B1022 B1025 MFP Service Manual

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702P06952 May 2018

Xerox® B  B1022 1022//B102 1025 5 Mu Mulltifunc nct tion Pri rin nter 

Service Ma Manual nual   


Prepared by: Technical Technic al Commun ications Solutions Solutions

Xerox Ltd Wate rsi rside, de, Ground Fl Floor  oor  Oxford Road Uxbridge UB8 1HS

United Kingdom © 2018  Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox®, Xerox, Design® are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United U nited States and/or other countries. Other company trademarks are also acknowledged. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this manual, no liability w ill be accepted by Xerox Europe arising out of any inaccuracies or omissions. All service documentation is supplied to Xerox external customers for informational purposes only. Xerox service documentation is intended for use by certified, product trained service personnel only. Xerox does not warrant or represent that it will notify or provide to such customer any future change to this documentation. Customer performed service of equipment, or modules, components or parts of such equipment may affect whether Xerox is responsible to fix machine defects under the warranty offered by Xerox with respect to such equipment. You should consult the applicable warranty for its terms regarding customer or third-party t hird-party provided service.


 Introduction About This Manual Manual ........... ................. ............ ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ........ How To Use This Manual.......... Manual................ ............ ............ ............ ........... .......... .......... .......... ........... ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ....... .. Change Chang e History ...... ............ ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... .......... ........... ............ ............ ........... .......... .......... ........... ......... ... Mod/Tag Mod/Ta g Identificatio Identification n .......... ............... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ........... ......... ...

iii iii iv iv

Voltag Voltages es Resista Resistance nces s and Toler Toleranc ances.... es....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... Safety Safet y Inform Information......... ation.............. .......... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... .......... ........... ............ ............ ........... ..... Health Healt h and Safet Safety y Incide Incident nt repor reporting....... ting............. ........... ........... ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ......... ... Translation Transla tion of Warnin Warnings gs ........... ................ .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... .......... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........... .......... .......... ........... ........

v v vi vii

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

05/23/2018 i




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Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


Change History

Mod/Tag Identification

This page gives information on major changes to the service manual. Go to the relevant update. •

Figure 1 1 shows  shows the Mod/Tag identification symbols.

For For ffut uture ure up upda date tes s to to the the se serv rvice ice manu manual al..

These with tag symbols are used to identify the c omponents or configurations that are part of a machine change covered by this tag number.

These without tag symbols are used to identify the components or configurations that are used when this tag is not fitted.

Figure 1 Mod/Tag identification symbols


Change History, Mod/Tag Identification


05/23/2018 iv

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Voltages Resistances and Tolerances

Safety Information

For AC and DC power specifications, refer to the Product Technical Overview Power Generation and Distribution

The WARNING that follows is for general guidance when live working. worki ng.

WARNING DC voltages should be measured between an available test point and a machine ground.

Do not work in a confined space. 1m (39 inches) space is needed for safe working.

Safety Icons The safety icons that follow are examples of symbols sym bols used in this manual:

ESD Caution Symbol

CAUTION Certain components in this product are susceptible to damage from electrostatic discharge. Observe all ESD procedures to avoid component damage.

Location Arrow Symbol The location arrow symbol points to the location to install, to gain access to, or to release an object.

Hot Surface Symbol This symbol indicates hot surfaces. Take care when servicing the machine.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

05/23/2018 v


Voltages Resistances and Tolerances, Safety Infor-



Wait 5 minutes before performing the repair procedure. The power supply takes 5 minutes to discharge. Electricity can cause death d eath or injury. DANGER : Patientez 5 minutes avant de procéder à la réparation, pour que l'alimentation électrique soit entièrement déchargée. Les chocs électriques peuvent présenter un danger de mort ou entraîner des blessures graves. AVVERTENZA: Attendere 5 minuti prima di eseguire la procedura di riparazione. L'alimentatore richiede 5 minuti per scaricarsi. L'elettricità può causare morte o lesioni personali. VORSICHT:: Vor der Durchführung der Reparaturarbeiten 3 Minuten warten. Das Netzteil VORSICHT

ist erst nach 5 Minuten vollständig entladen. Andernfalls besteht StromschlagS tromschlag- oder Verletzungsgefahr. AVISO: Espere 5 minutos antes ant es de realizar la reparación. La alimentación eléctrica tarda 3 minutos¬ en descargarse. La energía eléctrica puede producir lesiones o incluso la muerte.


Translation of Warnings

05/23/2018 x

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


1 Service Call Procedures SCP 1 Initial Initial Actions... Actions........ .......... .......... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... .......... ........... ............ ............ ......... ... SCP 2 Call Call Action Actions s ........... ................. ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ......... ... SCP 3 F Fault ault Analys Analysis is ........... ................. ........... .......... .......... .......... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... .......... ..... SCP 4 Subsys Subsystem tem Mainte Maintenanc nance e ........... ................. ............ ........... .......... .......... .......... ........... ............ ............ ........... .......... .......... ........... ......... ... SCP 5 Final Action Actions s .......... ............... .......... ........... ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ........... .......... .......... .......... ........... ............ ............ ........... .....

1-3 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-5

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05/23/2018 1-1

Service Call Procedures

Service Call Procedures

05/23/2018 1-2

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


Table 1 Component life expectancies Item D Deescription

Print Life


Toner cartridge

137,000 pages


Drum cartridge

80,000 pages


SCP 5 Final Actions Final Actions are used to evaluate the total operation of the system and to identify the actions required to complete the service call.

Procedure Perform the steps that follow. If a fault is identified, go to SCP 3 Fault 3 Fault Analysis:

2.. The High Frequency Service Items are shown in Table 2

Table 2 High Frequency service items Item

Recommended Life


Transfer roll assembly

100,000 pages

PL 8.25 Item 5

Bypass retard pad

50,000 pages

PL 7.10 Item 2

DADF Friction pad

50,000 pages

PL 5.30 Item 3

DADF Feed as assembly

100,000 p pa ages

PL 5.25 Item 6

Tray Tray 1 and Tray Tray 2 frict friction ion p pad ad

50,000 50,000 p page ages s

PL 7.15 Item 7 7,, PL 7.25 Item 7  7 

Fuser assembly

100,000 pages

PL 10.10 Item 2


If necessa necessary, ry, re-connect re-connect the machin machine e to the custome customer’s r’s n networ etwork. k.


Perform Perform the re relevant levant maintenance maintenance procedures. procedures. Refer tto o SCP 3 Subsyste Subsystem m Maintenan Maintenance. ce.


Ensure that the machin machine e ha has s the lates latestt available available softw software are loaded. loaded.


Operate Operate the machin machine e in a allll modes modes.. Make tthe he cop copies ies an and d prints prints from all all trays trays.. Use tthe he DADF and the document glass.


Make copies copies and/or and/or prints from all all trays trays.. Check Check the print qualit quality. y. For image qualit quality y defects, perform the IQ1 Image IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP.


Make a pr proof oof cop copy y or p prin rintt of a cus custom tomer er do docum cument ent..


If some of the custome customer’s r’s sele selections ctions were were cha changed, nged, return the se selection lections s to the the customer’s settings.


Mark off off the hardwar hardware e opti options, ons, sof software tware option options s or Tags installed installed on the Tag mat matrix rix cards. cards.

Tray 1 and Tray 2 friction pad holder

50,000 pages

PL 7.15 Item 6 6,, PL 7.25 Item 6  6 

Tray 1 and Tray 2 pick-up roller

100,000 pages

PL 7.15 Item 14 14,, PL 7.25 Item 14  14 


If some chang changes es were made made to the con configura figuration tion o orr option options s were added, added, print the the conf configuiguration report. Store the configuration report with the machine log book. Discard the previous version of the configuration report. 10. If necessary, necessary, provide provide the custome customerr with ttrainin raining. g. 11. Ensure the machine machine and s service ervice area are clean. clean.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05/23/2018 1-5

Service Call Procedures

SCP 4, SCP 5

Service Call Procedures

SCP 4, SCP 5

05/23/2018 1-6

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


Status Indicator RAPs

05/23/2018 2-2

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


01-100 Side Door Open RAP

01-150 Front Door Open RAP

01-100 The machine has detected that the side cover assembly is open.

01-150 The machine has detected that the front cover is open.

Initial Actions

Initial Actions




Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Ensur Ensure e tthe he sid side ec cov over er as asse sembl mbly y is is clo closed sed..

Ensu Ensure re th the e ffro ront nt co cove verr iis sc clo lose sed. d.



Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines Machines.. Perform the steps that follow:

Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines. Machines . Perform the steps that follow:


Power Power o off ff th the e de device vice,, the then n power power o on n th the e device device,, GP 4. 4.


Power Power of offf th the e device device,, then then p powe owerr on the the devic device, e, GP 4. 4.


Enter dC330 dC330,, code 01-100 side cover interlock, PL 1.10 1.10.. Open and close the side cover assembly, PL 8.10 8.10 and  and check if the dC330 display changes.


Enter dC330 dC330,, code 01-100 front cover interlock, PL 1.10. 1.10. Open and close the front cover assembly, PL 28.10 Item 2 2 and  and check if the dC330 display changes.


Che Check ck the inte interlo rlock ck swi switch tch actu actuato atorr flag flag on th the e side side cove cover, r, PL 8.10 Item 2 2 is  is not missing or damaged.


Check that the s switch witch actuator actuator flag on the front cover assembly, assembly, PL 28.10 Item 2 is 2 is not missing or damaged.


Che Check ck that that tthe he side side cover cover a assem ssembly bly c close loses s correc correctly. tly.


Check Check tha thatt the fron frontt cover cover assembly assembly clos closes es corre correctly ctly..


Refer to GP 10, 10, then check the wiring between the side cover interlock switch and the Main PWB B1025 or B1025 or Main PWB B1022 B1022.. If necessary, install a new side cover interlock switch and harness assembly, PL 1.10 Item 14. 14.


Refer to GP 10, 10, then check the wiring between the front cover switch and the Main PWB B1025 or B1025  or Main PWB B1022. B1022. If necessary, install a new front cover switch and harness 5.. assembly, PL 1.10 Item 5

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

05/23/2018 2-3


01-200 Tray 2 Side Cover Open RAP 01-200 The machine has detected that the tray 2 side cover is open.

Initial Actions WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. •

Ensu Ensure re th the e sid side e co cove verr iis sc clo lose sed. d.

Chec Check k for for o obst bstruc ructi tion ons s be behi hind nd tthe he s sid ide e co cove ver. r.

Procedure Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines Machines.. PerRefer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines form the steps that follow: 1.

Power Power o off ff th the e de device vice,, the then n power power o on n th the e device device,, GP 4. 4.


Enter dC330 dC330,, code 08-210 T2 door open sensor, PL 7.20 Item 14 14.. Open and close the side cover PL 7.20 Item 5 and 5 and check if the dC330 display changes.


Check that the s sensor ensor actuator actuator on the sid side e cover cover is not not miss missing ing or damag damaged. ed.


Che Check ck tthat hat the sid side e co cover ver closes closes corr correct ectly. ly.


Refer to GP 10 10,, then check the wiring between the T2 door open sensor and CN7 on the PWB . Tray 2 PWB.

Install new components as necessary: 1.

T2 Do Door or open open se sens nsor or,, PL 7.20 Item 14. 14 .

Status Indicator RAPs

01-100, 01-150


Tray 2 PWB, PL 7.20 Item 9 9..

Status Indicator RAPs 01-200

05/23/2018 2-4


02-100, 200 USB Faults RAP  

02-100 Invalid/Unknown USB device. 02-200 Check USB memory.

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines Machines.. Perform the steps that follow: 1. Power Power o off ff th the e de device vice,, the then n power power o on n th the e device device,, GP 4. 4. 2.

Ensure that the the customer customer is u using sing a valid valid USB USB device with s sufficie ufficient nt free file sp space. ace.


10,, then check the wiring between the USB Host and the Main PWB B1022 Refer to GP 10 or Main PWB B1025. B1025.

Install new components as necessary: 1.

Fr Fron ontt U USB SB host host ca cabl ble, e, PL 1.10 Item 8. 8.


Main P PW WB, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Status Indicator RAPs Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05/23/2018 2-5

02-100, 200

Status Indicator RAPs

05/23/2018 2-6

02-100, 200

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


03-120 Tray 2 Interface Error RAP

03-410, 420, 450 Paper Information Mismatch RAP

03-120 The machine has detected tray 2, but a communications error has occurred.

03-410 The machine has detected a tray 1 paper type or size si ze mismatch.


si ze mismatch. 03-420 The machine has detected a tray 2 paper type or size



Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines Machines.. Perform the steps that follow: 1.

Power Power o off ff th the e de device vice,, the then n power power o on n th the e device device,, GP 4. 4.


B1022   or Main PWB Refer to GP 10, 10, then check the wiring between the Main PWB B1022 B1025 and B1025  and CN3 on the Tray 2 PWB PWB..

Install new components as necessary: 1.

Tray 2 PWB, PL 7.20 Item 9 9..


Main P PW WB, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3.

si ze mismatch. 03-450 The machine has detected a bypass tray paper type or size

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 1. 2.

Power Power of offf th the e device device,, then then p powe owerr on the the device device,, GP 4. 4. From the the UI or C CWIS WIS check that tthe he appropria appropriate te tray paper paper si size ze and type type settings settings are corcorrect.


On the the mach machine ine ch check eck that that the appropriate appropriate tray media and guide guide settings settings match. match.


7.15.. 03-410 Only. Check the operation of the front and rear paper guides, PL 7.15 Install a new components as necessary:


Front guide, PL 7.15 Item 2. 2.

Rear guide. PL 7.15 Item 4 4..

Left guide. PL 7.15 Item 13 13..

Pinion gear. PL 7.15 Item 11. 11.

Machines   or Wiring Diagram 2 for 03-420 Only. Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines B1025 Machines. Machines. Refer to GP 10 10,, then check the wiring between the Main PWB B1022 or B1022 or B1025 and CN3 on the Tray 2 PWB. Main PWB B1025 and PWB . Check the operation of the front and rear paper guides, PL 7.25 7.25.. Install a new components as necessary: •

2.. Front guide, PL 7.25 Item 2


4.. Rear guide. PL 7.25 Item 4

Left guide. PL 7.25 Item 13 13..

Pinion gear. PL 7.25 Item 11. 11.

03-450 Only. Check the operation of the front and rear gear racks and the pinion gear, PL 8.15.. 8.15  Install a new components as necessary:

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Pinion gear. PL 8.15 Item 4 . 4 .

By pa pass ttrr ay ay a as ssembly mbly,, PL 8.10 Item 1 1..

Status Indicator RAPs

05/23/2018 2-7

03-120, 03-410, 420, 450


03-650 Ambient Temperature Sensor Fault RAP

03-800 SD Card Failure RAP

03-650 The machine has detected a fault with the ambient temperature sensor.

03-800 The machine has detected a fault with the SD card.





Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines Machines.. Perform the steps that follow:



Power Power o off ff th the e de device vice,, the then n power power o on n th the e device device,, GP 4. 4.

Install new components as necessary:


10,, then check the wiring between the temperature sensor, PL 7.40 Item 14 Refer to GP 10 and the Main PWB B1022 or B1022  or Main PWB B1025 B1025.. Insta Install ll a n new ew ttemp emper erat atur ure e sens sensor or,, PL 7.40 Item 14 14..


SD card, PL 1.10 Item 13. 13.


Main PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3.


Perform the steps that follow: Power Power of offf th the e device device,, then then p powe owerr on the the device device,, GP 4. 4.

Status Indicator RAPs


03-650, 03-800



03-900, 03-901 UI Fault RAP 03-900 A user interface to main P WB communications error has been detected. 03-901 The machine has detected a user interface failure.

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines Machines.. Perform the steps that follow: 1. 2.

Power Power o off ff th the e de device vice,, the then n power power o on n th the e device device,, GP 4. 4. Refer to GP 10, 10, then check the wiring between the Main PWB B1022 B1022   or Main PWB B1025,, PL 1.10 Item 3 B1025 3 and  and P/J2 on the UI PWB B1022, B1022, PL 2.10 Item 7 or 7 or CN4 on the UI PWB B1025, B1025, PL 2.15 Item 8. 8.


dC305 user  user interface tests. 1, then perform dC305 B1025 machines only, enter diagnostics GP 1, 1 then perform the System > Switch Test Test.. B1022 machines only, enter diagnostics GP 1 then


Install a new components as necessary: 1.

UI PWB B 10 1022, PL 2.10 Item 7 7..


8.. UI PWB B 10 1025, PL 2.15 Item 8


Main P PW WB, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



Status Indicator RAPs


03-900, 03-901

Status Indicator RAPs

05/23/2018 2-10

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

03-900, 03-901  

04-500 Main Motor Locked RAP

04-600 Fuser Fan Locked RAP

04-500 The machine has detected that the main BLDC motor does not run.

04-600 The machine has detected that the fuser fan does not run.

Initial Actions

Initial Actions




Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Ensu Ensure re th the e si side de co cove verr a ass ssem embl bly y PL 8.10 Item 5 5 is  is closed.

Check Check for con contam tamina inatio tion no orr b bloc lockag kage e iin n tthe he fuser fuser fan, fan, PL 10.10 Item 3. 3.

Ensu Ensure re th the e si side de co cove verr ass assem embl bly y PL 8.10 Item 5 5 is  is closed.

Procedure Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines Machines.. Per-


form the steps that follow: 4.. 1. Powe Powerr of off, f, tthe hen n powe powerr on tthe he devi device ce,, GP 4

Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines. Machines . Perform the steps that follow:


Remo Remove ve th the e ton toner er ca cart rtri ridg dge, e, PL 9.10 Item 1, 1, then remove the drum cartridge, PL 9.10 Item 2. 2.


Po Powe werr off, off, tthe hen n po powe werr on the the d dev evice ice,, GP 4 4..


Enter dC330, dC330, code 10-500. Check the fuser fan motor (MOT10-500) runs. Refer to GP 10, 10, then check the wiring between the fuser fan, PL 10.10 Item 3 and 3 and the Main PWB B1022 B1022 or  or Main PWB B1025, B1025, PL 1.10 Item 3 3..


dC330,, code 04-100. Check the main BLDC motor (MOT04-100) runs, PL 4.10 Item Enter dC330 11.. 11



10,, then check the wiring between the main BLDC motor, PL 4.10 Item 11 Refer to GP 10 and the Main PWB B1022 or B1022  or Main PWB B1025 B1025,, PL 1.10 Item 3 3..

Install new components as necessary:

Install new components as necessary: 1. 2.

11.. Main Main BL BLDC DC moto motor, r, PL 4.10 Item 11 Side cover cover inter interlock lock switch switch a and nd harn harness ess a asse ssembly mbly,, PL 1.10 Item 14. 14.


Main P PW WB, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3.


