Configuring GMS 4.06 - Administrator Guide

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Configuring GMS 4.06 - Administrator Guide

Chapter  Using the GMS Map Editor 




Configuring GMS 4.06 - Administrator Guide Map Editor is

the GMS drawing module for creating cr eating and editing site and alarm area maps to show the location of  security devices and alarm points. Site maps are an essential part of the monitoring capabilities of GMS, and work in conjunction with the Site Map View (see Using GMS - Operator Guide, Using the Site Map View ). ). Use the Map Editor to: Create and modify dynamic site maps with alarm point and device locations. Create and modify site, contact, alarm point and device details. Import images or data for inclusion in site maps. Create response procedures and guard tours.

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Opening and Closing the Map Editor Opening the Map Editor To open the Map Editor, do one of the following. 1. In GMS select Tools > Site Map Editor. The Map Editor and the Open Map File dialog box open.



Site No.

The site number to open the map file from. If a site has more than one area (for example, more than one floor), it will have more than one map. Enter the number that corresponds to the particular site area. Alternatively, select a map to open from the list. Click to open the Open Multi-Site Map dialog box, where you can open or create new new mu multi lti-si -site te m maps aps ((see see Creati Creating ng Mult Multii-Sit Site e Site Site Maps Maps 149 )


Map Files Multi-Site Map


To open open a specif specific ic site site map, map, sele select ct a site site numbe number, r, then then cl click ick OK . The map for the specified site is displayed in the Map Editor. -orOpen the Map Editor directly from within any GMS module where you can view a site area. For example, rightclicking a site in the Summary Manager and selecting Map File Editor from the context menu.

Closing the Map Editor To close Map Editor, proceed as follows: 1. Select Map > Exit, or click . If the map is already saved you yo u will return to GMS. If it has not been saved, a dialog box opens asking if you want to save the site map before exiting. Click Yes to save the map file in location suggested and return to GMS. Click No to close without saving, or and click Cancel to return to Map Editor.

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Understanding Understandi ng the Map Editor Interface The Map Editor includes command menus and a variety of tools and palettes. The following describes each of the functional areas. Functional Area


Menu bar

All Map Editor c  com omm mands (see (see Menu Bar 124 ). Shortcut buttons to the most commonly used Map Editor commands (see Toolbar 126 )


Toolbox Color bar Point View pane

Site Map pane

Shortcut for)placing items in a site map such as cameras, input points, etc (see Tbuttons oolbox 126 . Set or chang change e foreg foregrou round nd a and nd back backgrou ground nd colo colors rs ((see see Col Color or Ba Barr 127 ). The Point View pane of the Map Editor screen (on the left-hand side) displays detailed information about the elements in the corresponding site map (see Po Point V Viiew Pa Pane 127 ). The Site Map pane is the frame for the site map when displayed (see Site Map Pane 127 ).

Menu Bar The menu bar contains all command options available.

Map Menu Options Menu Option




Opens a new map. GMS will first prompt for the site number. For a new map, it will next enquire for its site details. If the map already exists, GMS prompts a request to overwrite the existing file. If you select Yes, the existing file is discarded (see Managing Site Maps 151 ). Opens an existing map. Select a map to open (see open (see Managing Site Maps 151 ). Imports graphics (DXF file) from AutoCAD for inclusion on the site site map map (see (see Importi Importing ng Con Conten tentt iint nto o Site Site Ma Maps ps 138 ). Imports site data from a comma-delimited file such as MS Excel Exc el file file ((see see Importi Importing ng Con Conten tentt iint nto o Site Site Ma Maps ps 138 ). Imports site contact from a comma-delimited file such as MS Excel Excel file file ((see see Import Importing ing Conten Contentt iinto nto Sit Site e Maps Maps 138 ). Imports input point data from a comma-delimited file such as MS Excel file (see Importing Content into Site Maps 138 ). Imports output point data d ata from a comma-delimited comma-delimited file


