Architectural Thesis of Farm Resort

June 21, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1.1.1 PROJECT TITLE “Farm Resort” Farm Resorts are farms that offer accommodation and dining services, for the purpose of participating in or enjoying interactive onfarm activities and other attractions offered to enrich the tourists’ farm life experience.1 Agri-tourism - or also referred to as “farm tourism” is a form of tourism activity conducted in a rural farm area which may include tending to farm animals, planting, harvesting and processing of farm products. It covers attractions, activities, services and amenities as well as other resources of the area to promote an appreciation of the local culture, heritage and traditions through personal contact with the local people. 1.1.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The project calls for a plan upon 2.5 hectares (25,000 sq. meters) of land that will bring together a private house, machinery zone, animal grounds, agricultural fields and resort accommodations such as conference center, food and beverage outlets, suites, swimming pool and basketball court.



The project proponent is Dr. Emiliana S. Velasco.

She is the

owner of the 2.5 hectare lot that will be the site of the project. She is a retired Doctor of Dentistry, widow, and an active member of her church. The target market for this project is the general public, especially people who frequently visit the bus terminals and rest areas of Sison as they travel to and from Baguio and Manila.

1.1.4 LOCATION OF THE PROJECT The proposed project site is located within an arid region of Sison, Pangasinan. The lot is declared in the name of Emiliana Velasco, through Tax Declaration No. 009-00020, with an area of twenty-five thousand (25,000) square meters. The Declaration of Real Property is currently filed under RA 7160. The site consists of alluvial clay soil and igneous rocks, originating from the sedimentation of the Cordillera mountain range, covered with brush vegetation and various trees on its parameters.2


(cultivated portion of the site ) Sison has two (2) pronounced seasons, the wet and dry. Heavy rainfall registered during the months of June to September. Average monthly temperature is 27.88 degrees centigrade with the highest occurring in January. Typhoons usually pass through Sison. These often cause floods that destroy residential and agricultural lands and structures.3

( a scenic view from the westernmost portion of the site ) The Municipality of Sison lies within the latitude 16 deg 11' and longitude 12 deg and 39' east. It is geographically located on the northern portion of Pangasinan lying within the provincial boundaries of La Union and Benguet. It has a total land area of 13,788 hectares or 137.88 square kilometers. It is bounded on the north of Rosario, La


Union; on the south by Pozorrubio, Pangasinan; on the southeast by San Manuel and Binalonan, Pangasinan.4 The municipality is approximately 200 kilometers north of Manila, 50 kilometers south of San Fernando, La Union, where the regional office of the national government agencies in Region I are located, 53 kilometers east of Lingayen (via Pozorrubio), the capital of Pangasinan, and 43 kilometers south of Baguio City.5 Its slope ranges from 0-15% moderately undulate and roll in many directions.6 The site is bounded by a vacant lot on the North, a vacant lot on the East, agricultural land on the South, and a creek on the West.7

(The creek, which serves as the western boundary)

1.2.1 THE NEED The presence of numerous bus terminals, gasoline stations and food houses makes Sison an official “rest area” for weary travelers between Baguio City and Metro Manila.

Other than the obvious

presence of supporting infrastructure which would make this endeavor


a success, the Municipal Government of Sison has plans to develop eco-tourism projects such as this. 1.2.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES The Client is a devout Catholic and very active in her church. She is also displeased with the growing number of bars along the National Highway in Sison, and the reputation that they bring to the municipality. For this reason, she envisions a Christian centered oasis for relaxation and wholesome family fun where visitors could observe and appreciate the simplicity of life on a farm. MAJOR GOALS To design a farm resort for the existing site with good visual profiles, aesthetic appeal and emphasis on functional, non-destructive use of all site features, including maximum use of natural lighting and ventilation. To plan working, living and recreational areas to conform to space and priority needs.

Develop progressive realization of all

facilities, so that not all are visible from one vantage point. OBJECTIVES 1. Provide stimulating, casual atmosphere for family and guests 2. Locate private and public areas in a sequence to avoid user conflicts 3. Position buildings and facilities for minimum environmental impact.


4. Relate interior living areas to exterior space functionally. 5. Plan circulation patterns for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. 6. Provide courtyard for seasonal use. 7. Plan for both interior and exterior dining facilities. 8. Use natural contemporary lines and materials consistent with site. 1.2.3 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT The project is significant to society, because it is well known that the young are migrating away in droves from rural settlements. They leave behind the old who have no choice except to farm. They also say goodbye to the children who have no capability for an independent choice. Modernization has created a social “black hole,” mindlessly destroying anything that smacks of rural culture. To be sustainable, agriculture has to be culturally sensitive and empowering and should nurture the cultural renaissance of the countryside.8

The introduction

of a farm resort is one solution to making agriculture “culturally sensitive and empowering” in the low social level of barangay Asan Sur, Sison, Pangasinan. The project is significant to the client, because she wishes to create a legacy that will benefit the municipality and her children. She sees that the project is a good way to make money, but the beauty and serenity of the project interest her more.


The project is significant to the researcher, because he will learn to deal with actual problems, which may be encountered in the process of programming, designing, developing and possibly implementing the project. The professional growth and maturity that the researcher will gain from the conceptualization to the defense of this challenging and worthwhile project is immense.

The researcher has the added

incentive that the knowledge gained and possible implementation of the project may one day benefit his town mates in Asan Sur, Sison, Pangasinan.

1.3.1 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND ON THE BUILDING TYPE A farm is the basic unit in agriculture. It is a section of land devoted to the production and management of food, either produce or livestock. The land and buildings of a farm are called the farmstead. In the UK, farm as an agricultural unit, always denotes the area of pasture and other fields together with its farmhouse and farmyeard, barns, cowsheds, stables, etc. It may be an enterprise owned and operated by a single individual, family, or community, or it may be owned by a corporation or company. A farm can be a holding of any size from a fraction of a hectare to several thousand hectares. In England there is a vague point when a large farm ceases to be referred to as a farm and becomes an


estate; although this term can refer to a collection of farms in the same ownership. The word has its roots in the Anglo-Saxon word feorm, which relates to provisioning and food supply, and was originally indicative of a form of taxation, whereby goods or monetary equivalents were liable to the king. Over time, this taxation was translated into a form of rental tax. Enterprises where livestock are raised on rangeland are called ranches. Where livestock are raised in confinement on feed produced elsewhere, the term feedlot is usually used. A truck farm is a farm that raises vegetables, but little or no grain. Truck is an archaic word for vegetables. Orchard is used for enterprises producing tree fruits or nuts, and vineyard is used for enterprises producing raisins, wine or table grapes. The stable is used for operations principally involved in the production of horses and other animals and livestock. A farm that is primarily used for the production of milk and dairy is a dairy farm. The development of farming and farms was an important component in establishing towns. Once a people move from hunting and collecting and from simple horticulture to active farming, social arrangements of roads, distribution, collection, and marketing can evolve. With the exception of plantations and colonial farms, farm sizes tend to be small in newly settled lands and to extend as transportation


and markets become sophisticated. Farming rights have been central to a number of revolutions, wars of liberation, and post-colonial economics.9 1.3.2 BRIEF DESCRIPTION & HISTORY OF THE PROJECT The purpose and function of the project is to boost tourism, income and perhaps create a paradigm that other rural land owners may follow. The concept of the project came about, because the 2.5 hectares of the project site is actually owned by the researcher’s maternal grandmother.

The researcher’s father, who has worked abroad for

many years, is presently managing the current meager developments upon the land. As the son of a poor tenant farmer, he acquired a love for the land at a young age, and finds great joy in farming. There are well-known precedents for promoting natural spaces to alleviate stress, especially in cities. They are usually in the public form of botanical gardens and parks, here and abroad. Burnham Park (Baguio City) and Central Park (New York City) are two examples. The researcher started researching on farming and came upon information on “hobby farms”, which is a small, manageable farm-type which is very popular in Australia.

Through internet inquiry, the researcher found that many

people shared this “love of the land” and were sharing that intimacy by creating








information on “eco-tourism” and “agro-tourism”, which complements


the information on farm resorts. Furthermore, it was during a Planning 3 class that the researcher was introduced to the ideas of the urban visionary, Doxiadis. He states that “human settlements in relation to urban areas may no longer be satisfactory for their inhabitants.”10 So, if the urban areas may no longer be enough, there is nowhere else to go except to the rural areas. And, that is how the idea for the proposed farm resort was born. The client, Emiliana S. Velasco, was approached by the researcher with the idea to develop her 25,000 sq. meters into a farm resort, and it was enthusiastically approved.

1.3.2 PRELIMINARY CONCEPT OF THE PROJECT In order to establish a preliminary concept, Dr. Emiliana S. Velasco, was interviewed and asked about her ancestry. It was noted that she was of both Chinese and Filipino heritage.

With this

information it was decided to use combinations of the circle and square throughout the design. In feng-sui, the Chinese art of geomancy, the circle alone symbolises heavenly blessing. The square alone is good because it symbolises posterity.

When these symbols are combined

they represent “heaven and earth”.10 This is exactly the kind of image that should be portrayed in a Christian-centered resort. It should be a heaven on earth.

The dualistic approach to the design will “marry”


Filipino to Chinese, nature to technology, heaven to earth, Christianity to Feng-sui, and the circle to square. This is the preliminary concept. 1.4.1 SCOPE OF WORK The proposed project covers architectural planning, designing, and programming. In its architectural programming, the design of the Farm Resort will be limited to the needs and working areas of the present and expected future annual increase in the number of visitors and employees. It will also entail the planning of a sewage treatment plant that will handle wastes coming from the main resort building, owner’s residence and livestock pens. The proposed project shall only deal with: The “Farm Resort” that should cater to the immediate needs of the farmers, tourists, and town people within the vicinity located at Asan Sur, Sison, Pangasinan. The site development and implementation of the facilities will take into account circulation and proper zoning of areas. Planning and designing of all the facilities to be developed within the perimeter of the proposed project, and will include: •

Main Residence

Conference Hall

Office Area


Agricultural building 11

Restrooms (M/F)

Guest rooms

Sports facilities / Swimming pool

Utility and Service Areas


Walkways / Driveways


Future expansion in the form of cottages

Sewage treatment plant

The National Building Code of the Philippines and other National Codes will serve as the criterion of planning the Proposed Farm Resort. 1.4.2 DELIMITATIONS OF THE PROJECT Graphical presentations include the schemes, preliminary and final architectural drawings of the proposed Farm Resort, which include the owner’s house, agricultural building, recreational building with food and beverage counter. Other areas such as landscape developments, agricultural fields, sports facilities, livestock shelters, parking areas, and driveways shall be included and reflected in the Master Plan. Design form will follow function.


