Field highlighting c) Hash total 6. If a company has its procedures documented and stable, it has the following level : a) Level 1
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7. If a company establishes its plan and commitment to quality, it has a level of : a) Initial b) Repeatable c) Defined d) Managed 8. The statement of an organization's commitment to quality is a: a) Policy b) Vision c) Mission d) Goal 9. The activity which includes confirming understanding, brainstorming and testing ideas is a : a) Code walkthru b) Inspection c) Review d) Structured walkthru 10. The following can be considered to measure quality : a) Customer satisfaction b) Defects c) Rework d) All of the above e) None of the above * This question was asked in the both the papers 11. Malcolm Baldrige award was named by a public law after Malcolm Baldrige who was the secretary of Defense True/False
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CSQA Raw Question Bank 11) In conflict resolution symptoms cannot be dealt with. Only _________ can be dealt. a) Conflict b) Problem c) Complaint 12) Skill Conformity behavior can be used to change behavior using ____________. a) Psychology b) Group Dynamics c) Management techniques d) Supervisory skill.
Objective-Paper-9 1) What is the maximum amount of time that you can take to resolve a complaint? a) 3 minutes b) 4 minutes c) 5 minutes 2) The four general skills in Human resource Principles are Motivation. ______________________, _________________ and __________________
13) Non conformity to expected group standard could be dealt with __________ attitude. a) Managerial b) Supervisory c) Friendly
3) Your Image is how people _______________ you a) Rate b) Perceive c) See 4) The three major skills in the HRP skill area are marketing through personal Image, __________________________ and ________________ 5) The Management consultant who has suggested the 6 basic attributes of an executive image a) James Malcolm b) James Baehler c) John Mathew 6) Six attributes of an executive image are being Purposeful, Competent, _______________, _____________, ____________________ and _________________. 7) An executive looks at issues as a) Problems b) Challenges c) Obstacles 8) An executive with analytical skill does not accept generalities. True /False 9) Quality promotes turning problems into a) Challenges b) Opportunities 10) Even if it is not a reasonable complaint take an action on that complaint. True/False
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CSQA Raw Question Bank A) Requirements Are Met. B) Product Quality Is Assured C) Defects Have Been Prevented From Occurring
Objective-Paper-10 QUIZ on KNOWLEDGE DOMAIN 1
7. Quality Control focuses on -------------------------------------------. A) Inspections B) Testing C) Removal of Defects D) All Of The Above E) None Of The Above
1. The Two Definitions Of Quality Are: • Quality Means Meeting Requirements • Quality Means Fit for Use. Of The Two Definitions of Quality, “Fit For Use” Is the Most Important Definition. A) True B) False 2. Producer Views Quality is meeting --------------------------------------. A) Whether the Product or Service Does What the Customer Needs B) Product Has Zero Defects C) Producer’s Requirements or Specifications
D) Conformance to Requirements 3.
8. Quality Control Is the Responsibility of the Organizational Unit Producing the Product. A) True B) False 9. Quality Assurance Is A Function Responsible For --------------------------------. A) Controlling Quality B) Managing Quality C) Inspections D) Removal of Defects 10. Quality Assurance Is A Catalytic Function Which Should Encourage Quality Attitudes And Discipline On The Part Of Management And Workers. A) True B) False
The –producer gap--- is the difference between what is specified (the documented requirements and internal standards) vs. what is delivered (what is actually built) where as the ---customer gap-------- is the difference between what the producer actually delivered vs. what the customer wanted.
4. Joint Application Development (JAD) methodology & customer surveys does not really help to close the customer gap 1. True 2. False 5. “Mc Donald’s effect” can be achieved by: 1. Closing customer and producer gap, thereby delivering the prodcut which customer “wants” 2. By closing the “customer gap” 3. By closing the “producer gap” 4. None of the above
11. As a Quality Assurance professional, you will be doing 1. Reviews, Walk-throughs , and inspections 2. Unit Testing 3. Statistical Process Control 4. Identify the weak areas in a SDLC, take corrective action, so as to ensure it does not occur again 12. “Benchmarking” is a) A measure of the current position of your project/product b) Measure of the present position of your project/product compared to a previous state c) A measure of the present position of your project/product compared against a future (estimated) state d) A measure of your product compared to an existing industry standard.
6. Quality Control Is Defined As The Processes And Methods Used To Monitor Work And Observe Whether ---------------------.