Open Import DXF File Import Site Data Import Site Contact Import Input Point Data

Import Output Point Data

Save Save As Print

Delete Backup Restore Clear Redraw Exit

such 138MS M aps as ). Excel file (see Importing Content into Site Save Savess tthe he ma map p (se (see e Man Manag agin ing g Sit Site e Map Mapss 151 ). Saves the map under another name (see Managing Site Maps 151 ). Prints the map. Along with the map, choose to print site data, site contact, instruction lists and point details (see Managing Site Maps 151 ). Choose the maps to delete from a list of existing maps (se see eM Ma anag agiing Site ite M Ma aps 151 ). Backs up map files. You can specify a destination to save the the back backup up (s (see ee Ma Mana nagi ging ng Si Site te Ma Maps ps 151 ). Restores map files from backups (see Managing Site Maps 151 ). Erases all contents of the map. Refreshes the drawings. Closes the).Map Editor (see Opening and Closing the Map E ditor 123



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Edit Menu Options Option


Delete an Object

Deletes objects, icons and images (see Editing Site Maps 142 ). Deletes an object fill (see Editing Site Maps 142 ). Will redo the last delete action on the map. Removes the last object added. Mo Move vess a an n obj objec ectt ((se see e Edi Editi ting ng Si Site te Maps Maps 142 ). Re Resi size zess ima image gess ((se see e Edi Editi ting ng Si Site te Maps Maps 142 ). Duplicates an image that already appears on the map (s (see ee Edi ditting ing Site Site Maps 142 ). Selects an object or group of objects (see Editing Site Maps 142 ). Adds, deletes or modifies a large range of objects simu simult ltan aneo eous usly ly (se (see e Edi Editi ting ng Si Site te Maps Maps 142 ). Changes the colors of selected objects (see Editing Site Maps 142 ). Edits data (alarm point type, serial number, location, etc.) associated with the various points (input, output, camera, device and controller). Views and edits site contact names and phone numbers of  the displa displayed yed map (see (see Worki Working ng wit with h Site Site Ma Map p Data Data 155 ). Views and edits the data (site name, address, etc.) associated with the displayed map (see Working with Site

Delete Filled Areas Redo Undo Move an Object Resize an Image Copy an Image Group Select Bulk Update Edit Object Colors Edit Point Data

Edit Contacts Edit Site Data

Edit Guard Tour

Response Procedures Response Procedures for User Defined Events

Map Data 155 ). Views and edits the route and time that it takes for a security guard to tour and investigate the security of the site site (s (see ee Worki Working ng with with Site Site Ma Map p Dat Data a 155 ). Adds, edits or deletes operator instructions for non-alarm situations. Defines instructions for events that have been configured by the user. Instructions can be defined for events such as bomb threat, medical emergencies. New events can be added from the site map (see Working with Site Map Data 155 ).





View Menu Options Option


Tool Box

Displays or hides the Toolbox. Displays or hides the Status bar.

Status Bar

Toggle Perspective View

Displays or hides the Toolbar. Displays or hides the Color bar. Not functional. Not functional.

Toggle Animation

Not functional.

Zoom To

Sets the screen resolution of the map display area. Options available are: 640 x 480, 800 x 600, 1024 x 768. Displays the Map Editor, Point View pane in full screen view.

Toolbar Color Bar Toggle 3D View

Point Details


Tools Menu Options Option



Draws straight lines (see Drawing and Adding Objects to Site Maps 129 ). Draws curved lines (see Drawing and Adding Objects to




Site Maps ). Draws circles (see Drawing and Adding Objects to Site Maps 129 ).



