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Designation: D 1188 – 07
Standard Test Method for
Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Coated Samples1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1188; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript supers cript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
E 12 Terminology Relating to Density and Specific Gravity of Solids, Liquids, and Gases3
1. Sco Scope pe 1.1 This This tes testt met method hod cov covers ers the det determ ermina inatio tion n of bul bulk k specific speci fic grav gravity ity of speci specimens mens of Para Parafilmfilm-coate coated, d, comp compacted acted bituminous mixtures as defined in Terminology E 12. 12 . 1.2 This method method should be used with samples samples that contain open ope n or int interc erconn onnect ecting ing voids or abs absorb orb mor moree tha than n 2 % of water by volume, or both, as determined by Section 8. 1.3 The bulk specific gravity of the comp compacted acted bituminous bituminous mixtur mix tures es may be use used d in cal calcul culati ating ng the unit wei weight ght of the mixture. 1.4 This sta standa ndard rd does not purport purport to add addre ress ss all of the safe sa fety ty co conc ncer erns ns,, if an anyy, as asso soci ciat ated ed wi with th it itss us use. e. It is th thee responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro priate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
3. Signi Significanc ficancee and Use 3.1 Thi Thiss tes testt met method hod is use useful ful in cal calcul culati ating ng per percen centt air voids as given in Test Method D Method D 3203. 3203. Since specific gravity has no units, it must be converted to density when this type of measurement is required. This conversion is made by multiplying the specific gravity at a given temperature by the density of water at the same temperature.
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 D 979 Practice for Sampling Bituminous Paving Mixtures D 1461 Test Method for Moisture or Volatile Distillates in Bituminous Paving Mixtures D 2726 Test Method for Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Non-Absorptive Compacted Bituminous Mixtures D 3203 Test Method for Perce Percent nt Air Voids in Comp Compacted acted Dense and Open Bituminous Paving Mixtures D 4753 Guide Guide for Eval Evaluatin uating, g, Sele Selecting cting,, and Speci Specifying fying
4. Apparatus Apparatus 4.1 Balance, with ample capacity, and with sufficient sensitivity to enable bulk specific gravities to the specimens to be calculated to at least four significant figures, that is, to at least three thr ee dec decima imall pla places ces.. It sha shall ll be equ equipp ipped ed wit with h a sui suitab table le appara app aratus tus to per permit mit wei weighi ghing ng the spe specim cimen en whi while le it is sus sus-pended in water. The balance shall conform to Specification D 4753 as 4753 as a class GP2 balance. 4.1.1 4.1 .1 Since the there re are no mor moree sig signifi nifican cantt figu figures res in the quotie quo tient nt (bu (bulk lk spe specifi cificc gra gravit vity) y) tha than n app appear ear in eit either her the dividend (the mass of the specimen in air) or in the divisor (the volume of the specimen, obtained from the difference in mass of the specimen in air and in water), this means that the balance must have a sensitivity capable of providing both mass and volume values to at least four figures. For example, a sensi-
Balances and Standard Masses for Use in Soil, Rock, and Construction Materials Testing D 5361 Practice for Sampling Compacted Bituminous Mixtures for Laboratory Testing D 6752 Test Method for Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Com Compac pacted ted Bit Bitumi uminou nouss Mix Mixtur tures es Usi Using ng Aut Automa omatic tic Vacuum Sealing Method
tivity of 0.1 g would provide significant figures for the determination of a mass in thefour range from 130.0 to 999.9 g when the specific gravity is 2.300. 4.2 Water Bath, for immersing the specimen in water while suspended, equipped with either an overflow outlet for maintaining a constant water level or an electronic tare feature on the scale.
2. Referenced Documents
5. Mate Material rialss 5.1 Parafilm—Is an elastomeric film obtainable from most scientific suppliers. 5.2 Polyurethane Polyurethane Foam—A foam foam ma matt of a mi mini nimu mum m of 50 3 50 cm (20 3 20 in.) shall be used for the working surface
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D04 on Road and Paving Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D04.21 on Specific Gravity and Density of Bitum Bituminous inous Mixtures. Currentt editio Curren edition n appro approved ved Sept. 15, 2007. Published October 2007. Origin Originally ally approved in 1951. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as D 1188 – 96 (2002) 1. 2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@
[email protected] astm.org. g. For For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on e
the ASTM website website..