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CSQA Raw Question Bank 13. Quality Control Is Designed Primarily To Detect And Correct Defects, While Quality Assurance Is Oriented Towards Preventing Defects From Occurring. A) True B) False
e) None of the above
14. Quality Control Should Be Performed By The Group Responsible For The ----------------. A) Quality Management B) Development of the Product 15. The Quality Manager Will Find It Difficult To Effectively Implement The Qai Quality Improvement Process, Unless His Organisation Is Willing To Accept The Quality Principles As ---------------------------. A) The Organization’s Policy B) A Challenge C) The Organization’s Objectives D) A Management Philosophy
19. The Word Management In Quality Assurance Describes Many Different Functions, Encompassing A) Policy Management B) Human Resources Management, Safety Control C) Component, Control, Management of Other Resources and Daily Schedules. D) All Of The Above E) None Of The Above 20. Given the following costs: Requirements analysis - $ 1000 Rework - $ 700 Code review - $ 500 Review of User Documents - $ 600 Continuing Edn. Programs. - $ 800 Design - $ 400
16. Acceptable Quality Level Is To Accept Some Level Of Defects As Normal And Acceptable, As Many Believe That Defect Free Information Technology Products Are Not Practical Or Economical. A) True B) False
The cost of Quality is f. $1400 g. $1900 h. $2400 i. $2600 j. $4000
17. The Concept Of Zero Defects Does Not Work, Because -----------------------A) It Is A Buzz Word B) Workers Are Treated As Machines and Their Humanity Is Ignored C) It Is Used As Another Term for Commanding and Forcing Workers to Start A Campaign for Which They Have Very Little Enthusiasm D) All Of The Above E) None Of The Above 18. The control in quality control means defining a) Objectives of the job b) Developing and carrying out a plan to meet the objectives c) Checking to determine if the anticipated results are achieved d) All of the above
21. The Management Cycle, As Per The --------------------------, Comprises Of Plan, Do, Check And Act. A) QAI’s Quality Improvement Model B) ISO 9000 C) SEI Model 22. The first thing required for Quality to happen is v. Commitment from the Quality Assurance Manager vi. Mature understanding by all the employees vii. Commitment from Management viii. Quality Policy 23. “The organization will foster atmosphere of creativity”. Is it a … m) Vision n) Mission o) Policy p) Goal q) Value r) None of the above
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24. According To Edward Deming, One Of The Quality Principles Is “ Create ----------------------------------------------- In The Company”, By Innovating New Approaches And Putting Resources Into Research, Education And Maintenance. A) Better Atmosphere B) Consistency of Purpose C) A Work Culture
d) 25. According To Edward Deming, One Of The Quality Principles Is:“ Eliminate A) Numerical Goals B) Slogans C) Pictures & Posters. D) All Of The Above E) None Of The Above
f) 26. Edward Deming believed that the 14 quality principles should be used ________ to make quality happen: a. one-after-the-other b. as per the organization needs c. as per the customer needs d. concurrently
h) 27. The “Juran Trilogy” is also known as _____________ i) 28. The “Juran Trilogy” is a. Quality control, quality improvement, Quality Deployment b. Quality assurance, Quality Improvement, Quality Deployment c. Quality assurance, Quality improvement, Quality Deployment d. Quality planning, Quality Control, Quality improvement
29. Which, of the four given below, is not one of Dr. Edward Deming’s 14 Quality Principles? a) Give adequate training b) Have a number of numerical goals set c) Work as one team. (Sink differences) d) Senior Management must push all other points constantly and consistently
intended function with required precision:_reliability_____ The extent to which a program satisfies its specifications and fulfills the user’s mission and goals:__correctness____ The effort required for learning, operating, preparing input, and interpreting output of a program:__usability___ The amount of computing resources and code required by a program to perform a function:__efficiency__ The extent to which access to software or data by unauthorized persons can be controlled:__integrity__ The effort required for locating and fixing an error in an operational program:_maintainibility The effort required for testing a program to ensure it performs its intended function:_testability_ The effort required for modifying an operational program:__flexibility The effort required for transferring a program from one hardware configuration and /or software system environment to another:__portability_____ The extent to which a program can be used in other application-related to packaging and scope of the functions that the program performs:__reusability The effort required to couple one system with another:__interoperability
31. Quality is frequently associated with cost, meaning that high quality is synonymous with high cost. A. True B. False 32. Accomplishing quality requires “a thought revolution by management” was said by a. Dr. Ishikawa b. Dr. W. Edward Deming
30. Provide attributes for each of their definitions: a) The extent to which a program can be expected to perform its
