Bhakti Shastri Closed Book Question Answer Unit 1&2

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Dhritarashtra  saying 1)What is the significance of mmaku? (1.1)  Ans; Both Both the Pāṇḍavas Pāṇḍavas and and the sons sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra Dhṛtarāṣṭra belong belong to the same family, family, bt Dhṛtarāṣṭra's mind is disclosed herein. He deliberately claimed only his sons as Krs, and he separated the sons of Pāṇḍ from the family heritage. heritage. One can ths nderstand the specific position of Dhṛtarāṣṭra in his relationship with his nephews, the sons of Pāṇḍ. Dhrtarastra  2)Why was fearfl? fe  Ans: Krkṣetra for a determined engagement of the war. Still, his inqiry is significant. He did not want a compromise between the cosins and brothers, and he wanted to be sre of the fate of his sons on the battlefield. Dhṛtarāṣṭra, the father of the Krs, was highly dobtfl abot the possibility of his sons' ltimate victory. In his dobt, he inqired from his secretary Sañjaya, "What did my sons and the sons of Pāṇḍ do?" He was confident that both his sons and the sons of his yonger brother Pāṇḍ were assembled in that Field of   3. How was Sanjaya able to see the Battlefield of Krkñetra? (1.1)  Ans: Sañjaya was a stdent of Vyāsa, and therefore, therefore, by the mercy of Vyāsa, Sañjaya was able to envision the Battlefield of Krkṣetra even while he was in the room of Dhṛtarāṣṭra. 4. What is the significance of Dryodhana's saying Tava sisyena dhimata ? (1.3 Lectre)  Ans: By this, he wanted to point ot also that Drona shold not be similarly lenient in the battle against the Pāṇḍavas, who were also Droṇācārya's affectionate stdents. Arjna, mostly, was his most devoted and brilliant stdent. Dryodhana also warned that sch leniency in the fight wold lead to defeat. 5. List the vows Bhéma made after the gambling match. (1.4)  Ans: He took a vow there and then that he wold kill Dssashana Dssashana and drink his blood for  toching the clothing of Drapadi. Then he trned to Dryodhana and swore that he wold break his thighs and kill him. 6. Why was Dryodhana confident of the fll spport of Bhismadev and Dronacharya ? (1.11)  Ans: that others might think that they had been considered less important, so in his sal diplomatic way, he tried to adjst the sitation in the above words. He emphasized that Bhīṣmadeva was ndobtedly ndob tedly the greatest hero, bt he was an old man, so everyone mst especially especially think of his protection from all sides. Althogh he knew that the two generals had some sort of affection for  the Pāṇḍavas, he hoped that all sch affection wold now be completely given p by them, as was cstomary dring the gambling performances. Q7. signs of victory of Pandavas conch shells, Krishna, chariot by Agni deva, hanman, Aspicios environment, Krkshetra (dharma kshetra) 8. What is the significance of Hanman's being on Arjna‖s flag? (1.20 Lectre) 9.


 Ans: So in the fighting fighting principle, principle, Arjna is fighting for Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa. He is following following the previos previos fighting fighting ācārya, Hanmānji. Therefore he has depicted his flag with Hanmān, that "Hanmānji, Vajrāṅgajī, kindly help me." This is Vaiṣṇavism. "I have come here to fight for Lord Kṛṣṇa. Yo foght also for the Lord. Kindly help me." 9. What is the meaning of the word Gdakesa ? (1.24)  Ans: one who conqers conqers sleep is called gḍākeśa gḍākeśa.. Sleep also also means ignorance ignorance.. So Arjna Arjna conqered both sleep and ignorance becase of his friendship with Kṛṣṇa. a devotee of Kṛṣṇa can conqer both sleep and ignorance simply by thinking of Kṛṣṇa constantly. Q10. six kinds of aggressor  1) a poison giver, 2) one who sets fire to the hose, 3) one who attacks with deadly weapons, 4) one who plnders riches, 5) one who occpies another's land 6) one who kidnaps a wife 11. List the conseqences of the destrction of the dynasty. (1.39-42)  Ans: The elder members members are responsible responsible for for sch prifying prifying processes processes in the family, family, beginning beginning from birth to death. Bt on the death of the elder members, sch family traditions of prification may stop, and the remaining yonger family members may develop irreligios habits and thereby lose their chance for spirital salvation. the breaking of the sanātana-dharma tradition by irresponsible leaders of society brings abot the chaos in that society, and conseqently, people forget the aim of life—Viṣṇ. Unit 1 Chapter 2 12. List Arjna‖s argments for not fighting. (1.27-2.7) F amily traditions stop: Irreligios practices 3) Women Pollted 4)  Ans: 1) Death of elderly 2) Family Unwanted progeny: Varna Sankara 5) Hellish life for family and destroyers of family 6) Cltre destroyed 7) Varnasrama Dharma 8) Offering pinda to Ancestors 1.39-1.43 4 th Reason: Family tradition Destroyed

Q13. symptoms of god riches, strength,fame,knowledge,beaty, rennciation Q14. ksudram hrdaya-daurbalyam?