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 1188 – 07 8.2.1 On a hard surface, surface, cut two two 100 3 100-mm (4 3 4-in.) and one 100 3 200-mm (4 3 8-in.) pieces of Parafilm from the roll with a sharp blade. 8.2. 8. 2.2 2 Pe Peel el th thee ba back ckin ing g of offf of on onee of th thee 10 100 0 3 100-mm (4 3 4-in.) pieces. 8.2.3 Grasp opposite opposite sides of the film and stretch. stretch. Repea Repeatt the stretching with the other two sides until the film has been stretc str etched hed to an app approx roxima imatel tely y 150 3 150 150-mm -mm (6 3 6-in.) square. Take care not to create holes in the film.
by about 12.5 mm (0.5 in.) thick. Additionally, a minimum of onee fo on foam am pa pad d wi with th a si size ze ap appr prox oxim imat atel ely y eq equa uall to th thee to top p surface dimensions of the sample shall be on hand. 5.3 Calibration Cylinder —An —An appro approxima ximately tely 100-m 100-mm m (4in.)) dia in. diamet meter er by 6060-mm mm (2. (2.5-i 5-in.) n.) smo smooth oth-si -sided ded alu alumin minum um cylinder. 6. Test Specimens 6.1 Test specimens specimens may be mold molded ed from laboratory-m laboratory-mixed ixed field samples or be cut from bituminous pavement in the field. Field samples should be obtained in accordance with Practice D 979. 979. Pavement Pavement spec specimen imenss shall be take taken n from pavements pavements with wit h a cor coree dri drill, ll, dia diamon mond, d, or car carbor borund undrum rum saw saw,, or oth other er suitable means, in accordance with Practice D Practice D 5361. 5361. 6.2 Size Size of Spe Specim cimens ens—It is rec recomm ommend ended, ed, (1) th that at th thee diameter of cylindrically molded or cored specimens, or the length of the sides of sawed specimens be at least equal to four times tim es the maximum maximum size of the aggregat aggregate; e; and ( 2) that the thickness of specimens be at least one and one half times the maximum size of the aggregate. 6.3 Take pavement pavement specimens specimens from pavements pavements with a core drill, dri ll, dia diamon mond d or Car Carbor borund undum um saw saw,, or by oth other er sui suitab table le means. 6.3.1 Take care to avoid distortio distortion, n, bending, or crac cracking king of specimens during and after removal from pavement or mold. Store specimens in a safe, cool place. 6.3.2 Speci Specimens mens shall be free of forei foreign gn materials materials such as seal coat, tack coat, foundation material, soil, paper, or foil. When any of these materials are visually evident, they shall be removed in accordance with 6.3.3 with 6.3.3.. 6.3.3 6.3 .3 If des desire ired, d, spe specim cimens ens may be sep separa arated ted fro from m oth other er pavement layers by sawing or other suitable means.
8.2.4 Place the stretched stretched film over one end of the specimen specimen and press the sides of the film around the sample. 8.2.5 Tur Turn n the spec specimen imen over and place on the foam mat. Repeat 8.2.2-8.2.4 Repeat 8.2.2-8.2.4 for for the other end of the specimen. 8.2.6 After both ends have been wrapped wrapped (and working on thee fo th foam am ma mat) t) pl plac acee an anot othe herr pi piec ecee of fo foam am on to top p of th thee specimen that is approximately the same size and shape as the specim spe cimen. en. Use ano anothe therr spe specim cimen en of the sam samee siz sizee to pre press ss down on top of the foam. This will eliminate the air pockets from both surfaces. 8.2.7 Use a sharp knife to trim the excess excess film from the sides of the sample. sample. Take Take car caree not to dam damage age the sam sample ple.. The There re should be a minimum of 15 mm (approximately 0.5 in.) of film remaining on the side of the specimen at each end. 8.2.8 Next, peel the backing off off of the remaining remaining piece of film. Grasp the film at the ends and stretch out to about 400 mm (16 in.). 8.2.9 Place one end of the stretched stretched film on the side of the specimen and roll it over so that the film is stretched tightly over the surface. 8.2.10 Fold and press the edges edges around and over the edges of the specimen. 8.2.11 8.2.1 1 Deter Determine mine the mass of the coated specimen specimen in air. Designate this mass as D. 8.2.12 8.2 .12 Determin Determinee the mass of the coated coated spe specim cimen en in a water bath at 25°C (77°F). Designate this mass as E. Measure thee te th temp mper erat atur uree of th thee wa wate terr an and d if it is di difffe fere rent nt fr from om 25°C 6 1°C (77 6 1.8 1.8°F) °F),, a cor correc rectio tion n to the bul bulk k spe specifi cificc gravity to 25°C must be made in accordance with 10.3 with 10.3.. If the temperature of the specimen differs from the temperature of the