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CSQA Raw Question Bank c. d. 33. Deming wheel is a) Plan b) Act c) Do d) Check
Dr. Joseph Juran Philip Crosby
40. Statements related to QC are: a. relates to a specific product or service b. management responsibility, frequently performed by a staff function c. identifies defects for the primary purpose of correcting defects d. sets up measurement programs to evaluate processes
Act, Do, Check, Plan, Do, Check, Plan, Act, Check, Plan, Do, Act,
34. Quality is an attribute of ____________ or ______________, while productivity is an attribute of ________ a. Process b. Product c. Service
41. Statements related to QA are: a. sometimes called quality control over quality control because it evaluates whether quality control is working b. the responsibility of the worker c. verifies whether particular attributes exist, or do not exist, in a specific product or service d. helps establish processes
35. Preventive costs are a. Planning quality improvement b. Quality training c. Reviews d. Testing 36. Cost of Quality (COQ) includes a) Preventive, appraisal & failure b) Preventive, detective & control c) Process, control & preventive
42. QA is a staff function
A. True B. False
43. Defects are typically less expensive to correct in the production environment than in earlier stages. A. True B. False
37. Appraisal costs are a. Quality audits b. Preparation for reviews c. Inspections d. Installing a planning database
44. A search for the best practices or competitive practices that will help define superior performance of a product, service, or support process is called as a. Performance Testing b. Statistical Process Control c. Benchmarking d. Quality Control e. Baselining
38. Failure Costs are a. Installing a planning database b. Reruns c. Overtime d. Rework after to IQA/EQA
45. ------------------ Is the set of activities that is performed to produce a product.
39. The three COQ categories (Preventive, Appraisal & Failure) are sometimes called the cost of nonconformance A. True B. False
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11. Please use our model question papers for Guidance only and read them but don’t depend ONLY on them 12. Our Descriptive papers are really very good enough to get thoughts for the answers for different scenarios 13. Read read read read CBOK thoroughly and understand it
Objective-Paper-11 (Questions from CSQA conducted on 16-Mar-2002 at Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA)
Some Comments: 1. In this exam all questions are from CBOK. 2. For us more questions came from CBOK on definitions, examples and theory 3. No descriptive question came on Testing chapter (Generally we will get more questions on this chapter) 4. For us no of questions given as follows in different papers: a. Paper – 1 - 48 Questions (Time 45 Min) b. Paper – 2 - 09 Questions (Time 75 Min) c. Paper – 3 - 49 Questions (Time 45 Min) d. Paper – 4 - 11 Questions (Time 75 Min) 5. Time was not at all sufficient, we had to really very very fast to complete the answers 6. No breaking of marks was provided in the descriptive paper for different questions 7. Only one answer for objective questions 8. We need to write the exam with ‘#2’ pencil only (you can use a mechanical pencil if examination instructor allows you to do that, for us he allowed to use the mechanical pencil) 9. Please practice writing with pencil 10. Answer at least one set of descriptive question paper on your own with full answers before going to the exam. This will really help you
The following are some questions that we remember after coming from the exam. Sentence formation may not be same as in the exam. For descriptive questions we have given only the extract of the questions (not full question) Objective Questions
1. 80-20 rule implies, iii. 20% of frequencies are due to 80% of the Causes iv. 80% of the frequencies are due to 20% of the Cause v. ----vi. ----2. ‘Championing Quality’ is the job of v. Senior Management vi. Junior Management vii. QA Manager viii. None of the above 3. Given the following costs: Requirements analysis - $ 1000 Rework - $ 1000 Code review - $ 1000 Testing - $1000
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CSQA Raw Question Bank
Training - $ 1000 Design - $ 1000
G. H. I. J.
The cost of Quality is k. $1000 l. $2000 m. $3000 n. $4000 o. $5000 4. The first stage in the software life cycle where test data is generated is e. Planning stage f. Requirement Analysis g. Design h. Construction 5. Baselines measure ______________________ change. k) Situation prior to l) Expectation of benefits of m) Effects of n) Desirability of o) None of the above
Up to middle management Only workers All employees Employees in Production Department
9. The expenditure for developing an s/w system will cost the $10,000. To find out the cost benefit analysis with money value today what you will do. a) Pareto analysis b) Present value of money c) Flow chart d) 10. Toyota adopted a technique and which became a most famous one later:
6. What type of control is a job accounting log? a) QA b) QC c) Review d) Data Collection 7. On a random basis application systems are audited after implementation to determine whether or not the system met standards. This is an example of f) Detective control g) Quality control h) Quality Assurance i) Corrective control j) None of the above 8. Total Quality Management involves ----------------------- in an organization.