Draws rectangles (see Drawing and Adding Objects to Site Maps 129 ). Chapter 2 - Using the GMS Map Editor | 125 12 5


Configuring GMS 4.06 - Administrator Guide Option



Allows text entries (see Drawing and Adding Objects to Site Maps 129 ). Fills a closed object such as a circle or o r rectangle (see Editing Dr Drawings 142 ). Thes ese e opt optiions ons a are re no nott a ava vail ilab ablle in in tthi hiss ve vers rsiion of GM GMS S. Places a controller icon on the map and specifies its configuration (see Drawing and Adding Objects to Site Maps 129 ).

Fill 3D Tools Controller


Input Point

Output Point



Card Reader Door

Import Image Command Shortcut


Places a keypad icon on the map and specifies its configuration (see Drawing and Adding Objects to Site Maps 129 ). Places an input point icon on the map and specifies its configuration (see Drawing and Adding Objects to Site Maps 129 ). Places an output point icon on the map and specifies its configuration (see Drawing and Adding Objects to Site Maps 129 ). Places a camera icon on the map and specifies its configuration (see Drawing and Adding Objects to Site Maps 129 ). Places an device icon on the map and specifies its configuration. GMS uses device icons to represent a wide range of devices such as branch network controllers, modems, RAPs, termination units, camera controllers, etc (s (see ee Dra Drawi wing ng and and Add Addin ing g Obje Object ctss to Si Site te Ma Maps ps 129 ). Places a card reader icon onand the Adding map and specifies its configuration (see Drawing Objects to Site Maps 129 ). Places a door icon on the map and specifies its configuration (see Drawing and Adding Objects to Site Maps 129 ). Imports image files for inclusion in the map (see Drawing and and A Add ddin ing gO Obj bjec ects ts to Site Site Maps Maps 129 ). Creates a button to execute a set of predefined p redefined commands (s (see ee Auto Automa mati ting ng Task Taskss Usi Using ng Si Site te Maps Maps 146 ).

Options Menu Options Option


Grid Size

Sets up and displays a grid so that objects are drawn with respect to scale and positioned appropriately in the site map (see (see Draw Drawin ing ga and nd Add Adding ing Obj Object ectss to to Site Site Ma Maps ps 129 ). Sele Select ctss a llin ine e styl style e (s (see ee Edit Editin ing g Si Site te Map Mapss 142 ).

Pen Styles Fonts

Map Layer Selection Locate a Point Skip Image Selection Customize Menu

Sets the font style and size for text placed on the map using the text tool (see Drawing and Adding Objects to Site Maps 129 ). Selects and defines the possible 16 layers of the map (s (se ee Usi Usin ng Si Site Map Laye ayers 141 ). Finds a specific alarm point on the map (see Editing Site Maps 142 ). Disables the selection of image files when moving objects (s (se ee Edi diti tin ng Site Site Maps aps 142 ). Customizes the menu items that should be available to Map Editor users.



Toolbar The Map Editor toolba  toolbarr contains contains buttons buttons for commonly commonly u used sed co comman mmands. ds. See See Me Menu nu Ba Barr 124 for informa information tion on these these buttons.

Toolbox The Map Editor toolbox contains button for drawing dr awing shapes and placing objects on a map, such as cameras, input

poi points nts,, etc. etc. See See Menu Menu Bar 124 for info informa rmatio tion n on these these b butt uttons ons..

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Color Bar The Map Editor color bar helps to set the foreground and background colors of objects that you draw on the map.   In the above case, blue is selected as the foreground color and white as the background color. To change either of  these colors select from the available palette. 1. To sele select ct a foregr foregroun ound d color, color, leftleft-cli click ck on the the color color palett palette. e. 2. To sele select ct a backgro backgroun und d colo color, r, rightright-cli click ck on th the e color color pal palett ette. e.

Point View Pane The Point View pane displays the information about the elements in the corresponding site map. To open the pane in a separate window, select View > Point Details. Click to display the properties or contents contents of an element, such as camera number, type, model, etc. Click the properties or contents of an element.

to hide



Expand Group

Fully expands all branches in the same group as the highlighted element element.. Locate a point. Closes the Point View window and displays the Points Details and Site Map panes. Select to display point data for all areas within the site of the current area map.

