BSBLDR523 Student Assessment Guide 1

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Student  Assessment Guide: Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationship relationships s


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523

Version: v21.0

Page 2 o 29

Developed by: ACBI

Approved by: DoS

Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

Copyright 2021

 Australian

College o Business Intelligence

All rights reserved Version: 21.0 Date Modied: January 2021 No part o this publicaon may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmied in i n any orm or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior wrien permission o Australian College o Business Intelligence. Disclaimer: The Australian College o Business Intelligence does not invite reliance upon, nor accept responsibility or, the inormaon it provides. The Australian College o Business Intelligence makes every efort to provide a high-quality service. However, neither the Australian College o Business Intelligence, nor the providers o data, gives any guarantees, undertakings or warranes concerning the accuracy, completeness or up-to-date nature o the inormaon provided. Users should conrm inormaon rom another source i it is i s o sucient importance or them to do so.

Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523

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Approved by: DoS

Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships


s 1. Assessment Informaon............................ Informaon........................................... ............................... ............................... ...........................................4 ............................4 A. Purpose o assessment.......................... assessment......................................... ............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. ...................................4 .....................4 B. What you are required to do................ do.............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. ............................. ..................................... ......................4 4 C. Competencies being assessed............ assessed.......................... ............................. .............................. ............................. ............................. ..................................... ........................4 ..4 D. Important resources or compleng this assessment............................. assessment............................................ ............................................ ............................. 5 E. A note on plagiarism and reerencing.................................. reerencing................................................ ............................. .............................. ...................................6 ....................6 F. A note on quesons with role plays............ plays........................... ............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. ..............................6 ................6 G. Instrucons or compleng this assessment.................................... assessment................................................... .............................. .................................... .....................6 6

2. Assessment Coversheet.......................... Coversheet......................................... ............................... ............................... ..............................................8 ...............................8 3. Assessment Quesons............................. Quesons............................................ .............................. ............................... ..............................................9 ..............................9 A. Task A - Manage inormaon.................................... inormaon.................................................. ............................. .............................. ............................................. .............................. 9 B. Task B - Consult with your team........................................ team....................................................... ............................. ............................. ................................... .................... 10 C. Task C - Prepare or a change......................................... change........................................................ .............................. ............................. ................................... .......................14 ..14 D. Task D - Demonstrate knowledge and leadership....................... leadership..................................... ............................. ........................................17 .........................17

4. Student Self Checklist.............................. Checklist............................................. ............................... ...........................................................20 ...........................................20

Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523

Version: v21.0

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Developed by: ACBI

Approved by: DoS

Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

1. Assessment Information A. Purpose of assessment This assessment will develop your skills and knowledge required to lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships.

B. What you are required to do For this assessment, you are required to complete 4 tasks: 

Task A – Manage inormaon

 

Task B – Consult with your team Task C – Prepare or a change c hange Task D – Demonstrate knowledge and leadership

All tasks o this assessment require you to use the provided case study inormaon relang to the conal company Highpoint Consulng.

C. Competencies being assessed Elements To achieve competency in this unit you must demonstrate your ability to: 1. Estab Establish lish efecve efecve workpl workplace ace relaonship relaonship processes processes 2. Man Manage age efec efecve ve work workpla place ce re rela laons onship hipss 3. Rev Review iew manag managemen ementt o workpla workplace ce rela relaon onshi ships ps

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Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

Performance Evidence Evidence o the ability to: 

Implement processes to manage ideas and inormaon on at least two occasions, including: Communicang inormaon to support others to achieve work responsibilies o Facilitang employees’ contribuons to consultaon on work issues o o Providing eedback on the outcomes o consultaons Resolving issues raised or reerring to relevant personnel o Develop and implement processes and systems to manage dicules on at least two occasions, including: Idenying and resolving conicts and other dicules according to organisaonal o policies and procedures Planning how to address dicules o Providing guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work o dicules

Knowledge Evidence To complete the unit requirements saely and efecvely, you must be able to demonstrate knowledge o the ollowing: 

  