A) Tools acquisition techniques B) JIT technique C) Work bench Technique D) 11. Test types include a) Unit, integression, system, independent, acceptance b) c) d) 12. Six sigma quality, when expressed as defects per million parts represents: g) 3.4 defects per 1000 parts h) 3.4 defects per 100000 parts i) 3.4 defects per 1000000 parts j) 3.4 defects per 10000000 parts 13. An example of deployment of a quality approach is
F. Top Management
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(f) The degree to which the approach embodies effective evaluation / improvement cycles (g) The appropriate and effective application to all product and service characteristics (h) The effectiveness of the use of tools, techniques and methods (i) The contribution of outcomes and effects to quality improvement (j) The significance of improvement to the company's business
l) m) n) o) p) q)
14. Function Point is not a measure of Effort Complexity Usability All of the above Size None of the above 15. Normal variance in the operation of processes is due to f) Assignable causes g) Random causes h) Common causes i) Uncommon causes j) None of the above
16. As a Quality Assurance professional, which of the following skills do you feel is the most important for your profession vi. Communication, written and oral vii. Measurement viii. Tools, techniques and methodologies ix. Combination of any of the above two x. None of the above
vi. vii. viii.
Minimize Risks Avoid risks Anticipate the risks involved, analyze them and plan for suitable action as and when the risk happens
18. You will change a security password, v. When you suspect it has been leaked vi. When someone else comes to know of it vii. On a regular and periodic basis viii. All the above 19. You can improve the Quality of a process by v. Making large improvements, in a few areas vi. Making small improvements, in many areas vii. Implementing tools, techniques and methodologies viii. Spreading awareness about Quality 20. In Statistics, ‘Mean’, ‘Median’ and ‘Mode’ are measures of v. Central Tendency vi. Variance vii. Deviation (Standard Deviation) viii. Dispersion 21. Measure is a single attribute of quality (True/False) 22. Unit testing is associated with a. Regression test b. Black box test c. White box test d. Inspections 23. Which language is considered as the standard language for all web page applications? a. JAVA b. COBOL c. XML d. C++
17. The purpose of Risk Management in a project is to v. Eliminate Risks
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24. In web based systems these systems will be customized to suit to different environments even though this is not in the requirements (True / False) 25. An organization took 3 years to reach from Level 1 to Level 3. It is very difficult to reach the Level 5 (True/False) 26. In Workbench model where Tools can be applied a. At Plan & Do b. At Plan c. At Do d. ----27. What is ‘e’ is e-Commerce? a. Electrical b. Electronic c. Engineering d. Economical 28. What is the Diagram shown below? E A
a. b. c. d.
Histogram Pie Chart Bar Chart Check Sheet
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CSQA Raw Question Bank 1.20% Of organisation's customers account for 80% of its revenue. 2.20% Of organisation's products produce 80% of profits. 3.80% of customers' complaints by volume are 20% of problems.
Objective-Paper-12 (List of 165 questions) 1. Pareto chart is also known as 80 - 20 rule T/F 2. What does 80 - 20 rule mean?
18.Use of pareto analysis is one of the most powerful quality tools. T/F
3. Pareto chart is aimed at -
19.Steps followed in preparing a pareto analysis are – A)name the events that will be analysed. B)count the named incidences. C)rank the counts of frequency by a barchart. D)validate reasonableness of the pareto analysis.
4. Pareto concept was developed by A) Taiichi ohno B) Edward Deming C) Malcolm Baldrige D) Joseph Juran E) Pareto ans
20. Validating reasonableness of analysis means Checking whether 20% of the defects account for 80% of the total frequency.
5. Joseph juran identified that magnitude of wealth was controlled by small percent of people. T/F 6. What is pareto concept?
21. Very few individuals can differentiate between QC and QA T/F ?
7. What is the objective of pareto chart?
22. Most QA groups infact practice QC. T/F
8. What are the steps involved in using pareto chart?
23. Between QA & QC latter is most important. T/F
9. Pareto chart can be used by any area in information systems T/F
24. Define Quality
10.Analysis of the problem does not require more time as the problem area is identified. T/F
25. Quality is an attribute of a ______________. A product something ____________.
11.Documenting can be automated or done manually. T/F
26. Differentiate between process and artistic endeavors.
12.Documenting has to be automated T/F
27. Quality Assurance is an activity which verifies whether or not the product produced meets standards. T/F
13.Documenting has to be done on continuous basis T/F 14. Elimination process is used in reducing problems T/F
28. QA is an activity which establishes and evaluates process which produce the products. T/F
15. Pareto chart analysis continues until the process becomes defect free. T/F
29. If there is no process there is no role for QA. T/F
16.In pareto analysios causes are ranked by frequency. T/F
30. QA would determine
17.What are the intrepretations of 80 - 20 rule/pareto analysis?