Inst In stal alll a new new fu fuse serr ffan an,, PL 10.10 Item 3. 3.


Side Side cov cover er inter interloc lock k switch switch and har harnes ness s assemb assembly, ly, PL 1.10 Item 14 14..


Main PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

05/23/2018 2-11


04-910 SMPS Fan Locked RAP 04-910 The machine has detected that the SMPS fan does not run.

Initial Actions WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. •

Ens ur ure tth he ffrr o on nt c co ov e err PL 28.10 Item 2  2  and side cover assembly PL 8.10 Item 5  5  are closed.

Chec Check k fo forr cont contami amina nati tion on o orr block blockag age e in tthe he SMPS SMPS ffan an,, PL 1.10 Item 7. 7.

Procedure Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines Machines.. PerRefer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines form the steps that follow: 1.

Powe Powerr of off, f, tthe hen n powe powerr on tthe he devi device ce,, GP 4 4..


dC330,, code 09-500. Check the SMPS fan motor (MOT09-500) runs, PL 1.10 Item Enter dC330 7.


PWB,, PL Che Check ck tthe he wir wiring ing betwee between n the the SMPS fan fan,, PL 1.10 Item 7 and 7 and CN4 on the HVPS PWB 1.10 Item 2. 2.

Install a new components as necessary: 1.

SMPS Fa Fan, PL 1.10 Item 7 7..


HVPS PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 2..

Status Indicator RAPs

04-500, 04-600

Status Indicator RAPs


05/23/2018 2-12

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05-920 DADF Top Cover Open RAP 05-920 The machine has detected that the DADF cover assembly is open.

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Refer to Wiring Diagram B1025 B1025.. Perform the steps that follow: 1.

Op Open en th the e D DAD ADF Fc cov over er as asse sembl mbly, y, PL 5.25 Item 2. 2 . Check that the DADF cover open sensor actuator on the DADF cover assembly, PL 5.15 Item 22 is not missing or damaged. If necessary, install a new DADF feed sub PL 5.20 Item 5. 5.


Enter dC330 code 05-160. Check the DADF cover open sensor (Q05-160), PL 5.35 Item


7. Che Check ck the the wiring wiring be betwe tween en th the e DADF DADF cove coverr ope open n sensor sensor a and nd CN6 on the DADF PWB. If 7.. necessary, install a new DADF cover open sensor (Q05-160), PL 5.35 Item 7


If nece necessa ssary, ry, instal installl new compon component ents: s: •

DADF PWB, PL 5.15 Item 3 3..

5.. DADF feed sub PL 5.20 Item 5

Status Indicator RAPs

05/23/2018 2-16


06-100, 200 LSU Error RAP 06-100 The machine has detected that the LSU did not reach a ready state within the correct time.

06-200 LSU Hsync error. The machine did not detect the laser beam within the correct time.

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

WARNING Avoid exposure to laser beam. Invisible laser radiation. Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines Machines.. Perform the steps that follow: 1. Powe Powerr of off, f, tthe hen n powe powerr on tthe he devi device ce,, GP 4 4.. 2.

dC330 codes  codes 06-100 and 06-110. Check that the LSU motor runs, PL 1.10 Item 4 4.. Enter dC330


Refer to GP 10 10,, then check the flat cable between the LSU and the Main PWB B1022 or B1022 or B1025.. Main PWB B1025


If nece necessa ssary, ry, in insta stall ll a new new LSU LSU,, PL 1.10 Item 4. 4.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05/23/2018 2-17

Status Indicator RAPs

06-100, 200

Status Indicator RAPs

06-100, 200

05/23/2018 2-18

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


Status Indicator RAPs

07-500, 07-600

05/23/2018 2-22

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



09-100 Toner Low RAP

09-200 Toner Empty RAP

09-100 The device has detected that the toner cartridge is almost empty. The toner material

09-200 The device has detected that the toner cartridge is empty.

may be either low or unevenly distributed within the toner cartridge. cartri dge.




WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Perform the steps that follow:

Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines. Machines . Perform the steps that follow:


Remo Remove ve th the e ton toner er ca cartr rtrid idge ge,, REP 9.1 9.1..



Gently shake tthe he ton toner er cartridge cartridge h horizon orizontally tally to to dist distribute ribute the toner toner ev evenly enly ins inside ide th the e cartridge.

Ensure that the the tone tonerr cartridge cartridge is not not empty. If nece necessary, ssary, install install a new new toner toner cartridge, cartridge, PL 9.10 Item 1. 1.



Rein Reinst stal alll th the e tone tonerr ca cart rtrid ridge ge,, REP 9.1 9.1..

dC330 code  code 09-600 and 09-700. Check that the toner dispense motor (MOT09-600, Enter dC330 12)) runs and deactuates the toner sensor (Q09-700). PL 4.10 Item 12


1 is  is in stock. Ensure Ensure tthat hat a re repla placeme cement nt tone tonerr car cartrid tridge, ge, PL 9.10 Item 1


Re Remov move e th the e to tone nerr c car artri tridg dge, e, PL 9.10 Item 1 1 and  and drum cartridge, PL 9.10 Item 2 2.. Enter dC330 code  code 09-600. Ensure that the toner dispense motor runs (MOT09-600) and drives dC330


the toner cartridge supply coupling/gear, PL 4.10 Item 4 4.. Check Check the w wirin iring g betwee between n the toner toner dispe dispense nse motor motor a and nd the the Main PWB B1022 or B1022 or Main PWB B1025, B1025, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3.


Check the wiring betw between een the toner cartridge cartridge connect connector or an and d the the Main PWB B1022  B1022  or B1025, PL 1.10 Item 3 Main PWB B1025, 3..


1.. Enter dC135 dC135 HFSI  HFSI and reset If nece necessar ssary, y, insta installll a new toner toner c cart artrid ridge, ge, PL 9.10 Item 1 the toner cartridge counter.

Install new components as necessary:

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


09-260 Toner Dispense Motor RAP


12.. Tone Tonerr d dis ispe pens nse em mot otor or,, PL 4.10 Item 12

2. 3.

1.. Ton Toner cart cartri ridg dge, e, PL 9.10 Item 1 Main PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3.

05/23/2018 2-25

09-300 Drum Warning RAP

Status Indicator RAPs

09-100, 09-200

09-260 The toner dispense motor failure.

09-300 The drum cartridge is near end of life.


Procedure WARNING


Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause

death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.


Remo Remove ve th the e ton toner er ca cartr rtrid idge ge,, PL 9.10 Item 1 and 1  and drum cartridge, PL 9.10 Item 2 2.. Enter dC330   code 09-600, then check that the toner dispense motor (MOT09-600) runs and dC330 drives the toner cartridge supply coupling/gear, PL 4.10 Item 12 12..



Check the wiring betwe between en th the e to toner ner dispens dispense e moto motorr (MOT0 (MOT09-600) 9-600) and the Main PWB B1022 or B1022  or Main PWB B1025 B1025,, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3.


dC330 code  code 09-700, then check that the toner dispense motor senor (Q09-700) PL Enter dC330


4.10 Item 17. 17. Check the wiring between between the the toner toner di dispens spense e moto motorr sen sensor sor and and the the Main PWB B1022 B1022 or  or B1025,, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3. Main PWB B1025

Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines Machines.. Perform the steps that follow:

Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines. Machines . Perform the steps that follow: No immediate immediate action is ne necessary. cessary. Ensure that a replacemen replacementt drum drum cartridge, cartridge, PL 9.10 Item 2 is 2 is in stock.

Install new components as necessary: 1.

12.. To Tone nerr dis dispe pens nse em mot otor or,, PL 4.10 Item 12


Tone Tonerr disp dispen ense se mo moto torr sen senso sor, r, PL 4.10 Item 17. 17.


Main P PW WB, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3.

Status Indicator RAPs

09-260, 09-300


05/23/2018 2-26

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

09-400 Drum Cartridge RAP

09-500 Toner Cartridge Not Installed RAP

09-400 The drum cartridge has reached the end of life.

09-500 The toner cartridge is not installed or the Customer Replaceable Unit Monitor (CRUM)

is not making contact.





Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do

death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

not need electricity. Refer tocan GP cause 4. Disconnect death or injury. Moving parts injury. the power cord. Electricity can cause


Insta Install ll a ne new wd dru rum m cart cartrid ridge ge,, REP 9.2 9.2..


dC135 HFSI  HFSI then reset the drum cartridge counter. Enter dC135

Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines. Machines . Perform the steps that follow:

Perform the steps that follow:


Po Powe werr off, off, tthe hen n po powe werr on the the d dev evice ice,, GP 4 4..


9.1.. Re Remov move e tthe he to tone nerr c car artr trid idge ge,, REP 9.1


Check Check th the e contac contacts ts o on n th the e to toner ner CRUM CRUM c conn onnect ector. or.


Re Rein insta stall ll the the ton toner er c car artr tridg idge, e, REP 9.1. 9.1.


Refer to GP 10 10.. Check the wiring between the t oner CRUM connector and the Main PWB

B1022 or B1022  or Main PWB B1025, B1025, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3. Install new components as necessary:

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



1.. Enter dC135 dC135 HFSI  HFSI then reset the toner cartridge counter. Ton Toner cart cartri ridg dge e, PL 9.10 Item 1


Main PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3.

05/23/2018 2-27

Status Indicator RAPs

09-400, 09-500

09-600, 730 Drum Cartridge Error RAP

09-700, 720 Toner Supply Error RAP

09-600 The drum cartridge is not installed or the Customer Replaceable Unit Monitor (CRUM)

09-700 The device has detected an insufficient supply of toner to the drum cartridge.

is not making contact.

09 720 The device has detected a toner supply error. 09-730 The device has detected a drum cartridge error.




WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines Machines.. Perform the steps that follow: 1.

Powe Powerr of off, f, tthe hen n powe powerr on tthe he devi device ce,, GP 4 4..

Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines. Machines . Perform the steps that follow: 1.

Po Powe werr off, off, tthe hen n po powe werr on the the d dev evice ice,, GP 4 4..


9.2.. Re Remov move e th the e dr drum um ca cartr rtrid idge ge,, REP 9.2


Remo Remove ve th the e dr drum um ca cart rtrid ridge ge,, REP 9.2 9.2..


Check that the tape seal on the the toner toner cartridge cartridge h has as been been re removed. moved.


Che Check ck the the conta contacts cts on the the drum drum CRU CRUM M connec connector tor..


Perform the 09-260 Toner 09-260 Toner Dispense Motor RAP.


Rein Reinst stal alll the the dr drum um car cartr tridg idge, e, REP 9.2. 9.2.



Refer to GP 10 10.. Check the wiring between the drum cartridge connector PL 1.10 Item 16 and the Main PWB B1022 or B1022  or Main PWB B1025 B1025,, PL 1.10 Item 3 3..

Gently Gently shake tthe he toner toner cartridge cartridge horizon horizontally tally to to distri distribute bute the the ton toner er evenly evenly inside inside the ca carrtridge.


Reinst Reinstall all the dru drum ma and nd ton toner er cart cartridg ridges. es.


Instal Installl a new compone components nts as nec necessa essary: ry:


In Inst stal alll a new com compo pone nent nts s as ne nece cessa ssary: ry:


Drum c ca artridge, PL 9.10 Item 2 2..

Toner cartridge, PL 9.10 Item 1. 1.

Fr Fron ontt cove coverr s swi witch tch an and d har harne ness ss as assem sembl bly, y, PL 1.10 Item 5 5..

2.. Drum ca cartridge, PL 9.10 Item 2

dC135 HFSI  HFSI then reset the drum cartridge counter. Enter dC135

Status Indicator RAPs

09-600, 730, 09-700, 720


Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.


05/23/2018 2-28

Enter dC135 HFSI dC135 HFSI then reset the appropriate cartridge counter.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

09-710 Image Quality Adjustment RAP

09-800, 810 Incompatible Toner Cartridge RAP

09-710 The device is performing image i mage quality adjustments.

09-800 The device has detected an incompatible toner cartridge.


09-810 The device has detected a non Xerox toner cartridge.

No service actions are required. Advise the customer to wait until the calibrations have com-

pleted. Printing is held while the adjustments are in progress, all other machine services (if installed) are unaffected.

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Perform the steps that follow:

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


Re Remov move e tthe he to tone nerr c car artr trid idge ge,, REP 9.1 9.1..


Ensure that the toner toner c cartrid artridge ge is the co correct rrect toner cartrid cartridge ge ffor or th the e device. device.


In Inst stal alll a new new to tone nerr ca cart rtrid ridge ge,, PL 9.10 Item 1


Enter dC135 HFSI dC135 HFSI then reset the toner cartridge counter.

Status Indicator RAPs

05/23/2018 2-29

09-710, 09-800, 810


09-900, 910 Incompatible Drum Cartridge RAP

09-950 Transfer Roller Warning RAP

09-900 The machine has detected an incompatible drum cartridge. cartri dge.

09-950 The transfer roller is near end of life.

09-910 The machine has detected a non Xerox drum cartr idge.



WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do

WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Perform the steps that follow: 1.

Remo Remove ve th the e dr drum um ca cart rtrid ridge ge,, REP 9.2 9.2..


Ensure that the d drum rum cartridge cartridge is the correct drum ca cartridg rtridge e for the device. device.


2.. Insta Install ll a ne new wd dru rum m cart cartrid ridge ge,, PL 9.10 Item 2


dC135 HFSI  HFSI then reset the drum cartridge counter. Enter dC135

Status Indicator RAPs

not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Perform the steps that follow: 1. No immediate immediate action is nec necessary. essary. Ensure that a replaceme replacement nt tr transfer ansfer roll a assembly, ssembly, PL 8.25 Item 5 is 5 is in stock.

05/23/2018 2-30

09-900, 910, 09-950

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


09-960 Transfer Roller End of Life RAP

09-970 Transfer Roller Error RAP

09-960 The transfer roller has reached the end of life.

09-970 The device has detected a transfer assembly error.


Procedure WARNING


Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause

death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Perform the steps that follow: 1. Insta Install ll a ne new w tr tran ansf sfer er ro roll ll as asse semb mbly, ly, PL 8.25 Item 5 5..

Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines. Machines . Perform the steps that follow:


dC135 HFSI  HFSI then reset the transfer roller counter. Enter dC135


Remove Remove,, then then res reseat eat the the trans transfer fer rroll oller er assem assembly, bly, PL 8.25 Item 5. 5.


Check Check the ttran ransfe sferr roller roller asse assembly mbly for for up a and nd do down wn mo moveme vement. nt.


Check Check th the e high high voltag voltage e contac contacts ts be betwe tween en th the e HVPS, HVPS, PL 1.10 Item 2 2,, high voltage connector, PL 1.10 Item 6 and 6 and the transfer roller assembly for continuity.


In Inst stal alll a new com compo pone nent nts s as ne nece cessa ssary: ry: •

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05/23/2018 2-31

Tr Tra ans nsfe ferr roll roll as asse semb mbly ly,, PL 8.25 Item 5 5..

Hi High gh vo volt lta age con conne nect cto or, PL 1.10 Item 6. 6.

HVPS, PL 1.10 Item 2. 2.

Status Indicator RAPs

09-960, 09-970

Status Indicator RAPs

05/23/2018 2-32

09-960, 09-970

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



10-100, 200 Open Fuser Error/Low Heat Error RAP

10-100 During normal operation, the temperature of the fuser has dropped below the operating

10-300, 310 Fuser Over Temperature RAP

10-300 The temperature of the fuser has risen over the operating level.


10-310 The fuser temperature is under adjustment. 10-200 The fuser has failed to reach the correct operating temperature.

Initial Actions

Initial Actions WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause

WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.



Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. •

Enter dC330 dC330 code  code 10-500 Check the fuser fan runs, PL 10.10 Item 3. 3. If necessary per04-910 Fuser  Fuser Fan Locked RAP. form the 04-910


Procedure Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines Machines.. PerRefer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines form the steps that follow: 1.

Power Power o off ff th the e de device vice,, the then n power power o on n th the e device device,, GP 4. 4.


Enter dC330 dC330 codes  codes 10-200 (centre thermistor) and 10-210 (front thermistor) to verify the condition of the thermistors.


18 are  are clean and in good Chec Check k tha thatt the the th ther ermis misto tors, rs, PL 10.15 Item 9 and 9 and PL 10.15 Item 18 contact with the fuser heat roller.


Refer to GP 10, 10, then check the wiring between the fuser assembly, PL 10.10 Item 2 and 2 and 1.. the SMPS, PL 1.10 Item 1


Switch on th the e de device, vice, then then ch check eck the fuser input voltag voltage e CON CON1 1 on the SMPS.


10,, then check the wiring between CON4 on the SMPS and the Main PWB Refer to GP 10 B1022 or B1022  or Main PWB B1025 B1025,, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3.


If th the e fau fault lt pe persis rsists ts ins instal talll new co compo mponen nents ts as ne necess cessary: ary: •

Fuser a as ssembly, PL 10.10 Item 2

SMPS, PL 1.10 Item 1. 1.

2.. HVPS, PL 1.10 Item 2

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


Enter dC330 dC330 code  code 10-500 Check the fuser fan motor runs, PL 10.10 Item 3 3.. If necessary 04-910 Fuser  Fuser Fan Locked RAP. perform the 04-600  04-600 04-910

Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines. Machines . PerRefer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines form the steps that follow: 1.

Powe Powerr o off ff th the e devi device ce,, GP 4. Wait until the fuser has cooled down, then power on the device GP 4. 4.


If the the ffaul aultt pe persis rsists ts in insta stallll a n new ew ffuse userr assembly assembly,, PL 10.10 Item 2. 2.

05/23/2018 2-33

Status Indicator RAPs

10-100, 200, 10-300, 310

Status Indicator RAPs

05/23/2018 2-34

10-100, 200, 10-300, 310  

14A Scanner Fault RAP

The device has detected a fault with the scanner assembly.

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Scanner checkout Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines Machines or  or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines Machines.. Perform the steps that follow: 1.

Power Power o off ff th the e de device vice,, the then n power power o on n th the e device device,, GP 4. 4.


Remove Remove the sca scanne nnerr ttop op cove coverr a asse ssembly mbly,, PL 14.10 Item 1 1..

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


Refer to GP 10 10,, then check that the scanner drive belt, PL 14.10 Item 5 5..


Enter dC330 dC330 code  code 05-720, then check the platen motor (MOT05-720) runs, PL 14.10 Item 6.


Che Check ck the wiring wiring betw between een (MOT (MOT05-7 05-720) 20) and and the the main main PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3.


Enter dC330 dC330,, then check the platen cover sensor (S05-400), PL 14.10 Item 11 11..

7. 8.

Ch Chec eck k the the CIS CIS home home s sen enso sor, r, PL 14.10 Item 4. 4. Check the con connectio nections ns be between tween the contact contact image sensor (CIS) and tthe he main PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3.


