Caso Walmart y Amazon.

August 28, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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@bso ]bfdbrt y Bdbzon 2. Bnbf Bnbfj` j`h h b ]bf ]bfdbrt dbrt y Bdbz Bdbzo on.`o n.`od d usbn usbne eo fos doeh doehfo fos s eh lu luhr hrz zbs `odphtjtjvbs b fb `behnb eh vbfor  Ubnto ]bfdbrt `odo Bdbzon son hdprhsbs quh hstân duy hnlo`bebs b fb vhntb eh djnorjtbs, phro tjhnh un hnloquh ejlhrhnth pbrb ej`go oiahtjvo. ]bfdbrt1 Mrbn `bntjebe eh tjhnebs. Purtjeo eh toeo tjpo eh proeu`tos, fo quh gb`h quh fbs phrsonbs puhebn hfhmjr hf proeu`to quh ehshhn hn hsh dodhnto.  Bdbzon1 

Hstâ hnlo`beo dâs bf H-`oddhr`h

Phrvj`jo y hxphrjhn`jb eh `odprb ehseh fb `odoejebe ehseh `ubfqujhr fumbr.

Ujhnh rheu``jðn eh `ostos, bf no thnhr unb tjhneb läsj`b.

Hn `on`fusjðn, Bdbzon hs unb hdprhsb quh bdhnbzb b tjhnebs läsj`bs `odo hs hf `bso eh ]bfdbrt bf poehr ffhmbr b dâs `fjhnths `on hf h-`oddhr`h, `odphtjr eh dbnhrb dâs th`nofðmj`b `on bquhffbs hdprhsbs quh puhebn `onvhrtjrsh hn un rjhsmo pbrb pb rb su `rh` `rh`jd jdjh jhnt nto, o, fo fomr mrbn bneo eo thnh thnhrr

dhej dhejbn bnth th hf h-`o h-`odd ddhr hr`h `h `ont `ontb` b`to to `on `on

provhheorhs, bfdb`hnhs, y `fjhnths, shb su dbyor lortbfhzb. Fb `behnb eh vbfor quh bdibs hdprhsbs tjhnh hs mrbneh, yb quh dbntjhnhn unb rhe eh ormbnj ormbnjzb` zb`jon jonhs hs `on mrbneh mrbnehs s pro`hsos pro`hsos eh nhmo`j nhmo`jo o pbrb pbrb fb `odprb `odprb eh dbthrjb dbthrjbs s prjdbs, fb trbnslordb`jðn eh hstos proeu`tos thrdjnbeos y fb ejstrjiu`jðn gb`jb fos provhheorhs, behdâs eh mrbnehs pfbntbs dbnulb`turhrbs, `hntros eh ejstrjiu`jðn y puntos eh vhntb. 9. @odp @odpbr brh h fos fos doeh doehfo fos s eh nhmo nhmo`j `jos os y fbs fbs hstr hstrbt bthm hmjb jbs s eh nhmo nhmo`j `jos os eh ]bfdbrt y Bdbzon. ]bfdbrt hs un mjmbnth ehf dhr`beo djnorjstb quh ibsb sus nhmo`jos hn1 

Srh`jos ibaos


Ujhnebs läsj`bs duy `hr`bnbs hn prodhejb b dâxjdo 8 djffbs

Pu hstrbthmjb b`tubf sh hnlo`b hn rh`uphrbr no phrehr dbs sus `fjhnths quh usbn th`nofomäb pbrb sus `odprbs `on b``jonhs `odo fbs sjmujhnths1  

Jnvhrsjðn hn pfbtblordbs y prolhsjonbfhs eh H-`oddhr`h  Bibr`b dhejbnth hf uso eh Ebtb, fos `fjhnths thr`hrjzbeorhs eh proeu`tos

Ibabr `ostos eh hnvjo

Iuzonhs pbrb quh fuhmo eh gb`hr unb fjstb eh `odprbs hn fb bpp, fos `fjhnths puhebn pbmbr y rhtjrbr eh dbnhrb râpjeb.

 Bdbzon djhntrbs sjmuh ljrdh hn su ljfosoläb eh H-`oddhr`h `rh`jhneo y hvofu`jonbneo b f vhz quh sh bebptb `on b``jonhs `odo fbs sjmujhnths1 

No jnvhrtjr hn tjhnebs läsj`bs, phro ehsbrroffbr dâs `hntros eh ejstrjiu`jðn.  Bdpfjbr su `bntjebe eh proeu`tos, jn`fuyhneo proeu`tos eh uso ejbrjo vhnejêneofos bf por dbyor `on ibao prh`jo.

Dhaorbr tjhdpos eh hntrhmb.

@rhbr sus propjos proeu`tos.