Search Close Include Other Areas

Site Map Pane The Map Editor right pane is used for displaying site maps and editing them. When you select a command option from the menu bar or toolbar, the resulting action takes place on the open map in this pane. Similarly, when you select an object to draw or place from the toolbox, the resulting object can be drawn d rawn

or placed on the map in this pane.

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Drawing and Adding Objects to Site Maps To make a map more legible or usable, you can draw shapes, and add text entries and objects (security objects working directly with GMS). These can represent the locations and types of devices, making it easier for operators op erators to pin-point alarms, based on the site map.

Displaying the Drawing Grid and Snapping to Grid To display a grid on a map to help you align shapes and objects, proceed as follows: 1. In the Map Editor select Options > Grid Size. The Grid Size dialog box opens.

2. 3. 4.

Enter Enter the distance distance (in pixels) pixels) be betwee tween n the the gri grid d lines lines in the Horizontal Pixels and Vertical Pixels fields. Select Display Grid to show it. Disable the option to not show the grid. Click OK. Grid lines will appear on the displayed map.

Turning On Snap to Grid If Snap to Grid is on, any drawing shape or object ob ject that you place automatically aligns with the nearest dot on the grid. 1. In the Map Editor select Options > Grid Size. The Grid Size dialog box opens. 2. Enable the Snap to Grid option. Disable the option to turn off o ff Snap to Grid. 3. Click OK.

Drawing Shapes To draw a shape on a map, proceed as follows: 1. In the Map Editor select a shape tool from the toolbox, such as a line , rectangle , circle or arc . 2. Sele Select ct a ccol olor or from from the the ccol olor or bar bar.. 3. In Options > Pen Styles choose the width and style of the line used to draw the shape. 4. Position Position th the e cursor cursor on the site site map. Click Click and hold hold while while dragging dragging the the cursor. A flexibl flexible e line sstretc tretches hes from the the anchored end of the line to the current cursor position. 5. At the desire desired d lengt length, h, release release th the e mouse button button to to anchor anchor the second second end of you yourr line an and d add the shape shape ont onto o the map.

Filling Shapes with Color To fill a shape with color, proceed as follows: 1. 2.

In the Map Editor select from the toolbox. Select Select a col color or from from the the ccolo olorr bar using using ri right ght-cl -click ick.. Note:


Ifcolor. you left-click in the color bar, b ar, the background color for the entire site map changes to the selected

Click Click inside inside the object object y you ou wan wantt to fil fill. l. The object object will be be filled filled with the select selected ed colo color. r. Note:

The Fill tool will fill only closed drawing objects (rectangles and circles).

Adding Text and Selecting Font Style To add a text entry, proceed as follows: 1. In the Map Editor select from the toolbox. 2. Sel Select ect a color color from from the the ccolo olorr bar using using lleft eft-cl -click ick.. 3. Cl Clic ick k on on the the ma map p to to d dis ispl play ay the the Text  dialog  dialog box.

4. 5.

Typ Type e tthe he tex textt to to in inclu clude de o on n the the site site m map. ap. Click Font to open the Text Fonts dialog box, where you change the style and appearance of the font used.

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6. 7.

Sel Select ect the the font font type, type, ssize ize and and style style re requi quired red,, then then cli click ck OK. Click OK when text is completed. Note:

A maximum of 254 characters is allowed per text entry. If hard returns are used in an entry (to provide multiple lines of text per entry) then each hard return accounts for two characters.

Importing and Placing Images To import and place images to a site map, proceed pr oceed as follows: 1. 2.

In the Map Editor toolbox click . Cli Click ck on the ma map p where where the the iimag mage e shoul should d appear appear.. Th The e Open dialog box opens.

3. Loca Locate te and and sel selec ectt an ima image ge the then n clic click k Open. The image is displayed on the map at the chosen position.