If nece necessa ssary, ry, instal installl new compon component ents: s: •

1.. Scanner tto op c co over, PL 14.10 Item 1

Scanner dr drive b be elt, PL 14.10 Item 5. 5.

6.. Scan motor, PL 14.10 Item 6

Platen c o ov v er er s se ensor , PL 14.10 Item 11 11..

3.. CIS s se ensor, PL 14.10 Item 3

CIS h ho ome s se ensor, PL 14.10 Item 4. 4.

Sc an anner flat lat cable, PL 14.10 Item 12 12..

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05/23/2018 2-35

Status Indicator RAPs


Status Indicator RAPs


05/23/2018 2-36

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


Status Indicator RAPs

05/23/2018 2-38

15-100 to 15-700

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


17-100 to 17-610 Network Controller Faults RAP

17-600 Filename is Too Long

These are the faults displayed when the device encounters network controller problems. The faults are listed in code order, together with any recommended actions. Please note that the service actions are limited.

The name of the file to be sent is longer than the destination systems limits. Shorten the file name.


The file name already exists on the destination server . Change the file name.


WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Go to the relevant fault code, then perform any service actions.

17-100 IP Address is Conflicted The IP address of the machine is being used by another device on the network. Advise the customer to contact the system administrator to change the machine's IP address.

17-110 Connection Error The machine encountered an error when establishing a connection to the designated server. Check with the customer that the connectivity and network setup settings are correct.

17-610 Scan File Exists

17-120 Server Not Found

The machine can not find the designated server. Check with the customer that the connectivity and network setup settings are correct.

17-130 Login Error The machine can not login to the designated server. Check with the customer that the connectivity and network setup settings are correct.

17-140 Access Denied A permissions error occurred. Check with the customer that the connectivity and network setup settings are correct.

17-150 Lock Exists The *.lck directory already exists.

17-200 Network Cable is Disconnected Ensure the net work cable is connected.

17-310 Wireless Network Communication Error Check that the USB wireless network adapter is plugged into a USB port on the machine. Print a configuration report: •

Ensu Ensure re th that at th the eU USB SB p por orts ts are are e ena nabl bled ed..

Ensure Ensure that that th the e machin machine e is configu configured red for wirele wireless ss p print rinting ing..

17-510 Operation Error An error occurred when sending the image file.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Status Indicator RAPs

05/23/2018 2-39

17-100 to 17-610


17-562, 563 ESolutions Communication Error RAP

17-700 to 810 Server Error RAP

17-562 The auto-registration process failed to communicate. 17-563 The machine failed to communicate with the X erox edge server.

 A BOOTP server error has occurred but the automatic assigning of an IP address is 17-700 working.

17-710 A BOOTP server error has occurred and the automatic assigning of an IP address is


not working.

WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Perform the steps that follow: 1.

Ensure Ensure th that at th the e SMart SMart eSolu eSolutio tions ns se settin ttings gs ar are e correct correct..


Che Check ck the the networ network k cabl cable ea and nd con connec nectio tion. n.


Che Check ck that that the the m mach achine ine IP addr address ess iis s co correc rrect. t.


(17-563 Only). Check that the SMart eSolution edge host is connected and operational.

17-780  A DHCP server error has occurred but the automatic assigning of an IP address is working.

17-810 A DHCP server error has occurred and the automatic assigning of an IP address is not working.

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Perform the steps that follow: 1.

Switch Switch off off,, then then swit switch ch on the device device GP 4 4..


Status Indicator RAPs

17-562, 563, 17-700 to 810

If the the ffaul aultt pe persi rsists sts a assig ssign n a new new static static IP addre address. ss.

05/23/2018 2-40

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


17-900 802.1X Authentication Error RAP

17-919 Firmware Upgrade Error RAP

17-900 The 802.1X authentication failed.

17-910 An attempt was made to load an invalid firmware upgrade file.


Procedure WARNING


Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Perform the steps that follow:

Perform the steps that follow:



Ensure that the the 802.1X 802.1X E EAP AP type, user name name and and pass password word ffor or the machine authe authenticantication switch and authentication server match.

Load Load th the e cor correct rect fir firmwa mware re upgra upgrade de ffile, ile, ref refer er to to GP 12 Firmware 12 Firmware Upgrade.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05/23/2018 2-41

Status Indicator RAPs

17-900, 17-919

Status Indicator RAPs

05/23/2018 2-42

17-900, 17-919  

20-100 to 20-600 Network Fax Faults RAP These are the faults displayed when the device encounters fax problems. The faults are listed in code order, together with any recommended actions. Please note that the service actions are limited.

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Go to the relevant fault code, then perform any service actions. dC109. B1025 Only. If necessary, print the embedded fax protocol report, refer to dC109.

20-100 Communication Error A communication failure has occurred with either the fax transmission or reception. Resend the fax.

20-120 Scanning Error While sending a fax using manual dial, a scanning error has occurred. Clear any jams. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine. Resend the fax. If the fault persists, check the scanner, refer to the 14A 14A Scanner  Scanner Fault RAP.

20-300 Incompatible The remote party does not have the feature the user has requested, for example, polling. Change the settings, then resend the fax.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

20-400 Line Busy The remote party did not answer. Wait, then resend the fax.

20-410 Line Error There is a problem with the phone line, affecting transmission or reception. Try again and if necessary, wait for the line to clear.

20-500 Memory Full The fax data memory is full. Delete any unnecessary documents awaiting transmission, wait until more memory becomes available, or split the current fax in to smaller small er units.

20-600 No Answer It has not been possible to connect to the remote fax, even after re-dial attempts. Check that the remote fax is on line and try again.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05/23/2018 2-43

Status Indicator RAPs 20-100 to 20-600

Status Indicator RAPs

20-100 to 20-600

05/23/2018 2-44

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


Image Quality

05/23/2018 3-2

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


IQ2 Black Line or Band in the Process Direction on Print RAP 1.. Black lines occur in the process direction, Figure 1

Trail edge

Cross process direction

Inboard edge

Outboard edge

In process direction

Lead edge

Figure 1 Black lines or bands in the process direction

Procedure WARNING

Figure 1 Print/copy definitions

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.


Table 1 Black Lines or Bands in Process Direction Probable Cause


The paper is not the proper type.

5.. Use the correct media, GP 5

The paper path is contaminated by toner resi- Clean the paper path. due paper dust or debris.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

The drum ca cartridge is de defective.

Install a new drum cartridge, PL 9.10 Item 2. 2.

The transfer roller is contaminated or worn out.

10.. Install a new transfer roller, PL 8.25 Item 10

The pressure roller or heat roller in the fuser assembly is defective.

Install a new fuser assembly, PL 10.10 Item 2 2..

Image Quality

05/23/2018 3-5

IQ1b, IQ2


IQ3 White Line or Band in the Process Direction on Print RAP 1.. White voids occur in the process direc tion, Figure 1

Figure 1 White lines or bands in the process direction

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.


Table 1 White Lines or Bands in Process P rocess Direction

Table 1 White Lines or Bands in Process Direction Probable Cause


The connection between the LSU, PL 1.10 • Item 4, 4, and the main PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3 3,, is defective. •

Disc Discon onne nect ct a and nd rrec econ onne nect ct the the h har arne ness ss between the LSU, PL 1.10 Item 4 4,, and the main PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3. Inst Instal alll a n ne ew L LSU SU flat flat ca cabl ble, e, PL 1.10 Item 12.. 12

Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines or Machines.. Machines

Probable Cause


The paper is not the proper type.

Use the correct media, GP 5 5..

The paper path is contaminated by toner resi- Clean the paper path. due, paper dust or debris. The drum cartridge is defective.

Install a new drum cartridge, PL 9.10 Item 2 2..

The L LS SU wi window iis sc co ontaminated.

4.. Clean tth he L LS SU wi window, PL 1.10 Item 4

Image Quality

05/23/2018 3-6


Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


IQ4 Black Bands in the Cross Process Direction on Print RAP 1.. Dark of blurry stripes occur in the cross process direction, Figure 1

Ta Table ble 1 Cross Process Black Bands Probable Cause


Th The eo out utpu putt ffro rom m tthe he HVPS HVPS is abno abnorm rmal al..

Inst Instal alll a new new H HVP VPS S PWB PWB,, PL 1.10 Item 2. 2.

Roller Dimensions for Cross Process Bands The space between regular bands in the cross process direction can indicate defective components in the paper path. Refer to Table 2 2 to  to identify defective components, refer to Figure 2 2.. Where cross process defects repeat with spacing close to the dimensions listed below consider installing new components as described in the table.

Table 2 Paper Path Components

Figure 1 Cross process black bands

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

WARNING Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. Table 1 Cross Process Black Bands Probable Cause

Th The e pa pape perr is dirt dirty y or not not tthe he prop proper er ttyp ype. e.


Re Repl plac ace e tthe he pape paper, r, GP 5 5..

The paper path is contaminated by toner resi- Clean the paper path. due paper dust or debris. The drum cartridge contact terminal is making 1.

Cle Clean an the contac contactt termi terminal nal of the drum drum


R Ro oller


2.. Ch Char arge ge ro roll ller er,, part part of th the e drum drum ca cart rtri ridg dge, e, PL 9.10 Item 2

Dimension 37.7 mm

2 3

OP PC Cd drrum, part o off d drr u um m ca cart rriidge, PL 9.10 Item 2 2.. De Deve velo lopi ping ng ro roll ller er,, p par artt o off tthe he drum drum ca cart rtri ridg dge, e, PL 9.10 Item 2. 2.

94.4mm 35.7 mm


Transfer roller, PL 8.25 Item 10  10  

59.7 mm


He Heat at roll rolle er, pa part rt of fus fuser er as asse semb mbly ly,, PL 10.10 Item 2  2 

75.7 mm


Pr Pres essu sure re roll roller er,, par partt of of fus fuse er a ass ssem embl bly, y, PL 10.10 Item 2 2  

69.3 mm

a poor contact.

cartridge, PL 9.10 Item 2 2.. 2.

The surface of the transfer roller is contaminated or worn out. The L LS SU wi window iis sc co ontaminated.

Insta Install ll a new new dru drum m ca cartr rtrid idge ge,, PL 9.10 Item 2. 2.

10.. Install a new transfer roller, PL 8.25 Item 10 Clean tth he L LS SU wi window, PL 1.10 Item 4 4..

The pressure roller or heat roller in the fuser assembly is defective.

Install a new fuser assembly, PL 10.10 Item 2. 2.

The The HVP HVPS S te termin rmina al is is c con onta tami mina nate ted. d.

Clea lean the the con conne nect ctio ions ns to the the HVP HVPS S PWB PWB,, PL 1.10 Item 2. 2.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Figure 2 Paper path components Image Quality

05/23/2018 3-7



IQ5 Black and White Spots on Print RAP

IQ6 Light Image on Print RAP

1.. Black and white spots occur on the image, Figure 1

The printed image is light, with no ghost, Figure 1. 1.

Figure 1 Black and white spots


Figure 1 Light image

Procedure WARNING


Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.



Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

Table 1 Black and White Spots Probable Cause


The paper path is contaminated by toner resi- Clean the paper path. due paper dust or debris.

Table 1 Light Image Probable Cause


The toner c a arr ttrr iid dge life ife is ex pir pire ed.

ins ins tta all a new toner c a arr ttrridg idge, PL 9.10 Item 1. 1.

The drum unit life is expired.

Install a new drum cartridge, PL 9.10 Item 2 2..

The rollers in the drum unit may be contaminated with foreign matter or paper particles.

Install a new drum cartridge, PL 9.10 Item 2 2..

The transfer roller is contaminated or worn out.

Install a new transfer roller, PL 8.25 Item 10. 10.

The pressure roller or heat roller in the fuser assembly is defective.

Install a new fuser assembly, PL 10.10 Item 2. 2.

Image Quality

The surface of the transfer roller is contaminated or worn out.

Install a new transfer roller, PL 8.25 Item 10 10..

The termi terminal nal o off the HVPS HVPS is cont contami aminat nated. ed.

Clean Clean th the e contam contamina inated ted termi terminal nal..

Th The eo out utpu putt ffro rom m tthe he HVPS HVPS is abno abnorm rmal al..

Inst Instal alll a new new H HVP VPS S PWB PWB,, PL 1.10 Item 2. 2.

05/23/2018 3-8

IQ5, IQ6

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


IQ7 Dark or Black Page on Print RAP

IQ8 Uneven Density on Print RAP

1.. The printed image is dark or black, Figure 1

Print density is uneven between left and right, Figure 1. 1.

Figure 1 Dark or black page


Figure 1 Uneven density

Procedure WARNING


Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.


WARNING Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

Table 1 Uneven Density

Table 1 Dark or Black Page Probable Cause


Probable Cause


The charging roller in the drum unit is i s defective.

Install a new drum cartridge, PL 9.10 Item 2. 2.

The The pre pressu ssure re be betw twee een n tthe he le left ft an and d rig right ht springs of the transfer roller is not even.


Rem Remove ove and rei reinst nstall all the tra transf nsfer er roll roller, er, 10.. PL 8.25 Item 10

The HVPS contac contactt terminal terminal is contami contaminated nated..

Clean the contacts contacts of th the e HVPS PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. 2.

The The sp spri ring ngs s are da dama mage ged. d.


Inst Instal alll a new new ttra rans nsfe ferr rol rolle ler. r.

The The tr tran ansf sfer er rol rolle lerr is impro imprope perly rly in inst stal alle led. d.

Th The e out outpu putt ffro rom m tthe he HVPS HVPS is abno abnorm rmal al..

In Inst stal alll a new new H HVP VPS SP PWB WB,, PL 1.10 Item 2. 2.

The LSU is defective.

Install a new LSU, PL 1.10 Item 4 4..

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

The The tton oner er le leve vell is is n not ot even even on th the ed dru rum. m.

2.. In Insta stall ll a n new ew dr drum um ca cartr rtrid idge ge,, PL 9.10 Item 2

Image Quality

05/23/2018 3-9

IQ7, IQ8


IQ9 Light or Dark Background on Print RAP

IQ10 Ghost Image on Print RAP

1.. Light or dark background appears in the whole area of the print, Figure 1

A ghost image occurs in the process direction, Figure 1. 1.

Figure 1 Ghost image Figure 1 Light or dark background


Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.



Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

WARNING Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

Table 1 Ghost Image

Table 1 Light or Dark Background

Probable Cause


Probable Cause


Th The e rres esid idua uall ton toner er on th the e rrol olle lers rs exis exists ts..

Pr Prin intt 10 test test pr prin ints ts..

Is recycled paper being used

Use the correct media, GP 5. 5.

The life of the the d drum rum cart cartrid ridge ge h has as e expi xpired red..

Instal Installl a new drum drum cartr cartridg idge, e, PL 9.10 Item 2 2..

The contact terminal on the drum cartridge is not making a good connection.

Clea Clean n the the co cont ntac actt te term rmin inal al of of the the drum drum unit.

Th The e out outpu putt ffro rom m tthe he HVPS HVPS is abno abnorm rmal al..

In Inst stal alll a new new H HVP VPS SP PWB WB,, PL 1.10 Item 2. 2.

In Inst stal alll a new new drum drum ca cart rtri ridg dge, e, PL 9.10 Item 2. 2.

The transfer roller is contaminated or worn

10.. Install a new transfer roller, PL 8.25 Item 10

out. The pressure roller or heat roller in the fuser assembly is defective.

Install a new fuser assembly, PL 10.10 Item 2 2..

The contact terminals on the HVPS PWB are contaminated.

Clean the HVPS contact terminals, PL 1.10 Item 2. 2.

The output output ffrom rom the HVPS HVPS PWB is abno abnormal. rmal. Install a n new ew HVPS PWB, PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 2..

Image Quality

05/23/2018 3-10

IQ9, IQ10

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


IQ11 Stains on Back of Page on Print/Copy RAP

IQ12 Blank Page on Print RAP

1.. The back of the page is marked or stained, Figure 1

No visible image anywhere on the output, Figure 1 1..

Figure 1 Blank page

Figure 1 Stains or marks on back b ack of page


Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.



Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

WARNING Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. Table 1 Blank Page Table 1 Stains on Back of Page Probable Cause


The transfer roller is contaminated or worn out.

Install a new transfer roller, PL 8.25 Item 10 10..

The pressure roller or heat roller in the fuser assembly is defective.

Install a new fuser assembly, PL 10.10 Item 2. 2.

Probable Cause


The contact terminal on the drum cartridge is making a poor connection.

Clea Clean n the the co cont ntac actt te term rmin inal al of of the the drum drum 2.. cartridge, PL 9.10 Item 2

Inst Instal alll a ne new dru drum mc car artr trid idg ge.

The surface of the transfer roller is contaminated or worn out.

Install a new transfer roller, PL 8.25 Item 10 10..

The LSU window is contaminated.


Clean the LSU window, PL 1.10 Item 4 4..


Re Repl plac ace e the the LSU LSU.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Image Quality

05/23/2018 3-11

IQ11, IQ12


Table 1 Blank Page Probable Cause


The connection between the LSU, PL 1.10 Item 4, 4, and main PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3 3 is  is defective.


Disconn Disconnect ect and reco reconne nnect ct the harnes harness. s.


Insta Install ll a new new LS LSU U fla flatt ca cabl ble, e, PL 1.10 Item 12.. 12

IQ13 Partial Image Void on Print/Copy/Scanned Image RAP 1.. A partial void occurs on the printed page, Figure 1

Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines or Machines.. Machines The connection between the main PWB, PL 1. 1.10 Item 3, 3, and HVPS PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2, 2, 2. is defective.

Disconn Disconnect ect and reco reconne nnect ct the harnes harness. s. Insta Install ll a new new H HVPS VPS I/F I/F fla flatt ca cabl ble, e, PL 1.10 Item 11. 11.

Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines or Machines.. Machines 3,, or Install a new main PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3 HVPS PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2, 2, as necessary.

Figure 1 Partial image void

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

WARNING Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

Probable Cause

Table 1 Partial Image Void Solution

The printer printer is not installe installed d on a level surface. Install the the print printer er on flat le level vel surface. surface. Print 1 10 0 sample pages for test. The developer in the drum cartridge is not cir- 1. culating properly.

Shake Shake the dru drum m ca cartr rtridg idge e2 2~3 ~3 time times s fr from om right to left. Reinstall the drum cartridge. Print 10 sample pages for test.


If the the pro proble blem m pe persis rsists ts in insta stallll a new dru drum m cartridge, PL 9.10 Item 2. 2.

Pa Pape perr idle idlerr ro roll ll d dus ustt clea cleane nerr is clo clogg gged ed..