0. ¿Ruê ¿Ruê rof ehshdphò ehshdphòb b fb th`nofomä th`nofomäb b eh fb jnlordb jnlordb`jð `jðn n hn `beb uno eh hstos nhmo`jos? Sbrb bdibs hdprhsbs hf dbnhao eh fb th`nofomäb hs lunebdhntbf, yb quh sj qujhrhn shmujr `odphtjhneo hn hf dhr`beo tjhnhn quh gb`hr uso eh hffb y hxpfotbrfb bf dâxjdo. Sbrb ]bfdbrt rhejshòð su pâmjnb phrdjtjhneo b fos `fjhnths thnhr unb dhaor iñsquheb eh fos brtä`ufos eh jnthrês quh hxjsthn hn fb tjhneb y fbs ejlhrhnths prodo`jonhs hn fos fo`bfhs, bsä `odo tbdijên fb lordb râpjeb eh pbmo. Eh hstb dbnhrb fbs hstrbthmjbs bmjfjtbn fbs b``jonhs eh fos `fjhnths hn rhtjrbr sus proeu`tos `odprbeos hn fb tjhneb y poehr rhtjrbr eh dbnhrb âmjf y `hr`b eh su prhlhrhn`jb.  Bdbzon `uhntb `on fb mrbn vhntbab, yb quh gb nb`jeo `on fb th`nofomäb, fb `ubf tjhnh unb mrbn vhntbab `odphtjtjvb soirh otrbs quh hstân djmrbneo bñn.


Hn hf `bso eh Bdbzon hf rof eh fb th`nofomäb hs dâs bdpfjo, ebeo quh hf nhmo`jo hn sj hs hstâ tâ `odp `odpfh fhtb tbdh dhnt nth h brrbj brrbjmbe mbeo o hn fb whi whi bgorr bgorrbn bneo eo b Bdbzo Bdbzon n fb nh`hs nh`hsje jebe be eh ejsponhr eh un fo`bf läsj`o y `hntrbrsh hn fo dâs jdportbnth fbs vhntbs. ¿@ðdo fhs byueb b rhljnbr sus hstrbthmjbs eh nhmo`jos?  Bf thnhr toeos fos jnvhntbrjos bf bf`bn`h ehijeo b fb th`nofomäb puhehn `odprodhthr un bfdb`ên `on fb hxjsthn`jb hn tjhdpo rhbf, sh puhehn gb`hr bnâfjsjs eh vhntb, eh thnehn`jb, hntrh otros. Eh unb dbnhrb dâs râpjeb prh`jsb y ejrh`tb `on hf `fjhnth.  Behdâs eh thnhr unb u nb ghrrbdjhntb ghr rbdjhntb lunebdhntbf pbrb fb todb eh eh`jsjonhs, tbnto pbrb sofvhn sof vhntbr tbr hf jnvhntb jnvhntbrjo rjo `on fos proeu`t proeu`tos os dâs ehdbne ehdbnebeos beos,, dbyor dbyor `ontrof `ontrof hn fos proeu`tos phrh`hehros, pbrb hf budhnto o ejsdjnu`jðn eh `ostos y soirh toeo fbs utjfjebehs b oithnhr eh dbnhrb prh`jsb, `fbrb y hn tjhdpo rhbf. 5. ¿Uhnerâ ¿Uhnerâ êxjto ]bfdbrt ]bfdbrt `ontrb `ontrb Bdbzon.`od Bdbzon.`od? ? Hxpfjquh Hxpfjquh su rhspuhstb. rhspuhstb. Soeräb shr quh ]bfdbrt thnmb êxjto hn su jnj`jbtjvb th`nofðmj`b eh h-`oddhr`h phro sofo b njvhf nb`jonbf hn Hstbeos Xnjeos, yb quh sus tjhnebs läsj`bs son duy `ono`jebs bgää y tj bg tjhn hnhn hn dj djff ffonh onhs s eh `f `fjh jhnt nths hs quh quh yb sbihn sbihn `ðdo `ðdo hs hstb tbs s tjhn tjhneb ebs s sh dbnha dbnhabn bn mhnhrbneo `onljbnzb bf `odprbr läsj`bdhnth, djhntrbs quh b Bdbzon.`od hs `ono`jeo b njvhf dunejbf y sjhdprh b trbtbeo eh mhnhrbr dhaorhs hxphrjhn`jbs bf `odprbr, por fo quh qu h sus sus `f `fjh jhnt nths hs fo vbn vbn b sh shmu mujr jr pr prhl hljr jrjh jhne neo, o, behd behdâs âs `odp `odpht htjr jr `on `on hf njvh njvhff eh hxphrjhn`jb eh vhntbs hn fänhb quh tjhnh Bdbzon.`od `odpfj`b du`go fb sjtub`jðn, phro ph ro nbeb nbeb hstâ hstâ ej ej`g `go o y puheh puheh shr shr quh quh ]bfd ]bfdbr brtt fomr fomrh h bebpt bebptbr br hst hstrbt rbthm hmjb jbs s quh quh fh phrdjtbn `rh`hr, `onvjrtjêneosh bsä hn hf prjn`jpbf `odphtjeor eh Bdbzon.`od.

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