7. Dete Determin rminee if Coating Coating of Specimens Specimens is Need Needed ed 7.1 Det Determ ermine ine the bul bulk k spe specifi cificc gra gravit vity y of the unc uncoat oated ed specimen according to Test Methods D Methods D 2726 2726 or or D D 6752. 6752. 7.2 Use the dat dataa col collec lected ted in 7.1 to calculate the percent water absorbed by the specimen (on volume basis) as follows: % Water Absorbed by Vol. 5
B 2 A 100 B 2 C
water bath by more than 2°C (3.6°F), the specimen shall be immersed in the water bath for 10 to 15 min. 8.3 Apparent Specific Gravity of Parafilm: 8.3.1 Deter Determine mine the specific gravity of the aluminum aluminum cali cali-bration cylinder at 25°C (77°F) 6 1°C (1.8°F) first determining the mass in air and then under water. The specific gravity is:
where: A = mas masss of the dry dry specime specimen n in air, air, g B = mass of the saturat saturated ed surface-d surface-dry ry specimen specimen in air, air, g C = mass of specim specimen en in water water,, g. 7.3 If the percent water water absorbed by the specimen in Section Section 7.2 exceeds exceeds 2 %, con contin tinue ue wit with h the pro proced cedure uress out outlin lined ed in Section 8. If the percent water absorbed by the specimen does not exceed 2 %, report the bulk specific gravity of the uncoated specimen as determined in 7.1 7.1..
G Al 5
A Al A Al 2 B Al
where: Aal = dry mas masss in air air,, g, Bal = mass under water water,, g. 8.3.2 Dry and wrap alum aluminum inum cylinder cylinder as desc described ribed in in 8.2
8. Pro Procedur ceduree 8.1 Mass of Uncoa Uncoated ted Speci Specimens mens—Af —After ter the sam sample ple has been dried under a fan until a constant mass has been achieved, determine the mass of the sample. Designate this as mass A. 8.2 Mass of Coated Specimen:
and determi determine ne the dry, dry, wra wrappe pped d mas masss and the mas masss of the wrapped specimen under water. 8.3.3 8.3 .3 Determ Det ermine ine the the specific specific gravi gravity ty of the Parafi Parafilm lm at 25°C (77°F) 6 1°C (1.8°F): 2
D 1188 – 07 F 5
D Al 2 A Al A Al D Al 2 E Al 2 G Al
Bulk Specific Gravity at 25°C 5 K ~ Bulk at other temperature! (7)
where: K = dete determin rmined ed from from Table Table 1. 1. 10.3.2 For a dif differe ference nce of water temperatur temperaturee great greater er than 3°C (5.4°F), a correction to the mass of water displaced shall be made using the following equation:
where: mass of wrap wrapped ped specim specimen, en, g, D Al = dry mass wrapped specim specimen en under under water water,, g. E al = mass of wrapped
orrection 5 DT K s D 2 E 2 C orrection
9. Moisture Correction Correction 9.1 In case the specimen specimen has been obtained obtained during construction or from a pavement and contains moisture, it is necessary to correct the masses determined in the following sections. 9.2 The moisture moisture may be determined determined by one of two methods. 9.2.1 Deter Determine mine the original original mass of the sample. sample. Then dry the uncoated sample to a constant mass in an oven maintained at a temperature of approximately 110°C (230°F). A constant mass is defined as less than a 0.05 % change in mass between consecutive 15 min drying intervals. Designate this oven-dry mass as E dry. The mass of the moisture, E moist is: E moist 5 E original 2 E dry
where: DT
K s
(D − E − (D − A) / F)
D 2 A F
= 25°C 25°C min minus us the tem temper peratu ature re of the water bath, = 6 3 10−5 ml/ml/°C average coefficient of cubical thermal expansion of bituminous concrete, = mas masss of the volume volume of water water for the volume volume of the specimen specimen at 25°C.