Remov Remove e and and c cle lean an th the e re regi gist stra rati tion on iidl dler er rrol olll

10.. paper dust cleaner, PL 8.30 Item 10

Image Quality

05/23/2018 3-12

IQ12, IQ13

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


Table 1 Partial Image Void Probable Cause


There is a poor contact between the drum car- 1. tridge, PL 9.10 Item 2, 2, and transfer roller, PL 8.25 Item 10. 10.

Ch Chec eck k the the drum drum c car artr trid idge ge,, PL 9.10 Item 2, and transfer roller, PL 8.25 Item 10 10,, are installed properly.

2. 3.

Disconn Disconnect ect and reco reconne nnect ct the harnes harness. s. Rep Repair air the harnes harness s or inst install all a new new harharness as necessary.

IQ14 Unfused Image on Print/Copy RAP 1.. The printed image is not fully fused to the paper. The image rubs off easily, Figure 1

Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines or Machines.. Machines

Figure 1 Unfused image

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

WARNING Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

Probable Cause

Table 1 Unfused Image Solution

The paper s are damp wit h mois ttu ur e. e.

5.. R ep eplace t he he p ap aper, GP 5

The fuser fuser ass assemb embly ly is c corre orrectly ctly inst installe alled. d.

Remove Remove and reinsta reinstallll the the fuser fuser ass assemb embly, ly, PL 10.10 Item 2. 2.

There is a poor connection between the fuser 1. assembly, PL 10.10 Item 2, 2, and the main PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3 3.. 2.

Che Check ck tthe he con connec nection tion betwee between n the the fuser fuser assembly and the main PWB.


Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 for B1022 Machines or Wiring Diagram 2 for B1025 Machines or Machines.. Machines

Re Repa pair ir tthe he har harne ness ss or iinst nstal alll a new new ha harrness as necessary.

The ffu user a as ssembly is is de defective.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Install a new fu fuser a as ssembly, PL 10.10 Item 2. 2.

Image Quality

05/23/2018 3-13

IQ13, IQ14


IQ15 Duplex Trailing Edge Fade on Print/Copy RAP

Refer to Figure 1 and 1 and Figure 2 2..

Image fade occurs on the trailing edge of a duplex image within 3mm of the edge of the image. This error occurs on coping only. The registration sensor detects paper exit but main bias timing is inaccurate due to build-up of mechanical tolerances. This causes 1mm sensing deviation which can generate a voltage drop and 3mm fade at the bottom of a duplex page.

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

WARNING Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. Tune up the step bias at 2mm from the bottom of the page on duplex c opies.

Figure 1 Trailing edge fade

Image Quality

05/23/2018 3-14


Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



dC131.. Ente Enterr N NVM VM Re Read ad/W /Wri rite te,, dC131


Sele Select ct loca locati tion on 09-3 09-340 40..


Increa Increase se the value of NVM 09-34 09-340 0 in 1 1mm mm increments. increments. (Available (Available ra range nge 0 to 20 20mm, mm, default value 10)

IQ16 Duplex Blur on Print/Copy RAP While duplex printing blur around solid pattern areas can appear in certain environments with high resistance paper.

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

WARNING Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. 1.

Ente Enterr N NVM VM Re Read ad/W /Wri rite te,, dC131. dC131.


Sele Select ct lloc ocat atio ion n 0909-33 330. 0.


Increase Increase the value o off NVM 09 09-330 -330 in increments increments of 1 until a suitab suitable le result result is achieved. achieved. (Available range 0 to 20, default value 10)

Refer to Figure 1 and 1 and Figure 2 2..

Figure 2 Trailing edge with solution applied

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Image Quality

05/23/2018 3-15

IQ15, IQ16


Figure 2 Examples of adjustment for duplex blur

Figure 1 Duplex blur

Image Quality



Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



IQ17 Black Line or Band in the Process Direction on Copy/ Scanned Image RAP Black lines occur in the process direction only on copy/scanned images, Figure 1. 1.

Table 1 Black Lines or Bands in Process Direction Probable Cause


The streaks only appears when platen glass was used to make a copy.

Clean the top and bottom sur face of the platen glass, PL 14.10 Item 1 1,, ADJ 6.1 and 6.1 and DADF 2,, ADJ 5.2. 5.2. document pad, PL 5.10 Item 2

The streaks appears when platen glass or

Clean the surface of CIS Unit sensor, PL

DADF were used to make a copy.

14.10 Item 3,CIS 3, ADJUnit 6.1. 6.1.PL If the fault persists, 14.10 Item 3. install a new 3.

Figure 1 Black lines or bands in the process direction

Initial Actions •

Con Confir firm m output output has white white board boarders ers a arou round nd the the edge edges s of paper. paper.

Conf Confir irm m the the pro probl blem em is is on only ly obse observe rved d on copi copies es..

Perform GP 14 14 Shading  Shading & Print Routine to confirm result(s)

If th the e prob proble lem m per persi sist sts, s, go to Table 1. 1.

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. WARNING Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. Table 1 Black Lines or Bands in Process Direction Probable Cause


The streaks only appears when DADF was used to make a copy.

Clean the top and bottom surface of the CVT 1 and  and CVT backing plate glass, PL 14.10 Item 1  – chute, ADJ 5.2 5.2..

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

05/23/2018 3-17

Image Quality



IQ18 White Line or Band in the Process Direction on Copy/ Scanned Image RAP 1.. White voids occur in the process direc tion on copy/scanned images, Figure 1

Table 1 White lines or bands in process direction on copies Probable Cause


The streaks only appears when platen glass was used to make a copy.

Clean the top and bottom sur face of the platen glass,PL glass, 1, ADJ 6.1 and PL 14.10 Item 1, 6.1 and DADF 2 or  or document document pad, PL 5.10 Item 2 5,, ADJ 5.2. 5.2. cover pad, PL 5.50 Item 5

The streaks appears when platen glass or DADF were used to make a copy.

Clean the surface of CIS Unit sensor, PL 14.10 Item 3, 3, ADJ 6.1. 6.1. If the fault persists, install a new CIS Unit PL 14.10 Item 3. 3.

Figure 1 White lines or bands in the process direction

Initial Actions •

Con Confir firm m output output has white white board boarders ers a arou round nd the the edge edges s of paper. paper.

Conf Confir irm m the the pro probl blem em is is on only ly obse observe rved d on copi copies es..

Perform GP 14 Shading 14 Shading & Print Routine to confirm result(s)

If th the e prob proble lem m per persi sist sts, s, go to Table 1. 1.

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

WARNING Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. Table 1 White lines or bands in process direction on copies Probable Cause


The streaks only appears when DADF was used to make a copy.

Clean the top and bottom surface of the CVT 1,, ADJ 6.1 and 6.1 and pickup glass, PL 14.10 Item 1 guide, PL 5.30 Item 4 4,, ADJ 5.2 5.2..

Image Quality


05/23/2018 3-18

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


IQ19 Black Bands in the Cross Process Direction on Copy/ Scanned Image RAP

IQ20 Black and White Spots on Copy/Scanned Image RAP Black and white spots occur on the image, Figure 1 1..

Dark of blurry stripes occur in the cross process direction on copy/scanned images, Figure 1. 1.

Figure 1 Cross process black bands

Figure 1 Black and white spots

Initial Actions • • • •

Initial Actions

Con Confir firm m output output has white white board boarders ers a arou round nd the the edge edges s of paper. paper. Conf Confir irm m the the pro probl blem em is is on only ly obse observe rved d on copi copies es.. 14 Shading  Shading & Print Routine to confirm result(s) Perform GP 14 If th the e prob proble lem m per persi sist sts, s, go to Table 1. 1.


Co Conf nfirm irm th the e pr prob oble lem m is onl only yo obse bserv rved ed o on n co copi pies es..

If th the e prob proble lem m pers persis ists ts,, go to Table 1. 1.

Procedure WARNING


Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.


Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. WARNING Table 1 Black and white Spots on copies

Table 1 Cross process black bands on copies Probable Cause


Probable Cause


Carriage movement creating inconsistent banding.

9 and  and Clean the carriage rail PL 14.10 Item 9 apply grease/lubricant.

Platen glass is dirty – only happens when copy from platen glass.

Clean the top and bottom sur face of the platen glass,PL glass, 1, ADJ 6.1. PL 14.10 Item 1, 6.1.

Carriage Drive timing belt creating high frequency banding.

Install a new timing belt on contact image sensor PL 14.10 Item 5. 5.

Video signal creating inconsistent noise in the 1. Install a new contact image sensor PL surface of paper. 14.10 Item 3. 3. 2.Install a new platen motor PL 14.10 Item 6. 6.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05/23/2018 3-19

Image Quality

IQ19, IQ20

IQ21 Light Image on Copy/Scanned Image RAP

IQ22 Dark or Black Page on Copy/Scanned Image RAP

1.. The printed image is light, with no ghost, Figure 1

The printed image is dark or black on copy/scanned images, Figure 1. 1.

Figure 1 Light image

Figure 1 Dark or black b lack page

Initial Actions

Initial Actions • •

Con Confir firm m output output has white white board boarders ers a arou round nd the the edge edges s of paper. paper. Conf Confir irm m the the pro probl blem em is is on only ly obse observe rved d on copi copies es..

Perform GP 14 14 Shading  Shading & Print Routine to confirm result(s)

If th the e prob proble lem m per persi sist sts, s, go to Table 1. 1.

Co Conf nfirm irm th the e pr prob oble lem m is onl only yo obse bserv rved ed o on n co copi pies es..

Perform GP 14 Shading 14 Shading & Print Routine to confirm r esult(s)

If th the e prob proble lem m pers persis ists ts,, go to Table 1. 1.


WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.



Platen glass is dirty.

Clean the top and bottom surface of the platen glass,PL 14.10 Item 1, glass,PL 1, ADJ 6.1. 6.1.

Window of CIS unit is dirty

Clean the top and bottom surface of the CVT glass, PL 14.10 Item 1 1,, ADJ 6.1. 6.1.

Image Quality

IQ23 Uneven Density on Copy/Scanned Image RAP

death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. WARNING

Table 1 Dark or Black Page

Table 1 Light Image

IQ21, IQ22

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause

Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.


Confirm Confirm output output has white white b boar oarder ders s ar aroun ound d the the edges edges of pape paper. r.



Probable Cause

Probable Cause


Poor co contact of the FFC cable.

Reseat the cable on the CIS Unit PL 14.10 Item 3 and 3 and Main PWB PL 1.10 Item 3 3..

Defective CIS Unit.

Install a new contact image sensor PL 14.10 Item 5. 5. Install a new Main PWB PL 1.10 Item 3 3..

Defect Main PWB

05/23/2018 3-20

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

IQ24 Light or Dark Background on Copy/Scanned Image RAP

Print density is uneven between left and right on copy/scanned images, Figure 1 1..

Light or dark background appears in the whole area of the copy/scanned images, Figure 1 1..

Figure 1 Light or dark background

Figure 1 Uneven density

Initial Actions

Initial Actions •

• • •

Con Confir firm m output output has white white board boarders ers a arou round nd the the edge edges s of paper. paper.

Conf Confir irm m the the pro probl blem em is is on only ly obse observe rved d on copi copies es..

14 Shading  Shading & Print Routine to confirm result(s) Perform GP 14

If th the e prob proble lem m per persi sist sts, s, go to Table 1. 1.

• •


Confirm Confirm output output has white white b boar oarder ders s ar aroun ound d the the edges edges of pape paper. r. Co Conf nfirm irm th the e pr prob oble lem m is onl only yo obse bserv rved ed o on n co copi pies es.. Enable Enable/Di /Disab sable le Aut Auto o Backg Backgrou round nd Suppre Suppressio ssion n in Copy Copy Feat Feature ure,, the then n check check if the cop copy y improves. Perform GP 14 Shading 14 Shading & Print Routine to confirm r esult(s) If th the e prob proble lem m pers persis ists ts,, go to Table 1. 1.


WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.


WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.


Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

Table 1 Dark or Black Page Probable Cause

Probable Cause


The scanner scanner top cove coverr is not seate seated d prope properly. rly. Reseat Reseat the scanner scanner top cov cover, er, PL 14.10 Item 1 onto the lower cover, PL 14.10 Item 8 8..

DADF or Document Cover not seated flat on platen glass

Clean the DADF or document cover, ADJ 5.2. 5.2.

The space guides are not seated properly, this Reseat the space guides PL 14.10 Item 10 on 10 on may cause unwanted noise. the contact image sensor, PL 14.10 Item 3. 3.

Contaminated cover pad.

Clean the top and bottom surface of the platen glass, PL 14.10 Item 1 1,, ADJ 6.1. 6.1. Clean the DADF cover pad, PL 5.10 Item 2 or 2 or document cover pad, PL 5.50 Item 5. 5.

The inboard and/or outboard springs on the contact image sensor are damaged, this may cause unwanted noise.

Install a new contact image sensor, PL 14.10 Item 3. 3.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


Table 1 Light or Dark Background


05/23/2018 3-21

IQ25 Ghost Image on Copy/Scanned Image RAP

IQ26 Blank Page on Copy/Scanned Image

1.. A ghost image occurs in the process dir ection on copy/scanned image, Figure 1

No visible image anywhere on the output, Figure 1 1..

Image Quality

IQ23, IQ24

Figure 1 Ghost image

Figure 1 Blank page

Initial Actions

Initial Actions

Conf Confir irm m the the pro probl blem em is is on only ly obse observe rved d on copi copies es..

Enable Enable/Dis /Disabl able e Auto Ba Backgr ckgroun ound d Suppres Suppressio sion n in Copy Fe Featu ature, re, th then en che check ck if the co copy py improves.

14 Shading  Shading & Print Routine to confirm result(s) Perform GP 14

If th the e prob proble lem m per persi sist sts, s, go to Table 1. 1.

• •

Co Conf nfirm irm th the e pr prob oble lem m is onl only yo obse bserv rved ed o on n co copi pies es.. Perform GP 14 Shading 14 Shading & Print Routine to confirm r esult(s)

If th the e prob proble lem m pers persis ists ts,, go to Table 1. 1.

Procedure WARNING

Procedure WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.


Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 4. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

WARNING Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

Table 1 Blank Page

Table 1 Ghost image on copies

Probable Cause

Probable Cause


Light weight paper being used causing to show-through from side-2 image.

Use the correct media, refer to GP 5 5..

Over exposed light causing to show-through from side-2 image

Install a new contact image sensor, PL 14.10 Item 3. 3.

Image Quality

IQ25, IQ26


Scanner flat ribbon video cable, PL 14.10 Item Reseat the cable on both ends – contact image sensor, PL 14.10 Item 3 12 is 12  is disconnected between CIS Unit and 3 and  and the Main Main PWB PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3. 3. The CIS Unit is defective.

05/23/2018 3-22

Install a new contact image sensor, PL 14.10 Item 3. 3.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-2

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 1.1 Switching Mode Power Supply (SMPS) and SMPS Fan  

Parts List on PL 1.10 Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from


Remo Remove ve th the e SMPS SMPS fa fan, n, Figure 3 3..

the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 Lethal voltage


Wait 5 minutes before performing the repair procedure. The power supply takes 5 minutes to discharge. Electricity can cause death d eath or injury.





Remove the SMPS fan.

Release the tab.

Open the clip.

Disconnect the P/J.

Figure 3 SMPS Fan Figure 2 ESD Symbol CAUTION Observe ESD procedures during this procedure. 1.

Swit Switch ch of offf tthe he devi device ce,, GP 4, 4, then disconnect the power cord.


28.1.. Re Remo move ve th the e rea rearr c cov over er,, REP 28.1

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-3

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

REP 1.1



Re Remo move ve the the SM SMPS PS,, Figure 4 4..

REP 1.2 Front Cover Switch

NOTE: Do not use excessive force to disconnect CON 2 on the SMPS. CON 2 can be a tight fit and difficult to disconnect. If necessary, first remove the SMPS from the housing to gain better access to this connector.

Parts List on PL 1.10  1.10  Removal

3 Remove the SMPS.

WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.

NOTE: The switch, front cover is not individual item. The front cover switch is part of the Front cover drumswitch cartridge andan exit switch harness.

CON 2, see above NOTE.



Remove 4 Screws.

Disconnect the 4 P/Js.


Re Remov move e tthe he to tone nerr c car artr trid idge ge,, REP 9.1. 9.1.


Re Remov move e th the e dr drum um ca cartr rtrid idge ge,, REP 9.2. 9.2.


Re Remov move e the the fr fron ontt inn inner er cover cover,, REP 28.4. 28.4.


Re Remov move e th the e fro front nt to top pc cov over er,, REP 28.8. 28.8.


28.1.. Remo Remove ve th the e rrea earr c cov over er,, REP 28.1


1.. Discon Disconnec nectt th the eh harn arness ess from from the the ma main in PWB, PWB, Figure 1

Figure 4 SMPS removal

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.




Release all the internal harness clips, then thread the harness through the rear frame.

Release the harness from the clip.

Disconnect the P/J.

Figure 1 Main PWB connection

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 1.1, REP 1.2

05/23/2018 4-4

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



Remo Remover ver the the fro front nt c cov over er swi switch tch,, Figure 2. 2.


Re Remov move e the the fr fron ontt co cove verr switc switch, h, Figure 3. 3.

1 Remove the front cover switch with harness from the switch housing.

Switch housing

Front cover switch



Release the harness from the clips.

Disconnect the fuser exit switch P/J.



Remove the screw, then remove the front cover switch and housing.

Disconnect the harness from the back of the drum cartridge P/J connector.

Figure 3 Switch removal

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 2 Release the harness

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-5

REP 1.2


REP 1.3 High Voltage Power Supply (HVPS)


Remov emove e the the HVP VPS, S, Figure 2. 2.

Parts List on PL 1.10 Removal

WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.



Release the 2 PWB standoffs marked C.

Remove the HVPS.


B Figure 1 ESD Symbol

B CAUTION Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.



Swit Switch ch of offf tthe he devi device ce,, GP 4, 4, then disconnect the power cord.


Re Remo move ve th the e rea rearr c cov over er,, REP 28.1 28.1..


28.5 with  with document cover, REP 28.6 with 28.6 with DADF. Remo Remove ve tthe he s sca cann nner er rea rearr cover cover,, REP 28.5





1 Disconnect the 4 P/Js and the flat cable connector marked B.

Remove 2 screws marked A.

Figure 2 HVPS removal

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-6

REP 1.3

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



REP 1.4 Main Parts List on PL PWB 1.10

Remo Remove ve th the e Main Main PWB, PWB, Figure 2 2..



WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.


Figure 1 ESD Symbol CAUTION Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.



If a new m main ain PWB is to be installe installed d clon clone e the device config configuratio uration n set settings, tings, GP 7 7..


If a n new ew main PWB is to to be iinstall nstalled ed exp export ort the the Add Address ress Bo Book, ok, Emai Emaill cont contacts acts & Device User Database: a. b.