The petty weakness of the heart 15. According to scriptral codes, when is a teacher is fit to be abandoned? ( 2.5)  Ans: A gr who does not not know what to do and what not not to do, bt by mistake, mistake, by mistakenly I have have accepted somebody as a gr, he can be rejected

Q16. What is the meaning of the phrase dharma-sammudha-cetah ? (2.7)


lost all composre becase of weakness Q17. size of sol When the pper point of a hair is divided into one hndred parts and again each of sch parts is frther divided into one hndred parts, each sch part is the measrement of the dimension of the spirit sol. Q18. List the six kinds of transformations the body is sbject to. (2.20) The body is sbject to six kinds of transformations. It takes its birth in the womb of the mother's body, remains for some time, grows, prodces some effects, gradally dwindles, and at last vanishes into oblivion. Q19. an-Atma and Vibh Atma namely the minte particle sol (an-Atma) and the Spersol (the Vibh-Atma). Q20. Why is it that the killing of animals in sacrifice is not considered an act of violence? (2.31)  Ans: The kṣatriyas are are trained for killing in the forest. forest. A kṣatriya kṣatriya wold go go into the the forest and and challenge a tiger face to face and fight with the tiger with his sword. When the tiger was killed, it wold be offered the royal order of cremation. The animal sacrificed gets a hman life immediately withot ndergoing the gradal evoltionary process from one form to another, Q21. What is the meaning of the word Kshatriya? (2.31)  Ans: Kṣat Kṣat means hrt. hrt. One who who gives protection from harm is is called kṣatriya kṣatriya (trayate–to (trayate–to give protection) Q22.What is meant by sva-dharma and what are the two types of sva-dharma? (2.31) varnasrama-dharma and spirital dharma Q23. What is the meaning of the phrase svarga-dvaram apavrtam? (2.32)

opening for them the doors of the heavenly planets. Q24. pratyavyau na vidyate. pratyavayah—dimintion; na—never; vidyate—there is; There is no dimintion or loss Q25. vyavasytmik bddhi. vyavasayatmika—resolte Krsna consciosness; bddhi—intelligence; Resolte Krsna consciosness with intelligence 26. Vedas deal mostly with what? The Vedas deal mostly with fritive activities to gradally elevate the general pblic from the field of sense gratification to a position on the transcendental plane. 27.prpose of Vedic cltre best served?


Similarly, all the prposes of the Vedas can be served to one who knows the prpose behind them - to chant Lord’s holy names. 28. What is the meaning of the word sthita-prajna asya? (2.54)? one who is sitated in fixed Krsna consciosness 

29.What is the meaning of the phrase param drstva nivartate? (2.59) param—far sperior things; drstva—by experiencing; nivartante—ceases from. Ceases from lower tastes By experiencing far sperior things 31. Who is the example of a mat-parah given in 2.61? Maharaja Ambarisha 32. List the eight stages of spirital falldown in English or Sanskrit. (2.62-63) contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from sch attachment lst develops, and from lst anger arises.From anger, delsion arises, and from delsion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence intelligen ce is lost 33. What is the meaning of the phrase Brahma-nirvëam åcchati? (2.72 Brahma-nirvana—spirital (kingdom of God); rcchati—attains. Spirital attainment Unit 1 Chapter 3

34. What is Krsna consciosness sometimes misnderstood as? (3.1) Sometimes Krsna consciosness is misnderstood to be inertia, and one with sch a misnderstanding often withdraws to a seclded place to become flly Krsna conscios by chanting the holy name of Lord Krsna

35. Give the English meaning of the following: a. tad ekaà vada. (3.2) Therefore, please tell me decisively what is most beneficial for me.   b. Mithyacarah. (3.6)   pretender  c. karma-yogam asaktah sa visisyate. (3.7)   karma-yogam—devotion; karma-yogam—devot ion; asaktah—withot attachment;

 engages his active organs in works of devotion, withot attachment, is by far sperior. d. tad-artham karma kaunteya mukta-sangah samacara . (3.9) tat—Him; artham—for the sake of; karma—work; kanteya—O son of Knti; mkta-sangah— liberated from association


Therefore, O son of Knti, perform yor prescribed dties for His satisfaction, and in that way yo will always remain nattached and free from bondage e. yo bhunkte stena eva sah. (3.12) yah—he who; bhnkte—enjoys; stenah—thief; eva—certainly; sah—is he.