a. need for, acquire or help install system develop methodologies b. estimation process c. system maintenance process
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CSQA Raw Question Bank d. all of the above e. none of the above 31. Process once installed ____________ would measure them find weaknesses in the ____________ and then __________ those weaknesses and to _____________, ____________ process. 32. It is possible to have _____________ without QA.
38. Quality Assurance would determine the need for A) Acquire or help install system development Methodologies. B) estimation processes C) system maintenance process D) All the above 39. Quality control relates to/concerned with a specific product or service (TRUE/FALSE) 40. Quality Assurance would measure the process to find weakness in the processed then correct those weakness to continually improve the process. (T/F)
33. Define QA and QC. 34. Group the following as QA or QC: a. It relates to specific product or service b. It requires whether specific attributes are in or in, a specific product. c. It identifies defects for the primary purpose correcting defects. d. It is the responsibility of the worker e. It helps establish processes f. it sets up measurement programs to evaluate processes g. it identifies weaknesses in process and improves the h. it is a management responsibility frequently performed by a staff function i. ______ evaluates whether or not _______ is working the primary purpose of determining whether or not t is a weakness in the process j. it is concerned with specific product. k. it is concerned with all of the products that will be produced by a process l. it some times called __________ over _______ because it evaluates whether ___________ is working m. __________ personnel should not ever perform ______ unless doing it to validate ___________is working. 35 - A Differentiating quality control from quality assurance 36. Quality Control is an activity which verifies whether or not the product produced meets standards (TRUE/FALSE) 37. Quality Assurance is an activity which establishes and evaluates the processes which produce the products ( T/F)
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41. Quality control verifies whether specific attribute(s) are in or not in a specific product or service.(T/F) 42. Quality Assurance evaluates whether or not quality control is working for the primary purpose of determining whether or not there is a weakness in the process (T/F) 43. Quality assurance is always called quality control over quality control because it evaluates whether quality control is working (T/F) 44. Quality Assurance is concerned with all of the products that will ever be produced by a process. ( T/F) 45. Quality assurance personnel should not ever perform quality control unless doing ti to validate quality control is working. (T/F) 46. Define Quality Assurance: 47. Define Quality Control: 48. What does quality mean? 49 . Between quality control and quality assurance, quality control is the most important. T/F 50. Quality is an attribute of the product or a service. T/F 51. Quality is ________________
52. What is quality control?
CSQA Raw Question Bank 53. What is quality assurance? 54. QA determines need to acquire or help install system development methodologies, estimation processes, system maintenance processes etc. T/F
63. Internal auditors normally coordinate their activities and work in conjunction with the organizations' firm of external auditors (T/F) 64. What is auditing?
55. It is possible to have QC without QA T/F
65. Define internal auditing?
56. Differentiate between quality control and quality assurance.
66.Internal auditing is -
* 1. Relates to specific product ³ Helps establish processes * Or service ³ Concerned with all * ³ Products. * 2. Verifies presence ofspecific ³ Sets up measurement programs * Attributes in product/ ³ To evaluate processes. * Service ³ *³ * 3. Identifies defects for ³ Identifies weaknesses in * Correcting them. ³ processes and improves them. * ³ Evaluates whether QC is * ³ working to determine * ³ weakness of product. * 4. Responsibility of worker ³ Responsibility of * ³ Management. *³ * ³ QA is called quality control * ³ over quality control. * ³ Validates quality control. * 57. Define quality assurance? 58.Both QA and QC are required to make quality happen T/F 59. Define internal auditing: 60. Quality assurance is that activity within information systems charged with implementing the quality policy through developing and improving processes. (T/F) 61. Both internal auditing and quality assurance are professions. (T/F) 62. Internal auditors must have knowledge of the Standards for the Professional Practice of internal auditing and are required to comply with those standards in the performance of their work. (T/F)
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A) An independent appraisal activity within organization. B) Reviews operations. C) service to management. 67. Define quality assurance? A) activity within information system. B) implementing quality policy. C) through developing and improving process. D) leadership position. E) emphasizes strong interpersonal activities. 68. Both internal auditing & quality assurance are professions T/F Ans: T 69. Criteria of profession * a) code of ethics * b) statement of responsibilities * c) program of continuing education * d) common body of knowledge * e) certification program * 70. Difference between auditing and QA lies in statement of responsibilities and CBOK T/F 71. Internal auditor involves in the developing of standards. T/F 72. Internal auditor evaluates QA principles of the company. T/F ANS 73. Internal auditor evaluates interaction of all company groups to meeting objectives. T/F 74.Types of auditing are Financial auditing operational auditing Program auditing 75.Main role of QA is to identify and report problems and QA should have a positive role. T/F 76.Role of QA is to find and implement solutions for problems and has a positive role. T/F 77.Responsibility of internal auditors are -
CSQA Raw Question Bank 78.Skills of internal auditors -
83.It is possible to have quality assurance without quality control
a) Knowledge of standards for their practice and to comply with those standards.