Adding Objects Objects represent various security devices, for example, card readers and access controlled doors that work in conjunction conjuncti on with GMS. Text is is also regarde regarded d as an ob object ject (see (see Adding Adding Text Text and Selec Selecting ting Fo Font nt Styl Style e 129 ). To add add an object to a site map, proceed as follows: 1. In the Map Editor, select an object from the toolbox. Object Type


Input devices detect and observe activities on a site. The output relays configured on the controller, trigger the output devices to on or off. A keypad is an intelligent input/output input/output device that acts as the local user interface to control the security system such as access, mode changes. The Controller communicates alarm messages from a site and controls site access control. CCTV camera. Device represents a wide range of objects such as modem, DVR, alarm panels, termination units, etc. Card reader. Door. 2.

Click Click on the map to place place the the new object object in in this this location location on tthe he ma map. p. The appropr appropriate iate Configuration dialog box opens for the selected type of point/object when you place p lace it.

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Enter Enter the releva relevant nt inf inform ormati ation on in the the Configuration tab. Refer to the following for further detailed information about each object configuration requirements: Input Points 132 . Output Points 133 . Keypads 134 . Controllers 134 . CCTV Cameras 135 . Devices 135 . Card Readers 136 . Doors 137 . Open the Priority tab.



Point No.

The identification number of the controller. Select an alarm group to view its priority details in the Priorities region. Alarm groups are created in the Events Manager. Select when the point should not belong to any alarm groups and not have a priority. Shows what status the point has for each mode in an alarm group. Priorities are configured in the Events Manager.

Alarm Group Use Default Priorities


Open the Response Procedure tab.

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To make any necessary changes to the response procedures for a point, proceed as follows: Use the Available Instructions region to add, edit or delete operator instructions to the specific alarm message. To associate to an existing local instruction, select Local List and select from the list. To associate to an existing global instruction, select Global List and select from the list. Click Add to associate the instruction to the selected alarm message. The instruction is displayed in Selected Instructions for the Point. Multiple instructions can be associated to one alarm message. Multiple instructions instructions associated with an alarm message can be sequenced. In Selected Instructions for the Point select an instruction and use the arrows to shift within the list. This is to ensure that a set sequence is followed in response to the alarm. Click OK. 6. Sa Save ve th the e ssit ite e map map..

Input Points



Point No.

Specify the input point number. Choose an appropriate type. Click to assign a user-defined bitmap image. Specify the manufacturer of the input device. Enter the model number of the input device. Enter the serial number of the input device. Specify the location of the input device on the site. Example, 'Front entrance, main building'. Enter an angle (in degrees) to represent the orientation of the input on the map. Specify the camera number with which the point is linked. In cases when the point goes into alarm, the video feed from the camera can be called.

Device Type Bitmap Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. Location Direction Associated CCTV Camera

Associated Reader

point goes into alarm, the video feed from the camera can be called. Specify reader number for the point. In cases when the point goes g oes into alarm,

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Select Layers

the reader can be accessed for further action. Use to specify the map layer(s) to which this point should be assigned (see Using S Siite M Ma ap La Laye yers rs 141 ).



EPD Templates

When any text is typed in Extended Point Description, it is available for use by any other point as a template in this space. Click to delete selected text from EPD Template.

Delete Copy Extended Point Description

Click to copy selected text from EPD Template to Extended Point Description. Enter additional details of the point. For example, a detailed description of the point location might be critical. An operator can use this to describe its location to the fire brigade so they can get to it quickly.

Output Points



Output No.

Specify the output point number. Choose an appropriate type. Click to assign a user defined bitmap. Specify the location of the output device on the site. For example, 'Front entrance, main building'. Enter an angle (in degrees) to represent the orientation of the output on the map.

Device Bitmap Location Direction Select Layers

Use to specify the map141 layer(s) to which this point should be assigned (see Using S Siite M Ma ap LLa ayers ).