Bt he who enjoys these gifts, withot offering them to the demigods in retrn, is certainly a thief. f. annd bhavanti bhütni. (3.14)  All living bodies bodies sbsist sbsist on food food grains, which are prodced prodced from from rain g. vikarma(3.15) Forbidden activity 36. Why is a flly Krsna conscios person not obliged to follow the Vedic injnctions? (3.17) De to his being Krsna conscios, all impiety within is instantly cleansed, an effect of many, many thosands of yajna performances.His dty ths becomes self-illminated by the grace of the Lord, and therefore he no longer has any obligations to the Vedic injnctions.Sch a Krsna conscios person is no longer interested in material activities 37.English meaning of crya. (3.21) One who teaches in that way is called acarya, or the ideal teacher. Therefore, a teacher mst follow the principles of sastra (scriptre) to reach the common man. The teacher cannot manfactre rles against the principles of revealed scriptres. 38.Why did Kåñëa perform prescribed dties? (3.23) becase He descended to establish the principles of religion, He followed the prescribed rles. Otherwise, common men wold follow in His footsteps becase He is the greatest athority. 39.What qalifications are reqired for beginning practice of Kåñëa consciosness? (3.26)  Ans: he shold act act by showing showing how the the reslts of of all work can can be dedicated dedicated to the service of Kṛṣṇa. in direct Kṛṣṇa consciosness one can have all the reslts simply by following the prescribed dties of a particlar person. 40. Give the English meaning of the phrase nirasir nirmamo. (3.30) withot desire for gain and free from egoism 41.Give the English meaning of the phrase nitya-vairië. (3.39) nitya-vairina—eternal enemy; 42 . List the three sitting places of lst. (3.40) The senses, the mind and the intelligence are the sitting places of this lst,


Unit 1 Chapter 4

43 . The Gita was spoken by the Lord to Vivasvn, at least how many years ago? (4.1) The Blessed Lord said: I instrcted this imperishable science of yoga to the sn-god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instrcted it to Man, the father of mankind, and Man in trn instrcted it to Iksvak. 44. List the six kinds of avatras. (4.8) There are varios kinds of avataras, sch as prsavataras, gnavataras, lilavataras, saktyavesa avataras, manvantara-avataras and ygavataras 45 .List the eight steps from çraddh to prema. (4.10). (I) SRADDHA,(II) SADHU SANGA:(III) BHAJANA-KRIYA:IV) ANARTHA-NIVRTTI:(V) NISTHA:(VI) RUCI(VII) ASAKTI:(VIII) BHAVA: 46.What is a pasandi? (4.12)  Anyone who who thinks thinks that God and the demigods demigods are on the the same level level is called an atheist, atheist, or pasandi. 47.List the modes predominantly inflencing the for divisions of hman society. (4.13) Brahmanas-Goodness, Kshatriyas-Passion, Vaishyas-Passion+ignorance, Sdras-Ignorance 48.List the 12 mahjanas. (4.16) Bali, Bhisma, Brahma, Janaka, Kapiladeva, Narada Mni, Sanat-kmar, Siva, Prahlad, Skadeva Goswami, Svayambhva Man, Yamaraj. 49.Matter dovetailed for the case of the Absolte Trth regains what? (4.24) Matter dovetailed for the case of the Absolte Trth regains its spirital qality 50.Describe a devotee‖s attitde to longevity. (4.29)  A Krsna conscios conscios person, person, however, however, being being always always sitated in the transcenden transcendental tal loving service service of the Lord, atomatically becomes the controller of the senses. His senses, being always engaged in the service of Krsna, have no chance of becoming otherwise engaged. So at the end of life, he is natrally transferred to the transcendental plane of Lord Krsna; conseqently he makes no attempt to increase his longevity

Unit 1 Chapter 5

51 . Give the English meaning of the word pradhna. (5.10)