Systems, policies and procedures that can support the development o efecve work relaonships Key aspects o work relaonships, including: Interpersonal styles o Communicaons o o Consultaon o Cultural and social sensivity Networking o Conict resoluon o Legislaon relevant to managing efecve workplace relaonships Organisaonal policies and procedures relevant to workplace relaonships Methods to develop processes or: Consultaon with employees o o Conict management o Task issue management

For urther inormaon on the competencies o this unit, please reer to: t o: hps://

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Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

D. Important resources for completing this assessment To complete this assessment, please reer to the ollowing resources provided on Moodle:     

BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships re laonships learner guide BSBLDR523 Marking Guide BSBLDR523 Case study older BSBLDR523 Legislaon, regulaons, standards and codes older Addional student assessment inormaon

E. A note on plagiarism and referencing Plagiarism is a orm o the where the work, ideas, invenons etc. o other people are presented as your own. When quong or paraphrasing rom a source such as the Internet, the source must be recognised. I you are quong a source, make sure to acknowledge this by including “quotaon marks” around the relevant words/sentences or ideas. Note the source at the point at which it is included within your assessment, such as by using a citaon. Then list the ull details o the source in a ‘reerences’ secon at the end o your assessment. All sources used or your assessment should should be detailed in a ‘reerences’ secon. It is advisable to never copy another person’s work.

F. Instructions for completing this assessment Answer the quesons below using the spaces provided: 

Answer all parts o each queson

Use your own words and give examples wherever possible

The quality o your answer is more important than how long it is

Enter your answers in this document

You may use various sources o inormaon to inorm your answers, including your resources provided by ACBI, books, and online sources. You must acknowledge and cite your sources.

Submission Submissio n via Moodle

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Developed by: ACBI

Approved by: DoS

Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

Please reer to the “Instrucons or Subming Your Assessment” ound within the unit course page on Moodle. NOTE: Please take care to follow all instrucons listed. Assessments upload uploaded ed with a dra status on Moodle may not be graded.

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Developed by: ACBI

Approved by: DoS

Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

2. Assessment Coversheet  Candidate Name:


Student ID: Contact Number:



[email protected]

Trainer / Assessor Name: Qualicaon:

BSB50420 Diploma o Leadership and Management

Units of Competency:

BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships ☐

Assessment Assessm ent Tasks:

  A. Manage inormaon B. Consult with your team

☐  ☐ 

C. Prepare or a change


D. Demonstrate knowledge and leadership

Due Date: Declaraon:

Date Submied: I have read and understood the ollowing inormaon at the beginning o this assessment guide (please ck): ☐ 

Assessment inormaon


Subming assessments


Plagiarism and reerencing

I declare this assessment is my own work and where the work is o others, I have ully reerenced that material.

Name (please print): Candidate signature: Date:

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Developed by: ACBI

Approved by: DoS

Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

3. Assessment Questions A. Task A - Manage information Task A instrucons Task A requires you to read the case study scenario provided below on Highpoint consulng, then answer the ollowing quesons.

Task A case study scenario You are a Team Leader at Highpoint Consulng, a large business rm that provides advice to businesses and other organisaons around the world. You lead a high perorming team who all get along well. The culture o your team is best described as ‘come in, work hard, get the job done and go go home’. The layout o the Highpoint oce you work in is open plan spread across two wings that are connected by a large staf room. Although it wasn’t intenonally planned this way, the oce wing where your team is located is the quieter o the two. The quieter environment works well or your team as they need to be able to concentrate and preer ewer distracons. You share this wing with teams rom the nance, compliance and reporng divisions and you all get along well. One Thursday you receive a phone call rom the CEO. Due to the nance and compliance teams growing, your team needs to move desks over to the other side o the building – the noisy side – by close o business tomorrow. This is not open or negoaon.

NOTE: For further informaon on Highpoint Consulng, please refer to the “BSBLDR523 Case Study informaon” document provided on Moodle.  

A1. Describe the potenal impact of this move on your team and their work responsibilies.  Answer in 40-80 words. Write your answer here the change o locaon o desks to the other side o oce’s building i.e., towards the noisy side because o the widening o staf and teams in nance department will potenally have a negave impact on my team’s working credibility. As the noise will interrupt them and intervene their concentraon to perorm. As a team leader I would surely talk to the CEO in this maer as their work

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Approved by: DoS

Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

responsibilies will be greatly afected as well. As when they will not be able to ocus properly die to noise going on in background.  