84.Quality control relates specific product or service T/F
b) Review means of safeguarding assets and verify existence of assets.
85.QA is called QC over QC T/F
c) Verify compliance of corporate policies, plans, procedures, and applicable laws and regulations.
87. AQL means 1. Audit quality level 2. Audit quantity level 3. Accepted quality level 18. Management must support zero defects T/F
d) Co-ordinate and work in conjunction with external auditors. e) Communicate directly with senior corporate officers and Board of Directors. 79.Activities of QA 1.Develop information system policies, procedures and standards. 2.Acquire and implement tools and methodologies. 3.Market/create awareness programs/concepts. 4.Measure quality. 5.Defect analysis. 6.Statistical process control. 80. Quality means meeting requirements, meeting customer needs and a defect free product (a) Customers view point (b) Producers view point (c) a and b 81. Services are a form of product T/F 82. Quality is achieved through process T/F 83. Artists create products which involves process T/F 84.Activity which establishes and evaluates the process which produce the product a)QA b)QC c)a and b 82.QA would determine the need for 1. Acquire or help install system development methodologies 2. Estimation Process 3. System maintenance process a) 1 & 2 b) 1 &3 c)123
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86. Judgement is an audit function T ?f
88. Deficiencies of AQL are 1. Undermines the concept of quality 2. Does not aim at eradicating the cause of defects From the processes. 3. 1 & 2 4. None of the above. 89. Non conformance must be detected as early as possible measured. T/F 90. High defect prone products and processes are identified testing the product after all processes are over. T/ F 91. 80% Of all defects are attributable to incorrect ineffective processes. T/ 92. _____________ is responsible for processes and must accept the responsibility for nonconformance at least to 80% attributable to the processes. 1. QA department 2. QC department 3. Information technology management 93. The concept that is an integral part of information technology function is 1. Meeting the requirements 2. Producing a quality product 3. Customer's view of quality is the correct view quality. 94. Probability of being successful is extremely high, customer's problems are taken as company's problems.
CSQA Raw Question Bank T/F
sound prevention basis accompanied continuous quality improvement activities. (T/F)
95. Quality work can be rewarded. T/F 96. The topics of standards and nonconformance should discussed in every meeting to improve quality. T/F
106. Consistency of execution is taken to mean the existence of defined and a suitably recorded processes with delineation of responsibilities b consistently executing operations c other factors
97. Quality is a ______________ Responsibility. 1. Staff 2. Line 3. Both
107. Evaluations for quality assurance of products and services depend upon
98. Everyone should be involved in quality improvement programs. T/F 99. Types of measurement of performance are 1.strategic, statical, operational 2.Strategic, tactical, operational 100. Match: 1. Strategic - a. Operational management 2. Tactical - b. Executive management 3. Operational - c. Middle management 16. Quality assurance is a ____________ function. (line/staff) 101. Quality Assurance Dept should not have independent reporting line to senior management and they should report to middle management for better performance (T/F). 102. Generally the strength of QA dept should be ______________ percent of size of organization.