The material world is a sm total manifestation of the three modes of material natre, technically called the pradhana. 52. Give the English meaning of the phrase phalam tyaktva santim apnoti naisthikim. (5.12) The steadily devoted sol attains nadlterated peace becase he offers the reslt of all activities to Me 53 . List the nine gates of the body. (5.13) The body consists of nine gates: two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, one moth, the ans and the genital. 54 . Give the English meaning of the words vibh and aë. (5.15) The Sanskrit word vibhh means the Spreme Lord who is fll of nlimited knowledge, riches, strength, fame, beaty and rennciation. living entity is an, or atomic 55. Give the English meaning of the phrase panditah sama-darsinah. (5.18) The hmble sage, by virte of tre knowledge, sees with eqal vision 56. List the eight limbs of astanga-yoga. (5.27) yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi Unit 1 Chapter 6

57. When is the mind the best of friends and when is the mind greatest enemy? (6.6) For him who has conqered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; bt for one who has failed to do so, his very mind will be the greatest enemy. 58 .Give the English meaning of the words ekaki  (6.10)  (6.10) and sucau dese. (6.11) ekaki—alone sca—in sanctified; dese—in the land; 59. What is the reslt of extravagance in eating, sleeping, defending, and mating? (6.17) He who is temperate in his habits of eating, sleeping, working and recreation can mitigate all material pains by practicing the yoga system. 60.Give the English meaning of the term ykta. (6.18) yktah—well sitated in yoga 61. Give the English meaning of pratyahara. (6.25) By proper conviction and intelligence one shold gradally decrease sense activities. This is called pratyahara. 62. Yogés who are attracted to what cannot attain the stage of perfection? (6.23)


If the yogis are attracted by the by-prodcts of yoga, then they cannot attain the stage of perfection, 63.Describe what happens to an nsccessfl yogé. (6.41-42) The nsccessfl yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pios living entities, is born into a family of righteos people, or into a family of rich aristocracy.Or he takes his birth in a family of transcendentalists who are srely great in wisdom.

Unit 2 Chapter 7

1. List Krishna’s Krishna’s eight eight material material energies energies in their their gross and sbtle sbtle categories.(7. categories.(7.4) 4) Gross- earth, water, fire, air and sky,physical sond, toch, form, taste and smell Sbtle-mind, intelligence and false ego


prakrtim.(7.5) 2. Give the Engl English ish meani meaning ng of of the words words pa par r prakrtim and apara  prakrtim para prakriti- sperior energy-living entities apara prakriti - inferior energy-earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego 3. List 6 ways ways Krishn Krishna a can b be e seen seen in the mate material rial world. world.  Attraction for water,light water,light of the sn and the moon,praṇava moon,praṇava or the omkāra, omkāra, flavor flavor and fragrance fragrance in a flower,heat in fire,life of all that lives,penances of all ascetics,seed of all existences 4. Give the English English meaning meaning of tthe he terms terms duskrtino and sukrtino.(7.15-16) dṣkṛtinaḥ— The atheistic plan-makers are described herein by the word duskrtina, or

"miscreants." skṛtinaḥ— these are adherents of the reglative principles of the scriptres, and they are called sukrtina, or those who obey the rles and reglations of scriptres, the moral and social laws, and are, more or less, devoted to the Spreme Lord. 5. List, in Sanskrit Sanskrit and English, 4 types who do and don‖t srrender srrender to Kåñëa. Kåñëa. (7.15-16) (7.15-16) mdha,naradhama, maya apahrita gyan, asri bhava ashrita 6. Amongst those who who srrender srrender to Kåñëa, who is most dear, dear, and why? (7.17) (7.17) the devotee who is in fll knowledge and is at the same time engaged in devotional service is, the Lord says, the best 7. Give the English English meaning meaning of tthe he terms terms:: harta-jannah (7.20); antavat tu phalam

tesam(7.23) distorted by material desires , their frits are limited and temporary 8. With what what Sanskrit Sanskrit word word does does Krishna Krishna describe describe the the impersonalists? impersonalists? (7.24)  abddhayaḥ—less intelligent persons 9. Define Define and brief briefly ly explain explain the signi significa ficance nce of the terms terms iccha-dvesha (7.27) When one is delded into separation from this pre knowledge, he becomes controlled by illsory energy and cannot nderstand the Spreme Personality of Godhead. The illsory energy is manifested in the dality of desire and hate.De to desire and hate, the ignorant person wants to become one with the Spreme Lord and envies Krsna as the Spreme Personality of Godhead 10. Give the English English meaning meaning of the terms anta-gatam papam and punya-karmanam   (7.28) completely eradicated, acted piosly in previos lives Unit 1 Chapter 8

11. Give the English meaning of the phrase mam anusmara yudhya ca.  (8.7)


carry ot yor prescribed dty of fighting with yor activities dedicated to Me 12. Give the English meaning of the phrases ananya-cheetah  and tasyaham sulabha. (8.14) ananya cetāḥ—withot deviation; tasyāhaṁ slabhaḥ-I am easy to obtain, 13. Give the English meaning of the word dukhalayam (8.15) dḥkhālayam-fll dḥkhā layam-fll of miseries,