A2. Prepare the text for an email to your manager outlining the potenal impact of the move on your team.  Answer in 80-160 words. Write your answer here Dear sir, I would like to inorm you about certain impacts that will potenally impact my co-workers and team member’s working capacity. By moving the desks o our team on the noisy side o the building will result in the loss o concentraon during their working hours. This w will ill signicantly lower down their interest actor in work and divert their aenon during work hours, ulmately which will become an obstacle in achieving their work responsibilies. I would like to request you to look upon this maer and discuss the inrastructure o this company’s building to adjust the employee’s desks in the posion that will help improve their work perormance rather than decreasing their work eciency.

A3. Idenfy how you would inially inform your team of the move (e.g. face-to-face or in wring) and explain why you have chosen this mode of communicaon. Then describe how you would conduct any necessary follow up communica communicaon. on.  Answer in 60-120 words.

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Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

Write your answer here  Inially I would send a memo to my colleagues and team to inorm them about this change. Aer inorming them through memo, I will brie them in a ace-to-ace meeng about the alignment o each o the team member in the new seng o work desks. In a ormal meeng a s a ollow up communicaon I will inorm them about the new seng o the oce and my department. Moreover, I will explain my team members in this meeng about how to adjust in the newly seled environment.

A4. Prepare the text for an email communicang the move to your team.  Answer in 80-160 words. Write your answer here Dear Members, it is to inorm you that as per the widening o staf and employees in nance department has shied the workplace o us to the south side o oce’s building. As soon as the desks will be shied towards the menoned posion, I will brie all o you about your sing arrangements. Probably over the weekend this movement will take place.

A5. Explain the process you will follow to resolve issues raised by your team regarding the move and escalate those issues that you are unable to resolve.  Answer in 80-160 words.

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Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

Write your answer here I will ideny all those problems which are having the issue o disturbance, team member’s disagreements and that are creang problems in the regulaon o the business. I will w ill ideny all the issue that is occurring in an organizaon then what are the reasons so I will resolve all those issues accordingly. As above I have wrien that team member’s conict is the big problem because this eventually cannot resolve i it will go in the processes as well so some diferent acvies will remove those conicts.  

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Version: v21.0

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Developed by: ACBI

Approved by: DoS

Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

B. Task B - Consult with your team Task B instrucons Task B requires you to read the case study scenario provided below on Highpoint consulng, then answer the ollowing quesons. Please note: The Task B case study scenario follows on from that in Task A.

Task B case study scenario You are given the opon o two (2) locaons or your team: 

A group o larger desks next to one o the loudest teams in the area close to a window; or

Smaller desks next to a team that oen oe n works out o the oce on client sites, ccloser loser to the central staf room where everyone gets together or lunches, cofees and meengs.

NOTE: For further informaon on Highpoint Consulng, please refer to the “BSBLDR523 Case Study informaon” document provided on Moodle.  

B1. Explain the benets of consulng with your team members on issues and decisions that will aect them in the workplace, such as the move in desks.  Answer in 40-80 words. Write your answer here The benets o consulng with the team member will help them to take innovave ideas in their business because one or more than personalized advice will help them to grow more. The problems cannot be solved at very rst sight so they will gradually solve.

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Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

B2. Describe how you would provide feedback from your team to management.  Answer in 40-80 words. Write your answer here The eedback should be more specic tackling all the posive and negave gratude that are having in any eedback so it must be included with no sandwich approach as well and without any biases so it should be more jused with all the comments.

B3. As the team leader, describe how you will conduct the group decision-making process to achieve consensus.  Answer in 40-80 words. Write your answer here The parcipaon o every member will be more important in taking any decision. Then, it must belong collecvely so everyone will be agreed to go on the t he point o consensus and evaluate every point so that it has no error and lack o risk.

B4. Now apply some of the thinking from this case study scenario to achieving consensus among your family or friends network for where you would all like to take your next family vacaon (or excursion for a group of friends). Go through the group decision-making process and lead the

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Approved by: DoS

Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

discussion with your family and/or friends group, record the discussion and aim to reach a consensus for a holiday desnaon that reasonably sases all parcipants.  Answer in 40-80 words. Write your answer here The group decision based on the most reasonable prices so that it will suit the budget accessibility. acce ssibility. It will be more suitable or when the things will go or packages and discount so everybody can avail the opportunity and get all the services.