In CWIS CWIS select select the Address Address Book ttab, ab, on the pu pullll down down menu select Export, then click on the Export button. In CWIS CWIS select select th the e Pro Propert perties ies tab. tab. Lo Log g in as an admin administ istrat rator, or, GP 8. Select Login/  Permissions, select Device User Database, then click on the Export to File button.


Swit Switch ch of offf tthe he devi device ce,, GP 4, 4, then disconnect the power cord.


28.1.. Re Remo move ve th the e rea rearr c cov over er,, REP 28.1




Disconnect all P/J and flat cable connectors.

Remove 4 screws marked A.

Remove the main PWB.

Figure 2 Main PWB


 depicts a B1025 type Main PWB the removal procedure is com-  NOTE: Although Figure 2  depicts mon for B1022 devices.

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.


If iins nsta talle lled d remo remove ve tthe he Fax Fax mod modul ule, e, PL 20.10 20.10..


If installe installed d disconn disconnect ect netwo network, rk, U USB SB and and tteleph elephone/f one/fax ax cables. cables.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

14.. Pe Perf rfor orm m the the Shad Shadin ing ga and nd Print Print Ro Rout utine ine,, GP 14

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-7

REP 1.4



REP List 1.5 High Connector Parts on PL Voltage 1.10 Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.

WARNING Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that t hat can cause injury. 1.

Re Remo move ve th the e rea rearr c cov over er,, REP 28.1 28.1..


Disconn Disconnect ect the hig high h volt voltage age con connec nector tor,, Figure 1. 1.

Prepare Prepare to remove remove the high high vol voltag tage e conne connecto ctor, r, Figure 2. 2.

1 Remove the screw.

1 Disconnect the 2 P/J connectors.

Figure 2 High voltage connector screw 6.

3.. Re Remov move e th the e high high vo volta ltage ge con conne nect ctor or,, Figure 3

2 Disconnect the inline connector.

Figure 1 High voltage connector PJs



Re Remo move ve th the e exi exitt c cov over er,, REP 28.8 28.8..


Remo Remove ve th the e dr drum um ca cart rtrid ridge ge,, REP 9.2 9.2..

Remove the screw.

2Remove Remove the high voltage connector.

Figure 3 High voltage connector removal

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-8

REP 1.5

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 1.6 Front USB Host Cable


Releas Release e tthe he USB host host c cabl able e assembly assembly,, Figure 2 2..

Parts List on PL 1.10 Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Re Remo move ve th the e rea rearr c cov over er,, REP 28.1 28.1..


Remo Remove ve th the e dr drum um ca cart rtrid ridge ge,, REP 9.2 9.2..


Remo Remove ve th the e ffro ront nt in inne nerr c cove over, r, REP 28.4 28.4..


Remo Remove ve th the e fro front nt top top cov cover er,, REP 28.8. 28.8.


Disco Disconn nnec ectt tthe he US USB Bh hos ostt c cab able, le, Figure 1. 1.

2 Remove the screw and the USB host cable holder.

1 Release the USB cable from the clips.

Figure 2 USB socket 7.

3.. Remo Remove ve th the eU USB SB ca cabl ble, e, Figure 3

1 Remove the screw and USB host cable holder.

3RRelease elease all the internal USB cable clips, then thread the USB host cable through the rear frame.



Release the USB host cable from the clips.

Disconnect the USB host cable.

Figure 1 Disconnect the USB host cable

R emove the USB host 2Remove cable.

Figure 3 USB host cable removal

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-9

REP 1.6


REP 1.7 Side Cover Interlock Switch and harness assembly Parts List on PL 1.10 Removal

WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. NOTE: The side cover interlock switch is not an individual item. The side cover interlock switch is part of a harness assembly that connects the following components to the main PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3 . 

Si Side de cove coverr int inter erlo lock ck swit switch ch,, PL 1.10 Item 14 .

Main BLDC motor, PL 4.10 Item 11 11..

By Bypa pass ss pape paperr emp empty ty sens sensor or,, PL 7.10 Item 6 .

Tray ray 1 pape paperr emp empty ty se sens nsor or,, PL 7.10 Item 6 .


Prepar Prepare e to rremo emove ve th the e side side co cover ver iinte nterlo rlock ck switch switch,, Figure 1 1..

Bypass fe feed cl clutch, PL 7.10 Item 12 .

Re Reg gist istrat atio ion n clutc utc h h,, PL 8.30 Item 4 .

• •

Re Reg gist istr a attion ion se sensor nsor,, PL 8.30 Item 9 . Fuser fan, PL 10.10 Item 3 .

Tray 1 pi pick -up -up c lu lutc h h,, PL 4.10 Item 8 .


Re Remo move ve th the e rea rearr c cov over er,, REP 28.1 28.1..


10.5.. Re Remo move ve th the e fus fuser er fa fan, n, REP 10.5

Side cover interlock switch



Disconnect all the P/J connectors shown circled above.

Release the side cover interlock switch harness from all the clips and the harness guide.

Figure 1 Interlock switch harness

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-10

REP 1.7  


Remove Remove the sid side e cove coverr inte interloc rlock k sw switc itch, h, Figure 2 2..

2 Carefully lever the switch from the 2 clips of the bracket.

1 Remove the switch, switch bracket and harness, 1 screw.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Figure 2 Side cover interlock switch

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05/23/2018 4-11

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 1.7

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-12

REP 1.7  

REP 2.1 User Interface B1022  

Parts List on PL 2.10 Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD Symbol CAUTION Observe ESD procedures during this procedure. 1.

Remo Remove ve tthe he llef eftt scan scanne nerr cove cover, r, REP 28.7 28.7..

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


Prepar Prepare e to re remo move ve the the user user int inter erfa face ce,, Figure 2 2..



The user interface is a snap fit. Use a flat bladed screwdriver to carefully lever the user interface off the scanner lower cover.

Carefully lever off the screw cover, then remove the screw.

Figure 2 B1022 user interface

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-13

REP 2.1



Remo Remove ve th the eu use serr iint nter erfa face ce,, Figure 3 3..

REP 2.2 User Interface B1025 Parts List on PL 2.15 Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD Symbol CAUTION Observe ESD procedures during this procedure. 1.

Re Remo move ve tthe he le left ft s sca cann nner er cov cover er,, REP 28.7 28.7..


Pre Prepa pare re to to remov remove e the the use userr int inter erfa face ce,, Figure 2 2..



Remove the user interface.

Disconnect the P/J.

Figure 3 Disconnect the UI PWB


The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.



The user interface is a snap fit. Use a flat bladed screwdriver to carefully lever the user interface off the scanner lower cover.

Carefully lever off the screw cover, then remove the screw.

Figure 2 B1025 user interface Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-14

REP 2.1, REP 2.2  


Remo Remove ve th the eu use serr iint nter erfa face ce,, Figure 3 3..



Remove the user interface.

Disconnect the FFC connector.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Figure 3 Disconnect the UI PWB

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05/23/2018 4-15

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 2.2

Repairs and Adjustments 05/23/2018 4-16

REP 2.2  

REP 4.1 Main BLDC Motor  

Parts List on PL 4.10 Removal


Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Re Remo move ve th the e rea rearr c cov over er,, REP 28.1 28.1..


1.. Remo Remove ve th the em mai ain n BLDC BLDC mo moto tor, r, Figure 1

2 Remove 3 screws.

1 Disconnect the P/J.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

3 Remove the main BLDC motor.

Figure 1 Main BLDC motor

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs and Adjustments Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05/23/2018 4-17

REP 4.1

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-18

REP 4.1

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



REP 5.2 Document Cover Assembly

Parts List on PL 5.10

Parts List on PL 5.50






Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.


Remo Remove ve tthe he s sca cann nner er rea rearr cover cover,, REP 28.6 28.6..


Fully Fully rrais aise e the the doc docume ument nt cove coverr a asse ssembly mbly,, PL 5.50 5.50..


Disc Discon onne nect ct th the e DADF DADF..


Lift and and simultaneo simultaneously usly til tiltt the documen documentt cover assembly assembly backwards backwards tto o release release th the e hinges hinges 14.10.. from the scanner top cover, PL 14.10



Disconnect the ground wire, 1 screw.

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

2 Disconnect the DADF P/J connector from the main PWB.

DADF Harness

Figure 1 DADF harness


Ful Fully ly ra raise ise the the D DADF ADF into into the uprigh uprightt positi position. on.


5.10.. Lift th the e DADF in an u upwards pwards direction, direction, cle clear ar of tthe he righ rightt and left hi hinge nge h holders, olders, PL 5.10

Replacement Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.


Repairs and Adjustments


REP 5.1, REP 5.2

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 5.3 DADF Feed Assembly


Parts List on PL 5.25 Item 6  6  Removal

Parts List on PL 5.15 Item 3  3  Removal WARNING


Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.


Remo Remove ve th the eD DAD ADF F fee feed d asse assembl mbly, y, PL 5.25 Item 6, 6, Figure 1 1..


Re Remo move ve th the eD DAD ADF F rrea earr c cov over er,, REP 5.11. 5.11.


1.. Disconn Disconnect ect eight eight conn connect ectors ors fro from m the the DADF DADF P PWB, WB, Figure 1

Disconnect three connectors

1. Release the rear bearing



Release the rear bearing then release the spring

Release the rear bearing

Disconnect three connectors

Disconnect two connectors

Figure 1 Remove the DADF feed assembly


Figure 1 Disconnect the DADF PWB

1. 2.

In Inst stal alll th the e ffro ront nt bari baring ng.. Inst Insta all the the spr sprin ing. g.


Remove Remove one rema remainin ining g scr screw ew to to remove remove the D DADF ADF P PWB, WB, PL 5.15 Item 3 3..


Insta Install ll the the cent centre re an and d re rear ar bear bearin ings gs..

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.


Repairs and Adjustments


REP 5.3, REP 5.4


Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 5.5 DADF Motor

REP 5.6 DADF Exit Solonoid

Parts List on PL 5.35 Item 2  2  Removal

Parts List on PL 5.35 Item 3  3  Removal WARNING


Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.


Remo Remove ve th the eD DAD ADF F rrea earr cov cover er,, REP 5.11. 5.11.


Re Remo move ve th the eD DAD ADF F rrea earr c cov over er,, REP 5.11. 5.11.


5.16.. Remo Remove ve the the DADF DADF tra transp nspor ortt as assem sembl bly, y, REP 5.16


Disconn Disconnect ect the pick pickup up solo solonoi noid dh harn arness, ess, Figure 1. 1.


2,, Figure 1 1.. Re Remo move ve th the eD DAD ADF F mot motor or,, PL 5.35 Item 2

Solonoid harness Remove four screws to remove the motor assembly

Figure 1 Disconnect the solonoid Figure 1 Remove the motor


Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-21

REP 5.5, REP 5.6  


REP 5.7 DADF Document Pad

Remo Remove ve th the e pick pickup up so solo lono noid id,, Figure 2 2..

Parts List on PL 5.10 Item 2  2  Removal WARNING

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Raise Raise tthe he D DADF ADF to ful fully ly uprig upright ht posit position ion..


Pe Peel el th the e DA DADF DF do docu cume ment nt pa pad, d, PL 5.10 Item 2, 2, away from the DADF base, PL 5.15 Item 4. Remove any residual double sided tape from the DADF base.

Replacement Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. 1.

Place the new DADF document document p pad ad facedo facedown wn on on th the e scan scanner ner ttop op cover, cover, PL 14.10 Item 14.10 Item 1, 1.. Figure 1

Remove two screws to remove the solonoid

Figure 2 Remove the solonoid

Replacement Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Place the DADF document pad on the glass with aligned to the corner as shown by the arrows

Figure 1 Position the DADF document pad

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 5.6, REP 5.7

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Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



Peel Peel the d doub ouble le sid sided ed tape tape from from the the DAD DADF F docume document nt pa pad, d, Figure 2 2..

REP 5.8 Exit Nip Open Sensor Parts List on PL 5.30 Item 99   Removal WARNING

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Re Remo move ve th the eD DAD ADF F rrea earr c cov over er,, REP 5.11. 5.11.


Re Remov move e th the e DA DADF DF tran transpo sport rt as asse semb mbly, ly, REP 5.16. 5.16.


1.. Re Remov move e the the exit exit nip nip ope open n se sens nsor or,, PL 5.30 Item 9, 9, Figure 1

Figure 2 Peel the backing b acking from adhesive tape 3.

Close tthe he DA DADF DF onto onto the DADF documen documentt pad and lift lift the the DADF and d documen ocumentt pad together.

Remove the sensor

Figure 1 Remove the sensor

Replacement Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-23

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

REP 5.7, REP 5.8


REP 5.9 Document Registration Sensor, Cover Open Sensor, Document Detect Sensor Parts List on PL 5.35  5.35  Removal


Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Remo Remove ve th the eD DAD ADF F rrea earr cov cover er,, REP 5.11. 5.11.


1.. Re Remo move ve the the sen senso sor, r, Figure 1

REP 5.10 DADF Paper Size Sensors 5.40   Parts List on PL 5.40 Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Open Open the the D DAD ADF Fc cov over er as asse semb mbly, ly, PL 5.20 Item 1. 1.


Gently Gently lift th the e input tray as assembly sembly at at the end end of tthe he tray. tray. The hinge will will fle flex x slightly slightly and the the 1.. hinge will allow the input tray to fold backonto the DADF c over assembly, Figure 1

The tray will resist movement beyond this point. With gentle upward preasure the tray will fold over onto the cover assembly DADF cover open sensor (Q05-160)

Document detect sensor (Q05-100)

Figure 1 Drive assembly sensors

Replacement Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Document registration sensor (Q05-130)

Figure 1 Lift the input tray assembly

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-24

REP 5.9, REP 5.10

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



Remove five scre screws ws to re remove move the the DADF input input ttray ray lowe lowerr guide from th the e input tray upp upper er 2.. guide, Figure 2

REP 5.11 DADF Rear Cover Parts List on PL 5.15 Item 2  2  Removal WARNING

Two screws

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Fully Fully ra raise ise tthe he DADF DADF to to the the ve vertic rtical al posi positio tion, n, PL 5.10 Item 1. 1.


1.. Remov emove e two two sc scre rews ws,, Figure 1

Three screws

Figure 2 Remove five screws 4.

Re Remo move ve the the sen senso sor, r, Figure 3 3..

Width sensor 1 (Q05-110)

Remove two screws

Figure 1 Remove two screws 3.

Clos lose the DA DF DF.


Open Open the the DA DADF DF ttop op cov cover er a asse ssemb mbly, ly, PL 5.15 Item 1. 1.

Width sensor 3 (Q05-112)

Length sensor 2 (long) (Q05-121) Width sensor 2

Length sensor 1 (short)



Figure 3 DADF paper size sensors

Replacement Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-25

REP 5.10, REP 5.11



Re Remo move ve on one es scr cre ew, Figure 2. 2.


Remove one screw in the middle of the cover

Remove the screw at the left of the cover

Figure 2 Remove one screw 6.

5.10.. Lift Lift the the DA DADF DF iinpu nputt tray tray a assem ssembly bly., ., re refer fer to REP 5.10

Remov emove e on one e sc scre rew w, Figure 3. 3.

Figure 3 Remove one screw 8.

4,, Figure 4 4.. Re Remo move ve th the eD DAD ADF F rrea earr c cov over er,, PL 5.15 Item 4

Lift the cover at the ends until it snaps away in the middle

Figure 4 Lift the DADF rear cover

Replacement Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-26

REP 5.11

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 5.12 DADF Front Cover


Remov emove e on one e sc scre rew w, Figure 2. 2.

Parts List on PL 5.15 Item 7  7  Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Ful Fully ly ra raise ise the the D DADF ADF to the the vertica verticall posit position ion,, PL 5.10 Item 1. 1.


1.. Re Remo move ve tw two o scr screw ews, s, Figure 1

Remove one screw

Figure 2 Remove one screw 5.

5.10.. Lif Liftt th the eD DADF ADF inp input ut ttray ray assembl assembly. y. R Refe eferr to REP 5.10


Remo mov ve 1 sc rre ew, Figure 3. 3.

Remove two screws

Figure 1 Remove two screws 3.

Op Open en the the DAD DADF F cov cover er asse assemb mbly, ly, PL 5.25 Item 1 1..

Remove one screw


Figure 3 Remove one, screw Flex the the DADF front front cover cover at the the right right, , then centre centre, then push push the left corner corner to the lef leftt and remove the DADF front cover.

Replacement Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-27

REP 5.12


REP 5.13 DADF Input Tray Assembly


Flex the outbo outboard ard hinge to release release the DADF input tray assembly, assembly, Figure 2. 2.

Parts List on PL 5.20 Item 4  4  Removal WARNING Switch off the supply electricity to performing the machine. Refer to do GPnot 4. Disconnect 4. the power cord from the customer while tasks that need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Remo Remove ve th the eD DAD ADF F rrea earr cov cover er,, REP 5.11. 5.11.


5.12.. Remo Remove ve th the e DAD DADF F ffro ront nt cov cover er,, REP 5.12


Discon Disconnect nect the DADF input tray assembl assembly y harness harness from the DADF PWB, Figure 1. 1.

Figure 2 Release the input tray from the hinge 5.

Pass the the harness harness through through the slo slott in tthe he inb inboard oard hinge to remove remove the DADF in input put tray tray assembly.

Replacement Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

DADF input tray harness connection

Figure 1 Disconnect the harness

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-28

REP 5.13

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 5.14 DADF Exit Sensor


Parts List on PL 5.45 Item 2  2  Removal

Carefu Carefully lly pe peel el ba back ck the top top left c corn orner er of th the e DAD DADF F cover cover pad pad,, PL 5.10 Item 2, 2 , to remove 2.. the DADF exit isensor, Figure 2

WARNING Switch off the supply electricity to performing the machine. Refer to do GPnot 4. Disconnect 4. the power cord from the customer while tasks that need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Remo Remove ve the the DADF DADF tra transp nspor ortt as assem sembl bly, y, REP 5.16 5.16..


1.. Disco Disconn nnec ectt th the e DA DADF DF exit exit se sens nsor or,, PL 5.45 Item 2, 2, Figure 1

DADF exit idle sensor

Figure 2 Pull back the DADF cover pad

Replacement Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Disconnect the exit idle sensor

Figure 1 DADF exit idle sensor 3.

Ful Fully ly ra raise ise the the D DADF ADF to the the vertica verticall posit position ion..

Repairs and Adjustments

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Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

REP 5.14


REP 5.15 DADF Scan Start Sensor


Re Remov move e tthe he DA DADF DF Exi Exitt Sen Senso sor, r, PL 5.45 Item 2, 2, Figure 2 2..

Parts List on PL 5.45 Item 2  2  Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Ful Fully ly ra raise ise the the D DADF ADF to the the vertica verticall posit position ion..


1.. Re Remo move ve tw two o scr screw ews, s, Figure 1

Remove the sensor

Remove two screws

Figure 2 Remove the sensor

Replacement Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Remove two screws 3.