1.4.3 METHODS OF RESEARCH The proposed project requires a systematic gathering of data and effective coordination with the project proponent and the Municipal Government of Sison to execute an effective architectural solution. Interviews of Dr. Emiliana S. Velasco, have revealed much in forming the preliminary concept of the proposed Farm Resort.


researching has revealed much information pertinent to farm resorts and their keys to success.

Optical inspection and government

documents of the actual site has given much information to serve as further guidance for the design of the proposed Farm Resort. A









Pangasinan, Baguio and foreign students of SLU to get their input about their attitudes

and expectations of resort complexes.


information is also important to make features and amenities of the resort more in tune with the target market.

Results of surveys

conducted by the Department of Tourism were also included to make a more accurate analysis. 1.5


Farm - the basic unit in agriculture. It is a section of land devoted to the production and management of food, either produce or livestock. Agri-tourism - or also referred to as “farm tourism” is a form of tourism activity conducted in a rural farm area which may include


tending to farm animals, planting, harvesting and processing of farm products. It covers attractions, activities, services and amenities as well as other resources of the area to promote an appreciation of the local culture, heritage and traditions through personal contact with the local people. Agri-Tourism/Farm Site - is a working farm producing and/or showcasing raw and/or processed products. Day Farm - are farms ideal for day tours/visits usually located near national highways and main business area. Farm Resort - are farms that offer accommodation and dining services, for the purpose of participating in or enjoying interactive onfarm activities and other attractions offered to enrich the tourists’ farm life experience. Farm Tour - refers to the activity of visiting an agri-tourism/farm site on a day tour, overnight stay or longer period of time for the purpose of participating in or enjoying farm activities and other attractions offered. Farm Product/s - refers to fresh and processed products of the farm. DOT - the Department of Tourism. Accreditation - a certification issued by the Department that the holder is recognized by the Department as having complied with its minimum standards in the operation of the establishment concerned


which shall ensure the safety, comfort and convenience of the tourists.12




Department of Tourism, Rules and Regulations The Official Sison web site @












Nicanor Perlas, Seven Dimensions of Sustainable Agriculture


Wikipedia : definition of farm


Dr. Evelyn Lip, Feng Shui for Business, p.45


Department of Tourism, Rules and Regulations., chapter 1




2.1 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1.1 General Information / Issues on Building Type 2.1.2 EXAMPLES Foreign Example Overbury Farm Resort, accommodations is on beautiful Thetis Island, southern Gulf Islands, British Columbia( BC ), Canada. Choose from our wide variety of self catering and rental accommodation for your family vacation. In addition to our cabin rental and lodging we host and cater weddings and celebrations and offer facilities for retreats, reunions and conferences. As a guest at our resort you will enjoy our exclusive, tranquil 14 acre waterfront setting, gardens and farm as well as our fine accommodations. All in our perfect secluded yet convenient location in the Southern Gulf Islands, British Columbia (BC), Canada.


Beautiful Thetis Island, nestled in the southern Gulf Islands Thetis provides the perfect setting for your vacation. Combining rural seclusion with convenience to the major tourism centers of the Pacific Northwest Thetis lies nestled amongst the idyllic Gulf Islands of British Columbia ( bc ), Canada. Overbury Farm Resort is a quiet, unspoiled oceanfront property of 14 acres with three sheltered beaches. It has been, since 1910, the home of the Forbes family who farmed here until the 1930's, when the farm failed in the Depression, Rupert Forbes turned his hand to building summer cottages for vacation rental from the lumber salvaged from the farm buildings. The four cabins he constructed still stand and have served up to three generations of guests. Rupert's grandson Norm and his wife Arlene took over in 1990 and have continued to upgrade the historic resort. They have also started a vineyard, and are developing a farm-gate winery. There now exist 10 housekeeping cabins and lodging units in all. The farm also includes an organic vegetable garden and beautiful




The Overbury Farm Resort main lodge The Crescent Point Cottages The Crescent Point Cottages were built in 1983 with all the conveniences of home and are perfectly suited to both summer and winter occupation. They are located in a secluded meadow with their own beach access.

These beautiful cedar waterfront cottages are

arranged so each enjoys a private southwestern view of the ocean. There are four cottages, named after Rupert Forbes' first four granddaughters, Shannon, Kirsten, Sarah and Samantha.


Facilities The cottages are laid out with similar floor plans and include: •

Living room with queen sized sofa bed and woodstove.

Adjoining dining area.

Two bedrooms, with queen sized bed in one and twin beds in the other.

Modern kitchen with electric range.

Tiled bathroom with tub and shower.

The cottages have good passive solar design for winter warmth and summer cool.


Electric heat in addition to the woodstove.

In addition to the generous 650 sq. foot floor area a spacious wrap around sundeck with picnic table provides extra living space and a spot to relax and enjoy your sea view.

All furnishings, cooking and eating utensils, bedding and towels are supplied. Bring your own beach towels.

Rates High season rates are: $855 per week for up to four persons. The daily rate is $150 for up to four persons. Additional guests are $30 per night or $120 per week. High season is from May15th until after September 30th. Off season


$85 per night for one person. $95 per night for two persons. $105 per night for three or four persons.

Floor plans


The Summer Cottages are four rustic cottages in the historic tradition of summer cabins. They were built in the 1930's and have endeared themselves to three generations of guests. •

1 is Clair's Cottage.

2 is Mervyn's Manor.

3 is The Roost.

4 is Corny Penny.


Facilities •

Simple summer cottages.

Two bedrooms with additional sleeping space on the covered verandah.

Refrigerators and showers for each cabin are located centrally.

fresh air cooler , cold tap and outhouse at the cabin.

Lighting by oil lamp.

All furnishings, cooking and eating utensils, pillows. Bring your own bedding and towels.



$450 per week for up to four persons. Additional guests are $15 per night or $60 per week.No PST. Available in the high season , from June 30th until after Labor day and as part of wedding packages. Summer Cottage Floor plans Clair's Cottage

Mervyn's Manor


The Roost

Corny Penny


Dad's House Dad's House was built in 1959 by Rupert Forbes for his retirement. This is a larger unit providing secluded accommodation for larger families or groups, or just more space for those who need it. The house suits both winter and summer occupation.


Facilities •

Living room with hide-a-bed and fireplace.

Electric heating.

One large bedroom and three smaller ones.

Modern kitchen and bathroom.

Covered verandah.

All furnishings, cooking and eating utensils, and pillows are supplied.


Rates High season rates are: $855 per week for up to four persons. The daily rate is $150 for up to four persons. Additional guests are $30 per night or $120 per week. High season is from May15th until after September 30th. Floor plan


Resort plan:

28 Local Examples


Set on 25 hectares of sloping terrain fringed with trees, The Quiet Place Farm Resort is part of a fully functioning agricultural estate in Bago City, an area planted mostly to rice in the largely sugar producing province of Negros Occidental. The resort offers a unique opportunity to experience rural life in the tropics without the sacrifice of comfort. Twenty-six air- conditioned rooms with modern conveniences and a fullservice restaurant ensure a pleasant, enjoyable and comfortable stay. There is also the resort's Ayo Spa and Wellness Center offering a menu of Asian and Filipino health traditions using tropical oils and essences produced on site or in neighboring communities. For less quiet pursuits at the resort, there is a swimming pool, several open air pavilions for parties and events of 30 to 200, an air- conditioned meeting room for 40, a library with a computer with internet connection, a children's play park, a camping ground, a hiking trail, fishing, boating, billiards, table tennis and other board games, barbecue pits for outdoor picnics and rows upon rows of orchids, bromeliads and heliconia to enjoy.



The air becomes suffused with the heady scent of Ylang-Ylang at night amidst a soft orchestra by crickets and frogs. And early in the morning, the birds mount a soothing concert. Experience these when staying at the resort. Twenty-six guestrooms furnished in muted tones are ready to make each stay comfortable, pleasant, rejuvenating and unique.

Garden Rooms The Garden Rooms are in a two-storey building located right beside the Reception. Each of these rooms has a private balcony and is equipped with an air-conditioner, a single and a double bed, a private bathroom with hot and cold water, a color television with local and cable channels.


Tree Lane Rooms Nestled in a row of eucalyptus and mahogany trees, the resort's sixteen Tree Lane Rooms are slightly off-the-track and offer tranquil and cool comfort. Housed in a long, two-storey building, its corner rooms are equipped with queen-sized beds, while the rest of the 12 rooms have one single and one double bed. All Tree Lane Rooms have individual air-conditioners and private bathrooms with hot and cold water. Televisions may be provided upon request.

Pavilion Rooms Ideal for families or a small group of friends, the resort's six Pavilion Rooms are located nearest the swimming pool. Each is equipped with an in-dividual air-conditioner, two double beds and a bathroom with separate shower and toilet areas. Televisions may be provided upon request.