B5. Describe approaches you could take to resolve conict in the workplace should it arise.  Answer in 40-80 words. Write your answer here Compromising a conict in which it is not handled at spot me  Avoiding a conict to reduce issues and disturbance  Collaboraon or teamwork  Accommodang the objecves so that it will be more useul to reduce conicts  Forcing to stand on the opinion 

B6. What steps would you take to restore a harmonious working environmen environmentt aer your team moves desks if a conict arises?  Answer in 40-80 words. Write your answer here

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Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

Take things to the right place at right me should be the priority so the people can adjust in that situaon. The environment which is not good or the people, having conicts so it is mandatory to Resolve things with immediate acon so it will not get tougher.

C. Task C - Prepare for a change Task C instrucons Task C requires you to read the case study scenario provided below on Highpoint consulng, then answer the ollowing quesons. Please note: The Task C case study scenario follows on from those in Tasks A and B.

Task C case study scenario In preparaon or the move, you recognise that the environment your team will be moving into will be a lot more diverse in culture, communicaon styles and dynamics, than their current environment. NOTE: For further informaon on Highpoint Consulng, please refer to the “BSBLDR523 Case Study informaon” document provided on Moodle.  

C1. Idenfy three or more documents Highpoint Consulng has that relates to your team moving desks, including one on conict management (e.g. code of conduct, diversity policy, privacy policy, EEO policy, email policy, social media policy or guidelines). Outline the purpose of each organisaonal document in the context of guiding your team’s behaviour and conduct in their workplace.  Answer in 80-160 words.

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Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

Write your answer here All policies have their guidelines that can be idened or the team’s behaviour and conduct in their workplace. Also, the viewpoint o all policies that are important or any organizaon.

C2. Click on the following link and read the Diversity Policy for the University of Wollongong: hp:// t/policy/UOW058716.html   hp://www Using this as a guide, develop a Diversity Policy for Highpoint Consuln Consulng g that governs the organisaon’s cultural diversity and ethical values.  Answer in 200-400 words. Write your answer here Diversity, according to the Australian Government is described as recognizing worker rom a diverse variety o backgrounds. Employees o various, races, ethnicies, Cultures, athlec abilies, sexual identy, physical aributes and characteriscs, social and polical history, marital status, religious belies, educaonal backgrounds and work experiences are some o the characterisc variables that are included in the Diversity Plan which will govern High point consulng’s organizaonal cultural diversity and its ethical values. The diversity policy o High point consulng is based on the ollowing guiding principles Individuals have the reedom to share their viewpoints and thoughts in the meengs and decisions o the organizaons without any kind o ear and prejudice, abuse or bullying. Any sort o unconstuonal or ofensive behaviours regarding racism is considered to be unethical. It also contradicts the organizaon’s aim o providing an atmosphere through which every employee and associates can achieve their maximum potenal.

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Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

C3. Explain how you will adjust your communicaon style and support your team to do the same to meet the Highpoint Consulng Diversity Policy and ethical requirements.  Answer in 40-80 words. Write your answer here I will adjust the communicaon style to support the team members and meet the requirements o the high point consulng diversity plan. I will consider how various points o view, environments and circumstances will inuence interpretaon and messaging. I am capable o ancipang, dealing with and planning or uncertain & unpredictable perplexing scenarios. In my interacon with the team members, I show appreciaon or diversity among the organizaon. I will choose the best contact tool or every employee individually to whom I’m speaking.

C5. Develop a strategy and an acon plan with four tasks that need to be done to idenfy, develop and use internal and external networks to build beer workplace relaonships for your team and the rest of Highpoint Consulng. Your strategy and acon plan must include:


Key outcomes sought Implementaon Implementao n steps Timeframes Responsible pares to resolve issues and communicate the outcomes to relevant stakeholders

 Answer in 250-350 words using the tables provided below. below.