Remo Remove ve the the DADF DADF tra transp nspor ortt as assem sembl bly, y, REP 5.16 5.16..

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-30

REP 5.15

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 5.16 DADF Transport Assembly


Remove Remove ttwo wo screws screws from from th the e fro front nt of the the DAD DADF F transpor transportt assembl assembly, y, Figure 2 2..

Parts List on PL 5.20 Item 2  2  Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Remo Remove ve th the eD DAD ADF F rrea earr cov cover er,, REP 5.11. 5.11.


5.13.. Remo Remove ve the the DADF DADF iinp nput ut ttra ray y assem assembl bly, y, REP 5.13


Re Remo move ve tthe he pick pickup up guid guide, e, PL 5.30 Item 4 4,, Figure 1. 1.

Remove two screws

Figure 2 Remove two screws 5.

3.. Remove two s screws crews from the rear of th the e DADF DADF tra transport nsport assemb assembly, ly, Figure 3

Flip the pickup guide over and it will lift away from the transport assembly

Figure 1 Remove the pickup guide

Remove two screws

Figure 3 Remove two screws

Repairs and Adjustments

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Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

REP 5.16



remove ttwo wo scre screws ws and disconn disconnect ect one one connector connector at the rear of the DADF DADF tran transport sport assembly, Figure 4 4..

Disconnect one connector

REP 5.17 DADF Base and Hinges Parts List on PL 5.15  5.15  Removal

WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Re Remov move e th the e DA DADF DF tran transpo sport rt as asse semb mbly, ly, REP 5.16. 5.16.

WARNING Do not remove the DADF while the DADF is lowered. In the lowered position the counterbalance springs are compressed and can cause injury when w hen released. 2.

Lif Liftt the DADF DADF ba base se and and hin hinges ges clea clearr of tthe he machin machine, e, Figure 1 1..

Remove two screws

Figure 4 Remove two screws and one connector NOTE: The DADF PWB can be losened and moved clear of the DADF transport assembly fix-  ing screw. 7.

Re Remo move ve the the DAD DADF F PWB PWB,, REP 5.4. 5.4.


Remo Remove ve the the DADF DADF ttra ransp nspor ortt assem assembl bly. y.

With the base raised lift the base and hinges clear of the machine

Replacement Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Lift the DADF base clear of the machine

Repairs and Adjustments

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REP 5.16, REP 5.17

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



Re Remo move ve the the hin hinge ges, s, PL 5.15 Item 5 5 and  and PL 5.15 Item 6, 6, from the DADF base, PL 5.15 Item 4, 4, Figure 2 2..

REP 5.18 Document Cover Pad Parts List on PL 5.50 Item 5  5  Removal

1. Remove the hinge sheet cover

WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Re Remov move e th the e docu docume ment nt cove coverr assem assembl bly, y, REP 5.2 5.2..


Pe Peel el th the ed doc ocume ument nt co cove verr pad pad,, PL 5.50 Item 5 5,, away from the document cover assembly, 1.. Remove any residual double sided tape from the document cover. PL 5.50 Item 1

Replacement 1.

5.2.. Leave the document cover in the upright position. In Inst stal alll the the do docu cumen mentt c cov over, er, REP 5.2


Place the new new document document c cover over p pad ad facedow facedown n on the scanne scannerr top cover, PL 14.10 Item 1 1,, 1.. Figure 1

2. Remove five screws

Figure 2 DADF left hinge, the right hinge is similar 4.

If th the e DAD DADF F bas base e is to b be e rep replac laced ed re remove move tthe he DA DADF DF exit exit sen sensor sor,, REP 5.14 5.14,, and the DADF scan start sensor, REP 5.15. 5.15.

Replacement Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Place the document cover pad on the glass with aligned to the corner as shown by the arrows

Figure 1 Position the document cover pad

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

05/23/2018 4-33

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 5.17, REP 5.18



REP 5.19 Friction Pad Assembly and Friction Pad

Peel Peel the d doub ouble le si sided ded ttape ape fro from m the docu documen mentt cov cover er pa pad, d, PL 5.50 Item 5 5,, Figure 2. 2.

Parts List on PL 5.30  5.30  Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Re Remov move e the the frict frictio ion n pa pad d as assem sembl bly, y, PL 5.30 Item 2, 2, Figure 1 1..

Figure 2 Peel the backing b acking from adhesive tape 4.

Lower the do document cument cover onto onto the the docum document ent co cover ver pad and p press ress ge gently ntly on the d docuocument cover. Lift the document cover assembly with the document pad attached.

Lift the friction pad assembly under the upper edge, allow it to hinge back and lift it c lear.

Figure 1 Friction pad assembly 2.

If req require uired d re remove move the DAD DADF F ffrict riction ion pad, pad, PL 5.30 Item 3, 3, from the friction pad assembly.

Replacement Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 5.18, REP 5.19

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Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 5.20 Document Cover Assembly Hinges Parts List on PL 5.50 Item 33   Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Remo Remove ve the the docu documen mentt cov cover er a asse ssemp mply, ly, REP 5.2. 5.2.


Remove Remove two two screws screws to remove remove th the e documen documentt cove coverr asse assembly mbly hi hinge nges. s.

Replacement Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

05/23/2018 4-35

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 5.20


Repairs and Adjustments

REP 5.20


05/23/2018 4-36

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

REP 6.1 Laser Scan Unit (LSU)


Remo mov ve th the LS LS U, U, Figure 1. 1.

1.10.. Parts List on PL 1.10 Removal WARNING



Remove 2 screws.

Remove the LSU.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.

WARNING Follow the service procedure exactly as written. Use of controls or adjustments other than those specified in this manual, may result in an exposure to invisible laser radiation. During servicing, the invisible laser radiation can cause eye damage if looked at directly.

WARNING Avoid exposure to laser beam. Invisible laser radiation.

Figure 1 Laser Beam Warning Symbol 1.


28.8.. Remove Remove the exi exitt co cover ver and fro front nt top cove cover, r, REP 28.8 NOTE: A short, crosshead screwdriver is required to remove the 3 screws that secure the LSU. If the screwdriver is not available, the DADH or document cover and scanner assembly, must be removed. If necess necessary ary rem remove ove the sca scanne nnerr assemb assembly, ly, REP 14.1 14.1..

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual





Disconnect the rear

Disconnect the

Remove the screw.

flat cable.

front flat cable.

Figure 2 LSU Removal

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

05/23/2018 4-37

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 6.1

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 6.1


REP 7.1 Tray 1 & Tray 2 Paper Empty Sensor  

Parts List on PL 7.10 Removal

05/23/2018 4-38


Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Remove Remove the tra tray y 1 paper paper e empt mpty y se senso nsor, r, Figure 1 1..

WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.


Use safe handling procedures when removing the module. Refer to GP 15. 15. The module is heavy.

WARNING Mandatory safety warning. This procedure must be performed by 2 people. The module is heavy. NOTE: The weight of the B1022 is 26kg (58lb). The weight of the B1025 is 31kg (69lb). NOTE: The procedure that follows is also similar for the tray 2 paper empty sensor. 1.

Remo Remove ve th the e ton toner er ca cartr rtrid idge ge,, REP 9.1. 9.1.


9.2.. Remo Remove ve th the e dr drum um ca cart rtrid ridge ge,, REP 9.2


Remov e t rra ay 1 1,, PL 7.15 Item 1 1..



Secur Secure e or or re remo move ve a as s ap appr prop opria riate te:: •

DADF, REP 5.1 5.1..

5.2.. Do Docu cume ment nt cove coverr as asse semb mbly ly,, REP 5.2

Lift, Lift, then then ro rotat tate e and rrest est the the de device vice o on n the rrear ear cove cover. r.



Disconnect the P/J.

Remove the paper empty sensor.

Figure 1 Paper empty sensor

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 7.2 Bypass Paper Empty Sensor Parts List on PL 7.10 Removal WARNING

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-39


REP 7.1

Remove Remove the byp bypass ass paper paper empty empty sen sensor sor,, Figure 1 1..

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.


Use safe handling procedures when removing the module. Refer to GP 15. 15. The module is heavy.

WARNING Mandatory safety warning. This procedure must be performed by 2 people. The module is heavy. NOTE: The weight of the B1022 is 26kg (58lb). The weight of the B1025 is 31kg (69lb). 1.

Remo Remove ve th the e ton toner er ca cartr rtrid idge ge,, REP 9.1. 9.1.

2. 3.

Remo Remove ve th the e dr drum um ca cart rtrid ridge ge,, REP 9.2 9.2.. 1.. Remov e t rra ay 1 1,, PL 7.15 Item 1


Secur Secure e or or re remo move ve a as s ap appr prop opria riate te:: •


Do Docu cume ment nt cove coverr as asse semb mbly ly,, REP 5.2 5.2..


7.8.. If insta installed lled remov remove e the o optio ptional nal ttray ray 2 an and d frame frame assembly assembly,, REP 7.8


Lift, Lift, then then ro rotat tate e and rrest est the the de device vice o on n the rrear ear cove cover. r.



Remove the bypass paper empty

Disconnect the P/J.


Figure 1 Bypass paper empty sensor

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-40

REP 7.2

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 7.3 Bypass Pick-Up Roll, Clutch and Retard Pad Parts List on PL 7.10 Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from


Prepare Prepare to rremo emove ve tthe he pick pick-up -up roll sha shaft, ft, Figure 2 2..

the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1. 2.

Remo Remove ve sid side e co cover ver as asse semb mbly, ly, REP 8.1 8.1.. Remo Remove ve tthe he by bypa pass ss p pap aper er guid guide, e, Figure 1. 1.

S Slide 3lide the rear bearing clear of the frame.


Link arm

2 Remove the E-clip.

1 Bypass paper guide

Note the position of the link arm and spring.

1 Carefully unclip the bypass paper guide from the pick-up roll shaft, 2 places.

Figure 2 Rear bearing

Figure 1 Bypass paper guide

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-41

REP 7.3



Pre Prepare pare to remo remove ve tthe he pick-up pick-up rol rolll shaft shaft,, Figure 3 3..


Re Remov move e th the e har harne ness ss ho hold lder er,, Figure 4 4..

Harness holder



Slide the front bearing clear of the frame.

Remove the E-clip.


2 Remove the screw, then remove the harness holder.

Link arm



Disconnect the P/J

Note the position of the link arm and spring.

Figure 4 Harness holder

Figure 3 Front bearing 5.

Remove Remove 2 scr screws ews,, then then re remov move e th the e right right lower lower cove cover, r, PL 28.10 Item 10 10..

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 7.3

05/23/2018 4-42

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



5.. Remo Remove ve the the p pick ick-u -up p ro roll ll a asse ssemb mbly, ly, Figure 5


Re Remov move e th the e by bypa pass ss rroll oll fee feed d clutch clutch,, Figure 7. 7.




Remove the bypass roll feed clutch.

Remove the E-clip.

Bias the pick-up roll assembly clear of the frame.

Figure 7 Feed clutch

Figure 5 Pick-up roll assembly 8.

Re Remo move ve tthe he pick pick-u -up p roll roll,, Figure 6. 6.

1 Lift the tab to release the pick-up roll.

2 Slide the pick-up roll off the shaft.

Figure 6 Pick-up roll

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-43

REP 7.3


8.. 10. Remove Remove the ret retard ard pad, pad, Figure 8

REP 7.4 Tray 1 Pick-Up Clutch

Parts List on PL 7.10 Removal

WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Remo Remove ve th the e rrea earr c cov over er,, REP 28.1 28.1..


1.. Prepar Prepare e to to remo remove ve the T1 Pick-up Pick-up clu clutch tch,, Figure 1

2 Ensure the 2 compression springs on the underside of the retard pad are retained.

1 Carefully lever the retard pad from the frame, 2 places.

Figure 8 Retard pad

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. 1.

Ensure Ensure th the e 2 comp compress ression ion sprin springs gs are rrein einsta stalle lled, d, ref refer er to Figure 8 8..



Gears bracket

Disconnect the sensor.

Disconnect the T1 pick-up clutch harness.


Harness guide

Unclip, then remove the harness guide from the gears bracket.

Figure 1 Harness guide and PJs 3.

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-44

REP 7.3, REP 7.4

4.1.. Re Remov move e th the e mai main nB BLD LDC C mot motor or,, REP 4.1

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



Remo Remove ve th the e ge gear ars s b bra racke cket, t, Figure 2. 2. Remove the bracket slowly and be prepared for some gears to disengage and fall from their positions.

1 A


Remove the 7 screws marked A.

4 Thread the


Re Remov move e tthe he T1 pick pick-up -up clutch clutch,, Figure 3 3..

sensor wires through as the bracket is removed.





Note the position of the T1 Pick-up clutch and the locator tab on the gears bracket.


2 Remove the T1 Pick-up clutch.

Figure 3 Pick-up clutch



2 Carefully remove the gears bracket.

Thread the T1 Pick-up clutch wires through as the bracket is removed.

Figure 2 Gears bracket

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

05/23/2018 4-45

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 7.4



Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. 1.

4 shows  shows the location of the gears and T1 pick-up c lutch. Figure 4

Check the the alignment alignment of the T1 Pick-up clutch and and the locatio location n tab on on the g gears ears bra bracket, cket, Figure 5 5..

1 Use a with smallthe screwdriver to on align T1 Pick-up clutch location tab thethe gears bracket.

Figure 5 Clutch alignment

T1 Pick-up clutch

Figure 4 Location of gears and clutch

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 7.4

05/23/2018 4-46


REP List 7.5 Optional Parts on PL 7.20Tray 2 Rear Cover and Tray 2 PWB Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Figure 1 ESD Symbol CAUTION Observe ESD procedures during this procedure. 1. Remo Remove ve th the e tra tray y 2 re rear ar co cove ver, r, Figure 2 2..



Remove the rear cover.

Remove the 2 screw covers, then remove the 2 screws.

Figure 2 Tray 2 rear cover

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-47

REP 7.5



3.. Re Remo move ve th the eT Tra ray y 2 PW PWB, B, Figure 3

REP 7.6 Tray 2 Drive Unit Parts List on PL 7.20 Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Re Remo move ve th the e tra tray y 2 re rear ar co cover ver,, REP 7.5 7.5..


Remove Remove the E-cl E-clip, ip, then then the the pi pick-u ck-up p idle idle gear gear,, PL 7.20 Item 7 7..

3. 4.

Remove Remove tthe he E-clip E-clip,, the then n the b bear earing ing from from th the e feed feed roll roll assembly assembly,, PL 7.20 Item 2. 2. Discon Disconnec nectt the the 2 P/ P/Js Js on the T2 ffeed eed motor motor as assemb sembly, ly, PL 7.20 Item 4 4..


Remove Remove 5 s scre crews, ws, then then remo remove ve th the e T2 feed feed mo motor tor a asse ssembly mbly,, PL 7.20 Item 4 4.. NOTE: Note the position of the green earth wire. Ensure that the earth wire is recon-  nected during installation of the T2 feed motor assembly. assembly.

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

2 Remove 4 screws, then remove the Tray 2 PWB.

1 Disconnect all the CN connectors from the Tray 2 PW B.

Figure 3 Tray 2 PWB

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-48

REP 7.5, REP 7.6

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 7.7 Tray 2 Feed Roll

REP 7.8 Optional Tray 2 and Frame Assembly

Parts List on PL 7.20 Removal

Parts List on PL 7.20 Removal WARNING


Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.



Remo Remove ve th the e tra tray y 2 dr drive ive un unit it,, REP 7.6. 7.6.


Re Remo move ve th the e 2 E-cl E-clip ips, s, PL 7.20. 7.20.

Use safe handling procedures when removing the module. Refer to GP 15. 15. The module


Slide Slide th the e fe feed ed ro rollll as assem sembly bly forw forward ard to remov remove, e, PL 7.20 Item 2. 2.

is heavy.


The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.


Mandatory safety warning. This procedure must be performed by 2 people. The module is heavy. NOTE: The weight of the B1022 is 26kg (58lb). The weight of the B1025 is 31kg (69lb). 1.

Remo mov ve tray 1, PL 7.15 Item 1 and 1 and tray 2, PL 7.20 Item 1 1..


Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Re Remov move e the the tray tray 2 ffram rame e re rear ar c cov over er,, REP 7.5 7.5..

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-49

REP 7.7, REP 7.8



1.. Pre Prepare pare to re remov move e the option optional al tr tray ay 2 fr frame ame assem assembly bly,, Figure 1


Remove Remove the option optional al tray tray 2 fframe rame ass assemb embly, ly, Figure 2 2..



Remove the screw cover, then remove the docking screw.

Remove the screw cover, then remove the docking screw.




Remove the 2 docking screws.

Lift the device off the optional tray 2 frame.

Disconnect CN3 from the Tray 2 PWB.

Figure 2 Remove the option tray

Figure 1 Option tray rear fixing screws

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-50

REP 7.8

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 8.1 Side Cover Assembly

REP 8.2 Registration Sensor

Parts List on PL 8.10 Removal

Parts List on PL 8.30 Removal




Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.


Op Open en the the sid side e cove coverr a asse ssembl mbly, y, PL 8.10 Item 5. 5.


Remo Remove ve tthe he s sid ide e co cove verr asse assemb mbly, ly, Figure 1. 1.

WARNING Use safe handling procedures when removing the module. Refer to GP 15. 15. The module is heavy.

WARNING Mandatory safety warning. This procedure must be performed by 2 people. The module is heavy. NOTE: The weight of the B1022 is 26kg (58lb). The weight of the B1025 is 31kg (69lb). 1.

Re Remov move e tthe he to tone nerr c car artr trid idge ge,, REP 9.1 9.1..


Re Remov move e th the e dr drum um ca cartr rtrid idge ge,, REP 9.2. 9.2.


Remo mov ve tray 1, PL 7.15 Item 1. 1.


Se Secu cure re o orr rremo emove ve a as s ap appr prop opri riat ate: e: • DADF, REP 5.1


Lif Lift, t, then then ro rotat tate e and rrest est the the devic device e on the the rea rearr cover. cover.

• Front strap Side cover assembly


Rear strap

Do Docu cume men nt c cov ove er a ass sse embly mbly,, REP 5.2. 5.2.

Remove 2 screws.

2 Unhook the front and rear straps from the machine frame, then remove the side cover assembly.

Figure 1 Side cover assembly

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-51

REP 8.1, REP 8.2



1.. Remo Remove ve the the regi regist stra rati tion on sen senso sor, r, Figure 1

REP 8.3 Registration Feed Roll and Clutch Parts List on PL 8.30 Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Re Remov move e tthe he to tone nerr c car artr trid idge ge,, REP 9.1 9.1..


Re Remov move e th the e dr drum um ca cartr rtrid idge ge,, REP 9.2. 9.2.