14. List the dration in years of Satya, Tret, Dvpara and Kali-ygas & a kalpa. (8.17)  A kalpa is a day of of Brahmā, and one day of Brahmā Brahmā consists consists of a thosand cycles of for ygas or ages: Satya, Tretā, Dvāpara, and Kali. Satya yga lasts 1,728,000 years., Tretā-yga vice is introdced, and this yga lasts 1,296,000 years. Dvāpara-yga lasts 864,000 years. Kali-yga yga lasts 432,000 years.

15. What is Brahm‖s life span in earthly years? (8.17) 311 trillion and 40 million

Unit 1 Chapter 9

16.Give the English meaning of the terms: yogam aisvaram (9.5); udasina-vad , (9.9); manusim tanum asritam (9.11) mnñéà tanm çritam- descend in the hman form. yogam aiçvaram - My mystic oplence! Udséna-vat - as netral; 17.List 4 qalities of a mahtm. (9.14) hearing and chanting abot Viṣṇ, remembering Him. fasting on certain days, 18.List, in Sanskrit or English, 3 types of those worshiping Kåñëa in different ways. (9.15) 1) He 2) who himself as one with the Spreme Spreme Lord and worships Lord, Heworships who concocts some form of the that, and 3) He who accepts the niversal form, the viśvarūpa of the Spreme Personality of Godhead, and worships that. 19.Give the English meaning of the phrase and vahmy aham (9.22) I carry 20.Give the English meaning of the phrase yajanty avidhi-pürvakam (9.23) Sacrifice offered withot tre nderstanding. 21.Give the English meaning of the phrase bhajate mam ananya-bhak  sadhur eva sa mantavyah He is to be  (9.30) considered saintly becase he is properly sitated.


Unit 1 Chapter 10

22.Which phrase in text 12 proves that the Spreme is different from the individal sol? He is the originator of everything and everyone.Every demigod and every hman being is dependent on Him. adi-devam ajam vibhum 23.Define the phrases jnana-dipena (10.11) and ekamsena sthito jagat  (10.42)  (10.42) shining lamp of knowledge , spport this entire niverse. 24.Why does Arjna ask Krishna to explain His oplences? (10.17-18) The sperior devotee is not only concerned for his own nderstanding, bt for the nderstanding of all mankind. Ot of his mercy, becase he is a Vaiṣṇava, a devotee,  Arjna is is opening opening the nderstand nderstanding ing for the the common man One can never be satiated even thogh one continosly hears the transcendental pastimes of Kṛṣṇa, who is glorified by Vedic hymns.Now as far as amṛtam, nectar, is concerned, any narration or statement concerning Kṛṣṇa is jst like nectar  Bhagavad-gt Chapter 11

25.Why did Arjna want to see the niversal form? (11.3) To convince others in the ftre who may think that Kṛṣṇa is an ordinary person.Arjna wants to see the niversal form to convince others.Kṛṣṇa also nderstands that Arjna wants to see the niversal form to set a criterion, for in the ftre there wold be so many imposters who wold pose themselves as incarnations of God. The people, therefore, shold be carefl; 26.How does the niversal form differ from other forms of the Lord? (11.5)  As the material material natre natre is manifeste manifested d and not not manifested, manifested, similarly similarly this niversal niversal form of Kṛṣṇa is manifested and nmanifested. It is not eternally sitated in the spirital sky like Kṛṣṇa's other forms.

27.Define the phrases klo 'smi loka-ksaya-krt  and  and nimitta-matram bhava (11.32-33) Time I am, destroyer of worlds, and I have come to engage all people. Eventally all the brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas and everyone else are devored by the Spreme. This form of the Spreme Lord is an all-devoring giant, and here Kṛṣṇa presents Himself in that form of all-devoring time. nimitta-matram— jst become become the case; bhava—become


Bhagavad-gt Chapter 12

28.Define the phrase tesam aham samuddharta mrtyu-samsara-sagarat  (12.7)  (12.7)  Althogh a man who  Althogh who has fallen fallen in the the ocean may strggle strggle very very hard and and may be very very expert in swimming, he cannot save himself. Bt if someone comes and picks him p from the water, then he is easily resced. Similarly, the Lord picks p the devotee from this material existence. 29.List, in Sanskrit or English, 5 qalities that endear a devotee to Kåñëa. (12.13-19) ● ● ● ● ● ●

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