Key outcomes sought Write your answer here

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 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

Acon plan

Acon item


Write your answer here

Write your answer here

Write your answer here

Write your answer here

Write your answer here

Write your answer here

Write your answer here

Write your answer here

Responsible pares to resolve issues and communicate the outcomes to relevant stakeholders Write your answer here

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Issued: January 2021

Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

C6. Idenfy two appropriate networks in Australia that can assist you in building workplace relaonships at Highpoint Consulng.  Answer in 20-50 words. Write your answer here Blanchard Australia and relaonship Australia are two appropriate networks according to my understanding in Australia that can assist the High point consulng in building workplace relaonships. As trust is parcularly important in the workplace. I a trustworthy relaonship doesn’t exist between the employer and the employee then it will be the most crucial actor in inuencing the employee turnover rate.

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Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

D. Task D - Demonstrate knowledge and leadership Task D instrucons Task D requires you to read the case study scenario provided below on Highpoint consulng, then answer the ollowing quesons. Please note: The Task D case study scenario follows on from those in Tasks A, B & C.

Task D case study scenario It is one week since the move and it is evident that your team members are sll unhappy about the move. Work has slowed and they have made lile efort to interact and build relaonships with their new neighbours. As the team leader, you decide that you need to take acon and start demonstrang the behaviour you would like to see rom your team. NOTE: For further informaon on Highpoint Consulng, please refer to the “BSBLDR523 Case Study informaon” document provided on Moodle.  

D1. Outline the legislaon that applies to you managing eecve workplace relaonship relaonshipss at Highpoint Consulng, such as employment and industry law, diversity or privacy.  Answer in 80-160 words. Write your answer here

Following is the list o legislaon that applies to managing efecve workplace relaonships at High point consulng. An-discriminaon act 1977 allows discriminaon based on ethnicity, racial rac ial origin, colour diferences, descent, ethnoreligious backgrounds, naonality, real or discern past, marital status, any disability in terms o present or uture, transgender status, age, actual or discern homosexuality. Racial discriminaon act 1975 allows discriminaon based on colour, naonality, race, ethnicity and religious belies.

Age discriminaon act 2004 orbids less preerenal care not only because o age but also due to eatures that are commonly associated with age & characteriscs that are usually aributed to

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Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

individuals o that certain age.

D2. Describe how adhering to the legislaon idened in the previous queson (Task D, Queson D1) underpins professional conduct?  Answer in 40-80 words. Write your answer here By adhering to the above-menoned legislaon will promote intellectual openness, collegiality, connecvity and empowerment among the employees. It will also render versality as well as cultural diversity, mutual recognion and advancement o equity & social jusce. Celebraon and rejecon o efort and organizaon, as well as decision-making ability in the employees. Employees who are recognized and thanked or their contribuons c ontribuons will promote organizaonal success.

D3. Read the scenario provided below, then answer the following queson:  A few weeks aer your team has moved, moved, Greg, one of your best workers workers,, comes to you and tells you that he’s nding the situaon untenable. He explains to you that he has some  personal issues, issues, is very distracted by the surrounding surrounding noise in the o oce ce and that he’s nding it  hard to maintain accuracy in his work. Greg has always been a hard worker and team player, so you don’t want to lose him. So far, Greg hasn’t made any comment about leaving but you are fearful that if his issues connue, he may look elsewhere for work.

Describe how you would clarify Tom’s needs and the guidance, counselling and support, including idenfying any external providers, you need to provide to Tom to address his issues.  Answer in 80-160 words.

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Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

Write your answer here

D4. The scenario outlined in the previous queson (Task D, Queson D3) is sll ongoing. Formulate a plan to address the issues with oce noise. Document two objecves, your strategy and three (3) acon items you must undertake to resolve the situaon.  Answer in 100-250 words, using using the tables provided belo below. w.

Objecves Write your answer here

Strategy Write your answer here

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Review: January 2021


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Acon items

Acon item


Write your answer here

Write your answer here

Write your answer here

Write your answer here

Write your answer here

Write your answer here

D5. The scenario outlined in Task D, Queson D3 is sll ongoing. Implement the early steps of this plan you developed in the previous queson (Task D, Queson D5) by wring the text for an email to be sent to your manager. This email must introduce your plan and requesng approval to pursue your soluon.  Answer in 60-120 words. Write your answer here

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 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

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Review: January 2021


 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

4. Student Self Checklist A. Student Self Checklist for Tasks A - D Candidate name: Unit of Competency:

 BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

Instrucons:  Place a ck ‘ ✓   ✓ ’    in the Yes (“Y”) column for each queson you have completed all parts for. Task A - Manage informaon Y

Did you:

   A1: Describe

the potenal impact of this move on your team and their work responsibilies? 