THE RESTAURANT The resort's chef can whip up a feast of Filipino, Asian & Continental fare, perked up by herbs grown on the resort's gardens. Popular dishes are given a twist. There is our own version of the Bistek Tagalog, which we christened Beefsteak Tabunan. The Oriental Chicken is sauteed in hoisin sauce with mushrooms and bamboo shoots. Steamed Fish Fillets come topped in a piquant Balinese sauce or with the chef's own concoction of ginger- garlic sauce. Savor the flavors in the relaxed ambience of the open air Restaurant Pavilion overlooking the pool and the gazebo, while serenaded by a live orchestra of birdsongs. There's nothing like a melodious way to the heart. The resort's kitchen can


cater to any party and event, be it a buffet dinner for a wedding with 200










presentation, a theme dinner for a special group or set meals for seminars and workshops. ASSEMBLY HALLS Bago Room If business must be mixed with pleasure, the air-conditioned Bago Room can host a meeting for forty. Located in the Reception Pavilion, the Bago Room is named after the city where the resort is located. Memorabilia from the city's historic past adorn its walls. To inject some fun into your next planning meeting, we suggest including an outdoor activity to test physical fitness. The Play Park near the Bago Room is not strictly for children below 12 years old.

Main Pavilion The

open-air Main Pavilion transforms








for various



workshops, seminars, weddings, baptisms and family reunions. Elegant candlelit dinner affairs for up to 200 persons can be arranged.


Other Pavilions Let your hearts be bound together under the cover of trees, surrounded by an explosion of tropical color and scents at The Whisper Corner. Meditate on the meaning of life amidst the lush vegetation at the Silent Woods. Enjoy the company of friends in a barbecue party in one of the resort's barbecue pits deep in the forest and right next to the rice paddies, or at one of the lakeside huts. The close proximity to nature is an experience that will enhance your special moments.

RESORT ADDRESS: Km. 14 Barangay Tabunan, Bago City, Negros Occidental, 6101 Philippines Telephone Number: + 63 34 731 0100


THINGS TO DO Engage your senses with a walk through a path in a forest of tropical trees, alive with the singing of birds and the rustle of the leaves as the wind gently weaves through them. Pass by verdant rice fields carved from the gently sloping hills and through rows of sugarcane and banana trees and allow your eyes to relax as they feast on nature's palette in various shades of green, brown and gold. Nourish the spirit in a garden filled with the heady scent and color of tropical blooms. Worship the sun by the free-form swimming pool. Get on board a small boat named Courage and glide through a lake covered with hyacinth and teeming with fish. Find a quiet corner to read a book. Gather duck eggs and pick mushrooms at the crack of dawn. Go for a game of billiards or table tennis, boating on the lake or biking through the


paved path walks. Test your energy levels at the Children's Play Park. Within the peaceful and tranquil environment of this green sanctuary, embark on a two-way communion with nature.


Guard House (main entrance) Island on Man Made Lake Lakeside Huts Pavillion and Pavillion Rooms (1-6 rooms) Reception and Function Rooms Shop Legend: Water Ricefield

Children's Playground Tree Lane Rooms (1127 rooms) Garden Rooms (7-10 rooms)

Restaurant and Shower Rooms Gazebo Silent Woods

Acacia Shade

Duck House

Whisper Corner

Barbecue Pits

Swimming Pool

Mushroom House

Trees Banana Tree Sugar Cane


Villa Escudero...... An interesting two hour drive South from Metro Manila brings you to one of the Philippines most popular getaways, Villa Escudero, where Philippine culture and history comes to life.


History Villa Escudero is a working coconut plantation founded in 1872. In 1980 the Escudero family opened the plantation to the general public. Since then Villa Escudero has developed a worldwide reputation as a focal point to experience Philippine culture and history in a beautiful rural setting.

cultural show pool


AERA museum

recreation hall

waterfall restaurant


souvenir shop



Day Visits


Convenient, refreshing escapes from the hustle and bustle of Metro Manila, recharge your batteries, enjoy a variety of fun filled activities and lunch at the famous Waterfall Restaurant.


Overnight Stay Enjoy an overnight stay with a choice of three styles of accommodations • • •

Riverside Cottages

Long House Garden Units Long House Garden Suites

Dinner with nightly entertainment is served in the Coconut Pavilion from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Following a restful sleep enjoy breakfast served from 7:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.


Conferences and Special Events The Villa Escudero Conference Center is the perfect place for a company conference or special event. The Center features a main hall, which can accommodate up to 200 participants or can be divided into two smaller sections. Ample breakout and food service areas are incorporated into the Center.


Weddings Wedding service includes ceremony at the Chapel of the Ascencion, transportation of the bride and groom by horse drawn carriage, and reception at the Wedding Center dramatically set in the midst of a lush tropical garden.











architecture shall be incorporated into the building designs of the proposed Farm Resort. In a hot and humid region (Sison, Pangasinan), effective solar control is necessary, but what is essential is how to achieve the air stream inside and through the built environment, in order to have effective ventilation cooling. Energy efficiency in cooling and day lighting has been a main concern of the owner, because she wants to save money as well as have comfortable living arrangements for her, her family, workers, and guests.

The following list is the set of design guidelines of

passive and low energy architecture that will be incorporated in the proposed farm resort project.



MASS – Mass stores heat to stable room temperature.


heating in winter, solar heat is absorbed in daytime and released at night. For cooling in summer, mass is cooled in nighttime and keeps room cool in the daytime. 2.

SOLAR GLAZING – The solar window or solar collector to inlet solar heat positively.


SHADING – Solar insulation in summer is blocked and heat penetration into building is prevented.


CROSS VENTILATION – Air ventilation lets fresh air in and exhausts hot room air out.

Air movement promotes heat

emission from the human body surface and gives a fresh feeling. 5.

SIDE LIGHTING – High sidelighting is effective to distribute the illumination homogeneously.

The sun control is necessary

depending on the window orientation. OVERHANG PROTECTION The angle of the sun differs in summer and in winter Therefore, roof overhangs can be designed with a length and angle that will shade windows in summer (hottest months) and allow the sun to enter during the winter (coolest months). Since the Philippines is a tropical country, the main concern is in shielding the interior from the summer sun at midday.


The way to calculate the roof overhang is:







X 96” 50

WINDOW HEIGHT (inches) 50 =

30.72” =

78 cm.


This is the minimum calculated overhang to be placed on the proposed buildings, but since the rains are very heavy during the monsoon season, we shall propose an extension to 1 meter overhang. National Building Code of the Philippines All buildings or structures as well as accessory facilities thereto shall conform in all respects to the principles of safe construction and must be suited to the purpose for which they are designed. Buildings or structures and all part thereof as well as all facilities found therein shall be maintained in safe, sanitary and good working condition.3 The land or site upon which will be constructed any building or structure, or any ancillary of auxiliary facility thereto, shall be sanitary, hygienic and safe. In the case of sites or building intended for use as human habitation or abode, the same shall be at safe distance, as determined by competent authorities, from streams or bodies of water and/or sources of air considered to be polluted; from a volcano or volcanic site and/or any other building considered to be a potential source of fire or explosion.4 Building proposed for construction shall be identified according to their use or the character of its occupancy and shall be classified as follows: Group B – Residential, Hotels and apartments Group C – Education and Recreation


The maximum height and number of storeys of proposed building shall be dependent upon the character of use or occupancy and the type of construction, considering end-user population density, light and ventilation,








roadway/carriageway component, building bulk, off-street cum off-site parking requirements, etc. and in relation to local land use plan and zoning regulations as well as other environmental consideration, e.g., geological, hydrological, meteorological topographical, prevailing traffic conditions, the availability and capacity of public utility/service systems, etc. Table VII.2 Building Height Limit of Agricultural/Agro-Industrial/ Tourism is 15 meters (or must complement the duly-approved BHL in the major zone it is part of).

The building/structure height shall be

measured from the highest adjoining public sidewalk (finished grade) or ground surface (natural grade); provided; that the height measured from the lowest adjoining surface shall not exceed such maximum height by more than 3.00 meters.

Except, that towers, spires, and

steeples, erected as parts of the building and not used for habitation or storage are limited as to the height only by structural design, if completely of incombustible materials, or may extend but not exceed 600 meters above the prescribed building height limit (BHL) for each occupancy group.5


Whenever available, the potable water requirements for a building used for human habitation shall be supplied from existing municipal or city waterworks system. The

quality of drinking






underground sources shall conform to the criteria set in the latest approved national Standards for Drinking Water. The design, construction and operation of deep well for the abstraction of groundwater shall be subject to the provisions of the Water Code of the Philippines.6 Determination of Occupant Loads.

The occupant load

permitted in any building or portion thereof shall be determined by dividing the floor area assigned to that use by the unit area allowed per occupant as determined by the Secretary. Exit Requirements.

Exit requirements of a building or portion

thereof used for different purposes shall be determined by the occupant load that gives the largest number of persons.


obstruction shall be placed in the required width of an exit except projections permitted by this Code. Number of Exits. Every building or usable portion thereof shall have at least one exit. In all occupancies, floors above the first storey having an occupant load of more than 10 shall have not lass than two exits. Each mezzanine floor used for purposes other than storage, and if greater in area than 185 square meters or more than 18.00 meters in


any dimension shall have at least two stairways to an adjacent floor. Every storey or portion thereof, having an occupant load of 500 to 999 shall have at least three exits. Every storey or portion thereof having an occupant load of 1000 or more shall have at least four (4) exits. Width. The total width of exits in meters shall not be less than the total occupant load served divided by 165.

Such width of exits

shall be divided approximately equally among the separate exits. Arrangement of Exits.

If only two exits are required they shall

be placed a distance apart not less than one-fifth of the perimeter of the area served measured in a straight line between exits.


three or more exits are required they shall be arranged a reasonable distance apart so that if one becomes blocked, the others will be available. Distance to Exits.

No point in a building without a sprinkler

system shall be more than 45.00 meters from an exterior exit door, a horizontal exit, exit passageway, or an enclosed stairway, measured along the line of travel.

In a building equipped with a complete

automatic fire extinguishing system the distance from exits may be increased 60.00 meters. Fire-Extinguishing





automatic fire-extinguishing systems shall be installed in the following places and in the manner provided in this code.