Open Open the the s sid ide e cov cover er as asse semb mbly, ly, PL 8.10 Item 5. 5.


Re Rele leas ase e tthe he fr fron ontt be bear aring ing,, Figure 1. 1.



Disconnect the P/J.

Remove the registration sensor.

Figure 1 Registration sensor

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

2 Slide the bearing inboard along the registration feed roll shaft as far as possible. possi ble.

1 Remove the E-clip.

Figure 1 Front bearing retainer

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-52

REP 8.2, REP 8.3

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


2.. Prepare to remove remove the registr registration ation feed roll and and clutch clutch assembl assembly, y, Figure 2





Disc Discon onne nect ct th the e clu clutc tch, h, Figure 3. 3.

Slide the registration feed roll and clutch assembly through the front bearing hole as far as possible.

Use a small screwdriver to hold the rear bearing in the frame as the shaft is removed.

Figure 2 Disengage the clutch



Disconnect the P/J.

Release the harness from the guide.

Figure 3 Disconnect the clutch

05/23/2018 4-53

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 8.3




4.. Remove Remove the the regi registra stratio tion n fee feed d roll and and clutch clutch a assem ssembly bly,, Figure 4

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

2Remove the registration feed roll and clutch


assembly from the right of the device.

1 Slide out the clutch end of the assembly between the registration guide and the high hi gh voltage connector. NOTE: The clearance for the clutch between

High voltage connector Registration guide


Ensure the clutch is correctly correctly located located with with th the e hi high gh voltage voltage conne connector, ctor, Figure 5 5..

the registration guide and the high voltage frame is very narrow.

1 Ensure the clutch is located correctly with the high voltage connector.

Figure 4 Registration clutch

Figure 5 Clutch locator

Repairs and Adjustments REP 8.3

05/23/2018 4-54


REP 8.4 Registration Idler Roll Dust Cleaner Parts List on PL 8.30 Item 10 Removal


Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Open Open th the e fr fron ontt c cov over er,, PL 28.10 Item 2 2..


9.1.. Remo Remove ve th the e ton toner er ca cartr rtrid idge ge,, REP 9.1


Remo Remove ve th the e dr drum um ca cart rtrid ridge ge,, REP 9.2 9.2.. Store the drum cartridge in black bag to prevent light fatigue.


1.. Remo Remove ve the the pape paperr dust dust clea cleanin ning g un unit it,, PL 8.30 Item 10, 10, Figure 1

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

1 Squeeze the 2 tabs together and simultaneously lift the dust cleaner from the housing.

Figure 1 Paper dust clear 5.

Use a brush to clean clean tthe he paper paper dust from the the paper paper dust cleaner. cleaner.

Replacement Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs and Adjustments Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05/23/2018 4-55

REP 8.4

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-56

REP 8.4

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



REP 9.1 Toner Cartridge

REP 9.2 Drum Cartridge

Parts List on PL 9.10

Parts List on PL 9.10





Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. CAUTION

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. CAUTION

Do not tilt the toner cartridge. The spillage of toner can cause damage. Place the toner car-  tridge on a plastic sheet to protect the customer’s property.

Do not tilt the drum cartridge. The spillage of toner can cause damage. Place the drum car-  tridge on a plastic sheet to protect the customer’s property.



Remo Remove ve th the e ton toner er ca cart rtrid ridge ge,, Figure 1 1..


Re Remov move e tthe he to tone nerr c car artr trid idge ge,, REP 9.1 9.1.. Re Remov move e th the e dr drum um ca cartr rtrid idge ge,, Figure 1. 1. NOTE: Do not touch the drum surface.



Remove the thumbscrew.

Use the handle to pull the drum cartridge from the device.


2 Push in the 2 tabs, simultaneously pull the toner cartridge forwards to remove.



Open the front cover.

Figure 1 Toner Cartridge



Disconnect the P/J .

Release the harness from the clamp.

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. If a new toner cartridge is installed dC135 HFSI  HFSI and reset the toner cartridge counter. enter dC135

1 Open the side cover assembly.

Figure 1 Drum Cartridge 3.

Store the drum cartrid cartridge ge in a bla black ck bag bag to prevent prevent light light fa fatigue tigue..

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. If a new drum cartridge is installed enter dC135 HFSI dC135 HFSI and reset the drum cartridge counter.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-57

REP 9.1, REP 9.2


REP 9.3 Transfer Assembly


Releas Release e the iinbo nboard ard ffixin ixing g of the the tra transf nsfer er assemb assembly, ly, Figure 2. 2.

Parts List on PL 8.25 Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Op Open en the the sid side e cove coverr a asse ssembl mbly, y, PL 8.10 Item 5. 5.


Releas Release e the o outb utboar oard d fixing fixing of tthe he tr trans ansfer fer assem assembly, bly, Figure 1. 1.


Screwdriver Transfer assembly

1 Use a flat bladed screwdriver to carefully lever the locator pin on the transfer assembly from the location hole on the paper feed guide.

Figure 2 Transfer assembly inboard

Transfer assembly

1 Use a flat bladed screwdriver to carefully lever l ever the locator pin on the transfer assembly from the location hole on the paper feed guide.

Figure 1 Transfer assembly outboard

Repairs and Adjustments


REP 9.3


Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



REP 9.4 Temperature sensor

3.. Remo Remove ve th the e ttra rans nsfe ferr as asse semb mbly, ly, Figure 3

Parts List on PL 7.40 Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Remo Remove ve th the e llef eftt cov cover er,, REP 28.3 28.3..


Re Remov move e the the temp temper erat atur ure e se sens nsor or,, Figure 1. 1.

1Disconnect the P/J.

2 Inboard spring.

Outboard spring.


Unclip, then remove the sensor.


Lift transfer assembly from Note the position of the inboard and outboard springs. the paper feed guide.

Figure 3 Transfer assembly

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Temperature sensor

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



Repairs and Adjustments


REP 9.3, REP 9.4

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-60

REP 9.3, REP 9.4

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 10.1 Fuser Assembly  

Parts List on PL 10.10 Removal


Di Disc scon onne nect ct tthe he fu fuse serr ha harn rnes esse ses, s, Figure 2 2.. NOTE: Do not use excessive force to disconnect connector CON 2 on the SMPS. CON 2 1.1,, can be a tight fit and difficult to disconnect. If necessary first remove the SMPS REP 1.1 then disconnect CON 2.


Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.

WARNING Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

Figure 1 Hot Surface Symbol 1.

Re Remo move ve th the e rea rearr c cov over er,, REP 28.1 28.1  


Op Open en the the sid side e cove coverr a asse ssembl mbly, y, PL 8.10 Item 5. 5.

1 4


Disconnect the P/J connector.

Release the fuser wires from the harness holder and all the clamps.

Disconnect the P/J.


Disconnect CON 2.

Figure 2 Fuser P/J connections

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-61

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

REP 10.1



REP 10.2 Exit Assembly

Remo Remove ve th the e fu fuse serr assem assembl bly, y, Figure 3. 3.

Parts List on PL 10.20 Removal






WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Remo Remove ve th the ee exi xitt cov cover er,, REP 28.8 28.8..


1.. Remo Remove ve tthe he e exi xitt asse assemb mbly ly,, Figure 1





Remove 4 screws marked A.

Remove the fuser assembly.



Figure 3 Fuser removal

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.



Remove 4 screws marked A.

Remove the exit assembly.

Figure 1 Exit assembly

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-62

REP 10.1, REP 10.2

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 10.3 Exit Motor

REP 10.4 Fuser Motor

Parts List on PL 10.10 Removal

Parts List on PL 10.10 Removal

WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.

WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.


Re Remo move ve th the e rea rearr c cov over er,, REP 28.1 28.1..


Remo Remove ve th the e rrea earr c cov over er,, REP 28.1 28.1..


28.5 with  with document cover, REP 28.6 with 28.6 with DADF. Remo Remove ve tthe he s sca cann nner er rea rearr cover cover,, REP 28.5


1.. Remo Remove ve th the e fus fuser er moto motor, r, Figure 1


Re Remo move ve th the e exi exitt m mot otor or,, Figure 1 1..








Remove the exit motor.

Remove the 2 screws marked A.

Disconnect the P/J.




Remove the fuser motor.

Remove the 2 screws marked A.

Disconnect the P/J.

Figure 1 Fuser motor

Figure 1 Exit Motor



The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

05/23/2018 4-63

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 10.5 Fuser Fan Parts List on PL 10.10 Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Re Remo move ve th the e rea rearr c cov over er,, REP 28.1 28.1..


28.10.. Remo Remove ve tthe he s sca cann nner er rea rearr cover cover,, PL 28.10


Re Remo move ve th the e fus fuser er fa fan, n, Figure 1. 1.

4 Remove the fuser fan.

3Remove 2 screws.

2 Release the cable clip.

1 Disconnect the P/J.

Figure 1 Fuser fan

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 10.3, REP 10.4

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-64

REP 10.5

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 14.1 Scanner Assembly


Re Remov move e th the e left left s sid ide e fixin fixing g screw screws, s, Figure 2. 2.

Parts List on PL 14.10 Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. CAUTION Take care on removal of the scanner assembly. The machine frame has sharp edges that can cause injury and damage the Flexible Flat Cables (FFC) and wires. 1.

Remove Remove the the scann scanner er rear rear co cover ver,, wit with h docume document nt co cover ver REP 28.5 or 28.5 or with DADF REP 28.6 28.6..


28.7.. Remo Remove ve tthe he sc scan anne nerr left left cov cover er,, REP 28.7


Remove Remove the use userr in inter terfac face e as assemb sembly, ly, B1022 B1022 REP 2.1 2.1 or  or B1025, REP 2.2. 2.2.


Remo Remove ve the the righ rightt sid side e fi fixin xing g scre screws, ws, Figure 1. 1.

1 Remove 3 screws.

Figure 2 Scanner left side 6.

Re Remo move ve th the e rrea earr ffixi ixing ng sc screw rews, s, Figure 3. 3.

1 Carefully lever off the 2 screw covers, then remove the 2 screws.

Figure 1 Scanner right side



Remove 3 screws.

Remove the earth

wire screw.

Figure 3 Scanner rear fixings

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-65

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

REP 14.1


Remo Remove ve tthe he fr fron ontt fi fixin xing g sc scre rews ws,, Figure 4. 4.



Di Disc scon onne nect ct th the e sc scan anne nerr asse assemb mbly, ly, Figure 5. 5.

Earth wire

Earth wire and contact strip



B1025 machines only: disconnect the 2 earth wires and the contact strip.

Remove 2 screws.

Figure 4 Scanner front fixings



Disconnect the 2 Flexible Flat Cables.

Disconnect the P/J.

Figure 5 Electrical connections

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-66

REP 14.1

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



6.. Remo Remove ve th the e sca scann nner er as asse semb mbly, ly, Figure 6

REP 14.2 Scanner Top Cover Parts List on PL 14.10 Removal WARNING Switch off the supply electricity to performing the machine. Refer to do GPnot 4. Disconnect 4. the power cord from the customer while tasks that need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.



Remove the scanner assembly.

Ensure the FFCs and wires do not snag on the machine frame.


Remove Remove tthe he scann scanner er re rear ar cover, cover, with with docu documen mentt cov cover er REP 28.5 or 28.5 or with DADF REP 28.6. 28.6.


Remove Remove the use userr inter interfac face e assem assembly bly B1022, B1022, REP 2.1 or 2.1 or user interface assembly B1025, REP 2.2. 2.2.


Re Remov move e th the e ri righ ghtt sid side e fi fixin xing g sc scre rews ws,, Figure 1. 1.

Figure 6 Scanner removal

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. 1.

4.. Ensure the earth earth wires and cont contact act strip strip are are reconne reconnected, cted, refer to Figure 3 and 3 and Figure 4

1 Carefully lever off the 2 screw covers, then remove the 2 screws.

Figure 1 Scanner right side

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-67

REP 14.1, REP 14.2


2.. Remo Remove ve th the e ttop op fixin fixing gs scre crews ws,, Figure 2



Re Remov move e the the fr fron ontt fi fixin xing g sc scre rews, ws, Figure 3. 3.

1 Carefully lever off the 3 screw covers, then remove the 3 screws.

2CCarefully arefully lever off the 2 screw covers, then remove the 2 screws. Figure 2 Top fixing screws

1 Remove the 3 screws.

Figure 3 Front fixing screws

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-68

REP 14.2

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


4.. Pre Prepare pare to remo remove ve tthe he scan scanner ner top cover, cover, Figure 4


Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. •

1 Carefully lever the left side of the scanner top cover from the scanner base.

Figure 4 Left side separation Remo Remove ve th the es sca cann nner er to top pc cov over er,, Figure 5. 5.




Lift the top cover off the device.

Carefully lever the right side of the scanner top cover from the scanner base.

Figure 5 Scanner top cover removal

14.. Pe Perf rfor orm m the the Shad Shadin ing ga and nd Print Print Ro Rout utine ine,, GP 14

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-69

REP 14.2


REP 14.3 Contact Image Sensor (CIS) Parts List on PL 14.10 Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Remo Remove ve th the es sca cann nner er to top pc cov over er,, REP 14.2 14.2..


1.. Releas Release e tthe he scan car carriag riage e dri drive ve belt, belt, Figure 1

1 Pull the blue tab to disconnect the FFC.

Figure 2 Contact image sensor FFC 4.

2 the belt off the pulley. Slip

3.. Remo mov ve th the C CIIS , Figure 3

1Lever Lever the belt tensioner to release the tension on the belt.

Figure 1 Belt tensioner 3.

Disconn Disconnect ect the Flexibl Flexible e Flat Flat C Cabl able e ((FFC FFC), ), Figure 2 2..

1 Carefully lever the CIS from the scan carriage in the direction of the arrow.

Figure 3 CIS Removal 5.

If necessa necessary ry rremo emove ve the spa spacer cer guides guides,, PL 14.10 Item 10. 10.

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. •

Pe Perf rfor orm m the the Shad Shadin ing ga and nd Print Print Ro Rout utine ine,, GP 14 14..

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-70

REP 14.3

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 28.1 Rear Cover

REP 28.2 Front Cover

Parts List on PL 28.10 Removal

Parts List on PL 28.10  28.10  Removal WARNING


Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from

the customer performing do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death orsupply injury..while injury Moving parts cantasks causethat injury.

the customer performing do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death orsupply injury..while injury Moving parts cantasks causethat injury.



Re Remo move ve th the e rea rearr c cov over er,, Figure 1 1..


Remo Remove ve th the e fro front nt co cove ver, r, Figure 1 1..








Remove the 8 screws

Remove the rear cover.

1 Front cover

Press in the tab, then slide the front cover to the left.

marked A.

Figure 1 Rear cover

Figure 1 Front cover



The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.


Repairs and Adjustments

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

REP 28.1, REP 28.2



REP 28.3 Left Cover

REP 28.4 Front Inner Cover

Parts List on PL 28.10 Removal

Parts List on PL 28.10 Removal WARNING


Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.


Re Remo move ve th the e rea rearr c cov over er,, REP 28.1 28.1..



1.. Re Remo move ve th the e llef eftt c cov over er,, Figure 1


Re Remov move e th the e dr drum um ca cartr rtrid idge ge,, REP 9.2. 9.2.


Remo Remove ve th the e fro front nt co cove ver, r, REP 28.2. 28.2.


Re Remov move e the the fr fron ontt inn inner er cover cover,, Figure 1 1..



Re Remov move e tthe he to tone nerr c car artr trid idge ge,, REP 9.1 9.1..


A   A A










The 4 corners of the left cover are a snap fit.

Carefully lever off the 6 screw covers, then

Use aoff flatthe bladed screwdriver to carefully lever left cover.

remove the 6 screws marked A.



Remove the 7 screws marked A.

Remove the front inner cover.





Figure 1 Left cover


Figure 1 Front inner cover

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 28.3, REP 28.4

05/23/2018 4-72

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


REP 28.5 Scanner Rear Cover with Document Cover

REP 28.6 Scanner Rear Cover with DADF

Parts List on PL 28.10 Removal

Parts List on PL 28.10 Removal WARNING


Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.


Remo Remove ve th the ed doc ocum umen entt c cov over, er, REP 5.2 5.2..


Rais ise e th the D DA A DF DF, PL 5.10 Item 1 1..


Re Remo move ve th the e rea rearr c cov over er,, REP 28.1 28.1..


Remo Remove ve th the e rrea earr c cov over er,, REP 28.1 28.1..


1.. Remo Remove ve tthe he s sca cann nner er rea rearr cover cover,, Figure 1


Prepar Prepare e to to re remov move e th the e sc scann anner er rrear ear cover, cover, Figure 1. 1.

1Carefully lever off the

2Carefully lever off the 2

3Carefully lever off the

screw cover, then remove the side screw.

screw covers, then remove the 2 screws.

screw cover, then remove the side screw.





Carefully lever off the screw cover, then remove the side screw.

Carefully lever off the 4 screw covers, then remove the 4 screws.

Carefully lever off the screw cover, then remove the side screw.

Remove the scanner rear cover.

Figure 1 Scanner rear cover with doc cover

Figure 1 Scanner rear cover with DADF

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

05/23/2018 4-73

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 28.5, REP 28.6



REP 28.7 Scanner Left Cover

Remove Remove the sca scanne nnerr rrear ear cen center ter cov cover, er, Figure 2 2..

2 Lift the DADF just enough to take the weight of the DADF off the scanner rear cover.

Parts List on PL 28.10 Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Remo Remove ve the the DA DAD DF, REP 5.1 or 5.1 or document cover, REP 5.2 5.2..


Re Remov move e the the sc scan anne nerr le left ft co cove ver, r, Figure 1. 1. Scanner left cover

3 Remove the scanner rear cover.

1The scanner rear center cover is a snap fit. Use a flat bladed screwdriver to carefully lever off the scan rear center cover.

Figure 2 Scanner rear covers

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

2 The scanner left cover is a snap fit. Use a flat bladed screwdriver to carefully lever off the scanner left cover.

1 Carefully lever off the 2 screw covers, 2 remove the 2 screws. then Push in the 2 tabs, simultaneously pull the toner cartridge forwards to remove.

1 Open the front cover.

Figure 1 Scanner left cover

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 28.6, REP 28.7  

05/23/2018 4-74

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

REP 28.8 Front Top Cover and Exit Cover


Pre Prepa pare re tto o re remo move ve tthe he exit exit co cove ver, r, Figure 2 2..

Parts List on PL 28.10 Removal WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury.


NOTE: The Figures that follow show the device with the scanner assembly removed for picto-  rial clarity only. It is not necessary to remove the scanner assembly to perform this procedure. 1.

Remove the front screw.

Remo Remove ve th the e fro front nt top top cov cover er,, Figure 1. 1.