 A2: Prepare

the text for an email to your manager outlining the potenal impact of the move on your team? 

 A3: Idenfy how

you would inially inform your team of the move (e.g. face-to-face or in wring) and explain why you have chosen this mode of communicaon. Then describe how you would conduct any necessary follow up communicaon? 

 A4: Prepare

the text for an email communicang the move to your team? 

 A5: Explain the process

you will follow to resolve issues raised by your team regarding the move and escalate those issues that you are unable to resolve? 

Task B - Consult with your team Y Did you:   B1: Explain the benets

of consulng with your team members on issues and decisions that will aect them in the workplace, such as the move in desks?  B2:

Describe how you would provide feedback from your team to management? 

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 BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management   Student Assessment Guide: BSBLDR523 Lead and manage efecve workplace relaonships

B3: As

the team leader, describe how you will conduct the group decision making  process to achieve consensus?  consensus?  B4: apply some of

the thinking from this case study scenario to achieving consensus among your family or friends network for where you would all like to take your next  family vacaon (or excursion excursion for a group of friends)? friends)? Go through the group group decision making process and lead the discussion with your family and/or friends group, record the discussion and aim to reach consensus for a holiday desnaon that reasonably sases all parcipants?  B5: Describe approaches

you could take to resolve conict in the workplace should it

arise?  B6: Describe what steps

you would take to restore a harmonious working environment aer your team moves desks if a conict arises? 

Task C - Prepare for a change Y

Did you:

  C1: Idenfy three or

more documents Highpoint Consulng has that relates to your team moving desks, including one on conict management?  Outline the purpose each organisaonal document in the context of guiding your team’s behaviour and conduct in their workplace?  C2: Using the Diversity Policy for

the University of Wollongong Wollongong  as a guide, develop a Diversity Policy for Highpoint Consulng that governs the organisaon’s cultural diversity and ethical values?  C3: Explain how you will

adjust your own communicaon style and support your team to do the same in order to meet the Highpoint Consulng Diversity Policy and ethical requirements?  C4: Develop

a strategy and an acon plan with ve tasks that need to be done to ensure that any dicules in workplace relaonships are idened, resolved and the outcomes communicated back to the relevant pares. Ensure your strategy and acon plan includes:  

Key outcomes sought? 


Implementaon steps? 




Responsible pares to resolve issues and communicate the outcomes to relevant stakeholders? 

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Review: January 2021


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C5: Develop

a strategy and an acon plan with four tasks that need to be done to idenfy, develop and use internal and external networks to build beer workplace relaonships for your team and the rest of Highpoint Consulng? Ensure your strategy and acon plan includes:        

Key outcomes sought?  Implementaon steps?  Timeframes?  Responsible pares to resolve issues and communicate the outcomes to relevant stakeholders? 

C6: Idenfy two

appropriate networks in Australia that can assist you in building workplace relaonships at Highpoint Consulng? 

Task D - Demonstrate knowledge and leadership Y

Did you:

  D1: Outline the legislaon that applies

to you managing eecve workplace

relaonships at Highpoint Consulng?  D2: Describe how adhering to

the legislaon idened in the previous queson (Task D, Queson D1) underpins professional conduct?  D3: Read the scenario

provided? Describe how you would clarify Tom’s needs and the guidance, counselling and support, including idenfying any external providers, you need to provide to Tom to t o address his issues?  D4: Read the scenario

outlined in the previous queson (Task D, Queson D3)? 

Formulate a plan to address the issues with oce noise? Document two objecves, your  strategy and three acon items you must undertake to resolve the situaon?  D5: Read the scenario

outlined in Task D, Queson D3? 

Implement the early steps of this plan you developed in the previous queson (Task D, Queson D5) by wring the text for an email to be sent to your manager? Ensure this email introduces your plan and requests approval to pursue your soluon? 

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