In every storey, basement or cellar with an area of 200 square meters or more, which is used for habitation, recreation, dining, study, or work, and which has an occupant load of more than 20. SEPTIC TANK Where public sewerage system is not available, outfalls from the residence, schools, and other buildings shall be discharged following the minimum requirements. a. It shall be generally rectangular in shape. When a number of compartments are used, the first compartment shall have a capacity from one half to two third of the total volume of the tank. b. It shall be built by the concrete, whether pre-cast or poured in place, brick, concrete block or adobe may be used. c. It shall not be constructed under the building and within 25 meters from the source of water supply. Disposal of Septic Tank Effluent The effluent from the septic tank shall be discharged into a field subsurface soil absorption field where applicable or shall be treated with some type of purification service.

The treated effluent will

discharge into stream or body of water if it is conforming to the quality standards prescribed by the National Water Air Pollution Control Commission. Solid Waste Disposal


Solid waste disposal shall be by sanitary landfill, incineration, composting, and other methods as may be approved by competent government authority. Disposal Sites The location of solid waste disposal sites shall conform to existing zoning, land use standards, and pollution control regulations. Water Pumping for Building/Structures a. Installation



pumping directly

equipment from






system shall not be allowed. An underground water tank or cistern must be filled by gravity flow from the water supply system, from where pumps can be installed. b. To maintain water pressure in all floors of a building/structure, the following systems may be used: •

Overhead tank supply – may be installed above the roof supported by the building/structure or on a separate tower.

Water tanks shall be provided with a vent and

an overflow pipe leading to a storm drain and shall be fully covered. •

Pneumatic tank – an unfired pressure vessel, initially full of air, into which water from main is pumped. A suitable pressure switch shall stop the pump when pressure required is attained.

Tank shall be designed for twice


the maximum total dynamic pressure required. An air volume control device shall be installed to maintain correct air volume inside the tank.



DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM MANILA RULES AND REGULATIONS TO GOVERN THE ACCREDITATION OF AGRI-TOURISM / FARM SITE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 292 DATED JULY 25, 1987, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS “ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF 1987” SPECIFICALLY TITLE XIII, BOOK IV THEROF, THE FOLLOWING RULES AND REGULATIONS ARE HEREBY PROMULGATED TO GOVERN THE ACCREDITATION OF AGRI-TOURISM/FARM SITE. CHAPTER I DEFINITION OF TERMS Section 1. Definition of Terms. When used in these Rules, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms shall mean as follows: Agri-tourism - or also referred to as “farm tourism” is a form of tourism activity conducted in a rural farm area which may include tending to farm animals, planting, harvesting and processing of farm products. It covers attractions, activities, services and amenities as well as other resources of the area to promote an appreciation of the local culture, heritage and traditions through personal contact with the local people.


Agri-Tourism/Farm Site - is a working farm producing and/or showcasing raw and/or processed products. Day Farm - are farms ideal for day tours/visits usually located near national highways and main business area. Farm Resort - are farms that offer accommodation and dining services, for the purpose of participating in or enjoying interactive onfarm activities and other attractions offered to enrich the tourists’ farm life experience. Farm Tour - refers to the activity of visiting an agri-tourism/farm site on a day tour, overnight stay or longer period of time for the purpose of participating in or enjoying farm activities and other attractions offered. Farm Product/s - refers to fresh and processed products of the farm. DOT or Department – is the Department of Tourism Accreditation - is a certification issued by the Department officially recognizing the holder as having complied with the minimum standards and requirements prescribed by the Department for the operation and maintenance of farms/agri-tourism sites. CHAPTER II CATEGORIES OF AGRI-TOURISM/FARM SITES Section 2. Categories of Agri-Tourism/Farm Sites. For purposes of accreditation, agri-tourism/farm sites are categorized as follows, namely:


a. Day Farm b. Farm Resort CHAPTER III MINIMUM STANDARD REQUIREMENTS Section 3. Minimum Standard Requirements. For purposes of accreditation, the following are the minimum standard requirements for the operation and maintenance of agri-tourism/farm sites: Location. The farm shall be situated in a generally safe and peaceful location. Facilities/Amenities (for day and farm resorts). The farm shall have the following facilities/amenities, or can also be available in the nearest service area at least not more than two hours drive from the farm, in addition to the existing facilities necessary for its regular operation: 1. Reception/Information Counter - an info counter or a reception area shall be designated where guests can inquire about the farm’s tour offerings, services or amenities. It can also serve as briefing area for the tour. 2. Parking - parking area with designated drop-off/loading area shall be provided for buses and other public as well as private vehicles. 3. Dining/Multi-Purpose Area - there shall be a dining, recreational and activity area for guests. Picnic grounds shall use outdoor fixtures made of indigenous materials in keeping with the farm setting.


4. Farm Guide - Farm guides shall accompany the tour group during the entire conduct of the farm tour. They shall provide information on farm operations, processes, products and other unique features of the farm. 5. Souvenir Shop/ Mini-Trading Area - There shall be a souvenir shop or mini-trading post to provide guests with a place to purchase the farm’s produce (fresh or processed) and/or negotiate for possible business partnerships or transactions. 6. Accommodation (for farm resorts only) - There shall be accommodation facilities which shall comply with the minimum standard requirements of an accommodation facility of the DOT. 7. Restaurant (for farm resorts only) - There shall be a restaurant or catering service within the farm resort’s premises to cater to the dining needs of visitors / guests. 8. Infrastructure - Support infrastructure facilities shall be in place such as road, electricity, water and communication. CHAPTER IV GENERAL RULES ON THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF AGRI-TOURISM/FARM SITES Section 4. Operation. The farm shall be in operation for at least three (3) months in a year. Section 5. Safety and Security. To ensure safety and security, the following shall be available:


a. Security Personnel - Security personnel shall be on duty on a 24hour basis to ensure the safety of guests; b. Safety Signages - Appropriate safety signages shall be conspicuously displayed within agri-tourism/farm site; c. “Off Limit” Areas - “Off Limit” areas shall be clearly demarcated. Access to these areas shall be roped-off or blocked. Public areas shall be specifically designated; d. Fire Fighting Facilities - There shall be fire fighting facilities within the farm; e. First Aid Kit - A well-stocked first aid kit shall be made available at all times; f. Farm Equipment – Farm equipment shall have proper parking or storage areas. Farm equipment, purposely put on display, shall be roped-off from visitors. Section 6. Sanitation. The following sanitary facilities shall be provided: a. Wash Areas - There shall be designated wash areas within the farm with ample amenities such as continues flow of clean water, soap, hand towel or tissue paper. b. Restrooms - There shall be separate clean and well-maintained restrooms for male and female. Bathrooms shall also be provided, if applicable. c. Garbage Cans - There shall be garbage cans in all activity areas.


d. Garbage Disposal/Waste Management - Garbage/waste disposal shall adhere to sustainable methods and techniques geared towards environmental protection.




CHAPTER I DEFINITION OF TERMS Section 1. Definition. For purposes of these Rules, the following shall mean: a. Hotel – a building, edifice or premises or a completely independent part thereof, which is used for the regular reception, accommodation or lodging of travelers and tourist and the provision of services incidental thereto for a fee. b. Resort – any place or places with pleasant environment and atmosphere conducive to comfort, healthful relaxation and rest, offering food, sleeping accommodation and recreational facilities to the public for a fee or remuneration. c. Tourist Inn – a lodging establishment catering to transients which does not meet the minimum requirements of an economy hotel. d. Apartel – any building or edifice containing several independent and furnished or semi-furnished apartments, regularly leased to tourists and travelers for dwelling on a more or less long term basis and offering basic services to its tenants, similar to hotels.


e. Pension house – a private or family-operated tourist boarding house, tourist









professional domestic








containing several independent lettable rooms, providing common facilities such as toilets, bathrooms/showers, living and dining rooms and/or kitchen and where a combination of board and lodging may be provided. f. Motorist hotel (Motel) - any structure with several separate units, primarily located along the highway with individual or common parking space at which motorists may obtain lodging and, in some instances, meals. g. Department or DOT – the Department of Tourism. h. Accreditation – a certification issued by the Department that the holder is recognized by the Department as having complied with its minimum standards in the operation of the establishment concerned which shall ensure the safety, comfort and convenience of the tourists. CHAPTER III CLASSIFICATION OF AND STANDARD REQUIREMENTS FOR RESORTS


Section 7. Kinds of Resorts. Resorts may be categorized as beach resort (located along the seashore), inland resort (located within the town proper or city), island resort (located in natural or man-made island within the internal waters of the Philippine Archipelago), lakeside or riverside resort (located along or near the bank of a lake or river), mountain resort (located at or near a mountain or hill) and theme parks. Section 8. Classification of Resorts. For purposes of accreditation, resorts shall be classified as follows: Class "AAA" Class "AA" Class "A" Special Interest Resort

Section 11. Requirements for a Class "A" Resort. The following are the minimum requirements for the operation and maintenance of a Class "A" Resort: a. Location and Environment The resort shall be located in a suitable area free of noise, atmospheric


and marine pollution. b. Parking (If applicable) An adequate parking space with parking security shall be provided free to guests. c. Room Accommodations Class "A" resort shall have its rooms equivalent to those of an Economy Class hotel as required under Section 6 hereof. d. Public Washrooms There shall be a clean and adequate public toilet and bathroom for male and female, provided with sufficient running water, toilet paper, and soap. e. Sports and Recreational Facilities The resort shall offer at least two (2) sports and recreational facilities. f. Food and Beverage Outlets The resort shall have at least one (1) food and beverage outlet.