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Keypad No.

Specify the keypad number. Select the appropriate model of the keypad. Click to assign a user defined bitmap. Enter the serial number of the keypad. Specify the location of the keypad on the site. For example, 'Front entrance, main building'. Enter an angle (in degrees) to represent the orientation of the keypad on the map. Use to specify the map layer(s) to which this keypad should be assigned (see Using S Siite M Ma ap LLa ayers 141 ).

Model No. Bitmap Serial No. Location Direction Select Layers





Select appropriate model of controller. Enter serial number of the controller. Specify location of the controller. Enter an angle (in degrees) to represent the orientation of the Controller on the map. Use to specify the map layer(s) to which this controller should be assigned (se see e Usi Usin ng Sit Site eM Ma ap LLa ayers yers 141 ).

Serial No. Location Direction Select Layers

The Controller  dialog  dialog box has four extra instruction lists. The lists are divided into categories depending on the type of  Controller alarm state, and will display the appropriate operator instructions for an alarm of that type.



Comms Callout List

Operator instructions relating to communication communication alarms involving controllers.

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Mode Callout List

Operator instructions relating to controller mode changes, for example, Day mode, Night mode, Test mode, etc. Operator instructions relating to partial seal alarms involving controllers, for example, ATM, Cleaner, Guard, Maintenance, etc. Operator instructions relating to controller status changes.

Partial Seal Callout List Status Callout List

CCTV Cameras

Parameter Camera No. Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. Location Direction Select Layers


Specify the camera number. Specify manufacturer of the camera. Enter model number of the camera. Enter serial number of the camera. Specify the location of the camera on the site. For example, 'Front entrance, main building'. Enter an angle (in degrees) to represent the orientation of the camera on the map. Use to specify the map layer(s) to which this camera should be assigned (see Using S Siite M Ma ap La Layers 141 ).




Device No.

Specify the device number.

Device Type

Choose an appropriate type. Click to assign a user defined bitmap.


Serial No. Location

Enter the serial number of the device. Specify the location of the device on the site. For example, 'Front entrance, Chapter 2 - Using the GMS Map Editor | 135 13 5


Configuring GMS 4.06 - Administrator Guide Parameter Direction Select Layers


main building'. Enter an angle (in degrees) to represent the orientation of the device on the map. Use to specify the map layer(s) to which this device should be assigned (see Using S Siite M Ma ap La Layers 141 ).

Card Readers



Reader No.

Specify the reader number. Choose an appropriate model. Enter the serial number. Specify the location of the device on the site. For example, 'Front entrance, main building'. Click to assign a user defined bitmap. Enter an angle (in degrees) to represent the orientation of the card reader on the map. If the reader is an elevator then specify the range of floors accessible by the elevator. Link a CCTV Camera to the reader Controlled by the controller and not configurable.

Model Serial No. Location Bitmap Direction Floors Accessed Associated CCTV Cameras Associated Output Points Door Unlock Time (Secs) Door Shunt Time (Secs) Door Open Time (Secs) Time Zones Select Layers

Controlled by the controller and not configurable. Controlled by the controller and not configurable. Controlled by the controller and not configurable. Controlled by the controller and not configurable. Use to specify the map layer(s) to which this device should be assigned (see Using S Siite Ma Map LLa ayers 141 ).

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Door No.

Enter a door number. Specify the location of the device on the site. For example, 'Front entrance, main building'. Enter an angle (in degrees) to represent the orientation of the door on the map. Use to specify the map layer(s) to which this device should be assigned (see Using S Siite Ma Map LLa ayers 141 ).

Location Direction Select Layers

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Importing Content into Site Maps GMS can import content, such as site data into a map from various external files. Note:

During importation, if any imported text fields exceed the GMS character limit, they are automatically automaticall y truncated.