a. How responsibilities are distributed or organized or b. Whether or not the company has a quality organization or officer c. None of the above 108. Quality results category examines the company's quality improvement and quality levels by themselves and in relation to those of competitors. (T/F) 109. The number and types of measures for quality results depend upon factors such as a the company's size b types of products and services c competitive environment d all the above 110. Quality results evaluations consider whether or not the measures are sufficient to support overall improvement and to establish clear quality levels and comparisons. (T/F)
a) 1 to 2 b) 3 to 6 c) 10 to 20 d) 70 to 80 103.. Evaluations of planning are based upon the thoroughness and effectiveness of processes including the information used. (T/F) 104. Evaluations for strategic quality planning do not depend upon a. How planning activities are organized b. Whether or not the company has a planning department or officer c. a & b 105. Quality assurance of products and services evaluations take into account consistency of execution of quality operations that incorporate a
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111. Methods used to determine whether or not the process is under control and is helpful in identifying root cause of process problems which are causing defects:A) Prioritisation matrix B) statistical process control C) pareto chart D) control charts 112. The method by which product correct is determined and action is initiated when non-conformance is detected is: A) Quality assurance B) Quality control C) Auditing D) None of the above
CSQA Raw Question Bank A) Show a circular from the Top Management, saying that the Standard has to be followed. B) Linking the following of standards to the individuals’ performance appraisal. C) Involve your people (the people who will be using the standard) in the development of the standard. D) Show them the standard and ask them to follow it
113. The order in which measurement types support an organization as TQM concept is A) Tactical, strategic, work personnel B) work personnel, strategic, tactical C) strategic, tactical, work personnel D) None of the above 114. On a random basis, sample tests are done by QA person to determine whether or not the system met standards. This activity can be classified as A) Quality control B) Quality assurance C) Judgemental sampling 115. Which is not a good Q. A practice A) Inspection by leader B) Peer to Peer Review 116. The causes of frequency is arranged in pareto chart by A) ascending order B) decending order C) same order
121 You are a Quality Assurance professional. You have been asked to address a problem, where the customer is reporting a lot of bugs. You will A) Initiate more Reviews, Walk-through and Inspections B) Attach the number of bugs reported on a product to the concerned developers performance appraisal C) Recommend that more time be spent on system testing D) Do a root cause analysis of the bugs and try to prevent them from occurring again 122.As a Quality Assurance professional, you will be doing A) Reviews, Walk-throughs , and inspections B) Unit Testing C) Statistical Process Control D) Identify the weak areas in a SDLC, take corrective action, so as to ensure it does not occur again
117. Strategic quality plan should be part of A) Quality Plan C) Quality charter D) Overall Business Plan 118. As a Quality Assurance professional, which of the following skills do you feel is the most important for your profession A) Communication, written and oral B) Measurement C) Tools, techniques and methodologies D) Combination of any of the above two E) None of the above 119.Your manager asks you to come up with a standard. The order in which you will accomplish it is A) Standard, Process and then, Policy B) Policy, Standard and then, Process C) Process, Standard and then, Policy D) Policy, Process and then, Standard 120. You are asked to implement a Standard as the Quality Manager. (i.e. You are made responsible to ensure those standards are followed by the team). Then which of the following will you do,
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123. Quality Analysts are involved with A) Defect Detection B) Correction C) Defect Prevention D) Protection E) None of the above F) Ensuring that all the processes are followed, by conducting periodic checks 124. A ‘Run Chart’ can be used to identify the cause of defects. A) TRUE B) FALSE 125. To complete your tasks/job(work-product), when you are going through a document and adopting the steps detailed in it, in a sequential manner, you are following a A) Workbench B) Flowchart C) Process D) Procedure
CSQA Raw Question Bank
126. Quality assurance is a function responsible for --------------------------------. A) Controlling quality B) Managing quality C) Inspections D) Removal of defects 127. Quality assurance is a catalytic function which should encourage quality attitudes and discipline on the part of management and workers.. A) true B) false 128. The word management in quality assurance describes many different functions, encompassing A) Policy management B) Human resources management, safety control C) Component control and management of other resources and daily schedules. D) All of the above E) None of the above 129. In statistical process control, statistics are used for determining whether the process is within acceptable variance from standards. A) True B) False
133. Statistical methods are used to ---------------------------- and ------------------------problems incurred as a result of operating processes. A) Identify, solve B) Accumulate, analyse C) Measure, probe into D) Find, project 134. Pareto chart provides corrective actions for high frequency causes of problems. A) true B) false 135.Pareto concept is merely an ---------------------------of the ------------------------ of a problem by type of cause. A) Effective method, analysis B) Accumulation, resultant effect C) organized ranking,causes 136. The steps involved in developing a pareto chart are: A) identify problem area B) identify and nam,e causes of the problem C) document the occurrence of the causes of the problem D) rank the causes by frequency, using pareto chart E) all of the above F) none of the above