Section 12. Requirements for a Special Interest Resort. The following are the minimum requirements for the operation and maintenance of a Special Interest Resort: a. Location The camp and ground sites shall be well-drained and not subject to flooding. It shall be distant from any source of nuisance and shall not


endanger sources of any water supply and other natural resources. b. Lounge and Reception Counter There shall be a reception counter and a reasonably furnished lounge commensurate with the size of the resort. c. Room Accommodations There shall be at least five (5) lettable bedrooms for permanent site operations, sufficient and fresh supply of clean linen, mirror and electric fan except in places where electricity is not available. For movable operation, a minimum of sixteen (16) guests plus the staff shall be accommodated in tents, lean-tos and the like. Where permanent tents are used, flooring shall be at least four (4) inches above the ground. Tents shall be provided with adequate beddings suitable for tropical use. Theme parks may be exempted from this requirement. d. Toilet and Bathroom There shall be separate clean toilet and bathroom facilities for male and female guests which shall be provided with sufficient supply of running water and situated in appropriate and accessible areas. The same shall be supplied with soap and toilet paper. Adequate portable chemical toilets shall be provided at the camp site for mobile groups. In the absence of chemical toilets, temporary sanitary latrines shall be provided based on acceptable Philippine standards.


e. Lighting, Furnishing and Ventilation Lighting arrangement and furnishings in all rooms shall be of good standard. In areas where there is no electrical power, each room shall be provided with non-hazardous portable lights. Adequate means of ventilation shall also be provided. f. Staff and Service Adequate number of trained, experienced, courteous and efficient staff shall be employed. They shall wear clean uniforms at all times. The frontline staff shall have a good speaking knowledge of English. Section 13. General Rules on the Operation and Management of Resorts. a. Maintenance and housekeeping. Maintenance of all sections of the resort shall be of acceptable standard, and shall be on a continuing basis, taking into consideration the quality of materials used as well as its upkeep. housekeeping shall be of such a standard ensuring well-kept, clean and pollution-free premises. A vermin control program shall be regularly maintained in all areas of the resort. Regular and hygienic garbage disposal system shall be maintained. Sanitation measures shall be adopted in accordance with the standards prescribed under P.D. 856, the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines.


b. Lifeguard and security. All resorts shall provide the services of a sufficient number of welltrained lifeguards duly accredited by either the Philippine National Red Cross, the Water Life Saving Association of the Philippines or any recognized organization training or promoting safety objectives, and adequate security whenever there are guests. c. Medical Services. All resorts shall provide the services of a physician, either on-call or on full-time









accessibility to hospital or medical centers. In additions, resorts shall employ adequate first-aiders who have completed a course in first aide duly certified by the National Red Cross or any other organization accredited by the same. Adequate first aide medicines and necessary life-saving equipment shall be provided within the premises. d. Fire-fighting facilities. Fire-fighting facilities shall be provided in accordance with the Fire Code of the Philippines. e. Signboards. Appropriate signboards shall be conspicuously displayed outside the establishment showing clearly the name and classification of the resort as determined by the Department.


f. Beach and lakeside resort. There shall be placed on a beach or lakeside resort an adequate number of buoys which shall be spread within the area to be determined by the resort owner or keeper as safe for swimming purposes, an in compliance with the existing government regulations and/or local ordinances on the placing of such buoys. g. Designated area. The distance fronting the area of the resort with adequate number of buoys as provided in the preceding section shall be designated as the area for swimming purposes, and no boat, banca or other crafts shall be allowed to enter the areas so designated. The resort owner or his duly authorized representative shall be empowered under these rules to enforce the above, and shall likewise designate a portion of the beach front to be used exclusively for loading and unloading of resort guests,








regulations specific to the area. h. Precautionary measures. 1. In no case shall the resort management allow swimming at the beach front beyond 10:00 p.m. and appropriate notice shall be posted to inform the resort guests of this regulation. 2. Night swimming at the pool shall be allowed only if there are adequate lifeguards on duty and when the pool premises are sufficiently lighted.


3. Management shall post sufficient and visible signs in strategic areas in the resort or at the beach to warn guests/customers of the presence of artificial or natural hazards, danger areas or occurrences threat. i. Prohibited acts and practices. 1. No pets or animals shall be allowed to bathe/swim along beaches. Likewise, "pukot" fishing and washing of fishing nets shall be strictly prohibited in beach resorts. 2. Resort owners shall prohibit ambulant vendors from peddling their wares within the resort premises in order to provide their guests a certain degree of privacy to enable them to relax and enjoy their stay there at. 3. Littering in resorts shall be strictly prohibited. Resort owners shall keep their premises clean and shall adopt their own anti-littering measures. Without prejudice to existing ones no resort shall be established or constructed within a radius of five (5) kilometers from any pollutioncausing factory or plant."


FUNCTIONAL AREAS Data gathered from the Department of Tourism, National Building

Code, Architectural Graphic Standards and Timesaver’s Standards for Building Types. Lobby











Architectural Design Guidelines, which are 0.25 m.2 per person for lobby and 0.28 m.2 per person for standing waiting area. The hotel lobby establishes the mood for the hotel.


furnishing, size, decorations, color, finishing and lighting are elegantly designed to create the proper ambience regardless of the hotel size.

Administration Area The managing staffs of the hotel are designed together with business














incorporated in it. Rooms All single and double rooms have a floor area of not less than 18 sq. m. inclusive of bathrooms.

Souvenir Shop The shop should accommodate all necessary crafts.


size depends on the bulk of the souvenirs to be featured. MULTI-PURPOSE HALL


The function hall was designed to accommodate 100 people. The area will include a 0.60 m high stage and a storage room for tables and chairs. CONFERENCE ROOM The conference room was designed to accommodate 50 people. It is located on the second floor to give good views to the surrounding vista. RESTAURANT There are no special requirements for the bar and restaurant which are in a way different from the standard requirements for such a facility. Dining The dining area accommodates customers for both the bar and restaurant.

It was designed so that the areas achieve


comfort by means of cross ventilation and day lighting

from the


Kitchen The








to ensure the efficiency of operation and shall be equipped,


maintained, and adequately ventilated and lighted.


PARKING SPACES The parking spaces are provided at the southeast area of each building. This has been dictated by Feng Shui principles as the most auspicious location.

This placement also prevents vehicular and

pedestrian paths from crossing each other to optimize safety. Analysis of the existing landscape feature was also considered when planning the parking placement. The size of an average automobile parking slot provided is computed at 2.4 meters by 5.00 meters for perpendicular or diagonal orientation, and at 2.00 meters by 6.00 meters for parallel parking. A truck or bus parking slot provided has been computed to be a minimum of 3.60 meters x 12.00 meters. RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Swimming Pools The swimming pools have been designed in the auspicious bagua shape to maintain a consistent character throughout. The pools will also aid the passive cooling strategy of cross ventilation. The floor slope at the shallow end of the pool is not more than 30 centimeters vertical to 2.00 meters horizontal. The transition line

between the shallow and the deep water is not less than 1.35 meters or more than 1.50 meters deep. Tennis Court


Many relatives of the project proponent play tennis and they requested that a tennis court be incorporated into the design. It lies

along a North-South axis behind the main building and away

from the parking area.

The tennis court is designed in accordance

with the required dimensions in the Architectural Graphic Standards. Basketball Court Basketball is a popular sport for the young people of Sison. It

will also be oriented on a North-South axis to avoid sun and it


will be situated adjacent to the tennis court.

Landscape Features Landscaping strategy for the site will be to introduce trees and shrubs to complement the existing vegetation. Tall palm trees will be used to provide shade without blocking cool breezes at window level. Those that are coconut trees can be harvested year-round. The trees will not be coconut at the parking and pool areas for consideration of the safety of the building users. Shrubs and foliage that require little maintenance will be incorporated to make a relaxing ground cover.



3.1.1 SITE SELECTION CRITERIA Part A: Desirable Surrounding Characteristics for a Farm Resort 1. The Region should have natural beauty.


2. Cultural and Social Characteristics of the Region are interesting. 3. Shopping and Commercial Facilities are present in the area. 4. Public Infrastructure to Support Tourism is present in the area. 5. Local attitudes toward Tourists are positive. 6. Accessibility of the Region is well established. 7. Tourism Activity in the Region is already present. Part B: Desirable Property Characteristics 8. Natural Features of Your Property are interesting. 9. Site Infrastructure exists or can be readily included in venture. 10.Human







community. 3.1.2 SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS Part A: Desirable Surrounding Characteristics for a Farm Resort 1. The Region should have natural beauty. •

The region has a diverse range of geographic features such as rock formations, watercourses and/or estuaries, soils, and landforms.

The region has an abundance and variety of native animals that are readily accessible and visible to visitors.

The vegetation in the region is very diverse, with an abundance of flowering plants, interesting trees or shrubs, and untouched habitat areas for native wildlife.


Water is available in the area; natural and man-made water features exist and offer many opportunities for water-based sports and recreational activities.

Traveling through this region is a visually stimulating experience.

2. Cultural and Social Characteristics of the Region are interesting. •

The region maintains a strong link with its past, with an abundance of museums, monuments, historic markers and interpretation centers.

The region actively promotes the preservation of Indigenous sites, explorer routes and artifacts, derelict buildings.

The cultural fabric of the area is rich with religious history, including places of worship, burial grounds, missions and Indigenous sacred sites.

Local celebrations such as dances, agricultural shows, and special festivals are attractions for visitors to the area.

3. Shopping and Commercial Facilities are present in the area.


The region is serviced by a wide selection of shops including general merchants, specialty shops and shops catering to tourists.

The commercial needs of residents and visitors are well served with adequate banking, postal, landline telephone, mobile phone and internet facilities.

The region is well served with automotive, marine, caravan and other necessary repair, maintenance and refueling facilities.

4. Public Infrastructure to Support Tourism is present in the area. •

The region is well serviced by transport services.

The health and well being of travelers is ensured by medical services







professionals, as well as emergency medical facilities. •

Adequate police and other emergency services maintain the security and safety of residents and visitors to the area.










streetscapes, are clean, tidy and well maintained. •

The region assists visitors by providing tourist information centers, maps, brochures, interpretation of local attractions and features, tours, local guides, sign posting, and other tourism supportive artifacts and services.


5. Local attitudes toward Tourists are positive. •

The region is investing a lot of energy and resources into attracting tourists to the area.

The tourism infrastructure is well established and meets the needs of visitors to the region.

Local businesses meet the needs of visitors in a warm and welcoming manner.