Importing AutoCAD DXF Site Drawings GMS supports AutoCAD *.dxf files. This allows you to import an accurate accurate floor plan, without you having to draw it. Note:

You can import and place images *.bmp, *.pcx, *.png, *.jpg and *.tif formats (see Drawing and Ad Addi din ng Obj Objec ects ts to Sit Site e Map Mapss 129 ).

Importing DXF files To import a *.dxf file into a map, proceed as follows: 1. Open Open th the e ffil ile e iin n whi which ch the the d dxf xf is to be impo import rted ed (s (see ee Ma Mana nagi ging ng Si Site te Ma Maps ps 151 ). 2. Select Map > Import DXF File. 3. Loca Locate te th the e ffil ile e tthe hen n cli click ck OK. 4. Th The e dxf dxf file file w will ill be disp displa layed yed as part part of tthe he map. map. Note:

Ensure that the *.dxf file being imported does not have more than two layers.

Importing Site Data The Import Site Data option allows programming of site data by using a spreadsheet file such as Microsoft Excel, or a text file using a delimiting character (for example, a ',' (comma)). To import the spreadsheet data into site data proceed as follows: 1. In the Map Editor select Map > Import Site Data. The Import Site Data from File dialog box opens. Note:

2. 3. 4.



Ensure that no map file is open when importing site data or site contacts. If a map is open those options will be greyed out in the menu. Open a new map from the GMS main menu to access the Import Site Data and Import Site Contacts options from the Map Editor Map menu.

On the Import File tab, specify the location of the spreadsheet file. Either click Browse to locate the file or type the path of the file. Enter Enter a delim delimiti iting ng ch chara aracte cterr (usua (usually lly comm comma a is us used) ed) in in Enter a separator character. Enter Enter the index index value value in tthe he fields fields which which are are concurrent concurrent with with the the site site data detai details. ls. For example, if column A in your spreadsheet is specified for controller numbers, then type 1 as the index value in Controller No.. Specify index values for concurrent fields with matching column number. A text text file file can al also so be used used to to import import site site dat data a in into to the the Map Editor. The text file must have each entry (each unit of data) separated by a comma. Specify index values for concurrent fields with matching entry number. For example, if in your text file the first entry is for the controller number then type 1 as the index value in Controller No. text field in the Import Site Data from File dialog box. Similarl Similarly, y, fill fill the the concu concurrent rrent text boxes in all all the tabs of the the Import Site Data from File dialog box. Note:

7. 8.

Type 0 for text boxes box es that are not required. Type '-1' To retain existing data of the field on the map. Fi Fill ll al alll ffie ield ldss the then n cli click ck OK. To cche heck ck for for tthe he impo import rted ed dat data, a, in in th the e Map Editor menu choose Map > Open and from the list open the map file for which the data was imported. Once the map file is open check its site data by selecting Edit Site Data from the Edit menu.

Importing Site Contacts The Import Site Contact option allows the programming of site contacts using a spreadsheet spr eadsheet file such as Microsoft Excel, or a text file using a delimiting character (for example, a ',' (comma)). Note:

GMS can import a maximum of 5000 contacts from a single import file.

To import the spreadsheet data into Site Contact, proceed as follows: Note:

1. 2. 3.

Ensure that NO map is open in the Map Editor.

In the Map Editor select Map > Import Site Contact. The Import Site Contact Data from File dialog box is displayed. On the Import File tab, specify the location of the spreadsheet file. Either click Browse to locate the file or type the path of the file. Enter Enter a delim delimiti iting ng ch chara aracte cterr (usua (usually lly comm comma a is us used) ed) in in Enter a separator character.


Enter Enter the index index value value in tthe he fields fields which which are are concurrent concurrent with with the the site site contact contact de detail tails. s. For example, if column A in your spreadsheet is specified for Controller number then enter 1 as the index value

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in Controller No.. Specify index value for concurrent fields with the matching column number. A text text file file can al also so be used used to to import import site site con contac tacts ts into into th the e Map Editor. The text file must have each entry (each unit of data) separated by a comma. Specify index values for concurrent fields with matching entry number. For example, if in your text file the first entry is for the Controller number then enter 1 as the index value. The text file must have each entry (unit of data) separated by a comma. Specify index value for concurrent fields with matching entry number.

