Com. For Jud. Partition of Real Est

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Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 11th Judicial Region Branch ___ Davao City


Civil Case No. ________ FOR: Judicial Partton of Real Esae



VERONICA LODGE Deendan. x---------------------------x

COMPLAINT COMES NOW, the plain, through the undersigned counsel, and unto this honorable court, most respecully avers that: 1. The The pl plai ain n  AR ARCH CHIE IE AN ANDR DREW EWS S is of le lega gall ag age, e, Fi Fili lipi pino no Ci Ciz zen en,, wi with th postal address at Unit 32 KJ Towers, Apa St., Davao City, Philippines. 2. The defenda defendant nt VERO VERONIC NICA A LO LODGE DGE is of le legal gal age, age, Fil Filipi ipino no Cizen, Cizen, with postal pos tal add addres resss at Rm. 21 214 4 Cam Camila ila Tow Towers ers,, Me Mende ndess St. St.,, Dav Davao ao Cit City, y, Philippines.

3. That plain and defendant are co-owners pro indiviso, in two (2) equal parts, of one parcel of land situated at Mana, Davao City and covered by TCT No. 12345 issued by the Register of Deeds of Davao City, which is more parcularly described as follows:

TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 12345 “A parcel of land located in City of Davao, known as Lot A-3, bounded on the north by Lot B, on the South by Lot C, on the west by Lot D, and on the South by Naonal Road, with a total area of 200 square meters, registered in the name of ARCHIE ANDREWS.”


That the af afor orem emen eno one ned d pa parc rcel el of la land nd ha hass a to tota tall la land nd area of 20 200 0 4. That square meters more or less, and it is easily divisible into two parcels both of which can conveniently serve as either residenal or commercial premises; 5. That That pla plain in  ha had d se seve vera rall m mes es no no ed ed de defe fenda ndant nt of hi hiss de desi sire re an and d intenon to paron said property, and, for that th at purpose had presented and sub submi mied ed to def defenda endant nt a pro proje jectct-pla plan n of par paro on, n, whi which ch was prepared and draed by EMBBI Surveyor Firm a duly licensed surveyor, and an unprejudiced third party; 6. That That th the e af afor orem emen eno one ned d pr proj ojec ectt-pl plan an of pa par ro on n is a ve very ry fa fair ir an and d praccal division of the property in queson; 7. That That no notw twit iths hsta tandi nding ng re repe peat ated ed de dema mand ndss of th the e pl plai ain n, , de defe fend ndan antt refused, and sll refuses, whitout jusable cause or reason, to accede to the paron of said property.

PRAYER IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, it is most respecully prayed unto this Honorable Court that, aer hearing, judgment be rendered as follows: a. Orde Orderi ring ng the pa par ro on n of the parcel parcel of la land nd me men non oned ed and described in Paragraph 2 of this complaint, adopng, for the purpose of said paron, the project-plan perpared by EMBBI Surveying Firm copy of which will be presented at the day of  the trial; b. Orde Orderi ring ng that the deter determi mina nao on n as to wh whic ich h of the two (2) parcels in said project-plan should pertain to either party be done by the choice of the pares; c. Orde Ordering ring defendan defendantt to execute execute and and sign all all necessary necessary papers papers or or deeds which shall give validity and eect to this paron; d. Or Orde deri ring ng defenda defendant nt to pay to plain plain  th the e su sum m of P125. P125.00 00 which is equivalent to 50% of the amount paid by plain to the licensed surveyor for the preparaon of the project-plan; e. Cos Costt of suit suit and othe otherr relief relief.. Other reliefs which are just and equitable are likewise prayed for. Davao City, Philippines, February 7, 2020.



Assisted by:

Ay. Aven Sina B. Caubang Counsel for Plain  Roll of Ay. No 718308 IBP No. 187308; 1/6/2020; Davao City PTR No. 1806083A; 1/8/2020; Davao City

17-A, Aldevinco Shopping Center C.M. Recto St., Davao City, Philippines (082) 221-3362 | 09218215909 [email protected]

Republic of the Philippines ) S.S. Davao City



I, ARCHIE ARCHIE AND ANDREW REWS, S, of legal age, Filipino Cizen, married, aer having been duly sworn to in accordace with law, hereby depose and say: 1. That I am am the plain plain  in the above above-ent -entled led case; case;


2. That I have cause the preparaon of the foregoing Comp Co mpla lain int/ t/Pe Pe on on an and d ha have ve re read ad th the e al alle lega gao ons ns co cont ntai aine ned d therein; 3. That That the allega allegaons ons in the said said com compla plaint int/pe /peo on n are true and correct of my own knowledge and authenc records; 4. I hereby hereby cerfy cerfy that that I hav have e not commen commence ced d any other other acon acon or proceeding involving the same issued in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, or any other tribunal or agency; 5. Tha That if I sho houl uld d the here rea ae err lea earrne ned d tha hatt a simi mila larr ac aco on n or proce pro ceed edin ing g ha hass be been en l led ed or is pe pendi nding ng be befo fore re th the e Su Supr prem eme e Court, court of Appeals or any other tribunal agency, I hereby imdertake to report that fact within ve (5) days therefrom to the cour co urtt or ag agen ency cy whe here rein in th the e or orig igin inal al pl plea eadi ding ng an and d sw swor orn n cercaon contemplated contemplated herein have been led; 6. I ex execu ecute ted d thi thiss ver veric ica aon/ on/ce cer rca caon on to ae aest st to the truth truth of  the foregoing facts and to comply with the provision of Adm. Circular No. 04-94 of the Honorable Supreme Court.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto axed my signature this 20th day of January 2020, in Davao City, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this February 7, 2020 in the City of Davao, with aant exhibing to me his SSS ID, with ID No. 19837AC4 issued at Davao City on April 2019.

Doc. No. _____; Page No. _____; Book No. _____;  Series of 2019.

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