People involved in tourism related businesses and services in the region cater for visitors from other cultures in a sympathetic and understanding manner.

When I travel within this region I am always made welcome, even though I may be a stranger.

6. Accessibility of the Region is well established. •

The road system in this region is well developed, with most roads being all weather sealed highways.

Visitors easily navigate the road system in this region, and there is extensive highway and tourist signage.

This region is close enough to other attractive regions to ensure that tourists will find it rewarding to visit here.

There are no seasonal factors such as high rainfall, snow, dust storms, etc. that affect the accessibility of this area.

Traffic along the main access routes runs freely at all times.

7. Tourism Activity in the Region is already present. 76

A number of different tourism operations currently operate in the region (eg. small businesses, family run operations or large corporate businesses).

The tourism industry in your region is seasonal due to climate or special events/festivals.

The current tourist market in the region is large enough for business and competing tourism products.

The region provides opportunities to create alliances with existing tourism enterprises in your area (eg. tour operators, accommodation providers and attractions).

Part B: Desirable Property Characteristics 8. Natural Features of the Property are interesting. •

The property contains or is adjacent to areas of spectacular beauty, with exceptional views and interesting landforms.

The property has a diverse range of natural flora with many examples of native vegetation systems and natural habitats.

There is an abundance of native wildlife on or adjacent to the property, which can be readily observed by visitors.

Water features on or adjacent to the property such as lakes, dams, rivers and streams are ideal for swimming

9. Site Infrastructure can be readily included in venture.


Electricity reticulation required by the proposal would present no problems.

Sufficient water is available to meet the extra demands of the proposed venture and can be reticulated as required.

The sewerage treatment facilities will be added and sufficient for the demands placed upon them.

Roads (including the entrance to the property), pathways and car-parking facilities can be upgraded to the level required for the proposed venture.

Picnic areas to meet the needs of visitors are planned for inclusion in the new venture.

10. Human Resource is readily available from surrounding community. •

The property can supply or hire appropriately skilled labor to meet the needs of the proposed venture.

The owners and proposed staff have the necessary interpersonal and hospitality skills required to operate the venture.

The owners and proposed staff have the skills necessary to effectively interpret and describe natural as well as cultural features on and around the property, and are able to effectively demonstrate and describe processes and events that occur on the property.


The owners have, or are able to develop, the business management skills necessary for the ongoing operation of the new venture.

The time demands of other routine or seasonal activities on the property are unlikely to interfere with efficient operation of the proposed venture.

3.1.3 CONCLUSION Based on the checklist, observed characteristics of the lot and considering the regulations of the Department of Tourism and comprehensive land use plan, the property is feasible as the site of the proposed Sison Farm Resort. 3.2

SITE ANALYSIS The following analysis is based on the visual observation and

research of the author. These observations were then interpreted by illustrations to show the unique characteristics of the lot.



The greater site length follows an east-west axis. The building skin must be such that the interior will not be over heated by too much wall area on the east and west facing walls. For optimum natural ventilation, the prevailing wind coming from the Northwest must be used to the best advantage of the project.


The lot is an interior lot and far from the pollution of the local cement plant and main thoroughfare road. Circulation pattern design takes into account existing trees so that they will not be disturbed. Great care was taken to ensure that pedestrian and vehicular paths do not cross each other.



The surrounding community is rural and well established. The most pertinent establishments to the success of the project is the Sison public market and Victory liner bus station.



The site is relatively flat from all of its corners and since it is rich in natural elements such as trees, which should as much as possible be preserved to maintain the character of place, buffer noise, and provide cooling in the form of shading.



The site is very much in its natural state.

The only man-made

elements are the two deep wells that have been installed to aid in agricultural and livestock purposes.

There are some temporary

structures built on the eastern portion of the site to separately house goats and a tenant family respectively.



The site offers wide beautiful views of distant mountains and hills. The prevailing wind, especially during the hottest month of Sison is coming from the Northwest. Its cooling effect will be utilized to increase the comfort of building users.




The location of areas within the site ere divided and assigned as major private or public area in major private and public areas within these public or private areas. Yet, while divided, they also overlap to ease transition from one to the other.










CR (M)



CR (F)























Main Recreational Building


Farm Operations











FIRST FLOOR PLAN *This scheme was chosen for further development.* 3.4.2 PERSPECTIVES Scheme 1


Scheme 2

*This scheme was chosen for further development.* 3.5



Master Development Plan


Floor Plan 3.5.2 SECTIONS




3.5.3 Perspective

3.5.4 Block Model





Site Development Plan










Aerial View 4.1


4.1.1 DESIGN CONCEPT The design concept was based upon a combination of the principles of Feng Shui, low-energy tropical design, the vernacular building construction methods of Sison, and the standards of the National Building Code of the Philippines. will




The proposed farm resort construction



combination with the low energy principles of tropical design such as cross ventilation and day-lighting to produce a comfortable solution. 4.1.2 BUILDING CHARACTER The building is of neo-vernacular character.

It is “organic”,

because its form is derived purely from the function of its program.


And “modern vernacular”, because it attempts to transcend two cultures and design principles to make a conglomeration that is agreeable to each and to the land where it is proposed to be.



Final Site Development Plan Vehicular paths should be separate from pedestrian paths and away from the outdoor recreational zone. This consideration was born out of the need for safety, and because automobile emissions are detrimental to the air quality at the outdoor recreational area.


The pool had to be located on the prevailing windward side of the main building to bring in a cooling cross-ventilation. The parking lot had to be placed at its leeward side, to carry away automobile emissions.






THIRD FLOOR PLAN Related functional areas of the floor plans flow smoothly into one another, and its resulting organic arrangement is a relaxing quality. The main functional areas of the main building have an EastWest orientation to optimize day-lighting and to minimize direct heat gain from the sun.

The floor plans conform to all pertinent

requirements of the National Building Code of the Philippines.







SOUTH ELEVATION From afar, the roof profile is traditionally vernacular, but as you approach one can see that the roof is very innovative and that the building form utilizes an auspicious eight-sided form to capture views on all sides. Practical vernacular materials are to be incorporated in the facade of the structures to minimize cost of purchase and transport. Smooth river stones will be applied to walls to add thickness for minimizing heat gain. “Media-aguas” are placed above all windows to the east and west to minimize solar heat gain. This also makes part of the facade resemble a Chinese pagoda with its vertically stacked roof overhangs.




TRANSVERSE SECTION In the sections, passive cooling and day-lighting can be observed. Low screened jalousie windows capture cool air. Warm air escapes from a higher window on the leeward side.

An atrium is

incorporated to siphon warm air up and out of the main building and to allow top lighting by a skylight.




The exterior perspective shows an aerial view of the main building. Note the placement of coconut trees to minimize heat gain through shading. Also note the organic massing of the main building.



INTERIOR PERSPECTIVE The view at the reception counter, as one emerges from the lobby, will be dramatic with its sudden upward space and ethereal light. At the counter, the visitor is given the choice of lounging, dining, or playing. This was intentionally planned as an interpretation of entering heaven. Through the glass panes, one can see the inviting eight-sided pool.














ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS The details show the innovative roof framing and swimming pool


Also shown are the details for a stair lift system for the

accommodation of the handicapped.



As a solution, due consideration is given to the projected number of occupants to be served as the determinant in finding its area. We will use the factors provided in the table of minimum space requirements in the National Building Code.

The computed required

spaces here are just minimum and do not necessarily project the true size of the solution. 4.2.1 DERIVATION OF ROOM (AREA) SIZES 1.) Main Resort Building a) Hotel Lobby Lobby Area = capacity x 0.28 = 200 x 0.28 = 56 sq. m. Area provided = 96 sq. m. b) Function Hall Required Area = Capacity x 1.40 = 150 x 1.40 sq. m. = 210 sq. m. Area provided = 240 sq. m. c) Economy Class Room The sleeping accommodations of the hotel will shelter 110 persons. Economy Class Single Bedroom : 5 rooms : 6 x 4 = 24 sq. m.


Economy Double Bedroom : 14 rooms : 6 x 4 = 24 sq. m. d) Restaurant Dining Area = no. of seats x 1.40 sq. m. per person = 160 x 1.40 = 224 sq. m. Area provided= 272 sq. m. Kitchen

= # of kitchen staff x 8.5 sq. m. per

person = 9 x 8.5 = 76.5 sq. m. Area provided = 80 sq. m. e) Administrative Office facilities Office Area = # of office staff x 9.30 sq. m. per person = 3 x 9.30 = 27.90 sq. m. Area provided = 32.0 sq. m. f) Conference Room Required Area = no. of seats x 1.40 sq. m. per person = 50 x 1.40 = 70 sq. m. Area provided = 80 sq. m. 2.) Owner’s residence


a.) Storage Room – space for supplies -

Consider 1 person


Adopt Space Factor of 28 m2/person from NBC


Area = 1 person x 28 m2/person = 28.0 m2

b.) Dining Area – eating area -

Consider 8 persons


Adopt Space Factor of 1.4 m2/person from NBC


Area = 8 persons x 1.4 m2/person = 11.2 m2

c.) Kitchen – food preparation room -

Consider 1 person


Adopt Space Factor of 18.6 m2/person from NBC


Area = 1 person x 18.6 m2/person = 18.6 m2

d.) Bedroom – individual private space -

Total Area Each: 16 sq. m.

3.) Agricultural building Total Space is equal to 256 sq. m. including animal pens a.)