Importing Input Point Data Data on both input and output points can be imported from fr om another spreadsheet package such as Microsoft Excel, or a text file using a delimiting character. To import the spreadsheet data into Input Point Data, proceed as follows: 1. Ope pen n the map fi fille (see (see Manag agiing Site ite Maps 151 ). Note:

Point data can only be imported to a map that is open in the Map Editor.


In the Map Editor select Map > Import Input Point Data. The Import Input Point Data from File dialog box opens.


On the Import File tab, specify the location of the spreadsheet file. Either click Browse to locate the file, or type the path of the file. Enter Enter a delim delimiti iting ng ch chara aracte cterr (usua (usually lly comm comma a is us used) ed) in in Enter a separator character. Enter Enter the index index value value in tthe he fields fields which which are are concurrent concurrent with with the the input input point point details details.. For example, if column A in your spreadsheet is specified for controller numbers then enter 1 as the index value in Controller No.. Specify index value for concurrent fields with matching column number. A text text file file can also also be used used to to import import inpu inputt point point data data into into the the Map Editor. The text file must have each entry (unit of data) separated by a comma. Specify index value for concurrent fields with matching entry number. For example, if in your text file the first entry is for the controller number then enter 1 as the index value in Controller No. in the Import Input Point Data from File dialog box. Similarl Similarly, y, fill fill the the concu concurrent rrent text boxes in all all the tabs of the the Import Input Point Data from File dialog box.

4. 5.




Type 0 for text boxes that are not required.

8. Fi Fill ll al alll ttex extt fie field ldss tthe hen n cli click ck OK. The points imported will be displayed on the map. You can also use the Point Details to check the point information (see P Po oint V Viiew Pa Pane 127 ).

Importing Output Point Data The Import Output Point Data option allows the programming of site contact in advance, by using a spreadsheet package such as Microsoft Excel, or a text file using a delimiting character. To import the spreadsheet data into Output Point Data, proceed as follows:


Ope pen n the map fi fille (see (see Manag agiing Site ite Maps 151 ).

Chapter 2 - Using the GMS Map Editor | 139 13 9


Configuring GMS 4.06 - Administrator Guide Note:

Point data can only be imported to a map that is open in the Map Editor.


In the Map Editor select Map > Import Output Point Data. The Import Output Point Data from File dialog box opens.


On the Import File tab, specify the location of the spreadsheet file. Either click Browse to locate the file, or type the path of the file. Enter Enter a delim delimiti iting ng ch chara aracte cterr (usua (usually lly comm comma a is us used) ed) in in Enter a separator character. Enter Enter the index index value value in tthe he fields fields which which are are concurrent concurrent with with the the output output point point details details.. For example, if column A in your spreadsheet is specified for controller numbers then enter 1 as the index value in Controller. Specify index value for concurrent fields with matching column number. A text text file file can also also be used used to to import import outpu outputt poin pointt dat data a into into the the Map Editor. The text file must have each entry (unit of data) separated by a comma. Specify index value for concurrent fields with matching entry number. For example, if in your text file the first entry is for the controller number then enter 1 as the index value in the Controller text field in the Import  Output Point Data from File dialog box.

4. 5.



Similarl Similarly, y, fill fill the the concu concurrent rrent text boxes in all all the tabs of the the Import Input Point Data from File dialog box. Note: Type 0 for text boxes that are not required.


Fi Fill ll al alll ttex extt fie field ldss tthe hen n cli click ck OK.

The imported be 127 ) (see points Po Point V Vi iew Pa Panewill . displayed on the map. You can also use the Point Details to check the point information

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