130. Statistical process control help to identify the ------------------------- of process problems which are causing defects. A) Root cause B) Nature C) Person/persons involved D) All of the ab E) None of the above
137. The Quality manager will find it difficult to effectiviely implement the QAI Quality Improvement Process, unless his organisation is willing to accept the Quality principles as a A) the organisation’s policy B) a challenge C) the corporate vision D) the organisation’s goal E) a management philosophy F) all of the above
131.Statistical methods are used to differentiate random variation from ---------------. A) Standards B) assignable variation C) Control limits D) Specification limits
138. Pareto chart provides corrective action for high-frequency causes of problems A) True B) False
132. Random causes of process problems can be ---------------------- eliminated. A) Sometimes B) Never C) Rarely D) Always
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139. The step-by-step method to ensure that standards are met is a A) Procedure B) Checklist C) Process D) Checksheet
CSQA Raw Question Bank 140 An activity that verifies compliance with policies and procedures and ensures that resources are conserved is A) an inspection B) an audit C) a review D) an assessment
A) Knowledge of standards for the professional practice of internal auditing B) To perform statistical process control C) To acquire and implement tools
141. Which is rated the number one skill required for the quality assurance analyst? A) Reading B) Oral C) Writing D) Arithmetic
A) Find and implement solutions for the problems B) measure quality C) market the awareness of quality concepts D) identify and report problems
142. Quality Assurance Manager is responsible for Quality Assurance activity A) True B) False 143. Quality assurance is A) A management responsibility B) Worker's responsibility 144. The five generally accepted criteria namely code of ethics, statement of responsibilities, Program of continuing education, Common body of knowledge and Certification program are recognized for A) A Profession B) An internal audit C) Quality assurance D) All of the above E) None of the above
148. QAI believes that the main role of auditing is to
149. As a Quality Assurance professional, which of the following skills do you feel is the most important for your profession A) Communication, written and oral B) Measurement C) Tools, techniques and methodologies D) Combination of any of the above two E) None of the above 150. Your manager asks you to come up with a standard. The order in which you will accomplish it is A) Standard, Process and then, Policy B) Policy, Standard and then, Process C) Process, Standard and then, Policy D) Policy, Process and then, Standard 151. According to Dr. Ishikawa, the term ‘Strive for Zero Defects’ helps the staff to achieve it. A) TRUE B) FALSE
145. The difference between Internal auditing and Quality Assurance center heavily around A) Statement of responsibilities B) Common body of knowledge C) Code of ethics D) A and B E) A and C F) A, B and C 146. Internal auditing can get involved in A) Developing procedures B) Standards C) A and B D) Evaluating the interaction of group companies 147. Skills to be possessed by internal auditor but need not by a quality analyst are
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152. You are a Quality Assurance professional. You have been asked to address a problem, where the customer is reporting a lot of bugs. You will A) Initiate more Reviews, Walk-through and Inspections B) Attach the number of bugs reported on a product to the concerned developers performance appraisal C) Recommend that more time be spent on system testing D) Do a root cause analysis of the bugs and try to prevent them from occurring again 153. An example of deployment of a quality approach is: A) The degree to which the approach embodies effective evaluation cycles
CSQA Raw Question Bank B) The effectiveness of the use of tools, techniques, and methods C) The contribution of outcomes and effects to quality improvement D) The significance of improvement to the company’s business 154. The concept of continuous improvement as applied to quality means A) Employees will continue to get better B) Processes will be improved through a few large improvements C) Improved technology will be added to the process, such as acquiring CASE tools D) The functionality of the products will be enhanced 155. Question on definition of 'Quality Policy' 156. Most useful skill of a QA A) Oral, and written communication 157. What are the 7 quality tools? 158. Aim given to control charts is: 159. Who initiates change in IT process/ methodology: A) QA Manager B) IT Manager 160. QA does not have: A) Code of ethics B) CBOK C) Statement of responsibilities D) Wrong option 161. Cause-and-Effect diagram is - definition. 162. Definition of Pareto concept. 163. Post-implementation review is: A) Audit B) Process C) Quality assurance D) Quality Control 164. Drawing a sample to make conclusions about the quality of a program - tech. used: A) Statistical Sampling B) Judgemental sampling 1. Histogram 2. Scatter diagram 3. Stratification 4. Check sheet 5. Run Chart
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6. Ishikawa Diagram 165. Pareto Analysis A) A tool to classify possible cause of the problem B) Method to seek out most importance cause of the problem C) A form to gather and record data in an organized manner D) A technique used to divide data into homogenous groups E) Plot showing relationship between 2 variables F) A bar graph to display the frequency of occurrences of the measure data G) Statistical technique to monitor the stability of the process
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