Warehouse - room for storing agricultural products -

Consider 2 persons


Adopt Space Factor 0f 28.0 m2/person from NBC


Area = 2 persons x 28.0 m2/person = 56.0 m2

4.2.2 PARKING SLOTS REQUIREMENTS 1. Main Resort Building


*PD 1096 is 1 slot / 10 rooms. Required










slot/10rooms) = 2.5 or 3 slots Provided number of parking slots = 8 2. Restaurant *PD 1096 is 1 slot / 30 sq. m. of customer area. Customer area = 272 sq. m. Required number of parking slots = (272 sq. m.) x (1 slot / 30 sq m.) = 9.06 or 9 slots 3. Function Hall *PD 1096 is 1 slot / 50 sq. m. of spectator area. Function Hall Spectator Area =144 sq. m. Required number of parking slots = (144 sq. m.) x (1 slot / 50 sq. m.) = 2.88 or 3 slots Total number of parking slots required = 20 slots 4.2.3 PERCENTAGE OF OPEN SPACE Total land area = 25,000 sq. m. Maximum percentage of Site Occupancy = 50% (without firewall) Maximum Allowable Paved Open Space = 20% Minimum Unpaved Open Space

= 30%


Minimum Open Space Required = 50% (25,000sq. m.) = 12,500 sq. m. 4.2.4 SIZING THE WATER TANK The following are the demands of water per type of occupancy: USE OF OCCUPANCY







200 3 50

20 15 15

4000 45 750


Function Hall Hotel Accommodations Hotel Lobby Administration Office Conference Room

Total gallons per day domestic consumption =


gallons Size of Water Tank Where: 1 cubic meter = 246.2 gallons Computation: = 7,445 gallons + 33% fire resistive + 10 % maintenance = 7,445 + 2456.85 + 744.5 = 10,646.35 gallons = 10,646.35 gallons x(1 cubic meter / 264.20 gallons) = 40.30m3 For volume: V=LxWxH = 4m. x 4m. x 3m. = 48 cubic meters Water Tank Design:


Length = 4 meters Width = 4 meters Height = 3 meters 4.2.5 SIZING OF THE SEPTIC TANK Volume of the septic tank = no. of persons served x .057 = 200 persons x .057 cu. m. = 11.4 cu m. Assume 1.2 meter width of the tank per 100 persons. 200 persons x (1.2 meters/100 persons) = 24 m. width Maximum depth of a septic tank liquid is 1.50 meters. Solve for the

length of the septic tank. L x Width x Depth = Volume L =

Volume Width x Depth

L =

11.4 2.40 x 1.50

L = 3.20 meters The value of L is only for the length of the digestion chamber. Divide by 2 then add result to the value of L to include the leaching well. L + L = 3.20 + 3.20 2 2 Total length = 4.80 meters Therefore, the size of the septic tank to serve 200 persons is 2.40 m

wide by 4.80 meters long. Overall depth is 180 meters. 116

4.2.6 OCCUPANT LOAD Main Resort Building Ground floor area = 1120.00 sq m. (Dining area)

384 sq. m. / 1.4 sq. m. = 274.28


80 sq. m. / 18.6 sq. m. = 4.30

(Office area)

32 sq. m. / 9.3 sq. m. = 3.44

(Lounge & Circulatory) 512 sq. m. / 1.24 sq. m. = 412.90 Second floor area = 1168.00 sq. m. (Suites)

360 sq. m. / 1.4 sq. m. = 257.14

(Lounge & Circulatory) 360 sq. m. / 1.24 sq. m. = 290.32 (Conference Room) (Multi-purpose hall)

Third floor area (Suites)

80 sq. m. / 1.4 sq. m. = 57.14

240 sq. m. / 1.4 sq. m. = 171.43


592.00 sq. m.

360 sq. m. / 1.4 sq. m. = 257.14

(Lounge & Circulatory) 216 sq. m. / 1.24 sq. m. = 174.19 4.2.7

NUMBER OF EXITS AND FIRE EXITS The number of fire exits, as determined by the National Building Code, is 6.





Based on an interview with a local contractor, the researcher received a cost parameter of 12,000 Php per sq. m. This is a factor in the calculation of the building cost for the main resort building.

AREA/SPACES FIRST FLOOR Lobby Lounge Comfort Rooms Hallway Souvenir Shop Stairs Reception Desk Offices Kitchen Dining Area Total Area 1466.00



312.00 112.00 112.00 40.00 16.00 16.00 12.00 36.00 80.00 384.00

1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.25 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00

EFFECTIVE AREA 468.00 168.00 168.00 60.00 24.00 20.00 18.00 36.00 120.00 384.00

First Floor

Cost Parameter per (sq. m.)

Total Cost (P)

1466.00 sq. m.



AREA/SPACES SECOND FLOOR Conference rm. Lounge Multi-purpose rm Hallway Game room




80.00 112.00

1.50 1.50

120.00 168.00




192.00 36.00

1.50 1.50

288.00 54.00


Stairs Utility rooms Suites Verandah Total Area 1478.00

16.00 48.00 360.00 80.00

1.25 1.50 1.00 0.45

20.00 72.00 360.00 36.00

First Floor

Cost Parameter per (sq. m.)

Total Cost (P)

1478.00 sq. m.



AREA/SPACES THIRD FLOOR Lounge Hallway Stairs Utility rooms Suites Total Area 860.00



112.00 104.00 16.00 16.00 360.00

1.50 1.50 1.25 1.50 1.00

EFFECTIVE AREA 168.00 288.00 20.00 24.00 360.00

First Floor

Cost Parameter per (sq. m.)

Total Cost (P)

860.00 sq. m.



















4.4.1 MARKETING STUDY The location of Sison along the National Highway, and the presence of rest stops; (in the form of food houses, refueling stations, and handicraft kiosks) presents an opportunity to attract people to the proposed farm resort. The introduction of a farm resort in Sison would be a feasible and sustainable business venture, because the basic needs of food, water, air, and shelter have been considered in the program in order to optimize the comfort of the building occupants, while at the same time saving the money for the project proponent. The proposed “Sison Farm Resort” will have swimming pools and sports facilities to provide recreation. The following is a compilation of relevant statistics from the Department of Tourism (DOT).




DEMAND According to the results of 2005 Household Survey on Domestic Visitors (HSDV) conducted by the National Statistics Office and Department of Tourism, 43.5 percent (23.7 million) of 54.6 million Filipinos 15 years old and over traveled within the country during the period April 1 to September 30, 2005. In general, each individual made two trips and visited two places in the country at anytime in the past six months. Of the 23.7 million Filipino travelers during the past six months, about 51 percent or (12.1 million) were females. Three out of four travelers belonged to age group 15 to 44 years old. Six in every ten travelers were employed. Based on the results of the survey, Filipinos travel mainly to visit relatives or friends as reported by more than half (55.6 % or 13.2 million) of those who traveled.


Three in every ten traveled for pleasure/relaxation while about 13 percent traveled because of business purposes. Forty-nine percent, comprising 12.0 million domestic travelers, spent overnight(s) in their places of destination. Four in every ten travelers stayed 2 to 3 nights in the place visited. Domestic travelers usually stayed in the house of relatives or friends. Of those who traveled during the past 6 months, about 17.0 million indicated that they want to travel and visit other places in the next 12 months Almost 99 percent or 23.5 million domestic travelers had independent domestic trips. These are the travelers who did not avail of travel package tours. About 17.5 million of these independent travelers, spent about P400 for local transport either for themselves alone or including those of other family members, relatives or friends. Aside from transport fare, a large number of independent travelers spent for food and beverages and for shopping amounting to P400 and P1,100 on the average, respectively. In addition, independent travelers reported an average spending of P1,200 for accommodation and about P3,200 for other expenses. The most frequently visited place was National Capital Region. Aside from NCR, the top ten places visited were Cavite, Batangas, Laguna, Iloilo, Bulacan, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga, Cebu, Pangasinan and Albay.


Based on a 2002-2003 Marketing Plan of the DOT, the profile of the typical Filipino domestic tourist is: •

Male, between 20 – 39 years old

Metro Manila-based

Degree Holder

Stays between 2 to 3 nights

Engages in sight seeing, shopping and water sports

Repeats his visit; 2 to 6 times

Travels alone

Arranges trip on his own

Prefers short-haul destinations It is significant to note that a great number of these domestic

travelers (more than 30%) visit provinces in Region IV. Since majority of these tourists are from Metro Manila, this would indicate that the proximity of the place plays an important role in the selection of a domestic tourist destination. It is also important to note that these figures represent only those domestic travelers who stayed in tourist facilities.

A sizable

number of travelers, however, do not use lodging facilities and instead stay in the homes of friends or relatives.

Thus, there is a clear

possibility that the actual number of domestic tourists in the Philippines is far greater than these tables indicate.


SUPPLY There are a few competitors present near the site of the proposed project site, and the major competitor is the Sunflower Resort.

However, because the location of the proposed project is

closer to the many bus stops, it will attract more tourists: Foreign and Domestic. SUPPLY AND DEMAND ANALYSIS Due to the increasing number of tourists in the Philippines, more facilities are needed in order to accommodate them. This demand is usually high during the dry season, as people are able to enjoy outdoor activities. Another demand that must be addressed is the need for rice and fresh vegetables, which can be provided by the agricultural portion of the farm resort. It is a well-known fact that 70% of rice consumed in the Philippines is imported from abroad. Rice is the staple food of the Philippines and the project proponent of the farm resort could prosper by selling whatever surplus rice and agricultural products are produced, at the local roadside market.

The agriculture of a country

may be interesting to a large segment of tourists. Dairy undertakings, fresh fruits and vegetables, crops, poultry and livestock are types of farming which are important elements of culture. An important aspect of tourist services in rural areas is the farmers’ market in which local agricultural products are sold to the travelers. FACTORS THAT FAVOR THE GROWTH OF TOURISM



Rising disposable income for large sections of the population. N general more money means more travel.


Growth in the number of retired persons who have the desire and the energy to travel. Life expectancy s increasing.


Increase in discretionary time – shorter work weeks and longer vacations.


Greater mobility of the population.

People became more

accustomed to travel because of the increase in travel opportunities and the desire to escape from the stress and pressures of modern life. 5.

Growth in the number of “singles.” People living alone have more free time than couples; hence they want to socialize through travel.


Greater credit availability through credit cards and bank loans.


Higher educational levels. University students tend to become more interested in other cultures.


The growth of cities. The Industrial Revolution brought about migration of people from the rural areas to the urban centers resulting in the growth of urbanization.