11. Repor Reportt
11.1 Report the following information: 11.1.1 Tes Testt method used to determine bulk specific gravity. gravity.
11.1.2 11 .1.2 Perce Percent nt water absor absorbed. bed.
E original
11.1.3 11 .1.3 Speci Specific fic gravity of Parafi Parafilm lm to three decimal decimal places.
= orig original inal mass of the the specim specimen, en, g, g, mass, s, g. E dry = oven dry mas 9.2.2 Subtr Subtract act E moist from from any furt further her dete determin rminatio ations ns of mass in subsequent sections. 9.2.3 Alter Alternati natively vely,, deter determine mine the mass of mois moisture ture in the samples by using Test Method D Method D 1461. 1461. This method should be used if the bituminous material in the mixture contains any distillates volatile at a temperature of 110°C (230°F). The mass of the moisture is then subtracted from any determination of mass in the following sections.
11.1.4 Moisture correction to four significant significant figures. 11.1.5 Bulk specific 11.1.5 specific grav gravity ity at 25°C (77°F) 6 1°C (1.8°F) to four significant figures. 11.1.6 11 .1.6 Densi Density ty to four significant significant figures. figures. 12. Pre Precisi cision on and Bias 12.1 Crit Criteria eria for judg judging ing the accep acceptabi tability lity of bulk specific specific gravity test results obtained by this test method are given in the following table:
10. Calc Calculati ulations ons 10.1 Calc Calculate ulate the bulk speci specific fic gravity of the film-coated film-coated specimen as follows:
TABLE TA BLE 1 Rela Relative tive Density Density of Wat Water er and Conve Conversio rsion n Facto Factorr K for Various Tempe Temperatures ratures
Bulk Specific Gravity 5
D 2 E 2
D 2 A F
Temp empera eratur ture, e, °C
Absolu Abs olute te Den Densit sity y of Wa Water terA
Correction Factor K Factor K
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
0.999728 0.999634 0.999526 0.999406 0.999273 0.999129 0.998972 0.998804 0.998625 0.998435 0.998234 0.998022 0.997801 0.997569 0.997327 0.997075 0.996814 0.996544 0.996264 0.995976 0.995678
1.002661 1.002567 1.002458 1.002338 1.002204 1.002060 1.001903 1.001734 1.001555 1.001364 1.001162 1.000950 1.000728 1.000495 1.000253 1.000000 0.999738 0.999467 0.999187 0.998898 0.998599
where: A = mass of of dry speci specimen men in air air,, g, D = mass of dry dry, coated specim specimen, en, g, E = mass of coated coated specim specimen en under water water,, g, F = speci specific fic gravity gravity of coating determi determined ned at 25°C (77°F). (77°F). 10.2 Calc Calculate ulate the density density of the specimen specimen as foll follows: ows: Density 5 ~Bulk Specific Gravity! g
where: g = densi density ty of water water at 25°C (77°F) (77°F) (997.0 (997.0 kg/ kg/m m3 or 62.24 lb/ft3). 10.3 Correcti Correction on for Water Bath Temper emperatur aturee Other than 25°C (77°F). 10.3.1 For a dif differe ference nce of water temperatu temperature re less than or equal to 3°C (5.4°F), determine the specific gravity as follows:
Data taken from Handbook from Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed., CRC Press,
D 1188 – 07 Tes estt an and d Typ ype e In Inde dex x Single Operator Multiple Laboratory
Stan St anda dard rd De Devi viat atio ion n 0.028 0.034
13. Keyw Keywords ords
Acceptable Range of Two Test Results (D2S) 0.079 0.095
13.1 bituminous bituminous pavi paving ng mixt mixtures ures—com —compacte pacted; d; bulk specific gravity/density
1: 10 laboratories laboratories,, 2 mat material erials, s, 3 repl replicate icates s for 1 mate material rial and 2 replicates replicates for the second
12.2 Sinc Sincee there is no accep accepted ted reference reference material material suit suitable able for det determ ermini ining ng the bia biass for the pro proced cedure ure for mea measur suring ing density, no statement on the bias of this test method is being made. ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above addres add ress s or at 610 610-832 -832-95 -9585 85 (pho (phone) ne),, 610 610-832 -832-95 -9555 55 (fa (fax), x), or serv service ice@as @astm. tm.org org (e-m (e-mail ail); ); or thro through ugh the AST ASTM M web websit site e (www.astm.org).