2 Remove the 2 side screws

Figure 2 Exit cover fixings 3.. Remo Remove ve th the ee exi xitt cov cover er,, Figure 3




Carefully lever off the screw cover, then remove the screw.

Remove the front top cover.

Figure 1 Front top cover 2.

Remo Remove ve th the e ffro ront nt in inne nerr c cove over, r, REP 28.4 28.4..


28.3.. Re Remo move ve th the e llef eftt c cov over er,, REP 28.3

Exit cover

1 Carefully lever off the exit cover.

Figure 3 Exit cover removal

Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05/23/2018 4-75

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 28.8

Repairs and Adjustments

REP 28.8


ADJ 5.1 DADF Skew 5.15   Parts List on PL PL 5.15

05/23/2018 4-76

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Purpose To correct document feed skew induced by the DADF.

Preparation WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.

Clean Clean th the eC CVT VT glas glass. s. Ref Refer er to ADJ 5.2 DADF 5.2 DADF Cleaning.


Check the docume document nt path path for obstr obstruction uctions s or foreig foreign n ob objects. jects.


Perf Perfor orm m tthe he Skew Skew Ch Chec eck. k.

Skew Check 1.

Open Open the the DAD DADF F until until it iis s fully fully ver vertica tical. l.


Slightl Slightly y loos loosen en th the e 4 screws screws securi securing ng the the right right hinge hinge un unit, it, Figure 1. 1.

Figure 1 DADF hinge

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual



Adjust Adjust the the hing hinge e uni unitt down. down. (1 sca scale le => 0. 0.9 9 mm skew a adju djustme stment) nt),, Figure 2 2..

05/23/2018 4-77


Repairs and Adjustments

ADJ 5.1

Detach, Detach, the then n reat reattach tach tthe he DAD DADF F document document p pad ad aft after er adj adjusting usting the skew, skew, refer refer to REP 5.7, 5.7, Figure 3 3..

Figure 2 Hinge adjustment Figure 3 DADF document pad

Repairs and Adjustments

ADJ 5.1


ADJ 5.2 DADF Cleaning Parts List on PL 5.10  5.10  Purpose To clean the DADF

05/23/2018 4-78

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Procedure WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. Perform the steps that follow:

CAUTION Take care when cleaning the underside of the input tray. Do not damage the input tray wire guide, PL 5.40 Item 10 . 1.

Clean Clean tthe he DAD DADF F inpu inputt tr tray ay a asse ssemb mbly, ly, PL 5.20 Item 4, 4, and the exit area below the input tray with a micro fiber wiper damped with lens/mirror cleaner, PL 26.10 Item 1. 1.

2. 3.

Use a br brush ush to clea clean n the the paper paper size sen sensor sors, s, PL 5.40 Item 9 9.. Op Open en the the DAD DADF F cov cover er asse assemb mbly, ly, PL 5.25 Item 1 1..


Use a d dry ry micro fib fiber er wipe wiperr or bru brush sh to clean clean the docume document nt path path area, top and and bottom. bottom. Remove all loose material.


Clean the u upper pper documen documentt path rollers and id idlers lers with with a mic micro ro fibe fiberr wiper wiper damp damped ed with mineral free water (distilled water).


Remo Remove ve the the D DAD ADF F fe feed ed asse assemb mbly, ly, PL 5.25 Item 6 6.. Clean the DADF friction pad assem2,, with a micro fiber wiper damped with mineral free water (distilled bly, PL 5.30 Item 2 water). Use a brush to clean the paper dust from the feed assembly. Reinstall the DADF


feed assembly. Cle Clean an the the se senso nsors rs benea beneath th tthe he D DADF ADF rear rear c cove over, r, PL 5.35 Item 7. 7.


Ra Rais ise e the the DADF DADF as asse semb mbly ly..


Cle Clean an tthe he area area aro around und the white white bar bar guid guide, e, PL 5.30 Item 21, 21, with a micro fiber wiper damped with mineral free water (distilled water).

10. Cle Clean an tthe he DADF DADF cove coverr pad pad,, PL 5.10 Item 2 2,, with a micro fiber wiper damped with mineral free water (distilled water). 11. Lower Lower the the D DADF ADF ass assemb embly. ly. 6.1 Scanner  Scanner 12. Clean the CVT CVT gla glass ss and the d documen ocumentt glass, glass, PL 14.10 Item 1. 1. Refer to ADJ 6.1 Cleaning Procedure.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05/23/2018 4-79

Repairs and Adjustments

ADJ 5.2

Repairs and Adjustments

ADJ 5.2

05/23/2018 4-80


ADJ 6.1 Scanner Cleaning Procedure Parts List on PL 14.10  14.10  Procedure Clean the top and bottom surface of the platen glass, CVT glass, PL 14.10 Item 1 1 and  and contact image sensor window, PL 14.10 Item 3 with 3 with a micro fiber wiper damped with mineral mi neral free water (distilled water), then dry with a soft, lint-free li nt-free cloth. If necessary, use a lint free lightly damped cloth with Xerox formula A cleaner, PL 26.10 Item 2

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

or with cleaner, 26.10cloth. Item 1 1 to  to clean the platen glass and CVT glass, PL 14.10 Item 1, lens/mirror 1, then dry with a soft, PL lint-free

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05/23/2018 4-81

Repairs and Adjustments

ADJ 6.1

Repairs and Adjustments

05/23/2018 4-82

ADJ 6.1  


ADJ 9.1 Altitude Adjustment Purpose

Atmospheric pressure, determined by altitude, can affect print quality. If the device is located at an elevation greater than 1000 m (3280 ft.) use the following procedure to adjust for the appropriate altitude level.

Adjustment •

For B1025 machines. B1025 machines.

For B1022 B1022 machines.  machines.


Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 4. 4. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury injury.. Moving parts can cause injury. B1025 1.

Lo Logi gin n as an ad admi minis nistr trat ator or,, GP 8. 8.


At tthe he contro controll pane panel, l, p pre ress ss the the Machine Status button.




Select a mode: • Normal: Select this mode for altitudes below 1000 m (3280 ft.). •


Device Settings > General > Altitude Adjustment.

High 1, High 2, High 3, or High 4: Select one of these modes for altitudes levels 1.. above 1000 m (3280 ft.), refer to Table 1

Touch OK.

B1022 System Setup as an administrator, GP 88..


Login to


Scroll Scroll wi with th tthe he down down arr arrow ow butto button n to h high ighlig light ht Machine Setup, then press the


Scroll Scroll w with ith the down down ar arrow row button button to high highlig light ht


button. Scroll w with ith the the down down arrow butto button n to highlig highlight ht on one e of the the modes modes that that follow follow ; High 1, High 1. 2, High 3, or High 4, for altitudes levels above 1000 m (3280 ft.), refer to Table 1.


Press the OK button.


Press the STOP button.



OK button. Altitude Adjustment, then press the OK

Yes, then press the OK button to exit Admin mode. Table 1 Altitude Levels




High 1

5000 m (16404 ft)

Height above sea level.

High 2

4000 m (13123 ft)

Height above sea level.

High 3

3000 m (9842 ft)

Height above sea level.

High 4

2000 m (6561 ft)

Height above sea level.

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


05/23/2018 4-83

Repairs and Adjustments

ADJ 9.1

Repairs and Adjustments

ADJ 9.1

05/23/2018 4-84

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


Parts Lists

05/23/2018 5-2



PL 1.10 Power and Control Assembly Item



1  – 2 3  – 4 5

105N02346 105N02345 105N02347 140N63846 140N63845 062N00308 110N01551

SMPS (110V), (REP 1.1) SMPS (220V), (REP 1.1) HVPS (REP 1.3) Main PWB - B1025 (REP 1.4) Main PWB - B1022 (REP 1.4) Laser scan unit (LSU), (REP 6.1) Front c co over sw switch (Q01-100),

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

007N01837 127N07834 113N01337 – – 152N11928 152N11926

(REP H igh vo v1.2) oltage co connector ((R REP 1 1..5) SMPS fan (MOT09-500), (REP 1. 1.1) Front USB host cable (REP 1.6) Front USB host cable housing Front cover switch housing HVPS I/F flat cable LSU flat cable

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual





15 16

– –

Memory Card (Only B1025), (P/O PL 1.10 Item 3) Side cover iin nterlock switch and harness assembly (REP 1.7) Side cover interlock switch holder Drum cartridge connector

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


PL 2.10 User Interface - B1022  







3 4

– –

5 6 7

– – –

8 9

– –

10 11

– –

User in interface a as ssembly - B1022 (REP 2.1) Function key pad (P/O PL 2.10 Item 1) LCD (P/O PL 2.10 Item 1) Numerical key pad (P/O PL 2.10 Item 1) Key holder (P/O PL 2.10 Item 1) Mode key pad (P/O PL 2.10 Item 1) User interface PWB (P/O PL 2.10 Item 1) LCD ground (P/O PL 2.10 Item 1) User interface cover (P/O PL 2.10 Item 1) LCD cover (P/O PL 2.10 Item 1) Backlight PWB for 4 line LCD (P/O PL 2.10 Item 1)

05/23/2018 5-3

Parts Lists

PL 1.10


LCD holder (P/O PL 2.10 Item 1)

Parts Lists

05/23/2018 5-4

PL 2.10  

PL 2.15 User Interface - B1025 Item





3 4

– –

5 6

– –





User in interface a as ssembly - B1025 (REP 2.2) Function key pad (P/O PL 2.15 Item 1) LCD (P/O PL 2.15 Item 1) Numerical key pad (P/O PL 2.15 Item 1) Mode key pad (P/O PL 2.15 Item 1) Key pad (P/O PL 2.15 Item 1) User interface cover (P/O PL 2.15 Item 1) User interface PWB (Not shown) (P/O PL 2.15 Item 1) FFC cable for 4.3 inch LCD (Not shown)

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


PL 4.10 Main Drives Ite1m 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

P0a7rtN01839 0 007N01834 007N01836 – – – – 121N01266 –

Duessecrrigpetaior n F RDCN fuser gear Duplex drive gear Toner cartridge supply gear Ge a r Ge a r Pickup idle gear Tray 1 pick-up c cllutch ((C CL08-810) Registration drive in gear

1 10 1

– 127N07937



13 14 15 16 17

– – – 121N01267 130N01574

G Me aa inr BL BLDC m mo otor ((M MOT04-100) (REP 4.1) Toner d diispense m mo otor (M (MOT09600) Gears bracket Exit RDCN gear Bypass drive gear Gear-hub clutch Toner d diispense m mo otor se sensor (Q (Q09700)

05/23/2018 5-5

Parts Lists

PL 2.15

Parts Lists

05/23/2018 5-6

PL 4.10  

PL 5.10 DADF (1 of 2)  




1 2

– 019N01131

3 4 5 6 7

– – – – –

DADF (REP 5.1, ADJ 5.1) DADF d do ocument pa pad (R (REP 5. 5.7, ADJ 5.2) Left hinge holder Hinge sheet cover Hinge sheet Scan rear support plate Right hinge holder

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


PL 5.15 DADF (2 of 2) Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



– – 140N63847 015N00686 003N01168 003N01169 – –

DADF cover assembly DADF rear cover (REP 5.11) DADF PWB (REP 5.4) DADF base (REP 5.17) Right hinge (REP 5.17) Left hinge (REP 5.17) DADF front cover (REP 5.12) Stacker damper

05/23/2018 5-7

Parts Lists

PL 5.10

Parts Lists

05/23/2018 5-8

PL 5.15  

PL 5.20 Transport and Drive Assembly Item



1 2

– –






DADF cover assembly DADF transport assembly (P/O PL 5.20 Item 5) (REP 5.16) DADF drive assembly (P/O PL 5.20 Item 5) DADF input tray assembly (REP 5.13) DADF feed sub

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


PL 5.25 DADF Cover Assembly Item



1 2 3 4

– – – –





DADF cover assembly Cover (P/O PL 5.25 Item 1) Cover handle (P/O PL 5.25 Item 1) Registration actuator (P/O PL 5.25 Item 1) Document present actuator (P/O PL 5.25 Item 1) DADF feed assembly (See NOTE) (REP 5.3) Paper stopper (P/O PL 5.25 Item 1)




O pen1)cover sponge (P/O PL 5.25 Item Take away idle roller (P/O PL 5.25 Item 1) Spring (P/O PL 5.25 Item 1)

NOTE: HFSI. To reset the HFSI count, refer to dC135 

05/23/2018 5-9

Parts5.20 Lists PL

Parts Lists

PL 5.25

05/23/2018 5-10


PL 5.30 DADF Transport Assembly Item



1 2

– 019N01132

3 4 5 6

019N01133 – – –

7 8 9

– – 130N01574


11 12

– –

13 14 15 16

– – – –

DADF transport assembly DADF ffrriction p pa ad as assembly ((S S ee NOTE), (REP 5.19, ADJ 5.2) DADF fr friction pad (REP 5 5..19) Pickup guide (P/O PL 5.30 Item 1) Exit bracket (P/O PL 5.30 Item 1) Antistatic brush (P/O PL 5.30 Item 1) Exit roller Registration roller Exit nip open sensor (Q (Q05-171) (REP 5.8) DADF Regi clutch (CL05-310), (P/   O PL 5.30 Item 1) Exit gear (P/O PL 5.30 Item 1) Idle clutch gear (P/O PL 5.30 Item 1) Timing gear belt Timing gear belt Knob gear (P/O PL 5.30 Item 1) Reduction knob gear (P/O PL 5.30

17 18 19

– – –

20 21

– –

Item 1) Exit actuator (P/O PL 5.30 Item 1) Exit idle roller (P/O PL 5.30 Item 1) Front exit idle holder (P/O PL 5.30 Item 1) Feed roller White bar guide (P/O PL 5.30 Item

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

22 23

– –


25 26 27 28

– – – –

1), (ADJ 5.2) ADF rubber (P/O PL 5.30 Item 2) Spring (P/O PL 5.30 Item 2) Guide pad sheet (P/O PL 5.30 Item 2) Rear exit idle holder Exit idle rod Bracket Ge a r

NOTE: HFSI. To reset the HFSI count, refer to dC135 

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


PL 5.35 DADF Drive Assembly Item



1 2

– 127N07942




5 6 7

– – 130N01574

DADF drive assembly DADF motor (MOT05-200), (REP 5.5) DADF Ex Exit so solenoid (S (SOL05-330) (REP 5.6) Harness holder (P/O PL 5.35 Item 1) Exit bush (P/O PL 5.35 Item 1) Motor bracket (P/O PL 5.35 Item 1) Document detect sensor (Q05-100) (REP 5.9)/Document registration






13 14 15

– – –

sensor (Q05-130), (REP 5.9)/Cover open sensor (Q05-160), (REP 5.9), (ADJ 5.2) Pickup clutch (CL05-300) (P/O PL 5.35 Item 1) CAM outer gear (P/O PL 5.35 Item 1) Pickup idle gear (P/O PL 5.35 Item 1) Reduction gear (P/O PL 5.35 Item 1) CAM inner gear (P/O PL 5.35 Item 1) Exit idle gear (P/O PL 5.35 Item 1) Spring (P/O PL 5.35 Item 1) Spring (P/O PL 5.35 Item 1)

05/23/2018 5-11

Parts Lists

PL 5.30

Parts Lists

05/23/2018 5-12

PL 5.35  

PL 5.40 DADF Input Tray Assembly Item




DADF input tray assembly




5 6

– –


Input tray upper guide (P/O PL 5.40 Item 1) Rear document guide (P/O PL 5.40 Item 1) Rear rack gear guide (P/O PL 5.40 Item 1) Gear (P/O PL 5.40 Item 1) Front rack gear guide (P/O PL 5.40 Item 1) Front document guide (P/O PL 5.40






Item 1) Paper length actuator (P/O PL 5.40 Item 1) Width sensor 1 (Q05-110) (REP 5.10)/Width sensor 2 (Q05-111) (REP 5.10)/Width sensor 3 (Q05112) (REP 5.10)/Length sensor 1 (Q05-120) (REP 5.10)/Length sensor 2 (Q05-121) (REP 5.10), (ADJ 5.2) Input1) tray wire guide (P/O PL 5.40 Item Input tray lower guide (P/O PL 5.40 Item 1)

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


PL 5.45 DADF Base Item




DADF base



3 4 5 6 7 8 9

– – – – – – –

DADF exit sensor (Q05-170), (REP 5.14)/DADF scan start sensor (Q05-140), (REP 5.15) Platen bracket Idle feed shaft SCF idle roller Scan actuator Spring Right hinge ground Frame hinge ground


Rubber foot


Parts Lists


PL 5.40

Parts Lists


PL 5.45



PL 5.50 Document Cover Assembly Item





3 4 5

003N01167 – 019N01129

Document cover assembly (REP 5.2) Document cover (P/O PL 5.50 Item 1) Hinge (REP 5.20) Bottom cover (P/O PL 5.50 Item 1) Document cover pad (REP 5.18)

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual


PL 7.10 Tray 1 Frame Assembly  




1 2

– 019N01130

3 4 5 6

– – – 130N01574

7 8

– –

Bypass guide Bypass retard pad (See NOTE) (REP 7.3) Bypass pick-up roll (REP 7.3) Bush Tray 1 paper empty sensor actuator Tray 1 paper empty sensor (Q07110), (REP 7.1)/Bypass tray paper empty sensor (Q07-510), (REP 7.2) Knockup lock lever Bypass tray paper empty sensor actuator

9 10 11 12

– – – –

Base frame Roll Frame Bypass feed clutch (CL08-800) (REP 7.3)

NOTE: HFSI. To reset the HFSI count, refer to dC135 

05/23/2018 5-15

Parts Lists

PL 5.50

Parts Lists

05/23/2018 5-16

PL 7.10  

PL 7.15 Tray 1 Item



1 2

050N00696 032N00551

Tray 1 Tray front guide


4 5 6 7 8

032N00549 – 019N01135 019N01134 –



Knock up plate (P/O PL 7.15 Item 1) Tray rear guide Spring (P/O PL 7.15 Item 1) Tray 1 friction pad holder Tray 1 friction pad (See NOTE) Tray front cover (P/O PL 7.15 Item 1) Tray 1 pick-up clutch coupler (REP 7.4)

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

– 007N01526 – 032N00550 022N02877 – – – – –

Spring (P/O PL 7.15 Item 1) Pinion gear Tray locker (P/O PL 7.15 Item 1) Tray Left guide Tray 1 roller (See NOTE) Roller shaft (P/O PL 7.15 Item 1) Tray frame (P/O PL 7.15 Item 1) Bracket (P/O PL 7.15 Item 1) Spring (P/O PL 7.15 Item 1) Bush (P/O PL 7.15 Item 1)

20 – E-ring (P/O PL 7.15 Item 1) NOTE: HFSI. To reset the HFSI count, refer to dC135 

Xerox® B1022/B1025 Multifunction Printer Service Manual

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