City residents travel

more than people living in rural areas to escape from the congested urban environment. 9.

Simplification of travel through package tours.

10. Growth of multinational business.


11. Modern transportation technology makes long distance travel faster, less expensive and more comfortable. 12. Shift in values. A growing number of people are placing more value on experience rather than material possession. 13.

Advances in communication.

Television and movies enlarge

the travel perspective.

4.4.2 TECHNICAL ASPECT The technical aspect of the project, “Sison Farm Resort,” will primarily deal with the Architectural and Engineering works.


includes the planning, designing, conceptualization, and methods of construction. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The innovative proposal will answer the market’s needs for recreation and relaxation, through its facilities and amenities. It will be a semi-public / semi-private development with space for future expansion needs. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION This proposal is appropriate, because the influx of target market is never-ending. But, most importantly it will provide much needed job opportunities to the surrounding community, in both realms of agricultural production/sale and tourism service. BASIS FOR THE DESIGN CONCEPT


The design concept was based upon various principles of FengShui, tropical low-energy design, vernacular construction methods and standards of the National Building Codes. Feng-Shui has dictated building shapes and orientation of functional areas. Flights of stairs are not composed of a number which is a multiple of three and they do not directly face any building entrance. Tropical low-energy design principles have dictated facade treatment of the buildings and landscaping of the site. Double-Hung windows were chosen, because they promoted convection by allowing the flow of cool air at a low location on the North facing walls. Warm air escapes through an upper wall awning window on the opposite South wall. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CONCEPT An alternative design solution to the final design was considered. The reasons why it was not chosen were: 1. The cruciform of the main building was considered unlucky because a cross symbolizes unresolved problems. 2.

Its formal symmetry resembled the character and massing of a conservative church more than of an innovative place of leisure and recreation.


The shape of the pool did not conform to the overall character of the proposed project.


4. The placement of the aforementioned pool was located amid the vehicular loop, which exposed it to the detriments of vehicular exhaust. 5. Vehicular and pedestrian paths crossed.

This was considered

unsafe. 6. The swimming pool was not visible from the lobby. 7.

The recreational facilities were not combined.

8. The parking lot was not immediately visible upon arrival at the main building. 9. The exposed placement of the pool might encourage farm workers to spy on guests. SITE SELECTION OR LOCATION The site that the proposed project is to be built upon was chosen. Most of the competing resorts fall within the DOT restricted radius of 5 kilometers of an industrial plant, the Northern Cement Corporation. The location of the proposed “Sison Farm Resort,” however is outside of that 5 km radius. The “discovery” of the natural feature at the Western boundary is a winning factor of the site. The place is known by the locals as “Ma-ulo”. It is called that because it is found at the base of a hill that resembles the smooth rounded top of a head. Some children are brave enough to walk the distance toward the hill to get there, but to many others “Ma-ulo” is a legend that they have not yet seen. Other than,


the location satisfies the requirements of natural beauty, interesting cultural characteristics, local shopping facilities, presence of supporting infrastructure, positive local attitude towards the resort, accessibility, and established presence of other local resorts.

ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS / ASSESSMENT 80% of the relatively level site is fertile and suitable for agricultural purposes and livestock grazing.

The DENR is very strict

regarding the chopping and removal of trees, so most will be saved. The trees that must be removed will be replaced with banana and coconut trees which are satisfactory for the shade and/or fruit, which they provide. AVAILABILITY OF MATERIALS Concrete hollow blocks shall be ordered directly from local manufacturers. Most of the stone to be used in the concrete mix and facade veneer will be gathered on the site, to save money. Proximity of the Northern Cement Corporation makes cement readily available. Timber and plumbing fixtures can be ordered from local vendors and from the neighboring town of Puzzorubio.

To avoid delivery and

storage problems, all materials will be gathered and delivered as scheduled. BUILDING LAYOUT


The site consists of livestock grazing fields and fenced-in agricultural land.

20% of the total area will used for the built-up

construction of the farm resort.

It was decided that, as much as

possible, the fertile ground of the site should be saved for its potential agricultural use. The dry and stony ground would be best suited for the location of the main building. Agricultural buildings will be placed near the front of the site to privatize the main recreational building, which is in the rear, from the year-round activities of the farm. The owner’s residence shall be located between the agricultural facilities and resort facilities to aid in security of the site by surveillance of the vehicular entrance, agricultural building and resort building. SITE PLAN CONSIDERATIONS Space allocation Space allocation includes circulation of passive and active, the public and the private spaces of the project, to which the convenience and










dissemination of such spaces and through the assurance of security personnel. Water Disposal System Water can be readily pumped from the ground and since there are scarcely any developments in the immediate surrounding area, the


water is very clean. A design must be made that will ensure that the water table stays unpolluted. It is proposed that by way of a gravity system, gray water from the third floor suites will be stored in a water tank to be used as the toilet flushing water on the second level. This shall be done to further save electricity which would be used to run the pumping engine.

Environmental Consideration Aside from the safety and convenience to the guests, health and sanitation is also considered.

Provision of the garbage receptacles,

proper design of sewers and septic tank shall be implemented. Landscaping Landscape areas enhance the aesthetic value of the proposed project which serves as buffers against sound and air pollution. Landscape shall also provide the much needed shade from the heat of the sun and allow cooling breezes through the structure. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Machines and equipment to be used for construction will be rented. The most practical construction techniques will be taken into consideration for the fastest and least costly construction. UTILITIES REQUIRED There will be a power house to supply electric power in case of brown-outs, and it shall be placed in the mechanical room. The water


supply will be completely provided from two deep wells that are located on the site.

Sewer tanks will be provided to accommodate

waste disposal because there are no sewer lines available in the area. Drainage is provided by the natural water run- off, and this is a satisfactory condition because the neighboring lands are open space. Telephone and cable lines are available in the area. LABOR REQUIREMENTS The type of labor force is contractual and will come from Sison, so that there will be no negative feelings toward the project from the community. It will be up to the contractors to subdivide the work to subcontractors within the area. The cost of labor will depend on the percentage both parties must agree upon.

There will be no labor

unions present because of the contractual nature of the work. COST ESTIMATES OR PROJECT COST The cost estimates will be computed according to cost analysis of the building components and recreational facilities. 4.4.3 MANAGEMENT ASPECT The proposed project shall be managed and financed by an organizational form of a corporation. The corporation will be formed in accordance with Philippine corporate law such as registration of its articles of incorporating at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). OFFICERS AND KEY PERSONNEL


Manager- Head of the management of resort and recreation.

Receptionists- Greets guests and handles all guest relations activities.

Porter- Service men for the guests.

Utility men- Takes care of utility problems and maintenance.








expenditures when ordering supplies. •

Cooks- Manages the kitchen area.

Service Crew- Attends to the needs of diners in the Restaurant.

Maids- Do all housekeeping of the Hotel portion of the Main building.

Lifeguards- supervisor of safety at the pool area.

4.4.4 SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASPECT Socioeconomic Variables and their Effect on Travel Age There are several differences between patterns of travel based on age.

Younger people tend to select more active recreational

activities than older people. The elderly (those in the late sixties and upward) prefer more passive forms of recreation such as visiting friends and relatives, fishing, sightseeing and playing golf.


tourists tend to travel to farther destinations, prefer ship travel, travel


more in spring than do younger tourists and spend less than middle age tourists but more than younger tourists. Income and Social Status Income and social status have a great influence on travel. Rich persons as well as persons with higher social status travel more than those with lower income and lower social class status. Higher income tourists stay longer and spend more per day than those with lower incomes. Education There is a strong correlation between education and travel. Generally speaking, the better educated members of the population have a greater desire to travel. Researchers have found that the more educated the travelers are, they tend to be more sophisticated in their tastes. They prefer activities which require the development of interpretative and expressive skills such as attending plays, concerts, and art museums, reading books, playing golf, tennis and skiing. Life Stages of the Family The presence of children in the family limits travel. More leisure time is spent at home. As the children grow up and leave home, the married couples renew interest in travel.

Couples in this life stage

usually have more discretionary income and are more financially capable to travel. 4.4.4 FINANCIAL ASPECT


The economic effect of tourism can be maximized through the following








Maximizing the Economic Effect of Tourism Growth Theories: Some








maximize the economic effect of tourism within a destination area. These are the theory of balanced growth and the theory of unbalanced growth. Proponents of the theory of balanced growth suggest that tourism should be viewed as an important part of a broad based economy. This theory stresses that tourism needs the support of other industries.

Its objective is to integrate tourism with other economic


To obtain maximum economic benefit, tourism goods and

services should be locally produced. Supporters of the theory of unbalanced growth see tourism as the spark to economic growth. While the proponents of the theory of balanced growth stress the development of supply, supporters of the theory of unbalanced growth emphasize the need to expand demand. As demand is increased through the vigorous development of tourism, other industries will move to provide products and services locally. Undesirable Economic Aspects of Tourism


Some undesirable economic aspects of tourism are higher prices and economic instability.

Because of the additional demand and/or

increased imports, tourist purchases may result in higher prices in a destination area.

This would mean that local residents, too, would

have to pay more for products and services.



Francis D. K. Ching; ARCHITECTURE Form, Space and Order, 2nd edition (A Division of International Thomson Publishing Inc.)


Joseph De Chiara & Michael J. Crosbie; Time Savers Standards for Building Types 3rd edition


Joseph De Chiara & Michael J. Crosbie; Time Savers Standards for Building Types 4th edition


Max B. Fajado jr.; Planning and Designers Handbook 2nd edition.

5) Max B. Fajado jr.; Simplified Methods on Building Construction, 1983. 6)

George S. Salvan; Book 1: Architectural Theories of Design 1st edition.


Ramsey / Sleeper; Architectural Graphic Standards. 9th edition.

8) Vicente B Foz; The National Building Code of the Philippines and its revised implementing rules and regulations. 9) Motoo Yoshimura; PROCESS Architecture. Volumes 91,98,120 and 127.


10)Sarah Rossbach; Interior Design with Feng Shui.


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